#french theory
criminal-delirium · 1 year
“Perfect joy excludes even the very feeling of joy, for in the soul filled by the object no corner is left for saying ‘I’.”
—Simone Weil. “The Self.” Gravity and Grace.
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tragicmelpomene · 5 months
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Alain Robbe-Grillet, For a New Novel
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sammeldeineknochen · 1 year
Selbst dieses Herz, das doch meines ist, wird mir immer undefinierbar bleiben.
Albert Camus: “Der Mythos des Sisyphos”, S.30
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zololacan · 3 months
ic. And it is also easy to understand the credit given in advance to Levi
Strauss 's attempt to move beyond the antinomy of action consciously
oriented towards rational ends and mechanical reaction to determinations
by locating finality in mechanism, with the notion of the unconscious, a
kind of Deus ex machina which is also a God in the machine. The
naturalization of finality implied in forgetting historical action, which leads
one to inscribe the ends of history in the mysteries of a Nature, through
the notion of the unconscious, no doubt enabled structural anthropology
to appear as the most natural of the social sciences and the most scientific
of the metaphysics of nature. 'As the mind is also a thing, the functioning
of this thing teaches us something about the nature of things ; even pure
reflexion is in the last analysis an internalization of the cosmos' (Levi
Strauss 1 966: 248, my italics).
One sees the oscillation, in the same sentence, between two contradictory
explanations of the postulated identity of mind and nature : an essential
i I
Objectification objectified 4 1
identity - the mind i s a thing - o r a n identity acquired through learning
- the mind is the internalization of the cosmos. The two theses, which are
merged with the help of the ambiguity of another formulation, 'an image
of the world inscribed in the architecture of the mind' ( 1 964 : 346), in any
case both exclude individual and collective history. Beneath its air of radical
materialism, this philosophy of nature is a philosophy of mind which
amounts to a form of idealism. Asserting the universality and eternity of
the logical categories that govern 'the unconscious activity of the mind',
it ignores the dialectic of social structures and structured, structuring
dispositions through which schemes of thought are formed and transformed.
These schemes - either logical categories, principles of division which,
through the principles of the division of labour, correspond to the structure
of the social world (and not the natural world), or temporal structures,
imperceptibly inculcated by 'the dull pressure of economic relations' as
Marx puts it, that is, by the system of economic and symbolic sanctions
associated with a particular position in the economic structures - are one
of the mediations through which the objective structures ultimately structure
all experience, starting with economic experience, without following the
paths of either mechanical determination or adequate consciousness.
If the dialectic of objective structures and incorporated structures which
operates in every practical action is ignored, then one necessarily falls into
the canonical dilemma, endlessly recurring in new forms in the history of
social thought, which condemns those who seek to reject subjectivism, like
the present-day structuralist readers of Marx, to fall into the fetishism of
social laws. To make transcendent entities, which are to practices as essence
to existence, out of the constructions that science resorts to in order to
give an account of the structure and meaningful products of the accumulation
of innumerable historical actions, is to reduce history to a 'process without
a subject', simply replacing the 'creative subject' of subj ectivism with an
automaton driven by the dead laws of a history of nature. This emanatist
vision, which makes a structure - Capital or a Mode of production - into
an entelechy developing itself in a process of self-realization, reduces
historical agents to the role of 'supports' (Trager) of the structure and
reduces their actions to mere epiphenomenal manifestations of the structure's
own power to develop itself and to
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monstermoviedean · 10 months
if you took a language class in school (any level, any language) did your instructor assign you a name from that language? like, when i took french in high school i was assigned a "french name" that i had to use in that class. did anyone else experience this?
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katydoodles · 1 year
Raise your hand higher!!!
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Years of waiting
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Hello, sorry-- is this seat taken?
Thank you.
*sits down and folds his hands mysteriously*
"Oh, I learned that the hard way." Aziraphale replies when Crowley asks him about his shitty french.
You know, the french he learned from a teacher who's name translates to Nightingale.
French, you know. Like the language of love.
He learned it the hard way and still to this day can't seem to find the right words for what he wants to say.
That's all, thank you.
*gets up and mysteriously disappears into the void*
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glittergoats · 3 months
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I got really excited about Legends Z-A yesterday okay
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poppyfanartsqsmp · 9 months
I love the theory that the plane crash was just to have Baghera back and the others are juste here by accident. Except that apparently, Aypierre have a memory of an operation by Cucurucho before the plane crash, so like Baghera, he is linked to the island too, So, what if Aypierre had been “programmed” by the Federation to find Baghera ? That can explain that memory.
That's why she was in the plane with him. He wanted to her to be there. For bring her back to the Federation with the crash.
(sorry if it's not clear, English is not my native language)
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The press wanting to talk to Jean after he changes teams and he having a flashback and his blood sugar lowers, he starts to sweat, eyes wide, smile too tense and too white for his own good. Only the raquet to connect him with reality.
And then Jeremy steps up and does something to distract the reporters from the other side of the court so Jean could breath again.
Jean calling him his air in french when they are together 🥰
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tragicmelpomene · 5 months
"Art is life. Nothing, in art, is ever won for good. Art cannot exist without this permanent condition of being put in question. But the movement of these evolutions and revolutions constitutes its perpetual renaissance."
Alain Robbe-Grillet, For a New Novel
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sammeldeineknochen · 1 year
Es gibt kein Schicksal, das durch Verachtung nicht überwunden werden kann.
Albert Camus: “Der Mythos des Sisyphos”, S.158
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zololacan · 3 months
known how to rescue the people they were studying from the barbarism
of pre-logic except by identifying them with the most prestigious of their
colleagues - logicians or philosophers (I am thinking of the famous title,
'The primitive as philosopher'). As Hocart (1970, 32) puts it, 'Long ago
[man] ceased merely to live and started to think how he lived; he ceased
merely to feel life : he conceived it. Out of all the phenomena contributing
to life he formed a concept of life, fertility, prosperity, and vitality. ' Claude
Levi-Strauss does just the same when he confers on myth the task of
resolving logical problems, of expressing, mediating and masking social
contradictions - mainly in some earlier analyses, such 'La geste d' Asdiwal'
(1958) - or when he makes it one of the sites where, like Reason in history
according to Hegel, the universal Mind thinks itself, 7 thereby offering for
observation 'the universal laws which govern the unconscious activities of
the mind' (1951).
The indeterminacy surrounding the relationship between the observer's
viewpoint and that of the agents is reflected in the indeterminacy of the
relationship between the constructs (diagrams or discourses) that the
observer produces to account for practices, and these practices themselves.
This uncertainty is intensified by the interferences of the native discourse
aimed at expressing or regulating practice - customary rules, official
theories, sayings, proverbs, etc. - and by the effects of the mode of thought
that is expressed in it. Simply by leaving untouched the question of the
principle of production of the regularities that he records and giving free
rein to the 'mythopoeic' power of language, which, as Wittgenstein pointed
out, constantly slips from the substantive to the substance, objectivist
discourse tends to constitute the model constructed to account for practices
as a power really capable of determining them. Reifying abstractions (in
sentences like 'culture determines the age of weaning'), it treats its
. ' 1 " " ' 1 1 " d f d constructions - cu ture , structures , socia c asses or mo es 0 pro uc-
tion' - as realities endowed with a social efficacy. Alternatively, giving
concepts the power to act in history as the words that designate them act
in the sentences of historical narrative, it personifies collectives and makes
them subjects responsible for historical actions (in sentences like 'the
bourgeoisie thinks that . . . ' or 'the working class refuses to accept
. . . ') . 8 And, when the question cannot be avoided, it preserves appearances
by resorting to systematically ambiguous notions, as linguists say of
sentences whose representative content varies
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bibyshitsuji24k · 13 days
My headcanon!, ㅠㅠ but I think R!Ciel& O!Ciel and Lizzie’s story is based on the story of King George VI and his wife, queen mom. Back to ch.109 you’ld see the Midford’s manor, it’s the Glamis Castle located in Scotland. (Ch.14 said that Francis was married to Scottish Noble) This castle is childhood’s house of Queen mom. Also Queen mom’s name is Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon as if Yana once said that it’s Lizzie’s middle name in guild book!
King George VI was born in 14 December and he has one brother King Edward that is actually rightful heir to be the king. King George was ill often and was described as "easily frightened and somewhat prone to tears" like O!Ciel. He never thought that one day he would become the King.
That’s it! I don’t know how Black Butler will end but hopefully they would be happy like them! Thank you
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Indeed! They weren't just born on the same day but almost in the same year. I know there's a 20-year difference, but what other king of England was born on a similar date?
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Yana probably took some of that information to base the character of Ciel on because I'm pretty sure she's a hardcore royalty fan, haha.
I knew about Glamis Castle in Scotland, but I'm attaching pictures as well.
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Regarding Elizabeth's name, I'm sure it does not match Queen Elizabeth's middle name since Elizabeth's full name is Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford. BUT, Albert's brother's name was Edward, what a coincidence lol
It'd be hilarious if Ciel's real name is actually Albert! But knowing Yana, I think she'd choose a rarer name because it's a very 'English' name (even if its origins are from Germany).
Thanks for the information! I'm not familiar with royalty 'tea' at all, besides what's happening on bb >w<
Well, I wouldn't be surprised if Vincent named Smile with a German-origin name. We know, deep down, he loved Diedrich (??)
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reneeub · 14 days
I'm fine (I'm already rereading The Sunshine Court even though I finished reading it only a month ago)
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anyone want to get matching lobotomies?
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