#except i need to be hairier
wildfangz · 6 months
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kinda cunty
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Imagine fitting in with Shanks's family
I had no idea what I should do for the title, sorry if it sucks.
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Buggy: I don't know why I bother coming to these things, no one ever pays enough attention to me except Shanks.
Shanks: That's because we're brothers, and I love you man. *Goes in for a hug*
Buggy: *slaps a hand on the red head's face and pushes him away* We're not even related you ding-dong, and I certainly don't love you.
Rayleigh: *glares at the clown* Family isn't always blood, boy.
Buggy: ugh fine *lets Shanks hug him*
Shanks: *nuzzles his face against Buggy*
Buggy: Stop that, I already got an exfoliation treatment at the spa. I don't need any more from your patchy ass beard, ya big lummox!
Shanks: at least I can grow facial hair!
Buggy: I can grow facial hair!
You: Oh please, I'm hairier than you, you over-grown twink.
Shanks: But not me! Look it *rips open his shirt to display his chest hair sending buttons flying everywhere*
You: I'm not sewing those buttons back on
Buggy: Who's this lovely creature?
Shanks: This is my partner
You: Howdy.
Buggy: You poor thing
You: It's not so bad with Benn around.
Benn: yeah, without me, they woulda left him ages ago.
Shanks: truly?
You: of course not
Shanks: *kisses you before turning to Rayleigh*
You: *nods and rolls your eyes at Buggy*
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That night after dinner
Shanks: *climbing a try while drunk off his ass*
Benn: *trying to coax him down*
You: *looks up at Rayleigh* he used to bite people as a child, didn't he?
Rayleigh and Buggy: *laughing so hard they cannot stand up straight*
Shakky: *snorts in amusement*
Shanks: *suspicious* what'shl going on?
Rayleigh: he did! He did bite people as a child!
Buggy: look look, *lifts his shirt up and points at crescent shaped scar on his hip* He bit me here when we were seven, because I ate the last chocolate bar on the ship, and we were a week away from any port.
Shanks: I still stand by that decision, you knew better.
Shakky: As did you, when you bit him. I'm still mad at you because he ruined a perfectly good table cloth when I was stitching him up
Shanks: I'll get you a new table cloth.
Shakky: no, thanks, I'd rather hold it over your head for the rest of your life.
Shanks: don't you mean the rest of your life?
You: honey, please, she'll out live all of us, especially you.
Shanks: you're supposed to be on my side.
You: I'd be on your side if you weren't wrong.
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evilwickedme · 10 months
When I was in twelvth grade my school brought in a trans man to talk about his experience and I wanted him to know so bad that I had changed my name and that I accepted him and I was weirdly jealous in a way I did not understand bc I was perfectly happy being a teenage girl, right? In eleventh grade I decided I wouldn't shave my legs for a year because I was sick of beauty standards and then my dad time me I was hairier than him so obviously there was something wrong and when I got diagnosed with pcos my parents dragged me to laser hair removal, and then reminded me I needed to keep going every few months. I kept going, even though I hated it. I miss my leg hair. When I was 15 I changed my name. When I was 18 I shaved my all the hair on my head off even though I'd always loved my curls because they were too damaged to deal with anymore, and when a haredi man approached me to ask me if I wanted to put on tefillin, mistaking me for a boy, I spent the rest of the week strangely giddy and entirely unable to take it out of my mind, even though he'd immediately taken it back. I used to say before I came out as bi that I was an ally and didn't want to speak over queer voices, and I said the same thing about trans people, but I kept feeling like I had some much to say, like this mattered in ways I couldn't put into words. I've wanted a hysterectomy for years, and was devastated to learn it's incredibly unlikely that a doctor would agree to perform the procedure, since I was a young woman.
I thought, again and again, about that man. He thought he was a lesbian for the longest time. He used to avoid gendering himself, even in an incredibly gendered language, had gotten so used to it it came naturally. His partner considered herself a lesbian, except for him. I didn't know how to feel about that. What does it mean to keep your identity static when the people you love change around you. Is it easy to accept?
I changed my pronouns to she/they, then they/them, then in Hebrew I said please pick either she/her or he/him but stick to one or the other, then I said stick with he/him in Hebrew, then I switched to they/he. I said I was a demigirl, then I said I was nonbinary but didn't feel comfortable being called trans, then I started applying the trans umbrella to myself, then I said was transmasc. Around me so many of my friends were transitioning, mtf, ftm, exploring using gender neutral pronouns before settling back on their agab, exploring gender neutral pronouns and stopping there. A friend of mine told me that they were jealous of me because I was so sure of my identity as a person in their early twenties, while they were thirty and only just discovering themself. Did I know my identity? I wasn't sure. Another friend told me, they're currently nonbinary but they could see a future where they detransition. I cannot understand why my mtf friend was so sure she's a girl, when I didn't know, I had no clue, I didn't know where to go from here.
I thought of that man again.
I wanted to take my tits off and put them back on again and take them off again, just to see how it felt. I bought a binder, I told my parents it's just to fit into my button up shirts. I hadn't worn a dress or a skirt since the year after I graduated high school. I stopped wearing bras. I wore a button up shirt and a blazer whenever I could. I tried to find myself in the performance of gender.
I changed my named when I was just about to turn to fifteen, and a teacher followed me from middle school to high school, and she asked me if I was still going by that, cause she wasn't sure if I'd meant it, if it would've stuck. It stuck for ten years, even as I asked myself, is this really what I want? Is this my name? Would it be okay if I changed my name again, is it allowed? I told everyone who'd listen it's okay to changed your name for any reason, at any time.
I don't remember that man's name. I don't remember most of his story. I remember picturing him walking around, remember wishing I could pretend I wasn't a girl just for an evening. I wanted...
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stvharrngton · 1 year
caramel ii
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a/n: sooooo i finally finished the part 2 to caramel (only a shocking 4 months after i posted the original oops 🤡) but here it is! just some lovely exes to lovers, angst to smut for you. read part 1 here.
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 3.7k
warnings: smut, 18+ minors dni, orał (f receiving), exes to lovers, angst to smut
taglist: @sweetiestevie​ @dukesmebby​ @sw34terw34ther​ @sweetbabygirlsworld​
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Steve tossed and turned all night. Legs restless and the comforter not quite warm enough on his body. That and the fact you and he were separated by a measly wall.
He thought about crossing the threshold of your room several times in the night, so desperate to feel you in his arms again, to smell the familiar scent of your shampoo that lingered on your hair, to feel your heartbeat against his chest.
But you needed space, and time, and Steve would respect that. He had to.
Steve sighed, giving up on getting any kind of sleep, glancing at the small alarm clock that stood on the bedside table. 7:56am. Ugh.
Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, fingers carding through his soft locks. His ears pricked up at the sound of you pottering about next door.
He tiptoed the short way down the hall to your bedroom, raising his fist to knock your door cautiously. Steve tapped his knuckle against your door twice, “Hey, you awake?” he whispered.
“Yeah, I’m up.” you cleared your throat, “You can come in.”
Twisting the doorknob he stepped inside your bedroom. It was exactly the same as he remembered, except now the walls and shelves were missing the pictures of you together that you cherished so much. It made Steve gnaw on his lip.
“You sleep okay?” you asked, snapping his gaze back to you.
He shrugged, hand coming to rub at the back of his neck, “Eh, who needs a good nights sleep anyway.”
You chuckled at his sarcasm. Eyes glued to the way his bicep bulged as he stretched his arm, how his chest was a little hairier than you remembered, his stomach a little more toned. It was hard not to stare.
Suddenly you remembered where you were, how you were supposed to be taking things slow. “Bathroom’s all yours, Harrington. I’m gonna go make some breakfast.”
Steve’s breath caught in his throat as you rushed past him down the stairs, your hand lingering on his bicep for just a second, his skin left tingling from your touch.
Whilst Steve desperately tried to wash his thoughts down the drain along with your shampoo, you busied yourself with breakfast. Setting a carton of eggs on the counter as you popped the bread in the toaster. A fresh pot of coffee ready for brewing, you found yourself slipping into old routines.
Everything was conflicting. You knew what you wanted, well, what you eventually wanted but you still weren’t really sure where you both stood. Were you and Steve back in a relationship? Were you dating, just friends?
You had no idea.
None of this crossed your mind when you asked Steve to stay last night. Hell, why would it have? The guy you swore blind you were going to spend the rest of your life with was about to leave your grasp for a second time and you just couldn’t let that happen.
Even though he broke up with you, broke your heart, you missed Steve. A lot. It would be way too easy to fall back into step with one another. Find your way into each other’s arms every night, Steve’s lips finding yours in the darkness of your bedroom.
Way too easy, you thought to yourself.
But you couldn’t. You’d built walls since your breakup with Steve and you’d have to chip away at them to go back to the way things used to be so easily. It would be hard work to build that trust again, but you were willing to do it all again. For Steve.
You were too caught up in your thoughts to realise that the scrambled eggs were beginning to stick to the pan, the toast ready a minute ago, Steve calling your name from the threshold of your kitchen.
“Y’okay?” He asked as he busied himself with buttering the toast, two plates ready for the both of you. Steve’s brows were pinched together at your thoughtful appearance, concern lacing his features.
“Peachy.” You nodded, letting the pan clatter into the sink after you served the eggs on top of the toast. You didn’t mean to sound overtly blunt but your head was foggy.
“Right,” Steve muttered, working quick to scurry over to the table before you threw anything else around the kitchen, including him.
You ate in silence, the only sound the scraping of your forks against the plates. The tension from last night had resumed, thick and heavy in the air. You hated it, it made you feel nauseous but you knew you had to work through it if you were to come out clean on the other side.
Steve sighed, teeth gnawing on his bottom lip in frustration. Steve knew he had a lot of work to do, a lot to make up for. An apology would be a good start.
“Do you—do you wanna talk about it?” He asked quietly, gaze not quite meeting your own.
“About the breakup?” You glanced up at him quickly, eyes falling to his outstretched palm across the table. Conveniently placed as if he was waiting for you to place your hand in his.
Steve nodded but cursed when you asked him why. What reason could he possibly have to end your relationship when you both seemed so happy together? And you were, you were happy. Steve loved you, was in love with you, even. But the thoughts in his head were a little too overwhelming.
He sighed, moving his leftover eggs around the plate, purposefully avoiding your stare. Every time he parted his lips to speak he would zip them shut again. A hand carding through his hair as he pushed his chair back as if he was going to get up and leave.
You reached your hand across to his, essentially bringing him back to you. He snapped his gaze to you, eyes wide and full of panic. You could only squeeze his hand before you spoke,
“Hey,” your voice was smooth, it was soft and calming, something Steve always appreciated, “it’s okay. You can tell me, I can handle it.”
You had a suspicious feeling you already knew the reason. You heard the way his father spoke to him, how he constantly knocked Steve down a peg. Steve’s dad liked you for some reason, something about how you came from a good family, got good grades but that ultimately made you too good for not-so-good Steve Harrington.
Spat out like venom every time they would argue until Steve started to believe his father’s cruel words over your loving ones. Next you knew you weren’t together anymore and you were crying into a pint of ice cream every night.
“I—fuck, I just thought that I was dragging you down, y’know?” Steve spoke quietly, voice shy and small, “Knew I wasn’t good enough for you really, I mean fuck, you’re perfect.”
“Steve,” you sighed, “you know none of that is true.”
He only shrugged, eyes focused on the pattern of the table cloth, his thumb grazing over your hand absentmindedly.
“I love—I loved you Steve,” the boy across from you winced as soon as the past tense left your mouth, “you shouldn’t care what your Dad thinks about you, cause I sure didn’t. You were my favourite person on Earth and that’s all that should have mattered. Not your Dad’s stupid opinion of you.”
You sighed again as made your way over to the sink with your plates. Steve followed in tow, you almost expected him to be on his knees when you turned back around.
“I know, I know,” he started again, hands raking through his damp hair, “shit—I messed up bad, and I—“
“I can’t do all that again another two years down the line, Steve.”
You spoke matter-of-factly, a statement so simple that carried so much hurt and emotion. And when you eventually did turn around to face him, a solemn look on your face and a bottom lash-line wet with tears, Steve threw all caution out the window and was spurred into action.
He stepped toward you, one large palm pressed against your bicep, the other reaching out to tuck your hair back behind your ear.
“I’m not—“ he sighed, “I wouldn’t do that to you again, I can’t. I promise, I’m not going anywhere. You’re it for me, sweetheart.”
You drank in the sincerity of his words along with the pet name, a soft smile threatening to tug at your lips as you nodded. “That’s good.” You managed to squeak out.
You didn’t miss the way his eyes flicked down to your lips before shooting back up to your eyes in case he got caught, how his nostrils flared a little as he breathed or how his eyes went all dazed and love-sick.
So when Steve asked if he could kiss you, voice low with a rasp, you weren’t all that surprised. I need time, you thought to yourself, your words from last night ringing loud in your head. But fuck, Steve was right there with his soft lips and you missed him and you really, really wanted to kiss him.
You felt Steve cup both your cheeks now as you nodded timidly, foreheads pressed together as he brushed the tip of his nose along the slope of yours. Your eyelashes fluttered, a breath hitched in your throat as he pressed his lips to yours.
The kiss was soft and slow. Neither of you barely moved your lips but it still lit that same spark in you, like a fire had been reignited. Steve pulled away from you with a content sigh before pressing a final peck to your lips.
You both stared at each other for what felt like an age, eyes hazy and tongues darting out to wet lips. Steve smiled softly at you, a cheeky smirk tugging at his lips as you returned it with your own.
Fuck it, you thought as you fisted the faded t-shirt that covered Steve’s chest, pulling him back to you as you crashed your lips back to his. It was heated, hotter, messier, wetter. His hands flew to your waist and around the small of your back as he pulled your body flush against his own.
Your hands traveled up his chest to around his neck, fingers tickling the hairs at the nape of his neck as Steve licked into you all pretty. Hands wandering underneath your sleep shirt, fingertips pressing into your skin and yeah, it felt good to have his touch on you again.
Steve squeezed your waist as he brought his lips to your neck, teeth nipping at that spot beneath your ear, tongue swirling to soothe the mark.
“Is this okay?” He breathed against your skin.
“Yeah, yes, Steve. Fuck.” Your eyes fluttered closed as you clutched his shoulders for purchase.
“Yeah?” He asked again, “Missed you so much.”
You brought the boy out from your neck with a soft tug to his hair, lips finding him once more. “Yeah, s’ok Stevie,” you mumbled between kisses, “missed you more.”
“Mm,” he chuckled into your kiss, hands skimming down your body until they stopped at the back of your thighs, “let me show you?”
You sighed against his mouth as you nodded, arms wrapping around his neck, your feet crossed at the small of his back as Steve lifted you. He carried you over to the dining table where you’d just eaten and sat you on the edge.
Steve ran his hands over your body over your shirt, hands cupping your tits over the material. They stopped at the hem of your shorts, fingers hooking over the waistband as he pulled subtly, urging you to lift your hips from the table.
You did as requested as Steve pulled your shorts and underwear off in one. His large palms held you at your knees, gently pushing your legs apart as he knelt down between them. Steve sucked in a breath at the sight of you, pussy pretty and wet for him.
“Oh, look at you. Missed this pretty little pussy.” He spoke softly, his warm breath against you went straight to your sensitive core. Steve swiped a single digit through your folds, collecting your slick before his eyes flitted up to you once more.
“Let me make you feel good? Baby?” He’d asked.
You keened at his words, lips pursed together as you nodded eagerly. “Please, Steve.” You breathed.
Steve wrapped his arms around your thighs, pulling you right to the edge of the table. He leaned in to press soft kisses to your inner thighs before he pressed a quick kiss to your clit.
You whined out at the sensation because yeah, it had been six long months without Steve and no one would ever compare to him. Steve was intoxicating and addictive. He knew exactly what buttons to push and exactly where to put his lips and hands.
Steve flattened his tongue to lick a stripe up your core, before switching to kitten licks. His tongue lapping at your juices, his eyes closed and brow pinched together as he groaned softly into your cunt. You leaned back on your hands as your head rolled back in pleasure, shaky moans sneaking past your lips.
Wrapping his lips around your clit, he sucked obscenely. Noisily slurping at the bud until you were crying out, a hand lifting off the table to curl your fingers through his messy locks. You tugged and tugged until Steve moaned out gruffly at the pain, fingers digging into your doughy thighs.
“Steve, please.” You breathed out, hips grinding onto his tongue on the edge of the table.
You whined as Steve pulled off you momentarily, replacing his tongue with his index finger pushing past your hole, a quick kiss to your clit before he spoke.
“Come on, pretty girl.” He cooed, finger pumping in and out of you at a quick pace, “You gonna cum for me?”
“Yeah, please, fuckfuckfuck.” You mumbled, a breathy whine as Steve’s lips came back to your clit, his finger now curling to stroke that spot you always liked.
Steve sucked a little harder, pushed his finger in a little faster to have you falling apart above him. You glanced down at him quickly, the mess of hair between your thighs, his warm honey eyes glowing up at your own only pushing you closer to your orgasm. And with one particular suck of your clit it all came crashing down.
Your orgasm washed over you like a heavy tidal wave, hips bucking off the table as your fingers tugged at Steve’s hair, pushing his face right into your pussy. You moaned loudly, breath hitching in your throat as you moaned out Steve’s name and curses under your breath.
Steve lapped gently at your core, fingers massaging your thighs soothingly until you whimpered at the stimulation. You pulled him back up to you by his hands, finger and thumb pinching his chin as you pressed your lips to his, the taste of yourself on his tongue.
You keened softly as he placed his hand on your hip, thumb drawing circles over the skin there. Your eyes were hazy as Steve pulled away from you, drunk on him and utterly love-sick. You were mad to think you could take things slow again, not when he looked at you like that and touched you like he did.
He wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand with a smirk, “You taste good.” He said, a breath against your lips as his hand wandered back between the apex of your thighs.
You whimpered into his kiss as his fingers circled your clit, your chest caving in as your hips jolted against his fingers. Your hands rested against his chest, travelling lower until they reached the hem of his t-shirt, pulling upwards until it reached the top of his stomach. Steve pulled his hands away from you only to rid himself of his shirt, throwing it on the floor aside your shorts and panties.
Your bottom lip found its way between your teeth, your eyes glued to the thick smattering of hair across his chest. Your nails raked through the coarse hair decorating his pecs, down to his happy trail, fingers curling around the waistband of the sweatpants you lent him.
“Eyes are up here, hon.” Steve taunted, finger hooking under your chin.
You felt the heat creep up your neck, eyes skirting around trying to land on anything but Steve’s chest. You stammered, “Sorry, I just–you’re so… you’re so hairy now.”
He responded with a chuckle, a jest that made his cheeks burn and his eyes crinkle at the side, “You like it, hm?”
“Yeah,” you giggled, hiding your face in his shoulder with a kiss to his skin, “I do.”
He pulled you back into him with a kiss. Softer, slower. A kiss that said I need you, a kiss that said nothing but everything all at once. The grip you had on his waistband grew tighter, your tongue pushing past his lips as you licked into him. You sighed into Steve’s lips as the urge to have him all grew larger.
“What do you want, baby? You can tell me.” Steve whispered, his cock hard and aching beneath his boxers.
“You, Steve.” You whimpered, a shallow whine tumbling past your lips, fingers delving beneath his sweats, hand ghosting over his cock, “Want you.”
“Shit–yeah?” Steve swallowed the lump in his throat, hands pushing at his pants and boxers until they pooled around his feet. Fingers wrapping around his heavy cock, eyes fluttering closed at the promise of you wrapped around him.
He spat in his palm, slicking his cock up ready for you. Steve teased his head at your clit, a ministration that made you keen. He pressed his lips to yours and he pushed his cock past your entrance. The stretch had you both crying out into each other’s kiss, fingers pushing into each other’s skin.
You squeezed his shoulders, a mumble of ‘move, please’ breathed against his lips. Steve began to roll his hips into yours slowly, his thrusts were deep but steady. A rhythm that had you whining out in pleasure.
One of Steve’s hands remains at your hip, the other reaching for your face. His fingers tangled in your hair, thumb stroking at the apple of your cheek. His hips never stopped as he rested his forehead against your own, big brown eyes boring into your own.
“You know,” Steve spoke softly, “never stopped thinking about you. All this time? Fuck.” He scoffed, eyes rolling before a soft smile painted his lips, “And not just about getting to fuck you like this again, shit, just you. Having you, being with you.”
Steve’s thrusts picked up the pace, cock stretching you wide as he fucked into you deep. You admired how Steve always managed to have such a motor mouth when he was buried deep inside you, when you were reduced to a moaning mess with tears welling in your eyes.
“I mean, fuck baby, you’re my everything. Y’know?” He continued, fingers digging into the flesh of your hip, a grip that would leave pretty lavender bruises in the evening, “And I love you, never stopped loving you.”
You whimpered at his words, “Steve–,” you choked out a sob, half because of his confession, half because of how his thick cock was fucking in and out of you. Your walls clenched around him, fingernails leaving pretty crescent marks in his broad shoulders.
“I know, baby, I know,” he cooed, snaking a hand between your bodies to roll his fingers over your clit, “feels good, doesn’t it? Missed you so much.”
“Mmph,” you whined, a pretty moan breathed into the quiet of your kitchen, “yeah, feels so good, Stevie. Missed having your cock inside me, missed you.”
Steve groaned out, burying his face in the crook of your neck. Lips kissing against your skin, teeth nipping and sucking. Tongue darting out to soothe over the new marks. Your hushed words between moans went straight to his cock, his thrusts picking up the pace until you knew he was getting close.
You raked your fingers through his hair, tugging softly to pull the boy from your neck to crash your lips to his in a heated kiss. It was wet and messy, a clash of tongue and teeth but Steve’s fingers were still rubbing at your clit and you wanted him to cum until it was leaking from your core.
Steve pressed into your clit harshly, “Shit–” he moaned, “baby, ‘m gonna cum, not gonna last much longer.” Hips stuttering as he began to bottom out, your slick coating his cock as he fucked into you with ease, “Need you to cum for me, doll.”
“Fuck,” you mewled, the coil in your stomach tightening, ready to snap, “just like that, baby, shit. Don’t stop, Steve, please don’t stop.” You felt the beginnings of your orgasm wrack your body, thighs and pussy clenching around him.
“Gonna cum with me, yeah? Shit– come on, baby, I need it.”
You rolled your head back, eyes shooting to the back of your head as tears gathered at your lashes. Your orgasm rolling over you like a wave, you were reduced to a puddle, any sign of coherent words long gone. You clawed at Steve’s shoulders until you felt him tense, hips stuttering against your own.
Ropes of hot cum leaked from his cock as he painted your walls, breath heavy as his chest heaved. Lips mumbling against your skin, “Oh, baby, fuck.” Steve’s stomach clenched as the shin sheen of sweat shone from his forehead.
Steve’s hips began to still as he rode out his orgasm with you. His forehead crashed against your shoulder, your fingers dancing up and down his back soothingly. The other found its place in his hair once again, brushing it away from his forehead. Lips coming to press soft kisses against his exposed skin.
He hissed when he pulled out of you, a whine from you as the empty feeling returned. Steve’s large palm cupped your cheek, his fingers brushing your hair away from your sticky skin. He pressed a sweet kiss to your forehead then nose, then each of your cheeks respectively.
“I missed you.” You whispered, a soft smile tugging at your lips when he finally pressed his to yours.
“Yeah,” he chuckled, “missed you too.”
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railroad-migraine · 1 year
Hey Poet! <3 First, thanks bunches for all that you do, your writing never fails to make me smile! If it's alright, may I please request Molly, Essek, Yasha and Caleb with a socially anxious F!teammate/friend or crush who's a half-dwarf? She usually passes for a short human, but her dwarven heritage shows in her body being hairier and a bit more thicc than the average human female, which makes her very self-conscious. Thank you and have a lovely day <3
Okay but first, you're adorable. And second, I never expected to have a request like this but I'm so so glad you sent it in. You're lovely, honey. Thank you x
~ Poet
Reassuring Fem!Reader about body hair
Caleb 💜
To be honest, as perceptive as he is, it's not something Caleb ever really regarded as something to be noted or commented on. Your hair is just another part of you, another piece of your body for him to admire - it's no different to how he loves your hands, your eyes, your smile... Cough not that he's ready to admit that he loves you yet tho cough
He's always looking out for you and can just sense when you're having a bad day. He gets them too. The perfect person to talk to about anxieties or insecurities with because he can share his own experiences with you. Together, you work to fight against the niggling voices in the back of your heads and grow stronger and accept this is who you are, and that's good.
He makes more of an effort to try convey how he feels for you. His pinky shyly links with your own and he mutters something about how nice you look today, how confidence suits you. You know he means it.
Molly 💜
Molly has never really been one to judge someone on their appearances, and you better believe he's not gonna start now. You are lovely. You are strong. You are healthy. You are so very normal (in a extraordinary way). You're hot, stop doubting yourself sm <3
King of reassurance and looking after you on days where you're less confident or more self conscious. Treats you like royalty, recommends and drags you to a spa day to treat yourself and ease your worries, make you feel pretty and comfortable in your skin.
Beauty standards and trends come and go. Your body, and the hair that comes with it, is yours for life. He wants you to learn to love it. If you let him, he sits you in front a mirror at a vanity and points out every single thing about your appearance that makes you special and beautiful and handsome. He kisses your cheek, and asks quietly for you to see yourself just as he does.
Yasha 💜
Yasha thinks you're the cutest thing. She's quite tall, and since you're smol in comparison, it's a huge win for her. Lifts you up like you weigh nothing, more than happy to hold you on her hip or on her shoulders. Likes how the sunshine catches on your hair and skin because you practically glow.
Is kinda hairy herself and stops shaving her arms when you confide in her. She never really had a preference to having or not having hair - it was more of a habit than anything else. She wants you to know that it's completely human to be as you are, and you don't have to change for anyone. Change because you want to, not because you feel like you have to.
She thinks that no one should feel like they have to conform to societal pressures and such. It can be hard, especially in the beginning, but she's with you every step of the way to give encouragement and reassurance when you need it. Beauty comes in many shapes and sizes, and you're no exception (°^°)
Essek 💜
Also enjoys the height difference. He's not super tall himself, but the levitation helps give the illusion that he is. Presses sweet lil kisses to your forehead when you least expect it only to see you flustered and smiley.
Hot boi finds it hard to grow hair anywhere other than the top of his head, so he actually likes the contrast between you two 🥺 You're soft and warm and he just holds you happily. There are qualities he seeks in potential partners, such as intelligence and emotional maturity and kindness. You have all of those. He likes the the shadows and the stubble and fuzz (no matter how thick) and everything that comes with you because it's you.
He also thinks it's nice that you physically show your dwarven heritage! He wants you to be happy and proud of your people, your background and where you've come from - it's just a reminder of how much he loves every single inch of you. Life is too short not to love your body, fluff and all xx
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stonyponyofficial · 1 year
violer ive always wondered & ur the best person to ask. is there transphobic jokes in adam sandler jack and jill
hello io!!!! you've activated my "she talks about adam sandler for way too long" cutscene so i hope ur ready for that! this is going to lead me to rewatch Jack and Jill (2011) starring Adam Sandler, just so i can give u the full answer bc my Adam scholarship needs to be THOROUGH do u understand???? i hope u can live with the knowledge that uve made me do thjs. also i forgive u. this is a pride month post now btw.
Adam Analysis beneath the cut. tl;dr umm probably not as much as u would imagine like it could be So much worse but its. kinda okay at points too? Theres Nuance.
so even if u havent seen all of Adams many films like i have, maybe ur the average person whos probably only seen 10 or 20 of them who knows. u could probably imagine the kinds of jokes he tells. just general mean spirited ribbing towards anyone who isnt adam or like adam right? standard fare for mainstream movie comedy. so when it comes to Jokes Adam Tells About Women, we basically get two categories: jokes for women adam wants to have sex with, and jokes for women who Adam thinks are undesirable and does not want to have sex with.
when it comes to jokes about trans women, or the closest depiction of trans women an adam sandler film is going to get, they more closely align with the ugly woman jokes, except they arent really seen as women, so the joke is just kind of "ur a man!" when its literally a male friend of adam's in a dress pretending to be a trans woman, u know? not fun (btw friend of adam is the new horrible slang for id'ing other gay people tell everyone u know). there are only a feeew instances from what i remember of a stock crossdresser/trans woman joke character even being in a Sandler film, and usually u can like feel the disgust everyone has for these characters for like the 10 secodns theyre on screen to be joked at.
in Jack and Jill however, theres like.. kinda none of that. like shes jacks twin sister at the end of the day and everyone gets along with her because shes family even if shes loud and annoys people. spoilers for... jack and jill... but the whole plot is jack learning to love his sister again and not be annoyed by her very presence, learning the importance of family along the way. the jokes are mostly "god i hate my loud and annoying twin sister" more than anything. from what I remember anyway (this is before my rewatch btw this is just preliminary info jeez), the jokes are more aligned with undesirable women jokes toward jill than flat out transphobia (say, "ur even manlier than ur brother wow!" vs "u are a man") anyway i will now be watching Jack and Jill (2011) starring Adam Sandler so ill be right back.
okay hi. so they definitely characterize jill as being i guess the larger presence of the two, like they show a home movie montage of the two growing up and thats continually the joke in those clips that shes just "more than" jack. hairier, fartier, stronger, but also more emotional and familial, as in wanting to be close with her twin brother than he would like to be with her. in these ways shes made to be both more masculine and more feminine than jack. although shes made to be more masculine, as the film defines it, it then has many moments where its like "yeah despite her just being adam sandler in a dress, shes 'actually a woman'" like, if anything these moments are transphobic in that they ask "is Jill a guy?" and usually the answer is "no of course not shes a real woman not some man in a dress!" not said with such explicit terms but it's then implied by asking the question that it would be worse if the answer was yes. the first of these woman affirming instances is the honestly the best, so i will describe it for u thus, because youre here for analysis that is also just plot summary Goddamn It.
so theyre all in a movie theater when jill gets a call and starts talking really loudly, annoying everyone as the film has her do. jack calls her a psycho and she starts crying and runs out of the theater. one theatergoer remarks "way to make a chick cry, dude." and another inquires, "that was a chick?" and as jack runs to get jill he pours his popcorn on the guy and shuts him down like "yeah that was a chick!" like in one light its just the film reminding us and affirming and that she is in fact a real, normal cisgendered woman through adam owning this guy epically, but if ur absolutely insane you could see this as the biggest Adam Sandler Trans Ally W if there were to ever be one. just. compared to everywhere else that couldve gone, its. good? to see adam actually defending the "man in a dress" comedic character for once. even if it had to be him in the dress while being 100% cis, actually, for him to cool it with the transphobic remarks.
another moment is when jill is lifted by her soccer team to celebrate her helping win a match... yeah dont worry the context wont help... so as shes being lifted someone looks under her dress and is like "yeah shes not a guy" and gives another guy money like they made a bet? probably the weirdest example. but then she also makes sure to mention later that she does have periods so we all know the character of Jill Sadelstein played by Adam Sandler from Jack and Jill (2011) starring Adam Sandler twice, is in fact a real woman. idk like its playing into the comedy of this just being adam sandler saying that and like "haha hes not a woman" but idk if i would call that transphobic, one could perhaps say hes doing drag for this movie and like drag performers play with that all the time right?
idk it feels like the movie hairspray where the role of the mom is played by a man in a dress where that's just kinda the joke about it the whole time but it's still drag and kinda taken seriously?is that transphobic? eh probably a little. if anythjng it just feels like a drag performance in kinda poor taste where ur waiting for him to say the things he's said before about man in dress characters and then. he just doesn't?. uhhh llike later on theres a part where jack dresses as jill to try and fool al pacino who is in love with jill btw. al pacino is in love with jill but she doesnt like him back so she wont go meet him. anyway jack is getting changed in the bathroom and theres an attendant there who sees him come out full jillmoding. he proceeds to grope jacks fake melon boobs to adjust them and gives an approving italian hand smooch 🤌 mwah u know. its a little okay. i like it.
um there is also a moment where the joke is that pretransition caitlyn jenner is there, but its 2011 so she hadn't come out yet. its jarring and feels very transphobic bc they deadname her, but it was before she came out so that was... just her name at the time. so its okay, but feels wrong. a very strange coincidence for some of the only transphobia coming from this movie when it could have it fucking everywhere to be completely unintended and the result of someone just transitioning after the movie was done being made.... didnt know where to put this observation but it had to be known.
All Of This being said tho, u kinda need to have adam-vision like me to have a tolerance for his... we'll call them antics. only after many other sandler films did i get to this one and be like "oh wow that wasn't that bad given what i was expecting!" its still not a good movie, but compared to every single other one hes made or been in, its like. definitely in the middle of the pack. if we can take adam sandler acting in drag being the kinda silent joke for an hour and a half its. an okay watch. best watched with friends so u can talk about it/over it if u want. i would perhaps even call it camp at times if i had worse judgement. it definitely could have been worse! then again maybe i truly am numb to adam and i just didnt see anything wrong with it who knows! i am possibly completely full of shit. hope this helps 👍
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millenari · 4 months
Munkustrap for the ask game? 🥺
1. Canon I outright reject
I CANNOT find the post but there's this one Jack Rebaldi interview where he mentions something about how 'no one likes Munkustrap because he's the leader and nobody really likes the guy always giving you orders' and as much as I love Jack Rebaldi's Munk I just don't agree with that interpretation. Everybody loves Munk. To Me.
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
On the flip side of Munk actor interviews, Michael Gruber saying
'[Munk is] entrusted with giving the information to the other, maybe younger cats who have not been to the Jellicle Ball before. He gets up and says exactly what they're here to do. He's also caretaker of the kittens. He wants to make sure everybody's safe; in all the Macavity scares, he's there to protect the tribe. So he is the protector'
about Munk is really fundamental for me and how I see Munk, Munk's role in the tribe, and Munk's role in the story.
3. Obscure headcanon
His owner is an old unmarried lady who lives in an apartment by herself; she calls him Felix and he feels responsible for her bc she 'has no colony'.
4. Favorite line
Michael Gruber's American-ass delivery of 'or hairier' in Pekes is my favorite comedy moment in any and all versions of Cats I've seen, it gets me every time.
5. Best personality trait
He cares, deeply and personally, about pretty much everyone, and never hesitates to put himself out there to assist if someone needs it. He's a natural leader and a quick decision maker even under pressure, but he's still patient and compassionate with everyone he meets-- even when he's stressed or angry, he still makes efforts to be kind.
6. Worst personality trait
Munk physically cannot remove himself from a situation if he thinks he's needed, even if he's actively making it worse. He also is one of those people who refuses to let people just vent at him and tries to solve everyone's problems even if they don't want a solution to their problem.
7. Age/height/weight headcanon
Munk is shorter than Tugger but significantly stronger than him, so he can just scoop Tugger up in a fireman's carry and remove him from a situation if he's being annoying.
8. Unpopular opinion about them
Honestly I think I'm even more normie about Munk than about Tugger. I don't think I have any truly unpopular hot takes about him.
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
I do love his part of Jenny's song-- the way he's singing directly to the kittens on the ground, and his section of the song has this lullaby feeling to it that's just so calming and tender. I really love how for that song it's a duet (sort of) between a young dude and an older lady, but the older lady gets the snappy upbeat part and the younger dude gets the slow & sweet part. It really just establishes Munk as this soft and nurturing figure from the beginning.
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
Bway revival Macavity fight imo. It's just so damn good.
11. Faceclaim for the role
Michael Gruber is rlly my Munk, even the unique shape of his wig in 98 sticks out to me as a Fundamental Munk Thing™.
In human aus he's kind of this lighter-skinned 'racially ambiguous' kind of guy with dark hair, smile lines, a little bit of stubble, and a frequently worn sweater vest.
12. Crack headcanon
I feel like his human version would be a Beyonce fan, but like in the cringiest middle-aged-dad way possible.
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
Munk's always been a pretty level-headed and mature guy, even when he was young, so there isn't much that he's done that I can label as 'stupid' except perhaps jumping into dangerous situations to protect someone without considering his own safety first. My hc for how Plato joined the Junkyard starts with Munk running straight into traffic on a busy street bc he saw baby Plato abandoned between two lanes and petrified from fear.
Random ass kitten Munk had never seen before in his life, and he charged right into mortal danger without a second's thought about it. Brave, but also stupid.
14. Most heroic moment
Munk's doing heroic shit all the time. My previous answer is actually a good example, plus, you know, he's tangled with Macavity more than once.
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done
Munkustrap Has Never Done Anything Wrong, Ever, In His Entire Life.
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
I don't know if this is 'never admit to himself' levels but Munk wonders a lot if he shares some blame for how Macavity ended up. He and Mac grew up together, and while he always knew his older brother had a temper, he really and truly thought Mac was just rough around the edges, and that he really did care about Munk and the rest of the tribe deep down. But when Macavity betrayed the tribe and started doing Evil Deeds, Munk was left wondering if Macavity had always been rotten deep down, and hid it from all of them for all those years, or if he'd just.... snapped somehow, from the pressure of being Deuteronomy's heir, or something, and maybe there was something Munk could have done to help him before things got too bad.
As is, Munk may never know.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
18. What they’d go to see a therapist about
Stress & setting too-high standards for himself, probably.
19. Vices/bad habits
Never resting, for one. He basically never gets enough sleep. It's funny, in my human aus both Tugger and Mac suffer from insomnia, but Munk is oftentimes just as sleep deprived as those two despite being the only Deut bro without insomnia, just because he's always doing things. That man is responding to his work emails at 1:24AM for no goddamn reason.
20. Scars
He's got plenty of scars, most of them not huge, but he's been in all sorts of fights and even if asked he wouldn't even be able to identify how or when he got them.
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)
I think he drinks wine in one scene in my human/celeb/soulmate fic, otherwise he's a real coffee man.
22. Best physical feature
I don't know what other cats would consider his best feature! By cat standards Munk is a handsome dude, but kind of in a normal, average way. Just, you know, a handsome guy you'd see on the street. Honestly I think his general vibes are his most attractive trait, though that's not physical. But nobody in all the world can look at a large muscular man being sweet and cute and patient with little kids and go 'nah 3/10 for me'.
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
I'm thinking like... forest or campfire or something like that.
24. Most annoying habit
Asking someone to complete a task for him and then changing his mind and completing it himself before they can get to it.
25. 3 things they’d want to take with them if they were dropped off in the middle of nowhere
Again I need more details for this question but a book for sure regardless.
26. What they would do if stuck in an elevator with [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
Munk I think is a pretty boring character as far as getting-stuck-in-an-elevator shenanigans go. Except for Macavity, that would probably be interesting. Anyone else would probably just be the two trying to escape together and then rock paper scissors for the next six hours.
27. Their guilty pleasure
Human Munk probably has a variety of snackies he considers guilty pleasures, like special chocolates or whatever. Cat Munk would probably say it's 'oh sometimes I go off somewhere in the Junkyard by myself and just sit for a while and enjoy the silence' and the person he's talking to is like THATS NOT A GUILTY PLEASURE THATS JUST KEEPING YOURSELF SANE
28. How they feel about [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
I headcanon Jemima as being Bomba and Macavity's daughter, though this is a fact Bomba very much keeps to herself-- she's only admitted it to two people and Munk is not one of them. However Munk.... has eyes & he's perfectly aware of who Jemima's father is, though he's never gotten Bomba to actually admit it. This kind of creates a. .. . not 'weird' relationship, but a kind-of sad one, because Munkustrap knows he's this delightful little girl's uncle but she doesn't know it in return, and her finding out will probably be more devastating than anything, because it would come with the knowledge of who her father is.
So Munk just kind of has to treat Jemima just like he does the rest of the kittens and keep the knowledge of their relationship to himself, though he's always wanted a big family.
29. Eating habits
Munk is a Deuteronomy, so in both cat and human aus he can eat for fucking forever. Human Munk likes to cook and bake as well, and he and Demeter make their dinner together every afternoon, and very rarely order takeout.
30. Sleeping habits
Whoops, I already talked about this. He doesn't sleep as much as he should, but he sleeps soundly whenever he does get around to putting his head down.
31. If the had a tumblr what would it look like?
Probably politics. Plus some pictures or art or such that he finds interesting.
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
Kittens being cute will very easily get a smile out of him, though he doesn't laugh-laugh terribly often. One thing people don't know about him is that Tugger suffering something that he 1000% brought upon himself absolutely will get an evil grin or two out of Munk.
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
Just like Tugger's answer, Deuteronomy's death. Munk's not a big crier I don't think, but when he does cry he's usually pretty quiet.
34. How they react when they are feeling X emotion (sad, angry, excited, scared, etc.—can specify as many as you like)
Most of these I think would result in Munk throwing himself into his work with vigor to get his mind off of the Bad Feelings. Munk's not quick to anger but he is quick to calm down after an outburst, and his excitement is usually going to be expressed through singing or dancing.
35. Their idea of a perfect day
This man will honestly be like 'yeah the perfect day would be a bunch of relaxation with my tribemates watching the kittens play and so on and so forth' and then refuse to stop working for ten minutes to make it happen.
36. Their favorite season
Late winter/early spring, the time of the Jellicle Ball and the incoming of the warm season.
37. What they really think about themselves
Munk struggles a lot wondering if he makes the right decisions as a leader and measures himself up to Deuteronomy all the time. He really wishes he could do more even though he's already always busy, and worries a lot whether the trust that the tribe places in him is justified.
38. Favorite holiday
Christmas bitch. Probably also a thanksgiving bitch as well.
39. Favorite game
He probably likes Monopoly. Like an insane person.
40. Favorite book
I imagine he likes reading but I'm not sure what I would say is his favorite book! He probably likes books about history and such a lot, and the occasional historical fiction.
41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be?
Probably his mother, whom he doesn't remember well.
42. 3 comfort items
UHH for human aus: he loves the old scrapbooks from when he and his brothers were kids, his favorite flannel jacket, and uh........ does his wife count as a comfort item,,,,
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
You KNOW Munk has got to be a steak guy. Unlike Tugger he can probably enjoy a good salad, and box mac and cheese is probably one of those things he whips up every once in a while for childhood nostalgia reasons. There probably aren't a ton of foods Munk even dislikes, much less despises.
44. Their happiest memory
Like I mentioned before, this question is hard for me. I hc that he and Demeter have triplets at some point after the events of the musical, so maybe when they were born.
45. Their favorite celebrity
He seems like the type of guy to like Elvis, idk why.
46. The person they most admire
Deuteronomy. I feel like that one is easy lmao
47. Their dream job
I don't think he really had big career aspirations, more of a family man.
48. Scariest moment of their life
Probably when Macavity betrayed the tribe.
49. Favorite toy as a child
He seems like a stuffed elephant kind of guy. Or maybe his collection of the little green plastic army men.
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
I don't think he really has any memories he's consciously or subconsciously blocked out. There are things he tries not to think about or remember, but not on the level of fully blocking anything from his head.
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boreal-sea · 1 year
My legs get hairier every day and I fucking love it so much I am actually considering wearing shorts on purpose for the first time in literally 10 years - and honestly 10 years ago was an exception because I was a summer camp counselor in Florida, excluding time spent at that camp, I haven't worn shorts since high school in 2002.
But now I've got hairy thick thighs and that needs to be Everyone's Fucking Business. I'm gonna buy booty shorts. Those tiny lil workout shorts all the boys wear to the gym these days.
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sweettoothvn · 1 year
Kieran nsfw alphabet?😳🫣
@viviook come get your favorite~
A = Aftercare 
For someone with horrible anger issues and a habit of insulting literally anyone he meets, he softens up after sex. You both just shared a very intimate experience and were vulnerable around each other. Not only that but you're not just another sex partner, you're his significant other. He's going to take his time to make sure you feel loved. For once you're going to see him anxious, but he'll calm down once you tell him what you need and how he can take care of you.
B = Body part 
His neck is entirely sensitive, hence why he tries to cover it up. Also the collar just became habit after it was forced onto him gifted to him. Now body part wise with his partner? He's not picky but he does love playing with their chest, or anywhere they're particularly sensitive. That place will get the MOST attention.
C = Cum 
Depends on what you're into really. It will allow him more ways to fluster you or tease you. May that be licking it off your body or leaving him or yourself a mess.
D = Dirty secret 
You can convince him to bottom (if you want to skip the whole brattiness) by promising burgers
E = Experience 
Definitely has had a lot of experience. He's gotten around as much as he can if people will allow it.
F = Favorite position 
"Upstanding Citizen" basically the position where he's carrying you and having you against the wall.
G = Goofy 
This guy gets into it. He's not entirely goofy- unless you count his insults when he's being a brat and bottoming. But he takes the experience seriously. Compared to other times he's had sex with people, it's different with you since he actually knows you and has feelings for you. It's more so making love to him.
H = Hair 
Currently he's pretty well groomed, not much hair really. Now when he gets older he allows more hair to grow, hairier chest, arms, legs, etc.
I = Intimacy 
Usually he isn't really intimate when it comes to friends with benefits (except Noble), one night stands, etc but with you he gets really soft. If you don't have a lot of experience he's going to go slow and take his time to make sure you're comfortable. Also for someone who seems obsessed with sex, his romantic fantasies are pretty wholesome. If you're more the romantic type he won't mind, as long as he gets to spend time with you that's all he cares about.
J = Jack off 
If you both live together he's going to be loud when masturbating. he wants you to know he's jacking off so that you either get annoyed and have sex with him or do something else about it. Either way he's eager to see your reaction. If you don't live together he's not going to be that loud, instead he's going to be pretty quiet. Until you walk in on him- that's not going to stop him from jacking off, if anything he'll just keep going. Looking at you is just more of a reason to keep going than stop. Especially since you caught him.
K = Kink 
Considering he's the type of Bodross that relies on blood to live (similar to Vampires), he's into blood play and biting. He's a big fan of bondage too, usually on his partner but won't admit he would secretly enjoy being tied up. Big fan of degrading his partner. He's a switch but tops most of the time, you're going to end up with a lot of bruises, scratch marks, bite marks, and hickeys by the end of the night. If there's a place left unscathed then he'll take care of it in the morning of course. Exhibitionism is once of his favorites too. If you get caught with him he's probably not going to stop as he's definitely been caught before in the past. Of course he's into over stimulation and orgasm denial because why wouldn't he be. He also enjoys a bit of roleplay if you're up for that.
L = Location 
He doesn't have much of a preference as to where you do it. Although, he does like doing it in the shower/bath when given the chance.
M = Motivation 
It does not take much to turn him on. Tell him what you want and he'll be more than happy to satisfy those needs. Now if he's horny he's going to be super touchy feely. Doesn't matter if you're in private or public, you're gonna get groped. Unless of course you get uncomfortable/you're not into that.
N = No 
like the others we're not doing water sports, scat, etc all the gross stuff- Pet play and Ageplay included. He doesn't have any other limitations other than that, go wild i guess.
O = Oral 
He can go either way but giving oral is something he enjoys more. He enjoys your expressions and pissed off face when he won't let you cum.
P = Pace 
Really depends on how much experience you've had. If you're new to this he's going to be slow and sensual making sure you enjoy it and have a good time. Other than that he's going to be rough. Probably the roughest out of the 8 actually. He likes going rough and slow if he can. Really draw it out.
Q = Quickie 
Depends where you are. If you're at the bar he performs at most of the time- you're gonna get fucked in the bathroom before his performance. Now if you're in unfamiliar territory he's not going to do a quickie.
R = Risk 
He's big on risks so long as you are. He will experiment so long as it won't cause either of you to get sick of course....
S = Stamina 
SURPRISINGLY...? HE LASTS 2 ROUNDS. topping that is.
T = Toys 
He has a lot of toys. Even the weird ones. He just buys them when he's bored. In the corner of his closet there's probably a box full of the weird toys that he refuses to use but keeps them because theyre funny to him.
U = Unfair 
He will tease you until you can't take it anymore. There will definitely be moments where you'll become frustrated because he'll go too far. Which he will try to make up to you in the best way he can... even if that means you want to top him.
V = Volume 
He can get pretty loud when it comes to dirty talk and growling. If you like it when people get loud in bed he'd be okay with moaning loud if that'll make you more flustered.
W = Wild card 
He likes being choked and put in his place.
X = X-ray 
Few bruises and scars from past fights, maybe some moles too but not many.
Y = Yearning 
Pretty high sex drive considering how obsessed he is with sex-
Z = Zzz 
Despite being able to last two rounds it will take him a while to fall asleep afterwards as he gets a boost of energy instead.
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Stereotypical : return to the gas station
The old man returned to the gas station a week later and was surprised to see that the place was pretty well kept up. Nothing seemed to be out of place and what even more off was that the man behind the counter seemed as if he hasn’t changed all to much from the time he had left him. The old man too one look at him and spat on the floor after slamming the door. He walked up to the counter and slammed his fist down on the counter “what in the hell are you doing!” The Arab looking man behind the counter looked afraid. “I’m sorry I should have met you outside to get you’re gas. L…let me get it for you!” He said abs quickly turn on the pump. His body looked like it quit gaining muscle and fat after the old man has left him that day in the store. He was coming around the counter and the old man stopped him. “No ! I want to know what YOU are doing! What’s wrong with you! Why haven’t you changed ! ?” The man was afraid and began to back up back toward the bathroom. The old man waived his hand and the shirt and pants disappeared from the arab looking man. “We good. We good you don’t have to do this !” He began to shout.
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The old man grinned. “Ahh. I see. I need to put a little extra push into you. Seems like I didn’t give enough magic that day to push you into that full stereotype I know you to be!” The man just screamed no right before the old laugh and waived his hand sending a final ripple of magic through the air the man couldn’t avoid. All directed toward him forcing him to change once again. Only this time the old man stayed to make sure the changes completed. The man felt his body began to swell once again only this time no muscle formed. The o ld man cackled “gas station owners are fat and lazy. You are now exception!” And as if the old man’s words were true his once firm muscle gut he been cursed before ballooned outwards and fell flabby. Covering itself in thicker hair than he had ever had before. His hair began to recede even further while his skin darkened and his chest hair grew in thicker. Now no matter what shirt he wore the hair would always find a way to poke through. His feet beefed up and got wider while his clothing began to change. A wife beater shirt formed dirty with grease with a button up flannel. Shorts formed on his chunky hairy legs that continued to get hairier by the second. Soon you couldn’t even see skin through all the hair. Sandals formed on his hairy feet. He didn’t know it but hed never wear anything other than sandals again. His stereotype wouldn’t let him. His beard became thicker becoming a permanent fixture on his face while he aged from his early 20s to his late 40s. English becoming a second language for him. A bald spot formed at the crown of his head. When he stood up he had tears in his eyes when he realized just how large he was now. He had to be at 275 of rounded fat. Hard fat. Covered in a thick forest of hair. “There’s the gas station owner I wanted! And just remember that wife beater is a life saver ! It’ll help control that fur! Now come find me up you fat beast !”
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The man tried to keep the tears from welling up in his eyes as he rang up the old man who has just ruined his life. But the tears streamed down his fat cheeks and into his chest hair. “Now my near man. I expect the next time I come in here I will see a proper gas station that is owned by you. And I will see that you will be eating properly too!” He said pointing at the salad. “No more of that. I’m think of that..” and he pointed deep fried foods that were pictured on the wall. “You certainly don’t look like a salad eater anymore!” He said as he laughed walking away from the counter. “Plus. You don’t wanna change again do you!” And with he opened the door and left. The man didn’t know why to do. He was not a stereotypical Arab gas station owner. What else could he do. Other than open his phone. And order some deep fried food as he was told to do. Or else he would be forced to change again. He shuddered watching his hairy fingers scroll across food delivery apps.
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March 16th, 2022 8:45pm stereotypical
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tee-hee-heidi · 10 months
For the oc ask game 💤 🤍 💘
Hiiiii!! Since you didn’t specify which OCs you wanted to ask about I’m gonna talk about my Mythical Lovers because they’ve been on my mind A Lot lately (I’m also planning a couple of things for them huehue stay tuned) I hope that’s okay ^^
💤 Sleeping symbol - is your OC a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? What are their sleeping habits.
Promachos: definitely a light sleeper, but after decades of training in the Spartan army he’s developed the skill of instantly falling asleep basically anywhere. Bedroll? Cold hard ground? It’s all the same to him. He’s also capable of waking up fairly quickly too, and push through the morning grogginess almost immediately, since being alert on the battlefield means the difference between life and death. Despite this, he doesn’t wake up at every minor sound every night, and has learned to subconsciously differentiate between a random, non important sound (a companion snoring, a critter shuffling in the bushes) and something worthy of his attention (his name being spoken, orders being given etc.). He’s a side sleeper too, full foetal position.
Crino: probably the heaviest sleeper, especially during winter, the cold makes her sluggish. She’s the type of person who gets groggier the more she sleeps so she tries to wake up at a reasonable time. She can’t exactly afford to spend the whole day sleeping since she lives alone with Sakis. He’s also the one who wakes her up when she can’t manage on her own. She usually sleeps on her back or snuggled up to Sakis.
Sakis: kind of in the middle? He’s not a particularly heavy sleeper but there are times when he won’t wake up even if you shake him. He also a serial cuddler, and will have trouble falling asleep if he’s not hugging someone.
Ares: doesn’t need to sleep (he’s a God after all), but he wouldn’t mind cuddling huehue. If he slept I guess he’d be like Promachos, quick to wake and ready to act.
🤍 White heart - What are three of your OC’s neutral/questionable traits?
Promachos: cannot stand spicy food. Spartan cuisine already had the reputation of being flavourless and terribly simple, and it’s not like there were any spices in the syssition so even the smallest amount of pepper will have him wheeze and cough. Other neutral traits of him… uuuh he can’t stand the feeling of hair on his head (that’s why he keeps it shaved so short), and while they taught him how to read back in Sparta, he’s never been exceptional at it, he’s barely literate.
Crino: she can hunt and is fairly skilled with the bow. Her most favourite hobby is the loom, she likes to make cloth to sell and barter. She’s a bit hairier than a “traditional” nymph, but that’s okay, her boys love her anyway. And lastly, despite being a nymph, her knowledge about plants is fairly limited. Her mothers never really taught her anything since they kinda expected her to just “tag along” them and learn through observation, but she was always too preoccupied with playing and doing kid’s stuff, so she never really learned. Sakis has helped her a lot with this. Last but not least, she can’t read. Her mothers tried to teach her but it was exceptionally difficult for her (she has undiagnosed dyslexia) so after a certain point she just gave up completely. Whoops these might be more than three I hope you don’t mind.
Sakis: the only one who can actually read and write. He’s a great poet and play writer, but only Crino knows about this. After a lifetime of being ridiculed by his (much bigger and stronger) brothers, he’s a bit insecure about his masculinity and usually comes off as a rude and aloof to people who don’t know him. His horn was chipped during a prank his brothers pulled on him, when they left him in the woods and he got lost and almost hunted to death by humans, which in turn made him very distrustful of them. It’ll be some time before he can fully accept Promachos in his life.
Ares: uuuuh this is gonna be difficult because he’s not as developed as the others (RIP). Despite being the God of War, he’s a rather sweet guy? He’s a mama’s boy and Hera loves him. All the other gods treat him with respect but also consider him a bit of a meathead (especially Athena, who’s always a step ahead of him, with her superior strategies) so he’s usually left in the background while they make the Big Decisions. This hurts him quite a lot, but he’s never told anyone yet. ALSO Im aware this is gonna get me crucified but he hasn’t had any children yet (Deimos, Phobos etc. do not exist here) so he’s Just A Guy at the moment.
💘 Heart with arrow - What and/or who do your OCs consider the most important to them?
Promachos: uuuh a lot of things. At the start of the story I’d say the most important thing to him is his polis. He’s lived his whole life for the sole purpose of defending Sparta and bring it to glory, despite not finding any joy in this. The only people he would actually miss from Sparta are his friend Miltiades and Philarchos, a young boy he was mentoring before leaving for war and never coming back. As the story progresses I guess his priorities will change.
Crino: I’d say the most important person for her is Sakis. He’s her best friend, her confidant, and someone who finally doesn’t try to push her to change in any way she doesn’t want. Promachos will also become part of this circle (and Ares too) but only later in the story. As for physical things… I guess her loom and bow are pretty important for her, but the things she loves the most is a little garden Sakis made for her with herbs and plants she can easily recognise. She loves that garden and keeps it to the best of her abilities.
Sakis: Crino. Definitely her. She’s the most important person in his life, and basically the only person he feels truly comfortable around. She knows everything about him (even the most embarrassing secrets) and supports him in every way. He loves her very much uwu Promachos will also become very important to him, but at the moment Sakis sees him more as a person to look up to. He sees him as the ideal man (tall, muscular, imposing, masculine etc.) but doesn’t know about Promachos’s past and the horrible things that shaped him into what he is today. He’ll learn eventually. As for important things that aren’t people… his leopard pelt is pretty up there. I’m still figuring out Sakis’s backstory a little bit, but I liked the idea that the pelt was a gift from Dionysus himself, when Sakis was chosen by the god to be part of his spring procession.
Ares: GOD this is difficult agh. I’d say the most important thing for him at the moment is Promachos for uuuh story related reasons. He’s been watching over Promachos for a long time and really really likes him. I’ll explain better in a later post detailing the storyline, because this thing is already long enough lol, just fyi Ares has been crushing on Promachos for a pretty long time at this point.
Aaaah thanks for the ask!!! I really like doing these kind of things, it keeps my brain working. My askbox is always open anyway, so if anyone wants to give me an excuse to rant about my OCs and WIP I’ll be more than happy to answer
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cinnaki · 1 year
A Song of Frost Pt 2
First part here. Story originally posted to another blog of mine but mildly edited for here. Based loosely on @xdeusxmachinax fic, 31 Days in the Darklands.
   Later, that night, Toby had planned to expand his rock collection in Trollmarket. When he spotted a familiar set of horns, a smile bloomed, "HEY! VENDEL!!" Toby shouted, trotting over to the old Troll.
  With a sigh, the leader of Trollmarket greeted him, "Tobias! What brings you here this...fine evening?" Vendel stared down at the smallest Trollhunter, folding his hand behind his back.
  "Rocks! I saw a cool bit of rose quartz the other day. Oh, and some labradorite." he pulled open his backpack to pull out several stones, dropping it in the process. Toby explained the stones to Vendel, who barely listened, more interested in the colorful book covers than the chemical composition of stones he knew by heart.
  One thing, however, caught his eye. It looked like a bit of petrified driftwood. But then he noticed the grain did not match the bend, figuring it had to be carved. What stood out the most, were two slits, centered horizontally on odd bumps. His fur stood on end, as an ancient memory stirred. "Tobias...." Vendel spoke softly, "This way. Now." His words were quiet but sharp. He gave the teen no time to gather his things, having to run to keep up with him.
  "Hey what's got you all spooked? You look like you saw a--"
  "Not now, Tobias," Vendel warned.
  They moved in silence, finding refuge in Vendels chamber. The old Troll paced around, making sure no listeners could spy on their conversation. Slowly, he made his way back over to Toby, gently pulling a wooden mask from his backpack.
  "Where, on Earth, did you find this?" Vendel addressed Toby, concerned. His stare grew more intense the longer Toby did not answer. Neither would leave this room until the mystery of this mask had been solved. "This is a matter pertaining not only to the safety of Heartstone Trollmarket but to all of Troll kind, Tobias."
  With the gravity of the situation well established, he caved, explaining his trip to the Darklands, and his fight against the furred giant, the game-master of the Gumm-Gumms, Oddball.
  Vendel grew paler with each passing moment. "Frost Troll." The fear from before came crawling back, causing the old Troll to shake, gripping his staff tight enough almost crack it.
  "Frost Troll? Is that what she was? I thought she was just a weird hairy Krubera, like Arrrgh, but, white, and hairier. ...And bigger."
  "You swear you saw only one?" Vendel asked, watching Toby nod. "Then we may be lucky." he scratched his beard, "Had the whole clan decided to join Gunmar, after all these years..."
  Tobys' frown grew, "What's a Frost Troll?"
  "Raiders! The whole reason any of this even started." he ranted, "Without Juns' foolish actions, Gunmar may have never--" Vendel realized the confusion in Toby. "Perhaps a longer explanation is in order." He sat down, sighing a breath he sword froze the air around it. "This is an old story, Tobias."
  "Older than you are?"
  "I was young when I last heard the thunder, before--Before the ice cracked." He took a moment to gather his thoughts.
  "Frost Trolls, rulers of the North. They came with the frost, raiding the plains, retreating to their homes in steppes and on mountain peaks. Small bands, never more than ten or twenty. Never needed more, nothing could stop a roving band of Frost Trolls from their hunt. Except for another, larger band of Frost Trolls. Some clans hired them as mercenaries, and others paid off their attackers to harass those that had sent them instead. Others? Trampled in the stampede, or frozen in their wake. Stories of Frost Trolls waving banners of fur shaved from fallen warriors could summon a storm, fed by the angry spirits of their ancestors who still longed for battle. With the very storm on their side, they could have taken over every other clan in the North. But they were too busy fighting each other to organize. That was until Boguta the Bright-Eyed."
  "Boguta the what?"
  "Descriptions say she had eyes as white as newly fallen snow." Vendel elaborated. "Boguta was the daughter of an errr--oh, what's the word in your tongue?”
  "No, not quite...anyway, she saw the endless carnage between Frost Trolls and all the clans below the line of permafrost. She saw no other way, but to make alliances with other roving war bands. One of my earliest memories was the sound of a hundred Frost Trolls storming through, and the devastation they caused. Her army grew, bringing the Northern clans to their knees in a matter of months."
  "So what stopped them?"
  "That much is unclear, but her youngest son took up her mantle. He was Temui the Timid. Small, and scholarly, unlike his siblings. He still towered over most other Trolls, but he too came with thunderous footsteps. He bore the banner of his mother, and demanded an audience with all of the local leaders."  "Why would he want to talk?"
  "What was said never left that room. But, after that, the raids stopped, all at once. Many Frost Trolls tried to...integrate into Troll society as hunters and laborers. But, even less trusted them. He met with the new council several more times, even more after Gunmar had begun his crusade."
  Toby swallowed, fearing what may come next.
  "But--one night, every Frost Troll across all of the Kingdoms vanished. Their homes emptied of belongings, leaving only unanswered questions. No one knows why they left, where they went, or if they even still exist. Not long after, Gunmar made his move. The organized army of Temui being one of the few things we felt stopped Gunmar from waging all-out war."
  "And that's when it all started?"
  Vendel nodded. "They wore masks during battle, much more elaborate than that one, covered in marks, and braided beads dangling from their horns and beards." he scratched his own again. "Tobias...if Gunmar has even one Frost Troll, this could mean he has more..."
Vendels words echoed in Tobys' mind. A roving band could topple an entire village. And Oddball had listened intently to Gunmar, obeying his every command. If Gunmar had even a few integrated into his standing army, did Jim even have a shred of hope?
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closingwaters · 11 months
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PARTIES: @vanishingreyes @closingwaters
TIMING: A week ago, before collarbone incident
SUMMARY: On a jog, Teagan falls into a Kerashag's meal, angering it. Xóchitl is unfortunately around to deal with the aftermath.
Fates, the nights we’re getting harder to live in. And as much as Teagan enjoyed bedding women, with her lack of sleep, it was difficult to keep up. It felt more like a chore, and that was the last thing she wanted to feel during something so fun. 
So, instead, Teagan was on a run, trying her best to keep her heartbeat at a steady and fast pace. It did well to keep her lids from growing heavy, as did the pop music blasting in her ears. She was stepping in time with the latest song when her path was interrupted. “Whoa!” Teagan yelped as her foot didn’t meet the ground, her body falling straight into a deep hole. Face crashed straight into the dirt, but the nix’s side landed against something much harder and…hairier?
A beast growled with a start, looking around to see what interrupted it and its meal. Teagan swallowed thickly, mind finally translating what she was seeing. Something she’d only ever heard in stories and depicted in sketches. A Kerashag. “Oh f-fuck.” Scrambling to her feet, Teagan attempted to climb up the tall wall of dirt, unable to find purchase anywhere—not that it mattered anyway. By interrupting the Kerashag’s meal, Teagan had made herself a threat, pushing the usually passive beasts into lashing out. 
With unrelenting force, the Kerashag swung its massive arm into the nix’s stomach, knocking all wind out of her lungs and sending her backwards. Teagan flew in the air for a mere two seconds, but it felt like forever. She landed on the ground with a dull thud, sending her into a wheezing fit, her lungs begging for air but unable to find any. She knew she needed to get up, knew the Kerashag would be hot on her tail, but Teagan’s body wouldn’t comply. Not even when she could see a much smaller silhouette coming toward her. 
She was out for an evening jog - Xóchitl figured it couldn’t count as a run, given how slowly she was moving, but considering it a walk was too… reductive, or something. Not that it really mattered, in the long run, what she defined her wandering habits at night as. What she did know was that it gave her the chance to observe all sorts of parts of the town without raising too much suspicion. Which was what she needed.
Being the former head of neurosurgery’s daughter who flipped out at a playground when she was eight and then moved wasn’t necessarily a title she figured had stuck around but it was better to be safe than sorry. Otherwise you ended up believing things that couldn’t be true, and Xóchitl had no intention of being like that again. Never again, if possible, and certainly not anytime soon.
What she hadn’t expected to run into, though, was a giant hairy animal - far too big to be a dog, and Xóchitl pinched herself for a moment, to see if it was some sort of dream, again, her mind still far more imaginative than she would have liked it to be. Except that she was very much awake (with a just-slightly sore arm now), and there was another figure, one who was suddenly thrown into the air and as she hit the ground, Xóchitl ran towards the woman.
“Teagan?” The frame of the person was familiar, “I -” Xóchitl ducked, trying to get out of the way of whatever was behind her. “I -” she started again, “come this way.” She grabbed onto Teagan’s hand in an attempt to pull her away from whatever was going on.
Breathe. Fates, she couldn’t breathe. All the wind had been knocked out and now Teagan’s lungs were sealed shut despite every attempt, every choked gasp. Black dots began to cloud around the edges of her vision, but someone was beckoning for Teagan to follow. She blinked, her surroundings still hazy as she rolled onto her knees to get to her feet. 
When she stood, the world began to spin, and she was lucky to have ran into someone who was willing to keep her up. Who was it anyway? Teagan swallowed and finally managed to take a greedy gulp of air, coughing and following—Xóchitl? “W-what are you doing here, Xóchitl?” Teagan’s gait was wobbly and stuttered, somehow able to keep up with the woman in front of her. “We have to get—” 
The Kerashag’s call rang through the trees, making Teagan’s face go stark white at the very real danger the two were in. The creature began crawling out of the hole it dug, corpse in its giant maw. What were the two women to do? They couldn’t fight the damn thing. Teagan was kicking herself for interrupting its meal. Had she been paying attention, she could’ve avoided it completely. But no. Now the normally docile creature was throwing a territorial fit, and they needed to get away. Fast.
“I was out for a walk. What are you doing here, Teagan?” She asked, making her voice as gentle as she could manage, hoping it didn’t come off too harsh, too biting, or too uncaring. Because she did care, even if she hardly knew Teagan. Or at least she cared enough to make sure that Teagan wasn’t going to die, or something like that. Xóchitl was not especially interested in figuring out more details than that, no matter how nice the other night had been for her. It might’ve made her cruel, but she figured that the fewer people she got significantly attached to, the better. Even if she was sometimes lonely.
“What is that?” She shook her head. “Never mind, not important. Maybe.” Some giant sort of bear, maybe. Not exactly the sort of thing she wanted to run into, but Xóchitl figured that moving back to Maine would inevitably involve some amount of moose and bears, and at least this wasn’t a dream. Or maybe it was bad that it wasn’t a dream. Regardless, she didn’t enjoy the fact that she couldn’t focus.
“We have to get what?” She frowned. “Away?” It seemed a given, but she couldn’t help but still ask - just to make sure. Xóchitl sighed. “Why is it yelling so much? I’ve never heard a bear do something like that? But to be fair, we didn’t have a lot of bears in Boston proper.”
“Well, I was doing something similar.” A large branch was thrown their way, causing Teagan to jump in a startle and yelp. “I was on a jog.” She continued to run, her path erratic but calculated as she pulled Xóchitl with her. “Then I fell into that damn hole.” Another branch—another yelp. “ And now we’re here, running.” She was out of breath, lungs burning as she spoke. Teagan had never dealt with a Kerashag personally, but damn, how long would it give chase? They needed a plan.
“Keep following me.” The fae commanded, still pulling Xóchitl behind her by her wrist. Ideas were bouncing in Teagan’s mind, recalling everything she set up in the trees between the lake and the river. A trip here and a clothesline there, and they’d have a fighting chance at getting away. “All right.” Teagan slowed her pace, looking for her markings in the dark. “When I tell you to jump, you jump. Got it?”
Not waiting for an answer, Teagan sped up again, making a beeline for a tripping wire she set up. One…two…three… “Jump!” She didn’t stop her legs until the two of them were far enough to hide behind a large tree. “Hide here.” Xóchitl was pulled around Teagan’s chosen cover, the pair sliding slightly as they came to a sudden halt. Teagan was panting, and it was all she could do to slow her breathing enough to listen for the telltale thud of a fall. 
“I’m sorry.” She let Teagan pull her along, unsure of what exactly else she could do. She certainly didn’t want to get left behind, that much she knew. “Are you hurt from falling into the hole?” Xóchitl had about half a dozen (at least) more questions but right now was clearly not the time to ask, and that much she was acutely aware of. She squeezed Teagan’s hand for a moment as she yelped, even if she wasn’t entirely certain that she should be feeling a wave of protectiveness over someone she hardly knew. Over someone she’d hooked up with and who she found to be a good conversationalist, but that was about it.
“Yes, okay.” She could feel her heart racing - and it wasn’t a pleasant feeling. Different than her panic attacks, but still unpleasant. Still something that made her feel like a child, which was not a feeling Xóchitl enjoyed at all. Jump. She latched onto the word, and, in turn, back into the present moment, and looked over to Teagan, nodding. 
It was easy to follow Teagan, the other woman seemed much more sure of herself in the moment. Not blinded by whatever Xóchitl was. Once they’d come to a halt, she finally let her breath catch, coughing briefly. “Is - is - it still following us? I’ve heard that around bears you’re supposed to make yourself as big as possible, right?”
Teagan didn’t mean to get frustrated, but she was trying to focus, listen for the Kerashag’s fall. She couldn’t quite do that with Xóchitl talking, spouting uneducated nonsense, no less. “Shh!” Teagan hushed urgently, closing her eyes as she tuned into the heavy footfalls. Thump…thump…crash! The nix sighed with relief, signaling Xóchitl to remain quiet as she peered around the tree.
The Kerashag huffed and brayed with a mixture of confusion and frustration, standing back up slowly. It looked around, calling out as if its prey would step out, but the two women remained in hiding. Teagan continued to watch, happy to see the Kerashag finally release a relenting huff and turn to walk the opposite direction. When it reached an appropriate distance, Teagan broke the silence, turning back to Xóchitl with a greedy inhale of breath.
“Coc oen, that was…cachu hwch.” Xóchitl likely wouldn’t understand a single word being said, but the expression and tone were enough to translate. Everything had gone wrong in a matter of seconds, and Teagan was more than elated that it was over. “Well,” She cleared her throat, wincing as her stomach tightened from the pain. With the adrenaline waning, Teagan could feel the damage. “Are you all right?”
 “Yeah, yeah, sorry.” Xóchitl sighed, focusing on the space around them. On trying to not think about whatever it was that just attacked them. Bear attacks were more common in Maine, and she just happened to be unlucky enough to run into one.
“I - yes.” Xóchitl didn’t understand the words that Teagan was saying, but she understood her expression well enough to understand whatever it was she was trying to convey. The bear had run off quicker than she would’ve expected, but then again, she was hardly an expert on any sort of animal, let alone wild ones, so she figured she could just sit in the gratitude of it all for at least a little while.
“I - yeah, I think so.” Xóchitl rolled her shoulders and stretched out her arms. “I mean, other than being a fair bit alarmed at all of this, yeah. How - are you alright? It was near you before me, so I think - that’s more important, right? I’ve got basic first aid in my bag, if you need it.”
“Sorry for the bite in my tone earlier. That wasn’t exactly fair. I was just–fuck.” Teagan winced as she tried to breathe deeply, turning into nothing more than a shallow wheeze. Perhaps a few fractured ribs from the impact, she supposed. “Don’t think first aid is going to help here, lass.” As if to prove her point, pain flared in Teagan’s abdomen, and she lifted her shirt and used the dim light of her phone to reveal bruises in their early stages of forming. 
Leaning against the tree, white-hot pain cause Teagan’s hands to tremble, and it was all she could do to keep her composure. She needed to get to the lake soon. “Do you think you can manage getting yourself home, or do you want some company?” Please let it be the latter. “The big guy ain’t exactly the sort to attack again ‘less you go near his meal, which is what I did. Doesn’t right matter if it was by accident or not. Instinct kicks in, and all that.” Teagan chuckled dryly with a wince, wrapping her arms around her stomach protectively. It hurt.
“You – no need to say sorry,” Xóchitl gave a wave of her hand. She gave a worried glance over at Teagan as she wheezed. “I’d like company, if that works with you. I’m not a medical doctor, but I can check you over, if you want, or need. Plus, if you’re hurt, you probably shouldn’t be on your own, just in case it gets worse.” Which was the exact sort of disaster thinking that she didn’t want to participate in, or that her former therapist would have said was some sort of unhealthy behavior. Former therapist be damned, she was allowed to have whatever thoughts she wanted to have, unhealthy or otherwise. 
“Instincts are valid, and I mean, if it saved your life, then – oh, wait, yeah. Its instincts. Well, regardless, it is good you are alive and I am grateful you were here for me, because I think living in a city for so long got rid of any of my nature survival skills.” Xóchitl offered a wry chuckle.
“My, my, Xóchitl.” Teagan tutted playfully, her voice still a bit wheezy from being unable to fully catch her breath. “If you wanted to see my body, all you had to do was ask.” A sly grin formed on Teagan’s face and she chuckled at her flirtatious joke. Kerashag aside, being around Xóchitl was a pleasant thing. The nix wanted to make it even better, so Teagan closed the distance to boop her friend on the nose, not wanting to make the decision to steer the evening somewhere else all by herself. 
“Come on,” She waved her hand, beckoning Xóchitl to follow. Teagan knew a shortcut back to her place. The two of them could get cleaned up and get up to a few things she had in mind. Though it was entirely up to her companion, of course. “Let’s get to my cabin. Just a few clicks away. The night is young, and so are we!”
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goongiveusnothing · 9 months
Back to that ask about Olivia. She didn’t have to choose between hairier her children. It shouldn’t have been a choice. Her children should have always come before Harry and what the fuck did she expect? She and her ex are based in the US where they have raise their children for the last couple of years since they were born and of course he wasn’t going to let her move to the UK. It doesn’t it benefit him. He wasn’t working there anymore. The only person that benefitted was Olivia because she wanted to be closer to Harry. Of course he wasn’t going to let her take the children to a country that he didn’t want to live in it and they hadn’t lived in prior, except for the fact that he was working there. If the roles were reversed, Olivia would’ve done the exact same thing Jason did. And if Harry was a good partner, he would’ve made the sacrifice, and moved to the US where they could all be together. And let’s not forget little Olivia didn’t have that relationship Harry did.
he obviously just wanted to break up with her. he has a place in LA and a place in NY. he could've been with her when he needed to be. but he was obviously over the entire thing.
hairries are into this thing about pretending that jason sudeikis thwarted their romance by making sure olivia had to live... in the country the children live in? and not make them live part time in london and the US? i guess because they want to keep up with the jason sudeikis is the real villain narrative (don't look at harry) and keep up with the idea harry was crazy in love with a woman and would do anything to be with her, we don't get how romantic he is and how much of not a dog or total dickthinking slut he is.
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menstits · 2 years
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(ignore plushie for size on the right) i need to look like this except with hairier legs and bigger tits
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Golden Chapter 6
Summary: Josee has to start waxing. (Ages: 13/15) [ff.net link]
Rating: K+
Warnings: None
AN: (magnifique – magnificent | nounours – teddybear)
When her mother told her that she would have to give 110% in order to be a world-renowned ice dancer, Josée had agreed wholeheartedly. She had done everything her dear mama had asked of her for nearly a decade now, putting any resemblance of a social life on the backburner as she spent all of her time on either a dancefloor, balance beam, gym mat, or ice rink. Thankfully, her best friend was also her partner in all of this, otherwise she would be hopelessly antisocial by now.
But Josée knew that it wasn’t enough to be physically able—you had to be beautiful, too. Her mother had been grooming her since she was toddler, brushing and tying her hair into perfectly tight and efficient ponytails and buns, and decorating them in elegant pearls, clips, and bows. She had instructed her on how to apply makeup, and what colors to use. Bright, shiny, and thick makeup was best—it was easy for the crowd to see. And as of last year, she was also expected to keep any facial hair plucked, after she started growing some because of stupide puberty.
But plucking was no longer enough, evidently.
She had asked her mother when she would start shaving her legs and underarms, as some of her other classmates had started to do. After her mother inspected said areas with cold concentration, she abruptly informed Josée would have to start waxing her body hair—everywhere. In a panic, Josée tried to argue, something she rarely did with her mother, but was quickly dismissed. Shaving would lead to ingrown hairs, and thicker stubble as time wore on. Waxing was the only option for professionals.
“I’m so scared, Jacjac!” Josée cried tearlessly into his chest. “All the articles say waxing hurts so much! I don’t want to do it!”
Jacques didn’t know what to do. He was used to Josée throwing fits by now, but this one seemed fairly justified. Josée wasn’t even a hairy girl—he would know, they changed in front of each other all the time! A few underarm hairs and thin, soft leg hairs was hardly what he thought of when he imagined someone in desperate need of hair removal.
“I’m sorry, Josée!” He frowned, patting her back like always. “I know it’s unfair, but you can do it! You’re the toughest person I know! Except maybe my papa…”
Admittedly, he didn’t think his papa would wax, but—
“It’s not fair!!” Josée screamed, knocking him out of his thoughts. “You’re much hairier than me, and you don’t have to wax!”
Jacques chuckled a little at her huffy face.
“Well, I am a man, Josée. And male dancers don’t—well I supposed some male dancers wax, but I—”
“—Jacques!” Josée interrupted suddenly.
Jacques looked down at her and was a little taken aback by her excited, curious expression.
“Would you… come with me?” Josée cracked a hopeful smile and squeezed his shirt, eyes shining brighter.
“Like... come into the spa with you when you go?” He raised a brow in confusion.
“Non, silly! Would you come to get waxed with me!” She bounced a little, already expecting him to say ‘yes’.
Jacques was horrified.
“W-what? But—why should I—Josée this is unreasonable!” He could feel the back of his neck starting to sweat. Like she said, he was much hairier than she was, and any waxing treatment would be infinitely worse for him than her! How was that fair?
“Aw please, nournours?” Josée tilted her head to the side, resting her temple against his chest. “Please, I don’t want to go alone!”
Jacques’ heart was pounding. He hardly ever said ‘no’ to Josée, and she was giving him her usual adorable pleading face—the one where she already knew his answer was ‘yes’. He swallowed and looked away.
“How... how much of my hair would get waxed? All of it?” He pouted. He was so proud of his manly body hair. Josée giggled and hugged him, well aware she had him sunk already.
“All the places I have to get waxed, of course!” She smiled up at him happily. Jacques frowned at her worriedly.
“But Josée—my legs and underarms have much more hair than yours do!” He sulked more as she snuggled him, moving her arms from around his middle to his neck. Arguing was pointless, he was going to go do this with her whether he liked it or not.
Jacques sat nervously with a crisp white towel wrapped around his waist. To his side was an equally nervous Josée, with a matching white towel pulled up over her chest. They were trying to distract themselves by looking at the luxury spa’s décor, but it wasn’t fabulous enough to take their minds off the impending torture they assumed they’d be going through shortly. Jacques swallowed and looked down towards Josée, who anxiously looked up at him in return. After a moment, two employees greeted them cheerfully. They were two girls who looked to be in their twenties, and glowed with a healthy radiance. They looked over their appointment sheets a moment and started prepping the wax.
“Full Body’s for both of you?” One asked with a chipper smile. Jacques and Josée smiled nervously and nodded.
“Magnifique!” The other piped up, snapping on a pair of gloves. The sound made both dancers jump up, and Josée snatched Jacques’ hand to squeeze like a stress ball. The employees instructed them to lay on their backs on their respective waxing tables, and they did as they were told, still holding hands across the space between the tables. As the girls prepped more, Jacques and Josée whispered to one another.
“Jacjac I’m so nervous.” Josée pouted at him, holding her towel tightly.
“M-me too, mon amie.” Jacques trembled a little. He couldn’t believe he was doing this, but he couldn’t take the idea of Josée all alone being as scared as she was. His want to back out couldn’t beat out his love for his dearest partner, so there he stayed, despite shivering with fear.
Both were quickly disrupted from their comforting last words by the spa employees. They gave them a quick pep talk, seeing that this was their first waxing, and then instructed them to lift their arms. Jacques and Josée kept their hands locked, but now raised over their heads like when they were accepting gold on the podium. Jacques turned and frowned at Josée’s measly group of thin hairs in her underarm past his own tuft of armpit hair. This was totally unfair! Why were the odds always stacked against him?
The girls started rubbing an oil over their skin, saying it would keep the wax from sticking, and thus made the process hurt less. That relieved the pair a little and they smiled at each other reassuringly. Then, the employees spread a thick dark goo over their underarm hair. Upon seeing the teens confused faces, they explained that it was a “hard wax”, and would also make the process less painful. The pair didn’t seem very convinced, but the warmth of the wax felt almost nice on their panicking skin. The employees gave them a countdown, and then swiped the layer of wax off in unison.
Josée’s shriek gagged in the back of her throat, but Jacques’ did not.
“Hah-hah! That wasn’t so bad.” Josée laughed, now that her skin wasn’t aching from forceful hair removal. It also helped that they were going to go enjoy a nice sauna to open up their pores, and then a scrub to get any remnants of oil and hair out.
“I… guess.” Jacques waddled behind her, keeping his gait wide as he walked. Truthfully, it was only painful for the second that it was happening, and most of his tears were out of fear. But there were a lot of seconds! His lip wibbled in remorse—he had just grown all that hair!
“All my manly body hair…” He mourned softly again.
“Oh, be quiet, you big baby!” Josée scoffed and tugged up her towel again. ‘Manly body hair’ indeed! Jacques grumbled a little in response, but nothing she could make out. As they found their way to their private sauna, Josée stopped short of opening the door. Jacques raised a brow at her in confusion while he waited for her to enter the room. Suddenly she turned around and popped up on her tiptoes, and planted a kiss on his cheek.
“Merci, nounours.” She smiled up at him appreciatively. He might be a big baby, but she didn’t know any boys his age that would give up their freshly grown ‘manly body hair’ for anyone. Mama always said they were such babies about pain too, but Jacques persevered for her!
Jacques gave her a lopsided smile and opened the door for her, bowing graciously. Josée giggled and bounced into the sauna, followed shortly by her partner.
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