#don't worry o7
braisedhoney · 1 month
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i can't bear this
just a little bit longer
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timeskip · 8 days
An Undefined Truth chapter 4
Chapter 4 of my Killugon multichapter! It’s a fic about fun Nen abilities, Killua and Gon struggling with their feelings, lingering issues, and more! Warning for canon-typical violence! Chapter 4 is 7,624 words long!!
Fic Summary:
Killua and Gon are kidnapped, and even after they escape, Gon is left with the effects of a truth telling ability. But despite that, Killua is sure they’ll be fine until the ability wears off. After all, Gon is the most honest person he knows. At least, he’s sure they’ll be fine until Gon starts to avoid him.
Chapter 4 summary:
“Hey,” Killua says. “Alluka is here and wants to say hello.” He resists the urge to press his ear against the door, listening for some kind of response.
Link to chapter 1: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54167776/chapters/137153485
Link to the new chapter 4: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54167776/chapters/143353723
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I don't know if Team Goose is going to make it through the night, but whatever happens, they did well.
o7 goose, may you live on another night
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gxlden-angels · 6 months
Merry Xmas everyone! What did you ask Santa for? I personally asked for the downfall of the Protestant Work Ethic ^w^
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moonsmultimusings · 5 months
I RUN: lots of blogs || a few blogs || just this one
I FOLLOW BACK: muses in the same fandom || only muses who interest me || fandomless muses || friends of mutuals || only members of a closed rp group || everyone
I AM ACTIVE: more days than not || as often as not || some days here and there || depending on my school schedule || rarely || I'm often lurking even if I seem inactive
I LIKE TO WRITE THESE THEMES: fluff || angst || action || casual interactions || intense interactions || crack || first meetings || platonic rp || shipping / romantic rp || threads || ask memes || prompts
I PREFER ROLEPLAYS THAT ARE: one-liners || single-para threads || multi para threads || novella || different lengths depending on my mood
FOR SHIPPING, I AM: multiship || single ship || poly ship || no ship || plotted ships only || open to new ships || not looking for new ships || mostly or exclusively looking for high engagement ship partners || mostly or exclusively looking for casual or low engagement ship partners || not picky about ships || somewhat picky about ships || extremely picky about ships {very muse-dependent! generally i love shipping, particularly with chemistry.}
I LIKE TO PLOT: everything || most interactions || some interactions || first interactions || nothing || threads || everything except memes and crack || ships || family relationships || history / backstory for our muses
TALK TO ME OUT OF CHARACTER: anytime || to plot || if you're confused or have questions in general || to remind me to reply || sparingly || only if it's really important
I GIVE ALTERNATIVE CONTACT METHODS (discord / social media) TO: friends || mutuals || anyone who asks || people i've spent a lot of time talking to already || ship partners || members of a certain rp group || no one
Tagged by: stolen ^-^
Tagging: steal it! and tag me, i'm nosy
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truecorvid · 9 months
(guy who is not responding to texts voice) damn why do i feel all alone in the world
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protect-namine · 2 months
do you think fumi, kai, and mitsuki have a group chat without neji in it for the sole purpose of giving all the chat participants a heads up when they Sense™ that neji is about to terrorize the stage again
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wilbur-cross-asks · 5 months
Uncle Wiley will be back shortly :)
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chemicalarospec · 5 months
bruh the majority of the reblogs on my post that went viral are TERFs/exclusionists now... ew....
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erstwhilesparrow · 9 months
For blorbo bingo: Scott Smajor on [take your pick of series and servers tbh]
hi!! :D hm. well now i have to choose. hrgh. let's do traffic scott just generally, huh?
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Scott Should Be Allowed To Commit Every Crime In Every Universe. He Deserves This.
i have selected neither 'i can fix them' nor 'i can make them worse' because whatever the fuck scott is doing in any given season of the life series is already perfect to me and exactly what i want from him. beautiful. no notes. etc. look at this cubito's perfect little face. what more could you want from him.
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anyway. fandom is consistently incorrect about how much this guy cries (not a lot) and also what his baseline levels of anxiety and chill are (lower than that on both counts). which is true of most of the life series people, but it's more obvious when there's like. inescapable amounts of shipfic about the guy.
the thing that kind of always Gets Me about scott is that he's. constantly giving away food and making promises he fully intends to keep and trying to make things pretty. i constantly think i've finally got it, and then he does it again and i go, "you're in a death game?" he insists on building beautiful things. he tells martyn how his chests are sorted and exactly where the valuables are. he's not scared of pearl; he'll sit in powdered snow with her happily. in some ways, he plays the game stunningly straightforwardly! hurt people if they hurt you, help them if they don't.
but also sometimes he finds a nice perch to watch the drama from and laughs at your misfortune. sometimes he just starts shit for fun. cause problems and sow confusion on purpose!! this is also true, and absolutely vital!! i know i'm throwing stones in glass houses because i don't think i've ever written scott being sufficiently a bitch but like. c'mon.
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braisedhoney · 10 months
Heya Captain, I have a question 🙋
How would you deal with annoying people? (it's a strong word, but don't know how else to describe it)
Like fans who are just too much sometimes.
Would you ignore them, just tolerate them or deal with them somehow differently?
As a crewmate on this ship it’s important for me to do everything in my power not to be an annoyance o7 /j
But like I’m just curious on how creators deal with people they find annoying or fans who are just a bit TOO exited I guess. Like how other people deal with this kind of people without being rude or mean. Sometimes you just want the person to get off your back, but have no idea how to deal with it, you know?
If you don't feel comfortable answering this question I totally get it, you can just ignore this ask then
Thank you and have a honey day🐝
y'know, that's honestly a fair question to ask. it is kind of difficult to answer, but i know what you mean. i'll give it a shot.  
it's not that i'm really popular enough to have a huge group of "fans" (seems like too big a word!) but sometimes there have been people who just take it out of me a bit. i'm not a high energy person even if i do try, so i can't always match the enthusiasm—limited spoons and all that ;;
when i'm tired, low energy, or just generally not feeling the vibe, i just… trail off a little. not on purpose, i just do. my activity is already really sporadic, so sometimes i'll post art but not respond to things bc i post and go. it's just how it be. 
my only real piece of advice is this: do not spam. if someone is going to answer, they'll answer, but spamming them won't help. they might have other stuff going on or generally don't feel up to it—as a creator, you do still have the right not to mesh with people. spam won't make them want to talk to you more lol. being polite goes a long way! (this ask qualifies as polite, btw. very kind of you to worry <3)
just try to respect boundaries, and remember not everyone is immediately going to become your friend, creator or otherwise. life's funky and we all get through it our own way, but we'll be okay o7
(also aw, have a sweet day too, anon 🍯 hope you're alright.)
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Despite the extensive efforts Fazbear Entertainment had put into rehabilitating its image, sweeping bad press under the rug, and presenting itself as a cutting-edge fresh face in the entertainment center industry, it was not above using the past for spare parts.
Among the rest of the scrap in the basement were plenty of relics from old locations from... well, a long time ago, hauled there to be used to save some money, one way or another, and keep any potential incriminating evidence under lock and key.
With how much automation there was going on, however, foot traffic tended to be light. That was why, when the lights were off, if someone were to check the security systems, they could sometimes, maybe, catch tripped motion sensors, light footsteps, and quiet speech.
"Dark--" "--making fun of--" "--broke it wh--" "--elevator?" "--hiding things."
Glitches, of course, audio being picked up or traveling from elsewhere, nothing to worry about. Nothing anyone needs to be investigating, nothing that would need to be hidden from prying eyes.
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autismcupcake · 5 months
I miss Himb and it's only Monday :( I know I will get to spoil him with his birthday cupcakes on Saturday but that doesn't help missing him NOW
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4w000 · 7 months
DuckDuckGo I love you but please don't tell me these things
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elfcow · 9 months
Thank god for pilot.net
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evilminji · 4 months
You know what would be hilarious? The Totally Normal Collage Life of one Valerie Gray(tm)!
She PROMISED you see.
It is fuled by the unspeakable rage of every one of her ancestors trying to do their damn job at on 2 hours of sleep and no coffee. Maternal line, of course. Her FATHER'S bloodline is bizarrely chill.
But dear LORD you should have seen her grandpa yeeting hooligans into composting heaps for getting in the way of his early morning baking. You don't MESS with grandpa's bakery, people learned THAT fast. Long time Amity natives the lot of um! All sorts of interests. That side of the family got real... ob.. sessive....
Waaaaaait a second. She's connecting some dots.
Not important! (Currently.)
See, her dad WORRIES. And SHE worries cause her dad worries. So she PROMISED! No funny business. No ghosts. And NO, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, crime fighting! Just go to her classes and get good grades. Focus on setting her self up for a good future.
O7 yes sir, dad sir! Fuck them ghosts and their nonsense!
So she studied like the brilliant young woman she is. Got FANTASTIC scholarships. Checked out the various colleges. And??
Vibes were RANCID.
Some city's were too... twee? If that makes sense? And some too "time fucky". Others felt "magical nonsense" and "barren Ectoplasmic wasteland"? And the last few were just kinda racist, so that was not happening. Like the CITIES were fine! But the SCHOOLS were... Subtext Heavy.
She might have had to break somebody if she stayed their too long.
She's heard Paulina's going to one of those, though. So... Ha! Rip in pieces fuckos. She honestly can't wait too see THAT gruesome trainwreck from a safe distance. Paulina's gonna THRIVE. Its probably why she even CHOSE that school.
Where was she? Oh, right!
She's deeply fucked and it's Batman's fault!
See, Valerie? Kinda chose Gotham U. It... wasn't her WISEST choice for her "totally normal, crime fighting free, young adult adventures(tm)" but like? What can you do? Gotham just feels so HOMEY!
And MAYBE she gets a little too relaxed. Too tired from a long day of studying.
Some rando tries to mug her with riddles or something! Look, she was TIRED. Not listening. She kicks his ass and goes home. And the plant protest lady. Or that crocodile not-a-ghost?! And YEAH, maybe flying to class wasn't the BEST idea! But like?
How was SHE supposed to know someone saw her?!
@hdgnj @hypewinter @nerdpoe @lolottes @ailithnight @mutable-manifestation
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