#ep: 2x06 halloween
on-this-day-btvs · 7 months
October 27, 1997
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Halloween aired for BTVS season 2, episode 6. This was the first appearance of two minor characters. Ethan Rayne (left) is a local costume shop owner. Larry Blaisdell (right) is a football player at Sunnydale High. Ethan is played by Robin Sachs and is in four episodes total. Larry Blaisdell is played by Larry Bagby and is in five episodes total.
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random community rankings (because if there’s one thing I love it’s a good List)
(disclaimer just because something is ranked last does not mean I think it’s horrible!!! (although sometimes it does.) it just means I like the ones above it more.)
christmas episodes
1. 2x11 abed’s uncontrollable christmas
2. 3x10 regional holiday music
3. 1x12 comparative religion
HUGE fucking gap
4. 4x10 intro to knots
halloween episodes
1. 2x06 epidemiology
2. 3x05 horror fiction in seven spooky steps
3. 1x07 introduction to statistics
4. 4x02 paranormal parentage
paintabll episodes
1. 2x23 a fistful of paintballs/2x24 for a few paintballs more
2. 6x11 modern espionage
3. 1x23 modern warfare
4. 4x13 advanced introduction to finality (this one barely counts as a paintbal ep but I’m including it)
birthday episodes
(this one was really really difficult I would die for all three of these)
1. 5x11 g.i. jeff
2. 2x10 mixology certification
3. 2x19 critical film studies
animated episodes
1. 2x11 abed’s uncontrollable christmas
2. 5x11 g.i. jeff
3. 3x20 digital estate planning
season premieres (is that what they’re called? whatever. you get it)
1. 3x01 biology 101
2. 1x01 pilot
3. 6x01 ladders
4. 5x01 repilot
5. 4x01 history 101
6. 2x01 anthropology 101
season finales
1. 6x13 emotional consequences of broadcast television
2. 3x22 introduction to finality
3. 2x24 for a few paintballs more
4. 4x13 advanced introduction to finality
5. 1x25 pascal’s triangle revisited
6. 5x13 basic sandwich
1. season 3
2. season 2
3. season 1
4. season 5
5. season 6
6. season 4
pls rb with your rankings (of any number of these categories or add new ones!!) I would like to start some Tumblr Discourse™
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allamericansbitch · 1 year
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Hi everyone! Here’s the newest addition to my Creator Shoutout Series ( may 15  - may 21)! For info about the series, I explained it in the first post here, but generally, it’s to show appreciate to editors and their creations that i love from the past week. To track this series or look at previous shoutouts, please check out the tag on my blog *creatorshoutouts. Have a great week everyone!
succession: 4x09 gifset by @naiey
yellowjackets: natalie scatorccio gifset by @mistyquigly
taylor swift: the story of us graphic by @cruellesummer
brooklyn nine nine: season one gifset by @ninaszenick
yellowjackets: natalie scatorccio gifset by @loveexpelrevolt
succession: gifset by @kazs-inej
sabrina carpenter: feather edit by @lookingforclovers
yellowjackets: soundtrack gifset by @thewintersoldier
gone girl gifset by @euquora
yellowjackets: natalie scatorccio gifset by @mistyquigly
succession graphic by @taohun
barbie (2023) gifset by @makoto-shinkai
succession: roman roy in 4x09 gifset by @romulussy
yellowjackets: shauna in 1x08 gifset by @devilmns
taylor swift: you’re loosing me edit by @thehoax
barbie (2023): ken gifset by @chriswevans
fear street: 1666 gifset by @skqll
succession gifset by @jamietarrt
halloween gifset by @thevelvetgoldmine
barbie (2023) icons by @barbie-movie
yellowjackets: 2x09 gifset by @thesoldiersminute
taylor swift: karma music video gifset by @krupcore
maisie peters: self awareness gifset by @antoniosvivaldi
barbie (2023): costume design gifset by @userzil
taylor swift: karma music video gifset by @usertaylorswift
barbie (2023): text posts gifset by @yellenabelova
yellowjackets gifset by @helloinej
narcos: 2x06 gifset by @thozaoaks
yellowjackets: season 2 gifset by @taiturner
boygenius graphic by @cellphonehippie
taylor swift: karma music video gifset by @kitconnor
yellowjackets: natalie scatorccio in season 2 gifset by @thesoldiersminute​
stranger things gifset by @bitchsteve​
pedro pascal gifset by @figmentof
yellowjackets gifset by @ellieswlliams​
succession: kendall roy gifset by @ryan-corr​
yellowjackets: 1x01 soundtrack gifset by @devilmns​
taylor swift: the anti-hero ep design concept edit by @urgeforgoing
succession gifset by @sdktrs12
succession gifset by @lesbiankendall​​
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purpleplaid17 · 8 months
Jess Watches // Tues 26 Sept Synopses & Favourite Scenes
The Resident (with mum) 2x06 Nightmares
Conrad must diagnose a young woman who is having extreme night terrors; Devon faces his first Halloween in the E.R.; Nic panics about taking her newly sober sister to Mina's epic annual Halloween party.
The Halloween costumes were fun but the unexpected laugh that came with figuring out who Bell's date was just before the penny dropped lmaooo.
Frasier (with mum) 5x04 The Kid (Part 2)
Roz decides that she will keep the baby, but after initially claiming to have done so, admits that she has not told the father.
Niles scandazed expression at Frasier telling him off for eavesdropping, then going back in to the living room to let Daphne & Martin know what he overheard.
Over The Garden Wall Ep 5 Mad Love
Wirt and Greg claim to be the nephews of the wealthy and eccentric Quincy Endicott so they can steal two cents from him to pay for a ferry that will cross the river.
Finally understanding where the horse that likes stealing comes from!
The Great 3x09 Destiny
After talking with Marial, Catherine attends one of Pugachev's rallies for herself to understand his influence over the people. Elizabeth aids the to search for Paul, who is hidden by Grigor.
"After he'd told you he loved you for the first time and he came to my room, shaking, because he'd never felt anything like it. And for days afterwards, he would make me taste things. Everything seemed... sharper to him, like the forest throbbed and oysters were a wave of sea. He said you had obliterated the old world he knew and replaced it with this shimmering one."
Shelter 1x03 The Dirt Locker
Shira's parents arrive unannounced while Mickey learns more about the mysterious Bat Lady's past. Spoon and Ema help him retrace Ashley's last day at school.
How Shira's whole face lit up as she realized what Hannah had forgotten was to welcome her home properly. Her smile was so big and genuine, a side she hasn't really shown with anyone else.
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layla256 · 5 years
Key to Her Heart Chapter 1/52: Halloween
So, some context first. My friends and I decided to do a 52 fanfic challenge this year, one prompt each week. The only rule is that you must adhere to the prompt, one post a week, and they all must be in the same universe. So, for example, if you have been writing marvel fanfic all year, but you think a prompt would be GREAT for Supernatural, you have to somehow fit the Supernatural universe into the MCU. 
Now, because I hate myself, I decided I was going to write an entire series consecutively with only a basic outline of my AU and no knowledge about the future prompts.
But, either way, I think this’ll be a fun adventure into writing for me. So behold the first in my Spuffy AU Key to Her Heart. I’ll probably post this on AO3 and EF as well.
The prompt this time was:  Our hero (or heroine) loses his memory.   Who will help him find his way back?
And doesn’t that just scream “Halloween episode”?
WARNING: At one point at the end of this chapter, Spike makes the assumption that Buffy was raped in the episode Reptile Boy. While no detail is given and Buffy reveals that there wasn’t any rape, it’s still an issue mentioned and I don’t want to blind side anyone with it.
Spike wasn’t a traditionalist. He never pretended to be one either. No matter how much Dru had wanted him to be, that just wasn’t something he cared about. All that chanting and ritual? It just wasn’t him. However, if there was one rule he was willing to take seriously, it was the one about Halloween. You don’t start shit on Halloween. It’s everyone’s fucking vacation day. Sure, if a tasty snack wanders by he isn’t going to say, “No thanks, I’m dieting today!” But he also understood that, at a certain point, causing problems on Halloween was just being a dick.
Spike can respect an asshole (he is often one), but being a dick is an entirely different story.
So, you can imagine the conflict he felt when Dru told him that someone was, as his mother would have said, “making shenanigans” that were going to deliver the Slayer into his lap. On the one hand, he had his principles dammit! He had said he would respect the Halloween rule when he first learned of it. However, on the other hand, he was an ancient, evil vampire and he did whatever he wanted! Not to mention the fact that the slayer was a royal bitch who had it coming.
Eventually, Spike made a compromise with himself. He’d go out and enjoy whatever chaos occurred because of this newcomer. If he saw the slayer? Great. Dinner and his Dark Princess back at her best again. If he saw the person responsible? A beating and lecture that would make his father weep with jealousy.
He hadn’t been planning on what he would do if he ran into her however.
She looked beautiful, although he knew from experience at this point that she always did. Her normally well-kept hair was completely falling out of whatever adorable braid she’d managed to coax it into that night. The crown of what looked like Daffodils was almost falling completely off her head. Her make up was relatively un-smudged, but that probably had more to do with the fact that she wasn’t wearing much, just a light dusting of gold across her eyelids and a similar color on her lips.
However, the thing that caught his attention wasn’t just the confused look on her face, but the dress she was wearing. Unlike the tight black number that had been haunting his dreams since that God-awful frat party the week before, this dress matched Buffy far better. The creamy silk of the one-shoulder dress looked gorgeous folded and wrapped around her body, accentuating every curve while hiding the important parts from his gaze. The golden rope around her waist synched it all in, drawing his attention to her hips and that luscious ass that—
And he was going to stop that train of thought right now.
She looked at him with no recognition and a hint of fear, making him want to cast himself on the nearest cross. Worried that she was upset with him for the party, he shrunk his shoulders, held his hands up, and tried to seem as non-threatening as possible.
“Pet I—I would never hurt you. You know that, right? Please tell me you know I would never hurt you.”
While the confusion didn’t leave her hazel green eyes, the fear definitely did. “D-Do you know me?” She asked hesitantly, looking around them with wide eyes. “Do you know who I am?”
Spike’s brow furrowed. “Of course I do, luv. You’re—”
He was cut off as one of her friends came running towards them looking a bit odd while followed by the other one, who wasn’t moving normally. Too stiff.
“Buffy!” Red called, waving her arms wildly at the girl in front of him. “Buffy, thank goodness you’re ok!”
 Spike was stuck on baby-sitting duty, and he wasn’t sure how upset he wanted to be about it. Red, who was a very hot ghost for some reason, had run off to find Buffy’s pseudo Watcher, leaving him to look after the Whelp and Buffy, both of whom had turned into their costumes, leaving confused shells behind.
“So I dressed as a goddess and now I am one?” Buffy asked again, still trying to grasp everything after the short run-through Willow had given Spike. “That does sound rather . . . disconcerting.”
What’s disconcerting is you using that kind of language Spike thought, but he kept it to himself. He knew there was a bright mind under all that blonde, and he wasn’t going to be one of the many people discouraging her about it.
“So, fill us in,” Whelp ordered, showing more initiative that Spike had ever seen in the teen. “What is the situation like?”
Spike sighed heavily, not wanting to really get into it. “Look, I wasn’t here for the mess that was last year, alright? So you lot are getting the cliff-notes version and nothing more. Got it?”
The goddess and soldier before him nodded, though Whelp looked like he wanted to argue the point more.
“Now, I don’t know about you Whelp, but I know that little miss amnesia over there moved here about a year and a half ago after her parents split. She met you and Red and you little Happy Meals have been friends ever since.” He noticed Buffy scrunch her nose at the term “Happy Meals” and couldn’t help but smile knowing there was still some of her in that costume after all. She always did get on his case about it.
“Why would my parents split apart? Surely if they loved one another enough to marry—”
“Cliff notes version luv,” Spike reminded her gently. In all honesty, he didn’t have the heart to tell her the truth. That when Hank and Joyce Summers had been confronted with the very real issue of the supernatural Joyce had dealt with it through mild panic, heavy drinking for two days, and silence while Hank had simply attempted to ship Buffy off to the funny farm. Thankfully, the idea of her daughter being sent somewhere like that for something Joyce knew was real had snapped her back to herself pretty quickly. However, Buffy had blamed herself for the divorce ever since, and Spike, evil though he may be, didn’t have it in him to hurt her like that.
“So you lot wound up getting involved in most of the nasty business here on the Hellmouth since good ol’ Watcher thought you might be a Potential.”
Once again, Buffy’s brow furrowed in the most adorable way. “Potential what?”
Spike shook his head. “Potential Slayer, luv, like that Faith bi-bint Willow mentioned she was getting. One girl in every soddin‘ generation to cause vamps like me all kinds of headaches. They thought you were one for a bit, but turns out you’ve just got major magic going on.”
Whelp shot up. “‘Vamps like me’? You’re a vampire? Then why are you helping us?” Spike saw him reach for his weapon, but waved him off.
“Easy there Rambo. My issue’s with the Slayer and her lot. I got no quarrel with you all.” He looked at Buffy with a single smirk. “Told you that the first night we met actually. You and Red threatened to light my highly flammable ass on fire if I tried to take a bite out of you. Been nothing but banter ever since.”
Buffy smiled, “So we’re compatriots then?” she asked cautiously. “Through humor and fear?”
Spike barked out a laugh. “‘Compatriots’, sure. I gave you my word that, long as you and your lot stayed out of my business, you’d be safe as houses. Yer Mum’s got permanent protection too, in case you’re worried.” No need to mention how pointless he thought it was, seeing as how the woman bashed him over the head with an ax right after thinking he was attacking Buffy.
Buffy nodded her head gratefully, more of her hair spilling out of her braid. “Thank you very much Spike. That puts my mind at an ease.”
Bloody hell, Red needed to hurry up with whatever plan it was she had for fixing this mess.
After that, things eventually quieted down a bit. Soldier Whelp went into the kitchen hunting for “provisions”, leaving Spike with a curious Buffy.
“Spike,” she said cautiously, tilting her head as she looked at him. “Spike, why were you concerned that I was afraid of you when we met? If we are friends and you have upheld your end of our bargain, then surely I would have no reason to fear you.”
Spike sighed heavily for what felt like the thousandth time that night, running his fingers over his gelled hair in frustration. He’d honestly been hoping she wouldn’t ask about that.
He could lie to her, tell her some made-up story to keep in the goddess’s good graces for a while longer, but he immediately shook the thought off. He might not mind it, but Buffy would be offended. She’d see it as a manipulation. While she won’t come out and reprimand him for it, he’ll still be subject to those disappointed eyes. Like last time.
“You, well, pet, that is—” he cut himself off with an angry growl. Rip the bandage off. “You’re upset with me. I went and killed some blighters who absolutely deserved it, but you didn’t appreciate it. Haven’t spoken to me in a week for it.”
Buffy’s head tilted once again for a moment, considering. He hated when she did that. For one thing, she looked bloody adorable. For another, he could never tell what she was about to say. “What was their crime?” She asked finally.
Spike blinked at her twice. “What?”
“Their crime.” She repeated simply. “You ascertained that they deserved their fate, but what crime did they commit to deserve such a thing?”
Spike couldn’t tell her. He couldn’t explain the pain on Buffy’s face when she’d told him of the drugs they’d put in her drink, they way they’d dragged her about as they saw fit.
She hadn’t come out and said it, but he knew that you only drugged a girl for one reason and one alone. That in and of itself would have earned them a solid beating session with him (he’d never much liked rape, even after being turned), but the fact that they’d done it to Buffy, kind, innocent Buffy who went so far out of her way for her friends and family, even an undead monster like himself, was unforgivable. There was only one appropriate punishment, and he certainly didn’t regret being the one to give it out.
Thankfully, he was saved from explaining as the crown completely fell off of her head, and Buffy, blinking as if to clear a fog, looked at him with recognition for the first time. “Spike?” she asked her nose once again being too freaking cute for words as it scrunched. “Ugh, what happened? I feel all magic-y.”
“Thank Eric Cantona, she lives to butcher the mother tongue once more!” Spike grinned and swept her into a hug, swinging her around once before dropping her onto the ground.
“Spike, what’s got you all ramped up? You’ve been all with the brooding worse than Angel lately.” Despite her words, a bright smile took over her face. “Ever since Willow, Cordy, and I almost got sacrificed to that snake demon thingy last week—”
Spike gripped her shoulders tightly, eyes tinted yellow. “Wait, what? What sacrifice?”
Buffy rolled her eyes. “Remember? The frat party? I was all with the crying and the depresso girl and you went on a completely unnecessary warpath through the whole freaking frat?”
Spike felt the distinct need to lay down. A sacrifice. The boys hadn’t raped her. Just a failed sacrifice. That he hadn’t even known about.
Yes. A kip was definitely a requirement right now.
So that’s the first chapter! In this AU Buffy is the key as opposed to Dawn, and Faith is the Slayer. This is actually a thought I had back in high school when I first watched the series and couldn’t get my hands on anything past the first third of the fifth season and none of the Angel series, so recognize that a lot of my characterization won’t stray from my feelings about characters past around the Dracula episode. While I’ll be referencing and maybe even writing about things in later seasons (maybe even the comics, I’m not sure yet), my main influence are going to be those first few years. For example, I am perfectly aware of the fact that Faith gets a redemption and becomes a great Slayer and a good friend to Buffy. However, I had seven years to sit and stew on how much I hated her before I could get my hands on the later seasons, so . . . yeah.
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bowie-boy · 3 years
NOTES: For the first eleven episodes of Community I wasn’t keeping track of trans Jeff moments but I will when I rewatch. I also starred the key trans Jeff episodes (imo of course)
Without further ado...
Every transcoded Jeff Winger moment (I can remember) because he’s a trans man:
getting punched in the face is his “male rite of passage” according to Pierce
“I’ve never been someone’s dirty little secret” the fact that he is now?? Transcoded
“I’m afraid of things getting official. If you say it you might later have to UNsay it.” Jeff was definitely terrified of coming out and realizing he was faking it huh
Jeff is uncomfortable wearing short shorts in public and wants to wear his own clothes, he gets very uncomfortable when questioned about it
Abed says Jeff is 30% the trans guy from Boys Don’t Cry
Once again! Gets very defensive when accused of being panties
Coping with hypermasculinity is so trans
“What is THIS Jeff?” “My chest????” “What are you packing in these pants” “guys-“ this entire exchange is trans
Jeff being so done with tr*nny dance
That moment of him and Troy with the trans cookie in the same frame >>>
“An old drinking buddy who may or may not have had a sex change” makes Jeff cut Abed off and ask questions, I think he got nervous
Blood test at a physical! Testosterone
Jeff is very protective over his suit
Jeff and Troy laughing about Y chromosomes because they don’t have them 😌 (yes Troy is trans too)
very proud of his chest, doesn’t want to cover it up at all
Jeff is very quiet during the period conversation
(I’m actually writing a fic about Jeff’s coming out that takes place during this episode)
Jeff looking so confused and annoyed when Pierce said “I broke my legs not my gender”
Jeff giving Troy a manhood experience for his birthday!!!
all the women enter the same bathroom as Jeff
Pierce reading a supportive speech in case Britta is LGBTQ+ and telling Jeff to “wait for the one” he has for him
Jeff uses nipple guards when running
“Abed...can I tell you something I’ve never told anyone else?”
Jeff had to wear a girl’s costume for Halloween
“Everyone kept saying what a pretty little girl. After a while, I stopped correcting them. What was the point?” Wow TRANS
“You disqualified yourself from this conversation [about women] the second you decided to grow a wang” “I regret nothing”
Jeff keeps his toiletries in a safe
Jeff being a vampire is transcoded I don’t elaborate
3x06* (this is just a great Jeff ep in general)
Threw a gay party and it was great
His dad fucking DISOWNED HIM?????
“foosball was just masculine enough to get by without throwing it catching”
Jeff had a pony tail as a kid
“I changed my clothes, my hair, my personality”
“Foosball is how I defined myself as a man”
Jeff wearing a hoodie at the end of the episode?????
Jeff “has bad posture and sometimes looks like he has boobs” according to Britta, a statement which made him uncomfortable and deflated his self esteem
Jeff really wants the award for most handsome young man
“A man’s got to have a code. I can only assume a woman has an equivalent to that, like a codette or something” okay trans
Jeff really doesn’t like being separated from his jackets
I just think Jeff leading a dance with another man who is in drag is very trans coded okay
Jeff is so obsessed with his body that he must be a trans man proud of his transition
“Jeff’s at the point in his life where he needs a strong father figure to come out to” is this not canon trans man
“You seem like a self made man.” “I mean, I kind of had to be.”
The entire scar thing
Jeff’s stepbrother or half brother or whatever being too “soft” for his father to like?? But Jeff who is hypermasc still not being enough????? Okay canon trans
Jeff is really enjoying his manly barber shave
everyone bought Jeff a hoodie for Christmas
Jeff is really scared of commitment to things regarding permanent choices or his own identity, maybe he struggled with this for his transition when he was younger
Jeff “would rather look at himself naked than the people he sleeps with” because he’s proud of his transition
Jeff and Duncan did a boys’ night! Maybe Duncan knew him before he transitioned and it made Jeff uncomfy until now
“my penis needs no enlargement” proud of his transition af
Jeff is/was obsessed with GI Joe which was like Thee boys’ cartoon
He can’t visualize his future which is trans
They bought him an it’s a boy mug 🥺
Jeff is really supportive of the dean’s sexuality, literally trans
Like Frankie is basically canonically a lesbian or at least queercoded
The dean is canonically queer
Why else would Jeff be there if not for the fact that he’s trans
Jeff getting mad when someone says he hits like a girl and taking his shirt off
Jeff is stressed about his emails being leaked —> he got outed?
Jeff is really proud of his scenes in the movie, he wants the world to see him fully transitioned and how manly he is
Jeff hoodie trans
He won’t shut up about cars because he wants to seem big and manly
Also in general his halloween costumes are all hypermasc. I think the study group really helped Jeff feel better about his gender identity and really made him feel safe. Thanks for reading!
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louisdotmp3 · 2 years
top 5 buffy eps 😌 from 01x01 up to and including 02x08 (what the discord is currently up to),, and/or top 5 buffy eps of all time (w/o spoils if possible❤). pls pop off<33
ooo okay i'll do non spoil first
1. school hard (2x03) - what can i say i'm a spike girl
2. prophecy girl (1x12)
3. lie to me (2x07)
4. halloween (2x06)
5. when she was bad (2x01)
every ep we watch of s2 i'm like oh yeah this season is incredible how do i forget that?? and prophecy girl gets rights for giles i'm 16 years old i don't want to die </3
spoiler version below the cut :-)
1. the body (5x16)
2. once more with feeling (6x07)
3. fool for love (5x07)
4. conversations with dead people (7x07)
5. becoming pt 2 (2x22)
i simply think about the body all the time. i am predictable with my episode 7 picks, i think, but what can i say the episodes that set up the season arc and foreshadow how the problems will be solved are just. excellent. in the top 10 that didn't make the cut are restless, helpless, and this year's girl/who are you
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aimmyarrowshigh · 3 years
Dark Greetings this Spooky Season Ms. V. Can we get a list of your favorite Halloween movies and specials? I know you have seen *everything* and I am trying to go beyond my usual rewatches this holiday month.
Does the Halloween element combine convincingly with the usual universe of the show (ex: Lizzie McGuire 2x09 “Those Freaky McGuires” is not good as a Halloween episode because it changes the rules of the Lizzie McGuire universe, whereas Community 2x06 “Epidemiology” is a GREAT Halloween episode because it manages to logically introduce zombies to the regular Community universe)?
Does the Halloween element advance the plot of the episode/series (ex: the reason Boy Meets World 5x17 “And Then There Was Shawn” is literally the best Halloween episode ever made is that it uses the horror movie tropes it satirizes to provide a CRUCIAL turning-point to the plot of the show)?
Is the Halloween episode in the forefront enough that it’s clearly a holiday episode (ex: HAVING ONE JACK-O’LANTERN ON A DESK DOES NOT A HALLOWEEN SPECIAL MAKE, LAW & ORDER 16x03 “GHOSTS”! You gotta go ALL-IN, like Bob’s Burgers 3x02 “Full Bars”!)?
Does the Halloween theme balance well between spooky and warm-n-fuzzy (ex: Criminal Minds 11x21 “Mr. Scratch” is too fucking bleak, but Criminal Minds 12x06 “Elliott’s Pond” has a joyous/celebratory tone to the ending despite being a genuinely scary episode)?
Is it generally a well-written, acted, and designed episode of television (ex: Saved by the Bell! 3x26 “Mystery Weekend” is seriously, not exaggerating, the worst thing I’ve ever watched in my life; Psych 1x15 “Scary Sherry, Or Bianca’s Toast” is a triumph of the medium)?
THE BEST, bar none, Halloween special ever made is Boy Meets World 5x17, “And Then There Was Shawn.” Period. There can be no argument, except MAYBE Community 3x06, “Epidemiology,” but I like “And Then There Was Shawn” better because the parody and homage as less… biting? And because I think it continues and addresses the emotional core of the regular BMW season better than “Epidemiology” does for Community s3. “Epi” DOES plant the seed (…heh) for the Season 3B major plot arc of Shirley’s pregnancy and Chang Deciding To Murder, but it gets some major minus points for mocking Yvette Nicole Brown’s weight with other characters’ responses to her costume, tbh. And “And Then There Was Shawn” is just fucking iconic. It is THE Halloween episode manual, IMO, if there were to be a textbook on how to write a perfect Halloween episode for your sitcom.
HOWEVER, I also have to give major props to Bob’s Burgers and Psych, as complete series, for their CONSISTENTLY excellent Halloween episodes. A lot of series that have multiple Halloween eps really phone it in after one or two, because they don’t have any more ideas for how to incorporate Halloween pastiches while maintaining the overall feeling of the series (tbh B99, while the Halloween Heists are excellent in general, is/has been coming very close to this line, and I think that if they HADN’T had to switch out the Heist to Cinco de Mayo in s6, they would have jumped their Heist Shark [and I think they know it, too, because it was lampshaded in the episode itself]) or they just straight-up don’t have any more ideas for what or how to have the characters they’re bound to parody or pay homage to a Halloween thing after they’ve already done one or two. And let’s be real: those one or two have probably been either The Shining or Rear Window, because those are pretty much the two that every show starts with.
Bob’s manages to make every Halloween episode feel very fresh and organic to the series, which I think they do have some leeway to do because of the nature of cartoons keeping the Belchers living a kind of loop of never aging, yk, but amazingly they’ve only done the “Tina feels too old to trick or treat, maybe? Nope, she’s not 14 yet, so there’s still time!” thing in a way that felt tropey once (in 3x02 Full Bars). They’ve been able to address Tina being 13/in 8th grade, and worrying about it being almost too late for her to keep trick or treating, in ways that were in-character and added to the overall episode in 4x02 Fort Night, 5x02 Tina and the Real Ghost, and 9x04 Nightmare on Ocean Avenue Street, without me rolling my eyes at the screen and going “TINA, EVERY SINGLE SHOW WITH A TWEEN IN IT HAS ALREADY DECIDED THAT THE AGE AT WHICH YOU MUST STOP TRICK OR TREATING IS FRESHMAN YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL, COME ON NOW” which… at this point, is a Feat. Because like, I’ve POSTED over a thousand Halloween episodes, right? But I’ve watched and screencapped ::checks folder:: 3,905 Halloween episodes since 2014. Which is, um, a. lot. The ACTUAL BEST Bob’s Burgers Halloween episode is 6x03, “The Hauntening,” which is just… achingly perfect television. I know I’ve posted about it before (probably a couple times tbh) but the way that it aired originally back-to-back with The Simpsons 27x04, “Halloween of Horror,” so that the evening of Sunday cartoons juxtaposed eight-year-old Louise whose family worked so hard to scare her like she wanted with nine-year-old Lisa’s family working so hard to keep her from being too scared and make sure that she felt safe… reader, I FUCKIN CRIED. Little girls being deeply loved while also Spoopy Things!!!!!! IS WHAT HALLOWEEN SPECIALS ARE!!! FUCKIN!!!!!! ABOUT!!!!!!!
Psych, though, has the benefit of not really having any, like… central tone to the series? Beyond “friendship” and “having fun with joking,” tbh? So it’s able to do what a lot of series get docked “points” for in my Foolproof Halloween Special Ratings System That Is Completely Subjective To My Tastes And Mood, which is really just run full-tilt into parody and homage without really worrying about overall tonal connection to the rest of the season or series. 1x15, “Scary Sherry, or, Bianca’s Toast,” while it DOES fall victim to the way-too-common Halloween episode trap of making mental hospitals into a Scary Thing (they are a medical normality and a necessary thing for health for many people and should not be feared), is delightful Spooky Fun AND has the benefit of having Shannon Woodward in it.* We all know by now that if an episode of any show has Shannon Woodward as the guest star, it will by default end up being one of the best, if not THE best, episodes of that series. It’s just how having Shannon Woodward as your guest star rolls. I also really like, with Psych’s Halloween episodes, that quite a few of them understand the underlying thematic scope of Horror, which is “The Monstrous Feminine Is A Thing And All Horror Tropes Are Actually About Women’s Interior Lives Because Men Can’t Write Women And Fear Women Always,” yk, in a way that is neither TOO Actual Horror, which I am too afraid of to Do, or too trite and demeaning, which is the other basic trap that Halloween stuff falls into A Lot. Like, Scary Sherry is very much about women villainizing other women, avenging other women, and being in very specifically-female pain, even though Shawn & Gus are still the lens through which we solve the mystery, and so are 4x04 The Devil Is In The Details And The Upstairs Bedroom and 6x03 This Episode Sucks. But they give their Monstrous Females dignity and breadth, which is impressive, ESPECIALLY since they’re one-off guest characters. Also, 3x15 Tuesday the 17th is just plain funny and well-done, like, just give it props for the title alone.
*(Speaking of Shannon Woodward, another amazingly good Halloween episode is Raising Hope 4x07, “Murder, She Hoped,” which is among my very favorite Rear Window homage episodes and has probably the funniest gag in ANY Rear Window ep, in Martha Plimpton floating across the screen in the Grace Kelly silk nightgown and peignoir and announcing that it was on sale at Walmart, can you believe?! and honestly, yes. Perfection.)
Also excellent:
• The Addams Family (1991) + Addams Family Values (1993) • Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School (RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU WERE GAY FOR SIBELLA AS A CHILD!) • Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost (RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU'RE GAY BECAUSE THE HEX GIRLS!) • Halloweentown + Halloweentown II: Kalabar's Revenge • Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire! • Z•O•M•B•I•E•S (to a lesser extent, Z•O•M•B•I•E•S 2) • Clue (1985) • Coraline • Corpse Bride • 6teen 2x00 Dude of the Dead • Arthur 21x00 Arthur and the Haunted Treehouse • Lamb-Chop in the Haunted Studio • Arthur 8x04A Fern-kenstein's Monster • Arthur 10x02 The Squirrels • WandaVision 1x06 The All-New Halloween Spooktacular (I KNOW YOU, SPECIFICALLY, DEAR @plavoptice, HATE MCU!WANDA AND I DON'T BLAME YOU, YOUR REASONS ARE VERY VALID! But this is a good Halloween special so I'm putting it on my list In General.) • Boy Meets World 2x06 Who's Afraid of Cory Wolf? • Ghostbusters (2016) • Gravity Falls 1x12 Summerween • Leverage 4x02 Ten L'il Grifters Job • The Loud House 2x40 Tricked! • Mockingbird Lane 1x00 Unaired Pilot • It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! (Classic, etc.)
I'm SURE I'm forgetting some that I'll rewatch this year myself. I'm a big Halloween Baking Championship fan, tbh, which is on Discovery+ now so I recommend that if you like mostly-relaxing nice people baking cakes that look like bats and such.
I'm also IMMENSELY INTENSELY EXCITED for The Muppets' Haunted Mansion on Disney+ next week!!!
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lovecolibri · 2 years
So happy that I found your blog, bless you and your anons. Honestly i'd like to meeting the writers that thought it was a good idea to focus 5a on a character that nobody can even stand, instead of seein chim being a single working father maybe bonding with eddie, karen a beloved character since s1, ravi... I don't care about T, her father, her mother, her dog, her boss her aunt, her trauma nothing. And I hope in 5b the writers won't write more eps like 5x9-10
Where the only thing they made buck do was going after her for all america like a lost puppy and instead of worring for chris he spent 20 mins trying to find her present, and again he could have got her a crocodile and I still wouldn't care. I hope this hiatus cured their obsession with the reporter. Again thank you for your lovely blog and please rant about b/t whenever you want😘
Awww, thanks Nonnie, and I have been sitting on this for ages so I hope you manage to see it! I also do not care a single iota about her job, how she does it, how she feels about doing it, or anything about her family, and I'm eternally bitter we had to suffer through her taking up as much screen time as she did rather than seeing other calls (Ghost Roommate my beloved 😭😭😭), and other characters/dynamics.
I will say that I get what they are going for with the bt relationship with regards to Buck and his character growth but they managed to get the point across with Ana just fine so IDK why we needed all this background and screen time for a guest star. I will say it again, and forever, in a year when people are re-watching season 5, no one is going to care that the original air date was a week after Halloween, no one is going to care about seeing a side character investigating a call that has nothing to do with the firefam (that her involvement didn't even impact, because Lou already found the motel on his own and then the "hitman" confessed so....what did she even contribute?), and no one is going to care about seeing her backstory that also has nothing to do with the firefam or Buck.
Like, we didn't see all that much from Shannon but what we did see was directly relational to Eddie and Chris. We didn't get any backstory on her except in regards to how her choices affected Eddie and Chris because she wasn't ever meant to stick around. I don't know if killing her off was always the plan, but having her come back into and then leave their lives in the same season? It had to be part of the season outline. So we did see about her made sense because it was about Chris and Eddie, not about her.
Now, even the reporter's backstory was still framed from Buck's POV (we don't see her in a scene alone about it, we don't see her meeting with/talking to her dad or the lawyer or anything) it was still a whole bunch of stuff that's not directly relational to Buck and to his story, and the bigger plotlines for the show. That means, you can remove those scenes about her and not lose any of the threads of the show. And honestly, you could entirely remove every single one of her scenes for the entirety of 5a and...not lose much if anything important. The only thing I can think of that crosses over into the main plotlines are Buck thinking they are breaking up, and the Christmas gifts, which if they peppered in comments about a gf without showing her (like they did with Ali in season 2) and then had literally any random woman in 5x10 the story for Buck would be basically the same.
I have to say your crocodile comment made me think of 2x06 and the lizard that seemed to have a thing for her and it made me giggle! I also hope that their obsession with her is over now that Maddie and Chim (and baby Jee!) and Albert are all back. And after the way even the general audience has been frothing at the mouth to see her leave, fingers crossed she won't ever come back.
Thanks for the ask, sorry it took so long to respond to, and you are always welcome to come flail or rant with me in my inbox!
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multimetaverse · 3 years
do you have any new production info for diary of a future president?
Not really, all that’s new is some imdb info and something Brandon Severs has let slip about 2x10. Brandon was answering some questions on twitter recently and said that his favourite ep of S2 was the finale, specifically the end of the finale. He had previously posted photos of him, Charlie, and Nathan filming a night during the final week of filming and Brandon had mentioned that the scene they filmed that night was one of his favourites of the whole series (fwiw Ilana liked that tweet). There’s been a long running theory/gag on twitter that there would be a cartero confession on the tennis courts at night in S2 and someone tweeted about Brandon telling the writers about that theory. Brandon replied to that tweet saying that he was pretty sure it was him, Charlie, and Nathan who did that after they shot a scene. Later he clarified that he didn’t say anything would or would not happen and people shouldn’t go canonizing things. I think that night time scene near the end of the S2 finale is actually Bobby telling Liam and Danny that he’s gay which would be a great end to Bobby’s arc in S2.
This suggests that Bobby doesn’t have to come out to people one at a time which will help the show cover more ground. I do think that Bobby also comes out to Elena and Gabi (and most likely Sam along with them) at some point in S2 but when is anyone’s guess. Whether Disney will require big gaps between coming outs or not is still unknown. We also have no insight on what Cami’s arc is. She and Dani will most likely provide some sort of guidance to Bobby but whether the writers can fit in Cami coming out to her parents in S2 or have to save that for a potential S3 is unknown. 
There are some interesting imdb updates, anyone can update imdb but since the doafp fandom is so small I think these updates are probably legit. Brogan Hall who plays Tripp is in eps 2x01,2x02, 2x04, 2x06, and 2x10. He seems to be Elena’s opponent in the school council elections. The drop off in his appearances in the latter half of S2 is something I’ve flagged before as a sign that there’s some sort of shift in Elena’s story line and a partial answer has been provided by Sanai Victoria whose imdb has Melissa in eps 2x01, 2x04, and 2x06-2x10. We know from set photos from 2x10 that Melissa is wearing an Elena for student council president button so they must be on good terms by then. So Elena’s school plot is probably running for student council president and campaigning against Tripp, maybe ending with a debate in 2x06, then spending the latter half of the season trying to come to terms with Melissa which eventually leads to them being on good terms and Elena presumably winning the election in the finale. 
Nathan Arenas updated his imdb and he’s in every S2 ep except 2x08. Brandon is likely in all 10 eps this season as a while back Carmina was replying to something on twitter about S2 and tagged Brandon saying how great it was that they had all the scripts for S2. Typically shows don’t have recurring characters in all episodes but doafp already broke that trend with Sasha and Jessica back in S1. I’d assume we get more development for Danny and Liam who we really don’t know all that well. I’d like to see more explanation on why Liam is living with his grandmother in Miami now as his excuse in S1 that he had a lot of siblings back home doesn’t really make much sense and seems like it could be a cover story for family issues of some sort. Ziggy seems to not be in very much of S2. Sean Glasgow was only spotted on set once when they had their Halloween costume day. He could very well be in more but it does seem like something happens to Ziggy, whether he just moves away or has a falling out with Bobby’s crew or something else. And who knows if he’ll be back if they get a S3. There’s not much else as of now. Ilana is directing 2x09 so that could be an important ep for at least some of the story lines. There’s a character credited as ‘freshman girl’ in 2x05 so there must be some scenes at Bobby’s high school. We’ll probably have to wait until the trailer eventually drops for more imdb updates to be made. 
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youngsamberg · 3 years
Other than b99 (because they are obviously God-tier), your favourite halloween episodes?
(also a doubt, is halloween on 30th or 31st? When do people go trick or treating? Is it like a Halloween eve situation?)
halloween is the 31st and people go trick or treating that day! but the whole halloween weekend people dress up and go to parties and stuff
the parks halloween eps are classics, but community 2x06 "epidemiology" is my all-time favorite and i watch it every year (and sometimes at random times during the year bc it's my favorite episode of community)
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
February 10: 2x06 The Doomsday Machine
Took a nap after work and really discombobulated myself. Then got a bit of a second wind watching Star Trek.
I believe I have seen this episode before but I had no memory of it going in and no memory of seeing it before even now that I’ve finished, so, who knows?
Where’s Uhura? Hopefully on shore leave somewhere having fun!
I feel like this other Communications officer walked over to the Captain’s chair hoping Kirk would acknowledge her lol. Then when he doesn’t, she doesn’t really know what to do with herself.
Some of the shots in this opening are really weird: the angle of Kirk and Spock at Spock’s station; the camera suddenly randomly dropping right before Kirk starts walking down the step.
DECKER?? Rev. Spice Boy’s father perhaps?
Hmm so the Constellation is another Constitution class like the Enterprise and the Intrepid. I always get a kick out of seeing other space ships of that same shape for some reason.
Mr. Spock in command.
Poor ship! In an aesthetically pleasing disarray, completely abandoned.
Kirk is a very good detective. “They didn’t leave any random mess, so they must have left on purpose.”
Spock in the chair!
Found Decker!
I know he has to be a Commodore to outrank Kirk later but... why is a Commodore in space? Or in other words, why isn’t the Constellation captained by a Captain?
Does Jim know everyone in Starfleet? He’s just that guy, isn’t he? He has a lot of acquaintances and he’s very friendly and easily charming so he just kind of collects people (especially Starfleet people since it is his WHOLE adult life) but he doesn’t have that many close friends or lasting romantic relationships; he’s hard to get really, properly close to.
Well that’s the mystery of the crew solved :( That’s like tragically sad.
I like when Kirk is smart and understands star ships.
Decker is not being very helpful here in actually explaining what the Threat is! Still, that’s a very classic horror trope: an evil so terrible that it is beyond description. (Alternately, he could have just said “giant windsock dipped in cement,” which is what it was.)
Robot weapon!! Giant ancient alien robot weapon just floating around space, following its orders mindlessly because it is just a machine, a tool set loose by people no longer around to control or restrain it... I love that. That’s so cool and scary and weird all at once.
A space legend!! The Doomsday machine... The most terrible of all weapons, never meant to be used... it destroyed its makers and continues to destroy still...
Really into the visual of towing a ship through space.
We must deactivate the robot!
Now Kirk will repair the ship.
The Commodore is recovering, I see... at least nominally.
“Logically our primary duty is to save Captain Kirk.”
Spock is getting outranked!! Awkward lol. Not a good idea to try to outmaneuver Spock in any way, rank or no. He is Savage and he WILL bring up your dead crew. He is Pissed. The subtlety.
McCoy is soo the audience in this scene. “So are you.. Sir.” That patented rocking motion. Trying to get over, under, around, or through the regulations to do what’s right.
Is the Commodore chewing on one of the floppy disks? That seems pretty weird to me. You can’t EAT them.
Mmm, Kirk working on the ship; sexy. Yet again he must fly the whole constitution class ship BY HIMSELF.
The thing is that Spice Boy Sr. IS unfit for command; anyone who saw him 10 minutes earlier on the Constellation would know that.
I love that not!Uhura doesn’t even try to tell the Commodore the status report; she talks to Spock because she knows who the real boss is here.
Spock, always on the lookout for how to use regulations to get himself back in the chair. Also foreshadowing the suicide.
Now Kirk will distract the evil robot to save Spock!!
Got that ship doing with only Scotty’s help, working all the controls, flying the whole damn thing himself like the bamf he is. Gotta zig zag around to tempt and confuse the robot.
“Scotty you’ve earned your pay for the week.” They get paid lol? In what?
Now the robot machine is eating.
Love Spock’s little, subtle eyebrow raise when he hears Kirk’s name.
This scene is gold lol. Kirk’s not going to let Decker speak for Spock. “Where’s Spock? Give me Mr. Spock. What happened to Spock?” Like good news is that it wasn’t Spock being reckless with the ship but bad news is where is he??
Another regulations show down. “You can file a formal complaint but for now.. out of the chair. Or I shall snap my fingers and have security escort you out.”
Vulcans bluff all the time lmao.
Ah ha, now to get him officially declared unfit.
And now for the required hand to hand combat scene. This ep really does have everything.
The shuttlecraft is escaping!
I love that when Sulu announces that the shuttlecraft doors are opening, Spock’s just like “Well...close them. Duh.”
RIP Decker... The inevitable end of that character.
Spock wants Kirk back on the Enterprise immediately.
I know Kirk is slightly annoyed when Spock corrects his math but like...you know he also finds it sexy.
“Jim, you’ll be killed.” / “Don’t worry bb I don’t intend to die.” Is that not the dialogue?
Now Scotty has to solve literally everything himself.
The tension!!
“Gentlemen, beam me aboard.” That tone, though. That’s such a Kirk tone, like he’s got to be the Cool Boss even and especially in moments of high stakes. That subtle humor Shatner brought to him.
I knew they’re going to save him and I also knew they’d do it at the laaaast possible moment but I was still really scared.
Spock is so in love. The way he looks at Kirk at his return and welcomes him aboard...  Such relief.
And then some classic end of episode dialogue: Spock thoughtfully points out the larger implications of their adventure--that they might have only destroyed one of many planet killers still out there--while Kirk, all relaxed and happy now that the current problem has been solved, and still riding the high of his recent adventure, just makes a funny, minimizing remark. “I found one quite sufficient.” Little flirty smile for no reason.
And so the space legend lives on...
I loved this episode. It really had everything: great sci fi concept; K/S content; Starfleet regulations; a fist fight; aliens; a connection to the current events of its time (with the comparison to the H bomb, asking people to think about the long range/unintended consequences of our extreme weaponry); Kirk being heroic and good at his job; a tense finale.
I feel like this episode seems on its face to show the Kirk and Spock dichotomy that STID and the other AOS movies were trying to depict but like... AOS didn't get it. Like yes Spock quotes all the regulations and ultimately listens to Decker's regulation citing, and Kirk's like "yeah whatever screw those regulations,” but Spock is obviously making strategic decisions and he's always on the lookout for how to use the regs to his advantage--it's not just obeying for the sake of obeying. And Kirk isn't just cavalierly not caring about the rules--he's in an emergency situation and he reads it for what it is, a test of will, where regulations are being weaponized. And he weaponizes them, too: he knows Spock is his direct subordinate and not only will obey him but NEEDS to, per those same regulations.
All 3 of them, including McCoy, know both the regulations and their own morality; they're not that different, but they have different levels of power and different abilities with regard to how they use regulations and how they can interact with other people of other ranks. They ALL want to do what’s right and they will ALL either use or discard regulations as they see fit, to the best of their ability.
AOS just flattened it, in STID in particular: Spock likes rules and doesn't care about anything else and Kirk hates rules and never listens to them.
Of course Kirk in TOS is a decade older and has a lot more experience. Episodes like this make me think about how that experience is one of the huge differences between TOS and AOS Kirk (STXI and STID in particular). You can't fake 15 years of Starfleet experience. you just can't. Could AOS Kirk get down on the ground and fix the Constellation himself and fly it by himself? Probably not.
I get why the AOS verse ran itself into that corner, and in fact it doesn’t matter in STXI, where the narrative is a contained, emergency situation, and Kirk’s command is a field promotion for a discrete and limited purpose, but I do think the movies struggled with that conundrum later. No one has the time to grow and mature in a normal way. How do you build them up over time when you skipped over that development period they logically should have had, both as professionals and as people?
I appreciate STID in theory for trying to address that issue, I just think it did it badly. Like its Kirk narrative was supposed to be about "earning the chair" but it didn't keep Kirk IC while doing that, nor did it address the real problem: he's not just A Rebel, but he is verrrry inexperienced. (I know you could make arguments about his AOS background changing his personality blah blah blah I’ve seen STID recently and in my opinion it just doesn’t feel right.)
Then STB tried to skip over the issue by just pushing the narrative forward to mid-5YM. Well they’re magically experienced now! And that was even worse. So, what can you do?
Anyway that was a big AOS tangent lol.
Next ep is Catspaw. A little late for Halloween but always great nonetheless!
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thestupidhelmet · 4 years
I want to go back and rewatch That 70s Show, but just Jackie and Hyde’s relationship. What episodes for each season would you recommend, either because they are pivotal/important, or because they have cute moments together? Sorry for the long question, I’ve never asked a question on here before lol.
‘No apologies necessary! :D
Jackie and Hyde Episode Guide
Season 1
“The Best Christmas Ever” (1x12)
“Ski Trip” (1x13)
“Prom Night” (1x19)
Season 2
“Halloween” (2x05)
“Vanstock” (2x06)
“Laurie Moves Out” (2x11)
“Kiss of Death” (2x20)
“Kelso’s Serenade” (2x21)
“Cat Fight Club” (2x25)
“Moon Over Point Place” (2x26)
Season 3
“Reefer Madness” (3x01)
“Red Sees Red” (3x02)
“Roller Disco” (3x05)
“Baby Fever” (3x07)
“Jackie Bags Hyde” (3x08)
“Fez Dates Donna” (3x21)
Season 4
“Eric’s Depression” (4x02)
“An Eric Forman Christmas” (4x12)
“Jackie Says Cheese” (4x13)
“Tornado Prom” (4x15)
“Class Picture” (4x20)
“Hyde’s Birthday” (4x23)
Season 5 -- All of it.
Season 6
“The Kids Are Alright” (6x01)
“Join Together” (6x02)
“Magic Bus” (6x03)
“The Acid Queen (6x04)
“I’m Free” (6x05)
“Christmas” (6x07)
“I’m a Boy” (6x08)
“I Can See for Miles” (6x11)
“Who Are You” (6x15) ~ Optional
“Man with Money” (6x16) ~Optional
“Do You Think Its Alright?” (6x18)
“Squeezebox” (6x20) -- Hyde’s OOC here, though.
“Sparks” (6x22)
“The Seeker” (6x25)
Season 7
"Time Is On My Side” (7x01) -- Optional
"Let's Spend the Night Together" (7x02)
“(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” (7x03)
“Beast of Burden” (7x04)
“It’s Only Rock and Roll” (7x05)
“Rip This Joint” (7x06)
“Angie” (7x08)
“You Can’t Always Get What You Want” (7x09)
“Surprise, Surprise” (7x10)
“Winter” (7x11) -- Painful, though. Hyde is terribly OOC here.
“Don’t Lie to Me” (7x12)
“Can’t You Here Me Knocking” (7x13). 
“Street Fighting Man” (7x14)
“It’s All Over Now” (7x15)
“On with the Show” (7x16)
“Down the Road Apiece” (7x17)
“Oh, Baby (We Got a Good Thing Goin')" (7x18) -- Their last best ep; a good place to stop. 
“Who’s Been Sleeping Here” (7x19)
“Gimme Shelter” (7x20)
“2120 Michigan Ave” (7x21)
“2000 Light Years from Home” (7x22)
“Take It, or Leave It” (2x23)
“Short and Curlies” (2x24)
“’Til the Next Goodbye” (2x25) -- The ep that kills their relationship (by opening the door to what happens in 8x01).
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tiffgeorgina · 4 years
do you have any favourites parts of season 2? (I agree that the plot has been.... Thin? Non-existent?) But what are the things about this season that you've enjoyed?
hello anon! a few things i’ve enjoyed are:
-the new guest stars. watkins, hill, and raphael are knocking it out of the park. we waited longer than i wanted to to see june and dulé but hey, at least they’re here now! im already kinda attached to their characters and im pretty sure all of them are gonna get fucked over so im scared fjgkjhfdg
-just seeing all these mf characters again. ive missed them so much kjhgkdfjh i could watch them watch paint dry and i’d be okay with that bc i just MISSED THEM
-CONNIE. RESURGENCE. OMFG. i saw xosha roquemore (the actress who plays her) credited for 2x05 a couple weeks back and i FREAKED. OUT. god why do i love this narc. acab except for connie because i like her and she’s pretty (seeing her in full color and 80s style was a REVELATION)
-mo coming back ugh i missed him at the jammer group. seeing him complacent and beaten down HURT. im ready to see him fuck blair up i love blair but he’s walking away in handcuffs this season if mo has anything to say about it
-blair/harris. ok they’re cute i said it (plus they’re easily getting the most screentime out of all the couples this season which is nice bc their relationship is so much less established than the others)
-mo/dawn flashbacks mo/dawn flashbacks mo/dawn flashbacks mo/dawn flashbacks mo/dawn flashbacks!!! i knew we would be seeing their backstory but i didn’t expect it to be the first thing we saw all season!!! i love mo/dawn and i love getting backstory since i was waiting to know more about their past for so long and!! it’s here!! now we know everybody at the jammer group used to work for leighman and that’s why they hate them and we know mo and dawn go back a decade and!! it’s just so satisfying to KNOW i love to see it
-the entirety of Fore! (2x04) yassir. fucking. killed. that. shit. he was the sole writing credit for that episode, and when i saw that on the imdb page i simply knew it would be god tier. and it was! admittedly a little plotless, but that’s par for the course this season, plus it was early enough in the season to get away with it i think. the twist at the end. corky’s entrance. blair/harris. blair being an idiot. blair being a high idiot. yassir x being the king of feminism. yassir lester writing andrew’s emmy reel like that. we haven’t seen season 2B yet but 2A peaked with fore!. period. try to disagree with me. you can’t.
-ofc the 80s aesthetic that we all know and love. i saw somebody describe black monday as a period piece once and it seemed kind of ill-fitting bc it’s not set in victorian era england but yk what? it’s totally fitting. this is a period piece. the 80s slap.
-blair being the villain that we know he is. i wish they would quit stalling on this because it’s making all the characters seem monotonous and non-distinct, but i like those moments where blair snaps (“WE ARE DOING THIS” and “i am the only family you need now. just me”) andrew’s such an excellent actor and it’s fun to see this side of his range since he’s usually played really nice and wholesome (or at least not downright villainous) characters. he’s sending chills down my spine with some of the shit he’s doing and saying this season. andrew. emmy. nomination. now. GIVE IT TO ME NOW.
-momentary mo&blair resurgence (even if it’s fake). i miss mo&blair as father-son so fucking much anon you don’t even know. finding out that they were the ones clicking their heels in 2x06? i could’ve CRIED
-being right. ok this has a bit of lore but i have been STALKING the imdb page for black monday for MONTHS. bc they’ll add episode titles, or screencaps, or cast members all the time without telling anybody, and everything’s been accurate so far (so it’s not some troll lying on imdb we know that lol). specifically, in 2x09, there’s a character credited as dr. gabe egon. the tl already had suspicions that he had smth to do with conversion therapy bc there’s this one picture that sho released where you can see all this shit mo’s written on this board, and it DEFINITELY SAID CONVERSION THERAPY. and this episode comes around and roger is walking out this door that says “dr. gabe egon ~ therapy for the religiously erect” or whatever and i was like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then roger blurts out that it’s literally CT and i !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this shit is in different areas for better or for worse and even if im confused and bored at the same time being pulled along for the ride is fun as hell
-the naming scheme for the episodes. i literally had no idea what they would do for the episode titles this season since there’s no countdown to black monday, but i like how it’s shit that the characters say/write. bc then a character says the episode name and you’re like !!!!!!!!!!! jfhgdfjk. plus it kinda tells you what’s going on--i knew 2x06 would be about a ponzi scheme before blair even proposed the idea in 2x05 bc the ep is titled Arthur Ponzarelli. and i knew fore! would be the episode where blair and the harrises are golfing and blair gets hit by a golf cart since “fore” is a golf term. and i know that 2x07, “who are you supposed to be?” is the weird halloween party ep where everybody looks ridiculous and ppl are def gonna be getting into it. 2x10 is titled “i don’t like mondays” and idk what that means but i bet mo says that line in the show. and 2x09 is titled “at that time” and im so scared bc that episode has a blair flashback and WHAT DOES IT MEAN WHAT DOES IT ALL MEANNNN
-more women and more women being relevant to the plot. good. it was getting a little obnoxiously man-influenced here. cmon the majority of the cast AND the majority of the directors AND the majority of the producers AND a majority of the writers AND both the creators can’t ALL be men. like pick a struggle.
whew that list was longer than i expected it to be! thanks for the ask anon! what are y’all’s favorite parts so far?
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magnumdays · 5 years
Magnum P.I. 2x06 - Lie, Cheat, Steal, Kill thoughts
Spoilers ahead.Obviously.
Overall I liked this episode better than the Halloween one by leaps and bounds, we got one case no one cares about and some weird none-triangle-triangle-drama and Higgins calling TC for a favor instead of Magnum and Kumu being kidnapped!
Let’s start from the beginning... 
So I loved that in the first scene Abby feeds the dogs to distract them because they’re growling. It’s like she’s totally used to the dogs stalking her/them/Magnum. And Magnum is stealing wine. And the fact that he picked the wine cellar for a date spot. In fact, I just loved that whole first scene. The whole setting got nothing to do with Abby/Magnum and everything to do with Juliet. From the place, to the wine, the dogs, the undertone of doom of Abby and Magum being happy. Even without shippy glasses on, you gotta admit, the wine cellar and dog are all just 100% associated with Magnum and Juliet’s relationship. Not Abby and Magnums.
Because of this, this scene made me so sure that Abby was going to get sent packing somehow, if not by the end of this episode then at least within a few episodes(turns out it was this ep.) As a Miggy fan (I do believe we are calling Magnum x Higgins Miggy right?) this should have made me happy and while it kind of did, I also have some other thoughts which we will get to later.
TC making a deal - that’s going to come back - which will be interesting. Possibly crossover?
The case is well... it’s weird and doesn't make total sense, I mean it does but not really. 
Abby hires another PI to prove bad guy she helped get off a murder charge is guilty but it somehow ends up in Magnum’s hands. Why couldn’t she just have asked him directly and that would have made her hanging around helping Magnum + Higgens solve it make a little more sense? This would have let her see them working together and being awesome (which kind of was the point of this episode) just as easily. I did really enjoy the other PI being all “going to get a catheter up my ding-dong so would you help me out” scene though! 
Basically, though this episode was all about Abby/Magnum/Higgins and their different way of interacting (+ to get Abby out of the show somehow). The case itself isn’t actually tricky. The bad guy does exactly what they “want” every time, pretty much so it’s all very ‘meweh’. I’d have love a moment like this 
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or a mom and dad reference from Rick/TC in the middle just for fun.
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But it’s fine because we don’t really care the bad guy evil or about the poor dead writer girls because there is no real framing for us to feel disturbed or sad about that in this ep. At least that’s my take. Did someone else feel compelled by the story? This episode was all main characters' stuff to me. 
Even when we get to meet one of the victim's mothers it’s only to motivate Kumu to get involved which in turn leads to the kidnapping which leads to “Juliet knows him best, do what she says” line from Abby.
This is where my annoyance with the Abby / Magnum breaking up (because of Juliet) comes in. Because while it’s cute that Abby says...well let’s run through the scene... 
Abby: *spends two hours with Magnum and Higgins* I’m not the girl for you, but if you pay a little attention you’ll see that there is someone right under your nose that is perfect for you. Just OPEN your eyes man!
Magnum: *confused* Huh? What? I can’t think of anyone. Higgy, can you think of anyone perfect for me?
Higgins: No? Why? Aren’t you and Abby still making love-dove eyes at each other? 
Writers: No, we decided to jinx that majorly by having Magnum toast to their happiness at the start of the episode.
Magnum & Higgins: Right. Sorry, Thomas. Well, let’s go have some beers and laughs and then for the rest of the week we’ll spend all our time together solves cases ignoring the fact that we banter because we can’t admit how we really feel.
Writers: Sounds good. Oh and in next week ep, Higgins will randomly show up where Magnum is working...in a bikini. Because.
Magnum & Higgins: Makes perfect sense.
Also this while “falling in love” song plays. Guys! Try to be a little subtle. 
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Well, maybe that’s not a *totally* accurate write up of the conversation. But basically, Abby is us (the viewers) instead of Abby in this episode. We know Juliet and Magnum have a kind of special relationship. They kick ass together and understand each other. But it’s so much more of course. She’s lost a lot, he helped her with that, he’s lost a lot and she’s helped with that. She’s the one who always there when he needs her for a case and genuinely enjoys it. 
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His bonds with Rick and TC are strong because they were in the army and the POW camp together, but living, bantering and saving each other lives over the past year and a half has made the one he has with Juliet just as strong. He loves her. He’ll die and kill for her. Probably he would fight and die for Abby to, but due to the nature of their relationship (they don’t go running into hails of bullets for fun) there hasn’t been a chance to show that. 
Juliet is the person he works with, talk to most and risks his life with/ for. They are so similar yet so different. But they are still, at this point, just business partners and friends. Trusted friends. I mean yeah, sure, we (the viewers) have seen the puppy dog eyes and smiles. 
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(gifs are not mine but borrowed from people more talented than me)
But what Abby saw in today's episode was mostly that Magnum and Juliet trust and know each other.
That should not have made her break up with him!
I’ll say it again. 
Nothing Magnum/ Juliet did today was grounds for Abby saying “oh we shouldn’t be together because your soulmate is sitting over there”. 
So yeah, now I’m going to rant a little (bit more?). 
I mean maybe I’ll see something on a re-watch but is standing next to one another and making plans (work-related) together cause for concern? I would hope not. Even in previous episodes where Juliet has been like “he’s a good man” to Abby, it shouldn’t be a huge deal.  Magnum is a good man. Higgins and Magnum should be able to be friends without it being an issue for Abby. 
Because Magnum was with Abby. He wasn’t dating Higgins. He’d picked Abby, (at least for the time) and not Higgins. And while it’s fine for her to feel like maybe he’s into Higgins, it’s weird to be so obvious about it right after ending things. IDK, maybe that’s just me.
Still I don’t like Miggy friendship being a factor in A/M’s breakup. It plays too much into the stereotype of men and women can’t be friends, which is what Higgy and Magnum are at this point. And I don’t like that. As much as I want Miggy, I love where they are now, as friends, too.
So yeah. Abby breaking up with Magnum today because she didn’t want to do the long-distance relationship - and that’s it - would have been great. Maybe one sentence of ‘maybe I’m just not the girl for you’ would have been ok. But the whole, her pointing him towards Higgins (without saying her name obviously) is not cool. I don’t like it and I wish Abby would have stuck around for an episode more (or two) before making her exit.
Maybe actually having her talk to Juliet about her and Magnum’s relationship and even making Juliet realize that there is something there. Or not. Maybe just have her be unsure about moving to the mainland. Show that she actually was into Thomas and that it’s a hard choice for her. Or make her mom (on the mainland) sick or some other additional factor to make her seem less like she’s just ditching Magnum. We already had Hannah and that Cat-mom-lady, being all “nope I’m just going to dump Jay Hernandez and his fine behind because I can” and now did Abby did as well. With Rick’s failed relationship I’m beginning to worry the showrunners have something against brunettes!
Anyways, that was my biggest pet peeve with this episode, the breakup reason. Best bit for me was the one with catheter guy at the start, Magnum in his bathrobe and all the snark and banter they managed to cram in there!
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aengelicsoul · 4 years
tagged by @gvngsigns​ & @architcct​ <3  tag ten followers you’d like to know better !
name — claudia
gender — female
star sign — capricorn (yes i’m the actual devil. and my rising? cancer. yes. only thing that saves me is my libra moon)
height — i think 1.67
age — 20
wallpaper on my phone — i don’t know how to explain it but it’s an edit of a subway which has the sea instead of the normal floor + my lockscreen is a collage of connell and marianne...
house — hufflepuff !!! let’s go babes. best house
ever  crush  on  a  teacher — platonic crush? yes. like i believed we could have had a real friendship. it’s useless explaining why but it wasn’t a crazy thought, so makes me kind of sad, thinking how it ended (btw i was almost nineteen and he was thirty, not a weird age gap for a platonic relationship)
coolest  halloween  costume — halloween is not that big of a deal where i live. but i would love to dress as sabrina in caos (ep 2x06) with the arrows, crown and all
favorite  90’s  tv  show — there ain’t many :( so i’d say sabrina the teenage witch because of... well, salem
last  kiss — march seventh
have  you  ever  been  stood  up — probably. can’t recall
favorite  pair  of  shoes  — my air forces
have  you  ever  been  to  vegas — never left europe lol
favorite  fruit — tangerines
favorite  book — the secret history, if we were villains, the dream thieves
stupidest  thing  you’ve  ever  done  — let’s not talk about stupid, for eveyone’s sake
all  time  favorite  shows — oooh, this is a long list. shows from my early teens that have stuck with me: teen wolf, grey’s anatomy, the originals. shows i believe are utter perfection: fringe, lost, sense8, the get down, normal people, killing eve, mr robot, doctor who, altered carbon. underrated shows i love: travelers, lovesick, jessica jones, daredevil, dead to me. funniest and purest: brooklyn nine nine. other faves: the handmaid’s tale, peaky blinders, deadly class, roswell new mexico. guilty pleasures: elite, baby, skam it, that 70s show (oh jackie and hyde).
last movie you saw in theaters — oh dear i have no idea. update (i remembered): little women
okay so, i’m tagging:      @galaxiism​, @svperfar, @swcctpeas​, @naiivete​, @hccgvlieger​, @hallucinatc​, @ohtheangel​ and @ whoever wants to do this !!
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