#do I tag cruz in this
avotuli · 2 years
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fucking guy
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eddie-draws · 10 months
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vampire, vampire and SLAYER 🦇🦇🩸
tip jar 🟄 commission info
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asytho · 3 months
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I’m obsessed
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effervescentleaf · 2 months
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[ID: five photographs of a small doll of Guillermo De La Cruz from What We Do In the Shadows with a yellow background. His face, feet, and hands are made of clay, and his clothes are made from fabric. he is wearing a striped shirt, grey trousers, and a brown waistcoat with stitched details and clay buttons. he has two stakes, one covered in blood. in the last photo, there is also a salt lamp, and a funko pop and polaroid photo of Guillermo. End ID]
HERE HE IS!!!! my lil guillermo doll that i made for @vampfangzzz birthday!!! i've been slowly working on him since september & finally finished a couple of weeks ago. he's made from clay & needle felt on a wire armature and stands at about 13cm tall. my friend also took these gorgeoussss photos 😍😍
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emilylprentiss · 11 months
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Thank you, master. Yes. You're welcome. Close the lid.
What We Do In The Shadows 5.01 | The Mall
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megaawkwardhuman · 4 months
n o m
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based off this
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tapiocats · 2 years
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Jealous of whom, Nandor ?
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gerandor · 9 months
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it’s not that i trust you not to kill me. it’s not that i want you not to kill me. i’m not turning my back on the stake in your hand because i’m 100% sure you won’t kill me so it’s okay. it’s more like i know there’s a chance, infinitesimal as it is, that you would kill me, but it’s okay. you once said the only reason i’m alive is because you let me live. And it’s true. But not in the sense that you could kill me if you wanted to. But in the sense that even if i wanted you to kill me, you still wouldn’t. you really couldn’t.
And you know why? i think we both know why. But we’re not telling each other about it. our beloved, most-heinous, well-kept secret. love.
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minuet-blue · 1 year
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aos + blue monday
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I'm going insane, I'm fully going insane, I know I'm late to the party but I finally watched the first episode of Interview With the Vampire, and holy shit. They really went there, they finally did it: Louis and Lestat went canon.
The blueprint for the original toxic, codependent, covered in blood, "let's go and kill together, my love", gay vampires and murder husbands are back, and they went all in.
And I got to watch it? No take backs? No it's up for interpretations? No will they won't theys? No their relationship transcends the physical? No Vampires don't have sex and therefore cannot really be gay arguments?
This feels like a big fat fuck you to all the half assed going canon scenes we've had in other shows before. They did it on the first episode and went all in.
I don't know if you guys understand what I mean when I say the went canon. I'm not talking about a confession that they can easily cut out. Oh no, the show is clearly all about their relationship, just like the book was. But they lay it all out. I've never seen a show go out like this.
Like they really said: so I've heard you enjoy the fucked up, toxic and decadent Louis and Lestat relationship? So how about I give you levitating gay vampire sex? Some kissing while covered in blood inside a church? Would you like a scene of Lestat killing two priests, denouncing god and telling a repressed gay Louis he loves him and he deserves to be loved so come and be his eternal gay vampire serial killer husband?
And that was only episode one.
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themyscirah · 4 months
It was there, before it was there.
For Hal, it was dreams. Awake and asleep, he would finally fly. There he went farther and faster than his father ever did. Tinged in green, he would touch the stars. But it always ended the same. He was a Jordan, after all. At least the end was warm, like sunlight.
Guy got knocked down a lot. Picked himself back up a lot too. Sometimes went down again right after. Each time though, for a second after, he could only see green.
John heard voices. Sometimes just a few, a council, old and wise-- sometimes more: a town, a city, a planet. They all wanted something. Wanted him to do- to be- ..... something. Well, they could just get in line.
Kyle would know things sometimes. But only sometimes. Moments in between moments. In his dreams, he always knew his father's face. They would smile, and talk, and share a drink. Then his eyes would open, and the blurry photo would return.
Once Simon saw an injured squirrel on the ground. It looked almost dead. He touched it, and it rose up and scurried away. His arm ached. His mother scolded him for using the markers (what markers?) again. He took it as a sign. Courage.
Jessica knew whispers well. They told her that she was a mess. That she was weak, or scared. Sometimes it was her own voice. Sometimes it wasn't. Sometimes, it even told her she was strong. Brave.She always liked those ones the best.
Jo's phone never died. Or rather, never stayed dead. On nights she would stumble in, tired from work, friends, or if she was lucky, the cute girl at the bar, she would leave her nearly-dead phone on her desk, cord forgotten. In the morning though, it would always be ready for her, battery life pulsing green.
It was there, before it was there.
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mchristelle · 11 months
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I'm holding the garlic to your face. Is it having any effect?
Oh, that's not bad.
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bottombaron · 10 months
Guillermo is evil this, Nandor doesn’t deserve Guillermo that
you’re all wrong
The show doesn’t care that Guillermo leads people to their deaths or has killed several vampires. It makes jokes abt Laszlo being Jack the Ripper and Nandor massacring Nadja’s village. a huge part of the comedy comes from how the vampires treat Guillermo.
whatever morality judgment you’re attributing to the show is irrelevant. The show itself literally does not care
you’re watching The Adams Family, not The Brady Bunch
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thegrantwater · 8 months
i am positively craving some wwdits found family/polycule content right now and i don't know why i'm having such a hard time finding it
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ineffablelvrs · 11 months
"and i dont feel any sexier" that's cause you're already sexy as shit my dude 🙏🙏
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