#ghostie ramble
hopelessloveghost · 2 years
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burythecarnival · 10 months
if someone could eat me out & finger me until i melt into the bed then pet my head as i lie on their chest until i fall asleep, that would be v fucking neato.
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bluerosefox · 6 months
Danny "I know a Guy"™
Danny works for the JL as a engineer and is the guy that always seems to 'know a guy' for all types of situations.
It's starts with either the Teen Titans or the YJ needing something silly/dumb and it later spirals into "but who reads [insert dead language or alien language here] its impossible!"
Danny' working nearby and sees it: oh! That's [name of language] I know someone. If you don't mind them being a little... ghosty."
When something big bad death/powerful realted happens later though. Danny is helping repairs on the JL tower, Constantine is there talking about maybe summoning a powerful protector spirit that had defeated the Ghost King a while back, someone jokelying and tiredly asks Danny if he knows anyone who can help.
"No..." Danny gets silent for a moment, stares at them before saying as he transforms "I am the guy this time."
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Ghost in the graveyard au
inspired by this song.
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Nightmare is a little ghost that lives in the cemetery just outside of town. tends too stay in the older part which has been basically turned into a forest. he can't leave the cemetery nor can most people see him other than just glimpses out of the corner of their eyes. Enough though that he is a bit of a local legend. since he isn't from this au no one really knows who he is or was. he's haunted the cemetery for several centuries.
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eventually Dust ends up finding Him. Dust can see Nightmare easily, he would hang out in the graveyard because it is very quiet and quite peaceful. the forest area is also very pretty.
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For Dust it's almost like having his brother back And for nightmare he gets an older brother figure and friend.
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The rest of the gang's there too. Killer has his priorities. The gang was each offered this place too live if they promised too try and be better. (also Blue had promised too get supplies to horrortale). So now Horror, Dust, and Killer live in this house in a small (ish) town in an au where monsters where never sent underground and things where pretty peaceful. a regular surface au would still have humans getting used too monsters. And with a group such as the gang that might not end well for either party. they also get therapy so yay :D plus Killer discovers the wonders of mariokart.
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monstersandmaw · 4 months
You know that ‘but what if there was a good one’ trope of the ‘monsters’ from movies/media etc.? I’m thinking of BG3 (because BG3 brainrot is constant right now)…
What if there was someone in the shadow cursed lands who was undead but not hostile? What if this character could help your party? Or could be welcomed into your camp as a follower? Not heroic or anything. Just a lil undead guy (gn).
Maybe they cook for your party, or maybe you find a lute and bring it back, but no one at camp can play it so it gets set aside, but they pick it up and strum a few chords and remember what it felt like to be alive? What if they can fletch and enchant arrows for you? What if they’re so desperate to be useful and loved and cherished that they’ll do anything not to be sent out into the cursed, dark, echoing shadows again? spoilers they don’t have to *do* anything to earn their place, but after 100 yrs they don’t know that
What if they can pass as the undead and slink out of camp after your party one day, only to find you surrounded and struggling, so they grab a dagger from a nearby corpse and chuck a bag of healing potions and scrolls at you at the last minute and literally save everyone, and they’re celebrated and hugged and thanked that night back around the fire and finally feel like they have a home and a family again after a hundred years of fear and isolation and loneliness…
What if…?
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ghosty-0w0 · 3 months
soooooo ummmm
I made a questionable money choice-
I bought smth….
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ghostiewriter · 1 year
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I’m gonna fucking lose my mind
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zandlikething · 4 months
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Poor sunny I really hope Tubbo comes back tomorrow :(
At least she still got to celebrate her birthday with her siblings and aunts and uncles
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I also find it very cute that Sunny considers Pomme a big sister :) I still remember when Pomme was the youngest egg and now she has a little sister :,)
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New egg trio: Sunny, Ramon, and Pomme
Very rare for Pomme to hang out with Sunny AND Ramon at the same time but I love it <3
I love that we get to see these moments with the eggs when no adults are around it's so cool and cute seeing them interacting outside of their parents.
I miss Bad but I'm happy that the ghosties get to explode around and hang out with the eggs even though they don't know we are there
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thegreenishhues · 6 months
God DAMN I didn't expect forever leaving to hit me so hard. I loved his character and although I do respect cc!forevers decisions I will miss him. I will hold out hope that he will return for now.
Also as a side note as a Ghostie please Kens don't abandon us. you will still get a warm welcome and I always love the lil hey Ken hi Barbie interactions. You are always welcome in the bbh chat <3
Translated to Portuguese below :)
Também como uma observação lateral como um Ghostie, por favor, não nos abandone. você ainda receberá uma recepção calorosa e eu sempre adoro as interações lil hey Ken oi Barbie. Você é sempre bem vindo no chat do bbh <3
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q-morning-crew · 6 months
Tubbo and bad are such a fascinating pairing because their first big meaningful interaction was VERY hostile and immediately marked them as enemies, or at the very least opposing forces
And then purgatory happened. And look at them now
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happy 10 year anniversary to Transistor!!!
as a reward: my sybil reisz cosplay :)
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hopelessloveghost · 2 years
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the lico brainrot is BACK
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theroseyhues · 4 months
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Ghosties Reference sheet >:D devolved into doodles in the best way
Goodnight :D
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bluerosefox · 6 months
The Drakes
It's been years since the Bats had seen Red Robin much less Tim Drake-Wayne. It started with a rather dumb argument that after years of holding back his tongue and the stress of being a TEENAGE CEO that Tim finally ripped into them.
They were too stunned by the end of his speech, him also admitting that yes he has his own problems and mistakes but at least he's trying to make amends or get over himself unlike others. It was their prolonged silence that was the final straw for him it seemed though, because Tim finally announced he was done, he was done bleeding for those that kept him on the edge of the family and that he wanted to rest, and with that Tim turned and left the Batcave for the final time.
They of course didn't take Tim's retirement announcement seriously, after all Tim was the last person other than Bruce they all believed would ever leave the life of a vigilante and a hero behind, and they all knew Bruce would keep working on the 'mission' even as a frail old man. It took them a few weeks before one of them finally decided to go see Tim and try to... talk about everything he said.
Only when they reached Tim's Nest, they discovered it was empty and he was no where to be found did they realize he was serious. It was a quick call to Wayne Enterprises to see if he was in and Tam no doubt holding back her sharp response to them that she told them that Tim had stepped down from CEO weeks ago and hasn't been heard from since. The one who went to see Tim immediately called the others, which sent many of them onto goose chase of false leads, arguments, and pointing blame.
Despite looking for their long lost Red Robin, he was good at hiding his tracks and any who might have an idea where he could be weren't talking.
So yeah it's been a while since the Bats had heard any news relating to their lost bird.
So imagine their surprise when Ra's latest attempt to upset the balance in their family again (did he want Damian to return as his heir? Take control over Gotham in the shadow? Upset Bruce? None of them honestly knew what his plan was anymore. Same old song and dance) and having captured them all that he brought up Tim to them. Or rather "shame the Detective is going to be late, but I'm sure his little family shall inform of things once he gets here."
None of them were expecting for Ra's to look away from them and with a snap of his fingers, three assassins brought forth into the room two others. One was being dragged by two assassins, black hair, pale skin, and lean swimmers build of a body. He looked roughly around the age Tim would be. He was placed on the floor right by Ra's boots, arms and legs tied up, clearly but alarmingly breathing low and slow from the raise and fall of their chest. He wore a simple T-shirt but had dark jacket that was covered in stars, NASA logos, and other galaxy themed patches all over it, his dark jeans also held some star patches but also held everyday stains from being outside in the grass and other normal day to day thing. All in all this person seems like a normal civilian individual and none of the Bats knew why Ra's had taken him.
The other assassin that had walked into the room was holding a toddler, a girl from the little pigtails on her messy head indicated. Her hair was just as dark as the passed out male by Ra's and her skin was shade healthier than him. She wore grass stained and messy paints caked overalls with a plan shirt under it and two different kinds of kids shoes (one was a green with dinosaurs and the other blue with little stars). She, unlike the young man on the floor, was awake and was looking around the room while sucking her thumb in clear distress, she also used her free hand that wasn't in her mouth to push the assassin holding onto her away from her as far as she could and was squirming her tiny legs enough to kick their sides. Thankfully the assassin didn't look too hostile or upset meaning she wasn't doing to much damage or being too annoying.
"What a lovely family the Timothy has gained for himself don't you think? I will admit Daniel put up a rather interesting fight, it was only due to us having the element of surprise that we managed to take him down and his little Eleanor has his fighting spirit it seems." Ra's said as he slowly reached over to the toddler to lightly fiddle (just to unnerve them as well) with her hair. However the moment he touched her hair, the little girl's eyes flashed from frosty blue to neon bright green and she had spat her thumb out of her mouth in order to hiss like a cat at him, her little feet kicking hard enough to cause a small 'oomph' from the one holding her.
Ra's gave an amused chuckle as he stared at the toddler in fascination before also casting his gaze down at the passed out young man, remembering the way his eyes also had flashed from blue to green and the amount of power he had saw bubble to the surface when they had ambushed the two in their home. As Ra's said before, if they hadn't had the element of surprise on their side when they went after Timothy's little family it wouldn't had worked. No doubt little Eleanor Drake was a hint of power Daniel Drake held.
Ra's turned to look at the Bats, and could clearly see the emotions on their faces which amused Ra's deeply, and couldn't help but say "Although I wasn't expecting him to marry a being with pure Lazarus blood flowing in their veins. Quite a interesting discovery that was. And that his offspring seemed to carry it also from birth. What lovely and priceless boons he has granted the League to have once he joins us."
Ra's could clearly see the questioning, fear (for the family in his clutches), confusion, and disbelief on the Bats faces and knew it would be so entertaining to watch the little.. family reunion he had set into motion.
He was so amused watching Batman the others he never noticed the light twitch on Daniel's face or the shifting breathing pattern. When he would later check to see of the large amount of tranquilizers they had given Daniel was still in-effect he was none the wiser that it had already wore off and that Danny was merely bidding his time for a opening.
#danny phantom#danny fenton#dp x dc#crossover#blue rambles#writing ideas#random idea#danny phantom dc#dpxdc#Tim and Danny had meet when they were 13 and 14#they meet during Tim's training in Paris when becoming Robin and Danny had wanted some time alone to think after beating his future evilsel#Danny had flown far to clear his head and didnt notice he was in Paris until he ran into Tim and Tim tried talking French to him#they did become friends#because this is during then time Bruce wasnt... ok. Tim wasnt willing to tell him he made a ghosty friend#thus kept Danny his little secret#Danny was the person Tim talked to about everything#well almost. He didnt wanna burden his friend during the time Kon and Bart died or when Batman was thought to be dead too#Danny had felt hurt during that tbh and bit did strain their friendship for a bit but they talked about it.#Danny likes talking to Tim because he gets it#he gets and understands the stress of being a teen hero with so much responsibility#understands the worry and stress that his friends or Jazz dont get#Tim was the one that helped Danny understand that despite his parents loving him. that their work should never ever come first#Eleanor is Danielle btw#she had destabilized a few years ago#and only thanks to CW Frostbite and Tim's help they managed to save what they could of her#meaning she had to be deaged with Tim's human DNA to stabilizes her halfa genes#Tim is not going to be a happy when he storms Ra's little base btw#not at all#and neither is Danny tbh#brain dead
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ghosttalksalot · 9 months
there's something so special to me about tender identity/face reveals. this ramble might be a little ooc but shhhhh i dont have much practice writing them yet
peter and wade are close, they both know how much the other cares for them at this point; even though they don't know whats under the other's mask. wade's relentless flirting and peter's quips are always exchanged with large grins under their masks. and they've had more than one rooftop heart-to-heart.
since they've been working together, peter has had wade's back, so he hasn't seen him die yet. he knows wade can, and has, but he hasn't seen it happen. he's been careful, catching him with webs before he falls, not letting wade get impaled too badly, using webbing to take away whatever weapon was about to deal a fatal blow.
but then the day comes, when they're fighting someone or other, and peter gets a little too distracted and wade gets shot through the head in a way that kills him. peter feels it coming before he turns to see and hear it and the guilt is unbearable. and now wade is dead. and peter is angry, angrier than hes been in a long time. this time when he leaves them webbed up for the cops they're a lot more broken than usual. and he scoops up wade and takes him somewhere quiet to wait for him to come back.
peter quickly finds a place, somewhere good enough, quiet and isolated where no one will stumble upon them. he gently places wade down, the temporarily-dead merc's head in his lap. and he sits there, nervous and watching for movement. he pulls his mask up to wipe his eyes once or twice when the tears start blurring his vision because fuck, it hurts, and he blames himself. even though this time it isnt forever, someone else peter cared about has died, and he could have stopped it. but he was too distracted, and he didn't.
wade comes to soon, but not soon enough, disoriented but calming quickly at seeing spider-man's mask right in front of him. peter asks if he's okay before he brings him up to speed, slowly, still feeling choked. a hiccup from crying that he just couldn't hide gets out and wade notices, head still in his friend's lap.
"what's the matter, that's not for me is it? i told ya, 'm fine now, webs, don't worry your pretty head"
"i know, i know, i just..." peter hesitates. "i didn't want you to be..." he lets a sob escape again.
"oh, you know that's not me. i always come back, see?" wade holds his hands up and waggles his fingers in the air for effect. "i'm not going away aaaanytime soon, spidey, alright?"
"can i ask a favor? you can say no, i swear you can, i just..."
"what is it, what can i do?" wade asks, although he already knows
peter slowly brings his hands up to the bottom of wades mask, and he hooks his fingers under the bottom, questioning but not insistent. "can i see? i just want... want to see you breathe, to know you're really alright under there."
wade grabs peters wrists, gently, and sighs. "i... i'm not so sure you really want to see what's under this thing, i'm not the prettiest on a good day, you know"
"please? i don't.. i don't care what you look like, i just... i want to see that you're alive"
wade lets out a sigh again and tries not to get in his own head. its spidey, he knows him. he thinks it over once, twice, several times, but he can feel the worry radiating off of spider-man of all people, and decides to just hope there's no gagging or recoil. when peter's hands move further, gently pulling from his hold, wade lets them slip from his grasp. peter pulls the mask up and off of wade's face so it rests on his head like a beanie. he stares intently down at the man below him, watching his eyes move and seeing his face change as he takes shakey breaths. wade pulls his gaze away from the large white lenses and tries not to grimace, his mind racing as he tries to imagine what peter must be thinking at seeing his scarred, "damaged" face.
but when peter pushes up his own mask, wade turns and looks up at him and sees no disgust. no sickness. no regret or disappointment or anything else his anxious mind came up with. instead, peter looks at him with nothing but genuine affection, and he's so overwhelmed doesn't even know how to handle all of it.
"see?" wade asks, breath catching in his throat. "alive as can be, webs."
peter smiles at him and puts his hands on either side of wade's face. it's gentle, caring. like he's afraid he'd crush wade between his palms if he put any more pressure, and wade leans into the touch. they'd been close before, but never like this. wade just closes his eyes, and lets himself be held. his heart skips a beat as peter's thumb strokes his cheek.
"my name. its peter, peter parker," wade opens his eyes to grin up at him, at peter.
"wade wilson, at your service," peter chuckled, they both knew he knew that already but he lets wade get away with it anyway. he wiped his wet eyes once more, before running his (dry hand's) thumb along wade's textured jawline.
"sure you want to keep your eyes on this mug, peter?" wade asked quietly. "'ts no easy feat."
peter frowns slightly at that. "'course i do, wade.." he presses a gentle kiss to wade's forehead, right between two of his scars. "there's nothing wrong with it, not to me"
wade looks peter in the eyes and as hard as he searches, he can see no trace of a lie, no hint of pitt. he holds back the sarcastic comments for... maybe the first time in his life, and just accepts it. he accepts the moment of closeness.
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monstersandmaw · 8 months
Shout out to my long-sleeved top earlier while I was at the gym for making me look absolutely hench for a minute in the mirrors. You really gave me a boost to finish arm day.
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