#domestic wincest
boywifesammy · 1 year
it’s so funny that the pilot episode sets up dean as this Wild, balls to the walls horndog of a guy who’s pestering his neat and straight Stanford law younger bro. then you watch the rest of the show and you realize, oh, it’s the other way. because dean is a fucking DORK. he’s a bleeding heart romantic who likes kids and classic rock and driving with the windows down. sam, on the other hand, is a batshit fucking crazy blood-drunk lunatic who is ready to lay down his humanity, become monstrous and kill innocent people to keep his brother alive. it’s hilarious. they really had us convinced for a second there that sam is very Normal and Well-Adjusted only to rugby tackle us from the back with 15 seasons of fuckery.
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tongjingnian · 5 months
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The research can wait (I want to kiss you now).
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It is recommended to increase the screen brightness for a better viewing experience 😉
This is a painting that participated in 2023 Dean/Sam Christmas Eggnog Event on Weibo, feel free to search for #2023DS圣诞蛋奶酒 on Weibo to view the wonderful works from wonderful wincesties☺️
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stanfordsweater · 5 months
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secret santa for @alulaspeaks ♡ an ode to season eleven x the national
all that matters now, all that's ever mattered, is that we're together. so, shut up and drink a beer.
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the-gray-ghosty · 1 year
The fact that Sam and Dean are soulmates was only mentioned once, then never again, is astounding to me
Where are the scenes where Sam and Dean are arguing about some random topic and Sam exasperatedly says "I can't believe you're my soulmate" and Dean's like "you better hope i'm your soulmate because only i would put up with the fact that you don't like licorice"
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ultragaycowboys · 8 months
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There are two types of people:
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dyed-red · 6 months
happy ww! <3 if sam and dean don't get together until they are older, what do you think that looks like for them? how they come to realize their feelings, how they act on/address them, how they even begin to broach the subject with the other?
I have this view of late seasons sam and dean as incredibly settled and comfortable with themselves and each other in this regard, in a way that simply is not / was not possible when they were younger. Both because youth is tumultuous and learning to be okay with yourself takes time and experience, but also because your first apocalypse is a cataclysm, and your tenth is old hat.
Not only that, but through their various journeys together, particularly after s8 when we see them resolve their "infidelities" and commit to one other (in holy matrimony in that church), they have a level of trust in their bond that is different. It's tested in s9 with the lying/possession and then the attempt at distance following that, but reaffirmed from the s9 finale all through s10 with sam's willingness to damn the world (and die himself) for dean.
Which means that if they don't get together until they're "older", which I'm going to interpret here as late seasons or at least after s10, then i think it looks like a weirdly healthy and comfortable journey given that it's fraternal incest with enmeshed codependency and the fate of the world as collateral damage.
in their earlier years, there's this real fear of 'losing' each other, which comes in many forms but which includes the potential to do something so egregious as to alienate themselves from the other. this means that there is this possibility, real or imagined, that hangs over them, that if they admit or act on this (potentially unrequited because neither is testing if the other feels the same) attraction, they could damage their brotherhood. they have something huge to lose and feel a real potential to lose it. even if they trust the other won't abandon them over an attraction they didn't necessarily choose if it were to be discovered and unrequited -- and that trust itself is hard and fraught -- then it would still complicate and disgust and alienate, or so they would be likely to believe, at least in this mental scenario of them feeling attracted but not acting on it until they're older.
i suppose there are other scenarios, where they don't realize or experience that attraction yet, although that feels unlikelier to me, and it makes more sense to my mind that the attraction wouldn't suddenly manifest when they're older, but would be there the whole time, if latent and not even that important (because nothing is so important as their bond, and sexual and/or romantic attraction just isn't the most critical thing about how they feel toward each other).
but by a certain point, they've done so much worse to and for each other, and been through so much together and for each other, that worrying about this as if it's a huge dark evil secret would eventually start to feel almost childish. it would still enervate while hidden and unspoken, but it wouldn't feel like this damning thing in the same way, and i think would become an unspoken but obvious understanding between them.
meaning that by the time it slips from unspoken to spoken, it would be almost incidental or accidental, a quirk of 'oh we're acknowledging that now?' and a tension of 'are we sliding into that territory for real?'. It would still involve some potentially nervewracking navigating, but less on the "oh shit he knows oh fuck" side of exposure, and more on the "so what the fuck does this look like and is it worth it to explore knowing it could go wrong or is it better to keep things how we have them know, which is pretty damn good actually". It's a more mature and complex discussion, even if a silent and internal discussion, and a little less "throw overselves over this cliff and see what happens".
i like late season domestic era first time. i like to think that in a certain way, it feels like a foregone conclusion to them, and a bit like coming home, and a bit like "finally". <3
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youraveragebtsstan · 7 days
Ahhhh... Just thinking of Walker Sam and Tracker Dean in the same universe.
Just imagine, years after Sam and Dean go their seperate ways in SPN finale (because yeah, Dean didn't die you bitch.) Sam is realing from the loss of his wife. He's been trying to juggle family and heartache, all while missing the most important family member of all but can't tell a soul... Until BAM, in walks Tracker Dean (looking all Mountain Man) and swears Sam's never made a cowboy hat look so good.
Sam never really reveals who Dean is to him, but his family just knows that they've never seen Sma happier. As expected, everyone loves Dean- and soon enough he moves in. They live their lives out in Texas all Brokeback Cowboy style and it works for them.....😊😊😊
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according2thelore · 8 months
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my submission for @wincestwednesdays October event for the prompt “superstition”!
based on lizzy’s fic about how these two idiots start kissing for good luck before each hunt since it “worked” one (1) time 😪✋
“The first time it happens, it’s an accident.
Dean jerks back immediately, sputtering. Sam’s mouth falls open, shocked, as he watches his brother retreat. Cas, sitting across the table, watches awkwardly as Dean gags and spits against a napkin.
It was barely anything, just a dry press of lips to lips, off-kilter. Dean’s mouth had landed at the corner of Sam’s chapped bottom lip, almost missing him entirely. Still, Sam thinks, it’s the first time he can remember that happening, outside of vague memories of childhood, a chubby-handed Dean sloppily kissing his cheek before bed.
Or: After an accidental kiss makes a hunt go suspiciously well, Sam and Dean decide to try it again. And again. And again. It's no different from wearing lucky socks, right? A 5 + 1.”
You can find it on AO3 here!
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fandom-hoarder · 6 months
happy wincest wednesday ry :)
the world is full of pain and suffering. so what are your softest sam/dean headcanons?
happy wincest wednesday, lana! <3 sorry this reply is months late lol. But it is A wincest wednesday (for a few timezones west of me) so...
some of my fav soft samdean headcanons are domestic finale+ winchesters:
I love thinking about Sam having soft fucking feelings about the grey coming in at Dean's temples and in his stubble. The crinkles at his eyes. The low groans Dean makes when he gets up from a chair and the appreciative moan he makes when he settles into the impala or into bed.
I love to think about Dean's soft look when he watches Sam sleep. The way he runs his fingers through Sam's hair when he knows Sam won't catch him. He gets a weird thrill out of the soft look Sam gives him when Dean hands him his reading glasses before he asks.
The getting-older caretaking they do for each other so naturally; so fucking married.
On the slightly spicier side, my pet headcanons are full of consensual somnophilia and lazy morning sex.
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A girl showed up while Dean was still working on the car and waited around for him to be done, letting her bare shoulders fry in the late afternoon sun while he rooted around elbow-deep under the hood. Sam watched.
my first ficlet for the @wincestwednesdays July event!! I'd like to try to post something each week, ideally. not sure on a common theme. the theme may be "it's wednesday."
read on AO3
tags: pre-series, voyeurism
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zmediaoutlet · 14 days
This is a situation I am facing so maybe a drabble or discourse or whathaveyou on the boys having to deal with rats/mice making it into the bunker and finding the pantry? Or anything particularly domestic. I love domestic Winchesters. Dean probably complains that battery vacuums don't maintain suction and Sam could not care less as long as he can make a full lap as efficiently as possible.
omg -- I have to feel sorry that you are facing domestic mousies and apologize for the fact that you probably don't have like a... 1920s era Men of Letters vermin-zapper spell that stops unwanted rodents in your 75 year old pasta. (But great point, how tf are they keeping bugs out of that place. Maybe the magic is the answer. All those sigils all over the place keeping out unwanted demons and stopping people from tracking their phone calls and also, nooo roachies in the ancient brown sugar. Bug free since 1943, or w/e.)
Domestic things I believe to be true:
they probably don't vacuum but they sweep, and both of them think the other one is bad at it in the tradition of all married couples. Dean doesn't get deep enough into every single corner because it's fine, he'll get it next time; Sam gives up on that little line of dust that's left at the pan edge way too fast.
they take turns on grocery shopping with their little lists, but Dean does most of the cooking and Sam does most of the dishwashing. Granted we see Dean washing in that scene in Lebanon but it's not like these are hard-and-fast rules. But this is one of those little equities that just happens -- Dean's sitting there finishing his second helping of spaghetti with meatballs and Sam rolls his eyes and starts putting away leftovers and running the sink and then finally Dean finishes, brings his plate over, tells him he missed a spot on the pan, and Sam says bite me and then Dean grins at him and starts drying.
either of them will start a load of laundry but Sam's more fussy about washing the sheets more often, and Dean's seen Sam's attempts at ironing and so he took over ages ago. He finds it vaguely therapeutic, especially if he can get away with the 'ironing Sam's suit with a blonde lager' trick. Neither of them are the type to leave the laundry in the dryer for ages to get wrinkly because they had 30+ years of using laundromats and you gotta fold-and-go, and luckily they didn't fall out of that habit. Although with the dresser drawers instead of just a duffle, Dean kinda tosses underwear and socks in all willy-nilly. (Except his special novelty socks that Sam gets him for Christmas & birthdays -- those get paired for day off use.)
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spnj2fanlw · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester Additional Tags: Season/Series 10, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Unconventional Relationship, Fluff, Domestic Bliss, A Little Bit Of Crack, Confessions, Sharing a Bed, weirdcest, Curtain Fic, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Codependency, Obsession Summary:
“So this morning,” Dean ventures as they blast down the highway in pitch black night toward a probable werewolf case.
Sam looks over at him, thin eyebrows raised, eyes clear and calm. He’s not even difficult about it, doesn’t ask what Dean is after, doesn’t deny what had happened. Instead he says, very simply, “I just figure, why lie?”
Alright then.
Read this multiple times now and still love it. It moves me, lol😉😉
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the-gray-ghosty · 1 year
Spn where Sam and Dean never grew out of giving each other forehead and cheek kisses from back when they were little kids
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coffincanary · 11 months
happy wincest wednesday<3 would dean and sam ever go on a official date? and if yes, how would it play out? if no, how would they commit to each other in smaller ways?
Thank you for the ask <3 Happy WW! I think Dean is not the romantic date type of guy. He really likes domesticity and in some ways he can be very romantic, but going on dates is just not his thing. Meanwhile Sam probably really likes going out on dates, like going to dinner with Dean at a nice restaurant or something, but Dean is pretty uncomfortable with that type of stuff, so they don't really do that. I don't think they can go on a date for the sake of the date itself. But they do have "dates" in the sense that they do regular everyday stuff together when it's not necessary. It's stuff that they'd do anyway but usually alone. Like Sam going to the library and Dean going with him, or both of them going grocery shopping together. That's the closest they'll have to an actual official date. But, they absolutely commit to each other in countless small ways! Dean wears Sam's clothes around the bunker, he never takes the samulet off, he cooks Sam's favorite meals or gives him interesting lore books. Sam rents out movies for a spontaneous cowboy movie night, or he gets Dean's favorite pie or sometimes they just take showers together. They've known each other for so long that they just really settle into that comfortable domesticity where they show their love through a ton of small gestures but not really through anything grand.
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quietwingsinthesky · 7 months
it’s lisa and ben 2.0 but with cas and jack instead and worse this time because sam isn’t even dead, sam’s alive but dean keeps cutting him out of the picture to make his life with cas work (remembering how quickly he left lisa to go back to sam, knowing that the only way he can make himself choose anyone else over his brother is to push sam as far away as possible and hope that sam picks someone else first.) (which doesn’t work because again. sam broke up with eileen months ago and isn’t looking for anyone else.)
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compo67 · 1 year
For the drabbles: wincest and seven-to shut them up. Please and thank you! <3
[My dear, I'm so sorry this took so long! I just had to make this an actual fic, not just a drabble. I hope you enjoy it! <3]
The Spatula and the Moving Truck
"What is that in your hand?"
"Uh, a spatula?"
"And why are you holding a spatula in the living room?"
Dean looks at the offending kitchen utensil, then at Sam. "What does it look like I'm doing?"
Hands on his hips, Sam opens his mouth to speak, then thinks twice about it and shuts his mouth. He wags his finger at Dean. "I... don't know."
Dean laughs, shoulders quaking. He clicks his teeth and shakes his head. "Ahh, Sammy. You're something." Spatula in hand, he looks out the window. "I thought I saw a moving truck."
"So you needed your spatula?"
"I'm making pancakes, Professor." Dean walks over to Sam and swats him in the chest with it. "And I felt the need to walk over here with it, just in case I needed to defend myself."
"Defend yourself with your trusty spatula, that's creative. Very nice touch."
Dean leans in and kisses Sam once and exactly once. It's a hopeful and inviting kiss. Sam oh so kindly picks up on what Dean wants and kisses back. Their kisses go from sweet to filthy in less than thirty seconds. Dean keeps his hands on Sam's chest while Sam keeps his hands on Dean's back. Slotted together, standing in front of the living room window, their kisses deepen and linger a little longer. Dean gives Sam's firm chest a squeeze before his hands head south to Sam's equally firm ass.
"Bed?" Sam pants, breaking away just to catch his breath, then immediately diving back in.
Nodding, Dean gropes Sam's ass once again, fingertips pressing into the muscle there. Sam groans into Dean's shoulder in response.
They make it to the couch.
Sam sits Dean down and blows him until he's hard enough to ride. Dean leans back and lets Sam take control. Legs spread, he strokes his cock, while Sam sheds his clothes and closes the blinds.
"Now I can't see who's moving in," Dean whines. "Leave them open a bit."
"What?" Folding his jeans--because he always folds them--Sam scoffs. "What if someone looks in here?"
"Then they owe me the running rate of a damn good porno."
Naked, Sam stands over Dean, an imposing figure of muscle, curves, and dimples. "You have better things to look at, Dean."
"Yeah," Dean admits, his eyes fixed on Sam's hard cock. "Suppose I do."
"You know you do."
"Yes, Sammy. I know I do. C'mere."
"Hmph." Sam tosses his hair over his shoulder, then eases himself onto Dean's lap. He still does that thing where he resists resting all of his weight on Dean. While Dean appreciates the care, it's not necessary. He runs his hands up and down Sam's thighs as a sign.
"You're so warm," Sam coos, his lips dangerously close to Dean's.
"Are you cold?"
"I'm naked. What do you think?"
"Give it a few minutes," Dean laughs.
"You couldn't offer me a blanket to wrap around myself or anything, huh?"
"There's no blanket close by and I'm kind of occupied." Dean reaches in between the couch cushions and magically extracts a bottle of lube. "This is really important work."
"I hate that lube."
"It's the same lube we always use."
"No, it's not. That's the one without aloe."
"Oh. I'm so sorry, Professor."
The correct lube floats--presumably from their bedroom--into the living room. Sam snatches it from mid-air and pours a good amount onto his right hand. He strokes his cock first, eyes fluttering, then moves his hand onto Dean's.
"Not too much," Dean hisses. "Sammy, not too much."
"I know," Sam murmurs. He kisses Dean. "I got you."
Sam understands how Dean's body works after all these years. He's kept up with the changes that age brings forth. Dean knows he's beyond fortunate he never has to explain those changes. He rarely has to explain anything to Sam anymore these days. They roll with each other, more in sync than they've ever been.
With sufficient lube on Dean's flushed, heavy cock, Sam positions his hips over it, one hand on the base as he sinks down. Inch by inch, the drag is something else. Dean groans and his right leg bucks. He bites his lip and watches as Sam bottoms out.
"Sammy," Dean sighs. He reaches up and frames Sam's face with his hands.
"Dean," Sam sighs in return, leaning into Dean's touch.
This is what devotion feels like.
They move together, fueled by heat and desperation. Dean maintains one hand on Sam's hips and one hand on his back. Sam holds onto the couch cushions behind Dean, rocking his hips back and forth. Stretching out, Dean focuses on breathing and matching Sam's downward thrusts. Sam is still so tight this way. The pressure over and around Dean's cock is nothing short of incredible. He pounds into Sam, a perfect fit. Sam places his left hand over Dean's heart.
Just relax.
Yes. Sam moves his hand to Dean's right shoulder. Relax.
The desire to protest dies when Sam starts riding Dean with an intensity that takes his breath away. He sits back and watches Sam twist, turn, and flex. Sam moans when he positions himself at just the right angle, and starts riding Dean with fervor.
"Dean," Sam murmurs, eyes shut in concentration as he continues to find that angle. "I'm..."
"I got you," Dean murmurs back. They're both sweating, huffing, and panting. Dean wraps his right hand around Sam's cock, flicking the crown, rubbing his thumb over the slit. Sam shudders and pushes into Dean's hand, while also corkscrewing his hips down. Dean focuses on the leaking tip, circling his thumb, until Sam gently pushes his hand away.
Sam comes, untouched, all over Dean's shirt, in long, thick ropes. Dean doesn't last more than ten seconds afterwards. His cock twitches, buried deep inside Sam, and he shoots a heavy load. Swearing and groaning, Dean gives Sam everything he has. Everything he is.
Breathing hard, Dean closes his eyes.
There you go.
Just rest.
Sam eases off of Dean. The separation always hurts. Not physically--something deeper than that.
A warm, wet washcloth floats into Sam's hand. He uses it to wipe down Dean's face, then to clean himself up.
"Pancakes...?" Dean mumbles, half asleep, his spatula long since abandoned on the coffee table.
"I'll finish them."
"You're gonna burn 'em."
"I won't burn them. This time."
"I'll do it--"
Sam leans down and kisses Dean, effectively shutting him up.
"You will do no such thing," Sam says, his tone firm yet tender. "Put your feet up and take a snooze."
Dean wants to say something about the moving truck and how they may have scarred the movers for life.
But he thinks better of it and falls asleep.
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