#florence pugh was amazing tho
its-still-atlass · 11 months
Why are there so many fuckin people in Oppenheimer? That cast was like the goddamn MCU
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justisco · 2 years
don’t worry darling is a film, kiki layne and ari’el stachel deserve better
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sincericida · 9 months
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at the Valentino Womenswear Spring/Summer 2024 after party as part of Paris Fashion Week 2023, in Paris, France.
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thewritingpossum · 24 days
Currently rereading this french scifi book that's all about a bunch of medievalish people building this absurdly high cathedral (and by 'high' i mean that none of the living human in this book ever got out of what they call the cathedral and touched the actual ground)in an attempt to reach God but then the big plot twist is that the ruling class are actually a bunch of almost immortal alien beings who accidentally crashed on Earth during the actual Middle Ages, need to be at a certain height to launch their rocket and go back to their planet and therefore used the people's faith and whatever ingineering they had at this point to reach their goals, not caring that it would take centuries and centuries because it's litterally just a few hours for them and honestly this could be such a cool movie, somebody please adapt this thing right now
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littlexscarletxwitch · 9 months
── ༊*·˚⋆ 𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲!
paring: florence pugh x fem!reader
tag(s): fluff, r's birthday party organised by flo herself (lol), flo and r being sooo in love (i want what they have), surprise birthday party, billieee
warning(s): r having a 'rough' childhood (not much details tho), mentions of anxiety and stress and overthinking (?), grammatical errors, unedited
word count: 1.9 k
requested?: yes, you can find the request right here
note: NONNIE, I'M SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG. I hope you had an amazing birthday, full of joy. And I also hope that you like this, as much as a loved writing your request. I'm not a native english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Hope you all enjoy, happy reading, and happy birthday or very merry unbirthday! Lots of love, M <3
requests are open! + check my rules here + masterlist <3
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The rain was pouring, your coffee was growing cold and your eyes were getting heavier by the second, but you just couldn't take your eyes off of your book.
"Are you done yet?" she complained.
"Almost," she huffed at your response, the same answer she had been getting the last 30 minutes.
"Yeah, you keep saying that," she wanted to sound annoyed at you but she just couldn’t.
"I swear I'm almost done," you chuckled.
"You know what? I'm just gonna—" she said as she took the book off of your hands.
"I wasn't done," you scoffed.
"And now I'm gonna get over here," she sat on your lap.
You smiled at her, impossible for you to stay ‘mad’ at her for more than just a few seconds.
She pecked your lips, the simple action sending a shiver up your spine even though it wasn't the first time that she did it.
She went to peck your lips once again, but this time your lips captured hers, while your hands at her hips pushed her closer to your body. Florence moaned into your lips as she felt her chest being pushed against yours. Your soft warm hands slowly crawled around her back, setting her skin on fire. Your book long forgotten.
“Wait,” she said, almost breathless. “I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Yeah, sure,” you said, your lips moving to the soft skin on her neck.
She threw her head back, giving you more access, trying to hold back her moans and focus on what she wanted to tell you.
“I’m serious, Y/n.”
“I’m listening,” you mumbled into her skin.
“Your birthday’s coming up,” she breathed out.
The mention of your birthday made you stop for half a second, but then you gathered yourself up, shrugged all the memories away and decided to focus on marking Florence’s soft skin. But your small action didn’t go unnoticed by your girlfriend.
“Yeah, it seems so… what about it?” you wanted to kiss her so she could just drop the subject, but you knew she meant well.
Florence’s brows furrowed, it was your birthday for god’s sake, and she felt like it was just her who was excited about that special day.
“Well… I was thinking,” she cupped your cheek with her warm hands, forcing your eyes to meet hers, “we could invite everyone over, maybe I can cook some pizza and we can do karaoke and…,” she sounded so thrilled that it hurt having to cut her off.
“Flor, it’s okay. We don’t have to do any of that,” you grabbed her hands and left a sweet kiss on the back of them. “We can just chill here, order something and watch some films.”
“But it’s your birthday and I wanted—.”
“It’s not that big of a deal.”
Florence stared at you for a minute, trying to read your thoughts. She figured that your mood changed and your birthday were, somehow, related.
“You don’t want to celebrate your birthday, do you?” she quietly asked, as her fingertips transcend small circles on the back of your hand.
“I mean… I just…” you huffed, clearly annoyed at this whole conversation.
“What is it, babe?”
"I just…" you let out the breath you had been holding onto, blinking the tears away that you hadn't even noticed they were about to spill.
Florence kissed your forehead in an attempt of offering you some comfort, she didn't know that your birthday was a sensible topic for you to talk about. She waited, patiently, for you to talk, giving you time to gather yourself up, and letting you know she was right there for you.
"Back then we didn't have enough money, we weren’t poor but we always were short on it. So a birthday party just wasn’t on our plans, but mum always made sure to cook my favourite and I always had a great time,” you smiled at the memory.
"I loved those special meals, but deep down it made me sad. All the kids on my block had all these amazing birthday parties and I just had a family dinner like any other day,” you laughed, but there was not a trace of humour in your tone.
“But I’m grateful for everything my parents did for me, I don’t want to sound ungrateful,” you shook your head, emphasising your words.
“You’re not ungrateful, Y/n. You could never be.”
You breathed in, pushing all the messy emotions away, nodding to her words. “So, I don’t need everyone to come over, or you cooking pizza for everyone or karaoke,” you chuckled.
“But… but you deserve it,” she tried.
“It’s okay, Flo,” you pecked her lips, and a second later you yawed. “Well, I’m going to sleep now,” you wrapped yourself in the soft warm blankets. “Don't stay up late, missy. Love you,” was the last thing you said before finally closing your eyes, leaving Florence with her own thoughts.
The only thought on her mind was that you deserved the happiest of birthdays someone could ever have. She decided that it was up to her to give you the birthday party you could never have had as a child. She didn’t blame your parents for such an arrangement in the past, she understood they did their best with what they were capable of. But she was there now, and she was going to make sure to give you everything you deserved, and the least she could do was to throw you the best birthday party she could ever organise.
She smiled to herself as she watched you sleep, a million ideas rushing to her mind, picturing you with a big smile on your face when the day came.
It wasn’t easy for her, especially with so little time left for your birthday. But she wasn’t going to give up so easily, not when it was about you. Florence had only two weeks to organise the best birthday party you could possibly have.
The date was already set, the same day as your birthday, which was a Friday, so it was perfect. Given the short time, she had no other alternative than to host the party in your shared home, but it was fine, it was just about right for everyone she had planned to invite over.
Raffie, her little sister, helped her out with the digital invitations and they were already sent, every guest confirming their attendance, which brought a smile to Florence’s face. On the invitation Florence —and Raffie— clarified that everyone should be right on time, so they could be all there when you walk in the door after work and surprise you.
The food was the easiest part of it. She gathered Toby, Arabella and Raffie, and the four of them got to work, and in no time they had that problem solved. Pizzas and sandwiches were made, and were ready to be defrosted as soon as Friday came. And lots of different cakes were ordered, one of them wishing you the happiest of birthdays on top.
Now, what was left was convincing you that she wasn’t up to something. Hiding this little secret was a bit hard for Florence, she wanted to come clean to you, she felt terrible about lying to you about your birthday. But she knew deep down that you would love the surprise. So she did her best and kept her mouth shut. And luckily for the both of you, she managed it pretty well. With some help of Raffie, of course.
Florence was sweating, even though it was cold outside.
She was getting nervous as the time of your arrival came closer. Everyone that was supposed to be present was already there, which was a good thing that gave Florence some comfort. But she was worried about something else.
“What if she doesn’t like it?”
“Flossie—,” Toby tried but her sister cut him off.
“She didn’t want this,” she shook her head in disapproval of herself. “She told me she wanted something simple.”
“Y/n will love this,” Raffie tried to calm her sister.
“She will hate me, she will definitely hate me after this. I shouldn’t have—,” she cut herself as she heard the breaks of your car outside. A second later Billie barked at her, as if confirming you were there.
Her eyes winded as her heart skipped a beat, which Raffie took notice of. “Hey!” she grabbed her sister by the shoulders. “She is going to love this, I swear. Her mum told me, okay? You are good.”
Raffie’s words sinked into her. Florence took a deep breath, nodding to herself and got the last step of her plan in motion.
“Okay, everyone at your place, please. Y/n’s here,” she said as she moved closer to the front door, turning off all the lights on her way. “Don’t say anything until the lights are on, and remember it’s: Surprise, Y/n. Okay?” she heard everyone humming in agreement. “Okay,” she confirmed to herself, getting into her position, straightening her skirt with her sweaty hands.
She felt Billie right next to her, getting ready to surprise you as well. Sensing her owner’s unstillnes, Billie nudged Florence’s leg, with the tip of her nose, trying to comfort her. Florence smiled at her dog in the darkness, taking in one last breath as she heard you unlocking the door.
“Flo—? What the—?” you said, confused, as you opened the door to only find a darkened home.
Your hand went to turn on the light, but Florence beat you to it.
“Surprise, Y/n!” the loud cheering straddled you, but it also brought the biggest smile to your face and tears to the corner of your eyes.
“Happy birthday, baby!” Florence said excitedly, leaving a kiss on your cheek. Some of her anxiety washed away as she watched you smile, her heartbeat finally beating properly.
In a sudden movement, you grabbed her and brought her into you, hugging her tightly, as if not wanting her to slip off from your arms ever.
“I can’t believe you did this whole thing for me,” you whisper into her ear, as your eyes trailed all over the place, taking in all the details.
There were balloons everywhere in the shade of your favourite colour, some shiny fringe backdrops hanging from the ceiling, big shiny balloons in the shape of your new age number, and most importantly, everyone you cared for was there. Florence even succeeded in bringing your grandma. And your heart became even warmer when you saw Florence’s family as well, her parents, her siblings and their partners and, obviously, granzo Pat.
She pulled away from the hug, much to her dismay, and cupped your cheeks with her warm hands. “Of course, I did, silly,” there was so much love in her eyes, that you swear you could have melted right there. “I love you.”
“I love you more,” you smiled at her.
Billie nudged your leg, wanting to get your attention, and she slowly howled to you, which you took as a ‘happy birthday’.
“Why, thank you, missy moo,” you said as she looked up to you and planted a kiss on the top of her head.
“Y/n!” you heard your name being called.
“Go,” Florence pushed you forwards. “Everyone wants to say ‘hi’ to you.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” you smiled at that thought.
Everyone was here for you and only you, you felt like your heart could burst out of your chest from all the happiness you were feeling.
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darththrog · 11 days
when the final whistle blew I couldn't stop myself from crying like I didn't even feel that sad at halftime cause we actually played good?? Tho adiyemi made me want to slap tf outta him with that chance like bruder like i understand the pressure but its a cl final ...also fulle, brandt everyone becoming blind all of a sudden.
But it really hit me on that carbatajuill goal. And then maatsen's mistake...that's when it totally hit me. I had hope until 85th minute and then the fulle offside that made it even worse. After the FT I just cried like fuckin Florence pugh in that one movie and I switched off the tv cause i couldnt bear to see those bums lift the trophy and then i cried myself to sleep...
But may 27 takes the cake on this one this time it actually is a lighter blow cause I'm kinda proud of them. We played good football and honestly were the better team. I'm happy at the fact we came all this way. Sure it could've been the best underdog story if we won, but it's Madrid. It's impossible to beat them in a final and like they've did it 14 times this is our first time.
And it kills me to see Marco lying on the ground just like he did 11 years ago...this was such a poetic script I wanted so bad to win it for him and see him smile and cry out of happiness, but football isn't a fairytale and happy endings always don't come.
I don't blame maatsen, I don't blame fulle, I don't blame adiyemi(I kinda do), I'm just so so so proud of this amazing team. I'll always love them whatever happens but I know it won't be the same without Marco...he gave everything to us and we couldn't repay him.
Sad but proud. Heja BVB 💛
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kteezy997 · 2 years
Seriously tho how are we gonna handle having Timmy Chalamet and Austin Butler and Zendaya and Florence Pugh in the same movie? I can’t even begin to process all the beauty, talent, and sex appeal helpppp
Dune part 2 is gonna be so amazing I cannot wait!
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rues-daya · 2 years
showing some love for my girl flo <3
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liked by lilireinhart , florencepugh and 2,389,009 others
yourinstagram: my day consist of beautiful weather , some coffee and lots lots lots of love from my girl!! hope you all had a wonderful day :)
view all 9,768 comments
y/nfan87 let me be your woman as Doja Cat will say
florencefan000 ‘ my girl ’ 🥺🥺🥺
lilireinhart happiness looks amazing on you 🥺
yourinstagram love u lil <3
marvelfan87 imagine dating florence pugh a.k.a yelena belova… I can’t relate but y/n can relate
y/nfan90 that smile !!!
zendaya cutie 🥰
florencefan99 I want your girl
haileesteinfeld ♥️♥️♥️
florencepugh that’s my girl everyone! like damn look at her and that smile , fell in love ten times harder than before 😍
yourinstagram oh stop it you ;)
florencepugh never ;)
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liked by yourinstagram , haileesteinfeld and 5,890,654 others
florencepugh: en route from New York to London for the baftas!! thank you so much for having me and to my amazing glam team for always making me look perfect on red carpets, couldn’t done it without you guys 🖤
view all 5,987 comments
haileesteinfeld flo 😍😍😍
florencefan01 holy shit 🔥
y/nfan96 um wow like wow
y/nfan00 someone check on yourinstagram
* liked by yourinstagram
milliebobbybrown gorgeous 🥰
florencefan97 still forever obsessed with your hair
florencefan07 you just own the red carpets
maudeapatow so beautiful 💝
y/nfan07 date me instead
yourinstagram I….. am speechless, you look a m a z i n g!! like wow, marry me like right now 💍😍♥️
florencepugh yes a million times 💍💍
y/nfan65 y’all have something to tell us 🤨
florencefan95 watch them actually be in engaged tho
y/nfan18 the internet will scream
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liked by yourinstagram and 10,227 others
florencedaily: Florence Pugh walks the 2022 BAFTA’s red carpet in London!
tagged: florencepugh
view all 210 comments
florencefan07 i love her
florencefan21 still not over this whole look
florencedaily trust me, neither am i
y/nfan65 yourinstagram liked this post !!!
y/nfan54 y/n is the biggest simp for florence, y’all can’t tell me otherwise
yourinstagram trust me , you are not wrong :)
y/nfan54 omg hi hi hi
yourinstagram oh come on 😍😍😍
florencedaily you big simp 😉
yourinstagram story
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secondlastpsycho · 3 years
i just watched midsommar, ya know the movie with florence pugh in it and i'm never ever gonna be the fucking same ever again i kinda hated the movie even tho florence pugh's acting was amazing
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blush-and-books · 4 years
tag 9 people who you want to catch up with or get to know better!!! Tagged by the amazing @julieandherhimbros
LAST SONG: wake up from julie and the phantoms LMAO I haven't listened to any other music
CURRENTLY WATCHING: schitts creek and hannibal and jatp (rewatch) and trying to start grand army??? Idk yet about that one tho because there are some racist issues with the head writer,, not sure I'm down to support that even though I was kinda vibing with the first 20 minutes
LAST MOVIE: Wow I dont even remember the last movie I watched... either it was Witness or Twitches lmaooooo
CURRENTLY READING: I'm Not Dying With You Tonight by Gilly Segal and Kimberly Jones!
Tagging @phantomoftheorpheum @juliemolinas @julietmolina @jatp-juke-love @lukesorangebeanie @kitkattsmeow @avengingismyspecialty @tom-hunter-summah @florences-pugh
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stevebucks-archive · 4 years
Hey! God Florence Pugh is so great right? I just rewatched midsommar and it was amazing even on this rewatch. I can’t sleep either :) 🌸
Yes she is !! I love her, midsommar freaked me out tho 😂
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littlexscarletxwitch · 6 months
hii! can i request a florence pugh x reader where the reader and flo are out at a club but have not met before, and then someone tires to make a move on flo that she doesn’t want so the reader protects her? if not that’s okay! :)
── ༊*·˚⋆ 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝘂𝗰𝗸 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂?
paring: florence pugh x fem!reader
tag(s): kinda fluffy, flirty flo and r, protective (more like possessive lol) r, i hate men :)
warning(s): some dude harassing flo, mentions of alcohol, grammatical errors, unedited
word count: 1.2 k
note: So sorry it took me so long to get back to you, nonnie. I really hope you like it, tho I'm not sure if I did you idea justice lol. On the other hand, I fished all of my exams so that means more time to write. Therefore I might update twice a week, or as I keep on finishing up fics. Lots of love, M <3
requests are open! + check my rules + masterlist <3
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The loud music, the low colourful lights and the cold drink in your hands felt like heaven but nothing could compare to those lovely soft green eyes. 
You had been watching her the entire night, unable to take your eyes off of her. The way she would laugh with her friends scrunching her nose, the way she would swing her hips, the way she would gulped down her drink made you all flustered and bothered. Maybe it was just the alcohol but she was really beautiful to look at, so you didn’t mind at all. 
Florence knew you were watching, she could feel your eyes burning holes all over her body. But the thing was that she loved it. She took glances at you as well, when she felt like you were not looking at her. And she was really pleased by the sight: bright smile, kind eyes and lips she would love to taste. 
But neither of you dare to make a move, god only knew why the two of you were being so silly. And so the night went on, the two of you stealing glances at each other, Florence from the middle of the crowd and you from your stool at the bar. It was really stupid, but it also felt like a game, a secret code only the two of you knew about. 
As she took her glass to her lips, her eyes searched for your frame. But as she gulped down the last of her drink, she realised you were nowhere in sight. She frowned, was it over? Did she miss her chance? She should have acted sooner, now all she had was a bitter taste in her mouth and the need to wash it away with some more alcohol.
“I’m going to get a drink,” she said to Ashley, her friend, showing her the empty glass with a fake pout on her lips. 
“Get me something too,” the girl yelled to her friend over the loud music, to which Florence only nodded with a thumb up. 
She made her way to the bar, gently pushing people out of their way and smiling at some of them as she watched them dancing and enjoying themselves. She called a bartender and asked her for an ice-cold martini and a beer for Ashley. As the girl prepared her drink and five more at the same time, Florence felt an unknown presence next to her. The thought of you quickly crossed her mind, so she turned but her smile flattered as she didn’t meet your kind sweet eyes, but a pair of cold blue eyes. 
She pushed down the uneasy feeling growing in her stomach and put on her best fake smile. Sure, it wasn’t who she was expecting but it wasn’t the strangers fault. He didn’t deserve to be treated badly, he hadn’t done anything wrong.
“Hey,” said the man nodding to her. She cursed herself for getting his attention, he mistook her politeness for flirting.
“Hi,” she went along nevertheless, not wanting to come out as rude. 
And that word was all it took for the man in front of her to start talking nonstop. 
The bartender had already given her the drinks she had asked for and he still kept on talking. Florence had already drunk her martini and he was still talking. She ordered a second martini, the beer going hot beside her as he told her about his amazing job. She couldn’t take it anymore, but she didn’t want to cause a scene. 
You, who had come back from the restroom, had found yourself sitting next to said man. You had heard the same boring talk as Florence, but you didn’t realise it was her until you quickly looked at her. She seemed unease and bored, she was biting her bottom lip and nodding along to whatever he was saying. But her eyes weren’t as shiny as they were before, when she was dancing with her friend, having the time of her life, and smiling at you from time to time. 
“Hey, why don’t we go somewhere more private?” the man said, reaching out for Florence’s hand. She slightly backed up. 
“No, I think I’m good here,” she said as she gently shook her head. 
“Oh, come on,” he insisted. “Let’s have some fun.”
“Thank you, but I’m just fine exactly where I am,” she said harshly, with a tight smile on her lips. She was done being polite. 
“Don’t be a buzzkill. Come on, I promise you’ll have a lovely time,” Florence cringed at his words. 
“I think I should go,” you noticed the worry with a tint of anger in her tone, and you didn’t like that one bit. Especially when the guy just wouldn't take the hint. 
You gulped down the rest of your drink, hoping the alcohol now running through your veins would give you more courage, and hopefully it would help you not think things through or else you feared you would back down. 
You quietly stood up without him noticing, turned to him clearing your throat and spoke up through the loud music. “Oh, there you are, honey!” you plastered your best smile on your face. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” you hugged her, whispering in her ear to play along. 
“Hi, baby. I missed you” she quickly said as she wrapped her arms around you. 
Both of your heartbeats were beating a mile per hour, this was not how either of you would imagine to talk to the other. As Florence placed her head in the crook of your neck, your sweet fresh scent filled her nose, erupting butterflies in her stomach. 
“Baby?” the guy scoffed. “Excuse me. Who are you?” he raised his brows at you. 
“I’m Y/n, her girlfriend ,” you raised your brows back at him, playing the part. “Who the fuck are you?” you said with a fake smile on your lips as you wrapped your arm around Florence's waist. 
“What?” he scoffed again. “This is bullshit,” he shook his head as he walked away from the two of you. 
You sighed and rolled your eyes at him. “Men. Am I right?”
“Tell me about it,” Florence smiled at you. 
“Oh, sorry,” you said as you realised your arm was still looped around her. 
“No worries,” you had just dropped your arm and she was already missing the warmth of your skin. She cleared her throat, pushing away her thoughts. “Thank you for getting me out of that.”
“You’re very welcome,” you couldn't stop the blood rushing to your cheeks as your eyes were fixed on hers. “I, um, I actually wanted to talk to you earlier…”
“You did?” her eyes seemed to light up, but maybe it was just the flashy lights. 
“Yeah! But I… I just thought… I…” you were babbling, a sign of how nervous you were. 
“I wanted to talk to you too,” she quickly chimed in. 
You couldn’t hold back your smile no matter how hard you were trying. “I know you just got out of a messy situation,” she chuckled, and you could have sworn that you felt your heart flutter. “But, um, can I buy you a drink?” you shyly asked her. 
“I would love that,” she responded, mirroring your smile. 
Florence was so mesmerised by you that she hadn't realised that she had completely forgotten about Ashley’s beer. But, oh well, she was sure her friend would understand. After all, a pretty girl saving your ass from a creepy dude wasn’t an everyday thing, and she wasn’t just going to let you go that easily.
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vernaun · 4 years
what are some movies you'd recommend? 👀
OOOH! okay here we go:
↠ the lighthouse (2019)
amazing direction, set design, and thrilling plot. full of homoerotic imagery and Robert Pattinson (my husband). my favorite film of all time if that says anything.
↠ midsommar (2019)
be warned, this film is fucked up. its a slow burn, so if you’re not into that thing, this may not be for you. but when I tell you that the third act of this film will rip you to shreds and leave u gasping, it will. lots of drugs, Florence Pugh screaming and crying, and cults!
↠ suspiria (2018?)
Dakota johnson kills it in this film. its basically about a dance academy that is a front for a coven of witches. it gets very bloody and very gnarly tho so watch with caution. 
↠ ma (2019)
this isn't particularly a GOOD movie, but it is definitely entertaining. also, Diana silvers?? beautiful and iconic.
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joanna-lannister · 3 years
Oh, I am ALWAYS looking for film recs if you have any! :)
Yes! I don't know what kind of movies you like but if you love horror movies:
- Raw: this movie is just insane fjdjdjsns
- A Classic Horror Story: has Midsommar vibes but, tbh I found it way more entertaining than Midsommar
- The Power: some kind of indie movie with Rose Williams, I didn't find it that much scary but it still can give you some creepy jump scare and the major theme can be triggering (while not too much explicit) but I loved it and it deserves a recognition imo
- A Quiet Place Part I and II: it's pretty popular but Emily Blunt acting is just *CHEF KISS*
- Red Dot: I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THAT ONE! And tbh the final shot still haunts me months after lmao
- Army of the Dead (2021): okay, that one is more funny than horrific and a bit cliché but honestly, it gave me a good laugh!
- The Fear Street Series: pretty popular too and I watched it because I saw gifsets on tumblr, tbh I wasn't expecting anything from it but I loved it, the story, the aesthetic and also GAY
- Ready or Not: ICONIC!
- The Lodgers (2018): It's a shame this movie is not more well known because the story and mostly the gothic aesthetic are WOW *trigger warning here tho*
- Don't breathe: Since the second part is out (I haven't watched it yet tho), I want to mention it because that movie was very good and honestly, I expected the usual clichés you can find in horror movies but they somehow twisted them?
As for other kind of movies I watched this years (tho I admit I didn't watch that much movies this year rip 😂):
- Black Widow: I'm far from an MCU stan tbh but I loved the main themes here and Florence Pugh as Yelena is 👌🏻👌🏻
- Promising Young Woman: the Gone Girl vibes here! That movie was gold!
- Lovelace: a biopic about Linda Lovelace with Amanda Seyfried. I watched it some time ago already but her performance is breathtaking and this movie literally broke my heart... *major triggers warning here too*
- Cruella: I know there was a lot of blacklash about this movie, but I really enjoyed it? 😬 The excecution wasn't perfect but the aesthetic was amazing, Emma Stone very good and I loved the found family trope! I think you need to watch this movie without thinking it's some kind of prequel.
- Crazy Rich Asians: watched it a long time ago too and it's pretty popular, but if you want something very cute and funny, I think it's the best movie to watch (or rewatch) for that!
- Love, Rosie: Same as Crazy Rich Asians.
And then, I'd mention my favorite movies: Marie Antoinette, The Virgin Suicides, Factory Girl and Gone Girl.
Some movies in this list are very popular as I said but I tried to pick up some that are less known and I enjoyed a lot! ❤️😊
sleepover weekend!
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rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you'd like to get to know better
wasn't tagged but @foreheadtouch said anyone who wants to can do this and listen if foreheadtouch says so who am I to argue
Real name? Andrea
Nickname? Dea, Deja, Dejica, Andreica, you get it. also Boris. like Boris The Animal. idk why, ask my father
Zodiac? sagittarius sun, cancer moon, capricorn rising
Favourite musicians or groups? Hozier, The Amazing Devil, Lorde, Lana Del Rey, One Direction, Taylor Swift, Kedžo, a few croatian groups (klape mostly), those people who sang all those Polynesian songs in moana you know the ones
Favourite sports teams? idk the croatian national football team? sports and I aren't exactly, as Croats would say, na ti
Other blogs? ne, we cram everything into one blog like hamsters
Do i get asks? if I have, tumblr has eaten them
How many blogs do I follow? 305
Tumblr crushes? so many! look at who I tag "how dare you" or "shut up" etc when I reblog them
Lucky numbers? uh 5 and 3 and 7 ig
What am I wearing? black socks bluegreyish sweatpants and my father's grey t-shirt
Dream vacation? almost everywhere, but mostly new zealand, some places in africa, ireland
Dream car? vintage! bentley! or just a carriage, I'm not a fan of cars tbh I prefer boats or legs
Favourite food? idk how to translate but restani krumpir, sarma, čobanac, also apples figs and strawberries and tomatoes, and french toast made by my grandma Boja specifically
Drink of choice? water, apple juice, and if we're talking alcohol screwdriver
Instruments? lil bit of drums, lil bit of synthesizer, wish I could learn the lute tho
Languages? croatian, english, german, latin, I can understand some spanish, french, italian, most other slavic languages, and if I keep watching moana I might understand some samoan and tokelauan too
Celebrity crushes? Saoirse Ronan, Florence Pugh, Hozier, Keira Knightley, Winona Ryder, Jade Thirlwall, Isaiah Mustafa
Random facts? i walked before I could crawl and I walked backwards; I can cluck like a chicken pretty convincingly; I once stole some pancetta from a cat after he stole my candy; my parents once spent an hour looking for me and found me in the dog house telling the dog to get in his house, which he was in, right beside me
I have no clue who to tag so. if you see this consider yerself tagged
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