#gia talks about bad buddy
the fact that pran is canonically ocd and very randomly mentions this piece of info in the special although it was never addressed in the show makes me think it’s something they discovered together during this one year-gap, so they went through the diagnostic path together and everything. and i just think about pran going like "uhm, yes, so, i’m ocd. it means obsessive-compulsive disorder" and pat answering something like "oh babe there are better ways to say you’re obsessed with me”.
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hoodharlow · 9 months
Who You Good To
AN: idk just vibes, also for the El Novio girlies, Lori Harvey is how me and @cherry4everrr picture Gia <3
Warnings: none, mostly fans being nosy
Word Count: n/a
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@'mdmupdates: Miriam with Gia Hunter at Jack Harlow's sold out show at the VIC Theater in Chicago
@'mdmismother: Jack Harlow got Miriam shaking ASS
@'giaandlukearemyparents: two pretty besties
@'miriamfan: not Jack's friends looking anywhere but where Miriam's ass
@'miriamhater: she's just there to get clout 🙄 I bet she doesn't even know any songs
-> @'mdmxjh: are you fucking blind she was singing along to all of his songs 😭
@'mackshipper: even if they're just friends, I love how supportive she is of him
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@'mdm: Tell me what you bad for, tell me who you good to
@'jackharlow: I'ma need a magazine or something I could look through
@'mackshipper: this is the 6th time since May that she's used a Jack lyric 👀
@'giahunter: the prettiest travel buddy 💖
@'saintclauds: miss you bebe 🥺
@'medegutierrez: 🦦
@'russ: I'll be good to you
-> @'mdmfan: like when you had the bitch fit on Twitter because she couldn't stand your corny ass
@'katdominguez: are those my jeans
-> @'mdm: no they're Joe's lol
-> @'Josephdomimguez: bitch 🖕🏻
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@'jackharlow: Lollapalooza...just WOW
@'jackharlow: 📷/🎥: @'urbanwyatt
@'urbanwyatt: that waddle *bites lip*
@'mdm: oh you got like FANS fans, not just fans
-> @'jackharlow: 😒
@'jackfan: need him in a way that could get me sent to the psych ward
@'lilnasx: baby daddy 🤤
@'colebennett: missed you bro
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@'jackharlowsource: Jack via Instagram Stories (July 31st)
@'mdmxjh: they're everything to me 🥺
@'jackfan: does anyone know if they dating? I saw a video of them on Twitter standing really close at the after party
-> @'mackarefriends: I wouldn't read too much into it, the club looked pretty packed. They're just friends
@'miriamstan: they're fucking for sure, she was shaking ass and none of Jack's friends tried anything
-> @'miriamhater: or maybe they knew better than to try anything with someone like Miriam. They could do WAY better than her
-> @'miriamfan: no offense to Jack and his friends but we are talking about Miriam Dominguez. Jack and Urban are literally fans of her dad and wear his Chelsea jersey all the time. If anything Miriam can do way better than Jack but she's in her funny white boy era like Zendaya
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Taglist: @heavyhitterheaux @cherry4everrr ​ @carma-fanficaddict ​ @youngharleezy @youngharleezyxo ​ @babyharleezy ​ @that-90s-girllll ​ @alinaharlow @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @webinurcloset @gassyandsassy1 @jackharloww @awhore4moree @noescapricho-essentimiento @neon-lights-and-glitter @purecinnamonextract @whywontyoulovemecami @camificrecs @itsyagirljaz
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andreal831 · 2 months
I just don't see the appeal for Haylijah. Aside from them having nothing in common or any chemistry whatsoever, they were easily the most cringe, disgusting, trashiest, and incestuous ship to ever exist. There's nothing beautiful and romantic or even remotely hot and sexy about a ship, where a man falls for a woman pregnant with his brother's child, and said woman is a terrible mother as a result of being more worried and thirsty over jumping her daughter's uncle's bones, rather than worrying about her pregnancy and daughter, which were far more important. Just look at how she wasted no time cheating on Jackson the first opportunity she got. I mean, I understand she was basically marrying Jackson for convenience, but come on. She literally just told Elijah she's engaged, and she goes and does that.
And don't even get me started on what a complete bitch and straight up cunt she was to Gia when she found out she was seeing Elijah. And at this point, she's already married to Jackson and has already found out about Dahlia. This just once again proves what a terrible mother Hayley is, because instead of being more concerned with the looming threat after her child, she's more concerned with banging two dudes at once and having all the attention on her. She can't even be bothered to be the tiniest bit grateful that Gia helped her out with her daughter, which she was under no obligation whatsoever to do, since that's not her problem anyway. 
And same goes for Rebekah, who spent six months of her life with Hope. And once Rebekah's nanny services were no longer required, Hayley is quick to turn on her at the drop of a dime and ready to kill her too and for what exactly? And on top of that, thinking Klaus and Elijah would agree to that? Talk about being the most selfish, disrespectful, and ungrateful bitch to ever exist. Rebekah was a way better mother to Hope in those six months than Hayley ever was throughout Hope's whole life.
Now, let's go onto Elijah and his views of women. He doesn't genuinely love the women he falls for. He loves the idea of them and whatever image and picture he paints of them in his head. And the minute they don't live up to the ideal pure, innocent, and virginal woman he pictured in his head, he drops them like a bad habit. I guarantee if he knew who Hayley really was as a person and about her history on TVD, and if he was anything in character at all, he'd have thrown her ass to the curb the same way he did with Katherine. 
And you say Elijah is not a hypocrite? He's the biggest hypocrite to ever exist and there's plenty of proof on both shows to prove it. Being buddy-buddy with Elena and even sympathetic to her for losing her brother, and even dumping Katherine over that. But having nothing to say about Elena having killed two of his brothers, and then having the gall to say on TO, "No one hurts my family and lives." Or what about having the gall to judge Cami for letting her feelings for Klaus cloud her judgment (which she wasn't, she was being very reasonable), when he did the exact same thing with Hayley, which is why he daggered Klaus and let Hayley run off with Hope in the first place? Yeah, Elijah is not the perfect, moral, and noble man you've all been brainwashed into thinking he is. 
Before you assume anything or put words in my mouth ... no, I don't ship Klayley or Klaroline either. And let's also not forget that Julie Plec promised fans that TO would be more about the family dynamics and exploring more of the Originals past and wouldn't have the same love triangle drama TVD did. Talk about the biggest bold-faced lie ever told. If anything at all, Klayley and Haylijah solidified for me why a love triangle was not needed for TO. Julie Plec should've just kept her word. Now, Elijah/Francesca and Elijah/Gia would've made for far better, more interesting, more compelling, and definitely way hotter and sexier pairings. 
Hello love. I adore the fact that you are still thinking of me after all of these weeks. Although I hope you haven't spent too much of your time being this upset.
Despite all of that, I'm going to take this ask seriously, or as serious as possible. It will be the last one from you I respond to, the rest will simply be deleted. But if that is how you wish to waste your time, have fun!
So your first complaint is that you don't see the appeal of haylijah. And that's fine! There are a lot of different ships for different people. I don't make it a practice to tell people who to ship. Rather, I love talking about things I love, like haylijah. Thank you for providing me another opportunity to do so!
To me, haylijah has so much chemistry. From the first moment they met, I knew they would be a main ship. They had so much chemistry that the show dropped the whole brothers love triangle because it didn't compare. Again, that's too me (and the show runners), if you disagree, that's great for you! I don't get how it's incestuous since they aren't related... But if you find it that way, maybe this show isn't for you. If they are problematic for you, I'm not sure what ship you can really like.
I think Elijah falling in love with Hayley was so beautifully done. I also want to point out the way you talk about Hayley as a human incubator for Klaus is not the move. Elijah didn't fall in love with Hayley as a woman who was pregnant with his brother's kid, but as a woman. Full stop. Let's not reduce women down to their sex lives or mother's down to one aspect of their being. Also you saying Hayley is a terrible mother destroys any remaining credibility you had. Hayley is the best mother in this show, even though the bar is on the floor. At no point did she put her relationship with any man over Hope. In fact, so much of the fandom hates her for that. To finish that up, she never cheated. Hope that helps. She was not in a relationship with Jackson when she slept with Elijah and she told Jackson about it, who didn't have an issue with it. So I don't know why you do.
Your language you use to discuss women is curious. You act like a warrior for Gia and yet you would use derogatory words to talk about women. Yes, Gia deserved better. We all agree. But Gia and Hayley have like four scenes together. A couple of which show them working together. I promise you, ever woman on that show has made immature comments to another woman because the writers are immature and sexist. She was grateful to Gia though. Or are you conveniently forgetting that scene?
You also seem awfully concerned abut a character's sex life when she has maybe one sex scene a season. It's almost like you are trying to tear down a woman for having sex. So I think you are the issue here. Not Hayley. You try to use it to say she is a terrible mother and wife, again reducing her down to two aspects of her personality and are essentially trying to slut shame a woman whose bodily autonomy was robbed from her in so many ways.
I can't even take you seriously on your take with Rebekah. The only time she ever threatened Rebekah's life was when she was possessed by Eva and she did so in defense of her daughter, which seems to cut against your stance that she's a bad mother. And again, with your sexist language. Rebekah only had to be a mother for six months when she got to live safely away from the chaos and war of New Orleans and then Rebekah bailed when Hope needed her most. Hayley raised her and never once abandoned her daughter.
Your idea of Elijah is comical and based on nothing but your own spite. It's concerning how upset it makes you. At this point I don't think you even agree with half of what you say but you think everyone here is as immature as you and try to attack our "weaknesses." I promise you, I am not so immature as to be affected that you don't like my favorite characters. I love people always say "virginial women" and yet you clearly don't understand what that means. Elijah has never once been attracted to a "ideal pure, innocent and virginial woman." First of all, you say it as if these ideas are black and white. You either are or you aren't. Saying this is discrediting the amazing, strong, witty women that he loves. I think it's funny you don't think Elijah is aware of what happened in TVD with Hayley. But he does know what she did in TO and still loved her, so your point is invalid. He left Katherine for betraying him, yet again. Which is fair.
I love the amount of research you've done though. Each paragraph is clearly targeted at different posts I've made on here. I'm really flattered. That being said, I've already discussed the hypocrite thing, so I'm not going to get into it again. But you clearly don't know what the definition of hypocrisy is so it doesn't even matter.
I don't have to put words in your mouth. You are incapable of brevity and make yourself look bad all on your own. But I am laughing out loud at a Elijah/Francesca and Elijah/Gia triangle. Talk about Elijah being a hypocrite and being with the woman who is trying to take down his family. Have you even watched the show?
This is fun and all and I appreciate you came more prepared than the last time we spoke. I also love that you can't respond because you have to hide behind your anonymity in the ask box so I get to have the last word here.
I say this with all of the sincerity in the world, I think you need to take a break from this fandom. I know it is a safe space for so many people, but for others, it becomes an unhealthy obsession and will only serve to make you more upset. If this fandom is no longer a happy place for you, it isn't worth staying in it. Try to use this fandom to build each other up and connect with people who love the same things as you. For so long, this fandom has helped me because of the amazing people I've met. There are so many beautiful souls who would love to have genuine conversations with you, but if you keep acting this way, you are only serving to isolate yourself.
If you ever want to talk, to genuinely talk, my inbox is open. But if you only wish to spread hate, please stay off of my page.
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itsthemysterykids · 2 years
Full/Fuller House Quotes
Wybie: Lili, do you know how Stan’s car got in here?
Lili: Yes, I do.
Wybie: How?
Lili: Through the window.
Coraline: Your sister is such a tattle-tale.
Mabel: I am not and I'm telling you said that.
Raz: Gee, your hair smells like melon. What are you using?
Wybie: Oh, it's this new product called 'Gee, Your Hair Smells like Melon.'
Lili: Razputin, it's finally happened! He's cleaning liquid soap!
Dipper: Don’t be silly. I’m just cleaning my rubber gloves.
Raz: Dipper, there's no shame in therapy.
Dipper: Okay guys. Lets pick a name for our new puppy. Mabel do you have a name for the puppy?
Mabel: Yes I do. Mabel.
Dipper: That's your name.
Mabel: I like my name.
Coraline: Mr. Bear and I have the perfect name. Mr.Dog!
Lili: Mr. Dog? Coraline, when you have a kid someday what are you going to name it? Mr.Baby?
Coraline: Not if its a girl.
Norman: I think we should name him something that fits his personality. Like... Puddles.
Raz: I have the perfect name! Comet. Because he's fast and he has a tail.
Wybie: And he only hits the newspaper once every 76 years.
Lili: Cathy Santoni is a complete bimbo. She signed up for Shop Class cause she thought it was taught at the mall.
Random Guy: *strong English accent* You again. Who arrre you?
Wybie: *imitating his accent* The next-door neigh-barrr.
Raz: I never had them and I never will. I'm immune to chicken pox.
Coraline: You can't be immune to chicken pox, huh!
Raz: Ever kid in my school had them but me. I guess when you're an awesome physical specimen like my own bad self, germs take one look at my body and say, 'Hey, why waste our time?'
Lili: Women say the same thing.
Raz: That's right.
Mabel: Wybie, I have a question. What's a boy ladybug called?
Wybie: *thinks for a moment* Confused.
Coraline: Dad, with all respect, you can't send me to my room now. I'm a married woman.
Charlie: No you're not.
Wybie: Dad-
Charlie: Please don't call me that!
Wybie: What is it you do?
Charlie: I’m a garden magazine editor
Wybie: I will study hard...and when you die, I will take over the family business.
Charlie: … I will never die.
*Coraline enters with Wybie and Camilo dressed alike*
Coraline: Check this out! Try to tell 'em apart!
Wybie: You'll never guess, grandma.
Lucille: Ohhh this is a toughie, but I bet that the real Wybie is the one that just called me grandma. And you are Camilo.
Wybie: Aw nuts.
Camilo: Aw hoo..
Lucille: Bless you
Norman: Don't shake your head. Your story is read. Now, you must go to bed. To bed, I said.
Neil: Norman, you really gotta cut back on the Dr. Suess.
Wybie: I'm older.
Coraline: I'm younger.
Wybie: I’m taller.
Coraline: I'm shorter.
Wybie: I'm smarter.
Coraline: I'm... not falling for that.
Lili: Dude, lots of babies are bald.
Norman: Not me. When I was born, the doctor smacked my butt and gave me a blow dryer.
Dipper: Kissing a girl who smokes is like kissing an ash tray.
Norman: What ash tray have you been kissing?
Dipper: My Aunt Ida. I mean I love her, but she smokes so much, her Dalmatian is all black.
Rando: *after looking in refrigerator* This fridge is a joke! No Ding-Dongs, no Ho-Ho's, no Nutty Buddy's... it's bone-dry!
Wybie: I have raisins.
Rando: I'm allergic to raisins. My lips blow up and I can't talk when I eat raisins!
Wybie: ...raisins it is then!
Mabel: Neil’s a girl.
Lili: No, he's a women.
Coraline: An ugly women.
Wybie: Oh Mylanta!
Raz: You let Coraline punch a hole in your body? Why didn't you just fall on a rusty nail?
Raz: *after hearing about Gia's rumor involving Mabel* You should hide my smelly socks in her locker!
Norman: Raz, she wants to hurt her not kill her!
Coraline: Wybie here is a Shakespeare freak. Aren't you, my little Hamlet-and-cheese?
Wybie: *embarrassed* Whatever.
Mel: Wybie, you're into Shakespeare?
Wybie: Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, and Summer's lease hath all too short a date.
Mel: … Wow, Wybie, I had no idea you had such a sensative soul.
Wybie: … Whatever.
Mabel: You think you're so cute.
Neil: Don't worry, be happy.
Mabel: Oh no! You ARE so cute!
Dipper: When I was a kid, the kids used to tease me. They called me 'Zorba the Geek.'
Raz: *laughs hysterically, then grows serious when he sees the killer look on Dipper’s face* Kids can be so cruel.
Lili: Raz said he heard a strange noise in the garage, but if you ask me, it's a desperate plea for attention.
Wybie: Lili, stop watching Oprah and start doing your homework.
Mabel: Are you gonna cook the baby?
Raz: We're changing her diaper.
Mabel: Oh, then how do you roast a turkey?
Raz: Uncle Raz doesn't want to play ballerina.
Random Child: Yes, he does.
Raz: No, he doesn't.
Random Child: Yes, he does.
Raz: No, he doesn't!
Random Child: *Fake cry* Yes, he does.
Raz: … How do you play ballerina?
Coraline: I want to look like these models!
Wybie: Why?
Coraline: Because they're pretty!
Wybie: I think you're pretty.
Wybie: I'm calling children's services to handle this.
Lili: Why?
Wybie: Because if I don't, I'm going over there to straighten him out myself!
Raz: That's it. Loosen up, be very fluid. Be very fluid-y. That's it! Now... once you get it going, you shift the weight and you go. *starts walking* And it's a strut, and it's cool, and it's a strut, and it's cool. See? Like that?
Steve Urkel: Very inspiring. *tries to walk, but instead of a strut, he walks sidways on his toes bouncing highly*
Raz: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's, uh, that's close.
Steve Urkel: Really? Well, oh. Well, that was a walk on the wild side. But, you should ty it with your elbows out. It's much better for circulation.
Raz: Oh, really? Like this? *sticks elbows out*
Steve Urkel: Yeah. *Raz starts to walk*!You're doing fine.
Raz: You, know? I do feel the blood flowing better. It's very - WHAT AM I DOING?
Steve Urkel: Well, here's another fun way to kill time. Let's share a life story. I'll go first. I was born on a cold night in Chicago, 1976, the year of America's bicenntinal. My mom was in a great deal of pain and I was charging through! And...
Raz: Uh! I think I hear the girls in the kitchen. Why, don't you just go and... yeah. Right in the kitchen area.
Wybie: Hey! You girls are the ones who drilled a peep hole in the boys’ locker room!
Rando Girl: Yeah, and you're the reason we plugged it up!
Wybie: The peep hole works both ways, Zit Butt!
Mabel: Forget it. There's no way you can make me stay.
Dipper: I can tell Stan.
Mabel: Okay, that's one way... I can't believe you'd squeal on me.
Dipper: I can't believe you'd put me in this position.
Mabel: What about all those times you snuck in after curfew and I never said a word?
Dipper: That's different. This is dangerous.
Wybie: *to Mel and Charlie* My grandmother would never let me go to a boy's apartment unsupervised, what kind of parents are you?
Dipper: We were in the same class, but I didn't talk to Mabel for six months.
Lili: Is that because she's an airhead?
Dipper: She's not an airhead. She just hates thinking.
Coraline: They don't even ask anymore; they just assume that their wish is our command.
Norman: And the worst part is I don't remember getting one thank-you, do you?
Wybie: Well, let's see - "Give me", "Get me", "Take me", "Make me", "Drive me", "Buy me", "Find me", nope; no thank-you.
Mel: *Knocks on the door* Coraline, are you in there?
Coraline: Yeah one sec mom! *clears off pillows off of her bed, and pushes Wybie under the covers*
Wybie: *Drunk* Wassup, Jonesy?
Coraline: Wybie, we're going to play a little game okay? Whoever stays quietest the longest gets to lipwrestle with the captain of the football team!
Wybie: Play ball!
Neil: Did you happen to get a picture of the front of the horse too?
Raz: This happens to be one of my relatives. If you wanna see yours, you could go rent "Gorillas in the Mist."
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sinnamonn · 3 years
Welcome to Hell Ch2. “Meet Mammon”
Gia meets their new guard demon, “Mammon”. It does not go well. Also because this is my fic and I can do whatever I want Obey me is now in the same universe as It’s Always Sunny.
Word count: 1.7 K
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The demon pointed an accusatory finger at the redhead.
Gia resisted the urge to bite it right off.
“Listen up, because I’m only gonna say this once!” He barked, “If you value your life then you’ll hand over all your money now! And anything else of value!”
Was this guy for real!? This bitchass was trying to rob them!? Oh hell no, Gia was not going to get robbed by some twink that still used fucking axe body spray!!
“Otherwise I’ll wipe that—“
“Fuck that and fuck you!” Gia yelled, cutting the demon off mid-threat, “Listen here, asshole, I’m not getting robbed by some twink!”
“Who’re you callin’ a twink!?”
“You, dumbass!”
“You don’t know what you’re dealin’ with, little bitch.” He spat, snarling down at them. Gia only bit back,
“I’m dealin’ with a punkass that’s about to get their shit rocked!”
“Mammon! Shut up or I’ll punch you!” Lucifer snapped, “And Gia, language!”
And then Lucifer just punched Mammon, causing him to stumble back a bit while gripping his head.
“GAH, OW! Hey, what’s the big idea!?” Mammon whined, “I thought you were actually gonna give me a chance to shut up before punching me!”
Satan gestured to his older brother, “Gia, meet Mammon, Avatar of Greed. He oversees all forms of it,” he explained, “whenever he takes a liking to someone they suddenly find themselves awash in money.”
“And he’s a masochist, that part’s important~!” Asmo added, “So I can’t wait to see you put him in his place some more!”
Ok. Ew. Gia didn’t need to know that.
“I didn’t need to know that.” Gia replied flatly.
“And it just so happens I have a job for my masochist of a brother.”Lucifer stated, only to be cut off again by Mammon.
“Quit tellin’ lies! I ain’t asked for that punch and I ain’t a masochist!”
“Mammon, you are going to be charged with seeing to this human’s needs during the exchange.” Lucifer ordered, “I expect your full cooperation.”
“WHAT!?” Both Gia and Mammon yelled at the elder demon.
“Wha!? Why me!?” Mammon exclaimed.
“Yeah, why him!? He literally just tried to rob me!” Gia argued.
“As, lucky you, Mammon! I’m so jealous.” Asmo pouted.
“Then you take them!”
Wait no, Gia got the feeling staying with Asmo might just be worse than Mammon.
“Huh? Hell no. Watching them match your energy is too funny.” He replied quickly.
“You just said you were jealous!” Mammon all but screeched.
“Just give up Mammon. There’s no getting out of this.” Satan looked at though he was holding back laughter, “You know you can’t deny a direct order from Lucifer.”
“But why me!? Why can’t Beel do it?” He whined
“If we hand Gia over to Beel we might as well just tell him to eat them.” Asmo said, now scrolling through his DDD.
“Yeah, I can’t promise I wouldn’t.” Beel agreed.
“...Mammon?” Lucifer asked lowley , his tone was dangerous.
“Surely you’re not going to tell me you object to this arrangement, are you?”
For the first time, during his introduction, Mammon was quiet. He only held a sour look on his face before loudly groaning, “Ugh, I hate you guys! Fine, I’ll do it, ok!?” His attention turned back to Gia, “As much as I don’t wanna look after you, I’ve got no choice. It’s a huge pain in the ass and I’m too important for this kind of thing.”
Sure buddy, keep telling yourself that.
“But Lucifer told me to do it, so I will. But in return you better not cause me any trouble, got it?!”
Gia took back what she first thought of Mammon. He was worse than the high school boys that got stupidly mad when you didn’t stand for the pledge.
“If you can stay off my dick,” Gia sneered, “we might have a deal.”
“Fine by me, human. Just don’t forget whose boss around here.” Mammon shot back.
“Now that that’s settled,” Lucifer cut in before Gia could say anything else, “Mammon, show them to the house and try not to kill each other.”
‘No promises.’ Gia thought, reluctantly following Mammon out of the hell.
That lack of depth perception was really biting Gia in the ass. They felt more like a bird trying to escape a hall of mirrors, bumping into and bouncing off of walls. It also didn’t help that Mammon was practically speedwalking away from them.
“Oi! Human! Would ya pick up the pace, we don’t got all night!” He shouted over his shoulder.
“Oh sorry! Lemme just pop my eye back in and magically gain perfect vision!” They sarcastically called back, “OH WAIT! I can’t!”
Mammon stopped mid-step before turning on his heel and striding over to Gia.
“Wait...you’re missing an eye?” He questioned.
Oh great, was he gonna do that mock-sympathy schick they got more than enough back in their world?
“Damn, Lucifer couldn’t even get a human with all their parts!” He cackled, clenching his gut, as if this were the funniest thing in the world, “He had to grab some broken fucking human! That’s hilarious! ”
Did he really just call them BROKEN?
Gia saw red, their lip pulled back into a venomous snarl. How fucking dare he! They were a lot of things but broken was not one of them.
“Oh, I’ll show you broken!”
The redhead kicked the demon’s kneecaps with all this might.
Satan and Asmodeus watched as the two left for the House of Lamentation, absolutely transfixed on the two’s interaction. It was like one of Asmodeus’ trashy reality tv shows came to life, neither of them could look away.
“Uh, Lucifer, they’re already fighting.” Satan said, earning a groan from the eldest. Lucifer could feel a migraine coming on, a bad one.
“Oh my god the human just kicked Mammon’s kneecaps!” Asmo laughed, he was recording the entire interaction, “Oh he’s mad!”
“Shit, do I need to intervene?” He asked with only mild concern.
“Hmm, maybe..” Satan watched as Mammon grabbed for Gia, “wait, no he’s just carrying them back to the house.”
“PUT ME DOWN!” Gia beat on the demons back, “This is demeaning!”
“Just be happy that the Great Mammon was kind enough to help you!” Mammon shot back, “If you think this is demeaning then imagine how I feel! Why should I have to look after some human !?”
“ Um,bitch, I got isekaied to hell without my consent and now I’m stuck with a bunch of rich boys who reek of ‘I peaked in high school’!”
Mammon gasped, “I did not peak! The Great Mammon only goes up!I’m practically a golden god!”
Why did they feel like they heard that somewhere before? Maybe...back home? Oh shit yeah, Mammon talked exactly like this one guy who owned a bar they’d always go to when they were bored. Wasn’t his name Denny or something?
“And just so we’re clear,” Mammon continued, “it’s not like I can’t say no to Lucifer, okay!?”
Gia didn’t ask.
“I only agreed to babysit you because, um...Well you know, because…...uh…”
“It’s ok, take your time.” Gia said
“Grr! It doesn’t matter! Just don’t go thinking I’m scared of Lucifer or anything! Because I’m not!” He snapped.
“Uh-huh, sure.”
Mammon finally put them down when the two got to the house.
Gia whistled, taking in just how...elegant? No, elegant wasn’t the word they were looking for? A better way to describe the house would probably be maximalist. When they entered they were met with a double stairway accented by two gigantic gargoyle statues. Purple wallpaper clung to the walls littered with paintings of people, Allistar Crowley being the only one Gia recognized.
“This is the House of Lamentation. It’s one of the dorms here at RAD.” Mammon explained, stepping forward, “Well, it's not just one of the dorms. It’s the dorm reserved for student council members….and you I guess.” Mammon prattled on, mostly about himself, “Lucifer, Asmo, and the others take every chance they can get to insult me. Callin’ me scum, sayin’ I’m a money- grabber and stuff…..”
Gia was really only half paying attention, they opted rather to try and figure out who the other people in the photos were. Cultists, perhaps?
“...In other words, I’m a big shot. A real big shot. Like, even other big shots are impressed by—hey are you even listening!?”
“Hm? Sorry, what? I got distracted by the pictures.” Gia gestured loosely to the walls.
Mammon growled, “I was just saying, don’t you go thinkingI’m just some ordinary demon. I’m nothing like those other peons walking the halls here.”
“Ok, cool. Figured as much.” Gia shrugged
“So I suggest-wait what?”
“I figured all of you were pretty powerful, why else would Diavolo leave me with all of you? Demons eat humans, so you put the human with your most powerful and loyal demons as protectors.” Gia elaborated, “So that implies that you’re the most trustworthy and capable of this task, right? Even if you did..try to rob me. But why else would Lucifer and the rest of your brothers leave me in your care?”
Mammon stared wide-eyed down at Gia, they could practically see the gears turning in his head—wait did his cheeks get darker?
He turned around before Gia could really tell, “Well-I’m—I mean!—Duh, of course the Great Mammon is capable!!” He sputtered, “B-But don’t think flattery is getting you anywhere! You’re still just some stupid human!”
“I wasn’t trying to, it’s just logic.”
“SHUT UP. Just-! Let’s just go to your room, OK!?”
Instead of lugging Gia over his shoulder, Mammon instead grabbed their wrist and began dragging them up the stairs, avoiding looking at them.
“Ow! Fine! Lay off the dragging, though!”
Gia’s room was cottagecore as fuck. That was the only way they could best describe it. The room looked like it had been taken out of a fairytale book, it wasn’t exactly Gia’s style but they could appreciate the aesthetic. Objectively, the room was very pretty. That idea was hammered in the more Gia explored it.
It was bigger than the apartment they shared with their mom. In truth, it was more like a closet that somehow fit a bed and dresser.
“Holy shit this bed is soft.” Gia commented once they flopped onto the comforter, “And these pillows! They’re not flat! I forgot they could be fluffy.”
“Oi, human, I got some advice for you,” Mammon leaned over the bed, “ If you wanna survive even a day here in the Devildom, you’d better listen real close to what I’m about to say.”
“Aight.” Gia turned their attention back to the demon.
“If it ever looks like a demon is about to attack you..run. Either that, or die.” Mammon said grimly.
“That’s...Honestly not the worst advice I’ve ever gotten.” They replied.
“How about I vote you to die, Mammon!”
Gia jumped at the new voice, shooting up out of the bed and looking towards the door frame. There stood a pissed off looking guy with purple hair, glaring daggers at Mammon
“AH..! Levi…!” Mammon exclaimed.
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singeramg · 4 years
Midnight: Chapter 11
Pairing: Clark Kent- Superman/ Metahuman! Black! OFC
Rating: E
Warnings: Mostly just a language warning; I know no smut yet, but its coming lol
A/n: Guys! I am suuuppper touched by the love and out pouring of support that I have gotten for this story! To everyone you are amazing!
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Midnight: Chapter 11
“Can we please talk about Kalen? I feel like we should tell him I am his father as soon as possible...”
 “He just met you yesterday. I don’t know if we should tell him yet.”
 “I feel like the sooner the better. He should get to know me as his father.”
I sigh, still apprehensive about the whole thing. He kept talking.
 “I know you may not like me, but please don’t keep my son away from me.”
I had a migraine forming as my energy leveled back out. 
  “As much I would like to punch you, I wouldn’t keep Kalen away from you now that you know. We can tell him together and then maybe you can take him tomorrow for the evening.”
Clark’s face formed a frown. 
  “You won’t be there with us?”
  “No, you two desperately need some father-son time. Besides I have something to do tomorrow night.”
Clark looked at me, now he was the one glaring.
  “Gia you leave this house unsupervised and I swear I will melt the door handles so you can’t get out.”
  “Jokes on you Kent. I am not leaving unsupervised, actually I think I’ll be pretty safe considering everything. I have a date tomorrow.”
  “Date?” He questions me.
  “Arthur asked me out and I’m going.”
I felt pings of hurt quickly shielded by forced indifference. There was no shock however, which surprised me.
  “What aren't you surprised? Wait a second....you knew already didn’t you.”
  “I have super hearing, I was headed in this direction it was impossible not to listen. Are you sure about dating him?”
  “Yes I am. So you’ve got kid duty tomorrow night.”
He was disappointed but I didn’t dwell on it.
 “I won’t begrudge you a night out. However I think I need to borrow you in the morning.”
  “We have to tell mom.”
 I dropped my face into my hands.
  “Do you need me to be there? Can’t you just tell her?”
 “Ohhh no. I’m not facing her alone. Besides you might as well get it over with. She is going to demand to see you anyway once she finds out about Kalen.”
  “Fine I’ll go but I feel like we should write a will for when she kills both of us...”
I was tired from last night and Kalen was up rather early this morning, and between all the nervousness I had about not only telling Mrs. Kent but also my date with Arthur later, I was unable to get restful sleep. It was about 8:00am and I was standing at the stove cooking some pancakes and bacon when Clark showed up, once again not as Superman but as himself. Kalen didn’t seem to recognize him without the suit and went back to coloring in a book that Alfred acquired for him. 
   “Good morning Gia and Kalen.”
   “Morning Clark. Have you eaten yet?”
I asked him to try to be as cordial as I could to him in front of Kalen.
  “If you have any extra I’d like some. You have always made the best pancakes, just don’t tell mom I said that.”
I giggled at the thought of Mrs. Kent giving Clark a hard time over choosing someone else's food over what he was raised on. I continued to make more pancakes, flipped two of them so they could cook on the other side. 
   “Kalen did you say good morning?”
   “Momma I don’t know him.” He doesn’t look up from his book. 
“You still need to speak when someone is speaking to you. Mr. Clark said, ``Hi, what do you say?”
  “ Good morning.” Once again not looking up.
  “Look up when you are talking. Address him correctly or I will take the coloring book away. Get it together.”
He looks up in a panic at my mom voice, then looks at Clark who had been watching the interaction with interest.
  “Good Mo’rning Mister Clark.”
  “Good Morning Kalen. That looks like a cool picture you are coloring. Can I see?”
Kalen had been coloring a Jurassic park coloring book. Clark came over, pulling up a chair next to him. 
  “You are a great artist!  Who is this tough guy in this picture?”
He points at the page.
  “That is a T. Rex. He was one of the biggest dinaspours mommy says. She said they aren’t alive anymore, but she said that about Supa’ man too and I just saw him!”
I watched with interest as Clark digests what his son just says, but the smile never leaves his face.
   “She is right but who knows maybe they just went to another planet. For now though we will have to settle for a really cool picture colored by you.”
He hands him a new crayon and Kalen proceeds to talk his ear off, and he enjoys every second of it. I let them clean up the table and announced the food was ready. I brought the plates over to the table.  I went to grab some juice and to my surprise Clark was cutting up Kalen’s food for him. It gave me the warm and fuzzies to see Clark interacting with his son. It was something I never thought I’d get the chance to see. I made Clark a plate while he focused on Kalen, and then made one for myself. We ate our food in relative quietness. Once Clark was done with his mountain of food, he looked at me, clearly wanting me to brooch the topic with Kalen. I knew the time had come, especially with the rest of the house still sleeping.
   “So Kalen Baby I wanted to talk to you about something really important. How do you feel about not having a dad?”
  “I get sad momma. I wish I had a daddy.”
  “Here’s the thing sweetie. You do and up until now he couldn’t come see you. He would like to meet you if that’s okay?”
Kalen’s eyes lit up and I don’t think I had ever seen him so happy. 
  “Really momma?! Really?! He comes here to see me?!”
He was excited and started bouncing around in his chair. 
  “Yes, Kalen he is already here, you see Mr. Clark is your dad baby.”
He turns and it’s like seeing him for the first time, despite them having just colored together. Clark smiles at Kalen in a comforting way, clearly nervous at the little boys reaction, Kalen still stares, blinking slowly.
  “It’s really awesome to meet you buddy.” 
   “You my dad?”
  “Yes son I am. Like your mom said I couldn’t exactly come see you before, and now that I can I want to hang out with you a lot more. Would that be okay with you?”
  “Yes, Mr. Dad”
I laughed slightly as Kalen combined the names and Clark’s laughs a little too.
  “You don’t have to call me Mr. Dad. You can call me Clark or Dad, whatever you feel okay with.”
  “Otay. Can we finish coloring now?”
Just like that the hard part was over. It was kind of a relief for us to tell Kalen and honestly as excited as he was about meeting his dad, I was very grateful Clark had stepped up. I looked at the clock, noting that we would need to leave soon to get to Mrs. Kent’s house. 
  “Ummm okay you can keep coloring for 15 minutes while mommy goes to get dressed. Then you have to come get dressed, because we are going to go meet your dad’s mommy.”
I smiled as they continued to interact, I left the room and immediately felt bad, it hit me how wrong it would have been not to tell Clark. I would have deprived them of so many moments, and that wouldn’t have been right. For once I had been glad about the other plans fate had for me. I tried to dress as modest as possible, settling on a soft pink sundress with thin straps and a white cardigan sweater. I did my hair in a bun, with tendrils of hair down around my face. I was finishing up my hair when I heard Clark and Kalen come up the stairs, Kalen still chatting away, I went into the hallway finding Clark had carried him up the steps.
  “You know he is fully capable of navigating the steps right?” I asked him with a smirk.
  “That I am aware of. I just wanted to hold him, was that so wrong?”
I shake my head at the sight.
  “Nope. It’s not. Now I’m going to get him dressed and then we can go. Can you find Bruce and ask if we can borrow one of his cars?”
  “Sure, it sounds like he is just now getting dressed. I’ll go talk to him.”
With that Clark goes to leave, and Kalen snaps, crying loudly.
  “Nooooo dad no go yet!”
I try to calm him and Clark turns back around to stop in front of Kalen. 
  “Buddy, I’m not leaving you. I am just going to go pick up your crayons and dinosaur pictures. I’ll be right back okay.”
That does not work, I would laugh at the concerned look on Clark’s face if I thought it was appropriate for the time. Clark looks at me, and I hand the small child over to him, and Kalen whimpers folding into his chest and neck. Despite the initial panic, Clark was actually happy that Kalen had reacted like that. I reached up and rubbed the little boys back soothingly.
  “It’s okay Kalen. He’s going to be right back.”
I say and he just locks his arms on his neck in response.
   “Nooooo!!!” He wails. I can’t take it and I begin giggling. Clark cracks a smile and just adjusts him in his arms for the sake of holding him closer. I resigned myself to the fact that Kalen wouldn’t be letting go of his newfound father anytime soon.
  “Okay. Clark I’m going to pull out some clothes for him to wear. I trust you can get him dressed while I go butter up Bruce and clean up the kitchen.”
Clark nods as Kalen finishes sniffling. I walk into the room and find something respectable for Kalen to wear to meet his Grandmother in. I leave Clark and Kalen alone, and find Bruce downstairs with Alfred both drinking a cup of coffee. I walked over to the table sweeping up the crayons and picking up the coloring book. 
  “Good morning Bruce and Mr. Alfred. Sorry about the mess we were trying to keep Kalen occupied until I finished breakfast. Speaking of which are you hungry? I made the coffee but I can whip something up really quick?”
I offered while going to the sink about to wash the dishes we left earlier. 
  “Gia, it’s really alright we have someone, in fact multiple someone’s to take care of that. You don’t have to do that while you are here.”
  “I mean I have to earn my keep somehow. I don’t want to be in the way. I’m sure having a kid in the house is the last thing you want...”
I started rambling, a habit I picked up for when I was nervous.
  “Personally Ms. Smith I like having the tot around. Keeps me on my toes.”
Alfred says.
  “Please Alfred we are past Ms. Smith. Please call me Gia or Midnight. Neither bother me.”
  “Only if you call me Alfred, the Mr. makes me feel old.”
I smiled and nodded.
  “And as far as the kid goes Gia. I don’t mind you two being here. Honestly I really can’t hear you in this massive place anyhow. Which also brings me to yesterday, you do realize that I am happy to make sure you and your son are provided for?”
 “I don’t like handouts.”
To me handouts were going down a slippery slope that I couldn’t get out of once they got too deep. I had been burned by what I thought was people being nice. Turns out they just wanted things from me.
  “Don’t think of it as a handout. Think of it as a superhero stipend. One of the perks right?”
His smile is wry, and he takes another sip of his coffee. I considered his offer and honestly it was the only way I could feel okay with staying with Bruce in the interim. I could justify it in my own mind.
  “Fine. I guess we can stay but only until I get everything sorted with this whole mess of people trying to come after me.”
  “Sounds like a plan. I can hear that Clark is here. You left him on baby duty already?”
Bruce chuckles as he also browses the paper. 
 “More like Kalen wouldn’t let him go. I tried to get him dressed and have Clark come down, but he was not going for it. I didn’t think that Kalen would get so attached this soon. I mean  we told him that Clark was his father and it was like the attachment was instant. He is actually quite shy when it comes to meeting new people. Before he knew who Clark was to him, he still took to him like...like a duck to the water.”
 “Well young people need their fathers. They can make due without them, but in this case if you have one father figure willing let them be that.”
I nodded in agreement and then went on with my original purpose.
 “Alright, well Mr. Wayne, is there anything in my stipend for borrowing a car?”
Bruce raises his eyebrow at that one…
*30 minutes later*
Turned out Bruce didn’t care if I borrowed one of his cars. In fact he said to keep the keys for now while I was there. Ms. A had a day of relaxation in mind while we were gone. Then Bruce offered to have her taken out of state to her nieces house in California. Of course she jumped on an all expenses paid move across the country. She would be leaving us  and I wasn’t ready to deal with that. Clark took the wheel and drove to his mother's house, meanwhile I drifted to the first time I had ever met Mrs. Martha Kent...
*Flashback* The night Clark saved me:
The flight in Superman’s  arms had been more relaxing than I had ever thought flying in someone’s arms could be. I wasn’t able to look down, preferring the darkness of closed eyes to the darkness of the night. I felt really small compared to him and this vast universe he came from. 
I was alone in it now. I was free from being in bondage, these new powers that I had no clue on how to control. I was curious about where Superman would take me. Probably a police station or a hospital, some place I would have to break free from again. I would cross that bridge when I got to it I supposed. 
Quicker than I thought was possible, we were landing again, and I slowly opened my eyes once I was sure his feet were on the ground. He put me back on my feet and I looked around, we were surrounded by open fields, the long stalks and grass around us flattened from his landing. I took note of the barn and house in the distance, the night was quieter than I expected considering it wasn’t that late. 
 “Where are we?”
I asked him, my heart beating fast because I came to the realization rather harshly that I let some random guy who I assumed was a good guy, fly me away to go knows where. 
I mean this wasn’t the first time I made a bad decision, but while my last one got me thrown into a cage and experimented on, this bad mistake could get me killed. I began to panic, and even more so because I was from the city, if I did need to run, there was nowhere to hide. 
This man could FLY for Christ sakes. He would be able to find me quickly and end me. I started trembling, everything seeming elevated as the beginnings of full panic attack started.
  “Woah, woah, woah Gia I can hear your heart racing. It’s okay...”
Superman steps toward me and in fear I drop to the hard dirt, hands over my face as I curled into a ball. Suddenly, I am overwhelmed with disappointment, confusion, and fear along with the slight undercurrent of determination. I am confused and it feels like having two people in my mind. The emotions were separate and I wasn’t sure where they were coming from, I just wanted it all to stop. I was beginning to blackout, lost in various emotions that I couldn’t control.
Suddenly I feel a hand on my arm, it’s motion soft, and setting. 
  “Sweetheart it’s okay. I promise you are safe here. Focus on the sound of my voice and breathe.”
The voice was soft and feminine, definitely wasn’t Superman’s, nor was the noticeably smaller hand now on my shoulder. I tried to follow its direction, trying to use the hand as a  focusing point rather than fearing it. I could hear sobbing, and small whimpers it took awhile for me to realize that it had been me making those noises. The soft voice had not stopped shushing me, as if maybe I was a child. 
As the slow breeze drifted over me I grounded myself back in reality. My eyes open, no longer clouded by fear and I come face to face with a woman. Her light brown hair threaded with grays, and soft eyes embedded into face staring down at me. She reaches forward, touching my face gently.
  “There you are. Come on dear, sit up for us.”
I let her help me into a sitting position, looking around, noting that Superman was just off to the side of this woman. Her eyes were still kind and I could tell she meant me no harm. My head was pounding after the rush of all the adrenaline in my system. 
 “Where am I?”
 “You asked me to bring somewhere I thought you would be safe. This is the only place I could ensure that. Gia I can promise no one here will cause you harm.”
He comes over and helps me to my feet, and I take a good look at the woman , she is dressed in what could only be considered as mom jeans and a floral patterned shirt. 
  “Gia this is my mother Martha Kent, we are on her farm here in Kansas”
She smiles at her son and I briefly wonder how someone this powerful came from a woman like her. I mean not that I knew anything of her, she could have been just as powerful and only hiding it. She steps forward slightly, holding out her hand for me. I shook it  knowing my face had to be full of trepidation.
  “Clark here told me that he helped save you from some very nasty people, but he also tells me you helped save yourself first. Any young lady that could do that is okay with me. Now come on in the house, you’re a little smaller than me but I’d imagine I’ve got some warmer clothes than what you are wearing.”
She smiles then starts walking back to the house, shooting a look of mirth and maybe a knowing look with her son before patting his chest/shoulder area and continuing with her forward motion.
He looks down with a smirk before looking in my direction motioning me forward. Once I am walking next to him in stride on the pathway to the house I say.
  “Soooo all these super powers and your real name is Clark?”
We both laugh as he leads me up the steps and into the farmhouse...
*End Flashback*
The drive to Martha Kent’s home, a place I had called my home for a number of months following the night I met Clark, had gone much quicker than I anticipated. I thought I’d have more time to prepare, but despite Kalen being sleep in the back of the black Mercedes C5500, the ride didn’t seem long at all.
The car comes to a stop, parking in the driveway and for the first time I feel nervousness from Clark that didn’t help me feel any better about any of this.
  “ Your heart is pounding Gia. Relax.”
  “Pot meet Kettle.” I said motioning from me to him In a surprise move, he grabs my hand gently.
  “It is okay. My mother is way more understanding than you think. I’ll be right by your side the whole time.”
I look at him, his eyes wide and blue, begging myself not to get lost in the expansiveness of them. I fell back on my tried and true methods of avoidance to ignore the flutter I got from our energy exchange. He was purposely evening out his emotions which I was grateful for, clearing trying to push down his nerves and focusing on positive thoughts. 
He waits until my heartbeat is not as erratic before he gets out of the car, and walking to the front door where Mrs. Kent was waiting. She welcomes him with open arms as she always does, and he smiles wide for her. I look back to Kalen who is still knocked out cold. I smiled to myself at the stillness of the moment, and the. Looking back up to Clark and his mother. I feel her energy change from excitement to concern to happiness. At the happiness she turns to the car.
Clark motions for me to exit the car, still projecting calming energy. I unbuckle the seat-belt, and get out of the car. I leave Kalen in the car, the windows rolled down just enough in the front to hear him clearly if he woke up. Martha Kent’s eyes widened upon seeing me, and tears sprung up in her eyes. 
  “Gia Smith! Is that you dear?”
  “Hi Mrs. Kent.”
She holds her arms open wide and smiles. I smile back and fold into her arms. It was a missed feeling as it had been a time I was privy to her hugs all the time. 
  “Oh hush with that Mrs. Kent stuff! You know it’s Martha ‘round these parts. Clark you knew I missed my girl! This was a wonderful surprise dear!”
 “Ummmm mom, Gia was not the surprise I was talking about when I called you.”
She looks back and forth  between us, just as Kalen wakes up from his nap. Scared that he was now alone in the car. 
A/n: What do you think Mama Kent is going to say?
As always thank you and taglist is open!
@bloodyinspiredfuck​ @romyr4​ @p3nny4urth0ught5​
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yeaimfishboi · 6 years
Calling Out My Mutuals
Ok so this is organized by who I met one here in my earlier days vs my later tumblr days.
@kpopstarsreact- Kat, you were the first mutual I made on tumblr, and now you are one of my best friends. I love you more than words can describe. I can talk to you about so much and we do so many weird things. I can’t for our yearly travel plans, our fun roadtrips, and all of the things we will do in the future. You are amazingly wonderful and I love you too much.
next up I like to refer to them as the infamous three bc they were some of the first friends I made here and I tag them in everything and they are all amazingly talented
@huntingfire2001- KT, Another one of my first mutuals. I love how we could rant about our shared biases and our love for classical music.We could talk about upcoming performances and new sheet music we got. I love you so much and you are just amazing.
@iamjungkooked- Ahh, my wonderful Gia. I am amazed at how far you have come. You are doing such a wonderful job whether it be your writing or the fact that you are in NURSING SCHOOL!!!! You are a wonderful woman and put so much effort into what you do and I admire you so much. (I also still ship Gikyun and Giffrey so bad)
@kimjongdaely-  Kam!!!!! I remember when I used to read all the stuff you posted and I admired you sooo much. And then you and I became friends and I was shocked that someone like you would want to be mutuals to a measly lazy writer like me. You are so talented and wonderful. You are always so kind to me and always a blast to be around. I love you Kam! You are the best (also you are still absolutely stunning!!)
@lives4yongguk- Ana, you and I can talk for hours. You sit there and put up with my no makeup ugly face at 1 pm or my sister just yelling at me. You take care of me and listen to me. I can’t wait to visit you, and send care packages when I start making money. You’ve listened to so much of my past and you don’t look at me with pity like a lot of people do and I admire that. You always find ways to make me laugh and make me jealous of you (beautiful mother fucker). I love you so freaking much!
@mikapeanut- Lea, you are amazing. You put up with so much and still are so positive. You take care of everyone around you without any regard to yourself. You are so very talented, and I wish I could sing like you! I love you.
@ofsweetdreams- Love even though we haven’t talked in a hella long time, I just want to thank you. I want to thank you for helping with prompts and listening to me and just all out caring for me.
@sashagirl1116- AHHHHHH SASHA BABE!!!! You are absolutely wonderful. You always find ways to boost my confidence and make me feel better and I adore you for it. You always hype me up and make me laugh. You are just... ugh... i can’t even. I just love you soo much.
@ohpapiseo- Vi, you always can tell when I’m having a tough time. You always know how to cheer me up and you always triple check to make sure I’m ok. I can’t thank you enough for that. You are so talented an I admire you. I <3 U!!
@amy-y- (imma write this in spanish, also I apologize for the lack of accents my computer won’t let me use them). Amanda, tu eres mi sol. Te amo mucho mi amor. Tu siempre haces feliz. No puedo gracias suficiente por todo lo que has hecho por mi. Me haces suave. Me bañas en amor y afecto y gracias. Tu usas Donghyuk para ayudar a animarme porque sabes que funciona. Te amo. No puedo espere ir a paseo con tu. (All of those tus are supposed to have accents and its irritating me)
@stray-kiddos- Sophie, you are so wonderful. And your love for SK and NCT and everyone is so cute. You are amazing and I wish you so much love and happiness in the future to come!
And to the more recent mutuals who I love more than anything
@welovekpopscenarios: Candi- THAT”S MY WIFE YOU GUYS. Candi, you stunning, talented, and kind, and you deserve the world. You always know how to make me smile no matter how bad it is and I love you for it. You mean the absolute world to me and I don’t know what I would do without you.
Mimi- MIMI MY QUEEN!!! You are just... AHHHHHH. You are an amazing, dedicated writer that always hypes me up. You make me laugh and giggle and you always seem to brighten my day. You are so kind to everyone you come across and it’s so admirable. I love you my 5′4 buddy!
@taetaetrashhh- Momo, my wonderfully talented writer friend. I want to thank you for asking me to be apart of your SVT Art School Collab. I also want to thank you fr checking up on me and making sure I was healthy this last month when I got really sick. It meant a lot. I can’t wait to grow closer to you in the future to come!
@oh-beyond- Last, but certainly not least my lovely Jangmi. You always find a way to hype me up and I am forever grateful. You are an amazing writer who deserves so much from the world! You have such a kind heart and I can’t wait to see how our relationship grows!!!
So this was me totally calling out my mutuals XD
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piahautea · 6 years
Appreciation Post: My Lovely Barkada
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I’ve always been the stick-to-one type of friend.
Back during the first two years of junior high, you’d only see me with just one friend. One lunch buddy, one fair week constant, one automatic partner, one let’s-go-to-the-library-during-intrams-instead co-lazy bum, one companion and one everything. But never really the more meaningful ones like: a confidante, a tell-me-your-secrets-they’re-safe-with-me type of chill, a laughing comrade or a wingman /pagdating sa mga crushes na iyan/. That was until I met each of the cartoon people above. 
This post is dedicated to them. The not-so-small barkada I never thought I’d have. They've also been so supportive of my blogging ever since and I want y’all to meet them! Somehow you may also try to see a part of yourself in them with their little intro’s /but that's only if you want to/.
A little disclaimer by the way: Their art banners are filled with silly deets about them while their actual descriptions are a lot graver; although, it's still sounding a lot like silly Pea wrote them, aye. 
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This is Leila. Leila’s been one of my best friends since 10th grade. I never thought we’d be in the friendship situation we have now because I only thought surface-level bros were all we'd ever be. But, nah. What are those for anyway? She was the quietly-acing-my-way-in-the-honor-rolls type. And, well, I was trying so hard to be that student. But we just randomly sparked up a convo about my blog and her love for Niall Horan and then she became my confidante in an instant with her shipping me so hard with a Tumblr boy that I used to like. In the things I thought highly impossible for myself, she believed I could turn them around in my favor and she stood there behind me with her hand on my back. She’s the best. I still wish she'd become a doctor, even though she's already faced towards a different track.
This is Margaux. When she spots you and you tickle her fancy, she’d probably talk to you. Basically, that's what happened to us. We were just batchmates in the same baking class. That changed when we bumped into each other at a charm store; she saw me first, tapped my back and said, “Hi!” like it’s nothing. Post the little meeting and the year after, we became classmates. And then I knew that smiling was her best asset and her laughter was her best type of music. She’d made me cookies and a chocolate-mint birthday cake for my 18th because that’s her. You hear little words and phrases like pastries, being top-level artsy, beauty queen pageants, genuine grins, dressing up for fun and you got it. That’s still gonna be her.
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This is Froilan. If you know me well enough, you’d know that this dude’s been one of my constants since the beginning of time /‘di naman haha since 9th grade lang siguro/. You'll see him almost everywhere I go and part of almost everything I do. We’ve also been constantly teased by past classmates about us having that chemistry and that maybe we were already secretly a couple. All I can say is, nope. We’re merely bros. I love him, though. In the gayest way possible. He’s amazing in general. He loves getting and slaying the D so much. Drawing, dancing and designing *wink wink*. I’m never afraid to be myself when I’m with him and for that I’m eternally thankful. He’s also my punching bag hehe he enjoys the force of my knuckles kissing and smashing his fudge brownie skin /poetic/.
This is Nesli. She’s the first friend I’ve ever made in our circle. We’ve been together since the 7th grade and mutually sworn to be each other’s best friends during 8th grade. She’s also one of my confidantes. And the one who’s literally seen me in the good, the bad & the ugly and has still loved me no matter what. She has a heart large enough to fit in giraffes, all her favorite Filipino & European dishes, historical fiction books, her family, her art, her hoes and all her other friends. She’s my happy pill, tbfh. She’s going to make it big in the animations field or in any other field because she’s that flexible. She can write, draw, paint /in both the common mediums/, care for wildlife and humanity vividly. It's such a cakewalk to believe in what she's capable of because when she dreams, she dreams with her eyes open and with stellar passion running freely in her veins.
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This is Brian. He’s one of my sister’s former tutees. I’ve heard stuff about him being sassy and loud /which he was/, but our friendship was a bit like of a plot twist. An unexpected thing. Although believe me when I say this: my sister predicted that we’d be the best of friends in the future. And she was right about it. 9th grade and I can still fondly remember it all. We’d sit in a corner where people weren't around to sing Defying Gravity because it was his fave and I was his fave duet partner, too. Sooner or later, we begun that singing routine. He easily became the person I’d always wanna sing with and now he’s worked his way to get into theater by switching schools for both SHS and college. I love my theater geek friend /who apparently knows how to get wasted now/. And I miss having to deal with him and his antics everyday. 
This is Gia. Being friends with her was also an unexpected one. She’s quiet and was only the closest to Cather /you’ll get know her later/. We’d never really had those talk-talks until the final years of junior high. She lent me her copy of To Kill A Mockingbird and it opened me to widen my reading choices. We also discovered each others’ love for indie/alternative rock music. She loves Nirvana, blink-182 and The Killers and it killed me. I’d also boast to those who love her brother’s band from the indie OPM scene that I’m friends with the vocalist’s baby sister because Hello? it’s not everyday you get to be friends with someone who has blood thick and rich of musical notes and art. She's an epitome of those two things.
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This is Mika. Mika was Froilan’s friend first. And then she randomly talked to me in class and we became instant friends who loved hugging each other. She’s the type to get crafty and make you keychains or little drawings of your favorite things for Christmas or your birthday. She’s the sweetest soul and she likes to share stories with you; it doesn’t matter how long you’ll chatter with her. She’s also super smart! She helps me with all the Math help I needed back when we still had to take Math. You would just never see an honor roll without her in it. And yes, she had a phase with Big Time Rush back in junior high. But now, it seems like she’s also been bitten by another Kpopper /probably a friend from outside the circle/. She's the kind of treasure I'd like to keep with me anywhere I go. 
This is Carmela. This one’s another plot twist kind of friendship. Like Margaux, she’s also extremely loud and friendly. Like randomly-popping-into-your-face kind of friendly. She’s chatty but it’s a reasonable kind of chatter. She also dances like a pro. I envy her grace on the floor and the flat stomach she'd cultivated out of that. We may not have the same amount of time as we had before but we see to it that no matter how busy we are, we’d never fail to exchange short stories and warm hugs when we see each other. Also, yes, she is my co-bully when it comes to Froilan. Everything she does to put him in artless misery cracks me up every time /that’s how we roll/.
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This is Seline. I’ve only known her this year but since then, she’s already been one of my closest friends in class. We just vibe well and we could talk about anything in the pop culture spectrum or just anything Tumblr and art-related. I love how her mind just works like a charm and concocts puns real quick. I love how she'd update me and tell me stories about her dogs and their newborn puppies because we share the same love for these critters and it just makes me giddy every time. Because of her, I’m starting to rethink my stances on animated films /because I’m not big on those/. She makes some of the greatest digital artworks I’ve ever seen and I can’t wait to have more cafe adventures with her and our other amigos and to visit her in Benilde by the time we reach college. 
This is Cather(ine). Like Nesli, we’ve been friends since 7th grade and best girls since the 8th. She’s the cutest /next to my spot/ in the group and makes equally-adorable reactions to everything she sees. It kind of takes her a while to do almost everything she has to do but it adds up to how she handles anything with the utmost love and care not anyone would ever spare time for. She's also loud whenever she opens her mouth to speak /e.g. when we're in the car and it's quiet, she would completely ignore the silence and start a quickfire with her words but that's okay because she can never be irritating to me at all/. I love her that much. I hope she’d find solace in the fact that she’s a bright, bright kiddo who would slay any scientific fate she’d choose. I’d always have her back as she's always had mine.
When we met, it suddenly just made sense to meet altogether, too. It wasn't like our personalities were so similar with the other that we just had to gather around a campfire and talk about starting a tribe or something. Our personalities differ; but in such a way that we complement each other, filling gaps that needed a little something of this or that. But about the tribe thing, yes we do gather. Annually. For Christmas. And it has to be in a different house each year until we get to be in everyone's humble abodes.
Ladies & gents, this is my second ohana. My very own battle cohort. Top 1 in my small list of kada’s. My most favorite non-blood related people in the universe. I used to be a stick-to-one kind of person. Now, I'm mostly a stick-to-ten. 
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Episode 1 of Bad Buddy is really not that great when you watch it for the first time, for a variety of reasons. But it is such a treat to rewatch it, and it gets so much better in retrospect: now you already know who these characters are and what they’re thinking and feeling—of course, Bad Buddy’s writing has always been grounded in the ‘show, don’t tell’ method, therefore they rarely spell it out, hence more than one single interpretation of their actions’ motives is valid, but overall we know what’s going through their heads.
And to see Pat show this level of vulnerability and openness breaks my heart a little, because you can really sense (especially, like I said, in retrospect) how much he missed Pran and how happy he is to merely be allowed to stand next to him; to have him back in his life, with the hope that nobody will take him away again. 
Let’s not forget that Pat blames himself for Pran’s transfer, which explains why, when Pran says ‘Things don’t end well whenever I’m with you’, he does look a bit sad, but he immediately shakes it off and smirks, as if to say “Yeah, I know, right? I know. But at least this time you’re still here. With me.” And then he smiles softly (and shyly!) at Pran, although Pran has literally just insulted him. 
Oh, Pat, my beautiful baby boy. 
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📝 ((For Gia and Ska for the thoughts meme.))
Their first impression: Overly excitable, charmingly naive and innocently curious. All around not a bad guest to have in Wonderland.
Their current impression: Star’s quickly gained rank in Giaselle’s favor what with helping them out so much since the dragon festival’s grand flummox.
What they like the most about your muse: Star’s curiosity and enthusiasm for everything he finds in Wonderland~
What they dislike the most about your muse: There’s really nothing not to like about Star =v=
What your muse is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): Definitely a good friend
A general opinion of their relationship: Giaselle thinks endearingly of Star and wouldn’t hesitate to step up for the robot master if Star ever finds himself in trouble.
If applicable, something they wish to reveal: (He almost wants to talk to Star about the weirdness that is him and his Adora)
Their first impression: One of Aliblu’s more impressionable guests Seems to easily accept magic and Wonderland as a whole.
Their current impression: A very important ally to have at her side.
What they like the most about your muse: Star has such an acceptance of everything around him, even the things that other visitors have gawked at even on revisits.
What they dislike the most about your muse: Nothing, really. There’s nothing to dislike.
What your muse is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): A dear friend.
A general opinion of their relationship: Star and Skarlette are ‘teatime buddies’, a term I like using when the muses can be just as happy quietly sipping tea and reading as they would having an adventure.
If applicable, something they wish to reveal: (Sometimes she wonders if people only see her as another Aliblu and not her own person)
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pat holding on pran's arm/hand during their involuntary hug hunts me day and night 'cause of the way he's so comfortable with pran's touch, 'cause of the way he has craved for any kind of closeness to him since the day pran came back and he got used to the idea of having him once again in his life, 'cause he doesn't give a shit that their friends may see them in this misunderstandable position, he just wants him close close close as close as possible and he will take any chances he's got gladly and greedily hahahah i want to die
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i think what i loved the most about the special episodes was the way pat and pran’s insecurities were only their own. literally. they were worrying about things that didn’t exist. pran worrying he may be a burden for pat, pran worrying pat may be doing too much in their relationship, pran not feeling enough... were all things that didn’t even occur to pat. pat doesn’t see anything he does as a sacrifice. pat loves when pran needs him to be helpful, pat needs to feel helpful. pat is afraid he isn’t allowed to feel like he needs pran to live so he needs pran to need him back as a result. but pran doesn’t have a problem with pat needing him, at all. he likes it. all of this is just a consequence of how they were raised, of the 20 years of life they spent not being a couple, not being each other’s reassurance that they’re fine the way they are and they are allowed to be weak and that they can rely on someone else and not just do everything by themselves/for others.
urgh. they’re so disgustingly in love tbh. 
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pat did not sacrifice himself for pran by getting back "in the closet" (hiding from their families): that was a MUTUAL choice they both made to still be able to date each other on their own terms, without having to bear their parents' opinions or disapproval. and while it is true that they BOTH would love to be able to show their relationship freely to the world, the way they're hiding post-honeymoon (joyful, light, cheerful, Not That Careful at all, basically making it an open secret) has NOTHING to do with the way they were hiding before they were caught (anxious, scared, guilty, careful).
pat did not sacrifice himself for pran, and i really don't get how people can even think that. sure, he's the one who likes to be louder about their love, and is the one who expresses his desire to be fully "out" (although the concepts of being in the closet, outing, coming out etc don't really apply to bbts), but that doesn't mean pran doesn't want the exact same thing. theirs is an AGREEMENT and they're both committing to it. and sure, pran's relationship with dissaya is stronger than pat's relationship with ming, but that does not mean pat doesn't care about his father's opinion anymore (even during the time skip, he still tries to have his father drink the liquor pran bought for him, fully aware that his dad does know where that liquor is coming from. he would still like to be accepted, to have pran be welcomed in his family, even though neither of them are willing to let their parents' judgement affect their relationship). it's a sacrifice from both parts, an adjustment they are willing to make to not let the world change them. an happy ending with a bittersweet taste (although ep12 implies that one day their families will probably let them be together in peace).
@inventedfangirling expressed this concept way better than i ever could in one of her posts. you should check it out.
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I noticed many people are feeling pretty angry at the writers right now, for how they handled PatPran’s conflict. First of all, for introducing us to Pat’s fear (I don’t want to admit to myself that I can’t live without him) without every really foreshadowing it; second of all, for having Pran say that he’s insecure, that he doesn’t feel enough, that he believes Pat puts more effort in their relationship than he does (and well, all of this was already pretty obvious from other scenes in both Bad Buddy and this crossover), but then having him do nothing about it and wait for Pat to be the first to say, ‘I can’t live without you’. 
I will try to explain these scenes and the reasons behind them, but I do want to clarify something first: unlike the 12 Bad Buddy episodes, these ones were rushed, and not as well written. I’m not as disappointed as other people and I don’t think they ruined the show and/or the couple with these specials, but I do wish they’d done a better job conveying these messages. 
Pat loves playing the hero, even Pran tells him (in episode 11) that it’s one of the reasons why he likes him. 
We’re used to Pat being vocal about his love for Pran, and that’s what put so many people off—why would he feel insecure about saying those words out loud, when he’s always been sincere and has never had issues expressing his own feelings? And you’re right, of course, that’s one of the many differences between Pat and Pran’s personalities, as established in the show.
But! Pat telling Pran how much he loves him, Pat being there for him, Pat always taking Pran’s feelings into consideration and putting them first, Pat protecting Pran, Pat being ready to lose in case his win might put Pran in a tough situation, Pat yelling his adoration for Pran on the stairs of the Architecture faculty... all of this is a way for Pat to be Pran’s hero, to be the strong one, the one who’s willing to yield because he knows that’ll please his boyfriend, the one who’s straightforward and who never hides the way he feels. 
And yes, we did get some quotes from Pat in ep 11 about how much he likes that Pran always fights alongside him and never leaves him alone, but that speaks a lot about partnership, doesn’t it? We fight together, we go through stuff together and nobody can stop us as long as we’re together. 
But then Pran starts having doubts, shows his insecurities; he knows that Pat always being there for him is fine and all, but let’s not forget that Pran isn’t used to this. Yes, they’ve been together for three years, and they faced a lot together, helping each other out all the time, and that’s why now Pran feels like he can let his guard down next to Pat. When Pran says, in episode 1 of OS, ‘No matter what problem I face, you’re always there for me’, he means it, deeply, and he isn’t ashamed of it at all, or at least until he hears Pat and his friends making fun of it, making fun of how much he trusts Pat, to the point that he’d be willing to rely on him, something he’s obviously never done before. And while he knows those are not words Pat truly means, he can’t help but wonder: ‘Am I doing enough? Does Pat feel like I’m a burden to him? Doesn’t he believe I can get things done on my own anymore? Have I got too comfortable with thinking he’s always by my side that I’ve reached the point where I need him by my side?’
Because let’s not forget that Pat and Pran are individuals that got together by choice, and by choice only. Ever since they were kids, they chose to break their parents’ rules and become friends, they chose the hard way instead of the easy path. So they’re choosing to stay together, going through the trouble of hiding their relationship again, and maybe Pran starts wondering whether Pat still thinks it’s worth it (let’s not forget that Pat answers ‘I have no choice’ when Pran tells him he’s grateful for his presence, and while Pat just meant that they’re meant to be together, that he couldn’t not love Pran even if he wanted to, that might also come off as ‘It’s the way it is, I got used to it’).
And that’s why in ep2 of OS, when Pat reminds him that he wants to help him because he’s his boyfriend, not because Pran asked (not because he has to, or because Pran needs him to, but because he wants to, because his choice is to stay beside him) the mood immediately changes, to the point that Pran gets super comfortable with physical touch again and they’re even implied to be sexually active (which may not sound important, but we saw how brutally Pran pushed Pat away when he still wasn’t in the mood and was still hurt and Pat kissed him, so I think it’s actually very important). 
Pran is still obviously insecure—and can you blame him, really? Pran has been in love with Pat throughout his entire life, he thought the mere chance of having any sort of relationship with him was nothing more than a dream, and instead got exactly what he wanted. But he never thought he deserved it, or that he was enough for it. He is clearly uncomfortable with how different their bodies are (despite Pat being horny for him all the time! Which kind of proves the point that until you’re the one who fully believes in something, it doesn’t matter if anyone else around you tries to convince you: you’re still gonna doubt), he knows he’s ‘a lot to handle’ (as Pat tells him himself in ep11, and please do not get me started on Pran’s face when he asks Pat why he likes him, as if he’s thinking ‘honestly, why on Earth would someone like you love someone like me?’), he asks Pat if he ‘were good’ after they made love for the first time, although I’m pretty sure Pat showed his pleasure pretty evidently while they were at it. There are still days in which he doesn’t believe his own eyes, think about that little moment in ep1 of OS when Pat agrees to give him the auditorium and his eyes shine and flicker with the same lovesick expression he had back when they weren’t even dating. We see Pran getting confident around Pat because he knows Pat likes him, because he’s somehow reassured that his boyfriend enjoys the way he is, which allows him to be more comfortable in his own skin (think about how smug he acts during more than half of episode 1 of OS). His confidence shutters when he hears Pat say those words and laughing with his friends about them; I think it’s perfectly normal that he got insecure after that, despite being fully aware that Pat did not mean what he said. 
And then you have Pat, whose whole identity is shaped around the idea of being the perfect son, the coolest friend, the greatest rival in history, realizing that he doesn’t just want to be with Pran all the time, to take care of Pran and to be there for him, to cherish him and make him feel loved and desired. No, when he takes his time to think about Pran’s insecurities, he goes like ‘He’s the one who’s worrying over whether he needs me too much or not, when I’m literally nothing without him by my side?’
Pat can only be truly himself around Pran. Pat only shows his weaknesses to Pran. Pat is only clingy to Pran. Pat wants to help Pran because Pran’s his entire world. Sure, he likes to play the hero; he likes to be someone the people in his life can rely on, someone who can be anyone else’s rock; but all of that means nothing in the face of the idea of losing Pran. 
And it’s terrifying to admit it! One thing is to say, ‘I love you so much, you’re the most important person in my life, our relationship means the world to me’, and something else entirely is to say, ‘I can’t live without you’. Our parents will eventually find out and they might try to get in our way again? That’d break me, break me completely, do you understand? I don’t know how to function without you. That’s what ‘I can’t live without you’ really means, we can’t live without air, we can’t live without food or water, and that’s how much Pran means to Pat (and how much Pat means to Pran), and it doesn’t matter how vocal about his feelings Pat has always been, and it doesn’t matter that they both already know (as Pat tells Pran!): to say it out loud is a different story.
Especially when you think about how important to Pat and Pran is that they’re equals in their relationship. Think about how much Pat was insecure in ep1 of OS when he realized Pran was so confident about the whole ‘play-competition’ thing, how sad he got when his presentation went down bad and Pran got the sponsorship. What gets him all happy again? The realization that he doesn’t need to be better than Pran at everything; the realization that they’ll always be there to help each other out, that what Pran did with him—helping him visualizing things as something different from what they were—was really the same thing he did when he helped Pran visualize a bus-stop that wasn’t even there yet. That’s why he goes from being so worked up about winning the competion to being once again willing to give the auditorium to Pran. 
So why does Pran feel so bad at the idea of needing me, when I’m literally so sure that I do? That makes him feel uncomfortable, and doesn’t allow him to fully accept the idea that he needs Pran so much, when he he isn’t sure that Pran needs him all that much and when Pran seems so against the possibility of actually needing him (also, take into account how much Pat belives in Pran! He doesn’t doubt Pran will find a solution to him and Phupha being lost in the forest for one second! Sure, he’s worried about him, but he also knows Pran will always handle things one way or another, with or without his help).
I think the miscommunication is evident, because Pran’s issue wasn’t with needing Pat, but with the idea that Pat might be starting to feel like Pran was becoming a burden to him. That’s why they should have talked this out, because Pat ‘can’t read his mind’, as he very cleverly pointed out in ep6. But while PatPran do have an healthy communication going on, I don’t understand why people were so upset that Pran didn’t feel like spelling it out, when it’s really not the first time he does that? Pat and Pran just happen to always get each other in the end, often without any need for words to come out of their mouths. 
I think the main difference this time was that Pat needed an answer. Pran already got an answer to his insecurities when Pat told him he couldn’t live without him, and Pran already knew how Pat felt because Tian snitched had already told him about his conversation with Pat. So, ‘Am i doing enough? Is Pat getting tired of me? Is the way i handle things, the fact that he’s the one who usually yields, something that’s tiring him?’, very obviously no. Pat’s not getting tired of him, Pat could never get tired of him (when you think about it, it’s also kind of the meaning of the ost that Ohm sings, and that’s supposed to be Pat’s answer to Pran’s song). 
Pran doesn’t need any other answer, but Pat does. He doesn’t in ep11, when he so very genuinely gives that huge, emotional speech to Pran, to which Pran doesn’t reply a single word, and that’s perfectly okay because Pat doesn’t need an answer to that. But Pat does need an answer now, and you can see it from the way he’s so shy when he pronounces those last two words, from the way he looks at Pran craving for something, anything, that will make him feel like him needing Pran is okay, because Pran needs him too. So that’s what Pran tells him, nothing more, and nothing less—although, he does say a lot more, by literally resting his head on his shoulder, asking for physical support, and physically supporting him at the same time, because that’s who they are, that’s who they’ll always be. Pat telling Pran he can’t live without him makes Pran feel like it’s okay if he can’t live without him too, it’s not something he should be ashamed of or afraid of. It’s just the way they work. Yes, they chose to be together, and now they need to—and there is no shame in that.
And it may look like Pran’s not putting any effort into this, but he so clearly is. Pran’s crying, you guys! Even just saying those few words out loud isn’t easy for him, all considered. He’s always been the one having an harder time expressing what he feels, this is nothing new.
EDIT: I guess I should have written that his eyes were watery, not that he was crying, since there were no tears in sight. I’m sorry!
And things will kind of always stay this way, if you think about it. Think about how even in ep12, when they’have been dating for ages and are fully adults, Pat’s still the one who goes to Pran’s bedroom, never the other way around. And that’s not—don’t you dare say it—something that shows how much more Pat loves Pran than Pran loves him: it just shows that people can show their love to each other in different ways, and that’s okay. 
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everytime i read a post of people hating on these specials and thinking they ruined patpran or their characterizations i lowkey wanna write a 10k words post about how they're wrong but i also just really wanna cry so hard because although patpran were not and never will be ruined for me the thought that they were ruined for someone else makes my heart shutter into a milion pieces. can you just. rewatch the show and rewatch the specials and maybe see things from a different perspective i am begging you. you're hurting me 😭
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i will never, never, get over the way pat's eyes get softer when he realizes pran still has pictures of their highschool years together 😭
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