#forgotten fragments
esuemmanuel · 1 year
Me costó un gran pedazo de corazón liberarme de las cadenas a las que yo mismo me había sujetado, creyendo que lo que hacía era asegurar mi amor en la certeza de la eternidad, mas, me había equivocado. Confié, ciegamente, en las palabras de seres inanimados, entes faltos de moral y consciencia, esbirros nacidos del infierno que vestían prendas parecidas a las de los ángeles más bellos. Cuando pude ver la realidad, sentí cegarme y caer a un abismo que pensé no tendría salida; aun con las cadenas apretando mis muñecas y doblegando a mis alas, pude sentir la suavidad de la libertad hablarme al oído. Sí, había creído y caído, sumiéndome en un dolor con sabor a amarga decepción, pero, también, había aprendido a levantar la mirada al sol, buscando la luz y la salvación a mi pecado, porque había pecado, de cierta manera, al creer en alguien que no fuera yo, olvidándome de lleno de Mí y mi verdad. Una vez que abrí los ojos y miré de lleno al Sol, mis muñecas dejaron caer los grilletes de esas cadenas que imaginé me sostenían, mis alas se expandieron a mis costados, cosquilleándome la espalda y mis pies, los que pisaban el suelo, como raíces embebidas por la tierra, comenzaron a desprenderse de su cárcel para, ayudados por el movimiento de mis alas, que ya se ondulaban en el aire, a ascender hacia la salida de ese agujero en el que me había caído. Ascendí hacia los cielos, con las manos vueltas hacia las nubes, la mirada colmada de agua y los labios sonriendo en gratitud, mientras las cadenas se desvanecían en la distancia. Era libre, totalmente libre… Estaba empezando de nuevo, creyendo en Mí, en mi fuego interno, en mi fortaleza y voluntad, al tanto que el pasado se desmoronaba bajo mi vuelo.
"Hoy empiezo de cero a soñar".
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Image copyright © Ruta Dumalakaite 2012
It cost me a great piece of my heart to free myself from the chains to which I had fastened myself, believing that what I was doing was to secure my love in the certainty of eternity, but I had been mistaken. I trusted blindly in the words of inanimate beings, entities lacking in morals and conscience, minions born of hell who wore garments similar to those of the most beautiful angels. When I could see the reality, I felt blinded and fell into an abyss that I thought would have no way out; even with the chains tightening my wrists and bending my wings, I could feel the softness of freedom speaking in my ear. Yes, I had believed and fallen, plunging into a pain that tasted of bitter disappointment, but I had also learned to raise my eyes to the sun, looking for light and salvation from my sin, because I had sinned, in a certain way, by believing in someone other than myself, forgetting all about Me and my truth. Once I opened my eyes and looked fully at the sun, my wrists dropped the shackles of those chains that I imagined were holding me, my wings expanded to my sides, tickling my back and my feet, those that were on the ground, like roots soaked by the earth, began to break free from their prison and, aided by the movement of my wings, which were already undulating in the air, to ascend towards the exit of that hole into which I had fallen. I ascended towards the heavens, with my hands turned towards the clouds, my eyes filled with water and my lips smiling in gratitude, while the chains faded in the distance. I was free, totally free… I was starting anew, believing in Me, in my inner fire, in my strength and will, as the past crumbled beneath my flight.
"Today I start from zero to dream".
— Esu Emmanuel©, Borrón y cuenta nueva (Clean Slate).
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isadraws13 · 10 months
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I love the drawings that I made so so much
The two of them were drawings that were referenced off of Oshi no Ko though, as I wanted to practice my posing skills and improve them when it came to my artstyle
But I just love Wally with his twin babies, they’re so precious
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universecipher · 2 years
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FanArt of this beautiful FanFic Forgotten Fragments by @momoreiiwrites
I highly recommend if any of you enjoy Monkei Kid and x reader FanFics 👀👀👀
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hatekuhnradiated · 7 months
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Turned my character Hassan into a goetia lmaoo
As you can tell, I'm hyperfixating
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《■》Help out a small artist and reblog if you can! Thank you!《■》
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mmmmorph · 1 year
You birthed brokenness - me
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La la la laaaa~
This song did my emotions dirty.
The movie did me dirtier.
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arleth-h · 2 years
No puedo contenerme a esa mirada tan escalofriante.
El querer acariciarte para después matarme me resulta cautivador, quiero acomplejar tu sentido del humor, pero por favor, no intentes asesinarme.
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wordbunch03 · 2 years
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"I do not understand why do I care if someone remembers me, wouldn't to be forgotten lessen the pain that my heart seems to be drowning in?"
wordbunch // could I ever be a stranger to them?
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kolibriwrites · 1 year
I had a really good idea for a journal post… I’ve forgotten it, should of written it down at the time. Hopefully it will come back to me sometime soon.
Kolibri x
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esuemmanuel · 1 year
La llave está en Mí (The key lies in Me).
Cerró la puerta con llave y, en un arranque de ira, la lanzó por la  ventana que llevaba al mar; ahora solloza por no poderla encontrar.
"El sufrimiento es igual tanto para el que se queda afuera como el que yace encerrado dentro".  
[Nunca tires la llave]  
Es una puerta, un pedazo de madera, ésa es la diferencia entre el encierro y la libertad.    
Tuvo días... meses... años para ponerse a pensar cómo salir de esa habitación sin la llave que perdió, hasta que se decidió por lanzarse a la mar y a su desconocimiento, aun sabiendo que podía morir en el intento. Sin embargo, no dejó que el temor a la muerte le robara el aliento. Valiente en su voluntad, se entregó al azul del océano y a su sal.
De pronto, en su mente, emergió la  paz, una que hace mucho no sentía. Yacía perdido en la nada. El agua lo movía, lo mecía, lo adormecía, lo sumergía en un momento de introspección que no entendía, pero sentía y disfrutaba. Ningún sonido, ajeno al agua que lo acompañaba y al acorde calmo de su pecho que suspiraba. Eso era lo que lo acompañaba. 
De súbito, vio la puerta cerrada frente a sus ojos, pero algo había diferente en esa habitación. Algo traía en la mano. Una llave. La miró con sorpresa, mas, también con recelo. Ya no la necesitaba, pues se sabía libre. Y lo era, más que nunca.
Tomó la llave y jugó con ella. En un arranque de inocencia, la volvió a lanzar al mar; sabía que la iba a volver a encontrar. 
Y así pasó su vida, viajando a través del mar, en su barco de papel, sin el afán de buscar esa llave, pues la sabía con él.
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He locked the door and, in a fit of rage, threw it through the window that led to the sea; now he sobs for not being able to find it.
"Suffering is the same for the one who stays outside as for the one who lies locked inside."  
[Never throw away the key]  
It's a door, a piece of wood, that's the difference between confinement and freedom.    
He had days... months... years to think about how to get out of that room without the key he lost, until he decided to throw himself into the sea and his ignorance, even though he knew he could die trying. However, he did not let the fear of death steal his breath. Brave in his will, he surrendered himself to the blue of the ocean and its salt.
Suddenly, in his mind, peace emerged, one he had not felt for a long time. He lay lost in the nothingness. The water moved him, rocked him, lulled him to sleep, immersed him in a moment of introspection that he did not understand, but felt and enjoyed. No sound, alien to the water that accompanied him and the calm chord of his sighing chest. That was what accompanied him. 
Then, he saw the door closed in front of his eyes, but something was different in that room. Something was in his hand. A key. He looked at it with surprise, but also with suspicion. He no longer needed it, for he knew he was free. And he was, more than ever. He took the key and played with it. In a fit of innocence, he threw it back into the sea; he knew he would find it again. 
And so he spent his life, traveling through the sea, in his paper boat, without the eagerness to look for that key, for he knew it was with him.
— Esu Emmanuel©
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isadraws13 · 9 months
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Wally and Audieeeeeeeee!!! Baby
They’re having fun together at the beach, Hassan is off screen looking after the other two bbys as they’re playing in the ocean ✨✨✨
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carameow-macchiato · 2 years
nakakainis yung may naisip kang magandang one-liner lyric tapos nakalimutan mo naman agad, ugh
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hatekuhnradiated · 10 months
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Not me forgetting to post this
Anyway, redesigned @isadraws13 character Diane! With permission of course lol
Absolutely love how she turned out, especially that braid
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《■》Help out a small artist and reblog if you can! Thank you!《■》
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mmmmorph · 1 year
I can’t squander this opportunity of our lives intersecting. Our time zones comfortably touching like this -
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Malroth: Remember kids! Be yourself, stay healthy, commit arson, steal from the government, and eat the ri-
Builder, cutting him off: okay i think that’s enough!
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feral-ballad · 1 year
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Fariha Róisín, from How to Cure a Ghost; “after the loss”
[Text ID: “it feels cold to not be chosen / to blink and not be seen / to be forgotten like a pebbled / amulet / that has lost its kin, / ashy, chicken skin, / no body to be worn on, / all gloom.”]
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