#female Uzumaki Naruto
musicfeedsmysoul12 · 11 months
Brain just piped up:
Fem!Naruto would 100% be the same Naruto in canon up until she overhears people talking about how she’s a freak and so unlady like that it’s disturbing.
This is Naruto who dealt with people ignoring him so he pulled pranks and decided to be Hokage to force people to acknowledge him.
This is Naruto who runs on spite.
You think a Fem!Naruto wouldn’t hear this and go; Fuck you, I’ll be the most lady you’ve ever seen?!
I’m talking about full on deep dives, I’m talking about stalking various noble ladies to figure shit out, I’m talking about her ambushing her Sensei to ask serious questions.
And then Naruto waltzes in one day a perfect fucking lady.
Eat that.
There is more then just this though. Naruto here has looked into famous ladies to try and emulate them after all. Sarutobi removed what he could to keep her safe (keep her dependent on him as the sole form of kindness though he’d admit that was just a pleasent side effect). He didn’t think to remove everything.
Isn’t it so interesting that little Naruto finds in the library a book on the founders? On Senju Hashirama’s wife Uzumaki Mito?
(Naruto drinks it all in and learns so much. A Uzumaki? Like her? Really? Is this true? And she learns of sealing and of Uzushio. She learns of them. And she decides that they will not be forgotten.)
It’s a lady who walks into the academy. A lady who has a book on sealing in her pocket, a gleam in her eye and a prayer in her heart.
(Everyone who ever knew Mito shudders. Everyone who know Kushina stares. And a few?
A few grin.)
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floridecuts · 8 months
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The idea for this just popped into my mind, so this is my version of gender-swapped Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke.
Since there is so many artworks of fem!Naruto with long hair I thought it interesting to go with a different approach and gave her a short haircut.
Thanks for taking a look! :)
Still working on the red haired Naruto au comic btw in case anyone cares. Hope to finish that soon.
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fandrawsart · 5 months
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👑 KING 👑
Context: Your baby sister has been feeling down ever since the disastrous trip to the village fair, so you and your co-conspirators decide to surprise her by creating new dresses for an exclusive DIY fashion show.
Bonus: It’s a success and another one of your siblings end up discovering a skill that they are mind-bogglingly good at.
Ft. 5 year old Uzumaki Nana, Nohara Kanna, Kyoko, Ryuu, and Yuji from In Sound Judgement by @negativeaperture
(Character interpretations and scenarios were inspired by the fic. They may not be canon to the version written by the writer and are strictly the artist’s speculations)
I imagine this taking place after the kids had to visit the central village fair for consumable produce, and Nana being an adult stuck in a child’s body got distracted by all the pretty wares and clothes that were being displayed. She had been admiring the dresses, when she was suddenly manhandled by an extremely irate and furious stall owner. A man, who not just a few moments ago had been acting really nice and fondly indulgent towards her.
Nana is saved by Ryuu before the screaming owner can throw her down, and hastily taken away from the gathering crowd. The last thing she sees before Ryuu covers her eyes and ears is the sight of the full-grown adult who had been taking sick satisfaction from her fear rapidly paling in front of a young black-haired child wearing an ANBU mask.
(Ps. The clothes were designed by our dumpster diving legend Kyoko. The expensive fabric scraps and flower pins that they found during their spree may or may not have been left by a concerned ANBU as an apology for being unable to intervene sooner.)
(Ps. Ps. Yes the ANBU was Itachi)
Ps. Ps. Ps. The photo looks blurry because the file size was too big for the post. Desktop users shouldn't face the issue while accessing the file. Apologies to everyone who views the app through the phone (like me).
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anns-works · 2 years
Naruto: ʸᵒᵘ'ʳᵉ 'ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵉᶜᵒⁿᵈ ʷᵒʳˢᵗ ᵗʰᶦⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ᵉᵛᵉʳ ʰᵃᵖᵖᵉⁿ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵒˢᵉ ᵒʳᵖʰᵃⁿˢ', ʷʰᵃᵗ ᵈᵒᵉˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵐᵉᵃⁿˀ
Orochimaru: It means i was second worst thing to happen to those orphans.
Naruto: ᴮᵘᵗ ʷʰᵃᵗ’ˢ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᶦʳˢᵗ ʷᵒʳˢᵗ ᵗʰᶦⁿᵍˀ
*Awkward pause*
Orochimaru: Naru-chan, they...they weren’t always orphans.
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Chaos is a ladder by this_wild_abyss
She's quite certain she's gone mad, but certain sacrifices can be made to save her precious people.
The chakra construct in your gut might be an eldritch abomination, but you two get along like a house on fire.
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redmelawashere · 2 years
SNS prompts week 1
Figured I should probably start posting at least summaries of what I did for this year’s SNS month (especially since I only got half way through and wanna finish up in November during NaNoWriMo 😭) Full fics can be read here on my AO3 😊
1 - Cuddling
In all honesty, the atrocious orange jumpsuit Naruto used to religiously wear when they were genin was really starting to make a lot of sense.
(Firebreathers run hot and Sasuke is no exception.)
2 - Soulmates
It wasn't love at first sight. It didn't feel like peace had finally settled in. He wasn't smitten or felt any deep instinctual pull. It was an inconvenience to be metaphysically chained toward the most clumsy, knuckle-headed, idiot on the planet. The colourful bruises they'd give each other weren't just a freak show that had everyone in the academy gossiping about them, they also meant that he had to share her pain.
But he had never imagined pain like this.
(That one Soulmate AU where your soulmate gets a bruise you get in a different colour. Bruises are one thing, but what if this was during the Pein Arc when Naruto's skin was ripped off turning in the Ninetales?)
3 - Sun and Moon
"Yeah, but if you're the sun and the moon where do I fit?"
Sasuke's cheek's immediately reddened.
"If I'm the what?"
"You heard me."
(Naruto philosophizes about her existence after the war.)
4 - Please Kiss Me All Night Long
"I don’t want you to fuck me," she whispered harshly into his the crown of his head. "I want you to hold me and kiss me. All night. Like you actually mean it."
(Naruto is sick of the mind games and wants Sasuke to finally commit.)
5 - He's Mine
"That would be my husband. Uchiha Sasuke? Maybe you've heard of him."
"What's going on here," Sasuke drawled coolly.
"Nothing," the monk retorted, shoving his hands into his large sleeves. "Naruto-san was just giving me a tour of the gardens where the temple might be built."
(A Monk is naughty, Naruto schemes, and Sasuke is jealous.)
6 - The Hokage and his Shadow
If Shikamaru was a better man, he would have fought harder for Naruto to become Hokage.
(AU where Sasuke becomes Hokage and Naruto is his Shadow.)
7 - Hurt and Comfort
It wasn't the muffled thrashing and occasional kicks that had woken Sasuke up, but the covers being ripped off followed with wet whimpers.
(Naruto get's her period. Sasuke has to go buy pads.)
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littlechinesedoll · 1 year
Like a Prayer - Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruko fic
Like a Prayer Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/46367686.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Relationship: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruko, Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka, Uchiha Fugaku/Uchiha Mikoto, Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke
Character: Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, Uzumaki Naruko, Umino Iruka, Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Mikoto, Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Itachi, Haruno Sakura, Yamanaka Ino
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Japanese High School, Bullying, Haruno Sakura Bashing, Haruno Sakura Being An Asshole, Good Parent Uchiha Fugaku, Angst, Love Confessions, Female Uzumaki Naruto, kakairu adopts naruko
   Naruko has long hair. Down to her waist. It used to be a messy boyish pixie cut when she started to grow it as a prayer, when one day during a day out hanging with him, Sasuke made an offhanded comment about how a woman with their back turned to them, had such beautiful long hair.
   She cuts it all off a week before graduation, when she saw a girl in their year with pink hair half as long as hers, latch onto Sasuke’s arm, and Sasuke didn’t push her off like he usually did with other girls.
   This was inspired by: https://twitter.com/pukun_p/status/1643638533276459009
See the end of the work for more notes
“What did you do to your hair!” Sasuke demands when he sees Naruko with a blunt bob down to the curve where her neck met her shoulders, and textured bangs. By her ear, that enamel fishcake pin Sasuke got when he went past an accessories store and thought of her. She’s never taken it off since Sasuke got it for her.
Sasuke hasn’t seen her in a week. They’ve been together every day since they were five (unless their parents had to take them somewhere), hand in hand and cheek to cheek when they were children, and shoulder to shoulder as they grew up, and this is the first time in their lives that Sasuke hasn’t heard from Naruko for a week. No note, no call, no text, no nothing, when she can never stop messaging Sasuke all kinds of random things.
Then she shows up on the last day of school, having cut all her hair off. Sasuke wonders what’s going on inside her head—what would prompt this drastic change? Sure, she looks great in this new haircut, but what was the point of growing it that long, and dragging Sasuke to her shopping trips looking for products to make sure her hair stayed soft, shiny, and volumized, only to just cut it all off?
Was it just… an impulse decision?
It’s graduation day. Sasuke would love nothing but to ask Naruko and her parents to join him and his parents to lunch out to celebrate, then spend the first day of summer vacation with her.
It’s graduation day. But Naruko would like things to be over so she can try and continue to compartmentalize and not break down in front of her best friend. The love of her life.
She wants the ceremony to be over because her full-time job starts at 11am and the ceremony will end at 10:45am, so she has to pedal as fast as she can to get to the coffee and bakery shop she’s been waiting at in the last week in attempt to avoid Sasuke. Besides, there was nothing to do at school anymore since she got all the credits she needed to pass and graduate.
“I cut it,” she says, “I got a full-time job, contractual though, and I thought the hair got in the way of being productive at work ,” it’s a lie. She could easily just put it up into pigtails, braid them, and wrap it around itself in a bun to keep it out of her face while she waited and bussed tables.
She cut it in the hopes of moving on. Letting go of this silly little crush. Of the silly hope that one day, Sasuke would look at her and tell her he liked her hair. That he’d ask to touch it or offer to comb it because he wanted to feel the softness between his fingers, and let the fresh floral scent fill his senses. That he’d tell her that he liked her back the way she liked him, and her prayer would be granted.
It was foolish of her to hold on to this stupid prayer. Because of course, Uchiha Sasuke, the most handsome, most popular, smartest boy in school, would pair up with the smartest, prettiest girl in their year, Haruno Sakura.
Because who would ever look at loud, obnoxious, tomboyish, scar cheeked, chubby, orphaned Naruko, who barely passes math, and picks fights, eats too much and has pudge, and wears a skirt below the knee unlike all the other girls because she hates that her thighs are too thick. Not cute is what she gets from their classmates all the time.
She tries not to compare herself to other girls, she does anyway.
Sakura is top of the class, the valedictorian. She’s on the math team, vice president of the literature club, and is student council president, and gets tons of chocolate on White Day because she’s pretty and all the boys like her. She got accepted to a good school and will become a doctor.
Sasuke is second next to her. Sasuke’s the captain of the baseball team, part of the kendo team, and gets tons of chocolate on Valentines’ Day because he’s handsome and all the girls like him. All his applications were accepted and he’s sure to follow in Itachi and their father’s steps to run their family business.
Then there’s Ino whose hair never really needs any combing, with her fair skin, scar-free face. She’s captain of the debate team and a member of the kyuudou team. And Hinata who’s the very definition of cute to every guy in their class: small, quiet, demure, small voice, who liked giving out sweets to anyone who’d take them. They get chocolate on White Day, too.
And Naruko. Naruko likes to eat ramen, make clay frogs, and joined the garden and flower arrangement club, and is always tanned—shades darker than every other girl, and always sweaty because she’s always under the sun in the garden. She’s never gotten chocolate on White Day from anyone in her life.
It’s not that she’s insecure, because hey everybody’s got something they hate about themselves, and she doesn’t have enough self-hatred to change anything. She just… knows she’s not pretty. Average, at best? At least she’s not completely ugly. Maybe. Skincare never got rid of the scars anyway and she wears enough sunscreen.  
“I wanted to work over the summer to get some sweet cash to spend on stupid shit and food before college!” she adds with a grin. “Besides, all those hair products were getting expensive,” she scrunches her nose. “I could use that extra cash in case I need anything else when I move to my new apartment closer to the school. I didn’t want to bother my dads. They’ve spent enough already. Time to pull my own weight I guess,”
That one isn’t a lie. But she actually doesn’t need cash. She’ll be getting a full salary for two months before she gets to move. She hasn’t really thought what she’s going to do with all of it. All she wanted was a distraction. Iruka and Kakashi look after her well, and Kakashi has good income as a lawyer, and she has a grandma who has more money than she knows what to do with and she always handed cash over when she asked nicely, but only if she helped over at her grandma’s clinic, sorting documents or cleaning up the place, or taking over the secretary when she can’t come in.
“Why didn’t you tell me you got a job?” Sasuke asks. Because usually, Naruko tells him everything and if there’s something Sasuke knows about his best friend, it’s that Naruko can’t lie to him even if she tried.
They even shared plans for when they go to college. They planned on living in the same complex halfway between the community college she decided to go to, and the university Sasuke got accepted to. But things didn’t go as planned since Naruko’s parents can’t find anything within budget where Sasuke wanted Naruko to rent so they could be close, so they went with a student apartment complex near the community college. Which is easier on Naruko if she wants to go home during the weekends since it’ll only take a short bus ride.  
Naruko actually wants to skip the ceremony right after she gets called on stage, so she can leave and not see the what the fuss is about when people gather around to watch Sasuke give Sakura the second button on his uniform jacket when she asks for it as they exchanged gifts. (1)
She doesn’t want to hear the cheers of the student body when the handsomest boy and the prettiest girl finally get together because it makes sense.
That doesn’t stop Naruko from having a gift for Sasuke though. She’ll try to be as casual as possible, keep it together, and last long enough for Iruka and Kakashi to get photos and then she can go back to work, cry in the locker for about five minutes, get her shit together, and probably hopefully be successful in avoiding Sasuke and as she tries work herself to death for the next two months before starting college in attempt to push aside these feelings.
A teacher’s voice comes from the campus speakers. Students are being told to gather at the ceremony area.
That’s Naruko’s cue to give Sasuke her gift, because she wants to avoid the awkwardness, and not give anybody the chance to assume that she’s confessing her feelings because she’s giving Sasuke a gift. Good thing it’s not chocolate, because Sasuke hates sweet things.
“Congratulations on graduating!” Naruko practically shoves the white gift bag into Sasuke’s hands.
In it is a small pack of the expensive, fancy green tea she bought with her first week’s salary, a coaster she made in the pottery seminar she went to in the shape of a cat’s head, and a small candle that smells like freshly laundered sheets.
“See you later!” she says.
It’s another lie. She runs over to where her class is, separate from Sasuke since he’s in the class with the achievers, and she’s in the class of not-so-achievers, and waits for the ceremony to start.
“Haruno Sakura, Class 3-A, Konoha School of Medicine,”
“Uchiha Sasuke, Class 3-A, University of Konoha,”
“Hatake Naruko, Class 3-C, Nishiba College,” (2)
Naruko climbs up the stairs to the stage, a grin on her face, genuinely elated she’s finally done with high school. She bows to the headmaster and accepts the fake rolled up diploma, then bows once again before going back to her seat. She doesn’t look for Sasuke in the audience.
When Iruka and Kakashi have gotten their fill of photos, of all of them together, one with each parent, and Naruko alone with the stage as the background, she tells them she’s about to be late for her job and rushes to the school quadrangle where her bicycle is parked, and where students are gathered giving each other congratulations and making plans for the summer as the last day of school ends.
She knew it, people are gathered around Sakura and Sasuke, and she doesn’t stay around long enough to watch Sasuke give Sakura the second button of his jacket and breaks into half a sprint to get to her bicycle.
Sasuke thanks Sakura for her gifts but gives her back the gift bag and doesn’t give her the second button when she asks for it. He leaves her there and doesn’t pay her any more attention as he looks around for Naruko. He doesn’t see her but sees Iruka and Kakashi. Iruka may stay a while longer because he’s a teacher and Kakashi may have to go back to the office if they weren’t able to take the whole day off for their daughter and the lunch they're supposed to go to.  
Whispers and silence blanket over the crowd as Sasuke leaves Sakura in the middle of the quadrangle, second button-less, headed for Iruka, gathered with other faulty near the school building entrance.
“Oh, she left!” says Iruka with a disappointed frown when Sasuke comes up to them to ask. “Late for her shift, she said. We were supposed to go to lunch with you! Please tell Mikoto-san we can’t make it. We can gather gain when Naruko-chan’s on her day off, okay?”
Sasuke didn’t even get to take a photo with her. Naruko always insisted they take photos together on the last day of school before summer. Today is their last “last day” together, and they have no photo for it.
“Sure. What time is she getting home?” Sasuke dares to ask.
“She usually gets in before midnight,” says Iruka with a sigh. “It’s concerning, our little girl out that late, but that’s the shift she agreed to,”
Midnight? Naruko shouldn’t be out that late without him if Sasuke has anything to do or say about it. Sure, she can handle herself and can throw a mean punch if she wants to, but still. He’ll even do whatever Itachi wants, even be his runner for work the entire summer, if it could mean he can borrow his car and pick her up—every night if he must—instead of Naruko riding her bicycle alone in the dark.
“Can I go pick her up?” he says without thinking.
“Oh, that’s sweet of you, Sasuke-kun!” Iruka breathes in relief. “Is it okay if we leave Naruko to you?”
“Of course!” Sasuke answers without missing a beat. Aside from her parents and his family, she wouldn’t be safer with anyone else but him. “Sensei,” he says because they’re on school grounds, “Kakashi-jisan, let’s all have lunch with mom, dad, and Itachi, to celebrate sometime soon?”
“Sure,” Kakashi nods. “Naruko’ll let you know when her off day is, okay?”
“Do you happen to know where the café she works at is?”
“It’s called Cream & Sugar if I recall correctly,” says Kakashi.
Sasuke nods, bids them goodbye, then returns to his parents and brother who are ready to take him out for a celebratory lunch. They’re disappointed Naruko isn’t coming with them.
“Sasuke, where are Naru-chan, Iruka-san, and Kakashi-san?” his mother asks as he gets in the backseat of the car, next to Itachi.
“Iruka-jisan said they’re sorry they can’t make it today since Naruko said she’s late for work. We can gather again on her day off,” he says as he straps himself in.
“Oh, that's a shame,” Mikoto tuts.
“Alright, fess up,” says Itachi as their father eases out of the parking lot. “What did you do?”
“What? Why’d you think I did something?”
Itachi raises a brow. “If there’s someone between the two of you with less self-awareness it’s you, Otouto. Besides, even if you did Naru-chan wrong, she can’t ever manage to stay away from you too long, ever,”
“Itachi-kun,” their mother sighs, “At least say with a little bit more grace,”
“Well, she hasn’t been at the house for a week,” remarks Fugaku. Naruko’s a noisy child but he’s learned to love her too, and that she’s good for Sasuke and Sasuke is good for her. “Better say sorry even though you don’t know what you’re sorry for, Sasuke,”
“Listen to your father, boys,” says his mother. “He’s right,”
“Oh, what a miracle, the blessed words right from your lips,” Fugaku chuckles, Itachi rolls his eyes at the flirting.
Sasuke ignores it and opens the gift bag from Naruko and stares at the variety of items. He loves every single one of them—Naruko always knew what he liked. He opens the card and sees her messy but still legible handwriting.
サスケてめへ Sasuke-teme he To Sasuke-teme,
おめでとうございます!できただってばよ!自分に気を付けてね! Omedetou gozaimasu! Dekita datte ba yo! Jibun ni ki wo tsukete ne! Congratulations! We made it! Take care of yourself.
ナルコより Naruko yori From, Naruko.
What had he done? To deserve just a cold sounding card without a single emoji, and not a hug on one of the biggest days of their lives?
Naruko cries in the locker room when she gets there, replaying the small scene with Sasuke and Sakura in her head, over and over again, imagining Sasuke handing over the button to Sakura, them sharing a hug, and Sasuke inviting Sakura instead of her to a celebratory lunch like Mikoto-basan told her they’d go to after the ceremony.
You have no right to be hurt, she tells herself, sniffling as she pulls on her uniform, then ties up her apron at the back. You have no right. She can’t help but be hurt anyway, and she hates it.
But she must admit, though. A successful businessman and a doctor, that’s a power couple right there if she ever saw one.
Naruko wants to finish college just to say that she did—because it had always been Sasuke’s plan. She plans on taking something close to administration, even though she isn’t good with authority figures. The connections and skills someone gets from helping run a company might help in the mundanity of personal life. Maybe she’ll get into the firm Kakashi works at and work her way up to be a legal secretary or an administrative officer.  
She removes the fishcake pin from her hair and shoves it in her bag to make sure she doesn’t lose it, then pulls her hair up into a neat half-ponytail. Then she changes her mind about the pin, fishes it out of the bag, and uses it to pin her bangs to the side. She’s never taken this off since Sasuke gave it to her a year ago and she isn’t about to stop now.
Though she might, just to take her mind off it.
It isn’t fair, she thinks. She loved Sasuke for so long. Longer than anyone else, she’s sure, except maybe his parents and Itachi-niichan. Like how she knows the way he likes the cheap shirt she got him from Uniqlo that he’s worn so much it’s gone ratty and got holes already on the seam of the shoulder blade and near the neck hole. Mikoto-basan offered to sew it for him but he insists he likes it still.
She knows every inch of his room, the shampoo he uses, how he likes his eggs in the morning, what kind of tea he likes, what to get him at the café, or during sleepovers, where to get her futon from, and how he likes it when she blow dries his hair at night after a bath, or how he complains when Naruko shoves a headband on his head to free his face of hair and smears all that skincare on his cheeks and forehead but secretly likes it because it the scents are so light and fresh.
Now she can’t do it anymore. She must respect his girlfriend, even though she never respected Naruko. She misses Sasuke so much, but she has to stay away from him. She’s been on the wrong end of Sakura’s attention before, and it’s not something she wants a repeat of.
“Look, I know you think you two are best friends or whatever label you’re using to delude yourself. Because honestly, a stupid, scarred, class-C piggy like you? Can’t even tell you and a whole chashu roll apart! Sasuke-kun is too smart and has far too refined taste for you. You? He would never, ew,”
It’s a miracle the acetone she used to remove the superglue Sakura and Ino poured onto her hair didn’t burn her hair right off.
She didn’t tell Sasuke nor her parents.
Sasuke, out of anger, might make a scene and humiliate Sakura in front of the entire school, Iruka might bring this up to the headmaster and she might not graduate on time, and Kakashi would most definitely sue—he’s known for crushing the guilty accused and leaving them penniless.
That’s not something she wants to happen. It’d be a taint on Sasuke’s character, a stain on Sakura’s educational and legal background, and too much work on Kakashi. She’d rather stay away from Sakura to save her own sanity and self-respect. Naruko may be stubborn and too headstrong at times, but she knows when to stop, especially if she knows nothing will come of it.
So, she washes her face in the staff restroom, ices her eyes to depuff them, then faces the day’s customers with a smile and a bow. If working hard and long enough to tire herself out is the only thing she can do to avoid thinking about Sasuke and just sleep when she gets home, she’ll do it. Maybe if she does it long enough, she’ll forget about it.
Who knows, maybe Sasuke won’t even notice her gone with how much time he’s going to spend with his new girlfriend.
When her shift ends, she’s surprised to see Itachi’s SUV, a white Land Cruiser, waiting across the street from where she bolted her bicycle at a bicycle rack.
“There you are!”
She half gasps when she sees Sasuke step out of the driver’s side of the car.
“C’mon, I’ll put your bicycle in the back. I’ll take you home,” he calls out as he crosses the street toward her.
“What are you doing here?” she asks, watching him unlock the rope lock with the spare key she gave him years ago when she first got her bike. “How did you know where I work?”
“I asked your dads,” he answers, “Iruka-jisan said he was worried about you being out so late, so I offered to pick you up,”
What if one of Sakura’s friends were around and sees them? Just because they’ve graduated doesn’t mean Sakura doesn’t have the means to find her. Stay away from him, she reminds herself, stepping away from Sasuke to make sure there’s always enough space between them.
Which confuses Sasuke, because Naruko is always all over him. Not in an ecchi sort of way, since she can’t flirt to save her life, but always touching, latched onto him, always a tackle hug when she sees him for the first time that day, or when he surprises her, and she doesn’t expect him to be at the place she’s at. Pinching or poking whatever part of him, draping herself onto him whenever she pleases.
Why? Why all this… space. They’d been attached at the hip since they were kids. Now Sasuke’s had an entire week without any kind of physical contact with her. It’s not right. She’s supposed to run to him and tackle him in the middle of the street even though there’s a chance they can get run over despite not there being any cars at this hour. She’s supposed to be giggling and happy that he’s here, because she always is.
Quietly, Naruko nods and follows Sasuke to the car because she’s too tired and hurt to argue. He deposits the bicycle in the back, and she wordlessly gets in the front seat and buckles herself up. Sasuke gets in, clicks the belt on, starts the car, and the silent drive home is excruciating. Before, Naruko would eagerly plug her phone in and start playing whatever’s on her rotation or bother Sasuke as he drives and laughs when he tries his best not to crash.
Now, there’s… nothing.  
“Why are you still in your uniform?” is what Naruko settles for halfway through the ride.
“I didn’t… feel like changing out of it yet,”
He’s still in his white collared shirt, black pants, and his usual school sneakers. His jacket isn’t on. Naruko guesses the second button is missing now, held close by the pretty girl Sasuke likes.
“I liked your gifts, thank you,” Sasuke says when Naruko says nothing. “I’m still going to get a warmer for the candle though, so that I don’t have to light it and forget. Don’t wanna burn the house down,”
“I’m glad,” she says. She doesn’t sound like it.
When Naruko is happy, everybody knows it. Her smile is as bright as the sun, grinning like her full cheeks will burst. Her voice is big and boisterous and can cheer anyone up. This isn’t Naruko.
Sasuke pulls over a few streets away from Naruko’s house, puts the car in neutral, and activates the breaks. “What did I do?” he dares to ask instead of just following his father’s terrible advice.
“What?” Naruko looks at him for the first time since she got in the car. “What do you mean?”
“What did I do, Naruko?” he repeats the question. “There must’ve been something I’ve done for you to just… stop.”
“Yes!” Sasuke says in frustration. “You barely talked to me this week. Not a single message. You didn’t even tell me you got a job,”
Naruko shrugs. “You never reply anyway,”
“That’s because all you send me are memes!” he argues. “I’d reply if you sent something I could actually reply to,”
“I’m just… tired. Having a job is new, y’know?” she sighs. “I didn’t expect shifts to be that long, or the tasks to be that many, to be honest,”
“Then negotiate for shorter shifts!”
“Ah, but I like the long shifts, though,”
“It’s ah… the long hours keep me busy and tired, so there’s no chance to think about things I don’t what to think about. Work, sleep, eat, repeat and all that,”
That’s not healthy at all. “Things you don’t want to think about… what do you mean?”
Naruko unbuckles her seatbelt then unlocks her door. “Thank you. I’ll walk the rest of the way,”
Sasuke quickly locks the car and grabs her wrist.
She gasps and pulls her arm from him. “Don’t touch me!”
Of course Naruko’s raised her voice around him. All the time. But never really at him and that’s what catches Sasuke off guard. Since when did she dislike Sasuke’s touch?
“What if she sees us!” says Naruko, “What if someone else she knows sees us? Then rats you out?”  
“What? Dobe, I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about right now. Who’s going to see us?”
“Sakura! Your girlfriend!” Naruko hisses. “Didn’t you give her your second button!”
She has to get out of here. She can’t cry here. She fumbles with the lock.
“Look, I’m not that smart but I know taken men aren’t supposed to be touching any girl other than their own, so stop it, Sasuke. I’ll stay away from you, so you don’t get into trouble with her, okay? I’ll just walk home,”
Once she finally manages to unlock the door, she hops out and slams the door shut. If she can hold it in until she gets to her room, gods favor her, even through the front door, that’d be great. She can’t stay here and be forced to confess feelings that will never be reciprocated. There’s no point. She has to keep it together, or she’ll look like some desperate girl, crying because she can’t get the attention of the boy she likes.
Sasuke hates girls who beg for his attention. She doesn’t want to be that girl. But she thinks to all the years they’ve spent together and realizes, what if she’s been that girl this entire time? Always invading Sasuke’s space, taking his things, putting herself in his personal space without ever having asked if that was okay.
So that’s what the movies were all talking about, Naruko thinks as she breaks into a jog, when they say to love is to let go. She loves Sasuke enough to preserve his new relationship.  
“Wait! Naruko, stop! That’s not—ugh! Listen!” the passenger door closes with a loud thud and Sasuke groans as he unbuckles his seatbelt, then grabs his uniform jacket from the backseat before stepping out of the car. “Wait!” he pulls it on as he runs after her. “Dobe, I said wait!”
“Hey! Ow!” Naruko exclaims when Sasuke gets a hold of her wrist and yanks her back.
“Listen to me!” Sasuke tells her. “That girl isn’t my girlfriend!” (2)
Naruko stops struggling.
“Look at my jacket, Naruko. I didn’t give her anything!”
He’s right. Naruko looks at the shiny gold buttons on Sasuke’s black jacket. It’s all there. Not one’s missing.
“I saw you…” she lowers her head, not wanting to look at him. “She was all over you, and you didn’t do anything. And after the ceremony… everyone was watching you and her,”
Sasuke thinks back to the day she’s talking about. “I didn’t push her off because Kurenai-sensei was there, and I didn’t want to get into trouble. This morning, she did ask me for the button,” he says, “But I didn’t give it to her,”
He’d been much crueler to Sakura than he intended though, but she wouldn’t take a hint and he’d had enough. “Why would I give you a button at all? I don’t like you,” he’d told her as he rejected her gifts before rushing toward Iruka.
Sasuke reaches for the second button, pops it off, turns her wrist around to open Naruko’s hand, and places it in her palm, then lets her wrist go. “I would never have given the second button to anyone else but you,”
Naruko thinks the amount of crying she’s been doing the last few days can last someone else a lifetime, but Sasuke’s gesture moves her to tears still, and then she finally gives in to the need to throw herself at him.
Sasuke welcomes Naruko into his arms and hugs her like he’s never hugged her before. She cries and cries into his jacket.
“I missed you!” Naruko sobs. “I thought you had a girlfriend and that I couldn’t see you anymore!”
She’s not even mad about him getting some other girl because Sasuke doesn’t owe her his feelings just because they’ve been together so long. She’s just sad and hurt there was a chance she couldn’t see him anymore had his girlfriend been a type of person who’d forbid him to see other girls even as a friend—forbidden to see her.
The boy presses hips lips against his best girl’s temple.
“I’m sorry,” he says finally.
“Why are you saying sorry?” Naruko pulls away from him as she sniffles. “You have nothing to be sorry for,”
“I still hurt you though,”
Naruko shakes her head. “I hurt myself. I hurt you. I’m the one who’s sorry,” she opens her hand, “You… like me?”
Sasuke hums. He doesn’t even know when he started liking Naruko. He just… woke up one day and realized he can’t live without her. Doesn’t want to live without her. Doesn’t want a future without her. He wants this button to be the start of the forever Sasuke wants with Naruko.
“Because… I kinda like you, too,” Naruko gives him a wet, embarrassed smile. “Like, a lot. For the longest time,”
The dorkiness of Naruko’s confession is what makes the moment close to Sasuke’s heart. He chuckles. “What a coincidence, I like you, too,”
Naruko pouts and pokes at Sasuke’s chest. “You’re making fun of me,”
Sasuke pulls her back into an embrace and kisses her hair. “C’mon, I’ll take you home. Then I can walk with you to work tomorrow,”
The button digs into the skin of her palm with how tight she’s holding onto it. She has Sasuke back. She’ll be sure to keep him forever.
“And oh,” he says, and Naruko looks up at him. “I like your hair,” he runs his fingers through the soft, short locks. “Looks good,”
She grins at him, swollen eyes and all. She doesn’t have to grow her hair out again. Her prayer’s already been answered.
End Notes
   (1) On graduation day at junior high or high schools, a male graduate may give the second button on his school jacket to a female student. It is usual for a female junior or classmate to ask the senior male student she likes for his button. If the male student likes her too, he may give her his button. Some popular male students may receive many requests from female students, but he will give his second button to the girl he likes the most, and the other buttons to the other girls. The significance of the second button is that it is located closest to one’s heart.
   (2) I planned on putting here the fictional made up Nishiba Senmon Gakkō, Westleaf College/Community College. Just played around with some kanji. West because I like it, and leaf because Hidden in the Leaves. 「Nishi・にし・西」 for west; 「ha・は・葉 」for leaf. Ha becomes ba when read together with nishi. Nishiba. 西葉.
   The University of Konoha I ripped off The University of Tokyo, and Konoha School of Medicine I ripped off Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, because there aren’t really any fancy-named universities in Japan. 😅
   Also, in Japan I don’t think they actually announce the schools the graduating students got into. They did at my school, though! (I didn’t live or study in Japan). I just wanted to emphasize the divide Naruko and Sakura had with their educational goals.
   (3) Um, the level of “brashness/rudeness” of Sasuke’s speech and the casualness/closeness of his relationship with Naruko I imagine for this sentence doesn’t come through in English lol. I think in Japanese this would have been “Ano onna wa ore no kanojo janee yo!” ・「あの女は俺の彼女じゃねよ!」・「あのおんなはおれのかのじょじゃねえよ!」
   “Usually” (with quote unquote!! don’t take my word for it!!) ‘that something/someone’ or ‘ano hito/koto/mono’ or 「あの一人・こと・もの」sounds… rude? In a sense? Sort of like Sasuke isn’t willing to say ‘that person’s’ name, or ‘that’ said with disgust, or he thinks it’s not worth his breath saying her name, as opposed to it being a filler when ‘forgetting’ that person’s name.
   I also imagine that the Japanese Sasuke uses with Naruko is very casual, that’s why he uses 「ore・おれ・俺」 a rude/arrogant version of I, because he’s close to her, and why he uses 「negative/is not・janee・じゃねえ」 which is even ruder/casual than 「janai・じゃない」, which is already a rude/casual from of 「ja arimasen・じゃありません」. Maybe for people he doesn’t know he uses 「boku ・ ぼく・僕 」which is the polite version of I for boys.
   Had Sasuke been politer or had he been speaking to his parents or an authority figure he respected, it would’ve been「Ano onna wa boku no kanojo janai!」・「あの女は僕の彼女じゃない!」・「あのおんなはぼくのかのじょじゃない!」there’s an even politer version of this sentence but I doubt Sasuke would use that on anyone.
   There’s something so cool about rude Japanese, don’t you think? I would one day LOVE to learn how to speak or write in the politest version of Japanese, kinda like how an assistant would speak to their superior, or a butler to his master. Anyways I’m not that good at the implications of chosen words or tone in both English and Japanese so there’s that. But I enjoy learning both languages (English isn’t my native language).
   This fic was inspired by: https://twitter.com/pukun_p/status/1643638533276459009
   Thank you for reading!!
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naruto-uzumakiiii · 2 months
I need some naruto comfort 😔 going through it rn 🫠 wish he was real tho 😭 he’s my comfort character 🥺❤️
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I love him sm 🥹❤️
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Term:The Orihime treatment
Definition:When a female character is extremely interesting and a super good person with very cool skills that're essential to the plot and has a male love interest who is as enamored is with her as she is him but she is written in a way that heavily mirrors irl autistic girls instead of pick mes so she is insulted rentlessly by the fandom for 'weird','creepy','desperate','useless','fake' and even sexually degraded even if she's canonically underaged because failing at 'performing' girlhood 'correctly' is seen by society as deserving of violent humiliation or 'not an actual real kind of woman and was just made up by incels'
Cause:Not being able to get a real problem or anyone in your pants
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team7-headquarter · 6 months
The fact that it is a trope in Naruto that Kakashi saves Sakura before Sasuke can or when Sasuke is in a position to do so himself is so unhinged.
What was Kishimoto trying to do there?
The first time it happens (just outside of Konoha while traveling to the Land of the Waves), Sasuke very clearly thinks Kakashi is showing off. It's one of those funny moments where you can see how both Sasuke and Kakashi like being dramatic.
From that point, the story somehow establishes that it's Kakashi's job to protect Sakura as Sasuke and Naruto fight. At least Sasuke thinks that's the case...
It happens during the fight with Haku. I know that Sakura screams and Sasuke immediately wonders what Kakashi is doing when Sakura is in danger. I don't think he'd wonder the same if it was Naruto out there, since he'd probably criticize Naruto and not Kakashi for Naruto's own safety.
When Kakashi saves Sakura from both the chidori and the rasengan, they don't mention it at all, like it was natural for Kakashi to be there and for him to save / protect Sakura. At the time, Naruto was panicking because he couldn't stop, in the sense that he knew he didn't have the skill to do so, but Sasuke was more shocked that it was Sakura he'd hit. Once Sakura was safe and the thing was over, Sasuke went immediately back to thinking about how he was weak compared to Naruto.
He wasn't worried about Sakura not because he didn't care, but because that moment reassured him about Kakashi being there to protect her.
(It's worth mentioning Sasuke was upset over Naruto being the one who rescued her from Gaara because Sasuke was too used to having the role of second protector of the team, since it signaled he was the second strongest around).
Then, in Shippuden? Sasuke doesn't see Sakura as a real threat. He did mean to kill her during the Land of Iron, but the narrative again placed both Kakashi and Naruto there to protect her life. As soon as Kakashi and Naruto appeared, Sasuke forgot about her.
That encounter was the farthest Team 7 had been from the old days and the roles they had at those moments. Teamwork was absolutely gone.
During the Fourth Shinobi War, things went back a bit to what they were. Sasuke and Naruto tried to protect Sakura by telling her to stand behind or step back, except Sakura refused to be protected. They worked seamlessly for a few minutes, until it all went to hell and Kaguya appeared.
Kakashi spent almost the entire battle protecting Sakura. Understandable, since the first thing she did was run to get impaled like she didn't care at all about her own life. (Kakashi was scared shitless that something would happen to her).
TWO TIMES during the Kaguya fight Sakura was in danger and Naruto pointed out (commanded, really) that Sasuke could help her and Sasuke did move to do so, he did face her to act, before his mind could process what he was doing. In both cases, Kakashi was faster and had her safe and sound before Sasuke could even reconsider.
First in the lava world, where Kakashi had Sakura and Obito already secured, so Sasuke moved to protect Naruto. Second when Obito gave both his eyes to Kakashi and he decided to go all Susanno to pull Sakura out of danger, to Sasuke's surprise.
Time to mention that the narrative of the manga makes explicit the petty rivalry between Kakashi and Sasuke. Sasuke does hate him for having the sharingan, you know, and Kakashi would not stop when recriminating how Sasuke decided to use the things he taught him, like the chidori, to hurt his comrades.
Anyway, Naruto decides to use that moment to tell Sasuke that Kakashi's susanno was cooler and talk about how the Copy Nin was amazing and all of that. If I had to guess, Naruto was more than a bit irritated because Sasuke was rude to Kakashi and Sakura and called them useless. It is a good guess if I'm allowed to say so, since Naruto also made a point of telling Sasuke to thanks Sakura for helping Obito bring him back from another dimension.— After all, Naruto did also complain about Sasuke being the leader, since he thought Sakura and Kakashi were better at making plans.
It kinda reached its limits when Sasuke put her under a genjutsu (of getting hit with a chidori to the chest, of all things) and Kakashi lost his cool. He was so visibly frustrated with Sasuke and the feeling was mutual.
It was call back to sooo many moments between Sakura and Sasuke:
When Sakura cried and calmmed the cursed mark back at the Forest of Death, when Sakura tried to prevent Sasuke from competing with the cursed mark during the Chuning Exams preliminaries and Sasuke told her to shut up, or when she tried to stop him from leaving Konoha to find Orochimaru and Sasuke knocked her out. It was an echo of the way Sasuke did almost hit her with a chidori back when they were kids without meaning to and then years later when he did mean to kill her; it was the memory all the times she worried about him and rushed to put herself in danger for his wellbeing when he didn't want her to.
When Sasuke left to fight Naruto, Kakashi was the one who stayed with her. When Sasuke left on his journey for atonement, Kakashi was there to tell him to behave, but also he was there next to the girl he had been protecting for years now. I don't know what all of that was supposed to mean...
I guess that Sakura played a part in Sasuke and Naruto's rivalry as much as she played a part in Kakashi and Sasuke's animosity.
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vampcubus · 2 years
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:ఌ¨ ♱ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : nsfw . sub!hokage!naruto . dom!fem!reader . mommy kink . office sex . slight accidental vouyerism .
:ఌ¨ ♱ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 : 1.8k+
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Naruto was always busy these days. When he wasn’t holed up at council meetings, he was assigning missions, and when he wasn’t doing that he was drowning in paperwork. Naturally, this meant you didn’t see your husband very often. Someone always needed the Hokage’s attention, meaning he was rarely available for family affairs. You weren’t one to complain, but you were missing him.
It’s been so long since you’d had so much as a night to just de-stress together.
Poor thing’s probably been working tirelessly all day and still can’t come home without sifting through a mountain of papers, so operation ‘seduce and capture’ was underway.
You’d drag him home by the ankles if you had to.
You’ve got a bottle of warm sake and takeout tucked under your arm as you approach the door to his office, you twist the knob and poke your head inside. And there Naruto is, hunched over his desk and a great deal of paperwork. It’s just as you suspected. You can’t help the fond grin that tugs at your lips as you watch him scribble away, his round cheek squished against his palm as his blue eyes skim the papers uninterestedly.
“Knock knock,” you announce, stepping into the office and he perks up instantly at your voice, eyes all shiny.
“Mommy!” your eyes go half-mast at the honorific, teeth sinking into your lip as already you fall into the caretaker role you haven’t had the pleasure of taking on for some time now. You really did miss having your boy at your disposal whenever you wanted.
“Mommy’s here, aaand with offerings.” You present the takeout and alcohol with pride and somehow he looks even more enthusiastic, knee knocking against the wood in his excitement as he shoots up from his desk. 
“Ouch ouch – thank you. You’re the best!” You playfully swat at his grabby hands as he reaches for the bag, urging him to be patient as you take out his portion and set it in front of him before pulling up a chair to start digging into your own. 
Naruto must not have eaten in a while the way he was wolfing it down, which tugs at your anxieties. You couldn’t necessarily monitor his eating habits when he was away so much, another thing that has you sorely missing his presence. You know he’s basically been taking care of himself since he was a kid. He’s still sore about those lonely years of his life, and your instinct to take care of his every need goes hand in hand with that old hurt. You’re a comfort, and he never knows quite how to thank you.
You can’t help but snort as he slurps the last of his noodles, rising from your seat, handkerchief in hand as you hold him by the chin and wipe his face. He scrunches his nose at first, a tired raspy chuckle forced from his chest as he pretends to squirm. That is until your eyes lock and his smile fades, impossibly blue eyes fixated on yours as you dote on him, is it wrong that he finds it so damn hot when you baby him? If it were anyone else he’d be annoyed but when you do it… even after his face is clean, your hold lingers. Your thumb brushes lovingly over his whiskers, the handkerchief fluttering from your grasp as your other hand cups the other side of his face, a fingertip tracing over his lips.
Naruto’s gaze drops to your chest suddenly and his face turns pink, noticing that your shirt was unbuttoned just low enough that he could see the tops of your breasts.
You follow his gaze and smirk, flicking his forehead.
“Sorry, mommy… but I um,” you quirk a brow but instead of elaborating he tugs you by the waist into his lap, arms wrapping around you securely as he buries his face in your tits. “Man I missed these.”
“Mhm, and I missed you. Always holed up in here,” you sighed, carding your fingers through his blonde hair and massaging his scalp. “You could really use a break, Naru.”
“Mmph, miss you too. So much to do ‘round here I just…” he sighs, thumbs sliding under your shirt to feel the smooth skin of your hips. “It’s so much more than I thought.”
“You’re doing a very good job handling it all, but I miss having you around. This is the first time we’ve been alone together in weeks.”
“We sleep in the same bed,” he laughs and you yank playfully at his hair in retaliation, he’s unbothered by it, opting to snuggle his face closer to your bosom.
“That doesn’t count,” you huff, eyes widening when you realize he’s tugging the buttons of your shirt open with his teeth. “Sneaky little shit, is that all you got on your mind right now? Boobs?”
“World hard and cold… tiddy soft and warm.”
“Wanna crack open that sake and head home for playtime?” you offered, head tipping back as his lips immediately started pressing kisses to the creamy skin of your chest, trying not to squirm too much as his tongue dips out to taste you.
“I really want to, god I want to so bad but I can’t. Gotta finish these papers first.” Naruto continues to lick and suckle at your skin despite himself, already starting to paw at your clothes. He’s coming home one way or another, you just needed to play your cards right.
“Well okay then,” you chirped, sliding out of his lap onto your feet in an instant. His eyes shot open and he lurches forward to catch you but you’re already out of reach.
“W-wait hey! You can’t go now, you just got here!” The desperation in his voice is exactly what you’re looking for, and though you hate to tear yourself from him, this was for his own good.
“Why not? I’m tired and you’ve got work to do, remember?”
You see his mouth open and close several times before his jaw clenches, an internal battle going on behind his eyes before a dull blush spreads across his face.
“Please stay,” he mumbles, chin tucked tightly to his chest as he avoids your eyes, embarrassed.
“Oh, I know you can beg better than that, baby.”
“Don’t be so mean.” He whines loud and long, fixing you with a glare that your stern expression quickly shatters. 
You’re serious about this, and it makes him squirm in his seat, cock already half-hard against his thigh. Naruto would normally give you a harder time before he was willing to get down on his knees and grovel, but it's been so damn long since he’s touched you, and you have total control of this entire situation. If he gives you too much lip, you may just leave him like this and he’ll have to wait even longer before you both have free time again. He wasn’t about to miss this rare window to spare his pride.
“Of course, if you’d rather not I can always go home and–” you grinned, but his mind is already made up before you finish.
“Please! Please don’t leave me like this, mommy! I’ll do anything you want. I’ll be so good just, please!” Naruto cries, face burning as he pleads so prettily for you.
You’re a little too pleased with his desperate wailing.
“Good boy~ that’s much better.” you step back into reach of his grabbing hands, biting back an amused chuckle as he buries his face into your stomach. Your hands return to his golden hair, smoothing over the long spikes before you tug his head back by the hair, forcing him to look back up at you. “I’ll stay but you need to focus on getting those papers done mmkay? If you’re extra good I’ll play with you a bit while you work.”
Paperwork is the absolute last thing on his mind right now but he knows he can’t tell you no, especially when you perch yourself right back over his lap, legs crossed over the arm of the chair as you settle in.
“Okay, fineee.” He relents, nudging your jaw up with his nose so he can press a kiss there. The ticklish feeling of his lips makes you giggle but you turn his head back to the papers strewn all over his desk before he can continue. 
The blonde sighs but picks up his pen again, doing his best to ignore your weight on his dick as he returns to the grind. You’re not making it easy on him, your fingers playing idly with the hairs at the nape of his neck and one of your thumbs tracing his waistband. He’s so hard it hurts, a thick fog overtaking his mind as he struggles to read reports. His hand shakes as he sloppily signs documents, sweat beads at his brow, and he has to tug at his collar several times for the slightest bit of relief. He’s practically sweltering in all these layers, and your added body heat enveloping him isn’t helping at all.
You watch raptly as his adam’s apple bobs and he accidentally tears straight through the paper with his pen a third time, cursing to himself. You can tell he’s distracted, although he manages to keep his eyes on his work, he keeps squirming. You can feel how hard he is, his hardness jutting angrily against your thigh. 
And when you start pressing smiling kisses to the side of his face and neck? Naruto breaks the pen to pieces in his grip, a harsh whine forcing itself out of his throat and vibrating against your lips. There’s ink all over his fingers and the document he’d been working on but all he can think about is you and your wicked lips.
“Mommy please.” the blonde all but begs, his head falling back as your teeth nip just below his jaw. “Please, I need you.”
“Come home, baby boy.” You whisper to him, teasing his earlobe between your teeth and his whole body shudders. 
“Fine, whatever you want just touch me. I’m gonna go fuckin’ crazy,” he rasps, crushing his lips against yours, teeth clacking together in his desperation.
You don’t even make it out of the office, Naruto’s back against the desk, papers flying everywhere, his hand smearing ink over your naked thighs as you climb on top of him. His pants are shoved down just enough to free his cock, hot and leaking pre as you slide your cunt over him. He moans helplessly at the feeling, bucking his hips. Your hands catch his wrists and pin them to the scattered reports above his head, maneuvering yourself over his cock with expert precision before you sink down on him, jaw going slack as a pleased moan escapes you.
Naruto’s eyes roll back into his head at the feeling of you around him after so long, moaning long and loud as he bottoms out.
It’s barely a moment before the chanting starts.
“Mommy mommy mommy mommy—“
“Shhh, mommy’s here. Now take what she gives you.”
And he does.
Shikamaru stands just outside the office with his hand floating inches away from the door as if about to knock, an annoyed blush on his face.
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fandrawsart · 5 months
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Context: In Classic Team 7 Fashion a mission goes horribly wrong.
(Other versions under the cut)
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Wherein Kakashi is frustrated and at a loss, Nana thinks too much and doesn't trust enough, consecutively Team 7 takes the fall.
Or Team 7 is every writer’s chew toy and Fate loves repeating itself.
I totally imagined this as being the mission that forces Kakashi and Nana to actually bond and stop skirting around each other.
Wherein Kakashi actually learns to go past his vulnerability and defences to show Nana that he cares, and Nana learns to lower her defences and let herself be cared for.
I also hc that this has happened to Kakashi before, when he himself was a kid and had fresh out of stumbling upon the cooling body of his father been newly assigned under the tutelage of a very much 16 years old and not ready to handle this mess Minato.
So yes, Kakashi is rapidly re-evaluating everything he thought he knew and understood about his bond with his late Sensei, and gaining a whole new level of mortification about himself respect for the man.
Character interpretations and scenario inspired by In Sound Judgement written by @negativeaperture
Ps. I love Nana's design and drawing Nana in general.
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anns-works · 2 years
Naruto, lying wide awake on her futon: ᴵ ᵐᵉᵃⁿ ᶦᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗʰᶦⁿᵏ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᶦᵗ, ᵐᵘˢʰʳᵒᵒᵐˢ ᵃʳᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵉᵃˡ ᵒᵛᵉʳˡᵒʳᵈˢ, ⁿᵒᵗ ᵒⁿˡʸ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵗʰᵉʸ ᵇᵉᵉⁿ ᵃʳᵒᵘⁿᵈ ˢᶦⁿᶜᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵉᵍᶦⁿⁿᶦⁿᵍ, ᵇᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵉʸ ᵃˡˢᵒ ᵉˣᶦˢᵗ ᶦⁿ ᵃⁿ ᵉᵗᵉʳⁿᵃˡ ˢᵗᵃᵗᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵈᵉᶜᵃʸ ʰᵃᵛᶦⁿᵍ ᵏⁿᵒʷⁿ ᵃˡˡ ᵃⁿˢʷᵉʳˢ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵉ ᵘⁿᶦᵛᵉʳˢᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵉᵛᵉⁿ ᶜᵃʳᶦⁿᵍ.
Sai, lying next to Naruto on his futon, also wide awake: But the sad thing is that us humans can never learn what they know. Our measly existence depends on the concept of living and dying is often considered to be the worst possible outcome for us. So even if we did get answers from the mushrooms, we won't be able to understand it. they cannot be killed in any way that matters for they are already decaying and living simultaneously. Their view is vastly different from our mortal lives.
Sasuke, lying next to them on his futon having invited them over for a sleepover:
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gojoidyll · 5 months
Weapon of the Leaf, Sasuke x Female ! Reader / Naruto x Female ! Reader
Sasuke watched silently in the distance as a young woman pushed herself to her limit in her training. He was nineteen years old and so was she.
The woman in question was y/n l/n. A strong kunoichi of the Leaf Village. At the mere age of seven she was already going on S-ranked missions. So, in Sasuke's eyes, she was pretty much overpowered. Especially when they were both twelve and he first met her at the chunin exams where she was one of the examiners.
It wasn't until he joined Orochimaru and left the Leaf Village that he learned that she was a weapon. She was practically born to serve the Leaf.
But in his time of wanting strength and needing to kill Itachi, he had chose to ignore her.
Though, during his aging up to sixteen, he found that he thought a lot about her. Especially when he didn't see her during the war.
He quickly found that she was kept at the Leaf and told to keep the village safe. And he wondered, from time to time, if she stayed in the Leaf because she wanted to or if she was ordered to. He would find that it was the latter of the two.
She never left the village, was born to always serve the village as some weapon. A tool. And she never once experienced what true happiness was.
He knew he didn't deserve to show her what that word meant.
But .. maybe, they could experience happiness together.
Thought he highly doubted she would agree to such a thing. The never talked to one another. And Sasuke knew that his little crush was one sided. And yes .. at the mere age of seventeen, was when he realized he harbored feelings for the girl. Despite the fact that they don't know each other well. But he would like to get to know her.
Breaking out of his thoughts, he managed to dodge two kunai aimed for his eyes just in the nick of time. His right cheek, however, still suffered from a scratch. She must have infused chakra within the blades in hopes of still cutting me. Well, she succeeded.
"Show yourself."
Her voice was cold, calculated. She was prepared to kill him if need be.
Jumping from his spot in the tree, he landed a few feet away from her.
"Oh...," she muttered, "apologies Sasuke Uchiha. I didn't realize that was you. Your chakra is different nowadays."
"..no, I'm ..sorry. I interrupted your training."
She shook her head as she fully turned towards him, "it's alright. I was lost in thought and wasn't really trying anyway. Now, was there something you came to tell me? Is there an enemy in the Leaf perhaps? Or someone trying to attack?"
He could feel the corners of his lips twitch slightly, but he kept his smile from taking shape.
"No, I just wanted to come see you."
He stopped himself from saying anything else. Honestly, he really wasn't used to talking to someone like her. Usually Naruto and Sakura would do all the talking for him.
"Oh ... was there something on your mind then? I'm not good with advice, but I can still assist you if need be."
"There was actually," he said trailing off.
She sheathed her kunai. Her eyes solely focused on him which made his nerves spike. The feeling was unnatural and alien to him.
"Can we talk over dinner?"
She quirked an eyebrow up, "sure... Ichiraku Ramen alright with you?"
That was another thing that Sasuke missed out on. During y/n's days of loneliness... Naruto was the one to become her first friend. So of course Ichiraku's would be her first choice.
She nodded as she tidied up her belongings before settling up beside him, "then let's go. Best to get to the place before it closes."
Their run was silent and when they jumped from roof to roof, he couldn't help but to give her a sideways glance.
She was pretty.
That was the only thought that could come to mind.
He was brought out of his thoughts once again as she was looking back at him. She had already taken a seat in the middle of the Ichiraku stand. He was quick to follow after, but he made sure to sit on her left so that he wouldn't accidentally spill anything on her due to his missing left arm.
"So," she started after they ordered, "what's on your mind?"
He gave her a sideways glance, his eyes softening a tad bit as he got to look at her without anyone watching them. The old man too focused on making them their food.
"Y/n .. I was wondering .. how .. how are you doing?"
She tilted her head to the side, "what do you mean?"
"Well, .. I know that your life has been hard up to this point so, so I was just .. just wondering."
He was still trying to formulate as to how he was going to ask her out in the most discrete way possible. He wasn't one for making a scene.
"Ahh," she said, "yes.. that."
She thought for a moment as a sort of light smile danced across her lips, "lately. I've been doing great. Better than ever actually."
Sasuke felt his lips twitch again, but he still refused to smile. He wanted to keep his stoic expression and try to think of what to say next.
"Y/n, i-"
"Oh! Y/n! I was wondering where you were at! I checked at the training grounds but you weren't there."
Naruto had burst in without warning. His arms encircling around y/n like a life preserver as he laid his chin onto her shoulder. His lips lightly kissing her cheek as she smiled shyly at him, "sorry, Naruto. Sasuke wanted some advice, and I- I thought I could help him out and then meet up with you."
As if finally noticing his presence, Naruto let go of his girlfriend and smiled brightly at his best friend who liked to think of as a brother.
"Oh! Sasuke! I didn't realize you were here! Did y/n end up helping you out?"
Sasuke finally smiled as he found himself closing his eyes and shaking his head. Of course Naruto would get to her first. He should have realized it sooner.
"I think I'll just ask her another time. For now, why don't you two enjoy yourselves."
"You sure, but what about your food," y/n inquired.
"...yes, and you and Naruto can have it."
He left without another word, leaving the couple to be confused by his actions.
He was happy that the weapon of the leaf was a weapon no longer.
He knew Naruto would make sure of that.
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tinytots09 · 11 months
Your honor they are hot
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Ahsoka and Kakashi from Shattered [Kakashi x OC] - on Wattpad
I was feeling up to drawing Kakashi and Ahsoka striking a cool, menacing pose back in their Anbu days.
Love my scary babies <3
Go show Shattered some love!!
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nomadicrusalka · 9 months
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Drew Naruto in my two favourites from the recent fendi runway during the Milan fashion week!! I really love the fun colour schemes and the orange dress just works so well with Naruto??
Might end up drawing more of the outfits from the fashion week
Emergency comms open
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