wujificrec · 4 years
To have and to hold by Moominmammashandbag
M |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | Multi-chapter: 78.9k | Notes: Canon divergence, forehead ribbon, hurt and comfort, angst, major character injury, smut, weddings, minor character death, warning// attempted sexual assault, kidnapping, assault, semi-public sex
Link on AO3.
Madam Yu comes to Cloud Recesses. Lan Xichen is woken to be told worrying news. Lan WangJi does not break someone's arm. It was dislocated.
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wangxianfics · 4 years
Title: The Forehead Ribbon Proposal ❤️
Author: Clarissa_23
Universe: Canon Divergence
Status: Complete
Rating: Teen
Lenght: Epic (16+K)
P.1.: It was supposed to be a joke, Jiang Cheng thought sourly. He didn't really expect that his chaotic man-child of a shixiong to fucking propose to fucking Lan Wangji of all people as a result of said joke. 
P2.: Wen Ruohan, touched by a passionate display of true love, immediately orders his second son to plan the two lovebirds' wedding in Qishan.Wen Chao discovers his inner talent in wedding planning. Wang Lingjiao and Wen Zhuliu gets roped in as his assistants.Meanwhile, an older brother instantly learns how to use resentful energy to protect his baby brother from lecherous fiends, a concerned father tries to keep his adopted son from being murdered in his sleep and a young Sect Leader is wondering why the fuck is he still there.Alternatively, Wangxian, the Wedding.
P.3:  A collection of one-shots right after Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji's wedding in Qishan.
Recommended by: @shamelesswngxian​ (mod)
"You might want to ask: How did the spoiled, arrogant, womanizer son of Wen Ruohan's ended up as a successful wedding planner?
"Well, it started ten years ago when a certain Yunmeng fucker publicly proposed to a certain Gusu fucker, to quote our legendary wedding planner."
Wherein WWX's marriage proposal changes the future of the cultivation world for good including WR's decisions and WC's heart. 
The words ‘Please forgive me for forcefully taking your chastity’ were still ringing in their ears.
"Now, now, no need to condemn the two young ones. They're both currently in the age when the blood runs too hot and influence their young minds. I mean, all of us here had passed the same stage, right? There's nothing wrong with giving in to the desires of your heart and body now and then." Jin Guangshan smiled, brightly. He got a look of contempt from the youngest Sect Leader.
'Slut,' Nie Mingjue thought, disgusted.
'Virgin,' Jin Guangshan thought, disparagingly.  
In which there’s a forehead ribbon proposal, then a shotgun wedding organized by the wedding planner/Marriage Counselor!Wen Chao, who eventually gets kicked out of the Club of Unrepentant Villains for becoming a good person and becomes the God of Marriage and Childbirth instead. Also, Wen Zhuliu becomes a cook somehow,  LQR a Hot Daddy, and Wangxian get a sex-ed from Jin Guangshan (yes, you read that right).  
Read for: A crazy wild ride with excellent humor, LQR getting his beard shaved off for the second time,  and seeing WRH become a writer of sappy romance novels inspired by Wangxian's young love!
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wangxianfics · 4 years
Title: Love Confession Mountain
Author: mondengel
Universe: Canon Divergence - Phoenix Mountain
Status: Complete
Rating: Teen
Length: Short (2K)
Arrows were let loose on Phoenix Mountain - but not the hunting kind.
Recommended by: @2bunlords​​
It’s the Phoenix Mountain Hunt and this time, LWJ gives WWX his forehead ribbon, tying it around his wrist. 
Or, WWX is oblivious af and both JC and JZX have had enough. 
( P.S.: You need to be logged in to read this fic. )
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wujificrec · 4 years
To have and to hold by Moominmammashandbag
M |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | Multi-chapter: 79k | Notes: Canon divergence, hurt/comfort, angst, happy ending, multiple POVs, forehead ribbon, weddings, major character injury, BAMF Lan Wangji, violence, minor character death
Link on AO3.
Summary: Madam Yu comes to Cloud Recesses. Lan Xichen is woken to be told worrying news. Lan WangJi does not break someone's arm. It was dislocated.
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wangxianfics · 4 years
hi! there was a fic i read a while back that i've been trying to find again. i don't remember a lot about it but i know that lwj gave wwx his ribbon (i think they were kids at the time but i'm not 100% sure). then wwx disappeared for a while, and years later lxc found him in a brothel and recognized him because of lwj's ribbon. does this sound familiar at all?
Hi nonny! You’re looking for this fic:
the Past is gone. let the Future Light your way by Cy_anne (4K, Teen)
(Canon Divergence, Sex Work, Prostitute!WWX, Reunion, Forehead Ribbon)
“By the gods,” Lan Qiren whispers in awe as he takes in the appearance of Xianxian.
The demure boy doesn’t so much as twitch at the words. He simply bows to the audience before taking a seat and picking up his dizi with a twirl before placing it to his lips. The melody is nothing special for this region. It’s the dizi, how it’s twirled twice and then swiftly played. It’s the way Wei Changze would have toyed with an instrument before playing it. The small glimpse Lan Qiren got of the boy's eyes reminded him of Cangse Sanren’s.
Wei Wuxian is stolen before he is forced to the streets after his parents’ death. Somehow ends up at a brothel at age 13 and the Heaven’s grant him mercy.
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wangxianfics · 4 years
Title: Till Eternity’s End (i’ll wait for you)
Author: DiamondCrystlInk
Universe: Canon Divergence 
Status: Complete
Rating: General
Length: Short (1+K)
Wei Wuxian does not return 13 years after the fall. Lan Wangji waits anyway.
One day he hears a melody.
Recommended by: @shamelesswngxian (mod)
LWJ waits an eternity for his Wei Ying. 173 years later, WWX, looking just like LWJ remembers him, comes back to him with LWJ’s forehead ribbon tied around his wrist...
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wangxianfics · 4 years
Title: Accidents happen
Author: Lucky_Moony ( @luckymoony )
Universe: Post-Canon
Status: Complete
Rating: Teen
Length: Short (1+K)
When Lan Jingyi touches Lan Sizhui’s forehead ribbon by accident, he is convinced that he is now pregnant with his child.
How will he and Sizhui survive announcing to the Yiling Laozu and to Hanguang-jun that they will soon become grandparents?
Recommended by: @shamelesswngxian (mod)
Poor Lans and their lack of sex-ed... Lol, this is a really funny one-shot where LJY thinks he’s 16 and pregnant, because why wouldn’t he be when apparently Senior Wei birthed Sizhui, too 😂?
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wangxianfics · 4 years
Title: Take This Piece of Me as Part of You
Author: runningondreams ( @imaginaryelle )
Universe: Post Canon
Status: Complete
Rating: Mature 
Length: Middle (3+K)
Lan Wangji commissions the forehead ribbon as soon as he’s sure, which corresponds roughly with his first night back in Cloud Recesses without Wei Ying.
Recommended by: @shamelesswngxian
Oh this one’s lovely! After 3 years of long-distance relationship LWJ finally proposes to WWX with a new commissioned Lan forehead ribbon. 
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wangxianfics · 4 years
Title: Food for Thought 
Author: MarbleGlove ( @marbleglove )
Universe: Canon Divergence
Status: Complete
Rating: Mature
Lenght: Middle (5+K)
Lan QiRen knows that he is not as contentedly self-certain as he would like to appear, nor the Lan Clan as righteous. He is surprised to realize that Wei WuXian as not as wild as he presents himself to be. They find some unexpected common ground in the library.
Recommended by: @shamelesswngxian (mod)
One day, LQR finds WWX studying in the Cloud Recesses library surprised to see him wearing the Gusu Lan robes complete with the Gusu Lan headband. WWX asks him for help with a cultivation method and LQR provides it. 
This is a lovely fic told from LQR’s POV where WWX and LQR make an attempt at improving their relationship and also kind of bond over past shared trauma. 
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wangxianfics · 4 years
Title: Some Flowers do not Belong Where They Were Originally Planted
Author: KayCeeBabe
Universe: Post Canon (The Untamed / MDZS)
Status: Complete
Rating: Not Rated
Lenght: Medium (3+K)
Wei Wuxian just wants to belong and he has the best husband in the world.
Also Known As: Wei Wuxian asks to wear Gusu Lan robes and makes Lan Wangji cry (then he cries).
Recommended by: @shamelesswngxian​ (mod)
One day, watching members of other sects wearing matching robes makes WWX think he never really belonged to any sect. He realizes he wants to change that.
Absolutely overwhelmed by his husband’s request for his own Gusu Lan robes, LWJ goes out of his way to ensure that his Wei Ying never again doubts that the Cloud Recesses are his home. 
Seeing himself wearing the Gusu Lan sect’s colors, WWX gets overwhelmed in turn. 
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wangxianfics · 4 years
Title: forever is home (with you)
Author: moonsteps 
Universe: Canon Divergence - Arranged Marriage (The Untamed / MDZS)
Status: Complete
Rating: Teen
Lenght: Epic (23+K)
“Lan Zhan,” Wei Wuxian says, “I’m your husband. I know you’re not in love with me like that, and I know our marriage was a political one, but I’m still one hundred-percent yours from this moment forward.”
He wonders, briefly, if this is how all arranged betrothals are supposed to go. Are they supposed to be acting a certain way towards each other? They definitely did not get along too well when they first met, all those years ago, but perhaps reality has caught up to them where they are right now. Perhaps this is how it was always meant to be.
(Or, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji get married. Then, they fall in love.)
Recommended by: @shamelesswngxian​ (mod)
This is a lovely arranged marriage AU, where Wangxian get married first and fall in love later. The ending also features WWX wearing the whole ensemble of the Gusu Lan robes and the Gusu Lan forehead ribbon. JC can’t quite believe his eyes how besotted WWX has managed to become with his husband in such a short period of time. 
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wangxianfics · 4 years
Title: If it is only for the taking off
Author: Babyoonie 
Universe: Post Canon (The Untamed / MDZS)
Status: Complete
Rating: General
Lenght: Short (1K)
Lan Jingyi was thrilled when, a year after having parted ways, Hanguang Jun came back to the Cloud Recesses in the company of Wei Wuxian.
or: Wei Ying would never consider wearing the GusuLan robes until he does.
Recommended by: @shamelesswngxian​ (mod)
WWX shocks the juniors into speechlessness by wearing the Gusu Lan robes for a special occassion. He also gets appropriately showered with compliments for it until he can’t take it anymore and has to hide in LWJ’s embrace instead.
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wangxianfics · 4 years
Title: Saying Something or Saying Nothing and Wishing You Had?
Author: itsoktobemarty (@itsoktobemarty)
Universe: Post-Canon (The Untamed)
Status: Complete, Part 1 of series
Length: Middle
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Imagines how a confession would have gone in the Untamed timeline, takes place shortly after the canonical ending.
Recommended by: @devildears (mod)
Comments: This fic will make your heart feel full. Don’t forget to read part two of the series as well for maximum fluff and emotion. The author’s writing style is quite poetic and it works so well.
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