#don't expect super regular activity but i'm always around
cartelheir · 3 months
i wanna be more active here but life is just 👎👎 right now
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raph-fangirl · 1 year
ppl always want to know if i like to exercise and if I'm active? And I always thought it meant ya know general boring workout routines they teach you in gym. Like reps and squats n shit. And like... I just got so burnt out on doing stuff like that bc it's no fun. At all. So I would go "no I'm not active I hate gyms"
But I realized I don't have to "work out" to be active. In fact, I love being active!! Like I can play with and chase around the kids I babysit. I can give them piggy back rides while we jump on the trampoline. I can play with my cats and run around with them with their toys. I can dance. Gosh dancing has changed my life! The dance doesn't even have to be all that vigorous or intense! Just move your body and feel what it is to be alive. I can go on walks and hikes. I can go skating or roller blading. Sports don't really work for me bc I've been on so many toxic teams, but they are also a super fun way to build communal bonds and be active if it's done in a healthy way.
Like there are so many fun and *human* ways to be active. It does not mean going to the gym on the regular and doing boring routines like what the medical doctors tell you to do. If that works for you, great. But it does not match my ADHD-constantly-needing-a-new-routine-and-stimulation lifestyle.
Basically, don't be active just to exercise. And definitely don't do it just to lose weight (like I used to). Do it for fun. For enjoyment. If working out is literally miserable, find a way to move your body that is healthy and works for your individual needs. We are human with bodies and we need to move. Just make sure you're moving in a way that brings you joy.
also I'm not physically disabled so I can't speak for those who are (although I would love to hear physically disabled people's thoughts on this). I'm just saying this for those of us who are able bodied, fed up with the normalization of a sedentary lifestyle (while also being expected to look as though we work out all day), but also fed up with the supposed solution of "go to the gym".
Humans weren't meant to do the same exact routines for their entire life! We need some sugar and spice in here y'all 🔥🔥 go be comfortable and happy in your body! Show your body some love!
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bogunicorn · 2 years
Questions for fic writers: #1 and #7 🌼
Other people asked 1 and 7, so you're getting some dealer's choice questions instead :D
1 28. Does anyone read your fics before you post them? If so, who?
For the most part, no. I don't think I'm consistent enough to have a regular beta reader around, I'd be super frustrating. But when I wrote my Beauty and the Beast AU, "Bittersweet & Strange", for Create-a-Thon 2022, I knew it was a really big project (for me) and I only had a month and a half to do it. So I reached out to @crackinglamb because I knew having a beta would make editing easier and keep me from giving up because she'd be expecting chapters, and she pulled you (Angel!) in, and ngl that group chat singlehandedly kept me from quitting halfway. It was so, so helpful, the whole process was really fun, and the result is a fic that I'm incredibly proud of. I'll be riding the ego boost from that one for a good long while.
7 34. What aspects of your writing are inspired by/taken from your real life?
I tend to abstract my IRL problems before they make it into fiction (as you do), but there's definitely some stuff that I put in because I have experience or I'm working through them. I usually work in complicated relationships with parents; I have mixed feelings about mine, and I end up with a lot of flawed bad-people-who-were-good-parents or good-people-who-were-bad-parents, or people who love their children genuinely but really struggle to do good things with it. Thayet got the bulk of that over time, I think; both of her parents are selfish, messy, emotionally stunted people who do love her unconditionally, but her mother died before she could finish raising her, and her father is doing his best for her but he sucks major ass. It's not quite a 1-to-1 to my life because that's boring as fuck (my parents really hate each other and Thayet's did not lol), but that messiness and those complicated feelings live close to my heart.
I end up putting some of my morals or politics or thought experiments into my writing. I really like messy, complicated people because that's interesting; not all of my characters are good people, or maybe they're good for a bad reason, or maybe they're just a product of their environments. My goal with characters is mostly to be interesting, first and foremost.
But what I HAVE noticed recently is that I've been writing a lot of explorations of grief. Like, I fuck with cathartic tragedy real hard, that's always been a thing for me. But this intense grief thing is recent in the last few years. Some of it is IRL stuff, where people near me have almost died, and… honestly, some of it is because I finally realized and admitted that I'm disabled. And I'm taking better care of myself now, coping instead of forcing myself to function like an abled person, but I'm still actively grieving the life I thought I had or the body or brain I thought I could work toward. It does feel a little bit like an actual person I knew is gone, and putting those dramatic representations of living with grief into my writing is definitely therapeutic.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
is it just me or people are taking jungkook closing instagram too seriously?
Now hybe's going to have to retreat on their SM buyout because of all the millions Jungkook just made them lose. RIP hybe. At some point army also thought south Korea would implode when BTS enlisted. Strong brave Korea, still standing without BTS.
As of right now, I don't think it's a big deal. When BTS first opened their accounts, the general opinion was that Jungkook would probably be the one to use it the least. Or that he'd have like a super #aesthetic account. It wasn't like that, and he was the most active member there for a good few months, and he didn't have an aesthetics account either. Now, he's exactly what people expected of him at first - not an instagram user. It really didn't surprise me because I've been saying, to me Jungkook always showed up with a different personality every six months. He would show up and suddenly do something that I didn't expect him to. On december he was posting stories and all, doing the run challenge, and now he says he doesn't want to use it anymore. To me, this is regular Jungkookisms
I actually have this on drafts, it's a response that I never got to finish to an ask about his first live on February.
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I think opening instagram accounts was something they all decided and agreed upon on. Once they were open, they all chose how they wanted to use said accounts, too. That was clear as day from the beginning, that each account had/has each member's personal touch. Likewise, I'm pretty sure it's also their decision if they don't want to use it or even if they want to close it.
I also think he has a good relationship with hybe, let's be real. Not even three months ago they put him on stage for the biggest event in the planet, ffs. That's not how a company treats someone they would easily dispose of. He didn't release his mixtape back in 2019, or the years after that, probably because disbandment was coming soon anyways and he'd be able to release his album; but ever since they still used his songs for BTS albums and for a japanese movie, too. His work was never actually discarded or denied. It's extremely difficult for me to think of Jungkook of all people being in bad terms with the company. That's literally their baby. The things people might consider mistreatment and that they don't do for him, they're not doing for any other member either (like suing people, stopping rumours, etc).
Maybe I'm also taking this way too calmly because we've been through this with Jimin since 2019. I don't know if everyone's forgotten about it already but Jimin was literally MIA for more than half a year until January. Not only gone from instagram but gone from everywhere. He's the member with the least number of posts, even Jin has twice the posts Jimin has lmao. It was boring, yes, and disheartening for a lot of people, and discouraging too; but it doesn't seem to have hurt his career at all. So I don't believe people who say they're worried this will hurt Jungkook's career. Like... come back to earth, take a look around you. I'd say it will surely hurt the y/ns and the ones that are too far into the parasocial relationship, but they shouldn't worry because he will still have ways to invite you to wash him.
He might reactivate his account once he starts with his solo schedule. And if he doesn't, he'll be alright. BTS already existed for a decade with no actual instagram account except the bighitofficial one, and that one is still active and they will keep posting about Jungkook and everyone else there.
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sweetheart-ashy · 3 months
(Redacted oc)
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You were laying in bed after having spent the entire day on your laptop, doing your work, you had finally gotten Arlo to sleep after about 20 minutes of intense struggle and letting him watch half a movie until he eventually drifted off.
It was about 1 am when you were woken up, you sleepily opened your eyes only to see a small, sometimes annoying, always active, menace of a shifter holding your arm and shaking it
“H-hey. Wake. Wakey.. wake up..”
It was hard to hear Arlo over
1, the rain outside, and 2, the fact you were exhausted
“..what's up pup..” you rubbed your eyes and sat up on your elbows
You felt Arlo looking at you as if to ask “the fuck you mean what up”
He crawled in next to you in the bed, hugging you like you were a human plushie.
“You say anything.. a-and and I'll shift and bite you.”
“..pup you do not know how to properly shift yet-…“
“.. I still could bite you.”
He was also holding Richy, as tough as he tried to act, he still had attachments to the plush toy.
“..why were you in your room all day..”
“I had work pup..”
You laughed softly, wrapping your arms around Arlo and rolling over so he wasn't lying on the edge of the bed
“Weh-“ he wasn't used to being completely spun around
“..does being sleepy make you like.. super strong of something?..” he yawned, there was a lightning strike outside the house, you could feel Arlo’s body tense up, and he leaned his head against your chest
You looked down at him.. maybe he was scared? You wouldn't have expected someone who acted like they were raised in a barn to be scared of thunder
“Pup you ok-“
“I'll bite.”
You couldn't help but laugh at his little “I'll bite” Even if he did bite you, it was doubtful he would bite through the skin, or damage anything, his teeth were far too blunt… maybe you needed to take him to a dentist…
“I-.. 'm not scared. If that's what you wanna kn-“
Another thunder clapped outside, causing Arlo to jump and lean in closer to you..
“Mhm.. not scared.. just a big tough little scared-y pup..”
“Th-.. what?..” he was completely taken off guard by the contradicting sentence..
You laughed softly, gently stroking his hair, and lightly running a finger down the bridge of his nose before booping it
he growled softly at the boop.. “Don't..” he tried to seem annoyed by the affection, but it felt nice..
“Dont worry pup.. tons of people are scared of lightning and thunder-“
“Well-.. w-well I'm not. So shut up..”
You kept stroking his hair, if he was going to freak out you could at least try to make the freak out less like a tantrum and more like he just watched a sad movie
The silence filled the room quickly, the only sounds being your breathing and Arlo’s, one shaky with no regularity, and one calm..
There was a lightning strike, then thunder, and Arlo curled up against you, almost like he was trying to disappear.. you kept quiet..
“..p-please k-keep talkin’..”
He whined softly, he sounded terrified, and another lightning struck overhead
“The scientific term.. for brain freeze is sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia..” he seemed to pause at the strange fact
“Sp.. sp he-.. no… palatin.. gang.. lion… neu- what?..” he was too confused to be scared.
“Mhm.. and.. you can't hum if you hold your nose”
You watched as Arlo slowly pinched his nose and tried to hum, failing. There was another lightning strike, followed by thunder..
Arlo made a little squeak and curled up against you. “I-it too lo-loud..”
You gently covered Arlo’s ears, it was the least you could do to try to stop him from having a complete breakdown over the sound
You had learnt, over the last couple of weeks, that Arlo’s hearing was rather sensitive, and he also seemed constantly aware of all the sounds around him.
“Shhh…” it's not like he could currently hear you, but gently whispering “shh” seemed like the parental thing to do.
He kept hugging onto you as you stroked his hair, covering his ears in case of thunder..
“M-my room scary.. ca.. can I sleep here..” it was such a small request, and he already seemed so comfortable in your bed.. you could hardly deny such a small request..
“OK, pup.. you dont need to ask..” you gently kissed his forehead, tucking the blanket up around Arlo and themself
“Get some sleep pup.. we can get you a nightlight tomorrow.. and maybe some headphones..”
“..okay…” he probably wouldn’t remember anything, as he slowly drifted back to sleep in your arms
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coinofstone · 4 years
5x03 The Death Song of Uther Pendragon
Arthur went out to collect firewood while Merlin watched over the dying lady 🥺
They saved a woman from being burned at the stake for sorcery and she repays them with a super powerful magic artifact
"He's always like this at the anniversary of his coronation."
"I thought it was a cause for celebration?"
"It is, but it's also the anniversary of Uther's death."
I would like to refer everyone back to my 4x03 post where I point out that Uther was stabbed on Arthur's birthday, which is also the anniversary of his mother's death. Uther would've died a day or two later. So within the span of let's say, half a week, Arthur's got his birthday, his mother's death anniversary, his father's death anniversary, and his coronation. He needs a hug. It's gotta be the hardest week of the year for him, every year. Speaking from personal experience, I know I wouldn't be anywhere near as upright as Arthur is, for all his thousand yard staring.
It's a very nice sarcophagus but what is going on with Uther's left leg?
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No srsly wut is this
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Is it reeeeally swollen? Did he break his ankle in the fight or perhaps when he fell?
Ok I'll stop being mean
The ONE time Merlin knocks
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You think this was a sex thing? I think it might've been a sex thing.
Spirit!Uther, while traumatizing in his own right, still isn't as frightening as actual King Uther could be.
Oooof I have Things To Say™️ about this. The reason Arthur chooses to use the horn, to use magic, is because, "there isn't a day that goes by when I don't think of the thing I wish I'd said to him." But when he gets to speak to Uther, he doesn't actually get to say very much at all, because Uther immediately begins criticizing everything he's done as king. Arthur doesn't get what he sought at all, instead of an opportunity to tell his father any of the things he wished to say, he gets spoken to, harshly criticized. It's a major blow. And he says as much, when the single man tear spills over and he says "this can't be the last time I ever see you" - yes the line is foreshadowing Uther's haunting of Camelot but it's also signaling that Arthur's been traumatized; he went from having had his father mortally wounded in saving Arthur's own life, to having seen his father 3+ years into Arthur's rule as King of Camelot, and point blank being told Uther is disappointed in him. Not proud of him - actively un-proud. We don't really know what exactly Arthur wanted, if he'd hoped his father would've seen all the good his way of ruling had done and praised him, but I think it's pretty safe to assume that was on the wish list.
Be careful what you wish for indeed.
I AMUSE MYSELF. (I spent two hours figuring out how to create this please appreciate me)
Merlin's angry face when Arthur tells goin what Uther said is literally all of us.
I feel terrible for this but when Percival is leaving Gaius' chambers and he stops to look at the wall-torch, I immediately flash backed to Alice Troughton on commentary in S4 saying "Percival's a bit of a wuss isn't he?"
This is also awful but this episode kind of makes me miss the castle-centric contained episodes of S1
Never any guards around when you're being attacked by the ghost of your husband's dead dad, typical.
I understand Merlin bringing Guinevere to Gaius but putting her in Merlin's bed??????
The way Bradley and Colin both convincingly jumped when they turned around and found Gaius had snuck up right behind them kills me every time.
"Poetry". What he means to say there is, 'why didn't you just tell him we were fucking, since that would actually sound less gay'
So. Merlin took the ghost visibility potion but he can't see Utter knocking over barrels and shelves and things to trap in that store room.
Also why is there a pigeon in a windowless store room? Now I'm wondering why there aren't more birds randomly flying into the citadel, cuz they do have quite a lot of open windows... you'd think that might happen now and again.
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Ooooof I love a bamf husband coming through to deal with a shit-for-brains abusive father... ghost.
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^^actual canon scene
Was Tony shot entirely on green for this? That unearthly blue glow even in close ups where he doesn't look like he's on a green scene makes me wonder.
The 'horseplay' scene at the end was so full of sexual tension and d/s undertones that I literally do not want to say anything lest tumblr flag this post for content.
Commentary is Angel and Rupert. The two regulars who were in the least number of scenes in this ep. Since this post is already crazy long I'll keep this brief.
Aaaaand it's the first time either of them have seen this episode 😂 wow.
They've made 'horn' jokes and Rupert's gone full on tongue in cheek dad jokes.
They are also cracking jokes on Colin being all jacked up for S5 compared to previously when he was so skinny hehe... personally I ain't mad at him 😂
Fifteen minutes into the episode and Leon makes his first appearance
The little bottles and decor things in Gaius' chambers are part of a static set so they pretty much just sit there... Angel says that some of the contents have started to go moldy and they found maggots in one of them 🤢
They're talking about Gwen's new hair and while Angel is being really diplomatic, I get the impression she's as annoyed as I am by it. It literally doesn't match her own hair at all. But she also said some people saw her without the piece on and just said 'omg you cut your hair' so I guess 🤷‍♀️
The scene where Gwen is knocked out by a vase smashing her head - Angel says she was hit with the heavier bottom piece of it, which hurt more than she was expecting, and she wound up with a bump on her head from it.
Not a word about Colin picking up Angel 😢
They're talking about childhood pets and a beverage called lilt? Anyway Angel is really clever and Rupert's corny af but he's funny and I love them both.
Oh this is interesting: Rupert says he and the director talked about having Leon walking through the corridor hand in hand with the cook when he stumbles upon Merlin and Arthur's 'poetry lesson', but they weren't allowed to do that bc it would've been just a little bit too much, or a little too tongue in cheek. Which I'm taking to mean, would've accentuated the subtext of 'poetry' too much.
Angel and Rupert didn't know how they got Uther all glowy either, though Angel said it was probably lighting
Rupert says the line where Utter got caught off, what he was gonna say was "Merlin has ... been to the gym!" 😂😂😂😂😂
They really are great together doing these things
Rupert's story was the horse he had been riding all season had a foal, and nobody even knew she'd been pregnant. They just came out one morning and saw she'd given birth, and he got a call to inform him. That's kind of sweet. I wonder if he sent them some apples or something.
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junipersgarden · 4 years
metanoia 1. | Recover
PAIRING: Peter Parker x Superhero!Reader
SUMMARY: 8 months later from Tony’s funeral and the promise Peter and you made, where do you two stand now?
WORD COUNT: 4119 words
a/n: i did not expect this to blow up so quickly so thank you all sm!! ill be updating every Friday/ re uploading from Wattpad and converting it to here!! hope you enjoy this chapter and ill see you next Friday ; )
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8 Months Later...
"I have a plan. Okay. First, I sit next to Y/N on the flight."
"Second,  I'm gonna buy a dual head phone adapter and watch movies with her the whole time."
"Three, when we go to Venice; Venice is super famous for making stuff out of glass right?"
"So I'm going to buy her a white gardenia necklace because it's a really pretty flower and... because... well-"
"Is it because of the-?"
"Because of its meaning yeah. Step 4 is when we're in Paris, I'm going to take her to the top of the Eiffel Tower, give her the necklace and 5, I'm gonna tell her how I feel. And 6, hopefully she tells me she feels the same way."
"And don't forget Step 7."
"Step 7?" Peter questions and clicks the top of his pen to write down Step 7, ears perked to listen to Ned.
"Don't do any of that."
Peter lets out an annoyed and frustrated sigh as Ned gave him a look that expressed 'what? what did i do?'
"Because we're gonna be bachelors in Europe Peter!"
"Look, I may not know much, but I do know Europeans love Americans."
Peter had little belief in Ned's statement that he scrunched up his face and looked at Ned.
"-And more than half of them are women!" Ned exclaims to make his point.
"...Sure but, I really like Y/N man. She's awesome, she's super funny like in a kind of dork way, and whenever she looks at me I feel like- she's coming over don't say anything!" Peter quickly shuts himself up.
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"Don't say anything!" Is the only thing you hear as you walked up to Peter and Ned's table.
"Sup guys? You excited for the science trip?" You greet them, rocking your body with a smile planted on your face, your assignment folder occupying your hands. Technically you got up from your, F/N's and MJ's table so you could photo copy your guy's group project but you heard Peter and Ned rambling about Europe and thought you could start up a conversation.
"Hey! Uh, yeah! We're just talking about the trip."
"Yeah and Peter's Plan." Ned confidently slides in the conversation.
Peter's Plan?
You stop moving and shift yourself to Peter, averting your eyes so yours meet his.
"...You have a plan? For what?" You nervously smile and laugh at him, playing with your bracelet on your wrist. The bracelet was silver but held a black cross (similar to a crucifix) in the middle of it.
"I- I don't have a plan." Peter mumbles, fiddling with his pen and looking at you with anxious eyes.
"No he's just gonna collect tiny statues while we're travelling to other countries." Ned blurts out and you can see he exchanged a look to Peter.
"I didn't know you liked-" You stopped speaking immediately, your response lost in your mind, something else distracting you.
You looked past Peter's head and your eyes meet with the dozens of drawings and tributes to Iron Man, to Tony and his sacrifice.
It seemed like yesterday you were on the battlefield, when you found out Peter was Spider-Man and all of those emotions and memories swept and flooded your mind in a tidal wave.
You can feel the whole room spinning even though your feet were planted on the ground, the voices of Peter and Ned fading as the sobs of Peter replaced them and Tony's dying breath.
It's been 8 months and you thought you had finally moved on from all the grief and suffering, the sleepless nights full of insidious nightmares and the suffocating feeling that came from all those panic attacks.
"You can rest now..."
"Did you photo copy it?" Someone asks and you whirl yourself around suddenly and possibly too fast, loosing balance and landing into someone's arms. F/N.
"Oh shoot sorry F/N I was talking to Ned and Peter about Europe and got side tracked?"
"It's okay! I was just checking since MJ was sorta getting antsy since she wanted it to all be done before you guys leave tomorrow." F/N beams at you, still holding you up.
"I-I'll go do it now-"
"Y/L/N, did you firstly ask me and secondly get a hall pass?" Ms. Warren spoke up and alarmed you. She was sitting at her desk and was staring at the 4 of you.
"N-No Ms. Warren..."
"I'll go!" Peter shot straight up from his seat. Ned shook his head and F/N laughed at his eagerness.
"No Parker you've got work to do. Y/L/N, Davis can take you."
Davis... Brad Davis?
Just on cue, Brad lifted his head up from being preoccupied at his desk and sent you a friendly smile and wave. He stood up immediately and from his demeanor, seemed over the top that the teacher asked him to escort you to the printers. He looked so familiar but no matter how heard you tried, you couldn't conjure where you'd seen him from.
Brad walked over to you and was still smiling from before so you nicely smiled back. Brad offered you to go first so you walked to Ms. Warren's desk and grabbed the huge hall pass with Brad trailing after you.
"We won't be long Ms. Warren!" Brad yelled out as he closed the classroom door.
You shot F/N a look that said 'okay guess i go and also what just happened?' and F/N shrugged back with no explanation and return back to MJ. You saw Peter looking at you as you left and saw him sigh heavily and immediately get back to his work. I hope Peter's okay.
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The cold, crisp breeze whirled through the dim lit streets of Queens as you walked back home;  the streets were always alive at night with people hurrying from one place to another, lights shine brightly, beaming against tall, towering buildings and billboards, apartments until rooftops could reach the sky. New York was always cold in the night and what lurked in the darkness was even colder. Robberies, assaults and muggings were a regular sighting in alleyways but with yourself as Saviour and Peter as Spider-Man, the number has been decreasing over time thanks to the both of you. School was weird today with the whole Peter and Ned thing and especially with Brad. He was nice taking you to the printers but he kept asking way to many questions about you and you caught him staring a couple of times... weird.
You gripped your coat tightly around you, wrapping it as much as you could around your body to fight the wind, shivers being sent down your spine. Your mind had been blurry lately; balancing the lifestyle of school, social life and duties into one while trying to properly rest and to be there whenever anyone needed you was a struggle; the biggest fear you had was if you just took one, innocent day off that'd you regret it for the rest of your life. You also found it hard to escape your thoughts,  insecurities and nightmares whenever you'd zoned out or even closed your eyes for a second. Despite it all you had your anchors though; the people who were holding you down from losing yourself from all the madness happening. You slip out a smile at the thought of those special individuals; friends that you put above anything or anyone else. Peter, Ned and even Michelle were all you had and all you were relying on to help you back up.
"Help! Someone!" A stranger cries into the night, pleading for a saviour, followed by the sound of gunshots and glass shattering.
Show time.
Reacting instantly, you check for your surroundings before fleeing into the shadows of a lonesome alley and with a single flick of your bracelet, it lets of a white glow, letting you know its activated.
"Hello Ms. L/N, how may I assist you tonight?"
"You know the drill ARIS: suit up."
"Right away Y/N."
On command, the familiar cool and sensational feeling of the nano tech being released from your bracelet began spreading all across your body; you loved the feeling of your suit coming alive just by wishing it, AI on the ready and that the suit was also with you, being a part of you.
As you relished in the moment your suit was fully on your body, you rushed out of the alleyway, concealing your true identity under your mask, prepared to fight,  you begin to follow the cries of the citizen in need.
You felt your heart beat and pace fasten, senses heightened and the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
A shift in your vision changes as you feel your pupils fill fully black and steady themselves with your mask lenses,  you exert all your energy into a singular jump and successfully land on the rooftop.
"ARIS, scan for location of activity."
"The distress signal appeared from 21st Street."
Ahhh, classic bank robbery.
"Okay ARIS, are all systems ready to go?"
"Affirmative. Initiating heads up display and initializing flight power."
You roll your head back and crack your knuckles, jumping up and down on the spot, ready for take off.
Nodding your head, you extend your arms out and feel the palms opening up and see the infinite blue glow from your thrustsers and feel the energy spreading and going to the soles of your suit.
Staring down the run way of the roof, you start walking before speeding up into a full sprint, running across the abandoned roof top. Steps quickening, you can see the end of the roof nearing with each step you take; you're going to jump. Before you know it you've leapt off the roof and it feels like time has stopped and you're floating on nothing; it's only you, the sky and the city's blurred noises and lights.
"Flight power fully restored."  ARIS states, crashing and hauling you back into reality.
The euphoria of you floating has started to turn into the immense awareness that you are plummeting straight down with such speed to the lively streets and roads of New York below.
Extending your arms and legs, you point them into the direction of 21st Street and hear the whirring of your suit taking control and then, you're off. You're flying, just like Tony did, in the late night sky of New York City to stop a robbery.
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Positioning yourself, your eyes meet with the victim in front of you; the typical situation.
The criminals all stop with their actions and immediately turn their heads to you. The hostages look up at you with hope and desperate, tears of fear and joy being to stream from their eyes.
"Looks like you forgot your credit cards huh fellas?"
2 out of the 4 robbers stand up and you took the chance to fire an energy blast, distracting them you slide on your knees towards the captives.
"Go! Go!" You beckon as you freed them from their constraints, they hurried out of the door shouting 'thank you's'  and praises for your service and gratitude.
Getting up from the ground quickly, you turn around and see the 2 robbers running toward you.
You spring off the floor, back onto your feet and observe your surroundings; the 2 robbers are still sprinting towards you. You ball your fists and stance yourself ready to fight.
"Guys, guys, guys! You can either return back the money and nothing happens or we can do this the annoying and hard way."
One of the robbers racing towards you pulls back their gun and you hear a gunshot and feel a little ting and flick on your suit; the robber was really dumb enough to shoot you and your bulletproof suit.
"Well, guess you chose the hard way."
The 2 robbers still at full speed rush towards you but before they can even touch you, you step to the side and they loose control and crash into the wall.
"Ooooh! That's at least gotta leave a bruise.' You mock them.
You dart towards the fallen robbers, dizzy and dazed from the impact. You hit your right wrist twice on your suit and it opens up and greets you with what you were looking for; your trusty tool and invention of electric rope. The rope appeared as a blue wire with white sparks that shot out of it and you used it to tie up criminals and lets say if they were to hesitate or make a runner, they'd get a bit of a shock.
Grabbing the 1st and 2nd robber's hands, you wrap the wire around them both so they are both stuck together and unable to escape.
2 down, 2 to go.
The other 2 robbers that were still looting money had stopped since they'd heard the crash and the groaning of pain from the one's you'd taken on.
One robber stands up and places his fingers in his mouth and whistles.
You tilt your head in confusion but see that 3 more step out from the remaining safes.
"Aww brought more of your friends for me? How sweet..."
They all attack you at once, bullets ricochet off you and bounce back, flying back at them.
In unison they all duck down behind a counter from the bullets and curse out profanities and you take the opportunity to dash forward and leap onto the counter and land in front of them.
They all jump to their feet and a robber steps in front of you and tries to land a hit. You grab their arm and twist it and they let off a howl of anguish, you tasered him with your bracelet and flipping and throwing him to the floor.
Another takes his place and goes to hit you but one from behind tackles you and pins your arms, locking them in a firm and harsh grip.
Even through the suit, you can feel sharp fingernails attempting to latch and pierce you.
The guy in front of you clutches a solid grasp on both of your shoulders, forcefully yanks you down into his knee and hits your stomach. Already you can feel a bruise forming on your lower abdomen.
Jesus this one will be hard to cover...
You groan at the extensive, burning sensation building, your skin becoming tender and aching from the hit. The guy holding your arms down is tightening his grip and
"Given up huh Saviour?" The robber in front of you spits.
"T-that's the thing...." You let out a breathless chuckle, "I'm only getting started."
The robbers stare at each other and back before laughing furiously at you, the rest approaching you with guns.
What the robbers were thinking is that they'd won; they had successfully robbed Queens County Saving Bank and had taken down one of Queen's own superheroes. You on the other hand, had plans and knew perfectly well how criminal's minds worked; allow them to think they've won, they'll loose all focus and control on the situation, so you'd gotten them in the spot you wanted them: busy getting ready to celebrate a fake victory and not realizing the black smoke manifesting around them.
"As I said, I'm just getting started." A smirk lies on your covered face as you look deeply into the taunting robber's eyes full of bewilderment and fear.
The black smoke begins flurrying around your body finds it way around the robber's hands, instantly making him let go you. You lunge forward and punch the one in front of you with full power, he stumbles back and falls to the ground defeated. You then sharply turn and kick the other in the face.
The two out of the three still left go to attack you but you raise your arm in defense and send a gust of smoke flying to them. They stagger back and remain frozen as the smoke curls around and drags them to the ground. You rush over and deploy more of your rope onto the two and wrap it tightly around them, restraining them to the one place.
The last robber you spot is kneeling on the ground, trembling slightly with fear and piling as much money possible into one bag, trying to make a clean getaway.
Slowly and antagonistically, you make your way over to him and stand there, staring at him and waiting for him to notice. So busy and frantically he continues filling the bag he doesn't take care of his surroundings or even the cries of his comrades.
"I'll take that thank you." You cleanly snatch the bag and kick him to the ground with your heel.
He lands flat on his chest, hands out to the side you grab them and wrap them around once more.
People emerge from hiding and cry out cheers of joy and appreciation, a few giving you a pat on the shoulder, hugging you and the occasional asking for photos. The sound of police sirens ring in the distance, signaling its time to go. Waving your goodbyes, you turn to flee the scene but you hear and notice the vibration of a tap being played on your suit. You pivot back around and see one of the bank accountant's smiling frailly at you, evidently anxious and nervous in your presence.
"T-thank you so much Saviour, how ever can we repay you?" The accountant's eyes full of tears and lost distress begged.
"You don't need too; this is my job. Saving people's lives is what I do." You reply to the accountant, taking off into the night.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"You did quite an excellent job tonight might I say so myself Y/N."
"Why thank you my Another, Rather, Intelligent System."
"Was that perhaps what you call, a flex?"
"...Yes ARIS, that was a flex." You mumble with a hint of embarrassment.
Currently soaring in the air with another criminal taken down, the fresh and cool wind rattles against you. Patrols were always 'relaxing' in a sense to you; gliding around the city and if your AI or you come to the attention of any law breaking activity, you swoop in (literally) and handle it. At times, you would bump into now and then into Spider-Man and the two of you mixed with your skills, would work together as a dynamic duo to take down the enemy. Queens loved and adored the both of you as individuals but as partners as well. Before knowing Peter was Spider-Man, there was a bit of tension and jealously and bickering from both of you: 'Dibs I had him first!' 'No, you know I patrol this area!' arguments occurred so many times that even the Avengers were pulled into it.
"I apologize for interrupting your thinking but it seems to be you have approximately 3 missed calls from your mother and from Pepper Potts accordingly."  
Missed calls from Mum is bad but wait- Pepper called?
"W-when did they call ARIS? Any voicemails?"
"Your mother called to say to be home earlier from 'study group' to prepare for Europe tomorrow and that not to miss dinner again... which you did and Ms. Potts left nothing for you."
"C-can you auto text Mum that study group when longer than expected and that Y/F/N's offered dinner so I stayed and that I'll be home soon?"
"Already on it and for Pepper?"
"Don't text her anything."
"Text sent."
Pepper? The Pepper Potts? It's been 8 months; what does she want and is that Peter?
Drifting down from the air, you land quietly behind a wall and crouch down behind it,  peering out carefully and you see Peter in his Iron Spider suit, eyes red and wet with tears as he stares at a piece of graffiti.
What's so bad about- oh.
The piece of artwork was of Tony; no wonder he was so distraught.
"You okay Spider-Man?"
"Y-yeah, I j-just c-crashed into a w-wall?" His voice high pitched, obviously lying.
"Uh huh... mind if I sit?"
"O-oh uh... no! No, you can sit!"
Giggling at Peter's awkwardness, you slide next to him and take a seat. You knew something was wrong by the way he was breathing and that his eyes were wet and red but how do you bring it up?
"H-how is everything Spidey?" God that was awful.
"T-things could be s-so much better... just, the whole Blip thing is, it's getting to me."
"The Blip? W-where the alien guy on Titan s-snapped his fingers and e-everyone d-disappeared?"
"Wait that's called the Blip?"
"Well that's what everyone is calling it."
"It sounds better than something to do with a maniac murdering half of the Earth's population... plus it's easy to say and remember."
And for the first time in a long time, you actually heard Spider-Man and Peter laugh. It was more of a sad and dry chuckle but, at least it was something.
"I'm assuming you didn't hear about 21st Street then?"
"21st Street what now?"
"Just now there was a robbery; apparently some of uhhh, what's his name? The macho, pacho penguin looking guy? Sends out his henchmen to do all the dirty work?"
"Yeah! Pretty sure that's the one! But, really? Kingpin? Sounds really dumb; reminds me of bowling or something instead of an evil business man."
"His head does look like a bowling ball..." Peter murmured quietly.
You smiled brightly and threw your head back as you laughed; that's the Peter and Spider-Man I know.
From his mask, you could tell he was smiling since the corner of his mouth was showing the little peaks from out of it.
Your and his laughter began to die down you two just stayed silence  and looked up into the cloudless sky.
"It's beautiful isn't it?"
"It really is... makes my night."
"And mine as well, I mean besides your company." Spider-Man, well more like Peter coughed, trying to cover up what he said.
"T-thank you though.. this was a nice chat Saviour. Not to alarm you or anything, but I'm not gonna be here much longer-"
"W-woah, what the hell do you mean-"
"N-no! Sorry, I worded that wrong don't panic! What I meant to say is I'm not going to be here because, I'm going on vacation."
Parker I swear...
You lightly hit his shoulder and let out a breath of relief. "Don't scare me like that! I did not need that!"
"S-sorry! B-but yeah... I'm going on vacation.. can you handle Queens without me?"
"I already do. Besides, there's always the other Avengers who can."
"Y-yeah... the Avengers... a-anyways Saviour, I-I'm gonna go now. I'll s-see you soon?"
"See ya Spidey and don't go crashing into any walls!"
"When did I- oh."
"Ratted yourself out. Bye Spideyyyyy!" You call out and wave as you watch him swing away and make tracks home yourself.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"I dunno how I did it, but I snuck back in ARIS."
"Well, your mother is asleep-"
"Shhh lemme have this!"
"... Congratulations Y/N."
"Thank you ARIS-"
"Even though I do not condone this behaviour."
Rolling your eyes, you shrug your body and switch your bracelet and your suit slowly peels away from your body, the nano- tech shrinking so it all fits inside the bracelet. You stretch your body but wince from your stomach. Cautiously, you lift your shirt and see the enormous bruise left on you from the robber and his knee.
Bye, bye crop tops...
Plopping yourself on your bed, you lie down and sigh in exhaustion. Closing your eyes slowly, you feel yourself falling to asleep. Until the chime of your best friend's ringtone plays from your phone which causes you to lurch up and open your phone to look at the text.
from: F/N ✌️
yeah.... i'm really sorry that I can't go to Europe...
from: you  
i get it, it's totally fine! your family needs you.
don't feel bad trust me it's all g.
from: F/N ✌️
...if you say so dude. just, have a great time,
take photos and promise to text me when you can?
from: you
you know I will 😤
from: F/N ✌️
kk. well, I better go. it's late and unlike you, people have school tomorrow.
from: you
haha, very funny... well, goodnight nub > : (
from: F/N ✌️
see ya geek : P
Reaching over you place your phone back on the charger and look at the ceiling and sigh.
New York has been chaotic since the Snap- Blip. The Blip. And the amount of crimes has only doubled since before then and everything with school and my friends, Ned, MJ, F/N and Peter and oh god...
Hopefully Europe gives me a break.
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halloweenbitch2764 · 4 years
Hi, can I also have a regular matchup? I'm a 5'5" girl with pale skin, long wavy dark hair and black eyes. My body weight falls under the normal category. I'm very feminine. I get bored very easily and always jump from one thing to another. I hardly ever get offended or bothered and it would take a lot from someone to actually manage that. I feel like I'm mostly a polite person if you exclude the snarky remarks and the sarcasm. I hardly ever show any negative emotions, it's too hard for me even when I'm alone. I'm either smiling like an idiot and being hyper or looking coldhearted, empty and dead inside as hell. This makes people around me take away my depth of character and turn me into either an airhead or heartless accordingly. It kinda sucks and someone who could look through me and see who I actually am would be nice. I would do anything for the people I care about but I expect them to do the same. I don't know what else to say so that's it, thanks♡
Yeah you can definitely have a matchup 💖 I match you with:
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Stu Macher
You'll both get bored together and that means you'll find more fun things to do together!
It'll take a bit to get used to what each other are interested in but once you figure it out you can plan your new activities accordingly
He loves your femininity
It makes it even easier to get along with you
Not getting offended easily is a necessary trait to have around this man
He will tell you the most crude, dirty, and dark jokes
He loves how you can be polite and sweet but also have that sarcastic and snarky side
Always makes the day more interesting
He would offer to help you show the more negative emotions because he knows penting it up can end up being really bad for you
But he absolutely adores your cheerful and happy demeanour
He could stare at your smile all day
And hear your laughter on repeat
He thinks it's cute that you either look super happy and chill or heartless
There's no in between
And he thinks it's adorable
He would be more than willing to get to know you for you
He would want to know the real you
Not the you that you put on display when you're around people besides him
He'll be very affectionate to you and will do anything to make you laugh
Because as I said before
He loves your laugh and could listen to it forever on repeat
A height difference too
So he would definitely hide things on high shelves just so you have to ask him for help
Very cute couple 11/10
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@cinnamon-bunni said,
Hi, can I get a matchup please? I'm an ambiverted infp-t leo. I'm extremely quiet at first, out of shyness and that I don't really know how to talk to people. I can come across as passive or indifferent too, but really I'm not good at expressing myself. I try to make up for it by being extra polite but I tend to zone out a lot. Once I'm out of my shell I become really hyper and talkative depending on the other's energy level. I'm told I have a sense of humour and a little snark too. (1/2)
I love physical affection but I'm not good at initiating things; I prefer to make stuff for friends to show I care. For interests, I love drawing, needlefelting and animals. I like to try and befriend cats when I'm out and share random animal facts;; There aren't many things I don't like but I'm camera shy and have super bad stage fright, ironically;; tysm in advance 💞 (2/2)
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✧ Thank you so much for requesting a matchup, love. As an Aries, I really love Leo’s lol. I hope the matchup is to your liking and am sorry it took me so long to get it down. 💓
I’d match you with: . . .
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➜ HOW YOU TWO FIRST MET ; Cats. That’s it. That’s the post. That’s how you two first met each other. Jokes aside, you were on your way to meet up with your friends. That is until you got distracted by bunch of kitty cats. Just as you were about to reach your hand to pet one of them, it started to run towards the opposite direction. The action made you pause because normally you’d be able to befriend any cat without a problem. That talent was something you had pride in and you always made sure to rub it on your friend’s faces. Out of curiosity, and for the sake of your pride, you followed the cat until your eyes caught a glimpse of light purple locks. In the middle of bunch of stray cats were a young man dressed very casually, petting and playing with the cats, an energetic smile present on his face. He was wearing a dark green hoodie with a yellow triangle pattern at the front and a pair of blue jeans rolled up above his ankles. He also tied a yellow lumberjack shirt around his waist and wore a pair of white Vans with a camouflage pattern. If you weren’t irritated by how many cats were around him, you would have thought he was attractive. Very, very attractive. With a huff, you were about to turn back and continue walking until you felt something soft rubbing against your legs. Glancing down, you were surprised to find an Abyssinian cat rubbing its head and softly purring. The irritation you were feeling was thrown out of the window as you bent down to pet it. You were happily petting the cat until an amazed shout pulled you away from your trance. “Woaah, a cat with triangular face! I wanna pet it too!” Before you knew it, the man who was surrounded by kitties were right beside you, his orange eyes sparkling with excitement as your hand made contact with the cat’s head once more. “Go ahead. It’s not like I own it anyways.” You mumbled with a shrug of your shoulders. He thanked you and called you a nice stranger girl before starting to pet the cat as well. Everything was normal until he started to meow. It got even weirder when the cat meowed back at the male. You raised an eyebrow at the male’s action as you slowly started to back away. But what the male said stopped you in your tracks. “Waaa, he says he likes you! I’m so jealous.” With a glance at the boy, you asked how did he know what the cat was saying and as a response, he said he could talk to cats. Of course, like every sensible and rational person you didn’t believe him. Before you knew it, you were giving him a bunch of reasons how it was impossible to talk to animals. What you didn’t expect was for him to not hear a single thing you’ve said and talk about something entirely else. With his friendly but really eccentric personality, you couldn’t help but talk back to him. After spending some time together surrounded by cats, you learned that his name was Misumi Ikaruga and he was an actor at Mankai Company. You had to admit, he was an oddball but in a good way. Without you noticing he even convinced you to go and watch him act at the theater. After checking the time, you realized that you were going to be late to meeting with your friends, you quickly stood up. Giving him a one last wave, you turned ahead and started to walk towards your destination after making a mental note to buy a ticket for Summer Troupe’s next play.
➜ PERSONALITY COMPATIBILITY ; Misumi is probably one of the most friendly guy you can come across and he doesn’t really mind if you’re quiet at first because he can literally talk for hours about anything and everything. He doesn’t judge people or anything for that matter so it’s impossible for him to find you indifferent. He’s like the sun honestly, so I bet before you know it, you’d be comfortable enough to be your true self around him. He’s extremely energetic so good luck matching his energy level. Don’t worry about not initiating physical affection because Misumi is able to initiate it enough for the two of you. Sometimes, when he's passing you by he will kiss your cheek, then run out the door. Other times he'll surprise you and give you a kiss in the weirdest places. Your back is turned towards him, he will hug you and rest his chin on your shoulder or head, depending on your height. You prefer to make stuff for people you care about? Please, please, PLEASE make him a triangle. He will keep it by his side and treasure it until his last breath. It might even have equal value with his triangle ruler that his grandfather gave him.
➜ SHARED ACTIVITIES ; Well aside from your regular triangle hunting, befriending every single animal you’ve come across has became your ritual at this point since your boyfriend is basically an animal magnet. Like, you’d be walking together and cats, dogs or even birds would follow you two. You’re extremely lucky in that department since you love animals very much. If the weather is bad, two of you would do triangle crafts together. He absolutely loves your artistic abilities and how you can make the best triangles. Yes, you’ve even superpassed Kazunari in his eyes. A big accomplishment if you ask me. Onigiri making is also something you regularly do together. Not gonna lie, he makes the best onigiris in the entire world. He might even superpass Omi when it comes to onigiri making. Well, aside from typical Misumi activities, he’d also take you on normal dates like park & beach walks, moon gazing at night, cat cafes and so on. Honestly, everything you do together is fun. You make him feel loved and wanted, something only his grandfather did. Having someone like you there for him made him realize how lonely he had felt, please just protect this precious boy.
➜ ZODIAC COMPATIBILITY ; Misumi’s birthday is on June 6 which makes him a Gemini. Leo x Gemini love match is an equation that hits off right from the very first time these two individuals converse with each other. The charm and intelligence of the Gemini attracts the Leo like a moth to a flame. At the same time, the confidence and conspicuousness of the Lion is enough to blow the the Twins away. Both Gemini and Leo signs know how to flirt and are extremely compatible with each other from the word go. They love to talk about all the topics in the world and their communication is free-flowing, intellectual, fun and without any barriers. The immense loyalty of the Leo makes the Gemini feel comfortable in their own skin. On the other hand, the Twins has no problem in catering to the Lion's need for flattery and admiration. Leo gets a lot of attention from Gemini, and thus gives everything to their relationship in turn, which makes their equation tick from the very beginning. This is one of the most compatible pairings in the zodiac chart and if the minor friction is handled with maturity by both the parties, the Leo and Gemini compatibility relationship can last a lifetime. A lifetime, which will be filled with love, happiness, and success.
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roguestarsailor · 4 years
thoughts on a court of mist and fury *spoilers*
***** lots of spoilers folks *****
- tamlin needs therapy like pronto; we dont stan a unsupportive partner and partner who is unwilling to share pain!! CANCEL TAMLIN 2020
- rhys popping up during the wedding scene was *chef’s kiss* and i noticed that he didn’t “claim” her as he said he would for like three months after everything. i suspect he was being a good person and literally letting her live her life. also for loving someone, tamlin was super chill and just kind of let her go??? idk i thought there would be more of a fight??? when feyre was literally like why are your claws retracting man?? fight for me??? hello??? but then again rhys is definitely more powerful than tamlin and probs some unspoken laws and such between high lords i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ anyways tamlin aint shit
- page 296-298! fucken shook me to my core. that self awareness, that confrontation, she identified the core of everything and it was such a turning point and im just so proud of her!!! She's recognizing her traumas and is healing!!!!!!!!!!
- yeah i immediately ship cassian and nesta; i hope she fucks shit up in the next book  �� 😀 😀 😀  
- maybe az and mor are truly the slowest of slow burns   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- i pictured pollution from good omens as how Amren is suppose to look like
- rhys is such a strong leader and im just -- baby deserves all the love. He's really good at plotting. He really made feyre learn all these things so they can nurture their love but also be a strategic advantage its interesting that even tho theres love there he still treats her like a weapon
- the joy in his rhys eyes when they winnowed into his regular ass town house that feels super lived in. and his friends banging on the door like he isn’t the feared night court high lord that he is. that was so refreshing to see that hes a regular person and not that high lord man who lives in a near empty mansion. he puts on a mask for everyone but he himself is just a regular fae.  
- reading about the peace that velaris was able to live through was beautiful. i imagined a city like san francisco with the hills and views of the ocean but kind of like the peace found in super small towns or cities in asia; maybe even some european cities (which is prob where this location is inspired by but i haven’t visited many euro cities). the scenes of ppl dining out, making art and music and just chilling is so lovely esp given our current pandemic. art is so treasured there and im like thats the epitome of a great society isn’t it? being able to do things because you just can without the pain of financial insecurity, civil unrest, etc. i definitely would love and die and for a society like that. its just so wonderful. i was filled w happiness while reading those scenes. :)
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- rhys and his inner circle taking feyre out into the town and just being casual. nobody treats them like theyre royalty or anything special. theyre just a regular group of friends who enjoy hanging out. its super nice and nostalgia inducing esp during this pandemic when friends are so far away and not like it used to be.
- when rhys immediately saw how under weight and dead freye looked when she was in spring court -- AND IT WAS THE FIRST THING HE SAID TO HER WHEN HE SAW HER THROUGH THE DOOR WHILE TAMLIN DIDNT FUCKEN NOTICE
- i also take back my frustrations in book 1 when freye always wondering around the grounds in spring court esp during calanmai. i thought it was because the author needed to move the story forward but its just freye. she doesnt sit still and now that shes w rhys, we are seeing soooooo many things about prythian and thats beautiful. tamlin was truly a hinderance huh
- rhys sent her music when she was in the cell in Under The Mountain which was found in velaris. maybe he wasnt risking a lot but he just showed her a glimpse of the forbidden world right under aramantha’s nose holy shit he saved her from destruction!
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- when rhys had his nightmare and feyre came to comfort him and kissed him on the cheeks and gave him such tenderness made my heart sing~
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- rhys is literally opposite of tamlin is soooo many ways. RHYS DID THINGS OUT OF LOVE, WHILE TAMLIN DID THINGS FOR LOVE. everything from how rhys made sure feyre can grow into who she is meant to be, to how he introduces her to his friends and how he interacts w everyone in his court, how he handles pain, everything is so different than tamlin. tamlin feels pain and just bulldoze over things, doesn’t think about how his actions are hurting others even as he is hurting. he doesn’t talk, he doesn’t share, he doesn’t try to get himself or feyre out of this misery and just sees threats everywhere and hits them. he was also supper passive honestly. no doubt hes riddled w guilt and grief but can’t figure out how to handle it so he uses feyre as his crutch where if he can “save” her he will be free smh
- Ianthe was sus from the beginning!! i knew it!! although i did bet she was gonna sleep w tamlin on the side. But she's a lot worst so we don't like her either
- the throne room scene was steamy af this time its fine because there was ~consent~ and also because we see the dynamic and growth between the two and how they work together. this was great although I was kind of like pls get a room tho
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- LUCIEN AND ELAINE HOLY FUCK WHAT A LEFT FIELDER i hope this is the push that will propel lucien to defy tamlin. going back to the contrast between how tamlin vs his court and rhys vs his court, rhys has a group of unwavering loyal friends and are treated equally esp letting them joke around so much and it feels like a casual group of friends hanging out. tamlin has just as much loyalty from lucien but theres still a power structure that tamlin maintains. luciens words doesn’t have much weight whereas rhys’s friends do. both tamlin and rhys have so much power and sway and similarity in traumas and tragedy but both execute things completely differently. tamlin only wants to upload what he is familiar with, maybe what he thinks his father wants whereas rhys actively tries to think of something better, to change the system regardless of how hard it is.
- tamlin you dumbass. He didn't learn from amarantha. He again let his pride fuck over a bunch of other ppl. He shat on amarantha and fucked over his court. Now he fucked the rest of prythian and human world by bargaining w the king. Smh goodbye tamlin
- I straight up knew the queens were bad!!! I knew they had to be plotting something. The sixth is "ill" my ass.
- when hybern was destroying velaris. I WAS GONNA THROW HANDS BRO. I'm glad we saw the extend of how powerful feyre could be and how she was clever and we can really see how she's completely different from before. She has bite and fight in her and it's so refreshing!
- how about we let az and cassian live in peace. Those boys had to deal w the blunt of literally everything. from being the only shield in valeris to poison/hurt wings against the king, just beat up all the time 🥺
- suriel is their version of a wikipedia
I read all 600 damn pages in like 2.5 days and I was loving it the entire time! My heart sored when feyre and Rhys were getting close and starting to break down their walls and really connect. This was a truly good enemies to lovers, slow burn tale and the drama is so great. There were good stakes that changes a character and their behavior and a good balance of action and excitement but at the same time so many little moments that let u see the character and how they interact w each other and the world. a lot of big plot moments, slice of life moments, a bit of romance and comedy. overall, an amazing book but super long. thus far this is my favorite book and im hoping the rest of the books can be just as charming and lovely but not too heart breaking. i hope rhys and feyre makes it. i cannot predict what to expect in the other books in the series (isn’t there gonna be 8 books total???) 
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sunsiac · 5 years
king and queen / jaehyun [3]
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genre: murder mystery, romance, angst
member: jaehyun
word count: 1.4k
warnings: none
summary: a young prince and a knight’s daughter are an unlikely pair, but nonetheless, these two were attached at the hip as children. without any royal duty or stress, it proved to be an unexpected yet beautiful friendship.even as they grew up together, they only developed to be more inseparable. they proved this when she, hakyeong turned 16, and he, jaehyun, gave her one of the most precious gifts he could; both of their first kisses. but it was bad timing. their respective responsibilities dawned on them quicker than they would’ve imagined, forcing them to grow apart. 5 years later, the both of them 21, meet again after jaehyun’s older brother who is about to be crowned king is found dead. A string of murders throughout the castle force them to come together and find the one behind it before one of them is next.
I left the supervisor's office in a hurry, eager to get through the darkening halls as quickly as possible. Oddly enough, the halls at night had never bothered me before, even when I had first come here. If anything, I liked how quiet they were compared to the bustling of the day. But now I just wanted to get through them as fast as possible.
Because, I liked the idea of a killer being out there even less.
The sun had past set, the dim lanterns scattered throughout the halls bleeding into the darkness of the night and making odd shapes that lined the walls. But, all of this was relinquished when the dining hall came into view, light and various different sounds spilling out into the otherwise quiet hall.
When I walked in, it was a little overwhelming. Even though I'd been eating there every day for years, I couldn't say I had gotten completely used to the deafening noise yet. Everyone that worked in the castle that was below a royal status ate here, and that added up to a lot of people.
As I stared, a single hand came up over the crowd and lead me over to my normal seat. My roommate, Eunhye, was sitting there, her curly blonde hair pulled back as she spooned soup into her mouth. Eunhye was arguably the person I was closest to, being my roommate and best friend for all the years after Jaehyun and I had cut off contact.
She knew almost everything about me, from my relations to the royal family down to something as simple as my favourite colour. It felt good to have that mutual connection with someone, a shared friendship that had lasted through the years. And, understandably, I was pretty determined to keep it.
I slipped into the seat next to her, greeting her with a nod as she passed me a bowl.
"Hey. Where were you?" She asked, looking at me expectantly as she bit into a roll.
"Oh, I just was pulled to the supervisor's office," I said casually, not finding any reason to go into more depth.
"What," She nudged me with a smile, "Are you actually in trouble for once?"
I just laughed, taking my share of food. "Never. It was just some questions about Hyeonsik,"
"Ah," she nodded, getting quiet and obviously at a loss of how to respond. I wasn't expecting her to be like this, but I didn't blame her. It seemed like no one knew what to say to me after his death, and I guess it wasn't that limited at her.
"Were you pulled at all yet?" I asked, making her look over.
"No," she shook her head. "But I don't think I will be, since I was with the visiting duchess almost that entire night,"
I just let out a sigh and rested my chin on my hands. "Lucky. For some reason, I feel like the supervisor's suspicious of me,"
She laughed."What? You? Everyone knows you and Hyeonsik were super close. He'd have to be insane to suspect you,"
"I know. That's why I'm worried,"
She just gave me a small smile over her bowl. "If it helps at all, I know it wasn't you,"
I just sighed.
"I just hope they know that too."
It's always soup.
Don't get me wrong, it was usually better. Way better, in fact. But, I guess with everything that's been going on, they aren't too concerned about the food.
I swirled the broth lazily around the bodies of the dish, not really in the mood to eat soup again. I was never an extravagant eater, not adventurous in the least, but now, I think I would rather eat anything but this.
I let the spoon drop into the bowl with a sigh as I sat back, the tray that laid on my bed shifting precariously. The recent events had changed a lot of things around here, and while I wholeheartedly understood why, it was a little hard to get used to.
Schedules were tight for everyone now, limiting everyone's, excluding knights, hours allowed out til twilight. And because of this, regular activities during the day were rushed, making people a bad combination of stressed and cautious.
Which, was part of the reason I was here, sipping soup over my bedsheets. I had barely been let out of my chamber in the past few days, everyone seemingly too nervous to let me out of their sight.
Though, yesterday around noon I had somehow convinced a few guards to accompany me on a trek to find something other than soup to eat. At first, I was unbelievably happy to be on my feet again, relishing in the sight of the familiar halls. But, it was short lived.
Hakyeong usually guarded the hallway in-between the offices and the main room, I knew, but today she was in the hall by the kitchen and the guard rooms. As we passed eyes, I remember words hanging on the tip of my tongue. And I knew she could tell, the former flat look on her face delving into one of curiosity. 
But, when I tried to go over to her, a guard had stopped me, grabbing my arm. 
"Sir. Please just try to get back to your chamber as quick as possible," He mumbled to me, making my eyes flit over to where she was standing.
She had an unreadable expression as she stared at us, inducing a guilty feeling in me as I nodded, turning away. I still remember the look of disappointment on her face as I did, and, though it didn't leave me feeling the best, what could I do?
It seemed that as the days passed, things were just getting more reckless. Everyone's fear was lingering in the final realisation that someone had really been killed, and it wasn’t just a rumor. Because of this, things were rushed and unthorough all around the castle. Meals were repeated for days, jobs were done unmeticulously, and people were distant. It was too much of an anomaly for officials to pass a blind eye, so, a meeting was called that morning.
The royal supervisor had his doubts about what was going on, about what he was going to propose. But, he knew when everyone was sitting in front of him, that it was a decision that had to be made.
"Everyone," he stood up in front of the small group of men, their conversations dying down.
"I apologise to call you so early in the morning," he said, multiple people shaking their heads in dismissal. "But, I assume you can all figure why?"
This earned a few laughs before someone piped up, "Everything is a mess,"
He smiled and nodded. "Yes. Because of that, I want to propose something,"
The silence told him to go on. "I say we move on with the coronation," 
This raised a few eyebrows, even a few laughs.
"So," The director of management tapped his finger as his lips turned up in a small smile. "You're suggesting to put the younger prince up on that pedestal? When his older brother was murdered only days ago?"
He just smiled patiently. "I know it might not make much sense. But, we can only go long without a ruler,"
"It's only been a few days, we just need to be patient and wait for something to turn up,” The director said, his tone trying to hint that this part of things wasn’t up for discussion. “The king has been ruling fine from his bed, and that’s enough of a buffer for now until we can decide what to do,”
"The king is due soon," The royal supervisor said, making a few people shift uncomfortably in their seats. 
The king's death was a taboo topic, and rightfully so. He was a good king, and people liked him. But most hadn't even stopped to consider what would happen after he does pass.
"Then why not wait?" Someone else piped up. "If it's that big of a deal to go without a ruler, then let the current king live it out, and crown the son then,"
“With all due respect, but is the king really in the best health to keep doing this? Sir Hyeonsik had most of the responsibilities before. So, why not crown the younger now? That way, we can put our focus onto him and protect him with no distractions,"
"You sound like a child begging for a toy right about now. Give it up, Hyunjin. It's just not the right time,"
He just sighed, pushing down the bubbling anger and nodding. Though he wanted to argue more, he knew he couldn't do anything without the majority's vote.
The same man pushed out his chair, saying, "All we can do at this point is continue to investigate. So, don't worry too much, Hyunjin,"
The royal supervisor just nodded.
"Fine. Meeting adjourned.”
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