#fatui astrology
capriciousleo · 1 year
“Fatui Harbinger Natal Charts” Pt. 3
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Parts: 1, 2
Sun- Capricorn
Moon- Cancer
Mercury- Capricorn
Venus- Cancer
Mars- Scorpio
Rising- Aries
OKAY! Let's start with me correctly guessing his sun sign before he was canonically announced to be a Capricorn kgekbhi. He possesses typical Capricorn traits, with his Mercury-- cold appearance, a bit standoffish, a tiny bit arrogant and condescending, sarcastic, cynical. He places huge value into respect and authority, hence why he constantly reminds others that he's a god and he's above others (ex: Sumeru Archon Quest). He doesn't particularly understand that respect also needs to be earned, however. Many Capricorn placements are known for their sharp tongue that is not usually used for malefic purposes. Scara is also known for this, and speaks about it himself. Despite voicing out the hardcore reality and facts, people constantly get upset and hurt by these placements. Even Dottore's pride was hurt by Scara's simple, and imo, not even negative words about the latter and his experiments on the former. He simply called things as they are, but Dottore saw that as disrespect and was so quick to jump on "You have to be more respectful with me, Scaramouche" thing. Capricorn Suns and Moons don't get along particularly well, I've noticed hfihfiewhwi. Deciding to get rid of his feelings so it would disrupt his goals is also such a Capricorn thing, but I'll also come back to it in his Mars placement. Capricorns are also quick to cut out what’s not serving them any longer, hence why he chose to sever his ties with the Fatui and not go back after Dottore kicked him out, which other Fatui members perceived as Scaramouche betraying them.
Cancer Moon + Venus cries. He's a baby. Despite putting on a Capricorn front that nothing hurts him, doesn't feel anything at all, and that he's practically invincible, he feels fuck ton of emotions. After all the years Ei left him, he still feels deeply hurt. Remember him being discarded because he was too kind-hearted? Boy literally played around with kids, collected flowers/fruits, helped around, etc etc. He wants to feel loved. Now, as the Wanderer, and after spending time with Nahida, I do think that he slowly heals this trauma and slowly develops the sense of inner calmness. I may make a separate post about his transition lmk🤭.
Scorpio Mars. All of the things that happened in his life, people leaving him in different ways, he saw that as betrayal- he said it himself. This Mars placement is distrusting and cynical, and it takes a long time until they begin to open up. And, whenever someone betrays them, they feel it deeply. I do not think any other Mars placement feels the pain of a betrayal and hurt as deep as Scorpio. They may not show it on the outside in the beginning. These people are like a volcano- the emotions, like lava, slowly but surely rise up until they finally explode and burn everything on their way. Scara, the same way, piling everything up, turned evil and became a part of the Fatui. Erasing his emotions to achieve what they want is something this placement shares with Capricorn placements, particularly Suns and Mercuries. He’s also quite cunning and knows how to get around. And let me mention the way he looked when he was in the Fatui- it was so greatttt. The dark colors added onto his already dark brooding appearance, and his hat veil will be missed, rip. I want it back it looked amazing, crying.
To be frank, the rising was somewhat difficult to conclude. I was running back and forth Scorpio and Capricorn, but in the end I picked Aries🧍🏼‍♀️. Scaramouche is not afraid to say what’s on his mind, he’s quite opinionated and has an air of leadership around him. He does have the energy to fulfill his goals, which I believe also comes from this fire placement. He’s dedicated, intense, and not afraid to be independent and walk his own path. I think he can also be prone to jealousy.
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P.s. Sorry it took so long, my lovelies! But Laura’s back ❤️
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connor-likes-dogs · 2 years
Scaramouche: Are you flirting with me now?
Mona: I'm literally threatening you!
Scaramouche: That doesn't answer my question.
Childe, in the background: You can do both, Mona!
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m1d-45 · 2 years
summary: my scaramouche pulls, but make it sagau
word count: 1.8k
-> warnings: minor spoilers for sumeru (3.2) archon quest, author has not done 3.2 archon quest but had been spoiled by tumblr :/, probably ooc scara. based entirely on me and my prior pulls (pulled miko, pulled + built childe, has an itto), like two swear words?
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3
< masterlist >
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scaramouche didn’t know what to think of the stars.
he’d kept an eye on them, out of curiosity, watching as constellations rose and fell, rose and fell, their cyclical nature never ending. he never saw any importance in them—not even when he heard of the forest watcher in sumeru being used as a vessel and his glass heart twisted—and hence never paid any attention, focusing on his mission in sumeru. he kept a passing eye on them, sometimes trying to guess how long the current rotation would be up during particularly boring fatui meetings, or trying to guess which constellations would light up when the stars began to fall.
after a while, he began to pay a little more attention to the patterns. he didn’t know why, but suddenly they drew him in more, even as he rolled his eyes whenever tartaglia boasted about a star crossing his constellation. never mind that that guuji from inazuma had hers too, no, he was the one that mattered.
and he was probably right. his bow had been replaced, he was a better shot than ever, and his water blades burned with skill. even the tsaritsa noticed his increase in strength, irritatingly, sending him a letter of congratulations on becoming a vessel. he’d even spent a whole day drafting a three-page letter to his family detailing it all, all the new skills and power he’d picked up by being with you.
what made him so favored?
he pulled down the brim of his hat, repressing the need urge to look up at the sky. he’d never been one to believe in astrology, or astronomy, or whatever that witch in mondstat wanted to call it. he wasn’t going to start now, not when his whole plan in sumeru was close to toppling.
he arrived at his camp. he accepted reports with a scowl. he marched to his office. he glanced through the window. he sat down.
he didn’t know why he was being so contradictory. he’d never felt this before towards anything, let alone something he actively despised. there was no reason for this. at all.
scaramouche picked up his pen, pulling over another dull report. the words bled together, the handwriting atrocious, and he was tempted to burn it. the only thing stopping him was the knowledge that it meant he’d have to ask for another from whatever recruit turned it in.
he tapped his pen on his finger. it was hard to focus, unnaturally, and he chalked it up to the weird feeling that’s been bugging him all day; the same one that wanted him to look at the stars. he sighed, adjusted his hat, glared at where a tassel caught on his chair, and picked up a pen again.
‘troops near chatrakam cave…’
purple eyes glared at his page, at where the ink bled a bit as he left his pen too long. what was his problem?
his eyes flicked to the window, to the curtains waving in the breeze coming though.
‘…have encountered no problems. all…’
‘…all is going gwe-‘
scaramouche slammed his pen on his desk with a loud groan, standing from his chair and sending it skidding back. with stomping steps, he approached the offending window, reaching to shove the pale green curtains aside. he fumbled once on the lock but quickly pushed open the whole window, removing his hat to put his head through and glare at the sky.
“what the fuck could you possibly-…”
scaramouche stared.
his steel tongue was stilled, no quick remark or scathing quip coming to his mind. his thoughts were empty, his mouth suddenly dry as he looked upwards.
at his constellation.
he knew the moment he received a vision—how he wanted to see it shatter—that he had one, the image filling his mind alongside the elemental abilities. he knew what it was, he knew it’s name, he knew the six stars that composed it and the lines drawn between.
he didn’t know it was in the sky.
but there it was, blue stars shining brightly next to some orange bull, almost mocking him as he looked up at them. in his disdainful study of the stars, he knew that only a few were delegated to the prime positions in the sky, and that the latter of the two had been rotated in already. even if he didn’t, the way it’s stars outshone his made it clear.
curses rose and fell on his tongue, like a relentless tide that dared him to speak whilst taking away his air.
he knew what having a constellation in the sky meant. he knew it, and it was why he tried earnestly to destroy it the moment he got over the shock when he received it. he wasn’t picky about power, but power that came at the cost of being another gods puppet?
he’ll pass, thanks.
so to see himself in the sky, to know that at any moment strings could be tied around his wrists once more, that he could be jerked and pulled across a stage of another’s making-
the stars shone brighter.
his office fell away, his hat slipping from between his fingertips.
he reached for it, he reached for his last semblance of a shield—he wouldn’t need it—from another god, but he barely felt the fabric before it was gone.
a white haze surrounded him, vaguely bubbling into clouds far beneath his feet as he stood on an invisible platform. a blurry rectangle was far out in front of him, a distorted voice warping through.
“-i have 45, that makes… i just have to get lucky, then…”
the voice was soft- you were soft, urging him to relax even as his rational mind fought. he could feel his heart speeding up in his chest, feel the war of emotions clouding his thoughts.
this wasn’t fair. you didn’t get to show up, after everything he’d been through, and expect him to fall into your lap. you didn’t get to do that, not to him, not now, not ever.
how he wished you’d catch him.
stars lit up the sky, one after another, and he saw one of them cross a flower-like constellation. you ooo’d and thanked whoever it was for answering—as if they had a choice—and sent out more stars, more wishes, the dust certainly fogging his head.
your voice grew clearer the more stars you summoned, his heart rate increasing in turn. how many did you have? would he be forced to go? why did he want to? would you wrap your divine hands around his and pull him into your team? why did his paper front of a soul leap at the idea?
emotions he’d never felt filled his chest, heat and warmth and icy frost pooling in his veins.
“50,” you called, voice alarmingly gentle in his ear. “please, scara, please?”
he should be proud to have a god so high begging for him. he should cross his arms and puff out his chest, he should smirk and glare with a comment about how even the divine can fall.
he was one of them.
“60,” you whispered, flaring the boil in his chest.
what did he do? what could he do? how did he get out of here? why didn’t he want to? what were you doing to him? what were these feelings? why did he never want them to fade?
“70. please? pretty please?”
he felt himself lurch as the star passed but gripped desperately to the invisible air around him, wide eyes searching for a way out. it was all clouds and stars, as far as he could see, with vague shapes slowly coming into focus around him. he saw something that he thought would direct your attention elsewhere, then realized it would take your gaze off him would only be temporary and saved his energy.
“80. come on, scara.. i promise i’ll be nice.”
nice? he wanted to laugh. he would have if he wasn’t so short on breath already- and yet somehow still lightheaded, his vision swimming as his fingers began to buzz. he could feel it, the invisible rope around his chest pulling as the purple stars whizzed by, and yet he held firm in his place amongst the clouds. he couldn’t answer you he wouldn’t be able to stay composed. he wouldn’t allow himself to be put under another’s jurisdiction again but he knew you were different, you were warm and soft and so different from her.
you would not have him yet.
you were not his god you were his true creator.
you laughed. he hated loved that it was edged with bitterness.
“damn. making me go to the shop again, huh?”
he wanted to apologize tell you it was a lost cause.
“well scara… 4 more wishes. i know it’s useless but… please?”
the pull knocked the wind out of him, his treacherous to who? hands faltering their grip on the walls around him. in the blue light of the stars, he knew he was flushed with exertion.
he could feel it, the chance he was given. the choice to stay, to hear your voice falter and slip and plea, or to go. to answer the string pulling at his heart of glass, to trust and hope that you wouldn’t betray him like so many before.
did he dare believe you? did he dare to trust the only one he could another god, to put his cracked trust in your palms and hope you wouldn’t drop it? did he go against his rules, did he follow the reputation he had built up, did he cling to the clouds before crashing down in regret his office?
who knew if you could be trusted? if he went, you’d have two harbingers under your thumb. what if you wanted to topple the fatui? what if this was a ploy to get him to trust you? what if you didn’t treat him like you did childe or any of the others, what if you wanted him to laugh and scorn and taunt? what if you wanted him just to see him try and pick himself off the floor where he landed, expecting nothing and yet still disappointed?
what if you wanted him for him?
enveloped in gold, the wanderer could only wish that you would catch him.
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definesanity · 10 months
So Ranni is the one summoning the 'oath-sworn' ghostly summons in Rennala's second phase, yeah? That whole phase is Ranni, but that's not what this is about. That spectral oath-sworn dragon is almost definitely Adula, who swore a knightly oath to Ranni's Dark Moon (also I headcanon Adula as female, but you can ignore that if you want)
Imagine Ranni!Reader tries to demonstrate this summoning ability of theirs (lets say to the Fatui) but because R!R has literal god powers in Teyvat, instead of a ghostly shade of a dragon, they summon Adula in the flesh.
Fatui: *silent shock and awe*
R!R: *also shocked but hiding it better* ...Everyone, this is Glintstone Dragon Adula. I trust ye shall welcome her as ye hath welcomed me...
Adula: *lost in every sense of the word* Where am I and how did I get here???
According to Lannseax's Glaive, ER dragons are also capable of taking human form. Or in Teyvat, a half-dragon form.
The Creator (re)gains a bodyguard in the form of an ice mage wielding a spectral, frosty claymore - a majestic half-dragon with white horns and a white-scaled tail, both of which are studded with strange blue crystals.
Only Teyvat's astrologers, attuned deeply to the stars, notice the life-force of the cosmos themselves radiating from those living crystals. But of course such a creature is blessed in this way, they conclude - she is, after all, the Oath-Sworn Dragon of the Creator, favored even over Morax himself.
How does Zhongli react to this? I'm genuinely asking, because I enjoy seeing people emotionally torture Zhongli in SAGAU, and I like your writing and imagination.
First, thank you for your thoughts; and, for liking my writing :D
Zhongli is a very, very patient man: and above all else, he is not one to be jealous or envious. Only in specific circumstances, like maybe envying Qiqi's ability to forgot, over his own memory, is one example.
The same goes, in this case, for The Creator: He is, at most, disheartened from not being held in highest regards. But, he knows, this is a being from beyond the veil; they, in particular, have a companion just as he did. Difference being, of course, is that while Azhdaha is now imprisoned under the mountains, the Glintstone Dragon Adula is alive and very much well.
Perhaps, then, he is envious of that. But alas, he has long since toned down himself in regards to fanaticism; at the end of the day, Adula is favoured more. And, that is that.
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manikas-whims · 5 months
One look & Mona knew the Traveler's from another world.
One look and she knew the people offering them a ride to Monstadt were actually thieves.
So for Hoyo to make Scaramouche (a Fatui) interact with a woman who immediately knew he was a threat was an interesting choice..
That him as Wanderer hasn't interacted with Mona yet is also quite odd. 🤔
It's not that Hoyo doesn't see the need for them to interact anymore..
[Because Mona was explicitly mentioned during the Sumeru Quest when Scara was helping some scholar and suggested using astrology. To which the scholar replied that according to famous astrologist Mona, we shouldn't misuse astrology like that.]
It's more that if they do meet again Hoyo will have to make the choice of whether she knows Scara erased his past identity or not..
And i have a feeling if they do interact later on, it'll be a sort of a big moment with either Mona knowing exactly what he's done and who he actually is, due to how efficient of an astrologist she is..(and that it'll affect the overall plot somehow..)
Or her not knowing due to some laws of Irminsul but still finding him sus 😆
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Quick errand: Big brother Alhaitham x astrologist little sister reader x Kaveh.
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Age: 14/15 Reader Chan is Alhaitham’s little sister, she has a cryo vision, is a catalyst user and is studying astrology. Kaveh sends her to the tavern for spice but on the way home she runs into trouble luckily big brother Al got out of work on time.
You are sitting in a tree not too far from Sumeru city Sketching out a Star map that your teacher assigned to you.
(Ignore the broom, the book is your catalyst, you have on black nail polish and your wearing a cloak like Venti but in the same color scheme as the outfit.)
As you finished sketching a drop of water hit your paper.
Looking up you saw dark clouds cover the stars and moon as rain went down “I gotta get home anyways Al and Kaveh are probably wondering where I am.” You said quickly putting your sketch book, Star map and pencil case in your bag and then pulling the hood of your cloak up and running towards the city waving at your neighbors and friends “Goodnight Nilou and Layla.” You said running passed the performer and your upperclass woman who waved at you “See you in class Y/N.” Layla said yawning “Hope to see you qt the festival Y/N.” Nilou said waving back as you made your way carefully through the now wet streets of Sumeru city with the lamp posts being your only source of light.
You finally made it to your brothers house that you both shared with his roommate.
When you got in the house you’re surprised to not hear Alhaitham and Kaveh arguing.
You hang your cloak on the rack near the door then called out for your older brother and his roommate “Al! kav! I’m home.” You said walking to put your bag in your room “I’m in the kitchen Y/N but Alhaitham won’t be home in an hour.” Kaveh said walking out of the kitchen with a wooden spoon in his hand wearing his weasel house slippers and a matching apron “Do you mind going to the market Y/N? We’re almost out of spice.” He said giving you some Mora and going back into the kitchen “Sure Kav.” You said walking back towards the door to put your cloak on and heading to the market place “If you see your brother tell him I’m cooking.” He said mixing up chopped vegetables.
You walked into Lambad’s tavern and went up to Lambad at the counter “Ahh welcome Y/N what can I do for you?” He asked “hello Lambad. I’m just getting spice.” You said handing him the Mora “Spice coming up.” He said heading to the back.
As you’re waiting you saw a drunk man slowly walking towards the counter while Swaying and leaving a tip “Better be carful on the way home kid! The Fatui has been active in the city.” He said walking out of the tavern holding his head in his palm “I will thank you.” You said thanking the man as Lambad came out of the back with the spice “Here you are Y/N. The spice.” He said giving you a bag filled with the spice “You know while I’m here I’ll take three rose custards.” You said pointing to the display of freshly made rose custards “certainly.” He said as you gave him the Mora “Here you go.” He said giving you another bag “Thank you Lambad.” You said happily walking out of the tavern with the bags.
When you got out of the tavern you saw that it stopped raining but the streets were still wet, You walked down the streets again for the third time that night determined to get home and hopefully not run into any Fatui but sadly luck wasn’t on your side tonight when you saw four Fatui agents stand in front of you “Hey kid? come join the Fatui! Some one with your skill would make a great addition.” The masked stranger said “Sorry I’m not interested.” You said trying to walk around them but they blocked your way “Hey! You’re the acting grand sages kid sister.” One of the agents said taking out his weapon while you summoned your catalyst ‘Great leaser Lord Kusanali help me.’ You think to yourself preparing to fight “If you want to leave in one piece I suggest you leave my sister alone.” Said a deep and familiar voice making you turn around to see your older brother with his sword out “Crud, let’s go boys.” The leader of the group said running with his goons “Let’s go sis.” Alhaitham said grabbing a bag from you and then your hand.
When you got home Kaveh was seasoning meat “oh good you’re both home.” He said walking over as you held out the bag of spice towards him “Next time check to make sure we have enough spice. There has been Fatui active in the city, Y/N almost got in a fight with some agents tonight.” Alhaitham said when Kaveh shrieked “WHAT!?” And began checking you “Kaveh I’m fine I had my catalyst at the ready incase things went ugly. Oh I brought rose custard for dessert.” You said taking the treat to the kitchen to put in the ice box.
Once dinner was ready you, Your brother and roommate sat and ate “So Y/N how’s your star mapping homework going?” Your brother asked taking a sip of dandelion wine imported from Mondstadt “It’s going well but it started raining when I had finished.” You said “I heard That Layla did hers while sleeping.” Kaveh said “The rumor is true, but our teacher will give us another load.” You said biting on the steak then taking a sip of your Wolfhook juice “She’s one of the most devoted teachers in the academia.” Alhaitham said as you all continue to eat your dinner “And next time Kaveh wait for me to get home before sending Y/N.” Your brother said getting up to wash his plate “I didn’t know the Fatui were in the city and Y/N is old enough to take care of herself she’s had her vision since she was 7.” The ash blond man said as you two took your dishes to wash while you shook your heads from your brother’s and roommates bickering.
After dinner you bathed and changed into your pajamas and then you checked your homework to see that it wasn’t wet and was protected by the books you sandwiched it in between.
Smiling you put the map back in your bag and went straight to sleep hoping that Layla gets a goodnights rest “That girl deserves a vacation away from school work.” You said to yourself falling into a goodnights rest.
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2laffy2 · 5 months
Me: *Randomly watch some genshin impact videos even though I don't play it because i have no patience for the game to get uploaded on my phone*
Me: *look at the fatui Harbinger* Why in the name of the holy Frogs they names are like this *point at Pantalone and Dottore* really who the frog name they Children, Pantalone and Dottore?! (Trousers and Doctor) Omg- 🤣🤣🤣
The Fatui Harbinger be like:
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〈pieró〉 (or Pierrot) sm, fr. [der. of the name Pierre «Peter»; owner «Pierino»]. – Character from Italian comedy in France, who originally represented the type of the foolish servant, who then moved on to French pantomime, where he gradually took on the character of a pathetic and unlucky lover.
Il dottore
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(Unfortunately I can't post more than 10 photos so take this gif of Mr Bean 🙃, you guys can always look for it)
Balanzone, also known as Doctor Balanzone (Dutåur Balanzån in Bolognese), is a mask of Bolognese origin. He belongs to the ranks of the "old men" of commedia dell'arte, sometimes called Doctor Graziano or simply the Doctor.
Native of Bologna, he is the classic "serious", pedantic and presumptuous character. He is a doctor of law: he is in fact the caricature of the learned and pompous Bolognese lawyer. Its very name proves it, in fact Balanzone derives from the Bolognese balanzån, meaning balance, scales, meaning the symbol of the Law. A man with big red cheeks, he has a big belly and usually gesticulates a lot. He wears a small mask that covers only his eyebrows and nose, resting on two large moustaches. His costume represents the dress of the professors of the University of Bologna: black toga, white collar and cuffs, large Bolognese hat, black jacket and cloak. Fussy, quibbling, he finds every little excuse to start one of his endless meaningless speeches. Always ready to boast of his titles, he says he knows every field of human science: right and law first of all, but also history, astrology, philosophy; he talks about these topics in a boring and long-winded way, mixing them into an inextricable tangle. He enjoys a lot of respect among the other masks who often turn to him for legal advice: he does not deny his help but always takes the opportunity to do the thing he likes most: speaking and giving opinions of no value.
Columbina (Colombina)
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Colombina is a Venetian mask from the commedia dell'arte, often the object of attention from her master Pantalone and the cause of Harlequin's jealousy.
The only female mask to stand out among so many male characters is Colombina, a lively and clever servant girl. She's lively, pretty, a liar and is from Venice. She is very fond of her equally young and pretty lady, Rosaura, and in order to make her happy she is willing to commit scam after scam.
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Arlecchino (in Bergamo dialect Arlechì) is a Bergamo mask from the commedia dell'arte.
Identified by his colored lozenge costume, his role is usually that of a carefree and cheerful, but also cunning servant, who acts to thwart the plans of his master Pantalone, in cahoots with his friend Brighella, and to pursue his interest loving, Colombina, with wit and resourcefulness. These characteristics make him assimilate to the typical role of the trickster.
(I'm pretty sure that i made a doll of him when i was in elementary school)
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Pulcinella (derived from Puccio d'Aniello, in Neapolitan: Pulecenella) is a Neapolitan mask of the commedia dell'arte.
Pulcinella embodies the Neapolitan plebs, the simplest man, the one who occupies the last place on the social ladder, the man who, despite being aware of his problems, always manages to come out of them with a smile. He is called to represent the soul of the people and their primitive instincts, he almost always appears in contradiction, so much so that he does not have fixed traits: he is rich or poor, he adapts to do all jobs in addition to being a faithful servant, here he is a baker, innkeeper, farmer, thief and seller of miraculous concoctions, he is either arrogant or cowardly, and sometimes presents both traits at the same time by making fun of the powerful. The quality that best distinguishes Pulcinella is his cunning, and it is precisely with his proverbial cunning that he manages to find the ability to solve the most disparate problems that arise before him, but always in favor of the weakest to the detriment of the powerful. Another famous characteristic of his is that of never being able to keep quiet and this is where the expression “pulcinella's secret” comes from, i.e. something that everyone knows. Pulcinella represents a character who has acquired within himself all the symbols and meanings of the popular and peasant world and has brought to all the scenes of Italian theaters, and beyond, a repertoire rich in movements, gestures, acrobatics, typical dances and rituals of the Neapolitan gestural code. In fact, they accompany him on the theater and carnival scenes: the broom, the horn, the cowbells, elements which for the Neapolitans have a propitiatory value and an antidote against the evil eye and jinx.
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Scaramuccia is a mask from the commedia dell'arte, derived from the Captain: boastful and boastful, he dressed in black according to the uniform of the Spaniards stationed in Naples. In truth, however, the mask was born in Naples with the name Scaramuzza, taking on the form Scaramuccia (Tuscan) in the eighteenth century.
(Oh and there is also a film that its called Scaramouche but it doesn't has nothing to do with the mask i think-)
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Sandrone (Sandróun in Modenese) is the traditional mask of the city of Modena.
Sandrone represents the peasant of the past, rough, but smart and shrewd. He is the spokesperson of the most humble and mistreated people, and always looking for stratagems to make ends meet.
La signora
No mask found, but translated into English means The lady
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Pantalone (in Venetian Pantalón) is a Venetian mask and a character from the commedia dell'arte.
Pantalone initially appears as a vicious old man who undermines the young lovers, the courtesans, more often the servants of the comedy.
represents the typical old, stingy and lustful merchant: his very name is the one typically imposed on the males of the wealthy families of the Serenissima.
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Tartaglia is a mask of the commedia dell'arte, born in Genoa at the beginning of the 1600s. It is similar to that of the doctor, from which it derives.
His main characteristic (hence the name) is stuttering.
Il capitano
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The captain is one of the oldest masks of commedia dell'arte.
Reborn in other forms in the Italian theater of the 1500s, he sometimes personified the noble and imaginative soldier or the vainglorious braggart who boasted of titles he did not possess and of deeds never accomplished: in both cases he actually poorly concealed the terror of having to face a battle or a duel, contrary to what he continually stated in words.
Like they are almost all (-La signora) Italian masks for comedies?! I can't take them seriously anymore 🤣🤣🤣
I don't think that they the personalities match those of the masks but idk anything about them soo~ i could be wrong ^^
If you guys are interested in the Lore of the masks you can just look for them or ask me questions about them if i reamber something
Oh and I used the Google translator because I feel lazy right now
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berryblooo · 2 years
The Sumeru Akademiya, Astrology, and Mona's mysterious origins
(Originally posted on my Twitter on August 27 and 28, 2022.)
Sumeru is exciting for a multitude of reasons, but a major point for me is learning more about astrology from astrologist characters other than our beloved Mona Megistus!
One of the six Darshans of the Akademiya is Rtawahist, a department dedicated to Illuminationism, the study of the stars that includes astronomy and astrology.
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The ex-Grand Sage of the Akademiya was the sage of Rtawahist, Azar. This means that an astrologist was leading the school. You would think this means astrology is a well-respected subject in not just the Akademiya, but Sumeru as a whole. However, it seems that isn't the case.
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The elderly researcher (who refers to himself as an astrologist) implies that they are not being funded well, but that may be a recent thing. There's lots of talk of a secret project (that we now know was the Fatui working with the sages to make a god out of Scaramouche) diverting much attention and money away from other research projects.
Notably, Qushji mentions Hydromancy, the art of divining fate from the stars' reflection in water, which was developed by none other than Mona's master herself! In the 3.x Archon Quests thus far there's been no mention of Mona's master or Mona.
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To my current in game knowledge, it's unclear how much, if at all, Mona and her master are affiliated with the Akademiya and astrologists in Rtawahist.
The newly released character, Layla, an Akademiya student from the Rtawahist Darshan and specializing in theoretical astrology, has this to say about Mona:
Mona Megistus, the Astrologist... Her astrology column in The Steambird is well-known among Rtawahist scholars. Her articles always cover super specialized topics, but can still be appreciated by non-academics. That's no easy feat... Huh? Her name seems to just roll off my tongue? Uh, that's just because... I have a lot of respect for... amazing people.
This seems to imply that Mona (and by extension her master) are independent of Rtawahist and the Akademiya.
Another researcher, Ashk, has a very interesting conversation with the Traveler. He implies that due to human ignorance and therefore error, the truth divined from the stars may be incorrect or misleading. When he asks the Traveler what they think, you receive a reward for choosing the second dialogue option, "Things might not be as they seem..."
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What stuck out to me is the talk of ignorance in the nation of wisdom. Mona's cinematic from her mirage in Summer Fantasia described the crystal bird as, "born in wisdom, but trapped in ignorance".
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Given that this event directly preceded Sumeru, I don't believe the choice in words is a coincidence.
The same researcher goes on to speak about research into constellation. It seems that in order to study those, one must have a Vision. It's still a bit unclear whether only Allogenes have constellations, or everyone does regardless.
Mona's line about constellations implies the former. This exchange is important because it plants the idea that destiny - the past in this instance - can be altered if someone is the one deciding it in the first place.
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This is a reoccurring theme in the game - rewriting fate, challenging destiny. I'm very curious to see if Mona will make an appearance in the Sumeru storyline at some point, and if we'll finally learn more about her master and Hexenzirkel in turn. The set-up is there!
At the beginning of the Sumeru Archon Quest, Haypasia gives us our first introduction to the Rtawahist Darshan. She describes its goals as studing astrology, astronomy and the stars’ link to destiny, who then also try to connect with Irminsul to deepen their knowledge.
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That sounds a lot like Hexenzirkel.
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I've speculated about Mona's master and/or Hexenzirkel possibly being affiliated with the Akademiya. If her master were to have that connection, I wonder why Mona doesn't? We know next to nothing about Mona's origins or past.
We don't even know why she's studying astrology, how she met her master, and how Mona came to study under her. Mona is steeped in mystery, and that's how she's meant to be. Her character introduction on the Genshin Impact website describes her as "a mysterious astrologist".
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Many people assume Mona is from Fontaine because she writes the column "All Things Astrological" for its famed newspaper, The Steambird, but we have no indication of where she came from. Is it Sumeru? Is that where she met her master and studied astrology?
Time will tell!
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ikebo-simp · 1 year
I know there are obvious rich boys, Childe, Ayato and Diluc to name a few, but what about Kaeya probably has money from being Ragnvindr (even if it was in the past) or Thoma? Who is one Ayato's most trusted friends?
I'm just going down the list and writing what I think about their financial situation, and if they can be your wallet
Warning: Long
Albedo is rich, canonically, half of it goes to charity and half goes to cleaning up Klee's messes, even if he took like 5% each time, he'd be rich enough to be your wallet
Alhaitham is also rich, he was rich as a scribe, he's even richer as Acting Grand Sage, he can be your wallet
Amber is comfortable, I like to think that the Knights pay their members well, especially those who have a vision and can easily take care of Hilichurls, not Childe level wallet, but if you wanted to eat meat often, she's got you
Itto.... doesn't have a job, combined with the rest of the Arataki gang, they survive, but um.... yeah... can't be your wallet
Baizhu ripped off the Fatui, yes, he can be your wallet
Barbara, if I remember correctly, is the daughter of the Pope, judging from the large cathedral and it's condition, they're kinda rich
Beidou's rich, she's a pirate! Can be your wallet
Bennett is not rich, but his dads are willing to help!
Candace, I don't know enough about Candace to make a proper judgment, but I figure she's richer than Itto and Bennett
Chongyun's family is full of famous Exorcists, I figure they're rich, can be your wallet
Collei's papa Tigh is probably well off and I think he gives her allowance, also I think Cyno drops off coin pouches for her, in the same area as Amber
Cyno is rich, he's literally the general Mahamatra, why wouldn't he be? Could be your wallet
Dehya is a famous mercenary and gets commissions often, giving her tons of mora, it says so in her story quest, can be your wallet
Diluc is Diluc, can be your wallet and more
Diona's a child and forcing this kid to be your wallet would be child abuse and child labor
Dori can be your wallet, just make sure you know what you're getting into
Eula is from a former noble family, I'm not sure if they have any money left, but even if they didn't, she works for the Knights of Favonious, they pay well
Faruzan could be? I think her bank interest would give her a good amount of extra money, but I don't know, probably financially fine but not able to be a wallet
Fischl either couldn't be your wallet, or so rich, Diluc's money seems small
Ganyu works for Ning, yes she is rich and can be your wallet
Gorou probably gets a decent amount of money? Idk but I would think that Koko gives him money after the war for his hard work, probably couldn't
Hu Tao can afford Zhongli, she can afford to be your wallet
Jean is possible from a noble clan? I'm not sure but her work as Acting Grand Master better be paid well, probably could be your wallet
Kazuha works on the Crux and his mama totally gives him allowance, can be your wallet
Kaeya probably gets paid well, could be your wallet
Ayaka can be your wallet, part of the Kamisatos
Ayato can be wallet, same as above
Kaveh cannot, he is in debt
Keqing can be your wallet, same reason as Ganyu
Klee is a child (2), probably has lots of inheritance money from Alice
Sara is the general of the Raiden Army, yes she can be your wallet
Kuki cannot sadly, she has to clean up after the Arataki gang and pay for bail
Layla probably could in the future after graduating, but I'm not sure now, probably couldn't?
Lisa probably could be your wallet, honestly? She also probably gets bribes from the Akademia to come back, extra funds
Mika is with most of the Knight, decently paid, not extremely so, but could splurge every once in a while
Mona would be rich if she stopped buying astrology stuff, couldn't be your wallet
Nahida probably could ask the citizens of Sumeru for something and they'll give it to her, yesn't?
Nilou could be rich, according to Dori, but like the theater in Sumeru, can't be your wallet, but is cute nonetheless
Ning makes other people rich, yes she can be your wallet
Noelle is well off, like the rest of the Knights
Qiqi is a child (3), but can ask her dad for money
Raiden can ask her vassels, can? be your wallet
Razor cannot, he lives in the woods, what is money
Rosaria probably gets paid by Varka to be a hit man, possibly could?
Kokomi funded like half the war right? Could be your wallet
Sayu's apart of the ninjas for Ayato right? So he better give her enough money, has potential to be your wallet
Shenhe also lives in the wilderness, what is money, could ask her nephew for money or do hard labor jobs, could be your wallet
Heizou is probably decently paid, especially after a important commission, could be your wallet
Sucrose better get paid well, if she doesn't, I'm going to rebel against Albedo, could be your wallet, might splurge on Science stuff
Childe is the og Wallet
Thoma is probably paid nicely by Ayato, and if he needs more, he could just ask, definitely can be your wallet
Aether and Lumine do lots of commissions, they have money to pamper you
Tighnari probably well paid, he probably gets paid for doing stuff in the bimarstan, can be a wallet
Venti is more likely to be in debt than anything else, cannot be your wallet
Wanderer can ask his mama for money, might have a secret stash of money during his time as a harbingers, could be your wallet
Xiangling runs a very famous inn, can be your wallet
Xiao has no money, he rarely interacts with the human world, why would he have money? Xiao can't be your wallet sorry
Xingqiu can afford books, he can afford you
Xinyan, when she hits it off in Liyue, can be your wallet
Yae is rich, definitely can be your wallet
Yanfei runs a law firm, also can be your wallet
Yaoyao is a child (4), also doesn't really know money
Yelan is like... the genderbent version of Childe, wallet
Yoimiya's really popular right? I think her firework shop does well enough that she's comfortable and can splurge every once in a while
Yunjin is also famous, I think she get paid fairly, so possibly could be your wallet
Zhongli physically cannot, as a Archon, maybe, but as a ex-archon? Absolutely not, he has not budgeting skills
A/N Took me too long
Thanks for Reading
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inavagrant · 1 year
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"Tsk..." He is not blushing. He is not admiring the image of this astrological witch which he so happened to get his hands on in total accident. His face is red out of pure unadulterated rage because she dares to challenge his authority. Him. Him, the sixth harbinger of the fatui, the balladeer, the skirmisher even.
He'll show her, one of these days he's going to destroy her and then she will know.
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capriciousleo · 1 year
OKAY GUYS, IT’S HAPPENING!! While I totally love Genshin and the Harbingers, I still am an astrology and tarot account, which means... I will be combining these two and share very interesting series and posts with you all, my lovelies!!
∵ ∴ ∵ ∴ ∵ ∴ ∵ ∴ ∵ ∴ ∵ ∴ ∵ ∴ ∵ ∴ ∵ ∴ ∵ ∴ ∵ ∴ ∵ ∴ ∵ ∴ ∵ ∴ ∵ ∴
Part 2, 3
So, my first post in “Fatui Harbingers Natal Charts” series shall be:
Sun- Gemini
Moon- Capricorn
Mercury- Cancer
Venus- Aquarius
Mars- Capricorn
Rising- Leo
First of all, I would like to say that this man gives heavy earth energy for some reason that I didn’t expect😭. He’s very duty-and-goal-oriented, and you can rely on him to complete his job. Even his short phrase — “Jester, I have completed the task you gave me.” gives very Capricorn vibes. Also, agreeing to the negotiation for killing off his segments for a Gnosis... a pretty frosty Capricorn move — Capricorns will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, and their methods may be shocking to people because of how cold and sharp their decisions can be. And the experiments he makes??💀💀 This man doesn’t feel anything, and it’s also his Venus to blame. But we will get there. Also, the way he hates his time being wasted and he clearly voices this out is another trait of Cappies. However, this doesn’t mean they won’t invest in something that should bring harvest in the future.
It was difficult to pick between Aquarius or Leo rising, but you guys see my verdict lol. Yes, he may come off as disturbingly weird and innovative, but the way he holds himself commands awe and respect — his tone, speech, body motions. Wherever he goes, he takes up the space. Remember his behavior and body language in Sumeru in the scene where he manipulated the citizens — he’s very prideful. He is confident in his abilities and this feeling oozes out of him.
All of the fcked up weirdness, innovativeness, being open to possibilities... I believe it comes from his Aquarius Venus. He enjoys and thrives to learn and experiment on something new. His methods were unacceptable and out of the norm, for which he got expelled from Akademiya and thrown out of Sumeru and he’s still salty abt it lmao. He’s also very detached, which combines with his Capricorn. ‘Emotional intimacy’ is not in his vocabulary — don’t even bother, he will call it ‘silly’, and this being the lightest word I used.
NOW. His Mercury in Cancer... it’s DARK. OKAY?? And I’m sure it’s at a very high degree. I was originally thinking to put Cancer Mars cuz it also fits him, and this placement is completely FCKED UP (many many serial killers have this exact placement and that’s something I found out myself). All of his experiments??? The Underground Arena??? All of the plots and manipulation of literally everyone and everything??? Literally the whole plot revolves around the aftermath of his actions that always affect everyone in Teyvat. And guess what? He is not going to stop nowhere soon. The way he made Scara unlikeable both for regular ppl AND the Fatui members on PURPOSE just so Scara is dependent on HIM AND HIM ONLY. ‘Oh, look, Scara, I am the only one who didn’t turn their back on you and can keep up with you. You have only me.’ Ofc, Dottore needed Scara’s powers. That’s an unhealthy Cancer placement for you. He knows where to press where it hurts the most, and with his Capricorn placements? Oof. He damn knows how to use his words and combine emotions and logic in his manipulations. Dottore is literally a walking “The Traumatizer-3000” machine.
Sun in Gemini is pretty self-explanatory. He is witty, intelligent, unconventional, and enjoys learning and has great oratory skills.
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P.S. Share your takes/ thoughts in comments if you wish! I’d love to discuss tee hee💛 And now, I’ll go watch Zydrate edits of him since they flooded my tiktok fyp fhsksksk. Also, excuse if my writing seems kinda funky and hard to understand, I was writing this at 2 am🤠
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crrvs · 2 years
genshin fandom, I desperately need someone to help me understand how exactly do visions work.
I've seen some theories on what qualities must one have to be granted a vision (or in simpler words: what similarities do people who got visions from the same archons have), so here's what I got so far:
Anemo vision is granted to people who either are carefree (like Venti, Sayu, Heizo) or seek freedom in some way (Xiao seeks freedom from his karma & never-ending battle with the remnants of evil gods, Kazuha from the burden of being the descendant of Kaedehara clan, Jean from her duties as acting grand master).
then there's Sucrose on whom we don't have much information, but my guess is that her form of "freedom" is her experiments which she can perform in her own individual way.
Pyro vision is given to people who have a burning passion for something (Xianling's passion for cooking, Bennett's for adventuring, Amber's for flights, Xinyan's for music and so on). I'd also like to notice that most of Pyro characters have a special connection with their parents/ancestors (Diluc with his dad, Hu Tao with her grandfather, Bennett with his "dads" in the guild, Klee with her mother Alice), which can also be a symbol of something old burning so something new can emerge from the ashes.
I am not entirely sure about this one, but Electro visions are given to people who are extraordinary (and not always in a good way). as we all know, after Makoto's death, Baal struggled to find her place in the world, so she locked herself inside her own mind to maintain eternity. she felt like she did not belong in this world, and this feeling seems to be common for electro vision bearers (Fischl is being rejected because of her vivid imagination, Beidou had to leave her village because people associated her with death, Razor doesn't belong in human world and was forced to leave his pack, Kuki is rejected by her family etc). then of course there are just people who are extraordinary in a good way (like Lisa, Sumeru academy's brightest student in 100 years, Yae Miko, who's both a writer & the Guuji of Narukami shrine, and let's not forget that Beidou took down a giant sea monster without having a vision).
Cryo vision is given to people who, like the Tsaritsa (according to Childe), are the soft souls who had to harden themselves. you can also say that cryo characters all had to go through a heartbreaking situation (Diona had to rescue her father during a storm, Kaeya had to fight the person closest to him, Eula had to leave her clan & join the Knights who were rather suspicious of her, Shenhe had to fight the monster to whom her father tried to sacrifice her, Ayaka lost her mother + we can assume that the vision hunt decree also made a number on her).
Geo vision is given to hardworking (Ninguang became a Quixing despite coming from a poor family, Albedo keeps on progressing in alchemy, Noelle works hard to become a knight, Yun Jin practices hard to be an opera singer) people with strong morals/loyal people (Ninguang has dedicated her life to defend Liyue, Gorou — to Watatsumi & it's army, Itto is very protective of his gang).
I don't really have a theory or even opinion of my own on this one, but I've heard people saying that Hydro vision is given to those who value "purity" or have pure intentions (like Barbara singing for people to feel better/dedicating herself to be a healer, Mona aiming to become an astrologist without ever making astrology a tool to make money, Childe working for the Fatui so his family can live happily, Kokomi fighting the war for people's rights, and, from what limited information we have, Nilou dancing to bring people together because she believes that art is something that is for everyone).
we can't say much about Dendro yet, but, considering the fact that Sumeru is the land of knowledge, I'd say that thirst for knowledge is the thing that dendro characters have in common (Baizhu is an outstanding pharmacist, and Tighnari's voice line pretty much sums his opinion on dumb people).
that's pretty much it. I would really appreciate it if someone could correct me if I'm wrong
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artzemis · 1 year
i like how xinyan is just so likeable that she'll get along with almost anyone.
hell, TWO archons have her respect, she befriended a fatui harbinger, along with a wanderer, an astrologer, a "princess" and her familiar (and i like how xinyan attempted to play along, even if she was a little confused by fischl's antics) and the paper dude from labyrinth warriors and apparently, even sara has xinyan's respect.
once xinyan goes to fontaine for the iridescent tour (?), everyone is going to love her.
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chengli-04112 · 1 year
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pre-canon au in which pre-fatui!scara first meets star descender!aether, an amnesiac outlander that comes crashing in inazuma to help him find his lineage and his memories.
later on, they would fall in love--only for it to get ripped away from the two of them when aether has to continue his journey as the traveler. they would meet later on, in the midst of an astrological phenomenon in mondstadt... it just seems that aether doesn't remember his past lover, kunikuzushi--who was now named scaramouche and was out to kill and have his head on a platter.
🔗 https://archiveofourown.org/works/43292092 / "the sun is also a star" on ao3 (same user: kunisorabot)
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freminetsdad · 10 months
Random baseless theories and headcanons that I don't remember how I came up with.
Sayu's old master left to join the Fatui.
Scaramouche total had a palanquin during his time as a harbinger.
Kaeya immediately noticed the interteyvats in Traveler! Lumine's hair during the storm terror thing.
One time at a festival in Mondstadt back when Kaeya was just brought in by Crepus, Kaeya made eye contact with Venti as he was performing and bolted the other direction.
Fischl reads through Mona's astrology books to get new ideas for her fantasies.
Paimon was actually hired by the Abyss Twin 500 years ago to find the Traveler and look after them, only once they were reunited and at full power would the Abyss Twin give Paimon her payment.
Diluc sometimes has nightmares where he actually killed Kaeya and goes into protective big brother mode right after.
Even though Diluc knows Kaeya is Khaenri'ahan, he hasn't grasped the fact that this means Kaeya was born 500 years ago and is the older brother. Kaeya hasn't told him either because he thinks Diluc already knows or he doesn't wanna make Diluc sad that his little brother isn't actually littler than him.
Cyno once told Wanderer a your mom joke and he busted out laughing and agreed with him.
Xiao gets territorial over Wangshu Inn since he's a bird and scares away all other birds.
Thoma can do that thing where you smell that it's about to rain and it confuses everyone in Inazuma.
Kaeya sometimes helps Ella Musk study the Hillichurl language.
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dendrosys · 2 years
Hello maybe scaramonabedo naps 🥱 ? (am i i doing this right i-)
this turned out alot longer than i expected it to ,, enjoy
In the months since Scaramouche ran off with the electro gnosis, he’s had surprisingly good luck with finding a home. While wandering up the lonely mountain of Dragonspine he stumbled upon an uninhabited space. It looked like someone lived there sometime in the past, the torches weren’t lit so he assumed it had been long enough for him to move in. He wasn’t very vulnerable to the cold, but he wrapped himself in the blankets that were lying around anyways. Though the cold didn't affect him much, he still felt the mental fatigue of wandering the mountain. On the tables and walls there were papers with what seemed to be research papers. He feared for a moment that he’d accidentally stumbled into some sort of workshop of Il Dottore’s…but no, that type of man has no need for blankets. Scara looked over the papers. The ones on the walls focused more on alchemy and some of the paper on the table went more into astrology.
“How trivial.” He scoffed.
He looked around some more and found some very intricate paintings, along with some that looked like they were drawn by a child.
“Hm.. a family man maybe.”
From the entrance, he heard a very neutral,
“Oh, it's been a while since someone has wandered in here.”
Scaramouche, covered in blankets, slowly turned to see who was there.
There were two people, one being a short man with light blonde hair, and the other being a woman around the same height with dark purple hair and a questionable get-up. He slightly recognized the woman, and she recognized him even more.
She looked like she was preparing to attack him, but the man accompanying her put his arm out to stop her.
“Harbinger ? Mona, I doubt a Fatui Harbinger would be camping out here covered in blankets.”
“No ! He really is a Harbinger ! I’ve seen him before !”
Scara rubbed his temple.
“Not even a few hours of being here and I’ve already been found out.”
“I am the person you’re thinking of-“
“SEE ?”
“I wasn’t finished.” He scowled for a moment, then tried to relax his face. He wasn't a big fan of being interrupted but he needed to get out of this situation without any trouble. “Though I am who you’re thinking of, I'm no longer.. affiliated with the Fatui.”
Mona groaned and summoned some sort of blue circle and looked back and forth between him and it.
“Well.. he isn't lying.”
Scara finally realized where he knew her from and stifled a laugh.
“Oh, you’re that astrology girl”
“Yes, I am. What of it ?”
“Nothing at all. Now, I’ll be on my way.”
Scara started to put all of the blankets back where he found them.
“Hold on.” The man accompanying Mona lightly grabbed his shoulder. “You should come with us. If you’re resorting to camping out on a mountain you clearly need somewhere to stay.”
“There is absolutely no way I am letting him into my apartment, Albedo !”
“Our apartment. And I’m paying your rent. He has enough sense to leave the Fatui… let’s give him a chance.”
Mona crossed her arms. Scaramouche chuckled a bit and kept putting the blankets away.
“That’s very charitable of you, but I’ll pass.”
“I’ll let you take the blankets if you come.”
And that’s how Scara ended up living with a scientist and his astrologist girlfriend. The next two months consisted of lots of bickering, Albedo trying to get the two to spend time together, Scaramouche occasionally stealing Mona’s hat and hiding it somewhere, and many other things. But at some point, they started shifting into the two of them (begrudgingly) getting along, Albedo bringing Scara along on their dates, Scara sleeping with the two of them some nights. There was still bickering and arguments, and the two still glared at each other at night when they accidentally made contact while holding Albedo… but they were getting along.
One morning, Mona and Scara were attempting to cook together.
“Scara no- no no, not like that- you’re going to get egg yolk everywhere.”
Mona took the egg from him and cracked it against the side of a bowl, instead of on the counter like he was about to do. Scara scoffed.
“Did the stars tell you how to do that, star girl ?”
“UGH ! It’s Mona Megistus ! I’ve told you a million times !”
“A pretentious name for an equally pretentious profession.”
“SAYS THE FATUI HARBINGER ! Oh WAIT.” Mona scoffed. “No wonder you can't even crack an egg.”
Scaramouche turned red, and was about to unleash some gnarly insults on Mona.
“If you two keep arguing then the food will burn.”
They both grunted and kept working on the meal. They ate with Albedo and made a few snarky comments at each other throughout the meal.
Albedo finished his meal and cleared his throat.
“I’d be surprised if you two really hated each others cooking as much as you say you do. Considering you both finished the entire bowl.”
The two of them spurted out an embarrassed “Well-“, but Albedo wasn't having it.
“Shh. I need to go up to the mountain for a while. Can I trust you two to not tear each other apart in my absence ?”
They both nodded, and Albedo gave them both a kiss on the cheek before leaving.
They were surprisingly good at simply existing together in silence. Mona worked on her astrology columns and Scara worked on a gift for Klee. Albedo had asked him to make something and well, he had nothing better to do.
When he finished the gift he wrapped it up and went into the bedroom to lay down. Mona joined him later on. She laid down on the other side of the bed, facing away from him.
“Mona… could you.. move over ?”
“Move over ? Do you want me to fall off ?”
“I meant.. the other way.”
She turned over to face him, staring at him for a moment before moving closer to him.
“Is there a reason you’re doing this ?”
“It’s what Albedo wants.”
“But is it what you want ?”
His face scrunched up and turned a little red.
Mona summoned her scryglass.
“Well… you aren't lying.”
They shared a quiet laugh and closed their eyes, falling asleep together.
Albedo returned home later that afternoon to see them sound asleep together. He smiled and carefully slid into bed with them. It felt nice not being squished in the middle for once.
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