#genshin geoguessr
takirasu · 1 year
I'm on YouTube now!
I'm an aspiring content creator for Genshin Impact since a couple weeks and I noticed I never posted about it on here.
I've made 4 videos so far ranging from pulling videos, guides, story times and reading out a book!
If you'd check it out, it'd mean so much to me. I'm trying to build a community.
Latest video: https://youtu.be/LWRp80OII3w
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genshin-impact-updates · 11 months
"Shared Sight" Event: Animal Seeking Challenges
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〓Event Duration〓
2023/08/03 10:00:00 – 2023/08/14 03:59:59
〓Event Rewards〓
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Adventure Rank 20 or above
〓Event Details〓
● There are a total of 6 stages and a new stage will be unlocked each day for the first 6 days of the event.
● During the event, use the Inscribed Mirror around the signs and the devices linked to the Inscribed Mirror will show you what the small animals that have connected to the item are seeing.
● After using the Inscribed Mirror, you can adjust your camera angle to observe your surroundings and improve the accuracy of your search.
● Use that information to find and retrieve all the small animals. Complete the stage objectives to obtain the corresponding rewards.
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1-800-c0sm1c · 2 years
꒰crossteaming pt.2 !꒱
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genshin characters as your streamer bf/gf !
character x gn!reader
includes kazuha, venti, itto, thoma, and shenhe!
warnings : none.
a/n : thank you for all the notes on the 1st part , much appreciated <3
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of course the wanted criminal knows all about geography. (and poetry of course too, but well get to that later)
doesnt matter where in the world he is plopped down in, kazuha knows exactly where he is, and hes quick about it too.
competes in geoguessr tournaments too and often wins with ease.
hes the type to do google maps speedruns as well, and none of his friends are nearly as good as he is.
if youre ever lost somewhere, just send kazuha a pick of your surroundings on twitter, and hes sure to find your cross streets soon enough!
“you said how i got your address…? dont even worry about that bro.”
youre literally just there to distract kazuha, if im being entirely honest.
oh, hes 1 guess away from a 50 state streak ? not if you can do anything about it. especially if he had a penalty set up for getting answers wrong.
he has called you a pest multiple times, but its out of love <3 i dont genuinely think he could ever get mad at you for real, hes very calm all the time.
he also likes to share poetry! on the days you (lovingly) annoy him he likes to write funky lil haikus about how annoying you are <3 isnt that sweet?
what can i say, hes a funny little jokester, at least on camera. when its just the two of you alone hes a lot more romantic, i promise.
“shall i compare thee to a summers day? no, a summers day is not a bitch.”
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pretend for a second that hes not a character in the game, or even better yet, he voice acts one of the characters. venti never shuts up about how good his team comp is and how he always manages to get the characters he wants. (secretly hes just spending a LOT of money.)
character build reviews but hes actually pretty nice about it! sometimes there will be a build that he cannot physically say anything good about and its entertaining, so chat started sending in builds that were purposely bad just to get reactions out of him LMAO.
adventure rank 60, no doubt about it.
the most annoying co-op player. oh you wanted to be that character? too bad, now hes going to play them and hes got a better build too, guess you should switch <3
SOOO many unfinished quests yet he complains he has nothing to do. (guilty)
“go touch grass? im a genshin player… what is that supposed to mean?”
venti loves telling the story of how you two met in genshin co-op. you on the other hand.. well you wish he would stop talking about it every stream you appear in.
lots of streams together! he wont wish for a character without you, he claims youre his good luck charm. (he loses most of the 50/50s.)
will help you do any quest! as long as he wants to, and its one that he knows how to do. so maybe not ANY quest, but hes trying his best.
he may be annoying with strangers in co-op domains, but any character you want to play you can. no questions asked, hell switch immediately.
he does more damage than you but hell still say that you did all the hard work and hes proud of you <3
“wow you did so much damage just now, you absolutely carried me! thank you, i love you. :)”
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the best part about itto being a fortnite streamer is hes not even good at the game.
he tries his best, really he does. but somehow those cracked 12 year olds have got him beat.
has spent an embarrassing amount of money on the game, but you can tell how much he appreciates every item hes acquired.
plugs his creator code CONSTANTLY. hes gotta make that money hes spent back somehow!
whenever he has a really bad loss he just blames it on stream sniping because he can. yeah i basically turned him into ninja, whoops!
“oh my god bro again? you know what, reported for stream sniping!”
you and itto are truly a dynamic duo. youre actually decent at the game and hes entertaining to watch.
chat loves when you play duos games together, and you both do too! (even though hell take all the credit if you win.)
his favorite item is the chug cannon, mostly because he wants to make sure youre full health and shield at all times <3
has made many sacrifices of his characters life in you honor, even if you still dont end up winning, you appreciate it.
lots of moments from his streams have been clipped and put into funny moments montages and they all go straight to his neverending ego.
“we are the clowns and you all have front row seats to the circus.”
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i couldnt see thoma sticking to one main category, i feel like every stream hes doing something new, and hes somehow pretty good at anything he tries out.
his commentary is really what gets people to stick around for his content, he can make anything sound interesting.
think of him as a steamer like rtgame! hes got really fun sims and hitman series, games you dont think could be made funny, but then he does and its overall a really great time.
hes got so many inside jokes from all the games hes played, youve got to be there for every stream otherwise you miss out heavily.
nobody even knew what he looked like for awhile because he didnt have a facecam, but once he started using one his viewers went up by 100k, no joke.
“where is that from? oh, its an inside joke, you probably wouldnt get it.”
thomas viewers are literally so jealous of you. youve pulled the ultimate man right there.
honestly i dont see you appearing on his steams much other than for the occasional mario party game.
i feel like since you never really appear most of his viewers didnt even know you two were dating until those random streams happen. everytime it does twitter goes wild with “THOMA HAS A S/O?” and half the replies are also freaking out while the other half is like “you didnt know?” its a mess every time.
most likely youre in thomas chat instead of in the room, and you tend to instigate chat into spamming emotes a lot and getting it turned to sub only mode. its honestly pretty funny.
one time you walked into his room to ask if he wanted mcdonalds and he was watching paint dry. this had been going on for 4 hours. you didnt ask questions.
“the hoes gonna love this.”
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i think call of duty lobbies are the only place on earth that can handle shenhe if shes genuinely angry.
shes a toxic gamer for sure, dont get on her bad side.
shes gotten pretty good at the game too, shes one of those people who buys the new game everytime one comes out instead of just playing the same version.
chongyun will make appearances at times, they played mario party together once and it was hilarious. (for the viewers at least, maybe not chongyun though LMAO)
chongyun won and she 1v1ed him in nuketown right afterwards. (hes never won against shenhe again)
“everybody gangsta til chongyun is in the lead.”
chat doesnt understand how you can handle shenhe half the times, but truthfully she just has her own way of expressing her emotions.
for example, she broke one of your controllers playing once, and she drove her ass to best buy at almost midnight to go get you a new one, along with a note saying nothing but “sorry :(“ in the prettiest handwriting youve ever seen.
sometimes you even make her angry on purpose just because its funny, and you know no matter how much it may look like it, she could never get mad at you.
i know i said shenhe was a cod streamer, but imagine also playing apex with her alright? definitely a loba main, and shes literally just as toxic on here as she is on call of duty. 
probably has had 3 xbox accounts banned already.
“no chat i am not saying slurs in general chat, this time at least.”
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crowtalyst · 1 year
hiya friend!! Just a moment of your time please~
I'm crowtalyst, I'm a twitch streamer and here's some things about me!
I primarily stream Overwatch; im a support main, and I just hit plat!
I can play pretty much everyone but I tend to play:
Support: moira/mercy/ana.
Dps: junkrat/ashe/sombra.
Tank: orisa/junkerqueen/Ramattra.
Times I stream:
I try to stream Wednesday from around 11-2am est
Games I play/stream:
• Overwatch
• Minecraft
• Fortnite
• The Witcher
• South Park
• Dragon Age: Inquisition
• Fallout
• Undertale
• Genshin impact
• Valorant
• For honor
• Apex
• GeoGuessr
• Fnaf
• Beat Saber
I stream off Xbox so if y'all have any games you'd recommend just send it in and I'll try it!
Also if you have any questions or just wanna get to know me, I have anon questions on so send em to me!
Thank you! :D
(Ps you should totes give me a follow on my twitch *winky face* ;3)
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guiltiest-gear · 1 year
i may play too much genshin
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i was playing geoguessr for genshin and may have gotten a perfect score
Got damn what the fuck
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olli-online · 2 months
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genshin geoguessr........i need to be put down
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barbiegirldream · 2 years
Dream is going to go live at 11 and play Genshin for 35 minutes before deciding it sucks and switching to Geoguessr and then Sapnap and George will join. And that’ll go on and Karl and Quackity and Tina maybe Foolish and Wilbur will join. And it’ll be great real not fake
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newdayslinguine · 3 years
DNI list 🙄
Mcyt fans, especially hermitcraft, kpop stans, especially enhypen stans, she/theys, wes anderson movie enjoyers, glam rock fans, fanfic readers, marauders fans, gen z, dark academia, any academia aesthetic, anyone who has an aesthetic, dream smp fans, c! Karlnapity enjoyers, (ahem @theancientwonder get blocked loser), people who don’t go outside, white people, anyone who has ever spoken to a man, genshin players, musical fans, figure skating fans, anime fans, especially banana fish, ricky montgomery fans, country music enjoyers, people who think miku binder thomas jefferson is funny, sighted people, anemics, ‘self-diagnosed’ with anything, anyone who has ever watched rocky horror (whores), people from wyoming or gardiner montana because dont lie to yourself that’s basically wyoming, lesbians, geoguessr players, archie comics readers, people who have dream smp and weirdcore in their top 10 genres on spotify, lil nas x fans, people who play cats and soup, __ but it’s raining playlist enjoyers, armys, people with more than 10k channel points for any twitch streamer, people who can read, skrunkledunk subscribers
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Immortal Soul:Black Survival Characters Streaming
Adela:would stream completely unrelated things and casually be recognized as a chess champion. like. she’s playing smash or something and someone says “HOLY SHIT YOU’RE THE ADELA GRO” and she’s just like “yes”
Adriana:burning a house down asmr. on a more She Is Healing note, the asmr definitely could involve her using lighters, paper, or dolls to make the nice sounds. collabed with celine once, it was a very fun disaster
Alex:his job realistically would make streaming very impractical for him but i selfishly want to imagine him doing twitch sings. i guess realistically he could host things that are way more audience based, like when people let twitch chat vote on what they do next. keeps his privacy for the most part
Arda:Just Chatting category where he’s digging up bones. Just Digging
Aya:A Real Cop Plays Cop Games because imagining her trying to play a game like la noire is amusing
Barbara:probably one of those streamers that are kinda rude to viewers? but also one of the streamers that just clams up for several minutes when someone donated over 50 dollars to them
Bernice:he wouldn’t know what streaming is
Camilo:positively unbearable streaming, he’d be the kind of guy that doesn’t thank for donations at best and gets high and mighty about it at worst. just chatting so people can focus on his face probably
Cathy: definitely a wild experience. in an rtgame mario party stream it randomly went on for an hour about what toad looks like under his hat, and i think that’s the shit that’d happen every time. cursed discussions and pure chaos
Celine: plays games normally, but then the moment she can blow anything up she immediately jumps at the opportunity. a bomb appears onscreen and everyone spams OH NO as she goes over to it
Chiara: most definitely wouldn’t stream considering her impressive cocktail of mental issues, but i like the idea of her occasionally showing up in someone’s stream for a minute or two every now and then. namely emma but i am biased in that front
Chloe:probably would make a regular “show” of sorts with her marionette shows
Daniel:very rarely would stream, partially because in one of his first streams someone told him to play one of those really bad children’s games where you cut hair and he decided that he didn’t want to
Echion:he’d play fighting games and have a Heated Gamer Moment where he says a slur
Eva:i like to imagine that she’d be your average streamer, playing a variety of games, very nice and affable, but then at a random point she uses her telekinesis to get something and just never addresses it
Emma: Magician Reacts To Magic Tricks
Fiora:probably talks to people about bladework. i can imagine her teaching people how to replicate characters’ swordfighting animations
Hart:probably would stream the process of making her music. simple much like her, really
Hyejin:known for accidentally breaking games and triggering glitches constantly. everyone keeps asking her how she does it since it makes for a fun experience, but she always says she doesn’t know how she does it
Hyunwoo:strikes me as the sort to play fighting games and be pretty good at them. for some reason i can imagine him trying to play fall guys and being pretty bad at it
Isol:y’know how khoi, genshin impact albedo’s voice actor, became well-known because of shit he says on people’s streams, but does not stream himself? that
Jackie:probably would play battle royale games, ironically enough
Jan:really wholesome streamer who plays fighting games, because a shadow of the true self remains in the pogchamp
Jenny: would do dramatic readings
Johann:he’d most likely preach in streams
JP:livestreams the process of hacking someone’s account on a game. gets banned on twitch
Lenox:Just Fishing
Leon:unboxing cute things. i can imagine someone asking him why he has so much cutesy shit and him just being like “shhhhh”
Li Dailin:mukbang but instead it’s drinking
Luke: i feel like i’ve talked enough about luke streaming for this to be repeating myself
Magnus:just the idea of him streaming fills me with dread so i shan’t
Mai:i don’t know why but i’m OBSSESSED with the idea of her initially streaming the process of designing clothes and talking about it, but having a single stream where she rates kids’ games related to clothing or fashion. none of them got a rating higher than 3/5 (because she is definitely the sort to rate it out of five instead of ten, prove me wrong)
Nadine:she strikes me as the sort of person that wouldn’t stream. however, nothing would stop her from appearing while other people stream. someone called her on when they played skyrim since she’s “an expert”
Nathapon:probably should not livestream because he would definitely forget to mute the mic or end the stream, but if he did i feel like he’d be a Just Chatting guy. he might play geoguessr
Nicky:channel point reward where she’ll do a stunt right there right then
Rio:genshin impact streamer, ganyu/general bow main. i get that vibe from her
Rozzi:vtuber probably, but entirely because she doesn’t want to use a webcam
Shoichi:the idea’s funny but i don’t think he’d stream. if he did i do like the thought of like, his daughter passing by in the background and chat going nuts
Silvia: neglects switching the screen to an “i’ll be back” screen when leaving briefly. i can imagine her trying out a rhythm game at someone’s request and doing horribly at it for some reason
Sissela:art streams for sure
Sua:asmr streams where she reads stories with peaceful music in the background, or just chatting streams where she helps people with any issues they had lately
William:definitely streamed wii sports at least once
Xiukai:i like to imagine that he usually did cooking streams but at some point decided to play cooking mama out of curiosity. “she needs to buy better cooking utensils, the blender lid won’t stay on, her freezer freezes everything within seconds”
Yuki:probably wouldn’t stream because if you’re streaming, you can’t cut out any slipups or parts that get overly long. perfectionism
Zahir:definitely wouldn’t know how to stream, but if he did i imagine he’s be the kind of streamer that’s very very quiet
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fakeidolproject · 3 years
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Hello friends! Here’s our stream schedule for this week!
The Fake Idol stream schedule for June 14 through 20 is as follows, with all times in central:
Monday, June 14 - Neon will play Genshin Impact at 5pm. Tuesday, June 15 - No stream. Wednesday, June 16 - Logy will play PSVR at 5:30pm. Thursday, June 17 - Manager will play Geoguessr at 5pm. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, June 18 through 20 - No streams.
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genshinimpacton · 2 years
GEOGUESSR W GENSHIN IMPACT?! | Sprawdzamy moją wiedzę o Teyvacie! | Lost in Teyvat | Tamae Sprawdziłem swoją geograficzną wiedzę w Genshin Impact! Twitch ▻ https://ift.tt/CeG3FcO Instagram ... via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cfFj9votnA
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genshinimpacton · 2 years
NEW Genshin Geoguessr Game Mode is IMPOSSIBLE | Genshin Impact LIKE if you enjoyed • SUBSCRIBE to see more • Turn NOTIFICATIONS ON for updates! ▽ EXPAND ME ▽ New Game Mode in ... via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_dAI9q2mkk
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