#final chase in the bg
redlegend-a · 1 year
can you see all of me walk in-to my mystery step in-side and hold on for dear liiiiiiiife.
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xuxudio · 1 year
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i'm glad no one was home because i screamed when i realized just who grabbed each bouquet
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minjv · 3 months
i have been getting so into txt lately
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“Hello, I’m the friendly wizard _____. My name got taken by a fey prince but it hasn’t really hampered my life. Anyways I am new to this wider wizard community and would like to get along. I have a magic book, a cart, and a friend. His name is Jerry, he is a fungus colony that has taken over my magic book and acts sort of as my patron. He…is a little weird but great fun.”
*sound of an explosion in the background, a book flys by being chased by goblin shamans casting fire ball*
“He is…”
“He is fine.”
“Anyways, I am here to sell goods and make a small profit. If you need something I’ll see what I can do : ) ”
“Also apparently I helped smuggle an amnesiac @fattocatto-wizard out of the city in my wagon. That was a shock, though he was just a cat.
Character Cheat sheet
( 3 currency to 16 silver crowns and 2 copper crowns)
(Current balance 82,657.750001 currency, one penny, 23 meat pucks, 14 pounds, 2 gold coins one with Julius Cesar on it, 3 naturally-grown mana stones, 2 highly enchant able metal pieces, and one bar, 1 special bug corpse, 874 gold, silver 18, 70 aus, 5kg silver, magic dirt house size. 24 counterfeit currency. Moss/lichen-coded bio stone. An inverse cold torch. 99 BG silver. EMERALD LINCOLN, GOLDEN CARROT, 200 SALTED MEAT DISKS, 200 POLISHED ROCKS, 82 FIGET SPINNERS!, A FULLY EQUIPPED LICH'S DUNGEON, and a cardboard box (magic black marble).” Invisibility stone, a bundle of drake feathers, quantum locked rock, raw gold. 9 Gold coming from the green goblin empire, 50 mushrooms, 92 secret society emblem. 5 trans enchanted gold coins, 2 skull coin, ancient lost civilization fragment, 5 glistening green metallic coin, 31 writhing bugs of gold, jade coin. Pile of gold coins and gold coin bugs, pile of shines from harpy, dust, quantum glass shards, bag of tooth shaped candy, 6720 candies from the festival, bag of holding money bag, 68 money bags. 5 (+2 a week) currency of debt from @yeast-wizard, 500 flat Foxen, double sided dollar coin, 3 floppies, a Brahman horn, a medkit, a few candy bars, and an umbrella, 130 goblins eggs (goblin cooked chicken eggs.))
(Currently holding baby dire bunnies.)
(Jerry’s balance 13 gold, a fancy rock, 1 coin, flower petals (snacks for later), harpy eyes, feathers, vocal cords, and talons)
(Warlocks of Jerry @fungal-boy-witch-yay @ignisuadaroleplay @life-is-okay-rn2 I think that is who it was…)
(Possessions - wealth stone, Antidote stone)
Owner of membership cards
@ignisuadaroleplay (will)
@akronus-and-associates (the primordials)
5% off all purchases
Special requested items
More favorable bartering
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bisexualraichu · 7 months
since purgatory is ending here is a messy list of random BOLAS?!?!?! moments I liked since they were my main POV
- THE GAS MASK DEATH CULT!!! It was so iconic and I can imagine them just acting like normal when they go home but once in a while making some unnerving reference to the Gas or something 😭 haha remember that time we were in a cult guys that was crazy... *eyes twitching bc of toxic gas abstinence* they will never look at a gas mask the same way again and neither will I
- It was so sweet how much more they bonded and how they mostly tried to log in together. It was surprising how much Charlie logged in this event even off-stream, but even if it isn't his typical gameplay style you could tell he just enjoyed spending time with BOLAS?!?! :')
- All the Dadza jokes lol Loved it when Phil would log off and they'd just be completely lost and be like WHAT DO WE DO NOW??? DO WE FALL AND DIE??? DO WE GIVE EVERYTHING WE HAVE TO BLUE TEAM??? DO WE INVITE BADBOYHALO OVER?? LMAO
- Also Baghera sometimes playing a bratty kid and being super happy whenever she got Phil's approval 😭😭 and the way how this relates to her lore and how she never had a real childhood WAWAWAWAA
- BAGHERA'S CHAINSAW!!! the stuff of Quackity's nightmares LOOL please giver her a chainsaw at Quesadilla 👉👈
- Girlboss gatekeep gaslighter Jaiden... that day she just kept dying and playing up the damsel in distress card and then got kidnapped by the Blue Team AND THEN kidnapped the Green Team(?)'s goblin by complete accident that was so funny lmaooo
- The entirety of Day 2 from Red POV felt like a sitcom episode lol Like Charlie's POV in particular was insane, when he kidnapped the fucking NPC and then chased Quackity and then they tried gaslighting him in global chat akkasjdkkdkd and all that culminating in their first win after a rocky start, that day was just pure CINEMA
- CARRE THE ARGENTINIAN BEAST !!! even if he didn't log in as much I think him being there for the first days was crucial for Red's morale lol, love the way he would mostly play silently and then unmute to say something unhinged, the "ay papi" clip is a one shot kill for me even when I know it's coming
- The fucking "HOLY SHIT KILL YOURSELF" from Jaiden with Charlie going "LET ME GO!! LET ME GO!!" while everyone else equally died in the bg when they got a disaster in day 1...... that clip is everything to me
- Ok the Egg War event in general was so cool. Foolish's castle was the true star of the show and it was great how he and Cellbit worked together to make the perfect fortress. And Cellbit's strategy of not showing the egg's location on-stream made me even more tense as a viewer because I had NO IDEA whether green team was getting close to the egg or not
- Slimeriana reunion! That happened. In the Global Spawn Pool. Yeah. Let us never speak of it again
- That clip of Cellbit oneshotting Tina and her scream being cut off 😭
- The clip of Phil just leaving a serious discussion with Fit and BBH and then seeing Baghera laughing hysterically and her saying "PHILZA GET IN THE VC!! :D" and he gets in and they're just playing loud vaccuum noises while mining sand lmao
- When everyone was discussing the egg statues on VC and Bagi and Cellbit were yelling at each other(in RP) and Bagi called him her brother and Phil went "YOU GUYS ARE SIBLINGS???" and then Cellbit muted her, peak sibling behavior
- Tubbo saying "okay gay murder boy" and Cellbit responding "hows fred btw" and Tubbo logging off LOL I just love every moment of qCellbit and qTubbo being toxic gays towards each other
- And finally, something I'll really miss from this event: when the server would close and all the CCs would hang out together in VC and talk about the day and play games together :'')
could list more but I'm tired and just going off memory. anyways rip purgatory it was def exhausting but overall i did have a lot of fun(definitely more than the election LOL)
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chiptrillino · 1 year
Chewing that part time pirate zuko... And also the fact that I'm obsessed with yuyan archer Mai. So here's the deal: after the war mai got to do whatever the fuck she wanted because she's one of the fire lord's best friends, who's going to stop her? So she goes to finally learn from the yuyan archers, doesn't take long bc 1. Zuko is surrounded by prodigies and 2. Have you SEEN mai's aim? She has the yuyan technique down in a week
The fire nation advisors are extremely worried about the fire lord at sea, and zuko sees mai, recently fully realized yuyan archer, and goes "she'll be my body guard so you people shut the fuck up". Sometimes mai takes her brother on the trips just because she can
(side note, i think the ship is metal solely so toph can be comfortably on board and still be able to navigate her way around)
Also, i forgot in my last ask, i was going to say that yue absolutely knows who zuko is, not just as fire lord, but as sokka's friend bc like... She's always trying to see where she can help the gaang, she saw when zuko joined and everything since, so when she sees zuko chasing pirates it's not just "oh I'm so bored look at that human trouble" but rather "oh I'm so bored oh wait i can help sokka's friend"
I'm undecided in whether aang is splitting hairs so to say about yue casually coming to the human world, or if he's out there acting as a yue lawyer trying to convince other great spirits to not give her grief but also not follow along on her idea bc... That would get messy very fast
Also. I love azula, i love that she's a menace, zuko leaves her in charge when he leaves and the fire nation advisors and ministers and the like are terrified of that. Azula loves it. She may also have implied she'll have zuko killed at sea (for the laughs and to see if anyone is not scared enough of that possibility. It's useful to know who wouldn't miss zuko to check if they're also actively treasonous). The gaang hears of this and they're extremely uncomfortable by the idea bc they're not sure if azula is being serious each time
honestly, just the threat of "azula is in charge" and she is chuckling in the bg. is like the biggest threat zuko could make. And all ambassadors, diplomat and council man are suddenly at their bestest behavior in a sense of " no fire lord please don't leave us we will do what ever you want"
its pointless though. zuko needs his brake and well. yeha he has mai and tom tom and just who ever wants to come along comes with. beating up criminals is a healthy and productive coping mechanism with stress i think.
it's fun seeing you so exited with this au anon, hahah I agree with every addition you bless me with, hahah
I guess aang is splitting hair depending on with who he argues. if it is with humans, he just has a dead tired look in his eyes and just exhausted sighs out, "do i look like i control the moon?" like truly humans are so stupid? You think the avatar can tell a greater spirit anything?
on the other hand, when dealing with La, other greater spirits or Yue himself. he is like... trying to reason with them, which is just... very difficult and nerve wrecking because it's not like spirits do listen. they stay above him, and just want harmony and balance. but yue is for her convenience disturbing the balance. its like a partner therapy. and aang mediating between them. La thought the new yue would be different. and yue wasn't aware what she all signed up with. new compromises were created. aang: good thing i was able to convince yue and la to wait for your sacrifice sokka! sokka: .... my sacri-WHAT?!?!?
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 10 months
Things in the background of Rise of the pink ladies that I found funny
The boy kicking his knee in the fence during the opening number in episode 1
That student who keeps skipping everywhere in the corridor
The mom during the ”girl gang” number who sits on the washing machine
The other mom in the same number who is smoking while pregnant
The theatre group having a fight with straws at Frosty’s while Hazel and Wally talk
Actually the theatre group doing stuff in the bg in general
During ”crushing me” how it seems like all of this is happening in their heads, but then it turns out they have seemingly paused time irl because suddenly people get pies in their faces, crash into each other and while Nancy asks Potato out, there’s a boy in the backround choking on a coin he accidentally swallowed after Nancy during the number switched out the coin and cherry. We later see he managed to get it out so luckily no one dies in the background lmao
The T-birds about to moon everyone again before getting chased away in the final number
Dot scolding the boys in the hallway for being in her dad’s basement at her party the night before (even if they got locked in, but she prob did not know that)
The girl opening the bathroom door and immediately closing it again
Same scene, a girl who had been hiding in the stalls and waited to come out
Two students who found a peeing doll from the home ed classroom and now squirt it in each other’s faces
During the TV airing, half the students just makes faces in the background while being filmed
Also when the pink ladies are being interviewed and Cynthia just stands in the bg like 😳
During ”A world without boys”, everyone’s faces and reactions when Cynthia jumps out and scares them
Before Cynthia comes into the mirror house, Lydia just stands there and poses at herself like a model
Just everything going on in Please Please Please, her drink turning to a vacuum cleaner, babies popping up from nowhere, etc
Every student sneaking around in Face to Face
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Best Underrated Anime Group B Round 4: Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time vs Run with the Wind
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#B7: Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time
Kid epicly procrastinates during class
#B5: Run with the Wind (Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru)
Amateur college track team aims for big race
Details and poll under the cut!
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#B7: Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time
All Rumi Yokoi wants to do is focus during school, but she is constantly distracted by Toshinari Seki, her neighboring classmate. Paying attention during class is the least of Seki's worries, as he obsesses over intricate setups created using an assortment of items, from an elaborate domino course on his desk to a treacherous war played out with shogi pieces. Yokoi desperately attempts to focus in class, only to be repeatedly sucked into his intriguing eccentricities; however, they always seem to end up with her getting in trouble with their teacher. Fortunately, lessons will never be dull with Seki's antics around!
Propaganda 1:
Seki-kun is the sort of anime that stays underrated because it seems overly simple, but it really shines in its simplicity. The episodes are short tales of Seki’s epic procrastination and they’re absurdly amusing. Both the opening and ending are super funny and really well-thought-out.
It’s the anime equivalent of a hard candy. You can have an episode at the end of the day or between tasks, and it entertains you well without asking for much.
Propaganda 2:
It is a really short anime with very short episodes but is still very entertaining, and we never hear the character whose name is in the title speak but we still get a really good feel of his personality. It’s just really funny and a lot of fun to watch.
Trigger Warnings: None
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#B5: Run with the Wind (Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru)
Former ace runner of Sendai Josei High School, Kakeru Kurahara is chased away from a convenience store for shoplifting. Shaking off his pursuer, he runs into Haiji Kiyose, another student from his university. Haiji is impressed by Kakeru's agility and persuades him to live in Chikusei-sou, the run-down apartment where Haiji resides along with eight other students. Having lost his entire apartment deposit at a mahjong parlor, Kakeru accepts the offer reluctantly.
However, Haiji reveals a secret during Kakeru's welcoming party: the apartment is actually the dormitory of the Kansei University Track Club. He unveils his ultimate goal of participating in the Hakone Ekiden—one of the most prominent university marathon relay races in Japan. Unfortunately, all the residents apart from Haiji and Kakeru are complete running novices. Worse still, none of the inhabitants are even remotely interested in being involved with Haiji's ridiculous plan! With only months before the deadline, will the fourth-year student be able to convince them otherwise and realize his elusive dream of running in the Hakone Ekiden?
Propaganda 1:
Okay so, finally a sports anime that isn’t set in high school. (There aren’t nearly enough set in college.) MC is basically Older Running Kageyama, in both looks and personality. He has to overcome his past issues with his old track team, and learn to open up. I love the relationships that form between the team members. There’s one who is just Not Here for It and struggles A Lot, who just wants to go home and read manga. (Hey it me.) There’s also a cute dog, and a lot of the bg music is by the same folks as Haikyuu.
Propaganda 2:
I genuinely think this might be the best sports anime out there. It’s an amazing anime in general, with good animation, a beautiful art show, and a great premise, though what really makes it stand out is the characters.
RWTW is a character-driven story at heart, with all the main characters given their time to shine. The main cast is very lovable, and their relationships with each other are depicted in a sweet but realistic way. The protagonist, Kakeru, goes through a great character development over the course of the show, from being a lonely outcast at the start to accepting the other team members into his heart as found family.
While I’m not a runner personally, I still found this interesting to watch, since along with the training there’s a lot of thoughtful discussion on the nature of running: what it means to run, to be a runner. There’s a very philosophical aspect to it, which makes sense considering that RWTW is actually adapted from a book. The last thing I’ll say is that as a college student myself, it’s really nice to watch an anime focused on people in college and not high school. Oh, and the soundtrack is incredible.
Trigger Warnings: Alcohol and Smoking
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form with your revisions, and I’ll consider adapting those changes.
New: Starting round 5, screenshots will be included in the poll post. You can submit screenshots through the form linked above, or through here, via ask or dm.
Guidelines in submitting screenshots:
No NSFW or spoilery images.
Pick some good images please. Don’t send any blurry or pixelated ones.
You may send up to 9 screenshots, but not all may be used.
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namihearts · 5 months
One last song
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asking ayn to play one more song for you before the night ends
summary: you watch ayn play his electric guitar w chase atlantic in the bg (meddle about, church, slow down, whatever CA song you can think of)
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his fingers pressed firmly on the strings, his eyes remained fixed on the guitar, not glancing anywhere else. it was almost as if everything around him had stopped the moment he picked up the guitar.
you aren’t even surprised he knows how to play the guitar, he plays the piano after all so it would be child’s play for him to learn another instrument.
as you watched him from your chair, you couldn’t help but smile as he placed all his focus on the guitar. the way his fingers danced on the strings easily captivated you.
with each nimble gesture, you found yourself forgetting the world around you slowly.
you would’ve painted the beautiful scenery before you if you had broughten your canvas with you-
the sky had already gone dark after he had finished. you felt his piercing gaze on you. you took a breath in, finally gaining the courage to ask him the question you’ve been dying to ask after he finished playing.
“could you- play one more song, please?”
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note: This is actually my first time writing character/reader + im sorry if it might be a little ooc,, so pls excuse my terrible writing
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muslimintp-1999-girl · 10 months
Do you think we have any hope for Jelly being endgame for season 3? I'm guessing it's the final season if it's I need them to be endgame they're the main relationship of the series to me If it's not endgame why would I invest my time on season 3? Even if the cheating plot doesn't happen that still won't make the season good. You expect me to see Belly end up with this toxic jerk again and have Jere hurt again? Imagine watching the love of your life getting married to your brother ugh that would be the worst ending for Jeremiah Conrad doesn't really have anything with Belly all he does is same some corny ass line and it never lands the jelly relationship is more developed imo Conrad never wants her unless she' interested in someone else it's annoying didn't like him in the books don't in the show team Jelly forever.
I have no plans of watching s3 personally. And I'll wait for the season to finish before checking out who they ended up making the endgame. And apparently (due to the strikes I guess?) s3 will be out like after 2 years. Anyways as much as I hope Jenny has realised how bad of a look bonrad endgame is, Conrad is still hella romanticised and I don't trust her for delivering jelly endgame.
Exactly my point, there's no reason for making Belly end up with a toxic guy and romanticising it.
I feel that in a way, Jere did the right thing walking away knowing he'll never be appreciated but ugh does it break my heart to know that he's never appreciated enough 💔
Exactly, jelly has EVERY single thing under the sun going on for them, like every cute trope, best lines. Best friends to lovers, angst, mutual pining, telepathy, deep conversations, attraction, care, love, not to mention the chemistry & acting of Gavin and Lola. And like Jere has boundaries but still lets her bejeweled. Like how am I supposed to resist this ship!?! Jenny really did give them the best of everything (and then took it away and made them tragic lol)
While all bonrad has is infinity necklace (and Taylor songs in the bg in the show) lol
THIS!!! EVEN S1 Belly realised and acknowledged and admitted this that Conrad doesn't like her but likes that she is into him and chasing him. Plus every meaningful conversation esp to be clear on where they stand was initiated by Belly. Imo if tsitp was a one season show, it would make so much sense and provide a great plot twist and ending to make jelly the endgame and have it ended there. Like season 1 was amazing, it had Belly call out Conrad's bs and we finally had jelly only for the last scene to fuck it up.
I HATE HATE HATE that they erased all character development of Belly for a weak and toxic male character & romanticised a man who breadcrumbs her, is never emotionally available, hurts her and dare I say only sees her as a competition (coz I'm sick of twitter bonrad stans accusing Jere of this competition bs when if it's any brother who does this, it's clearly Conrad. Like all their accusations on Jere are literally a bunch of projections).
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umbra-vulpes · 1 year
Some Background for My Alegraves' Headcanon Life
*This is just some bg hcs for the following alegraves daily life hcs I am gonna post. Might write a short fic according to this later. I love some good old classic cheesy cliché dramas so try to bare with me.
*Please forgive my poor English.and Enjoy!
-Graves did betray the 141 and Vaqueros, however, he is not in the tank during the fight, he went underground for a while and keep trying to hunt down Shepherd and members of Konni secretly with some of his most trusted shadows and sometimes picked up some private jobs to keep the company running.
-He saw Kate and Price during one of the lead-chasing missions in Russia and decided to start giving them useful hints or information anonymously or get them out of trouble a few times secretly.
-He generally feels bad about betraying them but it was a choice that he decided and he didn’t regret it at all. After all, it was for his company and his men. He is sure if the the 141 or Vaqueros were in the same situation, they would have done the same thing he did. but he still wants to do something to make it up to them. Kate later figured out whom he is but decided to keep it silent. Price and Ghost are suspicious but not fully figured out it was Graves.
-However, the first person he actually met again after Las Almas was Rodolfo. During a mission in Mexico, He saves Rudy from an undercover mission that goes wrong and brings him back to the Vaqueros’ base. Which almost led to a bloodbath as Rudy was in very bad shape and Alejandro was blinded by anger seeing him like that and thought that Graves did that to Rudy. Luckily Rudy managed to explain everything before he passed out but it still ended up with Graves having a broken nose and fainting due to his also being injured during the escape.
-When both Rudy and Graves finally got better, Graves and the shadows offered a co-op to Alejandro. Alejandro was very opposed to it at first but Rudy managed to persuade him and he eventually agreed but with a bunch of security policy under it.
-The co-op was a great success with no betrayal and tons of fun. And they decided to extend their partnership longer and work together from time to time. That’s when they started to build trust, respect, and relationships with each other.
-Graves realized his feelings for Alejandro pretty quickly but decided to hide it due to their past history and he also has commitment issues, he really believes that Alejandro was not into him. (Rudy: smh in silence)
-Rudy and Graves became good friends during their time escaping from the Mexican drug lord and recovering in the med bay. Both always joked about how they literally tried to kill each other at first but end up saving each other ass. They seems very close together, It got to the point that Alejandro was feeling jealous of it. But it also made Alejandro realize his feelings for Graves because he didn’t know he was jealous of Graves or Rudy.
-When Alejandro finally cleared his mind and feelings for Graves, He did try to plan on a romantic date so that they could be alone together and talk about the whole thing between them and courting him seriously. But he ended up just kissing Graves in the office one night as they are together privately, talking about mission statuses and plans, and Graves was scheduled to leave for 4 months the next morning. He can’t refuse the rush of kissing Graves when the man is so close to him. And the kiss seemed to seal the deal as Graves keeps in touch with him daily during his leave and when 4 months later, Graves was back in Las Almas, they started dating officially and later on moved together and get married.
-They have a ranch together at a secret location only their most closest family and friends know. They will frequently hosting parties and dinners to celebrate successful missions.
-Graves was finally introduced back to the 141 as Alejandro’s husband four years after the betrayal, during that timeframe, The Vaqueros did work with the 141 serval times but Graves was either on his own missions , on holidays, or purposefully avoiding the 141.
-However, the 141 did know that Alejandro have a husband as they sometimes can hear Alejandro talking with his partner on the phone and Alejandro himself did mention his partner few times during some causal conversations, and he also hinted that they met his partner before. Which leads to the 141 though that Alejandro’s husband is either Rudy or someone else in the Vaqueros. And it was a jaw dropping moment for most of the 141 (except Alex who haven’t met Graves before) when Graves showed up as their emergency exfil and Alejandro just kissed and hugged him hungrily in front of them.
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gregoftom · 11 months
there's something so insane about the fact that what Greg wanted since the beginning was someone looking out for him, taking care of him etc. thinking only family will be able to give him that thus always running back to Kendall (quad squad) but in the end realizing that his real family will never care about him and it was tom the only one all along. he kept chasing the classic "family" definition only for all roads to lead back to his Rome, Tom. Greg's smile at the finale indicicating that he finally accepted tom as his sole caretaker, his sole family. not only tom got him but Greg finally let himself get caught. It was only tom and only tom will be. Greg doesn't have to run around anymore searching. platonic or not it doesn't matter they're forever bound to each other now
RRRRGRHRHRHFHH oh godddd this is so 😭 this makes me wanna CRY bc like yeah literally - it’s not surprising at all that greg would cling to blood relations like that. he expects them, as do we all, to look after him when he needs it the most. we don’t know enough about his bg with marianne but we do know she was prepared to abandon him at the beginning of the show in terms of financial stability, and we know that ewan is. well. we know that greg has a history of people giving up on him, of leaving him high and dry, so his survival instinct is to use his wits to protect himself. it’s no surprise that he doesn’t really. believe tom at the beginning bc why is this any different? why is tom going to stay when everybody else has not?
they’re the trope of found family which like. i already Love but god if it isn’t enough how much they care for another they found each other in fucken hell pretty much and made their way through it together [virgil and dante anyone?] and came out at the end stronger than ever. it was a journey of learning that yeah, this person actually does like me! maybe i am worth something after all!
“platonic or not it doesn’t matter they’re forever bound to each other now” uuhgggbnnnfff what if i cried
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thewingedbaron · 4 months
BG 3 Fic Feb: DAY ONE
It's day one of fic feb! I'll be doing the SFW list, so have no fear! I have no idea how long these are going to be, I'm just going to write scenes until they feel like they're finished. (thank you to @mishtress and @writ3rstears for setting this up!!)
I'll be using my lovely Gloomstalker Ranger Alyss for the this. You might know her from my other fics :) But without further ado, let's get into it!
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(I'll be getting some more screenshots of my lovely ranger for each fic!)
Day One: What was Tav doing before they were captured? 
Alyss strode from the gates of the city with a deep furrow on her brow. She gently tossed a sack of jingling coins from hand to hand, marveling at how much lighter it was than it should have been. This, she decided, was bullshit. 
For nearly two weeks she’d tracked a known killer and burglar through the slums of Baldur’s Gate. For nearly two weeks she’d crawled through mud and gods knew what else to track down a man worth a paltry sum of gold. When she had finally found him, he ran, leading her on a wild chase through the city and out into the countryside where she had finally taken him down a few miles outside of Rivington. Then she’d slung the man across her saddle and dragged him all the way back to the city, only for the Iron Fist to pay her half of the man’s worth. Hells, she’d even brought the bastard back alive, and they still short changed her. Something about a change in management cutting down on smaller bounties to make more room for bigger targets. It all smelled like shit to her, though maybe that was just her. 
Alyss sighed, pocketing the small coin purse as she retrieved her horse. Dashneur huffed as she padded the reins over his head and led him back out into the street. At least she’d made enough to keep them both fed for a few more days. It was time to head back out into the wilds, she decided, swinging up into Dashnuer’s saddle. The outposts tended to have the more interesting bounties anyway. Despite herself, a small smile touched Alyss’ face. It would be good to get away from the city for a while. 
“Alright buddy, let’s get a move on.” She murmured, stroking Dashnuer’s chestnut hair. “We’ll grab something to eat on the way out of town okay?” 
The horse snorted in reply, fixing her with a sympathetic stare. 
“Yeah, I know. No sense in pouting over it. We’re more likely to get a copper from the Counting House clerics than we from the Iron Fist. We’ll survive.” 
Dashnuer shook his mane by way of reply. Alyss smiled, patting his flank. “Alright, you can complain. I’ll just keep doing all the work then.” 
Alyss flicked the reins gently, setting the horse off at trot. The crowds parted as the broad shouldered beast made his way across the bridge away from the city. The wilds, Alyss thought, that’s just what I need for a bit. A chance to reset and-
The crowds began to part a little too quickly as Alyss became aware of a second sound. The alarm bells of the city were ringing. She spun in the saddle to look back at the city just as a dark shadow passed overhead. It was like a ship, but unlike any boat she had ever seen. The prow resembled a sailing ship well enough, but the stern, the stern, hosted a great fixture like a snail shell. It was dragging eight, massive ribbons that seemed to move of their own accord. No, not ribbons. Alyss’ heart jumped into her throat as she realized the ship sprouted eight tentacles that were dragging along the streets of Baldur’s Gate. As the shadow passed overhead, she tried to coax Dashnuer into a gallop, but the crowds fleeing from the strange flying ship blocked his path. With a nervous whinny, he reared, forcing some of the nearby bodies back to buy them a little space. 
It was not enough. Alyss watched in horror as one of the massive tentacles descended upon them. 
“Come on boy. Come on! We can-” 
Something heavy slammed into Alyss’ back. Suddenly, she was falling. Flying. Then falling again. Darkness rushed to meet her, and Alyss saw no more. 
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mizugucci · 5 months
hiii everyone im finally posting this after ignoring all my tags for two weeks lmao. i love these kind of games though its fun to look back, so thank you for tagging me:
@floweruna / @hongberries @gnanii @yangsminho and @honeydewtual
rules: link your favorite and/or most popular post from each month this year <3 (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love!
im sure most people have already done it, but ill tag some people just to say hi @taegyunie @ambivartence @awek-s @flops @strhwaberries @hwichanis
i added way too much commentary, so this will go under a readmore lmao. also i included ALL gifs including from my gg and fandom sideblogs, not just bgs.
favorite: obviously my favorite was my magazine/gif thing i made for kenta's birthday (6th year in a row, this year will be 7) unfortunately it doesnt load very well lol
most popular: these txt gifs (sugar rush ride) and taehyun+stickers
favorite: i cant deny i still think about this set of sebin during snuper's rain of mind era... the sparkles will always have a chokehold on me. ps check out my pixy wings set
most popular: this joshua set (for whatever reason lol)
favorite: i have several but im rly happy at how the wjsn + butterflies set turned out, its so nice. also my two harry june sets have a soft spot in my heart
most popular: this set of svt aju nice, its not a surprise that when i post svt it gets way more notes lol. i do like it a lot though
favorite: by FAR my fav (excluding macarena) is my loona as witches gifset. its one ofmy best im not gonna lie but also.... yuma sunshine...
most popular: actually i had a couple that were fairly popular but uh another joshua gifset has the most but ALSO this blitzers macarena post is nearing 200 notes??? i would consider that a fave too. and apparently tumblr loves big yuto/little yuto the same i do
favorite: i outdid myself in my dkz 9 to 5 set here. like idk how it ended up looking good but i love it sm.
most popular: ANOTHER joshua set??? im not even joshua biased. hes just so pretty LOL this is boring ill mention the 2nd most popular too. which is also another boring svt set. NEXT is big yuto/little yuto again <3
favorite: i made a gifset pretending fly me to the moon had a m/v and it flopped SO HARD i forget that i actually made it. also not to sneak this one but bitsaeon is SOOOO beautiful
most popular: campus crush junseo was my most popular this month, AS IT SHOULD BE. everyone should love that teddy bear
favorite: mmm two horror-adjacent gifsets!!! a set for dreamcatcher's chase me and an au that set kino (ptg) as a horror protag. lol it was so niche but i enjoyed it
most popular: omg i didnt think it would be but junghwan in the move m/v... as it SHOULD BE (again) i was let down a lot by trsr this year but this song kept me interested
favorite: mmm probably changsun in heartbeat. i LOVE that song and also it brought me back to 2017. nostalgia is.. very strong lol
most popular: im ignoring yet another joshua set. sorry josh but lets let others have a spot lmao. actually after that, a gifset of jaechan in his pre-release solo has the most notes. thats crazy!
favorite: my fav is OBVIOUSLY the set of snuper + sparkles. supposedly i was going to turn it into a series of boys+sparkles but we'll see.
most popular: its kind of funny, it seems like there arent a lot of ptg stans on tumblr but they always crawl out of the woodwork to rb my ptg stuff. i love u guys. and i miss yanan.
favorite: another installment in my women+horror series was my fav for this month. girlies gotta love vampires
most popular: i am SO glad. if it is any of my sets to be popular, i would never be disappointed if its omega x. they deserve the WORLD and ill personally give it to them. btw my pics with jaehan and taedong turned out soo well but i look AWFUL with sebin lmaooo
favorite: ahhh definitely anthonny in magic hour jacket behind. hes an ICON and i really liked him in bp
most popular: ohhh this was a surprise, i guess bc i only did 4 gifsets in november, but this seowon in wonderland m/v has the most notes. totally valid, hes beautiful
favorite: baby... yuma... sunshine loml obviously is my fav. hes sooo cute in that beret. and his smile. oh im gonna cry hes so cute LOOK AT MY SON!!!!!
most popular: i guess kpop has less of a reach on tumblr now because my one and only fandom post has the most notes lol. anyway if you havent seen a journey to love, you really should
a few thoughts:
well, its not a surprise that my most popular were seventeen and txt but it was interesting to see the variety of groups that i did gif besides them
peak time really had (has) a chokehold on me lmaoooo so many sets spawned from that show.
i also giffed more than i thought i had, so that was very neat to discover. although it was funny i posted 4 gifsets in the entirety of november
i talked so much and i apologize but thank you to anyone who even scrolled down this far, thanks for bearing with me!!
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gillianthreeg · 11 months
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My TOTK Collector's edition finally arrived after months of waiting 😭 I also wanted to share some of my doodles of Link when TOTK got announced.
The only sad part is that the artbook is only a paperback cover but still worth the wait though!!! ☀️
BG Music: Chasing Thunder by The Maker: Free Music For YouTube | Thematic https://app.hellothematic.com/song/15324
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amischiefofmuses · 3 months
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Finally iconing ep8, never noticed nif in the bg actually chasing down the rats she has in her hands when Pentious first shows Charlie and Vaggie his general outfit, look at her go!
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