#effen's art
effen-draws · 1 year
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I am near the end of the game now so I really need that cool comic calmness of silly art.
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teriyakiaqi · 10 months
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Here we go! Now that I’ve learned about the posting limit the hard way— Here is Fanart for
“Rewind, refine and you’ll find me inside”
— a Disco Elysium fanfic by @effen-draws
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bestosunglass · 5 days
Hello! I love your work so much especially how you do your animatics and animations! I have a couple of art related questions if that’s alright but no pressure at all I understand!
I’ve been wanting to get into more digital art/animation but I was wondering what program do you use and what canvas size do you rec for uploading to TikTok and other social media? I’m using procreate but just wondering! (Your work looks so crispy and clean and I struggle with quality drop at times 🫡) do you use a custom brush for your linework or the default brushes in your program? Also what do you use to edit for videos? Do you adjust the image to fit when making a video or do you use a canvas size that will work with TikToks? Lastly what program do you use to animate?
I’m sorry this is pretty long but thank you so much for reading I appreciate your time and patience!
Also your ATHF designs are so effen amazing I just started watching the show because of you!! Sending good vibes! ♡ ♡ ♡
Ok these questions I have received quite often and I will be genuinely honest, I don't know how to answer them KkkkKkKkK
I don't consider myself nor am I a professional artist, this is mostly a hoobie that I enjoy very much and have been doing for long years so first of all it's all practice, practice and more practice. Everything is achieved with hard practice even though it sounds repetitive!
Regarding what programs and tools I use; IbisPaint and my trusty finger. I draw with my cell phone and I have always used Ibis because I think it is one of the most comfortable programs to make art, very easy to use and learn to master especially with the little instructions it gives you. My brushes are the default, crayon type brushes, only with some configurations. My canvas size is always 2550x2550 (the limit so it doesn't go slow, lol), I make all the drawings, move them to the same folder and then I move that folder to the center of the canvas so it looks like it does in my videos.
For animating, I'm just getting back into it since I haven't animated for many years but what I do is to take a reference video (in my athf video it was a jjk scene, now what I do is to record myself to have better and accurate references of what I want) and take a capture frame by frame, then I pass each of those frames to Ibis and draw over them! Regarding what app I use for editing, Capcut 乁⁠|⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠|⁠ㄏ
Sorry if this isn't the detailed response u would have expected, but thank you sooo much for your message!!!!<3333
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joostjongepier · 8 months
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Wat?   Ambroise Vollard (1899) door Paul Cézanne, Hommage to Cézanne (1900) door Maurice Denis, Landscape with Ploughman (1889) door Vincent van Gogh, Vision of the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling with the Angel) (1888) door Paul Gauguin, The Pardon, Breton Women in a Meadow (1888) door Emile Bernard, Gustave Coquiot (19010 door Pablo Picasso, Interior with a Young Gill (Girl Reading) (1905-06) door Henri Matisse en Wilhelm Uhde (1910) door Pablo Picasso
Waar?   Tentoonstelling After Impressionism: Inventing Modern Art in National Gallery, Londen
Wanneer?    9 augustus 2023
De tentoonstelling After Impressionism heeft een brede doelstelling. Het wil laten zien hoe, na het impressionisme, kunstenaars braken met alle vaste tradities en de basis legden voor de kunst van de 20e en 21e eeuw. Het toont hoe in verschillende steden (Parijs, Barcelona, Wenen, Berlijn, Brussel) nieuwe wegen werden ingeslagen. En het toont de geboorte van nieuwe bewegingen als fauvisme, kubisme, Nabis, expressionisme en abstractie.
Parijs was bij uitstek de stad waar het gebeurde. Een sleutelspeler in het netwerk van kunstenaars was Abroise Vollard. Deze kunsthandelaar was er voor verantwoordelijk dat het werk van Cézanne, Van Gogh, Gauguin en Picasso onder de aandacht werden gebracht van een internationaal publiek. Paul Cézanne schilderde een portret van deze spin in het culturele web. Zelf had Cézanne ook een belangrijke positie, als beïnvloeder van een nieuwe generatie kunstenaars. Zijn pogingen om een realistische weergave van voorwerpen te geven en tegelijkertijd naturalisme los te laten, had grote invloed op veel schilders na hem. Maurice Denis schilderde een groep kunstenaars, de Nabis (de Profeten), staand om een stilleven van hun inspirator. De bijeenkomst vindt plaats in de Parijse studio van Vollard. Aan de wand hangen schilderijen van Paul Gauguin (die eigenaar was van het stilleven van Cézanne) en van Auguste Renoir. Vollard staat rechts naast het schilderij. Grappig is de kat van Vollard die ons van onder de ezel met een achterdochtige blik aankijkt.
Vincent van Gogh ontwikkelde een heel eigen visuele taal. Hij schilderde Landscape with Ploughman vanuit het raam van de inrichting in St. Rémy. De scène is gebaseerd op directe observatie, maar was tevens geladen met persoonlijke betekenis. Het schilderij heeft een uitdrukkingskracht die onafhankelijk is van de afgebeelde objecten.
Van Paul Gauguin hangt hier een werk dat ik al lang bewonder, maar nog nooit in het echt had gezien: Vision of the Sermon. De achtergrond van het schilderij is effen rood. Een boomstam deelt het werk diagonaal in tweeën. De onderste helft toont een groep Bretonse vrouwen in traditionele kostuums die hun hoofd buigen in gebed. Rechts zien we het hoofd van de priester die zojuist een preek heeft gehouden over Jacob worstelend met de engel. En in het deel rechts boven zien we hoe Jacob in gevecht is met de engel. Het werk is allesbehalve naturalistisch. We zien een visioen, een droom. Gauguin geloofde dat kunstenaars, net als priesters, in staat waren om grote ideeën fysiek vorm te geven.
The Pardon van Emile Bernard toont Bretonse vrouwen die een ‘Pardon’, een soort religieuze bedevaart, bijwonen. De achtergrond van het werk is effen groen. Het werk roept een sterk déjà vú-gevoel op. De overeenkomsten met Gauguins Vision of the Sermon zijn groot. Stijl en idee komen dermate overeen dat het geen toeval kan zijn. Dat is het dan ook niet. Gauguin en Bernard schilderden beide werken tijdens een gezamenlijke trip naar Pont-Aven. Later ruzieden de twee erover wie als eerste deze radicale niet-naturalistische manier van schilderen had bedacht.
Pablo Picasso schilderde schrijver en criticus Gustave Coquiot in avondkleding en met een maskerachtig gezicht voor zijn eerste Parijse tentoonstelling, georganiseerd door Vollard. Coquiot stond als kunstcriticus welwillend tegenover avant-garde-kunstenaars. Hij schreef het voorwoord voor die eerste Parijse expositie van Picasso.
Matisse schilderde zijn dochter Marguerite in een interieur met tal van decoratieve objecten. Het geheel is een en al kleur. Het werk vormt een overgang naar het fauvistische werk waar hij bekend mee zou worden. Kunstdealer, verzamelaar en kunstcriticus Wilhelm Uhde werd door Picasso in kubistische stijl weergegeven. Gezicht en achtergrond worden opgebroken in een grote hoeveelheid monochrome facetten.
Zo staan twee belangrijke kunststromingen die de twintigste-eeuwse kunst zouden gaan bepalen, tegenover elkaar: het fauvisme, waarin kleur centraal staat en het kubisme waarin de lijn de overhand heeft.
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djavanadon · 1 year
Everyone is playing with Ai art. While I'm over here doing the one thing it can't. Draw Effen Hands PROPERLY!😆
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radiation-station · 1 year
Howdy! Posting some older art that I never did share, because it will soon be relevant! I forced three of my close IRL friends to have a pony OC so I could draw them for Friendtober!
Even better news? One of these hoes has a couple tags on this hellsite that I can annoy them with!
Effen Nerd is my friend @sailorsharkart !
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Hope this lil bit will tide y'all over until I finish the.... fuck, SEVEN days of Friendtober I'm late on.
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pizza-ra-bizza · 1 year
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Fortnum & Mason, die beroemde Piccadilly-afdelingswinkel, is een van die koninklike verskaffers en beliggaam die tradisionele bekoring van ou Engeland goed. Dit is verpligtend om in te loer, ook omdat 'n mens nie anders as om gelukkig te wees om 'n pakkie superfyn koekies as aandenking te ontvang, in 'n elegante metaalboks wat vir altyd sal bly nie. Om nie eers te praat van die borde, die porseleindienste, die bekers, die lang bekers waarin die Engelse tee drink en wat altyd streng onbegeleid in elke huis is nie, of enige ander betowerende voorwerp wat gekoppel is aan die wêreld van die mees verfynde lekkernye en plesiertjies. . Soos die ervaring van hoë tee, heerlik en baie duur (teen hierdie tyd oorskry reis dikwels 60 pond per persoon, sonder sjampanje), om ten minste een keer in 'n leeftyd geniet te word, maar streng op die hoogste vlakke. Fortnum&Mason, met sy pastelkleurige kamer, is een van die klassieke bestemmings, soos Sketch, jonger en meer nuwerwets, en soos die groot hotelle, van die Ritz, om in die omgewing te bly, tot die Savoy aan die Strand, tot by die Goring, waar Kate Middleton die nag voor die koninklike troue in 2011 deurgebring het. Hieronder verdien Claridges, die bekende hotel in Mayfair, 'n spesiale eremelding, waar jy teen 'n effens hoër koste toegang tot 'n sublieme ervaring in 'n minder "massa" plek ” en van onberispelike elegansie. Tee word tussen 14:45 en 17:30 bedien en hier is die hoogtepunt die hartige, hartige aanbieding, met die wonderlike komkommertoebroodjies wat na hemelse hoogtes geneem word – maar dit is ook deel van die soet opsie – en 'n reeks van altyd anders en altyd verrassend voorstelle, alles in 'n art deco-kamer waar dit maklik is om bekendes en bekende mense te sien verbykom. Dit is nie so 'n oeroue tradisie, dié van high tea nie: dit is hoogstens 'n paar eeue oud. Anne, hertogin van Bedford, het dit uitgevind om die eetlus teë te werk wat onvermydelik omstreeks vieruur in die middag gekom het, en dit het vinnig aangegryp as 'n sosiale en gastronomiese geleentheid. Natuurlik, as jy so baie en so goed geëet het, lyk dit onaantreklik om aandete te eet, en eintlik is high tea vir die Britte allesbehalwe 'n gewoonte. Vir diegene wat by iets eenvoudiger en ligter wil hou, sal tradisie 'n tee met skons, broskorsdeeglekkers, gewoon of met rosyne voorstel, wat in twee gesny word en met clotted cream, 'n dik en uiters vet room en frambooskonfyt besprinkel word. Daar is twee verskillende denkrigtings: in Devon word die room eerste gesmeer, terwyl in Cornwall die eerste laag altyd konfyt is. Hierdie ervaring kan gevind word in elke teekamer in die land, in baie kroeë en in al die patisserieë, dit is 'n plesier en kos nie veel nie. Waarskuwing: tee in Engeland, of dit nou Earl Grey of English Breakfast is (ook genoem boulerstee, messelaarstee, in sy mees basiese weergawe), word altyd met 'n druppel melk geneem, nooit met suurlemoen nie!
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hana-bby · 5 years
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 @x-applefrost-x ‘s fanchild Lucian and his ferret Toasty! Gotta apologize now since I don’t know how to draw flannels and beanies lol. I hope you like it though!
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fashion · 6 years
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Tumblr Art Week Sunday Supper for Curtis Talwst Santiago with Effen. Photos by Madison McGaw/BFA
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crafttrap · 5 years
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#Repost @mkeedesigns ・・・ Happy Birthday @50cent 👑 . . . #50cent #50 #effenvodka #lecheminduroi #effen #power #truth #getthestrap #art #artist #artwork #painting#artofvisuals #artoftheday #gold #atl #atlanta #fanart #hardwork #hustle #latenight #artistic #bossip #theshaderoom #network #artgallery #artbasel #kanan #happybirthday #birthday #crafttrap https://www.instagram.com/p/BzlvRPclSXb/?igshid=1rjoxlo9wzkrg
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effen-draws · 2 months
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These two:-))
Close-ups under cut:
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teriyakiaqi · 9 months
Time to combine a few VERY COOL things together !!
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I have been an avid follower of @spilledkaleidoscope’s disco sapphics and I saw these wicked jackets on the show ‘Santa Clarita Diet’ and thought of Harry and Kim instantly!
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Look at those icons!! Slays absolute penis
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klbmsw · 3 years
Republicans on the House Oversight and Reform Committee are investigating "possible undue White House influence" around the upcoming sale of Hunter Biden's artwork.......
OMG, POSSIBLE UNDUE WHITE HOUSE INFLUENCE?????!@#$%! What a Effen joke, when they closed their eyes Wide Shut on trumps Numerous (as in too many to count) and Obvious to ALL violations!!!
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cathyparrlyn · 3 years
Hi :D
1. They can art?????? W o w. Also they seem baby, I’m going to adopt them-
2. It’s been nearly a year and I can confirm that you are a chaos baby, and a a horny ass little talented shit who I adore with all my heart and would do anything in my power to protect. You deserve the world and I am so happy when you are happy because you honestly deserve it so much babes 💞 (I would dropkick anyone who hurts you as well OwO)
3. 14, that might just be because it’s the age I met you at and I am bad at registering small changes like that ;-;
4. All the fucking time. Whether you are teasing one of us, talking about the highway women, doing something chaotic, or just accepting jokes like “Lake is into Frogs/Oil paintings” “🐸 ❤️”, I just a,ways seem to have a good time with you because you are a blast to hang out with.
5. Not that I can think of! The only times I have ever been mad or frustrated with you were out of your control because of a lie from someone else or just a stressful situation. You are honestly very polite and considerate, so it makes me wonder if I could ever even be mad at you 💞
6. Gay. That is now a feature and it is your best lmao. Just, you are very passionate about Martrude and history and stuff and it’s just amazing owo
7. .....back at it again with “No, the FBI would literally come for my ass if I did” responses x
8. Little king, my son, my child, my offspring, my spawn, my bestie, my fellow chaos admin, and on of my closest friends who’s friendship I cherish so effen much. I love you my favorite body of water 💙
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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BBB Discord Party Titles Game
For this game, we took turns suggesting a title, and we all pitched our idea for what we might write for it.
Rebelmeg - lock and key
@dreaminglypeach - Bucky finds a fluffy pink diary with a padlock on it, and sets off on a mission to find out who it belongs to. A choose your own adventure, of course
@ladydarkphoenix-blog - Bucky finds a key hidden under a carpet in Avengers Mansion. He wants to find what it unlocks.
@rebelmeg - soulmates au. Bucky and his significant other, even if they haven't yet met, have an extremely synced-up bond in which they feel an echo of each other's experiences and feelings.
MagicaDraconia16 - It was just a mispronunciation, he was drunk and tired, okay, and he happened to say "key" instead of "'kay". Now the others won't stop calling him the Lock to [character]'s Key…
@lbibliophile-mcu - Mixing up the tone, I'm going to take this super angsty: When Hydra was turning Bucky into the Winter Soldier, they kept running into problems with his memories of Steve. Eventually they decided to use it instead. They show Bucky proof of Steve's death, and twist that to the point where forgetting who he is is less painful than remembering Steve. That's why Steve being alive was able to break through the conditioning: Steve is both the lock and key to Bucky's memories
@lbibliophile-mcu - "Nope. Not Moving. Can't make me."
@rebelmeg - Bucky has found a Nap Spot. it's very important. He's warm and comfortable. he's got a fuzzy blanket. He's nice and drowsy. And then... then Steve and Sam come in, all raring to go and wanting to take him on a run. Bucky is not having this nonsense.
MagicaDraconia16 - Bucky, taken by car to some place he doesn't want to visit, now he's sitting in the car, arms folded, sulking.
@lbibliophile-mcu - It's Avengers movie night. Bucky got to the lounge early, and is wrapped in a pile of blankets, sprawled across the couch. The others filter in and take their seats. Finally Steve comes in and passes out the popcorn then tries to share Bucky's couch, but he refuses to move. So Steve stis on top of him. Bucky flails around a bit, and eventually manages to kick Steve out of the way enough that he can put his legs in Steve's lap, rather than under him
@rebelmeg - omg. alpine. alpine stole Bucky's favorite seat on the couch, and will not be moved. digging those claws in and growling and hissing and freaking out
@dreaminglypeach - Tiny Steve being petulant and refusing to stay out of trouble, and Bucky just picking him up and carrying him off like a sack of potatoes.
An angry, hitty sack of potatoes
@lbibliophile-mcu - different variation: Bucky sparing with probably Tony. It ends with Tony lying flat on the mat (I can't decide if face-down or on his back is funnier) refusing to move, while Bucky is pestering him to at least get up and stretch so he doesn't regret it the next day
@ladydarkphoenix-blog - Bucky should get out of bed but it's cold and he's so warm and comfortable is it really that big of an emergency that he needs to move?
@lbibliophile-mcu - That is a mood
@dreaminglypeach - Me every morning
@rebelmeg - "Bucky, we gotta go, people are in danger!"
Bucky, peering over the top of three quilts with a fluffy ear hat on his head: "let them perish."
@ladydarkphoenix-blog - Frost advisory, why must I go out in a frost advisory
@dreaminglypeach​ - “They got themselves into danger, they can get themselves back out again”
@ladydarkphoenix-blog - "Why are they out in the cold anyway?"
@rebelmeg - "what kind of a supervillain wreaks havoc during a frost advisory?" the lump under the blankets asks grumpily.
@ladydarkphoenix-blog - "Steve, you of all people should get why we don't hero in an effen frost advisory"
@rebelmeg​ - "Bucky, you're being ridiculous." 
*three pillows hit him in the face*
 "....before you leave, bring those back to me."
@lbibliophile-mcu​ - "Fine, I suppose you can be excused. But you gotta at least let [insert other Avenger significant other - Clint?] go. It's their actual job." "No. My warm snuggly." "Bucky..."
@rebelmeg​ - alpine meows under the covers contentedly
@ladydarkphoenix-blog​ - One more additional thought. Natasha comes in and drags everyone out being all menacing ans typical Nat
“Mystery Pizza” - @dreaminglypeach​
@rebelmeg​ - Bucky is.... 94% sure this is a prank. surely no food is supposed to be this alarming shade of blue. the thing is... it tastes amazing. like, best thing ever. best pizza he's ever had. it's the perfect sauce to cheese to crust ratio. He's not entirely sure what the purple things are, or why the cheese is neon yellow, but. oh well. He can just close his eyes.
MagicaDraconia16 - It's late, it's dark, Clint gets hungry and goes looking for leftovers. He finds a couple of slices of pizza that is delicious, but when he later asks whose it was and what flavour did they get (because he's never tasted that before), no-one knows anything about it.
@dreaminglypeach​ - “Clint… that wasn’t pizza.”
@lbibliophile-mcu - Ooh, insomnia/post-nightmare tradition. Show up in the kitchen in the middle of the night, pull out a pizza base, then proceed to pile a random selection on ingredients on top. Sometimes savoury, sometimes sweet (sometimes both). Sometimes ingredients are just dumped in the middle, sometimes they're finely chopped (almost minced) and evenly spread, sometimes they're carefully arranged in wedges by colour. Sometimes the results are inedible, sometimes they are surprisingly tasty. At any rate, but the time the pizza is assembled, cooked and eaten/disposed of, they usually feel much more relaxed. Multiple Avengers needing Mystery Midnight Pizzas can turn into either a cooperative or competitive event
“The Sunken Ship” - @themadhalewrites
@rebelmeg - Bucky has been a pirate captain for several years now, on the ship he confiscated from his old captors, the hydra crew. The rechristened sea wolf has a new mission now: undoing the work hydra did, with its crew of willing mates that follow Bucky wherever the compass leads them.
@lbibliophile-mcu​ - Someone is trying to get two of their friends to date. They'd be really cute together! They like the same things! They'd be perfect for each other! They keep trying to set them up on dates, and they're... sort of successful? The friends have an instant connection, and seem to have fun and enjoy each other's company. But there's a decided lack of kissing or anything else romantic going on. Eventually they find out that the friends had previously dated, and decided they were better as just close friends. They're decidedly miffed that they hadn't known about this before trying to set them up.
@themadhalewrites - The title made me think of someone comforting Bucky after binge watching a show and the two characters he was hoping got together get with other people.
@lbibliophile-mcu - It would be a good title for a mer-AU as well
@themadhalewrites - Or a treasure hunter au
Stay tuned for the Scavenger Hunt art we found that features Bucky wearing Halloween costumes!
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nemirutami · 4 years
I ‘effen love your pegokita and your art style! Keep up the great work!👍
Awww thank you... so glad to see someone else that ships the rare and fabled pegokitas.
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