#esfp stereotypes
mbti-enemies · 11 months
first three words that come to mind for each mbti type based on absolutely nothing:
HAHA SO SORRY <3 infj here and super subjective but lessgo
INTJ: fire, story, night
INFJ: future, stars, touch
ESFJ: helpful, easy, strawberry
ISFJ: baking, care, detail
ISFP: artsy, music, flowers
ISTP: cars, smooth, strong
ESFP: karaoke, sunset, real
ESTP: cool, smirks, speed
ENTJ: slay, charge, mean
ENTP: devil, funny, orange
INFP: blankets, butterfly, feelings
ENFP: chaos, sun, bubbles
ENFJ: friendly, everyone, bright
INTP: anime, sleep, deprivation
ESTJ: boss, ruler, extra
ISTJ: solid, glasses, stats
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livzylox · 4 days
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MBTI stereotypes. I don't really believe the stereotypes because everyone is different but this is just for fun. Also, sorry I keep dissapearing, I'm suddenly showing early signs of schizophrenia.
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On Jōnouchi's ADHD (1.39k words)
This headcanon is probably the longest on this blog; it's some compiled thoughts on how growing up with (undiagnosed) ADHD has affected Jōnouchi. It's halfway between headcanon and fanfiction piece, and was requested by @bloodyscott, whom I kept waiting for too long for a response. I apologise sincerely for the delay.
This headcanon begins below the cut, as it's obscenely long. You may find it more comfortable to read this from the blog page, or on Archive of Our Own (NOTE: tumblr is acting strange. To access the page, copy the link and manually remove the href.li portion and the second https), rather than on your dashboard/search, in terms of formatting and such.
From infancy, Jōnouchi wailed his way out of his crib, out of his room, out of his house—as a baby, he thrashed towards whatever freedom he could find. He loathed the four walls of the crib; he'd scarce room to move. A skin infection brought him, aged 4, to hospital, and the very sight of overrun grey plastic seats and skinny cubicles exhausted him more than his illness had ever threatened to.
In primary school, others’ desks would blend together in a whir. Here he was, stuck, dizzyingly sedentary—the longer he sat, the foggier the world seemed to grow. When he kicked and whined at other children throughout electric lunch breaks, and they shrank from his vitality, he learned to eat alone. As his peers trudged from class in packs, watching the pavement, he sat, sullen, as his father drove him home. Somehow, Katsuhiro had never trusted him not to lose himself in chasing his surrounds. The fabric of the car seat would bite into his shorts, and he’d squirm for the window, squealing towards the noise outside: Birds that cawed; scraps of paper that fluttered and choked on smog. That was a fragile era, when his mother still waited, with dry hands and chipped nails, at home. When his father already stank of beer, but still spoke loudly, deeply, boisterously. Again and again, Jōnouchi’s mother would sit her son down, and write his name, stroke by agonising stroke. She’d recite each mora in time with each character. Yet sound would cluster through his head, and his own name would dissolve amid his mother’s instructions, amid the blaze of sunlight trapped on the windowsill behind her. He would write, and the strokes would come out rushed, mis-ordered, lopsided. 
Iro wa nioedo 
chirinuru wo.
At 10, his father grew quiet, and his mother yet quieter. Silence took up like a plague in Jōnouchi’s head, and swarmed in shapeless formation throughout parched mathematics lessons. Times tables hurled themselves headlong into a skull full of fog, and burst on contact. Are you listening? a teacher asked. How could he listen with a head full of noise, of unspoken words billowing back and forth? He gripped his seat, and glared back. Why should I care, anyway?
When his mother left, his father stopped caring to chaperone him. It had taken Jōnouchi a decade to earn the right to shed his infancy. He resented that it had been this long, so tried to join the huddle of middle schoolers. He told odd stories, and took off, queasy, in front of them. They withdrew their smiles when he approached on the second day. He growled his plaint, and resentment drove him to take the opposite route. He explored back alleys, wallflower convenience stores and dilapidated cinemas; the faster he walked, the more clearly he could see each brick, and the brighter each fleck in the pavement glinted. At speed, he delayed the journey home, and set his eyes on a gorgeous early winter sunset. The colours bellowed, too bold for winter, ungainly and vain. They were glorious.
Jōnouchi came home late. His father glared; fog crashed back down on his shoulders. 
Wa ga yo tare zo 
tsune naran?
A week before she cleared out too few of Katsuhiro’s belongings and packed too few suitcases, Jōnouchi’s mother drove both children two miles to the optometrist. My son, she explained, reads slowly, yet resents reading; it seems he can’t see very well. My daughter’s sight seems clearer, yet she complains of pain. The optometrist forced Jōnouchi to read down a chart of letters; he fidgeted, and, consumed in memories of a lonely lunch break the day prior, passed with flying colours. When the optometrist flashed a light to photograph his eyes, whatever hideous miracle that was, Jōnouchi screamed.
Katsuya Jōnouchi, the optometrist surmised, had perfect acuity of sight. He sought attention, stimulation. Meanwhile, Shizuka Jōnouchi, who had sat entirely still throughout her examination, had more ragged, derelict peripheral vision than her family had anticipated. Untreated, both your children will get much worse.
And in the months after Shizuka Jōnouchi became Shizuka Kawai and Mrs. Jōnouchi became That Bitch Who Never Cared, Katsuya Jōnouchi became horribly aware of how little time he had to be lethargic. He had to survive this schism; yet as he was, he barely felt capable of thinking. He walked, fidgeted, paced to prove to himself that he was a moving, breathing organism. Yet his father’s frustration would brook no exuberance. Long before Katsuhiro fully committed to flinging glass and spurning his son’s misery, Jōnouchi began learning to move silently, slowly, around his father. He memorised which mats snapped and snagged, which bits of fabric hissed when stepped on. He noted which windows opened most quietly. And yet he never managed a perfect, quiet exit. He couldn’t help but be conspicuous; he could only hope to get out too quickly for his father to react. And, to lift the torpor that followed escape, he would run to school, and, after, run back. Never did the sun shine brighter than when he was moving.
Uwi no okuyama
kyou koete.
When he met Hirutani, did he become more violent? No; every punch he threw during his delinquency had waited, kinetic and desperate, for days, months, years. In classrooms, his sole responses to being ordered around had been sullen deference, with sullenness being his sole demonstration of rebellion. Now, threatened with the obsolescence of his ego, of his perceived freedom, he chained himself to violence, over and over. The first time he punched a man in the gut, he found himself shaking. And rather than sink into sallow, domestic remorse, he slathered himself in white rage. And he went back and he went back and he went back, helpless to his own instincts, trying to dredge the noise in his skull out through his fists. No matter how many punches he threw, and no matter how many he received, he could not stop his head from blazing anew the moment he walked away.
Did Duel Monsters afford him any peace? He would be no man’s losing dog; nor would he be confined to dull celebrity. To play as a strategist consigned him to sitting still, committing himself to gambits he could never entirely trust, to moves that demanded a clear head. To play too whimsically would doom him to inferiority. Thus, he gave half his heart to diligence, and half to sheer fortune. Nobody could idolise his kind of folly, nor devalue his kind of skill. This was Jōnouchi’s will—to eschew having to wait in the mire of expectation; to escape the fog of obligation to anyone’s morals but his own. Honour suited him, so long as it was on his meticulous terms. In games of Duel Monsters, he became a knight-errant of sorts: predictably unpredictable, unexpectedly canny, blindly faithful. With this relationship to his own fate laid out so, he could finally draw cards without fearing those next to come. And thus, hyperkinetic, he found a peace in the game. So he played and played until he forgot how long he’d been playing, and Duel Monsters became as second nature.
Asaki yume miji
ei mo suzu.
Two weeks before Jōnouchi’s graduation, Shizuka invited him to her place to dine. Their father was not to join them. Jōnouchi protested, and his desperation died in a pinprick throat. Wisteria spilled itself over the footpath. Each step threatened to plunge, vertiginous, to the ground. 
When Jōnouchi saw his mother, his throat turned to sandpaper. She looked so old.
You cried so much as a baby, she told him. Kicked and screamed to see the world. You weren’t comfortable waiting in your crib—I’d end up coming to you at 4AM, walking you around the perimeter of the house till my heels burned. And you seemed so afraid of all the noises of the night—groaning engines, singing birds. Now, look at you—you’ve grown up so terribly fast.
Could he afford to tell her how even now, he bit down the urge to kick and scream, to launch himself, all fists and sparks, onto his tormentors? No; so, all night, he gripped his glass as tight as he could. The cold lingered and itched on his palms for days. Holding onto things, it seemed, was not so difficult as he’d once believed.
#couple of notes: i tried to write jōnouchi as also possibly having some form of conduct disorder that did not progress to aspd.#as i have neither conduct disorder nor aspd – i can't promise it's entirely accurate#and i apologise sincerely for any serious mistakes. i've tried to avoid stigma but i know i've a hell of a lot more learning to do#jōnouchi is meant to have combined-type adhd here. i have adhd but no diagnosed subtype#however i'd generally say i have an extremely different experience to jōnouchi here. (i'm either hyperactive or combined)#i've tried to stay away from stereotype while also focussing on how a young child might be both overtly and internally hyperactive#and how the display of symptoms might change with circumstance.#moreover; shizuka's eye condition in the anime is left vague and (probably unrealistically) curable#i went with some kind of glaucoma (probably open-angle but i really don't know enough to say).#she probably stopped losing vision after surgery but i doubt she actually got her peripheral vision back#the japanese poem interspersed throughout is the iroha. it was more significant to early drafts and i'm too sentimental to take it out.#i named jōnouchi's father katsuhiro (克弘) because calling him 'jōnouchi's father' got too cumbersome#i didn't really show jonouchi hyperfocussing much or write about his experience of time.#but since he's an esfp i probably need more time to work out how Se dominance could interact with time blindness#anyway. i'll shut up now.#yugioh#yu-gi-oh!#YGO#Yu-Gi-Oh#yu gi oh#katsuya jonouchi#katsuya jounouchi#jounouchi katsuya#jonouchi katsuya#shizuka jonouchi#shizuka jounouchi#jonouchi#城之内克也#tw domestic violence#cw domestic violence
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bluemnmballs · 18 days
It's so funny how there are people in the online MBTI community who whines and moans about how their "type" is so "misunderstood" and "misinterpreted" or whatever. Like "guys not all INFPs r sad and overly sensitive all the time 😔😔😔 this is litrally not me 😭" or "grrr not all Thinkers and/or Ni users are emotionless and savant human beings!!!111 😡😡😡😡"
Literally the pseudoscientific equivalent of a Harry Potter fan going "Hufflepuffs are so misunderstood… why do people think all of us are idiots.. 😔" or "Not all Slytherins r evil 😡!!!"
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clutteredmbti · 2 years
Based just on personality-database.com’s voting system, what fictional characters I an ENFP think fit the types, because sometimes everyone needs to know what I think.
(Part 1)
Samwise Gamgee - Lord of the Rings
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Woody - Toy Story
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Raymond Holt - Brooklyn Nine-Nine
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Li Shang - Mulan
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Hagrid - Harry Potter
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Joey Tribbiani (+Rachel Green) - Friends
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Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow - The MCU
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Flynn Rider - Tangled
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p.s. do not take these too seriously
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sp6ghetti · 1 year
Enneatype 4 summarised!!
Core type-  Passion: envy. E4s feel as though something is missing in their life. Whether this is a person, thing or feeling, they feel like others have achieved this while they stayed behind. Fixation: melancholy. Due to this loss, they feel like they don't belong amongst the people they assume have achieved this thing they want. They feel disconnected and unrelated to those. Trap: authenticity. E4s believe that that what is missing can come anytime. When it does come, they can finally feel fulfilled and authentic. Defence mechanism: introjection. To avoid ordinariness and keep their self image of being authentic, they take external negativity directed towards them and internalise them in a way that helps them feel in control of these critiques. Virtue: equanimity. They need to allow themselves to be happy in the present and with what they have, this is called equanimity. And so, they overcome their envy. Key traits: Inferior self-image, focus on suffering, emotional sensitivity and empathic ability, aesthetic sensibility, push-pull pattern in relationships.
Subtypes-  Self preservation [sp]: Sp4s are stoic and learned to stay strong during painful situations. Sp4s are extremely demanding of themselves, they work hard to achieve what they’re missing. When this ends up stressing them out, they won't show or tell anyone. Their suffering is constantly suppressed, they hope to find validation and love because of how strong and enduring they are. Sexual [sx]: Envy is very present in the sx4. They feel as though they’re constantly made to compete with others they should be better than. Despite suffering from the inferiority all e4s deal with, this is much more socially suppressed in sx4s. They feel as though they must be superior or their efforts aren't worth anything. Social [so]: So4s are kind of the stereotypical e4s. They feel as though their suffering and pain is a part of them, while they do tend to talk about it a lot, this is often seen as their only trait which is not true. They are convinced something is fundamentally wrong with them and due to this constantly compare themselves to others in hopes to figure out what this is.
Contradictions-  INTP, ISTP, ENTP, ESTP, INTJ, ISTJ, ESTJ, ENTJ, ESFJ, ENFJ The main contradiction in e4 is the thinking dichotomy. Similar to e2, e4s highly value emotions and feelings. This doesn’t mean they don't value logic nor that thinking types don't value emotion, it just means they prefer one over the other. Another contradiction is Fe dominance. This is due to external emotion and a desire to please the group.  Types you might want to look into if you are on this list are e2, e3, e5, e6, e7 and e9.
Compatible types- Self preservation: INFP, ISFP, INFJ, ISFJ Social: INFP, ISFP, INFJ, ENFP, ESFP Sexual: INFP, ISFP, ENFP, ESFP
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funkymbtifiction · 5 months
Barbie: Barbie [ESFP 3w2]
MBTI Type: ESFP Barbie is a stereotype at the beginning in that all she does is party, have fun, and think about doing her own thing; but her Se also comes in handy later when she confidently decides to go to the real world (a place she has never been) and meet people, and change their minds. For the most part, she’s content at first to live in a world without questioning anything she sees or…
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herebedragonsbooks · 8 months
A brief introduction to the MBTI
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Hi everyone! As I have seen the MBTI community is getting bigger here around Tumblr, I decided to take the chance and start making some posts sharing my (really) humble knowledge about it. This post (that I hope to be the first of many) is an attempt of a quick overview of this whole theory while trying to keep it as simple as I can so that everyone will be able to understand at least the basic concepts Hope you like it and find it useful! 🫶🏼
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What’s the MBTI?
The MBTI is a typology/pseudoscientific psychology theory made by Katherine Cook Brigs and her daughter Isabel Brigs Myers inspired by the works of the psychoanalyst Carl Jung. According to Katherine’s idea if everyone knew their personality types, people could recognize more easily their strengths and flaws as well choose carrer paths or jobs that fit their personalities better
Basic points of the theory
The theory claims that everyone could be sorted in one of the 16 different personality types, depending on which of the 8 Jung’s functions they used, and in which order they were sorted. Also, people from the same type are more likely to enjoy the same kind of hobbies, have similar interest or even get along better with certain people
So, this is related to the 16p thing with the people with colours?
Short answer: Yes!
Long answer: Yes and no, it’s difficult to explain
The 16p test is the first approach most people have to MBTI (I had that phase too, don’t worry) but unfortunately that test can’t be considered accurate. The Myers Brigs Theory is based on functions and their order (I will elaborate about it later, I promise) while the 16p sorts people in the types using a totally different criteria which consists in an axis selection between Extrovert-Introvert, Intuitive-Sensor, Thinker-Feeler, and Judging and Perceiving and is also quite stereotypical. So, your 16p type can be completely different from your MBTI type
What are the functions?
Okay, this is the big question. Functions are one of the basic concepts in typology and it could be sum up as how we process the information we receive and the way our personality traits show up in real life. There are total of 8 functions: Se (Extroverted Sensing), Si (Introverted Sensing), Te (Extroverted Thinking), Ti (Introverted Thinking), Ne (Extroverted Intuition), Ni (Introverted intuition), Fe (Extroverted Feeling) and Fi (Introverted Feeling)
Soon I will be making another post about what each function means and how they order affects us 😉
The different personality types
There are 16 personality types divided in four groups depending on the functions they use:
-The analysts: People who use Intuitive and Thinking functions go here, these MBTI types are known for being logical, knowledge lovers and problem solvers. They can either be: INTP, ENTP, INTJ or ENTJ
-The Sentinels: People who use Introvert Sensing go here, these MBTI types are known for being practical, organized, responsible and predictable. They can either be: ISFJ, ESFJ, ISTJ or ESTJ
-The Diplomats: People who use Intuitive and Feeling functions go here, these MBTI types are known for being highly idealistic and empathic. They can either be: INFP, ENFP, INFJ or ENFJ
-The Explorers: People who use Extrovert Sensing function go here, these MBTI are known for being spontaneous, practical, quite observant, and aware of their surroundings. They can either be: ISTP, ESTP, ISFP or ESFP
So that’s all for now! My next typology post will elaborate more about the functions and how they work. It’s already on the process, so stay tunned if you want to know more about MBTI Meanwhile, I will try to answer any question you may have about it either on the comments or in my inbox, so don’t be afraid to speak up. Reblogs are appreciated🥰
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comradekatara · 7 months
What do you think the avatar characters mbti is?
okay disclaimer that mbti is a pseudoscience of a pseudoscience and categorizing "personality types" by ordering "cognitive functions" is no way to responsibly evaluate the world around you as a thoughtful and conscientious adult. that said, we were all fifteen once, and perhaps during that time we became obsessed with typing characters as a lens through which to facilitate deeper character analysis. perhaps! who can say!
aang is an enfp obviously. classic enfp. katara is an infp which i know is controversial in a sick & twisted "katara is a mom so she's an esfj" world but i stand by it and you can't change my mind. sokka is an entp. perhaps the most entp to ever entp. toph is an istp. zuko is an isfp (note how he is similar to both katara and toph but also far dumber than both of them. not a coincidence!). suki is tough bc she's not prominent enough to type confidently but i think she is an istp who just happens to be very charismatic and outgoing. i'm less confident abt that one though. azula is an entp yes i said what i said. mai is an intj. ty lee is difficult bc she's so performative it's hard to tell what she's truly thinking at any given time but i think she is an esfj masquerading as an esfp. iroh is an enfj. i think yue is an infj but again her presence is limited so it's hard to tell, that's just vibes tbh. jet is a very stereotypical estp, so despite his limited screentime it's actually pretty easy to type him. i could try typing other characters but any minor character is a lot more difficult to evaluate so keep that in mind. and also take this entire framework with a heap of salt lmao
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mbti-enemies · 2 years
daytime weathers
Sunshine: ENFP, ESFP, ENFJ
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zestywaffles · 3 months
Takes on how ESFP interacts with INTJ? 👀
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hmm 😏 I think I would like to do a bullet list
✨ MISCOMMUNICATION ✨ all over the friggen place
it's like
the words that are used, go in two directions every time we talk, and we find ourselves on two completely different topics by the end lol
can't hold a proper conversation without getting frustrated by our opposite povs. from what I've seen, INTJs, although realistic, can be the worst of pessimists and will never miss an opportunity to rain on a sunny outlook. drives me nuts. huff.
aside from that, there is a certain kind of understanding that we have. with my case, it could be that having a similar past in depression, anxiety and an eating disorder brought me and my INTJ together in a very unique way.
frankly, INTJs will see (most) ESFPs as way too much, and will avoid them if they can. (I'm a 9 so this doesn't technically apply to me :P)
very often, ESFPs will find the INTJ's social oblivion hard to manage, but if it's the right mood for a philosophical discussion, they might surprise you.
surprise, surprise, we can talk about other things besides shopping and drinking. crazy, I know.
I think ESFPs overall respect INTJs and who they are as people, seeing that they're brainy, nerdy, quirky, clever, awkward, even kind and sweet and so much more; its a rewarding experience, getting to know an INTJ
I hope that the INTJs out there have a healthy, mature ESFP to experience the world with. being Ni dominant seems like you can easily get lost in the sauce of horrible scenarios and inevitable panic and I believe an Se dom is the perfect person to widen the outlook and make the physical work seem less scary I guess.
I truly think the types can bring the best out of their opposites, if both parties are willing to try.
I actually wrote a whole thing about my INTJ cousin and how he looks from my viewpoint:
this was fun! let me know if it needs anything else. I'm delirious from sleep deprivation soooo...
should prolly reread this before I post it but whatever
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sophieinwonderland · 1 month
"I’ve gotta be honest and make a confession…I don’t really like what I’m seeing on that subreddit. It just feels wrong to group people into these sorts of categories based on pseudoscience, and then making huge stereotypes about how those people must think because of them."
I have been there for quite some time and I don't think you should worry too much; when you take a closer look and spend some time there you will find that most of it is actually light-hearted fun because, like you sort of said, people don't fit perfectly into 16 personality types. You will often find comments there that say something like "I'm INTP but I actually prefer INTJ's favourite food in this post" or "I prefer playing FPS games despite being ENTP" and still get upvoted with no hate.
And the MBTI test is really more of a test that shows what you generally are like as a person (e.g. you are unlikely to be an ESFP if you are introverted and usually don't follow your gut when making decisions) and not necessarily the exact things you like or what you are 100% of the time, and people are aware of this fact despite what it might look like at first (I actually thought exactly the same as you when I first discovered it). Maybe there are people that take it completely seriously and think you can't deviate a little bit at all, but that's a very silent minority that I haven't noticed.
So basically, don't judge a book by its cover (or a subreddit by its front page in this case). It's light hearted fun and only about what you generally are like as a person.
Thanks for your perspective.
To expand a bit on my opinion though...
I do agree some of it is light-hearted fun. But I also think a lot of it is trying to be taken seriously, and to a point where people are treating these types as static and impossible to change. Here's one example of a thread I saw there:
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The question, for those who don't know what this means, is essentially if it's possible to go from a "feeling" person to a "thinking" one.
And the answers are that these are fixed traits that can't possibly change, and all that might change is answers to quizzes...
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And I'm not saying completely changing your personality is something that would quick or easy. It would require dedication to learning new ways of thinking, and changing habits.
And sure, if you were on the extreme end of the spectrum, then that's going to be really hard.
But personality is variable, at least to an extent, and changes over a person's lifetime. And I feel advice like this is deeply flawed, and convinces people that change is impossible and that they're just locked into being whoever they are today.
Here in the plural community, we should know this better than others, where many systems can have headmates in the same body who might identify with different MBTI types. And those headmates can fuse or further split or otherwise go through radical personality changes.
I just fundamentally disagree with the idea being pushed in that subreddit that personality is something fixed and can't possibly be changed that seems so central to its ideology.
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Transformers Robot Husband Poll: MBTI Types
A few of you have seen me mention this special interest of mine, but the rest of you are new. Hello, and welcome. I’d like to talk about our Round Three* contenders in light of personality typology, specifically the MBTI theory based on Jungian typology.
(*Why 3 instead of 4? Because I’d planned to post this yesterday and already had those characters listed.)
Yes, I’m aware this is classified as a pseudoscience. Yes, I put a questionable amount of stock in it. Now you see why I’d get along with Drift so well. 😛 This post is for fun, so please don’t take it as seriously as I am unless you’re genuinely curious. The main goal of this post is to present some interesting observations related to the correlation between who are most desirable fictional husbands and their MBTI types. That’s it. A TL;DR is at the end for the Blurrs among you. Anyway, here we go:
While I’m sure most of you have at least heard of MBTI, you should know that it’s not just the four-letter dichotomies: I vs. E, T vs. F, etc. I won’t bore you with the details; I just want you to be aware that mainstream culture has watered down the theory to a four-letter code when there’s far more complexity beneath the surface. Cognitive functions, function axes, etc.
Without further ado, here are the contenders from Round Three (the versions I know best) and what I think each one’s most likely type is:
Cyclonus - ISTJ (IDW)
Whirl - ESTP (IDW)
Misfire - ENTP (IDW)
Ratchet - ISTJ (IDW, TFP, TFA)
Heatwave - ESTJ (Rescue Bots)
Knockout - ESTP (TFP)
Drift - INFP or INFJ (IDW) / ISTJ (RiD15)
Breakdown - ISFP (TFP)
Shockwave - INTJ (IDW, Cyberverse) / INTP (TFP)
Skids - ENTP (IDW)
Soundwave - ISTJ (TFP, IDW, G1) / ISTP (Cyberverse)
Starscream - ENTP (TFP, IDW, G1)
Wheeljack - ISTP (TFP) / ENTP (Cyberverse)
Blaster* - ESFP (G1)
Perceptor - INTP (IDW, Cyberverse, G1)
Jazz* - ESFP or ENFP (G1, RiD15)
Skyfire* - INFJ? (G1)
Tarantulas - ENTP (IDW)
Thundercracker* - ENTP? (G1)
Brainstorm - ENTP (IDW)
Swindle - ENTP (TFA)
*I just skimmed their TFwiki page and guessed.
Bold text means I’m certain of my conclusion.
“What does all of it mean though?”
Well, it tells me that the fandom really loves their xNTPs and xSTJs. You may have no idea what that means on a detailed level, and that’s fine. The short version is that people either love down-to-earth guys who are dependable and know how to get stuff done or the funny guys who have a nerdy, creative, or rebellious streak. This is obvious just from looking at the results and tags, but it’s interesting to me that the overall trends can also be seen through the lens of MBTI.
Now, for the fun part: I’m expecting the semifinal contenders to be Cyclonus, Knockout, Soundwave, and Jazz. Their respective types are ISTJ, ESTP, ISTJ, and ESFP (or ENFP). Once again, opposing temperaments. (i.e. ISxJ vs. ESxP)
Furthermore, the projected finalists are Cyclonus and Soundwave—both of whom are ISTJs. The conclusion is that, despite the appeal of the xNxP guys, ISTJ characters are more likely than any other type to be seen as good husband material, which lines up perfectly with the general stereotypes associated with ISTJs.
TL;DR - The majority of the fandom agrees that ISTJ characters are peak (stereotypical) husband material, and a deeper look at the type would reveal that they are absolutely correct.
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anonymousonlyplease · 9 months
My take (INTJ) on each MBTI
This list is for comedic purposes only, and refers to my personal opinions based on personal experiences, with a sprinkle of stereotype for flavour. It’s not intended to offend, only humour. Don’t be a Karen, don’t get offended. And with that, we are off:
INTJ: Minimum 85% of apparent intjs are actually just emo 20 year olds who think mocking people is cool.  The other 15% - we know we’re donkeys with plungers stuck to our heads.  Not unicorns. 
INTP: *Too. Many. Questions.* That is all.
ENTJ: Efficient, certainly.  But some of you need a “DOES NOT PLAY WELL WITH OTHERS” sign stuck to your foreheads.
ENTP:  nice viper…nice viper…don’t bite me…*laughs nervously*
INFJ: Wise, insightful. Immortality would suit you.  One thing: *stop freaking psychoanalysing me.*  Just because I use a bookmark instead of folding pages does not reveal some deep inner truth - 
INFP:  ………too wholesome for this world.  Puts up with my…self…?  9.5/10 - half a point redacted due to the guilt I feel when I call them an idiot.  
ENFJ - where are you all? Swear you’re the rarest type.  Maybe it’s because you all died trying to save everyone.  Messiah-complex.
ENFP: I know I’m supposed to secretly adore you, but you actually just terrify me.  Needs to be sectioned.  *runs*
ISTJ:  My God.  Please lighten up.    However, perfectionism is 100%.
ISFJ: Without a backbone, until one attacks their own.  But can’t you be selfish, for just two seconds? Can’t you lose your temper, just once? *CAN’T YOU?*
ESTJ:  please don’t hit me with your ruler please don’t hit me with your ruler don’t hit me with your ruler please don’t -
ESFJ: Warm and fuzzy.  Thinks themselves an organised marshmallow.  The ultimate people person - gives me a headache if around them for extended periods of time.
ISTP: Excellent at their job because they spend 12+ hours doing it everyday.  This is both personally exciting and demoralising.  Haven’t spoken to enough of you to pass more of an opinion.
ISFP: Likes getting their face painted at 30 years old.  But is also resentful.  You’ll disagree with silence or with a passion (no in-between), but no - emotions such as love are not in the air.  Nitrogen, oxygen and other waste gases are in the air.  
ESTP: What’s it liked to be sectioned?
ESFP: See above.  Also, put down your maracas.  They’re not a real instrument anyway……
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wndaswife · 1 year
gerri for the headcannons
characterization headcanons: gerri fields
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character flaws
overly idealistic, easily swayed, slightly impatient
she had a good childhood. her family was always interested in their community and school events and involved in gerri’s personal life. but because of how social and active her parents have always been within their large circle of connections, gerri’s childhood led her to crave a more personal type of one-on-one intimacy in her future
cleaning habits
she is surprisingly organized; her room is never a huge mess and she always knows where things are, picks up after you when you’re hanging out together 
cooking habits
adds a bunch of extra ingredients to her instant ramen and considers it something she specializes in, interested in becoming a better cook, always shares her food
coping mechanisms
she’s a sensitive person with a very big heart, so i’d say when she’s upset she likes to externalize her feelings, playing loud music and ranting, always feels better after a good cry and sometimes does prefer to be distracted from her problems. she doesn’t cope alone, and prefers to be with you throughout any distressing moments 
eating habits
has a certain aversion towards very healthy food as some kind of subtle rebellion against her parents’ annoying pestering about her diet. she would decide against having certain foods if she knows it’s the kind of dish her parents would try forcing her to eat
enneagram personality type
6w7. i believe 7w8 may seem likely for her, but i think she is really reliant on her relationships and attachments with people rather than being more of a thrill person, and hates disloyalty and dishonesty because of her strong opinions on close relationships. i would say someone who fantasizes a lot about a potential love interest and who is a bit blind to the fact that he isn’t even completely interested in her seems more 6w7, as a 7w8 would likely become bored with a lack of reciprocation
myer-briggs personality type
she is kind of the stereotype ESFP best friend
playing the guitar for one, of course. she’s also involved in some kind of sport like volleyball or basketball that she’s actually really good at, and you always encourage her to continue with her practices, especially with how self-deprecating she can be. i also kind of see her picking up crocheting, making little things for you and hats and gloves for a christmas gift
vulgar and sarcastic
because she’s a person who’s really involved in the present, gerri may have a hard time imagining her future or finding any worth in her talents. she is easily annoyed whenever her parents ask her what she plans on doing with her degree or what she hopes to do after graduation. it takes someone she has patience for who knows and loves her enough to help her pave a future for herself in her mind and tell her that she isn’t as incapable and stuck as she feels she is sometimes
lazy day
she finds every chance to spend time with others, and lazy days are often spent indoors with you, listening to music and lounging around watching something and ordering out
would probably find it gross when dogs lick her, thinks cats are bitchy and fish are boring, so she honestly wouldn’t know what to do with a pet at first. but she would soon find herself super obsessed with the dog her family gets. would take it on long walks often. her parents have to tell her to stop feeding it pieces of her dinner
she’s secretly super into something really nerdy — perhaps has the whole harry potter book collection which she’s reread a few times? she never openly admits it because she thinks it’s such a dorky thing to be into
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sp6ghetti · 1 year
Enneatype 1 summarised!!
Core type- Passion: anger. E1s are constantly searching for faults in everything, they stay angry and resentful to those flaws, and so themselves or other people. Fixation: resentment. They pay so much attention to finding flaws in everything, leading to nothing ever seeming like enough. Trap: perfection. They aggressively demand themselves, people and objects to perfection. They’re often highly critical of their surroundings and accomplishments. Defence mechanism: reaction formation. Reaction formation means to feel one way, but act according to the opposite. To keep their self image of being right, e1s deny these emotions to keep this up.  Virtue: serenity. Serenity overcomes their anger once they realise that their essence is perfect, and more important than external perfection they seek.  Key traits: Inner critic, over control, virtuousness, perfectionism and criticality. 
Subtypes-  Self preservation [sp]: The sp1 is characterised as being worried a lot. They most likely grew up in a chaotic environment and try to compensate for it to make themselves as organised and perfect as they can. Out of each subtype they use the defence mechanism the most, due to their perfection being largely self focused.  Sexual [sx]: The sx1 tries to put themselves up more as a model of the perfect person other people should admire and strive to be like. They’re often stereotyped as the more angry subtype, often being invasive especially in things and people that aren't to their standard. Social [so]: The so1 can be described as a stereotypical school teacher. They feel as though they must teach others perfection. Similar to the sx1, but so1s are more helping type people than model people. They actively go out of their way to help those who don't conform to their standard, but can get impatient when things don't go their way
Contradictions-  INTP, ISTP, ISFP, INFP, ENTP, ENFP, ESFP, ESTP Due to the usage of the introverted judgement, these types are incompatible with e1. Being highly critical and aware of their thoughts, suppressing them to fit what is perfect in their eyes is what causes this. Ji dominance is highly subjective and focused on the inward information, while e1 wants concrete and objective perfection and achievement. Their anger, objectivity and need for control can make them look very similar to e8. Types you might want to look into if you are on this list are e3, e4, e5, e6 and e8.
Compatible types- Self preservation: INTJ, ISTJ, INFJ, ISFJ, ENTJ, ESTJ Sexual: ENTJ, ESTJ Social: ENTJ, ESTJ, ENFJ, ESFJ
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