theradicalscholar · 11 months
🔑💰 The end of the gold standard in 1971 transformed the global financial system, giving rise to fiat money and central bank influence.
🌍💱 The shift sparked debates on the effects, from increased flexibility and financial innovations to rising income inequality.
📈💸 Understanding this pivotal moment is essential to navigating today's financial landscape.
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Understanding the Shift to Paper Money: The Portability Problem of Gold
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Throughout history, money has taken various forms, from bartering goods to trading gold and silver. However, one pivotal innovation transformed how we conduct trade: paper money. But why did this shift occur? Why did society abandon gold, the precious metal that had backed economies for centuries? It all comes down to one crucial issue: portability.
The Gold Standard: Advantages and Challenges
Gold has been used for thousands of years as a reliable store of value and medium of exchange. Its rarity and desirability made it universally accepted, while its physical properties allowed for minting durable coins. However, gold had its limitations—primarily in the context of portability. Carrying significant quantities of gold was cumbersome, risky, and impractical, especially for long-distance trade or high-value transactions. These challenges prompted the search for a more efficient way to facilitate commerce while retaining the intrinsic value and trust associated with gold.
The Emergence of Paper Money
The need for a more convenient monetary system eventually led to the rise of promissory notes representing gold or silver holdings. These paper instruments allowed holders to claim a specific amount of precious metals from a trusted entity, usually a bank. People could trade these notes for goods and services, confident in the promise of gold backing. This shift to paper money provided a more portable means of exchange, solving the portability problem of gold.
Gradually, these promissory notes became the standard method for everyday transactions, with gold remaining primarily in vaults. The efficiency of paper currency made it the preferred choice in commerce, laying the groundwork for today's financial system.
Transition to Fiat Money
Over time, the connection between paper money and gold weakened. Governments began issuing paper money not as promissory notes but as fiat currency, relying on public trust and government stability rather than a direct tie to precious metals. The gold standard was abandoned, leaving behind a system where paper currency held value by government decree.
While this transition allowed governments to maintain greater control over monetary policy, it also shifted the perception of money. Trust and value became abstract concepts tied to the authority backing the currency rather than a tangible asset.
Modern Implications and Bitcoin
Today, the challenges of fiat money have opened the door to a new form of currency: Bitcoin. Digital, decentralized, and immune to government manipulation, Bitcoin is often seen as an augmentation to both gold and fiat currency. It provides portability, scarcity, and the security of blockchain technology while addressing the limitations of traditional forms of money.
Bitcoin holds the potential to change how we perceive and use currency. It is a natural evolution from the portability issues that gold faced and the trust challenges inherent in fiat systems.
The evolution from gold to paper money represents a pivotal moment in financial history, rooted in solving the problem of portability. Today's innovations, such as Bitcoin, offer new solutions to old problems, giving us a glimpse into the potential future of money. Understanding this journey helps us appreciate the importance of adaptation in our quest for a better financial system and illuminates how technology will continue to shape the world of finance.
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harleydirkbieder · 3 months
Vom Goldstandard zum Bitcoin: Womit bezahlen wir morgen? – Buchvorstellung mit Ijoma Mangold
Vom Goldstandard zum Bitcoin: Womit bezahlen wir morgen? – Buchvorstellung mit Ijoma Mangold Die Bundesrepublik erlebt 1971 eine Währungskrise: Um die Inflation einzudämmen, beschließt das Bundeskabinett die Freigabe des Wechselkurses der D-Mark. Die nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg neu geschaffene Währungsordnung, das Bretton-Woods-System, steht vor ihrer Ablösung. Die USA bringen mehr Geld in Umlauf…
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🚀🏀 Score Big with Jrue Holiday's Golden Signature! 🏅✨ 👀 Dive into our video showcasing the exclusive Jrue Holiday “2020 USA Gold” Signed Boson Celtics Jersey. Authenticity meets patriotism, certified with a JSA COA. 🌟🇺🇸 Whether you're a fan or a collector, this jersey is a must-have. Don't just admire—own a piece of basketball glory! 🥇👕 Ready to elevate your collection? Click now and make it yours! 🌩️💥
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yashshreeseo · 5 months
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vofsilence · 5 months
Gold Prices All Time High: Riding the Waves of Bullion Brilliance
Gold, that timeless symbol of wealth, is now breaking records and capturing headlines with its all-time high prices. The bullion market is experiencing a surge like never before, leaving both investors and enthusiasts intrigued. In this article, we will navigate through the waves of this precious metal’s value spike, exploring the factors contributing to the historic peak, and understanding the…
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sajzath · 5 months
Gold Prices All Time High: Riding the Waves of Bullion Brilliance
Gold, that timeless symbol of wealth, is now breaking records and capturing headlines with its all-time high prices. The bullion market is experiencing a surge like never before, leaving both investors and enthusiasts intrigued. In this article, we will navigate through the waves of this precious metal’s value spike, exploring the factors contributing to the historic peak, and understanding the…
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ladookhotnikov · 8 months
Lado Okhotnikov: Bitcoin Is a New Gold Standard or What Its Danger Is About
Hello, friends.
Do you know the difference between Bitcoin and the traditional gold standard? An intriguing comparison?
Then I recommend reading this article. It explores the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies and their limited supply, making them an attractive hedge against inflation, the risks, price volatility, regulatory uncertainty, and environmental concerns associated with cryptocurrency mining. These are all serious problems Bitcoin must overcome to secure its status.
I also talked about our plans for the near future. It is critical that providers have a common position in the strategy for developing a common Metaverse. This ensures that we are not locked in our own world. Yes, at first, there will be separate pools, but then there will definitely be cooperation.
I see the future in virtual reality technologies. The digital revolution has already opened doors; it's time to act. To get started, check out the announcement of the upcoming event from the Meta Force team. It will revolutionize the way you think about the new digital world.
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nerdwelt · 9 months
Starfield Datamine bestätigt Befürchtungen bezüglich des Fehlens von Nvidia DLSS & Intel XeSS.
Starfield-Fans finden keine Spur von DLSS oder XeSS in den Spielvorabdateien Starfield-Fans haben in den verfügbaren Vorabdateien geforscht und es sieht so aus, als wäre die Nachricht über das Fehlen von Supersampling-Optionen nicht gut. Nach der Ankündigung einer Partnerschaft mit AMD haben Bethesda und Microsoft den PC-Spielern wehgetan. Die AMD-Partnerschaft löste die Befürchtung aus, dass es…
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scienza-magia · 9 months
Nuova moneta per gli scambi commerciali internazionali
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La nuova moneta dei “Brics” può mettere fine al dominio del dollaro? Percorso simile a quello dell’Euro ma agganciata all’oro. Da tenere sott’occhio i lavori della conferenza di Johannesburg dal 22 al 24 agosto. Come sappiamo, tre sono le monete mondiali principali, quelle che vantano il maggior numero di transazioni: il dollaro, l’euro e lo yen. Inoltre, un rapido sguardo al grafico del peso relativo di queste monete mostra come il dollaro abbia un ruolo predominante, essendo di fatto la moneta di riferimento mondiale.
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Osservando bene il grafico si noterà che nelle prime quattro posizioni non figura nessuna delle valute delle economie ex emergenti, quelle dei cosiddetti BRICS: Brasile, Russia, India, Cina e Sud Africa. Siamo in presenza di un chiaro squilibrio, basti come esempio considerare che il Pil di Pechino è il secondo al mondo ma le transazioni nella sua valuta sono solo al quinto posto. Ma non solo: i Brics, oltre ad essere emergenti o emersi, sono anche nazioni non esattamente ostili all’invasione russa dell’Ucraina: a parte la Russia, che lo è per definizione, sappiamo come la Cina abbia un atteggiamento non chiarissimo, mentre l’India si è dichiarata (almeno fino a qualche tempo fa) neutrale. Ecco perché l’emergere di una moneta unica dei Brics è da tenere sotto attenta osservazione, in particolar modo considerandone il percorso, che sarà probabilmente simile a quello inventato dall’Europa per arrivare alla nostra valuta comune, l’Euro. Abbiamo dunque chiesto al collega Matt Manenti di aiutarci a comprendere gli ultimi sviluppi in merito. Ecco cosa ci ha inviato. L’Ecu dei Brics Parliamo della conferenza che si svolgerà dal 22 al 24 agosto prossimi a Johannesburg in Sudafrica (il 15esimo Summit dei Brics). Una conferenza che si annuncia molto importante per gli equilibri finanziari mondiali. Vediamo di comprenderne il motivo. Pur essendo considerate ancora emergenti dall’economia mondiale, queste nazioni rappresentano ormai circa il 50 per cento del Pil mondiale.  Molte soffrono di un’elevata volatilità delle loro monete nazionali e stanno studiando ormai da tempo la creazione di una nuova moneta, una sorta di – per così dire – ECU dei Paesi emergenti.
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Attenzione, non sarà in un primo momento una moneta circolante. Si pensa infatti ad un percorso simile a quando fu creato l’ECU (a volte detto scudo), la moneta che veniva utilizzata solo negli scambi commerciali quando ancora l’Unione monetaria non esisteva e l’Ue e si chiamava Comunità economica europea. Ma poi, dagli scambi commerciali si passò agli scambi nei mercati finanziari. Alcuni ricorderanno come azioni e obbligazioni abbiano iniziato ad essere scambiate in Euro già prima dell’entrata in circolazione della vera e propria valuta che utilizziamo oggi tutti i giorni. Ovviamente questa moneta avrà bisogno di un certo lasso di tempo per dimostrare di essere stabile sui mercati, prerequisito per entrare in circolazione. Gold Standard Un’altra nota molto importante: il valore di questa moneta sarà probabilmente legato all’oro: il famoso collegamento che è stato eliminato “provvisoriamente” per il dollaro da parte di Richard Nixon nel 1971. Una mossa – quella di Nixon – che molti ritengono avesse avuto il suo peso nella crisi finanziaria del 2008, al punto da portare l’ex presidente francese Nicolas Sarkozy ad affermare  “il faut remettre à plat tout le système financier et monétaire mondial, comme on le fit à Bretton-Woods après la Seconde Guerre Mondiale”. L’ipotesi dell’ancoraggio all’oro è anche suffragata dall’andamento del prezzo dell’oro negli ultimi sei anni, costantemente al rialzo. Il sistema Swift Un altro elemento che verrà discusso sempre all’interno di questa conferenza sarà il sistema Swift (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication). Swift è una “società cooperativa belga” che fornisce “servizi legati all’esecuzione di transazioni finanziarie e pagamenti tra banche a livello internazionale”, che agisce di fatto tramite una serie di “messaggi standardizzati che definiscono e iniziano le transazioni”. Swift è divenuta popolare nel marzo 2022, quando su gentile richiesta del presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky, Unione europea, Regno Unito, Canada e Stati Uniti hanno concordato di escludere “sette banche russe” dal sistema Swift. Ma un sistema di messaggistica, per quanto importante, può essere sostituito da un altro, se le controparti con cui si effettuano le transazioni sono d’accordo. La Cina, ad esempio, negli ultimi anni aveva creato un sistema parallelo, anche se per il momento non con grande successo (a livello internazionale). Un nuovo equilibrio Nuova moneta, nuovo vettore per veicolare le transazioni: ci sono tutti gli elementi per creare un sistema alternativo a quello del dollaro. Tutto questo, chiaramente, non significa che il dollaro sparirà. Tuttavia, questa introduzione o possibile introduzione, potrà creare un nuovo equilibrio mondiale negli scambi internazionali. Relegando magari nel contempo l’Euro (peraltro utilizzato solo all’interno dell’Ue) al terzo posto. Read the full article
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usrubberrecycling · 11 months
🔥 We struck gold! 🔥
While gold may not be the most common color in gym flooring, it definitely makes a bold statement. Just take a look at this stunning mold containing 20% gold, being peeled at 6mm thickness.
Based on its specifications, this magnificent gold-infused rubber gym flooring is perfect for fitness areas with lighter demands. Whether you're a gym owner looking to elevate your commercial space or setting up a luxurious home gym, this flooring will make heads turn.
💪 Experience the gold standard in gym flooring with usrubber.com 💪
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newuwellnes · 11 months
HydraFacial Treatment in Fort Myers, FL | NewU Wellness
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Indulge in the pinnacle of luxury and sophistication with our non-invasive HydraFacial Treatment. Meticulously crafted to address a myriad of skincare concerns, this revolutionary procedure encompasses a comprehensive approach to cleansing, exfoliating, and hydrating your skin. 
Whether you struggle with acne, fine lines, uneven skin tone, or simply desire a moment of exquisite pampering, our HydraFacial Treatment at NewU Wellness is the epitome of personalized skincare solutions. 
Contact NewU Wellness today to schedule a consultation. 📞 (239) 789-2184 🌐 https://www.newuwellness-swfl.com/hydrafacial-treatment/
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skinsecrets2020 · 11 months
Renuvion Cosmetic Technology | Skin Secrets
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Renuvion Cosmetic Technology combines the power of helium plasma and radiofrequency energy to deliver incredible results in skin tightening, contouring, and rejuvenation. This state-of-the-art procedure effectively targets common concerns such as sagging skin, wrinkles, and uneven texture, providing you with a refreshed and youthful appearance. At Skin Secrets by Dr. Greta McLaren, our highly skilled team of experts is dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. We prioritize your comfort, safety, and satisfaction throughout your Renuvion Cosmetic Technology journey, ensuring exceptional results that exceed your expectations.
Ready to discover the transformative power of Renuvion Cosmetic Technology? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Greta McLaren. We'll assess your unique needs and design a personalized treatment plan tailored just for you.
Contact us at 239-800-SKIN(7546) to schedule a consultation with Dr. Greta McLaren. We'll assess your unique needs and design a personalized treatment plan tailored just for you. 🌐 https://skinsecrets.com/for-your-face/j-plasma-renuvion/
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yashshreeseo · 5 months
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ncashmygold · 1 year
Get instant cash against gold from a reputed buyer and at best price #minsara
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bodyfuelindia · 1 year
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