#gabriel peterson
collegecraze · 1 month
Please give us Gabe girls a romance route he's been edging us for 6 chapters😭😭
Oh do I have news for you 👀
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burnnotice · 8 months
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drew some burnt notices crazy right
(did not giggle nor kick my feet while drawing sam)
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dunderbread · 1 year
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who up pride monthing their ocs
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azrael08 · 10 months
Random Take or whatever. But I’m re-watching some supernatural episodes and I was so interested in Magda from S12E4 becoming a reoccurring character??? Like the connection she and Sam have in that episode, the fatherly & daughter bond they share about their psychic powers, that little moment she and Sam have in the ambulance where he says that she can call him for anything at anytime???? Please, it’s giving Sabriel love-child. So sad she got killed by an evil Brit in the end :(
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mintygreenaqua · 19 days
Welcome to the Martian Brooks Jungle
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teamsam · 2 years
thinking about sam raising magda, gabriel raising jesse (the antichrist) and cas raising jack. feeling some kind of way
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glmtwnbrtz · 5 months
Tell me all about your spidersonas! Names, ages, appearances, and uhhhh star signs?
Ok so the first one is Spider-Spectre, aka Gabriel Spence. He’s 18 and his birthday is May 8, making him a Taurus :)
His suit is made up of two major parts: his actual suit (including mask) and his hooded cloak. His costume is actually kinda unsettling bc his mask has extra eyes alongside the regular spidey ones, and eye designs that cluster the most around his hands and feet, then sort of disperse as they go upwards. His cloak is also unsettling bc there’s a bunch of eyes on it alongside the occasional beading of spiders (he’s Indigenous btw) and fringe at the bottom with beads.
Next is Frostbite, aka Parker Peterson. It’s 20 and her birthday is December 24, making it a Capricorn!
Her suit is also made up of two major parts: the actual suit and a cloak. The suit is a dark blue with very light blue, kinda silvery threads going up the arms, legs, and nape of the neck. Since its dimension is in a perpetual winter, the cloak is a thick black material with beaded snowflakes (she’s also Indigenous) all over with a thick, fluffy blue collar. It’s mask has silver icicles dripping from the eyes and she also has dark blue gloves with black around the fingertips that fades as it goes up, alongside knee-high heavy-duty winter boots with fluffy blue trim at the top.
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Not only do I feel like my blog needs some joy in it, but I need it for my sanity. 
So here's a jumble of my random thoughts I've had these past few months that I haven't been able to share since I've been busy. Also, I'll throw in some fic ideas cause why not. 
One fic I've had that I'm still trying to flesh out a bit. Sam lives in a fishing town, and he's a diver. He spends a lot of time in the water even outside of his job. 
On one of his days off, he finds himself face to face with a mermaid. But days before this he kept seeing these blue eyes everywhere and when he finally faced them, they were more  captivating than he ever could have imagined. 
He doesn't tell anyone, and instead, the next day, looks for the mermaid again. Away from the docks. And it meets up with him again, but this time, they talk. 
Sam finds himself in a routine, no matter what, every day he meets up with this mermaid, Castiel. 
The thing is it's getting harder and harder to walk away when he sees Castiel's disappointment when Sam leaves. 
When Sam does eventually miss one day, due to things out of his control, the next day, Castiel doesn't show up. Sam waits there until nightfall, still no appearance. 
The next day, even with doubt, Sam visits, and he finds Castiel and someone casting a spell. A spell on Castiel who's screaming in pain as he transforms into a human. 
There's a lot more to this AU, but I don't want to give away the whole story, it's one of my favorite AUs to work on even though I don't have anything published for it yet. 
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Another fic I've been meaning to work on is my soulmate's AU. I have a cool idea of when Sam and Castiel meet, Castiel being fully powered, still connected to Heaven, and Sam, still being in tune with his powers, there's even more of a magnetic pull between them. And it hurts to touch, but in a way that is hard to let go of. That mixed in with the fact that both of them can now see every color they missed before, the feelings must be intense in that scene. 
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Just in general though for Sastiel, the idea that the two have trouble identifying reality, and end up becoming each other's grounding anchors is a neat idea. Especially as they spend more and more time together, they know each other so well, it's easier to separate their minds from messing with them and what's reality. 
I've written about this for Sam, and Castiel helping, but I haven't had Sam be that anchor for Castiel yet. 
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A step away from romance, my headcanon that Dean loses his hearing from Castiel using their true voice, I've added onto it. I think the idea that both Sam and Dean learn ASL because it's necessary, and it gives them an advantage when they can't say anything, but can sign something. 
So when they eventually meet Eileen, it's funny to think that Sam gets so flustered he just messes up ASL despite using it all the time with Dean, but also, Dean and Eileen communicating in ASL is everything I need. 
Especially because they'd be able to bond over losing their hearing from something supernatural, and adapting from it. That's something that I eventually want to write someday. 
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Oh, another AU is where Kevin doesn't die. And instead, ends up being a brother figure for Jack because Kevin knows for a fact that the Winchesters and Castiel know nothing about raising a child. And so someone has to make sure this poor child isn't completely screwed and traumatized. (He is well aware that he is also screwed up and traumatized but it's no mystery why he is, stares pointedly at the Winchesters.) 
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Oh, a very old idea I've had is Jack, Magda, and Elijah finding a stray animal, and promptly sneaking it into the bunker. That one is such a fun prompt, I just haven't been able to do it justice. 
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Returning back to some romance, I have to spread the saileenstiel propaganda of course. I do think it very much starts off as a, we both like Sam, and Sam likes us both. But when they can see Sam has plenty of love for the both of them, they are able to see that they like each other as well. 
Oh, I'd also love to write something with them having a day out with Elijah, Madga, and Jack. Maybe at the beach or a nature hike. That would be fun to write. 
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I was also brainrotting a lot for Dean and Cassie, and what if Dean did go back to see her. Or what if he didn't go to Lisa but to Cassie. Which I'm unsure if I've talked about before. Either way, I'm talking about it again. I still very much want to write a fic about their first date or the first time they just lounged around doing nothing but it felt like everything. 
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Also, I really need to finish my Debriel fic, it's written but not written. The dialogue is there, as well as rough, very very rough, actions, it just needs to be edited. And some motivation to return to it. 
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I would love to do more crossover fics, especially like Marvel and Supernatural. I have a few started, I just never finish them. Apart from the one with Jack and Peter which was based on a textpost. 
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Switching to Marvel, Interwebs, I want to write about them again. One of my fics made me miss them which was rude because it's unfair that my writing can make me miss my writing. 
I want more cuddles and dates and just overly sweet fluffy fics for them. And maybe some more bittersweet ones as well. I don't know why but I like the bittersweet idea for them.
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I've been meaning to write a winterfalcon fic for ages, even just based on a text post or something, I just tend to forget I can write about them. 
Same thing for thunder science (Bruce and Thor), any ideas I have for them I forget I'm a writer. 
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Kind of want a fic of Valkyrie too, no idea what though, I just think she'd be fun to write about. 
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I had some minecraft ideas too, like for Hermitcraft, but once again I feel as if I can only write for Supernatural and sometimes Marvel for some reason. 
I have an idea that I do return back to go quite frequently, where it's Phil, Kristin, Technoblade, Wilbur, and Tommy going to visit Phil's brother, Grian. In Hermitcraft season seven. That idea I've chipped away at for a while. I have a good intro but haven't worked out a good plot. So it hasn't gone anywhere. 
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I've also had some fics for Wilbur's characters but they're all pretty depressing/dark so they usually get put on the backburners. 
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I wrote a Spider-Boo fic once, and I'd like to return to that idea again, especially because I had Aimsey in it, and I liked writing their dynamic. 
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Stranger Things is interesting to write for, I haven't tried anything complicated yet, just different dynamics and characters, but they're really fun to explore. I really enjoyed writing Lumax, I owe them a happier fic. 
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I think that's all my thoughts for now. I mostly just talked about my fic ideas and what I want to write eventually. I just have so many ideas and not enough time to write them all. This was a nice break and refresher for me. I miss talking about fandom things. Alrighty, good night! I hope you all have a restful sleep yourself.
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odk-2 · 2 years
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Nena - 99 Luftballons (1984) Carlos Karges / Joem Fahrenkrog-Peterson from: "99 Luftballons" / "Ich Bleib Im' Bett" (Single) "99 Luftballons" (LP)
Neue Deutsche Welle | New Wave
JukehostUK (left click = play) (320kbps)
Personnel: Nena (Gabriele Susanne Kerner): Lead Vocals Jörn-Uwe Fahrenkrog-Petersen: Keyboards Carlo Karges: Guitar Jürgen Dehmel: Bass Rolf Brendel: Drums / Percussion
Produced by Reinhold Heil / Manfred Praeker
Recorded: @ Spliff Studio in West Berlin, BRD (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) 1983–84
Released: on April 08, 1984
Epic Records
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thebutcher-5 · 2 months
Mucche alla riscossa
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo abbiamo ripreso a parlare di animazione, continuando con la nostra lunga maratona Disney e arrivando a recensire il loro 44° classico ossia Koda, fratello orso. La storia è ambientata in Alaska, ai tempi dei mammut, dove Kenai, un ragazzo di 16 anni, è pronto al rito di passaggio per diventare adulto, dove la sciamanna del villaggio…
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collegecraze · 28 days
Gabe girls are eating good this update🤸‍♀️ thanks for feeding us🤤❤️
You know I gotchu ❤️
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masoncarr2244 · 1 year
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burnnotice · 4 months
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happy valentines day!!!!!!!!!!
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dunderbread · 1 year
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doodles/sketchbook pages/silly things of the gang
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infraredmag · 2 years
SATOR 1h 25m | Horror | Not Rated | 9 February 2021 Secluded in a desolate forest home to little more than the decaying remnants of the past, a broken family is further torn apart by a mysterious death. Adam, guided by a pervasive sense of dread, hunts for answers only to learn that they are not alone; an insidious presence by the name of Sator has been observing his family, subtly influencing…
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