#dusk linked universe
rulie-rocks · 2 years
who is your mom
Hyrule- I have two moms, actually!
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Hyrule- heres a quick chart i made!
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linderosse · 4 months
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The Founder’s Call— Part 4
Sun channels a bit of her inner goddess. Meanwhile, Flora continues to walk that fine line between success and danger. :)
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A/N: I’ll be posting to Instagram as well! If you like my content, please consider supporting me there!
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psykheofthestars · 3 months
My favourite hc about prophetic dreams in the royale bloodline is that they came from Sky
Artemis: *wakes up in a cold sweat with a very terrified expression*
Aurora: prophetic dream?
Artemis: prophetic dream.
Dot: Those dreams are both a blessing and a curse!
Lullaby: I'm genuinely so glad that Time also gets them, I know I'm not insane!
Flora: I only recently started getting them and I can confirm that they're *TERRIFYING* do you know how many times I've seen scenes of L-Wild being put into danger and having to deal with the fact that I can't even intervene!?
Tetra: I HATE when that happens! It happend so many times while me and Sunshine were seperated during the War of Ages!
Fable: Sunshine.. your denial of your feelings is a river in the desert..
Artemis: Goddesses.. I still remember how you would barely sleep until you two were reunited
*more Zeldas other then Sun telling stories about prophetic dreams*
Sun: wait wait.. They're really that bad? I guess I can manifest a quick vision of my Link but they aren't as terrifying as how you're describing it!
Fable: You.. You don't get the dreams!?!?!?!!!?!
Dawn: Even I get them and I barely have any magic!
Dusk: I.. I'm at a loss for words-
Sky: *wakes up after having a very vivid prophetic dream*
Four: prophetic dream?
Sky: very vivid prophetic dream.
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isasan347 · 4 months
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eepernation · 11 months
linked universe but there are no links and instead its all the different zeldas thrown together on an adventuring party and they kick ass
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Drew them generally true to their individual designs since they are all already very different from each other rather than just! green tunic green hat YEAH LETS GO
fun fact i redrew Skyward Sword Zelda/Sun 3 times even though she has the simplest design
Four Swords Zelda/Dot is SO SHORT LMAO
took some artistic liberties with mixing Ocarina of Time Zelda and Shiek together I like how it turned out :] (I gave her no sleeves because personally if i managed to become that buff i would never wear sleeves i would flaunt my sicknasty gains to the WORLD so maybe this is a little self projection/lh)
Twilight Princess Zelda/Dusk's outfit took FOREVER to detail (WHY IS SHE SO DETAILED)/LH but BY HYLIA DOES IT LOOK SICK AF
i have a lot more thoughts on this but my infodump energy is low so you will likely be getting a longer post about the actual details of my silly little au later!
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bokettochild · 9 months
Opera House AU Roles
Okay, so I keep getting asks about this AU, so here's the roles each of the chain/princesses would take in the opera house
Lullaby: Director and owner
She started the opera house and runs it like the leaky ship it is. They make good money and do good work, but every work is like a piece of embroidery; pretty from the front, but when you look at the back....
Time: Blocking Director
Lullaby runs most things, but Time is the person who runs everyone through choreography and plans how to enact things on the stage. He's Lullaby's partner, but that doesn't mean they agree on everything.
Malon: Voice Teacher
Time hired her when Twilight joined, because he really wanted to help this kid get back on his feet, but working in the house means you need to be able to sing, if only for back-vocals. She occasionally helps out backstage and will fill in roles if needed, but she's not officially part of the company. Yet. Lullaby is trying to recruit her, but Malon kinda loves working for the music school that hired her out.
Twilight: Actor and stagehand
His preferred work is backstage, helping move props and scenery quickly between scenes, and he's good at it. Sometimes though, they need someone to fill various roles and he gets slapped in there. Luckily, he can avoid most singing roles, and his main thing is action.
Sky: Actor
Sky is the best stuntman in the whole cast, but not as good an actor. He's good at both, but action is far better than line delivery. He's most often called on to play antagonistic roles as a result, since his skills in fight scenes actually leave the audience worried he will destroy their hero. Many people are surprised to find out he's such a great guy off stage.
Fi: Sky's fencing instructor
She neither works for the opera house, nor at it, if she can help it. She comes over from time to time to work with Sky though, and if he asks, she might help some of the others. Time is her former protege, but they have beef between them for some reason so he doesn't like having her around. She loves the kids though, in her own way, Legend and Wind specifically.
Warriors: The Diva
He picked up something of a following in high-school and college, and when he came to the opera house, needing work, he basically brought his fans with. His is the headline name they use to draw crowds in most times, so more often then not he's the male lead in most plays. Surprisingly though, he's pretty decent about it, and while Legend and Twilight may say otherwise, his ego is properly held in check. He's a great singer and performer, and second best to Sky in action related things.
Artemis: Diva No. 2
Warriors pulled a few strings to get his ex-girlfriend from college a role when Lullaby was short some actors. Her chemistry with Wars on stage has quickly made her a fan favorite, and her own performing sealed the deal. She and Wars have a good relationship for being ex-college-sweethearts. Both of them were already up and coming stars before coming to the opera house, and it's still a bit of a shock to folks that they haven't left for greener pastures, but they're attached dang it.
Dusk: Singer & Dive No. 3
While her acting skills are less varied than Warriors and Artemis, her voice is far superior to either, which more than compensates for her lack of versatility in roles. She's the last piece of the Diva Trio, and her most common roles are either villainesses, powerful women and mothers (ironically). She's not as close with the rest of the crew as they are with each other, but she's new yet, and has only been with the company for a year. Her bond with Wars and Arty is pretty strong though, because they won't let her sit alone, and have pushed down the walls a bit.
Sun: Starlet
Sun is one of the up and coming performers. She's not nearly as big a name as the Diva Trio, but she does pretty well and her voice is to die for. She and Sky both study under Fi, and so she's pretty good with stunts, although not as great as Sky (yet). She's also a decent hand at needlework, so she's something of an emergency seamstress when a seam is popped or some such.
Fable: Actress
Not as present in the team as she'd like, due to her somewhat overprotective guardians, Fable is a skilled actress who Artemis is convinced will one day follow in her footsteps to become a radiant star. The only thing stopping her from gaining a big name in the industry is the aforementioned guardians, who love her, but again, worry endlessly. She joined by the suggestion of her old classmate, Flora, and to this day remains the only person who can reliably tame their wild child.
Legend: Jack-of-all-Trades
His official job is non-existant. He's been here since he was a literal infant (Twilight couldn't get a sitter) and it shows. He's picked up just about everything there is to know about the opera house, and never got formally hired (although he is paid). He's the go-to guy for just about anything and everything. He takes acting roles, particularly those more dance or trick related, as he's the only guy who actually knows genuine acrobatics and most forms of dance, and because he's young, he can take literally any role, even that of females. Most of the time though, he's backstage with a tool-belt of everything possible, fixing last minute costume, make-up, or set issues. He also tends to pick up strays.
Ravio: Prop Manager
Ravio's job is to construct and make sure props are where they should be at all times. He and Legend work hand in hand on most things, mostly because Legend originally was prop-manager (of sorts) before he got Ravio into the opera house. Ravio is one of "Legend's strays" as the boys ran into each other shortly after Leg came back from abroad, and the Lorulian was desperately searching for a room-mate. Legend helped him get a job better than where he was (pawn shop) and Ravio feels utterly indebted to him, and makes sure Leg knows it.
Styla: Costume manager
While Legend helps out in costume, it's actually Styla's domain. She's skillful in her work and quick to make unfortunate mistakes and pieces turn out surprisingly well. She's blessed with good speaking skills and copious charm, so she sometimes take on roles on stage, but she can't sing any more than Twilight can. She does not want lessons. Ravio and Legend are desperately trying to make her take them anyway; they work closely with her as a trio of their own, and much as they love her, she gives them headaches.
Hyrule: Assistant jack-of-all-trades
Another of Legend's strays, Hyrule, like so many others, is a fresh-out-of-foster street kid. He saved Legend's life by chance, and Leg determined to pay him back by getting him a job as a stage hand at the opera house, and a room in the living quarters there. Lullaby is used to the pinkette, so she didn't object, but everyone's glad Hyrule joined because he's absolutely amazing. What he lacks in natural talent, he makes up for in hard work and a quick mind. Warriors is certain Hyrule could make a killer performer, but with his lack of confidence it's slow going. The diva is utterly intent on taking Rule under his wing though and teaching him little by little. Ravio and Legend do not appreciate Wars stealing their assistant though.
Wind: Gofer
Wind is Warriors' kid cousin. Freshly in Hyrule from overseas, he's working at the opera house after school. He's pretty close with the other stage crew, and a huge reason Hyrule didn't get scared off in the first week. This kid is the most in touch with reality out of most of the crew, and acts as a buffer from their insanity to any newcomers. He tends to run and fetch for the most part, but at times has been known to also help craft the sets with Legend. They are artists and they do shit talk everyone while they do it.
Four: Special Effects
You know that one tech-nerd with too much coffee in their system, not enough sleep and perpetually frazzled hair? That's Four. Four handles lights, sound, special effects and all things mechanical. Everything's always on the fritz, so he is too. He does enjoy acting, but he gets anxiety about letting anyone else run his job, so he tends to avoid taking roles unless he's 110% sure Flora can handle without him.
Flora: Assistant Light Technition
Officially, she works lights, unofficially, she's Four's assistant. This girl was bred for the stage and avoids it like the plague. Her family is famous for acting but she's content to play lights and sounds crew with Four, and no one has seen her happier. She joined by her parents insistence, as an actress and learning under Wars and Arty, but one show gone wrong had her throwing herself in to help Four just in time and he's considered her irreplaceable since. She has no interest in going back on stage and no one makes her.
Groose: Tech Assistant
Working with the backstage crew, Grooise's official job title is technical assistance, but even he will joke that he's actually just a glorified ladder. He, like the others, acts on occasion, although his real passion lies in planning out the more difficult mechanics required to pull off certain effects and stunts. He essentially bridges the gap between the costume and props department and the special effects team.
Robbie and Purah: IT
This insane duo are known as "the basement dwellers" or "the witches" to most of the team. They're technically on payroll, but rarely seen. Purah is something like the last resort when Groose & Co. can't figure stuff out, and Robbie is her somewhat reluctant assistant. They emerge on occasion with all sorts of crazy ideas and items, and are some of Legend and Wild's favorite people in the crew because they never fail to provide the prop master and prop breaker with cool new toys.
Wild: Actor and Stuntman
Where Sky is their swordsman and Legend their acrobat, Wild is the guy who will pull all the stunts the others won't. He's still in uni at the moment, but his acting skills are to die for, as he can manage the stoic and dashing hero or the playful jester types with equal skill and believablity. He is, however, a risk to props and costumes in general, so he and and the prop/costume team don't always get along well and they're often dubious about letting him take key roles with key costumes/props as a result.
Linkle: Effects
Four and Flora officially work special effects, but occasionally call in Warriors' twin sister for some specialty stuff. No one knows what she does normally (except Warriors) and they're all a bit too scared to ask
Dawn: Secretary
Lullaby's a busy woman, so she hired Dawn to help her with some of the office work. Generally speaking, Dawn stays in the office and her only contact with the cast and crew is to handle complaints and any official work. She is, however, fantastically talented on the piano, something Lullaby and Time both encourage her to pursue. She plays the grande they have in house on her breaks, and occasionally in shows. She croaks like a frog when she sings though, end even Malon can't seem to help her with that.
Aurora: Front of House
Aurora works the ticket collections and generally minds front of house. Her warmth and eccentric attitude help add to the magic of the opera house and enchant the guests.
Dot: Think Tank
While a capable actress when called on, Dot's skill lies with the pen, and while the opera tends to preform classics as their main attractions, Dot does see that they have an abundance of new content for their smaller shows. She also acts as the outreach to the community to open the opera house to the public for use in community events. She and Dawn work pretty closely.
Dei: Trainer
Time's mentor after Fi, he's a bit of a hard ass and tends not to get involved in his protege's work. He is, however, currently training Warriors, so he is around from time to time to help the diva with his work. Time and he remain somewhat cordial, but there is some tension there, although not as bad as with Fi.
And while I know people are counting through and going "what about Tetra?", I am going to point out that Tetra wouldn't be caught dead working in the opera. She comes to support (and heckle) anything Wind is in, but generally stays out of the building otherwise, at least while the cast and crew are actually there.
And that covers it! At least for the time being.
If y'all have any further questions or thoughts, or character I may have missed, feel free to share them!
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capricorn-the-goat · 9 months
Finale of the Chain trying to figure out the timeline (Zelda edition)
DUSK: sorry… no
CHAIN: H u h
LULLABY: the timeline is off limits to talk about. You can literally ask us about anything else, just… not the timeline.
LEGEND: they better have an AA in this hyrule
WIND: um… why is it off limits?
SUNNY: the timeline is just one of those topics that each reincarnation knows not to talk about or try to explain. All of us (*gestures to all the Zeldas*) have seen what happens to the timeline and… well… we just decided not to deal with it.
DUSK: believe us, you really don’t want to sit down and really talk about it. From the timeline split…
FABLE: to the fact that the Fallen Hero timeline shouldn’t exist with what we know…
DOT: and the constant and never ending contradictions…
SUNNY: we all just gave up on it a long time ago.
FLORA: in the hundred years I held off Ganon, I got a good look at the timeline, and… really came to regret it because I get migraines now every time I think about it.
ATHENA: Hylia almighty it’s so complicated.
TETRA: anything but the timeline.
TIME: … Alright, changing subjects. *to Lullaby* did you know what would happen when you sent me back?
LULLABY: kind of? I knew it wouldn’t exactly fix everything in the time that I lived in, but I trusted you to try and fix it for another version. And… I wasn’t exactly thinking clearly.
TIME: yeah it’s all right. Probably for the best that it happened anyway.
LEGEND: speak for yourself.
FOUR: isn’t there a basic way to explain everything?
DOT: *sigh* not really. From the contradictions and chronological issues to the fact that no map of Hyrule looks the same, all of us are just done with it at this point.
TWILIGHT: back up back up… what was that about hyrule changing?
DUSK: you-
DUSK: there are nine of you
DUSK: how did you never notice…?
*zeldas converge*
*five minutes later the chain is looking at maps of all of their versions of Hyrule*
WARRIORS: let’s go find that AA meeting
TIME: what… how… how the fu-
TWILIGHT: it’s… what?
FLORA: apparently Hyrule has very active tectonic plates.
LEGEND: Why does nothing look the same?!?!
DUSK: We honestly have no idea. Our best guess… Ganon.
*five minutes of silence later*
WILD: *to Dot* oh, by the way, we’re your ancestors cats?
DOT: wh-
DOT: what the fu-?
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crazylittlejester · 6 days
One of my main hc's is that Dusk and Twi are besties that are almost sibling-y
Like, think exhausted older sister who is trying to get her people pleaser little brother to TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
But Twi is also trying to get her to take care of herself at the same time because SHE TOO is extremely self sacrificial
I feel like they’re the besties who low key abuse each other, like she has pushed him into a lake before, and he follows her around as Wolfie and just HOWLS and screams until she takes a break
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breannasfluff · 5 months
Zelda Birds in Wing Bois!
Sun - Ross's Gull
Flora - Long-tailed Jaeger
Aurora - Pink Robin
Fable - Hyacinth Macaw
Dot - Black-Capped Chickadee
Tetra - White Petrel
Lullaby - Snowy Owl
Dusk - Long-Tailed Hawk
Artemis - Peregrine Falcon
The first two I might do sketches of. The others were suggested by @dark-angel-of-muses and you can see art of them here.
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treasure-goblin · 2 months
Lu Elementary School Au
The Zeldas
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10 years old (4th grade)
Friends with Wars and Lullaby
She does well academically and is the captain of her soccer team
Protects Wars from Cia the best She can
Loves wind
Takes fencing outside of school
10 years old (4th grade)
Besties with Sky
Crochets and knits things for her friends
She had a mediator type personality, but plenty of spunk to go with it
Will throw hands if necessary
Looks suspiciously like Headmistress Hylia
9 years old (4th grade)
Very prim and proper
Academic rivals with Wars and just plain rivals with Time
Got moved up a class
Socially stunted in a teachers pet way, not people pleaser way like Wars
8 years old (3rd grade)
Very stern and stoic
Has met Midna as well, but doesn't know Twilight knows her
Occasionally will play wolves with Twi and the others
But prefers to read or write during recess
Hates Dink with a passion (they all do she just hates him the most vocally)
8 years old (2nd grade)
No one knows if Legend and Fable just look like each other by pure coincidence or not
Impa is her legal guardian
Hilda and Zelda used to not get along, but they tolerate each other now
She's a generally sweet kid, but can be very passive-aggressive when she wants to he
8 years old (2nd grade)
Super crafty like four
Loves to make little air-dry clay
She makes little pipe cleaner minish for four, and he makes her rainbow pictures in return
Dot was Four's first friend in school
6 years old (1st grade)
Dawn's twin
Sweet but quiet, sleepy personality
Was separated from Dawn for a time.
Into “cute” fantasy stuff like fairies, mermaids, unicorns and such
Slow to anger, but scary when mad
6 years old (1st grade)
Aurora's twin
A lot louder than her twin, lots of energy
Into the “darker” side of fantasy, like trolls, gnomes, and eldritch abominations
Likes to chase butterflies with Aurora
Close friend of Hyrule
6 years old (1st grade)
Super smart
Wild accidentally cut her hair, and she was mad at him for a while
Flora loves to info dump, and Wild is often her most willing participant
She wants to be a researcher like her mother
She loves frogs
5 years old (Kindergarten)
Obsessed with pirates
Gets in trouble more often than wind does
Almost got expelled for beating up one of Wind's bullies
She gave wind his sword as a birthday gift
She really admires Artemis
Divider by @/cafekitsune
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ladye-zelda · 4 months
Because I have a crippling addiction to Barbie nostalgia, here's a bit more of a deep dive in the princesses for the 10 Princesses AU:
Queen Lullaby
Age: 28
She got her nickname lullaby due to at one point lulling all her younger sisters to sleep by playing her harp after their mother's death
Became queen at 22 after the king had been driven to insanity after Aurora was cursed (he couldn't handle the grief after his wife died)
When she was a little child, the first instrument she learned was the ocarina (due to being the oldest, she would've inherited the Ocarina of Time), but after entrusting it to one of her soldiers for safekeeping she made the harp her main instrument
Often snuck out of the castle in a Sheikah alter-ego when she was a teenager, though that stopped when she was coronated
She is very protective of her younger sisters; so much so she does sometimes snap at them just to ensure their safety due to the kingdom's expectations of them
Princess Artemis
Age: 25*
Got her nickname for being the "warrior" out of the sisters (would sometimes boast by being the best archer, but all of the sisters knew that title belonged to Dusk and Tetra)
Ever since she was a young child she always copied Lullaby (not that she minded). It was because Lullaby was taking harp lessons that Artemis joined as well (even adopting a Sheikah persona when Lullaby did)
She uses her alter-ego to sneak into the army. Only Lullaby knows about this, so it is a secret even kept from the rest of her sisters
She is Somewhat Responsible. She realizes she is the next in line for the throne, so when she is forced to be in that "coming of heir" position she will put on her third persona: the ruler of Hyrule one
Princess Dusk
Age: 22
Got her nickname for being a night-owl for so long
She's more introverted than the rest of her sisters, largely due to the fact she "lost" her twin to a curse
Though she stopped dancing in the public eye for quite some time, she still loves to dance under the cover of night in her mother's garden when she cannot sleep (which is quite often, hence her nickname)
When she does speak, she speaks a lot more formally than her sisters. She's also the least likely to cause any trouble, so when Lullaby is talking to the rest of the sisters she never refers to Dusk (but of course that "good girl" mentality gets to her sometimes)
Despite being almost always by herself, she is still very warm and caring to her sisters, especially to the younger ones
She is extremely pale due to her being inside so much, so Artemis would often get her to go outside in the sun to practice archery (which doesn't last long when Artemis gets upset that Dusk is so much better at it)
Princess Aurora**
Age: 16 (physically and mentally, but in reality she is 22; the same as Dusk's age)
The sisters have been calling her that in hopes that she would someday wake up, just like the fairytales
She looks very similiar to Dusk, albeit a bit younger now
She got accidentally cursed when she opened up a gift meant to be for her father
Not really much to say about her at the moment, other than if she wakes up she'll have no idea that years had passed
Princess Sun
Age: 20
Got her nickname because she is the most optimistic and cheerful of the sisters
Also took harp lessons because of Artemis, just because it looked fun; also the best singer out of all of the princesses
Was favored by the king due to resembling so much of the late queen (can you tell that the late queen was technically Hylia lol)
Has fallen in love with one of the knights (Sky). All of the sisters know about it, even Lullaby, who lovingly teases her about it
The two have been discussing a secret marriage, but there's always the threat of Sun being the one to inherit the throne due to her being the only one in a concrete relationship (she doesn't want to put Sky through the stress of being a royal)
(Lullaby lets it all slide, though she does become increasingly worried the more the secret relationship goes on)
Princess Flora
Age: 18
Got her name due to always being outside, inspecting the plants and whatnot
She can sit down and name every plant in her mother's garden all by scientific name
She feels the effects of her father favoring Sun the most out of the other sisters, mainly because she (and her twin) also looked like their mother, but the king seemed to always pick on Flora for being interested in the more "mundane" things
(If she had a movie counterpart it would be the little sister who collects bugs; Flora would do the same but with... well... flora ig lol)
Once had a bodyguard (Wild), but had gotten into an accident causing him to lose his memories. Flora blames herself for it and still has nightmares about the event
Princess Fable
Age: 18
Got her name due to being obsessed with fairytales and whatnot (she's the one who suggested the nickname for Aurora)
She loves curling up by the fire reading a good book for fun
When she's not reading, she's often tending to her other sister's emotional needs (like comforting her twin or going up to Aurora's tower to bring food for Dawn)
(If I ever do an Island Princess AU, which is unlikely lol, she would be Princess Luciana rooting for Legend (who would be Prince Antontio) and Marin (who would be Ro))
If her twin is science, she would be magic as often she is studying about making potions and making sparkles and fireballs come out of her hand (ssb reference)
Also yes, the Fable-in-that-one-dress-from-Barbie-as-Rapunzel post is SUPER canon
Princess Dawn
Age: 15 (almost 16)
She got her name for being an early riser (even despite her young age)
She cares the most about Aurora, even though she doesn't remember a whole lot about her. She would spend the most time in her tower; dusting the place, talking to Aurora as if she was awake, etc.
Not much to say about her either, other than she has developed a little crush on the flute boy who comes to the castle every now and then (she doesn't know his name so that's what she has been calling him; this crush is not as obvious as Sun's attraction to Sky)
Princess Dot
Age: 15 (almost 16)
Got her name due to being the only one of the sisters with freckles; but not by one of her sisters but by her best friend
She's also the only one out of her sisters to have a best friend outside of the castle
She's very quiet and emotional; the movie equivalent to her would be Lacey, as much like Flora she is also underconfident of herself (probably due to her being the most forgotten out of all of the sisters)
Thanks to her best friend, she can see the minish. She is sometimes caught laughing to herself whenever she sees them do something funny
Just like Dusk, also the least likely to do something chaotic
Princess Tetra
Age: 13
Got her nickname because she hated that she was just another "Zelda" so changed her name (her legal name is Zelda the 10th oof)
Made rejecting the castle life her whole personality
The most chaotic out of her entire sisters
Sneaks out of the castle the most (alongside Sun) but she has the guts to do it in broad daylight at least
Archery is her main passion of course; inspired from Artemis
If you ask her Artemis is her favorite sister (they're very alike in personalities, except Tetra has no sense of responsibility)
The most extroverted of the sisters and is most likely to be thrown in jail
Dreams of becoming a pirate queen
*the original post had her at 24 but for some reason I keep writing 25 so she's a year older now
** in the original post I was kind of worried I didn't clarify the thing about her age; kind of think of it like Link and Zelda from botw on how technically they're both over 100 years old but physically and mentally 17. The same goes for Aurora
This list will probably change in the future as I think more about their personalities, but this is just what I have down for now! Feel free to ask any questions about them!
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bluesdesk · 9 months
Soo, some time ago I used a really cool picrew by @itsbaydews to make the Links, but honestly it's so great I had to make also some Zeldas and other characters :D
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Unified Timeline! Sun and Sky, Dot and Four (Dot's hair should have been a bit more blondish), Lullaby (they kept the Sheik attire), Malon (Her hair should have been more reddish instead, but the other red was too dark) and Time
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Child timeline! Dusk (yellow eyes because of Puppet zelda) and Twi Artemis (I hc that she's naturally a brunette but dyes her hair blonde), Linkle (as Wars's little sister!) and Wars Flora (someone will recognize a small detail on her face) and Wild, who should have slightly blonder hair but that blonde was too light
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Adult timeline! Tetra (I love those freckles), Aryll (high ponytails because there weren't low ones) and Wind Spirit/Angel (with yellow eyes because of the possession) and Tracks!
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Fallen hero timeline! Fable (she got vitiligo because her painting got discolored spots), Ravio (with fluffy hair because why not) and Legend Dawn (Zelda 1), Aurora (her design is taken from a manga promoting Zelda 2, in which she's literally a kid), and Hyrule!
Ok then I spent like 3 days to do this I really should go and do something useful XD
Here's the picrew if any of you wants to try it!
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linderosse · 6 months
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The Founder’s Call— Part 3
The battle begins!
Notes: In the games, Zelda’s abilities usually aren’t defined in as much detail as Link’s (for obvious reasons lol). Some Zeldas also display way more of their skills than others.
So I’ve put some thought into simple rules to help flesh out the details and fill in gaps. For example, the general rule for equipment is: a Zelda has access to items that a) they canonically owned in-game, b) their Link has duplicates of, or c) they have a clear motive for acquiring in their era. Check out the intro story in the masterpost for more details if you’re curious.
Other rules/patterns will be clarified as the story continues :).
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Edit 11/1/23: Changed Artemis’ dialogue on page 6
Edit 11/26/23: Changed Fable’s dialogue on page 4
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hermitdrabbles56 · 2 years
Wind: Why do you call Midna Minty? It's no shorter than her name?
Twilight: *smiling* because she's both sweet and strong like mint-
The chain: *aweing*
Twilight: And there is no one who gives me a headache faster.
Dusk: *spits her tea*
Midna: *grinning like a gremlin*
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skyloftian-nutcase · 9 months
So we talk about the linked universe boys a lot but we never see anything on the princesses. Like... where's the headcanons on them?
I wanna see Lullaby sneaking off as Shiek to hunt monsters with Time when court life becomes too much and complaining to Malon about the stupidity of the other nobles and how they fuck things over for everyone else but she can't just smack them over the head or overrule their policies because then she'd become a "tyranny" if she did that.
I wanna see Fable being an absolute menace to her Knights as payback for how they treat her brother but nobody believes then because she's a perfect angel for everyone else and she and Holda working together to study magic and learning to defend themselves so that Legend doesn't have to save them for what seems like the 100th time.
Sun using her memories as Hylia to be a cryptic little shit just for the funsies and kicking everyone's ass in spars because she's a knight too and a damn good one at that!
Flora and Purah are researching buddies and absolutely asking like a billion questions about everyone's timeliness and Symin having to drag the both of them by the scruff of their shirts out of the lab or back from the wilderness
Dusk having holidays in Ordon and Kakariko for similar reasons and practicing her archery, not quite going rogue but working alongside the Resistance to pick up her own soldier's slack.
Artemis just kicking ass and taking names as she continuously works to weed out the corruption that was brought to light by Cia's invasion.
Aurora and Dawn being sisters and helping each others trauma while trying to rebuild the kingdom's history and army so Hyrule doesn't have to work so hard.
Tetra being the badass pirate queen she is and also being a terrible influence on Aryll as a surrogate big sister so she can gleefully hold the fact over Wind's head, who is upset because HE wanted to be the one to teach Aryll how to swear!
I love all of these so much, especially the girls I'm familiar with. The idea of Lullaby sneaking out and fighting alongside Time while also chilling at the ranch and having girl time with Malon is amazing. I always adore seeing Sun get to, well, shine and show that she too is a knight - and that she fought in a war as Hylia! No one remembers Hylia fought in a war to save everyone before she ever asked for help from a hero!
All of this is delightful. <3 When I have more brain cells to spare I will make some fun ideas of my own.
This ask does remind me that I need to make a post about the Zelda personalities, though, so thank you for that too!
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somer-writes · 5 months
Please lore dump about your fic. Please 🥺
YES FUCK!!!! ok so i really want to talk about ordon-hyrule!!
so we know there are 4 light spirits, 3 of which are named after the goddesses (lanayru, eldin, faron) and a fourth which is ordona. SO i think this could mean that ordon was (a) not commonly subscribed to the hylian faith and (b) independent from hyrule. hylians specifically have pointed ears to hear the goddess but ordon is exclusively populated by humans (which we do see both in hyrule proper).
therefore h/c is that ordon was brought into hyrule within the current dynasty of the royal family (likely preceding king harkinian since rusl lives in ordon but we know that he's from hyrule originally.
the current dynasty has overseen civil wars (since at least time's birth per the manga) and imperialism (hyrule absorbing ordon, death mt, and the zora domain)
Fun Facts!!
-> ordon is both the province/territory and the name of Ordon Village. for political logistics the crown declared ordon village (the closest to the border) the capital.
-> ordon has no centralized government and is instead a series of scattered farming villages with local mayors who convene cyclically from village to village. ordonian fashion is commonplace but the style of knot used to tie the sash is a good tip off on which village an ordonian comes from
-> ordonians are largely spiritual. no central power, no central religion. most of them don't worship hylia as a goddess but instead treat her as a regional deity of hyrule. they instead offer prayers/offerings to river/forest/etc spirits
-> ordon and hyrule share a common tongue (with some dialect/accent inconsistencies) but ordon's written language came long after hyrule's. ordon has a largely oral tradition (folk tales are extremely important to passing down their history). ordon's common alphabet has a few quirks. ch/sh are written using the same symbol, rather than a 'w' they use 'vv', 'll' is common in place of a y or ie.
-> ordon is not difficult to get to but the easiest way is the long way. ordonians don't typically venture into hyrule but their crops/wool are so valuable that merchants come to the province for them. ordonians usually trade for stock rather than purchase. it's likely sera spent some time in hyrule or set up the shop as a savvy way to attract merchants
-> hylians look down on ordonians as being "simple folk" mostly for their accents and how simple ordonian dress seems (although sash tying is something most hylians can't do properly)
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