#felt like a change... we'll see if i like it or not 🤣
clewis · 8 months
hi hello, don't mind me, just testing out a new icon ✨✨
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melanieph321 · 4 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Risk It All Part 2/6
The way I described this outfit 🤣. Hahaha I really didn't know how else to describe it 😅
Read to find out!
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Reader gets pregnant by Ruben. Although the two are not together Ruben promises to support her through the pregnancy, eventually letting reader stay with him until the child is born.  (This fic includes alot of angst and serious topics)
You were ready to quit school too, but Lina convinced you that your belly wouldn't show for at least three more months. The plan was to still attened classes, eventually blaming the changes in your body on a poor diet. You wouldn't be stripped of your dancing scholarship for that, at least not right away. Nevertheless, you didn't really feel like dancing anymore, or attend classes for that matter. But right now going to school was the only thing that felt normal about your life.
You were on your way, leaving campus, when suddenly you bumped into him.
"What are you doing here?"
He knew your schedule, at least which time your classes ended.
"I think we need to talk."
He came disguised, wearing a plumbers jacket and construction boots. A working man's outfit. People on the streets were passing him by, only throwing second glances at his black Mercedes that stood parked along the sidewalk.
"Ruben, I can't...."
Lina wouldn't like this. Not at all.
"Please." He instead, nodding his head towards his car. You hesitated at first, but let him hold the door open for you as you slipped into the passenger seat.
"Where are you taking me?"
He was driving fast, maneuvering past cars that were slowing you down.
Eventually he stopped, the car having pulled up to a...
"Family Health Clinic?" You read it off a large sign. "Ruben are you serious right now?"
He had been quiet up until now, turning to you with a serious look on his face. "I wanna see you take the test."
"Wow." You exclaimed. "So you don't believe me, you don't think I'm pregnant?"
"Why would I lie?"
"I dunno." He shrugged. "Some women lie."
It was laughable, disgustingly laughable. "Ruben, you're the one who came on to me, coming to the café every day, asking me to go out with you. I make the mistake of letting you fuck me without a condom and now I'm the liar. How is that anyway near fair?"
"Y/N, you're pregnant, telling me I'm the baby's father, with no proof. What am I suppose to think?"
"You know what, fine." You fumbled with the door, desperate to get out of his car. You almost had it when...
Goosebumps covered your forearms as Ruben grabbed a hold of your wrist, preventing you from leaving.
"Wait, there's people in there." He said, eyes trying to see through the cars tinted windows.
"So?" You tugged his hand away. "There's people everywhere Ruben, so what?"
"Exactly." He said. "I...I mean we, can't be seen going in there....together. This has to be done in private."
You pinched the bridge of your nose, irritated. "Ruben, if it's so difficult for you I'll just go in there by myself."
His hand returned to touch you, this time your knee.
He sighed. "If the baby is mine, then...."
He looked to you, eyes sincere. "Then I have to be accountable. I want to be accountable."
Your heart reacted by making an attempt to leap out of your chest. "I..." What could you possibly say in that moment? You had pre-made the assumption that Ruben would leave you, wanting nothing to do with you or the baby. Lina even advised you to make it easy for him, easy for Ruben to walk out of your life. However, he wasn't that kind of man.
"I'll take you home." He muttured. "There's tests that they can send us. Then we'll know for sure."
He sounded unhappy. Why did you want him to be happy? Maybe because you were happy, happy that Ruben was the father and not some random guy you met on a drunk night out. Believe it or not, at some point the thought of fucking Ruben in the back of his car sounded like a good idea to you.
It still did.
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SONAMY ongoing evolution
I've been playing Sonic frontiers and I watched Sonic prime and I read the IDW comics... Omg where's do I start???
Sonic frontiers is just a work of art in general, but the sonamy inside is just beautifully portrayed, I can say that Ian Flynn totally ships them 😌😌. I'm just so utterly happy how things had changed even if it took so many years
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Sonic changed a lot his perception of Amy! 🥲🥲🥲 Also the detail of the umbrella line, remember that sonic was created in Japan, say fellow anime fans what does usually means when two characters share an umbrella? What does it mean when students in Japan draw an umbrella in the blackboard with two names written under it? It is clear that Ian Flynn totally knows the meaning and the MUSIC! Seriously those scenarios with Amy and that music felt like it came right out of a shojo anime😖😖😖💗💗
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But also the feels... THE FUCKING FEELS!! The way Amy is kind of too calm with her situation but Sonic is just so worried and you could tell how worried he was even if he tried to play it cool... His expressions girl... Look at him with his cute ears dropped 🥲🥲🥲 Guys this game fed us good stuff... We shippers finally got what we had always wanted.
Next topic: Sonic Prime.
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So I'm a bit conflicted, cause i only liked one of Amy's different designs and that was Thorn Rose, I'm obsessed with her hair but dude Rusty Rose? That could have been better... Also why Rusty Rose and not Metal Rose? Cyborg Rose? Badnik Rose? Mecha Rose? Robot Rose? Rusty sounds a bit degrading... It is because she was made like that by the Egg council? Pff also her robot appearance is just so ugly! What with that eye? But I love the dark concept and I love her SASS 🤣🤣🤣🤣Anyway my problem with Rusty Amy and Sonic is that it feels like the situation is not treated nearly as serious as Nine situation and boy ok you are a hurt loner with bully victim issues but Amy is basically dead, like there's no flesh or organs in her, she literally has a Birdy as a source of life and what is the outcome of that? Is there another outcome different from Gamma's fate in sonic adventure? Because the second Amy gets back her emotions she will want to release the bird... But more importantly... I can't wait to see Shadow react to her... This is the girl that reminded him of Maria, i really shouldn't but I really have high expectations for what kind of interaction will they have, we really need to see Shadow and Amy interact more let's be honest. As for the other Roses, there's no much to say about Black Rose but with Thorn we got good stuff too:
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But I have to say one thing... Ok I know Amy is a strong power character but... It's a bit ridiculous that she could fight off characters like Rouge and Knuckles THAT EASY is just...🙃🙃🙃 Well i loved the part when he tries to reason with her all like: you liked me... A bit? Remember? And she is just so irritated and done with him already 🤣🤣🤣 but then... We also got this:
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Actually touch her cheek you COWARD!!😤😤 Also when he was about to smash her and but stopped because he has a flashback of his Amy 😭😭😭, it's curious that Thorn Rose seems to be more impactful in Sonic than Rusty Rose which is ok but is odd plot speaking, after all Rusty is the one in the worst condition and is the one hunting him down, I'll just wait for next season and see what happens
And last but not the least I Shall say something about THIS!!
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This illustration hit me right in the kokoro, date with hands holding and Sakura petals... is pure shojo manga energy!! I'm so blessed 😭😭💗💗
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And of course the important reminder that Amy is a POWER CHARACTER and that's why she and knuckles make a good POWER SIBLINGS team as I stated in their own post about them... And dear Silver fucking gave her a COLOSSAL hammer 😂😂😂do not mess with the pink hedgehog buddy, and of course Sonic knows exactly how awesome she is as it should be, seriously she is really getting better and better, i really hope we'll see her in the next movie
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Season 2 Episode 5 Thoughts
Spoilers for TBB Season 2
I'm glad we're getting to see more of her character.
Wrecker taking Omega out on scrap hunting missions is adorable. 🥰
Tech looking at what Omega brought and being like "this is useless". 😭
Hunter, Tech and Echo in their civilian clothing! Happy to see the outfits changing up a bit more frequently this season. At least they're getting chances to relax.
Hunter and Echo are so the parents. 😭
They way they are constantly looking at each other like "🙄 oh well, should probably tag along and make sure they don't get killed". 🤣 (Edit: added "don't" in because I missed it out. Oops. 😭)
"To what?"
I swear, the more I watch this, the more I realise how much like Echo I am. 😭
Wanted Gonky, got Mel.
And while we're on the topic, R.I.P, Mel. ☹️
Although the moment they left her outside I felt like something was going to happen to her. And I was right.
Ngl, I think this has been my least favourite episode so far. It wouldn't say it was bad, I just wasn't as invested as other eps. 😕
The Batch feel very much like side characters in their own story this episode and I don't love it.
But I am happy that we got more Phee!
And Omega getting excited over treasure hunting is adorable. 🥰
Them getting split up was... kinda pointless. 🙁
Oh no, they were split up! What's going to happen?!
Nothing. The other three just walk around the side with practically no issue whatsoever, so... yeah.
Although Hunter, mate. If you could stop falling off of things that would be great. 🤨😂
Hopping back to an earlier scene, Hunter running over to check on Wrecker after Phee pushed him out the way was sweet.
So that's what the giant metal thing was.
Was hoping it would have more of a role this season, ngl.
Looked cool but was kinda underused.
Legitimately thought the Maruader was a goner though. 😥
I thought this episode was gonna be a 2 parter with the amount of stuff happening in the last few minutes. I guess the ending felt a little sudden but the episodes are short, so that's bound to happen.
Hunter is so exasperated, omg. 🤣
Poor Wrecker took a bit of a beating as well. 😭
Wrecker throwing the monster thing out the window! 😭🤣
I know loads of people were calling the last episode pointless and filler, but I actually feel like this episode was less relevant.
Probably gonna need to sit on it a bit and pick it apart to see where it really starts to tie in to the main story.
Oh, and we got to see a little hint of Hunter's enhancement coming through! Liked that little touch. 🥰
Was really excited to see Echo again and he was there! But he was very much giving S1 Echo.
And by that, I mean he was there but he wasn't really doing anything. 😕
Echo and Hunter feel particularly grumpy atm, though. Something to do with the nugget delivery? Something to do with finding out what the others had been up to last episode? Tensions causing problems? 🤔
That's what I'm more interested in. The changing character dynamics in the Batch. We seem to have put that on the back burner atm.
Isn't always a bad thing (look at last ep for example) but I hope we go back to exploring the conflict soon.
Turns out I was wrong about the Tech and Omega stuck in a cave thing. Wonder when that is going to turn up. 🤔
Overall thoughts about this episode is that it was alright. I didn't dislike it, but it just didn't click with me the same way every other episode has.
Seeing more Phee was great, but the Batch felt like side characters in their own story, which I don't always love. Omega had a little bit of time to shine, though, which I appreciate.
Little bit annoyed by the lack of decent Echo content this episode. Was hoping with him being gone for 2 eps he'd have more time this episode and he didn't. He was just kinda there. But hopefully we'll get more of him next ep. We know that he's with Omega and Gungi at some point and I feel like it would make sense for that to come up soon.
We did get some Hunter content, though! Very much giving off tired parent vibes. But he's letting Omega do her thing and I love that. 🥰
But yeah, overall I thought it was fine. Not desperate to rewatch it like I was with the other eps but I'll definitely sit on it. Hopefully, if I mull on it and go back over the ep I'll get more into it.
Once again hoping for more Echo content soon. ☹️
Also, where is Gonky at???
Edit: Thanks @eriexplosion for pointing out the missing word! "Make sure they get killed". Ffs, how did I miss that? 😭🤣
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hotarutranslations · 3 months
Hello! Project 2024 Winter ~THREE OF US~
Morning Musume '24 Tsubaki Factory BEYOOOOONDS
These 3 groups have sent out, All of the performances from A Team🩵 Thank you very much🩵
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Blogs for days like this, I try to write on the way home but, I ended up crashing! I'll sleep a lot!
The last day, Hokkaido
Tanimoto Ami-chan Yamazaki Mei-chan Welcome home🐼💚💜
This tour has been going on since the new year but, Since we've finally come to Hokkaido, I think there are many who were waiting!
The reverberation of the calls was big--, I felt the oi oi from OPSE
Thanks for waiting~~~🪽
Thank you very much, for letting me hear so much cheering!
For the shuffle units,
Samidare Bijo ga Samideru/Juice=Juice Ishida Ayumi Nonaka Miki Onoda Saori Hirai Miyo Yamazaki Yuhane The 5 of us performed it❤️
With the 5 of us, everyone was calm during the rehearsal, It felt natural with the 5 of us😎 It was fun singing it together~~
It was cool~~
On the setlist, My time was short between, Dance Club..Change Clothes..Standby for Samidare..
Saorin, who is with me when we go on, was always like, 'I wonder if Ishida-san will make it in time…' Thank you for nervously waiting for me🤣🫶🏻
Thanks to you I was on time for all of the shows🤣🫶🏻
With myself,
With Hellocons, since I spend a long time looking at others, There were many encouraging days!
Everyone sparkles~~~
I was showered in something wonderful every weekend, happiness🫶🏻🪽
With the winter tour over,
Our spring tour is from March 16th! I'll do my best in preparation!
Hello! Project 2024 Winter ~THREE OF US~
Thank you very much for your support!! But I'll have to write a blog later!!
📺Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 11
April 18th 11:30PM~ A Learning From TSUKUSHI-san Adventure🕺
In season 10 we challenged breakin', its reairing continuously! On the 15th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, #1~#6 all at once! Check out HP for info!
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
💿Releasing February 7th
Morning Musume '23 25th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT TOUR ~glad quarter-century~ at Nippon Budokan
Thank you for waiting for the Blu-ray&DVD! Its finally releasing--!
Its already nostalgic but, It has an amazing medley, really Please enjoy it many times
📚Releasing on February 7th "Hello! Project BEST SHOT!! Vol.26"
Ishida AyumixOda SakuraxNonaka Miki📸 Fukumura MizukixIshida AyumixOda Sakura📸
✍🏻Tokyo Sports note Series #143 Went on an Adventure, Took Lots of Photos
🪩Current Winter Concert Tour Hello! Project 2024 Winter ~THREE OF US~
🪩Spring Tour Has Been Decided Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Spring MOTTO MORNING MUSUME
We'll be going around the country from March 16th!
🪩HinaFest March 30th and 31st at Makuhari Messe
🪩JAPAN JAM Morning Musume '24 will be performing on May 3rd!
《LIVE DAYS!~Exciting Big Exhibition Match~》 June 2nd(Sun), after the Hokkaido Ham Fighters vs. Yokohama DeNa Baystars match, Morning Musume '24 will be having a special mini live!
.👗👠 Aoyama Clothing x Morning Musume '24
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
see you ayumin <3 https://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/entry-12841803521.html
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l3m0ngal5 · 1 month
Off screen:Have you ever wanted something that was so clear in your mind that you could taste it?
???:You mean like human flesh?
Off screen:Eh, sort of
It's a feeling like a rumbling in your gut that you could finally be faced with
A billion needy faces
I guess what I mean to say is, for the first time in my life
I might have to be ready for this
Ready to be the one who's leading from the front
Gotta come into my own
Gotta come into my throne
Gotta take charge and defend my only home
And although I kinda feel unsteady
Now I need to be ready for this
Have you ever felt like you're willing to die to save the people of your city?
???:By "Die, " do you mean use my teeth to rip flesh apart?
Off screen:That's a start!
'Cause right now we need a leader
And it seems to me that destiny has picked me
To be that, if you'll permit me, so who's with me?
Wouldn't it be super to see more of Hell?
Join up now if you like travel
Come on boys, hop in the saddle!
Lotta sights to see en route to my hotel
Not to mention the camaraderie
Yes siree, you'll form life-changing friendships
With the folks along the way
Benny:And feast on all the angels you can eat
Peanut gallery:Okay
Free food!
I'm in!
Oh-whoa, It's food!
It's time now to act!
They're on the attack!
When they move to strike, we will fight biting back!
We'll follow your lead, we're eager to feed!
We'll sharpen our teeth for the heavenly feast
From this moment on, you can count on us
To be resolute and ravenous
Our appetites are whet and we're set to seize the day
So I say, oh hey, come join the flesh buffet!
Off screen:Well, that's a little violent, can we tone it down?
Champagne:Oh, don't be put off by their snarlin', that's enthusiasm, darlin'!
Off screen:Eh, they just seem a little murdery right now
Champagne:Don't worry, honey, that's their thing
Keep singing
Champagne and off screen:We're super-duper grateful
To have you folks aboard
Peanut gallery:We can't wait to taste an angel's wings!
Off screen:Oh, lord
For the first time in my life
Maybe I can be ready for this
I can be the marshal leading the parade
I can come into my own, and I think I've always known
My destiny could never be postponed
When Adam brings the battle here
I must appear like I'm ready for this
Champagne:They're dancing along
They're singing his song
Benny:Surprised? Why, I knew he could do it all along
Benny and champagne:he's bound to pass the test as prince of Hell
Like his daddy, he is madly power-fell
Benny:he's filled with potential that I could guide
Champagne:I concur! Stick with him, you'll be on the winning side
Benny champagne and off screen:For the first time in our lives, we know that we are ready for this!
We'll show Heaven a fight they won't forget! (Ah, ah, ah)
It is time to take a stand!
Off screen:It is time to lend a hand! (Huzzah!)
Against the angels, and their deadly threat!
All:We cannot take it anymore
The time has come to go to war
Prepare to fight
We're ready for this!
Off screen:I really hope that I'm ready for this
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This song of these three is I don't have the words just yes
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purplerose244 · 1 year
Watched the sixth episode of LEGO DreamZzz: LOVED IT!
So... LEGO released some drawing tutorials with Mateo and I just... they're so pure I wanna hug him 😭😭😭 They're super adorable, I love especially Z-Blob's since he spends the entire time talking about how great his slime buddy is and MOOD MAT MOOD 💚💚💚
We're beyond halfway, I'm kinda sad but I'll wait until the end, maybe we got luck for a season 2?
Here we go!
Pff, what was the chicken story? 🤣
Zoey is still a bit distant, I can't tell if she wants to join in or she likes these people enough to just hang around. I mean, she wasn't there last episode...
Did Logan drop the "Mattie" nick? It felt very derogatory so him switching to Teo feels like a step forward
I knew it, he is stressed! Poor boy got stuff to do and can't even have breakfast, Coop please take care of yourself and have some proteins first thing in the morning 😢
You'll have all the time you want to have breakdowns once you reach high school
It seems like Cooper is the reliable one, Mateo and Logan are constantly over him asking for stuff. I wonder if they also affected his stress as well...
Okay Logan is still mean 😅 He's better, but still mean, and he changed teams permanently? I don't know if this is a "we're not an actual team, only in the Dream World" or a "we'll always be a dream, even if we're not in the real world"... mm
Finally we see the Night Bureau! We saw it only once before... while Teo was almost turning into a night terror... ah such good untraumatic memories 🙂
Ah, so Z is an anomaly? Come to think of it, did he come across because of Lunia's hourglass? Was there another reason?
These objects are histerical 😂😂
Okay, I'm liking this consistent trend of having Zoey being the most useful character despite being on her own, she just waltzed in solving that riddle lol
Agent... Strick? Oh-oh
Oooohhhh, so this is confirmed to be Brooklyn? Cool, I didn't know it was an actual place! Again I'm too used to imaginary places like Ninjago or Chima 😂
This gal is intense, dude you locked Oz in a room, isn't that a bit much? Should we call the policr?
Zoey is just there for the drama, girl are you with us or not? 😂😂
Did... did that detect thing turn red when it was on Mateo? Was it only because Z-Blob was behind? Huh... huh
Z-Blob floating has to be the cutest thing even, like, look at that little guy go! To infinity and beyond 💚
I see how it's going 😅😅
I'm so sorry I understimated Cooper, look at him! He's just a kid and he really wants to be up to expectations, and now we got a brother that sets the example? Dude I'm eating this, I'm a sucker for angst, LOOK AT THIS BOY HE NEEDS A BREAK 😭😭😭
You did not make a hotdog out of slime
Is he afraid of being captured? I've never seen him going this awol before, he's always besides Mateo no matter what! Is he only scared or is there a reason?
Dude Cooper was so stressed he forgot breakfast!!! EAT BABY EAT!!!
Okay baby Strick is kinda hilarious... and Oz is on the ceiling... and there is still junk everywhere... and where is Albert? WHAT IS HAPPENING PEOPLE?!
Cooper you left for half a day, and now everything is on fire 😅
Cooper skyrocketed on my appreciation list in this episode, his backstory got so much potential for analysis! He's such a good friend, he's just very stressed out but he's super capable!!! ❤️
Was that the superman line? 🤣
Aaaand, we're back! Are we fixing everything now that Coop is here?
Oh wow we actually are! I adore mechanics, I was all over them in Ninjago (Jay and Nya and Zane and Pixal and Ronin and Cyrus... there are so many in Ninjago 🥰), so this is so cool to see!
Agent Strick approves Cooper! YAS!
Oohh, so Zoey was maybe interested in joining, but never could before? Is this why she was a bit snarky in this episode, maybe she wanted to join but could never physically? That's kinda adorable 😂😂
Alright this was another really REALLY good episode, but... now I'm stuck with the crazy theory that Mateo is the anomaly 🤣
I'm sure I'm wrong and I'm just blowing this out of proportion, but what if Strict examined that plant and found traces of Z AND Mateo? What if Lunia's hourglass was found by him for a reason?
She said that the anomaly appeared "the other night" so it was clearly Z Blob... but technically the other night was when the show started for me, so I might see this as Mateo appearing in this world for the first time. Could it be he fit in in one night, everyone's memories were changed to accept that, and no one questions this?
... I know this just me headcanoning left and right and it's clearly not gonna happen
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justagalwhowrites · 8 months
OMG! Bestie! You ace it! When I saw the countdown and the comments about the previous chapter, I decided to wait and read the two chapters in a row. It's been a struggle not to read the first one. I'm so thankful now! You left us with the honey barely touching our lips!
Bambi's so strong! 😍 I know I've said it before, but it's true, and you can see it in every chapter. Surviving what she's gone through while keeping her humanity speaks of her resilience and strength. With just how she tells Joel her past, you can feel her pain and how much Joel feels for her. It's heartbreaking.
We have a Mark now! He must have been meaningful for her to keep the nickname he gave her. Eight years is a long time. Will we see more of him? Did you picture someone in particular while writing their first meeting? I just wanted to put the same face to the character.🤔 I love the glimpses of her past. Now we know how she started trading!
Bambi being able to explore herself intimately speaks of how much she's overcome, and how she throws caution to the wind and goes to Joel makes me feel so much. As soon as I saw the SCENE was coming, my smile grew so much it hurt. I was so giddy!🤭 The whole scene is perfect! The way Joel takes care of her and how he's so sweet, thoughtful, and able to keep her there with him, it's a perfect first time for them after their pasts. The tenderness and passion between them felt so meaningful. It was such a treat! I know these moments are not the bulk of the story, but please keep them coming! I find them so well-written!😍
Thanks for the updates!
PS: I haven't forgotten who or what Bambi left behind when the Raiders took her. I'm keeping an eye on you, lol!🤣
PSS: I think I'll have the mood board ready by Saturday. These last two chapters have given me tons of inspiration, lol. What do you think about black and dark red as a color theme?
PSSS: Don't mind the time you need to answer back! I have the feeling you'll have quite a few asks to answer after the chapter you posted, and I'm not helping with the length of mine, lol!
I wish you a lovely day! Lots of love!♥️♥️♥️
I'm so glad you liked it and liked reading the chapters back to back!! You know me and my love for a cliffhanger lol
This might sound dumb since she's fictional and I made her but I'm so proud of Bambi. She's fought so hard to be where she is and she's finally starting to have a life and recover from everything that's happened. And she's able to trust Joel so fully and ugh. I just love her.
And yes, Mark! He's going to have a fairly integral part to play in the story, he unquestionably changed a LOT about Bambi's life and we'll probably see him again (I think, the flashbacks that I have planned are the things that are weird for me in storytelling. There have already been some left on the cutting room floor as it were - Bambi's first kiss, first bull riding competition, some cutesy shit with her brothers have all been cut because they fucked with the flow of the story and I felt like they didn't serve a big enough purpose to the development of her character to include in full.) The impact he has will be bigger than one or two more flashbacks, though. He is who got her started trading and she keeps the name in part because he gave it to her but more because, when he'd encounter people who he thought were trustworthy, he'd send them her way. "Go find Texas, she's around here. She'll get you a horse but you've gotta take care of her." And to me, Mark is a young Oscar Isaac 🫠
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And don't worry, there will DEFINITELY be more smutty bits now that Joel and Bambi have gotten to this point. Both of them haven't gotten any in a WHILE and they're both very attracted to each other. Bambi still has a lot of hangups but she's going to be a lot more physically comfortable with Joel now that they've gotten here (and we're going to see more of how Bambi was in chapter 1, too, now that she's at that point which I'm really excited about!)
You will know what Bambi was protecting soon enough! You may not like it when you find out 🫣 I promise I won't leave you hanging! This part of the story has been planned since day one and I really can't wait until everyone is in the loop.
LOVE THIS COLOR SCHEME BESTIE!!! Love the whole thing honestly, can't wait for it!!!
I love your long asks, they always make me smile. Thank you thank you thank you for being here and taking the time to share your thoughts with me!
Love you!!!
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
An Anon asked me this question (below) in my DM's, and I felt like it was a good one that was worth a public response (don't worry...I got permission to post lol), so I'm going to answer the question here:
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First of all, sorry for the late response on this Anon. I meant to answer this question weeks ago, but as you all know, I've been going through a LOT. 😩🤦🏾‍♀️
I touched on this a little bit already the other day, but in answer to your question, I personally feel like there's been a lot of drama and scandal involving the Golden Globes in recent years due to the lack of diversity and complaints of racism within the HFPA (Hollywood Foreign Press Association). 🥴 In fact, the show was not even televised in recent years due to the whole scandal. 😬
I think this might be why quite a few celebrities (including Zendaya and Co.) are kind of tip-toeing a little bit with regards to the GG's coming back this year. I think many might be appreciative for their nominations, but some might not feel like "celebrating" all that soon about it, or might be a little more 'low-key' about posting about them.
Just about a year or two ago, actors boycotted the show and the GG's couldn't even get not ONE actor/big name to attend the show, let alone present lol. They ended up having to scrap the live show. Not sure what's going to happen this year, or who will even attend tbh. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I know some actors such as Brendan Fraser have already stated outright that they will NOT be attending the Golden Globe awards this year (or any year for that matter lol 👀). Brendan's gripes with the Golden Globe awards are more so due to him being sexually assaulted by the old former President of the HFPA years ago, and them basically doing nothing about it. I feel bad for what happened to him😔 , and NOBODY should ever have to go through something like that, inside OR outside of the industry. 😡
So yea, I think some may have some mixed feelings about the show just in general. 😬
As far as Z is concerned, I'm really not sure if she will attend or not? 🤷🏾‍♀️ And if she DOES win, I'm not even sure if she will post about it? I guess it's a W.A.S. type of thing. I honestly don't even know who they all have on tap to present for this year's show. I've had a lot of other more serious things on my mind lately, so I haven't really been keeping up with all of the news re: the GG's tbh. The presenters for the show will give you more of an idea of who will be in attendance I'm thinking? 🤷🏾‍♀️
I can only imagine some of the jokes that might arise at this upcoming Golden Globe awards show. 😅
I guess we'll see what will happen come January 10th! lol. 😅🤣 (I'm still salty that the show is on a freakin' WEEK night 🙄 Who's brilliant idea was this?? 😒)
All I know is I'll be watching.... In addition to seeing the winners, I'm also curious to see if there will be any changes or if things improve some. 🤔
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msnanu · 6 months
Oh damn, that chapter! First of all, Jimin is on my shit list. What the hell is wrong with him? I was kinda hoping JK was gonna punch him right in the face! At the moment, I'm team JK. I'm sure that will change at some point. LOL I feel like he's the underdog in their little game right now. She's got him wrapped around her finger without even trying. I felt so bad for him when he saw she slept with Jimin. He was so jealous, and that has to be because he feels something different for her than he does for the usual girls he sleeps with. I'm curious to see how she would feel if he sleeps with one of her friends. I wonder if she would have that same jealous reaction. I think the answer is yes. I think they both feel something different for each other than what they are accustomed to feeling. I really want to see him take charge and make her feel off balance the way she has him off balance. And then I will probably switch to be team OC.
It's cracking me up all the different opinions that I'm getting about Jimin's character!! lol 🤣🤣 some feel bad for him, some hate him, it's really divided! for me, I gotta say I'm with you in this one, he was kinda shitty towards JK, that's not what a friend would do.
And as for JK being like the underdog, it kinda sounds like that, I totally get it but my man is no saint, he did tried on purpose to make our girl jealous with Seulgi and OC just acted on her own needs when she slept with Jimin and wasn't going to rub it on JK's face - until he brought it up -, the fact that he found out that they slept together was just a mere coincidence. JK is just so desoriented, this is all new for him. He's too used to being the one who's being chased, not the other way around.
In my case, between OC and JK I can't really choose yet, I love both of them. Her self-confidence is a-ma-zing and him, well... he's JK. 😂
I'm sure you'll be team OC at some point and we'll see if they are really developing feelings or if they are just seeing each other as challenges or maybe they are just loving the constant teasing. 🤔
Thanks for your amazing inputs and leaving this amazing comments always, Erica 🥰🥰 I love to read your points of view!
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tsimvkas · 9 months
Hiii, I love friends to lovers and having 15k words to read about it is a present for me🤍
“Everything with you is unforgettable” you pouted, resting your chin on his chest, and Mason ran his thumb across your lower lip, staring at you. “I don’t want you to leave” AND HERE SHE IS JUST SHOWING PURE LOVE TO HIM
“Liar” you rolled your eyes, and he laughed. “Your contract says 2028. Five fucking years” “Language, Y/N. Manchester isn’t that far, and you’ll always be welcome at Old Trafford. At least I’m still playing in the Prem” THAT PART WAS HILARIOUS
The truth is that Mason felt happiness spreading throughout his body when he realised the way you fear being away from him. WHO KNOWS WHY
“I can deal with that” he winked. “I know you really like your favourite pyjamas but would you mind wearing one of my t-shirts tonight? Its’s just- I want to take something with you scent ya know? But you don’t need to- I’ll order our food” he closed his bedroom door before you could answer, his rose cheeks making you giggle. OOOOO🥹🥹🥹
“Five Guys” he smirked. To be honest, you already knew the answer, once your boy is addicted to it. YOUR BOY
“Don’t think like that. I’m just trying to have a cosy weekend with you, yeah? But we’ll see each other often. I promise” OH, THAT HUTS CAUSE HE IS AWARE THIS WON'T PROBABLY HAPPEN
“I’m sure girls in Manchester loves smooth faces” PFF, HE JUST CARES ABOUT A LONDON GIRL
You didn’t know why you were saying that. You just wanted him to reassure you that he won’t need any other friend, that he’d prefer to do skincare alone than with someone that isn’t you. NOT HER BEING ALREADY JEALOUS
“Ugh, don’t do this. I’m almost changing my mind” you sighed. If he could ask for something, then it would be this. For you to change your mind. HE'LL BE VERY HAPPY
“Once I’m left there will be a lot of predators around you, I need to find a way to prevent it” HE IS ALREADY JEALOUS TOO
Mason smiled, leaning to you and brushing his lips against your neck. He kissed the spot before starting sucking your skin. MASON MOUNT?
“There it is” he faced it proudly. “Now I have about two weeks of good sleep before it fades and I need to do it again” HE IS CRAZYYYY
You didn’t know what to say, so you kept quiet. Best friends don’t mark each other like that, right? But you can’t think about it now. Mason is leaving London. And you are staying. NO THEY USUALLY DON'T, FWB DO🤣
“I’ll take you to him as often as we can, Y/N” he smiled at you. BEN IS OUR SHIP CAPTAIN ISN'T HIM?
“Don’t find another best friend” you sobbed loudly. “I’ll drive to Manchester whenever I can to watch your games so we can make skincare together and we can FaceTime when you miss me but please Mount, don’t find another girl” I'M NOT FEELING GOOD
“That’s impossible” he kissed you again, on your forehead this time, holding you against him for a few minutes. “See you soon, uhm? I swear” I KINDA HOPE THEY WON'T SEE EACH OTHER SOON AND THAT WE'LL HAVE SOME ANGST 🤣
You tried to stay happy while living in London, for Ben. You really tried. But the dark hole in your chest wouldn’t let you. WHO CAN GUESS WHY?
“He is glowing” you pouted. HE IS
Your blood ran to your cheeks, and you made a mental note to kick Ben’s ass later. What a traitor! GIRL HE JUST WANTS YOI TWO TO WAKE UP AND CONFESS YOUR FEELINGS TO EACH OTHER
“Hmmm, alright. The story begins with a boy, a tall one, and a tiny girl. They met one day, when the tall boy hit the girl with a ball straight in her head…” MMMM WHO ARE THOSE TWO PEOPLE?🫣😌
Two weeks passed since you and Mason slept on a call together, and you were feeling like something was off. He’d still answer your texts and send you good morning or good night with cute emojis, but he was avoiding your phone calls and you didn’t spend the day texting. ANGST? YOU'RE GIVING ME THIS GIFT TOOO??
“I know that, bug” he smiled. “But I mean, like… we don’t know what you’re facing there. I don’t want you driving back after some misunderstandment or something like that” MMM, WHAT DO YOU KNOW BENNN
“Language, bug. Don’t need to overreact, you don’t know what happened yet. Just… prepare yourself for anything, alright?” OH
“I wouldn’t say dating, but maybe seeing someone? He hasn't said anything like that to me” Ben tried to tranquillise you. “But it was my first thought, since one of the first things a man does when he starts dating is to push their female friends away a little bit, you know… so their girl don’t feel insecure or something like this” MM, I THINK HE IS JUST AVOIDING HER TO MAKE HER DISTANCE FROM HIM AND SUFFER LESS CAUSE OF THE DISTANCE
“Call me if you need anything” he murmured, kissing the top of your head. “And call me if you decide to spend the night, please” NOT ME THINKING BEN ORGANISED SOMETHING TO HELP THIS TWO
You stared at him and the silence that came after was awkward. You turned your eyes to the floor and that’s when you saw the ring. GIRL DON'T JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS, IT CANT BE THAT SERIOUS IN THIS LITTLE PERIOD OF TIME
“I’m sorry” he kissed your forehead, hugging your waist. “It was a hell of a week and I missed you so much that I thought- that maybe if we didn’t talk that much It could get easier. Sounds dumb when I say it out loud” EHEHHEHE, I KNEW THATTT
“It’s Cartier” he said after a few seconds of silence, pushing you away to cup your face. “It’s just a ring” AHHAHAHAHA, CAN I HAVE ONE?
“You were jealous?” he raised an eyebrow at your nod. “You don’t have to. Everybody around me knows I’m yours” I THINK I STOPPED BREATHING FOR A SECOND
You felt like your heart would stop when he started to play with your panties strap. WOOOO WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPENNNN
When it was time for you to go back to London, Mount turned into a big baby, pouting every time you looked at him. I CAN IMAGINE HIS FACE
“If you want to do it then do it properly” you rolled your eyes playfully. You never said anything like that to him, but the fact that he’s in another city now seemed to make you brave enough. You won’t need to face him if he dumps you. WHAT????
When both of you ran out of air, Mason pulled away. Smirking at you, he gave your lips a peck and ran to his car without saying anything. AHHAHAHAH HE'S A BABY
“We’re a bit late so I’m not opening the door for you, sorry bug” you rolled your eyes playfully, sitting in his passenger’s seat. “You look really really beautiful. Buddy’s having a heart attack for sure” HE IS HERE
“If anyone could hear you know they would think we are a throuple” DEFINITELY
“Want to spend the night with me?” You asked Mason and you didn’t need to ask twice as he quickly jumped out of Ben’s car. OH
“Jesus, don’t call me babe in a moment like that” Mason groaned, making you laugh. “I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable” AHHAHAHAHAH, GO ON MOUNT ITS YOUR MOMENT
“I got hard cause I was thinking about it” he whispered against your neck. “I shouldn’t want this to happen, right?” OPS🤭
“You’re my best friend, Y/N. Probably my favourite person in the world. I don’t want to fuck up our friendship” he squeezed your waist, inhaling your scent. “But God, I want to fuck you so bad” LANGUAGE MOUNT
“Call me babe one more time and I’ll cum in my boxer” he breathed and you closed your eyes, fighting the urge to help him. “Y/N…” Mason whispered. HE'S WILD
“Oh yeah, you’re definitely something. He’s so in love with you, makes me sick of my stomach” HE'S OUR SHIP CAPTAIN AND WE LOVE HIM FOR THAT
Mason was holding a girl on his lap. His face was resting on her shoulder, practically laying on her boobs. FUCK
“Friday, after our game… I went to the club with some of the boys, we had a lot of drinks” he started, feeling ashamed. “And we played truth or dare. I’m sorry, bug. One of the guys thought it was a good idea to dare Enzo to send Mason a message about you” ARE YOU SERIOUS? WHAT ARE YOU STUPID TEENAGERS?
“That you spent a night with him or something like that. They all know how close both of you are and they were sure this would make Mason lost his shit cause apparently he’s the only one that still doesn’t know how fucking in love he is” Ben said it all in just one breath. “But this is not an excuse, he should’ve asked you instead of believing Enzo. I just think that he felt threatened, insecure that you saw another man even after what you guys had” MEN ARE SO STUPID
Monday morning, Ben’s doorbell rang like crazy, waking you up. You looked at your phone to check the hour, discovering it was only half past eight. OPS
You ran down the stairs in his t-shirt, rubbing your sleepy eyes and still yawning. It wasn’t the best night of sleep you ever had, to be honest. OPS
“But we need to. You’re using Ben’s t-shirt?” he frowned, forcing his weight against the door until you gave up. AHHAHAHA I KNEW HE WAS GOING TO SAY THAT
“No, we’re not” he sighed, your words hurting him a little bit. “But I’ve always wanted us to be” FINALLY
“I haven’t. You’re the only one I had sex with the last four months” he chewed his lower lip. “I went to the club so Rashy could record me because I knew you’d see it and then you’d feel what I felt when Enzo texted me” HE'S A CHILD, STUPID CHILD
“Of course I’m mad at you. Another girl was messing around with what is mine” you felt a boost of confidence knowing he wants you both to be more than best friends. OH🤭🤭🤭
“You didn't think it would be that easy, right? No kisses before my dinner” you shrugged. I LOVE HER
With that in mind, he knocked at your door hours later, his shaky legs annoying him and your favourite flowers on his hand. OHHH HE'S NERVOUS
“Alright, I think you should be my girlfriend then. The last week just proved that we want each other and not being sincere about our feelings will only leave space for us to get hurt. I don’t want us to get hurt” FINALYYYY
“I’m moving” you tried to tell him yourself, even though he already saw this on your face. “I’ll go to Manchester, Chilly” 🥹🥹🥹
OH MY JESUS this made me so happy I can totally understand why Sid loves these so much I COULDNT HELP BUT GIGGLE DURING THE HOLE THING
so so happy you enjoyed 🥹 and read your thoughts about specific parts it’s a wildly joy, thank you for sm for sharing them with me 😭
i feel like a newborn entering this whole new world but i’m so glad i did bc i already love around here ❤️ and i have a lot of upcoming stories so i hope you guys will like having me here 😫
and once again thank you ill def sleep really happy tn
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Hercules and the Circle of Fire
The great HTLJ/XWP/YH (re)watch continues!
Okay, watched this for the first time a few days ago and so far it's easily my favourite of the first three movies. I really, genuinely, liked Hercules in this movie. I completely forgot it was Kevin Sorbo.
(And, not because he had a romantic plotline, I want to be clear. He just was kinder? More human? Idk. We'll get into it.)
So let's jump into it.
First of all this dream sequence.
Okay, I was confused by the white cloak on the mystery woman. I was like "she looks like she's wrapped in snow-covered saran wrap, what is happening?" and then we get this close up of her mouth, and I stg I was like "IS THAT CALLISTO??" 🤣😅 (Spoilers, it is definitely not Callisto.)
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The change of scenery was kinda cool, too (pardon the pun). I was really curious what he was doing up there, but then realized it was a dream sequence.
I'm not clear why Herc had this dream, though? Zeus will later comment about D being the type of woman a man dreams about or something, and Herc realizes that Zeus was aware of his dream... but I don't feel like Zeus gave him the dream, because D was asking him to save her, which I don't really think fit with Zeus's plans? IDK.
Does Hercules have premonition dreams now? Buffy had them occasionally, and I actually don't mind them as a narrative device if they're not overdone.
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Anyway, we shrug that off pretty quickly and see Hercules entering some kind of cave place with a dude and I was really excited for a moment thinking it might be Iolaus, but it was not. Instead we get a very Davey-Jones-esque fight with a guy whose heart is not in his body, and tbh I figured it out almost immediately and felt a bit bored waiting for Herc to figure it out. And then we got a very extra face-melting death. These effects were wild.
Herc saves a girl who is played by the actress who plays Cora Silver in The Return to Treasure Island (the film where Dean O'Gorman - who plays Young Iolaus - plays Jim Hawkins) and I had to pause the movie to figure out where I knew her from haha. During this scene they avoid being melted by acid that's spewing from the fountain he just collected water from.
Then Zeus shows up and tries to get Hercules to go to a mountain with him. Now, intitially I thought he meant Olympus and was really irritated that he didn't understand why Hercules wanted to try to get the potion to his friend that needed it. He claims Hercules cares more about his friend than his own dad - and I was like EXCUSE ME? Zeus, do you honestly feel you can bitch about that after being such a shit father??? But Hercules was so reasonable with his response, saying that that wasn't the case but he really needed to get that to his friend and I was like "wow Hercules has more restraint than me cuz I would not be so kind" haha. Then Zeus ominously mutters to himself that there might not be a next time, and I was like, wait is Zeus DYING? CAN Zeus die?? (I know there's some kind of plot with gods dying at the end of Xena so I assume there are circumstances that allow it.)
This turned out not to be what he meant at all. (Not me being disappointed). 😅 He meant cuz the world might end. The plot, it turns out, is that Hera plans to freeze the whole world and kill everyone. Zeus refuses to stop her???? (I am tearing out my hair at Zeus's uselessness over here!)
Anyway, let's talk about Cheiron!
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This movie has a bunch of familiar names in it, not attached to the characters I associate them with. The first is Cheiron, who, it turns out, is not Cheiron the centaur from Young Hercules, but someone completely unrelated - a satyr? idk - that Hercules has a history with that we don't really know? Cheiron is injured and it won't heal, and Hercules is doing his best to find a cure. I immediately questioned why Hercules seemed so guilty about it and actually wondered very early on if Herc had inflicted the wound, which eventually is revealed to be the case. It was an accident.
Apparently if an immortal gets wounded by another non-mortal, the wound never heals. Does this continue to be canon?
Anyway I liked this sense of responsibility from Herc and totally believed that he'd doggedly pursue a cure. I did question if he should let Cheiron drink the water from the acid fountain, but... it kind of worked until it didn't, so I guess he wasn't far off.
Cheiron complains that he'd like to be mortal, and I immediately go "oh, this man's gonna die". 😅
Also there was a baby named Kora, which is also the name of an important character on Young Hercules (who is not this baby, obviously).
The next fun character to be introduced is Deianeira - NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH "Deianeira of Troy" from literally the movie before this one. They are totally different characters. I mean, they're both outgoing women who love to talk, with dead fathers from whom they inherited their homelands, but the main difference is that Hercules actually shows some interest in this one.
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I found her a little rude at times, especially at first, but I must admit she won me over. She doesn't really feel like she fits into the world, though? Her whole personality, way of speaking, even the accent... it all feels a little too modern for me somehow? Very of the age it was produced and not of the age it was set in (not that any of it is historically accurate, but I hope you know what I mean).
Still, I really do like Deianeira by the end of the movie and was happy to see she didn't die, although I was really surprised that the movie ends with them making out! I guess Hercules has decided that it's not that "different with women" after all.
I'm curious to see what happens to her, because I have a feeling she doesn't last very long? I don't remember him having a permanent love interest so I guess we'll see, haha. I did avoid the show a lot so I could be very wrong there, too.
Back on the topic of Herc, I wonder if he isn't just kind of demisexual, something I can relate to myself, where he needs to have an emotional connection with someone before he feels any kind of sexual attraction. Who knows! He definitely likes Dei this way by the end, and I really believed their chemistry and liked how their bond slowly built over the movie as they got to know each other and learned how to work together effectively.
So back to the actual plot of the movie:
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Hera stole a torch from Prometheus, so now all the fire in the world is dying and everyone's gonna freeze to death. Hercules intends to get it back, and I have all the faith he will do so because he's the hero and I know there's a bunch of seasons of show after this so presumably the world doesn't end.
Prometheus was a cool character to see on screen, since he's a Titan, so he's this really big dude. (I definitely was reminded of the Zora king frozen in Zora's domain in Ocarina of Time, lmao.)
Per wikipedia: "Prometheus is best known for defying the gods by stealing fire from them and giving it to humanity in the form of technology, knowledge, and more generally, civilization." Reminds me a bit of the (Haida?) myth of the Raven stealing the sun.
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Zeus knows all about this plot and instead of helping any of the mortals who are begging the gods for help, Zeus is like "yeah, idk, I don't want to piss of Hera" and instead offers just Hercules (and his gf since he's feeling generous, I guess) a warm little cave to live in while everyone else dies. I was not impressed at all with this.
There's a whole thing with Zeus in this movie where he's upset that Hercules won't do as he's told, and we see Zeus has some insecurity about whether or not Hercules loves him, which is... humanizing? But also a little strange, I must admit. I felt I understood Zeus better in this movie and yet liked him less somehow? He was acting so selfishly throughout the film, even if it was out of love of his son - his lack of empathy for the rest of humanity and how he started using his powers to attack Hercules (even if it was to 'protect' him ultimately) really upset me.
I'm still really struggling with a core piece of his character motivation, which is that I really don't understand why he never interferes with Hera's attempts to hurt Hercules. Hera does awful things in a bid to harm Hercules or people who are seeking him out, constantly, and Zeus is just like "IDK Herc, maybe try sacrificing an animal to her?" when really Zeus's infidelity is what originally pissed off Hera. She's taking her anger at Zeus out on his son and LOADS of mortals, and Zeus just gets mad at Herc any time he complains about it, like defensively blaming Hercules for not sucking up more to Hera.
I guess gods really are not like us, haha.
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I really wanted to like this character. I did sort of like her at first, and then I was pretty sure she was a villain, and then it turned out she was working for Zeus, and then... she really was just some orphan kid?
I actually really didn't like the whole bit where Hercules tried to hunt her down so that he could force her to live in a village and "go to school". There was an earlier scene where Herc played with Cheiron's kids, and I think it was to try to show this paternal side of Hercules, where he's "good with kids" or at least desires to take care of them in general/make sure they're safe. I think that's fine broadly speaking since he's a hero, and also in the context that him being good with kids makes him more attractive to Dei (she comments on it, so I assume that was the reason they made a child fill this narrative role and not, like, some random nymph or minor god, etc.).
But the fact that she really is just some kid doing as Zeus tells her really brings up some red flags in the scene where she tricks Hercules into thinking those strange women are Deianeira so that he'll start having sex with them. (He clues in when there's more than one of Dei, but Dei walks in and assumes Herc is a playboy... it's a whole thing, and really a weak narrative point that could have been cut, probably. We already got the impression Herc was interested in Dei that way so it wasn't like it was needed.)
But since when is Zeus a good dad, I guess. He's not looking out for Phaedra, he's using her.
The Circle of Fire:
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Okay, so they finally find the damn torch and it's inside a Circle of Fire, hence the title of the movie. It turns out that if a god/non-mortal goes inside the circle, they will lose their immortality.
Earlier in the movie there is some discussion of whether or not Hercules is immortal. That confused me a bit because one would think the wound he inflicted on Cheiron not healing would imply he's immortal?
Zeus is clearly worried about Hercules dying if he goes into the circle to get the torch, and he starts fighting Herc to stop him, but eventually Herc wins out and goes into the circle to get the torch.
This actually surprised me!
I totally thought he was going to make a compromise with Zeus and be like "Okay, then use your powers to go get Cheiron up here, and he can do it, since he wants to be mortal!" Two birds, one stone, so to speak. We know Zeus can poof people around because he's offered it several times by now in this very movie.
Instead, Hercules goes into the circle, presumably making him mortal, and then he brings some of the immortality-killing fire ALLLLLL THE WAYYYYY back to Cheiron's house to make a new circle there.
Before we get to that, small tangent - Zeus, seeing Hercules weakened by entering the circle, wants to go in and get him out, but knows it will make him mortal. And there's actually a point where he claims he's going to do it anyway, but then Hera intervenes to make a path for Zeus so it won't kill him. I'm like... really confused about their relationship, haha. You hate your husband's child because he's proof of the infidelity, to the point you want him dead, but you won't harm your husband who did the cheating? Talk about misplaced anger. I hate this plot so much JFC.
Anyway, as I said, Hercules then takes this magic fire with him to Cheiron.
He doesn't tell Cheiron what it will do.
This infuriated me???
Cheiron's clearly tried a lot of Herc's failed remedies, but not telling him that the fire will make him mortal seems like SUCH A DICK MOVE. What if Cheiron changed his mind about wanting to be mortal? It wasn't an informed consent, that's all I'm saying.
All's well that ends well, though. Cheiron was actually happy, and it healed him, too, I guess. It made him human, and there's this moment where his wife seems kinda put off/unsure about his new human body, and I was amused by that.
So we end the movie with everyone happy and mortal.
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Does Hercules remain mortal?
If we assume him going into the circle actually made him mortal, does he stay that way? I swear there's an episode set in modern times where he's still alive, but I didn't actually watch the whole episode so I could be wrong, haha.
Does he still have his demi-god strength? He must, right? He's totally strong on the show from what I remember. Just what about his godly-heritage is stripped by this fire? I don't know. Maybe this whole thing is forgotten about or handwaved later. I guess I'll find out.
My current predictions/thoughts:
Deianeira is going to die before the show starts or early on.
Herc is gonna get back his immortality, possibly for plot reasons.
Iolaus. Where is Iolaus? Is Anya going to die? I want Iolaus in the story again already, yeeeesh.
Herc said "What the hell" a lot in this movie, and like, not to nitpick, but... do they have "hell" in the strictest sense? IDK why I noticed this, but I did.
I like Hercules, the character. I liked him a lot in this movie. I liked that he was able to stand his ground on what was important without ever being unkind or unreasonable. Even when he was in conflict with people, he was compassionate, which is more what I would expect from him after watching some of Young Hercules. I didn't get that as much in the last couple movies.
All the characters felt a lot more human and well-rounded in this movie (compared to the last two); good job writers.
I actually liked this movie and would watch it again!
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gaymer-hag-stan · 1 year
Okay so I just beat REmake 4.
Here's a few quick thoughts
The introduction to the village is excellent and sets a perfect tone
Gameplay tweaks as well as the original's formula that is still used still work great. The REmake combat system is pretty tight, although it took me until the island to actually master the knife parrying system, mostly for the Krauser battles.
The treasure hunting is addictive, I got almost everything except some damn treasures in the village, I'm still mad! The shooting range minigame was EXCELLENT, I did not expect to be so immersed in it, I even actually sat down and got an S ranking on every single game! It actually helped me improve my aiming skills for the actual part of the game.
The graphics look amazing and the game makes great use of the PS5's DualSense controller.
I've said this before and I'll say it again; I'm glad the game is still camp as fuck. Yes, it's not as much as the original but it's also definitely not as depressing, grounded and soulless as, literally, almost every other narrative-driven modern game out there. This is so fucking refreshing to experience and I hope it starts a new trend of going back to cheesiness and camp as an alternative to all these non-entertaining but highly-applauded, for some bizarre reason, alternatives.
The Castle looks AMAZING, definitely my favourite area.
Leon, Ashley and of course The Merchant stole the show. Every scene they were in and saying their silly shit was entertaining. Leon's "swallow me whole" and the Merchant's "size matters... Or so they say, right" in particular got me so good 🤣
Krauser and Rámon were also done pretty well I think. Their actors did an amazing job. Krauser has more of a backstory this time and feels more like an actual person and not like a boss fight. Ramón himself looks more unhinged than ever, and both through documents by his caretakers as well as his quotes towards Leon during their battle we are able to see how the comments and treatment he received about his appearance actively influenced his hatred for the world and people. I think this is a very understated detail that adds a lot of depth to Ramón that I've seen no one talk about so far.
I know Luis is everyone's new bae and all, and that's great, but I honestly don't see the appeal. He's uglier than before, he's more annoying than before and he stays longer than before so nah, it's a no from me. They attempted to give him a bit of a backstory this time around but, ultimately, it's not impactful at all. He was also very unhelpful during the mine segment. I felt like he mostly just sat around and did nothing. He was pretty useful in the hut though and the el gigantes fight and he had a few good one liners, I'll give him that!
One thing that is present in the other two remakes as well but is especially annoying and noticeable in this one, is that when you move from one area to another, the lighting effects drastically change. It's like you change filters on an Instagram post or something lol
A little disappointed that Capcom is selling extra treasures and weapon upgrades as DLC again, and even more disappointed that they'll, probably, sell Ada's campaign as DLC... Hopefully that means they're gonna expand upon it though so at least we'll get more Ada. Hopefully...
Speaking of Ada, Lily Gao's performance was fine? Y'all are pathetic and miserable human beings for bullying her off the internet. Honestly. Is she my favourite Ada so far? No, I think Jolene Andersen is the definitive take on the character for me, but Lily gave a completely different approach to the character and, given how the whole concept of her dynamic with Leon is that they have both changed in certain ways after the Raccoon City Incident, it makes perfect sense? The previously innocent and inexperienced Leon is now hardened and cynical. The previously more emotional and alluring Ada is now more "matter-of-fact" and cold.
Overall I am very happy with the game and plan to instantly replay it. Nothing more that I can say.
Just buy it so Capcom can REmake more and get more of our money. I love capitalism
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Continued Liveblogging ep 6 & 7
Oooooooo more Doubashi flashbacks!
I wish we knew for sure which one of them won their race!
Doubashi says that Kaburagi caught up at the end but it's still unclear.
Doubashi is just so happy that he got to lead his teaming the final sprint though! All he felt was joy! Good for him!
You know it's not my ship but I'm rooting for Doubashi.
Danchiku will absolutely win. But I'm rooting for Doubashi anyway. He can like a Kouhai. As a treat.
Yuuto wasn't a Creep until this very moment?
What gives?
I know he developed a shining piece of admiration for Onoda last time but like..... This seems a bit much.
I'm gonna chalk it up as a fluke.
I love that I love that Izumida and Yukinari's repaired dynamic leads to fun things! They cause so much mayhem together! 💖
I couldn't care less about Kyoto Fushimi y'all. 😤🙄😒
OOF Naruko hit Ashikiba right where it hurt and he didn't even mean it nasty!
Poor Ashikiba. He especially wouldn't want that poked at in front of Teshima and Yuki. 💔😭
So here's my thingm we're sort of on the final leg of the 3rd days race. Because the finish line is in the mountains at the end of a climb.
We're on Episode 7.
How is this going to keep going for 19 episodes??? (Including this one)
Yes ABSOLUTELY put your arms around both of their shoulders and hold bith of their hands!
You can have it all and be the 2nd/3rd year OT3 after this race!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖
Amazing!!! 10/10 😭😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖
Teshima that Pressure is called True Love! 💖 Get with it babe!
IzuYuki hours!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖😭😭😭😭😭
He praised him in the most meaningful way augh!!!! 😫💖
Oh they kinda retconned their history a bit but I'm a HUGE fan of these changes and these moments so WOOOOO!!!!!
U was gonna make an apostles joke but his back muscles are Fabian. 😞
Hmmmmmmmmm the retcon to take away Onoda's Mountain Ace position is a bit odd.
It makes for interesting plot currently though.
But like it kind of invalidates his promises to race Manami if he was never gonna be the Mountain Ace? Idk.
I guess we'll see. They're obviously still going to have their race because the whole series is built around it.
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wikiangela · 2 months
No not at all. I honestly felt like I was insane last night because everyone seemed to suddenly be omg it’s true love or omg did you see that look or wow the way Buck was eye f’ing tommy! And I was just like……where? Sure the camera framing was there for possibilities going forward if they want. But that one interaction we got between the two I was genuinely just what am I missing?? I’m all for bi Buck. And all for Buddie. Hell I’m even open to seeing something with Buck and Tommy if they decide bi Buck for some reason needs to not happen with just Eddie at first. As a member of the queer community I’m all for as much representation as possible in all medias. But I just… genuinely saw that scene last night as Buck wordlessly saying “Hey man thanks for the help saving some of the most important people in my life” to Tommy and then immediately running after Eddie. Maybe it’ll change next week when we’re actually supposed to see them interacting (and maybe even actually saying words to each other) but just based one the one scene, I too do not understand the degree people are reaching to make it into something bigger. Nor do I get the new narrative of some of them calling people phobic just because people don’t see anything in that scene or if they don’t want Buck and Tommy and would rather just keep it Eddie and Buck.
ngl I never got the whole Tommy thing people have been freaking out over ever since finding out he's coming back (not to mention I have no memory of him from the begins episodes and I had to look him up like three times to remember 🤣) I thought it was a joke at first but I see people being way too intense about this 🤣
like, all this theorizing is getting out of control
imo we don't need him for Buck's realization, and tbh I feel like we don't need Buck to have a realization at all, it would make so much sense if he already knew he's bi 🤣
but if that's what they're gonna do, I'd be fine with that, but like, that 2 second smile was not leading to anything like that 😂
like, fr, that little moment in the episode was literally Buck smiling at him like "thanks for helping us save those people we love so much", there was definitely no vibe 🤣
I saw a gifset of that moment and went into the notes and omg either I'm blind or people are pulling this out of their asses about the tension and Buck being flirty??? where??? are we watching the same show 😂
like, we'll see where they go with Tommy, but so far people are reaching, and arguing, and it's kinda ridiculous 🤣 like, have any theories you want but there's no reason to call people phobic or attacking them bc they disagree jfc 😂
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honeybeecomebuzzingme · 8 months
I'll always love all my friends.
I forgot about something else that happened recently. I'm desperate to tell N about it and the 6 foot void.
Supposedly I'm getting my cloud strife figure and other things from Germany?
I was going to ask someone to go there to get my guitar but if I can get the guitar I can give it to him before he goes to Germany instead I guess??! Lmao 😂😅
After 10 years! I'm shocked.
And on Friday the 13th!!
To get an email regarding my cloud strife figure and so much other stuff I'd forgotten about.
If my things are safe in Germany and in Bradford and in Wales and America?!
Then we'll fuck of course they're safe with any of my Nakama in Forres! Lol 🤣😆
I love and miss things. The way they're changing again and repeating themselves.
Weird. So weird. Every day is déjà vu.
I was depressed for a long time and I'm finally bringing light in 🌈🦄✨
I feel like I have energy again.
I miss N dreadfully. Fucking hell this blog was always the place I'd gush about him because before things were going meh when I started on my medication things were great for a while. My heart felt safe.
My head was in a mess after Nana had passed away but then N helped. He did save my life and everything so I don't see why I can't remember him as an important role in shaping me as a person?
I want to write and I love to write.
He restored my faith that I can. He was always saying that I can but I couldn't find a way out of the haze. I feel like it's not something other people can help me with I need to find my way on my own.
There were literally so many memory gaps. I don't like being on medication. I felt like the doctor was not listening when I said that I was experiencing extreme issues. I feel like I mistrust doctors.
I need to sleep tho.
I really hope N is ok. I had one dream where he was in the woods and it was spooky. That was the other day but it was more of a panic attack than a meltdown.
I'd woken from a nap and out of habit messaged him. He was extremely helpful tho. And I damn well can say that I trust him. I trust all my Nakama.
Fuck society. Normalize saying I love you to friends and being a good person.
Normalize people being civil during splits.
Taking time to heal is valid. Touch grass and go on adventures. Go with the flow.
Loving the new chapter as much as possible while appreciating everything that N taught me. He's still my rock, but now that rock can be put aside and no longer be a mental wall of said metaphor for codependency. I'm happy without any rocks in my pockets. If you expect me to stop this metaphor I will give you this-
Tumblr media
Being codependent, subjugated, whatever terms you want to use for the "girlfriend" label being so traditional. It's dumb.
I look back on these blogs a lot and I see how many times I pointed out I'm happy with no labels and being friends. Hmm
My stomach hurts so I should sleep.
I do miss N dreadfully but yes the anxiety is too much and I could have helped myself a long time ago. 😕
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