#for the reply story btw
ask-the-scugs0 · 1 month
(A small slugpup walks up to the scugs and hugs rivulets leg)can I suck on your fwills?
(this is meant in a safe for work regard)
Uhh..... kid thats really weird. It's like asking to suck on someone's ear.
Also where are your parents?
(continues in replies)
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f4y3w00d5 · 4 months
*I knock on your door*
*cheerfully opens up*
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obstinatecondolement · 7 months
I have a lot of fondness for clunky Hallmark Christmas romance movies with rock bottom production values, vaguely established and extremely contrived plots, dodgy dialgoue, often questionable line readings, and child actors playing a kid who seems either three years younger or older than themselves. Hallmark have not undermined themselves with glib, self aware irony or attempted to "elevate" the delightful low artform that they excel in. Refreshing, honestly.
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dragonbma · 6 months
WAIT OK CRASHING BACK IN A THIRD AND FINAL TIME (for now) LMFAOAOAOA but anything notable between petra and vos perhaps? 😗
Yes oh my god yes. 🗡️
Petra does lose Miss Butter in the story, and is incredibly distraught over it. Luckily, Vos has a little surprise for her. Looks like his days of enchanting aren’t behind him… plus he probably has a ton of experience levels saved up from previous adventures-
Jack loves this ideas and offers to let Petra go through his armory and pick out her favorite sword that they’ll enchant together
I haven’t decided when in the story this takes place, but rest assured it will happen
“Something on your mind, Petra?”
“I’m still bummed over losing Miss Butter. That sword was just one of a kind, you know?”
“I don’t mean to interrupt but I may ah, be of some assistance. Jack, you wouldn’t happen to have any lapis around, would you?”
“No way! You know how to enchant?” “Yeah I should have some in the back. While I grab that, Petra how about you visit my armory and pick out something you like?”
(After sword is picked out)
“Thank you! Now, what enchantments did you have in mind?”
“I was thinking maybe fire aspect… I was hoping to get that on Miss Butter at some point- wait where’s your enchanting table?”
“Oh that. I assume my old one is back at our cabin. But ah, I stopped needing that a while ago… Watch this! ^^”
This is also his way for thanking Petra for gifting him her extra sword when they went to fight at Heckmouth:
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Fun fact about that first scene. ^ I somehow completely missed Petra giving Vos her sword when I was first writing the masterpost for the possession AU; And I guessed that the sword he was using was Petra’s backup she used when Stella had Miss Butter. It was only a month later after several casual rewatches that I noticed and was like “Oh. That is actually what happened. How did I miss that? Glad I don’t have to change anything-”
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thyandrawrites · 10 months
if the main bllk charas were put in a small room with no soccer ball which one do you think would kill the others first
No no, hear me out, I'm serious
Shidou is the easy answer, but because they expect that from him, they stay alert. The second Shidou's fist swings for Rin, 5 people are holding him back.
Isagi, on the other hand, is the type of crazy that goes from chill to murderous without warning signs. It's only a matter of time before someone disrespect his idea of football and Isagi has blood on his hands, trust me
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fricc-darn · 13 days
I HAVE A RANDOM QUESTION BUT THIS JUST CAME TO MIND AND ITS OK IF YOU DONT WANNA ANSWER💞 Do you think BEN would want a friend that is like motherly or maternal? Because they are kids? Or would they get freaked out by it? Do you think they'd secretly like it though?
I don't think BEN would enjoy having a mom friend for a couple of reasons. For one, it would be too patronizing for them. It is self-sufficient; the coddling would be taken as an insult. The adolescent members don't want to be treated as kids; the same goes for the older members.
Another reason would be because these gestures would provoke a traumatic response. Even if BEN doesn't show it, they'd see it as weird and question your motives. Thinking that you'd want to do something bad to them. BEN knows this is most likely not the case, but it was better to be safe than sorry. Even if some members occasionally miss their maternal figures.
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eksentrismi · 29 days
yo, got an ask (and i don't mean this in a rude way)
why that jekyll and hyde in particular? what do you like so much about them more than any other?
to put the question bluntly, WHY GREEN HYDE? HE GREEN!!
I assume you mean the 1986 animated Jekyll and Hyde (and if not, I'm sorry!!! Do let me know if you meant some other version, lol), and well, I don't actually know how to answer that question properly and in a coherent way, lmao. That movie's just got a special place in my heart and idk how to even explain all the reasons why exactly I like it so much. It was first a total joke/meme to me when I first watched the film, and then it actually turned into a full-blown hyperfixation and special interest. Like okay, yeah, I know that the movie is silly and obscure, basically a typical cheap old animation TV-movie..... though it's still an oddly faithful adaptation sort of. Of course, it's not the most accurate adaptation either, it's actually missing some scenes that were in the original book. But yeah, that movie still is cool and interesting to me. Idk, I just really love obscure underrated media a ton, I'm really fascinated by stuff like that <3
And I like the character designs in that film, especially Jekyll's design, ough, it's just very cool to me <3 Don't get me wrong, there's many designs for him that I absolutely adore... I'm simply just really autistic and gay for that very specific Jekyll-design, where he looks really pathetic most of the time and he's got them round little glasses alongside some bushy sideburns <333 Truly some gender goals to me...
And y'know what actually, green Hyde-designs are cool to me too <333 I love him very dearly, no matter what he looks like..... as long as he's hairy, scruffy and gross, he's my beloved and beloathed.......
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lisxdumbr · 1 month
The whole "if a person is mad at you it's their responsibility to tell you" thing just made me realize how fucked my situation is. Like just. woah
#who wants to hesr the story of how I lost my irl friends recently (you will I'm spitting everything right now)#anyway so last year one day one of my friends decided to randomly backstab me and she started talking behind my back#and yeah this all made me mad because?? what the fuck#she started talking and revealing stuff that i had confide to her to other people and they slowly started drifting from me#BUt the thing here is that she was manipulating the story. she changed it every time she told stuff to people to make me look bad#i heard one of the things she said about me once and i was like ?? she even make me dislike me in her version which like woa#anyway I didn't understand why she did that because it was ? so random? and then she started ignoring me and has not talked to me ever since#the thing is. she apparently didn't have enough with just doing that. she slowly started to rot my other friends' brains too?#in the sense that. suddenly the rest of my group was ignoring me too. they never said anything to me. or stated that they had a problem#they just ignored me in my face? and yeah that. hurt#recently i found thanks to a third party that one of them decided to stop talking to me because apparently i had hurt her uncountable times#and she was just soo sick and tired of me doing that. which. honestly made me mad because she did not ever express that to me?? so#what was i supposed to do. if she never said anything.#anyway one of my friends confronted her about the treatment they were giving to me. the whole exclusion thing. and her answer was-#”well it's not my fault that she doesn't have more friends and doesn't talk to people”#and i was like. woah. what a poor reply. is that really it.. also apparently they all had agree to stop talking to me as a group-#-and they never informed me so. thank you?#and I'm still here asking what i did to that ex friend of mine. later on i found out she had hooked up with the guy i used to like btw#and she kept it secret. oh and then i started dating my current partner ! person she also felt attracted to. and that's my only explanation.#she started gossiping after what happened with the first guy. so that's really everything that comes to mind as a reason#ANYWAY now that i was at the hospital i didn't receive a single text from any of them. so i guess that was it. people who don't care-#-like that are not friends. those people are not my friends. people who ignore me on purpose and gossip like that are not. my friends#so yeah that's why I've been feeling down lately but ! here I am i ended up ranting so. much#rant#vent#?#woah i actually feel so much better after spitting it all#I'm also following that sour grape advice btw I'm not giving them the privilege of cutting me out. I'M the one who dislikes them now
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quill-n · 2 months
hi I'm still catching up on campaign 3 and I just got to That Ashton moment in episode 77, I'm not ok !!!
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autumnal-prince · 1 year
I have to say...
Hogwarts Legacy is highly inaccurate. 
I wasn’t booed and sneered at when I was placed into Slytherin. And then subsequently treated like magic Hitler for the rest of the school year. 
The houses are unrealistically intermingling! Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors getting along? Absurd! 
The teachers aren’t punishing bad behavior by sending students into the dangerous (and potentially deadly) Forbidden Forest. How is it proper discipline if there is no near death experience?
The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher isn’t evil and/or afflicted with lycanthropy.
Honestly! 0/10 ☹ 
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cookinguptales · 3 months
Thank you so much for the tarot reading you did for me a little while back 💜 i'm sorry it's taken me so long to say that! i do rather think you have prophetic gifts, by the way- it was spookily accurate and helped me a lot 🔮
No problem! I'm glad it was helpful to you!
I do tend to get at least one message like this every time I do a tarot night for my followers, and like... you are totally entitled to that belief! What do I know about psychic phenomena and prophecy anyway? lmao. Maybe I am psychic.
But personally, I believe that tarot has a high likelihood of speaking to us no matter what, if just because the archetypal nature of the cards means that they're dealing with problems that we all struggle with. We all have self-doubt, we all have complicated relationships with money, we all crave love of some kind. We all have trauma in our past and we all want to believe that this time, things could be okay.
One of the reasons I like tarot cards is because they are inanimate objects that we imbue with meaning. They were just playing cards, y'know? We're the ones that gave them power over us, and we did that by filling them with our own stories. We placed a mirror in those cards, and while mirrors can be used for scrying, they can also just be used to take a good hard look at ourselves.
If I say "oh, you've had money troubles in the past," who doesn't that apply to? Maybe I'm thinking about me, when we were homeless for a while when I was a kid. Maybe someone else is thinking about the money they lost to gambling last week. Maybe someone else, someone wildly wealthy, is thinking about a stock market crash that brought their five mansions down to two. Maybe a final person has just never had quite enough to make ends meet. God knows that describes a lot of people.
I like tarot because we can all look at the same spread and see something different. I see a story to tell to the best of my ability, and that's how I do readings. But for the people getting those readings, they're often looking into little mirrors and seeing how they reflect their own personal experiences.
Because, you know, we all see different things in the same mirror! That's how tarot works, I think. Maybe some people are a little better at reading things in that mirror and interpreting what they see there, but we all see something new and different and deeply, deeply personal when we look at those cards.
Love that for us.
#that's what I eventually ended up studying in college btw#the way people construct personalized belief systems and vernacular religion#I got into religious studies to make sense of the world after I got out of an abusive religious background#and people always ask me what religion I am now#and I always say... y'know... I don't know what I believe#I don't know if magic exists or ESP or the supernatural or any number of deities#I don't know if I fully believe anything anymore#but I do believe in the power of stories#how we tell them and why we tell them and the parts of us that we mix into them to bolster their power#stories can ease a broken heart or they can be used to launch a war#they can create a belief system or tear one apart#we tell stories to make meaning out of the senselessness around us but we use them to CREATE meaning too#and sometimes the meaning that we create can last for centuries#they can make a little pack of playing cards into something that I was forbidden to touch when I was a child#that I was too scared to even be in the room with until I was in college#and the stories I tell myself instead can reframe those cards as something lovely I can collect#that help me make sense of the world in all kinds of ways#by helping me understand the emotions at the root of our experiences#and the stories we tell to give voice to them#and make them material; a thing we can finally touch#idk I'm rambling a bit but! those are my thoughts on the matter!!#replies#tarot#tarot shenanigans
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enden-k · 1 year
Wait wait there's Guizhong leaks AND Zhongli leaks?? I HAVE TO SEE THIS🤯
guizhong and zhongli new outfit are same leak, with madame ping and cloud retainer ↓
guizhong and madame ping
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guizhong, zhongli and cloud retainer
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airenyah · 1 month
so for the past 2ish years that i've taking this thai course i've been the youngest participant by far and also (mostly) the only girl
and because of that, even tho it's an online course so we're not super close with each other, despite that i still often feel like i have a bit of a status as the group baby (affectionate). and it shows in moments like earlier in class when someone asked about the word "inspiration" and then, when asked to give an example sentence, without batting an eye went "airenyah is my inspiration to learn more thai"
y'all. this man is one of the best (if not THE best) student in our course 🥺
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thetisming · 5 months
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dykefever · 1 year
saw everyone doing this and wanted to join in MWAH!
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herstoriies · 7 months
your outfit's entertaining. i'll give you that. (Javert, possibly but not necessarily while they're still prickly with each other XD)
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Why, if it wasn’t her favorite Producer. Blue eyes rolled at the remark, and a debonaire pursed lips tugged to a grin at the presence of her esteemed rival and significant annoyance, M. Aristide Javert.
“I do live to entertain~” vanity if ever there was. She waved in front of her an ornate fan - painted birds on white silk and brimmed with white feathers (matching the white feathers decorating the side of her hair), before holding it up to her left ear - that is in the secret language of fans meaning, I wish to be rid of you. Of course, this was matched with a proud smile. “So coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment~”
Priscilla glimmered like a male peacock - literally, in an azure blue velvet gown with peacock feathers adorning her neckline, train, and skirt. And yet the bustle gown fitted her to perfection and accentuated every vision of her flattering physique. Designed probably by Charles Worth, who by now was the primary source for Priscilla's wardrobe. The overall look was avante-garde and practically sang: look at me, but that’s what Divas do best, being the center of attention. Around her neck was also the latest necklace gifted by one of those revolving dandies - M. Guy Thibault this time?
“And what color ribbon did you select to tie your mane this time? Burgundy, wine, or scarlet?”
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