#echolocation text
toontownbat · 7 months
hey if you're a toontown blog can you reblog this? i want more toontown stuff on my dash... bonus points if you post primarily corporate clash, or TTO stuff
im 24 though and i follow back from a not-so-toony url, so if you dont like that just ignore!
thanks so much! :D
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calixcasual · 2 years
Using echolocation to find my car in the parking lot
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cripplecharacters · 2 months
Navigation: Helpful Posts
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Complication of posts from CrippleCharacters, as well as other blogs providing advice on writing disabled characters!
This list will continue to be updated with new posts.
Last update: 16/05/2024
Character Making Basics and Ideas
[large text: Character Making Basics and Ideas]
How to Start Doing Research When Writing a Disabled Character Ideas: crutch users Ideas: facial differences Ideas: rollator users Ideas: little people Ideas: intellectual disability General Ideas Underrepresented Physical Disabilities
How to Describe XYZ?
[large text: How to Describe XYZ?]
Blindness Tropes: the "Blank Look" Describing Characters with Facial Differences as Pretty Difference between Fetishization and Being Seen as Beautiful First Description: when to mention the Facial Difference How Often Should You Mention Mobility Aids? Dialogue and Speech Disorders Sign Language in Dialogue Words for Residual Limbs (stumps) Describing a Limp
How to Draw XYZ?
[large text: How to Draw XYZ?]
Tips for Drawing Characters with Facial Differences Drawing Blind Characters Drawing Amputees
[large text: General]
Writing a Newly Disabled Character Writing a Visibly Different Character Including Disabled Communities Disabled Characters in Historical Fiction Coming up with Fictional Disabilities Tokenism Discussion Disability and Superpowers Curing and "Fixing" Disabled Characters Is It Realistic to Have Multiple Disabled Characters? "Jaws Effect": how media affect the real world Worldbuilding with Accessibility in Mind How to Let Readers Figure Out the Character's Disability
General Tropes
[large text: General Tropes]
"Super-Crip": Magic and Disability Abled Characters Pretending to be Disabled I Did a Trope but It's Too Late - What You Should Do - made with the mask trope in mind, but could be applied more widely Magical Cure - made with blindness in mind Including Healing Magic without Disability Erasure How to Do a Scary Disability Reveal without being Ableist? Disabled Character Recovering, but without Disability Erasure
Mobility Aids
[large text: Mobility Aids]
General Overview Overview, but with More Options - not writing advice, educational Magic Mobility Aids Tips on Writing Wheelchair Users Writing a New Cane User "But Mobility Aids Wouldn't Exist in my Fantasy World"
Amputation/Limb Difference
[large text: Amputation/Limb Difference]
Constructing Characters with Limb Differences: Discussing Fetishization Do Amputees Always Wear Prosthetics? Does a Character with Amputation Need a Prosthetic? Does a Character with Upper Limb Amputation Need a Prosthetic? Designing a Prosthetic Arm Making a Character with Upper Limb Amputation Genius Amputee Mechanic: Discussing the DIY Prosthetic Trope Causes of Amputation Limb Differences as a Spectrum (and not just traumatic amputation)
[large text: Blindness]
Making a Blind Character: what to add, what to avoid Designing a Blind Character: Discussing the Eye Covering Trope What to Give Your Blind Character Blindness Tropes: Daredevil, milky eyes, and blindness-negating magic The Blind Prophet Trope Guide Animals: Dogs, Horses, and Their Fictional Equivalents Blind Characters with Superpowers Echolocation and Sound Powers Portraying Photophobia in Pre-modern Times Characters with Albinism Fetishization of Albinism DeafBlind Character not Wanting to be Blind Going Blind from an Accident
Deaf and Hard of Hearing (HoH) Characters
[large text: Deaf and Hard of Hearing (HoH) Characters]
Creating Deaf/HoH Characters Writing D/deaf/HoH Characters Tips on Writing Deaf Characters Visual Indicators of a Person being Deaf Tips on Writing about Hearing Aids Deaf Character Unable to Sign
Facial Difference (FD)
[large text: Facial Difference (FD)]
Introduction to Facial Difference: basics, tropes, what I want to see Constructing a Character with an FD: Discussing Disfiguremisia and the "Mask Trope" Does My Character Need a Prosthetic Eye?: alternatives What Would Happen to A Character with a Scar Through the Eye? Personal Opinion on the Scar Through the Eye Trope How Scars Affect the Character, and How the Character Affects the Scar (in the technical sense) Basic Information on Vitiligo Should your Character with Scars Hate their Scars?
[large text: Other]
Introduction to Writing Intellectually Disabled Characters: basics, tropes, how it actually works Down Syndrome and Historical Fiction Combat and Disability: intellectually disabled characters Writing Characters with Tourette's Syndrome Introduction to Writing Characters with Speech Disorders Writing Little People (characters with dwarfism) Writing and Drawing Burn Survivors: basics and resources Caring for a Burn Scar: the everyday things Writing Characters with ASPD Dwarfism and Fantasy Stories Stereotypes around Characters with Dwarfism Writing a Character with Russel-Silver Syndrome Complex Dissociative Disorders Terminology: A Basic Primer
Making Your Content Accessible to Disabled Readers
[large text: Making Your Content Accessible to Disabled Readers]
Why add alt text? Image Descriptions Tutorial Writing Image Descriptions for People Who Can't Write Them "But how do blind people even use alt text" How to Tag Your Posts (Tumblr)
Recommended Blogs
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@blindbeta @cy-cyborg @a-little-revolution @mimzy-writing-online
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mossymandibles · 11 months
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The Pendulum Syrinx. Just a giant parrot leviathan 👁️ 👁️
It’s not obvious whether or not they understand what they hear but they tend to hang around larger ships with many passengers, showing signs of being ‘social’, however unnerving their presence may be. A ship that notices they’re being tailed by one might welcome this or chase them off with loud noises if they have the means. They’re also attracted to music if they can hear it. They can adjust their own volume as well, at their size they’re known to shatter some eardrums if they aren’t careful.
They can come in many different sizes, with more or less appendages, they usually stay in the range of leviathan class though. Their heads can also come in various shapes but they generally stay a symmetrical axe shape.
I just really wanted to make a leviathan that mimics sounds because I always love that mechanic used in creatures, whether it’s scary or not.
Here’s some alternative text below for more of a description
The Pendulum Syrinx
The slits on the sides of its head are mouths. It exhibits a powerful ability to mimic, picking up signals and sounds using a form of echolocation in addition to electromagnetic waves. It adds these sounds to its ‘library’.
It’s shown the ability to mimic voices, music, wildlife and even machinery; whatever it may pick up from passing ships or radio signals.
The first recorded had befriended an fisherman who frequently played her hurdy gurdy while aboard her boat, earning the creature the nickname ‘Gurdy’.
It’s not seen to be particularly hostile, mostly just a curious nuisance. However, it’s a highly intelligent leviathan and should be handled with excessive caution regardless.
Last image: A curious Syrinx will often perform ‘soundbathing’, where it will float just below or above the surface of the water and take in its environment.
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blindbeta · 29 days
I am writing a superhero series and I have a blind superhero character. I am currently trying to research how to portray this character in a respectful and accurate way.
For context, this hero is part of the supporting cast, and is a character the MC meets later on in the story. Every character in this world has some sort of superpower. His is the ability to control sound waves. While he can use them in an echolocation sort of way to detect enemy attacks, he can't use them in his everyday life as using your power is just the same as doing any physical activity, it's tiring.
Though, some blogs I've seen seem to discourage giving blind characters superpowers. I don't think this character's powers necessarily "cancel out his disability" I just want to make sure I'm writing this character respectfully.
I guess what I'm asking is, do you have any tips for writing blind superhero characters?
Blind Characters, Echolocation, and General Tips for Writing Super-powered Blind Characters
I answered a similar question that might be helpful. It explored some problems with the echolocation trope. You can read it here.
Limiting the Use of Echolocation
I like the fact that he can’t use it for very long and that it is draining, much like eye strain or using echolocation in real life. Echolocation is also challenging to learn and is not a replacement for a cane or other mobility aid. It would be unhelpful with most day-to-day activities. I’m glad you are considering the possibility of a superpower erasing his blindness and avoiding it in daily life.
Although, I still wonder about his superhero life.
Can he be an active superhero without echolocation? If it is something he relies on to be a superhero, maybe that would be something to consider. If he is an active superhero without it, you’re on a good course.
Furthermore, does he only use his powers for echolocation? I would assume not, although I could not tell from your question, as your main concern is the echolocation aspect.
Addressing Common Concerns With the Powers Often Given to Blind Characters
1. Negating blindness
Controlling sound waves doesn’t necessarily negate blindness outside of echolocation possibilities, as far as I can imagine. Aside from the overly common trope of giving a blind character a sensory-based power, that is. My concern is less about superpowers in general and more about powers that negate blindness, such as those that provide sight. An example would be a character who uses visions of the future to be able to see the way a sighted person would.
Does he still navigate in a way that might be familiar to blind readers? Does he use orientation and mobility techniques? Does he use Braille or large print or brave regular text with headaches so frequent his pockets are full of medication? Does his blindness impact his life?
Blindness need not only limit a character. Is he better able to orient himself? Can he pick up on sounds and landmarks and changes in light with more ease than his teammates? Is he used to getting hurt while playing blind football and thus able to withstand typical scrapes and bruises without being slowed by them? These are only a few ideas and they will change depending on his level of vision, exposure to the blind community, and how long he has been blind.
2. The Power to See is Boring
Additionally, these powers usually focus on addressing blindness, rather than being powers in their own right. This is the difference between a superhero with the power to see and a superhero who can manipulate emotions with a brush of their hand.
Could you consider other uses for this power that aren’t echolocation? For example, could he use his powers to facilitate or conceal communication? To amplify sound? Think of applications for the power that don’t involve echolocation or creating a way to see. Create other uses for echolocation. From your question, it seems you are already considering this.
The way you described use of the power doesn’t seem to negate blindness to me. I also think that considering other uses of this power outside of echolocation (which is often written to negate or reduce the impact of blindness) would be helpful.
Also, as I was reading your question again, I wondered if there are any other blind characters in the story. Since everyone has powers, that could be interesting to explore even if they don’t decide to be superheroes.
I hope this gives you some ideas to explore. Feel free to send a follow-up ask if needed.
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haleyvalentineart · 11 months
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Late post! To be honest, I just wanted this to be done tonight. I’m also adding a textless image if you want to zoom in on any details, and will continue below with the concept.
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The basic premise of my fan comic (right now) is that Matt as Daredevil somehow causes the death of one or more people, which makes him go into a downward spiral and recklessly throw his life around during Daredevil activities. In this scene, Foggy is exasperated, trying to get Matt to see sense as to how careless he is being.
Next in the works is either a positive Matt and Foggy interaction based on some replies I got (thank you!!) or a page to practice drawing the Daredevil echolocation type panels. If you’ve read the comics you might know what I mean, if not, it’s like a two color contour line that outlines all of the objects in the space the way DD might “see” them. Other than that I’m glad to draw asks/requests.
If you saw the version of this where they were floating… no you didn’t <3
And thanks to MattFoggyFanartArchive for alt texting this! :)
Finally some notes on the art itself, mostly for future me. If you care to read, be warned they are mostly criticisms:
Matt and Foggy designs are not final, mostly based off of Checchetto design (hairstyles). The staging took a huge turn from how I planned it. Overall spent way too much time on this page, but then again that included planning, 2 sketches, lines, color, and lettering. Foggy’s mouth in panel 2 was a struggle. The dramatic lighting might be a little too dramatic, it’s hard to see the characters. And TOO MANY WORDS! Way too wordy. Although I liked this dialogue in the beginning, seeing it in action is not as good. It might work better in a writing piece than in comics. Finally have to stop hand writing my text when there is an “add text” button with a comic font. On a lighter note, introduced movement into the scene with Foggy circling the table and motioning with his hands. Made the page less static. The dramatic lighting does help to show which direction characters are facing. Had a lot of fun with decorating the office and hid a few easter eggs. Expressions are alright.
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mutant-distraction · 12 days
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Orcas (Orcinus orca) are marine mammals but they’re not technically whales!🐬
While orcas share many characteristics with whales, their taxonomic classification places them in the dolphin family. Specifically, they belong to the suborder Odontoceti, which includes all toothed whales. Their teeth are a defining feature, growing up to around four inches in length.
Physically, orcas resemble their dolphin and porpoise relatives more than traditional whales. They have a more compact body type, similar to dolphins, and their heads don’t exhibit the typical baleen whale shape. Orcas can grow to be up to about 32 feet long, making them the largest of all dolphin species. In comparison, the largest baleen whale—the blue whale—can reach a whopping 100 feet in length!
Odontoceti, including orcas, have the remarkable ability to echolocate. They use biological sonar to navigate in challenging or murky waters. Their heads contain fatty deposits called “melons”, which emit sounds that bounce off objects in their environment.
Image credit: Carsten Thamdrup
Text credit: Earth of Wonders
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orange-coloredsky · 10 months
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i cannot believe ive never posted this. probably because it looks like shit. anyways heres my pepe silva ass scrawlings about what i think this guy's mods are for.
translation of the nigh unreadable text under the cut
REAL AND CANON DIMA LORE PART ONE: What The Hell Are All Those Doo Dads
(i'll start from the head and go down)
functionally blind. constant exposure to moisture from the fog pretty much turned a lot of him into mush and short circuits, including whatever optic nerves he had going on in there. so he mainly relies on sound and memory to get around. some of the shit sticking out of his head actually works like echolocation devices. pickinh up the sound around him and translating it into something that lets him know "oh, theres a fuckin table there. it does not always work. (fun fact: thats the reason why his memory game is based on abstractions and sound. while exploring nick/kellogg's brain we got visual input. dima doesnt have that)
all of the other tubes are basically just typical vacuum tubes. used to reroute voltage to make sure he doesnt overload himself with all the extra mods. make sure you dont stand too close to him during a thunderstorm
basically an external disk drive. his main way of utilizing holotapes and shit. i like to draw a lil heart on it
looks like guts. gross. i cant figure out what this would do (i now believe its a liquid cooling system)
so it turns out sitting in a damp ass cave on your ass in the dirt for 365 days doesnt do wonders for the skin. especially when that skin is just shitty rubber. basically his fuckin leg parts rotted away and just his metal skeleton remained, which is wrapped in his weird duct tape yoga pants. the metal frames are for extra support. because of this as well as his age he cant really stand for long periods of time (ignore the part where he stands in acadia forever after you get deeper into his questline) and when he INSISTS ON DOING SO he requires some form of mobility aid. usually in the form of faraday or chase walking alongside him
typical synth skeletal feet, but augmented to actually flex/extend like talons. he is weirdly skilled at picking things up with his feet.
basically his whole back is just Gone, minus the structures needed to hold up those ports because dima is very prone to overheating. was easier to just get rid of anything blocking the flow of air than to install a bunch of heat sinks. faraday's smart but hes on a budget.
these are the cerebral (spinal?) connections he uses to be plugged into his chair (not dissimilar to the placements of the connections in the institute mind wiping chair ☹️)
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Splatoon 3 Version 6.1 Patch Notes Breakdown
That time of the month again! Let's take a quick look at these together, and that part is actually important, because people have cross-referenced the Japanese and English patch notes and confirmed that there are several mistranslations in the latter, so stick with me as we roll through these!
This patch is heavily focused on balance changes, and outside of those, the only thing that isn't a bugfix is of course the Mincemeat Metalworks renovation. With that out of the way, let's look at the Main Weapon changes:
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N-Zap gets two more damage, which makes it combo better with other sources of damage like the splash damage from the '85's Suction Bomb. There seems to always be a completely unnecessary Shooter buff in every patch nowadays, and this is the one this time, but it's at least balanced out by the fact that this weapon is also getting nerfed further down the notes, but we'll get there.
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Dynamo Roller will now deal lethal damage in a wider spread than it did previously. Splat Roller got this buff a while ago and it was pretty good for it, so this is a definitive W for Dynamo mains everywhere.
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Flingza Roller gets the exact same buff, plus a buff that cuts 5 white ink frames off its' vertical flick. Some nice quality of life for sure.
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Inkbrush now moves faster, cheaper. Three percent doesn't sound like a lot, but I promise you that even such a small change is going to throw your aim off quite a bit, so get ready to get circles run around you in Clam Blitz even more than you already do.
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The Brella gets 13% better ink efficiency off its shots, and that's quite a lot! Brella likes to play the long game and draw out fights, and most builds for it run a lot of Ink Saver Main as a result, so this should give it some more ability flexibility.
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Undercover Brella can now... do full jumps while firing? I don't think this is a very impactful change, but it is neat, and I think if used properly could be a way to get more mileage out of your shield and avoid damage.
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This is a mistranslation!
The first change is actually the complete opposite of what it says in the patch notes. They did not reduce Squeezer's ink consumption when tap-firing, but increase it, making the cost tap-shots 9% more. It'll also paint slightly worse when holding down the firing button, and considering how this weapon has been utterly dominant at all levels of play both of these changes are fair.
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Ballpoint gets a small accuracy decrease in long-range mode, which frankly seems a bit uncalled for, because this weapon hasn't been on top of the metagame for a long time. At least it's also kind of a paint buff?
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And finally for Main Weapon changes, Stamper gets its charge slash paint cut by 10%. Compared to the changes this weapon has been getting in the past it's a bit of a slap on the wrist, but it does in fairness paint really well, and Neo Splatana Stamper does put out a lot of Crab Tanks, so this isn't an unjust change.
After that comes two Special changes, and these are very interesting:
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Wave Breaker will now immediately locate enemies upon being placed for a short while. They don't specify the range or time of the effect, but I have to imagine it'll be within the same area of effect as the Wave Breaker's Waves. Giving it an immediate effect is really cool to me, it makes me think of Splatoon 1's Echolocator, which Wave Breaker already kind of felt like a rework of to begin with.
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Again, this change is the complete opposite, reading the text you'd think this was a nerf to Ink Storm, but it's actually a buff, because it makes you heal faster in Kid Form when inside your own team's Ink Storms. This is essentially completely unprecedented, as we've never had anything that messes with the health regeneration system like this before, and I'm very curious to see how it shakes out.
And finally we have the Points-For-Special changes:
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Neo Sploosh, Forge Pro, Luna, Bamboozler, and Zink Mini all get their Points-For-Special cut by 10 (a change Forge has been begging for since it released, seriously starting it at 210p was completely unreasonable) while Slattershot, N-Zap '85 (here's that nerf I mentioned at the very top of the list), Tri-Slosher nouveau, and Heavy Edit Splatling get another 10p added to their Special charge.
Overall I think this is a pretty good patch that has some really interesting ideas in it, but there is also a very notable omission. They went after all of the most popular Tacticooler weapons, and increased their Special charge, except for Snipewriter 5H. Snipewriter has been skyrocketing in popularity in competitive player for its' ability to serve as paint support, long-range damage, and Tacticooler spammer, all at once, and it got completely overlooked here. I suspect that nanowrimo is coming early in the world of competitive Splatoon 3, because everyone is getting their pencils ready.
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the-wayfinder-askblog · 6 months
You got a favorite animal?
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[Alt text:
The Whale!
My favorite animal are whales . Their enormous, gigantic, completely out of this world!—and, they use echolocation, which is a skill I do admire.]
Note: I traced a picture for this help.
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swordy-da-goat · 8 months
[tw: a whole boatload of text]
So I had a great idea and it was for the Codex Inanimus, a book of creatures that arose after the Animation, an event that caused a large majority of inanimate objects to come to life (often in gruesome and gross ways). I just thought your art reminded me of some of the Codex creatures, so I'm volunteering the Speakerfolk: The Speakerfolk, contrary to their name, are not sentient organisms. They are scavengers who move around on wire-like "arms" that allow them to walk. The fabric found on inanimate speakers is also found in Speakerfolk; in the latter case, it's used as a mouth and a filter to allow the species to eat. Speakerfolk seem to not have any eyes, but use the parts given to them by their inanimate predecessors to echolocate. Speakerfolk tend to feed on the remains of other beings that also used to be electric devices, like Mice. Speakerfolk also tend to burrow into the ground and live in large "packs" of 10 or more.
Sorry if you don't wanna read all that.
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I imagine this is what they look like based on your description. Cool idea anon!
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toontownbat · 9 months
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finally drew my bat toon, Renfield! he's black and fat like me!
first flag is the black heritage flag, the second is a trans pride flag edit by @frogwhomp! check out their stuff, it's amazing!
here's renfield's written ref sheet
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dearest-painter · 1 year
I’m just thinking of 42!Miles,Aaron,Miguel,Jess and Peter B working together and getting a little overwhelmed in a fight then 42!Miles just yells for anomaly O’Hara!Reader’s name next thing they know there opponents are falling to the floor either dead or knocked out. Like I mean anomaly O’Hara!Reader doesn’t hold back when there family(42!Miles and Aaron) are in trouble. Like I mean they have there claws out and biting people.
(May you please make this either a one-shot or headcanon? If not that’s ok I enjoy your work)
Thank you Anon!
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship, abusive relationship, abusive behavior, Reader kills someone, someone dies, DEATH, a fight, a few cuss words, Reader is OVERPROTECTIVE of their adoptive family, this is earth-42 so everyone is the 42 morales I’m just not adding it now, sorry if this isn’t what you really wanted I tried to make it make sense, tell me if I need to add anything
Summary:When family calls you answer, no matter where or what your doing you come to them. As long as your family says your name you’ll always be there for them because that’s what family does for each other, be there whenever needed…
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Miles was doing his usual job as prowler and you were outside with Uncle Aaron as he didn’t need help. Rio was texting you as she was nervous but you calmed your mother until you heard “Y/N!” You left your phone and immediately rushed to Miles’s area. Miles was dealing with someone much more difficult then he can ever deal with and they came out of no where. “Awww calling for back up little prowler? I thought you were stronger then this” he hated it when they mocked him but the guy got a good hit on him and he injured his leg.
He can still walk but it hurts a lot. “Fuck you” That’s all Miles said, he knew you were on your way as he heard the clicking you made for echolocation so all he needs to do is keep the guy distracted. He kept moving around pissing the guy off but he needed you there. “STOP MOVING BRAT! JUST LET ME KI-“ he didn’t get to finish…they never get to finish their words when he yells for you. When he yells for you they have a few moments to live before you arrive.
There you were stabbing the guy over and over until the guys fave was only stab wounds. You immediately went to Miles. “You might need to take a break, the injury isn’t bad but not good to walk on” “I can deal with that..sorry for worrying you” “it’s what we siblings do, worry each other. Now let’s go home to mom, she made our favorite” he smiled as you threw his arm over his shoulder and held him for support.
He let out a chuckle, he knew mom was going to get on his ass but she’d be happy he returned home alive. She never approved of this lifestyle but it’s an easy way to get money since mom became the only income since dad died so he wanted to help. “Damn he got you good” Uncle Aaron chuckled as he unlocked the door. “Surprised me that’s all” “mhm sure, that’s totally true” you all chuckled as you got in the car. You wrapped and patched his injured leg, he leaned on your shoulder deciding to take a nap.
This is what family is, being there for each other no matter what happens. Family is where you feel safe and comfortable and this is his family, he loves his family. He and you will always make sure this family is protected as long as either of you are alive.
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lensman-arms-race · 1 month
Speakermen can see but their vision is dim and low-res. Their primary sense is echolocation. They're like cats in that going blind isn't really a big deal. If a housecat loses its sight, well, it was mostly using smell and whisker-touch to navigate anyway; its vision was more of a nice-to-have. Speakermen whose visual receptors stop working don't appear to be particularly impaired - sure, they can't read printed text any more, but they could read only high-contrast very large print anyway.
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blizzardstarx · 2 months
Pontalo AU Masterlist
BloodWings full information!
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BloodWings, also known as vampire dragons to humans, are a Pontalonian tribe residing in the Kingdom of Blood. Their current king is King Diabolos.
The BloodWings weren’t originally from Pontalo, having come from a distant land to conquer the continent. Currently, they have taken over the ShapeWings and most of the LightWings land. The looming threat of them has driven away the HydroWings, some of the LightningWings and the remaining LightWings, and driven the MoonWings into hiding.
BloodWings have forked black tongues with scales in various shades of red, such as blood red, dark red, and even to the point they’re almost black. They have red or light red underbellies, and red eyes. Rarely, some might even have orange or yellow eyes. They have black, gray, or white spikes running from their forehead down to their tail, which have spikes ending in very sharp tips. BloodWings also have vampire-like fangs, large ears, spikes behind their forelegs and a large one on their chest. They are large, muscular, and broad dragons, bigger compared to the other tribes.
BloodWings feed off of blood from living creatures, such as bears, wild pigs, monkeys, moose, gorillas, and wolves, and occasionally eat meat, which does not give them that much energy. Most find pleasure in killing, and the blood is essential to their abilities and growth.
BloodWings are a selectively nocturnal tribe as they burn in the sun. They can leech the life out of other living beings, have dark elemental powers, turn into bats, and have great hearing and the second best night vision, only outclassed by the HydroWings.
They have long, white vampire fangs that sink into organisms' flesh, sucking the blood and life out of them and empowering the BloodWing.
Their dark powers allow them to manipulate and corrupt others, use dark elemental attacks, destroy, and poison others.
Like bats, they can use echolocation as a better way to see things.
They are excellent in hand-to-hand combat as well.
Animus magic:
There have never been any traces of animus BloodWings.
BloodWings raised in Pontalo are taught and raised to believe they are stronger, superior, and smarter than the other tribes, and because of that, the others should be exterminated. They put in a lot of effort to make sure their tribe is shrouded in mystery from the other tribes, to the point that not even everyone knows the full extent of their powers. BloodWing dragonets are not allowed to go outside of the kingdom, in order to keep their secrets as well as stop them from being brash. BloodWings are only to be seen in the mainland when attacking other tribes, and hidden in their kingdom when not.
Many posters of propaganda and several types of propaganda are used in the kingdom.
Dragonets are trained to become killers at a young age, and a game BloodWing dragonets play is competing against each other to see who gets the biggest kill.
BloodWings can be assassins, soldiers, hunters, guards, and other jobs.
Most BloodWings are unable to read, or taught to read only selective texts.
BloodWings are separated into classes, like the IceWing circle system. Their society is most like the IceWings.
Some BloodWings have fled to the mysterious land to escape the classes, the fights, the wars in desperation, and they are forever banished and scorned. As a result, BloodWings born outside of Pontalo aren’t as bad, depending on how they are raised. They usually don’t think they are superior, and have some of their powers suppressed. They also do not rely on drinking blood as much, causing their powers to weaken. This has caused the development of the subspecies, the SwordWings.
BloodWings are typically named after evil, or names meaning evil things, examples being Abaddon and Diabolos. They can also be named after bat species, their personalities or proficiencies, or related to fighting or war, like Chaos.
Trivia (+ SwordWing stuff):
SwordWings have put their efforts to completely stop using their dark powers and rely solely on hand-to-hand combat, using tools and weapons like swords, armor, etc, to the point that to some, their armor has fused to their scales, or ‘true’ SwordWings.
BloodWings are probably the most unique and original Pontalo tribe, alongside the LightWings and LightningWings, as they all aren’t ancestors of the Pyrrhian tribes.
SwordWings have faded red colors and the eye color rarities are switched; yellow and orange are common whereas red is rare.
SwordWings were nearly wiped out by Pontalonian BloodWings and the Shadow Tribe after they found out of their existence. They were ruled by King Sharp, first and only king, and his two dragonets, Dauntless and Knight, are the last (known) remaining SwordWings currently.
SwordWing society was all about justice and defeating evil. They had sworn their allegiance to the Light Tribe, who allowed them under their protection, but they were ambushed by the Shadow Tribe and wiped. King Sharp banished the use of dark magic when he established the tribe.
SwordWing names relate to bravery, or their weapons, or roles. They do not have a specific naming scheme, honestly. Some examples are Valor, Resolute, and of course Sharp, Dauntless, and Knight.
BloodWings are distantly related to MoonWings.
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professorspork · 1 year
Hey, a little while ago, you reblogged that post about AI learning when people insert fics into AI text generators, and I wanted to offer good news and bad news: the good news is that AI learning models mostly don’t work like this. The publicly accessible text generator isn’t the whole learning model, it’s a single machine that the learning model generated. It won’t get fed directly back into the AI.
The BAD news is that there’s not really anything stopping them from saving that information separately to use later, and (much worse) anything that’s publicly available has probably already been scraped and saved. The good-in-this-context-but-depressing-overall news is that these models operate on the scale of billions of words, so, like. Idk. Individual fics ending up in a database mostly isn’t going to matter. That’s part of why the data-scraping isn’t something devs think about, ethically. This info is a paraphrase of another post I’ve seen going around saying the same thing, but I can personally corroborate it; before AI was a “crypto people hate when artists can earn a living” thing, I took some college courses on it and followed blogs about AI stuff for years. The last year or two of AI news has been really shitty :P It’s been really cool to me for a long time, but it is now clear that it’s even-more-vulnerable-than-usual to “capitalism uses every tool for oppression first” Knowing how it works is exhausting because anti-AI people are sometimes not all that much more accurate about how it actually works than the fervently pro-AI “I think chat-gpt is a person and human-generated art is dead” people, and then both of them skip talking about the more concrete problems like the “chat-gpt is propped up by slave labor” stuff.
I really appreciated this series of asks and wanted to make it available for all!
I think what we run into here is where like. A rhetorical device to invoke a sense of stakes and a bit of a guilt trip ("this is plagiarism because it feeds the AI" and its many permutations) can run up against misinformation (it's not literally becoming part of the AI's knowledge base, though as you noted it certainly COULD.) Because like
Where that post was coming from was someone being like "but why shouldn't I do this?" and the answerer resorting to "because it takes my work away from me" and this is still true in like, the rules of community and creativity if not necessarily in the hard lines of code. it's harder to articulate "this makes me uncomfortable because it's violated my ineffable sense of mutual belonging with and ownership of my own work, which I already felt on shaky ground on because it's fanwork but still FEEL with my WHOLE HEART" than it is to say "this concretely makes my words fuel for the machine" which I think people grok as a more sort of understandable breach of that social contract.
Which is why I like this post a lot because it gets at the WHY of why this is so perturbing and violating and isolating
Fandom was never meant to be a solo endeavor! when I write fic and put it out into the world, it's like echolocation. the words I put out are only half of what gives it shape and meaning to me-- the other half is the sound of it reverberating back to me as it bounces off the people it hits by way of comments, tags in reblogs, and DMs and they tell me their reactions and interpretations. that's what makes it a complete picture and not just screaming into the void.
to be removed from that process at all is a heartbreak to me; to have my words taken without my consent is insulting and misses the point and just. ultimately makes all of us that much more alone. which is to say that it's factually correct to say individual fics ending up in a database won't matter because it's probably already been scraped anyway because that's true for the AI and for the data. but individual fics DO matter insofar as like, these are choices people are making about what this hobby is and means and why they like it and what they think it's for and how they enjoy it, on a communal and social level, and THAT matters to me a great deal, in the same way that like, people now might end up getting videoed for a tiktok without their consent or whatever. it's about the erosion of privacy and respect.
but also yeah ChatGPT also runs thanks to exploited and underpaid workers, consumes horrific amounts of water in a time of increasing drought crisis and emits tons of carbon to boot.
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