#even if as i said i try to not rrly trust some of the stuff at face value
end-orfino · 2 months
it's really funny when an analysis video is good(at least to you) but you haven't actually experienced the media firsthand. Like, knowing how video analysis videos ARE, there's a huge chance that the information you got about the media in question isn't true/the interpretation of it is wrong, but at the same time??? The story the video told is still something you perceive as a good story, with good ways of narrating it and all. Sometimes even the way the author edits the video and presents the information is what inspires you. And how do you credit that even
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aetheve · 2 years
hello! I came from your Icarus dorm assignments, can I get sorted into one?
favorite character: I like them all but Floyd is my number one <3
favorite teacher: Mozus trein, I like his cat
zodiac: Virgo sun, Sagittarius rising, Cancer moon
rice purity score: idk
thing appealing about me: I like to think I'm pretty ❤️
book smarts or street smarts: is neither a option??? but I guess street smarts
dry texter or not: dry texter, I've been told that too many times 😭
introvert or extrovert: introvert
cats or dogs: CATS!!!!! I like some dogs doe just some
favorite song: none but my latest obsession is Honeymoon Un Deux Trois cover by dongdang
lead or follow: follow
─ I like story based games and otome games! I hate and despise horror and gore. I only have a small group of friends, and a casual relationship with everyone else. I never did dislike someone or had a crush on someone before. My friends had said I was kinda insensitive and too indifferent about some things. They did say I'm nice to hangout and talk with doe, only if I made effort to make friends.
─ making and keeping relationships is hard for me especially if I don't see them everyday like school or smth. I would feel lazy to text them or anything, just not making any effort to start or continue anything. ofc I'd say hi and stuff if I see them but nothing beyond school unless I know them for very long alr. I rarely trust people wholely, just some small doubts here and there, I never act it out doe. I love gossip and drama lol, hate it when I'm involved doe but they're entertaining.
─ I don't rrly know how to react to insults, I just say okay and go. I say thanks for compliments or I know for close friends and family. I've been called dumb so many times I don't even care anymore 😭 I haven't failed any of my subjects except for maths, as long I graduate and don't get hold back everything is good. I'm mentally and physically weak.... and lazy and easily unmotivated. I've been told I look scary doe, ppl. socially awkward, I'm super forgetful, straightforward. I tend to be more honest, I'd feel bad for lying 😰 (sometimes) I have a good poker face so many tend to think I'm saying the truth when I'm just messing with them lol.
─ I like humour and laughing, that sounded kinda weird. I like people with humour, I laugh easily too. I hate exercising and I'm bad with technology which is kinda funny cause i don't think I can survive without any entertainment honestly and also bc they say I'm addicted to my phone sometimes 💀
is this enough??? hopefully I didn't miss anything, sorry if it's too much, thank you if you took up my ask! ❤️❤️ stay safe and hope you have a nice day or whatever timezone you're at
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—- 🐉 WELCOME TO DIASOMNIA! a dorm based on the thorn fairy's spirit of nobility. twisted from sleeping beauty.
malleus enjoys going on walks with you, very specific i know. you don't actually have to be talking to each other he just enjoys your vibez yk? you're his go to person when he needs to complain about the inaccuracy of magic class. if someone insults you, you'll both stand there with blank expressions before you look at one another wondering 'what now?'
sebek admires you, not as much as malleus though. you'll be his living diary. late at night you'd listen to him talk about his day and then he'll just fall asleep on your shoulder. i'd suggest listening to him in his room so you can just leave him to sleep when he passes out.
lilia love scaring you. you could be trying to sleep when he appears in your slightly opened closet looking like mf annabelle. it doesn't matter the time, he will go through hell and back if it means frightening you trust me. at some point, he deleted all your apps causing you to faint because your progress?! gone?! however if someone insults you he will roast their ass dwdw.
silver often naps, head resting on your lap, while you play on your phone. no words are spoken, you two just enjoy the presence of the other and that is all there is to it.
your close friend out of your dorm is idia. you two met online and you recklessly told him you attended the nrc and the rest is history. you're over there during school hours so you can study together without going to class and play games until school hours end because you have to go pick up your 'kids.'
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"child of man, what's the matter?" malleus burst through your door, light from the outside flooding your room. your shaking hand pointed towards your closet, there you saw two red dot thingies that resembled eyes.
"uhh, malleus is everything alright?" sebek inquired, popping out from behind the housewarden. he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he watched malleus open your closet curiously. "huh.. who would've guessed yn'd be the type to have a life size lilia plushie.."
"this isn't a 'plushie'" malleus sighed, picking up the thing by its head. "it's lilia." a 'boo!' accompanied malleus' statement from the smaller fae.
"ha! you looked so scared–"
"we'll be going now."
it took a while to calm your racing heart, you couldn't make yourself move as you eavesdropped on the not so quiet conversation outside,
"that wasn't funny, quit your giggling, malleus scolded.
"yeah, lilia, you should apologize–" sebak chimed in, slowly realizing his mistake weh nthe fae disappeared.
"sorry!" lilia reappeared above you, upside down for a minute to see your reaction before disappearing for the night.
"...in the morning." sebek added at the sound of your scream.
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"done!" you giggled, turning your phone screen to your blue haired friend. "got luke's ending before you did, woo!" you collapsed on his bed with a sigh of relief at the released tension."
"eh? but that's impossible!" he stood examining your phone.
"but it isn't." you looked at him, amused by his distress. "i'm tired.." you mumbled, rolling onto your side.
"uh – uhm, sleep i have to figure out how on earth you beat me at this, it – it just isn't adding up?" he went back to typing away on his computer like a man on a mission, "i'll wake you up when it's time. unless you cheated…"
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lqsannie · 5 years
cotton candy skies
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(okay so just so u guys know i literally don't know how to use tumblr but ive had this idea for years oh my god i meed to write this down: anyway its ur bday and san is taking u on a lil date hehe enjoy)
you woke up from your annoying alarm and was overflowing with messages from family and friends. all wishing you a happy birthday. you smiled seeing people actually caring about you and was about to stand up until your two roommates burst into your door singing happy birthday, you thanked them and got dressed to visit your family because they told you they'd threw a little family party for you. you were half done with the outfit when suddenly someone called, it was san. you picked up the phone and immediately smiled at the voice of your boyfriend singing you happy birthy. 'happy birthday love! don't forget i'm taking you somewhere today at 6pm alright? see you later!'
the family party was finally over as you bid goodbyes to some family members and opened the door to leave, just to see san standing there in front of his car. 'hey love, happy birthday.' he said as he kissed your cheek. 'thank you sani.' he giggled at the cute nickname and opened the door for you to get in. 'so where are we going?' you asked excited looking out of the window. 'to the dorms, you need to get changed from those fancy clothes.' he said as he still fixed his gaze on the road, his hand resting on your thigh. a blush started spreading on your cheeks but you just quietly nodded.
when you arrived at the dorm it was oddly quiet, none of the boys were there. 'hey where are the others?' san came back from his room holding one of his big hoodies (your favourite in fact, you'd always cuddle him because you loved the soft fabric and the smell.) and gave it to you. 'told them to leave obviously, dont want them to do stupid stuff.' he answered. and you nodded as you quickly got changed into the comfortable fabric (san left the room of course.) 'kay i'm done let's go!'
'close your eyes.' san said excitedly while covering your eyes with his hands and telling you where to walk. 'okay nowww open!' you looked around and noticed you were in the small fair that happened once a year in town. your eyes lit up watching all the children laugh, seeing all the food and the pretty lights. 'oh my god i love this.' you whispered. and san smiled in content interwining your hands and walking around.
'san just give up you're never going to get that plushie!' you laughed as he tried it for the seventh time, failing again. 'but shiber needs a friend.' he pouted and you could not resist that, so you tried it this time, and actually got it one try. you proudly gave the plushie to san and his eyes lit up hugging the smal plushie thight. 'thank you so much oh my god.' he said as he also pulled you close to him, acting as if he had won a lottery, you smiled at his cute behaviour and you two walked around some more. 'hey how about that haunted house?' san asked pointing at a big black building with some scary decorations around it. 'you sure you're not gonna cry?' you asked him and he confidently nodded his head. 'it's not that scary.'
several eyes were on you two when you left the haunted house with a pale san next to you clinging on your arm as if his life depends on it, and staff walking next to you because san was too scared to finish the whole house. 'not so scary huh?' you teased him and he lightly slapped your arm. 'shut up.' he said still embarrassed with himself. you guys walked around for a while when san suddenly dragged you to a cotton candy stand. 'i would like one big cotton candy please!' he smiled at the lady who gave us the sweet treat and quickly paid before giving it to you. 'let's go on that huge ferris wheel.' he pointed at the ferris wheel which was indeed very huge and had pretty lights decorating it. 'alrighty.' he took your hand in his as you two walked to the wheel and occasionally taking bites from the cotton candy. it wasn't that busy as you guys expected so you two quickly got a seat and enjoyed the pretty view of the small town. san leaned his head on your shoulder while you were feeding him some cotton candy. 'so..' he started you looked up at him waiting for him to continue. 'i uh. how do i say this.' his hands started sweating and he removed his head from your shoulder. 'uhm i, i'm really happy i got to meet you, these past 8 months had been the best months ever and i cannot thank you enough for everything, for taking care of me, for still being with me even if i act like a little shit most of the time.' he said in one breath, hands shaking as he got a small box out of his coat. 'so i'm happy we got to spend your birthday together, uh here's a little gift.' he wanted to give the box to you but it almost slipped out of his hands due to the nervousness. 'i-i'm sorry agh.' he groaned in frustration and gave you the box. you slowly opened it revealing a small silver necklace with a clover charm. 'wow' you say breathless. 'i love this.' he finally looked you in the eye and started smiling too. 'this is so cute you're the best boyfriend ever ohmy god.' you said as you attacked him in a hug. 'here let me put it on for you.' he picked up the necklace and came closer to you to make sure the end was closed. you could feel his breath touching your neck and you got goosebumps. he started kissing your neck softly telling you how much you mean to him. when he pulled away you rested your hand on his cheek and locked lips together. the kiss was deeper and longer than you'd both expect, you could taste the cotton candy you guys just finished. he pulled away only cause he had to smile. 'wow did we really.' he breathed out touching his lips and looking at you. 'that was the sweetest kiss ever, literally.' he said making you both blush. 'hey san.' saying "i love you„ wasn't really something you guys said often, you both knew you could trust eachother so there wasn't really need for that. 'i love you.' you said as you watched your boyfriend with the biggest smile ever on his face as he once again attacked youw ith a hug and started to kiss you again and again.
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ok i rrly thougjt the whole day about this i want to cry mf uh i lov san PLEASE
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