#epic best friends 5ever
allgather · 4 months
@kusatta & for keith, my very best friend in the whole wide world
with the constant night outside her window and the cool metallic touch of every surface, pidge seeks her warmth from other people. keith is here, sitting in some convoluted way, legs propped up on a piece of clunky metal space garbage she refuses to throw away. it's been quiet - not so many days that it unnerves her, but enough that she can feel the ache as it settles into muscles, enough to spare a moment to breathe and do something, anything else but clamor their way through crisis.
she likes keith (and this is likely the biggest understatement she can imagine) for his quiet, his lack of expectation of her to be any way in particular, his occasional outburst that matches hers in intensity. he is like her, in ways she didn't know another person could be, and certainly never expected to find like this. like her, in all her irregularity, he comes by in his own time, brings something like a blade to fiddle with, and sits near enough to warm her. the way he speaks, his very presence, warms her, too.
"i'm thinking of turning that into a coffee table now, honestly." she nods towards the mass of metal he rests his feet on. "i'm attached to it now. so are you. they can't make us throw it out."
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fagsex · 1 year
stares directly at you 🍓
I CANT SAY EVERYTHING EVERYTIME!! THINGS OF RECENT u were so patient with me while i was working on the sl&sh Epic and then even patienter when we realized you could never ever see it and werent even mad or nothing and you always say rlly nice things abt the progressions of my art&writing which is so awesome especially when im in constant admiration of ur own !!! you created my best friend Dice and i love my beaytiful kitty nephews that could be twins and i liked how excited you got over puss in boots and then i saw everyone else get excited and i was like Tch...link was first BUT ANYWAY youre one of my best ffiends 5ever and i cant wait for what the next Jesus Christ. half decade holds !
ask meme
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jessmenace · 1 year
Coachella Weekend Two @ Empire Polo Club 04/23/23 (Day 3)
we were all cognizant going into Day 3 that just the weekend before, THAT infamous Frank Ocean set had gone down... and which will probably continue to go down in coachella history (negatively). but even before our Day 3 started - when PHM was first announced - I knew we were in for a historic day too (positively). AND IT WAS.
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sets I saw Day 3:
Porter Robinson. felt weird seeing him play so early (haven't seen an afternoon porter set in a minute) but it's always nice and feelsy to see a Nurture set!
Kali Uchis. we mainly stayed for her set bc it was too hot to move to another stage but what a pleasant surprise! she was giving mainstage effort for sure.
Jai Wolf. I can never watch jai wolf without thinking of the time my friend accidentally asked him to take a photo of us T_T... top embarrassing moment 5ever lmao. but he's always a consistently good time - and my non-EDM listening best friend even came with me bc she saw that he was going to bring out Banks. ending with that new collab into Indian Summer as the sun set was magical.
Fish Lake
Blink-182. fyi I heard some Gen Z kids around me refer to Blink-182 as "that one meme song" (referencing 'I Miss You' as a trending tiktok sound) and I wanted to shrivel up of OLDNESS. these dudes have been on my bucket list forever - but surprisingly I didn't know as much of the set as I'd thought! interesting set list. it was all worth it to scream 'all the small things' and 'rock show' at the top of my lungs with all my friends though.
PHM/tba. what can I say about this set that hasn't been lauded already throughout social media? just that everything you read about it is true: historic in the way it came about - probably close to the level of the daft punk set (I SAID WHAT I SAID). a huge dance party that should get coachella to seriously consider restructuring all their lineups to have a dance closer. just a hilarious, fun, and epic good time watching 3 good friends/sickeningly talented DJs have the time of their lives making the thousands of us all scream and dance together. it didn't feel as serious and produced as any other headliner ever. I feel beyond grateful and lucky that I got to witness this special set live (read: I will essentially never shut up about this).
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Overall, 10/10 day once again - and 10s across the board! ♡
(counting down the days till next year already~)
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rodneymckays · 2 years
Character ask: Ronon?
favourite thing about them
he defies the big, tough guy = uneducated/unfeeling stereotype. he's arguably the most sensitive guy on the team and most in tune with the feelings of others (although that's not saying much when his teammates are john sheppard and rodney mckay BAHAH) but i see it in the way he speaks to teyla when she's going through hardships (usually, the only one who speaks to teyla when she's going through stuff asdfjksh) and the way he spoke to jeannie. and the fact that he's super into poetry and epics, guh, a man after my heart.
least favourite thing about them
fat jokes 🙃
favourite line
that bit in reunion when sam asks where his friends are, referring to his satedan friends, and ronon looks at john, rodney and teyla and goes: "They're right here."
TEYLA. no question. for the reasons i mentioned above. and also, they're just on the same wavelength. as the sole pegasus galaxy natives on atlantis, and the only ones who have grown up with the threat of the wraith, they just understand each other. and judge their earth friends together, which is the best thing ever. the looks they share, their silent communication, absolute kismet.
honourable mention is definitely ronon and rodney, tho. even when they don't like each other, they love each other. ronon protects rodney so fiercely when he's in danger, and is super gentle with him when he's ill/injured (those princess carries!!!!!)
i don't really ship him with anybody, so i'm gonna go out on a limb and say ronon x happiness, 5ever. that, or a lifetime supply of jello. it's what he deserves.
can't say i really dislike any ronon ships i've seen? i'm not the biggest fan of john/ronon tho, only because they are such stereotypical broskis 😂 i can't see them in a romantic light
random headcanon
i'm totally stealing this from this amazing fic, but ever since i read it, it's become part of my personal canon for the show. ronon gets super into learning about different cultures because struggling to preserve his own has given him a greater appreciation for the business. and him and chuck become besties when chuck teaches him all about canada and canadian culture and ronon teaches chuck satedan traditions in return!
unpopular opinion
i don't think it's unpopular opinion per say, but it's not talked about enough. elizabeth & ronon's relationship. VERY interesting and fun. VERY different personalities and yet they both really respect how the other operates, and work together extremely well, especially in common ground.
song i associate with them
apollo i: the writing writer by coheed and cambria, particularly when i think about his friends betraying him. also, coheed's songs are basically epic poems in song form, so i thought it fitting.
favorite picture of them
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tagging @notsally who also asked for ronon. thank u both <3333
ask me about more characters!
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firelxdykatara · 4 years
1, 5, 11 for the ship meme!
1. What was your first OTP?
Ooooh this is a tough one. My earliest memory of really wanting a couple together was back in fourth grade, when I set the school record for number of days tardy because Sailor Moon was on at 7:30 and school started at 8. And I wanted to be Serena and get to date Darien, of course. What a hunky guyyyyyyy~
My first OTP when I was really aware of what shipping was is probably Bangel. I love Spuffy too, but Bangel just... owns my ass and it always has. Then there were the epic HP wars (Hinny and Romione 5ever, tyvm--although I remember justifying my Hinny love when I first got into RP with ‘I wanna RP Harry’s kids with red hair and green eyes and Hinny’s the easiest way to get that!’), and my first real experience with tumblr-era fandom was the Delena vs Stelena ship wars. (Bet you can’t guess which side of that I fell on!!!!)
5. What is/are your least favorite trope(s)?
This is one of those things that’s hard to give a definitive answer to, because most of the time, I’ll say that I dislike something and then immediately think of an exception to the rule--usually because, with good enough writing, an author can sell me on just about anything, especially if I’m already invested in the characters and, again, is well-written. I will say that I intensely dislike will they/won’t they when it’s dragged out far past any reasonable level. Like, at some point, you’ve just gotta stop teasing your fanbase and just fucking commit to one or the other, otherwise you’re gonna risk losing both.
Along the same vein, love triangles are a really hard sell for me anymore--partly because it’s rarely ever a tough decision for me, personally, because I almost always fall in love with one side and either don’t care about or can’t stand the other, and partly because when love triangles are drawn out in any attempt to give both sides ‘equal treatment’, it inevitably resembles something like ping-pong, and it gets incredibly tiresome. Especially when one side does definitively ‘win’ the triangle, but the other side keeps being teased to keep those fans invested, which winds up harming the character and relationship arcs of all characters involved. (stares very very hard at TVD)
Also, you can really miss me with ‘some unspeakably evil person who’s committed horrific acts suddenly falls in love or feels bad one (1) time and flips a switch and is Good Now’ redemptions. Call me old fashioned, but I like redemption arcs, where you can see the person being redeemed actively attempt to atone for the horrible things they’ve done, preferably along with apologies to those they’ve hurt (who’re still alive, anyway), and works at least as hard at being good as they did at being evil. I don’t necessarily think anyone is ‘irredeemable’, but I do think there are like... levels of badness, and at a certain point a redemption arc needs to be adjusted for the level of monstrosity the person being redeemed was capable of, or else it will feel cheap and unearned (especially if it happens because of Love and literally nothing else).
11. What makes a great ship in your own opinion?
For me, it’s really all about the characters themselves--how they relate to each other, how they work together in and out of a relationship, and how they grow together. Tied up in that is, of course, the writing quality and the dynamics between the characters, and how their relationship affects their own lives, the story, and the lives of those around them.
Basically, I can be sold on just about anything, even the crackiest of ships, if it’s written well and the story is engaging and, above all, makes sense.
I have a huge weakness for enemies-to-lovers (or the slightly more elusive enemies-to-friends-to-lovers) ships--i love ‘slap slap kiss’ dynamics and UST and AST (that’d be angry sexual tension), and yes I’m very guilty of seeing two characters glare angrily and get into each other’s personal space and being ‘...... NOW KISS PLZ TY’. I just eat that shit up, all day every day. There needs to be something... dynamic about them, for me to really get invested I think. Some sort of push and pull (I tend to have a thing for Red Oni/Blue Oni type ships), and I’m a sucker for good ‘opposites attract’, and forbidden romance/star crossed lovers type shit. Two characters having to literally fight the universe and god and the devil and whoever else to get to be together??? Gods I could feast for ages. I love angst, but there’s got to be something in there for levity, otherwise I wind up extremely depressed and burned out. Conversely, I can enjoy some lovely, sugary-sweet fluff, but I need to intersperse it with something that has conflict or bite to it, otherwise I eventually get bored.
The best ships, imo, have lots of room for both fluff and angst and pain and happiness in canon and in fanworks. Which tends to happen when the characters involved have great character arcs, or at least potential, in the source material, particularly if they have a dynamic that has clear potential whether or not it was explored in canon.
send me asks about ships!
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For the ask meme: TWD Fandom
Favorite character: I love my queer babies (both living and unrighteously dead), my (not-so) closet queer baby Daryl, the ever-so badass Carol, the equally badass Michonne, and Mr. Nine Lives Glenn. Fuck you, I don’t have a single character I love over the rest.Least Favorite character: Negan; fuck that bastard with a lemon-soaked cactus.5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Desus, Carzekiel, Richonne, Rositara, RickylCharacter I find most attractive: *helpless shrug* IDK. They’re all pretty cute in their own special ways, but who’s to say for sure who’s the most aesthetically pleasing.Character I would marry: I honestly don’t think I’d marry any of them simply because I’m not the marrying type. (shit’s terrifying, is what I’m saying)Character I would be best friends with: Probably someone like Glenn or Jesus or Beth (or even Carol), simply on the fact that they seem most likely to be able to crack even the toughest of exteriors; the most patient and unlikely to give up, y'know?a random thought: I miss previous seasons simply on the basis of character development and actual good/decent story-telling.An unpopular opinion: Pretty sure it’s not too unpopular of an opinion, but Negan just needs to fuck off and die already.My Canon OTP: CarzekielMy Non-canon OTP: Desus (or Jaaryl)Most Badass Character: Jesus and/or GlennMost Epic Villain: Since I haven’t read the comics and the Whisperers are tainted by shitty writing, I'mma have to go with the Governor.Pairing I am not a fan of: Anything that involves an older character with a younger character (ex. Daryl/Beth, Carl/Negan, etc.), anything with Negan, and also, a certain pairing that shall not be named simply because of the fans of it.Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): My boy Jesus, y'all. He deserved way more than being background decor turned canon fodder.Favourite Friendship: Carol + Daryl = brOTP 5ever.Character I most identify with: DarylCharacter I wish I could be: TBH, I wouldn’t want to be any of them.
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mediocre-mee · 6 years
Leverage, Jily, CJ Cregg
Sorry this took me forever to reply to. I got it while I was in Ireland and haven’t had a chance to get to it.
Responding to this.
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my: Leverage
Favorite character: Either Parker or Hardison, I can’t decide
Least Favorite character: Chaos 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Are there even five ships in Leverage? Parker/Hardison for sure #otp: pretzels; Sophie/Nate cuz they’re an actual ship - I don’t really feel strongly about them, though; BrOTP: Hardison & Eliot; BrOTP: Taggert and McSweeten; and....Eliot and whoever his heart desires?
Character I find most attractive: Hardison.
Character I would marry: Hardison. In a heartbeat.
Character I would be best friends with: Eliot. I feel like he would teach you lots of useful skills.
a random thought: A Leverage movie needs to happen pronto.
An unpopular opinion: I don’t ship the OT3 romantically. Like, I see where people are coming from, it’s just not my cup of tea.
My Canon OTP: Parker and Hardison.
My Non-canon OTP: None that I can think of.
Most Badass Character: Parker.
Most Epic Villain: Sterling? If he counts as a villain? I like his interactions with the team.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Again, the OT3.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): None that I can think of. Leverage is pretty great.
Favorite Friendship: The (platonic) OT3.
Character I most identify with: Parker for her awkwardness. Hardison for his bad jokes.
Character I wish I could be: All of them. They all have a very distinctive set of skills. ;)
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you: Jily
When I started shipping them: I don’t remember exactly when, but it was definitely after getting a Tumblr; before that I was indifferent.
What makes me happy about them: All the things.
What makes me sad about them: The fact that they died at 21 and didn’t get to see Harry grow up.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: When James asks Lily out a million times. Or has Lily being snooty.
Things I look for in fanfic: Banter. Marauders interactions. I hate Snape, but I like a well-written POV fic from his perspective about them. There’s a fantastic one I want to say was written by @obiwan-katnobi, but I’m not 100% that it was one of hers (regardless, she’s a great fic writer). Also a big fan of modern AUs because they rarely die in those fics.
My wishlist: I...don’t really know that this means? But I want them to have lived and raised Harry with warmth and love.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: No one. Jily 5ever.
My happily ever after for them: LIVING LONG HAPPY LIVES.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you: CJ Craig
How I feel about this character: She’s the bomb diggity. (As is Allison Janney).
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Secret Service Agent Simon. Gone too soon.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Her relationship with the President.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t ship her with Danny at all.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I can’t think of anything rn.
Favorite friendship for this character: Probs Josh and Toby.
My crossover ship: I can’t say that I have one. Maybe Gibbs from NCIS so I can pretend Simon Donovan (sp?) lived and they reconnected later in life. 
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carnelianwings · 6 years
For the ask meme: pfft, you're not getting away with just a few characters for MCU. I vote for MCU for 001!
(For this ask meme!  Already answered: 001: Vesperia, Yu Yu Hakusho, Symphonia ½, Madoka Magica, 002: Kurama/Hiei/Kurama, 003: Heero, Rokurou, MCU!Captain America/Thor/Starlord)
The entire MCU?  Good thing I went on a marathon rewatching all of the movies recently.  XD
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Really?  I have to pick one?  Do you have any idea how hard this is because like, I love Wanda Maximoff and her story arcs so far and everything, but then Black Panther also gave me Shuri and her wonderful snarkiness, and then there’s also Black Widow, who is always shown as confident on screen with her sexuality and knows it, even if she may see herself as a monster for all the killing she’s done.  I honestly can’t choose between all 3 of them for a single favorite.
Least Favorite character: I honestly don’t think I have one for MCU.  Everyone has managed to find a way to endear themselves to me in some way.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):  Wanda/Vision, Clint/Natasha, Steve/Peggy
Character I find most attractive:Toss up between Thor and Wanda, haha.
Character I would marry: Not sure if there’s anyone I’d want to marry though.
Character I would be best friends with: Thor seems like he’d actually be a good listener despite looking like the exact kind of guy who wouldn’t be.
a random thought: I hope we get to see Shuri and Stark share screen time.  It just needs to happen.
An unpopular opinion: Despite not being the character I find most attractive . . . I think Cumberbatch as Dr. Strange is also attractive?  XD
My Canon OTP: Wanda/Vision - I was lowkey shipping them before Infinity War, now I’m just like “Please let them be happy 5ever”.  I loved the little moments they get together leading up to the reveal in Infinity War, especially with how Vision makes a point of saying he’s not afraid of her, or her abilities, and that he tries to appreciate her for who she is.  Even if he’s bound to follow Stark’s directions to keep her within the Avengers compound, he still tried to cheer her up by making her comfort food.  And I think, for Wanda, having someone who’s not afraid of what she can do, and appreciates her as she is, telekinetic powers and all, is something she hasn’t had the luxury of having since her brother passed away.
My Non-canon OTP: Clint/Natasha - I was sad to find out Clint was already married with kids in Age of Ultron.
Most Badass Character: I think I’ll have to hand that one to Wanda, especially after seeing her go all-out in Infinity War.  She’s gotten progressively stronger and stronger with every movie she’s appeared in.  That said, I have to give Nakia bonus points, just for making chakram so much more badass than Colette ever did.  XD
Most Epic Villain: Thanos is definitely worth a mention here, having done what no other villain has in all the other movies - get the heroes on the defensive and on the back foot.  Hela, though shouldn’t be discounted because Thor literally had to destroy Asgard to take her down.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Bruce/Natasha, because of the lack of development and chemistry between them, in the form of a single conversation in Avengers 1 and a little bit of flirting in Age of Ultron.  It really felt like it came out of left field, and while I get they were in a relationship in the comics, I still felt like the lack of development and connection between the two characters made it feel like the writers decided “Hey, Natasha and Banner breathed air in the same room, they’re dating now”, and that just strikes me as really lazy writing.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Jane Foster.  I get it, she’s a Normal, she can’t even fight, but it really really really bugged me how she spent all of Thor 1 pretty much chasing Thor and being his minder, and not really having a whole lot of personality the way the other female characters did, and then getting the short end of the stick again in Thor 2 because she spends over half the movie as a Living MacGuffin Girl and gets practically zero lines.  She’s smart, she’s obviously pretty resourceful if she needs to be, and I was disappointed to find out they pretty much wrote her out of the Thor movies because I wanted to find out more about her.  Even amongst the “Normal” girlfriends, she seemed pretty flat, especially compared to Pepper Potts and Christine Palmer.
Favourite Friendship: This is a hard one.  T’Challa and Okoye for how much she teases him and the bond between them?  T’Challa and Shuri, just for all the stupid shit she pulls on him?  XD
Character I most identify with:  I wouldn’t say there’s anyone I identify with in particular within the MCU.
Character I wish I could be: I wouldn’t say there’s any one character I wish I could be, especially since they all went through a lot of shit to become the heroes that they are.
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bookofmirth · 6 years
001 Acotar? :D
Favorite character: Cassian. No Morrigan. No Cassian. :D
Least Favorite character: Papa Archeron. Like grow up and be a dad, jeez Louise. Buying a bunch of ships and naming them after your daughters is such a “HEY LOOK AT ME” way to apologize and parent.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Elucien, cazriel, feysand, nessian, Mor + happiness
Character I find most attractive: Cassian! Or Rhys. But probably mostly Cassian.
Character I would marry: Cassian. Damnit why is he so perfect.
Character I would be best friends with: Amren. Because we could be petty af together and also she’s not super social, so she wouldn’t expect me to hang out all the time.
a random thought: See: my entire blog
An unpopular opinion: el/riel is gross
My Canon OTP: Feysand. Sometimes I think they are boring but they are also so, so comforting, and the entire reason I fell in love with the series.
My Non-canon OTP: Cazriel. They really should be a thing. Like maybe it could be Cassian + Nesta, and Cassian + Az. I really ship it hard.
Most Badass Character: Feyre. Look at all the amazing things she accomplished! It’s easy to look at really flashy moments like Elain and Nesta cutting off the King of Hybern’s head, or when Amren swoops in in her angel whatever form, but Feyre has been there the whole time, quietly and sometimes not-so-quietly surviving and protecting everyone she loves.
Most Epic Villain: In my head, the Queen of the Black Lands. Because in my head, she has an Actual Motive. (Yes that was a bit of a dig, not sorry)
Pairing I am not a fan of: well there is one that I hate. But other than that… maybe Amren + Varian? Just cuz I still kinda headcanon her as ace. The one scene made me laugh but…
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Azriel. Honestly, in a lot of ways. I don’t know how I feel about him anymore, and I could go off about it but my wrist hurts like shit so maybe if someone asks I’ll take the time to explain.
Favourite Friendship: CASSIAN + MOR BROTP 5EVER. I have so many headcanons and drabbles.
Character I most identify with: Nesta. She’s so quiet and judgey and hates small talk.
Character I wish I could be: Mor? Maybe in the future when she’s out and happy?
Send me a fandom, ship, or character
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pantton-sandacers · 6 years
Patton’s Pups
Summary: When all the other sides are busy on Patton's birthday, they get him gits so he won't feel so lonely. A/N: I wrote this piece in honor of Patton's birthday being today! Happy Birthday, Patton! The song used at the beginning is called "Birthday" by The Beatles. Read it on AO3 Ship(s): Gen but could be read as polysanders. Rating: G Warnings: Patton is sad, but it doesn’t last for long. Brief food mentions, but it’s only twice. Dogs are in this. Word Count: 815 Tag List: @artisticlnsomniac  @fandom-trash-5ever  @insert-epic-blogger-name-here @mythicalquill  @scaredysanders  @screamingoutinrage
The sounds of guitars and the Beatles filled Patton’s bedroom as his special “Birthday” alarm went off.
*Guitar intro that can’t be typed out unless it’s on sheet music but if you know the song it’ll play in your head* *dun dun- dun dun- dadaaa- da dun* “Ya’ say it’s yer’ birthday”
Stretching his arms, Patton sat up, smiling and ready to celebrate with his favorite people in the whole wide worl-
Oh, that’s right. Patton’s smile faltered as he remembered.
“Are you sure you’re gonna be okay celebrating your birthday without us?”
“It’s fine!”
It wasn’t fine.
Each of the sides had their own reason why they couldn’t celebrate Patton’s birthday with him, and while Patton understood, he was still sad.
Roman was off on a week-long quest to protect a village from another dragon-witch, Logan had a conference to attend out of town, and Virgil had to babysit his friend’s kids for the weekend.
Even though Patton knew they all wanted to spend time with him, he couldn’t help but have a feeling they didn’t care.
However, the other sides cared, very much, and of course they had a plan to show Patton this.
Patton’s sad thoughts were cut off by the pitter-patter of small paws coming towards him, and when we looked up, he was shocked to see... a tiny black lab booping noses with him!
Patton squealed in his mind, as to not scare the dog away. He noticed the dog wearing a cute little blue tie charm on its dark blue collar. Next to it was a note that read, “Dear Patton, I apologize for my inability to celebrate with you today. I hope my gift can cheer you up a little until I am available to be there. Happy Birthday. From, Logan.”
Patton beamed up at the puppy, “I’ll name you... Dogic! Like ‘Logic’ but with ‘Dog!’ How does that sound?”
Dogic made a ‘woofing’ noise in agreement, licking Patton’s cheek.
“Ha ha! Hey, how’d you get in here?” Patton looked and, sure enough, his door was open, and outside in the hall was an empty dog crate. “Did you get out of your crate, open my door, and jump on my bed?”
Dogic looked guilty for a moment before Patton exclaimed, “That’s amazing! How on earth did you manage all that? You really are a smart dog!”
Dogic’s tail began to wag as he barked with glee.
“C’mon, let’s go make some breakfast!” Patton slipped into his slippers as he helped Dogic off his bed.
Dogic trotted behind Patton as they went on their way to the kitchen only to discover... another dog!
This gorgeous, tan Pomeranian was sitting in the middle of the floor, wagging its tail as it barked happily.
Patton kneeled down to let the dog sniff him, observing the red collar with a tiny, gold crown charm attached.
He read the note attached to the dog’s collar, “Dearest Patton, my deepest apologies for my inability to properly celebrate your birthday with you. I hope your gift might make up for it, and I will be home as soon as possible to celebrate! Sincerely, Roman.”
“I’ll name you... paw prince! Like ‘paw prints’ but with ‘prince!’”
Paw Prince barked happily at the name and bound forward to lick Patton’s face.
Patton giggled as he began to look around the room. He spotted 3 sets of food and water bowls in the corner of the kitchen. One set was dark blue, another was red, and the other was purple.
Three sets of food and water bowls? But Patton only had...
Paw Prince and Dogic began sniffing each other curiously as Patton stood and looked in the living room.
Sure enough, resting on the couch was a third puppy, a cute Dalmatian. He had a purple collar with a storm cloud chain and a note attached that read, “Dear Patton, I’m really sorry I couldn’t celebrate your birthday with you and I know you’re upset about it, even if you deny it. I got you this to comfort you, I know it won’t be the same as having me there, but I promise I’ll be there to celebrate with you as soon as possible. Best Wishes, Virgil.”
Patton smiled at the note, looking back at the dog, he said, “I’ll call you... storm!”
Storm lifted his head and sniffed Patton’s cheek before licking it.
Patton grinned, he wanted to thank Logan, Roman, and Virgil for getting him three puppies, but how to thank them...
Well, one more puppy couldn’t hurt, right?
“C’mon, pups! Let’s get some breakfast, then, we’re going to the pet store!”
Logan, Roman, and Virgil would come home to find a white terrier with a light blue collar containing a light blue heart charm and a note that read, “Thank you all for my gifts, I got you all something in return <3, Patton.”
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I love the fact that Inasa is trying so very hard to be friends with him. With Izuku, all it took was one epic fight for Shouto to go - “That’s my best friend, mah boy, Best friends 5ever, my ride or die.”
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ofchxrisma · 7 years
ultimate ship meme ; i mean i feel like saying amy and aiden would be weirdly entertaining bc they are clearly best friends and more than half these things wouldn't happen unless they made a deal to marry each other at a certain age just so they wouldn't be single for life but IT'S ALL I GOT so the silent screamers brotp. LET ME LIVE !!
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship! | accepting
Alright I mean let’s assume this is that weird au world where they marry each other because they don’t wanna grow old as shit alone. 
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? 5ever - let’s be real! 
How quickly did/will they fall in love? Dude I mean it took a minute for him to grow on her. But their platonic friend love? Yeah that’s freakin’ epic and I mean eventually, they could fall in love for realsies. 
How was their first kiss? Drunk. It was drunk and sloppy. 
Who proposed? Amy. Hardcore definitely Amy. 
Who is the best man/men? Uh…I have no idea tbh. 
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? Her sister for sure. 
Who did the most planning? Amy. 
Who stressed the most? I don’t think either of them stressed all that much about it.
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? Her ex
Who is on top? Well now, that depends entirely on the day
Who is the one to instigate things? Again, that’s gonna depend on the day. I think they both do.
How healthy is their sex life? Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? I mean they can both last for a while. 
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? Um…usually. 
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? There’s Charlotte. But I don’t think they’re rushing to have one of their own 
How many children will they adopt? 0
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? Charlotte’s way out of diapers so…
Who is the stricter parent? Amy. So so Amy. 
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? Amy.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? Amy
Who is the more loved parent? I mean it’s Amy. But Charlotte is sooo likely to go to Aiden for fun stuffs.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Both because Amy will drag Aiden’s ass to PTA meetings kicking and screaming. 
Who cried the most at graduation? Both! 
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? Aiden.
Who does the most cooking? Amy
Who is the most picky in their food choice? Amy
Who does the grocery shopping? Amy
How often do they bake desserts? Like all the damn time. Nearly daily tbh
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? Well, Aiden’s definitely a meat lover. And Amy’s more of a salad eater. 
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? Aiden - for Amy, he’s a closet romantic.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? Um…probably Aiden.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? Aiden. But no worries, Amy will fix that real quick. 
Who cleans the room? They share that duty
Who is really against chores? Aiden hates them, but he knows Amy’ll kick his butt if he doesn’t do them
Who cleans up after the pets? Charlotte does because technically Iron Man’s her dog. 
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? Aiden
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? Amy
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? Aiden
Who takes the longer showers/baths? Amy
Who takes the dog out for a walk? Charlotte. But Aiden probably goes with her. Even well into when she’s old enough to go all alone. 
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? Amy decorates for every single holiday always. 
What are their goals for the relationship? I mean their goals are to be happy. To be settled. 
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? Aiden
Who plays the most pranks? They both are so likely to
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shineyma · 3 years
ooooooooooo, what a fun idea, nonnie! *ahem* in no particular order (except the final one which is the MOST IMPORTANT 5EVER), I present five favorite fics from five favorite fandoms:
(that wasn’t a requirement, I just liked the alliteration)
5. what the cat dragged in by kryal. so this is a miraculous ladybug/avengers crossover which may, at first glance, sound silly. but it is the OPPOSITE of silly and that’s what makes it SO GOOD. I feel like one of the worst things about crossovers is that a lot of times they render the protagonists’ struggles in one of the worlds pointless/dumb. like, Harry Potter comes in with his magic and casts a spell and boom, bad guy defeated in .5 seconds. so all the pain and turmoil the protagonists went through before Harry wandered across their paths was pointless, they should’ve just left it all in his hands, you know? so I REALLY REALLY love that the avengers, experienced superheroes that they are, struggle against akuma. I love that ladybug and chat noir are equal partners with them. the author does a LOT to weave the worlds together smoothly and it is SO GREAT. also: hysterical. I rec’d this fic to JD when I wasn’t even halfway through the second chapter because there was a moment that was just SO FUNNY, I knew she had to read it. amazing fic.
4. be unbroken or be brave again by my girl @safelycapricious. it’s a post-series game of thrones fic. basic plot: Sansa needs an heir, suitors descend on winterfell. but that is the LAMEST POSSIBLE SUMMARY I could offer because it is SO MUCH MORE. in no particular order: sisterly love, Sansa having friends, Arya being adorably sassy, Sansa having friends, queen in the North Sansa putting upstarts in their place, Sansa having friends, people caring about and respecting Sansa’s mind and not just what she can do for them, SANSA HAVING FRIENDS. I’m sorry, am I harping on this? I just....I love this fic SO MUCH, y’all. there’s romance - some A+ romance, really, I love it - but what I love most about this fic is that people are CARING ABOUT SANSA and PROTECTIVE OF SANSA and SANSA’S HAPPINESS MATTERS. these are my favorite things in a GOT fic and Mir does them all SO WELL. everyone should read this fic.
3. a marauder’s plan by catsarecool. this is a harry potter fic that starts at the immediate end of POA. there is a LOT happening in this fic (seriously, it’s 865K words) and a lot of really cool concepts, exploring things like the Wizengamot and family~ magic in a way JKR never really touched on. I love the plot to bits and somehow this author actually made “the power of love” MAKE SENSE as a power~ and not some cheesy nonsense. which, seriously, props. there’s so much to love about this fic, but at its base level, it delivers what I always want most from HP fics: Harry having an adult actually step in and TAKE CARE OF HIM. the entire point of the fic is Sirius loves Harry and wants him to be safe and well and goes to amazing lengths to try and see it happen, which is just.....so good. the best. I love it. everyone should read this. (I will note that it’s Harry/Hermione, which personally is not my jam AT ALL, and yet I’ve reread the fic multiple times because it is just THAT GOOD. so like. come on.)
2. the king’s commission by larner. this is a post-book lord of the rings fic, centered around an OC (although there are chapters from canon characters’ perspectives too), a sculptor who gets hired to create a memorial to the hobbits after Frodo sails. it’s a seriously epic fic, in the traditional “really long and eventful” sense of the word. lots of worldbuilding, soooooo much detail, fun plots and twists, and also RELATIONSHIPS. a few romantic, but mostly platonic. it’s also a kind of exploration of grief - as the sculptor learns about Frodo from the people who loved him, those people get the chance to mourn Frodo and really come to accept/understand why Frodo had to leave. it’s a really beautiful fic that I’ve come back to often over the years. I cannot rec it enough. (note: I’ve linked to it on the LOTR fic site Stories of Arda. it is on AO3, but it got there via importing from another site, I believe, and some of the chapters there are out of order. so I’d definitely recommend reading it at this link...or ff.net, if you’re really desperate.)
1. slightly delayed! slightly delayed. slightly delayed. SLIGHTLY DELAYED. need I say more? this is my favoritest of favorite fics, it is the BESTEST BEST, I love it MORE THAN ANYTHING. this is my comfort fic. I've returned to it so many times. so many times, in fact, that all I have to type in my address bar is "sl" and it pops up. even chrome knows how much I love this fic. it just...makes me so happy, you know? the drama, the action, the ENDING--!!!! everything about this fic is PERFECTION. it’s an AOS fic, an s5 AU by my girl @ilosttrackofthings. and I will share absolutely nothing else about it because a) WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED and b) there are so many fun twists, I would hate to give anything away. everyone should read this fic always. best.
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benefits1986 · 6 years
02:02 AM: Forgive Me, For I Have Sinned
Interior (Budget, Budget, Phone Cam Lang At Gimbal Gamit)  Car (Panawid Sa Plot Twists Kuno, Bebe)  Static Playing On The Background (Establish Mong Wala Na Silang Paki Sa Mundo Kuno Kasi Pa-Artsy Tayo)  Hazard Lights On Because Tabing-highway Life Is Real (Indie Daw, Pero Low Budget Prod na Bukang-buka Bokeh) Sedated South After Midnight (Murakami, Baby!) Hulaan mo na lang kung girl, boy, bakla, tomboy, butiki, baboy para may input ka naman sa kwento (Gender Fluidity Para Sa Pagbabago, Mga Gago)  Not for the faint-hearted. I was actually cringing when I penned this. Had to stop at times kasi sumasakit ulo, puso at kaibuturan ko. Kathang-isip lang ito na may halong reality bites the dusk. Oo, dusk. Love ko takipsilim e. Saka ‘yung gender fluidity ni F. Mercury. Hahahahaha. Again, read at your own risk. Bawal judgers. Alis. Pwe. Layas.  02: Game ka na ha? Ang greatest sin ko is I killed someone.  20: Grabe. Akala ko matinde na ‘yung kasalanan ko. Tangina naman. Baba na ba kita dito? Legit na natatakot na ako sa’yo ngayon.  02: Kasi kakakilala pa lang natin o kasi hindi mo inakala na may darker side than your dark side ako?  20: Serial killer ka ba? Rapist ka ba? Ano ba ‘to?  02: Ayan ka e. Overactive na naman imagination mo.  20: Shit. I remember now.  02: Na?  20: ‘Yung mga serial killers hindi mo sila mahahalatang serial killers sila. ‘Yung demeanor nila very calm and collected.  02: Just like me? Sabi mo nga ‘di ba? Bakit I seem like a good-natured stranger turned new found friend turned carpool buddy.  20: Jusko naman. Hindi ko naman pinangarap na maging ganito kamatayan ko. Sabi ko lang matindeng staged suicide na enough para makamit ng pamilya ko ‘yung insurance ko.  02: See? Ginusto mo ito e. Ginusto mong maging nasa scene of the crime na ito.  20: Too much Netflix and chill na ‘to. Netflix OG ha? Hindi CSI or mga SOCO. Damn. Plot is way thicker than I envisioned.  02: Suicidal ka talaga. I can not believe my luck. Dapat by this time... 20: Sinisipa na kita? I am kicking you out my car? Sigaw na ako ng sigaw ng tulong? Minumura na kita?  02: Yes. As the typical storyline goes ika nga.  20: Just in case you missed it...  02: Atypical ka nga pala.  20: Correction.  02: Politically incorrect na naman ako?  20: Not your basic, definitely not your average atypical breed.  02: You worship modifiers talaga. Iba rin.  20: Kung papatayin mo ako, might as well make it poetic.  02: Ah, cinematic pa rin ang peg kahit ganito na kaseryoso ang usapan.  20: So, ano na nga? Nalilihis tayo sa kwentong umaatikabo e.  02: Pati ba naman dito, you easily get bored? You are unbelievable.  20: I am in the same manner that I am not.  02: Contradictions and paradigm shifts. Only you.  20: Are you patronizing me?  02: Hindi. Fan lang.  20: Shit. Lakas maka-John Lennon assisination nito. Lorddeeee, whyyy?  02: Baliw ka talaga.  20: Ganito kasi ‘yan. Lahat ng tao may saltik. The world is just to proud to admit na baliw tayong lahat. All for the love of the game na and ending din naman ay dead end. Dead. Gone. Expired. Forgotten.  02: Legit bang you are in love with the idea of meeting death?  20: Let me put it this way. I have seen death in real life twice. I saw my lola naghihinanglo in broad daylight and my mom from the time na mag-weaken siya hanggang sa mag-give up lahat ng systems niya and eventually mag-expire. I even slept with her for solid 8 hours and had the gall to check her heartbeat one last time. Top that nicely with how I tried drowning myself in one of my trips and crashing my car for the first time then total wreck agad. I survived naman to tell the tale, so, I guess, I am not romanticizing death. I am but befriending it so I can understand and eventually, embrace it fully.  02: And the Miss Universe 2018 goes to...  20: Hindi naman kasi ako nag-I, thank you, pero, yes, dapat ganyan takada ng Miss Universe Q&A provided na mas may bearing na kasi dapat sa criteria ‘yung sagot kesa sa pag-rampa.  02: Daming hanash. Vaklang twoooooo!  20: So, ayun nga. Sinong napatay mo?  02: ‘Yung sarili ko.  20: Suicidal ka rin pala?  02: Gulat ka?  20: It is out of your character. Way out of your character.  02: Looks do not just deceive. Looks could kill.  20: Jusko. Serial killer ka nga. Can we skip the rapist part?  02: Kasi virgin ka pa?  20: Sige. Dukdok mo pa. Pakshit. Magkakatotoo rin ata ‘yung fearless forecast ko na I will die a virgin like my lolas na matatandang dalaga. Lorrrddeee, whyyy?  02: Pafall ka kaya.  20: Wow. May banat na ganu? Shit. May naka-something ba akong gusto akong balikan?  02: Ay. GGSS.  20: Gago. What I mean balikan is not balikan na kami na talaga or kami na ulit. Balikan na gantihan. Ctrl + Alt + Del kaya ako 5ever.  02: Iba ka rin talaga, ano? Legit pa-peak and pa-fall.  20: So, ano nga? May gusto bang balikan ako? Damn this conspiracy theory.  02: Hindi ka naman masamang tao.  20: Life and love and the world is never ever fair.  02: #HugotNation. Eto na. Babaha na.  20: Please. Kung magko-confess ka tapos papatayin mo ako, tapusin na natin ito. I deserve an explanation -an honest, in-your-ass-na-lalabas-sa-esophagus kind of explanation.  02: Hinay lang. I killed myself. Over and over again.  20: Lahat naman tayo ‘di ba?  02: I killed myself over and over again. Pero ‘yung rurok ng high sa tagumpay ng pagpatay e noong may napatay na akong iba. Because I went overboard over the idea of chasing death, nadawit best friend ko. Actually, ex ko siya. Nawitness ko paano siya namatay right in front of me and because of me.  20: So, you are indeed a serial killer na specializing with people you have romantic feelings for? Ganun? Too mainstream pero go on.  02: Gusto mo talaga ng details? Hindi ka natatakot?  20: Look, since I Netflix and chill with intet, ingat lang. Baka I have a camcorder cleverly concealed here. And baka naka-alert ka na sa mga pulis. See that ronda pulis? Baka inaantay lang nila mag-busina ako, then dakipin ka na nila. Teritoryo ko’to, just in case you don’t remember.  02: Ay. Palovean hanggang walang hanggan. Nakaka-pressure lalo. Nakaka-challenge.  20: I know. Sabi ko sa’yo e. Game all the way for wickedly twisted plots and plot thickeners.  02: Pero virgin ka pa rin kahit game na game.  20: O tapos?  02: Tapusin na nga natin ito. For once, allow me to share this darkest side of me.  20: Okay. Proceed. Handa na ako.  02: Roadtrip ‘yun. We were so basag and bangag. We were literally Puff the Magic Dragon levels sa SLEX. 180 ang takbo. Wala pang barilan ng sasakyan and it was 02:02 AM. Windows down. Fog everywhere sa kotse. We are having the time of our lives. Speakers blasting Nirvana’s You Know You’re Right, so alam na talaga. Hindi ako marunong mag-drive pa ng todo, but part of the dare was to let me drive ng not below 160 just for the kick of it. Just for the high. Just for the danger, the romance and the adventure. I was being caressed and at the brink of coming, then it happened. We hit a barrier na walang reflector. It was a concrete barrier na napadpad sa gitna ng kawalan. I heard a thundering screech then bilang na bilang ko ‘yung apat na ikot ng sedan niya. Apat na ikot. Bumaliktad ‘yung sasakyan. Buhay ako kasi naka-seatbelt. Nakita ko siya. Nakatingin lang siya sa akin. Hinanap ko ‘yung seatbelt kasi ‘yung adrenaline ko pumalo. Sinapak ako ng fight, fight, fight mentality ko. Wala siyang seatbelt. Kaya pala bloodbath levels siya. Syempre, hindi ko ‘yun narealize agad, until sinabi niya na sorry and thank you. Gusto niya kasi talaga ng epic na suicide. Gusto talaga niyang itawid ko siya sa kabilang side. Mahal na mahal ko siya. ‘Yung ako na non-negotiable na mag-violate ng batas trapiko and all laws of the land, sinantabi ko. Para sa kanya. Sinagad ko, kasi mahal ko siya. (10 solid minutes na pause comes in, tapos single hikbi)  20: So, napatay mo siya?  02: Hindi pero oo.  20: Hindi pa tapos?  02: Akala ko mahal na mahal ko siya, pero narealize ko after, sobrang toxic pala namin. Sobrang toxic namin to the point na niloko namin ‘yung buong mundo at lalo ‘yung sarili naman sa ngalan ng excuse na in the name of love.  20: You learned it. You earned it. The super hardcore way. And I think, that’s what’s important.  02: She survived but I did not know I killed the baby she was carrying.  20: Fuck. Tangina. Tangina. Tangina talaga.  02: I know. Saksak puso at kaluluwa.  20: Lampas hardcore. Hindi ko na yata kaya.  02: Sabi mo gusto mo ng plot twists and super plot thickeners ‘di ba?  20: Tangina lang.  02: Sinadya niyang patayin ‘yung bata. Bonus na lang na mamatay siya. Alam niya kasing iiwan ko na talaga siya. And ang naisip niya para balikan ako at parusahan ako at siya na rin e i-stage ‘yung suicide niya. Hindi lang ako gago. Sobrang nabulag ako sa idea na mahal na mahal ko siya.  20: Hence, the killer line na you killed yourself over and over again.  02: Alam mo, nagle-let go na ako ngayon paunti-unti, finally. Kaya eto, bayad-utang mode. Kaya ambait ko na.  20: Dapat sinagad mo na. Quitter ka pala e. Dapat naging serial monogamist ka na. Ang taas na ng threshold mo sa BS e. Iba. Solid gold levels. Ay, no. Titanium levels ang life skills. 02: Ay. Sinong baliw talaga?  20: I did not kill anybody na wala silang memo at wala akong memo. Sorry.  02: Shut up na ako.  20: I think not. In 3, 2, 1...  02: Tanginang pag-ibig ‘yan.  20: Sorry, but that is not love. It’s toxic shit cleverly concealed in the name of love lang talaga.  02: Alam mo na ngayon bakit sobrang lumanay ko na?  20: Sedation is next to ungodliness. My goodness.  02: Kaya everytime you affirm that I am doing something good, something nice, napapatigil ako ‘di ba?  20: Tapos lakas mo maka-contrabulate. 02: Lahat ng kahalayan at kahayupan sa mundo, natawid ko with flying colors. May standing ovation pa lahat ng demonyo at may tsunami levels ng iyak ng mga anghel at santo pari santa santitas and santa santitos.  20: Kabog na kabog ako.  02: Check na check tapos virgin ka pa. O ha?  20: So, nakulong ka ba?  02: Pinaghahanap ako ng batas.  20: Tangina. Pugante. So, ganito ba talaga ‘yun? Kayosi lang kita a. Lorddeee, why? Bakit naiwan ko lighter ko that time. Bakit?  02: Batas ng Diyos. Syempre, hindi ilalabas ng pamilya niya ‘yun. They are high profile. Baka mawala ang dynasty streak nila.  20: Jusko. SOCO na MMK. Baka maging Korina Sanchez na ‘yung next twist a. Eww talaga mainstream.  02: Baliw.  20: I told you. I am your above average atypical being.  02: Hindi ka takot sa akin?  20: Nope.  02: Hindi mo ko niju-judge?  20: Nope.  02: Talaga ba? O ng ti-trip ka na naman? Morally upright virgin ka e.  20: Ah. Ganun ba?  02: What do you mean? What’s up your sleeve?  20: It’s 03:03 AM na. Let me tell you something, too.  02: Ano ‘yun?  20: I killed someone, too.  02: Weh. Hindi nga.  20: I did.  02: I do not believe you.  20: Game ka na sa kwento ko?  
(Paki abangan ‘yung 03:03 AM. Inspired ito ng mga too millennial songs na pinarinig sa akin ng mga ex-teammates ko. Pero super pabebe lang nung kanila since puro heartbreak, hook up hang ups, no labels, atbp ‘yung takada ng mga kanta.) 
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capsarelocked · 7 years
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On the hunt for epic playgrounds, our adventures lead us to this sick playground in CHCH central namedafter Margaret Mahy and it's so so awesome. We had a total of over9000 pēpī meltdowns cos #tired #growingmindandbody and #developmentalleapsandbounds have meant Olive has been wanting to challenge pretty much everything and anything (mostly because I'm terrible at keeping a straight face and not getting shitty) to do with me. These have been the most fun days of parenthood tho despite the aforementioned. She's been so gorg lately and I just wanna be her best dad friend 5ever. Special shout out to @tokuwhanau for watching me freak out about having a book thrown at my mouth multiple times (and still not learning my lesson and not blowing up at Olive to this result in the same thing happening over and over again) and not thinking lesser of me and still being my friend. Today was also my dad's birthday. I called him and it was really nice. (at Margaret Mahy Family Playground)
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pantton-sandacers · 7 years
Logan and Physical Affection
Summary: Logan is incredibly touch-starved and isn't used to hugs and physical contact, but he wants to be, and Patton is working on that. A/N: This is based off this AMAZING piece of artwork by @sidespart !!!!! Read it on AO3 Ship(s): Logicality Warnings: None Word Count: 656 Tag List: @artisticlnsomniac @fandom-trash-5ever @insert-epic-blogger-name-here @mythicalquill @scaredysanders @screamingoutinrage
It had only been a week since Logan and Patton began dating, and Logan certainly was glad to be with Patton, but his 'touchy-feely' tendencies still made Logan a bit uneasy.
It wasn't that the physical displays of affection made Logan uncomfortable, he enjoyed them very much, even though Patton's surprise-hugs/kisses-attacks caught him off guard every time.
The displays uneased Logan because he had very little experience with physical contact, himself. Being the logical trait, he knew all-too-well how touch starvation impacted the social development and growth of certain brain stems, but none of the others had ever really cared enough to hug him he supposed.
When they were filming videos, there was the 'singular column' separating them from one another. When they were in Thomas' mind, though they had movie marathons and did activities together often, they never really hugged... unless it was Patton.
Patton was always hugging the others, though he'd make sure they were okay with it first. He was naturally a source of comfort for all the sides, and he would occasionally hug Logan before they began dating, which led to Logan searching things such as, "acceptable hug length not friend," "acceptable hug length friend," and "where to put hands for hugs."
When they began dating, Logan researched slightly different topics like, "how do you hug someone," and "best ways to hug someone," he wanted to show Patton he did care, and he wanted to show him in the best way he knew for Patton, physical touch. Logan was currently searching, "when should couples have their first kiss" on his phone when Patton's next surprise cuddle attack was sprung on him.
Patton sprang up next to Logan, wrapping an arm around his shoulders as he planted a kiss on his cheek, his other arm reaching over to connect his arms together, holding Logan in a loose, but protective hold.
Logan's face reddened, dropping his phone at the sudden shock, his glasses going askew on his face as Patton kissed his cheek.
"Mwah!" Patton smooched Logan's face, giggling. He noticed Logan's phone had dropped to the floor, and he bent over, picking it up.
"Here you go-" Patton caught a glimpse of the phone screen, and he couldn't help himself, his curiosity was peaked, he pulled the phone closer to him, looking at the search bar curiously, "how to kiss someone."
Logan's face burned redder in flustered embarrassment. Well, now Patton knows you don't know how to kiss. great.
A pink dust grew on Patton's face as he realized what the search meant, he glanced back up to Logan, eyes hopeful, "D-does this mean-?"
Logan let out a small sigh, "I- have no prior experience with kissing, and, I wanted to be sure that-if-! if you wanted to kiss me, which I understand if you do no-" Logan was silenced by the feeling of a pair of lips gently pressing on his own.
Patton moved his arms to wrap around Logan's waist, pulling him closer.
Logan flinched initially, then tentatively moved his hands to the back of Patton's neck as he attempted to move his lips in an appropriate manner against Patton's.
After a moment, Patton broke away from the kiss, grinning, and staring lovingly into Logan's eyes, "You're so sweet, Lo! You do all this research just to make sure you're making me happy?" Patton placed a quick kiss to Logan's cheek.
Patton's words and actions instilled a sense of confidence in Logan, accompanied by butterflies that fluttered in his stomach. He chuckled, flushing as he grinned at the floor, "I just... want to make you as happy as you make me," he looked up at Patton, smiling.
Patton grinned back at him, kissing his nose lightly, "You're so sweet, Lo. I think you've done enough research though, why don't we test your skills?" he offered, chuckling.
Logan blushed again, nodding as he leaned in, touching his lips to Patton's.
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