wangxianfics · 4 years
Title: Take Root, Come Home
Author: piecrust ( @sincerelystranger )
Universe: Post Canon
Status: Complete
Rating: General
Length: Middle (3+K)
Living with Wei Ying is a dream come true – Lan Wangji has nothing to complain about…
Except one thing. A small… thing.
Recommended by: @shamelesswngxian
WWX has lived in the Jingshi for a year now with only little evidence of himself in their shared space. LWJ fears that it’s because WWX doesn’t plan to stay.  
In the end, things get cleared up and WWX starts to make the Jingshi his new home for real and LWJ couldn’t be happier about it. 
Even though this fic gives off maximum married Wangxian vibes, Wangxian have yet to start communicating better to work on their insecurities, which is exactly what they do in this fic.
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wangxianfics · 4 years
Title: the kite string and the anchor rope
Author: fleurdeliser ( @fleurdeliser )
Universe: Canon Divergence - Post Yiling Date
Status: Complete
Rating: Mature
Lenght: Epic (39K)
When A-Yuan gets sick and Wen Qing doesn't have the supplies she needs to properly treat him, Wei Wuxian can only think of one place to go for help.
Recommended by: @shamelesswngxian (mod)
WWX is in a desperate need of help and LWJ and the Lan Sect provide it. 
This is a canon divergent fic, where things start out rocky but everything ends well. There’s no Qiongqi Path event, everyone lives, and the Wens find their new home in the Cloud Recesses. 
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wangxianfics · 4 years
Title: Some Flowers do not Belong Where They Were Originally Planted
Author: KayCeeBabe
Universe: Post Canon (The Untamed / MDZS)
Status: Complete
Rating: Not Rated
Lenght: Medium (3+K)
Wei Wuxian just wants to belong and he has the best husband in the world.
Also Known As: Wei Wuxian asks to wear Gusu Lan robes and makes Lan Wangji cry (then he cries).
Recommended by: @shamelesswngxian​ (mod)
One day, watching members of other sects wearing matching robes makes WWX think he never really belonged to any sect. He realizes he wants to change that.
Absolutely overwhelmed by his husband’s request for his own Gusu Lan robes, LWJ goes out of his way to ensure that his Wei Ying never again doubts that the Cloud Recesses are his home. 
Seeing himself wearing the Gusu Lan sect’s colors, WWX gets overwhelmed in turn. 
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wangxianfics · 4 years
I’m craving a fic where wwx realized that gusu is his home now and that he belongs there and that he’s allowed to call it his home and feel comfort there like he’s never had before. I just need to capitalize on the Wei wuxian has a true home now agenda. If you know of any ill be eternally grateful🙏
Hey nonny!
Sorry we took so long to reply. Now regarding your answer, tbh we feel like making WWX feel at home in the Cloud Recesses is the plot of most of the Post-Canon fics but here’s some fics you could read that should definitely feature this topic:
I hope that you will come and meet me by feyburner (28+K, Mature)
(Post-Canon, Love Letters, Literal Sleeping Together, First Time)
The second time Lan Zhan said Wei Ying, come back, Wei Wuxian did.
The one, where LWJ builds a lotus pond in the Cloud Recesses for his Wei Ying.
Continuation by thefaceofno (14K, Teen)
(Post-Canon, Hair-brushing, Pining)
“How long has it been?” Xichen asks.
Wangji looks up from the tea he had been pouring. “Since?”
“Since you started as Excellency.”
Since Wei Wuxian walked away from him, he means.
“Two summers.” Wangji says. He doesn’t like to count the time. He is not much of an artist, and he had not asked anyone to draw Wei Wuxian before he left. He thinks he has forgotten the shape of his cheek when he smiles. He does not remember forgetting Wei Wuxian last time. He does not like to count the time.
(A continuation of the live action drama.)
Or, the one where WWX builds a lotus pond in the Cloud Recesses.
You can also check our postcanon and marriedlife tag where you can find more of what you’re looking for!
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