#emily post ep
katebeckets · 3 months
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Every Episode of Timeless ⤷ 1x08 “Space Race”
Trust me, you do not want to drink the cup of coffee I would bring you after grabbing me like that. And by the way, my name is not "Doll," or "Sweetheart," or anything else that sounds like a baby. The women here have actual names. I'm sure you can learn their names. It's not that hard. Kinda like making coffee for yourself. You're a rocket scientist—figure it out.
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cat-in-a-trashcan · 4 months
“if HELL is ‘forever’ than heaven must be a lie,
 if angels can do whatever and remain in the sky!  
The rules are shades of gray when you don’t do as you say, 
when you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again!”
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(GIF by @laputaskies)
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Can't believe Grandfather from Dimension 20's A Court of Fey and Flowers invented Douglas the First Worst Bird
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noah-price · 2 years
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Paget Brewster as Emily Prentiss in Criminal Minds: Evolution (2022—), Just Getting Started
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sea-buns · 17 days
fantasy high junior year ends this week how we feelin gang
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voxphantasma · 4 months
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fig “my girlfriend’s out of town, okay? i’m spiralling!!” faeth
[IMAGE ID: screenshot of a tumblr post
user totallyfubar: my girlfriend is on a cruise so while she’s gone i’m gonna cut the sleeves off of all my shirts
user nightstargalaxy: why
user totallyfubar: she’s pretty much 85% of my impulse control / END ID]
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angelwiththeblue-box · 4 months
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theyre a terror on the streets :)
taglist: @joshkiszkashusband @blueskiesandstarrynights @genuine-possum @thedragonemperess @starchaserbaby @depressedtransguy @dramabeansoup @leelovessharks (lemme know if u want to be added or removed)
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disastergenius · 5 months
i need someone to look at me the way that Murph looks at Emily when they're playing dnd
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randomfoggytiger · 23 days
"Creating This Whole Scenario to Fulfill a Dream"
Part of the evolving Bill Scully POV series (on Ao3, or Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, and Part VI.)
He'd crunched the numbers again three weeks after Dana left, nightmares of his sisters' namesakes swallowed up by cold little graves waking him in the darkest hour of the morning.
Tara and Matthew found him at the table later, head in his hands and papers strewn about in anger.
"Bill...." She stopped, drew to his side, wrapped her arm around his shoulder. "We already knew Matthew would be our only miracle."
"One of us was supposed to have a little Melissa," he argued, something to say as her tears dribbled into his hair.
"We could adopt, and--" Tara suggested weakly, stopping short when he grunted violently.
"None of them would have her smile. Or her hair. Or her ways."
"I know, Honey. I know."
Bill stopped asking questions.
On Sundays, he stood before a God that impossibly created human life in under a month. On every fourth Sunday, he stood before the only little Scully girl, reading Sim over and over until his eyes burned.
Tara-- lovely, exhausted, but determined Tara-- shoved Matthew at him and disappeared into the attic the day she hit eight weeks postpartum. Reappearing twenty minutes later sweaty, winded, and just as determined, she lugged Emily Sim's box of belongings in her wake, politely demanding her husband unpack it.
Emily had more drawings than toys. Incomprehensible sketches in crayon or marker or even ink were stacked thickly in unassuming animal folders, one a face, another a misspelled object. Emily, Seven Months or Emily, Age Two decorated the bottom right of most pictures in careful cursive. Bill found he could begrudge her adopted mother this, at least.
There were only two photo albums, despite the misplaced Scully having been an only child; and most photographs were scattered holidays, birthdays, and yet another trip to the hospital.
It was Bill who discovered the tape first, resurrecting Emily Sings Us Her Song from layers of packing like a holy relic. He dragged down Matthew's bassinette and attacked the VHS system with a vengeance. Tara just managed to lay their son down properly when he flipped the remote around and pressed play.
Emily was on her second chorus of "The Mice Ate the Cake While the Rat Was Away" when Bill felt Tara press close. He lifted an arm up, squeezed her closer, and secured her tight to the spot northeast of his heart.
"What is it?" she asked, her hand rubbing circles wherever it flitted and landed. They both knew he was shaking.
"She's--" Bill admitted in relief, "--she's nothing like either of them, Honey. Melissa was watchful and Dana was serious. She's too... solemn."
His wife nodded slowly. "And sad."
They watched Emily pause her drawing, look over her shoulder, and loop the chorus once more.
"And sad."
Thanks for reading~
Tagging @today-in-fic
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sunspriite · 5 months
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kfam whiteboard isnt real it cant hurt you
kfam whiteboard:
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poncivalpishpuff · 1 year
The wolf burning up was the story ending from the Three little pigs right?
When Ylfa death sequence is happening and he falls down the chimeny instead of her and into a pot.
And then when he leaves her with the burning coat as she returns to the new storyline, it’s the way the wolf dies at the end of the story. Burnt alive from falling down the chimney.
In some tales he falls into a boiling kettle/pot and runs away, some he boils to death, some he is burnt by the fire either to death or so he runs away.
We know that Ylfa “huffed and puffed” her family away
It’s just I love the binding of the stories.
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crowfromfoggyforest · 3 months
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"I go by whatever"
I'm clearly brainwashed by being in the queer community.
Because my ass saw this and immediately screamed "omg she uses any pronouns!! :D"
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alannacouture · 1 year
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I had to find my “declaring war on my former bestie” dress & that takes time!
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spacelesscowboy · 2 months
see i still have questions about the existence of mcr and fob in the fantasy high universe.
fall out boy exists. canonically, pete wentz is 17 years old, making andy hurley 16, and joe trohman + patrick stump 12. so the earliest album they could have out is eowyg, or tttyg at the LATEST. (bc clearly, they’re popular enough to have made an impact in the emo/pop punk/alternative scene, so much so that fig brings up pete’s name as an attempt to show ruben how #cool and #emo wanda childa is)
what does this say about mcr? its unclear if my clerical gnomance is (in universe) directly copying mcr, or if they (ruben + his band) came up with the name. if it’s the latter, that means that we’re looking at a world where mcr doesn’t exist, but fob does.
i’m somehow more confused if it’s the former. mcr existing means that 9/11 happened (or an equivalently traumatic event happened in Solace), but also. the logo used for Ruben’s band is the one mcr used for the black parade. so does that mean that mcr is 3 years ahead of fob? how old would they be then? when did they start their career? who is letting all these teenagers start bands and have nation wide tours????
does this mean that fig & the cig figs potentially toured alongside mcr/fob? (or. ok. ik F&tCF is a heavy metal band. mcr and fob both lean more towards pop-punk/rock but. surely they’d both be AWARE of each other?)
these could all be called plot holes, sure, if this was anything other than a role-playing dnd comedy campaign. so you know. maybe i’m the one who’s putting too much thought into a few off-hand comments.
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gothprentiss · 2 years
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old stone to new building, old timber to new fires, old fires to ashes, and ashes to the earth (x)
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pomegranate · 1 year
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