#extinct shark
ppaleoartistgallery · 15 days
Paleostream 18/05/2024
here's today's #Paleostream sketches
today we drew Qianzhousaurus, Yezoteuthis, Shastasaurus, and Ptychodus
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willtheweaver · 7 months
Just like the last time, all animals will behave as they would in nature (or as close to for all extinct species) the only difference is that your defender(s) will avoid causing friendly fire. However, any attempt to harm and/or eat your defender(s) will cause them to turn on you.
Also thought it wise to specify specific options to avoid confusion and people trying to bend the rules. (Sorry if I’m sounding like a party-pooper)
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
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Daily fish fact #465
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This extinct shark species grew to be around 3 meters (10~ feet) and inhabited swamps and other freshwater habitats! They had a spike on their head, which is suspected to have been used for protection.
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vivitalks · 2 months
not tryna make a judgment call but it is inchresting to me that there's a whole arc in ethersea where they're trying to prevent multiple extinctions of various species and literally blow up and murder people who are eagerly trying to usher in said extinctions. and then like 5 seconds later make the entire blink shark species go extinct
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lastingocean · 1 year
There are more than 1000 species of sharks and rays worldwide. Sharks are apex predators in the ocean and they keep the ecosystem balanced. With decreasing populations, many ecosystems are becoming unbalanced leading to an increase in species that otherwise would have low populations and increased invasive species with no predators.
Due to overfishing and bycatch, some species are on the verge of extinction. Some threatened species include:
The great white shark (classified as vulnerable)
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Whale sharks (classified as endangered by the IUCN)
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The great hammerhead (classified as critically endangered)
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Dusky sharks are officially endangered. They are highly sought after for finning(a practice where fishermen catch and cut the fins from shark ,throw them back into the ocean defenseless to prey ,bleeding out and unable to properly float).
Sand tiger sharks are classified as critically endangered. They have 1-2 pups every two to three’s years making it much more harder for their populations to naturally replenish.
Ganges shark-very rarely seen and it is estimated that approximately 250 of this species are alive. They are true river sharks(can inhabit freshwater) and a unique threat to them is pollution.
To give these sharks and many others a fighting chance,sustainable fishing practices should be enforced and ecosystem pollution should be reduced.
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circadiancrunch · 10 months
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Shameless plug as we get closer to the end~ Link here These are 2 of my previously produced designs. They were both guest designs I was invited to make, so I wanted them to mirror each other. Extinct birds and extremely endangered fish. I dunno if I mentioned it last time, but the orange fish, the Golden Skiffia was extinct in the wild until last year. 1200 were reintroduced and they're supposed to be monitored for 5 years. Hopefully they make it! Reintroductions aren't often successful, but I'd love it if these little guys beat the odds.
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lazyrockbadger · 1 year
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i think im funny
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critterzoology · 3 months
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A Hybodus that I illustrated for an upcoming issue of the Steinkern Magazine under guidance of Sebastian Stumpf. Most reconstructions get the horns wrong. (image ID: A watercolour painting of a slender shark with serrated spines on its dorsal fins and four horns on its head.)
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Extinct Disney Parks and Attractions tournament round 1: Group A1
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Reminder, you don't have had to experience any of the attractions/experiences to vote! Just read in the info and/or watch the vid,then vote for which you wish you would have experienced more/which sounds cooler!
Videos and propaganda/info dumping under cut
Shark Reef at Typhoon Lagoon: 1989-2016
YOU COULD SNORKEL WITH SAFE SHARKS YOU GUYS! WITHOUT AN UP-CHARGE! (I believe there was a side where you could pay to stay longer or something? Or have a longer experience privately or something, idk) It was so cool. You rented snorkling gear and swam across a pool with real fish and sharks. You could go in the sub and watch from there if you were too scared, and it had fun creaking sound effects in it. I remember seeing it in Disney Singalong Songs: Mickey's Fun Songs: Beach Party and I was obsessed with it but too scared to do it for the longest time, but thankfully I did before they closed it! When I came back the parks after like 7 years, I was devastated to see it gone/just have the top of the sub left. Now it is literally just sand with a bunch of beach chairs D:
Kim Possible: World Showcase Adventure: Epcot (2009-2012)
"never got to experience this one myself but as a diehard kim possible fan I gotta submit it"
Guys, this was so freaking cool and unique. And while the base of this still exists as Agent P's World Showcase Adventure and now Ducktales, this was the superior version. You literally got a Kimmunicator! But like Wade would contact you for secret mission around world showcase and your device would activate certain interactive things hidden in world showcase, and gave you clues for each mission! Like hidden stuff would appear only when you had your Kimmunicator and stuff at the right spot. It was so cool!
Here is an overview of how stuff worked/good info on it
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sharkest-sharks · 1 year
Megalodon really existed. That was a thing nature did. Big Shark. Gianormous, if you will.
nature woke up one day and went shark. but make it Big.
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willtheweaver · 9 months
Yeah I know this poll is a little apex predator heavy, but to be frank, most sea creatures (living and extinct) would amount to nothing more than fish/whale/ichthyosaur/shark, etc. fodder and that would not make for a fun poll.
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sombertide-0 · 11 months
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wow y'all seem to really like the first batch, here's another! they're super fun and simple to make, don't hesitate to leave some requests too!
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Hainosaurus boubker Vs Thalassotitan atrox
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Primal_art_saurus on Instagram has illustrated a spectacular piece!
(PDF) First Record of a Tylosaurine Mosasaur from the Latest Cretaceous Phosphates of Morocco (researchgate.net)
Our new species paper is free to read!
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fuzzydreamin · 1 year
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That's called a shark, Danse.
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What're your top 5 favorite animals (real or fictional) (bonus points if you explain why)
omg okay i’m not gonna include extinct cause that wasn’t listed BUT
5. American Alligator - from florida, i think it’d be sin if it wasn’t on my top 5
4. Lemon Shark - They’re sharks, they’re yellow, they don’t really attack humans, they get favorites, they get jealous if their human pets another shark
3. Red-winged blackbird - pretty, i have seen them from Canada to Costa Rica, i just love that no matter where i’ve been (which isn’t a lot but still) they’re there
2. American Kestrel - We have one at my local sanctuary that can’t be released, she’s adorable, makes cute noises, and is the smallest bird of prey in North America (pygmy falcon is smallest in the world, pretty sure it lives in Africa)
1. SHOEBILL STORK - i love these fuckers so much. they look like dinosaurs, they’re normally 4 feet tall, have an 8 foot wingspan, bow, aren’t aggressive to humans, and when they clack their beaks they sound like machine guns. We have them at my local zoo and GOD JUST LOOK AT THEM
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