#god i love that funky little lesbian
lindacreations · 1 year
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Had the strong urge to draw these two <3 so take some Dappling for the soul
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nerdy-kitty-boi · 8 months
why can no one be normal about multigender people? somehow not even other people with weird and funky genders manage it. other non-binary people don't manage it. And so as always I'm left with the knowledge that part of my gender is seen as suspect, unwanted, and bad by large swaths of the community where I ironically feel the most at home and most connected. By people who probably have very similar experiences of gender and navigating the world to me even! But that one part of my gender? Nope, that part isn't wanted, isn't allowed.
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remturtle · 8 months
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yang-png · 1 month
if you look at the faraway shot of yang and ruby sitting you see yang manspreading again 😭 funky little butch lesbian
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oh my god...... funky little lesbian i love you
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bri-sonat · 1 year
Gwen's Big Five On Valentine's Day
Inspired by this post from @alloftheprompts.
Happy belated Valentine's Day! This was a collaboration between @daydream-cement (her idea) and me. (Of course with assistance from the lovely Gwouncil GC, @na-shoba, @booitsrue, @funky--lesbian, and @margot-the-lesbian-god.)
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Do they celebrate Valentine’s Day?
Brienne: If Valentine's Day existed back in the olden days? Yes. <3 She’d wake up early to go pick flowers and make a bouquet she could give to her love the second they woke up. Then she’d have a whole day planned. Go for a horse ride in the woods where Brienne has a picnic planned. Then later in the evening they’d go star-gazing, Brienne having read up on every single constellation the days leading up, so she could point them out and tell her love a little bit about them. Then the day would finish in her quarters where she would make tender love to her partner.
Larissa: Happily! Her partner would most likely plan the activities for the day as she is a busy woman (plus she loves to feel spoiled). She puts a lot of thought into her gifts and activities that she does plan, however. Sometimes her perfectionism gets the best of her and she gets nervous about giving her present to her partner. 
Lucifer: I think their partner would bring up the idea of it to them first. If they knew their person wanted to celebrate, they would in a heartbeat. Otherwise, they see it as a silly human holiday. 
Phasma: In a way, yes. She’d have a trooper run and deliver a small gift disguised as something else. Then as a valentines gift, (more like a grand gesture), she’d let her partner take control in the bedroom, very uncharacteristic of her and she has a hard time keeping her hands to herself, but wanting to showing her love in the very best way she can; by relinquishing control, if even for one night.
Miranda: YESYESYESYES. When she doesn’t have a partner, she will celebrate with her single friends. BUT IF SHE DOES HAVE A PARTNER, then they best expect the most thoughtful and loving day of their lives. From waking up all the way to the end of the night, they better expect to have constant words and messages of love coming their way. 
How do they feel about Valentine’s Day?
Brienne: She likes it, she expresses her love for her partner year-round, but is very careful about where she does it, knowing how some people look at non-traditional relationships. So she uses Valentine's Day as an excuse to make grander gestures but still keeps it low-key.
Larissa: She likes it for the sake of showing love to her partner. Years without a partner did make her dislike the holiday for a while. 
Lucifer: Thoroughly indifferent, but their partner's face when they woke up to hundreds of red roses in their chambers did make them smile a bit. 
Phasma: Doesn’t necessarily love it, but doesn’t hate it either. Likes using the day to do something special for her partner.
Miranda: She loves a reason to love others and show her love! In years past, she has made valentines for her friends or hosted dinner parties for everyone to celebrate together. Having a partner makes her reign in showing love to others and instead, she pours all of that love into making that day special just for them. 
Where would they take someone on a Valentine's Day date?
Brienne: Picnic, star-gazing, cloud watching, horse riding, go for a nice stroll.
Larissa: Dinner at her home. She would appreciate the intimacy and would love to cook for her person. 
Lucifer: Stroll through the gardens and have a quiet dinner together. 
Phasma: There’s a spot on the Starkiller that Phasma found one evening whilst she was patrolling, no one else knows about it but her and that’s where she takes her love. Once there, you can see out into the galaxy, only a faraway asteroid field but Phasma thinks they are beautiful, (simply because they can destroy a vessel within seconds.)
Miranda: This is the most painful decision for her. She has a million date ideas, but has to whittle them down to just a handful?? She would probably end up choosing nothing fancy for dinner, maybe her partner's favorite takeout food with a beach date to watch the sunset. 
What would they write in a Valentine’s Day card?
Brienne: “My Dear Beloved. Every day I wake up, staggered at the love you continue to show me. I never thought I would be deserving of you, even less the care and affection you have for me. When you first told me that you found me attractive, beautiful even, I could not believe my ears, for I have heard the opposite for so many years that I had started to believe it, doubting your words. Then you kissed me, and you never stopped kissing me. And every day that you do, I can hardly understand it, and it makes my heart flutter every single time. I’m so infatuated with you, and my love holds no boundaries. I am so honored to be yours, to call you mine, and will be until the end of our lives. All of my love and adoration is reserved for you only, my darling. Forever and truly, your Brienne.”
Larissa: Something short and sweet. She would rather show her love than put it in writing. “Thank you for all you do, my dear. Loving you has been one of my greatest privileges. Here’s to many more Valentine’s Days with you.”
Lucifer: “My sweet angel. Ever since your arrival, you have never failed to light up this dark realm, your smile shining brighter than the Silver City, your eyes holding such mystery; mystery that I can not wait to unravel. I would not ever want to miss you, Hell would be quite lonely and dingy without you. For all eternity I shall be yours, as you shall be mine, and we shall rule Hell together as one. All my love, your Lucifer.”
Phasma: “I must admit. I have grown quite fond of you these past months we have spent together. What started as a sex-only relationship has transformed into something I’m not well-versed in. I was not expecting to fall in love with you, in fact, I hated myself for it. I will stop being sappy now, because I am cringing and practically throwing up in my mouth just writing this, yet I still wanted you to know. Do not mention this letter to anyone, I will not hesitate to make things difficult for you. - Captain Phasma.
Miranda: Quotes Star Trek. “As Katrina Cornwell once said, “Love is a choice. And one doesn’t just make that choice once. One makes it again and again.” I’m so happy that each day I get to choose to love you and I can’t wait to choose to love you again and again and again.”
What present would they like to receive (even secretly like to receive)?
Brienne: She would not care what she received, any gift from her love is perfect to her because they gave it to her. She does love the personalized gifts, knowing that her partner put extra thought into giving her something purely, and only, for her.
Larissa: SHE IS THE HARDEST PERSON TO SHOP FOR OH GOD. Don’t try and get her clothes or jewelry I BEG OF YOU. She is too specific to buy her something to wear. SWEETS is the safe bet. She will love it. 
Lucifer: Anything their partner gives them. ANYTHING. They want for nothing, but the thought of a gift alone means all the world. 
Phasma: Openly, nothing. Secretly, a small trinket to have on her bedside table, it being her only possession.
Miranda: THE PERFECT GIFT? Something from one of her favorite tv shows/movies. Something that shows you must have been listening to her in-depth discussions about the nuance of a show. But also, the traditional things of candy and flowers would make her blush right up to her ears. 
Do they have a special Valentine’s Day tradition?
Brienne: She makes it a habit to pick flowers every single year to make a bouquet. The dates vary throughout the years, but the flowers in the morning stay the same.
Larissa: She gets those cheap boxed Valentines with the heart candies to give to her students to give out on Valentine’s Day. She also loves going to the store on the 15th to get on sale candy. 
Lucifer: Their tradition is to try and top what they did the year before. 100 roses on the first Valentine’s Day? Make it 500 the next. And 5000 the one after. 
Phasma: Relinquishing control.
Miranda: She would be extremely nostalgic and would want to repeat a certain activity each year with her partner. Take-out on the beach? Breakfast in bed? An afternoon at the arcade? Whatever is her partner’s favorite, she will turn into a tradition. 
Would they dress up all sexy for their partner? What would they wear?
Brienne: She would attempt to, but would end up not doing it, not finding herself sexy enough to find the confidence to display herself in that way. She’d end up dressing down instead, laying under the covers to not expose everything, but sticking out a leg to let her partner know that she is indeed naked under there.
Larissa: 10000% She always loves an excuse to break out the lingerie and dress herself up for her partner. 
Lucifer: It wouldn’t be a first thought for them. Perhaps if they were asked to. BUT LET'S BE HONEST WE WOULD ALL LOVE TO SEE LUCIFER IN LINGERIE OH GOD
Phasma: Yes. Phasma does not own any personal things. However, she would buy a lingerie set to use for Valentines Day only, the one day during the year when her partner gets to do whatever they want. It would be black, lacy, and sheer. Matching thigh-high fishnets and garter belt.
Miranda: If her partner were to get her something to wear for Valentine’s Day, then yes. She would feel extremely self-conscious in it at first, but with encouragement and words of affirmation, she would end up really enjoying dressing up for their partner. 
Would they get their partner a present? What would it be?
Larissa: She always says ‘Let’s not do anything too crazy this year’, but then proceeds to buy her partner jewelry and make them an elaborate dinner. 
Lucifer: They would! It really depends on their partner. Truly they would want to get them something specific to their tastes. They like books? Well here is a rare copy of a book that only a few hundred people have read before. They like art? “Well, I have recreated the Louvre here in the palace for us to enjoy together.”
Phasma: Lingerie. 
Miranda: OF COURSE! Matching something. She will want to get her partner and herself some type of matching clothes 
Do they think Valentine’s Day is a holiday made by greeting card companies?
Brienne: No, considering she celebrated it before greeting card companies existed.
Larissa: Completely, but it is still fun to indulge. 
Lucifer: “No. It came to be during the 14th and 15th centuries with the association of “lovebirds” in early spring.”
Phasma: “I don’t care.”
Miranda: YES! AND THAT IS WHY SHE WILL MAKE her partner a card instead :)
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daydream-cement · 1 year
Silly Questions About Gwen’s Characters Pt. 1
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
This was a team effort between @bri-sonat and I (of course with help from the wonderful babies in the gc @na-shoba, @booitsrue, @funky--lesbian, and @margot-the-lesbian-god). He will be posting the next part! We will go back and forth with these fun little questions.
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If they were an animal, what would they be? What is the first thing they’d do when they learn they’re an animal?
Brienne: Dragon, maybe? A force of nature to be reckoned with in human form and animal form. She’d fly around Westeros, looking out over the mountain tops, enjoying the freedom. Maybe take a little stop in Dorne, who knows.
Larissa: A cat. Larissa would appreciate a day where she could wander around Nevermore unnoticed or greeted happily by her students. Most likely she would nap in a window somewhere and forget about work for a bit.
Lucifer: A snake because uhm duh?? Snake :)
Phasma: A Sarlac or an Exogorth. Two foul ass monsters who feasts on human flesh, just like Phasma for real, except she doesn’t feast on human flesh, she just burns and cuts it instead.
Miranda: She’d be a cat, because she’s all “look how small, and their little whiskers and their little paws” and that’s so Miranda core, she is a cat. She’d be off on the adventure of her life, or she’d take a cat nap.
Do they pick wildflowers?
Brienne: Yes. Lovestruck Brienne would do anything to see her partner smile, and that includes picking small wildflowers with the edge of her very big sword.
Larissa: She has been known to pick a wildflower or two on her walks between meetings. Some days it's always nice to have a vase of pretty wildflowers on your desk, right?
Lucifer: Kills wild flowers to make God upset
Phasma: What wildflowers? That thing is blasted, burnt, charred in a single laser shot. Hates the sentiment of giving flowers as a gift of any kind, saying “flowers are for weak people who need to give plants to express love.” And then she’ll scoff.
Miranda: ABSOLUTELY, softest girlfriend ever. If her partner tells her she likes a type of wildflower ONCE, you bet your ass she’d have a full on bouquet the next time she sees them.
How do they like their eggs? (Fried, poached, soft-boiled, etc.)
Brienne: Miss Girl needs her protein for those MUSCLES, so she’ll just eat them however they are presented. Easiest way is a hard-boiled egg, but if she’s feeling a little bit fancy she’ll fry one.
Larissa: Poached fs. Over toast. It makes a fabulous breakfast and is simple enough to make. She doesn’t really like to cook so this meal works perfectly for her culinary abilities.
Lucifer: Perfectly over easy- like plastic-looking over easy eggs fr.
Phasma: Our Captain enjoys things the classical way, the old-school way, so she prefers a soft-boiled egg, and if it isn’t to her liking (aka the exact way she wants it), she’ll throw a fit. “Shoot someone just for fun” fit.
Miranda: LOVES scrambled eggs. Adds a little cream in there just to spice things up a little and thinks she’s so crazy for doing so.
How do they see themselves in their head, and how is that image wrong?
Brienne: Well, where do we start with this one? Miss Ma’am has been told her entire life that she is ugly, unconventional, unattractive, a monster, a beast. She’s been mocked, humiliated, made fun of, etc etc. She thinks that she is “the ugliest girl alive” and she fully believes that. BUT SHE’S WRONG, CAUSE SHE’S SO SEXY AND HOT AND BEAUTIFUL AND GORGEOUS and all those things, but she can’t understand that because she has been told so many times that she’s not. But she’s wrong and people are dumb, and blind, and morons.
Larissa: She thinks of herself in a professional capacity more than anything, but ‘image is everything’ as she would say. She would consider herself attractive, but nothing more than that. Compliments that refer to her as anything more are usually met with a roll of the eyes.
Lucifer: Gods ex fav, self conscious about it, but knows they’re hot shit and are v sexy.
Phasma: Power does a lot to a person's confidence. Captain Girl knows that she’s hot, attractive, powerful and deadly. Knows that she’s the baddest bitch around and IT SHOWS!
Miranda: We all know what the deal is with Mirandy Baby. She’s treated like crap by her co-workers and even by her so-called “friend”, and with all those negative comments about her makes her doubt herself and her abilities, even if she tries her best to not internalize. For her looks, she would not call herself attractive, which is where the aspect of male validation comes into the picture. However, positive affirmations from others go a long way for her, ESPECIALLY if she finds them attractive herself.
If they talked in their sleep, what weird jumble of words would come out?
Brienne: Something really boring and honorable. Something around the lines of maybe “my sword is my vessel”, or something that makes no sense whatsoever, “I turned and then I was gone?” You just know her dreams are nuts.
Larissa: Something work related. Something about “I forgot the email”/“I’m late”, or something about a certain misbehaving student “Oh, god, what have you done?”. She doesn’t talk much in her sleep, however.
Lucifer: “You shouldn’t have done that” “I hate you” “God can’t save you” but like mumbled and sleepy so it’s more cute than scary.
Phasma: Phasma does not talk in her sleep, her stormtrooper training regiment made her become comfortable with sleeping on her back, and absolutely no sleep-talking or snoring. They got it rough over at the First Order, for real.
Miranda: Something really out of pocket. I’m thinking of that sleep walking scene in “Step Brothers”. I.e. “I'll kill you, Leonard Nimoy.”
(For good guys) If they were a villain, what would their evil dark lord name be?
Brienne: Probably a spin on her swords’ name, “Slayer of Oaths” or something that has to do with her mockful nickname, “Brienne the Beast” or “Merciless Brienne”. I don’t know, I can just see her killing everyone with no remorse if she were to be a villain.
Larissa: The Headmistress. She would be the hottest super villain. Holy Shit.
Lucifer: “Cute.” - Lucifer to this question.
Phasma: ….Captain Phasma
Miranda: This sweet bundle of joy couldn’t hurt a soul. With that said, she’d be a righteous and justice focused one. Only killing those that deserved to be killed. Earning her the evil dark lord name of “Angel of Judgement” cause she’s an angel of DEATH AND JUDGMENT.
Muffins or cupcakes? Explain
Brienne: Miss Gurl doesn’t even know what a baked good is. She had to make due with some dry ass bread made from water and flour during her time. HOWEVER, if she were to live in modern days, she’d love a gooey muffin.
Larissa: Ms. Sweet-tooth? She will take a cupcake of course. Larissa: “There is a proper way to eat these, you know?” She then proceeds to take the bottom off the cupcake and make herself a little cupcake sandwich.
Lucifer: Muffins. The frosting is too messy for them, they’re like: “dude what I can’t eat the frosting in one bite without this getting actually everywhere on my robe sleeves.”
Phasma: “Sugar is not in my strict diet, I must stay on top at all times. I can not allow myself a ‘cheat day’, as you call it”
Miranda: Cupcake, duh. BUT THE MINI ONES. bc she can just eat them in one bite like a giant!!!
Do they prefer arm day or leg day?
Brienne: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, we all know. She needs some big guns to hold that heavy and large sword of hers, so arm day all the way BABY. Also, for Brienne, arm day and shoulder day is every single day with the metal she’s carrying around, yeesh.
Larissa: Neither of these options are suitable. If you let her pick, she will choose cardio.
Lucifer: Leg day in stilettos
Phasma: You just know she has the most defined legs ever seen in the history of mankind and she loves maintaining them. Despite this she’s more of a shoulder-back day kinda gal, wanting to keep that back refined as hell, looking like a marble statue of a greek goddess.
Miranda: She has once chanted “Leg Day!” over and over again when Robin agreed to hit the gym with her once. Robin didn’t join her again, but her enthusiasm for leg day remains.
What is the longest they’ve ever slept in?
Brienne: 7 am. And when she did all hell broke loose. Panicking about how she’d slept for far too long, when she was actually on bedrest for getting harmed in battle and was told to sleep for as long as she needed.
Larissa: 10am. It was when she had the flu, but she did fall asleep around 9pm so she was impressed with herself. Otherwise she gives herself until 8am to get up in the summertime.
Lucifer: What’s sleep?
Phasma: What’s sleeping in? You know that she’s up and at ‘em hours before the space cock sings the song of its people. She has never overslept a day in her First Order life and will wake up at 5 am sharp every single morning.
Miranda: Miranda has slept multiple days in a row. After a 12+ hour shift, she can sleep forever and not bat an eye. But once she is well rested, she is go, go, go. There’s no stopping her.
They’re on their way to the hospital when they hit a parked car. They can’t stop, and don’t have paper for a note. They drive away without telling anyone what happened. How do they ease their conscience?
Brienne: By finding that person in some way, apologize a hundred times and ask if she can be of help in any way to repay the damages. But, if requested, will pull out her coin pouch and flex her wealth. Or, they’d see that she was a tall, strong and lean Lord Commander and not dare demand anything, shaking in their little boots and saying how it’s okay and that there is no need to pay them back.
Larissa: She will make an effort to find the person, but if the car looks banged up already…. She may shrug and not stress about it too much, especially if no one will notice. 
Lucifer: Have the person who’s car got hit killed by some horrible accident so that way they aren’t responsible for the minor accident because of the major accident overshadowing it 😋
Phasma: Conscience? What conscience? Nah, Phasma is a gaslighter all the way. “I didn’t hit your vehicle, you hit mine” *points blaster at them* “now give me the money to repair it”
Miranda: Takes a thousand pictures and calls a friend/coworker to find the car and exchange information. She will not allow her ‘crime’ to go unpunished. She must right her wrong otherwise she will be unable to sleep at night.
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azoosepted · 6 months
my thoughts on canto v characters (because i said so)
YEAH, IM FEELING A BIT BORED SO HERE ARE MY THOUGHTS. enjoy my insane ramblings about characters introduced in Canto V (excluding unnamed ones of course. Sorry random club guest, even though your outfit induced neuron activation to my theatre kid brain, you’re not getting on this list.)
!! Spoilers for Canto V of Limbus Company !!
Smee: I’m gonna be real. She’s… okay. I don’t really care much about her though, and Canto V doesn’t really give much information about her for me to care about. Smee just exists to be nearly harpooned by Ishmael.
Pilot: AUUAUAUAUAUAUUAUAGH THE BOYE THE BOYE PILOT IS SUCH A BOYE I LOVE HIM. Honestly so thankful to the LCCB Team Leader for sacrificing their life for Pilot’s. He looks so squeezable. Love him.
Rim: OBJECTHEAD GANG OBJECTHEAD GANG OBJECTHEAD GANG his design goes so goddamn hard. And he’s from the League, which is interesting to me. Most characters from the Sinner’s pasts so far are either affiliated with Team Red (N. Corp) like Gubo, Hermann, Jia Huan, Kromer (to an extent) and Sonya (also to a certain extent) OR they’re affiliated with Team Blue (Demian’s group) like Demian and now Rim. Demian’s little gang is very intriguing to me and I need more of it. Anyways Rim is funky and I like it.
The Indigo Elder: grandpa. hes cool. I gotta agree with a friend that the hana association really did him dirty with his title though. You’ve got these epic names like The Black Silence, The Blue Reverberation, The Red Gaze… and then there’s just. Indigo Elder. It’s him, the terrifying Indigo Old Guy. Still the honorary grandpa though.
Starbuck: yeah he exists i guess
Ahab: FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU you are so WELL WRITTEN AND DESPICABLE you fucking . BITCH (also stop making queequeg take hits for you in that one fight you piece of—)
Queequeg: I’m gonna be real. Ishmael should share. gueegdhfjfhjdjdjd butch harpooner lesbian… Queequeg is so cool i love her. The scene where she and Ishmael reunite made me smile uncontrollably. Ishmael is literally about to KILL her until Queequeg takes off the mask and i just. oh my god. i cant describe it i love both ishmael and queequeg so much. I can say with 100% honesty that Queequeg’s death made me sob uncontrollably. I just… god. Love her.
Stubb: lmao who
and that’s pretty much it. thats all the characters i can remember. god i love canto v its my favorite chapter so far. PM, keep up the good work. Keep cooking.
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drawerbread · 4 months
I love the way u draw those funky little lesbians, never stop unless it ceases to bring u joy, god bless those women. I am putting them in my mouth and I am shaking them in a snow globe. ur gideon is a delight and ur harrow a prick. thank u for ur service
awww thank you!!!! it makes me so happy that ppl are enjoying my interpretations of gideon & harrow! if i ever say no to drawing griddlehark my identity has been stolen for sure
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benwvatt · 8 days
10 characters from 10 fandoms tag
thank you to @gordopickett for the tag! You're the best <3 <3
Martha from The Essex Serpent (please, can I get more lesbian communist characters who hate the world and love the world?)
Tracy Stevens from For All Mankind (I have the biggest crush on her. astronauts!!!!!!!! are the coolest!!!!!!!!!!)
Aang from ATLA (something something hope is the thing that moves us. it is all we have sometimes. I love my tattooed boy. sweetheart! weirdo! angel!)
Cheddar from B99 (THEY TOOK OUR FLUFFY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Dorothy Williams from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (me? attached to every character who is sheltered due to a Christian upbringing and then learns to grow and change and love the world? Yes GOD I love her. she's an adorable person and I just want all the good things for her.)
Rafael Luna from RWRB (underrated, iconic, strange, obsessed with Five Guys, good at speaking in code, so so kind and so lovely. I love my son! I want him to be happy!)
Carol Hathaway from ER (again, I have a huge crush on her, and hope is all we have. She is so kind and so savvy. Can I just be Carol when I grow up?)
Emily Grace from Murdoch Mysteries (SAPPHIC DOCTORS ARE MY FAVORITE DOCTORS!!!)
Blue Sargent from The Raven Cycle (yes her name is cheesy; yes I love her for it.)
Violet from The Resort (funky little weirdo. I want her to be happy!)
tagging @lesbianphoebespengler @1980s-jean-ralphio @anti-homophobia-cheese @hawkbutt @krisreads18
@djemsowhat @littlemisskittentoes @miss-minnelli @rosecathedral95 @crime-wives
@nostradamus0 @suseagull04 @binkitten and anyone else who wants to join in!
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insomniaruler · 1 year
Making my hyperfixations intersect bc I can!
Soooo….. some of the emperors and the Fear I think they’d serve
S1: The Lonely
- based mostly on aesthetic
- the cold
- died alone
- all his relationships failed kinda-
- rich (was a king)
S2: The Spiral
- once again based on aesthetics alone
- shifting colours
- two tone eyes
- just ✨appears✨
- kinda tragic if you want him to be (like Micheal:()
- gay
S1: The Corruption (maybe the End)
- mushrooms and assorted fungi
- once again fucking tragic :(
- spread Xornoth’s corruption
S2: The Hunt (maybe the dark)
- Skulk-by Skulk-by Skulk-by
- easily angered
- seems normal at first
- took her shirt off <3
- lesbians
- in love with their gf / would kill for their partner
S1: The Vast (or the Lonely)
- the ocean = the vast
- left everything and everyone behind = the lonely
- skrunkly little shit
- weird
- gets killed easily
S2: the End (maybe the Web)
- hnnngggg deaths canary goes brrrrrrr
- get’s killed a lot
- uh- mostly chose bc of the Canary Curse
- The Web because of the Watchers :P
S1: The Spiral
- colours <3
- was called the mad king
- lost everything because of a couple of decisions outside of his control :(
S2: the web (the stranger has a toe in the door
- mostly because of ‘Fear of change’ because of the fan theory that S1 = S2 joel
- the web because yknow, God
- also puppet Jimmy with Joel at the strings
S1: The Eye (or the end tbh)
- saw deaths come and go
- smart
- curious
- not much physical strength
- sarcastic
- Seemed to know things he shouldn’t have
- has the capacity for lots of violence (Phantom Assassin)
S2: The Web
- the lore man™️
- Seems to always have a hand in everything
- lots of spiders in the catacombs?
S1: The Vast (maybe the Lonely)
- the ocean
- ate a bit of the ocean = the sky ate my son ?
- alone out there on the ocean
- lots of boats
- almost scary?
S2: The Flesh (maybe not 100 on this one)
- animal
Fwhip (right off the bat The Eye because Admin)
S1: the Desolation
- haha funny explody man
- explosions are his jam
- burned his life to the ground
S2: The Buried
- lives underground
- uhhh- affiliated w death bc of Jimmy?
- funky
- can be ignored by sheer force of will alone (Joshua Gillespie my beloved)
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thatbigbisexual29 · 5 months
I know no one probably gives two shits about this but THIS IS MY PERSONAL FAN CAST FOR THE PJO SHOW (specifically who they haven’t cast yet)
Athena - Kerry Washington
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I don’t even have to explain myself. She is perfect. The amount of power this woman holds with just a pose? She’d make a perfect Athena. 10/10
Apollo - Yung Gravy
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I 👏 DO 👏 NOT 👏 NEED 👏 TO 👏 EXPLAIN 👏 MY 👏 SELF 👏 Like are you kidding me?? I do not care if he can’t act for shit GET THIS MAN AS APOLLO
Aphrodite - Lizzo/Margot Robbie
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I blame Barbie for these choices. The only reason I choose two is because idk what’s going on with that Lizzo Lawsuit? So if that plays out nicely then yay Lizzo but if it doesn’t, Margot Robbie. And I know Margot Robbie is a big name but… she’s my Aphrodite 🥺
Artemis - Ashley Johnson
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This might not hit for a lot of people, but I think Ashley Johnson would be a FANTASTIC Artemis. She has the gentleness of moonlight but harshness of pitch black night. I could totally see her ruling over a pack of young lesbians idk bout any of you 🤷‍♀️ I also think she pairs up fantastically with Yung Gravy. Perfect ‘polar opposite’ pairing of you ask me.
Atlas - Christopher Judge
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So for those who don’t know, this guy voices Kratos from the new God of War games. And holy shit is he perfect for this role. I’ve always personally thought that Atlas was this large man with a deep voice, something to really be feared. AND MOTHER FUCK DOES THIS MAN HAVE BOTH. HE’S LARGE AND HE MAKES HIMSELF IN CHARGE. I’d die if they got him as Atlas.
Hera -Meryl Streep
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Ok ok ok ok BIG LEAP I KNOW. But like??? I can’t explain it but she’d make a great Hera in my eyes. Look at her!! Have you seen her in Devil Wears Prada? Like damn. I’ve also loved her since I was little so, based I guess
Blackjack (voice) - Logan Lerman
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Fuck me guys I can’t help it. First of all? It would be funny. I don’t have a second reason other than I really like him. And for what the old movie thought it was making? I don’t think he did a bad job as Percy at all. Do I like the movie at all? Absolutely fuck no. But I still respect all the actors because it wasn’t their fault the movie was shit. And again, it would be funny. Also, he says he loves Walker as Percy???? Literally says “I can’t imagine a better fit” like??????? How wholesome is that??? Ok rant over sowwy I just have a lot of thoughts about this man.
Tyson - Jack Dylan Grazer
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This funky little nerd needs to play Tyson. I just think he’d be an amazing Tyson, all awkward and jittery. That’s how I always saw him at least. But yes, him as Tyson!
Ok this is all I got for now but please add your opinions on this fan cast! I’m interested to see what everyone thinks 🥰 (if anyone sees this at all)
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disasterpenguin · 2 months
@angelkissesdean gave me permission to be a little bit unhinged and wants to hear about my 16 plot for spn
So in my version of supernatural s16 it's going to involve Claire a little bit more than spn ever has before (because i love her and they can try to take my funky lil lesbian from my cold dead hands)
Claire helps Sam bring Dean back, and then informs them that she has a plan to bring back Cas since she has some of his grace and somehow she and Sam fuck up the spell and get thrown back in time and instead of trying to figure out how to get back home right away she convinces Sam to stay so they can both learn to be MOL and have better ingredients for spell work
A few months go by for Sam & Clair (in the span of just a few episodes, maybe like 3 or 4?) and they learn that since Claire was Cas's vessel for such a short period of time that she doesn’t actually have enough grace to trick the Empty into thinking a vail of the Grace to replace Cas but Sam remembers that Cas had another vessel about 100 years ago and they go time hopping again which catches the attention of Jack, who is informed of Claire's plan to bring Cas back & says he'll help if he can but he doesn’t wanna interfere too much ((Dean is just stress cleaning in the future, for him it's only been a few hours, Jack pops up to tell Dean what's going on and to hangout because he misses his dad and he has to tell Dean how cool he thinks Claire is)) once Sam and Claire get back with a vail of Grace they have to figure out how to get into the Empty, Jack informs them it would be easier if they had Death to open a portal
An argument breaks out about summoning a reaper just to kill them and "haven't they done enough fucking around with the cosmos" before Claire has enough and sneaks away (Jack follows) and she summons a reaper and informs them about how if they die they'll become the next Death and the reaper agrees because "it's difficult job without a boss and Jesus please just do it and I'll open that portal free of charge for a full 24 hours when you're ready" and bada bing bada boom they have a deal and Claire goes back to tell Sam and Dean and then has to deal with their disappointed dad & uncle faces
Claire and Sam make a tracking spell/potion/ compass thing that'll lead someone to Cas's body in the Empty they just need to decide who's going and Dean declares it's going to be him or no-ones going at all, he was already dead so if he gets caught it's not like anyone will lose something that wasn't already lost, Claire's too young, Jack is god, Eileen is pregnant (because obviously she and Sam are endgame 😤😤) and Dean just "has to be the one to do this, he couldn't save Cas before but he has a chance to try now" and Claire calls the new death who opens the portal for Dean and says "you have 24 hours before the portal closes for good so make it snappy"
Dean steps through the portal and is wearing the Grace vail compass that'll lead him to cas (it gets brighter the closer to Cas he gets) and it's a few hours before he finds him and now he has to figure a way to wake Cas up, so he sits down and puts Cas's head in his lap & starts to pray to him, about how he's sorry he couldn't save him, how he regrets that he couldn't speak to Cas once he realized Cas was planning on sacrificing himself- how he felt like he couldn't breathe, how much he missed him and hearing the words "I'll watch over you" & the Grace compass starts to heat up and Dean takes it off only to realize Cas has opened his eyes and is looking at Dean in pure wonder and they just stare intensely into each others eyes before the Empty starts to shake because "why is this bitch awake again" and Dean is like "Cas we gotta go we can talk about this once we're back home but we gotta go now" and Dean grabs Cas's hand and they start running (leaving behind the Grace and Dean hopes that that'll be enough to trick the Empty) and they get back with time to spare and Jack shuts the portal and everyone gets a hug because "holy shit it worked! We did it"
Once everyone is done having celebratory hugs, instead of talking about their feelings Dean grabs Cas's face and kisses him and says "i love you never fucking do that to me again i mean it Cas you can't keep doing this to me, if this didn’t work I don't know what I would've done" and Sam who's been expecting this for fucking ages goes "you would've stayed in the empty." And they invite everyone over for a back from the dead party and Sam & Cas & Dean & Claire start up the Men of Letters and start creating a better network for all the new & old hunters and everyone gets their happily ever after
((Ps idk how to get Crowley back but like. I'll figure that out eventually))
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can u pwetty pwease give me some fic recs? for seriously whatever i am so bored
HAIIIIIII you asked for peterick before so ill give you some of those and then also whatever :3
Somewhere You Exist by leyley09 OH MY GOD THIS ONE WAS SOOOOO SOO SOOSOSOSOO GOOD, okay so its set in the dance, dance universe and there's two versions of the band, the dorky high school losers and the actual fall out boy, like in the video. i cant explain the concept well enough but this was AMAZING i literally read it in one sitting and nearly cried, cannot reccomend it enough.
i gave you my heart by fulltimeproblem this was a cute little christmas fic, a lot of fluff. this is one of my favourites, i think they got the dynamic really right.
According To Your Heart (It's Our Time Now) by fanatic_by_definition oh. ohoohohooooo. alternate universe where they film a music video for the kids aren't alright. enough said, right?
A Little Infamy by ladyfoxxx this is the sweetest porn star au i've ever read. don't be fooled by what it says on the package, this one will get you crying at 3am. i love fake dating so much
Milk and Honey Under Her Tongue by catacombz okay this one isnt peterick but !!!!! LESBIAN FRIKEY!!!!! SAVE ME LESBIAN FRIKEY!!!! honestly everyone that writes femcr i love you forevrer
We Used To Be Friends, also by ladyfoxxx frikey au where mikey plays rhythm for the used. this was rreeeally good, a good ol' slowburn.
Zones [Director's Cut] by headless-killjoys (neepynoodles) funkobra, and NONBINARY FUN GHOUL 🗣️🗣️🗣️ I LOVE WHEN NONBINARY FUN GHOUL 💥💥💥 this one's a funky au, too, its cool
losing streak. by ophelias_ink a little funkobra racetrack fic, we love to see it
Crash The Mall by starcrossed_kaiju ough. this one made my heart hurt. the joys really are just kids who never got to be kids, huh.
also i watched IT again and therefore i will probably have some more reddie fic soon so WATCH OUT! GAY PEOPLE APPROACHING!
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My Favourite Tags / Reblogs of Round Two
Yeah sorry this one's long
#the yogurt man deserves this
Loose Duke did NOT hide for nearly an entire season in a spaceship’s vents, personally haunting Emily Axford the real person’s mind, to lose. - inkytrinket-irii
#loose duke is the only npc that gets better the less you see him
#hell yes! BIM SWEEP!#all the calroy girlies see his canon artwork and run for the hills. pathetic.#that man is a slice of cake and he’s sexier than any pink​​​-haired twink you could possibly draw
#chose calroy bc of that one monologue that out of context makes a crown of Candy sound like the most intense historical war period piece#to ever exist#also bc I did not watch sophmore year
#calroy sweep are you kidding#the gayest slice of cake to ever live
#hardest decision of my life 5ever#shit in your mouth vs watch me shit? how could i ever decide between those two?#(it was calroy easily)
#voted ox just so it's not a complete wipe. he's a Good Boy and i'm love him#but he doesn't stand a chance against the unhinged all-consuming-devotion dykery that is wuvvy
#i love garthy but Aelwyn has been giving me brainrot for the padt few months#the kind of character you want to snap in half and then cry about it
#it’s tough because aelwyns whole deal makes me cry#but on the other hand garthy is hot as hell
#ough this is hard#on one hand aelwyn is v complex and is central to adaines development in fhsy#on the other hand... garthy's voice is hot as hell and they are chill as hell#i GUESS ill pick aelwyn. im just saying i hate asmr but if it was garthy i think all my stress would melt away
#GUYS COME ON I KNOW GARTHY IS HOT BUT.#LOOK AT HER#SOPPING WET CAT OF A GIRL ALSO REMEMBER WHEN SHE WALKED INTO A LUDICROUS PARTY#OF HER OWN MAKING#SMASHED TWO BOTTLE OF LIQUOR AND MAGICED THAT SHIT STRAIGHT DOWN HER THROAT???#she is so everything to me Adaine in the first minutes of the campaign immediately tries to murder her#she shut down her mind to survive torture and kept her personality in a black box only her sister could open#sibling relationship of all time guys
#i love them both#but it has to be john feathers#most guy of all time despite literally being a bird
#if you're not gonna beat up a bunch of angels to give your wife tax advice don't even look at dale
#WHY is esther losing!!!#justice for my girl#my girl has the only braincell in NYC#released from her curse and immediately jumps the hot firefighter#nothing but respect
#one of the very few acoc characters i'll vote against without hesitation#ESPECIALLY for baron my god i love that little freak
#baron you funky creation from aroace fear
#i love dr lugash so fucking much#but you really put him up against annabelle cheddar? the most dyke 5ever?#i love her sm
#lugash would want you to vote annabell#because he is lgbt ally
#why does raghs art have him dressed as a dad at a barbecue#actually you know what he IS gay and it makes sense for him to be that flavor of gay
#plug's gonna lose a poll the same day he's gonna die- tomorrow
#Wilma!!!#or did y'all forget our education on docking
#vote caramelinda my god she deserves this win#also she's canonically lesbian. dyke rights.
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bri-sonat · 1 year
Silly Questions About Gwen’s Characters - Part Two
Silly Questions About Gwen's Characters Masterlist
This was a joint effort between @daydream-cement and me (of course with help from the wonderful Gwouncil GC, @na-shoba, @booitsrue, @funky--lesbian, and @margot-the-lesbian-god). She posted the first and will be posting the next part! We will go back and forth with these silly little questions.
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Most embarrassing middle school moment?
Brienne: Brienne didn’t go to school, but her most embarrassing memory from when she was a child was THE ball. Yeah. We don’t need to talk about it.
Larissa: She snuck out to go to an ‘older kids’ party with a friend. Her parents showed up and she never lived it down. Haunts her memories. You know how people have that one little thing that keeps them up when they are trying to sleep? This is hers. 
Lucifer: Telling God they loved him 😦
Phasma: She doesn’t know what embarrassment is. She stares embarrassment in the face, eats it for breakfast, punches it in the face. Embarrassment should be embarrassed for trying to embarrass her.
Miranda: Far too many for her to count, or remember. Probably millions of moments when she wished she would have dug a hole underground and stayed there forever.
Which is their favorite: tits, ass, or other?
Brienne: As someone who has been judged by her physique her entire life, she doesn’t put much weight on body. However, she will become completely bewitched by tits and thighs. Like, in a trance, staring, just in complete awe.
Larissa: Tits. Boobs. Yes, please. Any shape or form. She loves them endlessly.
Lucifer: A sweet face. (Up to their interpretation. Don’t put your silly human beauty standards on them.) They don’t really have a favorite body part. With their person, all of it is their favorite.
Phasma: Phaddy is an ass man, she loves to see it bright red after she is finished with her lover. But, if you ask her she’d just simply say, “all of it. Next question.”
Miranda: “Do- Do I have to pick? Okay… Tits… Wait, no. Stomach… Wait, wait, wait, HIPS AND THIGHS. Yes, final answer, hips and thighs.” With her partner, she will stare at their ass and hips all day as they walk around the house. Also, she will find any way to have you wear her hands as a bra.
Favorite pizza toppings? List the top five in order.
Brienne: No pizza in the olden days, but if we talk modern setting: Cheese, ham, pineapple. I SAID IT, I SAID IT. Girl loves trying weird and wacky things and she absolutely loves the mix of salty and sweet and will praise pineapple on pizza whenever possible.
Larissa: Cheese, peppers, mushrooms, sausage
Lucifer: No cheese. Just tomato sauce and bread. They want to watch the world burn. 
Phasma: “Pizza? Once again, I have a strict diet. Do not make me eat a ‘pizza pie’, I need my protein.” Will however eat one if it has many vegetables on it, for the fiber.
Miranda: “How many toppings are too many toppings?” - direct quote from Miranda making her own pizza at home (it took forever to cook bc there were too many toppings)
What was the last (non-story-related) dream they had while sleeping?
Brienne: Had a nightmare dream about Podrick being a giant and her being tiny as they spar. She’d wake up in a cold sweat after, standing up as fast as possible to see if she was still tall, and would release a sigh of relief when Podrick is, still, shorter than her.
Larissa: Dreamt Nightmare about going to the Weathervane and they were out of hot chocolate
Lucifer: Falling….from heaven. 
Phasma: Nightmare where she has a picnic. That’s it. Picnics freak her out. (Nothing freaks her out, let’s be honest, but picnics for her are just, yuck.)
Miranda: That she was on a ship up in space, looking out over the planets and stars, and when she’d wake up she’d cry because she wasn’t actually in space. Going back to sleep in a desperate attempt to return to her dream.
If they suddenly vanished, what would their family assume they were up to? (Shopping, pranking people, overthrowing governments, etc.)
Brienne: Well, her father just assumes that she’s, you know, off fighting bad guys, and being all righteous and all.
Larissa: She’s at work of course. Check her desk chair. If she isn’t in it, well then, she is probably dead. 
Lucifer: Probably lounging in the gardens or reading somewhere inaccessible by everyone else. 
Phasma: What family?
Miranda: If Miranda hasn’t sent a single text the entire day (aka vanished), she’s kidnapped or no longer with us. 
What’s their least favorite possession that they wish they could get rid of, but can’t / shouldn’t?
Brienne: Her sword. Reminds her too much of Jaime but she can’t get rid of it considering it's Valyrian steel and extremely rare.
Larissa: Most likely a painting or knick-knack from her mother. It’s so tacky and strange, she was sure her mother gave it to her just to be mean. She absolutely despises it, but if she were to get rid of it then she would never hear the end of it. 
Lucifer: A Bible.
Phasma: What possessions?
Miranda: Something from the baby she was going to have. Perhaps a teddy bear or a little pair of shoes. It made her too sad to get rid of absolutely everything.
If they spray-painted a city wall, what would they write/draw?
Brienne: “the kingslayer is a sister fucker”
Larissa: morticia sux 
Lucifer: Suck it Dad
Phasma: The First Order symbol.
Miranda: She could never. It’s a crime to spray paint on a city wall.
Pick a fictional character from another book/movie to be their guardian angel. Is it hard to look out for your character? Does the guardian angel interact with them? What’s their first conversation like?
Brienne: With Brienne’s choice of career, sometimes it can get a little bit stressful with how close to getting dangerously hurt she has gotten sometimes. Sometimes her guardian angel is biting at their fingernails but is very much aware that Brienne can handle her own, only stepping in when absolutely necessary. 
Larissa: No it’s not hard to look after Larissa. She is a good egg and doesn’t get up to much trouble.
Lucifer: Guardian angel? For a fallen angel? How cute.
Phasma: Phasma? Captain of the Stormtroopers? Yes. Exhausting. The guardian angel wondered multiple times if it’s possible to switch because Phasma was being, well, Captain Phasma. The angel wouldn’t even want to interact with her, she high-key scares them.
Miranda: Sometimes her guardian angel gets concerned with how clumsy she is. Not often does she get into dangerous police work, but seeing as though she was shot, I’m sure Miranda could give them a run for their money.
Do they find fart noises funny? (Be honest.)
Brienne: Sober, no. Drunk, funniest thing in the world.
Larissa: No. Well maybe deep down, but she wouldn’t let you know that.
Lucifer: No.
Phasma: Phasma? Finding anything that other people find funny, funny? That’s funny.
Miranda: PFTTTT, of course. 
They wake up permanently invisible. Do they ask for help right away, or do they stay hidden? What do they do while invisible?
Brienne: After being gawked at her entire life, being invisible would be blissful for Brienne, no one is able to look at her, and no one is able to judge her based on her appearance. She would spend an entire day in peace because no one would be able to stare at her and make rude comments regarding her height or looks.
Larissa: She would try to get help. How the hell is she supposed to run a school under these conditions?
Lucifer: Why would they ask for help? They know perfectly well they don't need anyone's help getting back to normal.
Phasma: She’d go siege an entire planet, killing every single person and no one would know it was her. She’d then (unwillingly) try getting someone's attention and attempt to return back to visible, she can’t command troopers as invisible.
Miranda: She would get into a pinch of mischief beforehand. Nothing criminal, but a little prank never hurt anyone. Probably a prank on her girlfriend or Robin. Then she would immediately try and get help.
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soo hi! my names erin, im lesbian & i am a minor!! i know there’s a lot of controversy around younger users on here & there will be no hard feelings if u block me, but pls note i do not check everyones bio before liking their posts lol
obviously i don’t intentionally interact with any nsfw posts/blogs, nor do i read them, sooo
i mainly just come on here to read n write stuff (tlou especially!! abby has my heart <3 i am also into arcane rn - oh my god sevika - and i have seen my fair share of lgbt movies/shows lol)
i write fluff & angst (i LOOOVE using songs for prompts, there are a few in my drafts in the works) and im mainly just on here to read & write more!! feel free to send me requests (songs or just prompts!!)
i do draw a little as well, but not that often so we’ll see 😭😭
also fun fact about my blog name — my middle name is willow & i’ve ALWAYSSS loved weeping willows and i feel like in the wind they sort of sound like they’re whispering?? and also a lot of alliteration makes it kinda funky to say so thats the story behind it lol
that’s pretty much it, if u have a problem with me being here then again feel free to add me to the blocklist LMAO
thanks for reading!! byeee 🌿
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