#for luffy’s birthday. ignore that i’m late :)
sirlanval · 1 month
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group hug!
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chrollohearttags · 5 months
all my wishes • portgas d. ace
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synopsis: a lost bet, two rambunctious firefighters and an unforgettable birthday full of surprises all transpire when you decide to give your boss the ultimate gift!
content + themes: firefighter ace + reader (black coded but no heavy descriptors), fluff to smut, LOTS of humor, alcohol use, food play, finger sucking, reader spoiling ace, nipple play, so many themes bc they are whores (they talk so dirty to each other 😫) squirting, daddy’s used, spit kink, sweet ending
word count: 7.7K
📝: this started out as a small lil’ drabble but then I remembered that my baby’s birthday was LITERALLY today so I started another insane piece with my other hyperfixation and the #2 ship in the Cherry Cinematic Universe™. I hope y’all enjoy them as much as I do! 🫶🏾 (also, this is coming late becatse when I set my mind to getting something done, it will be done. I don’t give a damn how long it takes and this may the last big piece I get to write for a while so I’m enjoying it!)
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“You’ve got to be fucking kidding!”
“But (y/nnnnn)! You promised! C’mon, you lost so you have to do it. You can’t go back on your word.”
“No, Luffy! Matter of fact, hell no! You know I never would’ve agreed if this was what you were going to pull. I can’t believe you set me up like this..”
The dining table set in the center of company eight’s firehouse had become the scene where quite the interesting debate was transpiring. What began as a normal conversation had quickly escalated to quite the debacle. In about a week or so, a member of your small yet close knit crew would be celebrating a very important occasion..one that everyone was looking to make absolutely unforgettable..everyone except you that was!
“But it’ll mean a lot to him. Especially if it’s from you, I mean you’re practically his wife—“ “take it back and don’t ever say something like that ever again.”
shooting him quite the menacing glare with your arms folded over your chest. Luffy was the younger brother to the vice fire chief and your secret not-so-secret fling, Portgas D. Ace, affectionately known as Ace around the community. That shaggy black top and dotted freckles splattered across his devilishly handsome face that had captivated the heart of any woman who’d been so lucky to be graced with that heartwarming smile. However, that suave charm and boyish features didn’t sway you one bit. At least that’s what you let on to everyone else. See, just like your coworkers, his baby brother was no stranger to the proverbial game of cat and mouse the two of you had been engaged in. There were many times where he’d find himself crashing at his brother’s apartment and find himself on the receiving end of your conversations. Late night calls and visits because you obviously couldn’t get enough of each other. Contacting him under the guise of fighting only to end up settling matters in a different and much more salacious way. Not to mention, in your absence, Ace had spoken quite fondly of you to both Luffy and your own adoptive brother, Usopp. Talking about how insane yet entertaining you were..which was the sole reason for this whole ordeal! See, during a routine training session, Luffy had stopped by to watch on his day off and it was during this time, he spotted an exercise that tickled his fancy..it was whilst he was there, he divulged the idea to both Zoro and Sanji about giving his big brother a surprise birthday party but as everyone knew, Ace wasn’t too particularly keen on celebrating such an occasion. Hell, even the fire chief, ‘Smoker’ and his fellow fire college graduate and good friend Marco were in on the gig. Sure, he made the firehouse lively on a daily basis and when it was time to turn up for any other event, he was the guy you wanted there but when this day came around? He’d ignore it. It was mainly due in part to him never wanting to place emphasis on himself. Ace was selfless in nature and only thought of others. So they hoped that although the two of you had your differences in the past, you’d set them aside for at least one day and grant him the night of his life. But you refused…not only would that arrogant son of a bitch never let you live it down that you did something nice for him but he may not even like it. You’d rather him bring in his special day surrounded by his actual friends. “That’s so fucking stupid!” It was all Luffy could think as he let out a hysterical laugh. Because he knew as well as anyone, Ace wouldn’t want to spend his birthday with anyone other than his precious little rookie! “My brother’s crazy about you, big sis (y/n).” So he placed a nice little wager, unsuspecting to you as he cleaned the truck..
“Let’s see who can do the rope climb and foot race the fastest. If I win, you’ll have to do something for me. And you win, I’ll do whatever you want. Sounds good?!” So with that cheeky grin and precious demeanor, you indulged him. With that, the bet commenced and Luffy challenged you. They knew you were quite the tough nut to crack but if anybody, even with no prior experience, could defeat you..it was Luffy! That hyperactivity and determination proved to be of use. So when he won by only a hair’s breadth, it was a no brainer what he’d choose! Which brought you to this exact moment..
“I don’t know why you’re wasting your breath, Luffy. She’s just going to pitch a fit, pretend she hates him and then have her tongue down his throat later on. It’s no use.”
The snarky comment coming from none other than the foul mouthed, hot headed gym rat of the crew, Zoro. The two of you shared quite the close bond because although he was highly sarcastic, he adored you like that of a sister. Not only that, he was dating your childhood best friend, Janelle. Who was equally yoked with him as a former Marine sergeant and fellow athlete. He’d constantly take jabs at the fact that you tried to wear this tough exterior even though you were a huge softy. “Shut the hell up, Zoro. Like I said, even if I was to plan his party, who’s to say he’d show up or want to be there anyways? You know how he is. C’mon y’all, please don’t make me do this.”
groaning in a loud huff as your head fell back, you’d release a deep sigh as well.
“Trust me, (y/n). I don’t like it anymore than you do..” just then, the resident cook and quintessential pervert, masquerading as a loverboy, Sanji interjected into the conversation. Causing an eye roll and deep groans of ‘here he goes’ “..seeing my beloved sweet with another man? It breaks my heart. But he deserves this. He’s always been so thoughtful of everybody else, never even taking time to deal with his own problems. If it was left up to him, his dumbass would just sleep through the day after drinking his weight in booze. I know you guys have your differences but I don’t think it’d mean more to him if anyone else did this. So please..will you make his birthday special?”
how could you possibly say no when they all looked so damn pathetic?!
“She’s only scared she might actually enjoy herself. I don’t think we need to worry. Even if she says she can’t stand him, (y/n) will never be able to live with herself if she did something half assed. Being an overachiever trumps her being a hater so it’ll be fine.” Scoffing as you donned him with a middle finger. But he wasn’t wrong. Nonetheless, you’d lost the bet fair and square so you had to see it through either way.
“..fine, I’ll do it. But don’t get mad at me when he doesn’t show up. Can’t say I didn’t try.”
it was all they could hope for at this point so they’d leave the daunting task in your capable hands. Little did they know, it was the best idea any of them would have made!
a couple days had elapsed since the dilemma of your boss’ birthday came about and unfortunately, only one remained before his twenty eighth trip around the sun would arrive. Luffy divulged the fact that he probably had a mile long list of things he wanted to do but would never say them out loud. You had been using what little free time you had acquired to research and plan out somewhat of an itinerary to fill his twenty four hours with nothing but enjoyable activities. In your time together, when you weren’t at each other’s throats, you’d learn a few things about him. Including his love for nature. He loved hiking, camping, discovering the unknown which made perfect sense, considering the profession you were in. Ace also had an affinity for dancing so you looked up a few spots that had a more casual atmosphere rather than some stuffy five star establishment. Ace may have had quite the flamboyant personality at times but he didn’t do the pompous waiters and over priced appetizers. So you opted for a Latin fusion lounge instead. Where they’d feature a live DJ and you guys could dance whilst consuming delicious food and drinks. A good compromise, finally, you’d end the evening at a hotel where needless to say, the real fun would begin! You’d also acquire quite the stockpile of gifts. With everything from his favorite cologne to some new Nikes he’d been raving about along with some fishing equipment. Just an assortment of his favorite things. It was obvious that you’d put a lot of time and devotion into this. Although no one could tell if you genuinely wanted to or if this was merely another assignment you’d complete to fruition, they sincerely hoped he liked it all!
“Hey lovebug. Need some help?”
it was around ten pm when you’d finally glare at the corner of your laptop and notice the time. It was New Years Eve and when most would be out celebrating, as always, you and your sisters doubling as roommates were inside..partaking in moderate drinking and cheesy movie viewings. Robin, who’d just entered from her bedroom sporting purple negligee, matching robe as she brandished a wine glass. Such a woman of elegance and always did things with grace. If anyone would know how to put something like this together, it’d be her.
“Hey mama. I’m just trying to finish up this plan. God, who knew doing something for a man would be so exhausting..” which elicited a laugh from her. As you tapped away at your keyboard, navigating your touchscreen with the swipe of a finger, she’d take a seat next to you. “You must really like him.” Quite obviously that was the last thing you wanted to hear! The thought of actually liking Ace beyond a physical level? It made you want to chuck yourself from a window! But the truth was, you had grown fond of him. It just seemed as if everytime you wanted to get closer to him or feel an ounce of something other than pure hatred, he comes in with some snide remark or a low blow. Not to mention, he didn’t exactly strike you as the type to be monogamous and exclusive to one woman. Firefighters were notorious for infidelity and that asshole constantly bragged about his conquests. Although you couldn’t take him seriously half the time. A real, true healthy relationship would be all but impossible with him. It was a tug of war with this man and you were exhausted from playing. You’d been hurt before and you didn’t want to experience that pain again.
“And what would make you say such a horrible thing like that, Robin?” “That lovely little pile of gifts you hauled in here the other day and the fact that you’ve been at this for almost a week. Putting all of this time and effort into planning a birthday? I don’t think you’d do that for just anyone. Even if it was just a bet..” affirming with a sip of wine. She had a point but you weren’t exactly going to admit it either..
“Yeah, well the only thing I want to give him is a goddamn knuckle sandwich with a side of fruit punch.” A comment that nearly made her spit up her fresh sip from laughter. She could see through you like a pane of glass! It was blatantly obvious just how much you adored this guy and although it wasn’t the typical bond for budding lovers, they were mutual if nothing else. “For what it’s worth, I don’t think he truly feels ill will towards you. The exact opposite honestly. If anything, I think it comes from a place of adoration. He’s obviously quite fond of you, otherwise, he wouldn’t be on your case as much. I think what you’re doing for him is going to mean far more than some overly lavish party with a bunch of people. I don’t know him very well and please feel free to correct me but…he seems like a genuinely good guy. A little misguided sometimes but he has a good heart, ya’ know? The way he rushed over to comfort you, even though his own eyes looked exhausted? He seems like he just needs someone to take care of him for once.”
you hated more than nothing else that Robin was always right! Maybe it was a bit selfish of you to not consider how he’d felt. There was obviously a reason he didn’t want to celebrate his birthday. It had been a sore subject one way or another so it was your job to give him a reason to enjoy it again. And you could lie to yourself but deep down, you wanted to see this through as well. Not just to clear the debt but to see him genuinely happy. Smiling and laughing for himself..not just to cheer up others. “Jesus, it’s hard being friends with a doctor. They always know what they’re talking about.” Sending Robin into a fit of chuckles yet again. “Well honey, even all of these degrees can’t solve matters of the heart. Trust me, I know the feeling of loneliness all too well and he’s certainly in need of someone to let him know he has a place in this world and his day of birth is not something to feel ashamed of.”
Just then, you’d hear the front door creak open and you were promptly joined by Nami and her longtime partner, Vivi who were both looking to interrupt the conversation. They had just returned from the store to retrieve your libations for the evening. “Mind if we join you ladies?” Brandishing two bottles of champagne, beelining for the kitchen to grab glasses. “It’s almost new years, girls. Let’s party!” The cavalry had arrived and it was time to set this aside and let loose. Tomorrow, you’d be celebrating for an entirely different reason and you hoped that he would share the enthusiasm someday.
page break and time skip because this is already long, I’m sorry!) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
6:00PM, January 1st
“Jesus, rookie. Do you have molasses in your ass or something? I swear you take forever to get ready.”
an agitated voice rang out through the bathroom door of the hotel suite where you had been residing for the day. A king size bed positioned in the center, surrounded by clothing you’d strewn aside. Luckily, you’d tipped the housekeeping staff generously to not only spruce it up but to have it prepared when you returned from dinner. It would be the final touch on what was shaping up to become the ideal birthday. Aside from his obligatory smartass remarks, Ace really seemed to be having a good time. Even if you could sense his reservations to enjoy himself..everything had been a success so far. See, you had begun the day bright and early, five am to be precise; setting the trap for this illustrious surprise. You texted him under the guise of wanting to meet up for a morning hike, which wasn’t out of the ordinary, as it wasn’t uncommon for you two to train together. But strictly professional, mainly because Zoro’s freakishly strenuous training would kill you and Sanji wouldn’t be able to contain himself watching your tits jiggle whilst you ran. You told him to bring his gear, which he did so..you guys met up at your usual spot, the entranceway to Twin Flames Peak and began the trek up the canyon . Although he was making his usual comments, you could tell his mood was a bit more somber than usual. He sucked at hiding his emotions, that much was apparent. But you only sensed so because you were alike in that regard and so many others. Finally, you made it up to the top. But it was there that with your back facing him, you’d place your hands to your hips and laugh, making him fear you were about to do something heinous.
“Would you stop being so damn sad? It’s your birthday for god’s sake, at least smile a little. I know you’re getting old but I’m not used to seeing you without that stupid ass grin. It scares me.”
to which he’d audibly yet softly gasp. There was no way you of all people had remembered that! Although you teased about hating each other, it was the furthest thing from..even so, you kept your distance in personal affairs outside of sex. It’d feel too intimate and getting attached was something both of you feared. But that was all but thrown out of the window when you gave him his first gift of the day. “What?.. you didn’t think I’d remember, did you? Well too bad, you’re stuck with me and you’re gonna have a good time whether you want to or not. You’ve got a big day ahead of you. The only thing I want is for you to enjoy yourself..you have to promise me that.” His dumbfounded expression soon curved into a toothy smile, along with a hearty cackle. You managed to get one over on him and if nothing else, he could grant you that! You’d instruct him to search his bag, to which he’d find a card..sealed in a bow. How you’d manage to sneak that in, he’d never know but once he opened it, he nearly collapsed. Inside was a photo of him and his parents. He hadn’t seen either of them in years due to his work and then living states away back home but you could tell he loved them dearly. His mom had experienced some health issues recently but thankfully she was doing better but it was looking grim for a while. He’d call them every week, especially his mother whom he bonded with the most. So you took the liberty of reaching out and having them record a nice message to their son, wishing him a happy birthday. Telling him how proud they were and how much they loved him. He was already emotional and the sun had barely risen.
“Damn you, rookie. Who put you up to this?” Sniffling and laughing through tears. Because there was no way you were doing this of your own volition. Which was halfway true. Although you lost the bet, you’d still gone far overboard from what anyone expected. Spending rent like prices on this man and planning out an extravagant schedule. Even other first responders from his academy class who were no longer working for a set company came to fill in for the couple days. Turning on your heel, you’d giggle and walk towards him, planting a kiss on his cheek. “Oh Ace, my sweet dumb boy, you’re so cute thinking that anyone alive could tell me what to do. Now let’s go before we miss our check in time at the hotel.” “Hotel? Makes me sound like a cheap slut you’re renting out for the day.” “You are a slut, my dear but you most certainly aren’t cheap.” Having checked in for two days. And already, it was shaping up to be a wonderful day. From there, you two would head to the Laporte Hotel in the next town over, where you’d be spending the day. The car ride back was much more lively as the two of you laughed, spoke and talked about different things. The most amicable you’d ever been. He’d tell you about his upbringing and how he’d grown up with Luffy and his other adoptive brother. He’d talk about cooking and helping around the house for his mom and hunting with his dad. He was genuinely excited and a part of you thought it was the cutest thing. Next on the docket was breakfast..you took him to this bistro where you guys had eaten once when you were invited to a summit for firefighters on public safety. You recalled the first time you saw him in that dress uniform. Hat and white gloves accenting the ensemble..he looked so good! You hated to admit it but that charisma and confidence he exuded while delivering his speech was such a turn on. His favorite thing on the menu were the crepes and you ordered him the biggest stack he could eat. You two chowed down on delicious foods before checking in with bags in tow. You even managed to snap a couple of photos and videos of him, wearing a bright smile in case he decided to lie and say he didn’t enjoy himself. He entered the room and jumped on the bed like a child..causing you to shake your head.
“Would you get down from there?! You know you’re getting up there in age, old man. One wrong move and that hip is out of place.” To which he retorted and stuck his tongue out. “I’m twenty eight not ninety eight, you smartass. Besides, I think you of all people know how great of shape I’m in.” Flashing you a wink, which only prompted you to snark your lips before turning around to pin your hair up before going to the pool. Platinum gray tresses atop your head from that new install you’d gotten. In all fairness, it was his fault it had to be redone anyway so you figured you’d change it up entirely. He wasn’t mad in the slightest because that color complimented your skin so well. “If you’re referring to that weak ass stroke game of yours, spare me—“ but it wasn’t even a full second before you could finish the sentence before you found yourself tousled over his shoulder with your half covered asscheek being smacked. “Oh shut up. You didn’t even believe that when you said it.” Cackling before tossing you onto the bed for a little pregame makeout session. It was nice, honestly and from the way he was kissing and caressing you, it was hard to tell who exactly was supposed to be getting pampered today! Even letting out a whimper when he licked and bit on your neck. “I know what I want more than anything today..” “..mmm, what’s that?” and his response: “that’s a secret. Classified information..” The spontaneity of his was such an attractive trait..a man of adventure and strong will. “Save your energy, baby boy. You’re gonna need it for later…”
but unbeknownst, he had no interest in waiting to unwrap his most sought after gift. It was around noon time when you guys hit the giant indoor pool. Filled with crystalline blue waters and most importantly, it was heated because the one outside was more than likely freezing. Swimming around and splashing water on each other. You’d even rent out the private jacuzzi, where he’d down flutes of champagne. Something he never thought he’d do in his entire life! Ace grew up in rather humble beginnings and in rough terrain. His entire life consisted of rough conditions..now here he was being catered to like a damn princess! It wasn’t his style in the slightest but it was something he could acclimate to, at least for a day or so..
“Never thought I’d be day drinking in a fucking jacuzzi like a divorced aunt but here I am.” Uttering with his arms outstretched as you swam over to him. “Well even a jackass like you deserves nice things every once in a while.” Teasing as you rubbed on his bare chest, trailing over his tattoo. Still insisting on committing to the bit of insulting him. Honestly, he wouldn’t want it any other way though! It was his favorite part of your charm and it showed that you guys shared a bond that he couldn’t with any other woman. He liked that you challenged him..that you made it worth the chase. He’d wear you down eventually and when he did, the moment would be that much sweeter. “God, I can’t wait to shut that pretty little mouth of yours later..” setting the tone for the sexual tension that was sure to be insurmountable by the end of the night. “We’ll see. You should know by now you can’t tame a girl like me.” Flicking your tongue around those glossed lips before wrapping them around your champagne flute, which made him twitch behind those swim trunks.
his resolve proved to be rather weak because the second you made it back to the room, swaddled in warm towels to dry your damp bodies, he’d just have to get himself a small sample. You’d been straddling his thigh in the water and although you were floating intermittently, you could feel that cock growing erect when you brushed it. So once that door was locked, you’d find yourselves in the shower..tongues deep down each other's throats; your head spun around as he fed you back shots. Holding the center of your stomach whilst he did so. From the bathroom back to the bed, your nude bodies made contact with the cool air as he flicked his tongue around on that exposed clit. Spreading you open on the crisp sheets and devouring that sloppy cunt. Slurping on that bud with strings of spit fluttering all around those plump lips..enjoying his feast. “..c’mon, baby. It’s my birthday…I think I deserve a little treat.” Taunting for his reason as to why he couldn’t hold back his urges. Hopelessly moaning and rutting the mattress as he spouted all sorts of debaucherous thoughts. Your white painted toes resting atop his shoulder blades as those brown eyes darted back into your skull and your breath caught. “I see one of my wishes came true. Finally got you to shut the fuck up.” “You got lucky. That’s it.” Even gliding a hand up to your throat for added pleasure. You were in for it today, that was certain! The remainder of the afternoon was spent lounging and lazing around, a luxury that didn’t come often in your profession. You spent every waking moment thinking of the dangers that surrounded you. You had witnessed gruesome scene after gruesome scene and oftentimes, the only way to cope was through your vices. It felt nice not to have that lingering over your head for at least a day. Your head on his chest as you slept and naturally, he took the opportunity to plant a few kisses on your forehead, along with snapping pictures of you with drool seeping from your mouth!
finally, the moment had arrived and the two of you were setting out for dinner at Viva!, the Latin fusion lounge that had been all the rave around here. You told him that you wouldn’t do anything too extravagant but you couldn’t help but to splurge a little. The two of you spent the next couple of hours getting ready. You’d FaceTime your friends whilst patting on makeup with cameos from the birthday boy himself. They were thrilled to see him enjoying himself..and the both of you looked absolutely stunning! Ace dressed in a black button down with the chest slightly open. Short sleeves to display his array of artwork..a gold plated belt buckle with the Gucci emblem in the center of his waist with black slacks on and suede loafers on his feet. The face of his gold wristwatch reflecting from the light, fragrant scent of cologne wafting from his body. He looked and smelled absolutely delectable. Unraveling your curls from underneath your bonnet, (y/n) sat before the vanity mirror with your makeup setting. It was whilst you were applying your lipstick that he’d steal another kiss. Swatting him away, you’d try to stop him before your hard work was muddled. “You’re going to ruin my makeup, quit!” Attempting to evade his barrage of smooches. But he was insatiable, absolutely enthralled with how beautiful you looked. “Might as well get a head start.” Only earning him a deep scoff and a hard eye roll!
“You’re impossible. I’m going to put on my dress, I’ll be ready in a minute and try not to beat your dick while I’m gone, you pervert.” “That honor goes all to you, my beloved.”
rising from your seat and strutting over to the bathroom, where you’d strip from your coverup and begin to place on the ensemble of the evening; a form fitting red dress with velvet material and a thigh high split. Strappy heels curling your calves and jewelry adorning your neckline and ears. Almost entirely different contrasts from your day jobs..it’d be hard to even recognize the two of you without yellow armored suits and soot covering your faces. You had to admit, it felt nice to be dressed up for an occasion that didn’t involve work conferences. You had been in there a little too long for his liking, mainly because he was growing impatient and wanted to see the final product. In truth, he was sweating bullets, wondering just how he’d react to seeing you all dolled up..knowing you’d gone through the trouble just for him. Even his palms perspired..
“Jesus, rookie. Do you have molasses in your ass or something? I swear you take forever to get ready.”
but you wouldn’t keep him in suspense for long. He’d rise to his feet and moments later, he’d be graced with the sight of quite possibly the most beautiful thing he’d ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on. “Don’t rush me. I know it’s your birthday but you don’t have to be a jerk..so, what do you think?” the door swung open and you came strutting out, an absolute vision of beauty and the sole object of his desire! Ace couldn’t even fathom what he was feeling. His eyes stretched wide open and voice caught in his throat. If you guys stayed in this room any longer, he had no guarantee you'd make it out! So he’d merely grasp your hand, placing a gentle peck atop it. No jokes or snide remarks. “..you look absolutely beautiful, mi amor.” The compliment brought you sheer butterflies. Smirking as he led the two of you out of the room. Tonight was sure to be one for the books.
Viva! was unlike any other place either of you had frequented before. Ambient orange lighting set the tone for the atmosphere..lively music thumping through the speakers with Spanish lyrics and sleek, elegant interior. You guys arrived right at the rush..the late night date crowds and parties of young people chopping it up. It was bustling but amid all the chaos, Ace only had eyes for you..
“Alright, so I gotta ask and you better be honest with me.”
surrounded by a table full of emptied plates that were once carefully curated and styled with beautiful dishes, now consumed along with intricately mixed drinks, you guys sat across from one another, discussing the day and various other topics. Akin to that of a real couple..
“Go for it.”
“So why do you hate celebrating your birthday so much? I mean, it’s the one day out of the year that you get to feel special. It doesn’t make sense.” It was something that you and everyone else was dying to know as well. But the answer wasn’t exactly a simple one either. Truth be told, it had always been a sore subject for the vice fire chief. It started in his youth and the habit had stuck with him ever since. A secret he’d disclose only to you.
“Truth be told…my family was really poor growing up. My brothers and I were raised by our grandparents mainly, because our parents were in and out of trouble. Not that I hold it against them or anything because they were products of their environment, I still love them..but we had to grow up pretty fast because of that. We didn’t have time to focus on trivial things like birthdays, we had to survive and that was our only goal. So I guess it stuck, y’know? As you get older, the less people tend to care about those things. It’s just another day..” suddenly, you’d feel your heart sink and become heavy with a tinge of sadness. This entire time you’d spent giving him hell and he’d come from the very same side of the tracks you had. You two weren’t all that different, maybe that’s why you couldn't stand him because he was all too familiar..reminding you of your own trauma and upbringing. Without saying a word, he’d continue on with his speech. Continuing to pour your heart out now that you had him feeling sentimental..
“…I know you were probably convinced by my brothers and the guys at the firehouse to take me out. Hell, I don’t think anyone would willingly want to be around me this long. Even so, I appreciate you, rookie. For all of this. It means a lot.” ..in that moment, something within you broke. Those steel, guarded walls that had been shielding your heart finally began to crack. In that moment, Robin’s words would begin to sound off in your ear and all you could do is laugh. She was right! Dammit..she was always right. This man was so much more than what you thought of him and it took this whole ordeal to come to grips with that. Lowering your head, you’d begin to chuckle and reach over for his hand.
“You really are dumb. How many times do I have to tell you..no one gives me orders. Not even you..I’m exactly where I want to be right now. So enjoy yourself and stop acting as if you’re wrong for finally doing something nice for yourself. It’s your night.”
it was all he needed to hear, honestly. So he’d do exactly that! He’d indulge in all of the drinks, laugh until his stomach hurt, he’d even ask for your hand in a dance. Promptly teaching you how to do a quick bachata. He truly had fun, and for the first time in his young life, he lived without guilt or consequence. No limitations or reservations and he allowed himself to enjoy the things he denied himself for so long. Peace, happiness and selfishness. For one night, it was all about Ace! The staff would come out with sparklers blazing around a tray with a slice of lava cake plated in the middle. Reading ‘Happy Birthday Ace’ around the perimeter. He’d stare at the dessert, contemplating for a moment before you spoke.
“Well, what are you gonna wish for?” And he knew just the thing..the only thing he wanted..blowing out the single candle as he closed his eyes and set his manifestation into the universe. You’d catch the whole thing on film to commemorate the moment. It was a night that would remain freshly implanted in your memories for a long time. But it was far from over..
so fast forward an hour or so..from a quick Uber ride across town to the hotel elevator where you couldn’t keep your hands..or lips to yourselves, you’d vehemently make out the entire way to the room. Tipsy on one another with both alcohol and admiration..peeling each other out of those clothes and whispering naughty nothings into each other's ears. Him telling you how he was going to make you come until your mind went blank..and how you were going to let him use your mouth and throat to his heart's content. So debaucherous and lewd, but the steamy moment was only set to intensify. Because while you were gone, the hotel staff was equipping your suite with more of that delicious champagne from earlier, along with strawberries, ice, chocolate sauce and a few other things. He had no idea what was coming to him. As quiet as it was kept, you’d always wanted to spoil your partner like this and although your relationship was fairly complex, you’d take this all the same. So with pure lust fueling you, you’d rip one another out of those designer threads, letting them fall to the floor before you’d jump into his arms and he'd place you on the bed where he wasted not another moment utilizing those delicacies left here.
“Strawberries and chocolate, huh? If I didn’t know any better, rookie..I’d say you were a little freak. What’s next, handcuffs?” “Oh please, this pussy drives you crazy enough as is. You sure as hell wouldn’t leave me alone if I pulled that out.”
the real reason he couldn’t get rid of you is because you matched his wit perfectly! Always with a slick remark to his jokes. With you sprawled out before him, completely on display for his taking, you’d lie there as he dredged a strawberry over your lips before allowing you to suckle on it. Meanwhile, his fingertips, brandishing a piece of ice, slowly trailed down your torso all the way to your sensitive center. He watched your reactions in real time. Seeing you writhe, whimper and moan; begging him for more with your reactions. Tongue extended and lapped over that strawberry before biting into it. “More, baby? Is that what you want?” Taunting the question whilst that ice cube resided over your clit. Making it melt with the direct reaction to your sticky heat..such a beautiful sight. “Yes!..please..” the first time in a while since he’d heard you in such a submissive manner. He wanted you so badly..to sink his cock into you once more but he wanted to truly get you so stimulated and aroused, you wouldn’t be able to bear another moment without him. Very lightly coating his fingers in that sweet sauce, he’d allow you to suck every remnant of it off whilst still circulating that cube over your bud. Positioning that head up as if he were cradling you. “Good girl..show me how you’re gonna use that mouth. Keep sucking like that and I’ll let you get the real thing..” just that quickly, he’d turn you from sarcastic, snarky brat to his obedient, whiny slut. He couldn’t ask for more!
Ace persisted with his foreplay for as long as he saw fit; bringing you to the edge of climatic bliss, only to snatch it away. Upon training your mouth, he’d graduated you from strawberries and fingers to the beaming tip of his cock. Positioned on his knees as he instructed you to keep yours parted whilst his fingers explored your dripping core. Maneuvering around to stretch that tight little cunt to his liking. Meanwhile, your throat served as merely a vessel for his unrelenting pleasure. Gagging erupting as he pushed and forced your head down onto his shaft. Becoming far more aggressive than he was prior. It seemed that he was finally sick of showing restraint. “That’s it, baby…take it deep. Take that fucking dick down your throat. Gag on it—fuck, just like that.” His deep tone teeming with lust. Meanwhile, the only thing that you could do was whimper, moan and gurgle as he used your mouth so carelessly. Those eyes were smeared with the beautiful application of makeup you had worked so hard on. You looked an absolute mess but your body told a different story. That juicy little center was leaking from this brutal treatment. Loving the sensation brought forth by being manhandled. Choked, slapped and even your jaws getting filled with globs of saliva. Swallowing and licking his balls as he jerked himself above your face. “Yeah, look at me while you do it, baby. Let me see how much you love being my little slut.” He may have been bashful but the two places his confidence shone were on the battlefield and in the bedroom. This man was like an entirely different person behind closed doors. One you’d gladly allow you to use your body in any way he saw fit. “What do you say when I spit in that pretty mouth, huh? Don’t tell me you forgot your manners..” “..thank you, daddy. Give me more, please.” To which he’d oblige. Before long, you found yourself on top of him, positioned perfectly on his cock as it resided in your hilt. Although you were a complete wreck already, he was far from done. He wanted to claim you in mind, body and spirit..have you so addicted, you would feel like oxygen had escaped your lungs when he wasn’t around. Turned in a reverse cowgirl position, Ace clutched your hips and guided you up and down to his leisure. Your pussy stuffed to the brim and throbbing around his cock. All you could do was gasp as those hard thrusts jolted you around.
“You didn’t think I’d take it easy, did you? Nah, baby. I wanna hear you fucking scream. I want you coming all over this dick..”
firm in his intent, roughly bucking those hips into the plump of your ass. When you couldn’t contain yourself, he’d take the liberty of folding your legs behind your head in a sitting full nelson. An intricate but effective position. One he could claim that cunt in without limitations. Your eyes would fluctuate between open and closed, stuck in your skull and front and center. Your entire body was riddled with ecstasy and it wouldn’t be long until you’d find yourselves reaching that breaking point. Even so, it didn’t stop either of you from wanting more than your share. You wanted it to hurt..to feel every part of him. To fuck his frustrations, emotions and all out on you. All those times he couldn’t have a happy ending. For when he’d spent another year getting older but all alone..drowning his sorrows in a bottle, you wanted tonight to be the atonement for that. For him to feel nothing but joy!
“Oh my God! Right there, baby. Please..take this pussy. It’s yours..fuck—“
so through all of the salacious cries and dirty desires, you wanted to know above all else..he was special.
“Yeah? It’s all mine?” His tone was still rough but cooing as he relentlessly pounded up into you. Forcing tears down your cheek. Although they were purely of joy. That much was apparent by the look on your face. You were in utter bliss. So full of ecstasy and happiness! You’d never felt anything like this. What was it?…it was far more than just the normal lust you two experienced together. “God, I love this pussy so much..I love you. I love you so much, baby. Oh my gosh, I can’t get enough of it..” admitting so carelessly. He had no regrets. He’d known that he’d felt that way from the very start and maybe the alcohol made it easier to admit but he was done pretending. You were the only woman for him! So through tear filled eyes, you’d pant and try to hold it in, along with that brimming orgasm, but you couldn’t any longer.
“I love you more! I love you so much, Ace…please, I need you..”
those words were the ones he’d been dying to hear all along and he could tell you meant it. Meant every one..all he could do was think about how relieved he was. His heart couldn’t stop beating and neither of you could stop crying. It made an already surreal moment even more magical. When he’d instruct you to release at the same time as him. On the count of three, your trembling bodies explode like fireworks in a fit of pleasure and passion. The intensity dredged up so many feelings but only one thing was for certain when he found the strength to reposition you onto your back..cradling your face into his palm as he hoped to quell you. Telling you how great of a job you’d done. He had to know, he had to say it for real this time.
“Did you mean that, baby? Do you really love me?..” and it was simple. It was the same a million times over:
“Yes…I love you, Ace. And I’m so sorry it took me this long to realize it. You were never my enemy. I should’ve seen that sooner. I hope you can forgive me.”
touching his face and swiping his tears away with your thumb. All he could do was sob tears of utter bliss in that moment. He was finally able to be vulnerable, no longer able and not needing to hold back his emotions. It made you see just how much he needed you all the same. “Wait, what’s wrong?” You were worried. But truthfully, there was no need. Because as it turns out, you’d granted him the one thing he’d wanted more than any shoes or watches out of today and that was your heart! He wanted to hear you finally utter those words and he got it. To him, this was hands down the best birthday ever!
“Nothing at all. It’s just that..all my wishes came true tonight. If that’s not heaven smiling down on me, I don’t know what is.” “Because no one deserves it more than you..happy birthday, my love.”
and you only hoped that you’d get to experience so many more by his side!
* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° .** . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° .** . °•★|•°∵
@ichigosluvrr @dancingwithdeities @hoesluvshanti
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bby-deerling · 7 months
birthday cake (zoro x fem!reader)
more zoro fluff, i'm on a roll lately. recently discovered i share a birthday with brook (even though it's currently ages away), and got this silly little idea. wc 1k, zoro bullies sanji. same reader as my other zoro x reader fics!
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Though it may not appear so to an outside observer, Zoro hangs onto every word you have ever said, absorbing them all like a sponge.  It scared him at first, worrying he was getting distracted from his training, but over time he figured that singularly focusing on swordsmanship left him with a lot of empty space in his head to fill.  The things you tell him; your poetic musings, all the technical aspects of the paintings you create, your darkest fears, and your eclectic range of knowledge about almost any topic all get filed away in the back of his brain.
His crew often found themselves flabbergasted when Zoro pulled this information to the forefront.  When Chopper wonders aloud how lasers work, he grabs a napkin and sketches diagrams to accompany his explanation that was at least eighty-percent correct.  When Robin comments on the ever developing impressionistic style of your pieces, she is quite amused that he has quite a lot to say about your brushwork as of late, going so far as to compare the way you hold your brush to his grip on his swords; you had stopped choking up so far on your brush at his suggestion to help increase the fluidity of your marks and seen a large amount of improvement in your work as a result.  During the two years he spent on Kuraigana, he drove Perona up a wall whenever he caught her reading a book he recognized and gave her his very strong opinions on the characters that were entirely based on a brief synopsis you had given him.
That’s why it makes him absolutely crazy when he realizes the stupid, shitty cook has forgotten your birthday, one of the most basic, mundane things about you.
“What’s the plan for tomorrow?” Zoro had asked him, leaning against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed.
“Nothing too far out of the ordinary.  I suppose I’ll make a cake despite the fact that Brook can’t really taste it; I know Luffy will want to throw a big party—” Sanji began, before being cut off.
“Moron.  Aren’t you forgetting something?” Zoro asks, voice dropping and laced with venom.
Sanji goes pale white with the realization that you shared a birthday with Brook—he had bought you a gift ages ago and forgotten about it, the exact date vaporizing into thin air.
“I can’t believe you forgot it’s her birthday too, especially after all the nonsense she did for yours last month.  I told her it wasn’t worth it, but she insisted anyways.” Zoro hisses, jaw clenched.
Sanji ignores Zoro’s hostility and begins flipping through recipes, deciding on an elaborate, three tier sponge cake with strawberry flavored icing.
“She doesn’t want that.” Zoro said, staring over his shoulder.
“Remind me what your job is here again, moss-head?” the cook asks, cigarette in his mouth snapping as he bites down on it in frustration.
Zoro goes to the cabinet that harbors his liquor stash and pulls out a small cardboard box he had bought at the last island.  “This is what she wants.  Do you have the special pan for it?”
Sanji examines the box of angel food cake mix and sighs.  “I’m not feeding her cake mix for her birthday, moss-head.  I’ll make one from scratch.” he says, swearing under his breath when he realized how much of a dent it was going to put into the ship’s supply of eggs due to the sheer amount of egg whites required.
“She wants the box mix.  It’s what she grew up having.  If you won’t make it I will.” Zoro insists, pushing the box back towards the cook.  “You know those cookies she likes from that bakery on her home island?  With tons of sugar piled on top?”
Sanji nods.  “I’ve been there. Zeff and I stole the recipe years ago.  It’s really just a basic sugar cookie—"
“They have to be in the shapes of lambs.” Zoro said.  Sanji desperately searches the moss-head’s face for any sign of him not being serious, but he turns up empty.
“Where the hell am I going to get a cookie cutter shaped like a lamb in the middle of the ocean?” Sanji snaps, secretly grateful for Zoro’s assistance but nonetheless vexed by his the swordsman’s demanding tone.
“Dunno, but you better figure it out soon.” Zoro says with a shrug, thoroughly enjoying the emotional turmoil that this entire situation was causing Sanji.  “Ask Usopp or Franky to make one for you, though who knows if they’re willing at this hour.”  Sanji clenches his jaw and nods and picks up a napkin that Zoro has scribbled a rough sketch on, making a mental note to bring it to Usopp later.
As Zoro turns to walk out of the kitchen, Sanji can’t help but throw him one last remark, despite not being in the position to do so. 
“I’m surprised you remembered all this, moss-head.  I thought all that was between your ears was empty space and ear wax.” he says, not looking up from his recipe book.
“You’re surprised I pay attention when she talks?” Zoro asks incredulously.  Sanji sighs, knowing he practically walked into that one, and prepares for another verbal lash.
“I hope I don’t have to tell you her favorite meals too.  Honestly, I don’t even see why we keep you around when you can’t even get this right without my help.  Stuff like this is why Nami doesn’t give you the time of day, besides being an idiot pervert and all—”
“Out of the kitchen now, moss for brains.” Sanji snaps, shoving his boot into his back and kicking him towards the exit.  Before he closes the door, Zoro pokes his head through the opening.
“No frosting.” he says.  “Don’t forget.”
“None at all?  You’re certain?” Sanji asks incredulously.  Zoro nods affirmatively and slams the door to the kitchen, finally giving the cook some peace and quiet, fingers rubbing his temples to get rid of the headache that the swordsman had given him.
The next day, your shared birthday party with Brook in the Sunny's kitchen is the most memorable you’ve ever had, and you’re nothing short of amazed when Sanji pulls out cake and cookies identical to the kind your mother always served you.
The wonder in your eyes at how Sanji was able to replicate the desserts dissipates and is replaced by appreciation and understanding when Zoro grins at you and squeezes your thigh under the table, a silent admission that he'd helped the cook put everything together.
No wonder everything turned out so perfect; how could it not when he pays so much attention to what you need?
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mimi-ya · 2 years
stressed ~ trafalgar law x reader
1,500 words | she/her reader
summary: stress makes law a little forgetful
a/n: happy late birthday @mikoyamisheadcanonblog! i hope you enjoy some silly law in honor of your day!
masterlist | birthday celebrations
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It had been a long day. No, it had been a long week, month, he didn’t even know.
Law was exhausted, to say the least.
Trudging up to his shared apartment at seven in the morning with only the thought of sleep on his mind. After pulling multiple back-to-back shifts, and an emergency amputation that lasted well beyond when he was supposed to clock out will do that to a person.
“Hey Law!” Shachi greets from the kitchen as Law slams the door behind, too chipper for his taste, “Long night at the hospital?”
Law grunts in reply, kicking off his shoes and throwing his satchel onto the table.
“Well Penguin and I were getting everything set up, figured we could handle that if you’re still-”
“Shachi.” Law growls, glaring at the man with his tired eyes, “Whatever it is, I don’t fucking care right now.”
Shachi was unfazed by his friend’s attitude, used to it by now, “But you said-”
The rest of his sentence is lost on Law who storms into his room and shuts his annoying roommate out.
Without even taking of his scrubs, Law collapses into his bed. The room drowned in darkness as if it were miles under the ocean where the sun couldn’t reach. Perfect for his morning slumber he needed to recover from the grueling shifts.
Burying his head into the pillow, Law catches the faint smell if your scent. Fuck. He wished you were here as he pulled the pillow closer, imaging your warm body to lull him to sleep instead of the lumpy covers. But he would make do.
And he did. Nearly ten hours of sleep before he wearily blinks his eyes open.
Groaning, Law rolls over in bed. He was thinking about going back to sleep, but a distinct laughter from down the hall makes him realize how unlikely that’ll be.
Pulling himself out of bed, he shucks his scrubs and changes into something that doesn’t reek of the hospital sterilization aroma.
Does he think he can get to the kitchen and at least chug one cup of coffee without being pestered? No. But one can hope.
“Tora-oooooo!” Luffy cheers when Law opens his door, “I wanted to wake you up, but Shachi said you needed your beauty sleep.”
Law scoffs, ignoring the overly energetic boy and heading to the kitchen.
“I didn’t think you were gonna get up on time!” Luffy follows after Law, not a care for personal space as he’s practically glued to Law’s side, “Chopper says coffee is bad for you after eight in the morning, aren’t you a doctor?”
Law rolls his eyes, “Maybe for you, Mugiwara-ya. But some of us can handle caffeine in the afternoon.”
“Yeah.” Luffy sighs, “(Y/N) says I’m okay without it anyway.”
Law hums in agreement. He’ll never understand how you put up with Luffy or believe that you actually enjoy the young boy’s energy. Ever since he started dating you, it seemed Luffy’s presence increased tenfold. But to Luffy it only made sense to be friends with the people his nakama loved.
“But Sanji says caffeine is in a lot of things, like chocolate! Did you know that Tora-o?” He doesn’t wait for Law to answer, “That’s why Sanji says I can only have one piece of cake tonight. But I’m hoping Robin will give me her piece anyway. She doesn’t really like sweets.”
Law begins pouring a large mug of coffee, “Oh yeah?” He asks, not really interested.
“Unless you wanted to give me your piece too?”
“Whatever you want.” Law says, picking up his mug with plans to retreat to his bedroom.
“Really?” Luffy exclaims, trailing after Law as he leaves the kitchen, “Even though it’s (Y/N)’s birthday?”
Law’s feet come to a halt when he sees what a mess the living room has become, Luffy’s words crashing over him as the boy crashes into his back, “(Y/N)’s what?” He asks in horror, eyeing the room filled with balloons and streamers.
“Whadda ya think!” Luffy jumps over him, waving his arms around, “I decorated it myself! Shachi said I couldn’t help Sanji with the food, but he let me do this!”
If Law wasn’t so overwhelmed with Luffy’s earlier statement running through his mind, he would have hit Luffy over the head for hanging the decorations with duct tape that was definitely going to rip the paint off. But he had more important matters at hand.
Law sprints back to the kitchen, scrambling to find the calendar that’s hanging on the fridge. There’s no way it’s today, Law thinks.
“Are they that bad?” Luffy pops his head around the entrance.
“It’s not the fourth. Today is not the fourth!” Law panics, pulling his phone from his pocket.
Before he can confirm his worst fears, the door to the apartment bursts open, a dozen people spilling in.
“I told you I could carry it myself!”
“You’re going to drop it!”
“You better not drop (Y/N)-swan’s food I spent all day preparing.”
“I’m not going to drop it!”
“What the hell happened in here?”
“Did someone leave Luffy in charge of decorating?”
“Wow! It looks super!”
Law’s head is spinning as his and your friends fill the apartment, depositing gifts and platters of food on the table before making themselves at home.
“Law! What are you still doing here?” Penguin cries, starring at his roommate in horror.
“Me?” Law growls, “What are you all doing here?”
The chatter stops as everyone turns to look at Law. And he feels as if he’s grown an extra head with the surprised and shocked faces he’s receiving.
“For (Y/N)’s birthday?” Usopp offers, “You invited us?”
“Don’t tell me you forgot.” Nami rolls her eyes.
“Her birthday is on Tuesday!” He throws back.
“That’s funny, Tora-o!” Luffy laughs, slapping Law on his back, “It is Tuesday! Shi shi shi!”
Law is frozen in place while Luffy bounds around him. This must be a nightmare.
“I think the double shifts got to you.” Penguin says, a little concerned, “You’ve been at the hospital for the last four days.”
“Fuck.” Law hisses, “Fuck!” And then he sprints to his room, grabbing his wallet, keys, and the box he had tucked away for today, not realizing it was today.
He definitely broke a few traffic regulations on the way over, but that didn’t matter. He was already late. Hadn’t had the time to shower or change into something more presentable than the sweatshirt he had pulled over his head earlier.
Which makes him feel like even more shit when you open the door. His heart skipping a beat when you step out, a radiant smile on your lips that tops off your appearance.
“Happy birthday.” Law chokes out, pressing an awkward kiss to your cheek, “Sorry I’m late.”
You giggle when he pulls away, “I was starting to worry you forget or something.”
Law feels himself panic. He can’t lie to you. He knows this secret would fester and grow into his deepest shame if he didn’t say something now, “I did forget!” He blurts out.
“Huh?” You cock your head.
“I forgot. All about your birthday until everyone showed up.” Law hangs his head in shame. A moment passes and Law wishes the ground would swallow him while already.
“To the party you planned?”
Law nods, reaching into his pocket to pull out the present, “I know it won’t mean much, but this is for you.”
You accept the box, trying to fight down the smile as you pull up Law’s face with a finger under his chin, “Let me get this straight. You forgot about my birthday, even though you’re here to take me to the party youplanned, with a present you got for me?”
“I forgot it was today.”
“And how long have you been at the hospital?” Law feels himself flush, not wanting to revisit this conversation, “You’re such a dork.”
Law sputters, “I, what, you-”
“Law.” You cut him off with a hand to his cheek, “You clearly didn’t forget, and I know you get your days mixed up when you’ve been on call too long.”
“I should have remembered.” He uncharacteristically pouts.
You roll your eyes at his dramatic petulance, pressing a kiss to his lips, “If this is you forgetting, I think we’re going to be okay.”
“I’m sorry.” He repeats like a broken record.
“Enough with the self-loathing.” You snap, “It’s my birthday and you can’t be grumpy just yet, got it?” Law nods, feeling some off the weight lift off his shoulders, “Alright, now let’s go.” You shoo him off your front step.
Law grumbles a bit but complies, stomach fluttering when you grab his hand.
“Just promise you’ll never ‘forget’ our wedding annivesary.” You tease with finger quotations.
“Right.” Law agrees with a tentaive smile, thinking about the ring he has buried behind socks that matches the necklace he just handed you.
He promises himself to be a little more prepared for that exchange.
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fireflykaizoku · 3 years
Hello you are the body swap Queen now. 👑 here's your crown, my leige.
So speaking of, wifey could i please have soul mate body swap w Sanji? (afab reader pls) 💖 love yoouuuuuuu
i accept this crown thank you 😭😭 of course! i hope you like it! love youuu ❤
You celebrated your 23th birthday, and you weren’t excited about the birthday itself, but to finally meet your soulmate. You’ve been waiting too long for this to happen, and would be a little disappointed if your soulmate was younger, which it meant you’d still have to wait longer.
It was hard to sleep that night, with all the fantasies you imagined, wondering if your soulmate would be someone caring, gentle and romantic, just like you’ve always dreamed. Maybe they’d be your opposite, and the personalities would clash before you both realized you’re in love. Who knows? But whatever destiny had planned, you’d accept it.
You opened your eyes, seeing a boy wearing a strawhat looking at you, as if he was waiting for you to wake up. You jumped out of the bed, assuming the boy, who surprisingly didn’t look like a threat, broke in. As if you weren’t terrified enough, you realized that room wasn’t yours, the decoration was different, and there were too many beds.
— What do you want? — you asked, realizing your voice. — And where am I?
— Sanji, I’m hungry. — he whined. — You’re late, I want breakfast.
— Sanji? — you whispered asking yourself, and then you realized you finally had switched bodies with your soulmate! But who is he?
When the young man in front of you kept complaining about being hungry, you decided to act as if you were Sanji. How hard could it be? If he only made breakfast, it should be easy until you found out a solution, right?
— I’ll be in the kitchen in a minute. Just… Go wait for me there. — you replied.
The guy left, still complaining. You tried to find a bathroom to at least wash your face and feel awake. As soon as you saw your reflection in the mirror, you couldn’t help smiling seeing the face of your soulmate. He was handsome, blonde with funny curly eyebrows, that you thought it added some charm to his features. Apparently, he dressed nice too.
As you headed to the kitchen, you realized it wasn’t a house, it was a pirate ship! Your soulmate was a pirate!
While you were expecting only the guy you were talking to, you found other seven people sitting and apparently waiting for the meal. They were also a bit loud and talking a lot. As if it wasn’t enough to make you nervous while trying to make breakfast, something you weren’t the best at, there was a green haired man cussing at you for no reason.
With all your skills, you tried to make the best meal, hoping no one would notice the difference, which they did.
— Sanji, this tastes different. — the boy from earlier complained.
— Well, this is what we have now. — you replied, rolling your eyes. How picky this man could be?
— Stupid cook. — the green haired guy clicked his tongue. — Waking up late and letting us starve.
You decided to ignore that man’s remarks. You were washing the dishes, and you saw the woman with black hair approaching you. By her looks, someone could think she was intimidating, but during the breakfast you realized she was very nice.
— You’re Sanji’s soulmate. — she said. — Aren’t you?
Your eyes widened, how did she know? Could she perhaps see the future or something like that? You nodded, still surprised.
— I guessed. That’s why “Sanji” was acting so different today. — the woman giggled. — I’m Nico Robin. Nice to meet you.
— I’m (Y/N). Are you… Pirates?
— Yes, our captain is Luffy. He’ll be the king of the pirates. Your soulmate is Black Leg Sanji, he’s also our cook. He’s a flirt, but he’s going to be so happy to know he found his soulmate. Sanji will love you so much.
The woman kept talking about him, and the more you heard about him, the more you realized he was like you always wanted your soulmate to be. A gentleman who’d love you and take care of you. You also found out Zoro and Sanji just didn’t get along very well, and that explains what happened this morning.
But you wondered how you’d find your soulmate. You didn’t even know where you were right now.
— You can tell us where you live. Our navigator, Nami, will find your island. I’m sure Luffy won’t mind if she go there for a while.
After you and Robin explained the whole situation to the rest of the crew, the captain didn’t need to be asked twice. He was willing to make you and Sanji meet, and then switch back. The cute reindeer called Chopper was very curious, wondering how the soulmate thing worked.
During lunch and dinner, the two women helped you cooking something the crew would like.
Before sleeping, you went to the deck, wondering when you’d arrive at your island. You also wondered what you would do after switching back. The life as a pirate seemed so exciting, full of adventures, and be able to see a different place every day. You were hoping Sanji would ask you to sail with him.
The morning after you saw the small island from far, you felt your heart beating faster and you started getting anxious. After dreaming with that kiss for so long, it was about to happen in just a few minutes.
The ship docked, and you started walking in the direction of your house. You opened the door and saw your other half sitting on the couch, pulling a bit of the shirt you were wearing, or better yet, that he was wearing, to have a peek of what was covered by the layer of clothes. His nose started bleeding right away.
— Hey! — you said, not angry, just… Surprised. — What are you looking at?
He looked at you feeling extremely embarrassed not expecting to get caught trying to have a glimpse of your body. He just couldn’t resist, seeing your chest, feeling your curves as soon as he woke up in your body, he needed to look.
— I’m so sorry, (Y/N)-swan! — he apologized. — I was… Just a little look wouldn’t hurt, right?
You rolled your eyes, sighing.
— We need to switch back. — you said, sitting next to him.
— Yes, we do… — he said, getting closer and already eager for the kiss. — But before… Please, let me just have another look. Just a quick look. — he held your hand, and begged.
— One more.
He peeked under the shirt once again, just to make his nose bleed once again. One would think he had never seen a naked body before.
That’s really not how you imagined the kiss to be.
— Okay, now we switch back. — Sanji smiled.
You two just looked at each other, feeling a bit anxious, a bit shy. It was a kiss that would change your lives forever, it was a big deal. Sanji wanted to impress you, he wanted it to be perfect. He softly kissed your lips, before pulling you into a heated kiss, full of passion and desire. His hand place on the back of your neck, while the other pulled you closer by your hips.
When you two opened your eye and realized you had switched back, you saw Sanji’s face from close, his cheeks were red and he looked at you with so much love, as if he spent his life waiting for you.
— My beautiful (Y/N)-swan, let’s sail together, come explore the world with me. — he whispered, while brushing your (H/C) hair behind your ear. — You’re my All Blue.
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eirist · 3 years
Little Bits and Pieces of Heaven
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One-shot #: 28
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating: T
Note: This was supposedly for Nami’s birthday last year but I didn’t get to finish it on time. Not that I did as well this year. But I don’t want to drag this for another more year or so. And since it’s still July, I figured I can still make it work. Better late than never right?
This is for @redpakwan​. AU setting. College zeitgeist. Yet super late. Forgive me. I hope you still enjoy this.
The omedetou in the last part actually has two meanings. In case you are familiar with the Japanese language, you’ll get the implication. *winks*
Summary: All of their friends are present at the party tonight! Even those who she barely knows and acquainted with her only through common friends. Yet Zoro who was supposedly close to her, wasn’t here!
“Ssshhhh! Quiet now!”
Usopp shushed the fidgeting and whining Luffy beside him.
“Quit squirming like an ant is biting your butt!”
“But Usopp…” the black-haired lad bemoaned. “It’s taking too long. I’m starving!” His stomach made a rumbling sound and a horrified expression crossed Usopp’s face.
“Shut up. Just wait for a few more minutes!”
“I can’t! I can smell all the meat that Sanji cooked!” A drool dropped down the side of Luffy’s mouth. “I can’t resist anymore!”
“Oi! Can somebody put a fucking gag on that moron’s mouth?” Sanji hissed somewhere from behind them. He had pushed the swinging door leading to the kitchen (where he was hiding) open to glare at them. “He’s gonna ruin our surprise!”
“Sanji! I can’t wait anymore!” Luffy shouted from his hiding spot.
“Aho! Don’t you dare move from that spot or I’ll tie you to a chair and make you watch us eat all the meat you specifically requested that I cook!”
“Shhh! Quiet down guys!” Franky called out from beneath the bar counter. “She’ll be here any minute now!”
“Usopp,” Sanji drawled, throwing a handkerchief at the curly-haired lad. “Gag him if needed.” He nudged his chin at the boy beside Usopp, who was pouting at being denied food.
“But he bites,” Usopp complained even as he caught the hanky.
“We all have to make sacrifices...”
“Damn you!”
“She’s already here.” Robin announced from her position at the bar’s window. The raven-haired woman was acting as their lookout. “She’s about to cross the street,” she added before sauntering away from her location to join Sanji in his hiding place.
“Robin-chwan,” the cook greeted suavely as he opened the door wider to let the older woman inside. Then he turned and barked at the others. “All of you quiet down now! Anyone who makes any shitty noise will not be allowed to touch any of the food!”
“But, San—mmph!” Luffy opened his mouth and Usopp promptly shoved the small cloth inside.
“Everybody shut up and get ready!”
The bar door opened with a soft tinkling sound.
“SURPRISE!!!” They all shouted simultaneously as they popped out of their respective hiding places… well except for Luffy, who had to spit out the handkerchief in his mouth.
The sound of confetti poppers exploding alongside the hoots of party horns and lots of clapping and cheering immediately followed the greeting.
It was Nami’s birthday. And they had planned a surprise party for her at their group’s favorite bar. It had been a real challenge to pull it off since everyone was busy preparing for the university’s ‘hell week’—those torturous days before the summer break officially starts.
Plus, it was kind of hard to keep it hush-hush since some people in their circle are terrible secret keepers (namely Luffy).
But somehow they did. And Nami—as sharp as she is—didn’t have any inkling on what was going on, given the way her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.
“Ah ma cherie!” Sanji crooned as he twirled across the room, kneeling down on one knee in front of the newcomer. He presented a heart-shaped cake with flourish—with all the candles lit up. “Otanjoubi omedetou!”
Nami looked genuinely astounded as her brown eyes wandered at the grinning faces of her friends.
She blinked a few times and her lower lip quivered slightly. “You guys…” she whispered, bringing a hand to cover her mouth.
For a moment, she looked like she was going to cry.
Then her face broke into a largest smile.
“Minna! Arigatou!!!” She squealed, clapping her hands together delightedly.
The loud hoot of the party horn filled the room as Franky blew on it again before bellowing, “Supeeer Happy Birthday Nami!!!”
That signaled another round of applause and shouted greetings as the well-wishers approached Nami to greet her up close.
Sanji—who remained kneeling on one knee before her with her birthday cake—nearly got shoved to the side by Luffy and Usopp as they both sprang towards the orange-haired girl to give her a hug.
“Oi temee you idiots!” Sanji shouted. He was barely able to save the cake from the two morons.
But the two were oblivious to his swearing as they launched into a rather off-key happy birthday song, which the others soon followed.
Nami winced slightly as Usopp and Luffy belted out the song just right at her ears. They were saved from her punches by Robin approaching and placing a party hat around her head.
“Happy birthday Nami!” The older woman greeted and Nami grinned at her, holding the party hat with one hand and trying to shove Luffy and Usopp’s faces away from her.
“Thank you Robin!”
The birthday song ended rather exaggeratedly high and Nami tried very hard not to wallop both of her idiotic friends who had made it a contest to see who can sustain the last note longer.
“Enough! Both of you!” Sanji roared as he stood up and kicked Luffy and Usopp out of the way. He presented the cake to Nami again and said charmingly, “Nami-swan if you please.” He motioned to the cake he was holding. “The birthday girl has to make a wish first before blowing the candles.”
“Arigatou Sanji-kun,” Nami smiled at him and leaned forward, tucking a strand of orange hair behind her ear. She closed her eyes, silently stating her wishes before blowing the candles out.
“I hope you wished for your prince charming to—ooof!”
Luffy excitedly elbowed him out of the way to greet her again, almost toppling the cake off the blond’s hand again.
“Nami! Happy birthday!”
“Damn it Luffy!” Sanji desperately and comically tried to save the cake before it falls flat on the ground… and luckily succeeded.
Luffy ignored him and the ever-enthusiastic lad yelled. “It’s finally time to eat!!! Sanji serve the meat!”
“Aho!” Sanji bellowed and hit him in the head. “You nearly made me dropped Nami-san’s precious cake!”  
“Ooops sorry!”
Robin giggled as Nami smiled wryly. Even during her birthday these morons just can’t stop themselves.
“Alright you guys!” Usopp suddenly hollered from her side. “Start calling the others! Nami’s happy 23rd party’s about to start!”
Nami whacked him on the head… hard.
“I’m just twenty you idiot!”
It hadn’t taken long for the bar to be filled with guests. Almost all of their friends and colleagues from the university attended the celebration. Not to mention, those friends also brought their own pals to enjoy a night of overflowing free food and drinks.
Not that Nami minded. She knew most of them anyway. If not, her friends definitely knew them.
Plus, you can bet she’s gonna charge their freeloading asses anyway.
Her eyes roamed around the room, noting the individuals who were present. She was enjoying her beer at the bar counter and taking a break from all that socializing and thanking her birthday guests.
Usopp had taken the responsibility of acting as the DJ for the night. An upbeat music was now playing and Luffy’s attractive older brother Ace had taken over the dance floor with his buddies.
Brook has just arrived from his band practice and Luffy ran off to greet him. Sanji was busy flitting around the female guests, crooning and spewing praises at them while Robin and Franky were sitting near her and was chatting with the bar owner, Shakky.
She gave a small wave at Kid and Killer when she spotted them. Both raised their beer bottles at her—a sort of silent birthday greeting. She mouthed thanks just as Luffy’s attention went to them and he launched himself at the two men much to their chagrin. She wasn’t really that close to the two seniors students but they’re both in the same fraternity as Luffy and Zoro.
Speaking of Zoro… is he still not here?
A frown suddenly appeared on her face and it deepened when she noticed the beer coolers stocked near the kitchen doors.
“Hey,” she turned to Robin, Franky and Shakky who stopped talking. “Why do we still have so much booze?” Nami pointed towards the large, still filled with beer coolers. “Considering we have a lot of guests tonight and most of them are drinkers… I’m surprised we haven’t broken the fifth one yet.”
“Huh?” Franky lifted his sunglasses and gazed at her curiously, before shifting his eyes to where she was pointing. Nami really doesn’t get it why he still wears them indoors. She just dismissed it as one of his idiosyncrasies… they all have one after all.
“Is there a problem Nami-chan?” Shakky inquired with a smile.  
“Nothing. It’s just that… it’s nearing midnight and we still have that many,” Nami observed. “Hmm… never mind,” she waved her hand dismissively. “It’s probably just a slow night.”
“Maybe those guys are still warming up.” Robin observed Ace’s group and the Luffy’s fraternity acquaintances, who were all shouting and hopping on the dance floor. Good thing Luffy and Ace’s other brother, Sabo, is out of town. Or there’ll be chaos in that floor now.
Shakky leaned down the counter and propped her chin on her hand looking at Nami with a glint of amusement in her dark eyes. “It’s probably because Zoro-chan’s not here to start a drinking competition.”
Nami’s eyebrows disappeared behind her bangs. So that confirms it.
“Oh? He’s still not here?” she asked, trying to be casual about it—even if she already noticed that her green-haired friend was nowhere in her party. “Really? Of all days to be M.I.A?”
“He’s probably late just like Chopper,” Robin said with a soft smile, refraining from teasing the younger woman since it was her birthday. She had seen the disappointment flashed across Nami’s brown eyes earlier. It was for a fleeting moment but it is there.
“He better have a damn good reason why he’s not here,” Nami grumbled, folding her arms across her chest. The nerve of that guy, missing one of the most important days of her life.
“Just relax girly…” Franky winked at her as he handed her another bottle of beer to replace her empty one. “He’ll be here. This party’s compulsory and has booze after all.” He guffawed, opening another beer bottle for himself and taking a drink.
“Compulsory?” Nami repeated, cocking one eyebrow.
“Yep,” Franky nodded. “We made it mandatory for all invitees to attend so we’d have more heads. As we promised Shakky when she let us use her bar for your party’s venue.”
Shakky winked at her. “Once the supply beer runs out, you have no choice but to buy here.”
Nami snickered. “I’m surprised you even let them bring beers from outside.”
“Not really,” Robin chuckled. “Those are from Shakky’s as well.”
Said bar owner winked at Nami again.
“Damn,” Nami just shook her head disbelievingly. Shakky’s negotiation and money skills are way beyond awesome!
Franky grinned. “So let’s just wait for him. Besides, what’s a party without any drinking competition started by Zoro?”
Nami nodded her agreement even as she huffed. “He has to get his ass here first before anything else. Or I’m gonna start charging by the minute.”
Franky winced at that while Shakky and Robin giggled. Nami was notoriously known for her habit of charging outrageous amount of belis whenever she thinks the situation calls for it. Almost everyone in their circle owes her a certain amount that just keeps increasing as time goes by.
Usopp suddenly appeared near them. “Got any more beers?”
Nami eyed him warily. “Weren’t you supposed to be on the other side playing songs and entertaining us?!”
Usopp made a face at her. “A guy could use a break you know. You’re not exactly paying me for my services.”
“I thought you said you’d do it free for Nami since it’s her birthday,” Robin reminded him as Franky went to the coolers to get him a drink.
“I did?”
Nami narrowed her eyes at him. “You still owe me my gift you idiot.”
A sheepish laugh escaped Usopp. “Well consider my dj-ing skills your present then.”
“Here ya go long-nose,” Franky handed him his request.
“Thanks Franky!”
“Aren’t you going back there?” Shakky inquired as she lit up a cigarette.
“Nah. I’ll take a break.” Usopp answered. “I just auto-played a playlist. It’s not like those guys really care about what’s blasting on the speakers.”
He shifted his eyes towards the dance floor where the crowd was getting louder and rowdier. “Besides… I swear I’m not gonna be surprised if a fight breaks out in a few seconds.”
“Why?” Robin queried with an amused smile. “Too much testosterone?” As unruly as the guests may get… they wouldn’t dare or lest they acquire Shakky’s wrath and forever be banned in the place.
“More like too much Luffy.”
Everyone nodded in understanding.
“Thank Kami Zoro’s not here.” Usopp gushed. “One less of a headache.”
“You do know if he’s here someone can actually rein Straw Hat in?” Franky said matter-of-factly.
Usopp waved his hand dismissively. “I know that of course. Anyway… Zoro’s like really, really late isn’t he? Has anyone tried to call him?”
Both Robin and Franky shook their heads.
A horror-stricken expression crossed Usopp’s face. “Oh shit wait! Did someone inform him about today?!”
Nami eyes were sharp as they zeroed in at her curly-haired friend. “You didn’t tell him about today?”
Usopp looked guilty. “I think I forgot,”
Robin raised her hand. “I did tell him. And I’m pretty sure Luffy did as well.”
“Whew! Thank heavens for you Robin!” Usopp sigh in relief as Nami punched him on the shoulder.
Robin just smiled. “Luffy wouldn’t let Zoro miss Nami’s birthday of course.”
“Yeah. That’s why he isn’t here now. That moron.” Nami complained, glaring at Usopp who flinched under her gaze.
“Hey I said sorry,” Usopp rubbed the back of his neck. “He’s just been kinda busy lately it’s hard to catch him. Honestly, I haven’t seen him for like a week now.”
“That’s what cellphones are for you idiot,” Nami groused. “So you can send him a message to remind him of important stuff!”
“Like your birthday party?”
“But Robin said she already told him,” Usopp whined. “So he should be getting his ass here by now. He’s a grown man after all.”
“Unless of course he got himself lost…” Franky reminded them. “Anyway well know if he’s here. Sanji’s been blissfully happy all night. Let’s just wait for his—”
There was a noise coming from the entrance as another group entered the bar. The sound of Chopper’s voice excitedly calling for their names got their attention.
From the looks of it, the medical students had just been released from Dr. Kureha’s clutches and they all headed straight to Shakky’s bar for the party.
“Oh wait there’s Kaya!” Usopp perked up when he spotted his girlfriend just right behind Chopper. “I’ll talk to you guys later.” And just like that he ran off.
Nami sighed inwardly. Of all days not to show up and it looks like Zoro will chose this one which means a lot to her. She had been looking forward to this day too. It’s always fun to see her friends try to make it fun and special for her in their own clumsy ways.
Especially Zoro.
Ever since they’d known each other, he never missed her birthday. It doesn’t matter if he had no gift for her… he always make it to a point to be one of the first to greet her.
And sometimes the last as well.
But today… she still hadn’t heard from him. No call… not even a message!
It wasn’t easy to miss. Not when you’ve been waiting for that particular person to greet you.
Nami squared her shoulders. Now is not the time for the birthday girl to be down in the dumps.
There’s still time before midnight after all.
The party was already in full swing. The sixth beer cooler was already opened. There was a lot of drunken shouting, singing and dancing happening inside the bar. Nami was pretty sure that they’ll be seeing Luffy’s brother Ace dancing on one of the tables along with Franky any minute now.
Yet no tall, scowling, green-haired man made an appearance.
She glumly stared at the sprinkle-rimmed birthday martini in front of her. Shakky made it for her birthday. But neither the cute-looking, celebratory beverage nor its taste can make the sinking feeling in her stomach disappear.
It was past midnight. And Zoro is no show.
No calls, no messages… no anything!
Idiot probably forgot her birthday!
All of their friends are present at the party tonight! Even those who she barely knows and acquainted with her only through common friends.
Yet Zoro who was supposedly close to her, wasn’t here!
Nami clenched her fist and gritted her teeth. He’s gonna owe her for this big time!
She didn’t realize that Shakky was just right in front of her, chin resting on the palm of her hand, watching her.
“Don’t worry about it Nami-chan,” Shakky suddenly spoke up. Her eyes were still glinting with the same amusement as before. “I’m sure he’ll show up.”
Nami instantly turned red at that. “It’s not…. that’s not…” she stammered. But then she gave up. No use trying to hide it. The look on Shakky’s face clearly tells her that she knows what’s in her mind (or who, to be exact).
A determined look crossed Nami’s features. “If he doesn’t… I swear I’ll charge him so much, he’ll sell his soul to the devil just to pay me!”
That made Shakky laugh out loud. Luffy’s friends are always so interesting. That is why she is fond of them.
“He wouldn’t miss this for the world. Late he may be,” Shakky stated in a mysterious tone and smile like she knows something that Nami doesn’t.
Nami just gaped at her.
Then Luffy was suddenly hollering at the other end of the room.
“Zorooooo!” He was bellowing loud enough to drown the already deafening noise in the bar. There were shouts of protests and swearing as the young man pushed his way across the crowd to greet his friend. “Zoro’s here!!!” Zorooo! Oi did you got lost again?”
“Shut up Luffy and get off me!” A voice growled.
Nami perked up at the familiar gruff tone.
“Better late than never you dumbass,” Sanji was saying from somewhere. “Thought you got lost and ended up dead and decaying on the other side of the town. Tch! Too bad.”
“You wanna go cook?”
“Unfortunately I’m busy and don’t have time for you. Go scat.”
“Zorooo!” Luffy whined, pulling the taller man away from Sanji and towards the bar counter where Nami was. “Why are you’re sooo late? Come on! You have to greet Nami or she’ll be mad at you and charge you so much money it’ll break you!”
A vein popped on Nami’s forehead as Shakky chuckled.
“Nami! Nami!” Luffy all but dragged Zoro towards her as Nami schooled her face into a neutral expression. “Look who’s finally here!”
“I can see that Luffy,” she huffed and narrowed her eyes at Zoro. “You’re late.”
Zoro scratched the back of his head as Luffy released him and started pestering Shakky for a drink like the one she has. “Sorry… got tied up.”
She raised an eyebrow at him. He was still in his after training ensemble—track pants, zip up hoodie, sports bag. It looks like he just came from Mihawk’s dojo or his gym workout or both.
“I just needed to take care of something,” Zoro was saying. “Anyway, happy birthday.”
“It’s already past midnight idiot! Technically my birthday’s done.”
Zoro glanced around him. The party is still at its height. “Apparently the celebration is not.”
She pursed her lips at his observation. “You better have a good reason why you just got here.”
“Shit. I’m gonna owe you big time for this aren’t I?”
“You bet your ass you already do.” The grin on her face was so evil that Zoro couldn’t help but think she really is the devil incarnate.
“Hey Zoro!” Luffy suddenly appeared between them. “Jaggy’s looking for you. Come on! Come on!” He was referring to Kid whom he fondly calls by that nickname. He hooked an arm around Zoro’s and pulled him towards where their other friends are and away from Nami—much to the latter’s disappointment.
“So why are you late?”
Zoro flinched slightly as Nami surreptitiously appeared beside him. He was standing outside Shakky’s bar, enjoying a few minutes of silence while drinking his beer. He had sneaked out of the party to get away from an already sugar-high and tipsy Luffy and the boisterous, smashed guests as well.
“Thought I already told you I had something to take care of.”
“Important enough to miss my party?”
He paused halfway to bringing the bottle to his lips. From the corner of his eyes he saw a displeased expression appeared on Nami’s face.
Zoro sighed inwardly. He should’ve known she was not going to let him off the hook that easy.
“Hey if it’s that important, then I have no complaints.” Nami raised both of her hands in mock-surrender.
He didn’t answer and instead took a swig from his drink.
“Just thought you were out busy with a date.”
Zoro had sharply swiveled towards her that Nami took a step back, hands still raised up in surrender. He was practically snarling at her.
She was teasing him of course. It was always fun to rile him up. Besides, he deserves it after making her wait for such a long time… intentionally or not.
Plus… she kept hearing snippets all night from their friends about why he’s been so busy recently (to the point that nobody has actually seen him) and why he was constantly absent at their recent group gatherings.
He’s dating someone. Stupid Usopp has whispered to Kaya and Chopper just as she was passing them on her way out to answer a phone call from their friend Vivi.
It made her insides twist and turn when she heard it.
To think he’d pick his date over her—his long-time friend?
What a jerk. She will wring his neck. Definitely.
She was so distracted with what she heard that she wasn’t able to enjoy Vivi’s enthusiastic greeting. And when she saw him stepped outside the bar to quietly enjoy the beer in his hand, she decided not to let the opportunity slip.
Zoro’s face was scrunched into a frown as he glared at her. “Where did you even get that idea?”
Nami bit her lower lip. “Usopp.” She unapologetically throwing her friend  to the sharks… or shark.
Zoro’s face darkened. “What did he say?”
“He said you were dating someone. So I assumed that’s the reason why we weren’t seeing much of you lately and also the reason why you are late for my birthday. And not  just because you were running around in circles again.”
The green-haired man studied her for a moment. His lone grey eye fixed intently on her. “Is that stupid long-nose making fun of me again?”
Nami blinked dumbly at his question. She’s not really sure what he meant by that.
This time Zoro’s frown had turn into a full blown scowl. “What the hell is that idiot up to now? I’m not dating anyone!”
And Nami’s face brightened at that. Good thing they were outside and the entryway of the bar was dimly lit or he will see it.
So Zoro was not really dating anyone? She fought the urge to smile. She’s gonna choke Usopp’s neck so hard later.
“Nami,” Zoro growled out. “Is that idiot making fun of me again? Because I swear I’m gonna hang him by his feet and we’re not talking about a tree this time!”
“Uhm… I don’t think so Zoro,” Nami’s lips trembled and she threw back her head and laughed. She recalled how Usopp spread a gossip about the older lad’s dating his ‘bokken’ before and Zoro literally strung his feet together and let him dangle from one of the trees lining up the front of their complex.
Zoro let out an irritated ‘tch’.
“So you’re really not out with someone?” Nami probed when she finished laughing. Of course she had to be sure. She still doesn’t know the reason why they’ve been seeing less of him lately or why he was late for her birthday party.
“No,” Zoro muttered. “I don’t have time for that.”
“Oh good,” Nami folded her arms across her chest, eyeing him sternly. “Because it that’s the reason why you showed up late for my birthday, I will raise your current debt amount so high you will be serving me eternally.”
He just smirked at her threat.
“And I’ll never forgive you.”
That made him glower at her. An unforgiving Nami is hard to appease after all.
She gave him a cheeky grin before swiping the bottle from his hand and taking a drink from it.
He glared at her, unimpressed with her antic as she childishly stuck her tongue out at him.
“Be glad it’s your birthday witch.” He muttered as he grabbed the bottle from her.
“Like I said Zoro, it isn’t anymore,” she reminded him. “That’s how late you are. You missed the whole day of it.” She was still peeved at him for that. Just a bit though.
She watched him as he exasperatedly rubbed the back of his neck.
And she smiled.
She was still glad he was personally here for her birthday. She can live with that.
There was a sound of pitter-patter coming from above them. And it didn’t take long for them to realize that it started raining.
They remained silent, watching the rain splatter on the street and on the pavement. Inside the bar, they could hear someone hooting. Probably Franky as he was on his eighteenth bottle when Nami stepped outside. And that was minutes ago. He’s most likely on his twentieth or twenty-first.
"Oi."​​ Zoro nudged her shoulder with his own, prompting her to look at him. He was suddenly standing a lot closer to her than before.
"What now Zoro?"
He pulled his hand away from the pocket of his jacket and almost shoved it in her face. "Happy birthday," he mumbled, diverting his gaze straightaway to avoid looking at her.
Nami was taken aback at the object in his hand. It was a small light orange box with a silver ribbon tied around it prettily.
She stared at it, then at him. Even in the dim light she noted the blush that appeared on his cheeks. Truth be told… a blushing Roronoa Zoro was gift enough for her birthday.
But of course she wouldn't say no to the present he was handing her.
She made a grab for it before he decides that she's taking too long in accepting it and retract his hand.
"Aawww... you didn't have to," Nami cooed and laughed when the blush on his cheek deepened and spread all over his face.
"Shut up witch and just open it!"
"I’m really surprised you’re able to get me a present to be honest," she giggled. "And a fancy one too I might add."
Zoro grunted something that she didn't quite catch. She was far too busy untying the ribbon to pay any mind to whatever it was he's grumbling about.
When she opened the box, she didn't fight the gasp that escaped her lips.
Inside was a necklace. With a dainty thundercloud pendant.
She took it out… and a warm feeling suddenly washed over her making her cheeks tingle.
It was beautiful. It was perfect.
Nami lifted her eyes so she could look at him. Zoro was still engrossed on the empty street across them, watching the rain splash down on the ground with the droplets exploding everywhere.
It was really thoughtful of him. "Thank you Zoro."
He gave her a flinty side-glance. There was a smirk on his lips as he turned his attention back on the road. "It's nothing witch."
She glanced at the necklace again. She recalled they have a private joke back in high school that started one afternoon while watching an animated series on the old television set in Luffy's house. Nami loved one of the characters who had a knack for predicting the weather and whose weapon can conjure thunderclouds that produce lightning which the character uses to electrocute her enemies. "It'll be really handy to wield that. I can use it to electrocute your asses whenever anyone of you pisses me off. Especially you," she recalled poking his cheek harshly. "You're so goddamn hard to wake up whenever you are asleep." That had been so long ago. She honestly forgot all about it.
But Zoro remembered. She blinked rapidly as she felt herself tearing up.
Such a sweet gesture. And on her special day too!
Maybe she’s not gonna raise his debt and damn him into eternal servitude to her after all.
She lightly punched Zoro on the shoulder, earning a surprised glare from him.  
"What the hell are you hitting me for?” Zoro hissed at her, rubbing the abused part. “I already gave you a present!" "That doesn't mean you get a ticket away from my knuckles!" Nami countered. “That was for being late today of all days!”
"Oi! Gratitude you wicked witch!" He complained. "Do you know how many nights I've stayed behind to clean up Mihawk's dojo just to get you that?!"
Nami's eyes widened. And so did Zoro’s when he realized his slip.
She finally understood now… the real reason why he was not hanging out with them lately.
Why no one had seen him these past few days.
“Sooo…” she intoned as she glanced him mischievously, loving the expression on his face when as he realized that he just idiotically revealed what he was supposed to keep a secret from her. “You actually went to such lengths just to get me this?”
She almost burst out laughing when Zoro’s face turned so red and he stuttered his objection.
"N-no...I... ju-just..."
"Hmmm..." Nami hummed teasingly. "That's what you said."
"Fine!" He bit out. "Thought that gift would be good enough to cover three more future birthdays."
Nami chortled and tried to ignore the way her heart was doing cartwheels inside her chest from too much happiness.
"Do the honors Zoro," she requested as she handed him the necklace, turning around and pulling her hair over her shoulder so he can clasp it around her neck.
He didn’t protest and did what she asked. His fingers felt warm as they brushed her nape, as warm as the heat that was spreading on her cheeks and sending shivers running up and down her spine.
She immediately whirled to face him. "So? How does it look?"
Zoro rolled his eye at her as she tried to dish out a compliment from him. "It looks... fine."
"Fine?!" Nami snorted in disbelief. "I swear Zoro, you can do better than that!" She looked down to check the necklace, touching the pendant while a pouting.
When she tilted her head up to look at him to chastise his lack of aptitude when it comes to flattering women… Zoro was smiling at her in a way that made her heart skip a beat. 
“It really suits you.”
The way he was looking at her right now made her want to kiss him.
Just like she always wanted to do.
Suddenly the bar door burst open and Luffy and Usopp ran out, excitedly (and drunkenly) shouting that the rain finally let up. Zoro immediately stepped away from her to prevent them from barreling into him.
And just like that… the one, rare moment between the two of them disappeared in an instant.
They both turned to watch the two hopped and danced in the middle of the street like a pair of lunatics. Chopper hurried past Zoro and Nami to join them.
“Oi get back here you dumbasses!” Sanji was shouting from inside.
Nami sighed. It was finally time to rein in the inebriated ones.
“I got it,” Zoro said nodding at her. The corners of his lips quirked up to give her a small smile, then he stepped out on the street to restrain the three before they can create anymore disturbance that might get them all in trouble.  
“Oi Nami!” Franky called out to her from the bar. “You and Zoro both get your asses here! There’s a lot more to drink!”
Nami nodded as she glanced again at the green-haired man who was now effortlessly hauling up Luffy, Usopp and Chopper by their collars back to the bar as they whined and griped.
She looked back to see Shakky standing on the doorway. "Problem?"
"Nah." Nami grinned. “Zoro’s just trying to contain the troublemakers.”
Shakky chuckled. “Zoro-chan’s really handy.” The woman paused momentarily, as if she was studying her. Then she said, "What a pretty necklace."
Nami’s hand automatically went to touch her necklace again.
“Omedetou.” Shakky gave her an insinuating smile. “Now come on. You and Zoro-chan’s still got a drinking competition to start.”
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thousandsunnywrites · 4 years
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Luffy & reader; platonic
the origins of Luffy’s smile
a/n: happy birthday king♡
“Ha! Brace face, brace face!” A swarm of middle school kids single out a tiny boy, not above the age of 12, and backing him up to a corner of the cafeteria. It was a Monday my dudes, and you know what that means— it was the start of another dreadful morning for Monkey D. Luffy... or as what the other kids say, Monkey D. Brace Face. 
Growing up, Luffy has had some whack ass teeth and Dadan being the good guardian that she is, forced him to get these metal restrictions on his teeth for a nicer smile.
“Shut up!” A bit of drool peeks out as his words slur together, “leave me alone or else I’ll kick your ass!” The kids laugh even more, nobody daring to help the poor Luffy out of his predicament. 
“Horse face!”
“Beaver mouth!”
“Nerd! What a loser!”
“Metal mouth! Train tracks!”
Out of frustration, Luffy growled as his legs lunged towards them like a ravish beast. Just in time, Principal Garp’s reflexes caught him mid air, effectively preventing Luffy from biting the heads off of the little twerps.
“Boys! Office! Now.” 
After a few phone calls to parents, the endless teasing faded into the distance as Luffy stayed behind in the office.
“Boy, quit getting into trouble will ya? Can’t keep covering your ass forever y’know.” Garp swung his legs onto the desk, leaning against his chair to comfortably enjoy his donut. 
“I know. I know,” he repeated, stubbornly refusing to look at his grandpa, “they started it! They call me brace face and train tracks. They’re annoying so I thought to kick them in the head to shut them right up.”
“You’re liking I’m not telling dear old Dadan.” Shivers run down Luffy’s spine. Nobody likes it when Dadan is mad, especially Luffy. Last time he made her mad, he was homeless for a week. 
“Aight, thanks old man! Well that settles it—“ he turns on his heel, “see ya around!”
“Wait! Keep your mouth shut next time.” Garp exhales a big breath, “and bring me my donut.”
He doesn’t like to smile. There was no reason to smile because every time he did, he always ran into trouble. 
He hates smiling. He hates his stupid teeth. Hates how people are so fucking mean because he’s different. It never really bothered him until now; puberty really be no joke, even if he was a little late to the party.
In amidst his sad train of thoughts, he ran into this girl in the middle of an empty hall, who uhm, had a very interesting fashion choice—tank top over a shirt with some colored leggings, a stack of bangles decorating her wrists all the way up to her forearm and whew don’t let me get started on those leg warmers. 
“Oh, hey! Never seen you around before,” he smiled, the metal protruding from his mouth, “shishishi, you’re weird!” He took a closer look at you, taking you aback from his honesty.
“O-oi! These are cool!” Proudly displaying the matching rings on your hand, Luffy’s smile became impossibly bigger. “And I’m not weird, fish eyes. I just happen to be way ahead of my time.”
“I like you. I’m Luffy!”
You introduced yourself and returned the smile, only to retract it back when he called you the wrong name. This was the start of the strangest friendship, who would’ve thought Thomas the train tracks and ugly Betty McGee would become friends?
“Ha??? What’s this? Ugly Betty and the Ugly Fuckling got together!” The bully boys were back, disheartening Luffy’s new profound confidence. “gRR SHUT UP,” his big mouth says without processing, “pick on someone your own size jackass!”
“Can’t do that since there’s nobody above me, moron.” The boy grabbed the milk from Luffy’s tray and squeezed it, the warm milk splashing all over his face. “Take that, pathetic loser. That’s what you get for getting us in trouble the other day! I’ll rip that shit from your teeth if you test me again, nerd!”
Before the bitchass can do anything more, you stood up for Luffy. “Back off buddy. Luffy was literally breathing and you came over. Stop picking on someone defenseless.” 
He scoffed and commended your retort mockingly. To show his unwavering resolve, he dunked the nearest tray all over your Hannah Montana jacket. “Fucking sucker.”
The kids stopped eating and paid attention to the scene that was about to go down. 
“Leave Y/n out of this.”
“Try and stop me Thomas.”
That was the last straw. A punch was thrown across his face, knocking him down, his cockiness replaced with fear. “You can insult me all you want, you jerk,” he spat out, “but don’t you ever DARE hurt my friend. Because next time, I’ll give you more than a black eye. I’ll beat your ass.” 
Everyone watched in shock. Luffy was on top of the table, fists balled and nostrils flaring. The bully looked so helpless.
“Damn it LUFFYY,” Garp’s voice boomed throughout the cafeteria, causing Luffy to scramble off the desk and run away, laughing, while pulling you along with him. 
And from there, middle school was great. It was almost like a fairytale adventure! The amount of pranks pulled and not giving a single fuck of what people thought was what really made it memorable. The laughter and Luffy’s toothy smiles were a bonus. Alas, it was the end of an era when promotion happened and you had to leave, but at that time, Luffy wasn’t alone anymore; he now had the grumpy little moss head named Zoro by his side.
“Are you sure you have to go?”
“I’m sure I’m not tryna be left behind!”
His hands crossed behind his head as he kicked the nearest pebbles on the floor. “How sure are you?”
“Pretty sure I’m leaving with my fam, bro.” You slammed the last of your tunics into your stocky suitcase. “But all the memories we shared... they were all gucci my man. It was the pea to my pods, the fucking yin to meh yang, the apple to my eye,” he had no clue what the hell you were saying and was even more confused when you placed your hand on his shoulder. Your first was balled up into a ball and over dramatic tears spilled down your cheeks.  “I will forever miss you, home dawg. But on some real shit, this be an end to an era.”
“Y/n, you’re leaving, not dying,” he pouts, “speak English not shaker speaker.”
“Shakespeare,” you corrected. “Don’t forget about me you hoebag.” You ruffled his little tangled locks as Luffy nods and holds his two thumbs up in affirmation. You squeeze him in that annoying hug he hates so much. And it dawned upon you: you need a picture. This one is hitting the scrapbooks you’ve been making.
You shuffled around for your Sony camera and flipped it to take a selfie. Luffy hesitates for a moment. 
“Cmon man! Just one for my scrapbooks please.”
You pull him closer to your frame and smile the dorkiest smile you can muster, he does the same. This was for the scrapbooks you treasured after all. You reviewed it with him. It looked perfect, the red-lined braces being the most prominent thing in the photo along with your Nirvana tee and animal-shaped rubber bands. 
“You should smile more bro! You look so good here!”
And maybe for the first time, he does smile at the compliment, ignoring the string of metal wires along his teeth. He was gonna miss you.
Before you departed, he gave you one last fist bump. “See you around, Y/n!” was the last thing you heard before the taxi drove off.
And he doesn’t see you for a long time. And his braces get removed, making high school a bit easier than the years prior. And yes, maybe he doesn’t see you until college, but one thing is for sure, he never stopped smiling.
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Luffy’s Birthday (One-shot)
Hey, so, I remembered at the last minute that it’s Luffy’s birthday today, and considering my OC is related to him, I realized it’s a great opportunity to do a Hazel-centric one-shot! Woo! This isn’t canon to the fic, since technically Luffy’s birthday has already passed in canon, but if I had to place it on a timeline I’d say it takes place after Loguetown but before Reverse Mountain! This is mostly just me playing around with Eldest Daughter/Makeshift Mom feelings and how things might change when it’s no longer just them. Also it was a great opportunity to practice writing, both in general and more of the crew and Hazel’s interactions. Anyway, I’m rambling, so I’ll leave it at this: I hope you enjoy! And if you’re new and you want to see more of Hazel, check out my fic Together With Fruit on FF.Net and AO3!
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Hazel snuck her way into the boys’ cabin, stepping carefully on her toes to avoid waking anyone. It was barely dawn, the sun barely peeking over the horizon, and she could only imagine the scolding she’d get if she was too loud. Though, of course, none of these guys were nearly as terrifying as her roommate.
She crept up to her brother’s hammock, narrowly avoiding being tripped by a sleeping body - seriously, did Zoro sleep so heavily he didn’t notice when he fell out of bed? The swordsman gave a snort as she stepped over him, causing the girl to roll her eyes fondly, and she stood on her tiptoes to peer over the edge of Luffy’s hammock. She supposed being made of rubber had its advantages, such as not being uncomfortable even when twisted like a pretzel in sleep. Hazel allowed herself a moment to marvel at just how big he’d gotten over the years; how despite being left to raise him herself, somehow she’d kept him alive for this long. She glanced at the crew behind her, sans navigator, and felt warmth fill her at the sight of Luffy’s dream being realized. 
They’d really made it.
“Happy birthday to you,” She sang softly, poking at her brother’s cheek in an effort to wake him up; just as she had every year before. The boy didn’t stir at first, so she continued, slightly louder and more forceful as she went. “Happy birthday, dear Luffy…” Finally, his nose twitched and his eyes scrunched before finally opening, peering blearily up at her as his brain caught up with his body. “Happy birthday to you…” Hazel finished, beaming at him as realization dawned on his face.
“IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!!!” Luffy shouted, throwing his hands in the air and grinning despite the subsequent thuds that followed. Hazel threw her head back and laughed as Luffy ignored the angry looks of his cabinmates, instead fixing his attention back on her. He leapt out of bed, grabbed her by the wrist, and dragged her out the door onto the deck, leaving their grumbling crewmates behind them.
“What the hell are you guys being so loud for?!” Came Nami’s yell as she rubbed at her eyes, exiting the girls’ cabin fully dressed despite being so rudely awoken. “Do you have any idea what time it...is…?” She trailed off, gaping at the sight of the Going Merry’s top deck in the early morning light.
Hazel had made good use of her time on watch the night before. Strung along the railings was rope she’d found in storage, decorated with makeshift candles and homemade confetti. She’d painstakingly drawn, cut, and colored paper versions of their jolly roger to pin up around the deck, complete with paper party hat additions, and every barrel of booze the crew had was currently on display. What really caught everyone’s attention, however, was the rather large cake sitting directly in the middle of the table, the one she dragged out of the galley overnight. 
“Hazel...wha-? What is all this?” Nami asked, anger replaced with surprise, her expression mirrored on the others’ faces. 
“It’s Luffy’s birthday,” The woman answered simply, beaming as their captain bounced around to gaze at the decorations. “Don’t worry, everything was made with supplies we already owned, and other than the paper, we can still reuse everything; so no money was involved.”
“That’s not-!”
“And don’t worry about the kitchen, Sanji! I made sure to clean up when I was done, and there’s still plenty of ingredients left for meals! Sorry, I forgot to ask if it was ok before making the cake!”
“Oh!~ Hazel-chan has nothing to apologize for!~” Sanji cooed, smitten as always with the older woman. “But, darling, you didn’t need to make it yourself. I gladly would have-”
“Oh, I couldn’t ask you to do that! It’s ok!” She cut him off, confusion crossing his and everyone else’s faces.
“You did all of this yourself?” Usopp asked, inspecting the makeshift candles. They were really just piles of melted wax with bits of frayed rope in the middle for a wick, remnants of candles that’d been nearly used up already.
“Yup!” She answered, beginning to feel a bit self conscious, especially as the boy quickly grabbed his bag, producing a tool to catch the melting wax. “I probably should’ve found something to put the wax in, sorry about that! I’ll fix it!”
“Hazel,” Zoro finally spoke up, giving her a look that instantly made her shut up. “You didn’t have to do any of this yourself, we would’ve helped you if you’d asked.”
“But…” She began to protest, feeling small under the scrutiny of her crew. “It’s tradition…” 
Understanding dawned on their faces, and Nami threw her arm around the woman’s shoulder. “Well, you’re with us now! Time for some new traditions!” She gave Hazel a kind smile, and the violet-haired woman glanced around at the others’ faces. They were all giving her matching smiles, and deep down Hazel knew they were right.
She’d always just taken care of everything; whether it was food, decorations, or party games, it didn’t matter. No matter how it might fall short, her makeshift birthday parties were still better than not having one at all, and in all these years, Hazel had never once missed Luffy’s birthday.
But just because that’s what she was used to, didn’t mean it always had to be that way. She had people that could help now, with skills that far exceeded hers when it came to making things. Sanji could make a way nicer cake than her, and Usopp was always tinkering with things; maybe he would’ve had some cool ideas for how to decorate, not to mention his drawing skills far exceeded hers. Hell, she could’ve made Zoro do the heavy lifting, rather than nearly throwing out her back trying to heave that table out the door on her own. Maybe if she had asked, Nami would’ve even let her spend a little money on supplies.
“But…” But it was still hard to let go. 
“Hazel-chan,” Sanji started, lighting his cigarette as Luffy began to shout about the cake. “Just because you get some help doesn’t mean you’re being replaced.” He smiled at her, sweetly, until his eyes morphed into hearts. “I’ll gladly let you into my kitchen any day!~”
“Oi,” Zoro warned, drawing the cook’s ire, but before the two could get into a fight, Hazel spoke up.
“You guys are right, sorry I didn’t include you,” She felt Nami squeeze her shoulder in a quick comforting gesture.
“Next time, we’ll all stay up late and help out,” the navigator assured her, drawing nods from the others. 
“What are you guys still standing over there for?! Come on, there’s cake!!” Luffy shouted, annoyed and unaware of the heartfelt conversation that had just ensued. “Sanji! Birthday candles! Birthday candles!”
“Oi! I don’t care if it is your birthday; be patient, you animal!” The cook yelled, but retreated into the kitchen to look for some birthday candles anyway. The crew made their way over; most sat around the table, but Hazel and Zoro stayed behind to start serving booze to everyone.
“Really? It’s like 6 in the morning!” Nami protested, though there wasn’t much fire behind it.
“Who cares? We’re celebrating!” Zoro countered, chugging his glass while Hazel rolled her eyes, passing some around to the others. 
“Yeah! Birthday! Birthday!” Luffy chanted, bouncing in his seat as Sanji placed the candles carefully and lit them. “Sanji! You’re gonna love this, Hazel’s cakes are the best!” Hazel was glad no one noticed her blushing. Oh wait, Zoro was smirking at her. She pinched his ear, causing him to wince and drop the look, and with a grin she turned back to the ceremony. 
In the dawning light, the Straw Hat Pirates sang loud and boisterous, celebrating their captain’s birthday in a way that wouldn’t suggest they’d been rudely awoken not even an hour earlier. As the candles blew out and the cake was distributed, Luffy wrapped his rubbery limbs around his big sister, giving her a tight squeeze. 
“We have a good crew,” He told her, grinning ear to ear. As she gazed across the deck at the people they’d met so far, she couldn’t help the matching grin that grew on her face.
“Yeah, we really do.”
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sanjitea · 6 years
happy (late) birthday to sanji and happy birthday to me
special thanks to @sleepdepravity for being an amazing beta
there was a stab wound in sanji's eye
They all were born in the same day, but he was never acknowledged as one of them.
He was different, that was for sure. And they didn’t like it. Bruises, cuts – any kinds of injuries was something he used to bear with, his entire body was covered in them. That little kid was only able to defend himself helplessly, covering ever so little parts of his own body with his own, and curling in.
It was a long time ago when he lost his left eye.
It was never really lost, but everything was a blur when he tried to see with it. It was a “present” from his brothers; as if the event itself was not traumatic enough, it left a permanent scar that cost the ability of his vision.
He was brought to the doctors like always. They treated his injuries. It hurts, it hurts – it hurts so much. They filled it with some liquid – he didn’t know what, but it was supposed to help him.
His eye was wrapped up for the next few weeks. Reiju helped him change it. Sometimes, he tried to touch around it �� it hurts. Until time passed and it didn’t anymore.
When the bandage was taken off, he could finally see damage in the mirror. It looked kind of nasty, and they were laughing at him. And so he decided to always cover it up with the bangs that were already there.
He was barely six years old at that time.
His vision was a whole mess of blurs. Adjusting to his vision was hard, but he had to keep going. He still had to go to training. He was beaten up again – it was a daily ritual after all. And then, there was his father – throwing him into the cell, deciding that he had “died”.
His entire vision was dark and he was lonely; he thought he was completely blind.
When Sanji first joined the crew, everyone wondered what was hidden under his bangs. Sometimes they tried to look.
Sometimes, when they were lucky – they could actually get a small peek of it before getting kicked.
Until one time, the boys tried to move his bangs when he was asleep. And found another eyebrow that curled in the same direction.
They tried hard not to laugh, but they did in the end. Waking the cook. Getting some kicks in their heads in the end.
Covering his left side of face back with his bangs, he got up. “What was that you were laughing about?”
“Your eyebrows are so funny, Sanji!” Luffy chirped out. “So weird!” And laughed even harder, followed by Usopp’s not-so-muffled chuckles.
The idea of his eyebrows being ‘funny’ was a first to him, a shock. However, he quickly recoiled.
“There’s nothing wrong with my eyebrows!”
“They curl in the same direction!” Luffy responded back.
“Noisy, Curly Brows...” Zoro groaned from his hammock, half awoken from his slumber. Luffy and Usopp laughed even harder on Zoro’s remark.
“Go the hell back to sleep, Moss Head!” He was about to deliver a swift kick to the other man’s head and start a whole fight when their beautiful navigator decided to grace him with her appearance.
And hit all of them in the heads, of course.
The Straw Hats never really found out about his left eye. He thought about it as he smoked during the daytime.
It’s not like he was actually hiding it from his friends on purpose. But he never really got around to revealing it, either.
After all, the stab was clean and straight. It never really wounded anything else around it. Maybe they never saw it anyway because he was closing his left eye when the idiots tried to take a peek.
It was an unforgiving memento, and it was marked on him permanently. He was too young by the time he received the wound that he’s long forgotten how it was to be able to see with his both eyes – namely, left eye – again.
They used to call the wound ‘nasty;’ being teased for his eyebrows was a new thing for him.
Perhaps that’s because they have a fair share of “weird” eyebrows, so he thought. He wanted to laugh.
He took a long drag from his cigarette, wanting to forget everything about it.
Chopper was the first and only nakama to know about his left eye’s condition.
The reindeer asked him various things about it, how clear his vision was, what caused it, and when did it happened.
He could answer the questions normally up until the last two. It’s not like he didn’t want to answer it, but the answer was stuck in his throat and refused to come out.
The small doctor asked him again, and the same thing happened when he tried.
They stayed in silence for a while, and Chopper soon apologized to him about it. And told him, it’s okay if he didn’t want to tell.
“N-no.” Sanji finally managed to say, trying to calm down the panicking doctor. “It’s fine – I’m just...”
“Uh, anyway – Sanji,” Chopper began. “I would really like to help you with this, but- it seems like the injury is very old,” he explained. “It can’t be helped anymore, unless I do a surgery and get a new-”
“It’s okay.” Sanji stopped the reindeer. “I’m used to it.”
As he walked towards the door, he gave Chopper a quick smile. “It doesn’t bothers me at all. Thanks for the concern, Doctor.”
Immediately, the doctor started to dance.
“Calling me a doctor doesn’t make me happy, you bastard!”
They had to separate in such a moment.
In the early days of his arrival, he tried his best to escape the hell that was namely the island he fell in. Until he received Luffy’s message to part and meet in 2 years. And so, he decided to stay as he trained and learned in the island.
His stay in the kingdom of Kamabakka was not always pleasant. It was full of daily attacks. But the okamas were not that bad either, they were actually quite nice – and Sanji himself had grown quite a soft spot for them.
Sometimes they were very rough, and attacked him out of nowhere; from all different directions – and occasionally from his blind spot.
It’s okay, he was used to it, he told himself.
Unconsciously, he learned how to sense his enemies’ locations. Where they came from, and where they were going to attack. So, it was a good thing, right?
“So, Candy-boy.” The Queen of Kamabakka spoke. “I heard from my darlings that you used to flinch a lot when you were attacked simultaneously from the left side.”
“It’s not any of your business,” Sanji spat back, continued to cut the steak on his dining plate. After all, injuries are common thing for the people in the sea. His left eye couldn’t see properly – it was nothing big at all – he’s used to it.
He received observation haki to replace it, now anyway. Not likeit was a problem anymore.
Ivankov was silent for a moment, examining the other man. And then they began again, “The candies in this island tried to take a look at it when you were asleep.”
Sanji almost choked in that sentence – because what else could they be doing other than that? He had to take a drink. It’s a scary thought – his mind didn’t trust them so easily. But, since they were on the topic of his left eye…
“I’m used to it,” he said it again. That same word, that same line – over and over. It’s no longer a bother.
Ivankov decided to ignore him and continued on. “We found out you had an old stab wound.”
He was quiet. It was not like he was really hiding it, but hearing it brought up after such a long time, he wasn’t used to it. His mind was running, back into the memories of that day, when he received that wound from their sword – by their own hands.
He told them to stop, but they wouldn’t. And it was there, forever.
And he had forgotten what it was like to be able to see clearly with both of his eyes.
It’s okay. He closed his eyes. I am used to it.
On the other side of the dining table, Ivankov opened their mouth again – about to form another sentence.
And then, his lips were parting. Wanting to stop the Kamabakka Queen from asking further questions about his past. The images of his brothers and their swords were flashing in his mind. Sweat pouredfrom his forehead.
However, before the words came out from his throat, the words coming out from Ivankov’s mouth came out first. And it was nothing like he expected.
“Do you want me to heal it as your birthday gift?”
He had forgotten how long it had been to be able to see from both of his eyes.
What it was like to be able to see properly with his left eye, and not just simply a mess of blurs.
At first, he wanted to refuse – not wanting to take the donor. He preferred his own eye. But only after Ivankov’s explanation it was clear that they didn’t intend to use any donors or surgeries at all. Perhaps, they weren’t called a miracle worker for nothing.
The progress was faster than he thought, too. It felt like he was just simply blinking, and suddenly everything became so clear. For the first time in years, he was finally able to see clearly again.
And it was bright- it was so bright, he wasn’t used to it.
For the first time in God-knows-how many years has it been – because he had lost track he could finally see from his left side again.
For the first time in what felt like forever, and he never knew for how long – he finally felt he was actually seeing the world.
For the first time in 21 years, Sanji finally parted his bangs to the right.
apparently i just remembered he used telescope by his left eye before and i want to kick sanji to the wall but then again that's why fanfic is never technically canon i guess
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genogenocrazycatman · 5 years
Stillwater - Chapter 8
Stillwater [Archive of Our Own, FanFiction.Net, Mibba]
Characters: Original Female Character, Monkey D. Luffy, Rorona Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Tony Tony Chopper, Nefeltari Vivi
"We build as only children know to build
We made a way where there's a will
No slowing down or standing still
Innocent and reckless
"How did we get so old and never notice
How did we gain the world and lose the moment
Rise and fall, the tide surrounds us
And drowns us all"
-Hands Like Houses
“Unbelievable,” I muttered, now alone in the jungle.
Not surprisingly, we had come across a dinosaur, another t-rex from the looks of it. I had delivered on my promise. I had engaged it and beaten it. I hadn’t killed it. It wasn’t like it had done anything to me. It was just looking for something to eat. Regardless, it wasn’t a threat anymore.
That didn’t really matter though, because the cowardly duo had bolted the second they saw it. I had been keeping track of them by their screams, but those faded as the distance between them and myself grew. I had no clue where either of them were by this point.
“Nami! Usopp!” I called, receiving nothing in reply. ‘Idiots.’
Our goal was to track down Luffy and the others. Nami and Usopp were capable, scared, but capable, and I was sure that they would be able to track down our captain. That meant if I found Luffy, I’d probably find them as well. I had a general idea of, where he was.
I returned to my earlier thoughts. If I focused, I could probably pinpoint his location. I still wasn’t sure if that was the route I wanted to go. His presence shouldn’t have even been a blimp on my radar to begin with.  Zoro and that damn cursed blade of his shouldn’t have either. Was my control slipping? If so, then my ability to focus was probably shot. The other option was that Zoro and Luffy were a lot more special than I thought. If that was the case and they were really that strong, then it was likely that trying to focus on them was going to knock me on my ass.
I let out an irritated groan. It was frustrating.
I took a second to lean against a tree and think. Finding Luffy would be easier, if I wasn’t doing it by myself. With that, I made my decision. I closed my eyes, and concentrated on the aura that Sandai Kitetsu gave off. Feeling what little of it had slipped through what I thought were my impenetrable mental defenses was nothing compared to now. It was thirst like I had never felt before. Immediately, my mouth and throat went bone dry. It was distracting, consuming my thoughts. It was enough to drive a weaker soul mad. I blinked my eyes trying to focus, trying to stem the feeling once more. Not entirely. I still needed to find it. I clamped down on that channel, just enough that it was manageable and followed the feeling, trudging through the jungle.
I was not meant for the damn jungle, at least not one so dense, and I had to be especially careful, because of my leg. The last thing we needed was for me to strand myself. It took me a lot longer than I would have liked to get to Zoro, but I managed.
He wasn’t alone. Nami and Vivi were there too. All three of them were standing on what looked like a massive birthday cake. It had multiple tiers. The top was a spinning bowl-like structure with candles all around the edge.
Broggy was laid out on the ground, nearby. A weird white substance was coming from the cake thing, floating through the air in the clearing and accumulating on Nami, Zoro, Vivi and Broggy.
I reached from behind the tree that I was leaning against and touched it, rubbing it between my fingers.
“Wax?” Then it clicked. “Damn it,” I swore.
Luffy was there as well, firing off attacks, but not hitting anything other than a red mark on the ground.
“What were you aiming at?” Zoro yelled pissed off.
“I just can’t let you break it,” the little girl said. “Mr. 3-“
“Baroque Works,” I grumbled.
Of course they had followed us. It wasn’t surprising. Ms. All-Sunday, Nico Robin , whatever the hell she was going by knew we were coming this way. It was the only way we could go with the log.
“-Wouldn’t be happy about that at all.”
“What’d you do?” Luffy asked.
“During a bullfight, a bull can’t control his urge to attack the red cape. Likewise, you can’t attack anything other than the circle. That’s what I did.”
‘So she uses colors to control people.’
“AHHHHHHHHH! OKAY THAT DOES IT! I’M MAD NOW! GUM GUM BAZOOKA!” Luffy stretched his arms back and shot them forward, but instead of hitting the cake thing, he hit the circle again and with very little force.
This was not how I wanted this day to go. I could take her. She was just a little girl. I had the physical advantage. I was pretty sure that I was immune to her paint power too. I thought I had gotten away from the crew’s questioning, but this was going to start it all over again.
I stepped into the clearing.
“You’ve got some real talent there with that paint brush,” I commended the girl.  “Captain here’s screwed with you around. I guess that means I have to get rid of you.”
“Mira!” Nami yelled in relief.
I broke the trap. “I’ll take the girl? You get them free?” I asked.
Luffy snickered and shot me a grin. “You got it, Mimi.”
I nodded at him, and turned my attention back to the girl. “I never much understood art,” I admitted. “I’ve always performed audio to visuals.” I stalked towards the girl.
Luffy geared up for an attack.
“We’ll mix the laughter yellow on your back with a little sadness blue to make the last colors trap, tranquil green,” she said, swinging her brush and sending the color flying towards Luffy.
I stepped in front of the blue paint.
“Mira, don’t,” Zoro barked at me.
The seal it me, which was better than Luffy. I looked down at the color on my shirt and started laughing.
“Oh no!” Vivi cried.
“Damn it! Now Mira’s down.”
“See I told you, you should’ve posed, but you wouldn’t listen,” Zoro chirped at the girls. “Now, it’s too late you’re gonna die like that.”
“No need to worry about poses yet,” I said, looking up.
“Your eyes!” Nami cried out.
I ignored it. We could discus my eyes and everything else later. I protected mine, and if that meant that I had to reveal some of my secrets or punch a kid in the face, I was more than willing to do so. I charged the girl, cocking my fist back and thrusting it towards her face.
She let out a wail, falling out of the way. She quickly scrambled up ducked under my next swing, taking a brush and running it across Luffy’s back. The color on it blended with the one on her brush as she hurriedly made a seal.
Luffy hit the ground.
“Tranquil green,” she sputtered.
“Sneaky brat.”
“This is nice grass,” Luffy said, settling into it on his stomach.
I looked over at Vivi and the others. They were completely covered. Clearly, they had to be my priority. I went after it, but was knocked on my ass by Usopp and Vivi’s duck, who came flying out of the jungle with two people that I had never seen before on their asses. I assumed they were more Baroque Works agents.
I had to get them out. I couldn’t hit it without worrying about hitting them. Zoro would probably survive the hit, but not the others. I didn’t have and fresh water on me, and now I was too far away from the river to use water. Even if I did, I wasn’t precise enough to cut the wax and not them. If anything, I’d tear through their flesh with the water pressure, or wouldn’t use enough and only harden the wax.
“Special attack exploding star!”
The two agents were still on Usopp’s tail. The one fired off a gun. The shot hit Usopp and exploded on contact. Usopp’s shot nailed Luffy.
“What an idiot. He attacked his own friend.”
“Usopp!” I called.
“Did- Did Luffy snap out of it?” he asked.
Luffy, free of the trap stood up. “Yeah. I’m good now.”
“You guys are the idiots,” I fired back at the Baroque Works morons.
Luffy rose up too. “I’m tired of your stupid paints. You’re through. I’m not going to let you hurt anymore of my friends. Now I’m really mad!” he growled out.
The guy that had fired at Usopp started laughing. “Oh. You’re mad are you? Look at your friends. Being mad won’t do them any good.”
“Oh yes it will! They’re still alive!”
I nodded in agreement. I could feel Zoro. How long they were going to remain that way was still up in the air. We had to move quickly.
“Are they now? Look again. All they need is some of Ms. Goldenweek’s paint and they’ll be perfect wax statues. Face it. You’re too late to save them.  They’re gone and you know it.”
Something started knocking down trees. It was big, its steps shaking the ground, the sound of them rumbling throughout the island.
“Mr. Five is right about that. You’re friends are finished, because you were too late to help them and now it’s your turn to die,” a high pitched male voice said.
Finally, the trees on the edge of the clearing fell, revealing a guy in a massive suit made of wax.  “I’m guess he’s the wax one,” I said, eyes on the flame on his head.
“Uh huh.”
“It’s time for candle champion,” Mr. Three declared.
“What the heck is that?” Luffy voiced my thoughts.
Five answered us. “That thing. That’s what he used one time to take someone down with a forty-two million berry bounty.”
“That’s Mr. 3’s greatest work of art,” his partner added.
“Time to use your talents, Ms. Goldenweek. I need a very special paint job for my armor. And don’t forget to be artistic.”
“After that can I take a break?” the brat asked.
“Why yes. You can go get some tea. I prefer that you’d stay out of this. When I’m in this armor I’m nearly impervious to harm. This suit is nearly as hard as iron. It may be made of wax, but it fits like a glove, and it’s impossible for anyone to pierce, and you don’t stand a chance against it. This artwork is flawless!”
“Wow that’s so cool!”
I rolled my eyes. “Now is not the time to be impressed.”
Usopp echoed my sentiments. “Fight!”
Luffy went after the candle guy, while I headed towards the three wax figures. I needed to stop that thing. They needed air.
“Just where do you think you’re going?” the chick with the umbrella asked. “Five-hundred kilogram drop. She swung her leg around and hit me in the face, her heavy calf pinning me to the ground, crushing my throat.
I struggled to breathe. If it wasn’t for the ground giving beneath me, no doubt my skull wouldn’ve been crushed. That startled me. I was nearly killed by a human. It had been a long time since man had presented an actual threat to me. Then again, I hadn’t expected anything like this in Paradise. Admittedly, I hadn’t taken any of these threats too seriously, a mistake on my part. While they may have paled in comparison to the threat that was always lingering over my head, they were still worth acknowledging.
Heavy or not, the limb was still made of flesh. I opened my mouth and sank my teeth into her leg.
She cried out in pain, leg lifting, giving me a chance to break free.
“Fire! We need to use fire! It’s just wax it’ll melt,” Usopp explained.
His observation was confirmed by the brat.
Before I would land a hit on her, she floated away, lightening herself so that she could be lifted by her umbrella.
Five fired at Usopp, who looked to use an exploding star to melt the wax off of the others.  “When we say that you don’t stand a chance, it’s best to believe us.”
“Exactly. Thousand kilogram drop!” I barely rolled out of the way. The impact of her landing, created a huge crater. She floated up out of it over to Usopp and Carue.
The duck took off, something in its mouth. He was fired upon by Five.
Blondie sat on Usopp. She was increasing her weight, crushing Usopp.
“I’ve had enough of you,” I grumbled, swinging my leg around and cracking her in the back of her head, causing her to fall forwards off of Usopp.
My leg, having held up surprisingly well throughout everything finally gave out on me, causing me to fall. My good leg was still draped over her back.
“You okay?” I asked, Usopp.
“Yeah,” he said.
Luffy came running towards the wax thing, dragging Three by his hair.
“That tiny little flame isn’t gonna work quickly enough,” Usopp said to Luffy. “The rope that Carue has, light that on fire.”
“A rope, how is that supposed to help us?”
“Just trust me on this. I covered the whole thing in oil.”
“Alright everyone, it’s time to wake up.”
“Usopp, you’re a genius, but this is gonna suck.”
Usopp grunted in agreement.
Luffy lit the rope and the entire thing burst into flames.
Three panicked and ran, cursing Luffy, taking the little brat with him.
“Damn it! How dare you mock Baroque Works agents!” Five yelled.
Blondie had snuck away when everything went up in flames. She came crashing down on my chest, knocking the wind out of me, while kicking Usopp.
“That’s it! Playtime’s really over now! I’m gonna crush your stupid little necks!” She flew up into the air. “Ten thousand kilogram guillotine!” She went into a split, one leg positioned over Usopp’s neck, the other over mine.
I couldn’t get out of there, still gasping for breath, trying to re-inflate my lungs. Even if I could’ve crawled out of the way, I wasn’t going to be able to get Usopp out of there. I wasn’t just gonna leave him to die.
Vivi and Nami jumped out of the flames, each of them wielding their respective weapons. The pair knocked Blondie off of her flight path, away from Usopp and myself, and knocked her out.
“That was really hot,” Nami said, “Couldn’t you have thought of another plan?”
“You’re being a little picky here, don’t you think? Aren’t you at least a little bit grateful?” Usopp  asked, standing up.
“You have a point there. Thanks.”
“It’s amazing. I can’t believe, we’re actually alive,” Vivi said.
“Hmmm,” I hummed.
“Got out of the wax, did ya? Well, I’ve had enough. We simply cannot afford for you to screw up our mission anymore.”
“Hey, Mr. Five! Special attack, exploding star!”
Usopp fired another shot off at Five, who simply swallowed it.
“You fool. Haven’t you figured out that you’re pathetic explosives don’t affect me at all. They’re nothing to an exploding man.”
I finally sat up, having regained my breath.
Five started to sweat, face turning red. I chucked at his misfortune.
“I’m sorry. I told a little lie. That wasn’t an exploding star. That was my special tabasco star.”
Usopp laughed as Five suffered. “I had to learn how effective that was the hard way.”
“Damn you, stupid pirate! I refuse to let you make a mockery of me!”
Usopp squeaked in fear, realizing that provoking him wasn’t the brightest idea. He tried to run, but Five caught up and grabbed a hold of him quickly.
Vivi and Nami took a defensive stance, ready to protect Usopp.
I attempted to stand and failed. “I can’t walk right now, so can you just hurry up and take care of this, so we can head back to the ship?” I asked.
The flames, swirled, as the air feeding them was manipulated by the swift movements of three blades.
“Flaming, oni giri!”
Zoro emerged from the flames, commanding the fire enveloping his body as if it was his own, looking truly like a demon, rising from the depths of hell. His movements sliced Five of course, but setting him on fire as well.
“You know these flaming swords aren’t too bad,” he said.
“How in the hell do you carry that thing?” I asked, glaring at Sandai Kitetsu. Remembering how it felt, the flames that licked at my skin were nothing compared to that sword.
“Curse starting to scare you?” he teased.
“That curse should kill you,” I told him. “I used it to find you. I thought it was going to kill me.”
Broggy, free of the wax got up.
“Hey there. Glad to see you made it out alive,” Zoro said.
Broggy looked over at his fallen comrade sadly.
Usopp seemed to snap Broggy out of this thoughts. “Now, it seems that there are only two foes left.”
“Luffy can handle them,” I said.
The others all made noises of agreement.
“Zoro, we need to stitch you up,” I said, noting the gashes in his legs. I didn’t get how he was even standing.
“I think you’re stitches need redone as well,” Vivi said.
“Probably,” I looked down at the red spot on my thigh. “We need to find an island with a store. I need clothes.”
“I can lend you some until we get to a store,” Nami offered.
“Don’t do it,” Zoro said. “She’ll charge you out the ass.”
Vivi walked over to me and helped me up, supporting me, so that I could stand up.
Luffy returned, confirming that Baroque Works was gone for now, and that at the moment, we were safe.
With the threat gone, Broggy could finally take in the result of his duel. It didn’t matter that they had spent a century fighting. They were friends, brothers in arms at one point. They had sailed the seas together. Broggy had won, but he had also lost. He was alone now, at least until he returned to Elbaf.
The giant sat down, the weight of his victory crashing down on him, and began to cry. His wails were loud, painfully so. Tears poured down around us like rain. It was heartbreaking to watch.
That heaviness vanished, when Dorry sat up, shocking all of us.
“Dorry! You’re alive!” Broggy exclaimed.
“I must’ve lost consciousness,” he said. He was still heavily wounded, and his breathing was labored.
“How are you still alive?”
“The weapons, the saved me,” Dorry answered.
I nodded in understanding. It made sense. Even with the proper tools to take care of them. It was impossible for the average weapon could survive a hundred years of dueling. The weapons were dull, better suited for bludgeoning than blades at this point.
“It’s a miracle really,” Usopp said.
Broggy pulled Dorry into a tight embrace.
“Broggy, will you let go? I’m a little sore here.”
“I’m sorry. I’m so glad you’re still alive, Dorry. It’s amazing.”
“Oh come on. This isn’t a miracle. The fact that those weapons are even in tact after a century of fighting is the miraculous part. They should be scrap by now. I’m surprised they lasted this long.”
“What a day this was! Thank you, god of Elbaf for this wonderful day!”
“Oh is that true Broggy? You think that fighting me while I was injured, cutting me down and knocking me out was all wonderful?”
“Don’t be an idiot, Dorry. That’s not what I’m saying and you know it.” He hit Dorry in the shoulder.
“Would you keep your hands off my wounds?” Dorry asked, chuckling and hitting Broggy in the chest.
The pair threw light blows back and forth, steadily increasing in power.
“You try doing that again and see how far you get!”
“Yeah I can take you down in a heartbeat!”
The two giants were in each other’s faces ready to go once more.
“You two are ready to fight already?!” Nami called out.
I shook my head at their antics. “YO!” I called up at them. “How about we all take care of ourselves and then you can brawl? Usopp’s got burns. Luffy’s got burns. I got burns. I need stitches. I don’t know what Zoro did, but he needs them too. Sanji’s still missing.”
“She’s right,” Vivi agreed.
We headed back to camp, after sending Usopp and Luffy to grab supplies. Once they did, I went to work patching everyone up. Broggy took care of Dorry. I stitched up Zoro’s legs, berating him the entire time for his stupid idea.
I then fixed up my leg, happy to see that it wasn’t as bad as I had anticipated. Nami and Vivi helped everyone apply salve to their burns. Usopp ad Luffy continued to questioned Broggy and Dorry about everything their lives as pirates, their bounties, while munching on snacks that they had found. They ended up wrestling on the ground, while Zoro and Nami pondered what to do about the pose.
“All of you helped to save us from those other guys. If we can, we’d really like to return the favor,” Broggy said.
“Well maybe you guys can do something about our log pose, so that we won’t be stuck here.”
“Negative,” I said from my spot in the grass.
“I’m afraid the log pose is the one thing we can’t help you with.”
“Waaaa ha ha! Nami my sweet! Vivi my love! Mira my dear! And all the rest of you.”
I looked up at Sanji, happy to see that he was okay.
“Hey Sanji,” Luffy greeted.
“You’re all alive. I’m so happy.”
I snorted, watching as he bumbled towards Vivi and Nami. He quickly sobered up from his love drunk buzz, when he saw Dorry and Broggy.
“What the hell is going on? And is one of you Mr. Three?”
“Luffy kicked Three’s ass,” I explained. “They’re Dorry and Broggy.”
“How do you know about Mr. Three anyway?” Nami asked.
Sanji’s eyes nearly popped out of his head, when they landed on Nami, who was still in her bra. “Whoa! Nami, you look absolutely amazing in that outfit.”
Nami balled up a fist. “Say that again,” she threatened.
“Now Nami, if you stand around dressed like that all day, you’ll catch cold. Here. Take my coat.” Sanji handed her his jacket.
“Oh. Thank you.”
“And they say chivalry is dead,” I chirped.
Sanji sat down on one of the logs we were using as a bench. “So I just finished talking to that Mr. Zero guy over a transponder snail.”
“Mr. Zero?!”
“Yeah. That guy. I was talking to him in this weird hide out place I found in the jungle. He thought I was some guy called Mr. Three and I thought it would be a good idea to let him believe it, and since I had him on the line I went ahead and told him that we were all dead.”
“So he thinks he doesn’t have to send people after us anymore,” Vivi realized.
I smirked. “Clever boy.”
“So you mean we’re finally free of people chasing us now that we can’t go anywhere anyway? Oh that is just perfect.”
“Better than being sitting ducks with an endless number of agents coming after us,” I offered.
“We can’t go? Why? Or is there still something that we need to take care of here? That’s a real shame after I managed to get a hold of this thing.”
He pulled an eternal pose out of his pocket.
“Cheeky boy.” My grin widened.
Everyone else’s jaws fell slack in shock.
“An eternal pose to Alabasta! Alright!” Luffy cheered, the others joining in.
“Thank you Sanji! I was getting really worried!” Vivi pulled Sanji into a hug.
“Now now it was all my pleasure. I’m just glad I could make you happy.”
I chuckled at his dopey grin, letting him have his moment. He earned it.
“Here.” Zoro extended a hand to help me up.
“You nearly cut your feet off, take it easy,” I said, getting up on my own.
“Whatever. Suit yourself.”
He and Sanji started in on each other about their hunting contest once more.
“Giant old guys, it’s been a lot of fun, but we have to go,” Luffy said to Dorry and Broggy.
“Of course. Right. We can tell you need to get going.”
“It’s too bad that you have to leave so soon. I hope you get to your homeland in time,” Dorry said to Vivi.
“Me too. Thank you.”
“It was nice meeting you,” I said, waving as I walked off with Luffy and Nami.
“Is your leg alright?” Nami asked.
“I’ll be fine,” I said.
“Mira, my dear,” Sanji sang, picking me up.  “I’ll make sure you get back to the Merry without aggravating your injury.”
“Sanji, I can- You know what. Never mind. Sanji, walk me through a soufflé what’s the process?”
We made it back to the Merry with no incidents. Every one cleaned themselves up, showering, changing the works. When I came back out on deck, Sanji and Zoro were arguing over who had caught the bigger beast, Nami yelling at them for their arguing.
The anchor was lifted, the sail unfurled. I grinned as everyone bickered and squabbled as we made it down the river out to sea. We reached the mouth of the river. Dorry and Broggy stood on either side of it, the pair looking out at the ocean.
“Hey, look at that. It’s the giants. They must’ve come to say goodbye.”
“A great danger still lies ahead of you,” Broggy warned us.
“It is an obstacle that has always been here, trying to prevent people from reaching the next island. Every one of you fought like true warriors, trying to protect the pride of our duel,” Dorry added.
“And because you were willing to do that, no matter what enemy you may face-“
“We will never let them destroy your pride friends.”
“You must have faith in what we say. Go straight. No matter what happens keep going straight. Understand?”
“Yeah. Got it,” Luffy answered.
“What was that about?”  Zoro asked.
“Yeah, I don’t understand.”
“No matter what happens keep going straight,” Luffy reiterated.
“Is that an order, Captain?” I asked.
“You heard him,” I said to the others.
We sailed out to sea.
“This is goodbye.”
“Until we meet again one day.”
“Look over there!” Nami pointed out, where something massive was surfacing.
“Hello, Island Eater,” Dorry greeted the creature.
“You will open the path! In the name of Elbaf you will open it!”
“Island Eater?” I questioned.
I looked behind us. The two giants raised their weapons.
The creature finally broke through the water, and to say that we were all shocked was an understatement.
“That is a gold fish,” I said, not believing what I was saying, despite the proof in front of my very eyes.
“Usopp, what are you doing? Go inside and work the rudder or else we’re going to be eaten.”
“Yeah, but we have to go straight ahead. Isn’t that right, Luffy?”
Luffy hummed in affirmation.
“Don’t be a moron, Luffy. This isn’t going to be anything like what happened with Laboon,” Nami yelled.
“Yeah, I know. Now calm down. Here.  I’ll even let you have the last rice cracker.”
“I don’t want the last rice cracker! If we don’t turn around right now, that thing is going to eat us!”
“Nami, just give it up,” Zoro said.
Nami gave up, eating the rice cracker and crying.
“Luffy, you really sure we can trust those little pals of yours?” Sanji questioned.
“Little,” I scoffed.
“Are we really going straight into that beast’s belly?”
“Uh huh. It’s too late to turned now,” Nami cried.
We headed forward, the light disappearing as we entered the gold fish’s cavernous mouth. I leaned against the railing, trying to figure out what Broggy and Dorry’s move was going to be. I ignored the others.
The darkness was disrupted by a blue and red light. It ripped through the gold fish, allowing us to sail out the other side.
Nami and Vivi both collapsed on the deck, relief taking over.
“I thought we were going to die,” Vivi said.
“Me too,” Nami whined.
“Better get used to it,” I chimed, heading inside.
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petite-neko · 7 years
Expect the Unexpected
Fanfiction: Expect the Unexpected Story Summary: When Sabo received a letter from a girl in the middle of the Grandline, he wasn’t too sure what he was expecting. But whatever it was, it most certainly wasn’t this. Characters: Sabo, Moda, Anne, (Ace, Koala) Pairing: Moda/Ace I guess (her age is unknown, she’s an adult here though) Rating: PG Warnings: one minor swear, Universe Alteration, OC, mention of character death A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY @wolfliorchi !!!! This is dedicated to you because you were totally there and we just ranted off ideas about this UA together when I couldn’t sleep. And holy fuck this is long.
In case anybody is wondering this is related to this here. (Link leads to the tag revolving around this UA)
Read on Ao3
The revolutionary turned to a man waving a letter while running in his direction.
The man hunched over from his sprint before holding out the paper in his head. “This is for you. I received it from a young lady. She says it’s urgent and concerns your brother.”
Luffy? Why would anybody have something urgent concerning Luffy? Was somebody after him or something? He was fine – asleep but fine – when he left him in Dressrosa so…?
“You know,” Koala nudged his rib, only to go through him with a soft curse. “It could be a trap Sabo.”
He supposed that it could be, but still… what was this thing concerning Luffy he just had to know…
He took the paper and Koala just sighed.
“Sabo! It was just a few days ago that the paper declared you Luffy’s brother! Don’t you think the timing is too appropriate?”
Sabo ignored her as he read over the letter. It was brief, and nothing too revealing was inside of it. It mentioned needing assistance from the army, requesting him but if he had other matters she’d understand, but she simply had nobody else she could trust and that the matter at hand was far too sensitive to put on paper. It also outlined the urgency of the matter. The other thing too was the writing was… shaky. Messy almost, but not due to lack of discipline.
“Koala, I can’t just say no.”
“Ah! Sabo!” She called after him as he walked towards a ship.
This was their purpose. This was what they were here for. They were the revolutionary army and…
“This is our jobs. She doesn’t just want me, she wants our help.”
“But she still wants you! I’m telling you Sabo! This is a trap!”
Sabo groaned and tossed the letter at her. “Just read the damn letter and you’ll understand.”
Now… what was that island called again?
It was a small town and Sabo looked down at the paper that was his map so to speak.
Follow the river that flows through the town downstream for a few miles, there you will come across a small farm…
Koala had insisted on following him – worried as she was over the fact that this might be a trap. (And never mind her scolding of how he needs to act accordingly since he had such a high standing in the revolutionary army. This was family business damnit!)
She was far enough not to be noticed – thankfully – although close enough to help if need be.
Granted, he didn’t blame her for worrying. It was suspicious but…
Ah, there it was, the farm. It was modest, a few cows, some crops… nothing on a grand scale. Perhaps enough to keep one fed with some spare change on the side.
There was nobody in the fields. The house then?
So Sabo approached the door and knocked on it.
There was the patter of feet rushing to the door.
“Anne!” A woman’s voice called out, away from the door, and the sound or more feet approached the door. “How many times have I told you not to open the door!”
When it opened, a small girl was smiling up at him, her freckled cheeks still chubby with baby fat. If he had to guess, he would say she was one or two years old…
There was something about her though… as if he recognised her. (But how? How could he recognise a mere child whom he never met?) And her name… it, too, seemed to ring a bell…
”Oi! Sabo! Didja know if I was born a girl, I’d be named Anne?” A freckled face snickered at him. “But really, can you imagine? Me? A girl?”
Sabo stared at the child. No way. No fucking way…
(But the child certainly looked old enough…)
“I’m so sorry! She is just gaining a sense of independence and she isn’t listening lately!” That was presumable her mother rushing on over, arms still covered in soap. “I—Oh!”
This was Moda. The woman who wrote him the letter. The modest farm owner.
But Sabo couldn’t be bothered to spare anymore of a glance at her no, his gaze kept going back to this child. Anne.
This couldn’t just be a coincidence. No, the resemblance was there. He could recognise it. Remember it. She was the spitting image of him. Of her father. Well, except for the strawberry blonde hair. (Which was more strawberry than blonde mind you) The shape of her eyes, too, was softer, but the determined, confident expression in her eyes was definitely the same.
“It’s no fault of yours.” He said and removed his hat, inclining a little. And that independence… most definitely… “She takes after her father. May I come in?”
Moda gasped slightly before rapidly nodded, ushering her little one inside.
This wasn’t about Luffy, no. This was about Ace.
(As the door closed behind them, he could almost hear Koala’s temper tantrum.) 
“It wasn’t planned.”
Moda broke the silence that had settled between the two of them. She had served some tea while Anne played with her toys and ran about the house.
She was nervous, and Sabo didn’t blame her. Her supposed in-laws were wanted criminals – a pirate and revolutionary – after all. She didn’t know him.
“I had found him one day in the river…” She was playing with her skirt. “He had been injured, drowning… and I rescued him. He spent the next few days recovering and… well. We got to know one another, and enjoyed each others company.”
Sabo listened in silence. He would let her get her story out. This had to have been tough…
“We never thought anything of it, and he left, delivering a message to my parents. By the time I realised it… he had already…”
And the two of them glanced at the innocent toddler, finding amusement in arching her toy up in the air.
Innocent, oh so innocent…
“I’m presuming nobody knows?” He finally added. It was only natural considering that she couldn’t even risk writing it down on paper.
She shook her head.
“No, nobody. When I found out I… Well.” She clutched at her dress now. “I knew that I couldn’t reveal who her father was. Not after… I couldn’t let what happened to him happen to her. So I created a façade. I made my parents believe her father is some wandering merchant. I gushed and gushed about this handsome travelling merchant enough times that they just presumed…” She sighed and let go of her skirt. “Because I knew if people put enough things together they would suspect…”
“…My parents work for G2. I asked if Ace would deliver a message to them and…”
Ah, yes it would only be logical that the Marines would jump to that conclusion…
“I can’t protect her if people found out. I’m not strong enough… I’m not connected in the right places… so I created that cover story. But I’m afraid… What if? I keep asking myself. And I only come to the same conclusion: He would eliminate her. And nobody would stop him.”
Sabo nodded. Sakazuki would most definitely do that if he received word that Ace might have a child…
“And so,” He concluded, “you asked me to come here so I can protect her.”
“I-well…” She shook her head a bit. “I actually wanted to see if you could get a hold of Luffy. I figured that, maybe, you might also be Ace’s… but worse come worse I knew you could get a hold of Luffy and…” She sighed before smiling a sad smile. “Anne, come here honey.”
The little girl looked at her mother before rushing over, toy clasped against her body, eyes wide. “Yes Mama?”
And Moda picked up her daughter and placed her in her lap. “Anne, this is your uncle Sabo. He’s your Papa’s brother.”
“Papa?” The girl’s eyes sparked. “Mama says little about Papa.”
Moda was stroking her daughter’s hair. “I know honey, I know. Can you say it Moda? Can you say Un-cle Sa-bo?”
“N-cull Sa-po…” Her face contorted a little in frustration and she repeated, not getting a much better result.
Sabo laughed softly and leaned in. “It’s okay Anne, we’ll work on it. You’ll get better.”
Ah, she was adorable. His niece. His niece.
(It only ignited a metaphorical flame in his stomach. This was completely unfair. No child should have to fear for their life. No mother should have to fear for their child. Blood did not make one’s life. Guilt was not inherited.)
“So…” He said and looked back up at Moda. “What do you intend to do? What do you want me to do?”
“I did it before, and I can do it now…” She started. “I’m going to build a memorial. I’m going to tell my parents, and therefore the marines, that Anne had a fever for a few days, and then one day she was… gone.” Moda leaned down and kissed the crown of her daughter. “It’s not a lie.” She explained shakily. “You can build a memorial for somebody who isn’t dead. And she was suffering from a fever last week… and she’ll be gone… if you’ll take her. One didn’t necessarily cause the other though. But they will presume. It isn’t that uncommon that a child dies from illness in their first few years of life after all. And that, combined with my mourning of my lost child… nobody will question it.”
A smart woman. A smart determined woman. He could see just what Ace saw in her…
She was filled with it. She would do anything it took to save her child. She would be sad, but the pride in knowing her child was safe and secure was worth every tear…
He sighed.
“…You do realise though, if I take her, she’ll most likely be raised to become a revolutionary, and we aren’t exactly on the best of terms with the government, right?”
“Better her become wanted for what she has done versus wanted for who she is!”
And there, Moda’s voice became passionate, and that determination only hardened her eyes. Honest, she was truly honest. “Better for her to live than to die as a toddler because the government doesn’t want to let a certain bloodline to survive!”
Did Anne know they were talking about her? About her future?
A sob left Moda as she held her child tightly.
“I’s okay Mama.” She whispered with a slight slur, patting Moda’s back. “I’s okay.”
“Thank you honey…” She whispered back. After a few emotionally tense moments she looked back up at Sabo, that determination still there. “I don’t want to, but I have to.”
Sabo smiled sadly, tugging on his hat. “I know, I was just ensuring. The last thing the revolutionary army needs right now is a mother claiming we stole her child to the marines.”
Moda only nodded. “No – I understand. You… don’t even know me and…”
Sabo laughed softly, shaking his head. “Please, please, it’s not like that.” He explained and ruffled her hair like he would Luffy’s. “I know just how much you care for little Anne here, and what lengths you would go for her, but… if you wanted her back… I was just ensuring that, yes, you truly believed this was the best path for her. If I am to do as you ask me to, I need your full cooperation. I can’t have you doubting or regretting your actions weeks, months, even years down the line. One slip up could spell disaster for you, her, and the revolutionary army.”
Moda looked at him incredulously. “You don’t doubt me?”
He could only laugh again. “If you ever knew Ace as a kid, you’d know she’s the spitting image of him. I’d be willing to bet she has quite the temper too.”
Anne stuck her tongue out at him.
Yup, that was Ace’s daughter alright.
“So… you’ll take her?”
Sabo nodded. “She’s family after all. What kind of brother would I be if I didn’t ensure my little adorable niece lives a fulfilling, full life?” He smiled at them. “Ah… I’ll leave you to get yourselves organised now.”
He closed the door behind him with a heavy sigh.
Ace’s daughter huh…? Who would’ve figured…?
Sabo held out his hand, letting a flame dance in his hand. He might not have been there for Ace, but he’d be damned if he wasn’t there for his daughter!
“Mama do Anne hafta go bye bye?”
Sabo looked at the torn child.
“Unfortunately yes, but Uncle Sabo will be there for you, okay honey? It’s not safe with Mama anymore, but Uncle Sabo will keep you safe.”
“Dun wanna Mama…”
Sabo knelt in front of Anne, placing his hand on her shoulder. He felt for the child, he really did. “Hey, Anne, maybe one day when it’s safer, I’ll bring you to see Mama for a bit. How’s that? I know it’s hard to leave family… but I’m family too.”
She turned and looked up at him with sad but hopeful eyes. “Really ‘Ncle Sapo?”
Sabo smiled back, trying not to laugh at his mutilated name. “I’ll try my hardest, okay? I can’t say for sure, but I’ll do my best. Nobody knows what tomorrow is but we can try!” He ruffled her hair before grinning at her, continuing in a hushed tone. “And hey, think of it like you’re a big girl now ‘kay? That what you’re doing is protecting Mama and keeping her safe, okay?”
Those eyes went wide again. “…Mama not safe?”
Sabo shook his head. “Anne isn’t either. Not while Anne stays with Mama. But if Anne comes with Uncle Sabo, Anne is keeping Mama and Anne safe.”
And she nodded enthusiastically. “Okay! Anne keep Mama safe!”
He read the lips of Moda as she thanked him. And he held out his hand before a small one was placed in his.
“Oh!” Moda said hurriedly. “I almost forgot… ah I never knew which to use but… what do you think Ace would have preferred? Gol D. or Portgas D? I never knew for certain, so I held off on fully naming her…”
Sabo laughed softly. This was easy. “Portgas D. Definitely.”
Moda smiled back. “I figured as much. Portgas D. Anne it is.”
And Sabo looked down at those curious, wide eyes. “But that’s a secret, okay Anne?”
And they brightened up before she nodded.
Portgas D. Anne huh? The most wanted 15 month old in the world.
It just didn’t know that yet. (And hopefully never will…)
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