#girl people were trying to do welfare checks on you
c-kiddo · 25 days
as a little treat bc its the 1 internet drama i have kept up with in any capacity and actually know the timeline and stuff . did you guys see the james somerton update
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To Hell...: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.5k
Summary: A man intentionally admits to murdering ten people he didn’t kill all because his sister is missing. The facts take you to a pig farm where a world of horror is waiting for you.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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According to Will's mother, when Lee disappeared, she begged her son to go out looking for her. It wasn't fair to ask that of him since he'd just gotten home from Iraq, he'd just started therapy for losing his leg, and he hadn't even processed what happened to him yet. Still, he did what she asked, found her, and brought her home.
For two weeks, her mother had Lee going to meetings and trying to turn her life around. She even got her daughter into Welfare, but the day after the first check came, she disappeared. The first check came in on the 2nd, the day after she cashed a welfare check. Going along that theory, Spencer found out that the men are abducted around the 1st and the 15th of every month, which is when welfare checks are issued.
What if the unsub isn't intentionally clustering men and women? What if this is how he best isolates them? He must have a way to isolate them based on how they cash their checks, then he spends the rest of the month kidnapping prostitutes. It would explain the pattern he's created.
However, there is no way to find out where they cash their checks because apart from Lee, you don't know their last names. Luckily for you, Derek went back and talked to one of the men he spoke with about where he cashes his checks. Now, it depends on what they want the money for. Everyone either has to spend their checks on food or shelter, and not everyone wants food and shelter.
So, there is a motel called Greyburn Lodge on 3rd Street that allows people to cash their checks and use them for drugs or other things that aren't food or shelter. The motel cashes the check for thirty cents on the dollar provided they don't use their rooms. They walk away with drug money but they're still on the streets.
Turns out Lee cashed her check there, too.
You make your way to the motel on 3rd Street and walk right up to the attendant who looks scared shitless.
"What's going on?"
"FBI. Have you seen any of these men?"
Derek slides the pictures of the men through the small opening in the window.
"Not maybe. It's a yes or no question."
"Have you been giving them cash in exchange for their welfare checks?"
"They need the cash and I need the business. Nobody gets hurt, folks."
Hotch gets tired of him evading the questions and goes through the back to confront the man in person.
"Garcia traced Lee to this location on the night she disappeared. The others were here, too."
"Have you seen this girl?" Hotch asks and shoves Kelly's picture in his face. Kelly is the only girl who isn't accounted for, and you fear she is the next victim.
"Yeah, she was here fifteen minutes ago."
Hotch turns and uses the printer to fax her picture to the agents back in Canada.
"Did anybody approach her when she left?"
"There was a dealer across the street. He just sits there and then they signal."
You walk away from the booth and toward the street to see if you can see where Kelly is and if she had gotten into a car with someone. Kelly appears before your eyes and walks across the street to a car that looks older and has two tail lights on either side that look like small rectangles. She gets into the car and the car jiggles as if there is a struggle.
Then, the unsub drives away. You have no clue where he's taking her.
If the unsub was here fifteen minutes ago, then he's already on his way through the checkpoint into Canada. Your team heads over there as quickly as possible and meets up with Spencer and Rossi. You think you get there fairly quickly, so if the unsub is going to pass over, you're going to spot him easily.
One hour goes by, then two, and now you're questioning if he's even going to cross the border.
"They should have tried to make the cross at least an hour ago," you sigh.
"Any word from the off-road sites?" Rossi asks.
"I have agents at every known drug smuggling entry. Nothing."
"This unsub's smart. Everything about his plan is well-researched. I think his border crossings would be consistent."
"Are there former shipping lanes somebody could have studied in advance?"
"There's nothing marked," Emily says with the big map on one of the car's hoods.
"Hunters might know the terrain but it's word of mouth. There's nothing documented on any map," Jeff explains.
"What about the underground railroads?" Will asks. "In the Civil War, Detroit was the last stop for a slave before they escaped to freedom in Canada. They made the crossing in this area."
"He's right, but there aren't any historical landmarks that register the crossing points."
"If I remember right, they built a series of Victorian homes along the river to signify safe passage. Some of those homes might still exist."
"The river?" you ask and look at the map again.
"We know your sister's cell phone pinged at a tower near Port Huron. He had to be close by when he crossed the border."
"Wait, guys?" you ask, gaining everyone's attention. "What if he's crossing the border by boat? This place is surrounded by water, and there are no checkpoints in the lake."
Hotch takes out his phone and calls Penelope.
"Garcia, is it possible to cross-reference Civil War maps with Victorian homes that still exist in the Port Huron area?"
"Well, I'm gonna take that question as rhetorical. I've got one. It's three miles south of the Blue Water Bridge."
"Can you send me a GPS map?" She does. "Y/N, you and William are coming with me. The rest of you stay here. We might need to be mobile in a hurry."
You leave with the two men and head over to the location that Penelope sent over. It's right by the river's edge, so it's perfect for someone to exit out of a boat.
"Are you sure this is the spot?" you ask when you get out.
"The house is inland. Access from the water would be here."
"There's nothing here."
"Let's split up. The river's over here."
You go off on your own while still staying close to Will and Hotch. There is a heap of trees bushed together off to the side that is calling your name. You shine your flashlight inside and the light catches the paint of a car.
"I got something!" You push your way through the brush and see a car that has been stashed there. Will helps remove some of the branches and trees to get a better look at it. The license plate has been removed, but you can use the Vin number to see who the car is registered to. "It looks like he might have stashed cars on either side of the river."
"The license plate is missing," Will says.
"Garcia, I need you to run a VIN number for me."
You shine the flashlight onto it and speak loudly for her to hear you.
"Did you get that?"
"Yes, the vehicle belongs to Mason Turner. At age thirty-nine, he went to undergrad in Toronto, graduated second in his class from Michigan Medical Institute, and in 2000, he worked for a public health organization in Detroit."
"Do you have an address?"
Mason's house isn't far from where the car is stashed, so Hotch calls everyone to come out here as quickly as possible. Only until everyone is here, do you gather and listen for instruction. As soon as you step out of the car, you're hit with this wave of death. It knocks you back a couple of feet into Derek, and he catches you so you don't fall.
"What's going on?"
"So much death is here," you whisper.
"I think we have the right place."
"Alright, you four take the exterior," Hotch says Jeff, Rossi, Derek, and Emily. "We'll take the house."
"I've fought on other people's turf before. You don't walk into this situation unarmed," Will says.
"I can't give you a gun, William."
"I've got ten years of active duty."
"Will, the man we find might have killed your sister."
"I need answers. If I shoot him, I get nothing."
"I'm sorry. Stay close. What we find might not be easy."
"I just need to know," Will sighs.
Your half of the team walks closer to the house, and the wave of death is even stronger. You gasp and grab Spencer's arm to steady yourself.
"What is it?" Hotch asks.
"There is so much death. So many victims. I can feel them all," you whisper fearfully.
Hotch takes the lead and enters the house with his gun drawn. There is heavy breathing coming from one of the bedrooms, and you walk inside carefully. However, this isn't something you thought you'd see.
There is a man lying on his bed with a tracheostomy hooked up to a ventilator that is breathing for him. He has mirrors set up all around his room so he can see since he can't get out of bed.
"Sir, are you alright?"
"Who the hell are you? Get the hell out of my house!"
"Are you Mason Turner?" you ask.
"That's not your business."
"He's our unsub?" Spencer asks in disbelief.
The only plausible way that Mason is the unsub is if he has a partner. If he does, then where the hell is he? More importantly, why do you feel so much death here?
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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avastrasposts · 5 months
Some end of year mush for my readers
Below is a longer message that’s more personal so I’ll hide that below the cut for anyone who’s not interested. But before I get to that I just wanted to send a message to all of those who have read my fics this past year. You’re often a bit more anonymous to me than the people I count as friends, but that’s only because I don’t know you yet (seriously, come yell in my inbox, that’s how all friendships here start!).
But I see you all, whether you’re liking your way through 300k+ words of The Pilot and his Girl or just randomly reblogging something short I wrote back in March, I see and appreciate you all. I love hearing what you think about what you’ve read, but if you’re more comfortable just reblogging or liking, that’s more than fine. But I do really notice and appreciate all of you who read and react what I publish. I hope my stories bring a little bit of entertainment and distraction from whatever else your life is. The responses you’ve all given me, it really means the world. Love you all ❤
So to the more personal message.
I want to send a little message out (who am I kidding, I’m unable to keep things short) at the end of the year and tell you all what a difference some things make. But first, to be honest, I haven’t had a very difficult year, I’m ridiculously privileged, and I try to remember and appreciate that. I count my blessings because life hasn’t always been this easy. But I think it makes me notice the difference small actions make, how one act of kindness really creates ripple effects. 
I know others have had very real struggles in 2023 and have overcome, or are still struggling with, real issues and this year has given me the opportunity to see how much of a difference a small online community can make. I appreciate and love everyone of you who has had the guts to open up when things are tough and ask for help, who opened their (digital) arms and inboxes and wanted to help, genuinely help, those who were struggling, by sending a friendly message, by understanding and responding, offering to help, to let them know that they’re not alone. And to let us all have a safe space online where we can be as weird and sad and irrational and deluded (and horny) as we want. 
I know all fandoms have drama but the amount of nice people I’ve met on Tumblr this year by far outweighs any drama. For 99.9% of us, Pedro should be so lucky to have us as his fans! I feel like the goodness that he seems to spread, is emulated among those who go slightly feral (in the best possible way) for him. 
I’ve been fortunate enough to have made a small group of friends this year in the fandom, and these past few months with you guys (you know who you are), have been the best. You’ve made me laugh and cry (and stress out over how the hell I’m supposed to read all of your amazing fics!). I’m constantly amazed by how supportive and kind you are, how, by pure chance, we all stumbled into each other's paths at just the right time and how we now just seem to fit together. Whether it’s about how we’re going to survive the release of Gladiator 2 (seriously, we’re going to need a phone chain or something for welfare checks….) or how to handle any number of just “life” things that we all have to combat. You lot are always there with sage advice, supportive words and encouragement in a way I’ve never experienced with a group of friends before. Seriously, you’re all the best and I’m so happy to be your friend. 
And here's my our sweet Pedro just because this man somehow inspired me to write so many words this year...
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party-gilmore · 1 year
Nerves absolutely SHATTERED today, thanks to escapades last night.
Actually AT the bar was fantastic, trying to make sure all the people i was hanging out with actually got home safe was HELL.
Wound up having to leave my vehicle in the city and convince this girl I'd just met to let me drive her car to her house - with fucked up brakes and an unmarked tube of pills just fucking sitting out in the center console, knowing full well if she didn't have a prescription for those my ass could be just as much on the line (no judgement, just very aware of the legal fallout i could be putting myself at risk for here) - all because she was blitzed out of her MIND and refusing to leave her car where it was and get a Lyft/ride with someone else, utterly convinced it was going to be towed (it wasn't. it was in a perfect spot to leave overnight. but she was the level of drunk where the other thing you can do was try to go with her flow as much as possible while trying to guide her).
Like she hopped out of the car the rest of the group was in when we stopped by it (because she freaking out over thinking it was stolen and we weren't letting her CHECK on it and she just wanted to SEE it - i know, i know, i should've expected this next bit) and had got in the driver's side and fucking started it before I caught up with her. And like. She WOULD not get out, agreeing to drive her home in her car was the ONLY way to get her home without putting other people at risk, because she was GOING to get hurt and possibly hurt others if she drove. Like. Full on dropping asleep, then a burst of erratic behavior, then asleep again, then a burst-
So on, so forth.
And then of COURSE it was to a sketchy fucking part of town, too. Thank g-d her coworker she was there with didn't ditch us like the rest of the group did, who was literally telling me 'hey, we gotta get her inside quick, I've been mugged here before and so have some friends of ours', so we had a good pack of people walking to her apartment.
From the lobby we could wait for our Lyft safely, and managed to get back to my car so i could take him hope too, but like.
FUCK that entire experience just. Still has me so fried. It did not help that, although her coworker friend was very helpful and much more concerned about her welfare than the folks that ditched us, I was still the only sober one through the entire experience.
The levels of just... sheer irresponsibility I witnessed last night...
Is that what going Out is like now? Did people forget how to fucking conduct themselves after the bar? Like these weren't kids just learning to hold their drink, we were most all within a year of 30!!! The one who wasn't was 37!!!
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Melancholic Evening
There is so much going on with my family, that it is hard to process. I must admit I am still confused, on some details. I know this post is going to be all over the place, so bare with me. For the last couple of days my family made plans to rent a cabin for Christmas and Thanksgiving, yes again. Since I tend to ramble, I'll try to get to the point. During a phone call with my aunts on speaker phone, one of my aunts said that my cousins baby should not have to pay. My other aunt(the aunt who acts like me) lost her temper and I said that yes they need to pay for their baby. She also said that the check is spilt between all the family, because it was the most fair option. Well my other aunt began to cry and she hung up on the family. In essential my aunt wanted the family to split money and pay for the baby's part. The problem is that my cousin is an engineer and he "supposedly" makes good money. I say supposedly because his mom has always exaggerated about my cousins. He could be making good money, but not the way my aunt describes it. I feel like she is inflating his salary. Anyway, at this point we are not going to a cabin for the holidays. My aunt told my mom, that she ruined the trip, and that if my other aunt continued to act that way, she would prefer to stay home.
The main problem is my cousins baby mother. Yes I will name her because, I do not consider her family. We were fooled, yes including me, that Jasmine was a nice girl. That she was like our family, from a home that taught respect and morals. Jasmine has been very disrespectful to our family, we have done nothing to hurt her and we welcomed her with open arms. Jasmine has kept the baby away from our family which has deeply hurt my aunt and grandma. She belittles my aunt and expects free babysitting services from my grandma and my cousins sister. Jasmine and my cousin did not invite my mom to their baby shower. I told my mom, what she needs to do is make my cousin pay for a nanny or a babysitter, since he makes good money. My cousin has always been a cheapskate ever since he was little. He loves money, but prefers to spend other people's money, and not touch his own. I think now, knowing Jasmine's nasty arrogant attitude, she thought she found a man to take care of her financially when she got pregnant with my cousin. Well this dumb girl thought wrong because he is extremely cheap, she is not getting a cent out of him. I think I forget to mention that Jasmine right now is pregnant with another baby. We think she got pregnant again because my cousin did not purpose to her and did not marry her. Also that way she can claim child support if it comes to that or welfare. My grandmother wants to tell Jasmine off for her nasty arrogant attitude. Jasmine acts like she is better than my family as if she is filthy rich. She stuck up her nose to our family, when she clearly knows that she is not well off. This dumb girl is planning to go back to college while pregnant and get a job. My grandma says that Jasmine is doing this because she is bored playing housewife. She sees her friends going out and partying and wants to do the same. My grandma said that one day, Jasmine and her trash parents and family, came into her home and acted like they lived there. They went into the kitchen, moved things around and ,went to the bathroom with out asking for permission. You do not disrespect my grandmother this way or my family for that matter. Jasmine and her low class ghetto family went into my grandmothers home and had the audacity to act like they lived there and made a mess. My grandmother is furious that my cousin does not tell Jasmine anything. He allows her to disrespect his own mother. My aunt did not raise him like this. We were raised to have good morals, and to be humble, and be respectful. Jasmine is a shame to our family, this girl is embarrassed by my family, when she should be embarrassed with herself and my cousin. My cousin and Jasmine had the nerve to act poor that way, we would pay for them. Using their baby boy for sympathy, it is so shameful and disgraceful. My cousin should be disgusted with himself, for allowing Jasmine to put down his own mother and disrespect my grandmother. My grandma gave him money for college, and this is how he repays her. He never paid my grandma back, the utter disgrace. He then expects an elderly woman to care for his child free of charge, and also his own sister! This not even the half of it, and I am not going to keep thinking about them because both of them make me so mad.
On another note, my mom was telling stories from her childhood. Silly stories about boys pulling her curly her and teasing her. Stories about how one boy would write her letters and leave flowers on her desk. How she would feel butterflies in her stomach. How all of this was innocent and sweet. This for some reason reminded me of myself, I think because I am a lot like my mom. Sometimes I wonder if back in high school if I had gotten therapy and took medication, I wouldn't have asked him to be my boyfriend. Or even if I did, I would have healed from the rejection and it would not have left my heart shattered. I would have been very outgoing like how I am now, I would have excelled. One important thing is that even though I suffered so much growing up, I created a very close relationship with Jesus. I would cry in the bathroom in the dark and I would pray to him, to save me from this horrible pain. I grew strong through my suffering. I still don't understand why things happened the way the did, but I grew so close to God and my faith has become so strong. I think that part of my life had to happen in order for me to realize I suffered from depression and to heal and to get closer to God. But I still don't understand why I still feel like that was love. I think its because I cried so much and experienced so many emotions at once, that it left a permanent scar on my heart, and left me traumatized. I'm just having another one of my melancholic nights. I feel a weight off of my heart writing all this down. I still wish I had the answers even though the divine plan for my life would not change. Anyway I am going to enjoy the rest of my night, sweet dreams!
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hdittus01 · 3 years
Q.Ko-Chan: the Earth Invader Girl
Manga Review
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Q.ko-chan is a very odd manga. So much so that I’m going to start with something at the end of it. Immediately after the conclusion of its story, the English edition of Q-ko greets us with a segment written by the translator of the series titled “so what happened?”, in which he states the confusion readers feel from the work is present across all versions, and not a kink of the cultural barrier. He even ends the segment by stating you, the reader, should “feel free to write us if you know the answers.”
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Q.ko-chan: the Earth Invader Girl, is a manga series written and illustrated by Hajime Ueda. Originally serialized in the now-defunct ‘Monthly Magazine Z’ anthology from 2003 to 2004, and later translated into English by, the also now-defunct, Del Rey Manga in 2006, the series is two volumes in length and roughly spans 400 pages. As the title may suggest, the series centers on an alien, the titular Q-ko-chan. Q-ko and several other “Doll”-like alien girls have come to earth in an alternative, more war-torn future to our own. The Doll alien girls have the stated objective of being the “welfare guardians” of the planet’s children. This task consists of allowing the children to “pilot” them. Piloting in the series is basically what it sounds like. A kid gets in the Doll girl’s belly and can fly them around and shoot lasers and basically do big fun robot stuff. However, as these kids live in the chaotic and violent world they do, this more often than not results in conflict. Be it with 3rd party aliens that aren’t the dolls, other doll-flying kids, or just random people on the street the kid with the robot doesn’t like. While Q-ko-chan is the title character, the most central characters in the series are easily Kirio Muji, a young boy who is almost certainly a psychopath, and his older sister Furiko.
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Furiko was born a frail girl. She requires a lot of looking-after and this causes her a great deal of insecurity. She’s internalized the idea that her mother only decided to have her younger brother, Kirio, because she wasn’t good enough for her. She envies him greatly. Kirio does not understand his sister. He doesn’t understand most people, in fact. At first glance he seems like a normal kid, but he treats those he doesn’t already favor’s physical well-being with a reckless abandon not seen in most people. He eggs his sister into passing out so he doesn’t have to deal with her talking. He tries to kill some bullies that gave his friend a hard time with his giant robot. This side of him isn’t appreciated by the people in his life, and he’s routinely called out for it. Kirio, despite this, wants to be understood. He doesn’t understand empathy in the same way others do, but this doesn’t mean he’s not a person. He’d like it if all his friends, whose opinions he values, were fine with everything about him, but that’s not how it is. So the next best thing for him to do is to try to understand others. He succeeds in some cases, but his sister, and what she “sees, wishes, and hates” is still a mystery to him. It is through this inability to understand his sister, and his sister’s envy towards him, that the two are forced into conflict at the climax of the series. From what I can gather, the series’ main theme is childhood purity. Or rather, the lack thereof. The dolls are there to save the children from the harmful world around them, but the children prove to be tainted as well. As a protagonist, Kirio is the perfect encapsulation of this theme. Q.ko and Kirio’s friends want him to be better, and he tries, but he’ll never be perfect.
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The series’ artwork is very much that of a brand Hajime Ueda has all to himself. His use of negative space feels rich and unique, his character designs are cute and sleek, and it seems like he never uses more detail than he must in order to get anything across. I’d wager most of the people checking out this series nowadays are doing so because of his work on various sequences in the Monogatari series. Although, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find the art in Q.ko confusing at times. It’s hard to tell if this is a result of the confusing story it’s conveying or the art itself, though. Q.ko-Chan, to date, is the last manga series Ueda has worked on. From the limited pool of his stories that exist, he looks like a passionate writer, so It’s always been odd to me that he seemingly abandoned the medium of manga (and storytelling in general) to do artwork for series that aren’t his. I’d love to see him do another story of his own someday.
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In Q.ko-chan, the subtext is the text. If you’ve ever seen or read FLCL, this basically feels like that. And I say that completely divorced from the fact that Hajime Ueda is responsible for the manga adaptation of FLCL. It has the same vibe and confusing jargon thrown around everywhere without an attempt to make complete grounded sense, with a thematic throughline focusing on kids’ feelings present. While I find the central plot with Kirio and Furiko compelling, there was a lot I just couldn’t bring myself to care for. I was interested in the kids’ mom, but beyond her, the focus on the characters in the military seemed kind of extraneous. I could tell there was *something* there, but it just wasn’t clicking for me. I’m open to the idea of finding more of a purpose for those parts of the story on future readthroughs, but for now it just weighs down the whole for me. There is a lot of filling in the blanks yourself needed in this manga and it’s definitely a series you need to think about for a bit before you can feel like you really “finished” it. I liked the story when I could tell what was happening and what its intent was. I feel like I’ve mostly got a handle on the themes and how the series executes them, but I don’t think I’m ever going to fully understand this thing. That’s part of the fun to be had with it, though.
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chishiyasdiamond · 2 years
When the Dead Come Knocking || Jang Wujin
Part Three
Part 1 Part 2 part 4
Pairing: Wu-Jin X Reader
Genre: horror, gore, fluff
Warming: Death, violence, cursing, blood
Summary: Nam Chae-Young had an obsession with everything gore since she was a little girl, little did she know that one normal day at school would turn into the worst day of her life. Fighting to survive shouldn’t the that hard, right?
Chae-Young and company quickly charge over to the window frantically. On-Jo was the first there right beside Gyeong- Su. Chae looked down to make sure he wasn’t splattered on the ground before looking up and seeing Cheong-San with Su-Hyeok on his back as they both hung from the hose.
“Bare-Su!” Gyeong-Su happily cheers, jumping in excitement. Mrs. Park let out a sigh of relief knowing they were okay.
“You two gonna keep cuddling it up or are you gonna come down?” Chae squints and blocks her eyes from the sun, she could feel Wu-Jin’s presence behind her, alongside Dae-Su breathing down her neck to see what was going on.
“What’s happening? I can’t see!” Joon-Yeong tried to squeeze through.
“Okay, okay, we’re coming,” Su-Hyeok slowly lowered himself. “Miss me?”he ruffles Chae’s hair. When her and Gwi-Nam were friends Su-Hyeok would keep an eye on her too. Long before he abandoned the bullies and made better friends.
“I’m gonna be honest with you, dude. I didn’t even know you were missing,” she giggles at his face. Su-Hyeok’s eyes meet Nam-Ra’s and he excuses himself.
“We need to contact authorities,” Mrs. Park points to the computer. Joon-Yeong quickly took a seat and turned it on. It was incredibly slow. “Ah, come on!”he huffs.
“It’s not turning on,” Mrs. Park states.
“It’s on. “Wu-Jin chuckles.
“Check Instagram, use mine,” Dae-Su says.
“How many followers do you have?” Joon- Yeong asks.
“Use Facebook,” Dae- Su, says embarrassed. Chae- Young snorts and leans over Joon- Yeong. On the Facebook homepage was a bunch of videos showing people running from being attacked. Then a car crash and people going crazy. Then came Chae- Young’s TikTok of her and Dae-Su running and screaming,” They’re faster than the ones in The Walking Dead!” Chae screams, then her camera became clouded from the fire extinguisher. Chae turned her head to see Mrs. Park glaring at her with a disapproving look, because Chae had handed up what Mrs. Park had thought was her phone. Chae quickly scrolls passed,” I can explain, ma’am. I- it- it was Dae-Su’s phone. “She panics as Mrs.Park clicks her tongue.
“Huh?” Dae-Su looks up from the computer, wondering why he heard his name. Chae let out a sigh at the images before her, the streets were filled with people running for their lives and zombies jumping on people to eat them.
“Are we the lucky ones?” she asks, her shoulders falling. “We’re alive, it’s as lucky as we’ll get.” Ji- Min responds. Chae nods in agreement and looks out at the pitches. Everyone they once knew were turned or were running away.
The hose they used to get here started swaying side to side and Chae watched it. “Stay back,” Wu-Jin whispers, holding her forearm.
“It could be wind,” Hyo-Ryeong states, but when the glass shattered and a zombie hung from the rope, she let out a scream and jumped back.
“Quick!” Cheong-San and Su-Hyeok ran over and started to push her out with a broom with no avail. They panicked and Gyeong-Su ran to help. He was grabbed by the hand,” Ah, shit!” he runs back and picks up the computer then throws it at her head. The zombie fell and landed in the bushes below.
Chae sighed and slid down the wall with her hands combing her hair. They needed the computer. “Your hand, you were bitten!” Na-Yeon mutters, stepping back. The two argued some more until Na-Yeon became offensive by calling him a Welfie
“What’s a Welfie?” Mrs. Park questions.
Chae stood up and looked at Na-Yeon with an unimpressed look. “And you’re any better because your family has money? You try bring Gyeong- Su down because he’s on welfare. Well newsflash, Na-Yeon, that ain’t your own money you use, it comes straight from your daddies pocket, you pathetic bitch..” she scoffs with hatred in her voice.
“Chae-Young!” Mrs. Park gasps,” Stand down. “ she orders. Chae rolls her eyes and sits in a chair.
“Does that mean I’m infected?” Asks On-Jo,” I held I-Sak’s hands before she turned. “.
“He touched a zombie. I-Sak was still alive,” Na-Yeon argues. “He has a cut.”
“It doesn’t make a difference, infected is infected and Gyeong- Su is fine. “ Chae defends Gyeong-Su.
“His nose is bleeding?” Na- Yeon points.
“Bare-Su hit him with the brush. “
“Bare- Su hit me with the brush. “
Gyeong-Su and Chae say at the same time.
Mrs. Park ran her hand through her hair and thought about what to do in order to resolve this predicament. Eventually she decided Gyeong-Su should quarantine for 30 minutes to be sure. Gyeong- Su was stubborn, so everyone knew he would stay there longer.
“This is pointless. I seen Bare-Su hit him!” Chae scoffs. She was so done with Na-Yeon and her childishness.
“Why do you always jump down my throat? I’ve tried to be your friend!” Na- Yeon huffs to Chae.
“Because Na-Yeon,” Chae plays with her laces,” you’re a horrible person. You bring down everyone you meet and you’d turn your back on me in seconds. I’m not stupid, I don’t fuck about with people like you. “
“But you’re friends with Gwi-Nam, I’ve seen you two. “
“Gwi-Nam is a good person-“
“He’s a bully,” Na-Yeon cuts her off.
Chae bit her tongue, trying so hard not to cut her pretty little face. Gwi- Nam wasn’t that bad, right?
“I haven’t hung out with him in a long time.” Chae states, turning her back to Na- Yeon to check on Gyeong-Su.
“Ah, he’s so stubborn,” Wu-Jin chuckles, crossing his arms.
“He’s not that bad,” Chae laughs looking at him.
Wu-Jin looks down to her,” Did you put your name tag in my pocket?” He asks, holding her name tag.
Chae’s eyes widened, she was going to, but didn’t in the end. “No, I-“ she spots Dae- Su behind Wu-Jin with his thumbs up. That sneaky bastard.
“Yeah?” It was more of a question on Chae’s end, Wu-Jin smirks and puts it back in his pocket. “I think I’ll hold onto it for a bit,” he winks and walks away. Chae stood there completely shocked, her jaw almost on the floor. She turns to see Joon-Yeong and Cheong-San evidently watching , they both cough awkwardly and avert their gaze elsewhere.
Chae rolls her eyes and goes back to staring at Gyeong-Su, who was sat sulking.
Time went by pretty fast and the sun started setting, before today Chae would say that the sunset was her favourite time of day. She loved nighttime too and how she could sit in her own silence, but under these circumstances, it was her least favourite. It would just remind her that so much could happen in such little time. There was a reason for everything, but what was God’s reasoning for rising the dead and letting them terrorise the living?
Chae turned her focus back to the group; who stood watching Na-Yeon inside the recording booth with Gyeong- Su. Na-Yeon walked out with Gyeong-Su chasing her angrily yelling at her. Chae sighed, deciding to sit this one out.
“I’m right, you’ll all see!” Na- Yeon mutters, hiding behind Mrs. Park.
“She said she hopes I don’t leave this room alive!”
“Did you really say that, Na-Yeon?” Mrs. Park looks to Na-Yeon, who nodded,” Apologise to him. “ Na-Yeon didn’t budge.
Chae felt like she zoned out, not paying much attention until Gyeong-Su’s nose started to bleed. She felt her heartbeat fasten, he wasn’t bitten, she seen Su-Hyeok hit him with the broom and him scratch his hand. There were no bite marks whatsoever.
“See!” Na-Yeon points.
Gyeong-Su shook his head and held his hands before him,” I’m not one of them! Why would I fucking bite any of you’s? We’re friends! You guys are my friends. You have to believe me!” He says frantically.
“We do, we do believe you,” Chae takes his hand.
‘Bite her!’ Gyeong-Su’s conscious spoke to him.
“Stay back!” Gyeong-Su forcefully pushes her back, Chae’s back hit the locker with a thud, making her groan. Wu-Jin quickly helps her as Cheong-San tries to calm down his best friend.
“Why won’t you believe me! What did I do? I don’t understand, I wasn’t bitten!” Gyeong-Su started crying.
Chae’s heart clenched, he was a good friend to her, she felt her tears pour as sadness overcame her. “I’ll let myself out,” Gyeong-Su made his way to the door,” Thank you- stop! Stop it, please. Stop it! You’re scaring me!” he screams, covering his face. He started transforming. Wu-Jin pushes Chae behind him and everyone stood back. Gyeong-Su, now reanimated to an undead being, looks around and let’s out a loud groan
“N-no,” Chae mutters, clutching Wu-Jin. Her mind was confused to how any of it happened.
Soft whistling was heard as Gyeong-Su ran for Mrs. Park, he turned around to Cheong-San standing on the window ledge whistling. That was something the two always did. He ran to attack him but Cheong- San used the hose and jumped back. Gyeong-Su landed on the ground. Chae’s eyes were blurred with tears.
Why was life so cruel?
Everyone fell to silence, all keeping their heads down. Wu-Jin gently rubbed Chae’s back trying to comfort her as best he could. Everyone but Na-Yeon loved Gyeong-Su. He was hard to not love. He was a bubbly teen with a heart of gold.
“I told you,” Na-Yeon huffs, crossing her arms. Nam-Ra stood up catching Na-Yeon’s attention.
“I seen what you did,” her voice was quiet, Prez always spoke in a calm manner, something Chae respected about her because Chae was the complete opposite. “You did it,” she adds.
“I didn’t kill Gyeong- Su!” Na- Yeon lies.
“I never mentioned Gyeong-Su,” Prez tilts her head,” You got your cloth and wiped zombie blood on it… the same cloth you used to wipe Gyeong-Su’s cut with. “
“I didn’t do it!”
“If what you’re saying is true… that would mean she killed Gyeong-Su,” Cheong-San steps up, glaring at Na-Yeon.
“Guys-“ Nam-Ra cut Mrs. Park off.
“Take out your cloth,”
Nam-Ra reaches to Na-Yeon’s pocket,”Don’t touch me!” Na-Yeon pushes Nam-Ra away. Na-Yeon took the cloth out and threw it at Nam-Ra. Everything happened too quick, but all Chae could see was Nam-Ra slap Na-Yeon hard across the face.
Nam-Ra bent down and picked up the cloth,” There’s blood on it,” she states, showing everyone. Chae’s heart dropped. “It’s Gyeong-Su-“
“Wipe your cut with it,” Chae steps up.
“Yeah,” Nam-Ra holds it out to Na-Yeon.
“His blood is dirty-“
“Cleaner than yours, Pretty. Prove your innocence or I’ll wipe it on your cut for you,” Chae threatens, now beside Nam-Ra.
Na-Yeon grabs it and bends down, pausing before she wipes her cut, just as expected, she didn’t wipe it,” I’ll die. I did it, is that what you wanted?” Na-Yeon started crying. Mrs. Park gasped, not sure what to say.
“You murderer!” Cheong-San pushes her on her ass. Chae wobbles slightly, since her ran between Nam-Ra and Chae. Na-Yeon’s back hits the door and she started to cry.
“I have no friends, I don’t need you,” she sniffles standing up.
“You backstabber,” Chae grits angrily, how could she just kill Gyeong-Su because she was wrong?
“I don’t need you people. You always looked at me like I’m a monster,” she opens the door and leaves.
Wu-Jin steps up to stop her, but Mrs. Park blocks the door.” I want you all to survive for me, okay? If something feels too easy, don’t do it. Stay together. “ she smiles and opens the door, running after Na-Yeon.
“No!” Dae-Su runs forward. “Hey!” Chae grabs him back. “They made their choice. “ she pats his chest and walks to the window ledge for fresh air.
The world that Chae fantasised about all the time wasn’t close to this. In her world, everyone survived. She always asked herself what would she do in a situation where zombies were real, and her reply would be simple- survive. But the reality of it all was so much more complicated. In this world now, people were going to die and a hell of a lot of them, but was she prepared for that world? Could she deal with losing her friends and family in the hands of monsters that ate flesh.
Now it’s about survive. Survival of the fittest.
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bondsmagii · 3 years
People will say censorship is bad and everyone will act like you’re trying to defend the movie Cuties or some shit (you know, the movie where the child actors had to perform very sexual dances amongst other stuff)
see, this is what I'm talking about exactly, actually. Cuties, the film by a Sengalese-French director with a traditional Muslim upbringing, based on her personal experiences and that was intended to criticise the oversexualisation of young girls? the film that had supervision and assistance available at all times to monitor the child actresses (whose parents were present and activists themselves) and ensure their well-being, and like all films featuring children in acting roles, would have been subjected to constant supervision and checks by people whose sole job is to safeguard the children's welfare?
the film that was attacked and criticised for sexualising children, when it was Netflix who decided to advertise it using an overly sexual promotional poster rather than its original, intended poster?:
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the film that follows a young girl at odds with her traditional Muslim upbringing, who joins a dance troupe formed of other girls her age that, in a quest to find success, feels they have to wear revealing outfits and use sexually suggestive dance moves? who feel they have no other choice but to do this? who thinks she wants to do it until realising that she's been exploited and feeling ashamed and traumatised by the whole thing?
this is exactly what I mean. this film was slammed because of an outside host's decision to make an inappropriate promotional poster, and for those people who actually watched it, they felt so uncomfortable with the content that they felt they had to attack the film and essentially accuse a woman who has lived through large chunks of these experiences herself of supporting child exploitation and sexualisation. nobody stops to consider the fact that this is supposed to make you feel uncomfortable. sometimes art and film and literature is not supposed to be a fluffy coffee shop queer love story. it's supposed to disturb, to teach, to make you think. it's supposed to make you experience unpleasant emotions, so the suffering of those being represented is made real to you. you are supposed to feel shock, and horror, and anger, and grief. you cannot truly hope to empathise with another's injustice if you do not.
anyone who seeks a better society but refuses to engage with the reasons why the society needs to be improved because it makes them feel uncomfortable is an embarrassment. children are being exploited, and people are clutching their pearls because a movie poster made them feel squicky? grow up. to be a healthy, well-rounded person with the emotional fortitude and empathy required to help improve the world, you need to expose yourself to discomfort. your coffee shop AUs might help your friends feel better after a shitty day, but they're not helping change anything in the long run. pick up a book. watch a film. get out of your comfort zone and feel something for someone else for once.
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poledancingdinos · 4 years
Where Have You Been?
Pairing: Syverson x Female Reader
Word count: 965
Warnings: fluffff, hints at smut but not really
A/N: I’m writing this as the ideas come up so check out the Sy one-shot section of my masterlist for the chronological order.
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Previous Part
You were running frantically around the house trying to remember everything that would be needed for the rest of your day at the office. Your husband was watching you from the couch with your daughter standing on his knees, supporting herself with her tiny fingers wrapped tightly around both of his indexes, as she bounced happily.
“Are you sure you’re comfortable taking care of her alone all day?”
“Darlin’ stop that, you need to go back to work. You’ve been cooped up in this house for the better part of a year with no adults to talk to and I think you’ve forgotten how to have a grown-up conversation.”
You leaned down to kiss your husband’s hairy cheek.
“We can have a grown-up conversation right here,” you proposed seductively.
“You’re not gonna trick me into makin' ya stay home. Look at this face.”
He held up Ellie so you could see your daughter over his shoulder. She was grinning from ear to ear as she released a small squeal.
“Does she look worried? It’s one day at work then you don’t have to go in again until next week.”
Sy had gotten much more confident around Ellie in the months since his return and was now fully enjoying fatherhood. The sheer confidence in his tone caused a wave of relief to wash over you, giving you the final push needed to walk back out into the adult world. Sy stood from the couch holding your daughter so she was sitting on his forearm, her back to his chest, before joining you at the door. They watched you get into your car and Sy held her hand to wave at you as you prepared to exit the driveway.
“Say ‘bye mama’,” he whispered, nuzzling into Ellie's short dark hair.
You expected to find your husband and daughter impatiently waiting for you when you returned home, but instead you were only greeted by your grey-nosed German Shepherd, Aika. You attempted not to panic as your mind went over the worst possible scenarios, but trusting Sy fully with your daughter’s welfare, you quieted those thoughts instantly. Instead, you busied yourself with making dinner and setting the table until you heard the front door open and close.
“Hey, where have you been?”
“We took a little trip to the mall.”
You nearly dropped the pan you had been holding.
“I’m sorry… Where?”
He walked into the room holding three bags of varying sizes and Ellie still strapped in her car seat.
“You expect me to believe that you, of all people, just spent the afternoon at the mall with our infant daughter?”
“Yes, I did. Why is that so hard to believe?” He sounded wounded, like you were criticizing his parenting skills.
You moved to wrap your arms around his neck and kissed him softly, an amused look on your face.
“Baby, you were wearing that exact shirt when we first met… a decade ago. You don’t shop, much less go to the mall.”
He looked down at his tattered black shirt.
“Okay, you may have a point… but I wasn’t shoppin' for myself, so it’s not the same.”
He set the bags on the counter and unstrapped your daughter from the removable car seat.
“Then what’s all this?” You waved your hand over the counter.
Your husband’s blue eyes became soft and his lips curled up in a guilty grin. He bounced your daughter on his hip and kissed her temple softly.
“Should we show mama what we bought? Hmm, baby girl? Do you want to show mama what we bought?”
He nodded down towards the bags, silently giving you permission to dig through them. You opened the largest of the bags and began to remove a series of adorable onesies which had a variety of animal prints. The first had drawings of foxes and other woodland creatures. The next, had a single pink flamingo wearing sunglasses. The last was an all black onesie with an integrated tulle skirt which had the face of a cat drawn on the front.
Your heart melted at the sight of the small items of clothing and imagined how much smaller they must have looked in the store when Sy was picking them out. You could imagine him lifting each style from the rack and showing them to Ellie for her approval. You could also imagine all the sales associates melting over the sight. You would have, if you’d been in their place.
“Okay, these are pretty damn cute,” you conceded. Sy grinned, ecstatic to have your approval over your daughter’s clothing.
You moved on to the next bag, pulling out a little red box. You opened it to reveal a pair of little pink shoes with a surfing dinosaur print. They were a tiny version of your favorite style of shoe and he knew it.
“I’m not judging your choice of style because it’s truly impeccable, but are you aware that she won’t be able to wear these for another four to six months?”
“I know, I know… but she chose those shoes, I couldn’t say no.”
“She chose the shoes?” you giggled.
“Well, she picked them off the shelf while she was in the stroller and I agreed with her choice.”
He took one of the shoes out of the box and handed it to your daughter who grabbed it excitedly. Sy beamed with pride at having done something that brought his daughter such great joy.
“Come on, I’ll finish setting up dinner so you can take her for a while.” You picked up your daughter, cooing happily at her before returning your attention to Sy.
“Wait, what’s in the last bag?”
“Oh, that’s for you to wear later tonight,” he said in his deep suave tone. “You promised me a grown-up conversation.”
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dolliedarlin · 4 years
a love like rodger and jessica ⏤denki k.
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s u m m a r y : You and Denki have a love like Rodger and Jessica Rabbit
l e n g t h : 2k
g e n r e : fluff ; praises ; body worship ; supportive kaminari ; best boi kaminari ; precious baby 
w a r n i n g s : mentions of lovemaking
p a i r i n g s : denki k x f.reader
a / n : this is a quick little headcanon I came up with at three am and needed to get out as soon as possible before I lose the will to write it. I hope you all enjoy the read! Feel free to comment and like - tell me what you think, constructive criticism is always welcome.
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❥ You're a self-made millionaire, CEO of a successful skincare and beauty company, investor and supermodel. The level of success you've been able to accumulate over the years is nothing to sneeze at, especially with your young age of 21.
❥ However, you draw more eyes for your beauty and body rather than your accomplishments. It's rather annoying but you've grown used to it.
❥ It isn't a lie that you're as stunning as they come. And with a body that elicits lust and unspeakable fantasies in the men and women around you, it can be said that your beauty has more power than what any of your achievements could ever provide you with.
❥ It's disappointing how you've worked so hard but still seem to achieve so little despite the empire you've built from the ground up.
❥ You've turned many young and handsome, accomplished men down, no longer your naive self. Even with their own triumphs and wealth, you can see their true intentions when looking into their greedy eyes.
❥ They only want you for your body and only regard you with contempt - there was no love, there was no honesty, they never did anything to make you feel comfortable or smile.
❥ That was all you wanted.
❥ But, perhaps, it's too childish to think about such things now.
❥ You had given up all hope and with that loss of hope came a hardened shell that nobody could break. Deep inside your heart, you still wished for a fairy tale romance and a happy life where you could smile freely and be comfortable, which is why your piercing glare, harsh demeanor and cold speech manifested in defense of those desires.
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❥ It was a normal day at work; you had several meetings to attend concerning collaborations with other brands in the morning before you needed to head off to attend a photoshoot for a magazine concerning skincare.
❥ You had just been on your way to said photoshoot, in fact, when a villain attack hastily painted an image of red and blue lights, panic, destruction, and screaming people before you.
❥ Upon realizing that you were in the line of attack, you rushed to exit your car. You have been a victim of your own clumsiness many times in the past despite their rare occurrence, but ill-luck had you tripping over in your attempt to flee, causing a stinging pain to shoot up your right leg.
❥ With your back turned and crumbled to the floor in pain, you became an easy target and didn't register the careless attack directed towards you until you heard a shout of warning.
❥ "Woah! Watch it, lady!"
❥ Behind you was the Stun Gun Hero himself: Chargebolt! You had never interacted with heroes but you greatly admired their work, heroism, and sense of justice. Keeping the peace and putting villains in jail brought on a sense of security that you never took for granted. However, you had never been more grateful for their presence than that moment.
❥ "Hurry and run away!" at his command, you attempted to stand and run off but instead was painfully reminded that during your fall, you had managed to sprain your ankle.
❥ What terrible luck.
❥ "I-I can't-" you almost sob, hating how powerless you were feeling in that moment, "I think I sprained my ankle,"
❥ You heard him mutter a curse before shouting at the other heroes on-site to cover him whereby he then took the chance to rush in carrying you in his arms and run to safety.
❥ "P-please be careful," you plea, worried about his welfare as you wrap your arms around his neck for security.
❥ "Don't worry about it!" he flashes you a toothy grin, "Just hold on tight and I'll get you somewhere safe! You can count on me!" for once in your life, even though you were still in a dangerous setting, you felt comfortable and safe.
❥ In this stranger's arms, you felt protected - it was a wonderful feeling. It made you lean even closer into him, catching a whiff of his husky scent combined with his sweat. What a pleasant aroma.
❥ Maybe you should make a perfume inspired by it and have him model in the commercial?
❥ This wasn't like you, you're embarrassed to admit. Even though you're in danger, you would still do anything to keep him close to you or see him again. You weren't some lovestruck school girl, you needed to get a hold of yourself!
❥ Finally at a safe place, he set you down as he panted heavily, "Damn, I need to get better at cardio," huffing out a breath, he checked you over, "you alright?"
❥ "Other than the ankle, I'm good," you smiled up at him, trying to convey your gratefulness.
❥ "Great! The ambulance will be here soon for any casualties so-..." he pauses. In the heat of the moment, his priority had been your safety and so he hadn't really taken the time to look at you, really look at you, and see how beautiful you were. Now that he had caught his breath, and began to process that he had carried a beauty in his arms, who was now smiling up at him, a dangerous heat crawled up his neck and blew steam out of his ears.
❥ "A-are you okay?!" had he been hit by something while he was carrying you off?
❥ "So beautiful..." he muttered, continuing to stare at you, your face, your body, even straining his ears to better hear your sultry voice.
❥ "What was that?" with a tilt of your head, Kaminari had to turn his gaze away so as not to get even more flustered and possibly die from too much blood rushing to his head. Beautiful and cute - a dangerous combination to have in a woman. He could fall to his knees and submit to you right then and there, shamelessly. It took everything in him to hold back.
❥ "Y-you're just really beautiful, sorry."
❥ For once in your life, someone was being honest with you. Yes, many people have called you beautiful but their reactions were never as raw or red as the hero standing before you. It was amusing and made you want to keep him close.
❥ "Thank you..." you had to say, he was pretty easy on the eyes as well, "you are also very handsome,"
❥ "Why thank you, pretty lady~" he sent you a playful wink which made you giggle, only spurring the male to continue his flirtatious act. It might have been out of habit or maybe it was a defense mechanism since he's never come across someone so beautiful before, either way, he was already dropping another cheesy pick up like before he realized what he was doing, "but, you know, you're very pretty and I'm cute..."
❥ "Hmm?~" you raised a brow, where was he going with this?
❥ "Together, we'd be pretty cute,"
❥ You didn't mean to offend him but you laughed and laughed and laughed, not realizing how his once grinning face had turned downcast and flourished red with embarrassment.
❥ "You have a point there," you giggled, catching the male off guard and almost making him self-combust, "whatever shall I do?~" you ponder aloud, looking at him with a twinkle in your eye.
❥ "Well...it just so happens that I'm writing a phone book," time to shoot his shot, "can I have your number?
❥ "Of course, you can~"
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❥ Meeting Denki was a blessing in your life.
❥ He's a goofball with a heart of gold that was always getting overlooked by women, as he's told you on one of your many dates together.
❥ "It's their loss," you hum as you cuddle up into his side, his arm laying across your shoulders, "because you're mine now~"
❥ Truly, he was your ideal man.
❥ He never took you for granted, he was always honest, he praised you and worshipped you like a goddess and he made you feel loved and comfortable being yourself, which is what mattered above all else.
❥ In return, you were his ideal woman.
❥ You freely loved him for who he was, when people told you you deserved better than him, you shut them down quicker than a lightning strike, you actually liked his cheesy pickup lines and flirted right back. The achievements he's been able to get as a hero, you still praised no matter how small, as if he was the number one hero himself - you would even go so far as to say that he's your number one in everything. And, for a bonus, you were the beauty amoungst all beauties!
❥ All those rejections, all the insecurities he had to go through by being rejected by multiple women was all worth it because now he had you in his life.
❥ "Where have you been all my life, Denki? How did I ever live without you?" you sighed into the crook of his neck, straddling his lap as he hugged your waist and gave you a kiss on the temple.
❥ "Babe, that's my line," he chuckled.
❥ At first, he was always so flustered around you but over time, he's grown a reasonable amount of immunity. That didn't mean he stopped praising you for your achievements or worshipping your body whenever you were in bed together, however. He still did all those things.
❥ If others praise you, he didn't stop them because he knows you deserve all the praise but when he found out that you didn't take their words to heart like you did his and explained why, he made sure to be off patrol that night and kept you with him between the sheets until sunrise. For hours, he worshipped your body like a temple made of gold. Between kisses and gasping breaths, he applauded you for your achievements and assured you of all flaws you saw in yourself.
❥ That night you realised the true meaning of 'making love'.
❥ In hero awarding events, you'd accompany him dressed elegantly, with your hair and makeup done and smelling as intoxicating as you looked.
❥ "DEnKi How DArE YOuUuu!" his close friend, Mineta (you think it was), sobbed at the sight of you and him together on the red carpet as a couple. Even though they were friends, Kaminari instantly stood in front of you so as to shield you away from Mineta's perverted gaze.
❥ "Thank you, Darling~" you cooed, giving your blonde hero a kiss on the back of the neck before nuzzling in between his shoulder blades.
❥ On the outside, Denki allowed himself to grin and pull you into his arms with a cool air about him, seemingly unaffected by your actions but you knew him better than that. It was only because cameras were around and he needed to keep up his image. Inside, he was melting into a puddle of goo and you know it. He, very well, could've brushed you aside to appear better like all the other men you unfortunately dated before but, instead, he makes you feel special and loved.
❥ "I know I'm the luckiest guy in the world but please be more respectful Mineta," his arms tighten around you securely, shielding your curves from prying eyes. Appreciating the gesture, you turn his face to capture him in a kiss. It's a kiss that still makes his knees weak even after months of dating.
❥ "Let's go to our seats, dear," you lead the blonde away by the tie, knowing how your kisses can sometimes leave him releasing small bolts of electricity from his palms and fingertips. It was cute how a simple kiss could turn him as dumb as he was when he overused his quirk would, only in a slightly different way.
❥ Vice versa, whenever you had a big company party or event, Denki always made it so that he could attend the event with you. He wanted to be there to protect you and shut the men down who tried to approach you with ill intentions.
❥ With your human Pikachu around, you came to love going to events. It was a time where you could dress up just for him and eventually get undressed by him the moment you arrived home.
❥ Endless praises, endless love, endless comfort, endless laughter. That was what it felt like to be with Denki.
❥ He was your Rodger and you were his Jessica
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bnha mlist . 
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magicalgirlfan666 · 3 years
Alfea's Magical Girl Fairy School (Winx Club Reader Insert)
Chapter 1: First Day & Dormmates
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This Winx Club Fanfic was brought to you by DragonStar sponsored by Winxwasmychildhood.org which was made possible by viewers like you enjoy 
Fair warning: not everything that's going to go down in this will be from the tv series since I like doing my own thing with fanfics that I write so just so you don't get confused I placed this here as a heads up. Now you know.
P.S this is a reader insert that means you are the Main Character of the story.
______: First name
(I will be giving you an eye color I hope that you don't mind ^^')
(h/c) Hair color
(Same with skin color again I hope you won't mind)
I will be giving you the last name this time.   
Finally, I have now come of age to attend Alfea, it was something that I have been looking forward to going. In hopes of improving upon my magical powers and gaining what I need to be a good queen to my people. My Mother and Father also warn me to not only study but to be on look out for any royalty students attending as well so that I may make good relationships with them to help further prosper our kingdom.
But to only seek out royalty anything other than studying and bettering myself is unnecessary thus deserving no further attention, and I had no plans on going against it for nothing else piques my interest.
For I was taught to have nothing else to gain my interest other than my kingdom: Frozonia, if it prospers I prosper. Anything and everything I do is for it and it alone. No desires for myself no wants or needs for myself other than the want and need for a glorious kingdom.
It didn't take long for me to arrive to Alfea, there were a bunch of other girls at the front waiting for Griselda to finishing verifying if rather or not they belonged here. One girl was having a bit of trouble since Griselda was having trouble finding her name on the list and it wasn't til the girl told the older woman how her name was spelled did she finally spot the name and allowed her access.
The red head in front of me appeared to be worried as the two whispered about something, I saw the blonde female rip apart a letter for a reason unknown to me before approaching Griselda.
"Hello Ms. G this is Princess Varanda the princess of Callisto" I glanced to the redhead who was acting funny, I found it odd about how she was acting when being introduced but wrote it off as none of my concern, Griselda argued over the blonde who's name I now learned was Stella, return to Alfea especially after what she did to their science class to which Stella replied on how her parents did pay for some of the school's new stuff.
I was getting a bit annoyed at having to wait for the pair to finish their chit-chat, have preferred that they have this kind of personal chat when she doesn't have to allow access to a bunch of girls waiting to get in but since I have been taught to keep these sort of things in check so I knew not to voice this. 
Though I was also taught to offer my honest thoughts and opinions and to be blunt a queen as no time for beating around the bush since I was not asked there was no need. My people though blunt and truthful with what we say, we tend to be a silent and quiet bunch only speaking when spoken too or when necessary.
 I didn't deem now necessary, finally, they finished and I was finally next. "Name?"
"_____ Frosthart Princess of planet Crystria" I answered with a stoic face and a voice void of any emotion. 
"Ah yes I see your name right here, go right ahead" I wasted no time walking through the gates and into Alfea, soon the head mistress Faragonda showed up and give a big speech before we were allowed to go inside when she finished. I quickly located my room and it appears two of my dormmates where already here.
One was a orange-blonde hair girl with a bob-cut hairstyle and hazel eyes, the other a fair-skinned girl with long, chest length brown hair with neatly brushed bangs above her eyes, while she has a strand or two hang over her shoulders with sea blue eyes. Both girls appeared friendly enough as they greeted me.
"Hi I'm Amaryl and this is my friend Francine" The two offered a kind and friendly smiles as they stuck their hands out for me to shake. I stared for a brief second before accepting their kind gesture.
"So would you happen to be Looma or ______?" Francine asked, before I could respond another voice spoke up. All three of us turned to the entrance of the room where the voice originated from.
Standing there a was brown hair, green eyes girl with her hair styled into a tight bun and two braids in the front. Her eyes shone bright with kindness and excitement. "Hello" She greeted kindly, placing her right hand on her chest. "I'm Looma and it would seem that from now and we will be dormmates" 
"Ah so then that would make you _______" Francine said before returning Looma's greetings, as they started to converse I went to my room and used my magic to unpack everything. It wasn't long before Looma walked in still smiling.
"Looks like you already picked your side of the room" She said as she walked over to the other side and did the same as me with her magic as she unpacked I noticed she had a lot more clothes than I so it was safe to assume that she was really into clothing and fashion. She also had a few other things to make her own clothing.
"You weren't there when I told the others but if you ever need any clothing or some specially made feel free to ask all I need are some cool stuff to make them out of or if you want just buy some off me, it's really no trouble since I'm always making more than I really need" She gave an awkward laugh when addressing her lack of self-control on making clothing.
I don't really think that I will be needing any clothing specially made from her or to purchase any off her anytime soon but did make sure to keep note of it just in case. You never know when this knowledge might come in handy.
I nodded to let her know that it was acknowledged, she smiled in returned and started going over to the desk she unpacked and got to designing something that I can only assume was clothing.
I didn't have anything planned so I just sat down on my bed reading as my roommate hummed while drawing which I didn't mind since I would only tune it out once I get adsorbed onto the book.  And in no time at all I was soon lost into a land of my own.
That is until a rabbit came out of nowhere and hopped right onto my book and soon a girl's voice shouted out a name that wasn't mine or any of my dormmates. 
"Kiko!" She came rushing in and stopped once her blue orbs landed on the gray little bunny who was smiling sheepishly, they soon turned to me as she took notice that he was standing on my book. 
"I'm so sorry, I don't know why he went running off like that" She appeared to be genuinely sorry for her rabbit's actions as she stared into my icy blue eyes. 
I looked at her for a bit before turning my gaze to her rabbit and picking him up, the moment my hands made contact with his tiny little body he started to shiver but it wouldn't last too long since he would soon be in his master's hands as I handed him over. 
"It is fine any damage done I can easily fix but do try to be careful next time" She nodded as she took the little bunny in her hand's as he immediately started to warm up.
"Right it won't" She nodded as I returned to my book. She got the hint that I didn't wish to speak anymore and soon left as I picked up where I unwillingly left off. 
I finally reached the end of my book and was left wondering why did the main character make such a choice? Why did they choose to abandon their kingdom for someone else? It didn't make sense, no matter how many times I read books like this I could never figure it out. 
Since the day I was born I was told that the kingdom and the people's welfare were to be placed above all else which means doing whatever was necessary to make sure that our kingdom was prospering. 
So for her to make such a decision only leads to one thing for me to believe since it was the only thing that made sense, her tutors didn't educate her well enough at all, I just hope that other kingdoms in this story learn from this and never hire that person again.
I sighed as I placed my book onto the stand next to me and soon realizing that it was now night time, I must have missed lunch.... I look over to check on Looma and she was still drawing, I get up to tap her on the shoulder which startled her.
"Oh it's you, sorry you kind of scar-" Her eyes glanced around the room before landing back on me. "Um.. is it night time?" I nodded.
"Darn that means I miss lunch" She pouted before looking to me again. "Why didn't you say anything?" I pointed to my book.
"After finishing my book I was only now made aware" She looked over at my stand(no that's not a jojo reference) before nodding and then smiling. 
"I guess that means we are sort of alike only we get far too absorbed in different things" She giggled before yawning. "Well not that it matters now I'm far too tired to eat anyway" She stood from her seat heading over to her bed.
"I'm going to head off to bed, night" She hopped into the bed pulling the sheets over her as I soon deiced to do the same as well.
Closing my eyes I soon drifted to sleep, one that was dreamless as usual for me they normally were anyway. It happens so often that I can't remember if I ever had dreams before or maybe I just simply can't remember them... whatever the case it doesn't really matter all that much anyway.....   
Okay so, this has already been posted on my watt pad and quotev, and is how it will be staying, the next parts will be drafts and possible outcomes
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lyssalis-corner · 2 years
Chickie Diary Entry #3
Things people told me/wrote about having chickens;
- It’s so easy!
- You can totally do it by yourself!
- It’s so rewarding!
- The chickens are so low maintenance!
- It barely even smells bad!
- Everyone can do it!
These things, while not out right lies, (with the notable exception of number 2, 4, & 5) are gross exaggerations. What, I hear you ask, is the truth?
- It’s so easy!; No. Nope. Nu-uh. I have concluded, after several weeks, that having six baby chickens is actually almost equal to A) having two excitable puppies, B) having an actual human baby (so, yeah, I could sleep through the night. But my Chicken Anxiety? It never sleeps.), or C) having a pet fish. Yes, these are all experiences I am personally familiar with. (Luna and Sable were adopted at the same time, as puppies. I have two siblings. I had a fish when I was smaller, his name was Nemo Buddy, and he was not a clown fish. He was a beta.) The Chicken Anxiety is pretty much never ending. When I go out; Did I put the lid back on the brooder right? What if they over heat? What if they run out of food? What if they ran out of WATER?  When I sleep? Nightmares about them escaping and getting eaten by the dogs & the cat. When I am generally not doing anything Chicken Related; Are the chickens okay? Did they tip their water over again? Have they pushed all the litter to the sides? Are they roosting on the food container again?! It’s really the never ending curse of someone who is generally too empathetic, I guess.
- You can totally do it by yourself!; No, I cannot. Now, truthfully, this could actually have something to do with the fact that I am almost but no quite 5″ 2′, and the brooder box is literally almost five feet long. I can absolutely not change the litter by myself for that reason. I always need an extra set of hands. I am only, like, four inches taller than it if someone stood it on end. Also, I need an extra set of hands because those chickens are fast, man. If someone isn’t operating the lid on the transfer box while in the actual act of transferring, they will escape. Take my word for it.
- It’s so rewarding!; I actually having nothing bad to say about this one. It is totally true. Particularly if one is a high empathy personage. They are my babies, and you can fight me on this.
- Chickens are so low maintenance!; And so, supposedly, are fish. I dunno if you’ve ever had a fish before, but the actual process of cleaning and maintaining their tank, making sure the water is balanced right, etc. Is very involved. This ‘lie’ mainly came in the form of being told that I could leave the chickens alone all day and go to work. Nope. Maybe our chicks are just exceptionally dumb? But I try to check on them every two to three hours when I’m home, if I can. (I’ve actually managed to make that less recently, via some clever jury-rigging on the part of Mother involving a baking rack) Why, you ask? They tip over their waterer. And their food. It makes a mess. And fill their water full of pine bedding. I have to clean it out several times. A Day.
- It barely even smells bad!; Sure, in the beginning, maybe. But chicken poop smells, my friends. Don’t raise chicks in your home.
- Everyone can do it!; Biggest problem with this, I have bad knees. (stares vaguely into distance, thinking about the ridiculousness of that statement) Yes, I am in fact, only in my late teens. But it is the truth. How? Genetics. I struggle with dislocations. A Lot. So, even if the brooder box wasn’t almost as tall as I am, I couldn’t empty it out by myself, anyway. In fact, I have actually been spectacularly useless in the efforts to build the coop, for this exact reason. So, think about that if you are considering getting chickens.
And now, for the actual chicken welfare update!
The chickens are getting in their big girl feathers! They are actually resembling Chickens, and we can tell them all apart. They are starting to develop lil’ personalities. Ms. Lemon (named for Poirot’s long suffering secretary) is actually the second most tolerant chicken, and also the second eldest. The most tolerant (and biggest) is Julia, named for the coroner on Murdoch Mysteries. She also has the lightest coloration. Ms. Marple is sweet, an will stand pets. Which is interesting, because the rest scatter when a hand is put into the brooder. Mrs. McCarthy (named for the Father Brown character) is also of tolerant temperament. Irene, named for the infamous Irene Addler of the Shelock Holmes story A Scandal in Bohemia, is the most fluffy, and the boss. She is the white silkie, delights in bossing everyone else around, and is the most vocal. She hates being picked up, with a seething passion, and is the only one to ever actually peck me. A diva to the last. Poirot is our suspected rooster. As he/she grows older, I am, quite frankly, less sure of this diagnosis. Calm once picked up, and definitely the youngest (as in, I can still hold him with one hand, but the rest require two). Time, I suppose, will tell.
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reynie-muldoons · 3 years
'Depends on the Wagon' liveblog!
I saw someone do timestamps in their liveblog and it was absolutely lovely, so I think I'll try that too
1:55 why does Curtain sound like an mlm ceo LMAO
2:07 WOW ASSHOLE 😂😂 waving off your own teacher when he was complimenting you is not the vibe
2:17 so Dr. Curtian is only available through chain emails. Got it.
2:27 he seems like the kind of asshole to say that people on welfare are lazy and exploitave but then like, not pay his taxes
2:47 oooooh Constance, always asking the right questions
3:05 Kate, why are you yelling, it's literally past curfew 😂
3:35 oh hai Jackson.. gtfo
4:22 oh yeah, the best way out is through the hallway that Jackson just entered. Good plane, babe.
4:25 soooo Kate Depending On Friends arc :)
5:13 why do I kinda fucking love then all deciphering the Morse code together
5:20 so the kids use the gemini riddle? Not the adults???
5:36 his face when he figures it out 😭😭😭
5:46 Nathaniel? Guess that's Dr. Curtain's name now. Less ridiculous than Ledroptha, but you dont get the badass Let Drop the Curtain reference
6:53 okay so no one knew he had a brother? But he did???
7:21 his faaaace 🥺
7:29 AWWW HE COULDNT BRING HIMSELF TO SHARE 😭😭😭 okay I'm kinda on board with the change if they can make it work in the long-haul
7:42 hi Milligan, good timing 😂
7:56 "not the time.........I'll take a dozen" Number Two my LOVE
8:23 interesting. I dont think Mr. Benedict was adopted in the books? He certainly didn't let Violet's family, the Hopefields, because he knew their financial troubles would be even worse. So who?
8:54 ohhhh dear, stages of grief at work. Maybe don't do that
9:05 I talked about this in the MBS discord server, but I think the show is really nailing Mr. Benedict's feelings. He's always been an emotional person, but he has to be so careful. Bottling up your feelings only leads to bigger feelings later. It makes so much sense for Mr. Benedict to be a whirlpool of strong, repressed emotions.
9:40 Mr. Benedict, sweetheart 🥺❤
10:01 "brothers stick together" why does it sound like he's talking about Reynie here 😭😭😭😭
10:12 that is a good ass point, Mr. Benedict already lied to them once
10:21 it makes sense for Sticky to be the one questioning the most because of his anxiety, but damn
11:00 I dont like how aggressive Kate is but it makes sense considering she's been in the circus for years, taking care of herself for far longer than she hasn't. She's not good at depending on people, and she's not good with difficult people.
11:10 Yeahh, Constance gets it!
11:40 Yeahhh, Constance gets it
12:55 that teacher seemed pretty nice last episode, nice to see that they're not what they seem just the same as Dr. Curtain lol
14:00 "check again" okay so Krista from the tests and Martina give off the same vibe.. perfect 😂
14:16 "yeah......hang in there :D"
15:05 all of the apologies to the general class.. he's such an anxious sweetheart. He's really reading as autistic to me.
My sister just called me 😑 it's like 8 am, I answered her like "did you ever consider that you might be waking me up?" She did not consider that 😂
15:22 Martina's face just growing more and more annoyed and disgruntled HAHA
15:29 that was CORRECT?? WHAAAA
15:51 throwback to when I compared Dr. Curtain to an mlm ceo.. definitely like a cult
16:44 ohhhh Martina
18:22 ayyyyyy helper man
18:40 he seems too cheery to be a helper .-. The helpers all being super sad made [redacted]'s story make a whole lot more sense
19:35 aaaand now we get to it. You know, it really does seem a lot more cultish on screen than in the book
19:53 that cut to Milligan making that exact face was INCREDIBLE
20:05 was he tryna leave? Yeah, good fuckin luck bucko
20:10 "critical papers at home" my ass, they packed everything up
20:24 the stages of grief back at it. 🥺
20:38 their relationship >>>>
21:00 "located in the..?" *description of envelope* "located in the....?" *more description* "located in the????" 😂😂😂😂
21:34 ohhhhh Thursday must be the student ranking day
21:56 Martina seems like the kind to throw out "pick a god and pray" as a crit quote 😂
22:07 I don't see any of the Society'a names on the list. Maybe they havent been there long enough
22:25 ohh Kate and Constance
22:55 the combination of the ferry horn and the bell makes it weirdly grim
23:55 them bringing Kate up and reminding her that she's needed 😌✨
24:29 hi Milligan bb ilyyyy
24:35 real good lookout guys, y'all are so well hidden
26:31 "visionary" is a word for it
26:31 I really kinda love that Number Two and Rhonda are going to such depths to try and help Mr. Benedict figure this out for sure
26:56 Mr. Benedict fully walking away while they talk about his brothers accomplishments 😂 I'm laughing, but poor guy
27:08 his FACE 🥺
27:28 take your guesses how many times will he fall asleep
27:50 "he just has to work through some things" you dont fuckin say
27:55 you mean to tell me he had a full blown meltdown and they didn't show him falling asleep once??
28:35 like father like daughter 😌✨
29:10 ayyyy secret desk compartment
29:19 honestly I'm surprised there were actually papers he needed and it wasnt an excuse to go confront Dr. Curtain
29:32 oh shit, how'd they manage to get that far inside? No one was there to guard it, but the maze itself is a security measure
29:47 ooooh I like Dr. Curtain's office
30:41 birds have careers. Got it 😂
31:02 the fox?? Reynard the fox???
31:27 ohhh here we go, Dr. Curtain sees himself in Reynie only to resent it later
31:37 Mr. Benedict called Reynie a leader once too.. the parallels have ✨begun✨
32:12 is this the "keep your enemies close" conversation??
32:15 I'm honestly surprised he called him Sticky and not George
32:59 sooo that starts by not letting his caution down with you
33:11 Dr. Curtain congratulating himself mid-conversation on saying something deep is so in character
33:20 "I was betrayed by someone very close to me" so that was Mr. Benedict. Who the fuck else would it be
33:31 oh noooo Reynie starts doubting Mr. Benedict here? Is that the move?
33:43 that transition was so pretty stoppp
33:53 again how hasn't he fallen asleep
34:55 ayyyy journal snooping
35:05 Constance, my love, you are cut throat
35:11 Milligan is in the DRYWALL? ohh buddy be careful
35:21 omfg are they talking about water polo 😂 I love that that's the sport of choice
35:51 ayyyy they put the Milligan dots together too. Shame the guy's not with them rn
36:36 so Mr. Benedict brings up cheating first? I really like how we get to see the adults riddling out what to send back, we didn't get that at all in the books
37:46 I LOVE THAT THEY KEPT "don't get caught"
38:51 Kate riddling out the island schematics engineer style is so like her
39:07 they're just walking out the door?? Huh???
39:29 babe... turn off your flashlight
39:58 is that the precursor to chuckroot?
40:38 the papers were from his orphanage 🥺🥺🥺
41:14 why does that break my heart
41:19 Dr. Curtain and SQ doing shit together it just.. so heartwarming
42:00 HAHA
42:16 okay, so show!Curtain is a kissass 😂
42:35 wait wait wait so Dr. Curtain is actively trying to contain his brother? That would explain why the Recruiters were looking for him and weirdly not the kids
43:25 "power wants to be free" sounds more like a personal mantra than a conversation between engineers
44:02 more voices. Poor Connie girl 🥺
44:36 he loves her so much 😭😭😭
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fizzingwizard · 3 years
I could cry y’all. Episode 37 was SO GOOD. So good!! It truly felt like a Mimi episode, and it truly felt like Digimon Adventure, in multiple ways. It’s seriously fantastic!
I feel at once super duper relieved that this show is, really and truly, capable of this time of episode, and also super duper confused why, if it could do this, it hasn’t been doing it the whole time??
Anyway, we’ve now had four or five solid episodes in a row, so I’m letting myself feel hopeful again!
This episode is called “Mimi Wars,” but I feel it might be more aptly titled “Sailor Mimi”
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In the name of employee rights, I will punish you!
More below!
Okay... so as I was watching this episode, I really got the feeling that they were parodying something again. Like last we had a Mimi episode - far far away in the distant past though it was - when they very obviously parodied Castle in the Sky. That’s twice now Mimi’s been compared with a girl with twin tails, Usagi’s pigtails and Sheeta’s braids xD
Although the poses Mimi uses aren’t exact replicas of Usagi’s, though, so maybe I’m wrong. I got the Usagi vibe from her personality even more, so maybe using the poses would have been considered copyright infringement and so they had to change them a little. Or, maybe Mimi is parodying someone else who also uses dramatic hand movements and talks a lot about justice in spite of being generally clueless...
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See the resemblance? XD
But what I REALLY think is going on is, they’re spoofing the genre in general, while also taking it seriously. That’s important. It’s not just a joke here. This is the girl power episode, in a way, and in my opinion, it’s a better girl power episode than the fare I got used to growing up, which went more or less like this:
Guy: *does something with good intentions but inept*
Girl: Ugh! Men don’t respect women!
Guy: I’m sorry, what did I do wrong?
Girl: I won’t tell you because feminism! C’mon girlfriends, let’s assert our confidence as women by going on a girls night out shopping spree and making a bunch of random guys stare in awe at us for no clear reason!
Girls: Yes! This is third wave feminism!
... that was more or less the formula. It was... awkward. I’d like to blame on “those episodes were written by men who think all feminists are angry feminists,” but I think if I went and checked who the scriptwriters were, there’d be some women in there for sure.
What we got in THIS episode is something I’d actually want my daughter to see. First off you’ve got Mimi, who loves pink and pretty things and comes across as a real girly girl, not to mention a bit of a ditz. And the show’s straight up, “but just because you have flaws doesn’t mean you can’t grow into a great person. Also, being girly is not incompatible with being a boss.”
Mimi doesn’t need to be a man, nor does she need to be a hard ass, nor does she need to be especially kind and sweet to soften her orders. All she has to do, according to this episode, is care about her craft, care about quality, and care about worker conditions.
I mean... a show where the girl boss wasn’t a Russian spy in a former life?? A show where the girl boss isn’t a Stepford wife who got where she is by marrying rich and funding her perfume company that way? She’s... she’s Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde. She gets to be flawed and girly and fun-loving and bossy and ditzy all at the same time. She loves diamonds - but diamonds are no longer a “girl’s best friend.” Rather, Mimi herself is the diamond in the rough!
This actually makes her a really good set with Sora. Sora continues to be both a tomboy and very sisterly. Mimi’s very girly but very bossy. Between the two of them, they can conquer the world. Of course, I don’t know that the show would take it any farther than they already have, but I’m just happy to see this development for Mimi at all. We had it to a degree in 99 Adventure, and Kizuna took it a bit further by making her an entrepreneur. Reboot Mimi is a remix of that for the 21st century.
*deeeeeeeeeep breath*
so... back to our regularly scheduled programming!
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As awesome as Mimi is, she’s not the only one who’s great in this episode. The others get to let their real personalities shine, at least. We needed this episode sooooo bad like 20 episodes ago... le sigh.
Anyway, we start off having mad camp, for some reason (why aren’t they just staying on Komondomon?? whatev)
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Food! They’re going to get food! They’re splitting up and making a plan in order to get food!!! I still miss the “food desperation” of 99 Adventure but hey, at least they’re acknowledging that they need to eat.
Sora advises Hikari and Takeru not to go too far on their quest and Tailmon swears like a knight of the round table to protect Hikari with her life.
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Taichi: Oookay... note to self: don’t piss off little sister’s hotheaded partner...
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Taichi adds that they’re also counting on Patamon, who is just thrilled to go off and play with Takeru.
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Tailmon: *BIG SIGH*
Lol I really love that they’re bringing back the old Patamon/Tailmon dynamic where she’s all grown up serious and he’s got the priorities of a toddler most of the time... It’s Black Widow and Hawkeye bahahahaha
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Taichi even has to warn Agumon not to eat the food becaues they’re supposed to be gathering it to share ;___; omg... we actually get on screen proof that Agumon is a glutton??
Then Taichi tries to “help” by shaking the tree and the tree falls and they -
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humor!!! Poking fun at Taichi even!! Over food!! Because he has a klutz for a partner!!! And because he himself was overzealous!! ;_; I could die of Cute.
Sora absolutely shocks me this episode too. I expected she’d just watch Taichi and Agumon drift away with their folly while sighing and shrugging her shoulders or something.
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She jumps DIRECTLY UP and into the water without a moment’s hesitation, like they’re going to die without her - I don’t even know what her plan is here, she seems to want Piyomon to evolve and pull them out, but why does that mean Sora has to be in the water too?
I think her sisterly instincts just freaked out on seeing Taichi looking wet and confused and clinging to a tree trunk so she just did the first thing she could think of which was “Get to him!!”
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Piyomon then fails to evolve, reason unclear, I suppose she’s hungry... they never do eat though so I’m not sure why she can evolve later xD (probably they eat off screen)
But I mean I just love that we got this bit with Sora. I call it freaking out but she doesn’t seem freaked out - she stays calm and seems decisive and takes action - all good things. It’s just hard to understand her thought process xD But it’s all good info about Sora. (again stuff we needed more of AGES ago)
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Now I had thought this was all just a funny bit that was separate to the main story, but this is how Taichi and Sora end up washed up in the rocky area Mimi is. This does mean Koushirou, Takeru, and Hikari aren’t much in the rest of the episode, sadly. Not sure why but the reboot does seem to struggle with writing episodes for the whole group.
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Like last week, I’m somewhat miffed that, in the end, the main group finds the stragglers instead of the other way around. It’s even worse this time because at least last episode Koushirou told them where he was and they had a reason to go there. This time they have no idea Mimi’s gonna be there and it’s all a big coincidence. On the other hand... I do think Mimi was born under a lucky star, so that explains it. :P
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Taichi and Sora suddenly find them selves trapped Gulliver’s Travels style and they’re both immediately like, “Hmm... something about this situation seems very familiar...”
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Taichi and Sora: Oh that’s RIGHT we totally forgot that the pink cowgirl we hand out with is also TOTALLY BATSHIT
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D’awww. Our future overlord is just so adorable, I don’t even mind when she flogs us in the street
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TBH, up till now they’ve woefully underestimated just how batshit she is. And it’s wonderful.
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So Mimi has happened upon some poor, disenfranchised Digimon who are being forced to work for an evil boss who collects the beautiful gems that grow in this area. Like in 99 Adventure, Mimi will have none of this sort of crap. Her reasons, though, have evolved with the times:
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omg... she voted for Bernie Sanders!
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This is how Harry and Ron reacted when Hermione said she was starting a house-elf welfare organization called SPEW.
Though I joke - like I said before, even though Taichi and Sora are rather mind-boggled by Mimi’s mood swings and fits of passion, and there’s definitely humor there, Mimi herself is not a joke here. We are shown strongly that, however in the clouds her head might be, her heart is not only in the place, it’s also already internalized the fact that people don’t always get treated well in the real world and it’s up to those with power to ensure that are protected.
I mean. At this point, I’m going, “Sorry but ISN’T MIMI THE REAL LEADER IN THIS SHOW?!?!”
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Of course she does have another, less lofty motivation... she really likes pretty stones.
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Mimi’s names are as creative as they are incredible, just like her. Taichi and Sora have trouble keying in with Mimi due to how changeable she is, but they never talk badly about her or reject her. They never try to wrest leadership from her either! Taichi might think Mimi’s names for the stones are over the top, but sort of sidesteps it and just goes along with her plan.
Reason #14567876867867 why I love Yagami Taichi: when someone else is the leader, he can be a follower. And he’ll be the BEST follower. Keep reading to see why.
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The story of how Mimi befriended the enslaved rock Digimon here is pretty much how Goku became besties with Vegeta.
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Men communicate their hearts through their fists! Or swords, depending on the anime. ANOTHER AWESOME SUBVERSIVE MOMENT FOR MIMI - she’s now even got cliche shonen hero tropes assigned to her!
Taichi and Sora, like I said, don’t try to change Mimi’s mind - they’re actually touched by her strong feelings about workers’ rights and her desire to help her new friends -
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Taichi: Wait... what?
Sora: Well, she’s still a ten year old girl.
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The rock Digimon show their allegiance to Princess CEO Mimi. They don’t even mind having their names and identities stripped away and being reduced to numbers on an Excel spreadsheet...
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Taichi: I hate Excel.
Sora: I do too, but I’m more impressed that she remembers the numbers she gave us back in episode 6.
Taichi: Impressed? More like filled with a sense of impending doom
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Only Taichi seems to understand Mimi’s unique power bahahaha.
But back to what I said earlier, about Mimi being the real leader: I don’t know if the show’s gonna keep doing anything with this at all, but I really like that they didn’t NOT do this in order to ensure Taichi’s the only leader. (I mean, Yamato’s so far not made much of a bid for leadership so he’s been pretty uncontested thus far. He also hasn’t had to do all that much leading given how often the group is separated... but I digress)
I love the idea that Taichi can step back and let someone else take the reins when they’re best suited. Which Mimi is, due to her easy ability to make friends and gain trust. Mimi had this ability in 99 as well and it was used in the final battle to muster the troops, so to speak. It ought to have been a bigger deal but wasn’t since she missed most of the final battle :/ But I loved that “social, able to make friends” wasn’t some stupid “Girls talk too much” trait, it was actually something that was useful. This is a great place to take that with the reboot.
At the same time, while Mimi and Taichi both have similar leadership traits, there are places they diverge that potentially make them leaders for different situations. Taichi’s pretty cool and strategic even in emergencies. He was more of a hothead in 99, but Mimi’s always been quick to anger. (And quick to cool down.) As we’ll see in this episode, that’s sort of where Taichi’s true ability lies: he’s serious, determined, strategic, and reliable as well as brave. But this is Mimi’s episode, and Taichi isn’t going to get to be the hero anymore than he (almost) was last week with Koushirou. Because more than one character can have positive leadership traits! Hallelujah.
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Quick nip over to Komondomon and the others - Koushirou’s group is going to try to find them, but Komondomon falls asleep. Oh noes. I wish someone (Koushirou) would ask, out loud, “Gee, what are these strange symbols that appear when we communicate via digivice? Do they mean something? How were they assigned?” I really thought we’d get a hint what with all the conveniently colorful gemstones this episode, but still nope.
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My girl looking like a BAMF!
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Mimi explains her plan to her servants employees. She is surprisingly artistic!
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Sora plays the role of bait to create a diversion while Greymon digs a tunnel to get to where the gems are stored. Mimi congratulates herself on a job well done.
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Taichi: A job well done? Who d’you think has been doing the work here?
Greymon: That would be me.
Taichi: Right, right I was going to say you >.>;
So we do see bits of Mimi’s self-centered side as well - she’s not perfect, but who is? Taichi just lives with it. Mwehehehe.
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... will be fired! LMAO
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No. 72 is Taichi, btw. Mimi gave up calling people by their names for Lent.
Taichi: Lent’s not for over a month.
Mimi: It’s never too early for religious sacrifice.
Taichi: And you’re not Catholic.
Mimi: I celebrate Mardi Gras.
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He’s miffed and he.... just lives with it. Again. xD
It’s hilarious. And adorable. I love both that 1) Mimi is an awesome boss while being, in fact, rather bossy, and that 2) in spite of being a boss type himself, Taichi not only listens to Mimi, but he totally indulges her like he’s her older brother or something x’D He wouldn’t be out of line for saying “I have a name you know!” On the other hand, I guess he knows her well enough to understand that she doesn’t mean anything by it, and... there’s no stopping her when she gets like this :P
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Feel the wrath of Tachikawa Mimi!!!
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So Mimi’s plan has worked so far, and she’s got everyone listening to her despite her questionable business practices, and then she... suddenly rushes off in another direction.
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Taichi: That’s it, I am through being her personal assistant if she’s just going to change the plan on a whim!
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Taichi: ... I don’t want to see her get hurt or be sad though...
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Greymon understands Taichi’s heart ;___; and enables him to go after Mimi. I don’t really get why it’s wise to split up given that Taichi can’t fight big rock Digimon without his partner... x’D So I’m going to chalk this up to, Greymon understands that Taichi is, at his core, the team Dad. He’s got to be allowed to worry and check up on the kids, even when it’s not so advisable. Awwwwwwwww.
Indeed, Taichi doesn’t get to be the hero this ep, but small moments like this give us waaaay more character development than always being the hero!
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Fortunately Mimi does have her own partner and she’s not afraid of the enemy’s rock hard abs. :P
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They make it into the storage center for all the gems. IT’S SO COLORFUL. Ten year old men is squeeing just like Mimi.
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Come on!! She’s holding yellow/orange topaz and purple amethyst! It could be the material for Taichi or Takeru’s and Koushirou’s crests! (I always liked fire opal for Taichi though xD)
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Taichi’s been promomted!! To chief pack animal x’D Just because it’s a cool name doesn’t mean that’s what the job is, Meems.
Taichi’s just like, “I think I’m too young for that position.” Bahahaha.
He’s going to be carrying her books to school before long.
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Then something big and hard hits Taichi in the head!! He freaking starts to cry, it hurts so bad!!
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Taichi: Owww! Omg I think I got a concussion from that! Help someone call an ambulance!
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He was hit in the head by a diamond, which Mimi loves. So she goes off on a monologue about how much she likes diamonds. She never asks him if he’s okay x’D
Taichi: Don’t worry about me, I’m fine, not that you asked or anything.
Mimi: Please, everyone knows your head is already harder than diamonds.
Taichi: ...
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The pile of gems looks like Fruity Pebbles. Mmmmm
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It turns out the mastermind of this whole operation is Gogmamon, who is the bastard child of Gogmagog I assume :P He eats the gemstones as well as Gotsumon for power. He then produces the diamonds?? I didn’t quite understand if he was spitting out the diamonds because he didn’t like them, or he was creating them inside him when eating and then spitting them out like... diamond turds...
they’re diamond turds aren’t they >__>
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Mimi is not interested in big business bulldozing the mom and pop shops and small upstarts. And she hates sweatshops! She is pro-Fair Trade all the way! And she will yell it in your face!
Taichi: It’s the yelling part that I’m having trouble with.
Mimi: A good speech from the boss is what keeps up employee morale!
Taichi: Yeah, that’s less true when the boss is about to be gobbled up herself...
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Golemon and Togemon try to fight Gogmamon and this results in Golemon falling to pieces.
Taichi: Are you okay?
Golemon: My HEAD was knocked off, but sure I’m doing JUST FINE -____- little brat
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Taichi stands protectively in front of Golemon’s head. Lol. He’s thinking of strategies... perhaps regretting rushing after Mimi and leaving his own partner behind...
Mimi joins him and Gogmamon finds her a formidable opponent in the war of words. Gogmamon argues that all the rocks, all the Digimon, everything here belongs to him and him alone! And Mimi brilliantly counters with:
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“Fuck that! They belong to ME!”
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x’D He just like... under his breath... “she admits that’s how she thinks of us...” hahahaha... I laughed out loud...
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It might not be 3D but this is an excellent evolution sequence xD I haven’t said so yet but the animation in this episode was good! Good for the show anyway. It was smoother than usual despite some mechanical-like mouth movements and more than that, it had character and expression!
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okay important question everyone: Taichi = Kermit, Mimi = Miss Piggy... discuss??
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So Gogmamon has a pretty cool-sounding attack, “Curse Reflection.” I have often complained that the villains we fight and get new evolutions with aren’t that scary, but Gogmamon not only seemed pretty formidable (if not the smart, I mean he does have rocks for a brain), he also had a good story build up. My one disappointment in this episode is that the ending is so fast and Gogmamon so easily dealt with. This would have been a good time to introduce Rosemon (like how last week would have been an appropriate time for HerculesKabuterimon). But in both cases, we’re definitely supposed to take away at least that these guys are almost there... Anyway yeah, I would have liked a tiny bit more meant to the resolution but.
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So here’s ANOTHER cool thing! Taichi notices that Gogmamon rejects the diamonds, and realizes they’re the key to defeating him. But he doesn’t just tell that to Mimi. He asks her “Did you see that?” And guess what - she did!
So even though the show couldn’t resist telling us that yes, Taichi would have been able to handle this situation - it doesn’t even let him give Mimi a hint towards victory. She figures it out for herself! The most we can say he does is point out the diamond, but she understands the implication and is able to use it against Gogmamon through her own intellect.
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Mimi is very influenced by her hardworking, CEO grandpa, Tachikawa Genichiro, who’s taught her things about business and things about values, and it really reads as if she’s the one who will inherit the family business - like she’s the family investment. You know, the role that traditionally only falls to sons. That’s changed with the world, and apparently Tachikawa Genichiro-jiisan is totally on board with his granddaughter being more than just a pretty heiress!
... btw what are they making...
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“You’re fired!” Mimi yells as Lillymon takes Gogmamon down x’D kill me I love it
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Like last time (and it sure was a long time ago that we saw it ;_;), the aftereffects of Lillymon’s powers is plants start growing everywhere. This is such a cool effect, I don’t get why it’s not used more. Right now I feel like Mimi/Palmon are the best set in the show.
(I did think it was funny when Mimi gives the diamond to Lillymon to use against Gogmamon and Lillymon acts like Mimi’s making this huge sacrifice since she loves diamonds so much. But 1) it wasn’t the only one, and 2) they were spat out by Gogmamo! that’s gross! that’s got to cut into the value! hahah)
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The others finally catch up and the day is saved. Golemon is an employee for life now. Awww.
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I gushed about all this before so I won’t repeat myself, but yeah, I’m so happy with this episode.
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Lol Sora and Taichi have accepted their places in Mimi’s world, in the end. They might have numbers instead of names and their boss might change her mind about things every five seconds, but other than that it’s a pretty nice gig overall.
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Again the art, so sweet. This reminded me of Miyako yelling to Mimi about how she wants to be like her when she grows up in 02 so I capped it.
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And I absolutely love this little play on words since it’s in English! Wow!
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SO CUTE. How did a Mimi episode kick every other episode out of the water? Scratch that, we always knew Mimi was fantastic. A shojo hero for the 21st century.
Well I said a ton and this is really long now so I’m gonna assume you all get my thoughts on this episode. 9.5/10, really awesome, totally unexpected but perfectly suted to Mimi. I’m so so happy this show seems to have figured things out and remebered that it’s supposed to be freaking Digimon Adventure, it seemed like it forgot for a while there. I just hope we haven’t wasted too much time on those more lackluster episodes, I want so many more stories like this one.
Next week looks like another winner:
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OK, that concept is hilarious x’D I’m so sorry. But also, leave it to Yamato and Gabumon to get the tragedy episode.
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The mood maker will be this guy! I’m totally psyched for Yamato and Jou. Taichi’s been important in the past two episodes even though they were centered on Koushirou and Mimi, so I wonder if/when he’ll be involved this time? Or maybe it really will be just Yamato and Jou - my dream combo?? I can’t wait either way.
DID NOT CHECK FOR TYPOS! See y’all next week.
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bondsmagii · 3 years
(cw: I'm about to get real crass about CSA because it makes me real mad and that's how I cope)
the cultural reaction to cuties is infuriating to me, especially how even defenders feel the need to criticise the hypersexualised camera shots for ""normalising sexualistion of children in film"". Like, this is a thing that is happening in real life, right now, folks! Real Life Kids commonly do dances like these, in clothes like these, in an attempt to copy adult women being framed in shots like that! That's basically a good fifth of Tik Tok! The shots being of kids instead of adults is intentionally horrific, because it's trying to highlight that that kind of societal gaze is what pressured them to do the dances and wear the clothes and everything else; to take a thing that we've all come to accept as normal (8 year olds online twerking to songs explicitly about sex) and make us see how horrific it is, so people might give a shit for once. (A real shit, not that Pizzagate-adjacent thing where people only bring it up in service of criticising something/someone they already didn't like, and never exploring why it's so prevalent to begin with). You know, the filmic opposite of normalisation?? It's incredibly disappointing that people's takeaway appears to be: "ew gross, look at how horny this camera is for literal children. Glad this absolutely isn't a thing that happens in real life that I will go straight back to ignoring while patting myself on the back for identifying this media as Problematic
And the idea that "a pedophile could get off to this" makes any sense as criticism! I guess pedophiles only get off to children in revealing clothing, huh? So all children need to do to avoid pedophiles is, uh... *checks notes* "dress less slutty". I *wish* I lived in a world where pedophiles were genuinely waiting on feature films to deliver them a few shots of children in revealing clothing, instead of trading real CP that has caused untold suffering. Sometimes it really feels like people are more invested in weaponising the idea of suffering children in rhetoric, rather than the welfare of real children. It's the same disconnect that makes it impossible to bring up things like early intervention programs for pedophiles without being called a pedophile yourself (a rich thing to call someone who was on the receiving end, and takes about a year off my lifespan every time).
Every time someone brings this movie up, I feel like I'm losing my marbles. Otherwise smart and insightful people seem completely willing to misread it in the most infuriating way possible. It's like it's the Asch conformity test, and I'm the rube in the last chair wondering whether I even watched the same movie as them. It's comforting to see at least one other person on this godforsaken planet comprehending that The Sexualised Children Shots Are Horrific On Purpose in this movie trying to push people out of complacency
honestly go off like I could not have said this better myself. this is exactly what's been pissing me off about the response to this movie and my post about it in general.
the cultural reaction to cuties is infuriating to me, especially how even defenders feel the need to criticise the hypersexualised camera shots for ""normalising sexualistion of children in film"". Like, this is a thing that is happening in real life, right now, folks! Real Life Kids commonly do dances like these, in clothes like these, in an attempt to copy adult women being framed in shots like that! That's basically a good fifth of Tik Tok!
this is what I cannot get my head around. like, people are freaking out over how this movie normalises the sexualisation of young children, but somehow miss the point that it's already been normalised. the movie would not be necessary if this hadn't already become a completely normal part of society. even walking around the shops in town I see children maybe 10 or 11 years old dressed like Instagram models, faces full of makeup, revealing clothing... it's honestly disturbing. these kids think that's acceptable, they think that's what they need to do in order to have worth, and it's terrifying. if I had my own children, I would be terrified for them. the movie is not the problem. why people can't direct this anger and outrage to websites like TikTok instead, I have no idea. probably because that would require actual work, and we all know these people are addicted to outrage and self-righteousness and absolutely allergic to any kind of effort to create real change.
It's incredibly disappointing that people's takeaway appears to be: "ew gross, look at how horny this camera is for literal children. Glad this absolutely isn't a thing that happens in real life that I will go straight back to ignoring while patting myself on the back for identifying this media as Problematic"
people get so offended when they're made to feel uncomfortable. I have no idea why. I'm trying to work out this thought process but it's simply beyond me. it baffles me that people can see something that's actually happening in the world, and instead of getting angry about the actual issue, they decide to attack the female director of the movie about said issue, who is writing from her own experience. like, how in god's name these people managed to miss the point so badly, I do not know. the manoeuvres they had to do to miss a point that big and obvious should make them all automatic gold medal winners in Olympic gymnastics.
(I do think that a lot of people yelling the loudest about Cuties have probably only seen the Netflix promotional poster and then devoured a bunch of Twitter threads highlighting the apparent problems and possibly a view video essays on YouTube showing the most dramatic and out of context shots of the girls, however.)
And the idea that "a pedophile could get off to this" makes any sense as criticism! I guess pedophiles only get off to children in revealing clothing, huh? So all children need to do to avoid pedophiles is, uh... *checks notes* "dress less slutty". I *wish* I lived in a world where pedophiles were genuinely waiting on feature films to deliver them a few shots of children in revealing clothing, instead of trading real CP that has caused untold suffering.
right? like. this point is so fucking useless. by this logic, we should ban everything with photos of children in it. if a paedophile is going to waste time going to see a full feature movie just to see some young girls twerking-- I mean, why would they in the first place? why would a paedophile do that when they can just sign on to TikTok and see thousands of hours of footage of young girls twerking? and if "revealing clothing" is all it takes, what's stopping this paedophile from going to the local pool and watching the kids in swimwear? what's stopping this paedophile from going and picking up a clothing catalogue and flipping to the pictures of little girls in dresses? the fact that people can compare the content of a feature-length film to actual CP fucking baffles me. like. it's actually insulting to compare things like that -- and by extension, any child on the street in a t-shirt or a dress or a skirt or a swimsuit -- to actual CP. like, who looks at a kid and thinks like that? if you want to stop paedophiles being creeps, you'd have to lock kids up in the house until they're 18 and ban all depictions of kids forever. paedophiles are gonna be creeps no matter what, and they're not going to bother with a full film when they can log onto TikTok and comment something creepy on footage of a real life child who might even message back and enter into communication with them. like, damn. why aren't more people getting mad and outraged about that?
Sometimes it really feels like people are more invested in weaponising the idea of suffering children in rhetoric, rather than the welfare of real children.
they are. "somebody please think of the children" is now the rallying cry of the right (all leading Democrats are secret paedophiles, the LGBT agenda is making Our Innocent Christian Children into perverts) and the left (problematic media is Harming Our Innocent Children, everything needs to be censored and squeaky clean so the Metaphorical Children don't stumble across it and think it's acceptable). it's the quickest way to get people outraged and it works like a charm. as soon as somebody starts rallying under the flag of protecting kids, it gives them a fast pass to power and influence. who wants to be seen to not care about kids? who wants to risk being called a paedophile or a child abuser? unfortunately their eagerness to declare everybody such has resulted in it losing its meaning. now when I see someone accused of paedophilia I no longer feel the usual revulsion but instead a tired suspicion followed by hours of research to determine if they are actually abusing children, or if they ship the wrong thing. to put the numbers into perspective, the one and only time I found out somebody was actually abusing minors, I was genuinely shocked because I had never found a true accusation before in oh, six years? which is unsurprising, seems I have been called a paedophile and told I shouldn't be around children because I like a villain from a YA series. as for real children, none of these people give a shit.
It's comforting to see at least one other person on this godforsaken planet comprehending that The Sexualised Children Shots Are Horrific On Purpose in this movie trying to push people out of complacency
that's exactly it right there -- it's horrific on purpose, but these people can't understand that. to them, literature and art and film is supposed to always make you feel good, and if it doesn't it's mean and abusive and you should have warned for it and also you're an asshole for making it in the first place. for people who only consume media to feel good, and only create it to feel progressive and wholesome, it's inconceivable why people would create something depressing or disturbing. because they're consuming media of only things they like, they assume everyone else is. ergo, if you make something nasty, it's because you're into something nasty. if you write about a murderous villain, it's because you want to be a murderous villain. if you direct a movie about children being sexually exploited, you must want to sexually exploit children.
these people cannot understand that art is supposed to teach and inform as well as comfort and coddle. some art is there to make you feel good, and other art is there to make you take notice of injustice and suffering and make you angry and upset enough to want to do something about it. these people do not understand that at all, and with this kind of logic they would try to ban Holocaust survivors from speaking at schools because it's too upsetting to think about, rather than paying attention to the message that such things get across. we cannot change society without empathy, and to experience empathy for something outside our own understanding and experience, we need to come into contact with people who have lived through it. we need to see it depicted. that's how we learn to feel for others. it puts a face to the suffering and makes it easier to stay motivated and stay mad.
but no. these people just want to be nice and fuzzy and safe. that's all that matters to them, and anyone who thinks they're wrong for doing it must be a paedophile or something. right. gotcha.
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July 27, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson
This morning, the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol began its hearings with testimony from two Capitol Police officers and two Metropolitan Police officers.
After Representatives Bennie Thompson (D-MS) and Liz Cheney (R-WY) opened the hearing, Sergeant Aquilino Gonell and and Officer Harry Dunn of the Capitol Police, and Officer Michael Fanone and Officer Daniel Hodges of the Metropolitan Police, recounted hand-to-hand combat against rioters who were looking to stop the election of Democrat Joe Biden and kill elected officials whom they thought were standing in the way of Trump’s reelection. They gouged eyes, sprayed chemicals, shouted the n-word, and told the officers they were going to die. They said: “Trump sent us.”
Lawmakers questioning the officers had them walk the members through horrific video footage taken from the officers’ body cameras. The officers said that one of the hardest parts of the insurrection for them was hearing the very people whose lives they had defended deny the horror of that day. They called the rioters terrorists who were engaged in a coup attempt, and called the indifference of lawmakers to those who had protected them “disgraceful.” “I feel like I went to hell and back to protect them and the people in this room,” Fanone said. “But too many are now telling me that hell doesn’t exist, or that hell wasn’t actually that bad.”
The officers indicated they thought that Trump was responsible for the riot. When asked if Trump was correct that it was “a loving crowd,” Gonell responded: “To me, it’s insulting, just demoralizing because of everything that we did to prevent everyone in the Capitol from getting hurt…. And what he was doing, instead of sending the military, instead of sending the support or telling his people, his supporters, to stop this nonsense, he begged them to continue fighting.” The officers asked the committee to make sure it did a thorough investigation. “There was an attack carried out on January 6, and a hit man sent them,” Dunn testified. “I want you to get to the bottom of that.”  
The Republicans on the committee, Representatives Adam Kinzinger (IL) and Liz Cheney (WY) pushed back on Republican claims that the committee is partisan.
“Like most Americans, I’m frustrated that six months after a deadly insurrection breached the United States Capitol for several hours on live television, we still don’t know exactly what happened,” Kinzinger said. “Why? Because many in my party have treated this as just another partisan fight. It’s toxic and it’s a disservice to the officers and their families, to the staff and the employees in the Capitol complex, to the American people who deserve the truth, and to those generations before us who went to war to defend self-governance.”
Kinzinger rejected the Republican argument that the committee should investigate the Black Lives Matter protests of summer 2020, saying that he had been concerned about those protests but they were entirely different from the events of January 6: they did not threaten democracy. “There is a difference between breaking the law and rejecting the rule of law,” Kinzinger observed. (Research shows that more than 96% of the BLM protests had no violence or property damage.)
The officers and lawmakers both spoke eloquently of their determination to defend democracy. Sergeant Gonell, a U.S. Army veteran of the Iraq War who emigrated from the Dominican Republic, said: "As an immigrant to the United States, I am especially proud to have defended the U.S. Constitution and our democracy on January 6.” Adam Schiff (D-CA) added: “If we’re no longer committed to a peaceful transfer of power after elections if our side doesn’t win, then God help us. If we deem elections illegitimate merely because they didn’t go our way rather than trying to do better the next time, then God help us.”
Cheney said: “Until January 6th, we were proof positive for the world that a nation conceived in liberty could long endure. But now, January 6th threatens our most sacred legacy. The question for every one of us who serves in Congress, for every elected official across this great nation, indeed, for every American is this: Will we adhere to the rule of law? Will we respect the rulings of our courts? Will we preserve the peaceful transition of power? Or will we be so blinded by partisanship that we throw away the miracle of America? Do we hate our political adversaries more than we love our country and revere our Constitution?”
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) both said they had been too busy to watch the hearing. But the second-ranking Republican in the Senate, John Thune of South Dakota, called the officers heroes and said: “We should listen to what they have to say.”
Republicans are somewhat desperately trying to change the subject in such a way that it will hurt Democrats. Shortly before the hearing started, McCarthy House Republican conference chair Elise Stefanik (R-NY), who was elected to that position after the conference tossed Liz Cheney for her refusal to support Trump after the insurrection; and Jim Banks (R-IN), whom McCarthy tried to put on the committee and who promised to undermine it, held a press conference. They tried to blame House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for the attack on the Capitol, a right-wing talking point, although she, in fact, has no control over the Capitol Police.
Shortly after the hearing ended, some of the House’s key Trump supporters—Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Bob Good (R-VA), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)—tried to hold a press conference in front of the Department of Justice, where they promised to complain about those arrested for their role in the January 6 insurrection, calling them “political prisoners.” The conference fell apart when protesters called Gaetz a pedophile (he is under investigation for sex trafficking a girl), and blew a whistle to drown the Republican lawmakers out.  
This story is not going away, not only because the events of January 6 were a deadly attack on our democracy that almost succeeded and we want to know how and why that came to pass, but also because those testifying before the committee are under oath.
Since the 1950s, when Senator Joe McCarthy (R-WI) pioneered constructing a false narrative to attract voters, the Movement Conservative faction of the Republican Party focused not on fact-based arguments but on emotionally powerful fiction. There are no punishments for lying in front of television cameras in America, and from Ronald Reagan’s Welfare Queen to Rush Limbaugh’s “Feminazis” to the Fox News Channel personalities’ warnings about dangerous Democrats to Rudy Giuliani’s “witnesses” to “voter fraud” in the 2020 election, Republicans advanced fictions and howled about the “liberal media” when they were fact-checked. By the time of the impeachment hearings for former president Trump, Republican lawmakers like Jim Jordan (R-OH) didn’t even pretend to care about facts but instead yelled and badgered to get clips that could be arranged into a fictional narrative on right-wing media.
Now, though, the Movement Conservative narrative that “socialist” Democrats stole the 2020 election, a narrative embraced by leading Republican lawmakers, a story that sits at the heart of dozens of voter suppression laws and that led to one attempted coup and feeds another, a narrative that would, if it succeeds, create a one-party government, is coming up against public testimony under oath.
“The American people deserve the full and open testimony of every person with knowledge of the planning and preparation for January 6th,” Cheney said today. “We must also know what happened every minute of that day in the White House—every phone call, every conversation, every meeting leading up to, during, and after the attack.” She added: “We must issue and enforce subpoenas promptly.”
Manu Raju @mkrajuRep. Liz Cheney told me the Jan. 6 investigators should move rapidly to enforce subpoenas. She didn't specify who should be subpoenaed. "I think it is very important that we issue and enforce subpoenas, as the chairman has said, and we do that quickly," Cheney said1,091 Retweets5,401 Likes
July 27th 2021
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