#eastern european mythology
crazycatsiren · 1 year
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Baba Yaga by Anette Pirso Illustrations.
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charliescreatures · 2 years
An dragon from Librum Prodigiosum! The Zilant, from Easter European mythology! This chimeric beastie appears in many tales- with one of the most famous describing it as the leader of a swarm of snakes which inhabited Zilantaw Hill- some say it was slain by a knight, but others claim it escaped into a lake where it still lives to this day!
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pensivegladiola · 10 months
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Thistlefoot by Gemma Rose Nethercott
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mynqzo · 11 months
Why do you like vampires specifically, what do you like of them?
the sucking and fucking
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restless-historian · 26 days
the og Eastern European vampires lore for yall
The modern image of a vampire originates from Slavic beliefs, with the original Ukrainian term being "Упир" (upyr). These beliefs revolve around two types of deceased individuals: those at peace in the afterlife and those lingering between realms.
Upyrs were thought to be people who practiced sorcery, were excommunicated from the church, cursed, or unbaptized children, as well as victims of violent deaths. In folk beliefs, upyrs emerged from graves at night, primarily to drink the blood of the living, spread disease, and kill livestock, retreating back to their graves by morning's light. It was believed they possessed two souls, with the "pure" soul departing the body upon death, leaving the "unclean" soul behind.
protec yourself
Various Slavic folk methods were employed to deal with upyrs. Following the superstitions, potential upyrs were buried deeply with stones atop their graves, facedown so they would "bite the ground." Poppy seeds were often scattered in the coffin, while a sickle or scythe was positioned to sever the head should the ghoul rise. A pebble or coin was placed under the tongue, hands tied behind the back, and the most common prevention was driving an aspen stake through the head or heart. Additionally, upyrs were believed to fear crosses and garlic.
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actually I`ve been taught this my by grandpa fr
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so yeah pretty accurate for chopping them heads, amc
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evermore-grimoire · 2 years
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The Evermore Mythology: Dragons
Dragons are powerful, mythical creatures, typically depicted as gigantic, flying serpents with magical, spiritual, or supernatural qualities in various mythologies. Most dragons are distinguished between the winged Western dragons (derived from various European folk traditions) or Eastern dragons (derived from the Chinese "lóng" dragon). Western or European dragons are depicted as large reptiles that often possess bat-like wings alongside the common ability to breathe fire. Dragons from the Eastern mythology are more snake-like and generally do not have wings. They are commonly said to possess some form of magic or other supernatural powers, and are often associated with wells, rain, and rivers. They are also associated with wisdom and often said to be wiser than humans and can live for centuries.
artwork by: Celebril
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vintage-russia · 1 month
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"Mercury in a chariot pulled by roosters" (1766)
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cilil · 7 months
Why European dragons breathe fire, you ask?
Zero spice tolerance, duh
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solcattus · 10 months
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Bereginya, 2017
By Andrey Shishkin
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Flying on a broom is so last season. I want to fly in a mortar while wielding a pestle, or just travel in a sentient cottage that walks on chicken legs.
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archived-and-moving · 2 years
Hi danu! As of today in india the month of festivals have started (basically from today till 26th of October it's just festival and festivals)
and from today till 4th October we have navratri going on
I saw you in my notes and physically face palmed. I haven't answered your ask!!! I'm so sorry my dude, my object permanence is shit 😔😔😔
And that's actually so sick!!!!! I love love love countries and traditions that are so closely tied to culture and tradition. India is such a good example of that, and I'm so glad you get to have celebrations and festivals!!!!
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ineachretelling · 2 months
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As a wise, Australian bunny once said "Easter is new beginnings, new life..." and so to celebrate we discussed the Tumblr darling, Rise of the Guardians, in which Jack Frost, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and the Sandman formed a superhero team... and this movie is a lot better than that suggests. Join us in screaming about the gendery feelings Jack Frost brings many of us, about how the Sandman might be Jesus, and, in all seriousness, why we tell these stories to our kids as a culture. Merry Christmas, Happy Easter, and don't forget to floss.
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fecior-de-crai · 7 months
Hello magical people!
This is a new blog where I will be posting content mainly regarding romanian mythology, language, literature, etc, but also general cool stuff I find about mythology, culture, anthropology, literature, onomatology (the study of personal names), short story prompts and ideas, yada yada. General whimsical stuff (as vague as that sounds)!
If you're interested in those sorts of subjects, I recommend you keep an eye out on what will be posted here. I will try my best to make posts in both Romanian and English, but I think I might just focus more on the English part, because there're very scarce resources and information about romanian *shenanigans* on the internet. I will make sure to provide sources for what I post If need be, and also: since a lot of these sources don't have English translation, I will most likely provide them so please keep that in mind ^_^
That said, I hope this will be a fun and helpful blog!
(tbh I made this so I could have a place to ramble about my favorite subjects like an unsupervised feral raccoon and just spit them out into the digital sea)
Pupici vrăjitorești!
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belle-epochalypse · 8 months
oh Baba Yaga, we’re really in it now
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cyallowitz · 8 months
Monster Month: Zilant
Google Image Search As you can tell from the picture, this is some kind of dragon.  It has been the symbol of Kazan, Russia since the 1730, so it has a solid reputation.  Although, it has changed over the years from what I’ve read. The Zilant isn’t exactly a dragon or a wyvern.  It’s kind of in between, so it stands on its own legs.  Originally, it four chicken legs, the body of a bird, and the…
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nerefee · 1 year
i think we should take fairy tales away from disney again, I think we should bring back the european fairy tale movies from the 60s with the horrifying practical effects and feverish set designs
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