#fun work at least! but in hindsight it was definitely more work to make it flow properly.
afniel · 26 days
Maaaaaaaaaaaan, come on.
(the post has ended up in the tags btw. I am not changing this and I need you to understand that it is just me talking to myself semi-publicly)
#Nevi Writes#things said by a guy writing a thing he doesn't even intend to be writing and it's like 10k of words now. >:[#while that's true I do want to emphasize that nobody should get excited about it right now tho okay#because like it's just. idk. I feel very much like it could end up not worth pursuing anyway. it's just a little baby wip.#(when the fuck did my little baby wips get to be 1/4-1/2 the length of my previous 'finished' stories!! what the hell)#it just feels nice to make words tho. and it does have that kind of 'ah good to catch up with these guys again' vibe which is nice.#even if the break has once again been like. on the order of days to a week maybe. I'm so bad at this taking a break business suddenly. lel.#but I don't have anything much to say about it at this point#other than I'm debating inventing a reason that presidential elections would have been moved by a couple of years between now and 2212#what is it with me and having to be so damn precise with dates in this whole narrative. am I just mad that Capcom never tries?#(yes) (so mad)#(and 2212 would actually be an election year is the problem. I want time to have passed but I also want there to be a pres. election.)#(it's fine don't worry about it)#(this is how I decided that Blucifer got bload up and then replaced also. weird reliance on mashing up IRL things and fictional explosions)#(but it's fun isn't it? got that veneer of verisimilitude. I'm good at long words)#idk this is inevitable isn't it. but I'm going to keep playing like it's not. I think I need a little more space for this one mentally.#the first one just sort of fell out of my head fully assembled and the second one did that also but with different vibes#though it did actually take some cutting things and adjusting things to make it work which Failure to Compile did not#Failure to Compile was bizarrely effortless until the mad editing dash. Outcome Unpredictable was WORK#fun work at least! but in hindsight it was definitely more work to make it flow properly.#the real job for the 3th if it happens is gonna be wrapping up threads without dropping new ones in bc that's such a habit of mine now
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cyberels · 2 months
later, loser.ᐟ ᯓ★
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☆ ellie discovers the quickest way to get a girl underneath her
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daily click! palestine masterpost
☆: sometimes i start writing without a plot in mind to get myself out of a funk and and and this is what i came up w lol so sorry if it’s doodoo ass
☆ warnings -> mention of blood, injuries, all that good shit that comes with skateboarding, probably really inaccurate skating talk, drugs, tbh probably really bad writing but bare with me here, no concept of stranger danger from reader when she sees a hot girl (ellie) for plot reasons lol
☆ skaterboarder!ellie yayyy she wears glasses because i said so &&&&& also ellie works at a vinyl shop and reader works at a bakery :)
☆ ☆ ellies playlist! ☆ ☆
u don’t have to listen but i made it to listen while i write and i thought it’d be fun to add
my masterlist
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ellie was no stranger to making mistakes, she’s human, it happens… however, she usually doesn’t make this many stupid choices within the span of one single hour.
today, ellie was running late.
mistake number one.
she practically flew out of the door and hopped on her board, mumbling a half assed apology to her neighbor who she accidentally shoulder checked on her way out when she put on her headphones.
she’s probably going way too fast, but she’s been skateboarding for years, she can handle it. she still has the penny boards that she started skating on when she was 12 hanging up in her living room, right beside some of her other boards she’s had since then that she’s either destroyed or replaced. she weaved in and out of the people walking practically effortlessly, not caring if she was pissing anyone off, they’d live. she’d never have to see them again, anyways.
she opened her phone to turn on her music.
you, on the other hand, were taking your time; you had a good while until you had to be at work. you’ve created a habit of looking for ladybugs in the bushes outside your apartment complex after you noticed that the plant is home to many of the little insects. usually you just glance at the plant as you pass by, but today, you fully stopped to look.
unfortunately, you were unaware of ellie being just feet away from you.
guess you’re no stranger to mistakes, either.
granted, ellie would have had enough time to stop… if she was paying attention.
which she was not.
mistake number two.
you hear a string of curse words behind you. you barely manage to turn around before you’re pushed into the bushes by a girl who promptly lands on top of you. her skateboard rolled away pathetically. it’s almost like it was embarrassed, too.
if there had been any ladybugs, they were definitely squashed now.
you open your eyes slowly to find the other girl hovering just above you. her necklace dangles temptingly close to your lips as she pushes herself up. she's still on top of you, her face just inches away from yours. she blinks a few times, slowly taking in the situation. she seems lost in thought, the wheels in her head turning painstakingly slowly as she tries to comprehend what's happening and her part in it.
she’s taking way too long to get off of you, though, which only serves to frustrate you more.
“hellooo? can you get up?” you mumble through gritted teeth to the girl above you, turning your head to the side to avoid her gaze.
in hindsight, you probably should’ve asked if she was okay, but right now all you wanted to do was get up and pretend like this never happened.
you don’t even want to know how many people saw you fall.
“oh— oh fuck.” ellie stuttered, taking one last glance at you before she moved herself onto the sidewalk, not finding the strength to stand up fully just yet.
she grabbed her headphones that had been flung off in the impact. small scrapes lined the side of them, but at least they probably still worked. she put them around her neck, letting her head fall back in her hands. she took a deep breath, trying to get a grip on her emotions and the situation.
you sigh as you get up, and ellie can tell you’re mad based solely on how the exhale of air sounded.
“uh… you good?” you ask after an uncomfortable pause, eyeing the other girl. it was obvious you didn’t really care, but at least you tried to be polite.
you were still taking your time collecting yourself, brushing leaves out of your hair and wiping blood from your hands onto your jeans (thank god you wore black jeans today). you were definitely going to be sore tomorrow, but other than your scraped up hands, you were fine.
just really pissed off.
ellie looked up at you and then immediately looked back down, running her hands over her face once more. “yeah, i’m… good.”
you roll your eyes as you hold your hand (the one with the least amount of scrapes) out towards ellie, offering to pull her up. you can't help but feel pity as she sits on the sidewalk. not in a sympathizing way, but more of a "damn, this girl looks pathetic" way. she hesitates for a second, but then grabs your hand and smiles weakly.
as much as you know that this situation partially is your fault, you’re still annoyed. you had spent so long getting ready today just to have some idiot push you into dirt.
when you speak again, your words come out harsher than you intended… not that you minded. “yeah. watch where you’re fucking going next time.”
okay, maybe (keyword: maybe) ellie had caused the worst part of this, but she wasn’t going to sit here and take you blatantly being rude when you’re just as much to blame as she is. “maybe if you didn’t think you owned the sidewalk, i wouldn't have ran into you.”
you reach down beside you and grab her, now shattered, phone and her (also shattered) glasses. you raise your eyebrows as you look over the broken screen.
“maybe if you were paying attention.” you pause, wiggling the phone in front of her face. “you would’ve realized i stopped walking.”
she snatched her things back, she didn’t have a comeback for that.
her phone was fucked… usable, but the screen was shattered so badly that if she scrolled on it she’d probably slice open her thumb. small price to pay, she figures.
it’s not like she’s gonna buy a new one… but she would have to cough up the money for new glasses, though. damn it.
“why the hell did you stop walking anyways?”
you hesitate, looking back at the bush sheepishly, vaguely gesturing towards it as you speak again. “i— not that it’s any of your business— i wanted to see if there were any ladybugs on the leaves.”
well now ellie just feels like a dickhead, because that’s actually really cute. that was not the answer she was expecting.
you continue looking away and ellie sighs, attempting to push past you to grab her skateboard.
mistake number three.
the second she takes a step, she falls into you again, her ankle completely giving out underneath her. you catch her, your arms wrapping around her hips as you hold her up.
ellie has never wanted to die more than she did at this moment.
her face was literally sandwiched in between your chest. she pushed herself back, hopping slightly.
what the fuck just happened?
“oh my fucking god. i’m so sorry. i– oh fuck, this is so awkward.”
yeah, awkward was one word for it. you stare at her blankly for a moment before you kick her skateboard towards her.
you could feel her touch lingering on your body like she was still there. if your hands were just a little lower you would’ve…
“its– it’s fine. dude, are you sure you’re alright?”
you sound more like you care this time, at least.
not that you do care, or anything,
just trying to make sure she wasn’t seriously hurt.
that’s all.
“i’m fine.” it was an obvious lie, but she was preoccupied with thinking about how she was going to skate to and from work if she could barely walk… she’d have to deal with it, she decided. there wasn’t any other option for her right now, she was already late.. “i’ll be fine.”
“very convincing.” you reply, looking her up and down. “you’re not seriously about to get on that thing again, are you?”
“not that it’s any of your business, but i don’t have any other choice, i’m gonna be late to work and this is all i have to get me there.”
you narrow your eyes at her.
no way this girl was reckless and stupid.
“what? you can’t be serious… you’re still going to work? are you an idiot?”
ellie doesn't answer right away, glancing down at her skateboard for a bit. you’re right, she should call out, but she hated the prospect of missing a day of work. money had been tight, even one missed day would be hell for her and her bank account.
“you gonna give me the money i’d lose if i called out?”
you opened your mouth to reply, but she was already flying past you, very clearly having a hard time but also very clearly not caring.
“don’t stop in the middle of the sidewalk next time, dumbass!” she yelled, leaving you standing in the same spot just watching her leave.
…and kinda wishing she’d come back.
just so you could get the last word.
when you walk into work, it’s unfortunately obvious that you’re pissed off, if the way your manager immediately asks what happened as soon as you clocked in was anything to go by.
you’re thankful for the excuse to rant, though.
“god, abby, where do i even start? i literally just walked out of my apartment and some girl on a skateboard slammed into me and we both went flying into a stupid plant. got a face full of bush and not even the good kind.”
“jesus,” abby laughed, picking a leaf out of your hair. “was she hot?”
“was she hot? is that seriously all you’re gonna say?”
“i hate you so much… but yeah, she was.” you admit, defeat obvious in your tone. you’re well aware that this would’ve been a lot easier for you if you didn’t find the dumb skater attractive. you’d been close enough to her face to see every detail… her freckles, her eyes, her lips— damn it. you couldn’t get her out of your head.
this felt like a sick joke.
abby clapped her hands together. “this isn’t a completely bad thing! did you get her number?”
“no, abby, i didn’t get her number. i was too busy trying to get her away from me because she was stupid and annoying.”
“you’re no fun, could’ve got yourself a skater girl.” she frowned. “are you okay though?”
“you should’ve led with that question, you know?” you huff, looking at the scrapes on your palms again. “i’m fine.”
“yeah, yeah. i should’ve.” abby tosses a pastry towards you. “here, for your troubles, on the house. go sit down in the break room for a little bit, you look like a mess.”
“gonna ignore the last part. thanks, abs.”
──── ✧《✿》✧ ────
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“jesus fucking christ.” ellie mumbled to herself, hopping off her board before she opened the door to the small vinyl store she worked at.
“late again, williams— oh. oh wow. you look like shit.” austin, the owner of the shop spoke, nudging ellie as she walked by. he was wearing a stupid smirk on his face which made ellie more aggravated.
“real nice.” ellie grumbled, putting up her skateboard and backpack. “sorry for being late, won’t happen again, i just— some people are so stupid, you know?”
“by ‘some people’ do you mean you?” he laughed, spinning on his chair. he mocked the way ellie spoke, doing a high pitched voice that sounded nothing like her.
god, he was a 30 year old man-child, but he pays her… so… whatever. she’ll deal.
“ha-ha. good one.”
“ya gonna tell me what happened or are ya gonna leave me guessin’?”
“what happened is people don’t know how to walk anymore.” she scoffed, taking stock of the money she had to count before putting it in the drawer. “so fucking stupid.”
“by the looks of it you don’t know how to walk anymore, either. you gonna be able to work? i’m not payin’ ya to sit around, so if i need to call someone else in…”
she glared at him, trying to see if he’d explode if she stared hard enough.
he was right though, unfortunately, ellie was walking like she had just learned how to. it wasn’t the worst injury she’s ever got from skateboarding, but it was definitely inconvenient.
“yeah, i’ll be fine.” ellie snapped, shifting her weight to her good foot to avoid making her injury any worse. “jesus christ, it’s a twisted ankle. i’m not missing a limb.”
“drop it.”
he put his hands up in mock surrender, the smirk still on his face. “oooookay, okay. whatever you say williams. you were still late though, let’s go back to talkin’ about that. what’s the count at now? is this the fifth or sixth time this month?”
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry. shit’s hard when you don’t have a car.” ellie sighed, punching in the numbers on her register. “i’ll do better. today was not my fault, though.”
“am i gonna have to be more strict with you? everyone else shows up on time, you know?”
“yeah, yeah. whatever.” ellie rolled her eyes, trying to focus on work and push the pain out of her mind. “everyone else has a car.”
ellie really did not like austin. his whole holier-than-thou attitude irked her to no end.
still, it beat being jobless, so she knew she shouldn’t complain.
“don’t let it happen again.”
“i won’t, i swear. i’m really sorry.”
“right, okay, i’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick, you alright out here?”
she bit her tongue, holding back a groan.
austin ‘going to the bathroom’ was his way of saying that he’s gonna get really fucking stoned and then sit around and do nothing all day. this was a daily occurrence, at this rate.
“yeah, yeah, i’m good.” ellie mumbled, shoving away the annoyance she felt when he walked past her.
austin was a dickhead, but he was never outright mean, not really. he just… he thought he was better than everyone. a classic ego-centric prick.
as much as she hated him, she did like having a job— and being able to afford a place to sleep at night.
“ohhh, ellie, i gave you more shifts, like you asked.” he said before he walked out, smiling at her. “take a look at the schedule when ya get the chance.”
he has to be kidding.
she’s been begging for more shifts since god knows how long ago, and he decides to give her more now? when she doesn’t even know how she’s gonna be able to make it to work?
amazing. just what she wanted!
“great.” ellie muttered, shooting him a glare even though he was already gone. “more hours that i don’t know how the hell i’m gonna get to.”
she shook her head, austin wasn’t worth getting this pissed about— especially when he did try to do what she asked.
the store was never busy in the morning, so she sat in austins chair, finally taking a second to herself. she went over her options on how this was going to go.
she could have asked dina for a ride, if dina wasn’t off on some work trip about three hours away for the next two weeks, taking her and jesses shared car with her.
terrible timing.
she’d take public transportation if it was reliable and also if she didn’t have a few bad experiences with it already.
that wasn’t really a good option.
uber was definitely not an option. she already was going to have to buy new glasses and eventually pay for her phone to get fixed, she wasn’t about to drop $50 a day on ride.
she was screwed.
nothing was working out for her right now— the universe was laughing at her, just like it always did.
she wanted to kick and scream, but that wouldn’t help anything, plus she wouldn’t be able to kick very well right now.
oh well… she’d be fine, she’d just have to push through it.
her phone buzzed in her pocket and she winced when she seen the cracked screen again, it was so wrecked that it barely let her type in her password.
──── ✧《✿》✧ ────
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was ellie stupid for agreeing to go out of her way when she was already struggling to walk? yes.
does she care? no.
jesse was a good guy, he’s done a shit ton of favors for her, so this was the least she could do.
she’d never been to the bakery, but she always smelled it when she’d pass by, and it always looked like it’d be good. she did deserve a little treat after the day she had, anyways.
thank you jesse and jesse’s money.
when ellies shift is over, she feels so much worse than she did earlier, and austin repeating that ellie looked like shit over and over again wasn’t helping.
“you’re a wreck, williams—“
“—goodbye austin, byeee. i’m leaving, out the door, shifts over. see you tomorrow.” she slammed the door shut, letting out a frustrated sigh as she got on her board again. “god. fuck off.”
the bakery wasn’t far, it was literally right across the street, but it felt like it was miles away to ellie. she leaned on the wall for a second to catch her breath before she walked inside.
it was a cute shop, one of those places you see on pinterest or instagram, with the led light signs and fake plants, it was actually really nice. she doesn’t know why she never came here before.
“let me know if i can help… oh god. it’s you.”
she looks over at you and she starts to wish the fall had just killed her on impact.
“please… pretend like this morning didn’t happen. i don’t want to deal with arguing right now.” ellie sighs, not giving you time to reply to her before she goes into saying her order.
she looked at your name tag as she paid, she could barely see what it said, her eyes squinting slightly as she tried to make out your name.
you scribbled little smiley faces and stars around your name, which was cuter than ellie would like to admit.
“go sit, i’ll bring your stuff to you after i box them, ‘kay?”
“i can wait here.“
she sat at one of the booths, attempting to use her phone without losing a finger. she wasn’t even paying attention to the content, just scrolling mindlessly as the memories of this morning replayed in her mind over and over again.
she was hoping to never see you again.
maybe coming here was a mistake.
“here.” you say after a few moments, placing the boxes on the table. “enjoy.”
you were being kind, but she could read behind the curtness of your tone.
you thought she was dumb. she could always tell by the way you talked to her; that look of disdain on your face.
“thanks.” she said, and then the silence took over again. it was obvious that neither of them wanted to start another conversation after the way the last one ended.
ellie couldn’t help but notice how just scraped up your hands were. you had bandages on them, but the blood that seeped through was bright red, like it was demanding to be looked at.
demanding ellie to feel bad for what she did.
damn it, she really should’ve just paid attention this morning.
would’ve saved her a lot of trouble.
she got up, sucking her teeth and hissing as she shifted her weight. she leaned on the table for balance as a few curse words left her mouth.
“god, you’re the dumbest person i’ve ever met.” you declared, confirming her suspicions.
she scoffed, trying to shake the pain away from her ankle.
man, this sucked.
“shut the hell up.” ellie snapped. “you don’t have to be so snarky, you know? i’m already dealing with the consequences of my shitty morning, you can drop the whole, ‘i’m better than you’ bullshit. if you listened earlier, you’d have known i said that i have no other choice.”
“i did listen, idiot. i don’t mean to sound like i’m trying to be better than you, okay? i’m sorry. but you seriously don’t have anyone that can help you out? do you have friends?”
“i have friends, asshole. they’re just either busy or i don’t want to inconvenience them. what’s it matter to you anyways?”
you don’t really have an answer, you’re not sure why it matters. maybe it’s because ellie looked really miserable, or maybe it’s because it had been partially your fault that she’s hurt… or maybe both. but you couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt about the situation she was in.
“i have a car.”
ellie paused, looking up at you. she wasn’t sure if she heard you correctly, or if this was just some weird, shitty joke.
“okay? congratulations?”
“don’t make me spell it out.” you reply, annoyance clear in your tone. “i’m saying, you’re obviously hurt, and it’s kinda my fault, so… if you needed a ride…”
“don’t be stubborn. look, i get it, we’re not on the best terms right now, but i can’t just let you go like this without at least offering, y’know? plus, you seem like you could use the help.”
ellie’s mind was screaming at her to accept— it was logical. you offered a ride, she needs a ride, she should accept your offer.
“i could be a serial killer for all you know. you don’t even know my name.”
“yeah, okay. you? a serial killer? i’d just run away. not like you’d be able to chase after me.”
“hey, i can run pretty damn fast, you know?” ellie hissed. if she wanted, she could definitely chase you down… but she’d rather not do that at the moment. that was probably not a great idea. “hell, i could be an axe murderer.”
“what’s your name?”
“are you dumb?”
“…it’s ellie.”
“‘kay, ellie, now i know your name and if you’re observant— which i doubt but i’m gonna play devils advocate— you know mine. nice to meet you. now we know each other. i’m not gonna sit here and play 21 questions, do you want me to take you to your place or not?”
“what if you kill me anyways?” she asked, she was kidding, she just wanted to piss you off.
“i am not gonna fucking— you know what, you’re annoying. never mind.”
“wait. i’m sorry.”
maybe this whole thing about you wasn’t so bad. you were just— abrasive.
she swallowed, forcing herself to stay calm. “i’ll take a ride.”
“what’s the magic word?”
“die.” ellie hissed. “you’re not funny.”
“almost! that’s four words. do you want a hint?”
ellie stared at you blankly for a few seconds before answering. “i am not saying please.”
“you just said it.” you grinned. “look, i get off at 6:30, that’s like… 20 minutes from now, if you don’t mind waiting. i’ll come get you when i’m off, sound good?”
“yeah. that sounds good.”
this is such a bad idea.
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adventuringblind · 9 months
Drive With You Forever
Chapter 12.1: More group texts
Max Verstappen x Charles Leclerc x Lando Norris x Reader x Oscar Piastri
Chapter summary: some more chaotic group texts for your enjoyment
Warnings: Sexual innuendo and utter chaos
Notes: My notes are screaming at me to stop
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Oscar the Unfazed
Y/N: Lando, I swear on your favorite McLaren hoodie that if you don't fix this right now, I will not hesitate to break your bones.
Maxy: care to share with the group?
Lan: I may have sent a few messages to Oscar from her phone 🫣
Charlie: and you did this why?
Lan: Because I want my girlfriend and my teammate to get along?
Y/N: Lies and slander
Y/N: it's fine now though
Y/N: he said thanks for the compliment
Lan: That's it?
Charlie: wdym that it? What did you say?!
Y/N: he called Oscar the 'epotime of male physique'
Maxy: lan...
Maxy: you out yourself in these situations and now I have to do something about it
Charlie: I have so many ideas after the stunt he pulled with Carlos yesterday
Lan: before I get my ass whooped can we all agree that Oscar is unfazed by everything???
We should start a band
Lan: So here me out
Lan: we should start a band
Maxy: I have no musical talent
Y/N: Charlie would be sore from carrying us
Oscar: I can play the kazoo
Charlie: I forgot he's here now
Charlie: genuinely panicked
Oscar: I feel so loved -_-
Charlie: What would we be called anyway?
Y/N: Charlie and the untalented
Lan: the music man plus friends
Maxy: Charles and the Ferrari strategist
Oscar: why that one?
Maxy: Because similar to them, we also would not be helping Charles in any way
Oscar's first post race celebration
Y/N: I feel like at this rate Max is going to get a complex
Y/N: And it's not fair. I don't even get to join in anymore :(
Charlie: But you like being told what to do? So Max winning is a good thing, no?
Lan: He makes a point
Lan: Last time I placed higher then them you cried
Maxy: We all cried because you tease for to long
Oscar: I've been informed I'm invited to whatever this is?
Charlie: 👀
Charlie: did Lando explain?
Oscar: Indeed, he did ;)
Maxy: whatever he told you is a lie
Maxy: he's not innocent
Oscar: as I've found
Y/N: 🫢
Charlie: oh please share, Chéri
Oscar: I think you underestimate me
Oscar: I may be the youngest, but I am certainly not fazed by Lando
Y/N: Did you actually manage to make him behave???
Y/N: Oscar has my respect
Lan: It's not what you think it is
Maxy: and here I thought those marks were from us
Maxy: Nice work Oscar
Y/N: Lan... there's three of them now
Lan: means triple the fun ;)
Oscar and Daniel
Oscar: I have a question
Lan: yes?
Oscar: Does Daniel know?
Charlie: unfortunately yes
Charlie: he lacks any kind of boundaries
Maxy: If he touches you, I'm obligated to throw punches
Oscar: Do I want to know what happened?
Y/N: Max and Charlie traumatized him
Maxy: well deserved mind you
Maxy: he ignored boundaries and hurt Land and Y/N
Oscar: ohhhhh
Oscar: Lando mentioned this once
Oscar: I remember it vividly because he didn't say all the details, but I got mildly protective
Lan: It was his quartet awakening
Lan: if we're not careful we're going to get the entire grid
Charlie: Absolutely not
Maxy: Daniel is a no
Y/N: good thing he's not on the grid then 👀
Y/N: For now at least
True Crime
Lan: I'm scared
Charlie: why? Did the cats get mad at you again?
Lan: No
Lan: Y/N and Oscar are watching a true crime documentary and it's scary
Maxy: we're living with a superhero
Maxy: I promised Charles we'd have dinner tonight
Maxy: well be home in a couple of hours so play nice until then
Y/N: Lan, in hindsight, this helps protect us if you think about it
Oscar: exactly because we'll know what to look for
Oscar: and how to hide a body
Someone is late
Maxy: the jet was supposed to take off ten minutes ago
Maxy: explain to me why Y/N and Charles are the only ones here
Lan: uh.... Oscar overslept
Lan: definitely no other reason
Y/N: you stayed in Oscar's room last night
Y/N: did you nit wake him up?
Lan: but he looks so peaceful
Os: I'm litterally awake
Os: don't pin this on me
Charlie: somone better explain
Maxy: at this point I don't care
Maxy: just get here or I'm leaving you two behind
Os: it's Landos fault
Os: Someone decided to try something ridiculous
Charlie: what else is new?
Maxy: estimated time then? Do you two need help?
Os: with help maybe 10 minutes. Without help then possible another hour
Y/N: I saw you two just now and Lando I don't understand how you managed to bend like that
Y/N: you're so lucky I lobe you
Maxy: next time please pull stupid stunts when we're home
I'm still learning
Y/N: when were you guys going to tell me that school lasts all day?
Y/N: I wish I could've gone to school
Os: I won't speak for everybody, but my school was good aside from the part where I wanted to do anything else
Lan: it's not as good as you might think
Charlie: Most of us didn't go to regular school or had to drop out
Maxy: Seb used to make me and Y/N do some sort of educational activity together
Maxy: So I'd say my school was great later on.
Os: Wait, did you not go to school Y/N?
Y/N: Did I not tell you guys?
Y/N: I didn't leave my property for 15 years
Max: she was really clueless
Charlie: Actually, how did you learn? Like to read and write and do math?
Y/N: As much as I hate him, my dad is incredibly smart
Maxy: no your dad is evil
Lan: try disturbed
Charlie: should be burned at the stake
Os: slowly cut up into tiny peices
Y/N: you guys are scaring me...
Sweatshirt roulette
Maxy: remember how we said we weren’t going to put Oscar in a compromising situation?
Charlie: Yes
Y/N: Yes
Lan: Yes
Os: Yes
Maxy: then why on earth have the lovely papaya duo swapped sweatshirts?
Os: in out defense our sweatshirts are practically the same
Y/N: aren’t you four in the driver briefing??
Charlie: Yes and Logan has been snickering behind them nonstop
Lan: I was wondering why it smelled different
Os: and you didn’t say anything?
Lan: Idk maybe you slept in it or something?
Maxy: Logan whispered something… tell me what it was -_-
Os: He started singing the Pokémon theme song
Os: Then he said I’ve been caught
Lewis & Seb
Lewis: Can you come get the kids? they are being chaotic again and its scaring me
Seb: Your an Adult
Seb: Just tell them to stop
Lewis: Max is chasing Daniel through the paddock
Lewis: Nvm
Lewis: He caught him and is dragging him off somewhere.
Seb: Not surprising
Lewis: that’s concerning…
Lewis: I swear they are like hormonal teenagers
Lewis: And your daughter is collecting drivers like Pokémon.
Seb: and you weren’t like that at their age?
Seb: I remember a few times where I caught you doing things
Lewis: I thought you said you’d never bring that up!
Seb: Yet here we are
Seb: complain about them again, and I won't hesitate to tell all five exactly what you were like
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snowyrey · 5 months
looking back on after hours:
it’s beennnn what, 3-ish months since i released after hours publicly?? twas definitely a fun ride and im glad people liked the game as much as they did ^^
it was the 2nd game listed under the “new and popular” section of itch.io and was one of the top visual novels on the site for a while which is kinda crazy to me lol
thaaaat being said the game is far from perfect(i think a lot of people noticed lol) so i kinda wanna go over what stuck out the most to me personally- i guess as a personal guide for whenever i release another game
obviously the biggest issue was the fact that it just didn’t work for a lot of people- some people would get an error message right before the final hour and couldn’t make any progress from there, which meant they couldn’t get any of the endings
in hindsight i probably should’ve gotten even more people to playtest the game than i did, just to get more input and make sure i covered all my bases
that was probably the biggest issue gameplay wise, but ofc there were little things that piled up like the lack of a skip button and an unreliable save system that a lot of people expected to work like renpy(alas i was not using renpy and literally did not know how to implement an identical save system so L for me)
as for the story- the two things i wish i could’ve done better were making vanny more of a present and real threat, as well as making the ending more climactic(looking back on it uh yeah, basically nothing happens in like, half the endings)
that’s mostly what i’ve gotten from seeing people play it, soooo i wanna try keeping that in mind for next time, whenever that may be
as for after hours- again i don’t plan on making a continuation or anything for the game(at least not for a while)
might revisit it for bug fixes but that’s kinda it
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riewritten · 2 years
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SUMMARY: The commander appears to be deeply endeared with the way you forget to pay attention. After all, the longer you zone out, the more he could look. | AO3
WORDS: 700
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"Where are we again…” you fidged across your papers, subtly in a panic that you zoned out again. As you observed the blonde’s features, however, he wasn’t in any way dismayed—well, apparently you never saw him dismayed, at least all the times you were working together.
He rather has a small smile plastered on his face, one that wasn’t noticeable from afar but completely exudes a fluster out of anyone who was near.
Oh, you want to zone out again and think about how that smile could go in its mysterious ways.
“Where were you, indeed?” he mused a bit teasingly.
“I’m so sorry,” you juggled from one paper to the other, “just as I said, please don’t hesitate to point it out whenever my mind flies away, Commander. I’m rather wasting a lot of your time when you’re too busy to begin with.”
But lo and behold, wasting both of your time is apparently all in his favor. Before working together, you actually asked him to not offer you food and tea whenever you run errands in his office, as your brain has a knack for relaxing too much in its presence. He was wondering why at first and he actually followed that. But going further and realizing why, he got too enamored with the quirk.
It’s definitely his doing that some chamomile is currently boiling in the small pot at the corner of his office; slices of sweets are on the table even if he’s not in the mood to eat one. And now that you apparently zoned out again staring at the birds flying around the window, he’s smiling slyly—in awe, wondering if you actually know how beautiful you are being lost in thought, and in hindsight, quite in gratitude that you trusted him enough to go into such a state of mind.
Not to mention the longer you zone out, the more he could look and admire you.
“Holy walls,” you frustratingly muttered when you snapped out of it. This time you’re genuinely frustrated and guilty that you just want to excuse yourself and address the matter next time. But then, looking at him again, his smile is a bit more evident now. 
“You’re quite in a good mood today, Commander.” you’re thankful he was because if not, he might have made you cry.
“What I’ve been seeing recently is a bit too pleasing in the eye. Apparently, it does a lot of good in the mind.” he sipped his tea, then gestured towards your untouched one, coaxing you to not get too shy. “Given that there are lots of displeasing sights in my line of work, I might be too engrossed in this one.”
“Oh,” you beamed, “I have lots of places to recommend if you like sightseeing.”
“Really?” he asked, fixing the stack of papers. “I think I already have the best sight, though.”
Staring at the stack, you realized it's been all set and he really just let you sit in his office to space out, “I’m so sorry. The next time I come here I’ll make sure you’ve already done your meal. I really have this bad habit.”
“That’d be a waste then,” he remarked. “Where would I look if that’s the case?”
“Great,” you sighed in lament, “now the Commander’s making fun of me, too.” Then you profusely bowed your head in guilt, “This won’t happen again, I promise.”
He took a while to respond, and when you turned to look at him again, his smile was completely amused. “I just realized it might not be too bad to establish that I’m actually making fun of you.”
Yeah, and now you want to bury yourself under the ground. If the stoic commander gets to mock you in this quirk, then it must really be a bad one.
“Indeed, Commander. I wonder why.” you defeatedly mumbled.
“It apparently gets more pleasing when you’re flustered.”
The realization threw your face into the heat.
He’s not just messing around!
“And now you’re flushed, I must say I’m making headway.” After a weak chuckle, he finally stood up to turn off the boiling tea.
After all, the scent rendered such a good job for him.
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whencallstheheart · 8 months
Elizabeth actually said that Lucas was the SAFE choice? As in ACTUALLY SAID IT? Is this real life? That is literally what we’ve been saying for YEARS.
This is all just so validating. It’s so nice that what we thought was happening on screen was actually happening. All those Nathan, Elizabeth, Allie and Little Jack scenes actually MEANT something.
I do feel sorry for the Lucas fans. To be expecting a wedding and then to be broken up with is very hard. I feel like at least the promotion around this season has been pretty much writing on the wall. Nathan and Elizabeth were, I would guess, almost half of the extra sneak peaks this season. Of course it could have been explained before as ratings bait, (which I believed to be honest), but now it’s clear it was because of the direction the show is going. But it’s definitely easy to say all of this in hindsight.
I don’t care if they drag Nathan and Elizabeth out for like 5 seasons. Let them come to an understanding this season, then season 11 a little dinner date, then a kiss in season 12, proposal in season 13 and marriage in season 14. Give them their ratings I couldn’t care less so long as they get together. I’ve waited 5 years, WHAT’S 5 MORE?!
Really curious how this will all play out. I don’t think Lucas and Elizabeth can come back from this, she pretty much admitted that she was trying really hard to make their relationship work but her heart wasn’t in it. Also will Lucas be elected as governor? I think he deserves it to be honest, this huge storyline is literally what they promised the “loser” of the triangle back in season 8. Lucas deserves to be the hero of everything and not have to be battered and bruised every two seconds like Nathan in season 9. Lucas should be careful though, there will be WAY more cars in Capital City than in Hope Valley, his chances of getting hit by one, taking into account his status as rejected by Elizabeth, are ASTRONOMICAL.
The LOG SCENE is coming, oh god this is insane. That could actually be a rewrite of the 8x02 scene, wouldn’t that be fun!!
It's all so surreal. Before this season, no one could've predicted this would happen. It was only a fantasy and now it's REAL!
I feel bad for them too. It's really unfortunate but the characters were on different paths. That doesn't make it easier to accept but hopefully they'll be satisfied with his path moving forward unlike a lot of us Nathan fans were with what he was given. From the interviews, it sounds like they have things planned for Lucas and he's sticking around. Chris said he was excited about it.
I'd be happy with a slow pace too. I just want them to be happy. I want to see them date and just enjoy being together and doing things with the kids. I also want angst and arguments and all of that. I want all of it. I don't really even care what it is at this point.
Can't wait for the log scene!!
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altocat · 7 months
Hey Alto, I have a writing question if you don’t mind my asking (if details are too personal I totally understand - no pressure!).
You’re a fantastic writer, and your use of description makes you works extremely memorable and vivid. Before you started work on AMT, what other writing practices did you do? Have you ever written for other fandoms, or just creatively for fun/professionally? And finally, what practices would you recommend for someone not as familiar with writing fiction?
(I apologize if that’s a lot lol)
I've been writing basically since I was a student, though I do writing professionally now. It's actually a lot different from writing a novel or a fic, especially in the marketing field. But I basically write all day, every day, 24/7 lmao. You get burned out every now and then but it at least keeps my mind sharp.
Before AMT, I'd written fic in other fandoms before. In high school, I mostly did stuff for Batman. In college, Buffy. But they were extremely embarrassing in hindsight and I've deleted most of them off the internet permanently. Trust me, they were BAD. Catastrophically bad. I cringe thinking about it. Even AMT's first published draft was pretty weak imo. I keep editing it every now and then solely to keep adding some extra layers and polish.
For practices, I think it first helps to have an audiobook on hand--it can be anything you like. Listen to how they convey words. It helps to hear it directly in your head. I find that my writing flows a lot more naturally when I hear how other people use theirs. I also recommend finding a good time of day that helps motivate your writing. For example, I do all my stuff at night because that's when my mind is active. Some people prefer morning. It depends on when you feel you're the most creative. I also use music to brainstorm scenes and actions, especially when it comes to really dramatic stuff. My favorite technique whenever I've hit a wall is to go walking. That really, REALLY helps me brainstorm and I definitely recommend it.
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forgottenciara · 6 months
ooc | Ciara & Godfrey
honestly so much to unpack here lakjdlajfldjaf
okay, so first thing -- idk how long they have been engaged, but I do think that ciara was relatively happy with the match? godfrey is handsome and charming and fun and young (honestly a lot of traits she didn't think that her future husband would necessarily have???) I'm not sure that she loves him, but she definitely thinks she could love him? I do imagine that they have some good times together, since they are both kind charming/flirtatious/witty and they probably play off of each other nicely? (sidenote though, if he still flirts w/ other girls, it would def make ciara jealous although she'd try to hide that i think it might be obvious haha)
the second thing -- is the whole spy thing ha! I do think that she went to godfrey w/ it, because she trusts him (or at least hopes she can trust him). in hindsight, I think she feels she was probably kinda reckless in going to him w/ something so serious and important if they only know each other on a superficial level (however if they were friends before the engagement, that might change things?)
either way, I think that one of the main reasons she went to him and not her bro/her dad (and certainly NOT Roderick), was because she hoped that he would trust her enough to handle this (even if it was his ambition that ultimately tipped the scales in her favor haha) Because I think that her dad & bro would be like absoulutley not!! it's too dangerous!! And Roderick & co wouldn't trust her to do something so important b/c she's a woman -- but I think she would hope that perhaps Godfrey would. Plus them actually working together as a team on this, is a good pre-marriage exercise in trust/respect/working together ;D (not that this really factored, but I do think she hoped that he would see her more of an equal than he might have otherwise done)
The ironic thing is, if this IS a test, she's honestly the one that is failing hahaha!
(I also have a headcannon that the earldom that godfrey now has here in asteria once belonged to ciara's grandparents (now deceased)/is where her mom grew up??)
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shittyelfwriter · 7 months
So I did not liveblog the santa clauses eps 1 and 2 because frankly, there was a lot going on, but I am taking notes hindsight because I do be having a lot of thoughts! Keep in mind I did watch through twice with the Dani bean so we were in there, critically even. I will line break for potential spoilers, watch the eps first if you'd like to!
First of all, season 2 is not as bad as season 1 so far, to me. I could be biased simply because there is more lore, and I am in fact a slut for lore. Not that I like everything they're doing because no, not by a long shot. Most of the elf lore i actually am very ?? about. But it's interesting! It's world building, and it also gives me ideas of what I don't want to do in my own work! Thanks, guys! /srs
However, it does give you something to actual chew on rather than just throwing "the world is too modern/nobody cares about Christmas anymore if it's not commercial! blah blah blah" at you over and over again like season 1 did. The family dynamic is leaning away from using miscommunication as a plot device and we REJOICE at that, frankly.
They're bringing back legendaries, eventually and a little bit at a time. LOVE that. t*m all*n's humor continues to be the low point of any scene its in. Then again he's producing the whole show, so maybe that's why everything has just a touch of stank on it. Not the good kind. The out of touchness, if you will. I am glad to be seeing the homies again though, I would have shed an actual tear at seeing Cupid if they didn't immediately follow his being there with the most cringeworthy scene of the episode (and that's saying something.) I am waiting for Dani's rant about Cupid's lore because saying he can't have kids was a choice (but like I pointed out, can't isn't the same as doesn't. There could be a rule he may have broken, or what have you...just saying....side eyes Dite)
My main hope is that this doesn't just become a giant retcon of the parts of tsc2 and 3 that t*m all*n didn't like because he wasn't in charge of it.
Anyway, here are the rapid fire thoughts and such:
Scott being so perilously out of touch with his kids was getting old even in the first episode of this season ESPECIALLY after last season so I'm glad they seem to be dialing back on that in season 2 episode 2 at LEAST. I would like to see some emotional intelligence from t*m all*n even though it’s a reach, because the dad who is absent and unavailable card is played out! We get it, he overfocuses on his job! Damn)
Its kind of fun how they're definitely incorporating more kinds of magic in to the story, but if they're going the direction it seems with just making the North Pole the epicentre of the magical world I am. Not a fan on premise.
If they're just saying that magibeans favor uninhabited (by humans) spaces that makes sense but I hope they actually point that out? (this has nothing to do with the idea I am partial to of things running on magical ley lines that meet at the Poles but also criss cross at various places around the world giving magibeans hotspots to be and thrive away from prying human eyes. that's just a me theory)
(also side note unmentioned in the new eps but I want them to expound on why the South Pole is so bad according to this new lore since they were using it in a slash derogatory way last season)
If they want me to dislike Magnus Antas they're going to have to stop making him so funny. Also I did comment to Dani mid second watch that he could have been played by Jack Black and that would have gone incredibly hard. It would have
The existence of elf related clauses brings me GREAT JOY FOR NO PARTICULAR REASON. ESPECIALLY with Betty saying how SPECIFIC THEY ARE WINK WONK NUDGE NUDGE (hands you a second (third?) business card that has the emissary clause on it)
I wish they weren't making Riley so annoying? Like I get they're teens and obnoxious in how they show affection and all but like. Its so….dated. Teenagers don't SAY omg, Disney. Gen Z teenagers aren't lacking this much behavioral awareness. What tf are you DOING
Also the idea of Scott being worried about Riley "telling" people about the Pole/the SoS is a bit LATE considering he just gave everyone magical snowglobes last season PLUS she's literally JUST ONE TEENAGER. WHO is going to listen girl. especially in the era of AI and deepfakes. even if she took VIDEO no one is believing her
The Roblox bit for the gen alpha kids was genuinely funny though. If there is anything I know about gen alpha is they fuck heavily with roblox and fortnite. Something something, skibbidy.
I love that Betty literally opened with "yeah if Carol takes over ELFS prepare to deal with the fact Gary is a total loaf and not good at his job" AND LO AND BEHOLD. These head elves are like prophets with how right they be in these movies and the show. Go figure, it's almost like they know how their workplace runs. IF ONLY SOMEONE WOULD STOP REMOVING THEM FROM SAID WORKPLACE--
Sandra being a witch is fun and fresh and again, I hope they know what they're doing with the "witches and other magibeans live at the Pole" shenanigans. I did watch the whole levitating things with La Befana scene and flash back to Elle and Jack training scenes in roe, which is a me thing but it did make me smile
If there is one positive takeaway from seasons 1 AND 2, it's that Betty and Noel beat out all your faves. I love the way that they are so damn much. talk about the blueprint
Oh, and the last thing to touch on: I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY CANONICALLY CUT UP ST. NICHOLAS' ROBES. BRO. You guys are up there chopping up a whole ass RELIC? for WHAT? A fugly VEST? This truly has my mind going in circles. Roeverse!bernard just sat up in bed in the dead of night in a cold sweat. Elle mumbles what's wrong? He says I just got a feeling something terrible is happening, but I don't know why or where. You're right, bman. What the fuck is this tbh. "Care about the tradition and history of Christmas" the show/t*m all*n says. YOU JUST CUT UP ST. NICK'S ROBES I'M NOT LISTENING TO SHIT YOU SAY MAN! HECK!
Annnnyway. That's all I've got for tonight, I'll add any other things come morning! Otherwise, see you all next week for episode 3 :D
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bropunzeling · 7 months
can you pleaseee elaborate on brady’s thoughts/feelings during linger? he was such a great character!!
hi anon!!!!! yes i will talk SO MUCH about brady who is also one of my faves:
there's some meme on here that's like "sorry to this guy for carrying the weight and burdens of all the themes" and this time it was brady's turn! i knew pretty much off the bat that i wanted brady to be an alpha (an "opposite" to matthew with heavy air quotes) and really dig into the whole, brady COULD do what keith did (be a captain, have a family young, follow the Life Path, etc etc) but doesn't want to, while matthew unconsciously wants to do what keith did and can't.
part of what i find so fascinating about brady is he seems to have a really strong idea of what he wants (see: his rl contract negotiations; anyone who gets married as an infant has a Life Plan in my experience) and also resistant to like, outside influence if that makes sense? everything just kinda rolls off of him like water off a duck. and i thought that would be really fascinating in the context of him being an alpha and just not wanting to do what is expected of someone in that position in their pocket of society (even if said expectations are honestly a lot looser than matthew thinks they are, because he’s blinkered to hell by his own neuroses, and also starting out in a more traditional/macho environment than ottawa which obviously impacts your view of what's possible/socially correct)
the OTHER thing i knew right off the bat was brady was in love with quinn. pretty soon i also knew that i wanted them to get together mid fic, and i wanted it to be one of those simultaneously blindsiding but oh duh moments, and i wanted matthew to react poorly (because he is sixteen neuroses in hockey pads). uncovering how to make that happen was genuinely so fun! i write chronologically so whenever brady showed up before the scene where i was going to have them get together, there was clippy the paper clip in my head hissing mention quinn, MENTION QUINN so even if it wasn't explicit yet, you had the constant association. hopefully enough to be present in hindsight, but not TOO obvious.
what was really fun, and the least fleshed out, was all the Big Sibling conversations towards the final third. the thing about brady is he has such an enormous heart and cares so so deeply, but also, there's always a tension when you have two stubborn people at loggerheads, you know? how do you make someone listen to you when they don't want to listen to anyone? that was the head space i was trying to get to with him. he loves matthew, and he thinks matthew is being an idiot, and he definitely thinks matthew gets way too worked up about dynamics (which, he's not wrong, but also, he's not totally right either! he's an alpha, and society is structured differently for him, and he does have a bit of a blind spot about that), and ultimately he just wants to see his older brother be happy. so it was really rewarding to write these meaty moments where the two of them talk to each other. i love siblings!!!! i love the kind of relationship that is always there even when the other one is being an annoying little fuck!
anyway i loved writing brady, i loved writing siblings and fambly, it was SO fun, also he and quinn in this verse are like. embarrassing. sickening. brady loves big and he is not afraid to show it.
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dirtyoldmanhole · 8 months
today in "krad continues to be very normal about gunter fire emblem" i hyper-analyze 3H's teatime preferences to divine up gunter's favorite teas and a few other fun facts ~ :D
so, context:
in Three Houses (FE16), there's a teatime minigame where your avatar drinks tea with selected characters, and try to guess their favorites / favorite conversational topics / etc for bonding points. FE's pretty big on character archetypes across the games (nabarls, jeigans, etc); while it's never a 1:1 as the series does like to subvert the stories and character arcs in some fun ways, you can generally trace a pretty direct line across them a la 'wow innes and shinon sure share more than a few surface-level similarities' and 'man OG!Jeigan, Gunter, and Marcus are cut out of the same cloth at least appearance wise huh'.
tl;dr -- it's easier than you'd think to pick a few 3H characters that echo gunter's archetype/arcs.
since i've played through 3H a few times, the three characters i figured gunter would share at least a higher-than-background-average similarity in archetypes + taste were:
Hubert - loyal advisor that does the dirty work behind the scenes in black to a charismatic royal. definitely holds a not-entirely platonic flame for said princess who had a Fucked Up past. has a tendency to be the disciplinarian for the others. (also both characters are hellaciously kinky bastards but that's just me)
Jeritza - strict instructor turned surprise(!) villain yandere paladin with a more complex backstory than you'd think. even has the black armor in his alter ego, and dislikes talking to others / prefers being alone. (seriously does that sound familiar or what.)
Hanneman - older (ie, definitely over his sixties versus all of the other babies in age) classic jeigan archetype and another instructor, kind but keeps to himself as well.
I could see people debating Hanneman vs Gilbert on technicalities but whatever, this is my post, I'm sticking to this list. :P
so, next step! looking at serenesforest.net's teatime preferences chart, we find out the favorite teas of the previous characters are (common teas in bold) ...
Hubert - Dagda Fruit Blend, Cinnamon Blend
Jeritza - Albinean Berry Blend, Southern Fruit Blend, Honeyed-Fruit Blend, Sweet-Apple Blend
Hanneman - Bergamot, Sweet-Apple Blend, Honeyed-Fruit Blend, Cinnamon Blend
... and surprisingly, there was a very high level of crossover! :o holy shit i was kind of not expecting that lmao. I checked a few of the other characters just to make sure it wasn't the same 5 teas over and over again, and no, these were pretty rare. that to me, reinforces that hunch that says looking into these patterns was worth it.
therefore, it is in my very humble opinion that (in 3H's style), Gunter's favorite teas would be generally the fruitier-sweet flavored ones, plus cinnamon.
fucking hell i love this so much. omg.
it makes so much sense in hindsight; i mentioned before how FE has a lot of fun playing with the archetypes/subversions, and there's something kind of hilariously adorable about the old strict "traditional" masculine dude fucking loving his fruity teas :D;;
gunter's already (ime) an interesting case of wildly subverting his archetype expectations so this is just yet another fun super-stealth easter egg nod.
to that note---you know what that reminds me of? this meme (below) of the bodyguard and the chick swapping drinks so he can have the fruity one and she can have the beer. :D
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absolutely hilarious fun bonus fact in hindsight:
i almost had this as a scene in the gunter x fcorrin slowburn fic a while back, (yes, seriously, even before this post) but it ultimately got cut out for being ever so slightly gimmicky/meme-y in tone versus the rest of the fic which is played more seriously.
... this would make for an A+ drawing shitpost or a standalone fic tho. :D
no i'm not secretly smug af my instincts were on fireeeee why r u asking lolololol
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It’s interesting how differently they all were taking the war. 
It’s a neat look into how they were back when they were younger together. None of them were taking the war efforts lightly, of course, but... 
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Guan was fully serious the whole time. Guan is dead focused on getting things down with a solemn frown on his face, no wasted movements or taunts or games.
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He’s pretty composed in modern day, but he wasn’t as stoic back then. He cracked a trusting smile in Dashi’s direction during the brief respite in the action when they all grouped back together in the middle, and after Wuya was sealed, he smiled at Omi and Chase now that everything was over. At least when he was younger, Guan was very much "There’s a time for work and a time for play” sorta guy. Interesting how such genuine emotion sort of stops mattering to him over the years and he starts to pull on whatever he needs for the situation. He got more jaded over time than I thought.
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Dashi was surprisingly serious for the brunt of the fight. He took down the golems without any fluttery playfulness or cockiness. 
He just got all smiley and playful when he was facing Wuya one-on-one. And then immediately returned to a very harsh expression when he went back to fighting the golems afterwards.
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It’s actually amusing how quickly he switches back to a serious demeanor once his one-on-one spar with Wuya ends and he’s back to fighting Golems.
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Chase, on the other hand, seemed like he was actively enjoying himself throughout. He had a boyish smile or a cocky smirk on his face while he fought a lot of the golems. Not that he’s never serious, but he’s having the most fun, even against the mass of golems. He definitely views it as a game, more like how Dashi viewed his showdown with Omi than like how evil Chase handles most of his fights when he’s older. (Though evil Chase does have that same playfulness from back then when he and Omi are fighting one-on-one, interestingly enough.)
While you get the sense that Guan sees this as a job he simply has to do, and Dashi specifically enjoys messing with Wuya and otherwise is just trying to get this done and come across as a leader with a good head on his shoulders, there’s this undertone that Chase either really enjoys showing off his moves or just really enjoys the violence itself, even a bit. There are times in the fight he just can’t wipe the smile off his face. Even though he doesn’t seem to have any personal rivalry with Wuya or her forces the way Dashi does.
Since Chase sort of seems to grow out of this playful pugnaciousness later in the alternate timeline, I’m guessing it was part of his struggle with darkness in his youth. There’s something about it that’s a bit reminiscent of the parts of Omi that shined the most in Heylin!Omi. They both really love fighting as a sport.
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Oh, and of course, their newest addition and honorary fourth member since past Dojo is conspicuously absent for the war, little Omi was having fun, too. He was fanboying over getting to fight in this major war alongside these legendary old heroes, after all, so he sort of views it like a fun game, too. He knows how this all wraps up after all, so it makes sense. He has the benefit of hindsight.
The actual honorary fourth member of that time period was conspicuously absent. Wonder where Dojo was. Did he hide somewhere to wait out the war? 
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tedwinisconfused · 7 months
20 Author Questions
Tagged by @blackbird-brewster, thank you, this was so fun!!!
How many works do you have on AO3?
Only five so far!
2. What's your total AO3 wordcount!
83,545 apparently, which is much more than I expected.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently and on AO3, only Criminal Minds, but in my time on ff dot net I also wrote for House MD, Grey's Anatomy, Once Upon A Time, Oz the Great and Powerful, and Annie (in hindsight, what a random assortment??)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Twin Flames (377 kudos)
Sin to Win (234 kudos)
midnight (184 kudos)
lean for me (170 kudos)
All This and Heaven Too (73)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
I always respond to comments! Usually whenever I update with a new chapter. Comments make me so so happy (seriously I cannot even begin to describe it) so I really want to show my appreciation to readers, even though I'm usually quite bad at thinking of ways to reply.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hm most of my fics are unfinished, but if all goes to plan, midnight or All This and Heaven Too will probably have the most bittersweet endings.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Twin Flames! Maybe lean for me too if I ever finish that.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not on AO3 so far. I used to get some hate on ff dot net, but I think commenting culture in general is a bit harsher over there so.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Only unpublished for myself so far haha. But (perhaps controversial) if I ever post any it's going to be f/f omegaverse because it's underrated and there's a tragic lack of it everywhere.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written?
Definitely! I'm obsessed with fusion crossovers and there's lots of half-finished ones in my docs and notes app. My only published one so far (and I suppose the craziest) is my Criminal Minds x Twilight crossover midnight though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge! I hope not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had someone ask to translate Sin to Win into Chinese, which was really cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I co-wrote like three chapters of a OUAT fic with my ex-best friend years ago, but I think we got bored and abandoned it, so no clue if it's out there somewhere still.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Easily JJ/Emily, literally do not get me started on how tragic they are, idk what it is but I've never been so obsessed with a ship before.
15. What's a fic you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sorry to anyone who likes it because it was my most popular fic until very recently, but probably Sin to Win. I really hate what I did with the plot from Chapter 2 onwards and I'm confused about what past-me thought a cognitive interview was, because that's almost definitely not how they work. The plot's just a mess that I'm not sure how to unravel lol. I am still totally in love with the premise though, so maybe in the future I'll start over and delete the last few chapters.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I would definitely say writing descriptions (easily one of my favourite parts of writing in general), I love getting to capture a vibe.
Also conciseness (thanks to every English teacher I've ever had, and all the hundred word short stories I was forced to enter as a teen lol) although it can definitely be a double-edged sword when trying to reach higher wordcounts.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
OMG definitely dialogue. Idk if people reading my fics can tell but I avoid it as much as possible, and that's because between my autism and social anxiety, I just genuinely do not know/understand what people are supposed to say in a conversation + how (although I definitely think I've at least improved in structuring dialogue realistically), especially in character.
Also, just like, plots, lol.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Personally, I tend to prefer for the writer to just be like, "she said in French." I'm bilingual, English is my second language, and I feel like often when people write poly-lingual characters in particular they're kind of clumsy about the character using another language. I've definitely seen people do it very well though!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Oh boy, I'm actually not sure if I remember, I must have been like twelve or thirteen at the time. I'm going to tentatively guess Grey's Anatomy.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
It's between Twin Flames (my baby, the first fic I've ever finished) and All This and Heaven Too (I loved writing young JJ and Emily so much).
No pressure tags: @kingofhellsdaydream @introverted-author @ellegreenawayslover + anyone else who fancies it
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allinmymincl · 1 year
Tumblr media
andrew ' drew ' kent penned by sam for nepofm.
TRIGGERS: brief mention of bullying.
basics. full name [REDACTED] andrew kent nickname(s): has always gone by his middle name andrew. most people just call him drew. gender cis man pronouns he/him age twenty - three dob may 27th, 2000 hometown manhattan, nyc occupation artist, soon to be an up and coming graphic novelist
biography.  andrew 'drew ' kent was born and raised in new york city. he's the youngest son of famous film director anthony kent & millionaire heiress turned failed actress rebecca whitehall-kent, and the youngest of the three kent siblings ( wc & wc ). he grew up in the spotlight due to making occasional appearances in his father’s films and walking countless red carpets alongside his family. 
there was a lot of tension within the kent family while he was growing up, and with everyone else in the household was usually focused on their own stuff, drew was relatively free to do as he pleased from a very young age so long as he didn’t draw any negative attention to himself. no one cared if he was out all night long at a horror movie marathon, or if he inexplicably acquired a strange pet, or if he spent three straight days drawing alone in his room because he kept up his grades, stayed out of the way, and didn’t land the name ‘ kent ’ on the front cover of gossip rags. 
natural talent for drawing supplemented by constant practice ( and very expensive art classes ) led to drew creating comics based mostly on his favorite horror tropes & fully written and illustrated by him beginning when he was a teenager. his first few comics were … terrible, in hindsight, but still good enough to impress the rhode island school of design, also known as RISD, where he would enroll in their illustration program. he looked forward to leaving home more and more with each passing day as the tension among his family members only got worse. he was hardly ever directly involved in it, and so he was pretty blindsided when he arrived home for winter break during his freshman year and discovered that no one in his immediate family was speaking to one another. a few years later, that still hasn't changed.
the graphic novel deal has been in the works for about a year now. although he’s aware that his last name probably had something to do with how he was pretty much handed a publishing deal, it was mainly a few of his instructors sharing his work with their friends in the publishing business that sparked an interest in his creations. he’s currently at the point where he’s just adding finishing touches to the writing and illustrations and making small fixes at the advice of his editor. news of his publishing contract wasn’t supposed to be released to the public for another few months at the very least, but it recently leaked.
andrew is set to graduate from RISD this summer. he’s technically still enrolled in classes at the college right now, but he already has enough credits to be done and he was bored, so he recently decided to return to new york ( recently as in, he showed up in the city completely unannounced a few days ago ).  
personality. requires very little provocation in order to never shut the hell up. very bubbly and extroverted. however, he's not the most reliable person and he definitely shouldn't ever be the go - to for practical advice, emotional support, or anything extremely urgent. forgetful and irresponsible. king of having a million unfinished projects that will most likely never be completed because his attention span isn't equipped for it, but when he's into something he's going to be quite enthusiastic about it. quirky artsy type who likes to poke fun at pretentious artsy types, but it's all in harmless fun. stays out of even his own family's drama for the most part because it just doesn't interest him, and if he's bored he won't stick around for very long.
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zenyteehee · 6 months
(Imma start off by saying that I appreciate all of the people in my life and I know I have so much support, that some of the people I know I can go to for support will probably read this and I appreciate you so much but I feel bad always coming and dumping on people so for today Imma just shout into the void).
Lupus doesn’t get to win the war, but it did win these battles. It involved my heart. I believed the worst was behind me. I was working through my imposter syndrome at being well-controlled/in remission. I had started working out again. I was working on my me tak health, which I had been hiding from. I took risks and lived my life. I was making plans to train for a triathlon, what I had been doing when I got sick in the first place. Then the lupus involved my heart. In hindsight, it probably has involved my heart from the very beginning, but I have definitive proof now. Pericarditis minimum. Maybe myocardial involvement, we’ll have to see what the echo shows. I’ve had this proof for a solid month. Meds have been making it better. But I feel no better about it, because the meds are a literal poison and if I don’t waterlog myself during the day, I spend the night feeling like I’m being poisoned, not that I do anything with what little time I have to myself anyway because the bout of depression the lupus brought with it has dragged me away from all my hobbies as well.
I feel bad. I have no stress tolerance. I haven’t been treating the people in my life well. I’ve been shutting people out. When I do talk to people outside of school/work, I end up dumping on them even when I tell myself I won’t talk about lupus this time. But what else am I supposed to talk about when my life consists of going to work, studying, and then lying on my bathroom floor because colchicine makes me so sick but at least I can lay down now. Otherwise my hobby is getting baked so all the bad feelings go away. Which isn’t so fun to admit. And I hate the people around me that talk about working out and goals and “they’re not pill people”.
People tell me they’re hopeful for me and I know they mean well and I should be hopeful, I want to be hopeful, but I’m not. I’m fucking devastated and I don’t think I’ve let myself fully realize how devastated I am. I wanted to be a surgeon. Idk if that was the right path for me or not but I was considering it. I wanted the choice. I don’t have that now. Lupus made it for me. I’m too sick to be a surgeon. That’s the truth. I’ve been saying “I like hobbies more” blah blah but I wanted to be a general surgeon. Nothing has ever made me feel as alive as that. Lupus stole so much this time. I had hope and lupus stole it. I try to have hope, adapt and conquer, I can find happiness right where I am, I can build it, but I still hear how short of breath I get. I see how my animals look at me, like they’re scared, freaked out, because they know what my heart should sound like and it doesn’t sound like that now.
I’m still in medical school. I’m still a full time student and a full time worker. I will go to residency in something and I will build myself a life but this will never not sting. I don’t know if I would have picked surgery or not, but above all I wanted the choice. And lupus stole it. And I hate being the sick one, the chronically ill one, the lupus patient. I hate how so much of me has become that. But how can it not.
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idkaguyorsomething · 7 months
Five Nights at Freddy's Fic Recs
In honor of the movie coming out, here's some rapid-fire fic recs for a fandom that definitely has a lot of high-quality stuff! (It'll mostly be retellings of the first game, with a couple of exceptions. And, since a lot of them were written as the main games were coming out, none of these are 100% lore accurate, whatever that's worth to you)
Starting with a classic, this one begins as some surprisingly sweet "Mike befriends the animatronics" stories before digging into the lore and giving us a really sweet resolution to a dark story. If you just wanna spend some time with some characters from your childhood, I'd highly recommend it. Definitely not as focused on the plot as some other fics on here, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing!
This one leans a lot more into the horror aspects of FNaF, and it has more of a focus on plot than After Hours, but it takes time to develop the bonds between its characters that make for a powerful emotional core with some surprisingly sweet moments. In regards to Mike's family in particular, let's just say that a lot of it is especially heartwarming (and funny) in hindsight. It's got some really cool and unique ideas in regards to how it tells its story, and Foxy is super important too!
This one probably has the most going on by way of themes, and the messages about family it has going on are very similar to a lot of the generational trauma stuff Disney's been putting out recently, so if that floats your boat, or if you wanted that but with more ghosts and child murder, this one might be for you. It's definitely the most deliberately AU, if that makes any sense, but it's a really really good AU.
This one's my personal favorite retelling of the events of FNaF 1. It's got more in the way of action than the others and falls between After Hours and Poor Little Souls in terms of plot-to-vibing ratio, but in my opinion it's one of those stories that just gets better and better as it goes. Mike gets a nice friendship with Jeremy Fitzgerald, and it feels very earned at the climax when he's able *SPOILERS*. It's super good and has a bunch of sequels, go check it out.
Aaaaaaand, this one probably has the least to do with the actual FNaF games themselves, but I couldn't leave it out. This one is actually post-games (mostly) and centers around Mike adopting the ghosts of the kids haunting the animatronics. Like After Hours, there's a lot of just spending time with the characters and getting to watch them have fun with each other, though this one is way, way, waaaaaaay longer. If you're interested in Dad!Mike, the ghost kids getting to live the lives they never got, and some great use of a very overlooked antagonist in the franchise that I'm not going to spoil, give it a read!
(Also whoa, I wrote a FNaF fic too! And it's a crossover with Disney's Cinderella, of all things! Sorry for the shameless self-promo)
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