#don't you get reckless
the-myrna-loy-blog · 5 months
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oifaaa · 2 years
why do they keep making my boy the angry robin 😭 robin gives him magic let him be happy ffs. part of the dramatic/sadness is how different jaybird is after the laz pit hhjgjkjj. i had hope for the webtoon but tbh after that it’s just .. nah
Like we get it Red Hood is angry and violent so baby Jason has to be too bc apparently dc writers have never heard of character development everybody has to be the same or else the poor babys get confused but no matter how hard they try they will never convince me that baby Jason was angry violent kid when this is just so much funnier
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bloodfreak-boyking · 4 months
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tender brothertouching.gif
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science-lings · 2 months
PLEASE elaborate on the phoenix and franziska shenanigans during the 7yg you have NO idea how much i like them
I am someone who loved the investigative portion of Bridge to the Turnabout where Franziska had to babysit Phoenix when he wasn't allowed to follow Miles and Iris. I think when he's not her rival defense attorney and is looking particularly pathetic, she is actually pretty chill around him. She is not exempt from his aura that gets young women to imprint on him and follow him around.
She is genuinely offended on his behalf when he gets disbarred because he beat Miles and Manfred and even her! why the hell would he cheat in a case against a teenager! She does not think for a second that he forged that diary page because she knows firsthand how he throws himself into things and cannot prepare an entire evil plan for shit. However, she does not know how to convey this to him so she bullies Miles into flying him and Trucy around because Miles is almost too good at being resigned to pine sadly from a distance.
It's also important to know that she sees Phoenix being a caring father to Trucy and as someone who never really had a valid father, decided that maybe (ex) defense attorneys have rights... Even if Miles didn't get his shit together to put a ring on That Man's finger, Franziska would find herself in Phoenix's found family, it's only a matter of time.
For some reason Phoenix doesn't go to court with Edgeworth, maybe he can't stand being there while not being a lawyer, maybe he forgot he wasn't an attorney once and got kicked out for yelling out an objection, it doesn't matter, Trucy gets to be Edgeworths weirdgirl assistant and Phoenix is stuck investigating with Franziska and they are the worst people to keep each other out of trouble. We're talking about 'guy who ran across a burning bridge' and 'woman who got shot in the shoulder and still managed to get to court eventually' they are an unstoppable duo when they find something they can both get behind.
If anyone can slowly get Franziska to loosen up and learn to embrace the childhood that she lost, it would be Phoenix. I mean, this girl passed the bar at like 13 there was no way she had time to binge she-ra and check out books on drawing horses from the library. He would convince her to get a cat who hangs out in a window backpack that she can carry around during her travels because it turns out that her life is kinda lonely and she totally seems like the cat lesbian type. She is also allergic to cats so she has to get a sphinx or a devon rex or just the most gargoyle/ golbin looking creature to walk on this earth. That just seems like her vibe.
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mcdannowave · 1 year
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And you’re his ‘Sunshine’ 🌈
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justanotherignot · 6 months
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radioactivepeasant · 6 months
Snippets: Free Day Thursday
Ok, part 2!
Part One Here
(Warning for brief violence)
"Okay!" Daxter snapped, flinging a piece of a lever to the ground in disgust, "That is the last time I ever, ever, touch any more stupid Precursor crap!"
Jak would have responded, but he couldn't tear his eyes away from the strange place they had fallen into. Hard stone covered the ground in even, flat surfaces, like walking paths made of one solid piece. They matched the gray of drab huts built four or five levels high -- fortresses? -- with equally flat tops and windows covered in a thin, reflective material of some kind. Everything smelled like rotting garbage and the exhaust fumes of his zoomer! What kind of dead ruin was this?
A ruin, perhaps, but hardly a dead one.
Zoomers in bright colors and sleek shapes darted back and forth overhead, mesmerizing the small boy. There were more people on them than he'd ever seen in his life! People walked along the streets in crowds! Was this what Uncle called "city"? It was so much bigger than the villages! And if he stood on the tips of his toes, Jak could see more structures that were even taller!
"There he is!" a harsh voice rang out.
A group of -- were they people? They were covered in armor with goggles that reminded Jak of the giant Precursor robot -- marched towards him, carrying strange weapons. The long, thin things reminded him of the Yellow Sage's blunderbuss. Some forgotten instinct told him that these things were deadly, and never to be played with.
Why were they coming towards him? Had he done something wrong?
Oh no! The broken pieces of the Rift vehicle must have hurt someone!
"Move in!"
In mere seconds, the red warriors had completely surrounded them. Part of Jak wanted to fight, but if they were just protecting their city from what probably looked like an attack, maybe it would be better to stay calm. Jak didn't want to find out what those weapons could do at such close range. But as the circle closed around him, Jak looked up into the face of their leader, and his stomach turned.
This wasn't a misunderstanding. These people were looking for trouble. The tattooed man smirking down at him had the same unreasonable gleam in his eye as Gol Acheron. He didn’t want to talk. He was going to hurt them whether or not they gave him a reason.
Jak took a step back without thinking as his pulse began to thunder in his ears.
What does he want? I didn't do anything to him! Why is he looking at us like that?!
"Step away from the animal!" barked a soldier.
Whoever they were, they understood that Jak was more powerful with Daxter supplementing his attacks. But Jak had never seen these people in his life!
Had he?
The boy cast a frantic look down at Daxter as a soldier began to move towards him.
Run! Run, Daxter!
With a shriek, the ottsel dodged the armored hand and dove between the man's legs.
"GO GO GO!" he screeched, darting off down a side street.
But Jak couldn't follow. The men crowded closer, fencing him in as their sneering leader snapped, "Forget the rat! The Baron wants him!"
Me? Why?! What's a Baron?!
A cruel smile twisted the leader's face as he signaled the man beside Jak.
"We've been waiting for you," he cooed.
Something slammed into the side of Jak's head, dropping him like a stone. Lights danced behind his eyes, and he couldn't think past the pain. Why? Why were they doing this? Were they friends of the Acherons? Rough hands grabbed him by the arms and dragged him to his feet, ignoring his soft whimper. He had to escape. Had to find Daxter. Somehow Jak knew that if he let these people take him, he might never see his friends again.
His throat pulsed and spasmed, but he couldn't force the sound past the lock in his mouth, couldn't cry out for help. Someone! Please, please stop them! Precursors! Somebody!
Somebody answered.
There was an awful, wet sound. Claws through cloth, and flesh, and the horrible, high screams that always followed.
Jak knew that sound. When the Lurkers attacked village outskirts and Samos sent him to clean up the mess, he'd learned what it sounded like when someone was being ripped apart.
His head was swimming, but Jak forced himself to look up. Through leaking eyes he caught the blurry figure of a...a someone, covered in armor. Their head -- or maybe a helmet? Hopefully a helmet -- looked like the skull of the monsters that had flown out of the Rift Gate, complete with the shining yellow thing on the forehead. They were attacking the leader man, the one who hadn't been wearing as much armor as the others.
It seemed the leader wasn't accustomed to close quarters fighting.
He screeched again as the newcomer raked long claws down his face, then bodily lifted him. With a grunt that sounded more human than monster, the creature flung its victim into the soldiers surrounding Jak just as they raised their weapons. There were three flashes of light at once, then panicked shouting and more screaming. The eco that shot out of their weapons had hit their leader as he was thrown, by the sounds of the yelling. "Commander Errol" continued to scream like he was dying. He probably was.
Abruptly the two men holding his arms let go. Still disoriented, Jak staggered and fell to his hands and knees. More yellow eco blasts roared over his head, adding to the ringing in his ears, and the stench of blood grew stronger. Maybe he could crawl out of the way, escape down the side street Daxter took. Maybe-
The creature shot out a red hand and caught Jak by the wrist, pulling him to his feet so quickly his head spun and his stomach lurched. He tried to pull free, but the monster's grip tightened.
"Can you run?"
A man's voice. Was it a creature? Or was this more armor?
Jak wobbled and groaned, and the man-thing seemed to take that as an answer. Without another word, he ducked down to sweep Jak's legs off the ground. He bundled him close to his blood-spattered breastplate and began to run. The jarring of boots against stone did nothing to allay the pounding in Jak’s head, radiating from where the red soldier had hit him. What on earth was happening to him?!
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"Hold on tight, Jak. Going to get a little tricky here," his rescuer said.
Wait. He knew Jak's name? How did he know Jak's name?! Did he know one of the sages? Maybe the Yellow Sage, since he seemed like some kind of wild man. If he knew the sages, he'd know how to get back to Sandover! Jak struggled to make a sound the man would recognize as a word or question. Grownups never understood signs, why would this one be different?
"Wait, Jak. We're not safe yet," said the man sternly.
Jak stilled. Whoever this was, he didn't sound like the kind of person you ignored.
Streets flew by as the man ran down alleys and around more corners than he could count. Then his steps slowed. There was something metallic and green -- one of those unusual zoomers that had been flying around, wide enough for two people -- sitting unattended. The man made an exclamation of triumph and hurried over to it. He deposited Jak into one of the seats with a surprising gentleness, fastening two strange belts over his chest with a click.
"That commander's access pass will get us into the agricultural sector," his rescuer said, as if that meant anything to him, "then we'll be out of the city and into the forest. Just stay close to me, no matter what, understand?"
Jak stared at his mask with wide eyes and didn't answer. The man sighed, rattling behind the skull.
"I know. I know you don't recognize me, little one."
Strange, he sounded kind of sad.
"I promise, I'll explain what's going on when we're in the forest. Now: hold onto something."
The wide zoomer, it turned out, was a lot faster than his a-grav zoomer back home. It could hover a lot higher, too. If Jak's head didn't still ache, he would have been a lot more interested in the vehicle. But as it stood, he was pretty sure he was going to throw up. Was this how Daxter felt when they were running around?
Nah. Daxter was one of the toughest people Jak knew. He could roundhouse kick a Lurker in the face and flip back onto Jak’s shoulder without even getting dizzy!
Wait! Daxter!
Frantically, Jak waved his hands as the zoomer careened through and around other drivers, scraping paint more than once. Even though he didn't expect an answer, he signed, "Go back! Go back, my friend is back there!"
Predictably, the man did not go back. But to Jak’s surprise, he did answer.
"We're not going back," he grunted, throwing the craft into a climb that left the engine straining. "That plaza will be swarming with guards now."
Then, a little gentler, he added, "Don't worry so much about Daxter. He's a smart boy, he knows how to keep himself safe until someone comes for him."
Not only did this person know who Jak was, he knew Daxter?
A smart boy. He called Daxter a smart boy.
No one had ever said anything that nice about his best friend before. Especially not adults. Jak had never understood why everyone but Ollie and Mrs. Perch seemed to hate Daxter so much, but it had always frightened him. If they hated a kid who never did anything to them, that meant Jak was on a tightrope every day to keep them from deciding to hate him, too.
But the scary man who grabbed him, he knew Daxter's name. He didn't call him a rat or an animal, he called him a boy! He called him smart! Jak’s previous fear began to melt away. Anyone who talked about his best friend like that had to be a nice person, right? And he was a fun driver, too! Too bad Jak's stomach was trying to crawl up his throat at the moment.
After a tense few seconds, the zoomer leveled out and shot past a fancy fountain, over the heads of people in nicer clothes than what Jak had seen before. A few shook their fists and complained as they flew past. Slate gray paths gave way to the first green he'd seen since first getting into the Rift craft. A long, narrow expanse of grass held several plots of unusually large produce. The plots were being tended by exhausted looking people in much dirtier clothes than the people by the fountain. They didn't even glance up when the zoomer sped by.
They pulled to a stop at a high, forbidding wall. The door shaped vaguely like a skull only added to the sense of foreboding around it, as if it was a warning. A quick glance around revealed that the wall extended as far as Jak could see, so high that nothing was visible beyond it. How could these people stand it? It must be like living at the bottom of a silo!
Jak was snapped from his thoughts by the man yanking the strap things off him with a click and pulling him out of the zoomer. It took him a moment to get his feet under him, but at least he didn't feel like he was going to tip over.
"Hurry," said the man tersely. Almost as if he wasn't thinking about it, he reached down and took hold of Jak's hand. He tugged Jak after him and walked swiftly towards the door.
"Not a little kid!" Jak protested with his free hand as best as he could.
Although, he had a feeling his rescuer could argue to the contrary, considering Jak barely stood as high as the man's ribcage.
"Now leaving Haven City," said a woman's voice above their heads as the door rolled shut behind them. Jak looked around for a talk-box, but couldn't tell where the lady was speaking from. "Haven", eh? Didn't seem like much of a Haven to Jak.
A second door opened in front of them, and a weight lifted off of Jak's shoulders.
Trees, ancient and massive, sprawled across hills and around a creek running placidly down to a lake. Nature didn't care about soldiers and cities and people hurting each other. Nature kept growing and being born and dying and being reborn in an eternal cycle of eco. It was a relief to see none of those entombing walls before them. Strange though, Jak didn't see any signs of wildlife. One bird chirruped several trees away, but everything else was eerily quiet.
The armored man lifted an oddly shaped talk-box to his ear and turned away from Jak.
"Satellite One, this is Lighthouse. We're clear."
"Copy that, Lighthouse. Wait, who's "we"?"
"Oh. Jak. The kid Praxis was trying to ambush?"
"Kid?! Wait, you didn't tell me you were going to grab someone's kid!"
"Don't worry about it," the man said casually, "Focus on the mission."
The person calling themselves Satellite One was quiet for a second, then relented. "...right. I'll...I'll bring him home, Damas. I swear it."
"If anyone can, it's you." The man -- Day-maz? Is that what Satellite called him? -- put the talk box away and took in a deep breath through his nose. Then he pivoted to kneel in front of Jak.
"Alright, let's have a look at you."
He unlatched the mask or helmet and slid it off, revealing a human face beneath a hood. He pushed it off and shook his ears free with a grumble.
"Bah. This disguise is a necessary evil but I can't say I'll be sad to see it go."
The clawed gloves followed, and then rough brown fingers lifted Jak's chin carefully, checking for injuries.
"Look up? Good. Pupils...ah, mmhm. Jak, can you tell me if you feel dizzy or nauseous right now?"
Thin, almost invisible eyebrows rose over violet eyes. "Yes you can tell me, or yes you feel dizzy?"
"Yeah, that one." Jak frowned. "There's no birds."
The Day-mas man released Jak's face and clicked his tongue. "Well, you may have a mild concussion, little one."
Jak's ears drooped a few seconds after the words caught up to him. Aw man! But those take forever to go away without eco!
The thought of avoiding running and climbing for a few weeks was torture!
"There's a green eco vent a couple miles into the woods if we keep going northwest. For a slight brain injury you really need a full vent, but I can give you a little now to make walking easier."
The man pulled off more of the scaly armor and searched around a belt full of pouches before coming up with a tube of some kind of paste.
"Hold still."
Eco in paste?! How did he get it into a jelly?! It sat cold on Jak’s skin, numbing the place the guard had slammed his weapon into. Jak shivered as his mind cleared a bit. With the adrenaline beginning to wear off, he was starting to notice the cold. He'd need to find some yellow eco to raise his core temperature. Absentminded, he signed a thanks to the man and looked around.
"Who are you?" he asked, then belatedly remembered to add, "How do you know me and Daxter?"
With a weird, sad, smile, the man sat back on his heels. "My name is Damas," he said quietly, and then spelled it with his hand.
"You sign?!"
Jak thought adults just weren't capable of understanding signs!
"Yes," Damas signed back, "It's very common where I come from. Come, we need to get you more eco. Explanations can wait until you are fully healed."
He stood and held out a hand.
"I'm not a baby!" Jak complained, but he took the offered hand anyway.
Damas chuckled warmly. "No, you're not a baby. But you are quite small, compared to me. I wouldn't want you to get lost out here in the unknown. You never know what you'll run into out here in the woods."
"No birds," Jak commented again, frowning into bushes and trees as he was tugged along.
Entirely too cheerfully, Damas answered, "No, no birds. You're keeping track of your surroundings, good! There are predators nearby that have scared them off."
"Wha?!" Jak yelped, looking around again.
Damas squeezed his hand and began to make his way along the creek. "You don't need to worry about them, alright? I won't let anything hurt you, I promise."
Jak made a skeptical sound, but squeezed back and let himself be guided deeper into the woods, and further away from the world he'd left behind.
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erdasmcnonsense · 7 months
Okay I know it's not guaranteed by any means, and it's common enough for reds to survive a good while after turning red, but wouldn't it be funny if Martyn were to also be the first out of the game in Secret Life? The canary curse broken by the previous winner because the Watchers are just that done with Martyn's shit by now or whatever
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louisdelac · 8 months
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x if anything about this feels like it doesn't fit, that's because you don't understand the profound effect charoum and gorty have had on each other.
#'vinnie why is gortash's icon a pink crown that says 'princess' on it?'#how about we stop talking for a little while.#key points: i don't think you can want to become archduke of bg and NOT crave attention. he wants to be the specialest guy in the universe#however his desire for attention is an ego thing.#charoum wants attention because he am feel uncomfortable when things are not about him?#similarly gorty is definitely MORE cautious than charoum. but you can't be TOO cautious and also want to take over the world.#recklessness is required to accomplish big things.#charoum is overconfident and believes he can be reckless and survive so he's further on the scale than gorty#similarly taking over the world is not something a typically exhausted person undertakes. that requires energy.#kinky/vanilla TBH i don't think gorty particularly cares. he needs to be mentally engaged. everything else depends on the other person#that said i don't think he'd be mentally engaged with a person who's ideal sex life is missionary sex with the lights off. so.#also jealousy: neither of them is ACTUALLY that jealous because they have egos the size of the sun and are certain they hold an important#place in each other's lives#charoum randomly decides to get jealous when he's bored and in the mood to be annoying#gorty almost full stop doesn't get jealous at all. although he will get possessive at times and force that onto charoum#which i'm lumping into the jealousy stat#ascended astarion i GENUINELY don't think has what it takes to worship anybody.#however there's a hole in the triumvirate that needs filling. and by god if ascended astarion doesn't know how to fill a hole-#charoum
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thatgaydisneyfan · 4 months
Gina Carano suing Star Wars/Disney for being fired from years ago merely days after Carl Weathers's passing and getting supported by Elon Musk is a fucking trainwreck and I hope that bitch loses. The disrespect is unreal and her bigoted ass doesn't deserve shit.
And before ppl scream at me, she wasn't fired for her conservative ideologies, she was fired because she compared Democrats to Nazis and Republicans to Jews during the Holocaust, and she treated her coworkers (especially Pedro Pascal) like garbage for having different views than her.
If anyone can really defend her after all the crap she's pulled, you're seriously in need of a refreshed outlook. I'm not even joking.
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miabrown007 · 8 months
girl who sucks at making OCs needs to make a DnD character send help
#I did make one who was rad but then got vetod by the DM and now I handed in a half-elf wizard but she's just so basic#she literally has no personality send help#and also idk what direction should we take because I have no idea what the other people will be like in the party#and I'm the only girl player there so I don't want for that to be like be a thing and bring a stereotipically girly character#and I could make her like a standard bookish wizard which obviously stands very close to me and would be super easy to play#but that's so cliche and I don't want to be like everyone's mom in game if everyone else is just running around and fucking shit up#but I know that I'll have a harder time playing a more reckless and careless character and if there isn't going to be someone#thinking for the team and we just go headfirst into stuff that also sucks.#and like I like to be someone who thinks about the solutions it just can't just be me being the party pooper if you get me#but poor wizard girl is just so mid with her 'my parents wanted me to be an X wizard but I'm gonna be an Y wizard instead' backstory#like wow such rebellion you're gonna show them girl#but at this point I'm a week behind schedule so I need to have a character like for yesterday#and I don't want to just copy others' dnd characters from D20 but they have like a group cohesion and individual arcs and that's so cool#and I suck at making up little men#miaing#mia's dnd adventures#I'm stressing so much over just making a character and meeting strangers bringing a character with anxiety disorder wouldn't even be rp#I guess great that my sorcerer got vetoed how would I play out being the face of the party
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parameddic · 9 months
uhhh like this post for a starter set immediately post-TK quitting the 126. i'll write it, i'm around right this second, let's go!
if you are completely new to the 'let-the-17yo-go' thought i will warn you it's 6000 words at this stage of just me thinking v hard about tk living his life in the aftermath of choosing to let a kid go
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liliallowed · 8 months
oooh Kay *throws phone across room*
*tomato mode*
that's enough internet for today O////O
OKAY daily reminder that +18 doesn't just mean you have to be above the age of 18 but you should expect suggestive content...
Im not joking I literally forget that. me and my weird grey sexual inconsistent ass getting jumpscared lmao.
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cryptidcalling · 4 months
Vesper thoughts; Late Night Swim (Please read the tags for CW before opening)
Sometimes, when it's late at night and he can't sleep, Vesper will go for a swim in the Citadel's private pool. Technically it's Pansa's, but Vesper uses it far more often. He keeps the overhead lights off, just turning on the ambient lights beneath the water, setting them to a soft pink. The water is cold at night, since he never bothers to turn on the heaters. He lowers himself in slowly and launches off the side with his feet, dipping below the water and silently swimming across the length of the pool. He touches his fingertips to the opposite wall, comes up for a breath, and then launches off again. He lets himself get lost in the rhythm of it, almost meditative as each gasp for breath and soft splash fills the otherwise silent room. He'd struggled with swimming when he was young. He'd never seen so much water in one place before, and he certainly couldn't imagine being able to move your body through it. He hadn't been the only cadet who couldn't swim, but he still wasn't willing to be left behind, learning this basic skill as others got to start the real training. He took up every second of pool time he was allowed to. The number of times he'd almost drowned was over half a dozen. It never stopped him. Tonight he swims with grace, barely perceptible in the dark, pink water. On one wall of the pool room is a massive window overlooking the city of Starport. Lights glimmer from below, but up above the jagged silhouette of skyscrapers is a clear view of the night sky. Three moons shine brightly, surrounded by the pinprick light of stars. Vesper lets it interrupt his focus, gliding to the edge of the pool and staring out. The city is always alight, never sleeping, alive with the constant flow of power thanks to Stardust, the lifeblood of the Empire. He's not unlike the city, in that way. As his gaze turns up towards the sky, he gets a familiar feeling in his chest. It feels like someone is pulling him, like there are two strong hands wrapped around his ribs tugging him out toward the sky. The tightness spreads up into his neck, feeling as if there's something lodged there, words he does not know trapped in his throat, desperately needing to be called out. He tries to follow the feeling, let the words free, but there's nothing. He remains silent. Finally, he pushes away from the wall and treads water in the center of the pool. If he looks closely at the water he can almost convince himself that it's reflecting the sky. Vesper takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. He lets himself sink. He can feel it when his back makes contact with the floor. He looks behind him, but nothing is there. Stretching infinitely in all directions is the cold, eternal void of space. His hair flows up above him with no gravity to hold it down. Beyond him is a field of stars, trillions all clustered together, sisters lighting up the otherwise desolate stage in a glittering crescendo of flame and color. For a moment their magnificence is all he can comprehend, and he releases the knot in his throat in a silent, awestruck breath. Bubbles emerge from his mouth and float up and away.
Their beauty reaches his soul, but their warmth is inaccessible at this distance. The void's cold prickles against his skin. His fingers buzz like static, and when he finally brings them up to his face they're a bright pink. With a twitch, his fingertips break away into shimmering Stardust. There's an odd feeling in his chest again. It's different now, not being pulled away but rather crushing in on itself. It feels tight and uncomfortable, constricting his lungs and pressing hard against his bones. He watches as more of his hand disintegrates and floats away from him. It doesn't hurt much. It's prickly and uncomfortable, but then it's just numb. Maybe it will spread across his whole body. That wouldn't be so bad really. He could stay here forever that way. The pressure has turned into pain. It's crushing his lungs, traveling up his esophagus and winding around his throat. It hurts. He wants the light to spread faster, to reach his chest and turn it to dust so the ache will stop. He'll be at rest, his body turned to Stardust, the lifeblood of the Empire. The Empire. Vesper opens his eyes. He breaks the surface of the water with a crash and is able to make his way to a ledge, resting his weight against it as he violently coughs and gasps for air. It takes him several minutes to finally catch his breath. He's tired, and he's freezing, but he feels more at ease than he had before. He gets out and dries himself off, changing into some very comfortable pajamas, a gift from Pansa. He returns to his quarters and crawls back into bed. The covers are soft and warm. Feeling cozy and exhausted, he finds it easy to drift off to sleep. He dreams of stars.
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nxttheendxfthestxry · 2 years
Flashback Closed Starter: Reckless Endangerment (Laurian/Ozwell/Violet)
“I’m here, I’m here, what’d he... do-- are you okay?!” Laurian goes from wondering what Violet’s text had been about to worried out of his mind for Ozwell in a split second. What the hell happened?!
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Ik ik like every boring sensible perosn with a rich inner life is like. I wanna go apeshit! I'm tired of being boring and sensible! I'm tired of missing the youthful freedom and recklessness and fun that I never got to have because of a mix of external pressures and/or mental illness and/or natural disposition taken too far. I KNOW I'm not special in this regard and YET! No one has ever felt as insane and like two different people all at once as I have
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