#dragon biology
cluepoke-archive · 6 months
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Dractos Meledere or the Prickle Back is a small to medium sized bergon that has specialized wings perfect for climbing trees and flying short distances (usually from one branch to another, but in some cases they may fly for several hours) the Prickle Back has many variations in colours, ranging from blue to white, and even mimicking their bergon relatives, Grizzlers, by acquiring a brown coat in some areas of the world. The Prickle Back is typically not aggressive unless caring for its young or provoked.
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lil-tachyon · 1 year
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A fully energized sturmdrakken and a minor lightning sprite, attracted to the buildup of electric potential
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peregrinethegryphon · 8 months
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Every time I just casually draw a dragon I wind up drawing roughly the same dude; snake-like body, short limbs, long snout, a frill, and usually horned nostrils and a rattle. So I decided to finally pin down a design for this slinky guy, whom I’ve just been calling “Noodle”, while simultaneously experimenting with a plausible(-ish) design for a four-legged-two-winged dragon based on Draco Lizards. Yeah, he does resemble a Rainwing, but is that really surprising? Rainwings are my favorite dragon species.
I looked at so many lizard skeletons and I still don’t feel like I did this skeletal justice, but it will have to do. I primarily referenced Draco Lizards and Komodo Dragons. I fused the vertebrae that the rib-wing bones attached to make the area more robust.
Also went with a scale pattern reminiscent of the Wings of Fire illustrations by Joy Ang because they’re fun to do and they make my life easier and no other scale pattern I tried looked good.
I plan on making more species within this evolutionary line that will all get descriptions alongside this one, so I won’t give much detail about this species yet, just that they’re semi-aquatic river and lake dwellers that rely on multiple adaptations to look scary and deter threats as they can’t breathe fire like most other dragons.
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quiet-art-kid · 2 months
Httyd fun fact!
it is actually possible for blood to be green. I always thought that this was more of a fantastical element. But no, there are actual animales out there with green blood. Its really cool.
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
Loved Chapter 30!!!! But I need answers!!!!
Who is Vhagar’s baby daddy???!!! 👀
It can’t be Vermithor bc he’s her son
Caraxes is toooo annoying
Sunfyre was at Kingslanding.
Seasmoke? Maybe? He seems chill and polite for a dragon? Maybe Vhagar has good memories of flying with him when Laena and Laenor were still alive?
Arrax and Vermax: just no…
So, I am left with a few alternative theories in order of rational plausibility:
1.) Vhagar mated with a wild dragon while at Dragonstone. The black egg suggests the Cannibal maybe? Or another dragon?
2.) These eggs are from a mating with Balerion, but Vhagar has simply refused to lay them until now because she wanted an appropriately important reason to do so. Her eggs only deserve the best after all!!!
3.) Miraculous conception. Another way the gods are showing their approval by blessing Rhanyera and her consorts with these eggs.
4.) Vhagar invented dragon asexual reproduction??? IDK it’s Vhagar!!! She can do whatever she wants if she’s determined to do so!!! I’d believe it.
So…who is it??? 👀 Please, the people need to know!!!
It's closest to #4! I subscribe to the theory that dragons are hermaphroditic and capable of asexual reproduction. I don't remember which specific Maester had this theory (I think Septon Barth? If so he was probably right because he was right about practically everything. There was also one other whose name I can't remember), but it's mentioned. Within the text, certain dragons are referred to by different pronouns at different time points, suggesting they can and do change their gender. And HotD seemed to confirm the asexual reproduction theory, because for all the discussion of egg-laying and clutches, there's never any mention of dragons mating and there's only ever mentions of one parent, not two.
I think this ties in nicely to the idea that the dragons' existence is reliant on magic. Most of the egg-laying that's mentioned throughout ASoIaF takes place when one or more Targaryen women are pregnant. We have vague information/implications that Targaryen women, and pregnancies in particular (dragon babies, anyone?), played a role in the blood magic of Old Valyria. It also adds more poetic depth to the fact that the downfall of the Targaryens and their dragons comes from repeated sidelining of their women such as Rhaenys and Rhaenyra.
So within Stormbreak, dragon reproduction is as follows: Dragons can change gender if they so wish, and they can reproduce asexually. But they will only lay eggs in one of two cases:
Their rider (who they're bonded with) is pregnant
Someone their rider is bonded to (in the Valyrian tradition) is pregnant
In this case, Vhagar is feeling extra fertile right now because... you guessed it... Rhaenyra is pregnant, and since they're both bonded to Aemond in the Valyrian way, they're kinda indirectly bonded to each other. There's definitely some type of wacky magical transference going on there. Caraxes would def be all up in the egg laying thing, but he's male at the start of the Dance and it takes time to transition, so... Vhagar beat him to it!
(The magic also scales with the number of babies in my mind, so since Rhaenyra is carrying multiples... it's enough magic to bring Vhagar out of dragon menopause is what I'm saying)
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queer-ghosts · 8 months
in my opinion, dragons are a mix of amphibian, reptilian and bird.
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10blue10 · 1 year
The Evolution of Dragons Pt 1
Okay, so me and @arourallisreborn​ were discussing how the dragons from HTTYD might have evolved, and my research has led me to an exciting discovery. To start off, I am making two assumptions for this. One: HTTYD takes place in an alternate version of Earth. Two: the prehistory of this version of Earth followed a similar path to our own, except for the dragons of course.
Evolution of Flight
Now you might think that dragons evolved from some mutant six limbed ancestor, but arourallis came up with another hypothesis. Namely that the ancestors of dragons were gliding reptiles with wings supported by elongated ribs, similar to modern ‘flying lizards’. If you look at the Bewilderbeast’s wings, for example, you’ll see that the wing-struts run from the wing edge to its torso.
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In most dragons, the wing struts all converge at either the ‘shoulder’ or the ‘wrist’ of the wing, depending on how articulated it is. For example, a Thunderdrums wing is like a giant fan that only articulates at the ‘shoulder’, whereas a Rumblehorn’s wing clearly has a ‘shoulder’, ‘elbow’ and ‘wrist’.
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So, that exciting discovery I mentioned? It turns out there was a family of flying reptiles called Weigeltisauridae that lived during the Permian period, between 260 to 251 million years ago. Like this little guy, Coelurosauravus:
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To quote Wikipedia: “They are characterised by long, hollow rod-shaped bones extending from the torso that probably supported wing-like membranes…These have been proposed to be modified gastralia or otherwise a novel bone ossification.” In other words, these guys had wing bones. They also had lightweight skeletons thanks to air spaces within the bones.
What I’m saying is that these reptiles were already two fifths of the way to a dragon lol. The first major divergence from IRL prehistory is this: instead of going extinct, at least one genus of this family survived the Great Dying and then split in two, with one group staying arboreal and the other becoming aquatic; perhaps to avoid competition with the ancestors of pterosaurs.
As for the arboreal group, a chance mutation might have made their gliding wings more flexible. This would make them a bit more manoeuvrable, just enough to give them an edge. From there they could have evolved true powered flight. I think these proto-dragons would fill out a similar niche to insect eating birds, millions of years before birds evolved from dinosaurs.
Now for millions of years, the draconids as we’ll call them would have stayed relatively small, to avoid competing with all the other reptiles in the Mesozoic era. Perhaps they’d have evolved slightly more articulated wings by the late Jurassic/early Cretaceous, as well as diversified into the main groups of short necked or long necked air dragons or sea dragons. It’s difficult to judge.
As for how more articulated wings would evolve, from what I can tell it would start with the bony rods supporting the wing moving from being at right angles to the spine, to converging at the inner crook of the wing. Or maybe at a point further along the leading wing bone. As their wings got larger, the leading bone would get stronger and more flexible, evolving an ‘elbow’ and ‘wrist’ joint.
I also think the dragons stomachs would be full of symbiotic bacteria that produce lighter than air gases. These, combined with hollowed bones, would allow them to fly even as their bodies got larger. Since we’re using SCIENCE, let’s assume that gravity is slightly less strong on this alternate Earth, to explain how even massive dragons are able to fly with relatively short wings.
If all this seems a bit far-fetched, keep in mind that it would take millions of years. Besides, whales evolved from weird little hoofed deer things in about 8 million years, so evolution can be pretty fast (by geological timescales).
Some of these early dragons might have grown large enough to directly compete with pterosaurs, but those species would likely have gone extinct when the asteroid came along. It’s possible that the remaining species survived by feeding on carrion or even on fish that also survived the impact.
(Arourallis has a theory that dragons took shelter in the Hidden World when the asteroid hit. Whilst I have issues with the ‘hidden world’ cave system existing in the first place, I like the idea of them taking shelter in cave systems.)
As @arourallisreborn​ put it, once the other large reptiles went extinct, dragons would have rapidly diversified and grown larger to refill that niche. I also think they’d mostly be living on what would become Europe and Asia. Thus giving our own ancestors in Africa time to evolve before the huge flying fire breathing reptiles showed up. As for how fire breathing evolved in these dragons…
That will have to wait for part two ;)
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dinodogs · 1 year
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Working on some dragon biology so heres team rwby! I wanted to try and make some differences between how I draw the tribes and certain characters so these 4 are my guinea pigs. I also wanted to try and make Ruby and Yang look more like hybrids. Sorry about the watermark, tryna keep AI and thieves away from my stuff :( I've got dysgraphia so my handwriting sucks, so I'll add all the notes right here for u guys Ruby (Sky/sand hybrid) - Big ears (sandwing trait) - Her frill gives her bangs - big eyes like a bird of prey (skywing trait) - bird like talons with a long thumb talon to keep grip on prey (skywing trait) - Big teeth, made to rip off big chunks of meat and eat them whole like a bird would (skywing trait) - She has a sandwing barb now but it has no poison in it, so she's just got a knife on her tail.
Weiss (icewing) - Retractable, serrated claws - Small teeth like an orcas, meant to shred instead of rip - long ears - only royals have antlers, she's yet to really grow her antlers to their full size
Blake (Nightwing) - bat lookin nose - big ears like a bats as well - Small claws - Teeth are meant to chew instead of just swallow it whole - Big eyes for night vision Yang (Sand/night hybrid) - Chunky paws and talons (sandwing trait) - Nightwing ears like Blakes - her missing arm is made of wood - Has a stinger with poison in it - Long and very messy frill - smallish claws, not exactly nightwing claws but also not sandwing claws.
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linaselandbasil · 2 years
Genetic analysis and man of science mumbo jumbo about Lance and Valkyon
Yes, this is still part 2.
Here are the previous installments and the rant about Huang Hua.
Let's talk about those pretty eyes of theirs!
(For your information, there is already something called amber eyes in humans and it's not like Valkyons. It's more of a warm brown. When I'm referring to amber eyes I don't mean that, but I also kind of do. The same pigment can be used to make both eye colors.)
(Also, when I say dominant, I mean it very loosely because every trait you can think of is codominant and it's never that simple)
(Also also have a look at thissss.)
So, I've said before that I think that amber eyes are dominant over blue eyes because if Tia is a homozygote with recessive phenotype and has a son with a recessive phenotype with a father who has a dominant phenotype, that means the father is heterozygote. So he had a recessive blue eye allele and a dominant amber eye allele. (Furthermore, humans can actually have amber colored eyes.)
My parents both have blue eyes and they had me with green eyes. Green eyes can be passed on, but more often they're the result of genetic mutation, like in my case. Green eyes occur when someone has recessive blue eyes but a kind of melanin gets made in small quantities that is amber colored. The blue of the iris and amber pigment at the back of the eye mix together to make green, and that is why I'm so frikin full of myself! I love green it's my favorite color!
However, Valkyons eyes are not green, so he can't have the recessive blue eye trait. He would need to have grey eyes without the melanin. I don't know what exactly the difference between grey and blue eyes is but I googled it and here is the results:
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Moreover, amber and blue are literally opposites of each other, which i assume is a metaphor for the brothers being polar opposites. Ugh, if Lance was crazy this whole time I'm pretty sure his only living family would have noticed. Unless this drastic personality change is due to trauma he's experienced after 'dieing' anyway, I assume that this might mean that it's impossible or just highly unlikely that Lance could have blue eyes. Since they both have the same combination of their fathers only recessive grey eye gene and either one of their mothers blue eye gene. Unless, of course blue eyes are dominant over grey eyes, but they're literally the same exact melanin deficiency so it's like putting two turtles in a cage and waiting for them to fight. It's not gonna happen, they're going to chill.
Anyways, I think Lance would look beautiful with grey eyes, but I probably think that because I simply dislike the color blue.
-Lance with grey eyes-
So, if Tia is carrying two recessive blue eye alleles and Khanir is carrying a recessive grey eye allele and a dominant amber eye allele then their kids would have basically no chance at having amber eyes. Most likely 3 out of 4 kids would have grayish blue eyes and 1 out of 4 would have most likely green, perhaps amber eyes.
If blue IS dominant over grey then Tia could have one grey eye allele too and their kids would have an equal chance of having blue, green, amber or grey eyes.
This option allows us to both keep Lance and Valkyon the same, so I'll choose this. But you did see how hard I had to bend my back to come to this conclusion, didn't you?
Okay, that's about eyes. Let's talk about Khanir.
Many of you may know that I'm not only a man of regular science, but also of *speculatory* science. This post should give a good example.
Anyway, what I would like to talk about today is Khanirs genome. (Im not a eugenecist we're talking about literal dragons aight?) He is obviously adapted to enduring cold environments with little sunlight. He's generally big and he has pale skin. Truly a northern man.
I would like to propose that his amber eyes are simmilar to that of Caribou deer. Caribou deer are adapted to survive long, dark arctic winters and slightly less cold summers. When there's sunlight, their eyes appear amber colored, when it's dark for a long time, their eyes turn blue. That's because their eyes change to allow more light to enter and I'm not going to pretend like I completely understand this, this is some insane science shit and I just love nature and animals aaaaaa. Anyway, that would mean that if you put Valkyon in a dark room for a few days, his eyes would adapt and turn blue as well. Nature is awesome.
The silver hair is something I've been thinking about for a lot longer because I've known about the anamoly that's the colour grey for as long as I've used paint. Grey is not a colour, it's all the colors at the same time.
Let me drop my first tidbit of information: Polar bear fur.
Trust me, polar bears are not white. They just pretend to be so the police won't shoot them. (White pigmentation cannot exist, for the record, white is the absence of color)
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So I theorize that Khanir is not of a race that needs to be as pale as possible to allow for vitamin D synthesis, but he's suffering from partial albinism that causes melanin production in his skin to get yeeted out of existence (this is a mutation that creates decreased function, so it's recessive). In the arctic, it might be really cold, but the sun is still radioactive and the snow only makes it worse. He needs to have melanin in his skin to avoid sunburn.
That would mean that if Tia is also carrying this genetic defect, 25% of their offspring would be affected by it. If Tia isn't carrying it, then none of their offspring would be affected.
Grey? Grey.
Okay I don't know how to lead into this paragraph, but let's talk about the genetics of this.
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Light hair is a recessive trait because it causes decreased function. Grey hair is also a decreased function because the melanin production is blocked. If the grey hair gene isn't influencing the melanin itself by decreasing it, but increasing something else that decreases melanin in the hair, then technically it could be a dominant allele and that gives their offspring a 50-100% chance of having silver hair! *high five*
This way if Tia gives them genes that increase melanin production, that would only influence their skin and eyes, since the melanin in their hair is blocked by some other thing.
So, now that we've conducted so much speculatory research, let's summarize:
Khanir is suffering from partial albinism and his offspring might be carriers
Fire dragons are supposed to be tan
A dragon without melanin is grey because of refraction.
Green eye supremacy
Silver hair COULD be a dominant trait
Valkyons eyes could turn blue but Lance's eyes will never be amber.
The brothers should probably be darker skinned, if my first point is true and in general because they're so whitewashed I didn't even know they weren't supposed to be white.
Also look at these pictures of polar bears I found:
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I know I'm weird for liking gore but like.... The drama! It's so dramatic! How am I supposed to be gay and chill out at the same time?
@aide-falls @lumen-anima 😘
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aikoiya · 1 year
Fae Dragons
The dragonbreath of fae dragons are able to send messages across long distances (MLP:FIM ref), their breath attacks come in much more variety of colors because fae dragons don't generally by default tend to have a specific element in the traditional sense. Rather, their main element is magic & thus their flames are the color of their magical auras. They also excel at dracomancy, crystomancy, & much more. Very few types of magic are barred from them unless it takes a specific biology or alignment.
Fae dragons are especially connected to fae & dragon magics as fae dragons are the dragon equivalent to fairies. They are the descendants of dragons who moved to the Fae Realm & have adapted to living there. Much like how high-elves are humans who've adapted to live in the Fae Realm.
They are much smaller & less physically strong or durable than most other dragons, but they make up for it with their magical prowess. They're a lot like the wizards or sorcerers of the dragon world.
Fae dragon, however, is only one taxonomic class lower than actual draconus, therefore for every normal breed of dragon, their is a fae equivalent.
A branch of dragon below even that, within the Fae draconus are those referred to as Floral Dragons.
So, for every aurora somnacanth, there is a fae aurora somnacanth.
At the same time, there are high-fae dragons which are a breed of dragon that has fully integrated itself to the land of the fae & thus have the greatest potential for magic.
This, however, leaves them being much more frail than all other dragons. The most fragile in fact. (Though, admittedly, still less fragile than most humans.)
These dragons are unique in that they are able to use all forms of elemental magies whenever they wish so long as they've trained to use it. However, this results in them not having the same connection to the primal elements that other dragons do & thus a high-fae dragon using pyroturgy will not have as much firepower as a true fire dragon.
Their power is in their versatility. At the same time, they can run the risk of becoming a jack-of-all-trade, but master-of-none. Or even becoming a bit of a glass canon.
It really depends on their personal choices whether they wish to have as many options as possible or really focus on a specific list of magical styles of their choosing.
I'm not sure whether to make fae magic effective against dragons in reference to Pokémon or not.
I'll ask for opinions & think about it.
Random Stuff Masterlist
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cluepoke-archive · 6 months
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Dractos Martimus, "sea bergon" or simply Captains Bane is a bergon residing in the far north, it's tail is much longer than any other bergon now known. Studies have shown that this is an adaptation it has acquired for plunging itself into the icy waters. The Banes wings are sharp and fearsome, providing balance and extra force when breaching into the cold waters, and it's said that they can even cut through ice.
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pidge-spots · 1 month
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b2-ar19 · 5 months
Canadian Wilderness Dragon
Scientific name:
Ursus Draconis (Bear dragon)
Verum Draconis (True Dragons)
True dragons are defined by three features:
Six limbs (Two wings, four legs), the power of flight, and the ability to breath fire (This changes between species)
The northern hemisphere, and the northern most part of North America (The upper parts of the United States, Canada). Though some have been recorded as far south as the Andes and the Patagonian coast, and Australia. Even to the southern tip of Africa.
Large animals, such as Moose, Elk, Bears, Bison, wolves, Elephant seals, Walrus, caribou, Musk Ox, and Big horn sheep. One individual was recorded hunting Great White Sharks and Orcas, and scavenging off of breached whale corpses. They even eat plants, berries, and tree-roots. They also hunt Leopard Seals.
Large dragons with a strong-bear like appearance. Their top canines are curved like saber-toothed cats, but shorter and broader. They are heavily muscled with a thick, draft-horse like neck. They are Plantigrade, meaning they walk on all of their foot, much like bears. Their horns have a curved look to them, much like Big-horn sheep. They have a heavy-set jaw with a small, horn-like protrusion on it, and a very heavy brow. Under their hard, bullet-proof scales, is a thick layer of fat. This acts as an insulation during the harsh winters of their northern homes, and allows them to hunt in the arctic circle.
Their nose is arched, and is very sheep-like in its appearance. Their wings are smaller than most dragons, but still large enough to lift their bodies for flight. Their tail is heavily muscled with a scythe-like piece of bone on the end of it. Their coloration can vary, often mimicking the animals in their habitat.
Females are larger than the males and are more heavily muscled than their male counter-parts. Females have thicker horns and a larger crest than males, and broader noses. Even their jaws are broader than the males.
Mating habits:
Females come into season during the spring, and during this time, males show off in feats of strength and endurance, by shoving each-other, much like male elephant seals. But in the end, the female chooses her mate.
Females gather in large groups, in certain areas. The Yellowstone region is a popular place, and the state of Montana. Dragon researchers call these gatherings 'flockings', and it is during this time is when the most spectacular displays of dragon behavior is seen.
Females roar, their calls broadcasting off of the rocky faces of the Rocky Mountains. This is a signal for males to come and gather, to show off to receptive females. The most dominate female in an area has the best selection of males available to her.
Canadian Wildernesses have a mammalian reproductive system (Placenta mammals in appearance). They share this with Irish Mountain Dragons, American Golden Dragons and with the African Night Dragons, suggesting a common ancestor with all four species or a similar evolution path between all four.
Females are also capable of reproducing asexually. This only happens when there are no males available, but plenty of food and resources for the two-year long gestation period.
Pregnant females after mating gestate for two years, the same as an elephant, and during this time, they hunt for calorie rich food and calcium. They continue to do this up until the eight months of their pregnancy. They then focus this time into finding a suitable birthing territory. The preferred territory is one free of other dragons, especially males and other nesting females. A female can carry up to four hatchlings in her womb. (Each one is roughly the size of a fully grown draft-horse).
The hatching season:
The hatching season happens in the spring, two years after mating. During this time, pregnant females are highly aggressive and will attack anything on sight. The only exception is Bonded Dragons.
The birth is quick, 4-8 hours, and females give birth in remote locations. (Often high in the mountains). They lie down on their sides, as their hips, back legs, and tail lock up. The hatchlings are born-head first, with their wings plastered on their sides.
Notable dragons:
Everest: The oldest recorded Canadian Wilderness, being roughly one hundred and fifty when she was spotted and tagged by researchers off the Pacific Northwest.
She is a large female with a missing horn, one has a small notch in it. One of her wings has a small tear in it. There is also notable chemical burn scars on all four of her legs. She has a wolverine-esc patterning on her body. She is famously known for hunting Orcas and Great-white sharks.
Scar-face: An old male of a dragon, recognizable for his crooked jaw, broken saber-fang, and a mess of scars on the right-side of his face. He has a Grizzly bear patterning on his scarred body. Despite his injuries, he is still going strong. It is know that he and Everest had paired up in the past.
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indoraptorgirlwind · 1 month
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
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j-tee · 4 months
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The creature….
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