thee-princess · 3 years
I’m so ready for the fall and the cold. Living in California we don’t really get to see the season change but I’m making it a point to spend some fall time in nature. Just in case everyone didn’t know Hobby Lobby now has pumpkins out and ready!
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thee-princess · 7 years
Hogwarts houses in Autumn
Ravenclaw: Reading in the common room into the late night when the wind is whistling around the tower, earl grey tea, vanilla scented candles, midday naps by an open window, admiring the view of the changing trees from Ravenclaw tower, study sessions in the library on rainy days
Slytherin: Cob webs in the common room, the lake rapping hard against the windows on especially windy days, hot coffee, late night studying, the softest and coziest robes, spearmint candles, waking early and seeing frost on the ground
Gryffindor: Pumpkin carving contests, sitting by the fireplace telling stories, woodsy and musk scented candles, staying up too late with friends in the common room, evening adventures testing limits near the Forbidden Forest and Great Lake, hot chocolate, wearing their red and gold house colors more proudly than ever
Hufflepuff: strolling through the grounds on sunny yet chilly early autumn days, always being the last table to leave the Great Hall after dinner because of the enjoyment of good food and friends, pumpkin scented candles, chai tea lattes, adding a cozy blanket from home to their dormitory beds, opening windows to enjoy the breeze and smell of the earth during fall
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