#go tell the bees that i am gone
gotham-ruaidh · 1 year
Hey Gotham. Was reading Bees and came to Claire and Jamie's argument in chapter 37. What do you think Jamie means when he says this about picturing someone else in bed: “I don’t.” He gulped air, and took me by the arms. “I don’t, Claire. It’s only that I’m afraid I might.”
I think he's afraid of his own mind and body. He has good reason to be afraid that he'd see someone else:
He did achieve climax during the ordeal at Wentworth (as a purely physical reaction, not because he wanted to) and feels so much shame about it
As we know, his brain was very muddled in the months after Wentworth (we know this from Jamie's dream early in Season 2 which shifts quickly from him smiling with Claire in bed to having Randall in bed)
There's a scene in one of the later books (following a scene where they're talking about Laoghaire) where a sleeping Jamie touches Claire in bed in a very business-like manner and Claire realizes that Jamie thinks he's touching Laoghaire
So to me, this fear is very well-grounded. He's open with Claire about it - he has many reasons for it - and while none of them are deliberate, that doesn't make it any less scary or painful for him.
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cookie-de-baunilha · 1 month
Tbh the more I think about how Diana handled Percy in Bees, the more I wonder why she decided to write him into the main series in the first place. What was the point, really?
Everything he did could be achieved through a brand new character. Let’s say, Claude Beauchamp himself. Claude could be the one looking for Fergus. He could be the French spy that was once John’s opposite in the Black Chamber. John wouldn’t trust him anyway.
It just makes no sense to me, from a narrative standpoint, to bring a character from the LJG series, who shares a complicated history with John, and not have their relationship further developed/dealt with in any meaningful way to the characters.
Percy is connected to the main series through John, mostly, but they never had a single conversation about them that actually did something to further develop their dynamic (no, that brief conversation they had in the end of Bees added nothing new to their dynamic).
And this is not me saying that they necessarily had to get back together, mind you (even though I’d like that very much), just that they needed… to talk. About them. About what happened 20 years before. Unresolved things. And from there Diana could’ve gone anywhere really, writing them getting back together or not.
The thing is, the ending of BOTB — sad and tragic as it is — could pass as a satisfying closure to their relationship. So one could assume that bringing Percy back meant dealing with unfinished business between them, right? But Diana doesn’t even make an effort to do that.
So what was the point of Percy specifically? If we could easily have a different character doing the exact same things (with some adjustments)? It just screams bad writing to me, and, if I had to bet, that’s also part of the reason why so many readers struggle to care about Percy’s storyline in the main series.
Because, yeah, most of them haven’t read the spin-off series, so they get pretty confused when they hit the first chapters of Echo. And what Percy brings to the table is essentially a political side plot with some mystery surrounding Fergus — so, unless you get really interested in Fergus’ parentage storyline, Percy’s plot and overall presence becomes a big “ok… so what?” (add that to the fact that 2 huge books later and the Fergus storyline still hasn’t gone anywhere, so even if you like that plot, which I do btw, you are gonna be frustrated by the lack of development).
What about Percy’s relationship with John? Well, that is not dealt with in any way, shape or form besides “something happened between them in the past, John doesn’t trust him”. So much so that the readers who haven’t read the LJG series have to either accept the vague informations that are given to them or search more about it online. There’s no emotional investment by the readers whatsoever because Diana doesn’t make them care at all.
Actually, that’s a problem that also exists within John’s plot as a whole in the main series and the reason why so many readers struggle with his storyline in the later books (something something *John not having a character development in the main series* something something)… but I’m gonna leave that conversation for another post because this one is already too long.
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bookishfreedom · 1 year
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go tell the fur babies that i am gone…
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lucasbarr · 7 months
Just finished Bees and yet again the Bree + Roger subplots are the least interesting to me but I’m glad we got more of William and of Ian and Rachel! It kinda dragged on a bit with the day-to-day monotony of the Ridge (which I usually like but this was a lot) but overall I enjoyed the book!
Major Spoilers under Read More
John Cinnamon is my new favorite character! He is such a sweet young man and I think I’m going to go back and read the Lord John series now too! Because it felt like I was missing something with the whole Percy subplot in MOBY + this book having not read it.
Like lowkey why is everyone other than Jaime and Claire’s immediate offspring (sans Willie) more interesting? Idk how Diana managed to create such an unlikeable little family unit with Brianna, Roger, and their kids (tho I do like Jeremiah, not so much Amanda) but such a rich supporting cast!
Also why give Brianna a heart condition if it’s just magically going to be fixed by her being pregnant?!
I will say though it’s interesting that Davy isn’t a time traveller like his siblings. Makes you wonder if Fergus (who I am also choosing to believe is La Comte’s son) is a traveller or not and what this means for Claire and her family. Also makes one wonder if Percy’s family that he married into or even Fergus himself might be one of her ancestors 👀
The Richardson subplot is…😬 Why would you make an abolitionist the main villian! Not to mention he has African American ancestry! Diana WTF? Your racism is showing in this book 🤦‍♀️ Not to mention the plot with Ulysses/Joseph Stevens… like Diana why???
I am also choosing to believe that Totis is Ian’s son! He is such a sweet addition to the household, even if the reasons were a bit strenuous in the book. Though I am also intrigued by the Jenny/Joseph Brant’s Uncle romance. Though I don’t know why Claire didn’t tell Jenny that the war would be over in a matter of months? 🤔
Makes me wonder why she’s decided to kill off Percy and what this means for the Percy & Fergus storyline.
And why in hell Hal want to see Ben! Like I was under the impression that Amaranthus was in cahoots with Ben and then she went to see him and saw him with a other woman which came out of nowhere. Honestly it would have been more interesting if she’d known and went be with him and left Trevor with the Willie and Lord John. Bye maybe the whole widow thing is a ruse and she lied about the other woman and maybe she is in on it?
Though it makes me wonder if Hal made the poison to poison Ben…
Like I wonder if William will take Amatanthus up on her offer and pass off his title and estates to their kid. Like obviously that’s what Ben did with her and why I thought that Amarantus was more involved with the plan than we saw (esp with her reaction when she went to see him) though I’m dubious about whether her account of the events is true or not.
I mean the way she brazenly suggested the plan that Ben had gone through with seemed suspicious to me!
I think Richardson is involved with Rob Cameron in some way and that the gold is going to come into play. Again, weird choice of villain with Richardson being an abolitionist but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
And also WTF happen to Ulysses? Is he dead? I know Duncan was one of his men but like why didn’t you just tell him she was in Nova Scotia? Just be vague and then he might not have tried to ya know oust Jaime and that whole skirmish!
Like I want to see less filler (or just more with beloved characters like Lizzie!) and more streamlining from the editor on the major plot points!
Also WTF happened to Buck!
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beasanfi1997 · 7 months
Outlander will end with season eight based in Written in My Own Heart's Blood but Diana Gabaldon had Just wrote go tell the bees that i am gone and now She Is going to write the tenth book and It means that they will transform in the movies the Last two books as they did It with Downtown Abbey
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inlovewithquotes · 11 months
When ye ha' barins, there's that wee time when ye really are all they need. And then they leave your arms and ye're scairt all over again, because now ye ken all the things that could harm them, and you not able to keep them from it.
-Go Tell The Bees That I Am Gone
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awordwasthebeginning · 11 months
Me: *picks up book* where did I stop reading last time?
Book: Here's a chapter from William's POV!
Me: ...ah.
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Bro I completely forgot about the Outlander Fandom Survey 2022!!!
Ok so I'm so keen to run this again. Same questions as last year but with a few more now that Bees is here. I will be running it from the 9th of July to the 16th of July.
I hope we can get more participants this year! I feel like my little Outlander fandom space here has for sure grown.
If you're curious about last year's results you can see them here
If you have any questions for me or any questions you want to see in the survey, feel free to comment/ask/message me!
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ladywynneoutlander · 11 months
I remember once, goin’ into the chapel of Saint Sebastian in the wee hours of the morning, long before dawn--almost all the candles were burnt out--and hearin’ someone playing a guitar, singing.  Very soft, not playing to be heard, ken.  Just…singing before God.”
Something odd moved in his eyes at the recollection, but then he smiled at her again, a rueful smile.
“I think that may be the last music I remember really hearing.”
She’d never before seen a look on his face as she did when he called back that song for her, but quite suddenly she felt what he had felt in the depth of that distant night, and understood why he found peace in silent spaces.
~Excerpt "Jamie Reflects" from Go Tell the Bees that I am Gone by Diana Gabaldon
⬆️ The "Ave Maria" we hear in the trailers for season seven reminds me of this sweet passage. I had the thought, what if it were Roger he heard that night? I don't know why he would have been there, but part of me hopes it was him. 🧡
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So I’ve been thinking about Bees again (what else? lol) and the circumstances John and Percy found themselves in with Ezekiel Richardson, specifically about  Richardson’s declared intent to kill John. Am I the only one who thinks Richardson killing John makes no practical sense whatsoever? 
John is merely a means to an end - that end being leverage over Hal to prevent him from addressing the House of Lords and pushing for Britain to withdraw from the war. So how then would murdering John - Richardson’s only real leverage against Hal thus far - do anything to help him achieve his objective???
The only thing he’d have left to hold over Hal’s head would be the threat of public scandal (via the exposure of Neil Stapleton and Percy’s confessions) - and just how much weight would that hold with Hal if John was already dead? Hal would be more likely to be out for Richardson’s blood, if you ask me, given his temperament. lol 
Not to mention that Hal’s main motivation for convincing the British government to allow the Americans to win is so his son, Ben, won’t be captured and executed as a traitor. And a living son holds more weight than an already dead brother. Therefore John is of more value to Richardson alive for the foreseeable future, ie. until the war’s end. 
(Of course John and Percy understandably think Richardson is a madman for claiming to be from the future, and so have every reason to take his threat seriously even when actually carrying it out would (irrationally) undermine his ultimate objective. But we, the audience, know him to be quite sane, at least in so far as being a time traveler is concerned.) 
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gotham-ruaidh · 1 year
I am confused whether Bree and Roger's son from book 9 is unable to travel or not? It was not clear to me when i read the book. What you think of it?
Wee Davie MacKenzie isn't able to travel.
Meaning, that it's very unlikely that Brianna and Roger and Jem and Mandy will ever return to the 20th century
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cookie-de-baunilha · 9 months
Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone spoilers? - Richardson
So far I’ve only read some random scenes from Bees so let me get this straight…
Richardson is an abolitionist??
Is Diana Gabaldon for real? Writing the current big bad guy as an abolitionist??? How tf did she think this was a good idea??
Someone please tell me I’ve got it wrong. I haven’t read the whole book so I might be missing important things here.
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popfishjr · 1 year
Someone should match book titles with characters like
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cesaray · 2 years
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peachyfrills7 · 2 years
Go Tell the Bees that I Am Gone did not just end on a cliff hanger. Diana Gaboldon you better write fast
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ladywynne · 1 year
Books 2022
What I finished this year.
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The Last Wish Andrzej Sapkowski
This was my dive into the Witcher books after watching seasons one and two on Netflix. I read The Last Wish first based the recommendation of the article below. It's a fun read and a good introduction to Geralt and Dandelion (Jaskier).
Sword of Destiny Andrzej Sapkowski
The author uses Geralt, a man who is said to possess no emotion, to explore the human experience in a unique way. Enjoy the fantasy backdrop, but don't be surprised when you find yourself asking questions about morality, love, or the meaning of progress.
Go Tell the Bees that I am Gone Diana Gabaldon
The tenth book of the Outlander series. This installment continues the story of an ensemble of characters centered around the beloved Jamie and Claire. There are surprises and an ongoing war, but also the peace of the mountains, and everything is interwoven with love.
Small Magic - Terry Brooks
Fans of Brooks' various worlds will enjoy hearing more about and the characters that inhabit them. I thought the Landover stories were particularly charming, and I mean, dragon.
Star Wars Resistance Reborn - Rebecca Roanhorse
This book covers the time between The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker. It details how the few survivors of Crait work to rebuild the resistance. It also talks about the aftermath of Poe's mutiny. He has to find a way to recover his honor personally and in the eyes of the Resistance.
Dune - Frank Herbert
This book didn't hold my attention like I thought it would until close to the end. But it was interesting and epic in a different way than other sci-fi options. Also, Paul Atreides lowkey terrifies me.
I listened on Audible and the production quality was the best I have ever heard. There were multiple voice actors, sound effects, and a bit of music.
A Fractured Mind - Robert Oxnam
This is a fascinating personal account of Dissociative Identity Disorder. Oscar Isaac read it as he prepared to play Marc Spector.
Poe Dameron 001 - 021 (working to collect the rest!)
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