#gloom: i need to walk my dog i'm ready to go my dog's expecting me
themessyaofmind · 1 year
whats up with these babygirls making me obsessed with the characters they play and ALSO THEIR MUSIC
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sidekickjoey · 6 months
#29: Gloom - Djo
Fave lyric: "I need to walk my dog, I'm ready to go / My dog's expecting me, I'm ready to go"
Send me a number from 1-100 and I'll tell you the song and my favorite lyric
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minkmousesworld · 3 years
Hi! could i request a omega Daki x Alpha reader smutty were reader is just incredibly protective of Daki and sometimes loses it but Daki both loves the attention and loves that she can actually calm the reader down?
by @gayforthem
Hello! Thank you very much for the request, and don't forget to drink water!
enjoy reading~❤️
Omegaverse AU: omega! Daki x alpha! Reader [NSFW🔞]
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warnings: modern au, kinda dark omegaverse (mention of murder), heavy petting (masturbation), mention of oral sex, mention of marking.
omega fem character x alpha (aggressive) gender neutral reader
Daki was popular.
Sometimes it felt as if every time she walked into a room, everyone stopped doing their own thing to look at her.
Daki was a bright and damn attractive omega, and she knew it. With all her bright makeup, elegant clothes, and arrogant, warm smile.
And with that cute expression she made whenever someone (usually a "fan") bothered her, but not enough to make her really angry.
She waved at them sweetly and wrapped her arms around your arm, throwing eloquent glances at your face without even looking back.
Daki lived for your reaction.
Nothing too rude — she was satisfied with your irritated face when someone clung to her, or the ostentatious indifference when another alpha tried to "seduce" her (as if they could hope for something), or the cold when someone asked if you were her alpha.
As if the mark on her neck wasn't a telling enough sign. Or that she didn't leave your side.
Or the way you looked at everyone who bothered her.
"Don't touch her"
Daki watched curiously as you tightly gripped the other alpha's hand and gently held her to you. Not that she enjoys your jealousy...
Well, she enjoyed your jealousy.
"Touch her again", you gripped the other's hand even tighter, "and I'll chew out your too-long arms, as well as your brain, which apparently isn't there. Got it?"
You're not exactly aggressive.
If you were an unbalanced type of alpha, you wouldn't be able to be a couple with her for so long.
You were just annoyed when others touched your omega.
Even if she could protect herself.
"You shouldn't have been so aggressive", Daki later whispers seductively, clinging to your clothes as you stand in a dark corner of the club, out of the bright artificial light. "Everyone knows I'm your omega. They wouldn't dare claim me"
Everyone knows you're her alpha. Only for some reason they ignore it.
Probably because if an omega smells like an alpha, it's not a sign that the omega is "marking"
What an abomination.
You looked seriously at your girlfriend, who cocked her head to one side, hanging on your every word.
So cute when she's not trying to play on your instincts.
"I'm not acting this way because of aggression against another alpha. I'm acting like this because no one can touch you without permission... Do you understand? Nobody. Even me"
If you weren't in public, Daki would purr like an affectionate cat. You have already seen, even through the gloom, how contentedly she smiled.
The color of your favorite lipstick glistened in the faint light from the dance floor.
"And if anyone does that, or otherwise interferes with you, I officially declare that I will bite their throat out"
"And if they looks?"
"I'll suck their eyes out of their sockets. Don't underestimate me, babydoll"
Daki lifts up to kiss you on the lips, wrapping her fingers around your neck. More likely to strangle than let go.
When she pulls away, the light is surprisingly reflected in her amorous eyes. Running her hand through your hair, she gently touches it, smiling coquettishly.
This corner seems to be getting too lit up. And crowded. Sometimes your girlfriend's popularity is a little tiring.
Daki falls silent, relaxing in a warm embrace, unusually silent and thoughtful. you look below out of habit, expecting to see a white collar preventing a mark, but instead you see a bare neck with half a necklace hanging from it.
The other part is hanging around your neck.
"It's getting late", you gently wrap your arms around Daki's waist, which is easy to handle, though knowing her by day she would try to playfully pull away. "And not safe for cute, sleepy omegas. Let's go home"
"Is it really that unsafe to have their strong and brave alphas around?" Daki responded playfully, smiling. "Let me see... no?♡"
The girl responded with a shrug and a flirtatious wink, squeezing your hand.
"Convince me that we need to go home"
At least she's never boring.
"Safer at home?"
"No, more boring at home! But what about the people? Dancing? Communication?"
You took a deep breath, and omega just giggled.
"Can we cuddle at home?"
"... perhaps..."
"At home, we'll watch some TV shows and relax?"
Daki averted her brooding gaze, pausing before looking at you coquettishly, smiling.
"Okay, we can go home if you don't like clubs so much..."
The walk home was quieter than you originally thought.
"Daki, don't run on the ice, you'll fall"
"Daki, your lips are blue. Maybe you'd better wear my clothes?"
"Daki, hold on to me, please. It's safer and warmer"
"[Y/n], I'm not a little girl!"
"Of course not"
In the end, Daki agreed to hide in your clothes, and "led the way" while you slowly followed her, trying not to step on her feet.
You walked in silence, which was interrupted only by short questions "are we going there for sure?" and "yes, I know, I know!". Daki gave you long looks from time to time, the meaning of which you did not understand, but decided not to ask, guessing what thoughts appeared in her head.
"Don't leave my side, dear. I've heard that there are aggressive dogs here"
"Like I might want to get away from my warm alpha, mmm"
It was much more comfortable at home than at the club. There were no bright lights, no strange smells, no annoying alphas that you would love to chew through an artery if they came after your omega again.
What a joy that the law does not regulate this issue in any way.
Like the question of killing alphas by omegas when they want to abuse an omega.
You looked at Daki, who, in her favorite pink sweater (your birthday present, before you even thought about starting a relationship), was looking for something interesting in a box of CDs, her head pressed against your shoulder. Bending her legs in only short socks, Daki spent a long time sorting through the disks, dissatisfied with throwing unnecessary ones.
"How about we watch this?" there was a disk in front of your face that you didn't recognize. "Something romantic... or a melodrama... Just right for this evening!"
The film was not bad. Not too original, but atmospheric. With songs, winter and "Christmas miracle".
Putting your arm around Daki's waist, you pressed your lips to the mark, not being too interested in the plot. Daki gave you playful glances, but to the last played hard to get, ignoring your courtship.
After kissing her neck, you slowly put your hand on her knee, watching her reactions. Daki only snuggled closer to you, giggling for a moment as you gently ran your fingers along her thigh before returning to the film, "ignoring" you.
However, it definitely became harder for her to ignore you as your fingers gently traced the inside of her thigh, very close to her panties.
A slight blush appeared on her face.
Bringing her legs together and holding your hand between her thighs, Daki gave you a hot look before tilting her head forward, submissively baring the neck you pressed your lips to.
Daki hated it when you bit her.
Even after the credits ended, you continued to sit, using the light from the black, unplugged screen.
You felt very warm from the warmth of your girlfriend and the faint, sweet smell that made you feel a little dizzy. Daki, on the other hand, was much less sleepy — although she didn't stop fidgeting all through the movie, squeezing your hand, and now she was breathing heavily, digging her nails into your hands, but she was silent, thinking about something.
The pain was mild and bearable, but unpleasant.
Suddenly getting out, Daki pulled you towards her, once again starting to smile coquettishly, hinting at a surprise.
And when her back hit the floor, she grabbed the sweater and pulled it up. Smiling cheekily, she raised an eyebrow at your reaction.
"Isn't that what you wanted, my love? Watch a movie and relax? Your omega is ready for anything♡"
It was hard to deny that now, lying under you, with her cheeks so rosy and her expression so confident, she didn't look... attractive.
Very attractive.
"And? Why are you only looking? My breasts are waiting♡"
And grabbing your head, Daki confidently placed it on her chest while continuing to smile cheekily. One hand clutching the clothes on your back, the other she placed on your head, stroking, watching you.
Daki has always been a warm body, but you doubted that now you will want to fall asleep again. Although, her breasts were a great place to sleep — soft, with large, pink nipples that she once wanted to pierce.
Some pink jewelry would look great. In addition, you could play with the piercing — wrap your lips and gently pull. Or, if it's rings, you could come up with something about light chains.
Considering how masochistic Daki was, she would have liked that. As long as you don't tell her to obey you outside of bed.
"Hey, [Y/n]?" whispered Daki, continuing to stroke your hair as you gently played with her breasts, squeezing and rubbing to hear her moan, "I love you"
You stopped, looking from her breasts to your girlfriend.
"What are you looking at?" said Daki excitedly, still patting you on the head. "I mean... look, even if you threaten to hit the other alphas, or, you know, kill them, I appreciate it. I know I'm acting like I don't like it, but I don't. It's kind of nice"
You were still looking at your girlfriend, which made her even more embarrassed.
"Okay! Good! It turns me on when you act like a bossy alpha! All right?! Stop staring like that! This is normal for omega!"
Grabbing the nipple, you pulled slightly, causing Daki to suddenly moan, spreading her legs for you.
You immediately moved your hand lower, gently stimulating through the thin, already wet panties, to which Daki abruptly squeezed your hair, trying to grip your hand tighter.
You pressed harder, indulging your girlfriend, moving your fingers more roughly, as if you were trying to tear your panties and get inside.
But your pressure was interrupted by Daki, pulling you and aggressively kissing you on the lips, not allowing you to pull away, with the second hand trying to caress you to those places that she could reach.
She swung her leg over your hip and pulled you back, panting and shivering.
"I love you too, my Queen"
It was even wetter between her legs, and the completely wet panties made it easier for you to slide over her labia, but prevented her from having an orgasm. Even the faint touch of her clit, though it sent a shiver of pleasure through her body, only made her tease harder.
"Damn it, just rip it off me already!" she whispered, trying to kiss you again, "or I'm about to bring myself to orgasm"
"Who can make you better than yourself?"
"Damn, I hate you!"
There was something cute about how red Daki was, biting the edge of her sweater and masturbating in front of you.
With ringing, squelching sounds, then penetrating inside with her fingers, caressing herself from the inside, then taking them out, stroking her labia, she purred charmingly while you stimulated her wet clit.
The performance, consisting of her reaction and sounds, was delightful.
Arching, she trembled, her mouth open and her legs clenched sharply, blocking your view. You only began to caress more slowly, feeling a strong tremor, continuing until she again spread her legs.
Slipping down to you, Daki clung trustingly to your shoulder, wet and shivering.
"You see", you began gently, massaging the girl's back, "you're doing just fine on your own, like a big girl"
The bite on the shoulder looked more like a symbol of embarrassment and indignation than defiance. Especially with that sweet, red face she tried to hide from you.
"Shut up", Daki said, catching her breath. "Shut up and get on the couch. And take off your clothes. We're not done yet"
"My mouth isn't just made to rip out your opponents' throats and bite you if you didn't know it"
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m-adp-each · 3 years
Nine Ways to Kill a Demigod
   The first method seemed the easiest: to hit with the car somewhere outside the city and with a clean soul to leave the scene of the crime. Even the preparation for this case was quite serious: tracking the target for several days to analyze the route. And so, gathering his strength — although during such situations, even conscience did not torment the soul — his foot pressed down hard on the gas pedal. The loud rustle of the wheels rubbing against the asphalt, on which small stones bounced, barely reached the ears of the driver, who was completely absorbed by only one sound — his heartbeat.
     A slight push, accompanied by the rocking of the body in the chair (fasten your seat belts, children, otherwise there would be two corpses instead of one). Leaning back against the seat again, he took a deep breath and slowly stretched his neck out the open window of the door.
     He's moving.
    And in order not to be noticed, he quickly leaves without looking at the downed target or at his car. He should have. The dent in the hood was deep enough. And the carcass was not destroyed, and still pay for the breakdown.
     The second method is a banality. Invite them to visit under the pretext of improving relations between their personalities. In order not to arouse suspicion the younger one was also invited, let them have fun with son. And he smiles, the infection, pleasantly and friendly, while he puts the poison in the drink. A poison that could kill a horse with just a few drops, carefully stored on a shelf in an old office.
     He does not interfere when the guest eats the meat on both cheeks — let him be satisfied before he dies. Nobody can't goes to Valhalla with an empty stomach. There were and there are rumors: in what state you will die, in this state you will live your dead eternity.
     And what is he, a monster or something, to kill a hungry man?
    And he watches carefully as the cup of mead is brought to his lips, as the adam's apple on his throat twitches in slow sips. If he feels some kind of trick, drink with caution. Can't figure out what's wrong with a delicious, sweet drink. And when he finishes everything, he asks for more. He smiles. He sees the smile in return and doesn't know that rage is boiling inside.
     The third method is childish. Sit in a dark street corner and wait for him to pass by. And while waiting to light a cigarette. One, two, three. Where was he? Well, of course, today is the day off, why would he come back from school, you fool!
     Okay. Tries every other day. Two cigarettes are enough and a familiar silhouette appears on the horizon. He pulls his hood down and tries to blend in with the gloom. And when the right person passes by, he grabs him by the scruff of the neck and pulls into the darkness. He bends his arm at the elbow, and with it his throat. He doesn't let he breathe, ignores the rebuff. Only he breathes quickly and noisily, holding the body in his grip... but how much does he weigh? Not so that, in addition to strength, the weight of Thor has taken over?
     So, what's this? Ah, the dog. Shoo, get lost. «No way, my friend. Remember when you didn't feed me six months ago? So here you go, get a bite in the leg.»
     The teeth are sharp in the yard dog, they sink into the ankle. There is nothing left but to let go of the potential corpse and cling to the furry mutt. While he was sorting it out, the corpse ran away. The wound on him leg is burning.
     The fourth way — but can he swim? Not at all. It doesn't matter how he knows this information. But the fact remains. Maybe someone has already noticed that a great man has been following a simple guy for weeks. Pricked up his ears and attentively watches their movements, not understanding what is happening. However, if someone suddenly thinks of something — always can bite the throat. That's a big deal.
     So, a pure, ridiculous accident if suddenly someone slips on the pier and falls into the sea. There is a great depth, far from the shore or shallow water. There's no one around. What a shame. It remained to organize the fall, which was not so difficult.
     Walking along the edge of the dock, he didn't expect to hear a rumbling growl out of nowhere. It's like a thunderclap even though there's not a cloud in the sky. But a large cloud immediately began to fall down trying to keep its balance.
     Funny twitching stumps.
     So expectantly looks around the corner, with a request, a plea in his eyes. Even blows in the direction of the «lucky guy» which soon becomes so when an outsider runs up.
     The throat can be chewed out not only by the talkative.
     The method of the fifth. Flying is a sign of freedom. The monks sit for years in their lotus positions trying to separate the soul and body, to learn the so-called zen and merge with nature. And he is ready to organize it in a matter of seconds! It is only necessary for a spiritually developed person to stand near the construction complex. A concrete slab falling on his head will do everything by itself. It is not difficult to raise the roof (in the future the roof). It's even easier to throw it off. And the sight was as good as it had been three thousand years ago. It was much more difficult to keep the target in one place. No, he'll definitely have to see a psychologist soon.
     That's who asked you, dear employee, to call an «outsider» who is forbidden to enter here? Why the hell are you suddenly concerned about safety, you drunkard? In short, the concrete slab did not feel a sense of freedom. But it turned out to be an excellent boxing «bag» for a powerful punch. From the center, a web began to spread across the surface.
     Method six. Psychological pressure. So, we have a person with innate speech problems, living in a single-parent family, because once upon a time the keeper of the hearth heroically fell under snowdrifts. His friend recently died, and some parts of the city think he's a psychopath. Well... it would be very embarrassing if the nightmares accidentally killed the poor, immature mind.
     Why did parents stop monitoring their children's sleep patterns? «Here in our time...» — visited the thoughts in his head, when the atmosphere of two o'clock in the morning hung in space, and the guy lying on the bed, at the laptop, did not even think to sleep. And how, may he ask, do he begin to terrorize him with nightmares?
     That's it, lay down. So, he can remember the spell. He speaks quietly, sitting outside the window, watching — and it's good that the others are asleep. They would have wondered what the head of the local campaign had left on the stairs at the newcomers ' house. But it doesn't matter much when he cast a spell on a defenseless teenager to make him go crazy from his dreams.
     No. A teenager it turns out can also show strength in dreams. Monsters with screams and tantrums run back to complain to their creator. Perhaps it was their tears that came in a strong gust of wind, causing the ladder to stagger, and the person standing on it to fall down.
     Method seven.
     «Vidar, put the axe back in the cabinet.»
     «But Ra-an!»
    «Don't give me «Ran»!»
     The way to the eighth. He releases a secret weapon into battle. So what if he's blind — but he can smell well and go at the speed of light. Especially when he hears the refrigerator opening. The favorite in the family-because the only one who listens and does not cause a headache. You're going to be sent to your death, fluffy.
     Here, smell the clothes of our beloved demigod. Got a lead? Run, tear it up, bring the head to me, you can bury the bones in your warehouse in the back yard.
     You mean he tore his mouth open? How to ask for meat, so «I am a beast, I am a power, I am a monster», but as the heir of the divine forces to destroy so no. Fie on you, toothy, I believed in your strength…
     He speaks spiteful speeches, wiping a stingy tear from his cheek and pledging to avenge his faithful friend.
     Method ninth.
     What if we short-circuit him? While the lightning sparkles pour water.
     «Honey, you'd better drink some Valerian and calm down. You're already delusional.»
     «I'm hungry for blood and revenge.»
     «And I think you're looking for a fried kebab from jotun.»
     The wife looks expressively like this. The rights are the same a little something, so immediately fry…
    Where were we staying?
Oh, yes.
Nine ways not to Go Crazy when your main Enemy is a teenager
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seraphinitegames · 7 years
I'm just gonna hop on the scenario band wagon here because I've fallen in love these little scenes we get to see. Say the MC and RO, who are at the crushing stage, are snooping through someone's office for a file or something, and they have to hide because RO heard someone walking towards the office. But the only place to hide is a tiny closet that barely fits two people. What would the reactions be? I can imagine Adam would get flustered but he wouldn't be able to storm off this time. ~ Cheers!
Oh, I love this kind of thing in romances! :D It’s under the cut.
“Shit! They’re coming,” Adam growls, listening out for the footsteps of the oncoming guards in the hallway. All I can hear is the drone of the nearby office fan. His hyper-senses still leave me in awe at times. “We need to hide.”
His command shocks me back from thought. “Right.” My gaze darts about the small, cramped, dark office space and lands on a nearby closet.
I look at Adam and he tenses.
“It’s the only space. Let’s go!” I hiss, weaving through the desks of the office and grabbing his wrist to tug him along behind me.
Flinging open the closet doors, I shove Adam inside. He stumbles in, a disapproving frown deep on his brow.
“Oh stop moaning,” I mutter, jamming myself inside the tiny space beside him and pulling the door quietly shut.
“I never said-“
“Your face says everything.”
He frowns deeper.
It’s only a few seconds before we both go as stiff as statues, the door to the office creaking open. This time I definitely hear the footsteps.
My heart thuds in the darkness with every step the guards take, my hands balling into fists as they draw closer and closer to the closet.
A warm breath washes over my face and suddenly all thought of the guards is gone. Even in the gloom, I can see Adam staring down at me, the intensity of his gaze burning through the shadow like fire. It scorches my skin until the tiny closet feels like an oven and my breath is stifled in the heat that boils between us.
This isn’t the first time we’ve found ourselves in this heated moment, but it’s the first time Adam hasn’t been able to storm away and pretend it’s not happening.
Without thought- having it stolen away by his continued attention- I rest my hand on his arm, his solid bicep tensing beneath my touch. I snap my hand away at the reaction, only to find Adam reaching forward to catch my fingers in his.
“What are you doing?” I whisper, barely able to stammer out the words.
“I don’t know…” he replies, voice as hoarse as mine.
The tiny closet seem to constrict against the flood of unspoken words which drown the air around us.
My breath catches when he draws me closer, his hand dropping from my hand to my waist.
His breath runs over me again, this time closer- close enough I can almost taste him on my tongue.
My hand presses against his chest as my mind spins to catch up with what’s happening.
“Well, well…” Farah says, leaning against the open door. “I’m guessing you two are ready to come out of the closet now?”
The dim light is enough to cut through the moment like the sun through a haze, and Adam retreats from me, storming past Farah and shoving her aside. The young agent only chuckles with delight.
I can barely move, drained from the emotion that Adam’s intention has ripped from me.
“Well, this is certainly…” Nate can barely glance about the confined closet space, already hunched down due to his height. “Cosy.”
I stifle a laugh, clasping a hand over my mouth and hoping it doesn’t attract the attention of the guards skulking about outside like attack dogs.
Nate smiles down at me, the brightness of the expression like a light piercing through the gloom of the darkened space.
“Stop making me laugh,” I whisper, biting my lip and wondering if the shiver coursing through me is from the cold of the shadow or Nate’s body being nearly pressed against mine in the tiny closet.
“But I like hearing you laugh,” he replies, voice quiet and deep and definitely not helping to calm my shiver.
I stare up at him with a cocked brow. “And right now is the best time for that?”
There’s a creak of a floorboard outside of the closet and we both fall deathly silent, gazes glued to the door.
In the silence, Nate’s words reverberate inside of my mind and, when the guards move, on I whisper, “You like hearing me laugh?”
He smiles again. “I like many things about you, Detective.”
“Like my ability to almost get us caught?” I ask, trying to dispel some of the sudden heavy air that’s crackling between us.
“If being cramped in a closet with you is the result, then you can nearly get us caught anytime.”
I flash my wide-eyed gaze to him, stumbling to reply. “You’re joking around again now?” It’s a pathetic attempt to cover up the hope of what he said having more meaning to it than it probably does.
“I’m not joking anymore.” The smile has fallen from his face and been replaced with an expression of such intensity it threatens to make me melt into a puddle right there. With his deep brown eyes blazing with a fire I haven’t seen before, he reaches through the dark towards me. “This isn’t a joke to me.”
“What isn’t?” I croak, my heart fluttering in my chest as his fingers draw a line down my arm.
“Whatever this is between u-“
“Found them!” Mason yells as the closet door is suddenly yanked open.
The electrified air surrounding us seems to pour out through the open door and I stumble back, blinking rapidly as though coming back from another world.
“The guards are dealt with,” Mason says, moving away and shoving a cigarette between his lips.
Nate steps out of the closet, taking a deep breath and then turning to me with a smile. “Shall we return to the others?”
My whole body screams to yank him back into that cupboard, desperate to hear what he was about to say. Every nerve fires inside of me hoping to draw him back.
Instead, I smile, nod, and calm the racing of my heart. “Sure.”
His smile dips only momentarily before brightening and leading us away from the office.
“Come on, we can hide in here,” Farah says, leaping over the office desk, a whirlwind of papers following her motion.
I stare after her with a confused frown. “We have time to get out of here-”
“But where’s the fun in that?” she says with a grin and I roll my eyes in defeat, following her to the closet on the far side.
We cram ourselves inside, Farah snapping the door shut and plunging us into darkness.
“Lucky I can still see…” she whispers, her words tickling against my ear.
I purse my lips. “No need to show off.”
“Disappointed you can’t ogle me in the dark?” I can hear the smile in her voice.
“Please,” I whisper with a scoff, “I don’t ogle you in the light.” It’s a blatant lie, but one that had to be said to at least attempt to batter down her ego.
My breath catches in my tight throat when her cheek brushes against mine to lean close.
“Really?” she asks and I know her lips must be so close to my ear, a thought which makes me bite my lip. “’Cause I keep a close eye on you.”
“And why would that be?” I ask in as playful a tone as she’s using, half-forgetting about the guards who will soon descend upon the office outside the safety of the closet.
“Because it’s impossible to focus on anything else when you’re around,” she replies. The warmth of her breath makes my body relax and I lean against the wall to keep my knees from giving out.
I swallow down the storm of emotions her statement draws from me, all of them battering inside my head. “You can’t stop flirting even now?”
“What can I say?” She steps forward, arm brushing against mine and almost making my concentration snap completely. “You force it out of me.” With a gentle touch, she brushes the hair back from my neck, her fingers lingering on my shoulder. “I can stop flirting if you want.”
I’ve never wanted anything less in my life, ever fibre of my being screaming out for more of her touch.
The door to the office creaks open loudly and we shuffle closer in silence. I know it’s fear that should be coursing through my system at that moment, but what I’m actually feeling is far from it…
“You in there, Detective?” Nate calls through the door.
Farah instantly relaxes and releases a breath. “I’m here too, you know.”
Nate laughs and pulls open the door. “The guards are gone.”
“Shame,” Farah says with a disappointed breath. “The Detective and I were getting pretty comfortable.”
I manage a strained chuckle.
“Next time, I’ll set it up so as we don’t get interruptions.” She grins wide and winks, walking away with Nate with apparently no idea of the mess of confusion and emotion she’s left me in.
Of all the people to be stuffed in a closet with, Morgan has got to be the worst possible choice.
“Stop it,” I hiss.
“Stop what?” she asks with about as much innocence as a convicted felon.
“Smirking at me.” I do my best to ignore the expression but it’s far more enticing than even I expected.
She shifts from foot to foot, the movement meaning she presses slightly against me. The touch sends a jolt of excitement striking up my spine and tightens my stomach.
I try hard to ignore it.
“You sayin’ you don’t want to take this opportunity for a bit of fun?” she asks, voice husky and as deep as the shadow we’re standing in.
“Take this opportunity for fun?” I stare up at her, just about able to make out her annoyingly attractive face through the gloom. “We’re stuck in a closet about to possibly be found by five guards who want to tear us apart!”
“We might as well find something to pass the time until they do.”
I roll my eyes. “How about keeping quiet and undiscovered?”
“Quiet?” she scoffs. “Your heart is gonna give us away long before I do.”
My stomach tightens further. “What?”
“Your heart sounds like a truck is slamming against your ribs,” she explains casually. “You think they aren’t gonna hear that? You that scared of them?”
I drop my gaze to the floor. At least she thinks it’s fear making my heart race and not the truth of what it really is…
“It’s not that loud.”
Morgan clicks her tongue and I let out a shriek of protest as she grabs my hand and presses it against the top of my chest. Her hand lies firmly on top of mine.
“Feel that?” she asks, proposition replaced with annoyance. “There isn’t a supernatural alive who wouldn’t hear that.”
My pulse beats a frantic dance against my fingertips, worse now that her hand remains on mine. I risk meeting her gaze, only to see realisation make her expression smooth into a smirk once more.
“Oh…” she says. “Not fear then.”
A crash of footsteps sounds from outside of the closet door and in the office beyond.
Morgan yanks me behind her- a difficult task in the stuffy closet- and stretches her arms out either side to keep me hidden.
But when the door yanks open a familiar laugh rings out.
“Why am I not surprised to find you two in here?” Farah asks.
Morgan groans, shoulders hunching in relief, and then steps out of the closet so as I can follow behind.
“You know, we could have been busy in there,” Morgan replies, struggling to yank a cigarette out of her pocket.
Farah grins. “I thought you were, judging by the colour of our Detective’s face.”
My blush deepens to a burning crimson and I storm past them. “Let’s get back to work.”
Morgan chuckles behind me. “Maybe we’ll get a chance next time, eh, Detective?”
I resist covering my face with my hands and instead hope the ground will swallow me whole.
Hope you enjoyed them! I got a bit carried away :D Thanks for the ask!
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