#don’t drag me into this. this is all i have to say about the whole situation.
majosullivan · 2 days
Nevermore Dashboard Simulator 2
🔄 many-coloured-grass reblogged
🌷 many-coloured-grass Follow
I don’t care what any of you are saying, I just think it is weird that people are joking that Lenore and Annabel are secretly into each other when they have shown constant distant for each other?? Go take a walk through the academy grounds
🔮 sorcery-sorcery-sorcery Follow
the fun police right here is trying to put me in gay detenion but Lenore and Annabel are blocking the way because Lenore has pinned Annabel against the wall
🌷 many-coloured-grass Follow
8,689 notes
🎇 labyrinth-of-light Follow
[snapping out of remembering the horrific details about how I slowly suffocated under a black mass of slurry, not knowing if my siblings were alive or not, all because I smelt the scent of coal coming from the fire in the common room] oh I should have been at the club
13,477 notes
⚰️ were-all-dead-here Follow
906 notes
🔄 ghostlygal reblogged
🕯️ phantomwraith Follow
i can’t deal with this academy anymore! i mean i can, and i will, obviously. but i can't fucking do this anymore!
🖤 ghostlygal Follow
Area Man Who Has "Had Enough" Wakes Up Next Morning at 7:00 AM to Get Ready to Go to Class Again
7,347 notes
🌤️ serenest-skies Follow
I don’t know if it’s just the stress from the announcement that there’s only one new life, but I SWEAR I just saw Lenore drag Annabel Lee into a closet just now
#or I have started to lose my mind #with how today ended #that seems like a much more reasonable conclusion
29 notes
🔄 spookyxskeletons reblogged angelic-oddity
☀️ angelic-oddity Follow
God I wish I was that bell
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☀️ angelic-oddity Follow
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15,074 notes
🔄 fable-silence reblogged
🍁 fable-silence Follow
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭I HAVETO GO TO CLASS AGAIN😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰
🍁 fable-silence Follow
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my greek chorus ^
4,832 notes
🎊 impishimpulses Follow
My roommate, who just manifested into an six foot tall ochimusha and consistently calls me dearest: All the creatures in this maze seem to desire nothing more than to suck dry any life we have remaining, i just don’t understand this academy
Me [heard “suck dry” and got so hard i got nauseous]: i think i hauve the devil in me
3,496 notes
🔄 ferocious-fiddle reblogged
🧟‍♂️ gutzngore Follow
The Deans are literally Tweedledum & Tweedledee coded because of their sinister symmetry. but whatever
🎻 ferocious-fiddle Follow
OP I know this is a joke, but just remember that if you go knocking on enough doors asking to see the devil, eventually he’ll answer.
6,660 notes
🩸 bloodstained-petals Follow
I’m never going to listen to anyone ever again that tries to give dating advice along the lines of ‘The worst thing that they can say is no :)’, bitch I just witnessed that Ada girl get insulted so throughly in public after she tried to flirt with Prospero that she literally manifested into some screeching rotten hag
#like be real with me right now
706 notes
🔄 spookyxskeletons reblogged
🪸 drenchedkelpie Follow
The whole experience with the rats in yesterday’s lesson felt like having to escape a ficious pack of bloodthirsty hunting dogs, and I was but a simple and unexpecting deer
🪸 drenchedkelpie Follow
☠️ spookyxskeletons Follow
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3,969 notes
🔄 floatinghoax reblogged
🌺 etherealdances Follow
Kill them with kindness? WRONG. Spectre attack 👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻
1,002 notes
🔄 deadgirlwalking reblogged namelessghoul
⚙️ the-greater-the-ass Follow
Call me Wall Street the way I. The way I just crashed onto the floor because of that fucking Hungry Ghost
⚙️ the-greater-the-ass Follow
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Have y’all just. Ignored everything that has happened the past few years or are some of you just fucking with me?
🌹 blushedandbloomed Follow
Is this some kind of wide spread prank that people are doing? Me and my roommate were talking about what memories of our family we had recovered and I mentioned how badly my brother was affected by his conscription during the World War II, and my roommate just looked at me like I was speaking another language and asked me what war I was even talking about
⚙️ the-greater-the-ass Follow
I’m sorry, world war number
🃏 demonic-betting Follow
🌹 blushedandbloomed Follow
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🪲 goldbug1843 Follow
@blushedandbloomed you cannot just react like that without any explanation about what on earth you meant by World War II
🌹 blushedandbloomed Follow
🌻 hyacinth-hair Follow
Unless you are the Oracle of Delphi, why the hell are you stating an end date for a war that’s still going on?
🌹 blushedandbloomed Follow
🌻 hyacinth-hair Follow
🌹 blushedandbloomed Follow
⚙️ the-greater-the-ass Follow
🥀 wilted-rose Follow
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🌃 eveningstar Follow
This is getting out of hand
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🪵 premature-burial Follow
💤 sleepyirene Follow
🪵 premature-burial Follow
🐸 hop-frog Follow
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🌟 celestialwhispers Follow
I must be having some kind of vivid dream because there is no way this is right. In the most recent memories I currently have, the coronation of Edward VII recently occurred, and now I’m seeing people claiming that they died 1910-1950?
🌬️ loss-of-breath Follow
⚙️ the-greater-the-ass Follow
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🌙 voyage-to-the-moon Follow
I am going to lose my marbles
🪓 namelessghoul Follow
🪦 deadgirlwalking Follow
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56,395 notes
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princessbrunette · 1 day
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deer!reader who prunes in the bath for hours everytime she’s upset. this time it was jj’s fault, and he’d admit it. he was meant to pick her up from work and take her out to eat — but he got caught up in pogue stuff and forgot.
he lets himself into her home knowing her family were away. usually when he did so, her skittish footsteps would come sliding along the hallway, barrelling into him quietly rambling about how she can recognise the pattern of his footsteps which is how she knew it was him — but now the house was too quiet. he could hear the pipes churning however, and distantly if he listened close enough — the dripping of the taps upstairs.
she stares ahead when he enters, still wearing a face full of makeup from her day as she reclines in the bath tub. if she were in a different mood, she’d comment on how very sofia coppola the whole thing was— but she was sad, and feeling neglected, so instead she huffs subtly out her nose, not wanting to acknowledge the blonde.
“okay so… i messed up.” he begins carefully as he creeps into the room. “y’know i was actually like, super looking forward to seeing you i just… i lost track of the time. you know how bat shit crazy john b has been lately over this whole treasure thing.” he exasperates, dragging his feet over to the side of the bath. out the corner of your eye, you can see him rubbing at his chest nervously. it almost made you feel guilty.
you say nothing. as much as you wanted to do the mature thing and communicate how it made you feel, how all of it had been making you feel lately — you feel to indulge the pettier side to you instead. perhaps if you acted uncharacteristically and gave him the silent treatment, he’d see you meant business. he presses his lips together, nodding and yanks his hat off, dropping it by his feet.
“nothing? okay uh… i deserve that.” he ticks his head, staring at you in thought for a moment before lowering himself to his knees besides the tub. the water sways as you shuffle slightly, the dripping sound the only noise present in the room for a second. “how can i make it up to you? i’m here now so, let me.” his gaze is serious, brows raised at your side profile.
you don’t offer him a response, not directly anyway. you simply cast your eyes down with a sad sigh. maybank bites his lip in thought before standing on his knees, moving as close as he could. stroking your cheek with his thumb, he stared wistfully. the thumb travels to tuck itself beneath your bottom lip, and you try not to preen into his touch. noticing your resistance, he thinks for a moment longer before pushing his sleeve up, sinking his arm into the warm water.
“i don’t like it when you’re sad, bamb. makes me all sad. think i got a few ideas on how to apologise though.” he speaks quietly, in that lower tone that only you get to hear. he smiles when his hand touches your thigh and you bashfully spread them beneath the water without any convincing. “that’a girl.” he hums.
fingers trailing up your thigh toward your centre, he continues to stare at you, eyes occasionally jumping to his hand. your breath hitches and you try to hold your resistance and be strong, but you missed his touch and it’s hard. without having to tell him that he nods. “i know.” he drawls, the southern twang comforting you. “messed up real bad, huh?”
you nod, and he takes the slight communication as a win, knowing he’s buttering you up. the water splashes lightly when he reaches your cunt, gently massaging your clit beneath the water. a shaky breath leaves you and his teeth find his bottom lip again, concentrated. “i’on even deserve t’touch you but… s’the least i can do. gotta give the princess her princess treatment n’stuff.” he comments, and you relax further into the tub, a quiet whimper leaving you as your legs spread wider. “mmhm.” he responds.
this continues for a little while longer before you can’t take it and you speak.
“you need to make time for me.” you whisper and he nods, eyes wide and almost innocent.
“i gotta make way more time for you. gonna clear my whole schedule bae.” he sounds desperate, and you’re glad he’s understanding. your brows furrow, panting, feeling too hot in the water now.
“jj.” you enquire and his eyes don’t leave you, nodding again.
“yes— yeah?”
“take me out the bath. wan’you to fuck me on the bed.” you mewl quietly, ashamed at how fast you broke.
“yes ma’am.” he wastes no time, hand leaving you to yank the plug from the bath, tripping over and falling onto his knees when he attempts to get up and run to grab you a towel.
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mrwavellswaps · 1 day
The Resort
Nobody had heard from Gerald in over a week. He told everyone that he’d been offered an exclusive trip to a high end resort of some kind that promised to be one of the best getaway’s of his life. Apparently it was only offered to those of a high status and Gerald certainly fit that mould, having rich parents that’d guided to a high earning job of his own.
I had to admit I was jealous when he told me. After all I was in the 1% as well right? Plus Gerald and I had been close friends our whole lives so I was understandably envious knowing that only he was extended this opportunity. But I was happy for him nonetheless and wished him well. And at first everything seemed fine. That is until he stopped responding to my messages or anyone else’s…
At first we all assumed he was too engrossed in this trip to check his phone. Or that perhaps it’d died and he hadn’t had a chance to charge it. But once a full week had passed everyone was getting more and more nervous. Gerald’s parents especially. They’d tried calling up the resort that Gerald was supposedly at multiple times to no avail. It’d got to the point where they were considering calling the police. That is until I finally received a message back from Gerald.
It began with him apologising and explaining it away by saying he’d lost his phone which at the time I had no reason not to believe. He went on to tell me how incredible the trip had been and that he’d been having the greatest time of his life. As he messaged me however, I couldn’t help but feel something was wrong. It was subtle but the way he texted seemed different. Gerald was usually one for using lots of abbreviations and what not but now he was typing everything out in full with correct punctuation and everything. I would’ve been more suspicious had it not been for him sending me plenty of photos of himself at this getaway.
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Besides I was now too distracted by the fact that apparently this dream resort, as he’d painted it, now wanted to offer me a trip down as well! I was a bit taken back by it but the offer was too tempting to refuse. So before long I made the arrangements and I was packing up my things to join my best friend. Soon after, once I’d reassured Gerald’s friends and family, I was jumping on a plane only a few days later!
It was a long flight but a few movies and a long nap helped the time to pass right by. It wasn’t long before I was on the ground again and jumping in a taxi to this so-called ‘heaven on earth’ as Gerald described. And when I arrived, I could see why. It was a gorgeous resort placed right by the ocean. It somehow managed to have a very rustic feel and atmosphere to it while also seeming so ornate. I could already see why Gerald had been talking this place up
Speaking of Gerald, as soon as I’d booked in, I found myself bumping into him soon after. Though when he first saw me he had a strange expression on his face. I couldn’t explain it. It was as if he… plotting? I don’t know how to even put it into words but it didn’t matter as before I could question it, that strange look turned to a big grin as he came up to me and wrapped those muscled arms around me.
He walked with me as I made my way to the place I’d be staying in while I was here. Well actually it felt more like he was guiding me. Always correcting me when I was about to take a wrong turn. It was as if he knew this place like the back of his hand. I knew he’d been here for over a week but still. Regardless we soon made it to my little ‘home away from home’ as they called it here. Unlocking the door and dragging my things inside as Gerald closed the door behind. Little did I know that I’d already sealed my fate.
As I started unpacking my things, Gerald and I got to talking. But as we did I could tell now more than ever that something was wrong. Whenever I tried to talk to him about something like our friends back home or his interests, his hobbies and even his job, he always tried to dodge the conversation. And when he did answer he only gave the most vague and bare bones response possible. It was like he didn’t know anything about his own life. Instead he kept asking me questions instead. Strange questions. Like how much I was earning nowadays and how many people knew I was on a trip here. And if that hadn’t creeped me out enough, I couldn’t help noticing how he seemed to be scanning my body which was only made more creepy by the strange look in his eyes.
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“Alright that’s it.” I said at last. “What’s up with you Gerald? You’ve been acting weird as fuck since I got here.”
He stayed quiet for a moment as if trying to decide what to say. But eventually his face turned from a cold stare to a soft smirk before letting out a sigh. “Jesus Christ I can’t do this any longer. If I knew it was going to take this long for them to set up the memory transfer then I wouldn’t have been so hasty to invite you down here…” I stated.
To say I was confused was an understatement. “W-what?? Memory transfer?? What’re you talking about?!?”
“Okay look. I’m not *really* Gerald. Well… technically I kinda am now.” He stopped to give his biceps a flex, his smirk growing even wider as they peaked with thick muscle. “You see, the original Gerald was kind enough to donate his young hunky body to me. And so far I’ve gotta say I’d give it 5 stars because this body has felt nothing but incredible since the moment I woke up.” I watched as he reached underneath his shirt to run his hands along the bare skin of his thick chest, pinching his nipples slighting in the process. “My skin is so smooth and taut. My muscles are so firm and strong. And this dick…” His hands moved down towards his crotch, gripping the growing bulge until a perfect outline of Gerald's thick cock was visible. “It’s been years since I’ve been able to get this hard so effortlessly. And my old dick was never as big as this one. God it just makes me feel so… virile!”
My mind was reeling with questions as my body began to fill with fear. It was as though I was having some kind of unconscious fight or flight response as every instinct was telling me to escape whatever this freaky situation was as soon as possible.
“Alright so maybe donate isn’t the right word.” He continued with a small chuckle, still absently rubbing his crotch. “More like he was forcefully evicted from this body to make room for someone who’s more deserving of it.” Gerald, or the man that was piloting Gerald’s body, turned to the mirror to admire himself even further. His hands returned to his chest once more only this time giving a much more aggressive and lustful squeeze to his new pecs. “Mmmmm yeah… I’m so much more deserving of these juicy muscle tits.” I grunted as he bounced his pecs a little before giving another quick bicep flex.
Finally I was able to clear the lump in my throat just enough to force out a few words. “W…W-What… the f-fuck… is going o-on.”
He seemed to ignore me at first as he leaned in closer to the mirror, inspecting his face. At first admiring his hair and beard before focusing his attention specifically on his forehead. “Wow. Those doctors sure did an amazing job. I can hardly even see where they cut open this head anymore.” He said while tracing his fingers over a scar that was almost invisible by this point.
“Hey! Are you even listening to me?” I said a little louder this time, now with more frustration to hide the rising sense of fear.
He only looked at me with a raised eyebrow. Those eyes tracing my body once again. Then without warning he shouted. “You can come in now!”
On cue the door swung open once again and three muscles suited men barged into the room. Before I could even react, they grabbed and restrained me, forcing me down onto my knees. “H-HEY! GET OFF ME! GERALD!? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?!” I screamed desperately.
“What’s happening is you’re about to donate your body just like Gerald did. It’s gonna go to a very close friend of mine who I’m sure will make good use of it.” He grinned as he turned to the door. “Hector! Come and meet your future body!” I shouted.
Moments later a little old man came shuffling into the room with a cane. “Oooooh wow. You weren’t lying when you said this guy was a looker.” Hector said as he practically licked his lips while staring at me.
Gerald smiled. “I told you. And pretty soon it’ll be you inside there. You’ll be just like me. Young and full of cum.” He said as he took the old man’s hand and placed it against his own muscular chest. “Soon you’ll be able to touch this studly new body of mine while being a hunk yourself. Then we can both worship each other. How’s that sound babe?”
The old man beamed at the idea. “Oh yes I can hardly wait!”
“LET ME GO!” I screamed. “ALL OF YOU ARE FUCKING CRAZY! LET ME GO!!” I thrashed around but it was useless. The three suited men had me restrained tightly and weren’t going to release me.
“Alright. How’s this? I’ll explain everything to you as we make our way down to the lab.” Gerald said, signalling to the suited men to get me up on my feet again.
Next thing I know I’m being dragged behind Gerald and this Hector guy as we make our way through the resort. We passed a few people on the way but none of them seemed to care no matter how much I pleaded for help. Instead I’m forced to listen as Gerald begins his monologue.
“Well. My Husband Hector and I have been members of this resort for a very long time. I won’t bore you with all the details but long story short we caught wind of some experimental trials being performed here and so the two of us ended up putting some heavy money towards funding it. In fact almost everyone here is aware of what goes on but we’re obligated to keep it under wraps. And in exchange for our money and discretion, we were all promised a procedure once trails were completed. It took some years I’ll admit. Hector and I were worrying we might kick the bucket before we had our chance but it seems we got lucky after all.” Gerald began before glancing back at me with a victorious smirk on his face. “So once it was our turn I found your friend Gerald while searching online. Hot. Young. Loaded. I couldn’t ask for anything more. After which the people here were more than happy to send him an invite…”
“What have you done to him??” I asked in a panic. Though part of me already knew by now but I didn’t want to believe it. I couldn’t.
Gerald chuckled. “Come on kid. Isn’t it obvious? The experimental procedures they’ve been practicing at this resort are human brain transplants. Taking them out of one body and putting them in another.” Once again he flexed a bicep like he just couldn’t help himself. “Soon after the old Gerald arrived here, we had him restrained and taken down to the lab where he was put under. They did put me under as well shortly after. A long and careful procedure was performed on the both of us. Removing our brains and putting mine inside Gerald head before making sure everything was working properly and finally sealing me back up. Or so I’ve been told. Obviously I wasn’t awake for that part. All I know is that when I did finally wake up, the first thing I saw was this new gorgeous hulking body of mine.” He continued as he checked himself out in almost every reflective surface we passed by, clearly intoxicated by his stolen look.
I couldn’t help growing even more scared and frustrated by the second as this imposter rambled on about how he stole my friend’s body. “Where is he now? The real Gerald? What did you do with him!?” I tried my best to put on a demanding voice but there was an unmistakably shakiness to it that everyone no doubt heard.
“See for yourself.” Was all he said as we finally reached a set of double doors that swung open to reveal what looked almost like a sci-fi laboratory. There was all sorts of equipment around with blueprints all over the walls and desks displaying the human body and brain. No. Not just blueprints. Some of them looked more like X-rays of real people. However those weren’t what caught my attention the most. What my eyes were most drawn to were the large tubes scattered around the room containing what looked to be real human brains!! “I believe Gerald is over there in Canister 5.” The fake Gerald said as he pointed at a brain from across the room.
“No… no no no… this is… this is fucking sick! It’s-It’s wrong! Y-you can’t do this! You can’t!” I began shouting frantically upon the realisation that my friend was now nothing more than a brain floating in a tube. Trying my absolute best to somehow break free and make a run for it but it was no use as I was forced deeper into this lab. During which I soon got close enough to Canister 5 to see Gerald’s full name on it. But what I saw next was even more horrifying. The empty Canister 6.
Old man Hector turned to me with a wrinkled smile. “Don’t worry young man. You’ll be neighbours with your old pal soon enough.” He said as he tapped the glass of Canister 6 which already had **my name** printed onto it. “Meanwhile I promise to take gooood care of the youthful, spritely body of yours son. Just like my husband here is taking good care of your friend’s body.” He continued and on cue Imposter Gerald began bouncing his pecs again.
I was too stun locked by the situation to say anything. All I could do was stare at the two men in utter disbelief at everything going on around me. Even as the pair came up to me and began lifting my shirt to grope at my body, I couldn’t say anything. Not even as Hector let out a perverted little laugh as he groped my crotch. There was no way out of this.
Before I knew it was being dragged over towards what looked to be some kind of prep room where I was strapped down to a table. One of the surgeons started getting a needle ready and as he did I took one last look around. Unfortunately however all I could focus on as the sharp point entered one of my veins was the ecstatic look on Hector’s face as he was no doubt already thinking of the first thing he was gonna do once he was in my body. It was like a predator eying up its prey.
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And just like that, I lost consciousness.
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honeybcj · 4 hours
— rosekiller microfic
828 words | nsfw | cw: explicit sexual content, brief strap sucking, mild degradation, mild praise, trans evan rosier (or, the one wear evan straps barty)
this one goes out to @panchashire and his gorgeous, gorgeous brain. mwah, i hope i did them justice. you’ve always got me on my toes when it comes to these two <3
“C’mon now, baby,” Evan urges, swatting playfully at Barty’s hip, “you can take it.”
A helpless whine passes Barty’s lips. His skin is on fire, the muscles in his arms aching from trying to hold himself up. Upon Evan swatting at him, Barty arches his back more, twisting his head over his shoulder to try and get a better look at Evan behind him.
Evan’s on his knees, lazily dragging the tip of the strap over Barty’s hole. It’s agonizing. Pure torture, really. But this much is true: Barty can take it. He wants to. He needs to.
It’s been a whole morning-long debacle of Barty pathetically pawing at Evan for more attention. He’s selfish, a little greedy even, but who wouldn’t be when Evan Rosier is the world’s one and only earth side angel?
And as it goes, Barty should have expected some kind of punishment for his pissy attitude and clinginess. Although, it may not be that much of a punishment, depending on who you ask.
“Rosie, if you don’t—” Barty starts, but his jaw drops, mouth falling open in a silent moan as Evan finally pushes past Barty’s rim, sinking all the way to the hilt, Evan’s hips pressed flush against Barty’s ass.
Yes, Evan might have been teasing him up until this point, but the second he’s buried deep inside Barty? By all means, begin begging for mercy.
Barty does say a prayer, a silent one, that Evan drags him through the gates of Hell before he’s finished with Barty.
Thorough, meticulous. Just how Barty likes it. Evan is precise, fucking Barty with reckless abandon, barely giving him a moment to breathe. It’s not like Barty needs it anyway. He’d gladly spend his last minutes being fucked into the mattress, his final thoughts and feelings chock full of unabashed pleasure and desire.
What a way to go.
It’s hard to believe that only half an hour ago Barty was on his knees sucking Evan’s strap like it was his damn job. Getting all sloppy, spit dripping down his chin, only for Evan to wipe it up with his fingers and shove it right back into Barty’s mouth.
But now it doesn’t even matter. Not when Evan is fucking Barty within an inch of his life. The tip of the strap skillfully and repeatedly hitting the sensitive bundle of nerves that has Barty moaning like the godforsaken whore that he is.
And that’s exactly how Evan calls it.
“Such a good fuckin’ whore for me, baby,” Evan coos, gripping Barty’s hips to pull back each time he thrusts forward. “Takin’ me like a champ.”
It’s all white light and stardust when Evan loosens one of his hands, wrapping around to Barty’s front to take his cock in his hand. Far too soon, embarrassingly so, Barty feels the warmth pool in the pit of his stomach, flames licking up his spine.
“Ev, Rosie, yes. F-For you. Just for you,” Barty babbles, arms giving out from under him, his chest colliding with the mattress.
“That’s right. So good for me,” Evan praises, the sound of palm against skin echoing in the air when Evan slaps, hard, at Barty’s ass.
It’s a sweet kind of sting—the kind Barty always wants more of. Call him a masochist, and he wouldn’t bat an eye once.
There’s something to be said about the way Evan looks once he’s hooked the harness around his hips. Blue silicone just begging to be touched, and who is Barty to say no? It’s not just that, though. It’s the light in Evan’s eyes when he knows what is to come, the swelling of pride in his chest that he has the ability to render Barty boneless.
Barty’s pretty sure he will never get over that.
A choked moan erupts from the back of Barty’s throat, his skin tingling from exertion. A thin sheen of sweat coats his body. Apparently, whatever animalistic sounds are leaving Barty’s body are like music to Evan’s ears because he’s practically purring behind Barty, not wasting a single second in making sure that Barty stays full.
“Oh, sweetheart. Already close? You wanted it that bad? Just look at you,” Evan muses, punctuating his last words with four harsh thrusts that send Barty right over the edge.
He spills into Evan’s hand, letting out a sinful moan as Evan fucks him through it, nearly reaching the point of overstimulation. It feels good though. And Barty would take it. He’d take anything Evan gives him.
Barty lets out a breathless giggle, Evan still supporting his hips as he pulls out. Barty can feel the silicone rubbing against the back of his leg as Evan drapes himself over Barty’s back, lips brushing over the shell of Barty’s ear.
“Think you can take it again, baby?” Evan whispers, voice heavy with amusement.
Barty whimpers, rocking his hips back against Evan. His voice is quite as he responds with the only correct answer, “You fucking bet.”
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tinietaehyun · 12 hours
Wondrous Tales
[Wonderland!txt x lost!reader] [one-shot series]
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Pairing(s): wonderland!txt! x lost!reader
Genre(s): fantasy, dark fantasy, romance, supernatural, thriller, one-shots.
Contains: (specific to each one-shot)
Links: Masterlist
Summary: Upon your stroll in the park, you stumble upon an envelope on the grass. With further inspection, it appears to be an invite of sorts. How peculiar indeed.
Wonderland? What was that? Did someone accidentally drop an invite for a birthday or costume party on their way?
Brimming with curiosity, you open up the flap to peek inside. Initially there seems to be no name, huh, it’s not addressed to anyone. Then why…
Before you could even finish your thought, you begin to see the world around you warp and twist as you soon come to realise the dire consequences of your insatiable curiosity.
Perhaps you should have left that damn invite alone because now, you were stuck in a whole other whimsical and whacky world with no idea how to get out!
Luckily (or unluckily) for you, you’ll meet some rather interesting people along your journey to leave. Though….dear reader, will you successfully escape or become ensnared by the five lovely figures of Wonderland?
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1. The White Rabbit - Choi Soobin
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➸ “The timekeeper of Wonderland, no matter how efficient he is, he is destined to run late. A timid soul who has always led guests to their doom, there’s not much he can do about it after all.”
Summary: With your abrupt arrival into this whimsical space, you wander around aimlessly. How odd, every turn you took, you ended up in the same spot.
Though as they say, third time’s the charm, when you encounter a blonde haired man, with a top hat and formal attire - goodness, were you going insane already?
The man gives you a gentle smile, walking towards you with his hand outstretched, “Goodness it’s been awhile since we’ve had any guests,” he observes you, “A pretty one no less.” That‘s it, you were definitely going insane.
He brings your hand to his lips with a soft gaze, “You must be so frazzled, guests always are. Well it’s my pleasure to be your guide. Now, come on, chop, chop, time’s ticking.” With a swift tug, you’re getting pulled along by this strangely tall man. What had you gotten yourself into?
Coming soon
2. The King Of Hearts - Choi Yeonjun
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➸ “A ruthless, flirtatious man with a dramatic flare who has quite the fondness for new guests. So much so, half don’t even make it out. He’s always looking for entertainment and wishes to be the centre of attention, so always make sure you give him what he wants.”
Summary: You peer around at this red, black and white lavish interior. A shudder vibrates through you - maybe you were better off with Soobin. You wonder what happened to him, everything happened so quickly. One moment he grasped your hand tightly and the next you saw him getting dragged away!
The guards shove you through a set of grand heart engraved doors and you stumble to your knees. Peering up, you see the man himself, one leg atop the other, a bored expression on his face, his eyes glimmering in intrigue.
“Ah, my darling guest, have you already fallen for me? Surely, you must have plans to keep me more entertained than that.” He smirks almost too sweetly with a flick of his wrist, “After all, you’ll find out very quickly, what happens to those I get bored with.”
Coming soon
3. The March Hare- Huening Kai
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➸ “Tea, tea, tea. It’s always tea time for him. Time for tea? Or is it tea’s time to be had? Don’t ever refuse his offer for tea, or you’ll find yourself perpetually mad.”
Summary: Gasping and panting raggedly for breath, you seemed to have done good by sliding down the fluorescent tunnel as a last resort! The King’s guards almost caught you!
What a maniac he was! How could someone be so obsessive? Your heart rate slows as you peer around, huh, this area seemed secluded. You deem it should be safe to take some rest here. Right? Goodness, you couldn’t trust this place at all! Little by little you feel your sanity tearing away.
“Oh? Who’s wandered into my little grove? Another guest for my tea party?” Your head snaps up seeing a tall man, with a coy grin as he clicks his tongue, walking towards you, “Oh you must be the pretty little guest I’ve heard so much about…oh then, join me, won’t you? For my little tea party?”
You had a feeling you couldn’t refuse even if you wanted to.
Coming soon
4. The Mad Hatter - Choi Beomgyu
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➸ “His pretty face hides the most decrepit madness. A man who killed time, quite literally. Is being mad so bad? Is being bad so mad? Why be suppressed with all those boring rules and go insane with the Hatter instead?”
Summary: Having managed to elude the tea party and trick Kai into thinking you’ll stay, you scramble for your life by bargaining with a strange caterpillar hanging from the trees to escape.
Being barely lucid, you stumble into what seems to be another secluded grove, another tea party. Oh, you were definitely mad by this point. Not again! You see exuberant host with his feet up on the table with a grin, “Welcome, welcome, do come and join me, little love. I have lots of tea or are you sick of it from the March Hare?”
Panicked you rush off past him, he makes no move to chase after you. How strange. “Toodles, love!” Grimacing you rush off through the tangled foliage….only to arrive back to where you were facing the man again. A loop…?
“Time’s prisoner I am, and so you will be too. I’m awfully lonely and the hare’s fed up of my games. You’ll play with me and keep this Hatter company won’t you?”
Coming soon
5. The Cheshire Cat - Kang Taehyun
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➸ “A man with hypnotic eyes and a killer smile, almost uncanny in its slyness. A man who likes to toy with his prey and use his wit to outsmart any and who dare to trespass his woods. He isn’t mad like the others, no, under his grin, hides someone smarter than everyone in Wonderland.”
Summary: You break the loop and take the Hatter off guard by your boldness, managing to somehow bypass his riddles and games. With all your remaining strength, you run deliriously, where? You don’t know.
All you know is the thousands of signs reading and pointing to an “exit” were taunting you. You couldn’t believe them. Not anymore, you couldn’t believe anyone, or anything in this world. You were not stupid enough to follow those damn signs and so, you go the opposite path. Into the Dark Woods.
Finding yourself even more lost and the last of your sanity crumbling away, the pollen in the air making you feel hazy, you’re startled to hear a voice, “Well, well, well, what a pretty thing has stepped into my woods today. Has no one told you I don’t like trespassers, hm?” Your eyes snap up to a man lounging in the branches above with a wide grin, “Don’t look so scared, I don’t bite too hard.”
Coming soon
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Part two to iv and his jacket of them getting together
Can be a part II to His mark but also can be a standalone.
His to keep
IV mindlessly brushed his fingers over the guitar strings, sitting with his legs crossed in the back of the car you two had rented in one of the longest stops. The days off tour were always spent creating music and for the most part, boys enjoyed doing it away from each other. You had been watching IV for hours. Legs tugged beneath you. His hoodie drowning your body out. You loved it when he was content like that. No harsh features. No need to bite at others. You wished he showed that more often.
Shaking your head slightly you reach out. Pulling the cigarette that has been slowly burning from between his lips. Brushing it against you and taking a deep breath in. IV snaps to you almost immediately. His eyes watching your every movement. But he cools his features down instantly, “That’s not so nice and it’s mine”, IV sighs, shaking his head. “I know, so what?”, you take another drag in, watching him with that same expression. Before he simply rolls his eyes, you can practically see him turning deep into himself. “Lighten up a little, you had a stick up your ass ever since the last concert”, what you failed to mention is that you had seen him and III. More like hear them. And IV had lots to say about what he thought you and III were doing.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”, he mutters, brushing his fingers through the jumble of cords. “Yeah, and I shit butterflies”, you huff, putting the cigarette back against his lips, letting IV take the last drag before pressing it down into the ashtray. “You’re a brat”, he rolls his eyes, as he does for the most time. “And you wouldn’t want it any other way”, you chirp back, nudging his shoulder ever so slightly.
“True”, IV muses beneath his breath, “nothing’s better than you stealing things from me”, and from the way, his eyes gleam when he looks at you, you know that there is so much more hidden beneath these words. So much more than a jacket or pair of socks. “You need to tell me what’s all of this about”, you blurt out, not sure where the sudden confidence came from.
IV clenches his jaw a couple of times, “I don’t know what you’re talking about”. You can’t help but shake your head, “You do know and I do too”. The same angry face he had flashed at III washes over him, “Then say it”. And you can’t help but cross your arms over your chest in frustration, “You like me”. IV freezes for a moment. His whole body locks up before he forces a bitter laugh to slip past his lips.
“You do”, you push further, not ready to let him tiptoe any longer, “And you are scared shitlles because you like me”. His eyes practically turn to flames as your words meet the right target, “You don’t know shit”, he grunts through clenched teeth. “III called you a guard dog, you know”, you point out. “I didn’t care what he thinks”, IV grunts, putting his guitar down and hopping out of the car. You quickly push our door open before stepping right in front of him.
“Look at us IV”, you sigh, “I am with you, in your clothes. I practically live in your jacket”, you pull at the matter of his hoodie for emphasis. “Make a move”, you throw your hands up. And at that exact moment, he is right there in front of you. Hands clasping your face as he pulls you closer. Crashing his lips against yours in a desperate kiss. You stand there in shock for a moment, arms falling to your sides as your body drinks in the feeling of him. All the emotions pour out. Once that lingering touches could never soothe. Your hand's fist in his shirt as you two pull him even closer.
“Asshole”, you crock breathlessly, “You should have done that ages ago”. IV leans his head against yours, eyes closed as he mutters, “I felt that in the tips of my toes, fucking hell”. Laughing lightly you reach out to cup his cheek. “Will you be less rough around the guys now?”, you feel him leaning into your touch and then he’s back to frowning, “Hell no, you’re mine”, he huffs, hands reaching out to pull you closer by your waist, “Not my problem they are mopping around single”. “Ivy”, you whine, rolling your eyes. “You’re living in my jacket from now on, girl”, IV brings your chin up so you would be looking straight at him, “I won’t be hearing a peep about it”.
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fraddit · 2 days
Buddie Fic Fragment No. 1
1k words | teen | complete
Tags: love confession, unrequited love, bucktommy break up, angst, ambiguous/open ending, Eddie Diaz being mean to himself
The person knocking is exactly who Buck had hoped it wouldn’t be. Eddie has his determined face on when Buck opens the door, so this is exactly what he’d been hoping to avoid. Well… It’d been nice while it lasted.
Except, it hadn’t actually been nice. Buck has been acting weird for the last two weeks, despite his best efforts, and Eddie’s obviously noticed.
“What’s going on, Buck?” Eddie asks without so much as a hello, as Buck steps aside to let him in. He looks as tired and worn down as he always does these days. Since Chris left.
“Funny, I was about to ask you that, since you’re the one that showed up my door unexpectedly,” Buck answers, like maybe he can still play this whole thing off. It earns him one of Eddie’s champion side-eyes.
“You’ve been acting weird for the last two weeks and trying to hide it. You think I haven’t noticed?”
“Have I?” He heads to the fridge. It’s partly out of habit, but mostly out of an excuse to put some distance between him and Eddie — who shakes his head no when Buck asks via body language, if he wants a beer.
Buck doesn’t want one either, so he shuts the fridge, empty handed, and retreats further behind the safety of the kitchen island. He tucks himself into the corner and leans against the cabinets next to the sink.
“You know you have. I know you have. The rest of the team knows you have,” Eddie says stepping closer, but staying on his side of the room. “And I’ve been waiting for you to come to me with whatever it is, but you haven’t. I thought you knew that you can tell me anything. Do you not— Do you not trust me? Did I do something to—“
“I’m in love with you,” Buck shoves out because he can’t live with Eddie worrying that Buck could somehow ever not trust him.
“— piss you off or make you think that… What?” Eddie freezes. Stares at him with complete and total shock on his beautiful face.
This is exactly what Buck was afraid of, but… the band-aid’s off, now. In a way it’s a relief.
“I’m in love with you. That’s why I’ve been acting like a freak. I know you don’t feel the same way, so I was hoping I could just keep it to myself but I…”
“You suck at keeping things from me,” he finishes, breaking eye contact and looking down at the island where he carefully spreads his hands across the laminate surface, like he needs something to hold him up.
“I suck at keeping things from you.”
Eddie doesn’t move. Stays totally still. Buck can practically see the gears turning in his head as he absorbs Buck’s confession. “This doesn’t change anything between us okay?” he says, still staring at the countertop. But then he looks up. Looks Buck square in the eye. “I love you. Not— Not the way you love me. But, I love you.”
It’s so so close to what he’d told Buck several months ago, when Buck came out to him. It had made him feel better then.
It doesn’t now.
“I know you do, Eddie,” and they can both hear how heartbroken and resigned he sounds. He already knew all this. So why does it hurt so much to hear it?
The silence of the moment draws out uncomfortably between them.
Then something clearly occurs to Eddie. “Tell me this isn’t why you broke up with Tommy.”
And well… Buck can’t tell him that, so he doesn’t say anything. Instead he looks down at the floor in front of his feet. There’s a dark purple spot of dried smoothie splatter on of the tiles.
“Buck! Really?!”
“What do you expect me to say, Eddie?” he asks with enough exasperation to finally look at him again. “It’s not like once I realized how I feel about you, we could just keep on dating. That wouldn’t have been fair to him!”
“Except that Tommy’s—“ Eddie slams his mouth shut and drags his hands down his face.
“Tommy’s what?”
“Nothing,” Eddie says, hands falling limp at his side. “Forget it.”
Buck steps out from around the island but keeps a few stools between them. “No, Eddie. Tommy’s what?”
“Tommy’s actually a good guy!” Eddie barks out before looking immediately shocked he said it at all.
“Tommy’s a great guy.” And at first, Buck doesn’t understand what that has to do with anything. Then he realizes what Eddie actually meant. “But Eddie… So are you.”
“Track record says you’re wrong.”
“What track record?”
“My track record! Shannon. My team in the army. Ana. Marisol. Kim. My kid who is currently 700 miles away because he can’t even look at me. My— my whole life, Buck! All I do is let people down.”
“Eddie, is that what you think of yourself?”
“Pretty hard to think anything else, at this point,” he says before leaning back against the counter and crossing his arms protectively.
And now Buck’s heart is breaking for an entirely different reason. “Eddie…” He’d get closer, try to offer some sort of physical comfort, but Eddie turns his head away, looks toward the door like he’s about to bolt. So, Buck stays where he is.
“Eddie, you’re my favorite person.”
“Well, I shouldn’t be.”
“You don’t get to decide that. You don’t get to decide how I feel about you. And to be honest, I don’t know how I could ever feel any other way about you. Not when you’re brave and kind and compassionate and caring and thoughtful. And you’re a really great dad.” Eddie gives the barest shake of his head at that. “You are. I know you don’t feel like it right now, but you are. You are, Eddie. And you’re a really good friend, too. And you have never let me down.”
Eddie scoffs and wipes away a tear that was about to fall. “Just a matter of time, Buck.”
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strwberri-milk · 2 days
Pretty in Pink
Rafayel x GN!Reader || Insecurity Comf || 1 640 words
additional tags: readers body is undefined but beautiful is used as a word to describe attractiveness once or twice
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“Do we really need to go shopping?” you whine, wishing you could just drag your heels into the ground as the two of you approach the high-end department store Rafayel insisted you needed to visit today.
“Talia’s going to make fun of me if I can’t even spoil the love of my life a little bit,” he says simply, keeping his hand on yours as you rest it in the crook of his elbow.
The staff immediately recognise him, clamouring around him as they ask if he wants his jacket taken care of, if he needs his car washed then reparked. It seems whatever whim he has they’re more than desperate to fulfill it, watching him with equal parts adoration and envy. You’re still a little shy when it comes to the glamour that comes with being his partner, unsure where you stand. He simply glances at you and now the attention is being pushed onto you, so flustered Rafayel ends up having to direct the staff to your needs himself.
“You sure do shop here a lot, don’t you?” you say as the two of you settle in a private dressing room.
“Not really actually,” he says, sipping on some sort of sparkling drink. They offered champagne but he refused it, citing driving you home and his own tendency to be a lightweight.
“That’s why they’re so desperate. The commission they make off the outfits I buy for you today is going to set them for a while.”
“Outfits? Plural? I thought we were just doing a one and done,” you exclaim incredulously, feeling out of place with all the splendour of the store.
“Well, you hate shopping so I thought we could just knock it all off in one fell swoop. At least until you decide you want something new. Don’t worry about how much stuff costs – there’s no tags on anything.”
He’s so cavalier about the whole ordeal you have to think he was born rich. You really have no idea considering he hasn’t candidly talked about his childhood but the fact that he constantly takes you places with no price tags reminds you that money is just an object to him. Suddenly you feel insecure in the simple clothes you picked out for today, picking at a hem and shifting your feet uncomfortably. You thought you’d made the right choice when he said you were going shopping, thinking comfort and something easy to change in and out of would be the right choice.
“It won’t take too long,” he says, interrupting your train of thought. “You look beautiful in everything so I really doubt we’ll be unable to find something to you.”
You laugh awkwardly, now suddenly hyperaware of the way your body looks in the gilded mirror sat across from the two of you. Perhaps you should have opted for the dressing room that had a private changing area as well but Rafayel insisted that it’d be fine. He has seen every inch of you after all but something about this moment feels far too different.
“Maybe we should change rooms. I’ll go ask the attendant,” you say without warning, getting up and walking past him.
He takes the opportunity to pull you onto his lap, frowning at you.
“Why would we do that? This room is nice enough. Besides, they’ll be coming back soon enough with a bundle of clothes for you to try on. You don’t want to really inconvenience them so much by making them swap rooms?”
Logically, the room you want to change to is just next door. However, your need to please outweighs that sense of logic, biting on your bottom lip as you weigh the options over. Your turmoil isn’t missed by Rafayel and he brushes his lips against yours, making a soft humming noise to draw your attention back to him.
“Try it out for a little bit and then we can change if you really hate it, yeah?” he offers, not wanting to push you too far out of your comfort zone.
“…fine. But just because it’s you,” you pout, making no move to get out of his lap as the staff finally start filing in.
Your eyes go wide with the assortment of clothes they’ve chosen. Rafayel was practically barking orders at them earlier, giving them a list of cuts and colours and sizes for them to draw from. Clearly, they know what they’re doing as they’re able to draw a year’s worth of clothing from his instructions. They go through and show the two of you what goes with what, justifying their choices with some sort of fashion theory you barely manage to understand.
When you look over at Rafayel he looks like a kid in a candy shop. His eyes run over the racks of clothing, darting back and forth so quickly you’re sure he’s mentally cataloguing what pieces to swap with what to create new ensembles. You trust him wholly, aware he knows what he’s doing but you can’t help but wonder if the pieces will actually look good on you.
Once the staff finally leaves Rafayel happily pulls you over, selecting the first outfit he wants you to try on. Despite the fact that there was no reserved changing area he turns around and closes his eyes, insisting that he wants it to be a surprise.
You get dressed quickly, trying not to overthink the fabric sliding over your body. It’s uncomfortable and almost cumbersome but the thought of him smiling at you gets you through it. The quicker you get dressed the quicker this is all done and you can convince him to take you to the arcade as payment for torturing you so.
“I’m done,” you say hesitantly, still tugging at your clothes.
He turns around quickly, excited smile softening as soon as his eyes meet your form. His hands wander your body, brushing your hand off of your body as he replaces them, pulling you in by the waist.
“You look great,” he says affectionately, pressing a kiss to your lips.
“I’d say we should stop here but considering how amazing you look in just this I can’t help but imagine you’d look in some of the other choices. I want to see how you look in something that’s more adventurous than just a suit jacket and some slacks. This is good enough for some boring donor event but not good enough for Talia’s show.”
You let him help you strip down before urging you into a more complicated array of fabrics. You don’t doubt that they look lovely but you doubt they have the desire effect when on your body, twisting and turning every which way when you stand in front of the mirror. A glimpse of him is caught in the reflection, still looking at you with that adoring look.
“Maybe this will take longer than I thought,” he sighs, pulling another outfit from the racks. “You do look great in anything you wear. How are we going to choose?”
An hour or two passes and the two of you finally come near to drawing a close on your try on haul. Rafayel somehow looks more exhausted than you do, laying back on the couch with an arm over his eyes. You’re finally back to the clothes you came in, more comfortable than before. All of them were lovely there was no contesting that but there was something that simply made them…less lovely.
He, on the other hand, seemed to adore you in everything. He constantly showered you in his attention, hands careful as they pick and preen at you. You can tell by the way his hands twitch that he wants to grab at you, pulling strings taut across your body and doing up buttons that you can’t quite reach.
“Just pick whatever you want me to wear to the event and I’ll be more than happy to wear it,” you sigh, leaning back on the couch with him.
“That’s just the problem. It all looks so good on you.”
He groans a little before finally standing up to talk to the staff. You can’t quite make out what they’re saying through the thick fabrics of the curtain, feeling a little antsy now that he’s gone. You perk up when he finally returns, watching as he returns to your side.
“It’ll take a bit of time but they’re going to wrap up everything for me. If it doesn’t all fit in the car then they’ll just mail to the house no problem.”
“You – did you buy all of them?!”
“You look great in all of them. I’ll just get a closet or something built for them all. Don’t worry about it.”
He notices your hesitance, taking your hand in his.
“What’s wrong? If you hate them all I’ll tell them I changed my mind.”
“It’s not that. It’s just…do you really think that?”
His brows furrow, looking at you in confusion.
“Think what?”
“That I look great in all those clothes. It feels like I’m putting on costume after costume,” you confide.
“You really think that? Weird. I think you look great in all of them.”
He pulls you over on his lap, admiring your face for a brief moment before kissing you passionately. His hands hold your hips in place as he continues to kiss you, gripping you so tightly you couldn’t move away if you even wanted to. You let him slip his tongue into your mouth, gasping softly when he turns ravenous for your touch. His thumb comes up to the corner of your mouth, lightly pushing the two of you apart.
“All I could think about when I saw you was how lucky I am and how badly I wanted to kiss you,” he says dazedly, pressing another kiss to your lips.
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honeysmoonn · 23 hours
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! — dallas winston
a/n: flo did it so now i have to; he’s my rendition of dallas and the please please please music video
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im imagining some highly esteemed soc daughter who’s parents are super well respected and rich
like she was a reputation to uphold
but she’s pretty and popular and a little bit of a party girl
that’s how she ends up in jail for the night; a night of drinking a little too much and tripping over her shiny black kitten heels as red and blue lights pulled into the driveway of whatever house she was at
in jail she sticks out like a sore thumb
i’m imagining her as some sort of jane birken/jean shrimpton style; like maybe this or this
because she’s just a little rich girl stuck in this stinky jail cell with a bunch of big scary guys:(
anyways she gets bailed out by her mom the next morning and she’s making her way out and she sees him—
he’s tall and he’s brunette and his face is bruised and he’s handcuffed; being dragged into the station by two police men
she’s immediately enamored by him, she doesn’t even notice she’s staring at him by the time he walks down the hall in slow motion
he’s just smirking at her all cocky and she knows she has to have him
her parents are obviously going crazy about it because he’s a greaser! and he’s a delinquent!
they keep telling her how bad he is, how stupid he is, all of it but she’s blinded by his pretty face
and boom they’re dating
it’s inevitable—opposites attract and they definitely attracted
but dallas is always dallas, he’s stupid
“please, please, please, don’t prove em right” she definitely says that to him after she bails him out of jail (the scene where brina is sitting on the hood of the car) and she’s like “you better not fuck up again and prove my parents right”
he fucks up again
we all know dallas has some enemies
and sometimes he just had to hash it out
and of course he’s gonna bring his pretty little doll girlfriend bc he just loves her so much
and she’s just so oblivious omg
thinking dal brought her to this cutesy little diner for a nice little date and then suddenly he’s dragging her to the back where a group of guys you don’t know sit at a table playing cards
“dal… what is this?” she asks him
he’s still holding tightly onto her hand, just as he had been the whole time
“jus’ give me a few minutes.”
so she sits there looking pretty as her boyfriend beats the shit out of some random guys
after that she’s like well fuck my boyfriend is a stupid cunt
and although she loves him she’s not letting him ruin her family’s reputation because he can’t keep his cool
“i beg you, don’t embarrass me, motherfucker” she tells him after she bails him out again
she’s always out here defending him though
at parties she heard another girl talking shit about him and she’s like “that’s just how he is babe” and it really is
she always the one to bail him out, she always one the that patches up his bruises,
she’s his one
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swiftmitsu · 27 days
hello!! hi guys, this is important
(and no i’m not a proshipper. that’s all im going to say.)
please don’t ever fucking dox ANYONE.
you don’t like a certain person’s content?
just block and forget.
you don’t like a certain person?
just block and forget.
there is no reason you should be actively exposing the location of people that you don’t like.
absolutely nothing GOOD has ever come from doxing anyone.
you have no idea how dangerous things like this can be.
the internet is permanent.
whatever you put up on the internet will BE PERMANENT.
be careful what you do on the internet. please.
look, i get that many people don’t like the works of proshippers.
and that’s FINE. you can have your opinion.
you can’t really do anything about it.!!
just fucking ignore them. BLOCK them if you don’t want to see their content.
you’re not gonna be some sort of ‘hero’ for getting rid of someone you dislike.
you are putting so many people in danger.
please. just be nice. it really isn’t that hard.
i love you all, please stay safe and be nice to each other. we need more kindness in this world. 💛💛
edit: if you want to assume things about me. don’t. talk to me privately first. don’t spread rumours please.💛
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aroaessidhe · 4 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
The Liar’s Knot & Labyrinth’s Heart
books 2&3 in a fantasy trilogy set in a Venetian inspired city full of political intrigue
follows a young woman who conned her way into a noble family, a masked vigilante, and a crime boss, who eventually become allies while juggling multiple identities
and trying to save their people and city by joining a secret society to find origins of a corrupting curse, to eventually destroy the powerful magical objects at the heart of it
tarot magic & sigil/geometry magic, dreamworlds, sentient magical disguises
#the liar's knot#labyrinth's heart#rook and rose#aroaessidhe 2024 reads#the summaries at the start are helpful. bc I forgot what happened in book one lol#I enjoyed these better - I think listening to the audiobooks helped with that a lot. They’re quite long books!#the accents in the audiobooks also enhance it a lot#I def enjoyed the series overall & listening to a whole book in a day or 2 (rather than dragging out if i did text format) is better#the overall plot and magic stuff. im not gonna lie and say i understood it all LMAO but I thought it was pretty good & def some great char#don’t super care about romance. like I don’t dislike it - & much prefer the slow burn to instalove that's everywhere - but also eh whateve#also not to be like miraculous ladybug but high fantasy. but#yeah of course the aromantic crime boss w a telepathically linked spider hosting the ghost of a dead guy as his closest companion is my fav#yeah i cried. im tearing up thinking about it now. they’re so good#his little spider gloves for his spider feet?#there's a good amount of queer characters scattered around#(vargo's aromanticism is hinted a few times; and it's pretty clear imo if you're looking; but not explicit)#i see there’s tons of people shipping him/disappointed it wasn’t polyam...I wish it was clearer bc of that. but otherwise it was fine#like. solidly developed in depth character is just as/more important to me overall#but also why'd [redacted] have to leave....nooo :(#also spider on the cover!!! i only noticed that at the end of that book sjdghsf#queer books#aromantic books#bisexual books
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teethbomb · 10 months
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alador blight fan mood board
#Im trying so hard not to engage I feel like a bomb#I know his arc was handled badly but the shortening of the owl house should be the give away#And I personally think that the boards weren’t only cut for time!!#People are really mad he was redeemed at all but I think we forget that this guy was intended to portray a victim of abuse#Abuse shouldn’t have to be physical for it mean something#No I am not excusing what he did what he did was shitty but what I am saying is I don’t think he knew that#He thought what he was doing was in the kids best interest and when amity confronted him his eyes opened#I’ve seen people call him spineless and “woobified” and that is lost on me entirely#He stood up to Odalia and broke everything when he found out about her goals#He still has his temper he’s just not lashing out on his kids#Claims of him being turned soft don’t make sense to me because he’s been chasing butterflies the whole time! He was under Odalia s thumb#Until he learned it was hurting his kids and he stood up.#His arc isn’t perfect it’s far from it but the guy was in an abusive relationship for most of his life#I Can see the disconnect some are having but I think we’re really focusing too hard on some cut scenes#I Can see people getting upset with him especially those who relate to amity but I think it’s ironically pushing blame#Not everything can be pinned on Odalia but I think we should let abuse victims grow no matter their age#I guess it just makes me sad to see a character I see so much of myself in being dragged like this lol#Alador blight
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"This extra space next to me belongs to you. I know where I end now. I won't get lost." -- shoot me (metaphorically) and leave me for dead (metaphorically) why won't you. To make this about Dylan and maybe it's about Connor, maybe it's about Brinksy, maybe it's about any journeyman in the NHL. My brain screamed Chris Driedger and his memorable (to me) Players' Tribune article:
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And how can you mention Dylan and Zach (Za-ach, the way Dylan says it) without me having a breakdown about them? You simply can't. And for the younger dudes, maybe it's a little Bords/Briss, not yet steady in The Show, a little bit of distance, a summer that tries to erase and make up all the memories they've made separately... and then a blurry insta story in Vegas. Just like old times but somewhere else. Maybe it's not the same bed, maybe it's not the same set of forks, but maybe it's the principle of the thing.
Anyway, goodbye. Sorry for this, your tag walls make me break out in imagined scenarios.
Much love. xxx
please never be sorry for sending me messages <3 i love reading them i love getting them i think they’re beautiful and i love them i’m!!!!! [🥹💕🦋🫧✨💘😭 <- the best approximation of what my heart is doing]
ok NOW i am taking this step by step because every narrative here kicked me straight in the knees (metaphorically) i am w e e p i n g (literally): i knew tangentially about chris driedger going to seattle but i had never read his players’ tribune love letter to seattle & all i can say is oh. oh. and with the part about trains delayed but still being right on time—
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sometimes a dream is a truth your heart knows long before you do. the space that the city and the team made for him (“you’d be the only guy on the team”)🗣️🗣️🗣️ !!! but the way that chris talks about needing to put in the work & leo not letting him quit,,, that’s chris filling up the teakettle with twice as much water, crowding one side of the bed (falling asleep against a bus window dreaming), becoming unburdened by the idea of not being their guy, not having the fallback being their draft pick to content and settle himself with. that’s chris betting on a future. that’s the train coming down the tracks, right on time.
(i am feeling unhinged about it)
SECOND. i know i was the one that said zach and dylan to start so technically i brought this on myself but also i have been ktfo by the mere mention of the way that dylan says zach’s name different from everyone else, stealing an extra breath, stealing as much time as he can get with him, which reminded me of a poem i just read:
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The Need Is So Great, Jim Moore
^^^dylan still in love with zach even as he’s leaving, can feel himself losing him, and taking every sliver of the love in his smile that he can get. even if he knows zach doesn’t still feel the same way he’s drawing out the long goodbye & saying i love you in a thousand ways without ever saying it out loud (“i have been asking for a time but in ways that have no words” because he doesn’t want to ask too much, to ask for love) in the hope that zach will say it back OKAY I’M LEAVING i can’t do this
that was a lie because THREE. “maybe it’s the principle of the thing” please insert the most ungodly screech how could you just (lovingly) come in straight with the steel chair and bean me upside the head with that l i n e i think this story has the potential for such tragedy in it but also the most tender domestic longing because bords & briss have known each other for a long time (i think) and guys do sometimes lose themselves when they first get to the nhl.
it’s a big scene, you’re with big name guys, you’re finally doing the thing you always dreamed about, you’re no longer necessarily the best because everyone’s the best, you’re not sure how you fit in, you can get lost in the glitz and the glamor of it but you can also literally get lost in it, the slog of the season and getting caught up and down between teams and leagues and endless airports and buses and travel and ice rinks, losing your phone (accidental) and having new people hound you for quotes and fame and connection so you lose your phone (on purpose) and i think where i’m trying to go is: this could play out as the tragedy of borde going to the california coastline and briss shipping off to the vegas strip and both of them getting a little lost.
maybe there’s someone else, maybe i am steadfastly not thinking about “a summer that tries to erase and make up all the memories they've made separately” as either a summer of them pretending things are ok after a year of barely speaking and now being completely different people they never were before OR a summer of them trying to pretend like they can forget about each other because maybe they didn’t think their relationship was the same thing, is all, when they were or weren’t together. maybe it’s nobody’s fault but for the fact that they were scared and tired and lonely trying to make it in the big times and didn’t know how to show it. and then borde shows up with takeout and plastic forks in vegas and it’s december and nothing like winter in ann arbor and still they fill up all the empty spaces in each other with the things they didn’t know they’d miss until they were gone and this is the real thing, not whatever they were trying too hard to be, to recreate their own nostalgia for the love in their memories. it’s the principle of the thing, is all, to always be true to the love they have right now & not what they think it should be.
sorry that i wrote you kind of an essay of an answer but i had so so so many thoughts because your ask was so lovely so thank you for sending it to me (you are always welcome to!! i love your imagined scenarios!!! cannot even explain how much!!!) & thank you for taking the time to read my walls of tags :))) <3
#liv in the replies#every time you send me a message i do the thing where i’ve got heart emojis for thumbs & cease any coherency#FIRSTLY chris driedger who i loved as seattle’s goalie without even knowing the story:#dreidger fourth layer of a dream is making me tear up AGAIN hours later as i try to write this the echl the coast easy come hard to leave &#when he talks about being somebody’s guy laying my head down in the bog & dragging my hands over my face chris who let you say that. who let#u break my HEART i truly don’t think i will ever recover from the inception reference bc that’s what they all talk abt u know? the nhl dream#the players’ tribune articles are often some of the most poetic & touching sports writing & every time i am reminded i lose my shit about it#SECONDLY:#the ever present spectre of dylan’s first boyfriend zach werenski#i have so so so many quotes? drafts? posts? about the thing with saying someone’s name to call them closer to you i say your name to speak#more of you into the world so i will possibly look for some of those to say what i mean but also: this poem was originally reminiscent of#willingly by tess gallagher which is my ajax jack / superbuddies poem & this specifically did go with the a drop of paint / the light has#fallen through you part of it but there’s a part of THIS poem which i did not include that talks about the late light / has already happened#will go on happening forever & that whole poem with this now to say i know it’s embarrassing i’m asking for it :: easy to write about light#like falling asleep on the couch & having to carry yourself up to bed is the dylan/zach heartbreak of this. waiting & waiting for the things#you used to do & the love you used to / were promised to have with the hope that if you keep the coffee ready he’ll come drink it & instead#you have too many cups of tea one yours & one cold then half-warmed over & too sweet for your tastes but you’ve learned to drink it anyway#okAY now third:#this w/the UMICH BOYS? N O I DIDN’T EVEN!!! NOT A THOUGHT IN MY BRAIN!!! & now i can’t stop thinking!!! & i had an entire PLAYLIST already#a ??? while ago before i even truly knew the umich boys Narratives™️ i heard maude latour’s song ‘one more weekend’ & went hahaha isn’t that#a great song for when you have that One Summer of college before everyone splits off into their own lives? isn’t that a fun little umich boy#going into the nhl narrative?? to which i said NO but then it spiraled into a playlist &now there is delightful heartbreak to go with vibes#umich scholars please feel free to correct me if i’m wrong on any points i can’t remember anything presently about anything#also the f a c t that that vegas picture is real and i know exactly what you’re talking about is making me %^•*]+£’ bc how!! is that real!!!#okay ALSO just throwing in brinksy like a casual AHAHA have brainworm for a year (my autocorrect tried to go bringst like angst which. lmao)#connor and dylan… all of my journeymen… we did not touch that because i WILL start yelling about sam gagner and marc staal and#the chrysalis and the caterpillar
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pepprs · 2 years
the way i am going to need to be tranquilized and sedated to get through tomorrow. god fucking help me
#purrs#particularly from like 1:30-3:30 specifically. i do not know how i will be able to get work done. i do not know how i am going to be able to#not fucking die. i really feel like i am going to pass out. i can’t do this i really truly genuinely cannot#every time i remember. like just… there are implications of this i have not even THOUGHT OF yet. that haven’t even crossed my MIND that are#still so engrained in my life and way of thinkjng and being. and i don’t know ifim gonna make her uncomfortable or panicked or guilty by#sobbing my eyes out not to mention other people witnessing that but there is NO WAY im gonna be able to not sob hysterically. this is#legitimatelt one of the most painful things that has ever happened to me in my whole life which says something about how much pain i have#experienced as a human being and how ridiculous it is that im freaking out over this LOL. but ummmmmm. this is……. this is so bad. i think#everything after tomorrow will be very hard (because i’ll miss her terribly) but it’ll be okay because it’s like this is the reality and now#we have to just like move forward and yeah im gonna have breakdowns on here abt how i feel like we aren’t properly grieving it or whatever a#and how i want time to like cope with it and not keep movi ng at 38472974mph WHILEALSO trying to not convey panic. but it’s been this#excruciating mindfuck of a situation bc she’s still HERE. STILL USING THE ‘WE’ THE DAY BEFORE SHE LEAVES! LIKE WHAT IS GOING ONBNNN THE COGN#COGNITIVE FUCKING DISSONANCE OF IT ALL!!!!! and like seeing her and having her stuff still around and whatever is um. it’s bad. it’s really#making it hard for me to accept that this is happening. so tomorrow is it then and we will drag ourselves through it and i swear to god i#will be hysterically crying. maybe even as i walk in and see her there knowing it’s the last time. LOL. like how do i not…. omgggggggg 😍😍😍😍😍#this is so so so bad. why is this happening. not only is it embarrassing and humiliating but it’s like girl thisis an office this is work it#it’s really not that big a deal. BUT IT IS. TO US. TO ME. WHY IS SHE DOING THIS? i am about to punch the WALL. but nothing will help or make#it better until time passes or if she randomly decides not to do it. idk .i just can’t believe it. im so angry and sad and hurt and scared.#tomorrow will straight up kill me. it really actually seriously will. i don’t know how im gonna get through it. LOL#delete later
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loveluvrs · 2 months
the slip up l lando norris x reader
request/summary – lando and reader are in a secret established relationship, until lando accidentally slips up on stream
author's notes – first piece of writing, feedback appreciated!!! this is just my thoughts written down honestly, i didn’t have much idea where i was going with it so enjoy.
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Max was streaming with Lando at his place. Lando drags his feet over to the stream room, sitting on a chair next to Max. He was scrolling on his phone, trying to pass the time. 
“Mate, I’m gonna leave, you’re being so boring,” Lando joked under his breath as he ran a hand through his hair. 
“I’ll make things more interesting then. Chat, wanna know something really interesting about Lando?” Max asked with a mischievous smile as he looked back at Lando. Lando watched with suspicion of what max could say next. 
“Lando’s got a secret girlfriend,” Max sings to annoy Lando. Lando’s eyes shot up, his heart pounding as he turned off his phone, the same phone he was using to text you, his girlfriend. “I don’t, chat, don’t listen to him. He’s just trying to piss me off,” Lando says as he shoots Max a glare. 
A few months later, everyone has chalked up that interaction to Max simply trying to annoy and rile up Lando, and no one thought much of it. On a miracle of a night in spring, Lando was in Monaco and decided to stream. He had a hoodie on, his hair all messy, but a smile on his face. About an hour into the stream, I knock on the door of his stream room quietly. Lando immediately turned off his video and mic, telling chat to give him a minute. 
I walk in, a black slip dress on with a cropped white cardigan, my hair and makeup done all fancy. “Hi, baby,” Lando says as he pulls me in by the waist, onto his lap. “Girls night tonight, right?” He says with a soft smile. He always makes sure to pay attention to anything I’ve mentioned to him, including my plans to hang out with Lily and Carmen tonight, Alex and George’s girlfriends. 
I hum in response. “Yeah, we’re gonna get dinner and then take some Instagram photos,” I say as I stand up from his lap, “you like the dress? It’s new.” I give him a little twirl to show off the dress. 
Lando smiles brightly. “I love it, baby, you look gorgeous. Like always,” he says as he leans in for a kiss. “Text me when you’re done and need me to pick you up, yeah?” I nod and smile. 
Once I leave, Lando puts his headset back on, turning his mic and camera back on. He scrunches up his face as he’s met by shouting from Max into his headset. “What’s your problem, man?” Lando asks with confusion. Max sighs. “Lando, you had your mic on the whole time. People heard that whole conversation and I was trying to tell you but as always, you ignored me,” Max says with some frustration in his voice, but mostly amusement. 
“Oh,” Lando says as he realizes what has happened. Not knowing what to do, Lando panics and ends stream. 
When my friends and I reach the restaurant, we find it pouring rain, which was the most of our worries since the restaurant was outdoor. With frowns, we all pile back into the car and drive ourselves home. I arrive home only twenty minutes after I left, my dress soaked. My brows furrow in confusion to see Lando on the couch on his phone when i come back, and not on stream. 
I slip off my shoes. “I thought you were streaming?” I ask softly as I make my way over to him. “What happened to you? You’re all soaked! Here, let me get you a towel and you can get dressed into some of my hoodie and sweats to get comfy,” Lando says, trying to avoid the fact that he had just live streamed his whole conversation with his girlfriend. 
I saw the panic in Lando’s eyes. “Stop,” I say as I stood in front of him, “what did you do?” Lando shoots me a bright grin. “I love you, babe. So so much. And you know I’d do anything for you.” This made me even more suspicious. “Lan,” I say as my eyes narrowed.
“Okay, okay. I might have forgotten to mute my mic when we were talking right before you left. I swear I thought I had turned it off!” He says as he panics before beginning to ramble. “And I called you baby, and gorgeous, and your voice was heard too. And Max was telling me the whole time through my headset, but it was off and even if it were on, you know I don’t think about anything else when I’m with you. And there were thousands of people on the stream and you specifically told me you wanted to keep it private because you didn’t want to get hate crimed by the fans and you wouldn’t be able to handle it and I mean, I wanted to but it just slipped and im so so sorry but-“ He stops in confusion when a giggle escapes my lips. “Why aren’t you upset?” He asks slowly.
I smile as I slip my arms around his neck, his hands instinctively wrapping around my waist. “Well. Number one, you’re cute when you panic. Number two, no one saw me, so it’s okay. I mean, considering how in love you are with me, they were bound to find out at some point that you had a girlfriend,” I tease with a smile tugging at my lips. 
He scoffs and rolls his eyes playfully at me. “Okay, yeah. I am absolutely in love with you. Still, you’re not bothered by this?” he asks slowly, hesitation lacing his voice.
“I promise I’m not. It was a mistake. Plus, that just means it’s gonna be all the more fun trying to watch them figure out who it is you’re dating,” I say playfully with a giggle. 
“That’s true,” Lando says softly with a hum, “I love you.”
“I love you too. Although, don’t make me have to have you on adult supervision every time you stream now to make sure nothing else slips out of your mouth,” I tease as I playfully poke his side. 
“Ah! Okay okay, promise,” he says with a giggle as he leans in for a gentle and loving kiss.
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pholla-jm · 2 months
My Wife is Real
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IMAGINE: MY WIFE IS REAL~ GOJO X WIFE!READER GENRE: FLUFF cw: not proof read. use of y/n. use of she/her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Who do you think he’s texting?” Nobara whispers to her two classmates, Yuji and Megumi. 
Their teacher, Gojo Satoru, sat at his desk. Legs kicked up onto the desk while he was on his phone, giggling here and there. 
It was questionable if Gojo even knew that class had started. 
Megumi didn’t even bother to pay attention. He also sat on his phone, scrolling through social media. 
“I don’t know…” Yuji ponders. “Ugh, he has to be harassing a poor soul.” Yuji gasps at Nobara’s response, “no.” 
Nobara sits up in her seat, “Gojo-sensei,” she calls out. Gojo peeks up, “oh. I didn’t know you were here.” “Maybe if you stopped bothering people, you would notice.” 
Gojo places his hand on his chest and gasps dramatically. “I am not bothering anyone.” “Then who are you texting?” “My wife, duh.” 
Nobara bursts out laughing, “hahaha, yeah… yeah right.” She wheezes. Tears left the corner of her eyes as she tried to take him seriously, but she really couldn’t. 
Yuji just stares at him in confusion, “you’ve never told me about his wife. I don’t believe you.” 
Gojo gasps in shock and disbelief at his student’s words. “Huh?! I do too have a wife. That hurts my feelings that you don’t believe me!” 
Gojo’s full focus was on his students now. Trying to convince them that his wife is indeed real. “She’s literally the best person in the whole world, and the prettiest.” 
Nobara scoffs and rolls her eyes, “stop making things up Gojo-sensei. It’s getting sad at this point.” 
Gojo pouts at her words. He then grabs his phone, typing something in his phone. He puts his phone down with a triumphant smile on his face. “You’ll see.” 
“Yeah… we’ll see.” Nobara says to Megumi and Yuji. 
Megumi on the other hand was not paying attention to a single thing that was going on. He assumed something stupid was going on, so why even bother to pay attention? Yuji just has a thoughtful look on his face, trying to remember any mention of a wife. But there is no mention of one. 
“Yeah… I think you’re making this up… sorry Gojo-sensei.” “This is just getting sad…” Nobara whispers while shaking her head. 
“I can’t believe my student’s have little faith in me.” 
Only five minutes passed of slight bickering between until a knock was heard at the door. The bickering died down and all heads turned towards the door. 
Nobara’s and Yuji’s eyes widen seeing a woman at the door. 
“Who is that?” Yuji whispers to Nobara. She shrugs her shoulders, “has to be someone he hired.” 
Gojo jumps from his chair, a huge smile on his face. “Wifey!” 
He runs over to you, pulling you into a tight hold. 
You let out a strangled gasp from the impact. “Gojo,” you start, “this is the second time you forgot your lunch… and it’s only Tuesday.” 
Gojo pulls back, a faux pout on his lips, “I’m sorry.” You narrow your eyes at him, “I bet you’re just using this as an excuse to see me.” “Whoops, you caught me. Well, while you’re here. Let me introduce you to my students.” 
“Wait wait-” You didn’t get a chance to stop him because he dragged you into the front of the classroom. 
You eye the three students. Megumi had finally put down the phone, giving you an apologetic look. Nobara and Yuji were looking at you in shock. 
“Students, this is my wife, (y/n).” Gojo basically shows you off with a bright smile on his face. Hands in a jazz hand formation. You nervously smiled at the students. 
“Hello Gojo-san.” Megumi quietly said, but it was still loud enough for everyone to hear. You gave the boy a sweet smile, nodding at him. 
“What?! Do you know her?” Nobara and Yuji ask him. “Yes…” 
“Yes, they’ve known each other for quite awhile now…. Sorry guys. She’s a bit shy.” Gojo says while you continue to smile at them. 
“They didn’t believe Gojo-sensi had a wife..” Megumi tells you. 
You hum before turning to Gojo, “I see… I don’t blame them.” 
“Huh?! What is that supposed to mean?” You roll your eyes. “Ever so dramatic.” “...so mean.. How can my wife be so cruel?” 
“Ugh, no one cares,” Nobara sighs, “come sit down with us (y/n)-sensei. I have so much to ask you.” 
You just smile at the girl and move over to the desks. 
Gojo looks at you with a shocked look. Not believing that you were leaving his side. 
“What are you doing?” He asks you. You look back at him, “well, you wanted me to meet your students. So I’m getting to know them.” 
You give him a little smirk and Gojo knows that type of smirk. The one where he’s going to regret his actions later. 
Maybe not now, but he knows that this decision will come to bite him.
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