#ds ep 5
Daiki Kubo's Free Time Events
[Part 1]
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Well... why don't you start from the beginning then...?
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Very well, it all started when we left and I decided to go to the cafeteria...
Date: November 14th, 2011
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*Imposter collected his tray full of food which he walked to table*
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Darn... seems there's no room left, where do I sit...?
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Maybe I can ask if someone has a free spot, like that one...
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*Is sitting at a table by himself, looking to enjoy his meal while doing calculations*...
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Hm... perhaps I can ask...
*Imposter heads over to a table*
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Excuse me, is this seat taken by any chance...?
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Hm? Oh uh, no it isn't you can sit here if you like...
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Thank you, I've been searching for a seat so I'm relieve to find one!
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Well I can see why, often the cafeteria is pretty stuff so I can understand the feeling...
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But still, great company no less and honestly food is good with good company as I always say!
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Hm... still that's a lot of food, you sure eat a lot...
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And is that a problem? I know that most skinny types tend to comment on it...
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Not really, honestly I tend to eat quite a bit myself so I can see why.
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Oh right right, I should introduce myself - I'm Daiki Kubo, I'm the Ultimate Banker and I'm apart of Class 76!
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Oh so your my senior, well I'm Byakuya Togami...
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Byakuya Togami...? Sorry but I saw him earlier and you seem much fatter then him, are you sure your not lying...?
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And what makes you think I'm lying...?
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Well if you show me your bank information, then I'll believe you!
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Ne-Nevermind, I guess it's obvious I'm the Ultimate Imposter from Class 77-B, correct?
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A bit honestly but hey, I won't judge! If you got accepted into Hope's Peak, probably it means the school notice your talents so you should be proud of it!
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But wait... Class 77-B? I heard some things about that Class but still, I don't think I've seen you around before...
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Well I think it should be obvious but given my talent, I can impersonate anyone very easily regardless of gender and my teacher before she went to the hospital has ask me to impersonate her; so this is the only chance where I can finally relax...
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Oh.. Oh dear...
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We-Well... I think that's good, I mean even Ultimates need a break; I've told so many of the student council to relax but well y'know...!
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Your apart of the student council?
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Well yes I am, honestly I do get along with everyone there or try to befriend them all, it's usually pretty nice but sometimes I like a break...
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Oh hey, I know - why don't we meet up here and have lunch together? It could help pass the time with often doing calculation, so how about it?
'After that... I accepted his invitation, he became my first friend outside of our Class...'
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eldragon-x · 2 years
Maybe I’ll replay the pmd series again
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ffumikagetokoyamii · 8 days
(or an excuse for me to dump all the thoughts my silly little critter mind thinks into your silly little critter mind!!)
1. autism!!! (I don’t have autism but I saw someone on tiktok headcanon him to be autistic so yeah!!!🤩🤩 if i’m not allowed to like headcanon him to have autism since I don’t have it then pls tell me!!)
2. dyslexia! (no specific reason for this just saw someone else headcanon him to have terrible spelling)
3. listens to mitski
4. dark shadow killed someone when they were both younger (possibly his grandad?) and it’s stuck with Fumi [like in that scene in Ep 44 roaring upheaval where when DS was going wild he said “get away from me!! you’ll die!!”☹️☹️]
5. he and dark shadow both had grudges against Hawks during the first week when they met him (birds hold grudges☺️☺️☺️)
6. gives crystals to those he likes (platonically or romantically your choice!!) like penguins do with rocks
7. HATES when someone ignores him. biggest ick ever (kinda canon cuz when Hawks ignored his phone calls and stuff during the vigilante arc and when izuku was just daydreaming about kacchan and accidentally ignored Fumi)
8. definitely got annoyed by class 1A (mostly Mina and Denki) once when he was eating chicken or something and they struck up a conversation about cannibalism (saw this in a fic I think??)
9. once got caught in his room doing a demon ritual (he revelled too much in the dark)
10. if he were looking for a romantic partner, he’d definitely go with someone who’s the complete opposite of him due to most birds liking shiny stuff (probably someone like Aoyama but I’m a multi-shipper so I’m fine with anything!!)
11. speaking about birds, most people think him to be a crow or a raven BUT he more resembles a Koel bird!! (thank you to someone on Tiktok who pointed this out, I will give you my liver☺️☺️)
12. I don’t have many headcanons for his parents but I imagine them to be..not the greatest people ever😰 (thought of this from when he mentioned in the school briefs how he’s never been to an amusement park before and I know that could be considered normal but hear me out u guys🤯🤯 I want my goth son to have angst)
13. favourite colour is purple, favourite number is 7 (I’m tweaking yall)
14. takes Halloween SO seriously (me too bro me too)
15. SOO ticklish but he vowed to take this fact to the grave (only dark shadow knows and they use it against him like “Fumikage if you don’t let me chew on Mr Aizawa’s scarf I’m telling everyone in class 1A that you’re ticklish”) OR SOMETHING
16. maladaptive daydreamer (I’m projecting with this one u guys!!)
17. knows the entire dance to Rock Lobster by The B-52’s on justdance unwillingly
18. his fav song changes a lot but at one point it was Goo Goo Muck by The Cramps
19. has to stop dark shadow from demanding pets from everyone in class 1A (it’s a daily routine)
20. knows a bunch of bird puns (blame the other silly bird man for this one😡😡)
21. won’t let anyone in his room UNLESS he’s super close to them (like how he tried to stop class 1A going into his room in the dorms episode)
22. (aged up Fumi for this one!!) the complete opposite when he’s drunk and/or high (like super chatty, energetic and giggly) is this realistic??? I haven’t been drunk or high before so idk😓
23. tolerates physical touch (like hugs and stuff) but only from those he’s super close to (or all might in that one episode!!)
24. the first time everyone in class 1A saw him without the choker on some of them (mina and denki and possibly Kirishima🤗🤗) asked him where his neck went..
25. absolutely knocked out when sick/feverish!! like incoherent mumbling, just super weak and dizzy and everything!! (I’ve been reading too much sickfics😰)
26. squawks involuntarily when caught super off guard and the first time it happened was in the class 1A dorms in front of everyone and he was so embarrassed he didn’t speak for a week
27. fluent in some random cool language (like Latin or something equally as cool!!😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎)
28. if he did have a human head then he’d dream of having every piercing on there as possible
29. has a mix of human hair and feathers so he’s gotta do like both brushing and washing it with shampoo and conditioner and stuff but also gotta preen with preening oil (birds naturally have that off of their tail feathers I think but like he doesn’t have a tail so😞)
30. you cannot tell me this man isn’t a writer like with the way he speaks it should be canon!! I can imagine him doing poems and stuff but also turning to other ways to write…(he makes sure no one in his life will ever know his AO3 username)
31. favourite sonic character is Shadow the hedgehog
32. stares outside and just zones out which resulted in the time he once accidentally spaced out while staring at someone (a character of your choice) and was so embarrassed after
33. speaking about embarrassment, he gets embarrassed super easy!!
34. is so painfully awkward around most tiny children (he’s warmed up to eri though after finding out they both have a shared love of apples)
35. sometimes cringes on what he says but knows he can’t take it back (it’s okay my son I’ll still platonically love you!!)
36. hates the fact that he’s been asked by people (TODOROKI.) if he’s Hawk’s brother or relative or something but hates it even more how Hawks barely denies it😡
37. gets his gothic mannerisms from both dark crystal (a pro hero who we can assume he idolises who is mentioned in the school briefs i think) but also a relative like an older sister!!
38. has crazy good intuition
39. is really surprised whenever someone mentions how cool or great dark shadow is since he never really heard that growing up (thank you Izuku!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
40. communication is SO important to him
41. finds it really hard to open up because of feeling like a birden (get it? “bird-en”? haha🙁🙁🙁)
42. he’s super close friends with mostly the heteromorphs of 1A like Koda, Shoji and Tsu but also friends with others who aren’t like Iida and Jirou
43. LOVES conspiracy theories
44. doesn’t cry often but when he does then you know it’s serious😞😞
45. HATES the fact that he has teeth (cuz it looks weird considering how he has a beak) so he’s vowed to never smile with his teeth
46. the type of person to say happy birthday the MOMENT it hits midnight on your birthday :))
47. used to be afraid of flying but made sure it wasn’t noticeable in front of Hawks
48. was genuinely surprised when he saw that the ones in 1A who saw dark shadow go wild didn’t like blame him or anything like how others have in the past🤯
49. dark shadow’s name is super simple because Fumikage had to pick it when they first manifested and since I can imagine he was super young when this happened he wasn’t very creative
50. whenever he and dark shadow play any type of board game together, he has to stop DS from eating the pieces when they’re losing
I got kinda unmotivated towards the end since I was so tired when I wrote all this but i’ll probably have more headcanons in the future!!🙀🙀🙀if y’all have any headcanons about him then please comment them cuz I always love hearing more!!
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avelera · 2 months
Apologies for screaming into your askbox like this but
As someone who read the Game of Thrones books (probably younger than I should have...but that's beside the point) the sorts of things that the two Ds decided needed to be added for the sake of "realism" or "accuracy" was ALWAYS just an excuse to brutalize someone. Be it kids, be it women (though in GoT is was usually women) and so much of it was not in the books!!! Like, sure, the books have accrued a reputation for being brutal, and they totally are...but they never seem as gretuatus in the way that David and Dan seem to revel in the crualty. Utterly original characters are introduced for the express purpose of being killed or assaulted, and it makes watching Game of Thrones a harrowing experience.
I'm not surprised that this has continued in their other work, in so many ways, the bloodlust became their calling card. I am deeply thankful that most of the other places that had been courting them to make projects have dropped them.
I will say in defense of the no doubt huge team who worked on Three Body Problem that it's not a gore fest or anything. There was a lot I've enjoyed in eps 1-5 (which as far as I've gotten at the moment) and scenes of violence are hardly the only thing that happens (though umm... maybe be prepared for the opening scene. It's also a doozy.)
Anyway, as I see it, Benioff and Weiss's sadism is more like... Tarantino's foot fetish. It doesn't consume the entire story, but when Tarantino does a loving closeup of feet you're like, "Ah, there it is. I was wondering when that would show up." If B&W work on something, like it or not, they're going to mash the cruelty button and heighten the cruelty of canonical scenes (if it's an adaptation) in order to try to get a reaction out of the audience. It's just how they work. For some audiences, that might even be a feature, not a bug!
The thing that makes me so frothing at the mouth enraged about Benioff and Weiss is how fucking coquettish they are about their sadism. They always act so fucking surprised like they're shocked that anyone would think that the gore and the horror were the point and what drew them to the story (I know, I'm just repeating my post at this point but STILL--!).
Look, when I was a teen, I totally first started writing angst to sort of... express this vein of sadism in myself in a safe outlet like fiction. I wanted to make people cry with my writing. So I'd do things like just kill off all the characters and be so proud when a reader said they were sad after.
But that's just... really flat and amateurish angst, y'know? There are so many more sophisticated and meaningful ways to create emotion, including sadness, in an audience other than just killing off all the characters or torturing them.
But I feel I remember enough from those days (I'd like to think I've long since grown out of that impulse) to know a sadist when I see one? And Benioff and Weiss's storytelling, to my eyes again, is simply sadistic. It glories in watching people in pain and it finds ways to exaggerate that pain and the chance to exaggerate moments of pain is what draws them to the stories they like to depict.
And that's fine. Plenty of horror creators revel in gore and cruelty and it's an entirely worthy art form!
But for the most part, those horror creators know what they're doing and they're open or even joyful about the fun they have creating these horror stories! Enjoying creating horror stories or depicting suffering or even being sadistic, particularly in fiction where no one is actually getting hurt, is perfectly fine.
I just fuckin... wish Benioff and Weiss would admit that's what it is goddamn it makes me INSANE.
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widowshill · 6 months
WAIT. Top 5 DS line flubs/bloopers. Please and thank you!
I decided to answer this in video form for the sake of appreciating the Arts. eps are: 114, 626, 140, 964, and 313, respectively.
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ignitiongallery · 10 months
朗読フェス ’23
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三軒茶屋にある本屋&ギャラリー&カフェ『twililight』で、 心にあそびが生まれる夏の一日を。 翻訳家、詩人、ミュージシャン、俳優、画家、モデル、作家たちの表現を、 からだで聴き、知らないあなたと分かち合える喜びを。
「朗読フェス ’23」を、8月16日に開催します。
会場:twililight (世田谷区太子堂4-28-10鈴木ビル3F&屋上/三軒茶屋駅徒歩5分)
11時:柴田元幸(翻訳家)                           料金:1,500円
12時30分:水沢なお(詩人)                            料金:1,500円
14時:浮(シンガーソングライター)                      料金:2,500円
15時30分:菊池明明(俳優)+小山義人(画家)                   料金:2,500円
17時:前田エマ(モデル、作家)                        料金:1,500円
18時30分:安達茉莉子(作家)                           料金:1,500円
20時:butaji(シンガーソングライター)                      料金:2,500円
21時30分:ninoheron(イラストレーター、ミュージシャン)  料金:2,500円(キャンセル待ち)
静岡県生まれ。詩人。2016年第54回現代詩手帖賞、2020年第1詩集『美しいからだよ』(思潮社)で中原中也賞受賞。詩集『シー』(思潮社)、小説集『うみみたい 』(河出書房新社)。
米山ミサによるソロユニット。 2018年頃から「浮」としてガットギターの弾き語り、作詞曲を始める。 2019年、FABIENNEより1stAlbum"三度見る"をリリース。 2020年、白と枝、松井亜衣とユニット”ゆうれい”を結成。 2021年、藤巻鉄郎(ds)、服部将典(cb)とトリオ”浮と港”の活動を開始。 2022年11月1日、Sweet Dreams Pressより2nd Album"あかるいくらい”リリース。
千葉県出身。和光大学在学中に演劇をはじめる。2008年ナイロン100℃劇団員オーディションに合格、2009年に劇団員となり2023年4月まで在籍。ナカゴー『黛さん、現る!』にて2012年度佐藤佐吉賞最優秀助演女優賞受賞。2021年に第一子を出産、2022年に復帰し、映画やドラマなど映像出演の機会も増えている。公開中の出演作は映画『テン・ストーリーズ』(山西竜矢監督他)、『おーい!どんちゃん』(沖田修一監督)、『家族・する』(渡邉高章監督)。近年の出演舞台はマームとジプシー『cocoon 』、東葛スポーツ『ユキコ』、ナカゴー特別劇場『もはや、もはやさん』、東京にこにこちゃん『シュガシュガ・YAYA』など。
小山義人 Yoshito Koyama
イラストレーター、ペインター。セツ・モードセミナー卒業。 主な仕事に装画『ベルリンは晴れているか』(深緑野分 著 / 筑摩書房) 、『バグダードのフランケンシュタイン』(アフマド・サアダーウィー 著 / 集英社) 、『首相が撃たれた日に』(ウズィ・ヴァイル 著 / 河出書房) など。
HP https://www.yoshito-koyama.net Instagram https://www.instagram.com/yoshito_koyama/ Twitter https://twitter.com/koyama_13
1992年生まれ、神奈川県出身。東京造形大学卒業。オーストリア ウィーン芸術アカデミーに留学経験を持つ。現在、韓国・ソウルの語学堂に留学中。モデルを中心に、執筆やラジオパーソナリティ、ペインティングなど、幅広く活動。著書に小説集『動物になる日』(ミシマ社)。『オズマガジン』の他、ウェブサイト『ミシマガジン』『ARToVILLA』『Hanako web』でエッセイ連載中。
安達 茉莉子 (mariko adachi)
作家・文筆家。大分県日田市出身。東京外国語大学英語専攻卒業、サセックス大学開発学研究所開発学修士課程修了。政府機関での勤務、限界集落での生活、留学など様々な組織や場所での経験を経て、言葉と絵による作品発表・執筆をおこなう。 著書に『消えそうな光を抱えて歩き続ける人へ』(ビーナイス)、『毛布 - あなたをくるんでくれるもの』(玄光社)、『私の生活改善運動 THIS IS MY LIFE 』(三輪舎)、『臆病者の自転車生活』(亜紀書房)、『世界に放りこまれた』(ignition gallery)など。
東京に住むシンガーソングライター。幼少期からクラシック音楽に影響を受けて作曲を始める。コンセプト立てた楽曲制作が特徴で、生音を使ったフォーキーなものから、ソフトシンセによるエレクトロなトラックまで幅広い楽曲制作を得意とする。2013年に自主制作したep「四季」が話題を呼び、1stアルバム「アウトサイド」、2ndアルバム「告白」を発売。2021年に3rdアルバム「RIGHT TIME」を発売し、「APPLE VINEGAR – Music Award2022」の大賞を受賞。2022年にはドラマ『エルピスー希望、あるいは災い-』主題歌「Mirage」に作詞、作曲で参加した。ライブでは弾き語りを始めバンド、デュオなどさまざまな形態で活動中。トラックメイカーの荒井優作とのユニット・butasakuとしてもライブ&リリース中。
東京を拠点に活動するイラストレーター/ミュージシャン。 バンドや雑誌などにアートワークを提供しつつ自身の制作活動を行う。 2022年9月、1stアルバム『Image』を自主レーベル「MADAM」より発表。 楽曲とドローイングが一冊にまとまった作品集となっている。 uri gagarnやgroup_inouのメンバーとしても活動。
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moroser · 1 year
What's your fav Pokemon?
murkrow! but sigilyph, yamask, and rapidash all have a special place in my heart too. i actually carry a rapidash card in my wallet lol, i have for over a decade.
i really only know gens 1 and 5 and am new to everything else so I learn new pokemon all the time.
when I was 7, I had an apple green gameboy color and pokemon blue. but I took it with me on a paddleboat ride and my paddleboat used to have this short slide on it and my 7 year old impulsive adhd mind was like i bet my gameboy can't float and I guess to prove it to myself I let it slide into the water and watched it sink. to my lack of shock, it sank into the darkness of the lake along with my childhood link to pokemon.
i lived with an abusive, weird man who didn't let us watch TV or have computers for most of my childhood so I have also only seen a few eps of the og series from when i was at my babysitters before school. then I just sort of aged not interested.
but in like 2011 my friend gave me their ds and pokemon white before going to the army so that's how I know gen 5! and everything else im learning is thru pokemon go. (new pokemon are so exciting i feel like an excited kid every time lol)
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tagged by: maj (@chateauofmymind) ilysm <3 <3 (also i hope you enjoy american g-ds!!)
currently reading: the sparrow by mary doria russell (annotating, but like....i haven't gotten past where they first meet the runa bc that's where it starts to make me batshit); 86: run through the battlefront by asato asato (second book in the light novel series that the anime is based on); brother by ania alhborn (this was inspired by the movie chained for anyone who loves that 👀; this is taking me forever to read tho bc it keeps triggering me rip); dune by frank herbert (i wanted to reread before the next movie comes out because i didn't do that before the first one came out); gideon the ninth by tamsyn muir (also rereading this series before the last book comes out in september).
last song: hibiki by hiroyuki sawano from bubble (2022) score. i've been making my slow way through hiroyuki sawano's work because damn...everything he does is amazing.
last movie: dune :3 for like....the tenth or twelfth time in as many days :3 when i hyperfixate, i indulge until i'm sick of it <3
currently working on: several things rip 1) finishing what i'm reading, which is taking me way too much time due to depression 2) watching something new every day my fiancee works 3) sparrow – the novel i've been working on for the past year (also taking me way too long bc of depression) 4) elfen lied – the manga i'm presently reading 5) love death + robots – the tv show i'm currently watching (i've only watched one ep rip)
tagging: @thinking-in-broken-scenes @girlphilipaugustus @iloveyoumorethangod @nitheful @naysaltysalmon @otherkinism @anathemas @the-lisechen @malemyths @godspouse @leatherdaddyteach @cithaerons and anyone else who wants to!!
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sorrowfulsoul · 1 year
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7 notes · View notes
egorax · 11 months
This is my review of 100 gecs discography including their respective solo and side projects, which means that this list will include the following discographies:
CAKE POP (Dylan Brady side project)
Dylan Brady (member of 100 gecs)
Laura Les (member of 100 gecs)
osno1 (an alias for Laura Les)
100 gecs
This is also a very diverse discography, including studio albums, remix albums, live shows, DJ sets, and what are commonly referred to as The Minecraft Shows, which were digital concerts that were hosted in Minecraft due to Dylan and Laura living in different states at the time, money constraints, and quarantine, but I will be referring to them as the Digital Shows as some of the shows weren’t actually hosted in Minecraft, but they were all held in some way digitally. I will label what each release is with the following indicators:
[S] - studio album
[R] - remix album
[L] - live show
[DJ] - DJ set
[DS] - digital show/Minecraft show
I will be laying thing out like this:
Year - Album title - artist name [I] 6/10
1 - Song 1 1/10 \\note about the song
2 - Song 2 7/10 \\note about the song \\dog
3 - Song 3 6/10 \\note about the song
Album description/explanation of review
2013 - tape 1 - this town makes me sick sometimes - Laura Les [S] 5/10
1 - friends drive by 4/10 \\I was overall uncomfortable while listening
2 - i wanna try cocaine 5/10 \\this would probably get a better rating if it weren’t so amplified
3 - cheif keef cant breathe 4/10 \\no comment, it’s just loud
4 - i just wanna go home 5/10 \\it’s cool I guess
5 - random act of violence 5/10 \\there’s just so much noise
This is a very bizarre EP, it was deleted almost immediately after it was released and I can see why, I don’t think it’s really meant to be listened to, I think it was more of a personal thing, because the version that was released is extremely over amplified to the point it’s hard to even understand, but from what I could make out it sounded more like Laura was just venting and getting stuff out of her head than anything else.
Something to note is that while it was released in 2017, it was recorded "some time in 2013".
2014 - APPROPRIATE - Dylan Brady & Death Grips [R] 7/10
1 - BURN THROUGH IT (Lil Boy) 7/10
2 - PIRATE (Anne Bonny) 8/10
4 - BOUNCIN (Stockton) 7/10
5 - FUCK WHOS WATCHING (Whatever I Want) 7/10 \\it’s only 56 seconds
6 - FEELING IT (Takyon) 6/10
7 - TRAMP (You Might Think He Loves You) 6/10 \\strangely calm and chaotic at the same time
8 - FEEL ME NOW (Black Dice) 6/10
9 - ICE GRIPS (Artificial Death) 6/10
10 - I'VE GOT SOME SHIT TO SAY (Lock Your Doors) 6/10
This whole album is just Death Grips remixes, it’s honestly kind of interesting when you listen to something for the first time and you already know all the words, it’s interesting
2014 - Zero Halliburton - Dylan Brady [S] 5/10
1 - Zero Halliburton 6/10 \\I love the Daft Punk sample in this song
2 - Fizzy Lifting Drinks (Interlude) 4/10
3 - Box Car // Jug Of Wine 5/10
4 - Mountain & Beach 5/10
5 - Knives 5/10
6 - Pyrotechnics 5/10
7 - Give Me Back My Phone 6/10
8 - Fedex 8/10
9 - Ice Grass 5/10
10 - Yoda 4/10
11 - Sam Rothstein 5/10
12 - You Were Crying (Bonus) 5/10
13 - Look How Far We’ve Come (Bonus) 8/10
The instrumentals on this album are alright but the’re nothing in comparison to APPROPRIATE
2015 - Iff Itt Mmakkesss U Happyyyyy - osno1 [S] 4/10
1 - Iff Itt Mmakkesss U Happyyyyy 4/10 \\this was deleted
It is just weird ambience and slowed down audio of Laura saying “if it makes you happy.”
2015 - Better Get Sharper; Better Change Yr Name - osno1 [S] 4/10
1 - Better Get Sharper; Better Change Yr Name 4/10 \\this is 25 minutes long
Like tape 1, this was also deleted soon after it’s release, but unlike tape 1, there is only 1 song and it’s 25 minutes long, this also seems to be Laura’s first time going as osno1. This single is just as noisy and amplified as tape 1 and it is pretty hard to sit through, it feels a lot slower than tape 1 though. It seems that certain parts distort over time and eventually fade out as the same vocals loop over and over again throughout the song… it’s very unnerving. The end has a very weird, loud guitar.
2015 - All I Ever Wanted - Dylan Brady [S] 5/10
1 - Piano Prelude 5/10 \\this song makes me laugh because it sounds so dumb
2 - Let Go / Enemies feat. Nok from The Future & Night Lovell 7/10 \\the drums that start about halfway through the song are really good
3 - Little Bando 5/10
4 - 314 feat. Night Lovell 5/10
5 - Trailing Some New Kill feat. Ravenna Golden & Kevin Abstract 5/10
6 - All I Ever Wanted 4/10
7 - Yee feat. Nok From The Future 4/10 \\the bass is good
8 - U>Them feat. Ketema 4/10
9 - Gold Teeth 6/10 \\I often wonder who the kid in the intro to this song is and how he’s doing now
10 - Unknown Caller PT. 2 feat. Saputo 5/10
11 - Finale (Marvin Gaye Cover) 6/10
My rating will likely be somewhat biased as this is a hip hop-esque album, and I’m personally not a huge fan of hip hop. This album just feels empty, it’s alright but I don’t really get anything out of most of it.
2015 - fuck art #1 [sorry grandpa, im gonna wear a dress if i want to] - osno1 [S] 7/10
1 - fuck art #1 [sorry grandpa, im gonna wear a dress if i want to] 7/10 \\this song is so chaotic and I love it \\dog
There is a dog barking sound in this song, which is somewhat significant since at some point after 100 gecs was released Laura and Dylan said that they would put a dog bark in at least one song from every album, at the time of this songs release none of this had been said yet but from now on I’m going to be mentioning a dog bark in the notes of the songs if I hear one.
This song seems to be a bunch of songs by other artists mixed together and sped up.
2015 - Cake Pop - CAKE POP [S] 7/10
1 - Birthday Party (ft. Dylan Brady) 7/10
2 - Midnight Boys (ft. Dylan Brady & Adam Newcomer) 7/10
3 - I Love Cheeseburgers, Apples Pies 7/10
4 - Poison (ft. Lewis Grant) 6/10
5 - Do You Think I'm Mean? (ft. Dylan Brady, Robel Ketema & Night Lovell) 6/10
6 - 757 Remix (ft. Calvin Lewis, The Kid Devo, Robel Ketema & Dylan Brady) [Bonus] 6/10 \\this song is in no way related to the song 757 by 100 gecs released 2023, this is a remix of another song with the same name
7 - Do You Think I'm Mean? (Five Star Hotel Remix) (ft. Dylan Brady, Robel Ketema & Night Lovell) [Bonus] 7/10 \\I love when one song is significantly louder than every other song on an album
It seems that around 2015 is when both Dylan and Laura really started refining their skills.
2016 - Sticky Fingers - CAKE POP [S] 6/10
1 - Sticky Fingers feat. Lewis Grant, Dylan Brady & osno1 6/10 \\this is the oldest song I can think of that features both Dylan and Laura, which leads me to believe that this is the collaboration that helped inspire them to make 100 gecs
2016 - No Sleep Nun Days Coming Soon - osno1 [S] 1/10
1 - No Sleep Nun Days Coming Soon 1/10 \\My ears hurt :(
this song is indescribably loud, I actually had to lower the volume so that I could tolerate it
2016 - 100 gecs - 100 gecs [S] 9/10
1 - dog food 8/10
2 - gum 9/10 \\dog
3 - bloodstains 10/10 \\this is legitimately one of my all time favorite songs
4 - fuck teeth 10/10 \\this is the song that got me into 100 gecs \\dog
5 - 25 bands and a geccco 8/10 \\dog
2016 - Choker - Dylan Brady [S] 5/10
1 - Lbvs 5/10
2 - Coming Down 5/10
3 - Seattle 5/10
4 - Marlboro Man 6/10
5 - Go Away 5/10
6 - Will You Look for Me When You Need Someone 5/10
My opinions on this album are very neutral
2016 - hello kitty skates to the fuckin CEMETARY - osno1 [S] 6/10
1 - ditch a body in the laundry (feat. Dylan Brady) 8/10
2 - gone with a knife; given all wrong 6/10
3 - nothing just hangin out 6/10
4 - cemetary 4 6/10
5 - there are a lot of things wrong but i dont hate the world only myself maybe 5/10
With the exception of ditch a body in the laundry, the songs on this album aren’t very good on their own, but it’s good as one piece
2017 - dead serious and out of options - osno1 [S] 5/10
1 - dead serious and out of options 5/10 \\dog
The song is goofy
2017 - Dog Show - Dylan Brady [S] 7/10
1 - Lately 7/10
2 - Hit Me 8/10
3 - 127 Hrs in Bed 7/10
4 - Cum Stains 6/10
5 - My First Time 6/10 \\S O M U C H B A S S
I like it but it would like it more if it weren’t so loud
2017 - sticky glue+ - osno1 [S] 7/10
1 - sticky glue+ 7/10 \\according to Laura Les, this song was made in 1 hour \\dog
Laura is just talking about sticky stuff
2017 - i just dont wanna name it anything with "beach" in the title - osno1 [S] 8/10
1 - how to dress as human 7/10
2 - dumb pics 8/10 \\dog
3 - darkest part of day 8/10 \\dog
4 - creep 4 yr bones 10/10 \\dog
This is honestly just a really good EP, it shows major improvement from Laura’s other works.
2017 - A Conversation I Overheard - osno1 [S] 8/10
1 - A Conversation I Overheard 8/10
In this song Laura takes a more rock-esque approach to her music, this song seems to be about her struggles with an eating disorder
2017 - Date Night ❤ - Dylan Brady [S] 6/10
1 - ​date night !! 💎🎀 6/10 \\who puts emojis in their song titles
2 - i hope its ok !! (dinner w my parents) 6/10
3 - ​u can find me here 💙 6/10
4 - will u go 2 the dance w me 6/10
It’s alright but not my favorite
2017 - LETHAL POISON FOR THE SYSTEM - 99jakes, Black Dresses & osno1 [S] 7/10
2 - Paper Planes (osno1 "i Want The Laugh Cry Emoji On My Tombstone" remix) 7/10 \\dog
This is the most annoying remix on the EP and of course Laura did it, it’s like a bomb is going off in my head and honestly I enjoy it.
2017 - laura les drops HEAVY BIRTHDAY BASS - Laura Les [DS] 7/10
1 - dog food (osno1 puppy chow remix) 8/10 \\dog
2 - paper planes (osno1 lethal poison remix) 7/10 \\dog
3 - barbie girl (osno1 punching a hole in the wall remix) 2/10 \\it is a crime to make me listen to any form of this song
4 - how to dress as human (LOUDMIX) 7/10
5 - dumb pics (LOUDMIX) 8/10 \\dog
6 - X (osno1 21 pound timbs flip) 7/10
7 - GONE (osno1 heavy halloween remix) 6/10 \\dog
8 - i miss you (osno1 psalms 6:6 remix) 6/10
9 - bloodstains (osno1 victory lap remix) 8/10 \\dog
10 - magnolia (osno1 lazy kitty flip) 6/10
11 - SAUSAGE (osno1 RIP vine remix) 7/10
12 - peanut butter jelly time (osno1 mumblecore remix) 6/10
13 - ss2 7.5/10
14 - i fucking hate being 17 7/10
15 - BEAUTIFUL GIRLS (osno1 BUCKwild nxc RMX) 6/10 \\dog
16 - monster 7/10
17 - teenagers (osno1 sad prom will never end remix) 7/10 \\dog
While there were a few people watching live, most viewers saw the show digitally
2018 - Remixes 2017 - osno1 [R] 7/10
1 - london bridge (osno1 remix) 9/10
2 - we r who we r (osno1 remix) 7/10
3 - barbie girl (osno1 punching a hole in the wall remix) 2/10
4 - i miss you (osno1 psalms 6:6 remix) 7/10
5 - when love hurts (osno1 remix) 6/10
6 - beautiful girls (osno1 big fuck remix) 6/10 \\dog
7 - 100 gecs - bloodstains (osno1 victory lap remix) 8/10 \\dog
8 - X (osno1 21 pound timbs flip) 7/10
9 - BLNTSMK - GONE (osno1 heavy halloween remix) 5/10 \\dog
10 - Lil West - Bit My Tongue (osno1 VIP flip) 7/10 \\Laura actually produced this song, which allowed her to have more resources when making a remix \\dog
11 - magnolia (osno1 lazy kitty flip) 6/10
12 - peanut butter jelly time (osno1 mumblecore remix) 6/10
13 - SAUSAGE (osno1 RIP vine remix) 7/10
14 - 100 gecs - dog food (osno1 puppy chow remix) 10/10 \\dog
15 - mr brightside (osno1 remix) 7/10
16 - scars (osno1 SUPER LAZY remix) 6/10 \\this HAS to be satire, it can’t not be satire, I wont except it
17 - Bloom - VISION (osno1 raving and loving remix) 6/10 \\dog
18 - teenagers (osno1 sad prom will never die remix) 7/10 \\dog
Most of the songs are just sped up and sound effects are added.
2018 - Big Summer Jams 2018 - Laura Les [S] 7/10
1 - pirate (feat. Lil West and Lewis Grant) 8/10 \\honestly pretty good for rap
2 - feels good (feat. Dylan Brady and Laura Les) 7/10 \\dog
3 - hell yeah brother (feat. Lil West, Lewis Grant, and Girls Rituals) 7/10
4 - being on yr own (feat. Calvin, lil mai, and SYBYR) 6/10
5 - the river (feat. scum, Yung Skrrt, and 99jakes) 7/10
6 - livin my best life! 6/10
This is probably Laura’s most normal sounding release
2018 - Coalchella - 100 gecs [DS] 10/10
1 - Intro (feat. Anthony Fantano)
2 - I Don't Have Any Fun 10/10 \\this should have been put on an album
3 - (more talking lol)
4 - im addicted to energy drinks / we could try 10/10 \\this is also an amazing song
5 - LauraCantGetOutOfMinecraft.mp3
6 - ringtone (demo) 10/10 \\this is the best version of the song
7 - (talking again)
8 - dogfood - osno1 puppy chow remix 10/10 \\the bass isn’t as overbearing on this version \\dog
9 - (chitchat break)
10 - Drove U Crazy (dylan brady remix) 9/10
11 - minecraft jokes told by someone who doesnt play minecraft
12 - i fuck it up 7/10
13 - We Could Go Anywhere 10/10 \\I really like this song
I didn’t rank the intermissions because it seemed unnecessary.
This is an amazing release that I think every 100 gecs fan needs to hear. It is also my favorite digital show.
2018 - Peace & Love - Dylan Brady [S] 9/10
1 - Key Of C 8/10
2 - I'll Make You Miss Me All The Time 9/10
3 - Walking Through The Park 8/10 \\short and sweet
4 - 7/11 Drone 8/10
5 - What I Made 4 U [Lofi-Dub] 8/10
6 - Of Course I Still Love You 10/10 \\this song is about Dylan’s relationship with his dad
I might have cried while listening to Of Course I Still Love You once, the whole EP is good but OCISLY is on another level
2018 - november2018 - Laura Les [S] 7/10
1 - scar 20181129 6/10
2 - fox 20181129 7/10
3 - cleaning your room can be fun 20181129 8/10 \\gotta love the unnecessary blast beat
4 - beat up 20181129 7/10
5 - tripp 20181129 6/10
This album is exclusive to Laura’s Patrion, it consists of demos made in November of 2018
2018 - december2018 - Laura Les [S] 6/10
1 - distney princess 6/10 \\dog
2 - dreams demo 2018 5/10
3 - evening news 6/10
4 - i wish (summer singles) 5/10
5 - in the place of dreams 5/10
6 - nail polish 6/10
7 - sad happy hardcore 7/10
8 - shadows in our eyes 6/10
9 - tetetencho 6/10
This album is also exclusive to Laura’s Patrion, it consists of demos made in December of 2018
2019 - Fire Festival - 100 gecs [DS] 8/10
1 - gecgecgec (demo) 7/10 \\some of the notes on this are different to the main release
2 - gec 2 Ü (demo) 8/10 \\this version is significantly different to the main release
3 - 745 sticky (demo) 8/10 \\the quality of the vocals are significantly improved in the main release \\dog
4 - I Need Help Immidiately (demo) 3/10
5 - xXXi_wud_nvrstøp_ÜXXx (demo) 8/10
6 - No Future Bass in My Fucking Room 7/10
7 - money machine (demo) 8/10
It’s not the best but overall this is a pretty good show
2019 - 1000 gecs - 100 gecs [S] 10/10
1 - 745 sticky 10/10 \\dog
2 - money machine 10/10 \\the opening line always makes me laugh
3 - 800db cloud 10/10
4 - I Need Help Immediately 4/10 \\it’s an intermission, don’t expect it to be good
5 - stupid horse 10/10
6 - xXXi_wud_nvrstøp_ÜXXx 9/10
7 - ringtone 10/10 \\they took out my favorite part but the part that replaced it is still good
8 - gecgecgec 9/10
9 - hand crushed by a mallet 10/10
10 - gec 2 Ü 9/10
This is genuinely one of my top ten albums, I listen to it regularly. It’s also a nice break from what I usually listen to, as this album is not super serious. This album is very fun and lighthearted, and not too silly, just the right amount of goofy.
2019 - 100 gecs & The Chamber of Secrets - 100 gecs [DJ] 8/10
1 - NTS Intro (Pixar Remix) 8/10 \\this is honestly a sick intro
2 - 745 sticky [NTS] 10/10 \\dog
3 - Soap Theme 3 5/10
4 - money machine [NTS] 10/10
5 - Chamber of Secrets Wholetone 6/10
6 - 800db cloud [NTS] 10/10
7 - quiet mode (sicko mode remix) 8/10 \\this song is unnecessarily funny
8 - stupid horse [NTS] 10/10
9 - If I Can't Have Ü (Dylan Brady Remix) [NTS] 7/10
10 - Act 5 ! 6/10
11 - Steal Her Man (Laura Les Remix) 7/10
12 - Cake (Dylan Brady Remix) 6/10
13 - Too Much Sauce Noise 1/10
14 - Blame It On Your Love (Dylan Brady Remix) 7/10
15 - California Girls (Dylan Brady Remix) 7/10
16 - Hand Crushed by a Mallet [NTS] 10/10
17 - Eat Yr Nylon 5/10
18 - ringtone [NTS] 10/10
19 - No Future Bass In My Fucking Room [NTS] 7/10
20 - Kid Cudi (NTS Remix) 7/10
21 - Abandon All Life 7/10
22 - gecgecgec [NTS] 9/10
23 - xXXi_wud_nvrstøp_ÜXXx [NTS] 9/10
24 - Eternally Yours 6/10
25 - Rock Band 8/10
26 - Baby (Dylan Brady Remix) 5/10 \\>:(
27 - 12 Tone 1 4/10
28 - How to Dress as Human [NTS] 7/10
29 - Of Course I Still Love You [NTS] 10/10
30 - Bit My Tongue (osno1 NTS flip) 9/10 \\this version is much closer to the original than the one on Remixes 2017 \\dog
31 - bloodstains [NTS] 10/10
32 - I CANT GET NO REST (Sanchez Mix) 6/10
33 - I Need Help Immidiately [NTS] 4/10
34 - 420 Mix 6/10
35 - creep 4 yr bones [NTS] 10/10 \\dog
36 - ditch a body in the laundry [NTS] 8/10
37 - gec 2 Ü [NTS] 9/10
This whole show was broadcasted over NTS radio
2019 - Mine Gala - 100 gecs [DS] 6/10
1 - came to my show (intro) [demo] 6/10 \\there might be a dog bark here, I’m not sure
2 - came to my show (demo) 7/10
3 - Without Me (MineGala Remix) 6/10
4 - instrumental 1 7/10 \\goofy
5 - ooooooooohhhhhhhh + Instrumental 2 9/10
6 - Feel Good Inc (MineGala Remix) 8/10
7 - Instrumental 3 8/10
8 - Shoota (MineGala Remix) 7/10 \\there also might be a dog here
9 - Potion Seller (MineGala Remix) 7/10 \\how do you even remix this?!?
10 - Appalachian Spring (MineGala Remix) 4/10
11 - My Heart Will Go On (MineGala Remix) 5/10 \\I don’t like the original so i’m somewhat biased
12 - toothless (demo) 8/10
This is probably their weakest show, despite this, some of their most popular non-album songs to play live came from this show
2019 - Summer Nights - 100 gecs [DS] 8/10
1 - Intro of Darkness 8/10
2 - 800db bongrip 9/10 \\this is a very interesting remix
3 - instrumental 1 7/10
4 - what Ü think that we think is cool 8/10
5 - CAR CRASH 9/10
7 - Stronger (Summer Nights Remix) 6/10
8 - instrumental 2 4/10
9 - when im holding Ü 6/10
10 - gec dance 7/10
11 - my boys got his own allstar 8/10 \\this song makes me take psychic damage
This is honestly a pretty good show but it takes a while to get used to because of how powerful the bass is, sometimes it starts to drown out the music
2020 - Square Garden - 100 gecs [DS] 8/10
1 - THX Intro 2/10
2 - TIGER 9/10 \\how the hell did they make such a good song out of eeny meeny miny moe
3 - fallen 4 Ü 10/10 \\ one of their best songs
4 - the mall 7/10
5 - Last Train To Awesometown (SquareGarden Remix) 7/10 \\I’m honestly somewhat intimidated by Parry Gripp, how does someone become this popular over music made for children
6 - small pipe (live @ fishcenter) 5/10
7 - Instrumental 1 5/10
8 - CHEST 7/10 \\this is music from a bad timeline
9 - Thos Moser (SquareGarden Remix) 8/10 \\this is significantly better than the original \\dog
10 - we got numbers in the title 4/10
11 - One Two Buckle My Shoe 9/10 \\this is actually a very early demo of Hey Big Man
12 - Metalcore Song 8/10
13 - ice cream pizza 4/10
14 - What's That Smell? 8/10 \\this song is about Laura’s fucked up tooth that caused her to have to get eight root canals and eventually she had to have it removed, this song is definitely acquired taste
15 - Instrumental 2 3/10 \\ass
16 - when i walk away 5/10
17 - 800db cloud (live @ fishcenter) 10/10
18 - SquareGarden outro 3/10
This is my third favorite digital show, it has so many great unreleased songs
2020 - 1000 gecs And The Tree Of Clues - 100 gecs [R]
1 - Money Machine (A.G. Cook Remix) 7/10
2 - Ringtone (Remix) feat. Charli XCX, Kero Kero Bonito, Rico Nasty 9/10 \\I think the KKB AAC line is clever \\dog
3 - 745 Sticky (Injury Reserve Remix) 8/10
4 - Gec 2 Ü (Danny L Harle Harlecore Remix) 7/10
5 - Hand Crushed By A Mallet (Remix) feat. Craig Owens, Fall Out Boy, Nicole Dollanganger 10/10 \\this remix is on another level, it’s just so well done.
6 - 800db Cloud (Ricco Harver Remix) 8/10
7 - Stupid Horse (Remix) feat. Count Baldor, GFOTY 4/10 \\this remix is just so annoying -_-
8 - Ringtone (umru Remix) 6/10
9 - xXXi_wud_nvrstøp_ÜXXx (Remix) feat. Hannah Diamond, Tommy Cash 1/10 \\I cannot stand this song
10 - 745 Sticky (Black Dresses Remix) 8/10 \\when they said “y̷̛̰͍̬̰̦̠̓͑̿̔̈́͒͒ͅę̴̡͓͖̤̞̥̻́̉͐̿̆͛͜ǎ̶̧̦̞̦̘͕̠̳̬̇͑̊̓̐” I fealt that
11 - Gecgecgec (Remix) feat. Lil West, Tony Velour 9/10
12 - xXXi_wud_nvrstøp_ÜXXx (99jakes Remix) 7/10
13 - Gec 2 Ü (Remix) feat. Dorian Electra 9/10
14 - Hand Crushed By A Mallet (Nothankyou Remix) 9/10
15 - Came To My Show (Intro) 7/10
16 - Came To My Show 9/10
17 - Toothless 8/10
18 - Small Pipe (Live At Fishcenter) 5/10
19 - 800db Cloud (Live At Fishcenter) 10/10
This is definitely my favorite remix album. Most remix albums I hear, like Reanimation by LINKIN PARK, feel very lacking, but this one is really well done. :)
2020 - Lavapalooza - 100 gecs [DS] 9/10
1 - can Ü hear me now 10/10 \\I love this song so much
2 - Blackout (Lavapalooza Remix) 9/10
3 - Delete my Fuckn Socials feat. Alice Gas 9/10
4 - ​Ievan Polkka (Lavapalooza Remix) 7/10
5 - mischief 10/10
6 - MTC (Lavapalooza Remix) 7/10
7 - geccraft 10/10
8 - Old MacDonald 6/10 \\funny
9 - torture me (demo) 9/10
10 - always miss Ü 9/10
This is my second favorite digital show, it has no skip worthy songs, in my opinion.
2020 - Appleville - 100 gecs [DS] 6/10
1 - ratratrat (intro) 7/10
2 - Want Ü 2 Love Me 9/10
3 - It's Tricky x War Pigs (Appleville Mashup) 4/10
4 - Blinded by the Light [Manfred Mann] (feat. Tony Velour) 6/10
5 - cook real good 7/10
It’s a cool concept but I can’t bring myself to really enjoy this show.
2020 - DISCO4 :: PART I - HEALTH [S] 8/10
3 - POWER FANTASY (feat. 100 gecs) 8/10
Honestly a pretty good song, I’m glad that HEALTH and 100 gecs did a collaboration
2020 - LONELY MACHINES - 3OH!3 [S] 8/10
1 - LONELY MACHINES (feat. 100 gecs) 8/10
I’ve never been a 3OH!3 fan but this song is pretty good
2020 - laura les @ 909fest - Laura Les [DS] 8/10
1 - The Boys Are Back In Town (Remix) 6/10
2 - West Virginia (Does your dad wanna kill me) 7/10
3 - hand crushed by a mallet (909 Remix) 8/10 \\dog
4 - Get this collar off my neck 7/10
5 - Run Rabbit Run (800 db remix) 8/10 \\same as the end part of the Summer Nights remix
6 - Come Back Someday 7/10
7 - Comedy 6/10
8 - Happy Fartcore 6/10 \\:(
9 - Starlight 8/10
10 - Bangarang (Laura Les remix) 7/10
11 - Walls Are Closing In 8/10
12 - Hardcore Will Never Die 8/10
It’s pretty alright, definitely better than I was expecting
2020 - live at HEAV3N goes 2 H3LL - 100 gecs [DJ] 7/10
1 - live at HEAV3N goes 2 H3LL 7/10
this is a single hour long recording of the set, I couldn’t find a version with the tracks separated to bare with me please
2020 - Laura Les @ A2B2 - Laura Les [DS] 8/10
1 - Tired 6/10 \\the oof breaks me
2 - Haunted (demo) 8/10
3 - Ken 7/10
4 - Bring A Gun 6/10 \\funny intermission
5 - Whats Happening 8/10 \\wasn’t expecting anything like this
6 - In The Trunk. 5/10
7 - U X Me 8/10
8 - And Make Sure Its Loaded 7/10
This set was pretty good but so was most of Night of Fire
2020 - sympathy 4 the grinch - 100 gecs [S] 9/10
1 - sympathy 4 the grinch 9/10
One of the only good christmas songs
2021 - One Step Closer (100 gecs Reanimation) - LINKIN PARK [S] 9/10
1 - One Step Closer (100 gecs Reanimation) 9/10
Though I’m disappointed that LP wasn’t able to go through with the whole second Reanimation, I’m so glad that this song happened, I’ve probably listened to it more than the regular version of One Step Closer
2021 - Haunted - Laura Les [S] 9/10
1 - Haunted 9/10
This song took a while for me to get into but it really started to stick with me recently
2021 - Live @ Vampalooza - laura les & petal supply [DS]
1 - vamp_intro 5/10
2 - Lately 8/10
3 - I <3 U a lot 7/10
4 - ddiscombbobulated 6/10
5 - PRTY GRL 7/10
6 - Kiss Goodnight 7/10
It was an alright show, some of the talking seemed a bit unnecessary
2021 - Cake Pop 2 - CAKE POP [S] 8/10
1 - black rum 10/10 \\the vocals on this song are so good
2 - cake happy 7/10
3 - whistle 9/10
4 - magic 5/10
5 - ether 7/10
6 - candy floss 7/10
7 - satin bedsheets 6/10
8 - boom (let version) 8/10 \\this is the original version of the song, after its release Dylan changed the line “let the speaker go boom” to “make the speaker go boom”
8 - boom (make version) 9/10 \\I prefer this version
9 - pombachu 8/10 \\wtf is the outro(s)
10 - almost famous 9/10
This is honestly a HUGE step up from the last album 6 years prior
2021 - Live at Terminal 5 - 100 gecs [L] 10/10
1 - crowd's hyped (Live at Terminal 5 Intro)
2 - hey big man (Live at Terminal 5) 9/10
3 - new york fricking city (interlude) [Live at Terminal 5]
4 - stupid horse (Live at Terminal 5) 9/10
5 - what's up y'all (interlude) [Live at Terminal 5]
6 - 757 (Live at Terminal 5) 10/10
7 - new york, new york (interlude) [Live at Terminal 5]
8 - gamelan (Live at Terminal 5) 7/10
9 - new york, new york (Frank Sinatra cover) [Live at Terminal 5] 7/10
10 - ringtone (Live at Terminal 5) 9/10
11 - somebody's watching (interlude) [Live at Terminal 5]
12 - fallen 4 Ü (Live at Terminal 5) 9/10
13 - the great city of new york (interlude) [Live at Terminal 5]
14 - hollywood baby (Live at Terminal 5) 10/10 \\I had this version of the song on repeat until it’s release
15 - new york (Live at Terminal 5)
16 - gecgecgec (Live at Terminal 5) 8/10
17 - 3DS (interlude) [Live at Terminal 5]
18 - hand crushed by a mallet (Live at Terminal 5) 9/10
19 - new york, new york (Frank Sinatra cover) [part 2] {Live at Terminal 5} 6/10
20 - billie knows jamie (Live at Terminal 5) 10/10 \\I love the improv in this version of the song. Something to note about this track is during this show they play the studio versions of the songs in the background for the instrumentals and they also have the vocals in the background for the effects that they can’t do live, the vocals aren’t in the background for this song which implies that the vocals hadn’t been recorded yet, this also explains why there was an improv part in the middle of the song, they hadn’t finished the lyrics yet.
21 - rare intersection (interlude) [Live at Terminal 5]
22 - mememe (Live at Terminal 5) 10/10
23 - one million dollars (Live at Terminal 5) 10/10 \\Laura goes crazy on the guitar
24 - hope you're not doing sup-par (interlude) [Live at Terminal 5]
25 - money machine (Live at Terminal 5) 10/10 \\I love the fact that the whole crowd sings the opening lyrics
26 - insistent gec chanting (interlude) [Live at Terminal 5]
27 - what's that smell (Live at Terminal 5) 8/10
28 - i was on instagram today (interlude) [Live at Terminal 5]
29 - sympathy 4 the grinch (Live at Terminal 5) 10/10
30 - poll/thank you/last one (interlude) [Live at Terminal 5]
31 - 800db cloud (Live at Terminal 5) 10/10
I listened to this show everyday waiting for 10,000 gecs to come out. I genuinely love this show so much, I really wish I could get to actually see them live. I watched the recording of the show on the night of the album's release… I might’ve cried when it came out.
2022 - Snake Eyes - 100 gecs [S] 10/10
1 - Hey Big Man 10/10 \\I don’t care if the lyrics are cringy, the song goes crazy and the bass is amazingly intense
2 - Torture Me (feat. Skrillex) 9/10 \\they took out the part that I liked in the original version :(
3 - Runaway 10/10 \\when I first listened to this song I was so scared that it was going to be one of those shitty heartbreak songs and then it kicked and I absolutely lost my mind because this song is so fucking good.
So one night I decided to look up if any new info had come out about 10,000 gecs and there was an article that was 2 minutes old saying that this was released, I immediately bought it while sort of crying with joy because I really wanted new music and I finally got it.
H2023 - Boiler Room: 100 gecs in Los Angeles - 100 gecs [DJ] 7/10
1 - Commentary 1 6/10
2 - Eruption 6/10
3 - Where’s Your Head At (100 gecs Remix) 9/10
4 - Waves 7/10
5 - I Can't Stop 7/10
6 - Cinema [Virtual Riot Remix] 6/10
7 - 800db cloud (Ricco Harver Remix) 8/10
8 - Both [Remix] 7/10 \\I love unnecessary air horns
9 - Incredible / Blackout (Remix) 7/10
10 - A New Day Has Come (Remix) 6/10
11 - Werk / Go Hard (La.La.La) 7/10
12 - Are You That Somebody (Remix) 7/10
13 - Bust Down 6/10
14 - Get Up / Ugly 6/10
15 - Hate or Glory (Custome Edit) 7/10
16 - Haunted (Dylan Brady Remix) 7/10
17 - Jump Around 7/10
18 - Smiling 6/10
19 - ID1 7/10
20 - Z 6/10
21 - Hit Em 7/10
22 - Hey You There 6/10
23 - Heads Will Roll (A-Trak Remix) [Jay TP Edit] 6/10
24 - Heads Will Roll (Leroy Remix) 7/10
25 - Mantra (Nitepunk Remix) 7/10
26 - ID2 / ID3 7/10
27 - Void Song / Hello Music 6/10
28 - Jump in the Line 7/10
29 - Walkin' On the Sun 7/10
30 - Feel Good Inc. / Music Sounds Better with You (Leotrix Remix) 8/10
31 - TiK ToK (Leotrix Remix) 6/10
32 - Torture Me 8/10
33 - Join Us for a Bite 6/10 \\I’m just mad that I had to listen to a FNAF song
34 - Faneto 5/10
35 - McDonalds 7/10
36 - The Star 6/10
37 - Hounds 6/10
38 - OHFR? 7/10
39 - Report Card / Solar 7/10
40 - Divide & Conquer (Noisia Remix) / Livin' la Vida Loca (PLURGATTI BOY 420 Remix) 6/10
41 - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites (Dirtyphonics Remix) / Yeah Right 8/10
42 - Immortals 6/10
43 - I Serve the Base 7/10
44 - Rock the Bells 8/10
45 - anthems (Dylan Brady Remix) 7/10
46 - Signatune (Thomas Bangalter Edit) 6/10
47 - Weeble Wobble 6/10
48 - De 38 Carregado / Better Off Alone (Weird Baile Remix) 6/10
49 - hand crushed by a mallet (Laura Les Remix) 8/10 \\dog
50 - xXXi wud nvrstøp ÜXXx (Shinigami Remix) 9/10
51 - Everytime We Touch (Remix) 7/10
52 - Satisfaction (Remix) 7/10
53 - ORANGE SODA 6/10
54 - Commentary 2 6/10
55 - Toxicity (100 gecs Remix) 9/10
56 - Woke Up This Morning (Remix) 7/10
57 - Commentary 3 5/10
It’s a pretty good show, it’s also an hour and 26 minutes long.
2023 - 10000 gecs - 100 gecs [S] 10/10
1 - Dumbest Girl Alive 10/10
2 - 757 10/10 \\I love the Star Wars noises \\possible dog bark here
2 - 757 (physical version) 10/10 \\the version of this song and BKJ on CD and vinyl are vastly different than the digital release
3 - Hollywood Baby 10/10
4 - Frog On The Floor 10/10
5 - Doritos & Fritos 10/10
6 - Billy Knows Jamie 10/10 \\I really like how aggressive this version is
6 - Billy Knows Jamie (physical version) 10/10 \\I honestly prefer this version but the other is just as good
7 - One Million Dollars 10/10 \\the guitar on this song is amazing
8 - The Most Wanted Person In The United States 10/10 \\dog, the dog bark is realistic this time
9 - I Got My Tooth Removed 10/10 \\if you pay close attention, after the second time Laura says “I got my tooth removed” you hear what sound like a small moan, if you slow the song down to about 40% of its original speed you can hear that the “moan” is actually some voice saying “I know” which is a really cool easter egg
10 - mememe 10/10
This is by far one of my favorite albums if it wasn’t apparent, it was well worth the wait. I still get chills whenever I listen to this album, it’s just so good and such a leap in quality from their first album. I wonder what 100,000 gecs will be like.
This is 32,124 characters long and took my around 4 days to do
Sorry if it is kinda rough, I don’t do this very often, but if your interested I’ve also made a review for Death Grips and Rammstein
I would absolutely appreciate any feedback I can get
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Therapy Session 1 - Ultimate Imposter
[Part 1]
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Location: Adminstration Building, Nagi's Therapist Room
Time: 11 PM
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Now then, I wonder where he is...
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Oh, well hello there Byakuya - you arrive just in time, thank you for coming...
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Of course - again had to take care of a few things so apologies for being late...
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That's good, now sit over at the sofa and will begin...
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Of course... *Byakuya walk over and sat down*
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Well then, Byakuya - how have things been since you got out of the simulation? Any trouble at all?
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Well... a lot more doable then being in a killing game and while everyone else is working on being better, I'm doing fine...
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But I was wondering when I'll get my surgery to remove my gallbladder?
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Right, I think once Teruteru is up; I'll ask Hajime to remove it but you'll need to recover for a couple of weeks...
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Understood, as say I do want to get this taken care of as quickly as possible.
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Of course we will but now then, given that it seems you remember your time at Hope's Peak; do you wish to share or do you feel uncomfortable with sharing it?
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...I guess that's a no?
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Not at all, I don't mind sharing my past with you, given you likely know of who I am, correct?
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*pulls out a binder* Well, not exactly but I have your profile but the information is limited...
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I see... so there isn't much filled here, hm?
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Not really, there isn't much say here nor anything about your past or family so I don't know...
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But maybe you can enlighten me on your past, it could help me understand your situation.
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Very well, I'll tell you what I remember of my youth...
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eldragon-x · 2 years
Is it possible to get an action replay code for eos that unlocks the special episodes? 
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seumascowan · 1 year
Body By Rings • Phase 1, Week 5, Day 1 (Push1)
Last full week of phase 1 started today. All the same, just maxed on repetitions. All mostly good. Could get a little wider on the archer push-ups.
A-Z catalog is Desert Heretic "Arid Sacrilege" from the EP of the same name. If not mistaken, my man here is a one-bloke black metal outfit outta Scotland — came to me via following Hellripper and Tyrannus. Always down to support the Scottish metal, but easy to do so when its good! The 'Ds' in the library are so goddamn good.
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my-1heart · 1 year
my-1heart's autobiography
Greetings reader and welcome to my library.
Before we start! I do want to point out that posting is VERY inconsistent! While maintaining a school, work, n life balance, writing is something I haven’t been able to properly do in a good while. So as such, posting will be when I feel like it
You may refer to me as Zuzu. I'll be your librarian!
While talking to me or about me, please refer to me with she/her pronouns.
Besides the fact that I’m 18 now, my content is for everyone!!
I do have a reblog account as I try to keep things as organized as possible! Through reblogs, you’ll be able to see what I read and like!
- Interested to know? Follow @bladenthusiast !! (NSFW WARNING)
- or wanna hear more personal things? Your librarian being more than a writer? Follow @mybabbling-heart !!
Interested in my current favorite song? Listen away!
More about your librarian <3 (optional read)
I'm a Vietnamese-American who's also a senior in high school, so most of my time during the day is spent at school.
I play a different plethora of games which include: Love & Deepspace (current brainrot), Genshin Impact (sometimes), and HSR (also sometimes)
Might as well tell yall my favorite characters: Vil Schoenheit (TWST), Zayne (L&DS), Blade (HSR), Diluc (GI)
I also watch a lot of anime. Some of my favorites right now are: Heaven Official's Blessing, HoriMiya (HoriMiya: The Missing Pieces to), Black Butler, Loving Yamada at Lv999, Kamisama Kiss, & Signs of Affection
I'm currently watching: Signs of Affection, TGCF season 2, & Bungo Stray Dogs
I read a lot of manwha/manga/manhua (or webtoon I guess?) to!
I personally recommend reading the ones below as they are completed! (be warned! What I read sometimes contain dark content that may not be suitable for all audiences.):
The Tainted Half (dark content warning! | completed from where I read it | 30-40 chapters)
Daytime Star (slight dark content at the beginning? | completed with 72 chapters and 5 spin offs on WEBTOON)
Marry My Husband (death happens!! Like it’s actually drawn! | Complete with 58 chapters and 10 spin off eps on WEBTOON)
Nice To Meet You (dark content warning | completed | 78 chapters on WEBTOON)
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Edited: April 5, 2024
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mtmrem · 1 year
Exp. Share and all of the balls for the pokemon ask meme
Exp Share: Your first pokemon game and when you played it
I played emerald first during 2019 with an emulator, i didnt have a ds as a kid so i started playing recently fkdjskxj ive played all the gens now apart from a kanto or johto game but ill get to those eventually
Premier Ball: Favourite gen 1 pokemon
nidokinggg, just a massive fucking lad
Pokeball: Favourite gen 2 pokemon
its reaaally close between spinarak and murkrow, scizor is also a runner up
Great Ball: Favourite gen 3 pokemon
flygon!! i have one in emerald called jerry and i love him very much
Cherish Ball: Favourite gen 4 pokemon
luxray was my favourite as a kid because of this ep of the anime i saw as a kid where they went into a haunted house with another trainer who had a really sassy luxray and idk why but i liked him a lot
Friend Ball: Favourite gen 5 pokemon
volcarona i dont need to explain this its a fucking massive fluffy fire moth
Luxury Ball: Favourite gen 6 pokemon
either skiddo or gogoat idk which one i like more, carried my x run
Moon Ball: Favourite gen 7 pokemon
AAUUGGHH idk between rowlet or charjabug. or lurantis
there none for gen 8 or 9 but ill still say them, for gen 8 its centiskorch and gen 9 its VERY VERY CLOSE between tarountula, slither wing and clodsire
Ultra Ball: Favourite pseudo legendaries
hydreigon and garchomp but i think theyre all fucking awesome
Master Ball: Favourite legendaries
rayquaza no 1 with genesect a close 2nd
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pepi-nillo · 2 years
okay. end of ep 5, jw's outburst (yeo jingoo never misses) about how even if no one else remembers lee geumhwa, he will remember her and he'll catch the killer for her, right? so, he asks ds who's the killer and ds leans in, was he actually gonna tell him? did he stop before or after his phone started ringing with kjm's call?
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