#fez and lexi fanfiction
fexifan · 3 months
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Fezco getting comfy on the couch with his food while settling in to talk to Lexi. When does Fez ever do that for someone?! Tell me?!
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scaponigifs · 6 months
going through my bookmarks I really just took in how many amazing writers the fexi fandom lost 😭
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we’re heading for something — a euphoria fanfic; Fez/Lexi, Rated E
“So, are you looking for something in particular or just browsing?”
The blush that warms his face isn’t unusual or even that endearing. It’s a staple in stores like this she thinks, knows she certainly found herself more embarrassed than not on the two occasions she went into a sex shop before she found herself working in one. It is a little surprising though that a man who is well versed in lubricants is blushing when asked what he wants.
Aka the sex shop au
Thanks to @thedarkestgreys for the graphic ❤️
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alyayam · 2 years
I love stories where Fez and Lexi get high together 🥰😍 little stoner babies
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nothing-goldstays · 2 years
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serendipity (1/5)
(For my beloved @crooked-queen on her birthday)
Lexi is looking forward to a week away to charge her batteries and reevaluate her life after getting published and dumping her fiancé. When she meets Fezco on the plane to Key West, neither expects the instant connection. They decide to leave the matter in fate’s hands, and she doesn’t expect to see him again…
Fate definitely has other plans for them.
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newwwwusername · 1 year
Fanfic requests OPEN for Euphoria (HBO)
I am currently taking fanfic requests for Euphoria (the HBO show)
I will write : - Hurt/comfort - Fluff - AUs - Canon divergence - Songfics - Any other trope (so long as it follows my rules) - Any headcanon (so long as it follows my rules) - Whatever ship you want (so long as it follows my rules)
I won’t write : - Smut or fetish fics - Pedophilia/incest (including adopted family, and including step-siblings)/beastiality ships (or anything like that) - OCs - Crossovers - Y/N - Suicide and self-harm (in reference to canon material such as Jules' self harm is fine but I will not write explicit depictions of either) - Drowning (personal trigger of mine) - Werewolf AUs (werewolves are also a trigger of mine)
Other things to note : - I do not guarantee I will write every request I get. Sometimes requests will just not click with me, and sometimes I don’t feel qualified to fulfill it. I will try to write as many as I can, though - You can also submit any requests to this prompt meme on AO3 if that’s more your style : https://archiveofourown.org/collections/newwwwusernamerequests or to this Google form : https://forms.gle/3K7STap3v715Hidu5
The following is a list of ships and headcanons I particularly like. I’ll write anything, but I’m much more likely to write it if it has one or more of the following
Pairings (/ for romantic, & for platonic) : Rue/Jules, Jules/Elliot, Jules/Maddy, Jules & Lexi, Rue & or / Lexi, Fezco/Lexi, Nate/Jules, Maddy/Cassie, Maddy platonically with most of the main crew, Jules platonically with most of the main crew, Lexi platonically with most of the main crew, Fezco & Rue, Elliot & Rue, Ethan & anyone he needs friends
Headcanons : Autistic!Jules, Autistic!Fezco, Autistic!Lexi, FTM!Elliot, FTM or Nonbinary!Rue, Asexual!Rue
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thesweetescapism · 1 year
gonna lighten the vibe here a bit...what are somethings you would want to read more of in fics? (tropes/headcanons/etc)
if you are a writer, anything new you'd like to tackle?
So specifically for Fexi I’d LOVE to see more Single Dad Fez or Teen Dad Fez. Those are my faves. Or where he adopts Ash at a young age. Also because I’m an Old™️ I’d like to read more fics of them meeting and starting to date in their late 20’s/early 30’s that’s not a I want to be a mom/get married soon type of fic or a I hadn’t found a guy “will you have my baby Fez?” fics. I love those, don’t get me wrong but I’d love some where they just date without an overlooming urgency. Just Lexi and Fez at a point where they know themselves/are comfortable and have had some experiences and maybe haven’t had certain ones but they meet and create a unique dating experience that neither of them have had at that point. That being said, I’d love to see more of Fez asking Lexi to have a kid together because he hasn’t found someone and would love to have them officially be family.
Also, I selfishly want more Cashtray (Cassie x Ashtray). In my head canon they end up together and I love when they show up in fics (even more so when they have their own fics dedicated to them, feel free anyone to write more 👀)
I don’t currently write fanfic but I have in the past (and would like to again) but if I were to do a Fexi one I’d probably write a best friends to lovers/pining type fic cos I’m a sucker for that.
Thanks for the ask! 😘
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youfkingfearless · 10 months
It's hard to explain how shocking Angus death is to a fandom, to people that basically never ever met him but it's true. Fexi has been my biggest comfort zone, whenever I felt anxious and I had no hope for the future I felt safe and happy watching Fez and Lexi falling in love over and over and this thanks to Angus and Maude. I was genuinely happy reading the fanfictions, their interviews and happy to be in this fandom like a big a family. Now he's gone and nothing feels like before, their story lost its full power, I won't be able to watch their scenes again with the same beautiful emotions I had before.
I miss you so much, thank you Angus, goodbye.❤️
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truefaithmp3 · 10 months
hi meg! i have recently been re-reading your fez x lexi fanfiction, and it is absolutely amazing! i was looking for a couple of specific fanfics that I was hoping to re-read, "i want to love you madly" and "are you wild like me". I found the posts on your page, but when i click the link, the fics are hidden on your ao3. i was wondering if there is a chance that you will eventually un-hide them in the future?
Hey! Aw thank you so much, it’s so nice to hear that people are still reading and enjoying my writing. Especially considering I haven’t been active in the Fexi fandom in so long.
After re-reading some of my fics, I felt unhappy with them and decided to hide them on ao3. But I never planned to permanently delete them so I’ve unhidden the 2 fics you mentioned :) Please let me know if there are any others you’d like to read.
Thank you again! And I hope you enjoy <3
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fexifan · 5 months
Thank God for Fez and Lexi fanfiction.
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scaponigifs · 2 months
okay so I’ve been debating deleting my fexi story and starting over with it because it’s just not working in the way I want it to but I also know people like it so im very conflicted
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tocomsono27 · 1 year
Why do you think the Euphoria fandom's most popular characters/ship is Lexi Howard & Fezco (Fexi)? They're not one of the main ships featured on the show, like Rue and Jules. And while many fans clearly identify with Lexi, who is intelligent, dedicated, caring and passionate, I wonder why (especially amongst fellow fanfic writers) Kat Hernandez, who writes fanfiction and has a secret double life on the internet, isn't more popular in the Euphoria fandom, or featured more prominently in fanfic.
I think Fexi is as popular as it is because of alot of factors actually. The contrast between their lives and personalities, Fez is more relaxed and chaotic, Lexi is more nervous and shy/quiet, their shared interests, the fact that Fez gives my girl the attetion she deserves/has been craving for so long and Lexi brings some of the peace Fez himself would want, the overall chemistry with the characters/actors, etc.
(also cuz they didn't have time to go toxic yet like most of the other ships in this show-)
As for Kat, I think most of the reason she is not as popular as she should be is cuz Sam Levinson is a little bitch boy who threw her writing and character in the pits of hell, as he did with almost the entire second season of the show, making her more shallow in season 2, and just waaay too dislikeable. Which is so fucking sad man. I loved Kat, and identified with her on so many levels.
Her gaining confidence on who she was the way that she was, that being a plus sized, nerdy, fanfic writer girl, meant so much (even tho the way that she got that confidence was not...yaknow...good). But alas, potential wasted :/
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alyayam · 2 years
I have the next chapter of 'I can tell that we are going to be friends' nearly done bit I'm nervous to post it as it's my first smut!! Eeeeeek
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adreamf-spring · 2 years
A little announcement for Fexi fandom! 💞
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This week (1th-6th of August) I'm collaborating with @ficwritersforreproductiverights to raise money to donate to organizations that protect abortion access.
I'm going to suggest four Fexi prompts that I could turn into a fanfiction and you can vote for the one you like best by sending me a screenshot of your payment to an organisation of your preference and the prompt you have chosen (have care to delete personal info!)
Here my prompts:
1. Anal fexi 🍑 (I think there's a criminal lack of anal fexi on ao3 lol. I may write about penetration/fingering/eating/pegging)
2. Sex in church (Lexi seduces very religious goodboi Fez right under God's eyes 😏)
3. Jealousy (a classic maybe but obvs I'm gonna incorporate some comfort because we all have soft hearts here)
4. Meeting again after prison (this one may turn into a multichap fic and may incorporate dark Fezco. My hdc is that post jail and grief Fez would be kind of a different beast and I have this scenario of Lexi moving on with her life til he's in her life again and that may shake the foundations of it all over again;)
If you're unsure where to donate to here's a link of suggestions
let me know if you can't access the link
You're free to donate as much as you prefer:)
Thank you and take care🖤
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muserepeats · 1 year
Why do you think the Euphoria fandom's most popular characters/ship is Lexi Howard & Fezco (Fexi)? They're not one of the main ships featured on the show, like Rue and Jules. And while many fans clearly identify with Lexi, who is intelligent, dedicated, caring and passionate, I wonder why (especially amongst fellow fanfic writers) Kat Hernandez, who writes fanfiction and has a secret double life on the internet, isn't more popular in the Euphoria fandom, or featured more prominently in fanfic.
Hmmm, so I think there are a few separate questions in this ask and many other people have articulated opinions that I share re: the lead inquiry. (Fez and Lexi were the rare earnest and genuinely romantic pairing in a season fraught with addiction, enabling addiction, being traumatized by an addict you love, toxic masculinity, cheating, fucking your best friend's ex, abuse, human trafficking, murder, etc. And Fez and Lexi are both attractive people. And they have great chemistry onscreen. And it was unexpected on a surface level yet worked so beautifully upon execution.)
[More below cuz I'm blabbering on.]
I have to disagree that Kat isn't popular in the overall Euphoria fandom. It's my understanding that lots of people were super bummed about her truncated arc in S2 and would have loved to see her with a meaningful and more integrated storyline in S3. She's featured on Dax's podcast this week, and her Euphoria commentary has been covered by multiple entertainment news outlets. Sure, it's partly "people love mess and want to know drama" but it's also "we loved this character and want to know why things didn't work out." I think Kat is popular and that's why the whole thing garners such attention, even now.
Musing on Kat inclusion in fics is a different thing. (And I do think overall Euphoria fandom is different from fic fandom and is different from tumblr fandom.) It's not particularly motivating for writers to watch a character they once enjoyed get a dead-end story. Not much to work with in S2. I would have loved to see more depth into her realization that "what you think you want isn't what you actually want" or whatever the Maddy quote was. That's such a relatable idea and would have been SO compelling to explore for Kat. But, didn't happen and we got minimal sidekick action. (A fix-it fic for Kat as an independent character would be lovely and I would gladly read it!)
Quite frankly, if Lexi hadn't gotten a strong narrative arc (including a romance) in S2 I don't think she'd appear frequently in fics. So to me, it's the compelling connection between Fez and Lexi that drives popularity. They both grew a lot and showed different sides to their characters, brought to the forefront by their interaction with one another.
Re: Kat in Fexi fics, I'm not surprised she isn’t prominently featured because she's not super connected to Fez or Lexi in-canon. Ash, Cassie, and Rue all make sense as more central figures in their stories. Even with AUs, there are some interesting relationship dynamics between Fez & Ash, Ash & Lexi, Cassie & Lexi, Rue & Fez, etc. that can drive plot, tension, character development, yada yada yada.
Possibly things like fat phobia and racism factor in, too. But I don’t think those are the only reasons we don’t get a lot of Kat.
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lesser-bohemian · 1 year
Why do you think the Euphoria fandom's most popular characters/ship is Lexi Howard & Fezco (Fexi)? They're not one of the main ships featured on the show, like Rue and Jules. And while many fans clearly identify with Lexi, who is intelligent, dedicated, caring and passionate, I wonder why (especially amongst fellow fanfic writers) Kat Hernandez, who writes fanfiction and has a secret double life on the internet, isn't more popular in the Euphoria fandom, or featured more prominently in fanfic.
Oh, this is an interesting ask! I’ve actually thought a lot about why I’m still so enamored by these two, and I think there’s a combination of things that made so many of us fall so hard for them.
One thing is that they were a lot of people’s favorite’s characters individually. Fez is the drug dealer with a difficult past and a heart of gold. Lexi is the relatable writer with a vivid imagination who’s overlooked by her friends and family. They’re two of the most sensible, down to earth, genuinely kind characters on a pretty dark, chaotic show and that makes them easy and fun to root for.
Another thing, and probably the most important one, is that all of their interactions were absolutely flawless. Every single line of dialogue gave me butterflies, their body language made me swoon, their chemistry is simply unmatched and I think they altered our collective brain chemistry forever. The connection they found in each other felt so unexpected, but so genuine and sweet—which was a delightful breath of fresh air. They were just two shy, kind of awkward teenagers falling in love and it was a beautiful thing to watch.
There’s also the fact that they fit so many tropes people love (good girl/bad boy, opposites attract etc.) while subverting them in really satisfying ways at the same time. Sure Fez is ‘bad’ 'cause he sells drugs and beats people up, but he’s also one of the sweetest, most caring people on the show, and Lexi is ‘good’, but she is a lot more than that, so much more complex. They both have many of those famous layers to peel back, and they compliment and contrast each other in ways that I personally find endlessly fascinating to explore.
As for them not having a lot of screen time, I actually think that’s contributed to us being blessed with so many amazing and creative fics, not hindered it. Having so little to go on, means we have so much to fill in, so much to imagine, so many scenarios to explore in our writing. How did the phone calls start? What happened after the store scene? How often did they hang out? How does Lexi find out about the raid? Where do they go from there? There’s nothing like unanswered question to fuel your desire to write something that answers them, I think. Personally, I’d never been in a fandom, written or even read fic before. But after 5 minutes of Fexi I was all over tumblr, signing up for AO3 and typing furiously in three different google docs. I’m still not entirely sure why, but Fexi were a rush unlike anything and I can’t wait to have them back, I miss them! As for Kat, I really don't know. She was one of my favorite characters in s1, more so than Lexi or Fezco, but I think a lot of writers prefer to write about ships, and even though her and Ethan were sweet (I mean that scene at winter formal? Heart eyes!) I always found Ethan a little bland (sorry). Add what they did with her character in s2 and knowing she won't be back, I'm not that surprised people don't have a lot of motivation to write Kat-centric fics at the moment.
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