#dr. ava paige
arcadian-litterateur · 4 months
the klein-paige legacy | the wilds x tmr crossover
summary: when wckd sends a girl up into the glade, dr. crawford learns about dr. paige's great-grandmother, gretchen klein, and realizes that it must run in their family to experiment on teenagers.
wc: 1.1k
warnings: knives, implication that girl glader was supposed to be for the gladers' pleasure, mentions of the basic plot of the wilds, talk of canon deaths/injuries in the wilds
a/n: so i thought of this a couple days ago at midnight and couldn't get it out of my head and then i wrote it within a couple hours while doing schoolwork. it wasn't supposed to end up being crack lol but then all of a sudden it was. that being said: this fic does not represent my views on the character of dr. crawford whatsoever. i do not actually believe that she was lacking in common sense. i just needed a character for ava paige to interact with and then the characters just ran with it. so it ended up being a silly goofy little one shot that i hope you enjoy!
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𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗚𝗜𝗥𝗟 who came up in the Box was feisty.
The minute Gally had jumped down into the Box, she drove a knee in between his legs, sending him to his knees in pain. Newt jumped down beside his friend, hoping that he'd be able to calm the girl down, but she simply bared her teeth in warning. When he ignored this warning and reached out for her, she twisted his outstretched arm behind his back and secured him in a headlock, pressing a knife to his neck.
She'd found the knife on the ride up after waking up with no memory and a crumpled note in her hand. She'd immediately shoved the note through one of the holes in the side of the Box and watched it fall down, down, down. She would not be what the note implied. Not for the boys in “the Glade” (whatever that was), and not for anyone. So instead of letting her fate be decided for her, she'd crawled around the moving cage, looking for a weapon, and upon finding a knife, got ready to defend herself.
Dr. Ava Paige watched these events take place through her state of the art viewing screens, lips curving into what should have been a smile but really just looked evil. Another woman stood to her left—Dr. Crawford—and this woman was typing notes as fast as she could, cataloging the girl's actions and Dr. Paige's observations.
“She probably thinks she wasn’t supposed to wake up yet. She probably thinks that note is supposed to be her true fate. It’s just a trigger, in reality. Supposed to get her survival instincts kick-started. And just as I expected, her first survival instinct was to defend and attack,” Dr. Paige mused, rubbing her chin between her fingers. “The exact same instinct shown by Group B.” She glanced over at Dr. Crawford to see if the woman pick up on her train of thought. 
“What first survival instinct did Group A show?” Dr. Crawford inquired, and Dr. Paige grinned. The other woman was asking the right questions. 
“Not that,” Dr. Paige laughed. “Their first survival instinct was to strengthen and explore. They were out in the Maze within days, and the rest of them stayed behind to start building using the supplies we sent up. It took the girls a month before they were willing to explore the Maze, instead painstakingly scanning the Spring to make sure of its safety and then testing all of the supplies carefully to make sure they were safe.” 
“So the boys jumped right in, and the girls were overly cautious?” Dr. Crawford summarized. Dr. Paige hummed in response,
“You could say that. Or maybe, the girls were just the right amount of cautious for a group of teenage girls trapped in a strange place. I think of it as Group A trusting that the supplies were sent up for their own good, whereas Group B wasn't so trusting, and wanted to make sure the supplies weren't another way to subjugate them.” Dr. Crawford seemed to only slightly understand, but didn't voice her confusion. 
“It's a mirror image of our society, don't you think?” Dr. Paige continued, to which Dr. Crawford didn't have an answer. This just caused the older, blonde woman to chuckle, “In our society, men are used to automatically profiting. Automatically being raised up. Whereas women in our society are used to automatically being oppressed. Automatically being pushed backwards two steps for every one step their male counterparts take. Therefore, men trust the powers that be much more readily because they assume those powers are on their side. They've never known anything different. But women automatically assume those powers are out to tear them down. The two groups acted accordingly.” 
Dr. Paige's grin grew as she stared at the monitors, watching the girl in the Glade give subject A5 a bloody nose. “Lucky for them, I'm neutral.” 
Dr. Crawford wasn't sure why this was so funny, but she laughed along anyway. She liked her job, so if laughing with Dr. Paige let her keep it, she'd laugh with Dr. Paige. 
“You know, it reminds me of the research my great-grandmother dedicated her life to,” Dr. Paige said all of a sudden. Dr. Crawford didn’t respond immediately, unsure of what she was expected to say, but that was fine, because Dr. Paige barrelled onward. “Dr. Gretchen Klein. Brilliant woman, unfairly discredited. She studied whether Gynotopia was a legitimate strategy for peaceful power transfer. Her methods were a bit…unprecedented, though. Much like our methods, in fact. She’s an inspiration to me.”
Like a dutiful assistant, Dr. Crawford asked, “What did she do?” Dr. Paige grinned as a hint of mania glinted in her eye.
“She staged two plane crashes to strand a group of girls on a deserted island and a group of boys on another deserted island to see who was able to handle it better. Then, disguised as a government rescue team, she observed their behavior during recovery from the ordeal. Eventually, the two groups met and had to work together to get off the island that they were recovering at…which was in turn just another deserted island. 
“Just as Dr. Klein expected, the girls lasted the whole fifty days without needing intervention, while the boys did not. And when the groups were placed together, the girls naturally took charge, and the teenagers worked together to get off the island. Unfortunately, they were able to receive help before Dr. Klein could perform damage control, and her experiments were exposed to the public as unethical, murderous schemes. But her research did help influence a surge in female leadership, as even those who were horrified by her methods agreed that they did what they were supposed to.” Dr. Crawford had the gall to look horrified at this, but Dr. Paige just scoffed.
“Don’t look at me like that. We’re so much worse.” 
And Dr. Crawford had to agree. After all, when she looked into Dr. Klein’s research more closely, she learned that there had only been four casualties. A girl named Linh, who died of internal bleeding, a girl named Rachel, who had lost a hand in a shark attack, a boy named Seth, who’d died of blunt force trauma to the head, most likely caused by one of the other subjects, and a girl named Martha, who’d gone into a state of catatonic shock during the last few days of the trial. Dr. Crawford shuddered when she realized that the two deaths that occurred during the study were both subjects who knew about the experiment—who were working with Dr. Klein. What did that mean for those working alongside Dr. Paige? 
Dr. Crawford kept her hands tucked under her covers that night, afraid she’d wake up in the morning to find one of her hands bitten off by a monster under her bed. She came to the conclusion that blonde scientists were crazy, and drifted off into a fitful sleep full of griever-jaguars and bunny rabbits, slowly realizing just how twisted WCKD truly was.
the end
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toby-du-coeur · 1 year
at the end of the first movie
they've all faked their deaths right
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like homegirl is just lying there tryna breathe real quiet?
what if.... one of the gladers checks her heartbeat??
is there a plan for this?
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sukisheadlights · 6 months
tmrminho x wckd!oc
summary: she took care of him all these years in the maze. But will she be there for him when he needs her outside it?
story: maze runner masterlist
rory’s voice mail 🎧: Sooo I'm not that well versed in the lore (that is a sign for re-watch + re-read I know) either way I haven't made any mistakes as far as I'm aware of but incase I missed anything, let me know <3 love you, say it back!
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Sadira spins around in her chair as the dark blue light reflects off her glasses; before coming to an abrupt and screechy halt when she hears him yell through the computer screen. She quickly turns and looks over the multiple cctv screens around her in search of minho, until she finds him. Eventually. She messes around with some buttons around her until the 'griever' as the gladers called it, slows down. She sighs and leans against the chair having succesfully saved him the third time this week.
Sadira could confidentaly say that she was the youngest at w.c.k.d. She was 16. She could tell you alot of things, except for what she does in the abnormally technologically advanced building all day. There isn't exactly a job description for saving the asses of the friends you've made through a screen who don't know you even exist. Infact, that probably hinders the consistent experiements being thrown at these children who are her age, heck— some of them are even younger.
Sadira knows that the only reason she isn't in that maze is because she's the daughter of Dr. Ava Paige. I guess even being an adopted daughter has it's own advantages.
That's why she's so careful when she saves the lives of the gladers, if ava finds out both her and the reckless gladers she watched over are doomed. Boy this would be tough to explain if she met them in person, how would she even act around them? Thankfully she doesn't have to worry about that yet. Right?
When Ava turned her away and banished her from coming to w.c.k.d for 'safety reasons', Sadira was MORE than curious on what her 'mother' was hiding. So naturally, when she called her back urgently she ran through the multiple maze like hallways of the building in search of Ava like a mad woman. Maybe in her own way, w.c.k.d was her maze and cage too. just in a non-life threatening sense. for now.
She walks towards the prison cell looking holding room as she stands next to the woman she calls her mother not looking through the window just yet; she should have, maybe she could have ran instead of walking straight to her demise.
Instead she stared gaping mouth at the other girl who happened to step into her peripheral vision. "You remember teresa, yes?" Ava announced loudly, her words ringing colder than the white lights above their head. Sadira could only nod in response; who the hell was inside that room?
"Unfortunately my love, it would be unwise to get into details here. But teresa recently found her way back to w.c.k.d, back to us. And she has been working with us in your absence. It is with a full heart that I can tell you that you will be learning hands on how to talk to a test subject today. Do not worry child, rest assured, you will be safe." She spoke again as teresa walked away, her tone laced with something unfamiliar which, looking back— could have only been something poisonous. "Go on." she nudged again as Sadira walked into the plain white chamber which, looked even sadder from the inside.
She turned around as the door closed behind her and this, mystery inmate. Her heart dropped to her feet. It was him. He was here. Nonetheless, she approached slowly and sat down infront of him. He looked...Terrible.
"Hello," She said blandly, but internally she was nervous as ever. But if she showed it, Ava wouldn't let her talk to him again. How would she help him out then? She should probably slow down but the difference in his character was unsettling.
He didn't say anything in response and only watched her intently, or dazed. She remembered how his eyes looked in the maze, even if they were facing near death every second of the day. And then she noticed how dead they looked this very moment, when this was the one time in life he was truly protected. She looked towards the one-way mirror hoping she was looking directly at Ava. That's when he scoffed. "They can't save you in here."
She looked back at him, eyebrows raised and all. "What would I need saving from, Minho? You won't hurt me." She said confidentally, but not in the sense that she knew he wouldn't. Well, still in that sense but she only showed Ava what was on the surface. Confidence in the sense that she was hiding her fear.
Minho ofcourse, knows that even if he wanted to kill her this very second he would be unable to, considering the shitload of drugs he was put on. She's pretty, it's a shame she's on the wrong side of all of this, he thought.
"Don't wanna talk? that's alright. We'll get you to one of these days Minho. Time is on our side." the words spilled out of sadira's mouth leaving a bitter after-taste. she didn't like talking to him like this, but if she even let Ava catch on to the idea that sadira had...once grown fond of the boy infront of her? she would have lost her chance. for what exactly? she's not entirely sure herself.
silence engulfed the small white room as she watched the nervous bob of his adam's apple before promptly getting up and leaving.
That night, without much shock. She was kidnapped. "Oh, it's just you lot." she said calmly, looking at the faces of thomas, frypan, newt, and gally. All the idiots she saved multiple times. Well, except for frypan— he was always a sweetheart.
The point is, she wasn't intimidated. Instead she laughed when they tried to threaten her. Then, she asked them to untie her and much to everyone's surprise, they obliged.
Not wanting to leave them high and dry Sadira explained everything to them. How she saved their lives, How she knew them, How she saw teresa, And about how she spoke to Minho. She then warned them that as a 16 year old saving them to those small extents was all she could have done and that it would be unwise to redirect their anger from w.c.k.d to her simply because she knew.
She also agreed to get minho out, but that was a given. The only condition she set down was freedom from Dr. Ava Paige. Who she had the displeasure of calling her mother. They sat on the floor that night and all the gladers and Sadira in unison decided the best plan to get minho out of that hellhole. And they settled.
On Gameday, Sadira offered to walk with Janson and pointed out how something looked suspicious with teresa and her guards. Inevitablly, Janson approached the disguised gladers and it was there that they grabbed her as she sneakily snatched janson's all building access card. She was with them under the ruse of a hostage, just so that Ava doesn't get suspicious and look too closely.
When they found out Minho was moved, it was only because of Sadira and another test subject that they could pinpoint Minho's exact location.
However, she should have probably thought to warn him in some way that she was on their side. Maybe then Minho wouldn't have mistakened her for the enemy and slammed her into the wall once they did find him. ouch.
The escape after that was mostly smooth sailing, there were no losses and only minor setbacks. But those don't matter enough to be mentioned here. [Authors Note: I didn't have it in me to kill off newt so don't blame me] Ofcourse, Sadira almost dying while protecting minho doesn't fall under minor setbacks but she would have done that for any glader.
When she woke up in the 'refugee' a few days later, minho was the first person she spoke to. The conversation flowed much more smoothly when her formerly alive mother (that was fun to find out) wasn't watching over them, she joked. And he laughed. And she thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world. So she made him do it again, and again, and again. Until she finally realised she couldn't get enough of it.
They moved fast. From touches, to kisses, to something more. But it was never in the sense that it was too much to handle, Instead it was in the sense that they had waited too long for each other and that they were desperate for this. Needy, even. Which was insane considering he barely knew her. Oh well.
First Kisses and First loves are obviously difficult post-apocalypse but hey, atleast it makes one hell of a story.
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itsthemxze · 3 months
Thomesa week day 4: based on a song
General audiences. 1505 words
She’s seen it before. This pattern.
First there was a partnership. Ava and Mary. Dr Paige and Dr Cooper, two people sharing one goal. They both wanted to save the world and they thought that they could do it, together.
Or Teresa has seen this happen before and she’s afraid of how it will end for her
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aphrodisiac-siren · 1 year
Ettore X Fem!Reader
Summary: A deadly virus has begun spreading, a disease attacks the brain and causes victims to lose their humanity, rendering them violent and insane creatures. You were chosen, along with a bunch of others, to help find a cure for the same. Along your journey at the organisation, you meet a certain someone who is as daunting as he is captivating.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex [18+ minors DNI]
!! Read chapter 6 first !!
<<Previous Chapter
Alternate Ending 1~ You chose 'a. Continue secret affair with Ettore'
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You and Ettore were like wild rabbits, never satisfied and never thinking twice if an opportunity presented itself that allowed you both to shrug your clothes off and blow off steam in the form of some heated sex- though on most occasions, they were merely just quickies.
You continued to invite him to your room on some nights, other times you both would engage in heavy make-out sessions in the library that Ettore snuck into using the access card you'd given him.
Things were going great in your opinion. You and Ettore grew closer and closer each day and you learned that under all of that domineering and impassive persona was a sweet boy who just needed to be loved. You wouldn’t admit this to him, but you had in fact started to crush on him a little.
Ettore too had grown rather attached to you and it wasn’t only because of the sex. He grew genuinely fond of you, as if you were this one ray of sunshine in this dark forest of an organisation that he hated more and more with each day passing. Ettore never really cared much about the division between the subjects and elites before; he anyway took the latter to be snobbish. But ever since he'd met you, it pissed him off beyond measure that you weren’t even allowed to have something as harmless as an innocent friendship with him.
He wasn’t too happy with this whole thing, of having to keep this thing a secret, especially when he saw other boys, and sometimes even girls, ogling at you. He couldn’t blame them, you were really pretty but it didn’t help that he was rather territorial.
Someday, he thought, someday I will make her mine.
You, as per usual, adorned your white attire, checking yourself out in the mirror before you left your room at seven am sharp to pick up your schedule for the day. You were hoping to get something that involved you having to work with group C; but then again, even if you didn’t, you would happily swap it with someone else who had got it. Ettore wasn’t really a joy to work with and many times, other elites would ask to swap schedules with you. You'd pretend to be annoyed or hesitant but on the inside your heart had already done four summersaults and two back flips at the thought of spending the day with your emo hotshot.
You were a bit surprised to see that there was no folder assigned to you. Instead, the chancellor Dr, Ava Paige sent someone to escort you to her office. Confused, you followed silently until the office door's opened and she beckoned for you to come in.
"Ah, Y/N" she smiled warmly at you, a soft clinking sound ringing in your ears as she stirred her tea "our most promising subject. Take a seat will you. Have you turned in the reports from yesterday’s blood samples?"
"Yes of course, right before I left to grab dinner" you informed her briskly.
"Good, timely as always" she put away the tiny spoon on the saucer before she picked up her cup to take a sip of her tea "though I must say I am rather disappointed"
Your brows furrowed in confusion but you stayed quiet and allowed her to continue.
"Your sudden fascination with one of the subjects, number eight to be very specific, has me wondering what made one of my most brilliant elites break the rules and stoop to such levels" she heaved a disappointed sigh, placing the cup back on the saucer with a soft clink "I must say I am very disappointed in you Y/N. Had you not been one of my brightest candidates among the elites, I would have had you sent to our Denver facility for the maze trials"
You drew a sharp breath. The maze trials was an alternative method used by the organisation to track and observe subjects under harsh environments to study their brain activity. You knew that the people picked or sent for that experiment would never come back the same after the cure had been found. They were sent into this artificially created landscape surrounded by a maze that changed each night. The subjects chosen were sent in with no memory of who they were before, thus losing their memories and a major part of themselves forever since that was not reversible.
"Ettore is just an acquaintance" you told her in a monotonous voice "we conversed a few times when I was in charge of carrying out tests, even though I was aware that no unnecessary interactions were permitted. Harmless as it was, it wont happen again-"
"Oh Y/N, Y/N, Y/N" Ava shook her head "we both know that it was something much more than just harmless conversation. You both were spotted two nights ago in the library, he was spotted several times leaving your room in the early hours of the morning- the latest observation being this very morning. After he was searched, we found this in his possession"
You watched with growing nerves as she placed your access card on the glass table; the very same card you'd given Ettore.
"You will be let off the hook just this once, granted you established something musch more scandalous than just a friendship" she folded her arms over her chest, lips pressed into a line referring to her knowing about your and Ettore's sexual encounters "one more slip-up and you will join subject eight in the penalization given to him"
At this, you immediately looked up to meet her piercing gaze. You knew the punishments given here were very harsh and brutal, most of them being used to tame and discipline uncooperative subjects.
"Where is he?" you asked, heart pounding.
Ava just sighed in response.
"Where is Ettore?" you asked again, this time sounding more demanding than inquisitive.
"On his way to Denver," she curtly told you and you felt your heart drop "there is a reason we forbid interactions between subjects and elites. Most of them aren’t immune, unlike you elites. Though they don't show fast signs of losing their conscious to the virus, like how most civilians do. We don’t know for sure what it is that is different about them but at the end of the day, they can catch the flare. We keep you both apart to avoid any transmission that could damage your health. You will have a full body checkup done and be kept under observation for a week to see if you require any medical assistance..."
You didn’t really hear all of what she said, you basically stopped hearing her right after she told you he was sent to Denver. Your Ettore, had been sent to the maze trials. You didn't even get to say a goodbye and you knew that even if you all did manage to find that stupid cure, it wouldn’t make any difference. If Ettore didn’t die in that maze, he most certainly wouldn’t remember you anymore; he was gone, same as you were erased from his memory, from his life.
You wanted to scream, yell, throw something. You had never felt more helpless in your life. Regret started to flood your mind; How you wished you had never called him to your room, how you wished you didn’t ask him to meet you at the library, how you wished you had just listened to Aris and kept your distance for a while.
But now there was nothing you could do.
Ettore was gone, taken away from you for good.
A single tear slid down you cheek that you furiously wiped away.
Ettore was gone, and there was nothing you could do.
Alternative Ending 1: Ettore loses his memories, and is sent to the Maze Trials- never to be seen or heard from ever again.
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hiya-itsamber · 3 months
you know what i'm thinking about. in the maze runner, why is it that all of the female characters are portrayed as evil in some way? theresa betrays thomas. in the books at least, brenda works for wicked, and in the movies, she works for jorge, who is initially against thomas (and, like, kidnaps him and suspends him upside down). dr ava paige runs wicked and sends thomas + the gladers into the maze. all of group b in the books is presented as an enemy, and esp in the books literally kidnap thomas. as opposed to the men, who other than obvious villains (rat man, gally, etc) are the Good Guys. newt is a friend. minho is a friend. yet none of the women are really as Morally Good in comparison.
or maybe i'm just reading too much into it all. hope you're doing well xoxo
like what is up with that... i wouldn't be surprised if james dashner had done that on purpose, frankly, given the way he wrote off both brenda and teresa's characters.
either way though, i do love the tmr fandom for taking those girls on and breathing some life into the characters. even ava paige! because i think it's funny that some of the fans hate on her and teresa so expressly but then have the audacity to say "but ratman is sorta hot". like... cmon...
hope you're doing well too lovely!! i'm feeling a little better about uni and all now so yay<3
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itsliaaahsoneshots · 11 months
Erased Memories
(find the complete version on my whattpad @yoongsproperty)- Tell me if you want me to publish the whole oneshot on here or if you have any oneshot/short scene request.
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𝕿he young, little Y/n slightly opened her eyes only to abruptly close them again due to the sudden light coming from a plain, white ceiling. Her lids felt heavy and her head was pounding as if she had been listening to high-volume music for an entire day.
She put her tiny hand on her forehead to prevent the light to blind her once again as her lively eyes caught a glimpse of something hanging on her forearm.
That is when she noticed that something similar to a needle connected to a small transparent bag was inserted right into her left wrist, piercing into her soft skin. A blueish liquid was flowing from the tube connected to her forearm at a regular speed. Her brows furrowed in confusion.
What was that place and why was she there?
Her gaze wandered around the room and examined every single inch of it. Nor that it would take that long anyway, given the rather simple design of the room.
As she took in her surroundings, she found herself to be laying down on a simple bed, similar to a hospital one, in an almost empty room devoid of personal touches, filled with cold metal surfaces and bright lights. No windows.
She woke up feeling disoriented and confused by the sudden change in surroundings that was indeed jarring for a seven years old kid. She felt like a fish out of the water. She was struggling to remember how she ended up in such a minimal, sterile, and clinical environment.
The only thing she was sure about, was that she was completely separated from her family. She had tried to cling onto her mother's fabric t-shirt but to no use, as she was violently jerked away by soldiers wearing a sleek, brown uniform and sturdy brown helmets.
That memory contributed to her feelings of vulnerability and uncertainty. Her initial confusion got replaced by her heartache and longing for her family. Thoughts of their faces would haunt her, becoming overwhelming. She felt a deep sense of loss and desperation, as she yearned to be reunited with her parents and younger siblings.
She stood up, removing the needle from her wrist, causing the small hole to bleed. She realized she was barefoot only when the cold white floor tiles met her warm skin.
She took some rapid steps, running to the closest door, in the hope to find a way out of that place.
But before she could have reached the metal door, she realized that there was no knob. As she examined the door, she got startled by the sudden lateral opening of the latter that was right in front of her.
An elegant and sophisticated woman joined her in the room, missing her by mere inches.
She had fair skin and well-groomed, blonde, styled hair, enhancing her professional appearance. Her facial features were elegant and refined. She had a defined jawline and high cheekbones, giving her a distinct and strong presence. Her eyes were sharp and piercing, reflecting her intelligence and determination. She was wearing a formal white lab coat.
The mysterious woman stopped in her tracks as soon as she met Y/n's eyes. She glanced at her bleeding wrist. The little one took a few steps backward, taking some distance from the unknown woman.
"Oh, I see that you are awake," she said "Nice to meet you, my name is Dr. Ava Paige, and I work here at W.C.K.D. You can call me Dr. Ava if you'd like. I'm here to help you and all the other special children like you."
"What is WCKD?" Y/n asked while tilting her head slightly to the side, still with a defensive demeanor.
"That's a great question! WCKD stands for World Catastrophe Killzone Department," the little kid questioned the relatively frightening meaning of each word that composed the acronym. "...but don't let the name scare you. Our goal at WCKD is to find a way to protect everyone from a dangerous virus called the Flare. We're looking for a cure so that no one else gets sick." Ava smiled kindly at her, hoping to reassure her. She knew that the little one was scared, but the woman knew how to do her job better than anyone else.
"Why am I here?" she glared at Dr.Paige. "You're here because you're very special. You have something called immunity, which means you're naturally protected from the Flare. We want to understand why some people are immune, so we can learn how to help others, and you want to help others, right?". Y/n's eyes softened as she seemed to be thinking about the answer for a while.
"Can I see my family?" she innocently asked. "I know it can be tough to be away from your family, but right now, we need your help to find a way to make the world a better and safer place. We'll do everything we can to make sure you feel comfortable and loved while you're here. You might see your family again at the end of our project." She concluded.
The little kid felt every bit of her hope fading away. Still, she was determined to reunite with her family, therefore, she would have had to end that project as soon as she could.
"From now on, you will be staying here, helping us with something really important that could save the life of many people. We will be your new family". Dr. Paige adopted a gentle and reassuring tone, focusing on the child's importance and the shared goal of finding a cure for the Flare.
She aimed to establish trust and provide a sense of safety and care, emphasizing Y/n's role in the greater mission. The child was quite smart for her age, and she already knew that the only way to get out of there was to collaborate with them, giving W.C.K.D. what they needed. Or more simply, to just pretend to be helping them.
"Come with me, I'll take you to meet another special kid like you" She offered her hand for the child to take.
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heliads · 8 months
I just read the Venom AU I requested. I liked it. Thank you for writing it. The reader is Spider-Woman. Newt is Venom. Teresa is Black Widow. You said Thomas gave up his shield and ran away, so I’m guessing he’s Captain America. Who’s Minho supposed to be? Iron Man? Hawkeye?
np, thanks for requesting it! thomas was definitely supposed to be captain america, and reader + teresa would work for w.c.k.d. as s.h.i.e.l.d. with the right arm as hydra. dr ava paige is also nick fury. i left minho's marvel counterpart ambiguous bc i was not entirely sure yet which role would suit him best lol. he was certainly another avenger though!
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goalhofer · 1 year
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Famous 1922 births.
Bishop José De Jesús Sahagún De La Parra (Mexican Catholic bishop)
Albert Lamorisse (French movie director & producer)
Betty White Ludden (American actress)
Agathe Poschmann (German actress)
Joanne Dru Wood (American actress)
Daniel Macnee (British-American actor)
Haskell Wexler (American cinematographer & movie producer)
Audrey Meadows Six (American actress)
Kathryn Grayson (American actress & singer)
Archbishop Hilarion Capucci (Syrian Catholic archbishop)
Ralph H. Baer (German-American inventor & video game designer)
Cyd Charisse Morris (American actress & dancer)
Karl Kordesch (Austrian-American inventor)
Carl Reiner (American actor & director)
Russ Meyer (American movie director & producer)
Richard Kiley (American actor & singer)
Doris Day (American actress & singer)(pictured)
Josephine Cottle Masterson aka Gale Storm (American actress & singer)
Michael Ansara (Syrian-American actor)
Barbara Hale Katt (American actress)
Jack Klugman (American actor)
Roscoe Brown (American actor & director)
Darren McGavin (American actor)
Bea Arthur (American actress)
Sir Christopher Lee (British actor & singer)
Baroness Sheila Sim Attenborough (British actress)
Judy Garland DeVinko (American actress & singer)(pictured)
Eleanor Parker Hirsch (American actress)
Howie Schultz (American baseball & basketball player)
Jason Robards; Jr. (American sailor & actor)
Rory Calhoun (American actor)
Friar Jules Wieme (Belgian Catholic lay brother & missionary)
Margaret Middleton aka Yvonne De Carlo (Canadian-American actress)
Isaac Caesar (American actor & writer)
Jackie Cooper; Jr. (American actor & director)
Mervyn Hamilton (American movie director)
Janis Paige Gilbert (American actress & singer)
Cardinal Roger Etchegaray (French Catholic cardinal)
Noémi Ban (Hungarian-American holocaust survivor & lecturer)
Lizabeth Scott (American actress & singer)
Dr. St. Gianna Beretta Molla (Italian doctor & Catholic saint)
Fr. Luigi Giussani (Italian Catholic priest)
Coleen Gray Zeiser (American actress)
Ruby Dee Davis (American actress & poet)
Michel Galabru (French actor)
Iancu Țucărman (Romanian engineer & holocaust survivor)
Barbara Bel Geddes Lewis (American actress & artist)
Dorothy Dandridge (American actress & singer)
Kim Hunter Emmett (American actress)
Constance Ockelman aka Veronica Lake (American actress)
Stanford R. Ovshinsky (American engineer & inventor)
Charles M. Schulz (American cartoonist)
Redd Foxx (American comedian & actor)
Maila Syrjäniemi Mioni aka Maila Nurmi (American actress)
Paul Winchell (American actor & ventriloquist)
Ava Gardner (American actress)
Stan Lee (American comic book writer & editor)(pictured)
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tree0frog · 3 years
memory maze runner x fem reader
summery y/n was the first person to go in to the glade and the life in the glade
it was just a normal day in the glade or well as normal as it can be if you are stuck in a huge maze with no way out iv been up here for about a year give or take on my own iv discover a lot in that time like how there's no shucking way out of this place but that's all good no not really but I can't do anything.
I remember when I first came up to the glade that's what I call it anyway I was stuck in this big metal box-like thing which I must say was not fun not sure how long I was in there but I manage to get out eventually I was given a blank book with some other bits and bobs like female things and some supplies like animals and seeds for what I'm guessing was to be used for a farm some medical supplies as well. 
   the weird thing is I have no memory of who I am I have no name or not one I can remember and I don't really think I have any family that I can think of so ya it's just me.it wasn't fun being all alone but I got used to it I started to write everything in the book that I did just in case I ever found my way out of here I had something to look back on.
at this point its been a year since iv been up here and iv filled out 2-3 book of the things iv done like go into to the maze I know dumb right but it was better than farming all day and I made some buildings well not really they where kulnk but no one was here to help me to I can't complain I had made a small farm a thing I like to call the home shack witch has where I sleep and a little mad bay bit where I put everything these also the hut behind a lot of trees that iv put all of the maps in and a wooden model of the maze there was also the slaughterhouse that I kept the animals in and a small kitchen like thing for some reason the box would only go back down if I wasn't in it witch wasn't good I did figure out that I could ask for things if I sent a note down.
speaking about the box the one thing I did notice was it only came up and down once every month with more supplies not like I really needed them but can't really complain I will say though most things had W.I.C.K.E.D. on it I would also get these memories or I think they are of people one person mainly a girl I wasn't sure her name but it was always about here and this boy who's name I mange to figure out was newt the dreams I had with him out always be with other people calling us twins I didn't think anything of it but noted it down in my book none the less the books were like a diary to me I wrote everything and anything that happened that day in them making sure to put as much detail as I can.
iv has been starting to lose hope but I will say the only new thing I have found in the glade is the pattern of words in the maps which I also put in my diary/notebook today I took out my bad put the cupel of notebooks I had in them and a few other things bore them in the woods made my way to the top of the wall and jumped.
newts pov
it had been a year since they had sent my twin up to the maze and I was proud of her she had done well but today something was off she was nowhere to be seen we check everywhere till someone had found her at the top of the wall ready to jump my heart stopped she was the only one I had left and now she was gone they had sent someone to try and find her body Dr Paige had said they couldn't find her body I broke down right then and there she was gone.
no ones pov
the one thing Dr Ava Paige knew is that the girl was still alive and safe for now at least they had moved her to a special room and kept her there the plan was once we were awake again she would get sent back up to the place she called home.
time skip
it had been a month since newt had 'lost his sister and they were now sending Alby into the maze. The maze tried had now begun. 
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reidiot · 3 years
BASED ON TMR BOOK SERIES - The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials, The Death Cure, The Kill Order, The Fever Code, The Maze Runner Files, Crank Palace
《obviously, spoiler alert》
friendly reminder that thomas:
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watched his father going crazy from the flare;
was around five years old when WICKED took him away from his mother;
trusted and got attached to ava paige;
knew jorge and brenda before the scorch;
originally wanted to be sent to the maze for newt.
friendly reminder that newt:
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used to call thomas "tommy" even before the Glade;
pair up with minho to run to explore the maze;
knew from the start he wasn't immune, but he'd still fight for his friends;
before he was sent to the maze, he had to say goodbye to his sister by sneaking in;
struggled alone;
attempted suicide;
friendly reminder that minho:
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invented the Glader Slang before he was sent to the maze just so he can talk shit about Dr. Leavitt;
wanted to escape WICKED as a kid and was tortured with a shucking griever for that. repeatedly;
was always against WICKED's ways of finding a cure;
never, and i mean NEVER betrayed his friends, not even when he was beaten up by one of WICKED's lunatics.
friendly reminder that chuck:
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became chuck after thomas gave him this nickname;
was scared as shit at the thought of being sent to the maze;
absolutely adored thomas.
friendly reminder that frypan:
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learned how to cook his famous stew from his dad.
friendly reminder that teresa:
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ain't shit;
betrayed thomas;
kept lots of things from thomas;
had her memories intact when she's been sent to the maze;
lied some more;
ain't shit.
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mads-weasley · 3 years
The Cure
Thomas x Reader
(A/N): Sadly, I don’t own any of these wonderful characters other than (y/n)! This isn’t my best work, but I hope you like it!
Summary: After the death of Newt, you follow Thomas to WCKD where you both fight the Ratman. When you get hurt, Thomas makes sure you get to the safe haven, no matter what. Once safe, he confesses his love for you and surprises you with something big!
Warnings: violence, blood, angst, non-graphic gunshot wounds, fluff, mentions of death
(y/n) - your name
(y/n/n) - your nickname
Italics - flashbacks
(A/N): For those of you that didn’t read the books, don’t worry! In the books, Janson is called “Ratman” by the gladers. In this story, I call him both, so don’t be confused! I hope you enjoy it!
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You were sprinting with the cure, trying to get to Thomas and Newt. When you got there, you were too late. Newt was lying on the ground with a knife protruding from of his chest. Standing there with your hands over your mouth, you were holding back sobs. You walked over to Newt and crumpled to your knees. Poor Thomas. He’s lost his best friend along with so many others. Thomas. Where was he? Suddenly, you remembered Theresa’s message that he could save everyone if he came to the WCKD building.
Sprinting in that direction, you couldn’t help but think of the time you spent with Thomas in the maze as a runner. When he first came up in the box, you thought he was cute, and when you got to know him, you slowly fell for him. One day in the maze, you fell and hit your head on the stone floor, rendering you unconscious.
When you woke up, you were laying on a cot in the Medjack hut. Glancing to your left, you saw that familiar dark head of hair laying on your hand. You felt your face redden as you ran your other hand through his hair, waking him up. He sleepily looks up at you before he snaps out of his stupor. “(Y/n)! Are you okay? What happened?! I found you just laying on the ground. It scared the clunk out of me, (y/n/n). I thought you were dead and that I’d never get the chance to tell you how I feel.” Your face reddened once again. “And is this how do you feel about me, Tommy? How do you feel about me?” “Like this” he whispered, leaning in to kiss you. When you pulled away, you both had the biggest smiles on your faces.
When you reached the huge WCKD skyscraper, you saw Thomas with a gun pointed at Dr. Ava Paige. Throwing open the doors, you yelled, “Don’t do it, Tom!” He quickly turned, “(y/n)! What are you doing here!? Get to the bu-“ He was cut off by a gunshot and both your heads spun to the direction of the sound. Ava Paige fell to the floor which revealed Jansen behind her with a smoking gun.
All of a sudden, Thomas charged at Jansen who quickly moved out of the way and pricked him in the neck with something. In a matter of seconds, Thomas was on the floor unconscious. “Thomas!” You yelled, rushing to his side. Before you could get there, Jansen grabbed you by your hair and threw you against the wall. Everything went black as you whispered, “Thomas.”
This time you awoke, there was no one next to you. You were strapped down to a gurney with dark crimson tubes coming out of the crooks of both your arms. Feeling lightheaded, you looked to your left to see Ratman fighting with Thomas, who was similarly strapped down. All of a sudden, Theresa came out of nowhere and slammed something down on Jansen’s head. “Thomas?” You rasped out. “Shuck! (Y/n), are you okay!?” As he was starting to undo his restraints, Theresa came over to help you. “Why are you helping us?” You spat. “Newt was my friend too, and I won’t let you two die like he did.” She freed you from your restraints and gave you the serum that Jansen had. “I’m leaving while I have the chance. Take care of everyone. I hope you have it in your heart to forgive me. I was just doing what I thought was right.” “Goodbye Theresa.”
After she left, you ran over to Thomas and helped him with his restraints, which he was struggling to undo by himself. “I told you to leave, (y/n). I can’t have you getting hurt...like Newt.” His eyes glossed over and you stooped to his eye level with your own teary eyes. “Thomas, baby, that was not your fault. We tried to save him. I ran as fast as I could with the serum.” Taking a breath, you continue, “Don’t worry about me. I know you’ll always keep me safe.” You leaned in and locked lips with the boy you loved, although you’d never admitted it out loud.
When you pulled away, his eyes became frantic as he yelled your name and tried to push you to the side. It was a little too late. Jansen had woken up and wanted that serum. He ripped you from Thomas, sending the serum flying across the room. This sparked a rage in your boyfriend that you’d never seen before. “Let her go! Get your shucking hands off of her!” He was trying to get the rest of his restraints off as you wriggled free of Jansen’s grip.
Attempting to get the serum, you crawled under a table only to be violently pulled out by your ankle. You heard and felt a pop that caused a sharp pain to emit from your ankle. Yelping in response to the pain, you didn’t even register the Ratman jerking you up off the floor. Thomas’ yelling jerked you from your stupor and you started fighting him again. Just like the last time you fought him, he grabbed your hair and slammed your head on the nearest metal table, knocking you out once again.
You opened your eyes and groaned at the bad headache you were experiencing. After a few seconds, you looked out the glass walls into the hallway. Thomas and Jansen were fighting/wrestling but were pretty much taking turns beating the klunk out of each other. Despite your dizziness, you managed to stand up and make your way into the hallway.
You sluggishly ran towards the action, momentarily distracting Thomas from his opponent, giving Ratman the upper hand. He stunned Thomas with a punch to the face and ran towards a small black object about 10 feet away from him. Shuck! It’s a gun! Running as fast as you can, you grab Thomas and pull him into a lab as Jansen empties his clip.
As soon as you get into the room, you realized something was wrong. “T-Thomas” you whispered, looking down at your stomach. His eyes widened at the dark liquid seeping through your light green shirt. “No no no, Shuck! You’re going to be okay, baby.” He starts to get teary and pulls you into a hug. The pain finally hits you, causing you to whimper against his chest. At another wave of pain, your legs give out and you crumple into his arms.
He catches you, picks you up bridal style, leans your back up against a counter, and makes sure you couldn’t be seen by Ratman if he entered the room. Thomas grabs a rag what was nearby and pushed it against your wound, apologizing at the action. You didn’t even realize you were crying from the pain that was radiating from your abdomen until he wiped a few of your tears away.
The two of you hear the awful voice of Jansen enter the room. Ratman started laughing when he saw a few drops of blood near the door. “Ahh, which one of you did I hit? I hope it was the girl. That way, Thomas, you’ll have to watch the girl you love, die before your eyes.” “I’ll be right back,” Thomas whispered to you right before everything went black.
You drifted in and out of consciousness due to the pain and blood loss you were experiencing. The next time you opened your eyes, you were in Thomas’ arms with fire all around you. He looked down, saw your eyes open, and yelled above the commotion, “(y/n), baby, stay awake. I need you to stay awake. They’re almost here!” Your eyes drifted shut and darkness overtook you.
When you became aware of your surroundings, you heard the sound of waves crashing on a shore. You slowly opened your eyes and didn’t have any idea where you were. It did, however, look like a tent, which confused you even more. Trying to sit up, a pain emitted from your stomach. Groaning, you rolled up your shirt only to see a bandage. When you started peeling it off, a familiar voice burst into the small tent.
“(Y/n)! Don’t touch that! It could get infected!” “Thomas, what happened?” “You don’t need to worry about that now, babe. You’re safe. We’re safe.” He helped you sit up and hugged you gently. Pecking him on the cheek, “I want to see everyone.” “I know. Come here and I’ll help you.” You hated not being able to do things yourself, but you definitely didn’t mind holding onto his strong biceps for support.
He led you out of the tent and down to where everyone had gathered. You were greeted with hugs from Frypan, Minho, Aris, Brenda, Jorge, among numerous others. They explained you were at the safe haven and everything felt perfect.
Thomas led you down to the beach. When you got there, he took your hands in his and turned towards you. “(Y/n), since I came up the box, you immediately caught my eye. It wasn’t only because of your outer beauty that I liked you, but your kindness towards everyone around you. I know we’ve been through a lot, and lost a lot of people. One thing all this has taught me is to never hold back, so, (y/n), I love you more than anything.” You smiled saying, “I love you, too.” He cleared his throat and continued, “I have no doubt that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
He drops on one knee and holds up a small ring. “(Y/n), will you make me the happiest shank in the world and marry me?!” You gasped in surprise as tears stung your eyes. “Yes!! Yes, yes, yes!!!” He placed the ring on your finger and flung his arms around you, kissing you passionately. Pulling way smiling, you hear the cheers of your friends from the dunes. You realized everything would be okay with Thomas at your side.
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har-rison-s · 3 years
stellars: 11
a/n: hi! how's everyone holding up? i finally know what i want to study in university and i'm so happy and content with this decision, my god, i never thought this day would come. me going to uni????? crazycrazycrazyy. anyways, here's a new chapter! i think i'll be posting on tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays from now on. i'll try to, at least. thank you so much to everyone who reads this story. it means a lot to me. happy reading!
my paypal (would be much appreciated since i’m saving up for uni and a new laptop :))
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warnings: decriptions of death, character death, use of weapons, mentioned experiments on kids, violence towards the end as well
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"Hello." Suddenly comes from Mars' right and she jumps in her spot next to Newt, startled by the voice. The gladers gasp in surprise and look to where the voice came from. Is this one of the Creators speaking? A woman has appeared on one of the bigger screens on the far wall of the room, she has blonde hair and a pale face, but crimson red lips. It's the woman Mars saw in her memory dream, she is sure. The woman is wearing a white coat, as well, which only amplifies the truth of her being the same one Mars saw. She turns her head to look at Thomas and finds him already looking at her. Mars nods at him, seeming to answer his silent question about whether or not she knows who that is. She doesn’t know surely, of course, she doesn’t know what role the woman plays or what’s even her name! But Mars is sure that she knew the woman. Silently, the group of gladers move towards the screen, gathering around it to see and hear anything this woman will say. "My name is Dr Ava Paige. I’m director of operations of the World Catastrophe Killzone Department.”
Mars and Thomas lock eyes again. WICKED, they both seem to think at the same time, and Mars nods at the boy. So maybe they’ll be getting some answers finally. Maybe. Newt stands next to Mars, still embracing her, thinking what ‘killzone’ and ‘world catastrophe’ could ever mean. His hand squeezes Mars’ arm, and she puts her other hand on top of his.
“If you’re watching this, it means you have succesfully completed the Maze Trials.” Dr Paige informs them, and Mars’ face immediately twists in confusion. Trials? Completed the Maze Trials? “I wish I could be there in person to congratulate you…” her voice sounds unsure, and Mars notices the violent movement behind her on the screen. People suddenly coming in, the scientists rising from their seats at the desks, guns pointed at their heads. What the hell happened here? “But circumstances seem to have prevented it.” Dr Paige concludes, and Mars hears and sees how expected the supposed ‘attack’ or ‘circumstances’ were to the director. Something isn’t right here. “I’m sure by now you must all be very confused… angry… frightened, she counts off and Mars stops herself from snorting again. She’s sure, is she? “I can only assure you, that everything that’s happened to you… everything we’ve done to you, it was all done for a reason.”
Experiments? Hideous creatures called Grievers? A maze? Young boys dying? All for a reason? Must be one hell of a good reason, then.
“You won’t remember, but the Sun has scorched our world.” The doctor continues. “Billions of lives were lost to fire.” A montage of videos that the gladers guess must be collected when the Sun did its damage, plays on the screen under Dr Paige’s face. Burned buildings, broken glass, landscapes of deserts and rock-filled valleys… “Lost to famine, suffering on a global scale. The fallout was unimaginable. What came after was worse - we called it the Flare.” A video feed of a man, Mars can only suspect it’s some sort of man, appears on screen. His skin is white, but dazzled with dark blue and red lines for where his veins should be hiding under his skin, they’ve come out on top. He’s strained to a bed and some sort of machine lays on top of his head, and the man fights against it, he fights against the doctors that work around him. Or perhaps he’s fighting something else? A close-up of a brain dissection shows up on screen and Mars shivers. She turns half of her face into Newt’s side, the sight on the screen suddenly unbearable. “A deadly virus that attacks the brain. It is violent, unpredictable. Incurable.” A dead note resonates in the woman’s voice. “Or so we thought,” she says easier, “in time, a new generation emerged that could survive the virus. Suddenly, there was a reason to hope for a cure. But finding it would not be easy. The young would have to be tested,” they would give us these… challenges, and puzzles. They were experimenting on us, “even sacrificed,” Alby, Zart, countless others, “inside harsh environments where their brain activity could be studied,” Tommy, you and Teresa are no less lab rats than we are, “all in an effort to understand what makes them different. What makes you different.” If she hadn’t already been looking at the camera, Mars is sure Dr Paige would have done that now. We’re the generation that is immune to the virus? “You may not realize it, but you’re very important,” then why did she put us here, make us go through such horrible stuff? Better not to keep us safe somewhere? “unfortunately, your trials have just begun.”
Mars’ heart drops to her feet, and perhaps even lower. More of this? More of the Maze? She can’t go through that again. Will she lose her memories again? What’s gonna happen to her friends? What’s gonna happen to all of them?
“As you will no doubt soon discover, not everyone agrees with our methods. Progress is slow, people are scared,” the doctor seems to have given up already, judging by the tone of her voice, “it may be too late for us, for me. But not for you.” She shakes her head, and on her lips appears what could be a small smile. “The outside world awaits. Remember—“ the woman takes a gun in her hands, cocks it and aims it at her temple. Mars gasps, almost crying out, at the quick movement, “—WICKED is good.” She says quite bravely and Mars can’t pull herself to look away from the screen as Dr Paige shoots herself in the head. After she sees the horrible sight, she immediately turns into Newt, holding her arms around him like her life depends on it. She can’t control the sobs and cries that come out of her, can’t stop the tears. What a shocking sight to see. Should they even have seen that? They’re just kids.
Newt is in quite a shock himself, his arm numbly moving over Mars’ back as his mind goes completely blank. He just watched a woman, who is supposedly the head of this whole operation, shoot herself in the head. How could she have done that? Why did she do that? What made her do that? Who are all those people who came into this room? Newt remembers seeing them on the floor now, in the hallway, shot dead. What is this place? Who are these people?
A loud grinding noise, similar to the sound of the Maze Doors opening, interrupts everyone’s thoughts and brings their attention to their left. Two huge stone doors are opening up and revealing a hallway on the other side of them, and everyone comes closer to it. Is this the outside world Dr Paige was talking about? The outside world awaits. Are they supposed to go out there now, with nothing to protect them, no transport, no food, no knowledge of what it’s like out there? Mars is so sure she once knew everything about the world out there, and she curses herself for not being able to break free from the memory erasure. But it’s not really her fault, is it?
Newt stands in front of her, right behind Thomas, as they look towards the opened hallway. “Is it over?” Chuck asks the impending question, and Thomas honestly doesn’t know what to say. A fragment of what the woman said made an imprint on Newt’s mind, he can’t shake it off.
“She said we were… important,” he says quietly, almost saying the sentence as more of a question. Mars nods, returning to that part of the woman’s speech, and thinking on it. How important are they? What are they supposed to do with their importance? What’s out there?
“What are we supposed to do now?” Mars speaks up, and looks to Thomas as she does. He’s the one they all must look to now, she feels. He’s become their leader. But Thomas shakes his head, finding himself at a loss for any plan of action. Too many thoughts are clouding his mind at the moment. They were experimented on, all of this was just an experiment. Pain, loss, death, confusion… They soaked it all up, watched them go through it, just to make some notes in their little pads. Everything was a lie. He can’t imagine what the other gladers, who were at the Glade much longer than he was, must be feeling.
“I don’t know,” Thomas whispers, “let’s get out of here.” Be it his claustrophobia, his urge to run or the thought to do what’s right and safest for them all, Thomas knows they have to leave this place first, before they do anything else. But he’s suspicious of Dr Paige, he’s suspicious of what might await them through that door at the far end of this hallway. He doesn’t know whether to trust her or not. But he’s deemed WICKED as his enemy, as all of their enemy, because they surely are. After everything they put them through? Maybe what she said about the world, the sun, the virus, is all just lies. They have to see for themselves.
Thomas moves his foot forwards, first step to freedom, but a booming, growled “No!” freezes him and the other gladers in their step. Everyone immediately turns to face whoever the voice belongs to, and their eyes land on Gally. He’s standing stout just a few feet away from them, his face dirty and tear-stained.
“Gally?” Thomas moves to walk over to the boy, but Teresa puts a hand on his chest, stopping him. Newt protectively moves in front of Mars again. Gally looks out of sorts, and Newt won’t let him hurt Mars, if it comes down to that.
“Don’t,” Teresa says and then her voice drops down to a whisper, “he’s been Stung.” The words are heavy as they leave her lips, and make the gladers gasp. Mars’ eyes travel over the boy, who certainly looks dishevelled. How did he even get here? How could he have known the code to the exit door? In one hand Gally holds a gun, no doubt taken from one of the murdered guards here, and in the other is a stinger from a Griever that he drops to the floor, as if echoing what Teresa said. Thomas licks his lips, a worried look on his face.
“We can’t leave.” Gally says, his voice full of the tears he’s cried and is currently crying still.
“We did, Gally,” Thomas slowly steps towards the stung boy, “we’re out. We’re free.” Thomas tells him, but the last word really upsets Gally.
“Free?” He echoes. “You think we’re free out there?” Gally raises the gun in his hand in front of him, aiming it at Thomas and the other gladers. They all gasp and draw back. Newt’s arms lock around Mars from in front of her, he uses his torso as a shield for her, she can’t see past him. And maybe she shouldn’t, anyway. Mars looks to her left and sees Minho gripping the spear in his right hand, his knuckles turning white. She eyes Minho’s face carefully, and she notices that he looks like he’ll burst into action at any minute. She shakes her head. “No, there’s no escape from this place.”
“Gally, listen to me,” Thomas pleads again, braver than his friends to face their enemy with a gun. Thomas raises his hands up defensively in front of his face, “you’re not thinking straight.” Thomas feels like he’s literally threading on thin ice right now. “You’re not. Now, we can help you. Just put down the gun.” He requests in a soft voice. Gally looks straight at him.
“I belong to the Maze.” Gally stoically states.
“Just… put down the gun, Gally,” Thomas requests again.
“We all do.” Gally says, and pulls the trigger of the gun with his finger. Mars crouches into herself, into Newt, her hands covering her ears at the loud noise, and at the same time sees Minho throwing the spear in Gally’s direction. Shouts and gasps echo around the room, the gladers all drew back and are now watching the aftermath unfold. The gun drops from Gally’s hand to the floor, the spear that Minho threw made a home in Gally’s chest, right where his heart should be, paralysing any and all of his muscles and nerves. He falls down to his knees first. But where did the bullet go?
“Thomas…” comes a squeak from Chuck as the boy feels strange waves of hot and cold surging through his body. They seem to come from a certain spot in his stomach. Everyone turns to look at Chuck, and they miss him as the boy collapses to the floor in Thomas’ arms. Mars draws in a sharp gasp at the sight of blood spreading from a circular wound in Chuck’s stomach. Her hand covers her mouth to silence her gasps and sobs. She holds onto Newt, watching as Thomas cradles Chuck.
“Oh, shit, shit,” Thomas curses to himself, his shaking hands rake over Chuck’s wounded torso, “look at me, look at me!” He cradles the boy’s face. “Chuck, look at me, all right?” What can Thomas do? What can any of them do? Are there any Med-Jacks left? Mars looks around, but sees neither Clint or Jeff in the group with them. Shit… there’s no one around to help Chuck, or help the gladers help Chuck. They have no medical equipment to treat him with, no bed to lay him in. “I got you, buddy, just hang on. It’s okay.” Thomas assures him with what Mars thinks is just false hope. But Thomas is convinced he’ll help Chuck, he’s convinced he’ll get him out of here, get him better, take him to his parents.
The young boy takes something out of his shirt’s pocket, his breaths ragged and coming out in hiccups, and he gives it to Thomas. Mars isn’t close enough to see what it is, but she can tell it’s important. Chuck holds a frozen, terrified look on his face. The boy is so afraid of dying. “Thomas, Thomas…” he calls to his friend, to his big brother of sorts, and it breaks Mars’ heart. She nuzzles her face into Newt’s chest, not being able to watch it anymore.
“No, Chuck?” It’s audible in Thomas’ voice that he’s started to cry. “You’re gonna give it to them yourself. Remember? I told you that.” He tries to tell the boy, but Chuck’s ears must be ringing and surging with all the blood he’s losing.
“Take it.” Chuck pleads in a quiet squeak. But Thomas shakes his head. Mars dares to look at the two in anguish. “Thank you. Thank you.” Chuck tells Thomas in a whisper, but it echoes throughout the room loudly, as there’s nothing else making noises in the room. Chuck draws in a wheezing breath, and then makes a small, quiet exhale before his head and whole body goes limp in Thomas’ arms. No glader seems to be breathing anymore. Any sign of life fades from Chuck’s face, and they all know what’s happened.
“No, Chuck, you’re…” Thomas gently shakes the boy’s shoulders, but then a certain look passes over his face. His lips drop to a frown, his eyes widen and his breath seems to stop. Teresa, kneeling on Chuck’s other side, presses her lips together and squeezes her eyes shut. Tears flow down like rivers down her cheeks. Newt tears up, his hand covering half his face as he realises what’s happened. He squeezes Mars closer to him with the arm around her shoulders. Chuck is gone. “Chuck, come on… come on, wake up!” Thomas begs in a heartbreaking wail. Mars can’t hold her tears in anymore, and lets them fall onto Newt’s shirt, she clings to him dearly. “Damn it!” Thomas screams, his frustrations, regrets and anger mostly towards WICKED audible in that scream. If he hadn’t brought Chuck here, the boy wouldn’t have died. “I’m sorry…” Thomas’ head drops on Chuck’s chest as he cries in loud whines. “God damn it! We made it, come on!”
To everyone’s surprise, the door at the end of the mysterious hallway opens up, pouring light into the facility the galders are in, and people in soldier uniforms, much like the ones the dead bodies around here are wearing, run through it, holding guns before them. Mars wipes away her tears and looks at the people. They have masks over their faces, she doesn’t know if she knows any of them. “Everyone, come with us! We’re leaving now!” One of the men commands the kids. Are they the good guys? Mars thinks. But she decides that, if they want to get them out of here, they probably are the good guys. They couldn’t be WICKED if they want to rescue them.
Teresa shakes Thomas’ shoulder, calling out his name, but the boy doesn’t budge. He still holds onto Chuck’s body, hopelessly begging for him to get up, but to no avail. Newt knows Thomas will get out with them, sooner or later, he knows Thomas will do the right thing, so he holds tightly onto Mars’ arm and heads towards the exit, guided by one of the rescuing men. They jog after the soldier, as they seem to be in a sudden rush, and as soon as they’re outside, the light of a thousand suns pierces their eyes, as well as sand rushes straight at them. Sand flies through the air with the rough wind, making Mars close her mouth and eyes immediately and throw one of her arms over her face.
“Come on, come on, this way!” The man shouts, leading them outside in a straight line towards a helicopter. Newt, with his hurting limp, lets Mars run in front of him, he still holds onto her by her waist and hand. They don’t even have time to look around, to examine where they are, they follow the men who are piling them into the helicopter fast. But Mars can tell that they’re in some sort of wide, open space. Is this the real world? Winston and Frypan run in front of Newt and Mars, and Newt looks over his shoulder in search of Minho and Thomas, and he sees only Minho for now, running right behind them, Teresa is right behind Minho. Newt is sure Thomas will be with them shortly.
The floor of the helicopter is harsh and cold, but it’s covered in old blankets and fishing nets that Mars guesses is for their comfort. Newt and her quickly find their place to sit in a corner, right beside a window, so they sit with their backs against a wall, their knees bent in front of them. Mars immediately wraps both of her arms around Newt, pulling him as close to her as possible. She can’t imagine what Thomas feels about losing Chuck, losing someone he’d grown close to just over a month’s time, and in such a harsh way. She can’t imagine what it would be like for her to lose Newt. Granted, she’s known him for only a few days, not even a week, but the bond that’s been born between them is like no other.
Mars watches the wind throwing sand in all directions just outside the window she’s closest to. The sun is ever-so-bright. Is that normal? What stretches out beyond the glass shield is just sand dunes and an endless desert. What is this place, where are they? Where will these people take them? Mars looks around at the other gladers gathered in the helicopter, her eyes shyly flicking from one person to the other, her nervous glance partly hidden by her cheek squished against her arm and Newt’s side. Teresa, Frypan, Minho, Winston and a few others are all here, the group made it. She looks to the open door of the helicopter, and sees Thomas being dragged towards them. He’s given up fighting against the men or fighting to stay with Chuck, his arms and legs limp. She can’t see his face, but she can only guess the look of defeat and hurt is all over it. The men gently help him get inside the helicopter, and Thomas lands to sit right next to Newt. An empty look is in his eyes, as is no doubt in everyone else’s. Mars sees that Thomas holds onto the small thing Chuck gave to him, it dirty with dried blood. Thomas’ hands are coated with the same substance.
Newt pats Thomas’ shoulder and continues sincerely holding onto Mars, the draped arm over her shoulders squeezing her tighter. He sniffles, and they both watch the view through the window of the helicopter as the doors finally close, and the noise of the vehicle is silenced a bit. The engine starts to rev and the helicopter slowly rises from the sandy ground. One of the men of the rescue group sit in the corner across from Mars, and he takes off his mask. Looking upon him, Mars doesn’t recognise him. But he smiles at them. “Relax, kids,” the man says, “everything’s gonna change.”
No one speaks for a long while. The gladers are processing everything they’ve seen, everything they’ve heard and learned, everything they’ve been through. All of them have tears in their eyes, most of them are surely crying. As the helicopter rises higher and higher above the ground, the huge stone walls of the Maze come into view through the windows of the left side. Mars is the first to scramble towards it, wanting to see every inch, curious and fearful at the same time, and she gasps at the sight. The Maze is much bigger than she ever could have thought, and she sees hatches, as well as gears and tubes covering the outsides and tops of its walls.
The others gather beside and behind her to see the Maze, too. And they realise all at once that it’s all been just a lie, just a test, just an experiment. And they’ve been the rats. The subjects. Thomas gulps, more tears falling from his eyes. Teresa lands back in her seat heavily, her breath seemingly knocked out of her chest. Mars returns to her previously taken place and waits for Newt, as well, but he takes a longer while at the window, watching the Maze and Glade both from above. He locks eyes with Minho, and sees that he’s thinking the exact same thing. The Maze was just built for them. It’s not the whole world. Besides, there’s another Maze right next to it. And another. A series of four Mazes stretch out among the sand dunes. Minho puts his hand on Newt’s back, knowing what he’s thinking, knowing what he’s feeling. He knows Newt the best, and is feeling much of the same things that he is.
Newt slowly returns to his place between Thomas and Mars. A deep, hollow look fills his eyes as he blandly embraces Mars again and leans on her in a soft manner.
All lies. Just a set up. Is anything real? Is Mars real, is Minho real? Is Thomas real? Are they really his friends? What about Gally? And Alby? What were the Grievers? What about the boys who died? What did they die for?
“We’ll take you kids to Base, it’ll take a couple hours,” the man who smiled at them informs them now, looking over each of the gladers. Mars can tell that just like her, they don’t trust this man, or don’t know if they can, and they eye him suspiciously in accord, “you can rest up while we fly.”
You can rest, echoes in Mars’ ears as she still keeps looking at the view outside the window. They’re now flying over fallen skyscrapers and shorter buildings, fallen and ruined towers, half-deep in sand. Is this the world they worn born into? Maybe this is some kind of illusion WICKED has made them see? Endless miles of just sand-covered ground, of sand dunes, lays past the fallen city. She almost can’t believe her eyes.
She doesn’t know which thing out of the million is more shocking to her now. That the world is like this, probably most of it? The fact that the Maze and Glade were built for some experiment they were all of a part of? Maybe the part of her, Thomas and Teresa helping WICKED build it, and make the experiment? Or maybe the fact that there’s a deadly, incurable virus out in the world, killing each and all inhabitants one by one? Maybe it’s Chuck’s death? He was so young, younger than the others, Mars is sure. He didn’t deserve to die, and certainly not like that. He should have had a normal life, should have met or at least remembered his parents, should have actually escaped the Maze. And Gally? The fact that he was ready to shoot Thomas or anyone else, just to prove his point?
With a tearful face and a racing mind, Mars’ head not able to take anything in anymore, she lets her head fall into Newt’s chest as she loses consciousness and the will to stay awake longer. Sleep welcomes her like an old friend, and she drifts off to another memory dream. Newt feels the soft thud of her skull against his shirt-covered chest and looks down at her, the movement bringing him out of his daze of confusion and loss. He musters a smile at the sight of her sleeping, and he lays his hand on the side of her head, cradling it gently. He lets the back of his head rest against the wall behind him, and as he watches the slowly moving landscape outside, his eyes and brain both start to get tired and it’s not long before Newt is asleep himself.
Pain. So much pain, and everywhere. The smell of something burnt, exhaustion. Headache, migraine. Pain everywhere. “Now,” comes the voice that you’d think would draw the pain out, but it only amplifies every bad feeling in her body. The voice is like a walking headache, slipping inside every ear that can hear it, “what is your name?”
A puff. She manages to focus her eyes in front of her. A metal desk, her hands cuffed with metal links. Handcuffs. Those are called handcuffs. What is your name, what is your name, what is your name. The man and his voice are far away and too close at the same time. “Mars…” she says in a quiet sigh, so quiet that the man didn’t hear her.
“What? Speak up, please, young lady,” the man requests. His personality and over-all behavior are both evident in just his voice. Mars is sure she’d recognise him from a million miles away.
“My name…” she says between heavy breaths, “is Mars.” The man rolls his eyes, and suddenly, black and white spots and splashes blind her vision as jolts and jolts of electricity crackle all over her body from her left side, right under her armpit. It burns! It stings! It hurts so bad! “Stop!” She manages to scream out between her body spasms. She collapses onto the table, next thing she knows she’s writhing around in her seat. Pain, so much pain, everywhere, all at the same time. It’s like all her nerves and muscles are made electrified at once, and they want to break out from beneath her skin and muscle restraints.
“Now, let’s do this again,” the man says, and suddenly a name comes into Mars’ mind in association with the voice. Will Jansen. Assistant Director Jansen. Security Director Jansen. Rat-Man, “what is your name?”
“You can…” she winces at her movements, “you can electrocute me all you want, Ratty. I know my name, and I’ll remember it for as long as I live.” She tells him and finally falls with her back against the chair’s back support, finding some small percentage of comfort in that position. Mars locks her eyes with the man sitting in front of her, and tries to transpond as much anger into her glare at him as she can. “My name is Mars. And I won’t be of any use to you electrocuted to death or made catatonic. I promise.” She flashes him a sarcastic smile.
The signature rat-like grin stretches Jansen’s lips subtly and he snickers. Mars thinks it might just be the ugliest facial expression she’s seen on a person in all her life. Jansen shakes his head. “You’re no use to us anymore, anyway,” he says with a casual shrug, and Mars’ heart—if it’s still beating—drops to the pit of her stomach, and seems to fall even lower, “so your promise goes to waste. Mars is not your name. Mars is the name of one of the planets in the Solar System. Can you tell me anything you remember about the planet? Why do you think your name is Mars?” His face grows serious again, and he squints his small, dark eyes at Mars again.
She sighs, rolling her eyes over. “I can ramble about every known and discovered planet in the Universe for hours, each of them,” she admits, “but that’s not what I’m here for.” Her foot comes across the center leg of the table. “Is it?” Mars’ eyes flick up to Jansen’s again.
“I would call you a clever girl,” he tells her, “but since you can’t even tell me your actual name, I will pass on the opportunity.” He says and nods at the guard standing behind Mars, and he sends off jolts and spikes of electricity over her body once again, only this time, through her right side. Mars screams out in pain, screams as loud as she can, hoping that anyone with an actual brain could hear her here, wherever she is, and come rescure her from this moron. “I imagine how hard that hurts,” he tells her with a fake pouted lip, and Mars sends him an even angrier glare, “it would stop if you would just tell the truth.”
Mars actually laughs at that choice of words, even though it hurts almost all muscles in her body to do so. She locks her hands together on the table and leans forward, her back hunched over. Mars’ lungs are barely operating, so is her brain. But they won’t fry it. Jansen doesn’t know how strong and willful her mind is. It will stay intact, no matter what they do to her. The only thing they could do to weaken it is cut it out and off from source of life, but thankfully, Jansen doesn’t know that. “The truth…” Mars grumbles in her croak of a voice and shakes her head, “there’s no such thing as the truth.” She says and chuckles to herself again. “Not here, anyway. All that’s here is… lies and secrets.” Mars shakes her head. “I won’t be a part of it.”
Jansen’s facial expression immediately changes, as if a switch had been flicked, and he stands up. “Fine.” He says and bunches up Mars’ hair in his fist before hitting her face-first against the table, splintering her nose with blood gushing everywhere. Mars yelps out and then lays on the table, partly concussed, sure that her actual skull is cracked in two, but she doesn’t get a moment of rest or recharge, because the guard is forcing his electrocuter into her side again—this time, she can tell, they’ve amplified the power of the weapon—and she positively loses consciousness and any sense of the world around her.
part twelve?
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Sweet Pandemonium - Gally (The Maze Runner) Part 14 of 16
Tags because apparently persons like this story enough to wanna be tagged??? : @multifandom-fangirl4​
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“You know what to do, right?”
“Yes, Thomas. I’ve known for the last ten times you’ve asked me.” You snapped quietly, not trying to draw attention to yourself as Thomas walked you back to where you were before he found you.
“I’m sensing a bit of hostility...”
You closed your eyes briefly as you sighed heavily, Thomas was really starting to get on your nerves, and it was definitely something you did not need right now. “Sorry, I’m just nervous.”
“You have every right to be. But it’ll be okay.”
You stared up at the building in the distance, the building that you had been trapped in for the past months. You dug your nails into your palms to feel something other than dread.
“You know where to meet us.” You hummed in agreement, not trusting your own voice not to waver as you forced yourself to be strong. “You’ll do great.” He said, bringing you in for a warm hug. “I’ll see you soon.”
You nodded weakly, watching as Thomas gave you a sympathetic smile as he walked away and soon disappearing into the crowd of busy citizens of the Last City.
Every step forward, you kept reminding yourself that you were doing this for Minho. For Minho. For Minho. For Minho.  
As soon as you were right outside the double doors leading into the building, you heard a mechanical whirring from above you, looking up to see some sort of drone. You flinched when a couple of guards came out of the doors, prompting you to hold your hands up.
And just like that, you were thrown into a room by yourself, cuffed to a table with guards making sure you didn’t try to escape. You only started to feel relieved when Teresa pushed out from behind them. 
“Where have you been?” She all but yelled. “You were supposed to come back an hour ago!”
Play it cool, Y/N...
“I know, I know, but I can explain.” You said smoothly.
“Well, I sure hope it’s a good one.” She scowled.
“I had to use the bathroom, and we were already a ways away from here, so the dude guarding me let me go in the shop. When I got out, he was gone.”
“Yeah, he left me, fucked off somewhere. I actually tried looking for him, but that only got me lost.” Teresa had the best poker face you’d ever seen in your life, so you had no idea if she was believing your story. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen.” You said, pretending to sound as sincere as possible.
“The guard left...and you didn’t try to leave?”
Here goes nothing...
“I couldn’t leave you, Teresa...” You said bashfully, casting your gaze downward to make it more believable.
There was a silence pause for a moment, and you were anxious to find out if Teresa would take the bait.
You suddenly heard the rattling of metal, and felt your wrists feel lighter, and you realized that your cuffs were removed. You looked up in slight shock to Teresa, who was smiling softly.
Quickly being escorted into an elevator, you dreaded what consequences would bestowed upon you for deviating from the original plan of walking around the city for a few hours. You couldn’t help but worry if Teresa would be reprimanded for what you did too. Even if she believed your story, there was no telling if Dr. Paige would.
Entering a room on whatever floor of the building you were on, you were immediately faced with the disappointed face of Ava Paige. And the almost smug look of Jensen, making you want to scowl, but you willed yourself to save it for another time.
“Well, look at the young blood who so graciously decided to return.” Jensen’s absurdly condescending voice rang out, but one look from Dr. Paige shut him up quickly.
“Teresa, I expect an explanation for this.”
“Yes.” Teresa responded, a hint of irritation in her voice. “She told me everything.”
Ava sighed, taking a seat with a glass of brandy in her hand. “Let’s hear it then.”
After Teresa explained, way better than you did, Ava Paige almost had a somewhat content look on her face. Whereas, Jensen only scowled.
“You can’t actually believe that she came back when she had the chance to escape.” He ranted to his superior.
“Teresa’s the only family she has left.” Paige sighed, taking one last sip of her drink before approaching the two of you. “From now on, only you accompany Y/N wherever she goes. Got it?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Teresa complied.
Jensen looked at you with so much disdain, you felt it burn through the back of your skull as you turned to follow Teresa back to the elevator.
Coming up to her apartment floor, Teresa unlocked her front door with a huff. “That went well.”
You chuckled weakly. “I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.”
Teresa gave you a knowing smile, making your heart swell against your will. You forced yourself to focus on the task at hand, you couldn’t truly be all sisterly with her, not until Minho was safe. But, you could pretend to. You were pretending...right?
“Where’d you get that?” Teresa’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts, causing you to look down where she was pointing. 
A big, angry red mark was seeping through the fabric of your jeans. Huh, you must’ve gotten it when you fell out that window. You were so caught up with reuniting with everyone, must’ve slipped your mind.
“Uh, I have no idea. I must’ve gotten on the way back.” You lied.
Teresa tsked, shaking her head disapprovingly, just like her mother used to. “You’ve always been clumsy. Sit down.” She ordered, walking away and coming back with a med kit.
“Nah, I’m not clumsy. Just a little absent minded.”
“In any case, you need to be more careful.” She scolded, taking out some peroxide. “Roll up your pant leg, please.” 
“Ow!” You hissed as she wasted no time cleaning the wound. “It’s just a scrape, there’s no need to do all this.” Your voice wavered as you felt the welt start to throb painfully. 
“Oh, so you’d rather me leave it to get infected?” You rolled your eyes as a response. “That’s what I thought. It won’t take that long. So how was the city anyway?”
“...Even more beautiful than from your window, kinda scary too.” You said sincerely.
“A lot of people huh?”
“Yeah...a lot.”
Teresa stayed silent, watching your expressions change as you thought about what you were going to say next.
“When I was out there, seeing all those people just going about their lives. Seeing the innocent children...it made me sad.”
Teresa smiled weakly. “There’s a girl here, Shai. She reminds me of you. Strong, resilient, always trying to look on the bright side...she has the Flare.”
“...I’m sorry.”
Teresa shook her head slightly, quickly regaining her composure. “We’re doing everything we can to help her. You and Minho are part of that. You both can help her.”
“Cause of the enzyme, right?”
“Yes.” She smiled.
“We just have to be tortured for it to work...”
“If there was another way, we would’ve found it by now.”
You sighed. “How’s Shai doing now?”
Teresa frowned as she finished bandaging your wound. “She’s alive...for now. She’s still fighting. Just one more treatment and we’ll have enough enzyme to help her.”
“Treatment?” Teresa gave you a knowing look, and you understood. “Oh...you call it treatment.”
“Don’t you want to help that little girl? Give her another chance at life? You can do that for her, Y/N.”
Of course you did. You wanted everyone, all the children in the world to be able to live.
“Just one more treatment?” You asked reluctantly.
“Just one more.”
Yikes and bites I hate this one, but the next one will be better. Promise. It might give you feels and depression but oh well
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dreamsafterhours · 3 years
An NCT Dream x The Maze Runner AU
What if Alby wasn't the first Glader?
enjoy as i write purely for self-indulgence, born from my love of the series and a passion for putting my biases in fictional situations of mortal danger
this series will be formatted as report files from W.I.C.K.E.D. as they test out their maze on our seven boys from NCT Dream
there is no y/n in this series, only secondary observation reports
to clarify, this plot can be read as a 'prequel' to The Maze Runner by James Dashner. there may be references to preexisting characters, however they will not be active agents in this series. technically, this is an alternate universe for the dreamies, not thomas and his friends.
the warnings below should be enough to prepare you all for what's coming lol. buckle up
⚠️ tw: major character death, violence, grievers, swearing, graphic depictions of gore and blood, weapon use, possible spoilers for The Maze Runner series. i cannot stress enough that you should read at your own discretion.
naturally, the genre is horror and will involve scientific observations to suggest adverse emotions, such as fear.
this is a work of fiction closely tied to James Dashner's novel series, The Maze Runner. while i do not intend to plagiarise any of his works, i will be using many of his plot points, including the maze, grievers, w.i.c.k.e.d., and some characters, e.g. Dr. Ava Paige, etc., however, the details of the plot will be of my own imagination.
i do not own these characters, nor do i own James Dashner's name or those of NCT Dream's members. i am merely borrowing them for alternate universe purposes.
Folder: MAZE TRIAL ZERO > Folder: Pre-Trial Preparation and Planning
File: Official Proposal to Dr Ava Paige
File: Potential Subject Profiles
File: Details of Stakes Involved
File: Predicted Cost
File: Ethical Implications
File: Map of the Maze
Folder: MAZE TRIAL ZERO > Folder: Progress Reports > Folder: Week One
Report: Day One
Report: Day Two
Report: Day Three
Report: Day Four
Report: Day Five
Report: Day Six
Report: Day Seven
Folder: MAZE TRIAL ZERO > Folder: Conclusion
File: Discussion and Advice for Future Development
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rai-wick · 3 years
Gally x Reader Chapter 24: Free
"Jessica, Barry, Walt, Edgar, Samantha" Janson was calling out the names.
"I wanna know what's through that door" I heard Thomas mutter next to me.
We all looked at him, before I shrugged at Newt.
"Now, we've been over this"He sighed "You said they were covered up, so you don't know what you saw"
"It could've been anything under there"
"I know exactly what I saw. They were bodies"Thomas argued.
"Aris said they bring in a new batch every night"He lowered his voice as we all leaned a bit closer.
"Who the hell is Aris?"Minho asked.
"Henry, Tim"Thomas pointed over to the kid who was peering closely at a slice of orange.
"Well, I'm sold"I mutter making Newt chuckle.
"And last but not least, David" Janson finished "Thank you for your attention. Enjoy the rest of your evening"
"Okay, until we know anything for certain, we should just keep our heads down and try not to draw any attention to ourselves, all right?"Newt looked at Thomas who was staring at the door.
"Tommy..."I noticed the glint in his eye before he stood up and marched towards the door.
"What is he doing?"Newt asked.
"I think he's drawing attention to himself"I sighed as we watched him. He tried to get through a few times and got pulled away. The guard muttered something at him and Thomas turned away before trying to make a run for the door then being tackled. I quickly got up followed by the rest of them.
"What's your problem, man?" I grabbed Thomas' arm, attempting to pull him back as Janson came running "Why won't you let me see her?"
"Control your friend!"The guard yelled to me. I gave him a glare in return.
"What's happening here?" Janson got between the guard and Thomas "Thomas? I thought we could trust each other" He put a hand on his shoulder, looking around before leaning in"You know we're all on the same team here"
"Are we?"Thomas asked. Janson looked at him before dropping his hand.
"Get them to their bunks" We were grabbed and marched from the cafeteria.
"Get your asses in there! All of you!"I crashed into Newt as we were thrown into our room.
"What the hell was that about?"Minho questioned Thomas"You didn't really think they were just gonna let you through?"
"Nah, Of course I didn't"He pulled something out of his pocket. It was an ID card "I'm gonna find out what's on the other side of that door"
"Right"I crossed my arms as Newt sighed.
"Newt, ____, they're hiding something. Okay? These people are not who they say they are" He began to walk to his bed.
"No, Thomas, you don't know that!"Newt argued as we followed"The only thing we do know is that they helped rescue us from WICKD. They gave us new clothes. They gave us food. They gave us a proper bed. Some of us haven't had that in a long time"
"Yeah, but..."
"Some of us a lot longer than others"Newt let out a deep breath. All of a sudden the vent door was thrown open and Aris slid out from under Thomas' bed.
"Hey Thomas"
"What the..."
"You got it, didn't you?"He spoke over Frypan.
"Yeah, let's go"He held up the card"All right, look, maybe you guys are right. Maybe I'm just being paranoid"He got under his bed as we all crouched down "But I got to find out for sure. Just cover for me. I'll be back as soon as I can"He slid into the vent. I ran a hand through my hair and glanced at the door. That shank better be careful.
"Winston..."I held my head in my hands at the guy who high fived a grinning Frypan.
"I'm serious _____!"I groaned and flopped back on my bed as they all smirked.
"It's a simple question really"Newt chuckled making me roll my eyes at him"Why Gally? No offense but there were other choices so what made you choose him?"
"This is not a slumber party"I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at them "But since you all are such nosy shanks..."I sighed, feeling my cheeks getting warm "He made me feel safe and loved"
"I'm sure that's sweet and all but I think it was because you thought he was good in bed"My face went red hot making them cheer and laugh as I threw my pillow at Minho. We were interrupted by the vent skidding across the room and Thomas scrambling out followed by Aris.
"Thomas!"I ran to him and helped him up.
"We gotta go. We gotta go right now"He ran to the door and peered outside.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"What do you mean, 'We gotta go?''
"They're coming. Come on. We gotta go."He ran back to his bed "They're coming for us"He grabbed his sheets and tied them tightly around the door handles.
"Aris what happened in there?"I questioned him. He was staring at the ground in shock.
"Paige, she's still alive"
"Thomas, can you just calm down and talk to us"Newt told him as he frantically tied his sheets.
"She's still alive"
"Who's she? Teresa?"
"Ava"I felt my blood go cold.
"Will you just turn around and talk to us?" I yelled at him.
"It's WICKD!"He shouted, finally turning around "It's still WICKD"He let go of the sheet and ran to his bed as we stared at him "It's always been WICKD" He grabbed his mattress and shoved it against the door.
"Thomas" I put my hand on the mattress making him turn around and look at me "What did you see?"
"I don't have time to explain right now"He let out a shaky breath "_____, please, we have to go"He looked at me with pleading eyes.
I glanced around at everyone's worried faces before turning back to Thomas "Lead the way"
"Come on, come on!"Thomas kept a lookout as we climbed out of the vent into an empty passage way "Okay, let's go!"
"You guys go ahead. There's something I gotta do"Aris waved at us, looking down the corridor for anyone.
"What are you talking about?"
"Trust me, it's important. You guys wanna get outta here, right? Just go"Aris climbed back into the vent.
"I'll go with him"Winston volunteered.
"Okay Winston, go! Go! Come on"Thomas nodded.
"Are you sure we can trust this kid?"Minho asked as we ran.
"You don't want to know where we'd be without him"Thomas replied. We turned a corner and ran into a doctor.
"What are you kids doing out?" She looked at us suspiciously. An alarm began to blare. I looked at Thomas then back at her.
"I'm sorry about this"I grabbed her arm and Thomas did the same "We need your help" We ran along the corridor heading to the med wing. As we turned the corner, we were faced with a guard.
"Freeze! Stay where you are!"He cocked his gun and shot at us. We turned back and ran.
"Why are they shooting at us?"Frypan yelled.
"I've spotted them! They're in L-3!"I turned back to see Minho staring at back the passage.
"What the hell are you doing?" I shouted at him. He ran back as a guard came running. He kicked him up and knocked him out. We ran to him.
"Shit, Minho!" I checked the guard's gun for ammo and threw it to Thomas."Let's go!"We arrived at the lab and pushed the doctor through first.
"Dr Crawford, are you here to..."The scientists looked up in confusion"Wait, wait. Okay, okay"They backed up as we barged in.
"Where is she? Where is she!"Thomas questioned them. They looked over to a bed covered by a curtain. He gave the gun to Minho who pointed it at them. While Thomas checked on Teresa, Newt tied the scientists up.
"Guys?"Frypan slammed the door shut "They're coming! Where do we go?"
"Frypan move!"I kicked over a table and pushed it against the door "Get back! Get back!"
"They've got the door barricaded. Send backup!"The guards pushed against our block.
"Okay, we gotta get outta here! Where do we go?"I turned to Thomas as he looked around the room.
"Everyone stand back!"He grabbed a stool, smashing it against a window"_____, Newt, help!"We both grabbed stools and broke the window.
"Go go go!"We jumped through as the guards and Janson made it past the door. Minho threw me the gun and we left the room only to be faced by a guard. I quickly pulled the trigger which caused the man to fly backwards in electrical shock.
"Shit. Okay, come on!"We ran past the twitching man and down the corridor.
"There it is! There it is!"Thomas yelled out.
"Converge on level 3"A voice said over the PA "All R-16 personnel, non-lethal force only"
"Thomas, the card!"I kept the gun ready as he tried to open the door.
"Shit! Come on!"The door denied entry repeatedly"No, no no!"
"Thomas!"We heard Janson's slimy voice as they approached behind us.I cocked my gun, marching towards him.
"Open this door, Janson!"I shouted over the alarm's ringing.
"You really don't want me to, ____"
"Open the damn door"I heard the beeping as they kept trying to open the door.
"Listen to me! I'm trying to save your life"He argued "The maze is one thing, but you kids wouldn't last one day out in the Scorch"They kept walking closer as did I "If the elements don't kill you, the Cranks will. ______, you have to believe me. I only want what's best for you"
"Yeah, let me guess. WICKD is good?"I replied in a sarcastic manner.
"You're not getting through that door" At that moment, the door clicked open revealing Aris and Winston standing there.
"Hey guys"
"Come on!"
"_____! Come on, let's go!"Thomas yelled at me as I looked back at Janson. I shot while running backwards. After the ammo finished, I threw the gun at them and ran like hell.
"Don't let them get away! Shut the main vault door!"Janson yelled. I sprinted as the door was slowly closing.
"No ____!"
"Come on _____! Come on!" I dropped to my knees and slid down just as the door sealed shut.
"Move! Move!"
"Thomas, what's going on?"I panted. Aris smashed the keypad so the guards and Janson couldn't get through. They begin to try to open the door while Aris finds a gun. Thomas gives the bird to a fuming Janson. We continue running for the exit.
"Come on, keep moving!" We find a large door and Thomas pulls it open. We wince as we see the high winded storm outside. I looked back at the soldiers trying to get through the door then back outside. 'Goodbye soft bed' I thought as I ran into the storm.
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