#female ultra magnus
greeneyedsigma · 1 month
So I’ve been writing for Transformers again, for the first time in 10 years, and have also brought some old fics over from FFN that were originally posted in 2014.
Old fics:
Sparkbond - Ratchet provides some (outdated) information about Cybertronian matings
Temptation - Cade Yaeger has the hots for fem! Optimus Prime
No Delicate Femme - Unfinished Fem! Optimus Prime x Grimlock set during and after the Age of Extinction with mention of fem! Soundwave x Megatron x fem! Shockwave
Two new one-shots to ease myself back in:
High Grade Courage - fem! Optimus drunkenly pines for a certain Dinobot Commander and fem! Ultra Magnus encourages her.
Reunited - [smut] fem! Soundwave and Megatron reunite after more than a century apart after Megatron was frozen in ice. Interfacing occurs. (Takes place during Transformers (2007) and has Soundwave on earth a movie early)
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tfwriting · 2 years
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(TFA) A Different Mindset :: Yandere! SP x Female! Human! Reader x Yandere! UM Rating: T Words: 381
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You were living with the High Council on Cybertron, it wasn't so bad, Ultra Magnus became like a brother to you, while Sentinel became some sort of Father figure.
After awhile, you began to notice small things happening between the two. They tried not to show it, but they were arguing and often most wanted to keep you to themselves. The three of the you would hang Sentinel's behavior seemed different as he hated humans. 
But you were different, you were everything he seen in a femme, yet you were a human, when he argued with Ultra Magnus, he would also argue with him about the fact that you were a human and how he hated humans. 
Honestly Sentinel felt like Ultra Magnus was trying to separate the two of you. But that didn't matter to the mech, he wanted to mess around with him a bit, and by that he decided to mess around by trying to flirt with you.
That was easier said then done, because Sentinel was terrible at flirting. Hell he was even worse then Blurr and Jazz combined because the two of them would stutter and get embarrassed, after a few minutes, he mustered up the courage to talk to you indirectly.
"Hey (Y/n)!" Sentinel said, he was puffing his chassis in. Looking all sturdy and cool. "What are you doing?" He asked.
You giggled.
"Nothing much, how about you?" You asked. Sentinel blushed a bit and looked away.
"The usual. Got a lot of work to be done, being a high council is hard work, you know?" Sentinel said. You smiled.
"Yeah, I understand, it must be hard to manage all these tasks." You said, Sentinel smiled in agreement.
You walked back to your room to take care of things, and sentinel can only scream at how he couldn't have got you. He could've asked you out.
He could only dream...
In his mind, where dreams are stored.
He could be forever with you. Perhaps he may have had A Different Mindset...
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lets-try-some-writing · 4 months
So in light of recent bots getting freaked out by human bodies (hilarious btw thank you for those 😂), one idea popped into my head. So I have a "Dad sneeze" (as a 17 year old female this amuses my dad to no end) that sounds like I'm getting stabbed. Miko has this as well and will lie in wait for the perfect opportunity to get the bots to jump. The bots will never know peace ever again
That's hilarious as a concept. YOINKING it thank you.
Sneezing is a thing for Cybertronians, in a sense at any rate. They are capable of blowing air out of their vents harshly to clear debris and reset their systems. They are used to their own kind making such sounds. But the squishies? Nah that's TERRIFYING.
Miko figured out the bots get scared of humans sneezing when Rafael had several sneezes in short succession. She watched as Bulkhead tripped and fell in his panic. Arcee skidded a bit on her wheels. Bumblebee's door wings perked right up and his optics cycled wide in terror. Ratchet cursed and dropped his tools. Optimus keyboard smashed hard. Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus were in the middle of an argument at the time and immediately slipped up and halted, their respective horns blaring.
Miko learned, and through this, she thought it would be even more hilarious if the sneeze performed was even louder. Thus her scheme was formed. Her sneezes are loud and aggressive, the team do not know this. As such, it wasn't hard to wait until the team were doing a weekly debrief, and upon feeling a sneeze coming up, allow it to run its course.
Sounding like a gunshot, Miko's sneeze sent the entire team into various states of alarm. Optimus puffed up like a cat, his plating flaring and his finials snapping up. Ratchet jolted so harshly that he looked ready to duck and cover. Bulkhead and Wheeljack both dove for cover, uncaring of grace. Ultra Magnus threw whatever he was holding in Miko's direction, which she barely missed being squished by. Bumblebee and Smokescreen made various noises, Smokescreen squealing and Bee dipping into frantic whirls. Arcee froze up like a deer in the headlights.
Despite the danger, it was a win in Miko's book even if it resulted in a dent in the wall from Ultra Magnus's gut reaction.
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pinkanonwrites · 3 months
I wanna talk about human kink too!
(1) Since female discharge contains acid sometimes, do you think some mechs would be able to taste it? Imagine their delight when they realize their human can taste differently every week.
(2) LINGERIE! Not only our 'armors' are super soft and flimsy, there are specific variations of it for kinky times. I forgot who wrote it but there is a headcanon of several mechs would totally use their human's clothe to jerk off with and Optimus was included in that list 👀
So yeah. The whole thing is an endless spank bank for them
I absolutely think so! Considering that the few things Cybertronians do eat tend to be metallic/acidic I can definitely see more than a few of them likening the taste to familiar treats like rust sticks and various energon goodies. I picture a bot (Autobot or Decepticon, it doesn't matter) bringing their favorite little human to the oil house, passing them around between friends like a blunt rotation so everyone has the chance to get a taste of their pussy.
@callsign-relic also has the delightful Tasty AU if you're into the concept of Bots treating humans like a delicacy, if you're more into the "soft vore" style of things. Not my cup of tea, but we aren't out here to yuck anyone's yum!
As for stealing a human's clothes (specifically underwear or lingerie) that's honestly a really big fave for me as far as TF fics and headcanons go. I've read a really good fic with Ultra Magnus, and @robot-horde has a great short comic with Cliffjumper and their OC here on Pillowfort! (I'm full of good recommendations today!) Other bots I think may go so far as to steal your underwear besides Optimus, Ultra Magnus, and Cliffjumper include Rodimus, Frenzy, and TFA Prowl.
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toomanybrainrots · 6 months
Hi pookie wookie bear I’m back from walking my fish (having a fucking mental breakdown)😍 now can I get some F!Bot!reader x drunk!Rodimus Oneshot? Tysm pookie 😘😜🥺
Are you the same anon that sent the fort max request? Just curious. But here’s your requested oneshot
Warning(s): Female Reader, Reader is referred to with female pronouns and/or referred to as a femme
Drunk Captain (A drunk Rodimus with a femme/female bot Reader)
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You had no idea how you ended up with him
“Rodimus…” you let out a sigh as the Captain in your arms let out a drunken giggle. Apparently, there was a party at Swerve’s, almost everyone was there except for Ultra Magnus and yourself, everyone got drunk, and you and Ultra Magnus had to do cleanup.
And of all mechs, you ended up with the obnoxious captain.
“Awe, come on—“ Rodimus let out a drunk hiccup, an equally drunk grin plastered on his face “don’t be so uptight all the time, my femme! Relax a bit!” He said with half-lidded optics, slinging an arm around your neck “Let loose!—“ he let out another hiccup. You let out another frustrated sigh.
You ignore the rest of Rodimus’ words as you arrive at the door of Rodimus’ hab suite. You quickly enter the code and open the door, walking inside. The captain’s hab suite is as neat and clean as you expected it to be. Which, wasn’t all that neat.
You plop Rodimus onto his breath, turning on your pedes to get out as quickly as possible. Suddenly, you felt Rodimus pull you down - catching you by surprise as you find yourself now on Rodimus’ berth, his helm on your chassis and arms wrapped around your back.
“Stay. Please.” It might’ve been the tiredness in you, or maybe it was his tone, or maybe cause of the heat that had suddenly rushed to your face, but you couldn’t bring himself to deny. Not when he looked so vulnerable, was vulnerable. Not when his tone a silent plea due to his drunkenness or something else, you couldn’t tell.
Slowly, you wrap your arms around his mid section, already feeling him falling alseep on your chassis. Atleast he was warm, that was what you thought before you felt yourself drift into the land of dreams too.
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Hello! I wanna know how would the tfa bots, elite guard and cons react to meeting a female bot who's based off the batmobile(any version is fine) came to life by an allspark fragment.
And maybe developing a crush on her.
I imagine this bot being confident, capable, serious, determined, a bit mysterious and a 100% certified badass. She's the bot version of Batman.
-Optimus feels so bad about his crush because he doesn't think he deserves someone like her. She's so much better than him and he would surely just be a liability to her. That is if she would even accept his feelings to begin with, were he ever to confess to her. Which he won't. He would rather keep all those feelings locked inside rather than air them out and risk getting his spark broken. After all, she's so involved with her job, one that he greatly respects, that he doubts she would even give him a chance. Doesn't stop him from staring at her with goo goo eyes whenever she swings by. Immediately volunteers to help her with whatever case she's working on, partially because he actually wants to help but also so he can protect her (though he knows she can take care of herself).
-Back when he was young, Ratchet dated quite a lot. Most of them were lighthearted, not so serious relationships. Thing was, there was a time in his life when he had a clear type; a bit cold, capable and deadly bots that could beat him up and reassemble him into a weapon if they wanted to. Now' Ratchet hasn't dated anyone for a long time and so he thought he was over this phase. Turns out, no, and now he's got a major crush. He's so tired and frustrated with himself because of it but he's also kinda thinking "yeah, I still got good taste" whenever he thinks about it. Fusses over her injuries whenever she gets back from a case or battle.
-Bumblebee thinks she's so cool but also really intimidating. Because of this, whenever he tries to act smooth or flirt he kinda ends up stumbling over his words or forgetting his next line, simply because his nerves makes his brain short circuit. When his words fail, Bee tries to impress her with his actions. By helping her with her cases, whatever she asked him or not, he tries to prove to her that he's a reliable guy, someone that can keep up with her.
-Bulkhead can't help but idolize her in a way and think of her as invincible. She's just so capable, always so calm and collected. She's like a real hero should be! He can't help but blush just thinking about her, imagining how it would be if she were to ever save him from danger (a damsel in distress kinda scenario). She's his new muse when it comes to art, his usual choice of bright colors creating an interesting contrast with her darker color scheme. Too shy to actually show these to her though.
-Being a cyber-ninja, Prowl is used to being the one slinking around in the shadows, stalking people and so on. But now he sometimes finds himself joined by this new bot, crouched over next to him, silent except for maybe a quiet greeting. And being so close to her, shoulder to shoulder, in the dark... well, he can't help but feel a bit distracted. She values justice but believes in mercy and forgiveness and Prowl finds that not just admirable, but beautiful. He values those quiet moments they have together, even if the intimacy is just in his head.
-Ultra Magnus wants her to join the autobots, simple as that. She would be a great asset. Not only is she capable, she's determined and with a great sense of what's right and wrong. He tells her this many times, putting emphasis of how many people she could help if she became an autobot. What he doesn't say, is how he also would be able to see her more. As a Magnus, Ultra will probably never conjux, as it would put his partner in great danger. But just being close to her, to work with her, would make him happy. She would never need to know of the feelings she inspire within him.
-Similar to Bumblebee, Sentinel finds her slightly intimidating. But that just makes her hotter in his optics. He finds her mysterious aura alluring and the fact that she keeps her distance to most people only makes him more curious. Tries to lay it on thick when he flirts with her but her blunt attitude and confidence makes him stumble. She just seems to unimpressed that it makes him feel awkward, out of place. This only motivates him to try harder though (he will never succeed).
-Jazz loves how much she cares about people. Yeah, she might seem cold and detached but the fact that she works so hard to help everyone, even bad guys, proves that she just wants to help. Her humble attitude and devotion to her cause is inspiring and makes Jazz want to be a better person. The fact that she believes in change and rehabilitation of criminals makes him question the legal system on Cybertron, where 'bad guys' are just thrown in jail.
-Both Jetfire and Jetstorm thinks she's the coolest bot in the universe, no doubt about it. Everything she does is just so effortlessly cool and they find themselves geeking out whenever they hear how she helped someone or beat up some bad guys. Not at all put off by her standoffish attitude and clings to her, complimenting her discreet paint job and unique alt mode. They gush to each other about how cool she is.
-More than anything, Megatron respects her. She's proven herself in every way; as a combatant, as a strategist, as a leader and as an intellectual. Because of this, she is one of the rare people that Megatron sees as an equal. He doesn't try to manipulate her, not like he does with everyone else, knowing that she can see right through it. Wishes he could turn her into a decepticon, maybe even his conjux, but respects her too much to assume that he could achieve that. Her will is like his own, unbreakable, and while it's a shame they have to be enemies, he finds it truly enjoyable to challenge her. (Batman/Joker dynamic except the Joker is arguably more sane).
-Fuuuuck, Starscream is trying so hard to be the Catwoman to this Batman it's almost not funny. Like, she catches him, puts him in handcuffs and the entire time he's like "oh no, foiled again by my most beautiful nemesis, are you sure there's no way I can convince you to let me go?". Does he want to be caught? No. Yes? He hates failing but he loves getting roughhoused by this bot in dark armor. Never stops trying to seduce her to his side.
-Blitzwing get's beat up and the entire time he's thinking "this ain't so bad" because at least he's getting beat up by his crush. While her sense of justice is, admittedly, a bit annoying, it's also so funny because that makes her easier for Random to tease. Not to mention there's nothing more hot than verbal sparring with your crush. Hothead is the one that's most enthusiastic about getting beat up.
-LUGNUT IS LOYAL TO HIS BELOVED CONJUX, STRIKA, AND WOULD NEVER BETRAY HER TRUST BY FALLING FOR SOME AUTOBOT-ALLY! ... That doesn't mean he can't look though. What? There's something incredibly attractive about a bot in dark armor that has a ton of hidden weapons on their person.
-Knowing how intelligent she is, Shockwave is incredibly weary of her, being confident that if they met she would somehow figure out that he's undercover as Longarm. This makes her a serious threat to his mission and the decepticon cause. At the same time, however, he can't deny how attractive this makes her in his optic. Finding someone that's so intelligent and perceptive is rare and her overall abilities makes her incredibly alluring.
-If Starscream is trying to be Catwoman, then Blackarachnia IS Catwoman. While she doesn't enjoy her plans being foiled, she finds herself charmed by this vigilante. They just have this aura of mystique around them that makes her want to get closer. Plays around with them while at the same time going all out. Surprisingly finds herself enjoying the challenge.
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fiendishfables · 1 month
Blog Fandoms + Rules [UPDATED]
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Hazbin Hotel
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Alastor (Platonic Only)
Angel Dust (Platonic Only)
Charlie Morningstar
Lucifer Morningstar
Cherri Bomb
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Spiderverse (ITSV + ATSV)
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Miguel O'Hara
Miles Morales
The Prowler
Gwen Stacy
Spider Noir
Hobie Brown
Pavitir Prabhakar
The Spot
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Bumblebee (Bayverse + TFP)
Optimus Prime (Bayverse + TFP)
Ratchet (Bayverse + TFP)
Soundwave (Bayverse + TFP)
(ROTB) Mirage (Bayverse)
Noah Diaz
Ironhide (Bayverse)
Crosshairs (Bayverse)
Hot Rod (Bayverse)
Knockout (TFP)
Ultra Magnus (TFP)
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What I WON'T write:
Specific race 'x readers' (ex: Black! reader / Hispanic! reader) (I want everybody to be able to access and intake my writing how they see fit; I love people of all backgrounds, but I refuse to separate writings for certain groups of people. We are all equal here)
What I WILL write:
x Reader (Male, Female, GN; I usually try to make most things GN but depends on the request!)
x OC (be as detailed as possible about your character if requesting' looks, personality, etc)
NSFW/Smut (18+)
Series' (specify if you would like your request possibly split into multiple parts; no guarantees but I will consider)
Extreme gore
Extreme horror
(There is a difference between extreme and regular topics. Please be mindful when requesting the prior mentioned)
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NOTE: This is a temporary stand-in for an actual masterlist whilst I make one! These are the current fandoms I write for, keep in mind available characters and rules when requesting!
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cloudraker · 2 years
Hello :) I saw that requests are open so may I have romantic headcanons TFP Ratchet, Optimus prime, Arcee, Bumblebee, and Ultra Magnus with a female human s/o who is extremely intelligent, 'cause they work in the military as a mission coordinator who carefully plans ideas and strategies towards enemies, and sometimes when the kids have homework and they have a certain misunderstanding in a certain lesson, they ask s/o to help them with it and s/o is more than happy to help. (Hope this wasn't too detailed lol)
No worries, this isn't too detailed at all! The more the better tbh, gives me more to work with :D
Ratchet, Optimus, Arcee, Bumblebee, and Ultra Magnus with a military S/o
Under the cut :)
Swears up and down you're a gift from whatever god is out there listening
He admires your work ethic; while most of the bots (and humans) he works with are usually pretty good about doing what they need to do on time, it's always nice to have somebody on top of things around
Your personality was what drew him in. He's old and he's tired and having somebody that wasn't seconds away from Starting Yet Another Incident was honestly the best way to get in his good books
Though he spends most of his time at base, he's still got plenty to do and can't always help the kids with any homework they have. The first time he caught you helping them was after he had already shooed them off himself, having too much work to do to be of any actual use. Knowing that you were there when he couldn't be was a small comfort that he'd be a bit embarrassed to admit
Ever the hypocrite, he'll chastise you if he thinks you're overworking yourself. Take the opportunity to rope him into resting as well, he needs it more than he probably knows
Like Ratchet, he thinks your work ethic is admirable. As a former archivist, he's picked up some of his own tips and habits for staying on task for longer period of time, and is happy to share them with you
Your willingness to step in and help the children with their homework never fails to make him feel warm inside. To see such a simple act of kindness shouldn't make him so sentimental, but being at war for so long he's had to learn to enjoy the little things
Does his best to take any ideas you have regarding missions into consideration; he values your input greatly and makes it known as often as he can
Depending on if you do field work or not, he might offer (insist) on accompanying you to do your work. It’s a way for the two of you to spend time together as well as be productive
Girlbosses at work
As somebody who’s dedicated to the cause, she absolutely understands where you’re coming from. She’s probably one of the most understanding when work things come up and you’re not able to spend as much time together as you’d like
Like Optimus, she might insist on joining you when you’re doing field work, or she might invite you along when she does patrols
You helping with the kids is something that she takes seriously. Jack is her partner, and she wants what’s best for him. Even when she can’t be there or she doesn’t know enough about a particular subject to be much help with school work, she’s relieved he has you to fall back on
As both a fighter and a scout, she picks up quite a bit of intel when she’s out and about. While she doesn’t report directly to you, she does end up giving you a secondary report if the one you get from your superiors doesn’t have all the information
Is adamant on teaching you some form of hand to hand combat; she knows you’re a military operative and you can handle yourself, but she still worries
Honestly isn’t a huge fan of the amount of paperwork you have to do. He knows it’s necessary, but there’s just sooooo much
Like Arcee, he’s both a scout and a fighter and he also picks up a lot of intel. When making reports or filling in the others in what’s happened, he tries to wait until you’re in the room so you can hear it first hand as well
I feel like he didn’t have a lot of time to get a proper education back in Cybertron (or at least as much as he’d have liked), and isn’t the greatest help when it comes to homework. He really enjoys listening in when you’re helping the kids though! He’s curious and enjoys learning, and the fact that it’s you doing the teaching makes it all the better
Because of how much you know, it’s not uncommon for him to ask questions about seemingly random topics. It could be about something he saw on tv or something he heard somebody else talking about and he is absolutely not using it as an excuse to hear you talk, whatever do you mean?
Might try and recommend you some strategy games that the two of you can play together, seeing it as both a way for you to play together and stay sharp
Ultra Magnus
Power couple if there ever was one
Work ethic is something he views as incredibly important, and when you prove yourself over and over again by being punctual and doing good work, he might as well be head over heels
Admittedly, the idea of being in a relationship during wartime (with an organic, no less) isn’t an idea he ever entertained. However, sometimes exceptions can be made in the form of somebody who understand the importance of getting their reports in on time
As a commander, he’s almost always present when briefings and planning meetings are happening. He’s not afraid to point out any flaws he sees in your plans, and appreciates that you take the criticism in stride and into consideration for next time
Reports sometimes get sent to the both of you depending on the nature of them, and he’s not above reading them with you and considering it a date
The fact that you’re able to juggle your responsibilities as a coordinator and still have time to properly help others with their own work is just the cherry on top
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stinger-shot · 6 months
W.I.P List:
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Requests: 16/15 slots.
☆Bayverse Ironhide x Reader NSFW [finished]
☆Earthspark Soundwave x Shockwave NSFW
☆Cheetor x Reader NSFW
☆Animated Blitzwing X reader SFW/NSFW
☆Bayverse Sideswipe X Female Reader NSFW
☆Bayverse Dino/Mirage X Female Reader NSFW
☆Bayverse Ironhide x Reader SFW/NSFW
☆Animated Starscream + Clones X reader SFW/NSFW
☆Prime Bulkhead X wheeljack suggestive
☆Animated Thundercracker X Reader NSFW headcannons
☆Bayverse Crosshairs X Reader NSFW
☆Rescue bots Heatwave X Reader NSFW
☆Earthspark Starscream X Reader NSFW
☆Earthspark Breakdown X Bumblebee X Reader NSFW
☆Prime Ultra magnus X Reader NSFW
☆Cyberverse cheetor X Reader NSFW
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Personal writings:
☆NSFW alphabet Megatron Earthspark
☆Soundwave's minicons crack fic?
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Will be regularly updated! If I remember...
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starliights-shining · 6 months
Transformers Masterlists :)
"Matching Halloween Costume"(NSFW)
"Back shots from your fav" (NSFW)
Transformers Prime -
Wheeljack - "Possessive Over Reader bc Ultra Magnus keeps warning them to stay away from wheeljack" (NSFW)
Bumble Bee - "Special Person" (Fluff)
Starscream - "Falling for Predacon reader who becomes very affectionate and cuddle towards him" (Fluff)
PredaKing - "Reacting to cybertronian crush giving them shiny gems"(Fluff)
Ratchet - "Reader going through Medical school and it struggling a bit" (Fluff)
Shockwave and Soundwave - "Fighting over reader" (Fluff)
Shockwave - "With a cybertronian reader who's a neutral/autobot and sneaks into the nemesis to vist him" (Fluff)
Shockwave - "With a Cybertronian reader that's also an extremely good scientist who impresses him with somethig they're working on" (Fluff)
Arcee, Starcream, and Bumblebee - "Reader is within an arms reach of safety and don't make it to saftey" (Angst)
Breakdown and Knockout - "Threesome with Shy Decpticon Reader"(NSFW)
Megatron, Knockout, Starscream, Soundwave, and Shockwave - "WIth femReader who has big boobs and likes to pull out random shit from her bra" (SFW)
Shockwave - "With a scientist cybertronian s/o that got critically injured in battle" (SFW)
Optimus Prime, Wheeljack, and Knockout - "With a reader who is desperately horny but also stressed about 4th year exams" (NSFW)
Soundwave, Shockwave, and Dreadwing - "With a human reader who likes to draw and paint on the walls" (Fluff)
Starscream - "With a female predacon reader" (NSFW)
Soundwave - "Headcannons with a gn human reader they took as a pet but the reader likes to hgide in the vents" (SFW)
Arcee - "headcannons with fem s/o" (SFW/NSFW)
Airachnid - " With her fem human s/o" (SFW)
G1 -
Soundwave - "Trying to get some alone time together" (NSFW)
Jazz - "Party Goer" (NSFW)
Starscream - "Starscream attempts to Capture reader and fails" (Fluff)
Hound - "Buidling you a little house" (Fluff)
Seekers + Megatron - "With Cybertonian crush striagh up telling them 'You're talking a lot of shit for someone within kissing distance'" (SFW/Fluff)
Sky Fire - "With short ass cybertronian s/o who has a size kind" (NSFW)
Starscream - "Gn!Piolt reader who finds him(jet form) in their hanger, and take him out to fly" (SFW)
Unicron Trilogy -
Red Alert - "Jealous"(Fluff)
Red Alert - "Possessive over reader hanging out with Hot Shot"(NSFW)
Jolt - "Extreme Jealous after reader spends more time with humans and Mini-cons" (NSFW)
Starscream - "With a Cybertronian reader who has a love for shiny/glittery things" (Fluff)
Optimus Prime, Hot Shot, Jetfire, and Red Alert (Separate) - "Reader bringing in something that never seen before since they've arrive on earth" (Fluff)
Optimus Prime - "SFW and NSFW headcannons" (SFW/NSFW)
Wing Saber - "SFW headcannons" (SFW)
Scattershot - "SFW Headcannons" (SFW)
Bayverse -
Hotrod - "Flirts with reader in French" (Fluff)
Drift, Crosshairs, Sideswipe, hound - "Who called them nicknames in other langues" (Fluff)
Drift, Optimus Prime, and Lockdown - "With a Cybertronian reader who is shorter and smaller than them, just easily carrying them" (Fluff)
Megatron and Optimus(Sperate) - "Someone asks them if they are Reader's Conjux" (Fluff)
Hotrod - "Pining over some random graoundskeeper at Sir Burton's manor" (Fluff)
SideSwipe - "HeadCannons" (SFW)
Drift - "A Kiss From Him" (Fluff)
Prowl - "Cybertronian Crush who's stern and poker faced having a dorky laugh" (Fluff)
Swerve - "With a curious and chatty reader who has traveled a lot on Earth" (Fluff)
Prowl - "Making a fool out of himself trying to find out if reader is single or not without directly asking" (fluff)
Jazz - "Stars Last Forever, Don't They?" (NSFW)
Prowl/Jazz "Rich husband" (Fluff/NSFW)
Jazz - "Fat Spike Jazz" (NSFW)
Prowl - "God/Goddess from another planet" (Fluff)
Prowl - "Dating Headcannons" (SFW and NSFW)
Tarn, Helex, and Kaon - "Reacting to a reader consersation about ho w they'd tortured someone" (SFW)
Pharma and Sunder (Separate) - "Relastionship headcannons with a human S/o" (SFW)
Overlord and Trepan (Separate) - "Relationship headcannons with a human s/o" (SFW)
Rewind, Tailgate, Swerve, and Rung - "Their reactions to being lifted up in a big bear hug by their affections by an affectionate cybertronian friend" (SFW/Fluff)
NOTHING BUT PROWL + a sprinkle of Jazz
!!These are small three to like five paragraph post that are only about Prowl.!!
Prowl - "Little Lover from Outer Space" (Fluff)
Prowl - "What Would I Do Without You?" (Fluff)
Prowl - "Cuddling" (Fluff)
Prowl - "Mutual Masterbation" (NSFW)
Prowl - "Kisses"(Fluff)
Prowl - "Prowl standing right behind you and not being a nice guy"(NSFW)
Prowl - "Taking care of you after a Nightmare" (Fluff)
Prowl - "Hate sex" (NSFW)
Prowl - "Trying his best when it comes to your period" (Fluff)
Prowl - "He'll recall those moments" (Angst)
Prowl - "Prowl + Spanking" (NSFW)
Prowl - "Phone Sex" (NSFW)
Prowl - "Using reader like a Fleshlight" (NSFW)
Prowl - "Late night drives" (Fluff)
Prowl - "House Husband" pt. 2 (Fluff)
Prowl/Jazz - "Wine drunk bots" (NSFW)
Jazz - "Famous Actor Jazz" (Fluff)
Jazz/Prowl - "Watching reader come undone on their digits" (NSFW)
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apfelkuchle · 2 years
Hello! I saw you wanted to have requests coming to you and I wanted to give you that request! Of course you dont have to, but here we go!
I was thinking Transformers Prime Optimus, Ratchet, and Ultra Magnus reacting to Female Human being heavily bullied like a fight happened. I would like to see their over protective reactions when they just came over to pick them up from work like a normal day.
You may add or subtract to this idea I do not mind anything you do! I just wanted to give you some ideas! Hopefully you are doing ok and have fun!
ahh tysm for the ask im excited to be doing this again :D i haven’t watched tfp in a hot second but i still love these characters ❤️
(platonic) TFP Optimus, Ratchet, and Ultra Magnus reactions to human reader in a fight
warnings: reader uses she/her pronouns, reader is a minor (platonic relationship), implied violence, minor injury
Optimus Prime
Its rare that optimus is able to pick you up from school, though he tries to as often as possible
he’s just so busy, but he always tries to make time for you. he holds a very strong belief that the Autobots should maintain a close relationship with their humans, and hes no exception
and hes done well with that, hed even consider you a friend. a close one.
so when you step into his cab with your head down, and only hum at his greeting, hes worried.
very worried
he’s aware of the bullying. he’s allowed you to talk, and encouraged you to, while he works on his data pads. it upsets him a great deal, but there’s little he can do
he knows little about human children and how horrible some teenagers can be at times
ultimately, he’s upset, borderline angry when he sees the scuffs on your face and the bruising on your chin.
he doesn’t know much about humans to begin with, much less about comfort in general. but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t try his best.
“(y/n),” Optimus starts. “Are you feeling alright?”
He hadn’t yet seen the cuts and bruises on your face, and you’d like to keep it that way.
You’re head rests on his window, “Can we just go?”
Optimus stays silent for a moment, slightly shocked at your sudden and aggressive tone. “Of course.”
Much of the ride is silent as he searches for the right words. He already knows what has happened, or at least he’s assumed. These “bullies”, “deceptions in human skin” as Ratchet had called them during one of their late night discussions.
You sniffle, and Optimus is pulled from his thoughts.
“(y/n),” Optimus says. He pauses once more, “Are you… alright?”
Of course not. You’re crying, you’re hurt. Of course you’re not alright! But what else is he to say? He’s clueless how to help you, but he can’t just let you be. Not right now.
“M’fine,” you choke out, and clear your throat. And more clearly, “I’m sorry, yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.”
Optimus activates his holoform in the seat beside you. “I would not be your guardian if I did not worry… I know it was them. Please, look at me.”
As you raise your head, he catches sight of the extent of your injury, and he can feel the anger begin to rise. But he keeps quiet, and makes eye contact.
Optimus sighs quietly, and pulls to the side of the empty, long road. He turns to look at you again, contemplating.
“Would you like to talk about it?”
And it’s your turn to pause and think. The tears well in your eyes. Optimus silently opens his arms in welcome, and you accept the hug.
much like optimus, ratchet is a busy mech. often times he has bumblebee pick you up for him, being too engrossed in his own work to bother stepping away
it also took him a long time to find out about the bullying. he finds it easier to focus with silence, talking and music only disrupts his peace and makes it difficult for him to work. thus, you couldn’t talk to him about it for a while
but being a field medic, and the (now) sole medic of the autobots isn’t just about physical injury. it’s mental aswell, and the signs of unrest and upset are clear as day to him
when you step into his cab, he assumes you’re just being “a teenager”, as he’s heard june refer to it many times before with jack.
“What’s the matter with you?” Ratchet grunts. “Ow, watch it!”
The door to his passenger seat slams, and the cab rocks as you slump against the door aggressively. Ratchet grumbles something about “children” and pulls out of the school lot.
Ratchet’s holoform is activated, as to avoid suspicion from human locals. A quick glance in your direction morphs to a worried stare. Your shaking is a little difficult to ignore. And then it clicks for him.
“What did they say?” Ratchet spoke softly, just loud enough for you to hear him. He’s not upset at you for slamming the door, not right now.
“Nothing,” you mutter. “… they jumped me.”
“What..?” Ratchet exhales in consternation. He’s commonly referred to such people as “deceptions in human skin”. He had once been exaggerating, however, he’s becoming more convinced.
Ratchet stops on the side of a disused road on the way to the base, and his holoform exits.
“Get out, in the back. I have tools back here.”
He’s not a talker. By any means. But he cares, in his own way.
Ultra Magnus
Magnus has an even slimmer understanding of humans than ratchet
and, yet again, is extremely busy
he really only picks you up because optimus told him to. not because he doesn’t like you, no, he does, but because he is busy.
reports are constantly being written and missions devised
he’s the type to recommend either 1. being the bigger person, walking away and ignoring it or 2,
fighting them
straight up. he’s a rule follower, but when he eventually hears ratchet talking about it, he sees it in a different light. he would only encourage fighting however, if they’ve attacked you first
so when you step into the cab, clearly roughed up, he already has a question in mind
“Did you win?”
It startles you. “What?”
“Did you win?” Ultra Magnus repeats. “The fight.”
You don’t say anything, and Magnus puffs. He wants to scold you, to ridicule you like a soldier. It’s first instinct to him, but he refrains. For your sake.
His holoform flickers into existence as he reaches the highway, and he reaches over.
“Let me see.”
He holds your face in his hand as he drives, turning you side to side and observing the forming bruises.
“They roughed you up good, huh?” Magnus hums. “You’re tough. You’ll make it.”
You’re not amused, nor has he made you feel better at all. Slapping his hand away, you slump further into your seat and cross your arms.
A silence falls over the cab. Not exactly comfortable, but you don’t really care.
“Do I need to inform June?” He tries again. He does feel bad, but he’s not exactly the talking type. He’s a fighter, built for it and raised in it. But he’s trying, and that’s what matters.
You shake your head, and hum a no.
Another silence, and he glances at your reddened fists.
“How hard’d you hit ‘em?”
This pulls a half smile from you. “Like a truck.”
Ultra Magnus chuckles lightly, “Atta’ girl.”
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scentedpoetrywitch · 2 years
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do you think sweet diana is the alpha female towards ultra magnus ?
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i-starcreamed · 1 year
Hey, I was thinking of a oneshot request for MTMTE Rodimus, Megatron, Drift, Whirl, Tarn, Shatted Glass Optimus Prime and Bayverse Ironhide with a Cybertronian S/O who can transform into a weapon (and it depends on what weapon she turns to, depending on who the character she is with). I was thinking it could be a female S/O as well, to make it easier for you cause I'm aware that's a lot of characters lol. Thank you, have a good day/afternoon/night 🤗
oo this is a cool request! this was very fun to write especially since one of my ocs also transforms into a weapon..And I had to exclude Megatron and Ironhide since I sadly don't know how to write for them too well :(
Also I'll be uploading the oneshots separately so that the characters are easier to find and for organization purposes :D hope you don't mind. This post includes Rodimus and Drift
MTMTE Rodimus x Cybertronian!reader
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Whenever danger sets afoot on the Lost Light or any other alien planet the crew makes a stop at, Rodimus is immediately looking at you with begging optics. Every time, you would sigh and know exactly what he meant.
Today was one of those cycles, the Lost Light had to make a stop at some random alien planet. According to Ultra Magnus and your significant other, the planet belonged to a bunch of techno-organics that weren't too welcoming to cybertronians. Or rather, which you learned too late, they weren't welcoming to any intruders.
"Alright, alright listen everyone! We're under attack, this planet is apparently defensive against us, but we'll be fi-" Another explosion ringed in the background. "we'll be fine!" Rodimus announced this to the whole crew, which were itching to fight or hiding within the ship.
"We're all gonna die!"
Someone in the crowd yelled, which led to more of the crew muttering to each other and doing the exact opposite of what Rodimus wanted. His optimistic smile faltered as he sighed. You were at his side, as always. You placed a servo on his shoulder in a comforting way.
"Hey, it's alright. We should go help out there though, system's scanner says they're closing in. How about we go protect the crew, yeah?" You said with a smile.
Rodimus seemed to perk up at this. Suddenly, a knowing grin crept onto his face. 3..2..1.."Does this mean...?" His striking blue optics stared down at you expectedly. There he goes. You sigh but nod your helm.
"Yes Rodimus. I'll turn into my alt mode.."
Rodimus was the only bot you trusted enough to wield you in your alt-mode, which happened to be a rather cool-looking plasma rifle. With temperatures reaching to a scorching amount, you and him easily plundered through your attackers. Techno-organics and heat don't mix well, you learned. By the end of it, the nearby location was a nasty mess. But hey, at least you protected the Lost Light in an incredibly badass way. It's not every cycle they see a femme that can turn into a rifle and melt away at her enemies. Rodimus was proud of you, to say the least. He couldn't have a better/more badass conjunx.
He still holds you as you enter the Lost Light once again, to continue on your journey before the planet's inhabitants call for backup or something.
"Can I transform back now?"
"Hmm, nope. I need to make an announcement first, remember?"
"If you drop me again, I swear to Primus Rodimus..."
He groans, you were never going to forgive for that, were you?
MTMTE Drift x Cybertronian!reader
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Early on when you embarked upon the Lost Light, you had quickly befriended the third-in-command. You happened to bond over your love for bladed weapons and swords, combat in general. As you got closer, those feelings for each other grew. You were so trusting of him despite his past, despite everything. And yet...he didn't know what your alt-mode was. You had mentioned to the crew and himself that you took the form of a weapon. When asked what kind, you kinda said it depended and left it at that. It wasn't until today that he just had to know.
"Y/N, sweetspark?" You heard your conjunx ask a your side. Currently, you were both in his hab suite, reading some old cybertronian literature Drift recommended. You lifted your helm from the datapad and let out a short hm?
"I never mean to intrude, but I'd still like to see your alt-mode..." HE asked rather cautiously. To be fair, it's not that you were ashamed or anything of your alt mode. However, the mode you chose truly depended on who er...handled you during combat. You have been with Drift for a while, you decided it wouldn't hurt to trust him enough for this. So you sat up from your spot and placed the datapad down.
"Okay, okay Drift. Here we go.."
Your alt-mode depended on your conjunx, gears and metal turned into place as your t-cog worked out its form. Not a second later you fell into Drift's servos, his optics widened as you finished transforming. He thought you were a sniper rifle or some type of gun, he never imagined you transforming into a beautiful and intricate blade. And there you were, on his servos. He would so much compare you to the Great Sword, powerful and he would give his absolute spark to you.
He'll admit, it's a bit trippy to be with a talking sword but he wouldn't change it for a thing. A soft smile made its way onto his face
"Thank you, Y/N."
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🕸️🕷️🕸️ How I Would Fix TFA Blackarachnia’s Character and Backstory:
*The adventure on the Spider Planet, was actually Optimus Prime’s First Autobot Mission and he was the Leader of the Team.
*Blackarachnia’s past self isn’t Elita (I dislike what TFA did to my Pink Warrior Queen), so instead Elita’s past self is renamed ‘Lancer’ (whom is an actual female Autobot).
*Optimus’ Team was Lancer, Sentinel and himself.
*Lancer is a scientist, has a special download ability and studies organic life.
*Pink Elita One exists in TFA, she’s actually Ultra Magnus’ Third-In-Command… She was in charge of Cybertron, while Ultra Magnus and Sentinel were both away on Earth.
*On Archa 7, their First Mission was to get weapons, data and energon from an Ancient Decepticon Warship trapped inside the planet.
*But when the giant alien spiders and energon explosion happened, Lancer was believed to have died (when she actually became Blackarachnia).
*Sentinel blames Optimus for her death, because Optimus was the Leader.
*Ultra Magnus was simply gonna suspend them both for a year, for failing their First Mission and causing Lancer’s death, but Optimus felt so guilty over losing Lancer that he quits the Autobot Academy.
*Optimus later becomes a Space-Bridge Repair Prime, which eventually leads to Optimus finding the powerful Allspark…
*Meanwhile, Lancer/Blackarachnia basically went insane during her transformation and LOVES being a techno-organic spider-bot; She views all techno-organics as the ‘Perfect Lifeforms’.
*She eventually joins the Deceptions, and she creates many techno-organic beast-bots.
*Even though she’s an insane Decepticon now, there are still lines she won’t cross: like killing innocents, especially children.
*She also has a surprising amount of empathy, for her fellow freaky outcasts… like the Dinobots, Wreck-Gar and even Wasp/Waspinator.
*However, despite loving her transformation, she’s still holding a big grudge against both Optimus and Sentinel for leaving her to die on Archa 7… 🕷️ 
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mariacrow · 10 months
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Ultra Magnus x reader
NSFW warning
angst (the main focus)
1st person, female
takes place in an AU where the reader, as a part of the team, has moved to Cybertron after the events of all 3 TFP seasons
commitment issues, denial, stress relief sex, one night stand?
I kinda cringed myself out with this one but ok- kinda hot-
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I was in bed ready to sleep when I heard someone entering my bedroom. Just by the sound of the walk I could tell it’s Magnus. I could feel him lay on my berth that I put a mattress and bunch of cushions on as an improv. He lay right behind me… I didn’t say anything. Neither did he. Nonetheless, I could feel the tension growing.
Soon I could feel his massive servos being all over me - groping me, getting under my shirt, touching my breasts… I shuffled around as I was quietly mewling. I wasn’t really in the mood for this… Another one of our “one night stands”, or at least they seem so.
“Magnus… I don’t-“
“Magnus, sir.” he corrected me… It sent shivers of pleasure down my spine. It really turns me on when he does this.
“..Yessir…” I said quietly as I slightly turned around to face him. He immediately leaned to kiss me as he continued touching me all over. His dermas are rough ans he isn’t even trying to use them any more gently.
He took off my shirt, then my panties. Soon I found myself lying helplessly underneath him with my legs wide spread. Everything was happening so quick I didn’t even get to enjoy the foreplay. If there’s any. His foreplays tend to be dry.
He was towering over me as he removed his crotch cover to reveal his spike. He grabbed it by the base and gave it a little twist as it shrunk at least 50% (can’t fit a 75cm long and 18cm wide spike in a human-) before he pushed it inside of me in missionary. No warning, no nothing. Just like that. His stress outlet can’t wait I guess…
It immediately made my tummy bulge as I started moaning quite loudly at his sudden pace. He covered my mouth with his servo but he needed both of them to hold my torso up and keep my legs spread enough properly. He stopped and grunted in slight frustration as he pulled out, flipping me over just like that. He immediately went back to work as he kept his servo on my mouth again, muffling my loud moans as much as possible. Can’t let anyone know he’s actually making me feel good and enjoying himself, right? His groaning also filled my colorful bedroom but just in the right amount and frequency.
He’d make me arch my back, lift my head and look up at him as he’d look down at me while carefully holding me by my throat. We’d keep eye contact until my eyes would roll into back of my head due to overstimulation or until my tightness would squeeze his spike even more and make him frown and close his optics. He’d press onto my tummy or grope my butt or hips very tightly as he wouldn’t slow down at all. When I’d get a chance, I’d moan:
“Sir~!” which would make him groan loudly and go even rougher on me which I would actually enjoy. The sounds of aggressive clapping of my skin against the rough steal of his hips and thighs filled my bedroom. At times, I would once again feel his servo on my throat or shoulder, breasts, back… Anywhere really. At one point he even leaned to plant a soft kiss on my back as he was getting closer to his climax.
It was over quite quickly actually. He didn’t make me finish once again but I didn’t really care… As long as he shows me he loves me.. even if this is the only way…
That’s what I tell myself every time this happens…
Later, we were in the same position like before the intercourse. My back turned to him as he was just silently lying there. He slightly reached out to me with his servo for a second but he brought it back in the previous position, deciding not to do whatever he planned to… Probably to show any kind of affection with physical touch. But he miserably failed.
I could feel that. I turned around to look at him over my shoulder. He was just staring at me with his blue optics and a frowny face. I smiled at him a little as I turned around completely, now facing him. I scooted a little closer to him as I slowly reached out with my tiny hand to touch his cheek plate but he… backed away… He moved his helm slightly backwards as a sign that he doesn’t want me to touch him… My smile faded as I slowly put my hand away. I turned back around, slightly curling in a ball, tugging at my blanket as it uncovered my back completely due to that motion.
I could hear him heavily ex vent. I then felt his huge servo pulling my blanket over my bare back, nicely tucking me in. I didn’t move, I didn’t say anything… Neither did he…
Then I could hear and feel him standing up. I turned around.
“Sir, where are you-…” I was about to ask where he’s going but I was interrupted by his huge figure stopping in his tracks and slowly turning his helm to the left. After a couple of seconds he just proceeded to walk through my bedroom door and leave me…
Well at least this time he stayed a little longer…
or at least that’s what I tell myself every time…
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Dividers belong to @saradika 💙
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gamersansblog · 1 year
so uh i saw you're taking smut requests.... Do you think you'd be comfortable doing hcs of ratchet/ultra-magnus (TFP) with an autobot s/o who's a gentle dom/service top. It's totally fine if not or if this doesn't call to you. Thank you so much and drink some water!!!
Yes I can!
Don't worry I will drink some water :D
Now I don't know if you want gn, male, or female so I'm going to go with gn :D
Ratchet and ultra-magnus with a gentle dom s/o
Minors do not interact!
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Dis man whimpers I swear it's fucking hot
Loves the way how gentle you are with him everytime to guys fuck
Likes going rough but likes how gentle you are.
Get embarrassed when you tell him he's a good boy
You guys rarely fuck because there's people trying to sleep and because of the war
Yo ass bites his thighs and he loves it
He moans pretty loud ngl
He can last for 3 to 5 rounds with out passing out
Purrs after yall done
Don't tell anyone he purrs but the purrs are quiet that no one can hear
Mf has 3 kinks-
You dont know he does that
Gets grumpy when you have to leave after sex
He has one toy don't tell anyone that he has that cuz he'll get embarrassed and mad and will throw the biggest wrench that he has
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Dis man only grunts and whimpers
He's kinda demanding during sex
Blushes so badly when you decide to fip him over so can see his face
This man has a couple kinks but the top first one is a name kink
The way you call him baby girl, slut and more makes him weak to the knees
Jerks off sometimes which is rare
Does not like the risk he feels embarrassed when he get caught
That fact that you are gentle with him since it was his first time makes him melt and fall inlove with you again
Can last for about 2 rounds until he acts all sex drunk
When you bite his thighs he will whimper and squish his thighs on ypur head because of the pleasure he's feeling
Mother fucker is a cuddle bug after sex
Won't let you put of his grasp
Only will let ypu go when you have to leave or when he feels all sticky and bothered and you are getting a wet rag
Secretly has some toys but SHHH don't tell anyone 😙🤫🤭
Purrs LOUDLY mf won't shut up after happy time
Hope ya'll enjoyed this!
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