#eris lovelock
yuuniee · 16 days
Tinkered Time Birthday Celebration!
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Since I forgot to do stuff for my babies’ birthday in here, I decided to do something for them now! Also, I’m throwing my ocs with upcoming birthdays too so they all can have a joint celebration!
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Late Birthday Babies!
Nolan - January 21th
Eris - February 14th
Sakae - March 20th
Edgar - March 21th
Fawn - March 28th
Charlotte - April 1st
Daniel - April 24th
Upcoming Birthday Babies!
Elsie - May 19th
Iris - May 21th
Sheila - May 25th
Renée - May 26th
Auburn - June 9th
Sinha - June 29th
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OC interactions are always welcome!!
Alternatively, you can send an ask as a canon character and I’ll see what I can do!
No NSFW please! Let’s keep the interactions as family friendly as possible!
You can also send me more than one ask!
I’ll take asks until the end of May!!
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cupidlovesastro · 6 months
𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔦𝔡 𝔬𝔟𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 #3
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⚘ kiss(8267) in virgo can mean you are a shy kisser and your kisses are soft
⚘ medea(212) in 5th house can mean you have a love-hate relationship with romance
⚘ lovelock(51663) in 12th house can mean your relationship is going to last a long time
⚘ syrinx(3360) in leo or aspecting your sun can mean that if or when you have been rejected, it could’ve been a blow to your ego
⚘ bless(92891) aspecting jupiter, especially positively, can mean that you have a large amount of blessings in your life or coming your way
⚘ medusa(149) aspecting mercury can mean others are jealous of the way you speak or write. you could have an attractive voice and/or pretty handwriting
⚘ eris(136199) in aquarius or 11th house can mean you stand up for groups of people and some might find it rebellious
⚘ vesta(4) in 4th house can mean that your family is the most important thing to you and it’s the thing that keeps you pushing forward in life
⚘ adonis(2101) in leo can mean that what makes you attractive is your confidence and positivity
⚘ bam(2031) in 7th house can mean that when you find your future spouse, it could be completely unexpected
⚘ charis(627) in gemini can mean that you find a sense of comforting and cheerfulness from children or doing activities remind you of your youthful years
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samhaindemi1031 · 6 years
My current Canon Grim Life characters! - The Grim Life belongs to me.
Here is a list of my current Canon characters separated by Category. Some characters are listed in multiple categories due to belonging in multiple categories, and their ages are shared with their names. The First Generation will have 2 ages, one from the first half, and one from the second half. Relationships and offspring will be listed at the bottom: ~Gods~ *Clymenus - God of Death and The Afterlife *Bacchae - Goddess of Life and Creation *Anubis - Egyptian God of the Dead (not related to Clymenus) *Avalon (Newborn) - New God of Life and Creation *Aragon (Newborn - New God of Death and the Afterlife ~Gen. 1~ *Deadbrah Thrashington (18, 38) - Grim Reaper *Angelina Lovelock (17, 37) - Half-Angel *Gwendolynn Jones (14, 34) - Half-Demon *James Whitehurst (8, 28) - Half-Ghost *Mitchell Whitehurst (8, 28) - Half-Ghost *Josette Lively (18, 38) - Demigod *Priscilla Darklove (18, 38) - Dark Angel *Olivia Darklove (16, 36) - Dark Angel *Marny Jones (14, 34) - Succubus *Andrew Jenkins (21, 41) - Warlock *Jayson Jenkins (18, 38) - Warlock *Kai Lockheart (19, 39) - Half-Angel *Ramses Amari (16, 36) - Son of Anubis/Were-jackal *Eerie Grant (8, 28) - Half-Banshee *Fere Hart (8, 28) - Fairy (name is pronounce Fay) *Violet Vaughn (18, 38) - Vampire (Descendant of Dracula) *Vynce Vaughn (18, 38) - Vampire (Descendant of Dracula) *Layla Wentz (21, Deceased) - Were-cat *Lola Wentz (18, 38) - Were-cat *Malcolm Blake (18, 38) - Were-wolf *Felicity Foxglove (15, 35) - Were-fox *Sirenity Lake (17, 37) - Siren/Mermaid *Danny Louvre (19, Deceased) - Human ~Gen. 2~ *Melanie Jenkins (15) - Grim Reaper/Witch *Riber Jenkins (13) - Reaper/Warlock *Aragon Jenkins (Newborn) - God *Avalon Jenkins (Newborn) - God *Angel Lockheart (17) - Half-Angel *Xapham Lockheart (17) - Half-Angel *Angelique Lockheart (16) - Half-Angel *Forfax Lockheart (16) - Half-Angel *Evangeline Lockheart (13) - Half-Angel *Sachael Lockheart (13) - Half-Angel *Celestia Lockheart (11) - Half-Angel *Nathaniel Lockheart (11) - Half-Angel *Aurora Lockheart (5) - Half-Angel *Ariel Lockheart (5) - Half-Angel *Isis Amari (14) - Demon/Were-jackal *Ian Amari (14) - Demon/Were-jackal *Damon Amari (10) - Demon/Were-jackal *Raven Whitehurst (11) - Ghost/Banshee *Nicolette Whitehurst (10) - Ghost/Fairy *Eliana Jones (14) - Half-Demon *Emily Jones (14) - Half-Demon *Eris Jones (14) - Half-Demon *Victoria Jenkins (18) - Vampire/Witch *Veronica Jenkins (15) - Vampire/Witch *Valerica Jenkins (13) - Vampire/Witch *Valerie Jenkins (13) - Vampire/Witch *Alucard Jenkins (10) - Vampire/Warlock *Riley Vaughn (16) - Vampire/Demigod *Roman Vaugn (16) - Vampire/Demigod *Viktor Vaughn (13) - Vampire/Demigod *Vyncent Vaughn (10) - Vampire/Demigod *Esmeralda Blake (18) - Were-wolf/Were-cat *Genevieve Blake (16) - Were-wolf/Were-cat *Guisseppe Blake (16) - Were-wolf/Were-cat *Falcon Blake (10) - Were-wolf/Were-cat *Sombra Faunda (16) - Fawn *Echo Faunda (14) - Fawn *Ryder Faunda (13) - Satyr *Heather Lovato (17) - Gorgon *Erik Lovato (15) - Gorgon ~Horsemen (Apocalypse & Rebirth)~ *Penthesilea Roberts - Pestilence *Whitney Britton - War *Franz Reinhardt - Famine *Diantha Marx - Death *Alistair James - Abundance *Barren Thomas - Birth *Helena Williams - Health *Phoenix Garner - Peace ~7 Deadly Sins~ *Emmanuel Garcia - Envy *Gerard Harbert - Greed *Gustavo Rizzan - Gluttony *Lilliana Ramsey - Lust *Persephone Klappos - Pride *Svetlana Ulric - Sloth *Warren Redford - Wrath ~7 Heavenly Virtues~ *Chastity McAllister - Chastity *Christian Lorne - Charity *Dimitri Antony - Diligence *Hannah Parker - Humility *Kaden French - Kindness *Patricia Moreno - Patience *Titania Stephens - Temperence ~Princes of Hell~ *Abaddon - Profit *Asmodeus - Lechery *Beelzebub - False Gods *Belphegor - Discovery *Leviathan - Monstrocities *Lucifer - Darkness *Mammon - Profit *Sathanus - Lies ~Arch-Angels~ *Michael - Commander of the Armies of God *Gabriel - Messenger of God *Raphael - Healer of God *Uriel - Light of God *Raguel - Friend of God *Jophiel - Watchman of God *Zadkiel - Grace of God ~Angels~ *Hanael - Joy of God *Izidkiel - Protector of God *Selaphiel - Prince of the High Angelic Order *Seraphiel - Angel of Silence *Kepharel - Rain of God ~Fallen Angels~ *Apollyon - Angel of Death *Belial - Angel of Lawlessness *Ramiel - Thunder of God *Saqael - Watcher of God *Astaroth - Angel of Miracles ~Demons~ *Sonnelion - Incubus *Abraxas - Demon of Magic *Azazel - Chief of Se-irium (Goat-Demons) *Ipos - Demon of Beasts *Mara - Demon of Seduction *Seraphim - Demon of Innocence ~Other Characters~ *Vivienne Quincy (45, 65) - Human *Draven Nightshade - Grim Reaper *Elise - Grim Reaper *Jericho - Spirit of Death *Lilith - Spirit of Chaos *Charmeine - Spirit of Harmony Now for canon relationships!! ~Elise, Draven and Deadbrah are all Clymenus' children ~Josette is Deadbrah's cousin since Clymenus and Bacchae are twins ~Deadbrah, Angelina, Gwendolynn, James and Mitchell are all Vivienne's children ~Priscilla, Angelina and Olivia are all Apollyon's children ~Gwendolynn and Marny are both Sonnelion's children ~Deadbrah + Jayson = Melanie, Riber, Aragon/Avalon ~Angelina + Kai = Angel/Xapham, Angelique/Forfax, Evangeline/Sachael, Celestia/Nathaniel, Aurora/Ariel ~Gwendolynn + Ramses = Isis/Ian, Damon ~Marny + ??? = Eliana/Emily/Eris ~James + Eerie = Raven ~Mitchell + Fere = Nicolette ~Josette + Vynce = Riley/Roman, Viktor, Vyncent ~Andrew + Violet = Victoria, Veronica, Valerica/Valerie, Alucard ~Lola + Malcolm = Esmeralda, Genevieve/Guisseppe, Falcon ~Felicity + Sirenity = *(adopted) Sombra, Echo, Ryder ~??? + ??? = Heather, Erik ~Lucifer + Lilith = Persephone ~Melanie + Guisseppe ~Angel + Victoria ~Isis + Sombra ~Ian + Erik ~Raven + Ryder ~Roman + Genevieve Any relationships with the rest of Gen 2 that aren't listed are fair game.
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yuuniee · 3 months
Gimme Eris. Please. I need to squish him badly.
[Tsum Headcanons]
A/N: One silly little boy and his chonk, coming right up :3c
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Tsum Eris is more confident and cheeky than actual Eris, always hopping around and unintentionally causing a bit of trouble. He can be seen often hanging out with Sinha, Vivienne, Renée, or their tsums.
When him and the tsum first meet, both of them get shocked, but Tsum Eris is the first one to approach his human counterpart!
They start bonding when Eris leaves to take a break from writing poems and his tsum hops on the keyboard to write a dozen more. When he comes back, he immediately goes to the laptop to check the notification sounds. That’s when he notices that his poems, along with the tsum’s, getting so many likes all of a sudden. He pats the tsum and says, “I guess you’re not so bad...” and they grow closer.
He tends to stack on other tsums as a way to get a piggyback ride and is willing to give one in return.
He can actually jump higher than other tsums and wouldn’t even notice.
When he’s not with Eris, you can find him at cafeteria near the sweets! He is actually willing to yoink sweets from there to eat later.
Tsum Riddle and Tsum Eris may fight, although some of these are just playful fights, but later he brings his dorm leader a strawberry tart as an apology.
If you look closer, you can see that he has a pair of wings, just like Eris.
He makes himself multiply by sneezing and helps Trey out in the kitchen.
He sometimes hides in random places in Eris’s room to play hide-and-seek, causing his human counterpart to panic, before he peeks out a bit to show that he is still here. (Poor Eris has multiple near heart attacks before of this :()
Because he plays with other tsums, he may come to Eris, covered in mud or dirt. In that case, Eris immediately brings him to the bathroom and washes him with baby shampoo and warm water. (Yes, he treats him like a little baby and thinks tsums are fragile and can get easily hurt...)
When the night comes, Tsum Eris would already be in the bed, sleeping soundly with Eris while being content. He would even try to hug him with his tiny limbs!
If his card was in the game, it would be an SR card with the illustration being him holding his tsum close to his cheek and looking at the viewer with a smile.
Tsum Eris shows his halo and wings more often than his human counterpart and gets a lot of eyes on him, even when he tells him to hide these parts.
If you see him fly, don’t be surprised! The wings are pretty much real after all~
If you give him a pen and a paper, he may draw little hearts on there. But if you don’t, he’s gonna draw them either on the desk or on your notebook.
He tries to be menacing sometimes, but ends up looking like a hissing kitten.
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yuuniee · 4 months
Sorry but I had random ideas to throw at you again for ships...
I saw Yuusuke and was like... damn he really would be the type that Julian would love even if he is a tease he is actually quite honest about his feelings and what he is...
I also looked at Fawn and was like...Leroy and her share cosplaying and he has a reason to visit her dorm a lot... as well as he does often
Eris could also be someone Emil might grow attached to... that I could see as well...
just random thoughts swirling rn
First of all, I don’t think Yuusuke would like Julian that much... He would find him more on the troublesome side,, :((
As for Fawn, just imagine her overhearing Leroy’s cosplaying hobby and she immediately comes to him and offers him some small cosplay ideas and characters... ALSO SHE WOULD BE SO EXCITED TO SEE HIS UNIQUE MAGIC LEMME TELL YOU!! IMITATING VOICES.. FACES... EVEN PERSONALITIES???? LEROY MY BOY YOU’RE GONNA BE ASKED A TON OF QUESTIONS BY HER I SWEAR!! 😭
In Eris’s case, he would like Emil’s company too! I mean, a friendship between a half-angel and a half-doll with a chance of something more is just— EEEEEEEEEEEKKKK!!! 🤩 🤩 🤩
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yuuniee · 1 year
“As long as there is love, hope and patience, I don’t think there is nothing that can be achieved!.. Except for defying the dorm leader’s orders...”
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Name: Eris Lovelock
Japanese: エリス・ラブロック (erisu raburokku)
Dorm: Heartslabyul 🌹
Birthday: 14th February (Aquarius)
Age: 17
Height: 171 cm
Dominant Hand: Right
Homeland: Kingdom of Roses
Family: Unnamed mother, unnamed father, unnamed aunt
Voiced by: Masatomo Nakazawa
Nicknames/Aliases: Monsieur Lovegiver (Rook), Angelfish (Floyd), Sir Cotton Candy (Charlotte)
Grade: Sophomore
Class: 2-B (No. 14)
Club: Movie Appreciation Club
Best Subject: Alchemy
Hobby: Writing love poems on the internet
Favorite Food: Parfait
Least Favorite Food: Coffee
Pet Peeves: Being picked on
Talent: Making bracelets out of ribbons
Appearence: Eris is a young man with fair skin, cream colored curly hair that’s dyed pink at the ends and the long part of his bang is braided. He has pink doe eyes and long eyelashes. He also has a pair of white wings and the feathers at the edge of it are pastel pink.
In his school uniform, he wears a white shirt with black and white striped tie and an oversized pink cardigan on top of it, a black pair of pants with a gold stripe on each side, a pair of red sneakers and a pair of white gloves.
In his dorm uniform, he wears the standard Heartslabyul dorm uniform with red vest and the card on his jacket is six of hearts.
Personality: At first, he can be seen as a timid individual. But as one gets to know him better, he shows a kind, caring and childish, yet vulnerable side. He also displays a mischievous side at different times. (E.g: When Ace and Deuce got sea anemones on their head, he is the one to tease them for it. He doesn’t get mad them though!)
Unique Magic: “Heartbeat Song”
His Unique Magic allows him to create glass arrows to shoot people to make them feel emotions! Sadness, joy, fear, disgust, anger... All of them and more are on the table. As long as he doesn’t overuse it, he will be alright. Otherwise he ends up passing out.
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Fun Facts:
Eris can fly higher than the others can with their brooms when he uses his wings. However, Vargas doesn’t allow him to use his wings because of that.
He has a soothing voice and can sing someone to sleep.
At first, he was in Royal Sword Academy like Sinha and Vivienne. But then an incident happened and he ended up getting transferred to Night Raven College. Not that it scares him though! (It does-)
He often twirls his hair when he is flustered, which can be done easily.
He can actually see someone’s feelings when he looks into their eyes. Once he does so, he won’t have to look into their eyes again, as he will see them whenever they are in his sight.
He is at his busiest when Valentine’s Day arrives.
He has a private Magicam account to follow everyone to see what they are doing.
His father often despised him for “being shy” when he was the exact reason why Eris is afraid of new faces. He kept telling him that the world is full of bad people who can harm him, that you can never know other people’s true intentions and that he should never, EVER, have faith in people as they “don’t deserve it”.
However, he had a loving mother who was only busy with her work. She rarely even visited the house, so it was just Eris and his father. Because of that, he grew distant towards both of his parents. He still resents them to this day.
For some reason, he is very good at archery and his aim is very good. However, he dislikes it and sees it a bit troublesome.
When he sees anyone in trouble, he lends them a hand and helps them because he can’t bear to see anyone getting upset for being unable to do something.
He likes gummy bears.
He is actually a demigod, a descendant of god of love.
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yuuniee · 3 years
OC Masterlist
💜 OC Interaction Status : : Open
Main account → @cynthinesia
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🌸 — MCs:
🕊️ Renée Rose Menken
💄 Sakae Satou
🦊 Yuusuke Hamamoto
🦉 Ian Anderson
🌓 Lilith “Aries” Fontana
🎀 Dorothea “Dottie” Minerva McCartney
🕯️ Manar Abboud
⌨️ Matthew Arnold
🥊 Cengiz Altınışık
🪆 Archie Corleone
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🗃️ — OCs:
💘 Eris Lovelock
🎩 Charlotte Mari Llewellyn
🃏 Oliver Ashford
💟 Adelle Everhart
🍂 Sinha Kingscholar
🐇 Elsie Laranetta
🐻 Viktor Falkenberg
🧜🏻‍♀️ Coral Viotto
🐢 Daniel Jett Sterling
🦪 Fawn Mortimer
🐟 Auburn Sinclair
🪼 Indigo Seymour
🦎 Orion Thaddeus
📖 Asif Kadr Alnazar
⏳ Rashid Alnazar
🧵 Farah Alnazar
🐭 Aryan Zachariah
🦢 Nuit Archambeau
💧 Vivienne Schönheit
🥀 Sebastian Dubois
🔱 Faith Locklyn
👁️ Micah Prescott
🌋 Nolan Shroud
🎧 Zephyr Whitlock
🩻 Nitra Genesis
🕸️ Hera Draconia
🕯️ Fleur Dominique
🪄 “Phantom”
👾 Edgar Mortimer
⚓ Iris Telanthera
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🧛🏻‍♂️ “Jonathan Harbington”
💮 Sheila Griffin
🪖 Raphael Rowe
💸 Ceciliana Menken
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♢ Last Updated: 26.05.2024 ⭐
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