#friday bodycheck
ohnokcals · 1 month
No falecido twitter tem uma coisa que eu acho interessante e queria trazer pra cá.
Que tal, toda sexta-feira postarmos body check? Vamos chamar de “Friday’s bc”, seria uma forma de mostrarmos nossa evolução toda semana e para podermos ajudar as meninas que estão em processo de emagrecimento junto com a gente !!!
O que vocês acham? Iriam postar o friday’s bc de vocês? Republiquem para chegar em mais pessoas !!
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
For this week's game! >:D take what you like, leave what you don't! Every time I'd burn through the world, I'd see That the world, it burns through me (any clipping of this lyric from the new Hozier EP) Mambo No.5 (objectively funny no matter where it turns up)
Clan prodigy in love with his spouse? These tips for cultivating matrimonal and intervillage harmony will shock you!!!
You play your luck with these asks, I see what you're doing but I'm complicit lmao 😏
"take what you like, leave what you don't" as if I won't try my hand at all of it 🤣🤭
Disclaimer: I do listen to the whole song a lyric is from because I'm Like That and I want all the vibes to match
Okay, Hozier (❤️) first-
"Every time I'd burn through the world, I'd see
That the world, it burns through me,"
Shisui wasn't expecting to meet his Soulmate in Kirigakure, let alone when said Soulmate was in the middle of going missing-nin and definitely not when Shisui, fleeing the pack of Hunter-nin chasing him out, was neck deep in S-Rank mission protocol.
Kisame was of the water, deep and unfathomable as the sea and as tremulous as a storm.
Shisui danced like a flame, sharp and hot and mesmerizing, uncatchable and unquenchable and as cheerful as he was wicked.
They were opposites, natures and villages and futures. It was impossible, to pass and never know.
But they stared into each other's depths and-
Shisui's grin stretched wide, savage and gleeful. "Hey, Soulmate. Need a ride?"
Kisame's answering smile was sharp from more than his teeth and his grip, as he grabbed Shisui's offered hand, was unhesitatingly resolved.
(Kisame burned into Shisui's soul, searing warmth that hurt so good as it cauterized his bleeding wounds. It was Kisame that fed the flames in his chest, that urged him onwards, onwards, onwards-
And Shisui, it was into Shisui that Kisame threw the last of himself, and it was Shisui that pulled Kisame's head beneath and it was only to Shisui that Kisame would surrender it all and drown)
Mambo no.5
"A little bit of you makes me your man~"
Comedy/Humour, Shisui/Anko, Anko/Genma, Shisui/Anko/Genma
Shisui and Anko were absolutely not friends. Sure they'd known each other since they were arrogant little shits, they pulled off ridiculous shenanigans at work together, and they were each other's first kiss but- not friends.
Genma was definitely friends with both of them. Shisui was his Squadmate, one of the closest people in his life, and they knew each other inside out. Anko was his drinking buddy, they crashed at each other's places, they swapped poison recipes - fuck 'clan secrets'/traitorous sensei - and they were closer than most people got.
Friends absolutely didn't get plastered every Friday night, didn't bodycheck strangers making a move on one of the others, and they definitely didn't start necking in the middle of the club. Once would've been a mistake, every single Friday for two years? That was pathological.
"You lot are perfect for each other, just never get anyone else involved." - Raidou
I've just realised that maybe Mambo no.5 was connected to this last one but- well, who's gonna stop me now? You'd have to catch me first, I'm like a whippet
"Clan prodigy in love with his spouse? These tips for cultivating matrimonial and intervillage harmony will shock you!"
If you'd asked anyone before this which Clan they'd have looked to for romantic advice, the Uchiha would've been very low on anyone's radar.
Oh, they were dramatic and ridiculous, everyone knew that, and they also felt things deeply - the yowling cat fights over the smallest things and the nature of their Dojutsu attested to that - but they were also deeply, deeply awkward. They didn't socialise much, if you wished them a 'good morning' then they'd stare at you like you'd flashed them in the middle of the street, and the less said about the academy trench-warfare against their crushes, the better.
And yet-
"Sorry, Takiyo-san! I was too keen for my order!" Bright, addictive laughter rang out over the clamour of the marketplace, before the familiar figure - black curls and an Uchiha fan emblazoned between broad shoulders - jumped from pavement to rooftop.
From that vantage point, it was easy to watch as Shunshin no Shisui pressed a carton of fresh karaage into his husband's hands before pressing in even closer for a kiss.
"It's so romantic," a young woman down the street sighed with her girlfriends. "Imagine being swept off your feet like that, like something from a fairytale! The Sandaime could barely speak at the wedding, he was so happy... and to retire so soon afterwards, it's like he finally trusted our village to younger hands again!"
Shisui, after a lifetime of dealing with the Uchiha Elders, had no confidence that the Sandaime and Council would be useful in ensuring intervillage peace. Guess he'd better marry the Sarutobi's wayward Heir instead.
Asuma didn't expect for an Uchiha with the cutest dimples to track him down in the Capital and propose marriage. That his smirk, as he explained exactly how Asuma could fuck over his father and the Elders, was annoyingly attractive was just a plus.
Who knew matrimonial and intervillage peace was just an endless game of "fuck you" to the haters and delighting in your partner in crime!
I got carried away but...oh well! Thanks for playing!
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mostlycoke · 2 years
Life/diet update
I currently only have a bell pepper, a tomato, and a slice of bread in my fridge, which will have to sustain me for tomorrow and the day after. I do have some coke zero and tea ofc. I'm going to meet someone for the first time this friday, and im a bit nervous if they want to take me out to eat or something, so ill probably fast tomorrow just in case. Also found out im allergic to almonds apparenetly, so i'll start trying other milk substitutes other than almond. I don't really drink milk that much, so i might not even need to buy any. Im also trying to eat gluten free for a while at least, cause I think I might be allergic to gluten. Im kinda happy about this cause now when I feel like binging i'll know I cant because most junk food has gluten in it, and also if I tell my family that im making my own gluten free food for myself they wont pressure me to eat with them. Gladly the soy youghurt I like is also gluten free.
I might start posting bodychecks to kinda see the weight loss a bit better, but im kinda nervous about it cause well I hate my body lmao. Its kinda the reason im doing this diet. But we'll see ig.
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h0ll0wvamp · 2 days
Never posted my food log last night [im sorry !!] So I'll just do td, say i started fasting at like 3:15 pm td :p [this will also be a weight log because I forgot this morning </3]
Food log !! 4/25
Starburst [19 pieces thru the day] -> 380c
Brownie my bf made -> 170c
Total? 550c
Net? 281c
Weigh in log !! 4/25 [no bodycheck again </3]
Cw -> 126.8
I just keep gaining (ToT) I think it's because I hadn't had any [TMI] bowel movements in a bit but I did have some td !! Ik I'm gonna be fat for my fitting of clothes tmrw, but I only have a week til prom !!! Literally next Saturday !! So I'm thinking I start a fast Saturday night and break it either Friday morning [because I have a mandatory service day where I'm out doing physical work all day] or I break it at the dinner of prom, but idek if I'm gonna eat that :p a friend [one of the MOST TRIGGERING ppl in my life ever] said he was thinking that he probs wasn't gonna eat there so either I'm not gonna eat there or I'm going to eat the smallest amt I can 🫶🏽 we are actually both disordered, he knows I have ana and I'm aware of his too :p I know it's competitive but I'm not gonna tell him anything, it'll all be in my head ! I'm hoping to finally get close to 120 by next week :p a 5 days fast once brought me to 120 lbs, I'm sure a 6 - 7 day fast def could ^-^ I'll just have to maintain it afterwards :p I have a thing called "emergency cals", which is 50 cals during a fast max. It helps a lot cuz I can get away with eating a shit ton of veggies n claim I'm eating :3 so if I can fast til next Friday/Saturday, I should probably lose a couple pounds, def lose some water weight ! Anyways I'll see how I feel, see ya later ( ^ω^ )
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How I'll get my life together during quarantine:
I'd like to start off by saying, I'm probably bigger than you. So, maybe I'll lose more than you or maybe I'll lose less. I don't know. Oh, and I don't support ana, ed's, this is really just for me to help me keep track of things.
I'm sae, and I'm fucking....messy. I look, smell, dress, and act like one of those incel dudes on twitch.
But I'm not an incel!!! I'm just uh, depressed :D.
My brother, who lives with us in our tiny apartment, has tested positive for covid. My family is high risk, and me? Well, I have asthma. So it's not the best situation to be in. Especially since, it's the week before spring break and it's super pretty out these days.
Still, I want to do a few drastic things in this one period of time. I want to 'glow up'. I want to change my disordered eating and lose some weight, I'd love to be a little bit more organized and add in some physical workouts.
And during this time I'm going to update y'all, every step of the way.
We are going to get down and dirty with this glow up shit.
Intro part 2:
I'll be working on a few things.
Skincare: (getting rid of those stretch marks, hyperpigmentation spots, and acne from eating too many takis
Hygiene: getting into the routine of showering, whitening teeth, smelling better (I sweat so much),
Organization: school work, and my VERY messy trashcan that I call a bed. Making schedules, ect
Weight: calorie restriction, working out, ect
A lot, right?
Don't pressure yourself
Water intake is important, four-five bottles a day
Calorie tracking, MyfitnessPal, Zero, My plate, Lose it!
I can eat from 11 am - 6 pm,
You must workout for 30mins each day.
(tip) dance! I like to do just dance, two songs a day
Walk (I'm in quarantine so I can't really do this but whatever)
Darebee has some good sets to do in bed or in general
Sleep! Bedtime is at 11, no naps.
Monday and Friday weigh in/bodycheck
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skinny00goddess · 2 years
1335 cals today. Walked for almost 2 hours (219 kcal burned)
Total: 1116 cals
The past 3 days (friday, saturday and sunday) were a complete lost of control. I ate so much that I’m embarrassed of weighting and looking at the mirror. Today wasn’t good but was definitely better and I’m ready to go back restricting.
Also I’m considering to start posting bodychecks monthly to motivate myself and so you could tell how I actually look ~ cause body dismorphia is not funny 🤡~ What you guys think? (I’m 18yo btw)
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blackroseraven · 3 years
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So partner has to work a weird early-to-late shift today, so we ended up going by early early morning.
One of the assistant ladies was already taking horses out but I didn’t see her at first so. Not gonna lie, I immediately was mildly concerned that the girls had just left some horses outside, since the owners were both gone for a few days and they were letting some of the younger girls take care of the place.
But no, assistant lady was there and just getting an early start on things.
I tried to bodycheck open the door to get the baby horse out - the one I’m allowed to touch - and uh. So much snow had slopped off the roof and piled up that I couldn’t. So I had to take baby horse around the long way to the front gate. Like a very smart person, instead of going through the trail I tried to take a shortcut through the deep snow, which baby horse didn’t like, and uh. Long story short he ended up basically tackling me.
I clambered back to my feet and got him through the gate and into safety away from the terrible snow and he was happy. Then I went and got Rutabaga. Daydreamer went charging out like an idjit to see him the moment I opened the door, since he’s staying outside at night: they’re both. Weird touchy annoying horses so they sort of hit it off, so I let them bite each other for a bit, then took Rudy over to baby horse, who immediately came up and started chewing on his face.
Horses are weird.
So like we were finishing up and uh. Assistant lady came back in with Joe, who had a gouge beneath his eye. Apparently he fell over while playing and rolled onto the fence and poked himself. Like, literally a few centimeters over and he would have lost his eye. As it was he had a big hole like a nail had been hammered into his face.
And he was just. Barely aware of it. Like, the way horse hide is layered is really interesting. You can puncture the hide, but not cause any real bleeding, and technically avoid puncturing “skin,” too. So like Joe had a deep gouge completely through the hide, and you could literally SEE INTO IT like peeking into a hole through the mask and basically see the flesh, but there was almost no bleeding and I poked it a whole bunch and he was only vaguely reactive on one side, and by that I mean he pinned his ears a little, like a “hey that stings” reactive rather than a “don’t touch that” reactive.
So I stood with Joe while she contacted the vet, the family, and the owners, since. An injury near the eye still has to be taken pretty seriously and all. 
Teacherlady did actually come back from her trip today, so she showed up after I got Quattro and brought him up to the arena, so she was able to help diagnose him and stuff too. So that was good.
Quattro was very active today. It’s warm, like... 40 degrees, so everything is melting and muddy and very warm feeling compared to the negatives we’ve been experiencing, so we did a lot of running around. Lacey joined us for it, too. We didn’t really... do much today, we just ran together, but that was nice on its own, and honestly rather deserved.
Afterwards I brought Q in to hang out with Quattro because he worked up quite a sweat. Teacherlady asked me to get Jaeger’s blanket off when I had a minute, so I let them stand for a little alone; they were fine, which makes me really proud of them.
Jaeger and Hale were both. Very warm, and very glad to be out of their coats. And uh. When I went back and asked Quattro, I didn’t even finish getting the question out after holding up the symbols before he immediately touched “Off.”
I was worried he might have just been reacting to... whatever, so I asked twice more, and he touched “Off” each time. Funnily enough, Q was the opposite and touched “On” twice, so. I put the lighter black jacket on him. It’s a warm few days ahead, so at the very worst if Quattro does end up wanting a jacket on, Friday he’ll be able to ask for one and he won’t be any worse for wear. He’s super fuzzy, and his green jacket might actually be too heavy now, considering how warm he’s been. Which I mean, has been a really good thing: I’m glad that this cheap weird jacket I got years ago now has held up so well and done such a good job keeping him warm.
Of course he’s going to be horribly muddy on Friday. But as annoying as that is for me, it’s about what the horse wants too, not just what I want. I’d rather he be comfortable and take a while to clean than uncomfortable and neat and tidy. 
Gotta do what’s best for the horse.
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firestar707 · 3 years
Sorry I haven't been on I'm depressed again
I have a job intake thingy on Friday so yay?
I have literally 0 dollars 'til the 16th I think at least I have some cigs... And I got a scale... It's just a dial but I am roughly 119 lbs (oink oink) sadly I b/p on a smallish amt of food at noon today after purging almost everything yesterday (so I'm probs actually 120 lmao yikesss)
Been on track for my 4 pm meal and probs gonna have more veggies at 8 to make today not a total wash. I need to lose 15 lbs asap wow
Ideally I will get down to 800 cals a day to actually see results and not b/p (-:
Gonna post the bodychecks I took earlier today before I binged on shitty carbs and picked my disgusting period acne to make my gross self even grosser. I will take new pics a week from now and I refuse to look this horrible and thicc (ugh)
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cooperbarnes · 5 years
My Grandma
Three days ago I lost my Grandma. The person who made me feel more special than anyone else, who cared about me and worried about me every day of my life. Who played with me as a child, encouraged me as a teenager, supported me as a adult, who walked me down the aisle and danced with me at my wedding.
My first and oldest friend.
In her 98 years, she saw a lot of the world and what it had to offer. The atrocities of war, the beauty of peace, the love of a marriage, the joy of having a daughter, a grandson, and even a great-granddaughter.
She traveled the world with my mom and dad, who loved her and cared for her so attentively as she lived with them for her last 20 years. She made deep, lifelong friendships, she was generous and selfless, she was kind to animals, and she brightened every room with her smile. She exuded kindness and warmth even when she was sitting in silence, although she had the sweetest little English accent that would melt any heart.
She had so much love to give- she cared so much about my mom, my dad, me and Liz and Ripley- all the dogs they’d had the pleasure of knowing. Even our most reclusive cats loved to sit with her.
She spoiled me and worried about me relentlessly. She was always giving me food and asking if I was brushing my teeth every day, if I was eating enough, if my hair was dry, and leaving money behind after a visit because she always wanted to take care of me. She gave me so much money as I struggled out here- and because I was a broke actor- I guiltily took it, in the hope that I would one day make her proud. When I finally did achieve success, something I simply would never have been able to do without the support of her and my parents, I realized in her unchanged demeanor about it that I’d always made her proud.
Whenever she’d visit, I would always catch her watching me as I tore through the house from room to room, balancing the craziness of my life; a boy in her eyes who all of a sudden has a job and a child and too many responsibilities, and when I met her glance, she’d give me a wink and a thumbs-up, as if to say “you’ve got this.”
She was tiny and delicate, but always worried more about me than herself.
The Aunt May to my Peter Parker, in so many ways.
She was dignified, ladylike, beautiful and proper, old-fashioned in her manners and etiquette, yet a sucker for a well-placed lowbrow joke. Her laugh - her real laugh- was infectious. Because it would make her lose herself to the anarchy of silliness in spite of herself, and it was the most delightful thing to watch. One of my fondest memories is when we’d ask her to tell us her favorite joke- it’s a joke about a guy trying to buy aniseed balls in a candy store - I won’t tell the joke because it doesn’t matter- what made it funny was the way she could never get through it without completely laughing herself silly. She’d never make it to the punchline without having tears coming from her eyes and wheezing with laughter. And it made us all laugh more than anything I can remember. All of us just sitting around the kitchen table, caught up in the whirlwind of her wonderful spirit. She’d wipe her eyes afterward and say “that always tickles me” and then regain her proper composure.
She was always sharp as a tack with a steel-trap memory- her hearing was the only thing that waned in her twilight years, which made for some hilarious misunderstandings during conversation. Whatever could be heard incorrectly would be, and it often made it way more enjoyable.
She would take my arm whenever we walked somewhere, and it always made me feel so wonderful. She’d squeeze my arm tight and make some crack about having a handsome escort, and I knew I had the most beautiful soul next to me. As the years went on, we walked a lot slower, vetting every step, every surface, because nothing else mattered but to keep her safe. (And I’ll always remember Liz walking around us in a crowded place, literally bodychecking dudes who got too close to her). She did so much for me all the time, made me happy and protected me every day since I was a boy, and those were the moments I felt like I could do something that resembled returning the favor. It couldn’t possibly, of course. I wasn’t around enough. I didn’t write or call enough. She was a flower that I’d often forget to water. I tried to make up for it when we got together, but there was never enough time. There’s just never enough time.
I tried to make some sense of her passing - crazy as it sounds, I wasn’t at all ready for her to go. I really thought she’d be one of those people who turns 100 and gets a letter from the Queen- something she talked about so often, perhaps in jest, that I really was planning for it to happen.
In the hours leading up to her death, I found myself being visited by all manners of beautiful, flying animals. A single, gorgeous yellow butterfly dancing around me in the park, a hummingbird darting past my head on the patio, and most noteworthy, in the dead of night, perched upon the highest tree in my courtyard, a great egret - a majestic, glowing white beacon in the darkness. So out of place, so far from its home- yet standing proud and mighty, wanting to be seen. And in all this beauty, I couldn’t help but think of my grandma- a gentle angel that seemed to always exist on a wavelength a little higher than the rest of us. It was as if nature was auditioning possible forms that she might take next.
In the end, she was in her bed, in her sleep, surrounded by her family. Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron music playing next to her. And when the song ended, just like that, she passed away.
I am beyond devastated. But I’m also so grateful for our time together. I’m so glad to have had someone like her in my life. So glad she got to see me achieve my dreams, to know my wife, to know Ripley. Seeing my oldest family member and my youngest- two people separated by 95 years- play and make each other laugh and adore one another brought me such incredible joy. I love her so much and I will celebrate her life for the rest of mine.
The hospice nurse gave us this poem by Henry Van Dyke. It’s one you might have heard before, but for me it was new, and gave me great comfort.
“I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean.
She is an object of beauty and strength,
and I stand and watch until at last she hangs like a speck of white cloud,
just where the sea and sky come down to mingle with each other.
Then someone at my side says, ‘She’s gone!’
Gone where? Gone from my sight . . . that is all.
She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side
and just as able to bear her load of living freight to the place of destination.
Her diminished size is in me, not in her.
And just at the moment when someone at my side says, ‘She’s gone!’
there are other eyes watching her coming . . . and other voices ready to take up the glad shout . . .
‘Here she comes!’ ”
Bet Varney
Friday, Jan 14, 1921 - Thursday, Sept 5, 2019
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I forgot to post my bodycheck this friday, so I'm doing it now (just -600g difference)
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askinnythingsworld · 5 years
New strict Kik chat!
The # is strictana The rules are !
Welcome to Strict! Sorry you've had to get yourself to here, but here you are! We have some rules to make this a safe and loosing environment!
When you join you are to send an admin a live picture of your face. This is a girls only chat and you must be 16 to join.
You are to send your stats to the group as soon as you join!
You are to be active daily, if at least to drop your calorie intake at the end of the day. If youre inactive more than 3 times per week you will be removed.
We are nice here. No political talks or bigotry of any kind here allowed.
No meanspo unless requested. We build each other up here!
As this is a strict chat we have calorie rules and the like! Our calorie max is your bmi max. You can use any website you can like to figure this out. However on some days we may have calorie maxes, breaking those are fine, but breaking them more than 3 times in a small amount results in removal. Our general plan for the week unless stated otherwise for challenges is-
Sundays- weigh ins.
Mondays- Veggies only.
Tuesdays- Fasts.
Wednesdays- bodychecks. (Clothed.)
Thursday- fruits only.
Friday- Healthy fats.
Saturday- Relax.
When weighing after your first 24 hours you must take a picture of the scale. Body checks must be live.
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burning-up-ao3 · 4 years
From the Point  11 15 2019
The Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins of the American Hockey League have been short-handed this season, too. All those injuries at the NHL level meant that they had to fork over three of their best players for a little while. Plus, they've had a bunch of bumps and bruises, too. After a so-so start in their first season under coach Mike Vellucci, the Baby Penguins are on a roll. They've won four of their last five games, allowing a total of five goals, to climb into third place in their division.  They host the Springfield Thunderbirds, the second-place squad, at Mohegan Sun Arena on Friday night. Eight of their next 10 games at at home. Thursday, we checked in with Vellucci, whose fascinating backstory includes surviving a car accident with former teammate Al Iafrate, to see how things are going down on the farm. He had some interesting things to say about Casey DeSmith, the late addition who has 11 goals in 15 games and three notable prospects who have been hit by injuries or illness. Here's a transcript of our conversation, which has been lightly edited for clarity and brevity. Post-Gazette: What are some of the challenges your team has faced early in the season and what has helped you get on a roll lately? Mike Vellucci: It was difficult. We had 11 guys that we expected in our lineup that weren't. So we were playing guys that are in Wheeling now and playing a lot of rookies that had never played a pro game and were learning what it takes to be a pro and also understanding what my expectations are for them and the way we want to play. So it was just a lot of teaching, growing pains, finding ways to win. I just feel that structurally the last six, seven games were getting to where we need to be. PG: What was it like seeing Sam Lafferty, Adam Johnson and Joseph Blandisi come up to the NHL and make the impact that they did? We know that's what you're preparing guys to do. And what kind of message does that send to your players when they see that happen? MV: As a coach, you're thinking, 'I hope they're doing what I told them to do so they don't make mistakes.' And then it's such a great feeling when you watch them play so well and do the right things. As for what the other players see, if they're doing it right down here and do it right up there, then they could end up staying and doing well. That means don't take the shortcut. Make sure you're doing everything the right way. I think it's very helpful as an organization to see that. And, as a coach, I'd use that as motivation for the guys that aren't there yet. PG: And when someone has success at the NHL level and comes back to the AHL, like Lafferty, can you sense a different confidence about them? And how much of a boost did that give your team when those three call-ups were returned to Wilkes-Barre/Scranton? MV: Yeah, you play with confidence. My job is to tell them to not take any shortcuts. Do what you would do in the NHL. Don't make a change down here and think that you need to cheat for offense. If you're not going to do it up top, why would you do it here? And then continue to play with speed and passion and those things. It was good they came back. The only difference for them was that they went from eight or 10 minutes to 22 minutes of ice time. PG: We talked to Casey DeSmith a couple of weeks ago. He admitted that he was frustrated and, frankly, hurt by being put on waivers and sent down to the AHL club. How do you think he's responded to that and how critical has he been for your team? It seems like he has found his game down there recently with shutouts in back-to-back games. MV: Yes, of course he was hurt and disappointed and all those emotions, which is understandable. I talked to him when he first got down here and I pulled him aside maybe 10 days ago and just said that he can't let this affect him. He can't control that he was sent down, whether it was because of money or the cap situation or whatever it may be. The only thing he can control is how well he plays and how he tries to get better every day. So I think from that point on he's been preparing to be the best he can and not worrying about things he can't control. I think he's settled in nice. And from a team standpoint, we've settled in with our structure to limit the chances against him. And when we have broken down, he's been there to bail us out. Photo via Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins PG: Tell us about Stefan Noesen. Your team signed him just before the season started and it seems like every time we check Twitter he has just scored another goal. Tell me about him as a player and a potential prospect, because he seemingly came out of nowhere. MV: He came out of nowhere for you, but not for me. I coached him in juniors [with Plymouth of the Ontario Hockey League]. So I know him very well. He was a first-round NHL pick [by Ottawa in 2011] and he had some tough injuries early in his pro career. He missed a lot of time. He played the last couple of years in the NHL  and has been a very good player there. I know him. He's got great hands. His hockey sense is off the charts. He's competitive and he hates to lose. It's been a great signing for us. He's been a huge part of all of our wins, especially early on when scoring goals was difficult for us as a team. PG: How has Emil Larmi's adjustment to North American pro hockey been going? MV: Early on, he was really good, and then he had that freak, weird injury that gave us all a little scare there. He's finally gotten cleared and we're just trying to get him back into game shape so he can play. I like him a lot. I think he's a very good prospect for the organization, and he's a great person. PG: Speaking of injuries, two of the organization's better prospects, Kasper Bjorkqvist and Pierre-Olivier Joseph, have been out. Bjorkqvist had knee surgery a couple of weeks ago and is out for six months and Joseph is dealing with mononucleosis. How disappointing is it that you haven't been able to get a longer look at those two and help them develop? MV: We had all those injuries up top [in the NHL] and Joseph gets mono and Bjorkqvist goes out for six months. Go on down the list. Thomas DiPauli was hurt. It was crazy. It's difficult. It stunts their growth really. It's just going to take more time. P.O.'s getting close. He lost a lot of weight and mono really kicks your butt. So we're trying to get him back in shape and hopefully he gets cleared here in the next 10 days. Bjorkqvist, I mean, that's a big blow. One good thing is that he's in great shape and will continue to be. But he was really making some strides in his game. So it's very disappointing to see that he's out that long. PG: Last question – What's the next step for your team? You said they've really bought in structurally and you're getting some guys back in the lineup. What's the next step for your players? What do you want to see from them in the next month or so? MV: Continue to get better in all areas. But we've improved in everything we set out to improve in. We've been exiting our zone way better. That's something we worked on the last two weeks. Our forecheck is getting better. Our special teams, our power play's been really good but our penalty kill struggled early on. That was more from everybody being new to it but it's been oh-for-20 maybe in the last number of games. Just continue to get better as a team and individuals, and then being at home for the next little bit will definitely help. WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE MISSED 1. Sidney Crosby is expected to be out six weeks after undergoing sports hernia surgery. 2. Are all these injuries simply bad luck or is there something more to it? Note that Crosby, Kris Letang and Patric Hornqvist are all highly paid core players in their thirties. 3. Jim Rutherford goes into the Hockey Hall of Fame on Monday. He'll be sure to thank a lot of folks from Windsor, where he spent four formative years as a young hockey exec. 4. What's it like to bodycheck a buddy? Bryan Rust knows a little something about that. 5. Olli Maatta was back this weekend and had a lot of nice things to say about Pittsburgh. THREE STARS OF THE PAST WEEK 3. Evgeni Malkin. OK, so he was at least partially responsible for the Rangers' game-winning goal in overtime Monday. But he has been really good otherwise. He had a pair of assists in the comeback win against the Blackhawks and another Monday. That was a continuation of what he did in the previous week. The Penguins need Malkin to keep this going. 2. Jared McCann. McCann scored the shootout winner against the Blackhawks and got the team's first power play goal in a month in the loss to the Rangers. Going back to last week, McCann has two goals and four assists in his last four games with a plus-6 rating. 1. Matt Murray. He stopped 29 of 31 shots against Chicago and kept hope alive in New York after they got off to shaky start. They've lost in regulation in only four of his 15 starts. PENGUINS STAT LEADERS Goals: 8, Guentzel Assists: 12, Crosby Points: 17, Crosby +/-: +12, McCann PIMs: 17, Blueger Save %: .929, Jarry Wins: 9, Murray IT’S A GREAT WEEK FOR HOCKEY Friday @ 7 p.m.: Penguins at Devils. Three days after getting their first look at Rangers rookie Kaapo Kakko, which wasn't pretty, the Penguins have to chase after Jack Hughes for the first time. The speedy Devils center, picked first overall ahead of Kakko in June, has nine points in 17 games. Not bad. Hughes, a native of Florida, also has a minus-7 rating. Not good. Saturday @ 7 p.m.: Penguins vs. Maple Leafs. No Crosby for the Penguins and no Mitch Marner for the Leafs. The Leafs still have a few more big names, including American-born center Auston Matthews, but so far they have been pretty disappointing. With this being the second half of a back-to-back, Tristan Jarry could get his first start since Oct. 23. Tuesday @ 7 p.m.: Penguins vs. Islanders. The Penguins, as you probably recall, got a small measure of revenge last week when they rallied from three goals down to beat the Islanders in Brooklyn. The Islanders since then have started another streak and are one of four teams that entered Thursday with a better goal differential than the Penguins, who are plus-13. Thursday @ 7 p.m.: Penguins at Islanders. Jeez. These guys again? The Penguins and the Islanders play for the third time in 15 days.  They won't meet again until March 15. STAT OF THE WEEK 4 – consecutive games in which the Penguins have fallen behind by two or more goals. Improbably, they won two of them and lost Monday's game in Manhattan in OT, earning a point. Opponents have scored first in 11 of the past 13 games, in part because the Penguins have just eight first-period goals. They should probably score some of those. QUOTE OF THE WEEK "I will be fire." – Evgeni Malkin, inspired by a fire alarm, on stepping up with Crosby out. EXITING THE ZONE I'll use this space to share quick Penguins tidbits, hot takes and random thoughts on hockey and life. ... Losing Crosby stings but it would hurt a lot, lot more had they not gotten off to a good start despite all their other injuries. They shouldn't fall too far behind the pack with a record like 8-11-4 in his absence. ... Now would be a great time for Nick Bjugstad to produce. I like Bjugstad as a player and he's one heck of a dude. But the points haven't been there for his linemates and him since arriving in February. ... Looks like Evgeni Malkin and Jake Guentzel will skate together against the Devils. Eager to see if that union works. Not sure if their games mesh. ... Wrote about this Monday and it still holds true today. Jack Johnson has been pretty decent so far this season. Heck, even advanced stats back that up. Playing a lot with John Marino helped. But let's give credit where it's due. ... You should really read this story my partner, Mike DeFabo, wrote about a homeless veteran who was looking for a place to sleep outside PPG Paints Arena while the Pens recognized Veterans Day inside. Sobering stuff. subscribe here: https://my.post-gazette.com/newsletters/?utm_source=pg.com&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=newsletter-subscribe&utm_content=navbar
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Bodycheck | So, 30. sept 2018 173 cm / 5‘8 70,9kg/156lbs
Haven’t eaten Friday and Saturday. Today I have already 1800ish calories, plan on doing three days fast from Monday to Wednesday. Feeling like my thighs look a little smaller already. Fasting is easy when you are really sad. I always had a problem with feeling empty, which is feeling depressed I think. Filled the void with tears and food. Life was always hard
Goal - reaching UGW by February 8th
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diaspora9ja · 3 years
Canadian captain Kirby Dach out for entire world juniors
Canadian captain Kirby Dach will miss the world junior hockey championship after struggling a wrist damage in a pre-tournament sport towards Russia on Wednesday night time.
Hockey Canada stated Thursday the Chicago prospect will return to Chicago to endure additional examination by group medical doctors.
“Kirby was excited to symbolize Canada and captain our group on the 2021 IIHF world junior championship, and our gamers, coaches and workers are all disillusioned he won’t be able to take part this yr,” Scott Salmond, senior vice-president of nationwide groups with Hockey Canada, stated in a press release.
“We acknowledge Kirby’s dedication and management and know the way keen he was for the chance to proudly symbolize his nation on the world juniors. He was devoted to his position as captain and contributing to defending our gold medal. We want Kirby the perfect and hope for a fast restoration as he seems to be forward to getting again on the ice with Chicago.”
WATCH | Kirby Dach leaves sport towards Russia:
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Crew Canada Captain Kirby Dach heads in the direction of the dressing room after an ungainly hit on Ilya Safonov throughout a pre-competition sport towards Russia. 0:26
Dach, 19, was injured on what appeared like a innocent bodycheck within the impartial zone within the third interval. After the hit, he pulled off his glove, skated off the ice and went on to the locker-room space.
Canadian coach Andre Tourigny didn’t have particulars on Dach’s damage after the sport. He stated an replace can be offered as soon as X-ray outcomes had been out there.
The third general choose by Chicago within the 2019 NHL draft, Dach cracked the Chicago roster final season and had eight objectives and 15 assists in 64 video games.
Dach was set to make his first look for Canada on the world juniors as he was not loaned to the group when the Canadians captured gold final yr within the Czech Republic.
The native of Fort Saskatchewan, Alta., gained a gold medal with Canada’s under-18 group on the 2018 Hlinka Gretzky Cup.
Canada is ready to open the world juniors Saturday towards Germany, which can be lacking 9 gamers due to COVID-19 protocols.
The occasion begins Friday with three video games.
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from Diaspora9ja https://diaspora9ja.com/canadian-captain-kirby-dach-out-for-entire-world-juniors/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=canadian-captain-kirby-dach-out-for-entire-world-juniors
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news-express · 3 years
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No bodychecking allowed in upcoming OHL season, says Ontario sport minister The Ontario Hockey League will not have bodychecking this coming season, according to Lisa MacLeod. Ontario's minister of sport said Friday afternoon in a speech delivered to the Empire Club of Canada that removing purposeful physical contact is a necessity for all sports in the province to slow the spread of COVID-19…
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42nights · 6 years
To my American followers working retail tomorrow. I’ve heard scary stories about Black Friday. Please be safe. For those shopping down there. Shop like a Canadian. Polite, curtious, day sorry when you bodycheck someone like your in the hokey rink.
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