A sad fact is that Hanahaki Melvin eventually dies..
But my heart isn’t willing to make Caramel depressed so i made a happy ending
Anyways,we are never ever going to mention that Haki died again:]
(Ghost Haki!AU
AU Count:51)
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sweatermuppet · 2 years
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[Image ID: a black and white typography edit that reads "why be miserably cisgender when you could joyfully transsexual." to the right of the image is a stalk of marigold with two blossoms. the entire picture is textured to look aged and photocopied. /End ID]
click for quality + do not remove caption (instagram with color alts) (my shop) (get it as a print)
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Y’all telling me that Stranger Things has a whole plot line set in Russia, and that in Russia yellow flowers represent sadness, dishonesty and when given to a partner an inevitable breakup?!?!?!?💀
Oh Michael…
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mrbopst · 8 months
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The Melvins opening for RKL in Pensacola FL 1986
Photo by Stacy Flowers
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zestydistress · 5 months
•°∆Looney Tunes Marvin the Martian headcanons∆°•
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My brain is fucked, so I'm writing Marvin the Martian lore late at night. I'm forcing you to read my headcanons.
Words for a Martian child (and/or like- daughter or son or something): neonate, scion, larva, pupa, bairn, fledgling, successor, stock, begat, brood, young, hatch, posterity, spawn, progeny, sprog, raise, and xerox. (Xerox is very frowned upon, and you would be scrutinized if you refered to a scion, or any martian, as a xerox.)
Words for a martian "parent": guardian, forebear, roots, engender, begetter, wellspring, watch, exemplar, sire. (Sire is also frowned upon.)
Words for a Martian "sibling": issue, kin, rings, latches, gilds, heir, stock, cognate.
Most martians have a biological need to take care of their own kind. Larva specifically. And it has become law on Mars that once a martian who lives on Mars reaches 1,000 years old they must take in a larva as a progeny and raise it.
Neonates are born from martians, the same as all creatures, but not in the way you think. Martians asexually reproduce, but only during death. As the final stage of death, instead of decomposition, a new martian is born from their ashes and is taken to "The Stock Center" whenever found. (The stock center is essentially an orphanage.)
Larva are not copies of their predecessors, they often hardly ever have anything in common with their source. What mostly affect a pupa's mind and body is their environment. This is why calling a martian a "xerox" is scrutinized and offensive. A xerox is a clone. A copy. They are not copies. Martians don't have blood relatives at all. I put parent and siblings in quotes when saying the word meanings because that's not really what they are.
There are many neonates in the stock center, because that is where every martian "child" goes as soon as someone finds them. There are too many, which is why it is mandatory. Martians don't have children nor parents, but what they've made is close.
The stock center is like an orphanage, but doesn't function like one. Instead of the "parent" picking a child, the Larvae(baby-ish -> child-ish) and Pupae(preteen-ish -> teen-ish) pick their guardian themselves.
Martians who work for/have worked for the monarch wear articles of clothing similar to that of Mars: the Roman God of War. It is known to bring them good fortune and prosperity in their battles. The first time martians had invaded earth was in Rome, and they had taken to the clothing and culture quickly, quite a few even stayed to just study the earthlings. (I had learned that Marvin's helmet and skirt were based off of Mars, the Roman God of War. I knew his outfit was roman inspired, but I didn't realize it was because of the MARS GOD.)
What always bugs me about how Marvin is sometimes portrayed: he celebrates earth holidays, specifically Christmas is what I see most of. But he wouldn't. I mean he might have started to celebrate with others because he's been on earth, but he would not want to go home to mars for Christmas because he does not have holidays. So:
Martians don’t celebrate earth holidays or anything(Though Marvin does like to attend the occasional holiday party, just to catch up with his enemies and study traditions of earthlings.), but they do have celebrations on certain dates. The Forebears(The day where the scion chose their roots, it is celebrated every year, like a birthday), Spawn Raise(an informal term for The Forebears), Emor(Their first attack to Earth, martians soon learnt after this first attack that most earthlings write from left to right), Revital(A week off of duties, 4 times a year, it differs from everyone when it will be depending on their job, and obviously things will change for legionaries, auxiliaries, velites, hoplites and other soldiers, but it is a mandated honoring), and more that I have yet to come up with. These "Holidays" are called Honorings on Mars.
Martian gender/sex. Doesn't exist. They don't have sexes or gender. They're more like bees, there's always a queen, workers and drones. The "drones" are called Roman soldiers(will give a list of types of Roman soldiers later, and that will be what everyone is called depending on what the drones do.) Drones protect the queen and carry out their bidding. Then there's workers, those are ones who are sent out to gather recourses and information. Workers are called proles. Martian's bodies have nothing to do with gender, their forms slightly mimic their guardians as they are larva. It's only slightly though, and then their body grows on its own without mimicking their watch. Most martians are smaller, like Marvin, but many are still quite tall, like the queen. And how drones & proles are chosen, it is completely up to the queen. A variety of martians even bounce from drones and proles if it is necessary. Also, all martians use any pronouns. They don't even use pronouns, they simply call them by rank or name, I just use pronouns for ease and so that you understand who I mean-
Proles often keep "pets," to help them with retrievals.
(A Roman soldier could be called: A legionary, if he was a Roman citizen and an elite soldier who served for at least 25 years.(make that 2,500 years.) An auxiliary, if he was a non-citizen recruit or conscript who served for less pay and often in more dangerous roles. A velite, if he was a light infantryman armed with darts and a wooden shaft. A hoplite, if he was a heavily armed spearman. A specific name based on his function, such as accensus, actuarius, adiutor, aeneator, or agrimensor. Will probably work on these more, as I've gotten them straight from Google.)
Marvin is over 2,000 years old(this is canon)
He has 2 larvae, Melvin (eldest) and Marcia(youngest).
Marvin is a prole who was ordered to work as a drone due to the wars, therefore earning his uniform. He returned to being a prole after the wars. X-2 has and always will be a drone. Marcia will be a prole when she grows up, and Melvin won't have a proper role in Mars, as he decided to do what very few Martians do: go out on his own before being given his rank.
Marvin did not choose to keep K-9, he followed him into his spaceship when he was a pup. Marvin has been taking care of him since he was 457.
Melvin had requested immediately upon becoming 550 years old, that he be allowed on his own to explore, and Marvin was hesitant, but eventually agreed, IF! Melvin and him built the rocket he uses together, and Melvin would have never turned that down, after-all, he wanted to be just like his begetter so why would he not want to spend time with him? (I don't know anything about Melvin, I haven't seen loonatics unleashed)
Melvin joined Marvin to see who would be his cognate, and y’know, watch the process. He still feels he’s far too young to become an engender, despite being roughly the same age as his own, so he was content with watching the process and watching his heir, Marcia, and his progenitor, connect.
Marcia is very different from Melvin and Marvin, but they adore her either way. She doesn't care for needless destruction, but she does see the art in what Marvin does, and finds it entertaining to watch him and “Duck Dodgers” fight on the rare occasion. They are very funny, and she likes how Marvin shows off his weapons.
X-2 has ran into Marvin once. They stared at each other in confusion for a minute before carrying on their way, some martians look very, very similar, and it can be disorienting at first but you get over it.
Duck Dodgers often confuses Marvin and X-2, and the Martians don't really tell him their different because they don't know that he doesn't know. He figures it out one time when he's fighting X-2 and calls him Marvin.
Marcia loves earthlings and longs to study everything about them and their planet, she got this from reading Marvin's old notes on his findings on earth before seeking to explode it. She asks him to take her down there and show her the world, and he begrudgingly agrees. He doesn't like being on earth after the few bad things that happened the times he were on earth, but he'd do anything for his spawn.
Marcia often wears earthling clothes, and tries to play the games they took from earth but you can't really play baseball without gravity. Cards were more fun, though!
Marvin is called Antwerp by friends, and enemies trying to anger him.
You ever go insane late at night and create culture for martians in looney tunes? I'm n o t okay-
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stinky-pizzahiney · 10 months
ask for Melvin (Copborg)
if it's not too personal what sort of modifications have you made to you robotic side?
also I got you these flowers as thanks for all that hard work you do!
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Melvin accepted the flowers on his hand.
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"Well, I did not expect this, but I guess you're welcome." Melvin then put the flower down on his desk.
"As for any modifications I put over my cybernetic side, I'm not sure how much you know about it, but I'd rather keep them as a secret as they're important to what we need for my job. The only thing I could mention is that I can put some data file in me."
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fatummortem · 11 months
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@lilmelvin asked: She's not gonna lie, she's disappointed. Three seconds ago, she was really excited about hearing the door locks and the door open and now she's just pouty and astoundingly disappointed. Staring him down, Melvin crossed her arms.
"I really wanted you to be Deb," she muttered. Now this is just awkward. I mean, who even knows if stranger is good at making bracelets? Accepting Random Asks
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ㅤㅤRyouta wasn't expecting anyone to be at Deb's place, so he stood there half inside the door just taking in the smell of the room. She doesn't smell like someone where they're not supposed to. Tucking his keys into his pocket he nudges the door closed.
ㅤㅤHis blue eyes blink in amusement at the young girl, giving her a grin as he walks over to one of Deb's end tables & sets three circus rose flowers down.
ㅤㅤ" If it helps, I can leave & come back. You can expect me then. " There's a hint of teasing amusement in his voice. He does glance back to the door & decides to ask anyway. He should ask Deb about the girl later. " Do you have a key? "
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emeraldtied · 2 months
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↳ @ofsnarkandmagic asked: Melvin wasn't one to be emotional, not that he couldn't or that he wouldn't, not when it came to the two people that were standing near him; his twin sister and Maurice. "I just want to say, that I'm incredibly grateful to ya both, truly am," the blonde male starts, then reaches towards both of their hands and joins them with one another. He sees the look of confusion in his sister's eyes and the amused smile as she links hands with her boyfriend. "And that you're both probably the best thing that's ever happened to me. If ya didn't know that, ya do now." He finishes his word, by releasing their joined hands and wraps his arms around their shoulders in a group hug. "I love you guys…." Part of him wants to continue, but his emotions get the best of him, face quickly pressed into Mellie's shoulder out of pure instinct. (Decided to send one with them both for once!)
IT WAS THE LAST thing the brunette expected from their little outing together. It had been good times, laughs and smiles and innocent jokes until something seemed to come over the other male. It wasn't that Maurice didn't appreciate the words, in fact they made him feel oddly warm, perhaps one of the most genuine compliments he had ever received that wasn't from immediate family or Mellie, but it was all rather random.
Yet he didn't fight his hand being taken, the way it fit so perfectly in his partner's, only smiled in a near perfect reflection of Mellie. Nor did he fight the space between the three of them closing as Melvin brought them in for that hug. The odd thing was, Maurice felt that he already knew exactly what Melvin meant, what they were getting at and what they were feeling...
Because it was exactly how he felt about the twins too.
"Yeah, we love you too." His tone was playful nonetheless as his free hand gently ruffled the other male's hair, in that loving brotherly kind of way. He would give the other time, of course, but not without one more quip, just barely under his breath.
"Nice speech, by the way. Oscar worthy, I'd say."
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stanger-things · 2 years
Remember the flowers in E.T. that represented the tether between E.T. and Eliot? And how that tether started to weaken them and harm both of them and the flowers were dying but when the tie was severed the flowers grew back healthy. The flowers in question:
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shouta-edits · 2 years
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"Could you do a stimboard of Melvin Sweetwind & Elka Doom from Psychonauts? Possibly with themes/imagery of music & flowers?" - anon requested
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01444410 · 9 months
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In my flowery dreams there’s always you. I do not regret it one bit.
Alfred De Musset, Complete Writing
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Chosen Guardian!Melvin
Dark Magic!Melvin
Fire Nation!Melvin
High School!Melvin
Music Guardians!Melvin
Sugar Rush!Melvin
Super Students!Melvin
That a lotta Melvin
I swear- At this point,i might as well have a Melvin Alphabet
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zorrostep · 2 years
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Mar 28, 2022
Day 547 Hey Diary, Hope things were well for you today. Me? I'm quite alright. Thanks for asking. If anything interesting happened? Well, during work, a customer, an average, polite hedgehog approached us. Well, they approached me. Melvin was asleep. The customer asked me, "What's the hardest part of running your shop?". I'm not sure why they were curious, to be honest, but the answer was rather complicated, I found. For starters, creating a product is certainly difficult with only two contributors. Not to mention, most of our items are one of kind so we're forced to invent new items constantly. I thought this would be my answer but, it quickly dawned on me that even if we make an invaluable product, we won't make anything when no one knows we exist. Advertising is a monumental task for people with nothing but a table and a few trinkets. No connections or money to get ourselves seen either. I thought "Surely that's my answer". And it is what I ended up telling the hedgehog. After a bit of small talk, they went about their day. I'm telling you this because my answer would shift once more later that day. The work hours dragged by and after their conclusion, I woke Melvin. It was only 3 PM, but we had planned to go on an expedition today. And that we did, which is when my thoughts on the hedgehog's question changed. I am sure now that resource gathering is the most exhausting part of our business. The Shop of Myth is unique in many ways, but this feature is the most troublesome for us. Most blacksmiths can order their metal and tools from an in realm shop. Not only do we have to collect our own materials and hop realms. The materials are often rare even in its realm! This time we were looking for these special flowers. They aren't magical from the recordings, but they do possess an unnatural element only found in what we call "Solheim". The issue is, Solheim is nothing but sun with many bright colors and the flowers are white. Melvin says it was "Worse than shoveling snow in the Frigid". While I've never done such a thing, I must agree with the notion that the task felt practically impossible at times. After that, we went to Niflheim for icicles. In hindsight, that was a bit foolish on my behalf. I wondered why Melvin wore a hoodie when we set out for Solheim. The chilling realm provided my answer upon entry. Its cold air always surprises me. I should invest in a Frigid-made hoodie like Melvin's at some time. Thankfully, our target was much easier to locate this time, but the environment was much harsher to me here. That was all we had time for today so we hopped back home afterward. Dinner should be ready soon so this is all for today. See you later, diary. Sincerely, Ricardo
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Late birthday gifts I got at Angry, Young And Poor. Always great seeing you, David!
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holesss · 7 months
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Brand new // Yellowjackets // The Front Bottoms // The Royal Ballet staging of Frankenstein // Jennifer's body // Silas Denver Melvin // Rina Sawayama // Trista Mateer // Martyrs (2008) // Becca de la Rosa // Flower face // Raw (2016)
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mixedupmelody · 1 year
tough guy.
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notes: someone needs to seriously make an effort to bruise these guys' ego a little. the t-birds in GENERAL need to come with a warning sign saying "Will Not Show Affection in Public".
contains: danny zuko x gender neutral reader , kenickie murdoch x female reader
characters: danny zuko, kenickie murdoch, t-birds and pink ladies (briefly mentioned)
warnings: swearing, suggestive themes and dialouge
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. ☁️ .
꒰ danny. ꒱
“ 'S cool with me, baby. ” Danny holds a hand around your waist, taking care not to look into your eyes. God, he could stare at them for hours. He'd live a happy life if all he ever saw was those eyes. But he can't look at you. Not now. The T-Birds stare at him, almost as if they were waiting on their leader to slip up and say something cheesy. “ I'll see you after school, beautiful. ”
You press a quick kiss to his lips, before walking off to your next class. You knew his status meant something to him, and weren't trying to put him in an annoying spot with his friends. Danny's shoulders relax as you walk off, eyes trailing after you as if he could keep you next to him with his mind.
Danny is the leader of the T-Birds, so he's held to a somewhat higher standard than the rest of the guys. Out of all of them, he's suppossed to be the most macho, the most hard-headed, and the most gutsy member all into one. In between all the turf wars and fights at school, he's the face of their gang that let's everyone know he means business.
And then you came along. You managed to break through his tough exterior and unlock a sweeter, more sensitive side of him. He couldn't help but feel like a total melvin each time he dressed up nice to bring you flowers, or when he put his best efforts into not getting fresh with you when you invited him to your place to study after school.
To him, it's all worth it. Just seeing that smile on your face is enough to keep him going through the exhaustion he feels trying to keep his pure, romantic advancements under wraps.
꒰ kenickie. ꒱
Kenickie's hand reaches dangerously close to your ass as you sit with him at The Frosty Palace. As the T-Birds and Pink Ladies chat at their shared booth, Kenickie made sure to show off that he was a certified ladies man. And what better way to show that than messing around with his girl while they ate?
“ If these jokers keep this shitty conversation up, i'll just have to take ya' home for some real fun. ” You could tell he was practically working overtime tonight. With all those notes you left in his lunch, you were more than sure he was trying to make up the jokes he was subjected to. It's not that he really cared what the guys would think, they knew he would knock them out before they had the chance to flap their gums for too long, but it was a matter of dignity!
Kenickie Murdouch would rather die than let the guys think he's gone soft. He's a rockin', smooth talkin' rebel who's all bark. At least, until he started going steady with you. He feels all mixed up, wanting to treat you nice while also having to be on the look out for the other T-Birds.
God forbid you ever give him a tender kiss in front of his friends at school, or make him quiet a quick "i love you too" when you part ways in the halls. The guys will rip on him for as long as Kenickie will take it, making obnoxious kissing noises and jokingly threaten to take his second-in-command spot.
If they push him too far, he'll switch right back into greaser mode, and threaten to knock the living daylights out of them. They shut up quickly after that.
There's been at least one instance where you and Kenickie were on a date at The Frosty Palace, sharing a milkshake. As you two are talking, he laughs, slamming his hand on the table, and the milkshake splashes on the tip of his nose. When you go to clean his face for him, the other T-Birds barge in through those glass doors. It almost feels unreal how accurate their timing is. You hear a chorus of "oooo!"s as you clean his face, trying your best to calm your boyfriend down before he loses his cool.
You don't see his walls go down often, even when you're by yourselves. Give him time.
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