its so scary to put yourself out there but a SINGLE message saying "hi i loved what you made it touched me in some way" makes it all worth it 10000%
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it is Goshen like ocean, by the way! I'm glad that generally comes across. you might remember I was doing polls asking about the name "gosh," which I wanted pronounced like the first half of ocean also (gōsh) but there's no real way to disassociate that with "gawsh." it's the name of the main character in the novel I'm working on, so I want to care about how it's being pronounced before I really lock into it.
my mum actually suggested goshen instead of gosh, which I love and which solves the whole thing. because both are intended to be a shortened version of the character's surname Irigoyen, the back half of which is pronounced like goshen (in argentina anyway). so that's that and no more polls lol
back at it again with another pronunciation poll blease dont kill me
feel free to reply with the third thing. I gotta know
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Your answer is dubious and I don’t really understand what tone it was in. I don't like it. If it was aggression then go fuck you.
my answer to WHAT
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- You knew what you signed up for. - Yeah. But I didn't expect Sam to come back.
@wincestwednesdays, October 25th:  ➛ Doomed.  
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happy pride
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Hey!!!!! can’t believe I even ha e the opportunity to put something in here lol. For the brief two month I was in the SPN your fic alone probably my entire obsession. Then I got into south park, to my surprise found a fic you had written and proceeded to hyper fixate on Stan and Kyle for a bit. Last week I started watched House and I’m scrolling for fics and a very pleasant surprise was waiting for me haha. Anyways. Just wanted to preach about how much I love your writing style. Carry on 🫡
(Also, out of curiosity, what’s your MBTI?
lmao thank you, I love the experience of going to the page of an author whose stuff you like and seeing that they've written for other things you like too. that's very kind
I haven't done an MBTI test in years so I did one just for you. ENTJ. but I was a dead tie between thinking and feeling, so the thinking makes it look very data-y but I just don't think you should make decisions on feeling alone. I choose paint colours with my whole heart and read like forty reviews before buying a lawn mower. so you could probably say ENFJ also. is that good or bad and what did you expect
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Picture by Gabriel Gomez
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“One of the most solid pieces of writing advice I know is in fact intended for dancers – you can find it in the choreographer Martha Graham’s biography. But it relaxes me in front of my laptop the same way I imagine it might induce a young dancer to breathe deeply and wiggle their fingers and toes. Graham writes: ‘There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open.’”
— Zadie Smith (via campaignagainstcliche)
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back at it again with another pronunciation poll blease dont kill me
feel free to reply with the third thing. I gotta know
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I am thinking about house this morning and, fun fact about my last fic: these lines of wilson's (below) were inspired by a line in homestuck. I forget who, but someone tells karkat he wants terezi in every quadrant like a desperate fool.
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you THINK you want to know a writer's inspiration but it's never good to see how the sausage is made lmao
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disregard my previous statements on this. writing on my phone is a mistake
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I have an idea for another bear fic and--I am posting this to hold myself accountable--it is going to be happy. it is not going to be a bummer. it is going to have a good ending. these are powerful affirmations
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not a question i just love your writing so much that I'll read fics you've written for media I've never even heard of. i can't wait to read more from you :)
thank you!!!!!! that's incredibly kind. I hope some of it makes you want to know the thing it's from, or else that they're at least comprehendable without the context. that is high praise
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Can’t believe I’m taking orders from a fucking toddler right now. You know, my entire life, I had to listen to everybody acting all worried about him all the time. “He’s a baby.” Don’t get Carmen into trouble.“
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Favorite carmrich moments from season 1 and 2?
great question uhhhhh. without like, thinking about it too hard--
end of S1 where Richie's in the holding cell, and we know he's called Tiff as his one phone call and didn't tell her anything, and then when he comes out we see Carmy’s been waiting for him all night sleeping upright. that was solid
beginning of S1, the caulk screaming match. "surge rates, fucko" betraying that carmy knows richie is so broke that that's a deterrent for him
obviously, S2 finale, them screaming at each other through the fridge door. also when richie shows up in his suit and says OK, laugh, get it over with, and carmy says I don't hear anyone laughing. very sweet. wow I have more of these than I thought
and lastly as an overarching thing- their easy physicality is very nice. the homosocial hand on waist, arm, neck, the way Dudes pat each other. when carmy lights the stove on fire and richie gives him a neck-shake. it's a very bro-y thing and very beautiful, shows they've really known each other (one can assume) basically Carmy’s whole life, whether they liked each other or not.
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Richie & Carmy + sharing cigarettes - The Bear s01
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