#get alive 2020
schadentekkers · 7 months
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📸: nwo_de_japon (1 | 2)
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xekstrin · 8 months
I CAN EXPLAIN 13 SENTINELS WITHOUT SPOILERS. Or the spoilers i give will not seriously hinder your enjoyment of the game. But i will have to lie to you slightly. But by the time you figure out what part of this is a lie, it might be too late.
Anyway, 13 Sentinels is a game about 13 high schoolers who have been chosen to pilot giant robots called Sentinels.
These robots are made in the distant future (the year 2188) and sent back in time to these pilots in order to fight back against the kaiju that are about to destroy the world.
Each pilot has their own individual storyline culminating in them getting in the robot and fighting alongside their 12 comrades.
Each pilot also travels back and forth through time during their own individual storylines, and their stories weave together. They meet each other and help each other or hinder each other before the final battle.
Each character is also FROM a different time period, spaced many years apart. Several are from World War II era japan (1945) some are from 1985, and some are from the year 2025.
This kind of story would be complicated enough until it’s revealed that despite some characters wishes or ideas or plans— such as one character who intends to take his giant robot back to 1945 so Japan can win the war against America— they might not be on the same timeline.
Things that happen in 1945 don’t affect what happens in 1985 and things that happen in 1985 don’t seem to affect 2025. So what exactly is going on? And what are these kaiju that they’re trying to fight? Where did they come from and what is their goal?
TLDR: ITS GOOD AND I AM SHILLING. Idk if this sale is still going on but when i bought it for ps5 it was 70% Off. Give it a shot!
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suffarustuffaru · 6 months
A crossover idea where subaru somehow comes into the atla(avatar the last airbender)world and encounters the avatar gang, no deaths or fights, just subaru and everyone in the gang getting along and goofing around, all the while subaru is astonished to find that the culture of this world has some similarities to his own.
huh thatd be interesting :o yeah i dont have much to add to this either hah but the world of atla is a fun one for sure, and i think the gaang iirc is younger than subaru right? but either way the dude just picks up sibling figures and friends everywhere he goes ljadlfjsd which i think would definitely happen in a crossover like this. and of course there IS cultural similarities yes. which i imagine he might react a bit similarly to how he was when he saw stuff in priestella for the first time!! just the bittersweet enjoyment of whats like his old world and whats Different........... and also theres still war going on in atla rip. but at least things will be alright in the end yes!!
and also he'd be going What The Fuck at the best part of atla. the fucking animals.
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subaru with his modern day knowledge of how animals on earth are Supposed to go is gonna have the BIGGEST heart attack of his life lajdflsdjf
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SUMMARY: After being forced to take a room in a boardinghouse, an immigrant in search of the American Dream finds herself in a nightmare she can't escape.
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uk07 · 27 days
Nothing makes me angrier than thinking about the nspscp timeline
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grinchwrapsupreme · 1 year
the only thing from acgas 1978 that i wished they'd put in the 2020 version is the scene in tristan's first episode where siegfried learns he failed his exam and yells at him and tells him he will not be living there anymore and to leave at once, and when james comes across tris that night still in the house and says "you should probably leave before siegfried sees you're still here" tris replies "nah it's cool he'll forget about it in the morning" and then he does
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tricksterlatte · 5 months
I saw someone on the bird website point out that just because people disagree with a fellow fan doesn't give them the right to bully or harass said fan, especially in such cruel ways (they were body shaming a well known Overwatch person because she shared a selfie, and the hate originated from her opinions on the character).
It's been driving me crazy how people somehow forgot you can disagree with someone's opinions without being an asshole. Why do we condemn bigotry or cruelty when it's directed at our friends, but hurl it out ourselves when opportunity arises to bash someone we dislike? It just makes me so sad.
This isn't about a specific situation but it's a problem i've noticed over the years. I have been both a perpetrator and a victim of this (if I said otherwise, I'd be a liar. I've been on the internet since I was 10 and have been active in multiple fandoms), but I don't want to contribute whatsoever to that type of environment anymore. We have to talk the talk and walk the walk with this one, or we will continue to be miserable. If you dislike something or someone, either communicate if this person is supposed to matter to you or vice versa, or just block them, mute them, unfollow them. Whichever suits your comfort level for whatever the situation may be. If you hate something or someone but still proceed to follow them, check their profile, and grab screenshots or QRTs to make fun of them, whether with petty jabs or actual bigotry and cruelty, you are not only making other people into targets. You are sending yourself into a spiral that will only harm you in the long run.
I know how addicting social media can be. I know how the instant gratuitous relief can feel when you vent about something within an echo chamber. And I don't think the answer is just don't vent, don't misconstrue my words. I think the answer is does this make you happy? I don't think this type of habit makes anyone happy. I know sometimes people change, and I really hope people can and do.
I don't say this as an accusation or to be mean myself, I say this as someone who suffered on my own end, not only from taking the brunt of harassment but also from indulging it on occasion. I used to be horrible about this type of fixation on things I hated within fandom during my prime days in my earliest tumblr fandoms, and I nearly fell into this trap again over the past few years. My irl situation was entering a state of despair, and during those times, without anyone trustworthy that shared these spaces with me and that knew me well in return, fandom felt like the one place where I had a semblance of control. That doesn't excuse belittling people. It never does. A reason is not justification.
It's a special type of hell, for example from my personal experience, to receive dozens of suibait anons about fanfic you published, whether it was from things I left blatantly tagged and easily avoidable, over my writing not being as good as others' within these spaces, or because people admitted they were envious of something outside of my control. Or people making fun of my cosplay photos or treating me as an object to be sexualized, no matter who they were or how they identified. I had old Retrospring anons sent that exploited my vulnerability regarding events only certain groups knew about, trying me during my worst of times. When I vaguely discussed them on other websites, without sharing things being said to protect myself and to not spread drama, I was largely told I was overreacting and to just delete them. Which I did, but they kept coming. I deleted anonymous ways of contacting me and closed off most forms of contact with fandoms other than a few long running places I've known for years (thank you WWD crew you guys are the GOAT). But even so. If I didn't have the person who is now my wife there for me at the right time, I probably wouldn't be here right now. Not everyone experiencing this type of thing has anyone there for them at all.
I have a tendency to ramble, so I'll summarize here: the only type of toxicity that will ever bring people joy is toxic yaoi, toxic yuri, Toxic by Britney Spears, and the Toxic TM from Pokemon. I want to get better myself, and I'm posting this because I hope for the best for anyone who read this. If you disagree with me for this, that's okay too. If you don't think this applies to you, it might not! I don't know you. None of us know each other, which I think should be further incentive to be kind, instead of ample opportunity to be mean. If you have the choice, strive to be kind over the escapism that brings us joy. For some of us, this will be the only kindness we may ever know.
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tellie-vision-art · 13 days
Oh yeah while I’m being suicidal and making announcements and since it’s relevant kinda bc I’m updating refs: I’m only doing revenges and maybe attacking mutuals on Art Fight this year, I had a terrible time last year and I’m not putting myself through that disappointment again
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rubinecorvus · 1 year
guys guys guys guysguysguys im back in my WWII phase and just in time for spring break??????????????????
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thisisapaige · 7 months
My trepidation about a continuation is that they'll have to go with the heaven ending and I hate the heaven ending all my friends hate the heaven ending
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heartshpedfx · 2 years
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Indescribable feeling to be the product of the failure of cps and the failure of mental health care
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jwowwsboobs · 2 years
vibe check
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inifinitypink · 11 months
okay but, what if I told you I want to go back and draw fnf stuff while keeping the tag mute?
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solarpowerlesbian · 1 year
having the worst april of my life. oh my god
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a4g · 1 year
it's very nice to read your spoke rambles please continue
i love you
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