#dream post
iceeericeee · 2 months
you ever just having a dream and you close your eyes in the dream but when you try to open them you can feel them opening in the real world so you just keep your eyes closed for the rest of the dream because even though this dream kinda sucks now that you can't see you know that real life is even worse?
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butterfrogmantis · 4 months
idk what I call this style but I had a dream last night and this happened fjsdkfsjkdfjk
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He was cold!!
The other half of the dream involved Binky Barnes from Arthur trying to take over my house. maybe i've watched TOO much Arthur recently
Archaeologist (c) The Smurfs
Skelly is mine
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im-a-dragon-cawcaw · 7 months
Had a dream I was in a cafe or something waiting for my mocha latte and I bumped into this man who started hitting on me and I assume I had my usual unamused expression on because he dropped the “you would look prettier if you smiled” line on me. I decked him in the throat and he started choking.
The scene changes to me in the court room being sentenced to 40 hours of community service on account of “destruction of public property”.
Dream me thought the “public property” had something to do with the man and it confused me so much I woke up
The end
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cursed-elo-images · 6 months
So I had a very vivid dream last night where I was in a building of some sort(?) I don’t know if it was a school but yeah. So I’m accompanied with 1973-1974 era Hugh McDowell (long hair, moustache, and no beard) and we’re having a conversation about something that I forgot.
Anyways, weirdly enough, he was super nice to me. Extroverted? A little, yet he was also pretty chill and charismatic. Very fun to be around. His voice was smooth and a slightly nasally London accent, just like how he actually sounded.
So we walk over to Jeff Lynne, who appears slightly irritated for some reason, and we converse with him, I think we asked him what we need to do since we were assigned something I believe. Apparently Jeff is our teacher who assigned his class a group project??? Hugh and I ask him how we do it and he tells us that there needs to be three people per group. Hugh and I, in the dream, were implied to be friends so we decide to create the group around us. We think of who can be the third one in our group and I suggest that we find Melvyn Gale and have him in our group. Hugh agrees and starts rushing towards a certain direction to find him. I follow Hugh but I get lost and I lose sight of him, and I am unable to find the two. The dream ends.
What is this supposed to mean, ELOblr???
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architect-lumicent · 1 year
I had a dream that subnautica 3 was out and I woke up so upset because it is in fact not out :(
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ditto-not-on-discord · 9 months
Weird Deltarune Dream I had last night
So in this dream, chapters 3-5 released. and while 3 was the silly chapter we all expected, chapter 4 introduced something... Interesting.
The chapter begins by wandering around Hometown, eventually reaching the puddle guy from the September 2022 status update.
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You know, this guy? While you talked to them, the puddle would slowly turn black, until..... They fell in. THIS would be an introduction to a new game mechanic known as "Positron Puddles". Turns out the knight creating fountains willy nilly (and you sealing them back up) has caused the barrier between the dark world and light world to become VERY fragile, with it breaking at these Puddles. In the Light World, Jumping into these puddles would send you to a mini-dark world. these would be optional mini missions, but important things to do none the less.
In Main Dark Worlds, these would appear alongside "Photon Puddles". Jumping into a Photon Puddle would send you back to the light world... kinda. you would be in a location where your actions could affect the dark world as a whole. For example, in the Chapter 4 Dark World (taking place in the diner shortly after you encounter the puddle guy), you would be taken to the back kitchen, where the freezer door would be able to be opened and closed. Opening it would cause the area to shift from a warm desert-like location to a frosty winter wonderland.
Jumping into a Positron Puddle while in a dark world, however, sends you to "The Void", which is a distorted monochrome version of whatever Dark World it is in. The Knight would be an actual threat here, as well as odd creatures and vessels. Jumping down there would be mainly for navigating past parts of the regular dark world that have been completely broken by... something.
Also its worth noting that Positrons are also often called "Anti-Photons".
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salamansir · 8 months
Dream post, I'd appreciate if you gave your thoughts (read the tags please)
So I had a dream a few months ago that was a little weird. I was tied to the base of a pine tree with a stiff rope, and a handsome man with black hair and pale skin came around the trunk. I think I knew him, and trusted him. He laid out a beat up book, a small pot, and pulled a small knife out of his pocket.
He was whispering sweet nothings into my ear about how much he cared about me, and that he was going to show me. He ripped off my boots and my pants, I was shirtless and in my underwear and socks
The ground I'm sitting on is soft and mossy, but the two trees beside the pine are branchy, have no bark, and look dead. He puts his hand on my thigh and lovingly squeezes the fat there, tracing his warm fingers over the small scars while flipping through the book. He's mumbling something under his breath and following the words on the stained paper with a finger and the book on the ground in-between his legs.
He stops, and looks up at me. I think I'm crying, begging him to let me go. He gives me a smile that has my stomach twisting in uncomfortable knots despite the warmth of it. He kisses me on the forehead and tells me that I'll be fine, ill wake up good as new! He tells me that the pain will be temporary, but his love will last longer than my body ever will.
He picks up the knife, and sits on my shin, and says "Look", and cuts a deep line on the inside of my thigh. There is blood all over his hands, and he was going for the artery. I'm screaming, but nothing is really coming out aside from pained whimpers, and I feel very tired. He does the same thing to the other leg, but I'm more focuses on how beautiful his expression is, how much focus he's putting into... whatever the hell this is. My mind feels hazy, like I'm standing in a foggy field. He makes a cut right under my collar bone and it feels like I'm being burned alive. Like I've been doused in cold water, the haze is gone, and he looks... deranged. He's enjoying this. He brings his hand up to his mouth and licks my blood from his wrist all the way to his finger tips and shivers a little. He's savoring the taste, and reaches into his bag and pulls out a candle in a glass jar. He puts it to the side.
I haven't bled out yet. Or maybe I have? I'm still conscious, but I'm so... cold...
He puts his tacky hands on my shoulders and makes a matching cut under the other side of my collarbone. I don't even feel it. I can't hear what he's saying anymore, he kisses my on the cheek this time and gives me a little pat on the other. He sits infront of me as if this were a picnic and starts talking vigorously about something. I don't know, I finally close my eyes. I'm dead. I know I am. So... why do I feel so warm? I'm tingly all over, and I feel like I'm under water.
That's the end of the dream (that part at least)
I was walking through the woods behind my house today doing ✨️creture✨️ things and I go deeper than I have ever gone. And I see it. The tree.
It has the two dead ones around it, and when I go closer, I can see that around the trunk, towards the very bottom, it has an indeat 3/4 of the way around like it was strangle by a vine and then cut away. I do a stupid idiot thing and sit on the ground where I was in the dream. A TERRIBLE, STOMACH CHURNING SENSE OF DREAD washes over me and I feel like I'm going to vomit. I stand up to leave and my foot gets caught in a hole, but I pull it out. I'm on the phone with my friend (We'll call him Ace) and we're talking about the tree, and I tell him I'm not sure which direction I'm going in. I tell Ace that I'm going to walk until I find something familiar, and then I hear my little brother (11) tell me "House is that way Age!"
(Age being how you pronounce a nickname my friend shortened my name to)
Ace hears me acknowledge my brother and I start heading in the direction I heard the voice. I find where I am, and stick to that area looking at some different fungus and what not. But I can't get the tree out of my head, and as I'm about to go back to it, I remember that MY BROTHER IS NOT HOME-
He is at my grandparents house for the day. I start speed walking, and then run out of the woods and inside and here we are.
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j-a-nuary · 27 days
Just woke up from a dream where Yeosang had a solo song at Coachella that was entirely and blatantly against institutionalized violence by cops and the only line I can remember is
"They police your tortillas"
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wolfclaw666 · 2 months
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had a dream last night that i was playing a poorly made fnaf fangame and the map layout and mechanics were somewhat like this
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knightotoc · 7 months
I just had a dream that, because the Vatican wanted to include a 90-second rap video in all their Easter church services, it set off a string of calendrical equations that resulted in leap days happening not once every 4 years but once every 19 years. I remember there was a highly technical diagram which involved projecting the video at different points around a column in St. Peter's Basilica. The purpose of the video was of course to get young people excited about going to church. The most unbelievable thing about the dream was that the video was, somehow, not that bad.
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iceeericeee · 4 months
I just had the weirdest dream yet. I was on tumblr and got a notification that someone had answered my ask (I don’t remember what their url was, only that their pfp was of Shawn Spencer). I looked at what I had asked them and apparently I had asked, “Gone are the days Gone are the days Gone are the days” over and over again. And they had responded with “Bury the ones who can’t see the truth”. It was sososo weird.
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misscryptidart · 7 months
Had a dream last night that Earth was a couple years deep into an alien invasion. Think massive octopuses with neon colors that ranged from little guys to colossal titans that shared a hive mind. And the only reason that humanity was surviving this entire time was because we had adapted pretty quickly to surviving on naval ships/cruises and continuously moved so that a coordinated assault was harder.
But each time we did have an encounter, it was getting closer and closer to total ruin. So we were reaching out to outer space looking for help. Eventually ,we got in contact with an alien group that was making their way to earth, and the assumption was that they would come to help us repel these aliens.
Anyways, the dream ends with these aliens finally arriving, and when humanity asked for their aid, they got really confused. Their speaker then said, "You are the last planet to survive. All of ours are gone. You were our last chance."
Then I woke up feeling strange.
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homosociallyyours · 8 months
dreamed I made out with t swift lol
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chibelial · 8 months
I’ve had very similar dreams about the deadline for a class project for years now. In the dream the project has been assigned for literal months and I just have been too stressed to do it and I can’t even remember the whole thing. The dream stresses me out so bad so frequently that the past year or so when I really sit down to think through like, my current to do list of big tasks, literally I’ll think “fuck I still haven’t even researched stuff for that essay” and then I have to take a sec like brain buddy we haven’t been in school in a few years now
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cursed-elo-images · 6 months
This one time I had a dream where I was in a forest and I saw Melvyn Gale wearing a black jacket. It was very sunny out so his hair was bright and shiny, and there were reddish tones in his hair.
(I wonder what hair color Melvyn has; I always thought it was light brown but I saw a picture of him yesterday in the sunlight and his hair looked blonde—)
Anyways, he was trying to tell me something but I couldn’t understand what he was saying because he was upset and crying for some reason and his words came out slurred due to him crying. I believe I asked him “what’s wrong?” and I just couldn’t understand what he said. It was a very ominous dream…
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amingethia · 2 years
I woke up this morning very confused as to why I was in my bed and not in our family van fleeing our home with our cats, dogs, and essential possessions from the volcano situated right beside our neighbours house.
….There is no volcano right beside our neighbours house.
…. We don’t even own a van.
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